it. BURG VOL. VIII NO. 4r - - Wools Incmier, 408. H. C. HICKOK, Editor. -I - 11 ' LEWISBURG, UNION COUNTY, PENN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1832. O. N.'WORDEX, Printer LEWIS j JO H R 0 N rC L E o ' ' - - - I LEWISBUKG CHRONICLE Declaration Extraordinary. When. in the course of becomes THE MODERN BELLE. have connected him with villainous sub- lnued on Wednesday morning at LcwMurg, Union county, 1'ennnyUaiuc. TER VS. $1.S0 -r year, fr rftli aetnallr in ailvanrw: ii if ariftnii llirm nu.nt.iM: 4.(Ht if liaiii within r: !.: n u .t fM brfoni the yr ; aiii for scribers, and lo n-ums among mankind i- i iu .ivn-. uixtmtinuauivii ttui with tiit thai sepra io and just station to which h:s lutili-.her. eaeept when the veer i liaiii ui.. I . , - . . r ,-.t Aur.TiniTi'eij inrtra u. in cnt pr . poverty and independence of .pint entitle , l lour weem, oaj.-ar: io,ain l- . -Ipp--. (, t Un nnininna of sl fir ui m mihiu : i..r w. Mercantile ivrru--. n'm aecent respect lor we Opinions Ol mi .,: our fourth ufa column. $n r. l honest Minnorters renuires that he w-iiK im .a-iwl .ivrrti.mfnu u be puiU lor nonest supporters rrqu.res tnnt i.e bIi.u lu.iiMl in nr JMnprr. ' Kt..M . I ... . T ... itu nmttm.. .ihif-h kflva 1 ........ v.. .-i.ivi ...ii.-ii.l .mall tnl.ierta of ireneral tnna- . ri n..t wiiiiin tne rnm- if party or srrtmriu mntnt. impelled him to (he separation. ail .-iteri inuirt cniue .it-iiaHi. ai-.iint.:iiiin. by Hie real . ' 1 aMrfM of the wnti-r. to receive attention. k-Thie rie,i'io iumit c. iiiu.iK. Ksti- tutbir au.i ukmo un . that editors were created like other men ; bu-iiiesn too. X. W m. I'MahT. .1 i J u.. u:. I i ..... i H.irket street, between rronl and Thiru,OTr . tliut lliry art? cimuacu uy men icon I mailo ooo of a party that cu'led on Got. K. next day, anl found my prepos- necessary for a hungry and halfatarved Extract jtr. goiVsPnrm. read at the late iand-; sessions fully confirmej. He is n " hum- editor to dissolve the I'riendlv bands which n, ,!.hur .,t in the narinr. I bus" himself, and I take it he ii one of We hold these truths to be self evident; OiDce on 1 the 1'iwt-tHav'. o. N. WOlllinN. I' ilh certain natural propensities ; that Old Mr. Theysay. , amongst these is a propensity to eat, drink Who ha i not henrJ of ihe world-re- and keep themselves comfortably clad; oowiit-d Mr. Theysay? His fame is that to secure thtse blessings, laws were familiar with all men, every where. The j inslituted among men, securing to the high and luw, rich and poor, bond and free, ; creditor his honest and jusl dues ; but honored and despised, civilized and barba-1 when a villainous exemption act becomes nan, Catholic and Protestant, Mussel men tlo.-tructive o! these ends, it is our right to and Christian, all nations, kindreds, tribes j institute a new system.laying its foundation and tongues, have heard of Mr. Theysay. on such principles as to us shall seem His name is almost a household word. Out most likely to protect us in future from all who has ever civen the world a history of , fraud and imposition. Prudence indeed this eminent personage? Numerous as I will dictate that friendships long established biographies are, no one has ever yet should not be severed for light and tran- written and published the life of Mr. They- 'sienl causes; and accordingly all eipe- say. Pardon me if I undertake the task rience hath shown that editors are more of writing a brief history of him. disposed lo sufler while evils are sufferable, Hit I'anntaijc. His lather's name is thiin to right themselves by abolishing the Slander; his mothei's. Tattle; ol hia forms to which they are accustomed. Hut fjeiieHlojjy, nothing more is known, lie when long standing abuses, and totnl was bom in in town ol' Evil K.-port, in disregard of every generous feeling, having the kingdom ol Sin. ln "'e l"e same object, evinces a design Hi Aje. Ii is not known in what lo reduce to 'absolute starvation ho who precise age ofthe word Mr. I heysay was has for years labored to supply them with horn Ii is my oj.inion that he was born aliment, it is his right, it is his duty to eimn alter Adam and Eve were expelled repudiate olJ friendships, and to provide from the garden of E Vn. If I am correct new guards for his future security. The in ;h & opinion, he must by this timo be history of these outlaws is a history of ery it advanced in life, and we should repeated injuries and insults, all having naturally expect to witness in him all the in direct object the pecuniary destruction evidences of feebh: old ate gray hairs, ;i their best friend and benefactor. To sunken eyes, and palsied iiinbs. But he : prove this, let facts be submitted to the is really as strong and active, as fresh ' candid readi-r. and fair, as hale and hearty a he evar j They have refused, lime and again, lo was. Remarkable old creature ! pay us the first continental dingbat, altho . Education. Mr Thev-ay's H repeatedly called on to do so. tion .1 very limited. What knowlod,; h- Th v have refused to supply us with has obtained, is principally Irom hearnv ; ood, t orn, oats, potatoes, beans, peas, hence he does not have any correct know I- pork and poultry lixios inestimable to us, ede of anything. His dtfioent education nd formidable to rascals only. has ever been a serious e.i.barrassim nt to i ey nave reusea to exienti us any aia him, for he u!ver dares lo make a pos.iive j whatever.whereby to facilitateour buioes assertion, but guesses ii 's so, and o on. operations ; ihus rendering us in a measure Hi J'irtonal Appearance. I have incapable of pursuing with a light heart spoken ol him as being active, and buoyant spirits our legitimate business; etc., as de ever was. Ami nielta in harer chair. She'a rind in her eiita ar.4 riatin.. And jewel are in h"r hair Sha wink, and giir::l'a and aiuiper. And snipper? au.l ula-glen and wink, And though ihe talk but little, 'Tia Tartly mora taau fbe Ihibkft. Her father goes clad in rnd. And ratted and eredy at that Bie rmitii are all out ut tbe elbi.w. He wear a moet h(vkib!f bad liat. lle'i hoaniinit ard aavitie ins ahillinf , ?o earefally. day by day, While be. on her tntix and poodiee, la throwing them all away. She lig a-lifd in the moniiri Till ni arly the hour of noun, Then come down snapping and marling Bt-aiia Kke waa culhsi eo arnju ; Iter hair j atai in the eap'-r. II. r eherks eti:l dabl.l.d with pa.nt Uetnaine of her la-t niithtV blushca llelore ahe intended to faint. be dont upon men vnhaTes, And men with -the flowing hair. " file 'a eloquent OTer DloUAUeheA. Ih. y ( surh a"r.reii;n'' air. Sh talknnf Italian mitvie. And tall. in lure with Ihe moon. And thought but m ntiniae should mett bcr he aiukdaway in a awooo. Orr fret are to rery little. Her handa are eo eery white, Iler jewels are so eery heary. And herLea.1 so very light ; Her rolor ia made of cosmetics, Tbouah Ojia she will never own ; Iter hody'a made mostly of cotton. Her heart ia nude mostly of atine. She fall in love with a fellow Who swells with a foreign air, lie marriea her for her money. he marries him for hie hair ; One of tbo very best niatrhee ftoth are well mated in life, She's gut a fool fr a husband, lie's got a fool for his wite. the last men to be humbugged. Practical sagacity and common sansu aro among tho uiust eonipicuous traits of his character. His suite appear to be a cliver set of fellows, but are mnst all " smill potatoes" in comparison with their illustrious chief J Madam Kosuth did not equal my expec- a ttions,but MaJ iuh Pulzsky h a charming j little womao, with a very sweetcountensncc, and in mind and information is second only j to Kossuth himself. The whole party are Mr. Weidman, on behalf of ihe affiicu?-! turists ofLebinon county, addressed rv of a swarthy complexion, but not mora ao than in in j persons about They left on Saturday afternoon . ... t . .1.-.. . s ii n . ii ine Willi in i.imwii- its stro? .le. Gov. Kouth made a very trampled peopie shudd-r and g.rd their, . ,rf th Vowtitf rpropriate reply to this-anj also to an Mu with terror in the p-rh of that vutv f ,i the purpo-e address for the Press hy Mr. M'Kinlev remorseless Bear. Can bayonets and V.f! . nA,S ,. offi. ,nd s- nd another for the Ladies by liev. Dr. cannon restrain him? then sm.te. ( an . ? i f .p.bnce nrPrr- DtiU'itt. Public Laljer. money lead him from his prey? then pour to ,.-, , t,r;-.tidl ratita-J- I i it forth freely ! It is the labor of hum mity f, el toward the peopl f .r this tlii'uuiib'i i to destroy the enemies of ma. Then mrk of thir confidrne. In eontempla'ing the hlh and delicate t rem tlxe Ilarrieburg LKeystune, Slith last. Visit to Kosanth. i 10 Mroj ,t t.:. t.' .1 0 .4 down wiih the Russian Besr. Amonj me visitors to rv.o"utn tu c-a.- i - , - ...:; .1:. nrdnylawere. number of cities ,.f Cut while w. the chink 5h Sth.r! a . fir fTiklif ailliriM riArains V rr. n i wtiAiann,,. ntaily Wit at." -'"S "Vacter, the miirnitude ..f the interests in r ..11 l :l a.' . . i m..f .it VK n M' uia suvi:i u'lwios trtou tiiousrtti'is . . i mi l .u . o & acter, the niik' modurafe find ol uan,Ii lnt0 ,llD,, t0 t,rlc ,he rolved in th-ir faithf.t! performance, I am Lewisburg. ("uion county, who accide a for Pitts- J l ierr, Hottl and raised a i burjj, and met Col. Bigler on the Juniata; ! on tiie Bp0t for Uungiuiau cuu-e j s'3n 'Jcar ir0!U ':ist nat"n" the ' mo-it solemnly i the trains waiting long enough to give the wi,ich was presented bv their spokesman, N,)r,hern 1;:ar 500) niilc wi' ironi ' exility th-j nee twoUovernorsieyurealeisuKjIy intsmcw, In. C. Hickok, Esq., of Lewisburg, who much to their mutual gr.tifimtion. addressed Kossuth substantially as follows : The Kossuth feeling runs strong and I Governor : As chairman of a delev iniprjbi-tl with the respnn- noce?v.iriiy inipi'c. the Jl- n. nn t)i 1nw nt ih. n.l k.. .t., hit ot alt in v fre licisf n in f.n tntk of the Don,grim and grey, and contempt,,- V""' 1 "V Up"n ''T 'U"'T , , , . . ; tlatief with the utmost ihsfra-'t f iut own ons of our power, ... the plen.mde of its' ,:filBi.ilinil for thu t.,k. T hve. ho- i . deep here, and " nitervcntioa resolutions ; tion of citi.ens from L mon connty, I beg . ,ur snt' 'e' f us fook to a grimmer, ever, resolved to devote lay bst nerg', will doubtless pass both houstg. ly hope they will. But there are, I sincere-.'0 assure you that our hearts are with you and, for the hour, more tcrriule .Northern my h'-pi-s and prayers to a ta'thful d:s- of course "na your fc'lor'ous cause, ana win be as long JJear, howlicp at our very tloors, and !a- eharae f tac obligfhm 1 hive just taken, 1 i... .t : . : r - ...,!.. I. I . . 1 it . . . i r .i -Mine.. . .... pj.uj.-iuj, . mg the p-jacc and joy of thoiuaii Is of homes a"" 1V,K 10 FT",,'t lu" g..rrm. late on ! mott :, intcrVention for non-iuter- ,n our muJ"- Let " I"ok ' '" Wl,,tr-V ,!.. .e ...; , ,Mr rxvi Hr I KOSSUTIIIAXA. Editorial CorrBpendcnc of Lewisburg Chronicle. Harrisrcro! Jan. 11), 1S52. Lear thiri hnzQ monsivr. nnm aud pihi?r!v i ..... t. . a ... w.-. k; with frost and iee, and terrible in his roar' wl.iie tiu'y. Tbe t-tt-.rts of niau, at best, of fierce biting winds. If baynets and 'are bii. t ti-U ; ail tho aid that bis wisdom cannon cn not rasch this Bear, mon'-y can. ' r'-n bring to fie aecnmplisHnu'iit of any . Money but a pittance of the sum p..urin i"""?-0 WV 'J"' MB" fnnmT Hi- . rr tr i i nied and eoutrnlied bv the eiirrli;in care- many who wish the contrary. Col. Bigler did not arrive until j Saturday, muuh to the anmyanee of the j vention,'' and we wish it to become the muitituaiaons onico seekers ana Dorer", motto ana the ruieor action ei our national who were impatient to wakeaa onset upon 'government. This Union stands in the his Excellency. The two Governors, ,on ranK ,,atl0ns' a"u , .u .u ri ..... ... ,. be also a " Power on earth ; and that the -onnstoa ana u.g.erare Doth .n excellent . f 0Ternuient. ss we ann spirits, ana sat giae ny uuu, as I M of our people, should be arraved au- """"'" r Sm.s oaen f r fcn -n j!rePfiwo t0 an hnmw On reaching this place Friday afternoon, invited guests at tLa PimUri' leatival on : thoritatively on the sido of liberty and j luI 'rrioie iie irom me nomss ana haunts 'afra,M. On His power and good plensuro I was not a little gratified to learn that J Saturday evening, chatting as sociably as justice. And if tho moral power of the I of thousands th. poor, tho sink, the 'ail rviiifs must di-pend. On Im wa KoMiith ... ..ill .r..l M..e. J old hmnm frinn.!. thim hn. I principles you so nobly advocate are not;dyin" who have, als! no Citing humtie' should rvlv in a spirit uf humility and quet was to come off' that evenimr, I pily administering a practical rcbuko to ! jUfijcie" f ,ten fjJ'm1 a"J ofllL';iIIy nor friends, nor fitd, nor rainieiit. : Christian confidence i , , , , ' u . .u , , : declared to the world, to arrest the arm of , , f, ,. f . t,.,,,- ... Our rcpnblican institutions sre lsl secured a seat, and thus had an opportun.ty those venomous partisans whose intolerance ! . drtl0tisn, ' wish it b;itke,,. if u. th.,.. of ,t boasting (hnstians, ' thRl..lliom. tr,,t ..j. tra the to see and hear the great Magyar under can recognize no merit in a political oppo- jthe occasion requires, by tho physical cn- P"wa"ropits and bumauitartans, wheth-. . H htfi w,uwf of ,wer. ntnt. Jergies and material resources ot the repub-, " wu ae nl uTy, 'ern ai.a imperious, ' invitations, thu- f u:i ll. the will A proposition has been made in tho j lie- We do not believe this nation should . iu regard to our shivering, suffering and of the people reflected t'lnm-h the ballot House to rsmove the seat of Government ! now falter in the fuMme f td hiDrh dying fellows within tfe sbd w of our K P direct i-n t public affairs. 1 a l l.AnAa tin -nl.l .1 . -nil i .l- t - .1.1.. 1.1 .i to some other ..uart.-.r. T tnl.l th fh.iir. u-"7 '" , own homfi. lt there er- u : i umu -n ruis nwu.nm me numoiest c.iixen, 1 - lli.t , . .Iinul I . .m. . i, iln.rt'o til i " I Iniunnlio nm ' f..mll But who has ever 'he cfUvc, in the meantime, exposed to all highly favorable circumstances. About 250 persons wero present, including most of the Legislature, and Executive officers. Gov. Johnston presided, with Kossuth and the Speaker of the Senate on his right, and Gen. Cameron and tbe Speaker of the House on his left, and next in order, on either side, the most of Kossuth's suite, some of them in uniform. I was so lucky as to get a seat within tweuty feet of the Chief, on the apposite side of the table; which I found to be an excellent point of observation. My expectation a wn kigb.. but were more than realised. None of the portraits I have yet seen convey any adequate idea of the livine original. His full blue eye ia all intelligence, and bis peculiarly expressive countenance indicates not only kindness of heart, and great mental capacity, but transparent honesty of purpose. There is also a mingled grace provo appreciate the merits of the impondiug I name help us I" from tho lanes, and garrets, not less th in the most d'stingTii'hed, can stamp the impress of bis will upon the man of the Committee be was welcomo to locate the Capitol in our town. I hope ' " my constituents" will endorse my offer .to meet the full responsibilities it may on every side the empire of poverty ami ture of oar republican system i its great though they need not be in a hurry, for j impose. j misfortune, made doubly awful by the ' distinguishing characteristic, sud, guidsd they will doubtless have ample to think j about it. " " " 1 c !1 i . ...,,. eidUlU l I' I 111 I I T ,1 ill Hi-'u auw destitute of the energy of purpose,, nd lizaar placci of great citi. f Behold publir0 ,,0iicy of , he country. This fea- But, Governor, I do not wish to intrude ; presence of Winter. Is Russia half so by the general intelligence) and patriotism speecn upon you. x our tiniu is iuu , ' : terrible to her meanest serf, as this wintry of ,he P"I''- ,h" of n'r success ! j Bear to ten thousand of our brothers and . Vat,'"- 'f r.rsoir.tiei fur tYiat rA T Irnnv ' net inn nra owier ua.-. g0ue u luauurg w. e oouent than words." 1 tlicreture I " " iuiu.., , . . ,, , , - - Kossuth, as one of the Legislative Com-'tender you our humble contribution of ( our wters, who are freesing and starving Islfe ,nj'its iudepei..leii exercisw enjoyed mittee. Mr. Crntzer. the Union County !" material aid." It is a small sum only ; in this freo land ? Give ! give to smite the hr pverr citizen To rrnare the mind ! but remember, of th. people for this high nisf, by general us, as Christians education, by tho meultatinn of moral pre- e auffirimr at our ceP" "n" religious tru'u, suoui.i &e re- . . . .lJll: 1 a. - it . itepresentative per se, is at nis post, ana is aouar a-pieoe dui in xuis country wo j tr ou iiussian, if you will one of the most popular and efficient offi- W" ' B " " 01 cau,DK " ",u ""V'V G.hI and humanity call cers, the House has ever bad. May bis , ' i - J V ' r - , b gir. first to th J ; in ha stirh in vnur rn In pfinii.ariunn i o sbadow Dover Jsa I n. c. H. Aat:;;rt- e doou. Winter u a 1 rii.i iuo iiuiususu liv -.--i.ij . iuiii 1 despot to thd c milted the r.obb st purpose of ths Gov ernment. Ail th it we ure. and ail ttat msci e. null. II. a rf tliA l:.itlic.hil.fd UUUf : Utl UOIV WriK X In Chut wili.i . , RecepUOIUOtbOinmUteetSOyxiOaaaia. from whence the crowned pirates of Europe ; provide not first fjr th. ir own art. worse d,nr upon this souree ,,f power. Tberieht I Iarrisburq, Jan. 15. draw tbo " sinews of war, this small sum than infidels ! N Y. Mirror. of th-' citizi. over i roricrtv his pemoual seen Mr. Theysay? Have you? Has j the danger of invasion from without, and and dignity of manner that commands any one ! If any one has, I know not the ,: convulsions within. respect and wins regard. I do not wonder In mv opinion he is as in'angible They have combined, wi;h others, to at the devoted attachment of bis country- as I'rof. Ujsh's resurrection body, which , subject u-, to ihe wort of grievances, ; men. When the substantial of the table we can neiiher see, handle, analyaJ, nor I foreign to our good naiure,and unacknowl-! had been disposed of, he engaged in anima- discribe. "But we know heexis's, because ; eugeu Dy our laws. j tea conversation witn uov. joanston ; ana evervboJy is talking about him." And j For cutting off our trade with paper , judging only from sight, without being 1 have come to the paradoxical conclusion, makers. Fit imposing debts iht Iih wfisln- rit liKarlr nu I aait'ielv ill. fe.n.l.iii of .anoAOi A Guor TilrtVGHT. The vuinr mm. .,..1 i;"i.eit- nf ,!, few. ,..t.M er r ensve nut 1 w i't I 1 1 sv - uoon us within ear shot, the imnresMinn made on ticprivtng us, 1 my mmd, before be rose to deliver his everywhere, and nowhere ; is responsible, and irresponsible a sort of "wilP o the wisp, jtck with-the lantern ' kind of being, in many cases, of the benefits of market money. They have plundered our pockeis, 1-..1 l:. 1 . c whose personal appearance can Bever be ; cnea.ea our creonors, ourni our nngers, described ' ! and done sundry other cruel and barbar- JIU Character, lie is distinguished fur ous acts, totally unworthy the character wickedness. or neunemen. 111 every stage of these oppressions, we 1. I. A. 4. 5 He is a slanderer. A deceiver. have petitioned for redress in the most A lrir humble terms ; our repealed petitions A pcace-breaker. nav5 been answered only by repeated neg- E.t rvu.ina ihdt is bad. without i lecl "Q'j consequent injury. Men, whose possessiiiji out: rcjeemio J quality. Header, is Mr. Theysay in your family? Drive him thence. Harbor him not a moment. Listen not to his vile slanders. He will involve yuu in trouble, while he wid escape. Christian brother, has he visited your lilile religious community 1 Beware of ti 1 in. He will causo "divisions to spring up among you' Let him influence you, and your ones prosperous society will be destroyed. Pretty Severe. ln the V. S. Senate the other day, iena:or Underwood, in denouncing a statement of the N. Y. Her ald in reference to himself, used the follow ing language : If you were to take all the caustic words 01 all languages, living and dead, anj form (hem into a cataplasm, and apply :t to the gangrene souls of some men, it woiill tail in raising a redeeming blister.1' It is a singular fact that an estate grant el to George Monk, Duke of Albemarle, for restoring the Monarchy, by inter marriage, eventually vested in Oliver Oram well, Esq., of Chcshnnt. who died in being then the last male descendant of the Protector. speech, was that ho was one of the most fascinating men I had ever met. I found that others near mo had como to the same conclusion. His height is about fivo feet seven inches ; his frame ".lender, but com. pact and well knit, and evidently capable of great endurance. His speech was one of the most effective he has yet delivered. He spoko from notes except whan he passed to illustrate his subject with an apposite and well told anecdote. For the first few minutes I felt ii every person were to count fifty each jime before taking a glas of beer ; one hun dred before taking a glass of wine; and one thousand before taking a glass of grog, there would not be so much intemperance in the land. Punch asks, Why is a man who ones not bet, ss good as a man who does? Becnuse be is no better.H How can j ou express in four units thai f rod is necessary for njjtj J. ?( 9. Unc oui-h: ta tal. ' favor, Nor have we been wanting in attention to these men. We have warned them from lime to time, through the paper and by lettf r, of a "Black Lint.'' We have re minded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed 10 iheir sense of justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by all the ties of good fellowship, to send us the Almighty Dollar, or we would inevitably interrupt our connection and correspondence with them. But they have been deaf to the voice of justice, reason, and humanity. We must, there fore, acquiesce in the necessity which denounces our separation, and hold them, as we hold all others like them, scamps when they don't pay us when they do, the best of clever fellows and good citizens. We, therefore, ihe editor of the "Ameri can Democrat," appealing to all honest men for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name and by the authority of our "belter half,'' solemuly publish and declare that these men are and of right ought to be, stricken from our list of subscribers, and that all connection between them and us is and ouht to be totally dissolved, and for tho support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of ojr honest patrons, wesolemnly pledge re newed exertions 19 our pen, our pastepot, and aur noble teuton. Jerome K. Bov er. Approved by the Congress oi American l-.niaia JCuuauiiVll characters are thus marked by acts which somewhat disappointed ; but this soon gave may define a set of plundering scamps, way before tbe kindling magic of bis elo- are unfit longer to be the recipients of our quence; and I found myself joining, invol untarily, in tho enthusiastic applause that greeted him. His style ia so unliko the mass of our popular orators that I am at a loss to furnish a standard of comparison. He makes very few gestures, but they are wonderfully expressive ; and there is an absence of every thing like storm or rant ing. As an illustration of the potent influence of bis logic and eloquence, I may mention that Senator Walker, a grey headed old man, of a cool, phlegmatic temperament, came to the banquet willing, as he said, to give Kossuth contributions of money and good wishes, but nothing more. But when be roso to niako the next speech after Kossutb, he planted himself fair and square upon the Kossuth platform, and in tho midt of shouts of applause, advocated with vehement ear nestness the principles of bis mission. Senators Packer, Muhlenberg and Kunkle, and others followed suite. Every speaker of the evening, including Gov. Johnston, fully endorsed Kossuth's prii'.e'ples. Gen. Cameron made a brief but 1.0 uted speech, in which ho acknowledged Liinself to bo a " Cameronian," and wound tip rj offering as a " sentiment," a cheek for -i ')0. This wss the signal for " material aid," and in tho course of half an hour a " baker's dozen" at least, of similar checks, found their way to the head of the table, besides smaller sums. Kos suth retired about midnight, but the speaking was kept up till long afterwards; and when I left, at half past two o'clock ia v5 arcsfrSr was Bct coacimivu. i The Trusiees. Faculty, ani students of M indeed insignificant: but it is accompa n:..b.. r' i.... .J;.j fi I nied with our btist wishes fjr our success, k-.a...fh inat ntnn Pa. fi iVrb I we re PMUitla " ls only onc ot teu . M-'lioIas Ili-iTH, who wis tThd m Phil- tiiiii of rflisflna .nrim at .ire Iik-3 ub ...W Xe.S.. - .U.aJ L .111 YWT I I fli-t., t-OiiP 1.11 . . . e was in I rod of the Com ted an add vmntildv T 1 J ' iL. li : r a.i. , ti...:..i..e, n-h i t . e . u.ed by Mr Bonham, Chairman treasury of freedom from all rarts of our ... r... . 1 , 11 . i,?,r,.t U it ih.a that this mittee of the House and presen- wide-spread Union. We earnestly hope i J . . . . . . a P""10 r- un, j.",. rest cxpressived of the deepest 'the aggregate amount may be large enough , au wor: Wlj"w Iit,J'' td8 0L''r rh. ... ,h fiunuin is r-,re. ther-'raan , endorsing all ol Gov. Kossuth's o be of tffectivo service, and pray that . acster, U.laware county, I ennsylvauia, ' rrn.,nati therefr -m will be also pnro." inn ninacin cr nr t i.i : iti 1 rrn r vr mn - r.isr unit munv vt 1 vc x rf t?.. 1 friaiiAwK.rni . 1 . 1 i.i.iiin..ini, urn l :e nf lljt Ainerican." j, ...-.fc-v j j j--...- -0- .... iiiw a wio l ,en. OV iT 1U1 It U2 I.W IHTHI 81(1 inil- people would reach that stdard of senti- ; J! n of tho editor of this pa?,r, (now the 1 ctnal c'-lture of the reop-e-the a-wco Mr.... t- h 1 Hhewas!3 g J' J District Attorney of Schuylkill cniinty) d vitai-.tytif our governmont our U-va not surprised lhaTVhe s.Xm? .o I Kossuth handed the money to his Sec ' i!icn a boy 0f S or 9 years of aje, by wdi r m.-k-wi. o ,r iu4fifutiM b. pre- tableau institution should take such an "d ' hff"p!y returned his him frmu Jrotrni . v served Pu aud oar c,u,..ry reutatu fiwe, - .. ... . . .cordial thauks for the donation, and stated I i, w p. . ri i prosp.rus and happy, interest in hi. caue. hen ihe stru.Kle ... t. . ' . . ,k U. M. I aim., Esq , Wls ,n Phil-. lhe esrienc , ,B8 worlJ woia. t.-, i tUU wIICBTC TiacBaM Ol . Itei ABiniaMa an,. ........ - ' J v look place in Germany, tne student, were , . wiU of t,)e ,e cle. md uunng ine inai, in w&icn of course dem ...strata th,t g,n,ral infelligenco aol ihe first to fly lo arms, and the only d.fli-; ttM t0 L;9 heart and 6 ne ,09K a SMAt -at.rost, au l daring the rei.uMienuim must m-ve together. Th cultv was Ihe wunt of the materials of ; j - , . ' , T. progress of it, mention ;d to Ju 1 I) nn, sujcessfa! government .f tho peopls w the -.1.' . .? "T..U..L Ti.. I aed h,m m Lw t0lIs and 80rrows- 11 wa9 one of tho counsel f .r tho nr v. gemment of intellect, directed U virtue. wnnare tu put ... ...c ..u.iua. . ... to tLe ;e h . .. . ...... ,l,ll.,,; f r.,t. r t- i- , . . . ouafry wil . i t i .i r.i t "i r poiujc-ii power, ana tno cencrous support- it- ir j .... ouarry wm, mjrjr ur, t'-na rr more to parts ol Europe; but they soon learned . 0f iibcra, prino;ple. and he placed : T r n ' , ,urr8D ' the ..eunty of ,.ur institutions and the not to put .heir trust in kings, who. when )more m the indiviJual contributions ' , !Tr' re,U ' " U ut?Mtu of our national honor, thv, in trouble, always swore lo do what was i f ,h . however small th-m a'l the i U m"f!wr' 1 wiU 'J 'i ' T 1 1n'"",n 'l necessary but disregarded their on.h as I ,f ' . f, , I " j , fjr i( v hor owa son from tho peril in dueti..n, l..Sh ..-entry aH.nment, a necessary, but atsrebHr.iea tr.e.r omn as ealtL of tho Roti)schilds, for t!w g"od ' h- h . , . . 1 ko .wled--.! of i!.e arts a.. l sciemrf, a corn- soon as the difficulties were at an end. wishes and blessings and political inUuenee if c , . , . . g " , e preli.n-i m of inu'-.tiluai rijht,. ,d the A Committee from llollidaysburg waited I f ,9 with l!jeir donatioIi , 1 ""f JQS3 m f' U " principle of Christ;,,, u, con- upon.nd invited Gov. Kossuth to vsi;! noPLleL6 could follow the Boths! J ' t "J, J f , i-U-the very ,,lw.,k of our republie-n . . . .. . . . b. ... is beauty ;a the thou 'ht, and who s'.:.I! sty a ivernni -nt. Tli.t sehen.-s an 1 nchica that place on h.s way to P.tisburg ; chijds' money: it was cursed ly the tears I W , nUl ,'.,..., ;.. f,,,,., llf th WIM. f.V, v t.M i inviiation be was obliged to decline. Mr. Tho's J. Galbraith. on behalf of the people of the counties of Northumber land, Union and Montour, prevented Gov Kossuth an address, and inv meet the people of those counties v.lle. He flr. G went s'ron off and fair play,' und said Ihe tains, if need be, would furnii . I.I..... l .. K ... ..n, ttv a uiue lulu iiiiiiiuii yj i iitu i commit:ee, thirty in number, presented him one dollar. Gov. Kossuth said it was the common experience of all the world, that in the mountains Ihe s irit of freedom was pure and fresh like the air itself. By this small contribution, they had registered their names in that large body ot the citi zens of the United Siates, which was to give weight to diplomacy. He was com pelled to decline lite iuvi aiion which was received from the workmen in one of ihe iron foundries, every oneofihen subscrib ing a week's wages to the caust of Hun gary, amounting in the aggregate to $-230. The Rev. Mr. Mesick, on buialf of ihe clergymen of Harrisburg, priented an address to Gov. ivossuih,fu!i ofUympathy and ho0 for his cause. Gov. ossuth, in in reply, spoke f the toleration f Horded by the Turk to the Protestant relir. in ihe sixteenth century, in tome park of Hun gary ; while in other parts, Lnder the dominion of Austria, ProteslnntJ:lcrgymen were daily, by hundreds, transported to the galleys of Naples, where tbty died in their chalas. and sufferings of oppressed milliouj. 6?We sec it annouueed in the Boston ponuta. before a people thu.-. thoroughly educated. The d.iog. rms tendencies of monopoly. Happy the limn who is an earlv riser, nml th o..r...'iti..t- infljenee of m-no ,. papers that I rot. Closes Stuart,or Andover, . f:v(,ry morning dy com s to hiui with a met an i co.u.!eiete. hy the p ow.-r ami vir- I ,t",l ne tiia TinniA ein ft.rt e.-t! e e, . . .T I ..1 ... lii. . 1" Tiiiin iovo, iuu ol bloom. nd nuntv a.t 1 -i riwuu- ileit him In I : V.,..l.tti i.f thu mnnlh Trta rt . a . . tnit l mi . . nf w r-v o il- i'-ivcr'ni-ll t. t'l.i mirMuj at Dun-1 iresnness. luecopy ol nature is contact-, , J " , . , r - -- u:.., r ...1 Jnnt. c ,,nw.. ... .. , . . . .. - - e.iuen'i.iti. ttnv Oe r?irl -if a rietil ' fir "hands i """""'J ous UK8 tr.e giaJness ot a happv chi 1. ! .w , gnr nanus I u . .t, , , ... . ii.'lu"'- 1 ecun uiy, ami the pv..ents of tho peorli inn moun- j"'-' . uouot n any m.tu can be etlletl "old," so (r til(. ,t of this ean-e, as pure dev sh ".he arms '"""-"- "b" i long as ne is an ear;y riser and an earlv t oU f r. r,ui.:.c t...-m. It should . .t. . . . Stuart was a native of Connecticut, and a 1 A n.l - ...t. . .i. ". c., ..f-e. ... l .u.. ui. .f II-., I U'-4 . , OUi li ..liiK II1V TI HI an; ! u. ,-ni.ui .1 m i i- r graduate of Yale Collego in that State. : fur jt a vouth in uressnj & g-'nu ami'!"' f soui.ted tht r&vtt l.-a- For a time, after finishing his literary Ulippers, dawdling ov-r breakftat t noon. cis we. 'xc Xo P"',:'y- courso there, he remained as a teacher, ;3 a .erj Jecrepid, ghastly im .-e of tint ! "! ,ot ''M ,rio' ''-Oi of and then settled as pastor over the Cen.rul J0Uth wbitli Me8 lhe guil bIu, .t the Z,: Congregatioul church, in Xew Haven. ! mountains, and the d,ws sparkle npo j-wW t, .1! m, t,, ..f whatever pers'S At tbo origin of the-great Theological Seminary at Atdovcr, gome forty aco. bo was ruado Professor of Biblical Interpretation, an ofGco which ho continued to fill for nearly all this period of time. lijyA pretty good anccdoto is told of Chief Justico Taney and the Supreme Court on the day of the fire at the Capitol in Washington. The Library was in flames, and clouds of smoke were rolling out and enveloping the Capitol. The Chiuf J nstice, nevertheless, appeared in his seat at the usual hour. "May it please your honor," said some one, " will the Court sit to-day V Tbe chief looked up, cooly and signifi cantly, to ak, " Is the court room really on fire V " Oh no, not yet," was tLe answer. " Then we'll sit till it is," added the chief. And the Court did sit, trans acting business as usual, amid all tbe confusion cbout it. v.. t i. . r..- I- i-- ... . a ueuge-rows . : iwt:r C are ri'"3 n ' "r po.. sn l tsi.eci:i!!v to Jears Library. . advance the inters of tri great Ccra- ... , I in"uweaith to li.t rease the r.vources t If a fool knows a secret, h tells u h -r treasury-bu.h.n.l her ma:,s-limin- oecause ne is a 1001 : ir a nave knows one, : i-h her tl i', anii elevaie the t-t.-m IsrJ ,f he telis it whenever it is his iuirnjt ...i her credit to t:. tnll ;t lint nrnm..n .n.l be calculated .- -'.-- ". ...... .. u -. ,vi4ii II 1 1 LI .r. ... ,-itu vl sui-h itieaMires as may to deveh pe h. r vsst resour- veryapt to tell what seercts they know .V""1 '"' H agricultural, c A. -. r i i 'iiuiinn?, iiitimf u'funnr, moehsnieal an.l from the vanity of having been trusted. mertiat iiittnVs, and Trust none whenevor you can help it. Lhee.fuHv wi-h the l.yisUrivo l.r h ...:.. . . . . - - - KS-The Paris Constitutionel says:" We i option ot ,U(.h ' i - - - ii iiiM nn.aini 1 i a-. 4 47V u ff a letter to his Nuncio iu Paris, in whit L h. ! ir va.-t debt should be r-'l ...,? i-in . . . t I's liir.ri'ii.s efTift-i np..n tbe -roie'h of our i.rnfati.n, and t!ie mijir.i o.i of c.pitaj . .tlC ,v'tafB mueh inure potent than the e-ul ohscr v..r would siirp.. This miy n t b.a m.t readily aevomplisb.- i by a ton parsi. inoiiious ue of the means already securw) to ihe treasury. It may l w;se a portion of il.c t J-cvuirletc i ? ,'?'r ow i,r ac.vuie0 ;' ic'" are informed that the Pop,t has ad-Irse.) 1 a letter to his Nuncio iu Paris, in wbieb h. ! expresses his entire approbation of tit,- j i'I-y prictie.l.'e acts of Louis Napoleon, which have save., society and religion." Death of a Fool. A Wekh gardener, living near Cincinnati, came to his death last week by attempting to swallow a whole pork steak on a wager. He leaves a wife, and tvo children. proveuicuts Governor Bigler's Inmiral Addrejs. Tho Two Beirs. a n..;i.t. fn in hunni. liboftV. JS that I tfleV il leU4 " " ' f ' a-. W-f, 1 Kossu-h. Ila .a J the nature r.i mrtr grim ow northern - - .. . . ,,,.,,..,,,.,,,, pursuits did not promote the cultivation of j with his furs, and git'?en"' i" the linevtj jhg wj,j jf p.Pf ie x the art of oratory, but if they could not;roiated harness. Well may nflfl1n' ! PI:'e.l " bumble ciii.-o to the pr speak, ihey coul I nevertheless feel, an I jquake when he roars, louder than tie '3ut formancV "f 'be d itius of her Chief Kx?e. n,.!d ,f., ,hir r.a,t in nai.t lloniarv in of th. descendin? avalanche. '".Veil Hivr -.t1Ve ofiioA -cc-r ianre . . r j : ! I r s r