i ft i 14 If t at Wl crv;-t,Vl p RATT Rn&n SI N LI R fcK 1 L BU LKUAU t- r rho IbRnwing letter to the officer . , i i pi,;! i of tha Bsmbufj & Lne KAwl, PhilaeL, is from a gentlemen distinguished u u Engineer, and who baa bej u an efficient ' agent ia tic creation of many of t.'i- public aorks of this Stale. His opinim wiU have much we -ht ! .i i men and !iu wuu Pra-lK'-" - capitalists Phil ideipliii, a. tii iuobury and ErM Kuiituad. That enterprise has not beer, regarded bv me as a rival to the Pennsylvania Kail : .1 hare considered the eonstraetion of both as eaaeaeiai to the proper deeelep eat of the i eon mi of the St ue, and tbe prosperity at our city. hen completed, eatU WOK will -:M'A .ill iij ureueuea io un more iaaeeesable conntie, and gathering the trade of nearly tbe ettire Ooinason wcalth, pour it into one eoawsoa centre, destrojiBC that diversity of feeling among nac tiiucus at pre&ea: fostered by their di tided muiktts. The amount yet to be raised to OOmpletc the Penuajrlvams Railroad is so oompara tivnly small, that we may, without vi.dan- i sringthe progress ofth.it !:reat work,: spare Boana ot oat bwssh to msure tne ...ii. a.,l..lOi.,l, tUIll 111 III l l . I II .1 1 :' , r;: i:;..:...;-,,,, - .,t t,.' - tvlili- I In . , , , ,, ,.. C i'". i " l lVr 1 tu imease frr:- : . Uv iii;3i eacn tl, snsa r t" '" . , ,- VuiLAi.Ki.ntiA, Jan. rf tb, ct,uutr. This aloue, 1 conceive, the fear of entailing upon tbo people an ZJ jZttl&tmr ,.r,on ui d its penalties ere, aba, t Hear Sir : t uavc tei-r.- ihookl be a suficient incentive to uninoe Mcuuonat expense, an t a oonaeuent iu- i. , or ..... ai-g- -..,,m ;.;'"":r'7"Zu' ,-, . . .,. ; tl. broken eaemei of the IJtn in-tan t"u tL,. buildinir of the road. erease ot tne SUte det.t. AS we are op- ndTucrMiBs rfreaiittoo o s bwnmamly oonui- r" , ,., . , , , ,i . i .. . . i ..i ,,f . r . . .m . ... i . .. it..: i i . r uradiuH. I .1 lif of hunareas and uousanu l-miiu.i.i .u. ' - . . i ii a i" ".-I'L. Ul O-'l unuu i.T ' - - i-- - - J -. . . . A . Ail...... .....I.!,. ......r.j .... I l.j. i u., v...uuuw. ......L.....i.,.j,..rt,,L;.,.Y,(.nr.f'r I t.r.'.iL.m. ill . . . . ; . . l . iiiiriii'ii 1' .. i't -,'..--" - .. . : eouoiructiou ot tne andSUte,thus one ex rtmg a lavoraoie tive Uhicf. me Utter lost but great estate, jedied? Let the millions of dollars, ex influeuce upon the i in ss of the other. 8iinated at a milfiott of dolla and now! pended for purposes of less importance i bassrd notbi.i;.' ai fayaiir. t n it inorcaa I value ol property in 1 UUsdei- ii fth ic roads, directly rcsultinir from .!...'. .-... ,.r '. ., II nnil tii irhole both ; whilt tbe c .mrnei I, man- ufocturing, and mining inta sts ai not fatl to r.-.;. advantages I i an ( lal extant. The region tabs n. Wb, -bu r-ad. ; is at proseM sTitnowt a ...ev- ouUtti toi market and its inhabitants seek th it . f s r.val citv , throo h circuitous hauuels I is now rcc ing au extensive re-puhlicaiion ' themselees, gunj shirering and slipping "cnt 10 'he senate a veto ot a bill supple sford I v i neighboring But This J ;u j,art) iu this country, iu wui. h he is j and flounderin'' about, in this temperate j mentary to the act incorporating the condition of things should not be suffered j .Vt.re ou Kossath. He asserts that j re-ion, eompiainiug of cold, as if they Hanover Branch Railroad. The main to continue. The superiority of the barber of Eri i s hnirn i,v tha sxteustoa ol the New i , end Erie RssJaWssI to it, the essipletion o which, instead of proving injurious toyom euSkrftrise, will in connecuou w.iU the satwipated eonsaruenon m mia roao, con centrate there a targe p itiju of the vaji region tributary to it. The wise pr .visi-'i -f tbe a"! of tbe l ist session of our Legislature, breaking the gage of the track at Erie, a ,'. also uisehargi st thai paint from the tibia Road a con- UaafcU MBraml f i.-.l io.) freight. luring the close of navigation, whi. h will tend to increase the batpectsoi ftba place, and give to jour rante tbe advantagi on as completed vt a termiaal poiui of large trade. The broad gage of the Brie Road, st often ref rn- I to ss a mark of its sop1 rionty :i,st-.,d of aft r Jin r any practical sdran- tsge u.il be found bv experience to aid to 1 t. s cost of traasiMctstioa. The superiority of the gradient upon j your Une, uni ad with its shorter distance, j snd its comparative tow coat, must enable . you. a soon your Boad i completed, to . . ,, f ' , , engross n ar,y tu whole ot the Iraoe and travel between Erie aud the seaboard, v -rich Kith the undivided local business ! i the eoantrj traveled wiU be aasple insecure j any reaaanaoie aivmsaas epon your rtoex. iu M Otoe, stctiou of the Mate, willl ... . . ... ', . , ii i-.r.i-f. ol ,i ttin,-nv.m.iit .it i.1 . I. I be o maiiiieat in the advance in the re-1 sources ol the ooautrr, as upon tbe line of this r-ad - which, with the aceemulatwas of the through business, nasi soon demand a doable track. flpniag no etiiier road pr-j- cied svUich ' . .. .. i I .null,, ,., (Ii . Stt.te mill its Metropolis or stronger inducement for j tbe safe and profitable investment of capi tal, I have little difScnltj m bringing my mind to iu 1 1 yi r views, and accordingly subscrilie one b udied shares to the stock nf vaur iiinr inv. Don the OOQUlUons . ..... .. .. T ... - Ln,r Altbo i . . i .,,,.,1 vt,,r the amount may not be bfjual to your t rpsctati as, it is all my means will j'isMy. ' Tr. latin ' that v.ur efforts will rn-'ct the uecess they merit, I look f-rwsrd ta tbe I completion of the two great Raibroads of Pennsylvania, as tbe instrument of regam ing t Philadelphia her ferwef proud p .-itioa a the first city iu the 1'niou. Very truly yours, J. EDGAR THOMSON, C.E. j r. ;rii ' May. r of Baltimore, in his Message to lhe City Council, says in rela li .a ! ' the Raib d from H.irrisburg thro' Sunbury t WiUiavsport : "Tbe route of this proposed mlsrsy connection is highly favorable, and open to the entl rpriss of Biit more a rich and ft rtiio prosp. ct in the future, following, as it does, the V.iiley of lhe 'u.-ijiicLjnna Riser the entire dial .nee, say ninety mde-, with an average grade of two feet aud a half to the mile. Within the first six lies of its line, it consummates a d.rect suu perfect connection between the fork snd Cumberland, and the Pennsylvania Kail Rends on the west bauk of tbe Sus quehanna Hiver. This division when . ..,,.!. t. .1. wi.i. beside- savinir tr.e oipen.se and avoid inff lhe risk nf crossing Hint i j ,, , ,, i- ..... .. I.l .............. r Phi . i, to, ..OS UK!, giw uu oiiniu1''!. m. -.v..".- is an Iv.int.or.. ,.f tlitr.v TnileS in the dlS- ,,, ... I .v..,,, KfSahnrw th.t -real Clttptwnsm ef western trade. 'I !: Mat important feature is of a local character, being eonneetions with lour distinct nvilroa.! leaoing t us many Boa! districta, namely the LHaphia and 8aa ., ich inn.i. Lykena Vr alley, Mabmioy aud t.,S .-..sir. a... ihe next division of this proposed work ; a :..r r-X, .. l,;.-h!a , nltlta!.-, aernu tur:i .. -uiou-i "'f-v . . port a of the State, densely populate, i ii t .. IS- - - -' i.,r...t mmA aiiOTl'lM DW im UUW UMW Wf Mgs mm m i ; rtant t..-.vn.whicb al ne it believed , tawiy sauwn in the small numher ot addi woald afiecd trasW ar i travel sufficient for tion t .. the eburebee. During the last its aui port. At No. lumberiand the r ad i ectlesm-ttcal year the whole number added ( meti with ifac North ftranob Caual.aud j to the thirty-four churches ,n the Prcsbyt- Williaanmort, its no.thsrn terminus., th tlm Wast Brauch Csual, tbv Wil bnsporsand Emirs Rail Road, Mil also wUii'the prjcCted Une 0fMil road to the city of Erie. As a line for travel between the North indSoMd t0 ,n.i from the seat of uUr National Government, iu importance rM not De 0ver estimated, while the vast goal trade which must u-i a matter of aeeessitj, seek due work as its moat profi- table outlet, will place our Olty tar ahead rn.il. J.Ufci. o ,.n-1rt. I'm- that article, meal active, enterprising aud lniluenti-al , citizens, who m every asuranco that j StSM will be takeu to iiuuiediately organize a eouipany uuder the act referred to, to secure tbe early completion of this most j important lino of communication These mdmun fnrthar assure me. and I cheer- sommead it to your honorable body, 1 i.n wIimmmm i.. lim mtuA am tin- narl ll.l l DU.'.-llJl'UW'l .V " . " ' of tb.. eitv of &.00.00LI. sa-ured bv mortcaes on the work, after au ezpendi- j true of tbo sumo amount by individual onfamnM mU innr tlm amoi'v console-1 Lion of the work, sad therebr place Balti-1 ;:t .re la a most nappv position, wiin uei great works of internal improvement.'' . , .. 1 sTmnmtli and Batthvanv. - m T!., tu. iuAumt llun-rians worf , w t 8trulo for thc;r - " ' ' c . " - country .gainst Aostria-the Itter, a no-: I,. .,,,, an, Minister of Foreiim Affairs. blesaaa, and Minister of Foreign Affairs, ' am the former. . ,.!.,Li3u. and tii, Execu - , ' Tt ...i... ..omftruldviu Panswiih hisftmiiv - - A.,: ..i... . .... v.; . . .3 ... .u v ... .,ao...n.... known, has been for some weeks past in the ITuited States, whose eonntenance an i :,;j bo has been, aud still is laboring to u:;,t isl uf hu m,s:mc co.sntry. Couat m, ia ito diaaatisfiod , (,.,...;,.f Kossuth, and has pub- f lisnod i tetter iu the Loudon Times, Mtieb i... ; ,. ...,.i ..;,...i ......... I 1I3IU...I , .1 .1 Ji 1.1.11. . ti. . - Uimm villi qi.il MM Ml. II, HaaMMMUI. .i.i ... .,,.. ,, . i . . . . uu,. .... u. ..... .. . ..,, j nd as being mainly the occasion of the disuairous issue of the Hungarian struggle. 1 fc admits, haaw ver. ban genius and integ i lily of purp ee, but his design i f estab-1 liahing a Republic ia Hungary instead of tlio Royal Government prviously enjoyed, he considers fallacious, aud his claim to tbe ti';-- of Governor. aa an unwarrantable issnmpuun. Ha say?, ho resigned t!ie Q,,eri ''"it, an I thoncb I urm i v Gea. Ltm to hold on. acd make till further sfiurt, he reieeted his couu- ' sel and entieaty, and escaped into tha ter 1 iron, o;' Turkey ; and he thiuks that he would ic. much more consistent aud : becoming, to taki the place that belongs to him that of a private citizen. Wb it will be the result of this letter of, Bai by any, is yet to be aeea ; but no doabt ft he used by the opposcrs of Kossuth . rf effcc Qa . baud it will be aud, that Kossuth s strone ' fc republican principles which went for the extinction of nebility, were not congenial ritb the feelings of Count Caaisaer Battbyany, who belonged to the order of , , ... . ,. , . , . Magnates : and this is at the bottom af his attack on Kossuth. twiUnnquestfoaably Slv'' rme w a goon Ueal or cOnllict in 1 1 1 - pap is, and dssipen the zeal of some for the great magyar. i AU certainly appears very dark for Eu ropean liberty since Napoleon "2d has 1 ascended the throne, and extinguished the litt ray of hope for poor priest-ridden Trance. .Never was Nspoleou the Ureat j in more absolute ru!o than his adroit nephew, nor the triumph of despoti.-m more complete throughout Europe than at this moment : and what clear spot is seen t in the political sky to give the illustrious rtrasumr hope, we can not imagine. The Christian iu the darkest scenes h refuge in the omnipotence of his Redeemer, whose counsels none can frustrate, and I j whose kingdom will triumph and break in ', i piece every other when the set time shall come; but how tho mere men of earth, 1 wh...-e political views are confined to earth, . a 1 make it. in fact, the treat coal depot the Common wealth. It tailed because 01 ; advertize: fasawhw .. , ... , , ii iiuiii.i e: ie:ii u do i.e. inUlCVUUIl CVUIU ( -. ... mbv iiiv u ... ware Mil. it I ,,.- , can find anything to cheer them, I not,, , , , , j- , . , ,, , ... , 'be afforded to flic introduction of such a tp d itut ; and it they could not alto easy to conceive in the present aspect of , , , , ,, ,, . things I t ' f f r I ' t f J inns tiia iu., en uie tictt.s 1 o . r - t.-. i.j Tnri nfT , : '"r'e. ,. .Li i ,. i and do so still. Wo know nothintr about ; at least mollify its haishucss an 1 reudei Tbis Count Battbvany, unlike bis mar- , , . , . .1 , , , .. . tyr brother Louis, is strongly an'i republi- .,he m-,nufactr pf the "on, except what , "r condition more tolerable. But ex an iii his instincts ; and besides this his : 's stated in the above extract, but ire have : Iremes happened to meet in this ir.slar.ee reeent pardon bv the Austrian government, been told frequently that the process w is as in many others, and under this sliding; : snd the restoration of his estate, fully a very simple one when understood. 8ci- i scaio cf temperature tha thermometer explains the motive of luscslunraka agaiast ent.fic American. : rewvered its buoyancx to au extent almost Kossuth. It seems to be the intention of - . I ., . , the Austrian Emperor to buy up as many ! correspondent informs us that hi . " frK'?U!' M P" depression, of tbe ..! 1 lluiigarisn uisgnatea a possible", view accord with ours exactly .n respect i Aa:t w'lu g A3 and balmy air Ihi will make tho coming revolution tn t,n mmfc-a t at,.. irn....ti r t. i i: I came also melting snows, bar roads, sloppy essentially the work of the people, and ........... ....... v. " . ,.wo,.,., a.l' nsure the ascendancy of republican prin-; '. 1 . . I -. . ' a I ic. Kn. Chbow.J &rd"lhat the work of God has been .l.,.,,ni,.,r In tllia Pl W.ll .1... tnm - ......utiiii ,.. I.... . i . . j .'t w.ii la , J J evidi a. io an woo uav eg, yen tne suojeel t t t .i i- any attention. This has been the case not ; . t A. -a a , , uin. tj ,J""- tu.. ...u.tui.1, we b.-liuve in all. True, tho outwsrd msans of grace have been dispensed as usual snd attended to with spparent interest; yet! , , , .. . , , ihe fact is so, and it is uuusuai snd I .11 .1 ... t. - ; " oi me li t .ton-, tiit i.ii r. : ;i jtrais past BOV single t-hureu in this rreebytery, aecor- ''.nil to our reeollec-fion, Das hceu tavored uu a revival m reiigun. Ane general SUSDenaiOB ct the Rmrit'a infiuenees ij bis i a ir ; ns, , r - r cry of .N'orthumberland.on . xaiBinatiou.was ooly siity-thrcc. FatcJy Ptcstytcrian. LEWISBURG CHRONICLE & WEST Printing the Laws. We adopt, and heartily endorse, the fallowing article from ihc Butler Ht raid. . Tl... nfn if MnnaFta . rrt t -i I wl ,ul C4V"'U wm" J " r-f- v - 77 ; will to made the law ot the Una uy uus j - l. ,., I "An effort was made last session in our Iscialature to pass an act autliorisiiij: the priiiiyig or all puhlio laws, m at least one ; uaoer published iu the several counties of i mi the taa payers of the State, we never theless, think uch parsimony is not an nvideuce of sound aud who'iesome inform, It is little people get for their money, and they should be allowed to reap the benefit which may bo derived from the. publication of the general laws. Wo know it will be signed, as it always has been, that more ii.iorv ia acsaafld bv such a liolicv. than I J J J 1 - ' slirood. but we are unable to see the force of the reason. Scarcely a winter passes with - out some alteration being made in tnose j i'tivs which affect townshius and township officers, and if they were published, all . k.. ...-a .,f oxous1- oi cum au mv pwunwwuw . ofiieial duty, would be removed. The law ....... U.t.;n -v reiauux to rasumys ior example, tucn diU DMUVSij iCU Hi' It lit iWUULju.j' ." L r....f l. .t ti 1i m mmA wKftfi m reanired it. 4, . -. v awn w ww - S itt taking up Estravs A poor man in the 'L; "1. . , - . la 1 - i . I v - : " 11 m"T! 13 '". !U " ue 1 1' ed tor not pertormmg a u y he is isnorani or. oooais inv ivu sot in rem. to the msonfo, be derated to objects which ,ui.j : reslitr. create a benefit, and ihe I'cop'e w.ii leel luueii oesier sausneo. i ' " J J , o hope tUo subjeet will bo again agi- '' lhis wiu,cr anJ ,uat ev P""8.'" the State will take up tee matter, and in- u'a Uj P9-'-- tt " M PPle a"a il Jf : ' ; Colo. People ought to be ashamed of 1 1 l u ; t .., i. . :.'u . j..l,l.,T ,. 11 1- . ' . . ,13. 1J ...... , i., . ' -, I. . o j hokKm 1 I . 1. n llr-io.tl vn.tl .,1,.,. rt . - i . . . . i. . . .j, .mw v......... - , . tion heroes, those brayes who went out in ear h of Sir John Franklin. Dr Kane, iu hid lecture at th: SnUtnaonus Institu - tion, allndes to the facts : At the aopalliai; temperature of 40 deg. 1 1 -,-2 1 . vi l,, t. .. . ind ..'J dew. or i0 deflf. to Hv ueff Deiow , 0 . . Li the freezing point, cold became as aensible in its effe tts as bait inde d, between tbe positive effects of the very high and the negativa ot the eery low scale, it was I'nui eoin" out into the on n air. the fiee :m-.l'.l.. II, II SI Mil. 11 I ,V SCIl-lT ;illl. ,-ii bv sensation. -r o o becam- encrusted with an icy rind, and the lips were glued together by the cement- ing aid of the beard and moustache. The tssgger of the gun blistered the finger, and csnsed yen to innrp a. with a sudden scald. During the long darkness, when 'hey attempted to becuile the winter hours with theatricals, an nntortunate lhaspun tlroppeu the pantomimic li.it iron as though rcccivjuur a suooeu i .. .. inocoo, ocai i . , ,1- -i ..niusio it liinii . iV a r-vt' r.r hhsiers ha-1 .riven evnlenee lif the truth that, in temperature as iu every- thing eisc extremes meet. The temperature of human blood is 99 "j-10 I'hr ; it is independent of the place ' where it lives-it U constant, and external ! , . , ... ..... ,. objects act upon it by addition, or subtrac- J tion of calorie, aooording to the greater or less heat ot these bodies ; this ;i the reason of tha sen, tion of heat or cold, and it is irom that peculiarity that man is apt to live iu all climate. Russian sheet ir u is manu faetwred bv nr. W. Devees Wood, at the McKeesport Iron Works, a few miles shove Pittsburg, oa the alonongaheia river. It adoocribed as a beautiful article, with a smoother surface, a finer g' oss, ami a richer color, than any sheet ot iron made in Russia. I hfl Ttri.eit i.l m it-inr. Iiiu.ll . i. .0 ,1-i-in has Jong been kept a secret. A few years j ..., .....I., nr.i. .. M - ! "r-y m r waw to i'i- i burxe, then UoanuaaWMsar of PatsatS, to I see if ho could not bo protected in its 1 we suppose for a fresh vjnset, and in the manufacture, as he had di-covcrcd the j lncu time demonstrate that his frightened secret. In England he could have secured J majesty, tho euu, had nut been entirely a patent ; our patent laws afforded no pro- shorn of his genial beams ; and also enable taction to the introduction of a new art. i Iba suffering poor crouching in shirering Mr. Burko mentioned in his Report, that terror from the pitiless blast to recover a ;, .. ,...1.1 I n :r i ..liii- -1 -af. .- a.i i . j - -It. m , i V J .ho hird-shell ; but then, - III. MM IhA I, . -.l cltAll I. ... . .. . -.1. ... .i.i-i-jinii ii.i3 OUCH Ollil T i , advantages which incline him to stick to it little We tbat be j - t MMlitM n., 1 ,,a, . . , eaavww,auu UU M UlttUUllIU . I .1' VITI. aro b ,,;, . - a a O ' 'It is lona and tnll in .he eon- 1 .. o - r www., u no soasssrasss enrnes his dinner in it, and thus he saves a tin pail or a tiuall basket. "Itis long and tall in Ihe crown, and when he travels he sometimes eirries hta , , . -V , ., , camos nu taflrilriOii.ini. in I kn. I,., ...... . ,. -.. . mm iiv .sn ,cs a LI unit ,. - , , , I W tha is pre ,y goo , but then he ght put a part of his war- robe or lunch- ... .l.l.- .1. t , . iyumuih uar, snu carry it under to nrm moeti unci,.- .kn., LS. 1 , 1 " ' ttiau tU 3 liCaU and beside tin's, it woull eni.ble Lim to exhibit his intellectual derelopement to advantage Scientific merican. Almsgiving never made u man poor ; utir robWrv. ri. h . i-.r prosperity, uisc. vv. . "v i i i as I. 0. UlCZO'J., Editor, j O N WOKDEN.Prinur tl ,0rosbinadTaur... tui in u.-mth, HiU vitbin tiw jar, and t - or ta year A rente in Pliiladelr-aia V U Palmar and K W .'arr. JLeirisOiirff, Mt. Wednesday, February -1, 1852 i!iLiLi2"'-i . aiailaVilitMj, Pblfc tii.im (.'.ttiutT BMMntti OowmMtM lira Brrliu. HoaSaf, F. b 18SS. ttVn'n C -tiiit? Wlii; I'onT. titii.n Stw BerUn, Tu. -itiy (M Onwt) Feb. IT, 1;jJ. SflaJFtaaftTlvaals Qiwi I M' sut Cwvemtioa UaMxag, rhurty. tth Mir-h, ISM. t,Nati'jUl aosMMMtie OuaMiilsn UlIiUI'T. lllP-ll.TV, ii mm-, .r..- Mr. I , , , .... . , 1 Robert C. Ross has returned m safe sty from, ; bis European tour (StjSixth Lecture on Tuesday evening I next at the Baptist home by John B. Wol - .! J. f D-Ltui anger, i-s.j , oi nitmi. cuujii.i ' QommaadmeBt of the Decalogue -the -4th ru. rj.w k .mmmi,..! , KT-j srwn f irM Hss.Ww. ........iv kM. I lVVOUOUt V s WBSIWV4 - mi VvwU s . ! taut Gisi.enL I Darid Lynch, of Allegheny. Sealer of Weights and Measures in Allegheny Co Meerlonr In- . , . ... , specter for the city of Pittsburg DanJWe are informed that t!ie Senator from tiiis District h:-.s so far overcome his modesty as to mak a speech, by whieh he carried bis point, 'uot one of public regard, however,) against resolute opposition. Jlia constituents will expect to hear from hint ugaiu, before the session i over, for they aiu confident lie will do them honor. CTOn Tfaarsdaj, Goycnxir Biglei obiect of the bill was not ohicctionablc. a but it semis to have been drawuin a loofc ana careless manner, wnica mignt uav conferred on the company powers highly ' objectionable. fl f"Tho Penn. State A irr .cultural So- . ri,,t -let . iTa-ri.hur.r nn tha $0h wti -"-'y '' a namsourgon tne utu an r i ,1- ., Judge Watts was re-elected President ; J:"'ob b,!.n"' "f tha I3,h District, and others, A ice Presidents ; R. G. walker, KecjBcc. ; ... tl. Jjucher, Ireaanrer ; ..... I I' I Iv, ,.,. 11 V i,mm. .1 '..,.,. " ". l V, '" . . j s,ul"n "'"on, Esecut.ve Ummittee. ; tj. . l.i wn nf . ;,i -, , ,1.,, rtooc. . a i srer. j . i. nutnenora. ano .. MujicuJ uuvicw auj Chora. AdvoeaU-," 13 0,1 our tMl' "nd lU roer,u aro fuHJ ul' ' tha high reputation this popular and useful periodical has justly attained. The excellence of its literary matter, the nam ..r ai), SUp,.r;, , ", , . . .1 riurity of tbe choice pieces of J r I janes, and iM extremely low I Pric0 ru passports to public favor and patronage of no light value. Published monthly by F. J. Huntingdon and .Mason & Law, 2d Park Row, V , at 50 cts. a year. ftafSVe hail the pleasure, yesterds afternoon, of listening at College Hill an exceedingly iu.crcatiug ami eloquent 1 lecture from Mr. Head, Baptist Missionary at Santa Fe, and were surprised at the extent anil favorable character of th- ope- 1 "'"P f"r I'r,-"-,stai.t effort in New Mexico. , Mr- 11 ' stirring appeal for men and i means, can not pass unheeded, and ho be 1 suffered to return empty handed, without I reflecting; ereat discredit ur.on all those wuu ougut io ie.-p'ju i with alacrity to bis i ,.,-.., ..!! Ct. i i. 1 1 The ather-Health-Pn,videace . .1, l. ..T ,ilTl,rl n It 1 . , i 1 .. .. . - -j. ujci ooiuao runes a little, isst wees, to gather breath ; Streets, and their necessary concoiintauts, "-.vv...-, unit llteil UCCC5 int traVc whh ' of 11 , , , ness and pleasuring, dou de duly for mod- ... . 1 , , . ,, " , leal men. ami a i.len.ir'nl ami-it, ,.f . rT7I-"r av-ia UUI It.'l VI Uf.UR lit iC.U 11 T especially under the form of that romantic but insidious and terrible disesse omssunn t&m, which so often blasts the clustering hope and ripened energies of middle life and so often, in the bloom of early wo manhood, tinges the sparkling glow ef seeming health with the fatal hectic flush, imparting a brilliantly angelic but illusive .ni) ..i iing a Dniuanuy angelic hut illusive beauty, aud LoUi out f bow of radlant promise only to add a p.ng intensely keen the fearful mockerr " IloW little ESins is ta!tntninnrd imlnil e 0-'-- sucu calamities, and how often, by the sick bed or untimely grave, aro these Ead con sequences of our own folly, or heedless indifferocce to the organic laws of nature, -s'iJivJ upon, t jByttcfica. rrcividfxca ? BRANCH FARMER. iflentTmid free will hadm,t bee. I It lultlllge J-- w vouchsafed to mat., ani a bl.na, ne.p.es. M-W ,"7 " "hlrl, .,,.,,d it : fat!,s,u were the rule ef our destiny, and .o re foos.dee the vote .bo h idop J iiMusinfloutiii.oursin.inthefacelore.con.ider-.-iou uu en-enauied by of the AlmightJ in vinuteatiou o. wu. n-u ;;Mit,i.b, of hfe and ! ruriusics. of climate, it is true, arc mi st of them. In-voiid our foresight aud control; but it is . ...... . ouallv true that many aro directly within raniie'of our modifjiug influence, and a ,.nrr..(,t.,1,llHlltf accountabilitj imposed ami 1 -1.?. . . .,,.rl. 1 till I wnose oapamiHsnh ' v " ! guarded, would have developed themsdvts ; in widn and enduring usefulness instead ; of being lost to themselves and the world. With information upon the subject so ..r.r,mn and accessible, it is strange how ! little the eeneral law of health are known, fc. . .. . ., , M of an or rcK"'ul " ' 7, ' a unusually vanabls climate ars peonaeu ttL'aiast ; and how continually luoeewvc toil, lack of mental and physical activity. ljat - hours, nei-dless exposure, improper ; ,i;et unj dress, literary dram-drinking una rnual dissipatiou, are suffered to make iMonds upon aeaitn m ooay anu miuu 1 At f m Willi M WW MM mtter-OI course progress as if we stood no higher in the scale of civilization that Camanchcs or Calmuck Tartars, an.! owed no higher amy to onrseWes and our Cieator, than to de- ,. , moli-h the work of Bis bands so fearfully aul wonderfully made as speedily as possible ; and make the 1 human form divine' merely a reci ptadc for all the pills and patent medicines, the disciples of E-;-CulapittS, n d tbe universal Yanhee nation, have been able to conjure up for the grat ification el' the pilatc, and the extraction of the dimeg. If anybody doubts the propriety or justice of thia interesting jer emiad, we r for th m to our own sli I It and p irtly proportions, as evidence of our in defeasible right t lecture all tbo world and his wife on matters and tilings iu general, pertaining to their physical vvel- fan riwmy,iiH if iln Ti 11 vi Bisavao, I in. 3 . Ib.4 A pfdilic.il fit the most int. r s'in , bus II eacitemeats to ihe vn ntere ,,, t .1,,,.. . ....... ., .. ', B. . , , m tbe nsanegement o tbe public works. B ' 1 ....s hive !,, no,,,,,,, . :.,,, -ii' tompiamis aaee neco pouring in .rem an u.c(1()ns of lhe (Jommoawealibi releri nee ai!ri.,., frauds perpetrated upon ih- M ef S ate Improvements ihc . It . I ; prevailaia "tun-on that our ruimc l.i.provc wjwi5mw w-w j 3u,e 0!wiihsModing (be statements which ' are annuallv ni idalo the Leistatnre. The . - . :..i.i .. .u.. . ,r... .l ' '"'g copy of the Kesolulioa of !n'l,,,r'' Pr,,l,!,red ' Mr. MUbleabergad adopted ia the senate : A'-Wce-, That the Auditor CJawpral j.uid Stala Treaaorer be requcaied to Qnm muMcale to the tMrnatu.a noon as pcacti .. , . . , ,. ruble, ii s!:i tim iit h,.ug the gr-ss UOyoum of receipt fnan the public works pis lrlll III:: p lor each fiscal war Iron, th: e:.r I -. ! I iweiusive, to the close ol (he frteal jear lol, ari l also a statemem exhibitmg the total iimouiit of expenditures made in ach liscnl year ss aforesaid, either direcily or ad rectly, on account of ihe pub ic works, indudimt and srectfyinu ell ordinary m.J folestraprdiurjr repairs ; all sums paid for sauries, wages, ana connnceni or incioen. tai expenses connected with the adminis traiioool the iateraal bnprovrasenis ; all sums paid for sssasage to parsoa or properly, or caused by flood or tire, con nected w:ih, or in any manner arisins; out ofohe working nf ilie puhh : iaapeovamenbs all sums expended in improving or chang ing ihe finished or anfinisbed hues, including nil damages arising t herefrom. paid to corporations or individuals ; all I defalcations connected with the admoiis- tralioa of the public works; all sums ......... .lo.i i., ;...!,.....! ...i,, ;...:..,: or'(or profess,na, service connect b . I I I. I tl A 1 , i ne puuuc wotks , nil a ppropri nnons lor J ihe p.yment of 'back debts ; all appropri- tmhi-i MiiiuL- iur im; uu ui ji'iiem rir rs : , , , r , n , 'i .'( I Clims ri'inl 'iir nriiin-i ru ti rv. 1 aasa - . ,--.! . 1 " v" . Zi-J s.a.., n-. nary, current or working expenses, incfo i ding all motive power and station uy . , r ixpenses; ad sums paid lor eaaraniied ,'., . . i., i . , , iit-ivvi uuto i.ioio.ios, or e.iunis, mieuueo . lo i iiocci tenor eurrvo.it ire general svslem of internal iinproveinr n' ; a1! appropriations made for the budding or repairs of public or private bradgaa over he pr.hlie woiks ; all appronriations m . Ic in tl e venr aforess d for prisma claims arising oat of,o in any manner connected with, the Construction, improvement, or orbing of the public, improvements : all undrawn appropriations, or balances ol appropriations, made for any ol" ihe pur poses hereinbefore enumerated, for which he treasury of the Commonwealth is now liable ; and including generally ail pay nentamade out of, or sums h,,t to the .State Treasury wkhin lhe years a for. said, I Ins nearly as the same east be ascertain.'.!, j which would not h ive been so paid or hist, had not tiie Commonwealth been tbe owner of the" public works now in ber poseaioo I Provided, that the cum total of tbeexpenditnres. or losses, as the; r-asp may be, for eai I each of lne forejroin; h n SCSI .Mr, iiri icr ..... - , nch of the loregomg heads or sack other j as 'he Auditor lieneral mid State Treasurer I may deem proper to adopt, shall be a sulli cient reply to lhis resolution." lne bi.l supplementary to the act jj. incorporating the Sunbary Si Em; Rail road, was taken up in the Sen.i'c yesterday the pending question being noon n motion to re-consider the vole which nd milted Mr. Packer' amendment. The hill a. .;..;n ,.j , t , ui iuaii ir lunru, ,iu .1 r , . - - . , r j . , ,' 1 I. van cjjn'y. A number ot deaiba nave aj corporations of aiUinds io subscribe la ibe l, 0:c((l, i a.,.j the dlscaa0 l0 stock of tho roid ihe amendment, which preud and rage with fearful rapidity. wa incorporated in :he bill by Mr.Packer, Sinu!jir i;,ncidencc.-The hill creat- submirs the question of suhaciiption to a ; jg ihe new county ol Polk, Vabatan, was vote 01 he re-JD'c. This proviso would ' pasic J bv a yotc of 01 40 ! asauradly cripple tbo bill, -n,pai, it. ...u-.o hence the motive . iw. hihu-im"!"." I, - i. .'..,,. II... .ii, Kinzer, ni.itiii. i..iiis. . . . M'CsaUn. Ma lone, Matthias, ssuwennerRj n . I-.,... Shimrr. Sliter.M alkr, .Spl r. 10 " N Msrs Bailey. Bockelew.Carot hi er,, Puceeth, Fr.niev. l-'i". Ooer..sry, Hamlin, Jia,!ett.llo, M'Al iri.ic, Packer. Sanderson. 11- I . . .... r .1 - i It i I'1 be hopee UkU no turim r uainii will he thrtoeMNa ib ssatbafibia ssnsipnsn which nromises a "oMun harvest in it .romiscs oomptetion. The sections of the (ienera! Banking j Law whi. h prof.ihil the etrewbnieii of IkW small notes of other States as u curren j ey in our common we.vih, i gewetaWy : complained of by the border counties. . Tl, I'.,., 1mm ..I Warren rootl'V his Tbe Grand lure m Warren county aws even or.e so far as In present 'he law as a nuUunce, and id demand its mstacditional repeal by the Ijpgiamtnre ' The presewi rneni is eertamty ;i leytshttise ntfeelty, and whether lb tfritnd Jury has supswsedNl its powers i r not, the subject ii deserving of attention. Th6 army of patriotic office seekers under the in-w sdnsmisfratkin, baa in no way fimllisbed ihe sppa at meats must be made, ihodgb, Ooe of these days, aiirl then list not la the rebellious murrermgsl of the discontented ! i.xr.r.i:. I Htm aib Cottons. s;." r i : u P'lr.f - t sjr r'if- aj(sjsJ I n-' . a?fe"-'.- wrfai t -t 9tnt tmhuj-- A W'aaj, - - 'W '' js ., F r n emffojmhtt imii'i "i m40f ,JU'-tT- - MS'y.ri-th'im Vsi' 0ml 'tti' 5 2 - . wl Hon rlausjas iauauia Tha telrgtaaa bas already u..(.tu our reaciers ol the deaib of ihn g-uiieni m. Mr. Uenay vvas iorun.riy a nseiabcr 01 Congress, but store recently President of the P.tlsborg aud Steubenvtlfe RSrirbad M. Deiaiy was one ol Pittsburg aoakbiesl eitiacaa, beu connected a ah ihe amrs ot ihc gieat u'lla ra esrate. 1 lie Governor has granted a res; ite of I mr weeks to 0 10 lliun g. who wis to iiuve be" n exeMt- d yessvdj I. r asusm f On Wednesday btsl a general denHM siration was m ale in Boston by the Sons of Teasperaaee, mhenna WMM strong, who upj e .rtd in trie tieel 111 lu I regain, to piee.it to the Massachusetts Legtelatuie the petitmn of citiaena ia vnrious par's ol the Siat-, in Mvpr of ihe passage of a lav similar to that one in M line. A 1 the Itnlroads bra bog to the eiiy itdooed iheir hire for the daj . H. W. IIool, the wc 1 known a urtio aeer, at Baltimore, blew his brains owl with s ntsiaf in hi store a few davs .1"- Tbe cause was monomania Ht feared ibal he would d:e in poverty. II leaves an estate worth S3'.) 000. A Washington letter writer stn'es that Mr. ("ay is constantly receivini boxes and bottles, ..nd packages af ajaaicli medicines, from all parts M ihe country, ri-. om.iieiidt d for ail sorts i;d dacripiaa of diseaje, Kossuth is a teetotaller, lie knows thai Iwosncnnng bipuw produce rfl d not m cuaaonaacej .il. iba great principles of nghi, abicb he preaches. At least 1.40,00(1 pers-ns in the cilv ol .Ve.v York alone, attend no religious wor ship pa the Snbiiith. The cost of Kossuth .ind suite, M BroaraV Hotel, Ulftaaiagtun, was fisa ban- dred dollars u day. A man at ihe eastwai I nearly lost his leg iu cons, queace oi polling cai.d.u grease on u sore on h:s I o'. I.'andle as .low made olleu comaip aujaianees which are poison. Lord fslaifSMlal has been in public life for liny years, and 11 ' been a member ol every Cahinet since 1.iU, except two. j those of Sir Robert Peel. . . . ,. r., s Z L Z U be iLt Z ' nnu... i. .. . i i . , i. , i, .. . .. , avo, 0rlhe u"urper, Tien Kek. i. .l . m u ; .. j It now ;itp(Niratfnt Mr. Ii: v t A-sat'on 1 thc rt.n , s n- h(( Fttoch President. who, they say, treats the A nericau Minis ici nun w., i i.oji.i i 1.1. . o , in t . ..i i . ivi s , . ,. . ., 7. . , . was also to aitiud the 1l 1eum at -Notre lerwith paiuoslar coral miv. Mr. Kins jj Re estale bus more value in Neu lorb than in London. I he lots" nearest ill- Bank tit England an 1 the Royal Ex change would sell for less than the same nttasbet ol feet in WaU eirtet. I: is one of Ihe whispers of the Elvsee. trial the I Zir, hi firs lo'.ier of felicitation to I. mi N ip i con. proposcJ to in irry him to a K .so hi Princess, and to annex Belgium io I' ranee. ru 5s ,i,f in -tl,,h n.iri.. foh,, M. lb, cock, U Cfmrius M. Dana, c( . Duahore, ia Sultttsjsi caioiy, amputate i a , lei; f.r Mr. ftarnansn Ssaslb ol Albany (amashift U. lUterd COMOty, in tho short spaeu of ono minute and ibiity second ' aod we have n ;e r ecu .niornied thai .Mr. 3., although r 77 je.irs, is BOi doing ,' well. The opera'ton e. itainly reflects 1 much eredn on it performers 1, i,.,..u;i,.iu.i. r IV no' ..v 11 vivv,i.iv . 11 ji i i jrillin i .1 . cii ...c 1 .... . inn 11 iniuw wnu uum 1 ii v it kj .in ruiuu j (.a ,,. , ,, of tMliu.,a. ls , a cwi(il) beared villain. Connecticut dai . tho two yonngeat ! L gW , L. I Penr.svlvam.i - (.'aliisin ; . Crow, ol' the Xllih District, 'i nmive ol on Monday next, by Gen. B.ckel, tho Windham Co., aned 29, and Hon. Henry ! State Treasurer. M. Fuller, ol tho Xlth l).tnct, a native ol j The Centre County Cnvenlion has in LitchQeld Co,, aged 31. structed the .n legate to vote lor Uen. Cusa We reoretto learn that the Scarlet pever prevaiong in diflcfCttt section in Jsul- It has been stated Ihxt Was. FoUnter, E-.q , the present Representative from Norihoiiiberl-ind counly.is thogrehtfrsiid son of Jacob Foilmer, who, wuh Simon llemrod, were l he first Kepresontativcs of county under tbe Siate Government. One of the carpenters named John frrsajebanl, enaned m bunding tbe Can. (;') lirnlge. in Pssjpbta county, fell tassa an arch, on V tdnosday last, and was i(J badly wounded fbai he lived only iiujrn nsimifen. He fell Irom a height of about M Kski It !..is been strongly corijectuied, tht.f ibere wmbt tai be a reunion lornurl !,, tw,.rr, ii. ( ,r;bA anil iniinh (Jliurehr-; : ami Motuto such a uuiou ie coiisuuimaie! it exMM eem 'hit draplllisi woubl be fortified ihr.ilout Kirope with an im- pregnable oVfeae. The dtaWreaca hnween the tto bi-di'-s is ery inconsiderable. f.en. BsckkS State Treasurer, in a letter io Jamna hidiler, gisssi ihe rec ii.ls on Ihe x.,rth Ufsneb as follow : nkest.lt iriv. V iikes. Bsrre, r,8 gi 137 848 tu II 200 M Beach Bsssna, Nurtbombertand 150 517 20 Two boy were fined in BToomsburg last vviek for distnrbiag a religious meeting. O a Small Note Law will pri.bab.y be repealed by oor Leg.sluiure ihi srsiltsa Ruber repeal it or enforce it. Chester county, at her Convention on Tuesdaj last, unanimously instructed her delegates for Buchanan. The Georgia Legislature adjourned on the 24th, having previously indefinite y p.-.. tied 'he resolution nominaiing Mr. Buehawb for President, and Mr. Bu:.i i for Vi 'e 1'iesident. Tbe Democratic Convention nf f'i rrv c- uoty has appointed W. 11. MoUr dV . gate la Ihe lib ol M in h I'nnven'.oti with out risiruci.oiis. (Said Io be for Cass.; The Lewist iAii lmk propertv, consist ing of a line two story brick house. With a laritc back Luddi.ig and oher appro as men:, ;i. sold at paUiwaasa a lev day .ie. for purchase., Thomas Mo- Clure, I'i-'p Ii v. I! ier, is the first Printer Gover nor of Pennsylvania since the days ol Praitklin. lb- has appointed thiee Tun ers to ( .'lerkships. A writer in the PrnnisUsaisa, of the I 24h u't., recusarnenda Thoma t.. i . boat, and R. It Leila, af Tanfchaaaock, BS si ibll ; eisoua for the f )io(ra.c tio mioatu o for Can..! Coatasssaieaer. Tr.e pfimrn to be mcsraWd to Ihe M sssachuealls LeM a to re lor ihe passiei, ot the M one Lip. or jasi, cwaliisni 10o. Ol'O naiiif s, headej uy Ex (iov. linggs. 'The name of the " Keenesville" P. O, in Union county, i changed to ShiinioUm Das. A correspondent writes us that snow, is a substitute tor egg, is even a better ingredient beaten into this most homely bat popular desert. To this fact, 'us ii: moss in tail iheiiitennoo.il boasts tie im nasmimh a the Ssara Eieg ha rs h' r overstocked the market in this commodity, it! the same rime rhat he fins laid an t u -) . r i upon ihe hens, who re i se to fnruist) i heir eags, except at a premiu. i. S S U nedict, Esq. of the Lacks wana C.lii n, one of the i. .embers of the !h . ol Kepresentairscs from Luzerne, was honored wuh a pabHc supper hy the e sen ol the city of Carbondsle, previous . : dapaftnra (m llairiahurg. W. 1) WeaienhamrriaP.il. at 'he new iii e. Ltnsestaeif e, Moniour Co. Gew, WiafitU Scott i sofoavmas in R . iiiioi.d, iigii,;a, and alirucled x . atiataiion ta i at e harf-lj" room to announce :hc sad destrucfion, ot the new I. iihui sn Church in this place, by fire. Ir wa dn covered on lire las' night about 10 o'clock, and in a very few hours nothma but ihe wails acre lelt af lhe noble edifice We can not h am deawMSelj Io vv hat amount, u any, it was insured. The loss mi I foil pe culiarly hard up.nl the congregiuion, par ticular! upon Mr. Ilost-nherg, iheir pastor, to whose peneveraace and awm mnsi ot the credit is due for it erection. "Lew- i,!on lleuiocrat, 2'J.h ult. WaVwSjussfkssng, NevvTork, commenced a city existence on Monday. Mr. I',. Mmgea died at Hagerslown, M I., on sjundny, in couseipieuce o! sleeping in a room hi a'.ed by charco;il. Baltissore, Ian. 2'J. It is stated io.'etrcrs i t, i I- . .- .... iroin .o:. rvenirneii, oi .u.'iry lami, written at Home, that the Pope h ordered two handsome blocks of murble to be prepare! lor the Washi.ig'on Monumeni, anJ win. ii he desigus shortly to ifesj atch to this ' country. Washington, Jan. V) The Imelfageu cer ot this inorning state that a despni : i h is been received from an army . fficet in New Mexico, stnling that rich silver mu res have been discovered on the public land. run rwavore. i r,., the vicinity ol t ort rssUUOfe. cl.it-f veu. is live inches aide at lhe surrace. '' '."f;"-' -''T ,he su.reo,u 1,1 '" ' ,Z ' , , ... s"' 10 lnK mme' 0Vl 1 ' "L "re " ury n' Maisipbin, Jan. 2'J Thirty-sis bodies ,IUL' aeen recovi reu irosa the wreck ol tbo steamer DbWrti ChalOw; whick sunk u lew asiles bciow ih"s place, on iM. uday. Onajpga uav sJeighing partv at Belli- mora on M.ndav atwai e,.L , my - u comnrinv. a niin. li,fi nn!u w .4 1 - ' a - p "nuirru years ol age, (sow to death. So ouiet w;''4 ,he chang. , that it a not perceived unI" ltie P urrIV,d ut nome- Tk f ...aa-A-a ..-;fl L promntlv tm.d to the holders of State stock. in the National Convent. on. S xtten of the men concerned ia tke Cuba not ut New Orleans, were tried on 'he 15 h u.t., but the jury was unable to agree. Mr. Forrest, it is sai.i, wi make hrr appearance at Urcugham'j Tbealre. N V , in ;h'J id Feb.