LEWISBUfiG CHRONICLE& WEST BRANCH FARMER. tioc, l-.t yet nnj:ro(inctivc. The abanion- lueut cf ouch iinvi.iveinenM would involve the loss cf a 1-rgc nuiou: of capital j already expended, mid sacrie. cmiieiy the 1 ctnnces of future returns to the treasury fr.itu these sources. Indi'od tha speedy commV.ion of thi Xnrth lirjiKU dual, is, i in my ojiiiion, eoiisiaU-r.t with the tiu&st ! cfferts; rather than the mero measures of: sister States, and to the cause of republi principles i economy. ! government f.ir success. Legislation should j cauism throughout the world. PeiiEKTlrariiA is, perhaps, unrivalled 1 y j tfive to all citizens an equal opportunity j WILLIAM BIGLER. r.ry of the Mates iu natural clemnt ot greatness and wealth, fchu is no less the (tardea sp"t rf eur ininianu country than h'ho is tha" Keystone;" of thf Federal AtJi. Auutiding in inexhaustible and varied iwinc-rivl iee-urcs, sn abundance of well located viator power, fiuiiriably adapted to intiiufoc'urin r.ud mechanical rpera tiou. torrc-thcr with a vast ostcut of the l-sst agr.eultur! boil, she can diuUless cuiptny, subsist s.on prosper a grr!ur num- tho Utter ehwuld never be Mor:2ced to the her of hniuau leiaS than auy other State j interests of the former. Special legisla in the Union, lier luoauuitis, her rujr-! tion too frequently has this tendency, ged hills Rinl Lvtij valley , arc rich with i Capital can always command employment iivnral sivai.tacf-s to win. Her people end profit labor, less able to commaod aririv iiiiT i:iin?r.n:uan!i";i(r!,nsn;. alia .1 VefVailieJ 1V llUWSfS iec.x.HtlOil, wal euon oecupy aud improve U.e- ad-! M-arc5 to t!;e f-'!.ft extent, r.inl thirehy veil c-ar t. a Rt.ito, j-MSp.'rous ana Viv-i.i ::: tii ,-uiitWit. u.v"-e. . ic. io;l-'i k-i'.'.wUre .f the g..-enc3 'ir.r . ave a hinjt :"":iwliiJ;ji i the j ro-tt-i .ei, it lift ouite c-en'ia! to r of '-t'.r Si.tc. i am. tiiere-J i :.L - . ;v ... ...... yf. lliul'l .lAl!!.1 ..li luc t xi I i.i'w 1 1. i em i ,ii ie, ioeomphfh tbi. crrat cv.a. 1 . . . fi Cai- rv. n a'..?t c. u j,. r.r.t.ee v fiprrtfr.ee, ntiJ t-c Ills": ei :r. fii'.ly !ftn..t.Mri the im- -', te'UlU- ,,1..,. eat:op.. The l'-c- cniuV'inc'l I'i'.'r tiC.l lab(T Oi' ,1; ( "liiO.ai. J 3;;t r tii: i,.-. at i"i.-t: t '.ir:-ui: of ur Slate, to nev.i'e i i:eti;f v tie f .r-' :l IV "IT'.i i;i" I": ti'S I. it -;!. -i cu t I. t. . r. -lent ;d liian. to r li iitiriy !id '.lie iiieliiiatiotit- i.le, shoyi eniuiuatil the fosterinj tovcn.iiii .i- IVr-ili.ii.ia is Messed ith ftbusihitii'e and variety if ia'.mrai vi to the p.vetlai Uj aiil u.c t i!i:i. llfi !ii:i;iral iufc'rwfs r.nJ norii.2 aourc ! v. em i'tit-utM! !-r:' iv io ct:hai:ee the uccipis '. f tmr treasuiv. The apprecia'ioti thus ; ivtn to tic value cf prepi ry ti.-. j pu-J lation tiuretv Eut.uici tin) iii;ji ve iat:i4 ia."i : for the dcvshpuieitt i.hd ad v ine. ui'".it, as peil as the (i.iect ir.uli: thuv furnish tj ti:e puliiie v.oiks L;-higii: to ::,e rs.aie, j; iy promote ttii? n 1. iei! a '.id cSVU'-lfc pi::s r f cna! ire'J tie vi-tl.iu the h. nlern cf oar St' make hrr pani .iUi v ln. Ptd. IKr Ktithrat-itu c.iai bc-i. fiu u:. liiistr a ch'iiee a.ia il.e:ii ful fr duuixi.ic purp .s,-: f .r 1 ... .'ueratitr; s'cisi tor tue ' ;moti . T'i'.i: , si we'.l :i'ii r at f i 'sh f.ro her a i'.T tl th; phUiOM of OUf eio-ato t.-ade a!uut I us tiie supply ef li.i. a: :-iy eo...u mL!e li trade is comparative' t t.' .:. !! t ) m-r o"a .i. . l.e i-. w Ah :u its lufatr-y, it has r.iio? J Jv grown to enc uf rri-at tisgi.i.udv. The v i!ue cf the p oduet cf the ijino is roHile up i:ii'r!y by the healthy, itri;cra t ing labor of iiiu hardy miner, vihi'-t t.iv.-'e engaged iu this train tf;atitcle an iiel'i: -l.-iotts and valanble ct;titner:cy, i:ii w'jovj interests the pro.-pt rity at: 1 gr. ai lusj of i ni is.ite ia idenliueil. li wiil 5Viil iiio the u'most j.lcssnre to favor all proper nitisuies calculated to a I vanee our great cgrieultural, mitKrxl ar.d t ther interests. Intimately connected with the preat i:i tere;s of the country is the sulieet i f r. cutreuev. I lie pr 'per ciipesuinn ci ta:s .eie.-.i,,.. is not only highly important, but I one f the most dimcuii an 1 dangerous ! Juries i.f tl:? go-emmciit. Tbe evrurs of ir swlrni are of the must seductive and ! .Lugor-i- character; consisting mainly in j the cr.,.ti,n cf to., mu.-h pp. r .,r tLc j ,r-. '.. , . 'h i ! I. ..... .1.,.. 1.! 1.. ; tjken to guard against this ttudeney, ai.d t) secure ihc reopie iu the use of this ine- r-, . ... 1. ,..1.K- Ci'I.. llon. jue u.i-jr.v . - r riiuui. aliis sccun-j uiij m . : iii-r sn i tuerclitnt, era a. I te?p;y it. if s'.ej it. i.a ing a round currency. -o i;i ju-tity the LUuiii ti is a ri.f er- i'! lU-.i r i;;c:i-V, :ux l is . ulut alarm 1 that l j.ave witnessed i . v iuj uisiioaiil'iu evi r the entire Cuuu- trv U iiiir'' tot use of this m d urn, on a -mail specie b ;s,ie,;iru!. cf the in'v itaLle tll.-s i-f 'h: i'lfc'3 fecosmaa.f . f .; r'.rn::i is f jrr.ii'...r. ' t- t:ns uulrv sua le. la Vii ,i, r! ! ve-y J" msd.'i'ui, i.iTi.-t Lf a ci.culatiii,? i? a li'-iftr of co ju.euce. Oils e-iiiul-i uv lit-. r:u iu!iv li,e ttansac ma ei ?w - C aiinir may dciuau l; le.tr ii i p-j are too unwiliai t i e.ti ' i .1 ,: . .( - - t i e;-' 1 '"I the cieatu ii r f mi- "ilv. TV J ate lU'i uiieni.u, 1 ' .i.'.j- : ih.v. as cOtu U-ce.mes aiiiiir.iaiii ; it should s':Pi")iit an id r-.;i 1 er uni:-cesur, , : y ! tl.a ue t.f laper, is lo my HOC i.H. . L..IU . 1!,, ii.rt i st teaching of common teiir ; sueu prac- j .1 .nr.... .- .1,. l,v tli.. tniff inter-1 Ci tl-ll c.:e. h j . t-sts of the retiple A suicrabituJaat . . . ;r.;'U".t el moucy e ujr . .. . r ..... kinJ, can imt . fil to euhance nominal values above pr.-p.r staailar.., and 'htre-y ej'.i.i oi e.augtiwua rj.c-.- , -- ; cu l prostrate the groat eon'mtrreial ntd luanuiaetuvmg interests cf the country, Tlte manufacturer u more vit-illyiuuriwu larded ty lmposiaj .u n.o --"i '."-"-".in geuerai, ana gin aaa oia wuisBey in win furtu-r illast . i . .i .. r..i1. ,,.,r. I nf f n.or.is. whclhi r iirovi.liniT tr,r the .. .infj ui luuu.i h.sh . .i . . . . . . i i nii.tmr.Tn i.T riiii I ill. c t .'fi 1 1 1 1 in f,r 1 1 i.'iurs - , l : . i . I i I indiviuual liut-iinyio iueiui...-... i"'- .B..-. 0-- particular, Uirectel acuast the .Mew lierun .,!, r !m -vi .::...:.. Ms nf an exeesj.ve 1 i n unoa : f IdRttivcs from labor, or f jr any ' ., " , .... ., ,. A member ot tnc , Z r " n::: have Uca no fre-! i-thet constilut.onal purpos-. The iwocssi. . 1 '"i'enan. me woras raimiy i res-1 Li(mt Lou,en8iager( ot iib;v3 oi pa.tr w , . , . . f,,i:.. .i.,,cn,,r .... I kT ; bvic ian,"-Qaaker,"and-Camp mectinsr-' i l'(1liCe of that District, rj .o..ii mif'i't . ;,onnl,,.,v.v i tb fata! ci'iistqufnees resulting frein such occur iu the article, and we suppose were went on a sleighing ' . . " ... I, -i air.-mtit ri-i-etitlv ficciurin;' within onr ..!,.. r.t tt, .lii-Jno cr.;r:i,i,.l!nr r.f nicht. and s'xppinc at . . ' ... .t i..., . , . . it ii ,rir .-is -t ! .i . ....... i... :e .t ? ..- .t Lxchanae to Water ttn i ite Is-J Ter, I le lannei. ic ur i. uiii., mv. ; lau vu-jm. jiaii it me rctfji"uT iu..y;i ui XrSiS p5 ;::::i ;;: ,1,, ia-i leuta! J rssultiag to this great ! a Hsnt.g.s vouchsafed to pis eniy, it ,e-1 i-itcr -t th- revcuiu I mi f the gn- j com. s the duty cf ail to yield a pa'rictiu vtrumeut, can ,eve? have force or SgToflSS i rtiVd n. be un3e,,.d by envthi-g ! VcouVre between the several uiemUrsef I h J: said" as 2 li, cpLior. tha't our gl -riens Union. Admonished so to do w .v.. .nuliiiun. htwevt-r w.o. Ml cive -H li 1.1 i '.' M 1- i -i i . i v what ih-; libor, industry, virtue aud ps- ' '. . ' c J. - i i;:.-iu of ;.ie p?rplc may .ie. ISC leg r, ''...-iu mi ..it: ii.- iL'iii i.,.., c i,l.tti..- c,n ou'.y afford c;ria!u7 ft-r I's-U'i.nni ol .mr .nneai safety una pr.- j rcspocUble sourct the Icri-.'.i'e rewAr-li of D-Iurdl resources pcTiiy i-aw.u - Ox-U,rns d evele'id tyur.tmbttrrs.iu tauor. iwre i """- vi . ,o4 .W L- ' is, f.crha;-3, uo iiio;o dang:rous poIiri-1 ' heresy taught ia our land, than that the prosperity of the country is to bo created by its legislation.. A ju.,1; pa'icy can only fiiwd and protect the legitimate means of production from special privileges, the dsriees cf the canning and wicked The people should rely on their own individual of enjoying the natural advantages which surround them. Corporate power aud spe cial privileges too often produce the reverse, result, acd should therefore ouly he granteJ to facilitate the accomplishment of great public purposes", r.ot within the reach of individual means. Capital aud labor, copper-ting in a proper relative position, have tnaue and will continuo to niekc our coun- i try propjrous and hnppy. The rights of e:?nir. snoi; il reptvn f li. w.-irr-liriil ci.ro til ' Cvernmcnt. " I an, mot happy, my fellow cititens, to , meet you ia my present capacity, at a pe - j r;oa . i:on our cotuinou country is ai peace j I witii rtat iiio wonu una prosperous in an f i eminent ilesrree. The "u -erous conflict : te.uih list tue sutjfet CI slavery, wnicli lor ' a time .-ecnied to menace the stability of tbe National Gevcriimest, Las been most I ... I 1 .-,, .!,. .J. , i' n i u'tu'eij , iiifa j. tiusi, iei iujmi it 1 1 j n'a- je.s'.ea tnrougu tue mcatum oi wtiat sre 11.. I " .!.. . gonrra.'v niiona us iud euui'iuuii9t; .uvii lives A .ie general acqu:etce:ice ci tec fcvtrrftl Siates in thi adjustment gives i.p-iirujcc of ciinticuoJ peace to the cuuu iy and permanence ta t tic Uuiou per iir.ii"i.co to tliat Union, the formation of which gnve cur Nation early influence and dijL;;y i f powtioTi with tho other powers cf the earth. Ilcr richts have, consc- ur pcrv ' Ut'y. hreu respected ly all, and her ore cf ! whiles fiar'd w:th profound regard. In war she ban gained a high character for a 'rich ' militaiy prowess, and in paee secured the , a laps ' cntideiiee of alt mankind. Tbe justice .iiit-s of and librrility of her iustitutious has con 'itfte a ! at'aiuci tuo oppre.sei cf every land to h. c.t.- : Feek an asvluni within her limits, and cu- jy, under the ample fj'ds of the Natioual fi-r, p..!;t::"-! iui rcl:ginu freedom. Thi coatinur,ec cf these uncalled , liessings is dependent entireiv i;p' the I perpetuity of this great national compart, . and this i au i.fi'y be secured by a faithful oi'servance of tbs terms of the constitution : uiict which if w:-s formed. The Unien aad the ceTistitiifieii sre one and indivisible. The former cnti not exist without the latter, R3 1 the latter had no purpose but to perfect and suuiu the fiirmer. He, Ihcref re, t who i-i ii' t f.T the costitutiin. is tigainst i:ii l iii Tij ati 1 l.e who would strike at father, wotli tf iiiiiiit p-.iliticsil haerileee urii!!' the great fabric, panetioticJ Iy , 'shi'ijtiii aiei I'rankliii. The IVders! c i'in ii":t te miintained and exe eu'.ed in :'i! i"s pKi Is. lt is this paramount of ir!i state, and it is the imperative du'y nf t'ltir respective govcrnmeriis, to ass;t in the ju-rt end fall admiuistr.iti-'n. f:i"l it provisions. ToConjrrensundoul'.t cdiy bi-lo'igs, in the fir-t instance, the duty f making f roviiicn to csrry into cxeeu tt inih;' i:;lent rf this instrument; but it ii the light and duty f the States, moving v. ithi.i t -;e limit cf tin.ir rejerved ritrhu, to t-i. 'j er.ie with the gcueral government 1 m this legitimate work. They should ; eertnin'v never attempt, tv means cf their i i Kyi'ltti m. to embarrass the administration ef th ei'ti.titation. Such interference can ( not f,.:l to en nder hostile fetlinsrs be- ' . . .. ...e.l iiveen me uui- rem sections ci me Lnion, and if persisted in, lead to a separation of tLe State. So far as legislation of this kiud can be found on the s'atuto boo'j of this State, it should be Fpeediiy repealed. f this ehnravtcr, I regard the greater por- tion of tlichw tf 17 prohibiting the ..f i,., - - --c trial. In that work I shall most cheerful- ly participate, as I shall also aid, as far as 1 nny r r per!y do so ta suppress all a oo luity ct rnmsy v.n, to c nut, mi ll I iiu.n on not be doubted. She is now as the ever has been, fur the con- stitr.tioa aud its compromises. She will m-iintain and execute, in letter and spirit, the suvtra! adjustment measures as passed : by ths late t'ongresj, on the subject of. Jiv.-rr She rairards lhe3J measures as a p-rinaiictit settkinetit cf thU -'..mgermm Jh'izm; h'p'il c 'iitiiet, and will disenitnten-; i.iice, t i the fail extent of her influence, 1 a'.! at'ei.ii'is at future agitation of the : a- ..1- 1 1 .. 4 . 1 ' -( - j 1 1 , 1 !i 1 YMi.t 1 1 ill inn ;,nil ffii'ilo:! 1 I 1- its wise t.TjVision.s. will s ek to (a ;;ieet i a' I sections of the country, and : - - .1. .. I I. ... .1.. ir) ir.." l.j . 'lei istucu too ouiius vi tue e'lft av. i J . is . iid-'aVL-r i t .'rengthen the tiomJ.s ot t u.e.i, . .. v... ,, ' , iuU irternat mrm -v'"v" , , ! nii'Ti: n. rs .. ... ' 1 u.ed siy no more, my Wlow-ctHZens, . the importance cf the Union. You . are I am confident, abundantly impressed j .e..i.n WinL Witlinnf nr.i.in ntir vrn.i 1. wl.u,iu . i.,...w. . . lilHT'ies n'.'Ter emu naic ueuu ovun-u-u, . . . . ., t :...:.,! ,-, .- ' i i t i... 1 : , 'uUon of this na,iona C0II1. ; pac. woun i rouH fall the hipo3 cf the world fjr ; . ... . .i -.-.i-.- i i ivpuwican . - i I,"""' , rei..j..'j u-.yj f" - t " ,6'J, "y-J ". r i-- j " 4 nr- I , .. a by tue huptwi " U,"M M ' .: : . -..T.if-v.i r rrn nni n i ni . . " a . Itl.Liau.it'U l-T. iVfcUl " "J , c:: us wi.il l Christian fidelity. Jt onr hah- ;.ff.; Iii,!t"'y mill KTifiIiiiiiT ff tin L'ai 1:1 bo ns thotteh it were indeed 'rha 1 w r- o i in any event be abandoned, and indignant-1 iy irowumg at me urst dawn ot any attempt to alienate any portion of our country from the rest, or to enfeeble the sacred ties which now link together tht various parts." Then shall we Lave performed our whole duty duty to ourselves to our IlaiTisburg, Jan. 20, 1852. ICnmsImrg CJiranirlf. H. C. HICKOX, Editor. O. N. WOKDEN, Fr.nter it $1.50 rush in aitoanre, tl.T.'i in three mnntha, $2 pai within the ywr, and fJ.0U at the end ot tht year. Asiiu in rkiiadalpaia V D I'almrr aiul T. Vi Cur. LiCtvisburfj, Ia. Wednesday, Jancaby 2S, 1852 Advertize; Kwutir. AiimintftTatnr., roMir OlIL-crs. Citr AxtX t'oantrv Mfrctianlit, Slamitacturcrs, . wiuunn, iumwi jirL-niwiiDwiJHwurwuKwB. uifp-jar cf anrthiiK would do well to ire votlro of tlio ....... i V. . t. .. ..I . ; . . . ... " 11. . .. . aino throubthe 'LnoiJwg Cnronicle." Thin paper Iik ! '."X ', noiiumr. nj aicr. r any othfr in the- suttc. aVaicn CouolT Dmorrli-Oiiireniro tt Ucr in. M n.Ur, lh F t). IH2. 3.Un'on Cmintr Whiz C-mvynl.nn .New Uerlia. I'u.-.-Jaj t lac I'ourl) F -b. 17, 1S41 3.reat.fviviti IVniocmtii' Statft ConTonti"ii ll.u-ritbu.-g, ThuraJay, 4lh March, 1S..1. VAtioc&l Vtm -vrntit C.nntitn lUltimo, Tueftlr, Irt June, 1S52. erl lie Editor retuined Monday, but with his head so full of Hungary Kush yoot and Madam Pulziky, that we can't coax n line of editorial from him. Unless the faver takes a turn soon, wo expect to see him throw asile the pen as less mighty than the Eword, which is directly opposed to the modem masim on that point. Those who sport Hungarian plumes, should remember that their costume is not complete until they encase their pedals in the irooucn 4W.s worn by the peasantry of Hungary. Let there be no backing out. tSay-Gov. Biglcr has removed all the officers in his power (excopting one who was appointed ly Gov. Suunk and eontin uel by Gov. Jobuston) and appointed S. G jodrieh, late of tiie Towand. R-imrhr, bful7 Secretary of C'th: II T. nierfi-nhueh. r,f th A". ,,. r .'fir. I merly of Lewisburg,) Chief Clerk Se'iool Department ; and Capt. Zicgler, of Butler '.' f,Chief Clerk Kxceutive Department. Other Clerks Messrs. G.B Laird, G. L. Vlcit, and Jos. F. Shunk. Messengers Jir. Morris of Berks, aud Mr If ."i!in:in f irttlo I nnirifirs rn-im U. , i r .! is expected the Hour and Leather! Itisjieet irs will be appointed this week .,, , . , ,. , in!l ho finrtntntnil Inn woaIt tet"-iYe observe that at the late session nf the Dauphin County Court, Kohcrt M-iir.iy was sentenced to prls m fir three inntiths for ''hooking" a turkey. The s:iiuc man was shot in tho leg while in the iet of stealing tho turkey aforesaid, llalhcr an expensive turki'y feast. At the sau-.e Court, Slippy Williams and Jack Gibson sunt to Peuitentiary for three years for picking the pocket of sev eral at tho State Fair among others, that cf Win. Furry, Treasurer of Center : COU!l'y- S":' Names stand for things," as the Farmer said when he sent for a collection , , of Iru,h Bu,l9 10 '" Low tu mPwve ', b's stock. Some country journals have a column or two of "Sunday Reading" or Family Circle" articles fenced ;ff from 1 tiie common run of mltter) though that w 0f Sabbath perusal, and all the rt ..f th p.p f..rW.I t.x n Sunday. An up-river piper has inclu ! ded iu these pious selections, the Sunbury ; Americau's" uraise of spirituous liquors , j tQ q iu cocktail i. J , r , ,. -uu cc.ju .ca.u6 j very pare to improve the morals of its readers. '-. , i 1 l: 1L f-Qa the first page will be found the : remarks of a recent Lewisburg student (Mr. Ga'.braith) to Gov. Kossuth, which we arj told by some who heard them were amog tlle IUOst impressive delivered in ,.,., n. ,t:,i nllr fr;.,n,l Tom. fyrzt x m-jst vivi'I detonptiou of a c vorll- reaowuca jeuer:u a a-.uea. uiiuiia-.u -iit i. from Moscow, spoken about three years nao ugJ t-Q en. Packer's araendmoiif, rcrpnr- in;? a vote of tho people before permtttinir s? corporatious 10 suuscnoc uic lor tue -anbury & Krie lioad, passed iu Senate. .... -1 C jrr glifcr h:is presented a petitiou for . m ... . .1 , extension ot Chancery powers to tue .... . i . rurts of Lnion county also to mcoi po rate the Odd Fellows Association cf Uuiou county. -Tbe fact that cold weather whets . ... - .. ,1,:. .... w lilt X 1 1 1 I 1 U. 1 tlULUtVIIV tjUi vviewvu. V V uu . T sopi,ly of pork is exhausted, and they fish Ju tu oucf x,arrel jn vain for a bite. Wc wiU meat aud potatoes, . they Lave any, and want a good pnee tor them. M.'fi.i .-w i l v i 1 1 1 ii v it i ir f n w s nwn - t I .1 . rri vn.:v v.- - Il.tll, this evening only. Tbe performers a wr ,lfwaml tn r'Mnbla the DruiJs of nc;cnt l?ritrm, and wc ire assnrjJ from s, bring out from 'the wilJest, swee- ETowns j grow up along the New 0rk llailroads,wuh surprising quickness. We have before us a s even-column paper, the "lloruelhsille Tribune" of the 17 th inst., which ethilits a large and thriving , i " 1 .rf 1 1 -it . e . ptaco ot Dusmess. (Uorne.lav.ae iswner, the new Kailro.d leaves the S. Y. & j dircet for Buffalo.) We clip a few items frm it,. f,;i.. . I 1IVUI tUW AllfUUb ! Openiwj of (he Buffttlu & N. Y. City j Railroad. That portion of the road, be- : portion of the road, be- : tween this Village and Portaee, is now i complete.. Ou Tuesday last, the whole I?.?! t. ?B T"u'' n ' r""! " m m" . i about 10 o'clock, A. M., but as i ki w:w the firnt jif.senger oar ever run upon the track, eauiion was ucccsaary in pi sting throogh Ledges and other poiuts. Stops were made U several places along the road, and visiters continued to increase our num bers until wo bad a pretty comfortable car load. On arriving at Hunt's Hollow, it was found that some half a mile of rails ; WC'C Vfit to le laid. At this DOiut, teams - r ' were providtd for our coaveyauce to rortage. At about 3 o'clock, the whistle ot ttis locomotive was beard for tbe trst time on Portaee summit: and although the -e , . , e . , We.V.ber WSS intensely COld, and no special nrrani'emf.nf J- rwn mtj tn rlranr nut i.naiigiuutruioi.ai urea lusuw iu urw uai the citizens o: the village on the occasion, yet large nunber. rushed onl, regardlete .... - .. cf the severity of the weather, to witness the novelty of a locomotive. Tho day of tbe opening of the Buffalo & New York City Itail Road to Portage, there was not a solitary car from the N.V. & K. li. 11. wist ; and but one train has arrived since, up to Friday evening. One at our elbow suggests tbat there is some- thing propheti; in all this, and that when the road via Portage is completed to Buffalo, there will ho bo occasion to use the 1. & E. lt. 11. west of this place. AVe pre sume, however, that with tho opening of Spring trade, both roads will be flooded with business. Messrs. Lantnan,T!ockafelIar& Moore, tho eWutractnri aud builders of the Bailroad from this place to Portage, are worthy of much credit for the energy and expedition ujud by theni in facilitating thecoustruetion aud early completion of that work. Fur ther, it is seldom a mure smooth and easy road cau be fjuud in this country. Tho Railroad Bridge at Portaee, when compel?'', will, it is said, be the highest in tho w..ri t J'3 elevation aoove iu3 Z? of the river is 234. At this point, the prospect must be sublimely grand and beautiful. From the bridge, the beholder may have a rich prospect of the surround ing country, and of the romantic scenery which the beetling ciitts, the rock-walitiu banks, and the deep, dark defiles of the "."" . .. , river present. tnn n ennveineiu airi i . ... , t. i .-isv t ioroiiL'hfare is opetiea to I urinate. we have uo doubt it will become a p ipular and interesting place cf resort to those who wih to breathe a pure and healrhy alr.anj iooicupim ihesiupenduuscurioiiiies nf ua'.ure. On Thursday last, twenty-five of ibe ltdies of Dansviilo visited our village fir a ride. They all came in one sleigh, a four-horse omnibus, and not a masculine gender except the driver mas allowed in t he company. They called upon our friend Wood, of tLe " lloruellsville House," and, although taken by surprise, Wash, stirred biine'.f and got them vtp a good dinner. The lndits expressed themselves well pleased Fith their visit, and assured Mr. Wood thai he need uot bcifriyld'.te:' as they intended to come aain. sjJT ' Ma Conscience '" The editor of lha levelling Bulletin one cf the mwt r.ro?pcrous atd independent journals in jiyilBlpKi-tima Been read out of Ins party by a ward meeting in Penns district, where the palpable frauds were perpetrated in tho District Attorney case of 1859. If worthy any notice whatever, such a repudiation is honorable to Mr. Cumming, as the f illowing item from last Saturday's rate : Corporation of Penn. the Marshal s and two others, party on Thursday the .Merchant s :ir horses, became exceedincly jolly, and finally uproarious, and being taken into custody, were marched to the Mayor's office, where they were all held for their future good behavior. Two of the gentlomen not having thoir bail at hand, were removed to the Station House. The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Society for Inquiry will be held next Sunday at 24 o'clock P. M., on University Hill. Mr. A. II. Lung will present a Report on 8 The Western Coast of Africa. Tho public are invited. EZtrhvA Creek Valley is the locality of Dr. Elder'sstory published intheChronicle, recently, and Rev. Mr. Tanahill the origi nal of Ashlcigh. Mr. T. was once sta tioned ia this town, and the portraits were recognized by many here. tS'W'm. II. Irwin, late Adjutant Gen eral of Pennsylvania, has resigned his office, although ho had three months re maining to have served in. His predeces sor, Oen. Buwaian, kept the office as long as he could. . Stfr-Thc Susquehanna Telegraph Line, at its meeting ia Danville yesterday, decla red a semi-ainual dividend of 3 per cent., payable aft the 15th February. SQrNextjLecture in the Baptist racet- . , I , . . 1 11 ui-ii.c iu xucuhj citmux w ucai week by MrlJ. Randolph. Subject : Tbe lluncarian revolution fliThe 4catber has been much warmer ' for three da W, and the people have madev the best of I. i anj.Tl.f-j J e . m- l TkndeSnrtum rfTal Ma AujQai T. .v l I. I itrtiii. it ;L ist sea." iTViYYV rnTTVTV AFFAIRS I y.ii-J!: tThe citizens of New Berlin are mo- ving loraKailroaa uowo irry wauey w ine isunoury o, ,r.U au. m. . . i r. ' u .1 m-t.tx vmifa ta very practicable. But we think the first ... . .Q the Suabury & eS. Kol o thui ride of the River, i THEN g0 t0 work for Uteral roads. A. f ;nf.,r,ml nf & AnUnr of Uba fIV UIV UWW AM vi mww w stook taken or an acre's right of way secured to the banbury & r.rw xwaa in Union county. j' Shfai1 of Lt ion c,unfy w,n sell at the Court Howe, at 10, A. M , of t ,fc.i. m:V. tha follow-1 - - . r r . i .. i..t. ...... T2k f 11 A tract of 20 acres land, another of J'J acres, and two of DO acres each, on the Isle e t.i. n.. ... I. of Que also four lots iu Charlestown all in i'enns township; also 'Coigrove Hall' and 41 acres in Vc3t Beaver township. COURT PROCLAMATION. Whcn-ai, th Iton. A. S. li.9 J.', freiKlnut Judfa tr tin iOth Ju lic;l District. roimiKtin ' of ih omnuo oi t nion and Mimio. and Jicia With smtii and Jim Miliiiia lirs, Am i-iat Judges in t'uiu i-ount, hiive tisul their pn-c.-pt. I b..armI dt! Uw J7ih diy of Dii'J, and to me I Un cti.-l. r to-' h'l-lin of an Orphan.e Court, Court of .II' 111..... II.-... .n I r.rtillo.V :inil iWTa Uit.'irb'F f,,,, .M s1.k iiki!i.it, tor the rou.nrof i ..n.on j th" Ji.'oiay of v-kruwy nt lmi-s the um ov. I :,n l to nmtinii- tiut- I nuI'II K is th..TW'ure herrbT siren to the Coroner. Ju- 1 tirecf the Mkicc an-l Constable In aud icr th.- mmi of injon. ,,, pp,ar ,n Iheir on pn-p -r pern-.n- ith thir I nu. ri-oird-. iu'uiition. exauiiiiatiou and other rem- ' r"& and o:h.-r -rn..o pruxcutioj; in Lehall ol tue lommon- wealth c:iinft any persoa or penona. are niiuirnl to he tii-n anl thwre alUudin.and not d-part withimt lemeat th eir peril. Ju.I.o e are pniue.U'd to l punclu.il in the.r ain.iantiheapiwiui tiineaTwai.iet . noti.-e. l.i.en iiO'leruij hand aud fal.at the Sln-ri(T nOlHi-e in Xew llrrliii, t'uc leld.iyol januiiry tn the eearof our hint on1; thoijsaud eijht hundred and hlty-t.o, and in the eeventv-lxlli Tear ol the iml'-pi'naeue: ol the tnnea SUUM ol Am -rica. 01 vr the C-niinonwalth! SheriaT's OtD'je, New 11 run. J.in. 1, H Vi. : XMce to the Tux-Payer ani OAlecton of Union county. hoK-d that thelav.njere will put firth their buetendeae-; om.andp.iy nrertotUG.llu.r.ll1-irre-tlireani.unU, ..r I. J... i,,w i.n.1 n.it ..fcr.irv term ..f I'.url . v. ..... - . - - - - j - p thee will tiiiTutij ave six ircent. inren-t which will rUir ail riiniea ihat niayu in tuej hand . that uuw, tut alH'Ul 1 tHy nt I able tuy will Or partlcn.ar an I pay n;i d.iriiii ih noma w-n ot e..urt. ioi miut t dne, Ih -eeis,nd wi-k uf G.urL Toi aa 111" Cunimimii'iiieni have had a -viral h-.y dr-jjia to uietrt Ly order ol Ine urauj jurv aivi me injurs. J IIIN W1I.T. CKoKiii: lit.iMnAi ii. I SIMON K. IIKI:KOLO,) Cainmi..eion"rs Oflice, Xl-w Uerl.n, Jan. 16, 1S6J. Jury List February Term, 1852. Gruml Jurors. K ill Buila'o K. II. L iirl, J05. Walker. I "Z ' ''"-ro-m-nry h r. rry Jn. o. Orayb.ll. Oeo. 11.- n. suiitn, Jno. Oh-r in. Sam. Charles. . II). r. A liunacliy. llvinihi h. 11usaitiAUiraui;,e Muicr, Paul GiaM, Ju GuadfuaV IVinis Ira run. t e:cr riier. Chapman Jim. Si'irhriiit, Saul. Mioll, Jon. Keia. Mitdtew-rk Jurl BUgI. t.neia t m. IVm.y. 11i:.l llullalu Jn. Chaptinm. ew H.Tlio S. J. (jr.-er. t m. Ito.4bong. Whit.' Oc.r Jaiub Sypher. Trmrrse Jury. i:i BuTao rami N II. HVm iiu :ai . Um. W ats, Jacoii W.nert tuo-U Ka irniaii. Jidin i;.bfi'. M. l'iui-w ek auuil llii.dr;tk ll;irl.ev 1: -ii. a. ivt, nitul Z i'-n.i, Ji E Forr;-y, R V U Lin-oiii, Cliiln lAile, Oal;l h.u.aUi.u. Hi Mi. it-.-. i.ulT.'i In lli-hlaud, Miclil llaukl.-, Ma.tin U Ke-d, I'. ti-r roiiiu.ui. ( (list U --tier A K Mi! It. waaL, M i.lih.-t. I'enus- U iy llujim l. O .o Oundrum, II W Snjrd- r, rani o.i, a ti t. siiiiid e. C-nin- Cou'l tW-iuey. J Sereoel, I-ri Kiiet:lc, Haul J Wliil.- ll.-er llviil It Ki.til!ln in u iar, m-iio:ii. u.iiiu jn-nw -uoa. S -w 11 rliu t;tiri.i 11 ul-r. J.i'n.b Olienl-irf. L.iu -mu IVt r Wehr, J .U kb. li, All Suler. Ki'.lj l'..i..i In-iub .ri.nj, Joliu B Diu. CU.t'Hto ' inkieuian. aiuioii Slraua. r. t in.'i Siuii m..h .iliihl lli.i r. Leiri.buritJon'n Wuif.-, S:Ul li.ldea, Tiios Neebit. ll.avcr Joel Kltui'r. J'lit Jury. Centir Cliri. n-ia-h-!, J L'lut. a Swineford, B Tboma?. W..-si Unaver J i.- .M'i.i:'o- ca, linl Ait r. Limestone Jar It rr, ii o !-ij;:itner. S S liarb-r. better U.-o .iliiier, liuc Airier, I'cler ftuith, S Uomu, M Spcrb!, Jli'. Hill. t:iaiin.in Wul O llerrild. l nb.ir,- Jno bi-twiler. C. M nteliua. 1. wi?li'ir L, J He. luiia, lirajaui, Jn T Mi.ler, Ju !!oui:tU,ii. Cukiu Jae h Hutnmel. Keilv J iiai.-niu, A 11-i-k -1, T C!in an. Ultimo Ueo llurli, O licrta tl Uou k, Ja Irwin. 11 lute Ui.'1-r Uiri-J Hani-y Ni-w it-rhn li Uvliman. ilenrj Solomon, ha t iiu-falu Jae liun-ly. l'eiuu fraiikl.n Stuck, J ihn Kitter. - Zsaaei Xilat, rst. 1. - Christian Snyiler tb Ji s. Wailnee J-tmrs tlillium Ta John M'Ke.i t'liaa 't-her i l.aae 11 Ktyher I'hae A Snyil r Jolta uvu. 11 nrv Uord-hare II- ury Yoxltieini'ir. Jr. 1'iell hlu'ia 4u. lor Win. tJullina ea J;u-d Irrin. v '.i-.-usetitir. Murviv. iwrtuor, a-.-vh ita!an Kfikr KiiM i r Mrtin urn.t. u ' M iy t Kio-e tjc M;4 iliT.rti t Hary Xf SayOer J"l.n HariuiHD jr. vs !amuei l-i-h-r T tu'utmi; iin Jobu ilaruuitu. Jr. Win U Norriai tt Co. v llio:n u IV)Jrr (ie-rf iVmiff s J-ill 11 1; -nut:r's cuumilU Win .iie va K.VrL II. Kuir J V Ki.l !.-r mid Wife vn Mielil Kleckoer W iu It lirinr t o S uM d .ur'. iJjiftiUrt r Jxh Hun jr. Abraham Zeiglcr T.i Jtn SnyUvr'a Ex'r Hum : Tf aSrtino tiefj triz vw Joph Atkins nj Mtvry 8mitb. Jnrob llntii. jr. ts trwl UuteliusT June S plinth Vit Hi ury Kiuol J'.iq fcb v DaTid Wtririt k Mary Kacly v J. K. Sn)Jer Jaiu9 s. Mnr-th vs Jaceb liumm) Ohrls Cawiey s Nichoiu Mensb L"oarl tnith ti Jacob UL-rg-ttrvsfier Jacob Uturuhart Nicbolu Measb J if r'iinaniis ts 11 W Sujder &lltttl Tr UDt W it 3utlina Ifc'r ts A Thorn -.s A A Messiogsr. Iauirl B CanfieW ts Tboman Net bit. ClwarJ Movrr Frver Mover. blwsr.1 MoyT for Philip Kyer s Frankltn Fryer, etc. Juhn l.rlmiin, Jr, ts Il-ory and SHinuei Fb.r. fcaui; in araue. iiAbvr. Crnn'th iiir M iT A Kl II 6 lioyer and sureties. Jobu App t.h Uauiel MillhotT. Jau Kelly et iU th S'pben F Lvtxlal. Jftlin KHuh vs Autlrew II .roirn t kl. .-;ium -1 bwin k I'o vs Ilt-ury High. fc Fr"ir:" k K Weed Hi: Iwu Wumd. Jacob J M -irr tp J;iiba9'-hcN'.b Irsnkliii Krver I'hil.p Mover. Jju-ob Ketehiey Henry zUn'.er etal. Joiph aSlinuunu v Jiwpb l-nrron t ai. It uU n Kiell r vs Ueo Wo.l'e. W a t'rik-rU'kTSmltrwij; 1 Nuais Unison Ti Ira Sayrt A Wal WitV ileurv Msoti. 1 Jot ob Farley Jjbn L risuer. John t KokHfcltcr t Abbt Orcen Exr. lik l-t k Millrr ts J H.-irttaan Jr, wttli oot. Win Miller v Ja"l M tX b:a,ia;trtli.in. Kl-x, Brooke k iirowa ts H i tchart Als. REGISTER'S NOTICEi VOTICK ia hi-n-tiy j-.i-a b all cAuiwrnnl, that the fot luariujt naiunl pi-rmius llara auttliil their aiXovnU iu thu s tcrV Offias at New B -riln, Uuiou county, an-! that the said acomiiu will tM iiraarut)l for cuuBnaatiou and allowance at thi Orih:in &.urt, to tie bi:ld at .aw Brlio, rurtta nuiutjft Lu,n. 11a Ui.i Ibinl khdjy uf n:ins i.urt, 10 ne dim at - t-etiruary ni-xt. 1 tn-ini; triu Mm ay 01 tue mjulD.j ? ia: Acct of Jamb'W. Spilth, exueutor ot Jubo Suiier, late of Chabman to.. decM. Ax: ot 4braUam Vuun. ailmiuintrator of afichsel (inre, late of UulT.Uo t , d'-u'tl. Acct of Pbiiip Swaria, aUniiabtrator of John SwarU, late of IVrrj to , de'd. Acct of Joliu Keif-njiler, aitmintatrator of oba Keif VDjT'ler, lute of Chapman ti., dec'il. Acct of A. J. I'ciura ani Wm. Pi'larilmhxIaWlori of Jolia I'etrris late of lluflalo tp ,4cM. lioal acct of Jos. Spoita ana Sam'! Bickel, odminiatra torn of Ucnry Uicltel, late of Wbite 1) -r to., dec'ii An-t ot John and fvter Arboj;aat,xccutora of NicholM Artag:vit. late o I'erry tp dec'U. Acct of Cyruft Brown, z-cutor of Frederick Wiltixtot, 1. .. L' . .: . U..fV.lA In Aret ot s.im i ucuaeroB and koo t candor, exacatora ot m. u. suiuvan, late oi wuiw iroer Ip., dee d, I ."'"' u.at.ii.ui'.M.u.h'Hiu.uvi bKHT'lBtHt chtw of Wm. K iiy. or liaHy ip o-j. Hdoi wii.:rw-i n. AertorJoiiu Itartuau. ir.. afut.nt.Nii of Uar k :rluUc Jbiurfot, '.h Aoct cf JchiiSit--. a.lia.niatr.itorof JaoobKimbVlato VI WISaT VHaU-ru uw UUiyiUUTiI. llfC 1. I . acioi uiinMW suaraianot Betli. Lt Iia. Catk Jana , Ae-nnt juiinstec suardianol 8eth.lTlia.Catk Jana ay, deed. ctUilstlA. B&BTMAN. Wr, osw, nc inn, imXi, mi ClUilsllAN Batt M AN, VvWr ' iMr. llhctt, U.S.Sonator from South i Carolina, the successor of the diati.cuL.hed C,n,onllj in , thrilling spsech the other d Jb the gemte, indulged in oerUiu' - ..... . mBi prophetic aJniiMions. His jj,,,,,, were (, . eorr09p,,ndeDt from v- - - -r; --- - -- Wton . that the "people of New hngUnd, with nnnr mn. wure the most Drosperous and h,pp7 pe0ple ja the world." Bat how u a Soijth ? TurniDg to Mr.Fool, be eaid : iEven rour cotton-erowinr State is beooming oomparatirely weaker." SeeuJ-i ine t0 foreet that the corerntnent had " . .... - .. c .L . . 'ever Deen too natron or me oouin, ae; ' Wd in this language, "Under the : evident tendency of the Federal Govern ment, it could not be long Deiore Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, and North Carolina would be free, and then a general emancipation would follow. This Union would seal the destiny of the South socially and politically." Alfianter S. J. hnston, ihi newly eloetpd Justice of the Court of AtipeaU nf n A. X . O HI", IS the CT Ml 2fdU 1 SOn OI JotlO ji, i l tt l Adam'', tll secmd I'lendcnt ol the taKed c ,. , . . , , , otitis nis momer navmg own a oaugn- ter of Charles Adams, lisc, , 0f ,he ci'y of YorV thp , e ,n l a in of tha I'rpiiVnl 'ew 1 ,! ne Seconal a m Ol ine t realuiml : p.n , rrranirtliAr 7-mhriah .TnKii. 11 18 P" er0 " grmna "er, Aacnariat JOUII- son, was a Jew, and one of the earliest ' se llers of the COUntV f One'Jia. . , . . . . JQf 1 hfi Uhlld'n Faper la the title Ol ; a aiii!), hut ve;rv hanus iine mon'hly sheet, ' . ... , . , , . einoe nsiieu w in engravings, pjonsnea ui ! the offi :e of the American Messenger, Ne Yoik. The cmi, when sent in paeknues. . . . hi!linl a Vear in.-imn, 14 only 800UI Otlf sni.llllg ayertr, im,IIIOIIIg . ur I .. , , nresui :i e hnp this lutle paper, and f r " ,he Msenr.w.ll find their way j into many Uin lies. They are both ireigh- i - oi ; (.jo: Wili choiee an 1 u-elul ri-fHiins;. Tl.. t .L- fT1 Kmciciuiijui me .'iau uouies iu -ew Jersey, i'cnnsylraui, Delaware, Maryland and Ohio, take place in Wash- i iegton, cn the 5th of February next. The bids should reach the Department by that date, and as the time for letting heretofore . , ... ha3 been m the month of April, tbe con- tractors, and parlous intending to bid for the service, will notice the change. Joiah Qj:n y, Jr , oi B i-lun, has betn CMiijie le t, it i s iid, i make an asaigtt iiieni t'o'ih-' bcntfii f hit creditors, lis !,riui! p--i-ry hn bti urous!y --t nauvil ,ii i...ni iiiret-t-i fie hundred . t It i -nil I ir- Suabury St Erie RiiirsaJ. l J-i.iiiiii-i-e i ih.'t-f hii'idreil. Iiiriv niiiininled tn iilllmn Ut)i-rin' l'in ! ' -.IiieK ol ihl f'uld, SO villi! ill 'h? e lo ihr !cml pro-iperity of our ctv, met on Fri iav !evi-n iiie Irtsi, mid organized tiy the-lt-i- ol Job K Tv dii. Esq.. Chair an, nn I I Phih,. M. Pi i. e. F.-q., Secretary. The 1 a'teiid.ince was ver larje and cumifised chit flv o! ihe m ist a.-liv- i f "or htisir e- men, hn j is;!v feel and like nt ain interest in ihe succi's- nl the eiilriiri-e. Taen'i tit tue i .'i,mriin;i ji'i--i-iii muo senbt d 8100 00.) utl 'he s, ol. .11 1 e ie irn at. 11 ;e ure,lhat its itiKitiuers are enrn. stl' and assidu )ii-ly ciij ed in their l.tliors a'i't Irnin the sm, thy gnerat!v mini f - tn t 1 cl i-e-' t f our cit.zeiis n the I4"--" u.UsiiuL aid,'' 1 hey will be ati'ejt I to report an amount at their next 'meejir.,, on I uesJ.iy, Ihe 27ih mat., which, mih what has been a'ready pledged in the iiitfnor, U ill lenvft no doubtof the romple- lion of ihe work. We recommead to all h ho desire 10 add anntner motiumenl to ' the enterprise ol Pli.Iideljihia, to step ; forward und hherally seeond, by their : subscriptions, the efforts of the Cominittte I to raise a sum sufficient ai once to atari this great and noble undertaking. News ani Notions. t"Frr anjfthmg ym woM mad known 9ft-hr w'mi jfom WJtil to bity Vaf sure mtfdogme JXsf ttyr morr customer 4af itr qmt'tfr wist 5: Hon. Andrew J. 0,;le, ol rennsyivaniu, ha been an -oin ed Charge d'.Vffjires lo I C(i-nhaeii. This olB.-o seems to betel enri lor Fennslnniiit. Within a few j ears it h ialMen suecessiveiy held by Wm. ! V. !rin, K. P. Feumken. and Walter Forward, all ! this S ate. Oil Chri:inis djy m less th.in 80.U00 paupers partook ol a j.)uj dinner iu the union houses ot Lmdon. Mrs. Myra Clark U nties has purchased Mt. Pros)ect Farm, a benutitul propeity near Biogh imt-iti, N. V., where she in tends lo reside. The editors of all the Journals in Hun ;.irv have been obliged lo send it) li the 1.....1... . .. ,.i- , " suuscrioers. As a large number of ciiizens of I'enn sylvania who left their homes to come to llarrisburg lo wilnesa the inauguration of Uov. inkier have been prevented by ihe snow drills Irotn tniojing H al pleasure, jihas been decided lo repeat ihst ceremony on ine 34 t uesoayir January , 1855. "KeJtaD., The scientific American tate thai ndulientted lea m becoming more common every day. 11-re is scarcely a pound ol I irmtit !k In he liiiinn r it i aHuIib. airl i;.. ih is-iUM, huq meu ii undergoes a UnisllIDlI , i , process wneu ii cuc nK. Uu this be tL,wttrft ? t, . in L'h.n.i. connecerl wnh fitteen difft rent ni'Ssnunrv S iCieiies : beinff an ,MS ul ""l" Jrurs ltlTI"D ' J""' lll- Englth. S G.rm, ii .i. 'a Swis?'. 1 Swedish, and uucouoecltd. I C. K.uih, and pan of hi Miii . Lutheran church a. H,d. mn-i cIihiiicdi !ernKnwajnreai:hed bv It.. t L.l-1) a iiiijir. The mi-ml-?r irf Cm,,,., .k ce-rbMiin;. -he J i fehraan. n, h..t,. r : - V . -rar, , ZZZ 'T J" jmJ!u? ,,.., ... . . cn". ma p. e chl,I:ili-lj ; mahur,JJ ,' , FT'-fl I ua- .1 flT 4. ) I H 1 1 r r..-n,. rrTl-miita and a comm- :. c c.irieimtence lo rmrr iK "bjecf of the ,neH,rS,he 'ief v, ' T"" -"'I I.Hrf of live wo:c cotbwutcc. Itnve not vet becov , - announced From the rfrenf rport of 'V Me'hcdisi Owt Concern ii New York, ii ftp-ara that the sales lor the lint twelve nwiuh re more than f 2119,000 being an iocre.-e ot fC5 000 over the previous ve-ir, arr exceeding all former yearn. The profit on the new Hjmn lfciofc were 47 416. The Christian Advocate and Juurnnl ha a circulation of from 25.000 lo 43,001). The Missionary Advocate XO'.OOO. The Sunday S luxil Atvocale 65.(tV. with a yearly sale ff Suuday School Buoka amount. ng to live thousand. The annual mexsage of Gov. Wood1, ef Ohio, Htutes that the receipts in'o the trea sury in 1-51. a'liouuted lo t3. 000. 01)9, nn 'I iheeiix-ndi'urpi $i (l9f,3C'J. leaving a b .nice of $312,099 The State debt am i,r.'toSl3 581 301b-strtei the School and Trust Funds, ainouuiing lo SI 751,. 3ti. The SlPdmship Golden Gate made the pnage from Panama to San Francisco in ia H.ii. .,H , l.n,,.a tW.m -. :. s,'"" ,l j 1 "urry . : I i A" 'he world and the rest of mankind.' '" UV' Kll5',', s InaUgll . hinhlv Hrrrii.l,v HOHIe IllUniv ai.SCripilVe Sf !!-: inaugural ne use ire in ,h(. , ,,. 1rnia , MnUrtln co, b,ds lurn.sh.ng a cho,ce and cheap fuel for domestic purpose, for eeneratliiir - . . sieam lor inc aiaiionary ana Ajocomoiive ' r. . ; r.rigine, as tll as lor the propulsion ol our o.eaoi Ship &C Telesraph. As will have been seen in the Le"i!aiie I .- . . . r . proceeoings, Mr- Kelso ol f.rie, ha intro- j duced a bill to exempt the homestead of every ''im'ly I mm levy and sale on execu- ! ",n- LThe ,e,rm1s ?f ,he bil' "'V i the debtor shad cleaiijna'e hn homts'ead. j h(;h ol lie sold o( wha,ever va!ue : The passage of such a bill wnuld hae a tendency lo incree the number of elegant mansions in the S ate, and for th s reason may be a .nied Turner, ihe great E-nr'i.h pain'er, r dead. tin was caiied the Claude Likrraine 01 Itnt iia. lie was l the very t end nl his f rii.e-iuu tnd nrse, as nil ar'uiti must i'.k by ! iy dini f genius. Hula hep wit pixir, im.i hi win mor indebted to. hmi i.ir an etact than a hheral educntion. f'h iii- s Si h ri, who wn tried n the O.tr mi l T.-di. i . r nt Wtikeshxrre. last ..I iri- I , 1 It- li'-O'll 1 f-l'rllfl, i 11 1 1- ' nt iwu named 7 n the itroutid of 'W d in neii ieVi ie. O 1 l.e , i--ed i.'n inti. 1- nf .'!., !. 1772, ii l.-.w i r s 11 il" r um Ueik, N irihamp t 11 i epiira e c'limiy , n 1 c 1 ni, i-iilf v Ti:-- li Atiril U 11 -1 HI . r.l.i.s ut tin- .,T, ..1 ;-... I'i a"e. nml f 1 .'(!'" ner- PlOllT- ' . I'll : :.l i. . c M . u.. i.I. - iiii Q' .l.ll- - .1 V -A-.-- n. K if -.. -iV.i Pr. . t Cu.irt. ami tirttii-en. LL : .. I5 ?.n- . 1 una t. Wili.fl. , M ' 1.. . 1 lliiri t-iir-r -iii-tt -4 t. rCetjiM rr of the Orplian-, K'-corder of Deeds. A party nf joung men aasemhled about a house in Norwat, Me., -eienade, in Cal ilhumpian stjle, a ccup'e married that evening. A gun fired in'o the crowd, and a son of Capt. Jeremiah Foster, nM about 20, was fatally wound-d. Two others were slightly wounded. On Wednesday, tl9i 45 were contrib uted to the Hungarian fund in Philadelphia. A large number of ihe friends and admirers ol Gov. Johnston, in Philde!phia have had manufactured for him and hi lady a service ol plate, at ihecot i,l 990. I he present cunsisis of a silver waiter, three feel in length; two pitchers, each seventeen inches in height ; a lea set, comprising si piece ; a piir of goblets ; cake baskets ; twelve napkin-nnjjs ; lish knives ; butter knives : torks. &j. The presentation took place at itie Ainer emi Mouse, Chesiiot Street, on Friday evf-inn last. Washington, Ian. 23. The Democratic Slit'o Conveniion of Texas has nmiitmtteJ Gett. Sa i: Houston for the Presidency. Pittsburg, Jan. 23 The health ot Gov. Knssuih is completely reaUired. lie spoke lo Ihn people Irotn the Ulcony of the S:. Churles Hoiel, lo day at 10 o'clock. The great festival in Ins honor Comes nff on AI md iy afternoon. Tho several Kossuth Commiitees of this city ami vicinity, held a meeting to-day, and consolidmedatl their orjtnnizatiofis with our general County Coimnittee, which comprises about siity of the leading men of this place. The royal mail ateaxi packet Amsrnn, from Southampton 2d of Jan. for the West Indies, look tire at about 1 A M on Sunday 60 miles west ol Sicily, and was entirely consumed, with the mails, officers, crew and passengers, eicepl 21 persoas, vis. Mr. Vincent, midshipman, 17 ol ihe crew, and two passengers w ho succeeded in gettiog off in ou of ike boats, aad were pickerf up alter being by her IS hours. The to. lai nnmber nf persons on board is said to have been 155. The fire ia supposed to have originated from spontaneous combus tion. Lancaster, Jan. S3. The bills preferred attains! the Christiana prisoners lor murder and riot, were returned ibis morning bv ihe) Grand Jury. " no bills, and all the prist ner were discharged by John L. Tbemor, Eij L'ts'lict A.toicey