Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, January 14, 1852, Image 4

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toil oni )umot.
JtiyTbe following description of the
Yankee s Jack-Kni c,we find in Rev. JoLa
Picrpoat's Centennial Celebration roem,
recently delivered t IitcLficld, Conn. :
The Yukw-VT, brfotr h to Wd.
knows th myteritii of that maic too
Ttw? (Mki t knife. To this, bis wiftful eye
Turns, when h lwar h'n Mother' iu.y ;
Hi boards d cents he ptUdly gtvet to pt it.
And Irar-v sHftr nolurutl till lie cava -.bet it;
And, in the education of the lad,
Ko little pari that imp) n-&t Lath Lfcd.
Bis fHx kt-kDifr to the t-.anjr vbittlcr bringt
A growing knoa .hik at luicruu uim-
VMfjttrUh musir. u the rscuIjitorV rt
His ctvtriut whittle, and Lw .-fcinU dart,
II is older t-cuit, wub it b:ckury rod,
Ite ha-f xioi au! rrt-uundtns wad,
Ilm rom.ta:k uddie, and the tltr r trne
That murmur fmui Li .-uin; lio-i.! tromVce
tVnepire to Urmrh thr .?. tbese euc.evd
II m bow, ti arn of featbn reed.
Hit wind-mill rmwd tli iatin(C br-xe to win,,
His water-wbael that turu unb a fin;
Or. If hi father liven upon rm .h .,
Yott'l lu rfnp, bikamHnJs u,-ou thr flvn
fu'l riyjtrd, with raking ui-ui mini um!-r. sraucch,
And w;iti:ig, car tuc wasb-tnb. for a launch.
Tba, bv lu- freniun and bis jac-knifr ttmeu,
'.re Ion,; hdii solve you anv i.olnui giTea;
Mak anv a-imrrack. mairi or uuU.
A plough, a ooa b, au uraa. or a ilute;
:ma. or a uutc;
r a rlork.
a'iug duck,
a nia'hte i ktck ; )
Make sou a Iocomotirc or i
Vut a ranal. or tu.ld a tloa'
aiAke anvia;np. iu slou, lor 't or $uorr,
Fr-m a cbud't. ratil to a st Trtity fur.
Nik U, tJ 1 1! Ay, whn ha un'irriak- it,
lie '11 make the thin and th ua'-bina that inakef it;
And whan the tlnuac is iua.1t). wLetlvr it be
To diiv on arth, in air, or on thr sea.
Ybeihwr on wafer, o'er the wave to p hdo,
Or. utKU lat.J. to roll, revolve, or Fine;
Vhrtber to w!,irt or jar, to rtrikc or ring.
Whether it be- a fumou or a pring,
Hbn-I. puJey. tut aortoit.a, wmj or hrw,
ilnnsr ii-THd shall surrly comr U is ;
Vor, w)i:n lt t hand 's upn tt yon may know
XiiiX ti.e; t s gt, in it, and h 'li make it r. '
Fatriotism Run Had.
A tumorous correspondent of the Eos-
ton Transcript 18 in prat rrplcXltV and
. 1 c 11 "
trapldhtln because tlie 41 llui)r.'rlau fc-
. . .
ret lias on ten out in hs fauiily, Ijis
. , , . .
wife especially oaving tah& it iu a iuot
i . it- r,i- .
Tiolefit foriu- liia atllict ions are great in -
j j n . ..A
cv. uwi unu, au'J, ursiiLK, I n. ;
Tmir valiant Ixdio hctU ronnriU
- -
war dail r nd iii'litlv with niv unfortunit
waruaifv 8DU UicHO I,U u.iiouonau.
spouse lormiug a sort ol lniorinat ivos-1
tutb club, Ti'i Lavo uticcceji fl in l.-.shinf
. themselvts iuto a Joplorblti t.tjv of lib.-l
lc?s enthusiasm. I aat custiti ui It r uis-
gccgntphiral, f Lilologloal, and totitrovT
, bial woiH6', lefpecting this i a1 irn; ; ri 1 1
affair ; lint I havo reason to beiipv tli:
the reliiiMo informutii n wLich irv fail
friends derive fr-.'iu (l.esft Jeeulturjr slmlit-s
is in an inverse ratio tn the extent of tLeii j
reading for they tet'u l. be Lr lesslj ;
lliunderiu in u sea of on'radictoty state-
mcnts. Tlieir nvJiisirv is, :n luc ab
stract, 1 ighly cotnmradnlk', thouj'h tlieii
frantic vet hnpele9 attiU'j'stu masti r rfct
Magyar dialect would, under other eir
cumstar.CJS, le highly diverting.
"My Letter half locks upon hll r.thei
earlhly matters as of secondary cobs
queuce, compared with Kojsutli and the
cause of Hungary; and consequently reads,
talks aud thinks of nothing but this liow
sleigbtly wearisome subject. I have
had the privilege of reading aloud to her
by special request, the manifold speeches
of this patriot and I most devoutly trust
that some stop will be provilentia'ly put to
bij .ttfcnrlnarv Enprvli mllillT cnaers
is estraorainary speecu-mahiug powers
ning papers quite disheartened me, but 1
nannged by rapid articulation and ocea-
ioaal ingenious skipping to get through j
it about miduigbt, although during a j
, , . ,
pau l )l urdLU iu luc uu ivnoaiu, i
... n ,i ,. ;..
Madame, Whl.e CnergetlfIly denouncing?
i . e . . l.-,,,.l I.-,
the conduct of Auetm, brought her ,
-V..I 1 J J it,. i
1IIKI.IU uauu uuwu ujiuu .uc
..L ,.t. , ...- a in . I, vn v oTjccosi '
such vchf iuence as to rbatter my glasses
which. I bad just laid !. VUy,
sat drink and dicest nothire but Ilunga-1
m, urn. tv anu uip " 6 c ;
rr ana tbe subjects pertaining thereto i
T) auv. iuc e-,i-ts, o
-.:. breakfast. Turkey at diuner,
ivcss.a at ersakiaet, J , i
Austria and Hungary at supper wiru iuc
foreign policy cf the United States as an
entertainment during the evening."
BODY. Whether an act besoracs an in
sult, depends a'most as much on location
and surrounding circumstances, as our
faith and prejudice do.
Ask a Hindoo to partake of your meat,
and he would spit in your face ; neglect
to as!: an Englishman to do s", and he
would probably request the favor of meet
ing you In the park. To off. r wine to a
Turk, would be to tnr.ke an enemy of "en
larged breeches," for ever. The same
act to a Frenchman wuuld probably secure
ou an ever ending friendship. Among
our Oriental friends, for a man to intro
duce himself into the presence nf a m:tr
ilcd wonun, would be to the husband an
unpardonable injury; a bare request to
eee her, an affront. The person who
should call upon an American, however,
without inquiring for the partner of Lis
bosom, would be considered u Laving
lost his tit! 3 of a guntieman. On the
eoast of Malabar, if a Hallaehore chance
to touch a roan of superior tribe, the out- j
rape is so great that the law allows the in
jured party to punish the insult with death ;
,n a'most anv other country, it would he
treatsd as an act too frivoluus to notice. In
l'ranee, dueling is looked upon as an accom-
Tjlishmcnt: in Japan, it ia murder.
cide, on the contrary, is thought by the
Frenchman an act of baseness while the
Japanese people esteem it the m.st satis
factory proof of your possessing bravery.
To wip out disgrace, the Frenchman
whoots jou ; the J-p;.2eso, on the contra
ry, shoots himself ; wbi'a your refusal to
follow his exaropln wuld be considered
auch an aat of poltroonery, that your fami
ly would consider themselves disgraced to
all eternity.
Truly, "there's as taash difference in
folks at in anybody "
Thc srknowle.led and extraordinary curative
powers of these Moa.lerful inventions is now so pen
trail v known and tbeir sales and reputation through
out the whole country so extensive, that it would
seem unnecessary to urge their merits further. But
eome late circumstances have occurred which render
it a matter of duty to the public not to be altogether
silent, for while the ephemeral nostrums ul the day
are trumpeted by columns through the TreM and
swallowed br quarts and gallons by the afflicted,
and are found just good or nothing,
ClirMle'tf CaKacic and Jlagitetie Curative,
bare been quietly working their way amone the
most intelligent and respectable classes, and are
constantly achieving cures in an alarming traionf
dioaes. which have for ages baffleJ all the aid of
me.iicine and all the resources of Scieuca. These
diseases aie called
and in these diseases medicine ia of no avail what
ever. It never does good and it often does harm.
Syrups, Kx tract, Blins, Balsams. Klixirs, Bittirs,
1'iilt, low tiers and I'otion of eveiy kind r.re alike
worth leis, for they weaken the vital energies of the
already prostrated system, while under the strength
ening, liie giving, vitaliting influence of tialvanism,
as ?.l l,f,! In- titik lMlllilitl iKsrni'Arv tho ifiiwiii4
I ,l,H,nt anl weakened sufferer is restored to iumier
bertlih, strength, elasticity and vigor,
'I rema-ks ndate to such diseases es NK1T-
1 itation of the ukakt, wkaknkss. and an
ajk, lasstm dk and pksponikm v, whieh
' l "'::'v wiiier names for Nervous neranc-ement ;
! i.piLkiT'.t; vts and convi lsions. wch are
j kiown to reolt f:om a tion-e.juilibnum d
r.lentric inliuence: NklRVOrS IT.KMDKS. DKAF-
nfi ' n,"fh ' nearly always c used h;
i oi Ilt aii.Iifiirv n c anil jn a u-avi
oe m-fectfv
Citr,A b? when the organ is iiotdcir(ed -t
ihspki-sU. in it worst forms ; PAI.SV and PARA-
1.) alS, nniiutntlr rauitcd bv a deftciencv of Nervous
i , lire, i hhOnh; HIIKL'M atism.'touphmtv
of t!ie UVKR, PAIN iutheSlDK. SLr;ilSH ( IK
KM !:., V f NKRVOI S and Tl SiTAL KN
Kl.tiV. and all those distressing complaints reult
K.p fn-m a i-'tKANtiLMLNr of the NtKVUtS
S i S i KM.
iu the above prevalent and terrible class of dis-
ers Nertous oMj.Iaiuts are much more numer
out than is getierally imagined
ranisnrs gilvamc riBiTirrs,
Are an Almtltrte tid Poaldve Spec 1 Me.
The UK.I.T iv used when the body or system gne
rI.y i ariWted ; tl:e NLt KLACt for coot pi -tints of
ti.e Throat, a Asthiia and Bronchitis, un.l of the
head ; and tlie LK 4 i Lt'.TS for all disoiders of the
ttiits or timht, as Kheumatism, Paly, Tremors and
SfnvioJic aft.'ti)Tis. These articles are simply ap
t'lied atfiirrrted with t'ne M Ati.NKTIC KLI IU w'hicb
''tKn.iasii.ii t;.ein, aud wbcu fiithiully used they
.Ni-i r.K 1 AIL !
?r The gret p-riliritv and excellence of the
'51 VAN!., CPU A'i-IVKS consists in the fart that
t'ler arrest and cure disease by puhrard explication,
in plar.e ot the uu;tl method of Drugging aud
i h--! k-p the patient till exhausted Kitiure iuk
'uelet-l; u:i1er the infliction. TAry trtrnfhm the
y '.i.'e tytf-m, totalize the eircuimtum of the lUiixi, jH s
hi -r t'tf trtvt'ivnn. invigorate the entire energiet, tnd
f wi n tin th f .'irAff hct m vntfer any cimmstanctM.
Sti-.?e their introduction in the L'nited States, oaly
thici e.4rii unre, more than
75,000 PERSONS
inln'iag a:l ae. clatses and conditions, among
fioui were a Liice number of Ladies, who are pecu
liarly buIi ect to Nfttouj ComiainLS, have been
Entirely and Permanently Cared,
hen all hope of relief had been given up, and every
thing cle been tried in vain! The beneficial results
which Lave uniformly attended their use is conti
nently tated to be without a parallel in the annals
l Medical Science- Clergymen, lawyers, and even
phvsicians; ladies of the highest standing; distin.
fuiahej persons holding elevated official stations;
meirhants. manufacturers, and mechanics; the j-oor
anii ti.e rirt alike ; on en whole families, among all
clnstev ranks and conditions, have equally been re-
1 r,!'e"ts and have equally acknowledged the won.
rM.ct it l.eknownand remem!ered that tt-.eonly
Natural Kehtoiative r the Nerves is (.alvaoiini.
k.ia iLdt in ail .Neivont Diseases we ihould
" Throw Thysic to the Dogs."
To illustrate the nseof the fI.VAXIC BELT,
fupimse ti:e rase ,,f a person 3!Uicted with that bane
of i:viit7.t.n. r STi l'SIA. or any other Chronic or
.hmiu, AiMir-ipr. ill uruinarr canes, suruuiauia
are taken, w tiicn. ny ineir action on the r.erres and
m'nciesnf the stomach. aBord ttnpermy relief, bit
tthirh lrae the patient in a lower state, and with
iri'-tred fcifiilties. fter the action thus excited has
c.vt. Nn. Ulit Wltn the enWt rMlllt.
ina lrorn the application of the ti.AI.VANIC BELT.
Tikc , jj,.wtieiul(ereri WB in u.e went sj-mr-
tor.of an ;iftac!t. and aimplv tie tits Belt round the
Hty, usuifT lite Magnetic. Fluid as directed. In a
t'irirt wrin.i liie inf-:to''l tuf rt.itu, HI nn
e io-iU elcmT.t r-l me i;rir, mereny cansinp a
;un..- circulation which will pass o. to the
negative, nnd thence hack again to the positive.
thus keeping np a cor.tinnous l.alvamc circulii
thr.itigh-nt ihesTstera. Thus the most severe ci
i ir, uremia are pf.rmaxkxtlv cvuv.a.
fkw utts i amh.v si-kfuikm to tiu
from the most intelligent and respectable persons
reiiii'e; in every poiui'ii of the United States, could
be preented. 'I iiee are now unnecessary, hot a
numerous stleciH.n embracing; many statement! of
the most estraord-nsrv character, sufficient to CON
VIM K TI1K lnSJ SCEPTIC A I. may be had of the
authorised A ;iu. Ihe inteieated are particulaxly
intitcd to caU.
From cne of (he most littrjru!sed Physi
cians in the tity of Sew fork.
"T haa ben nsir.g Christie's Galvanic articles ia
a quiet way among my patients fnrabont two years
fast, and I contest I am astonished at their success.
t I am sure a disease is A'errotis. I know just what
ther w-ill do. In Kpileptie Fits, particularly ia
children; Ucafness and Arlectinns of the Head, ia
a.'nlts; TaralyMS and Talsy, in all ages, and indeed
several other diseases of like nature which have long
lu7yV4 the profession, I have found the Oalvauie
ar"-les of rutirisuig !enefit. Although I detest the
shameless quackery of advertisements and news
tspers. 1 miil express my confidence and belief
iu the wumicTtul virtues of CHKlSTlfS CURA.
'l it i.S. My name is, of coarse, confidential, hut I
shnll uoier hesitate to recommend your asuclea oa
ail j- rncr occasions. "
io D. C. loimr.o. M, D.t Gen. Agt. for Dr.
Lmhistip. New York.
Tf-r SfV, Peii'g I'siynician in the vicinitT of
cr.e t your .Aceau, 1 Lave been much pru tided in
the xftnii'.tinn f ronr (inlvanic Curative, ftnd
LiS' Jv (Jf-vtvcd with their practical resaltf. 1 have
i'sH-il-i that thev are constructed on the true srien-
tiTic firiuc-i'iJe fir th geiitte, wfe, pleatant end am
ti.f'Mt ileve!ii rnei.t (i the (ialvantc Current, thereby
t.l;i: a aiki'tC'i-a'.um. hmg noupht for, but heretufnre
unknouu. i cticenuiiy recuuimena incm lor tue
alieviatjtm end chie of those diitressiiig ailroenta
ceiled NVevnt CoMfttmn, for which they are o
hai'pily end iDoionlv designed.
Vety trulv yaura, UAV1D RICE, M. D.
Leverett, :ji., February 15, ItttO.
stri" No tmtihle or inconrenienre attendi the tt9
am! tnpv ntsT m Korn br the most feeble and deli
rate with elt-t ejve and safety. In many raxca
the rnf-atKin at-endnjr their e Is highly pleasant
m.d str ivsiiVs?. They are accompanied by full and
jilai.-i .lnectioni lor nse. Pamphlet with full rar
tii'nlftrf Juay be ohtained graiu, of the authorised
The Galvanic Hilt, Three Dollars.
Tlie Galvanic Xecklnoe, Two Dollars.
1 he OuivMiiic Uracelets, One Dollar Each.
The Magnetic Fluid, One Dollar.
fjr- iJswai c of Countttftiti mnd H'artkUtt Imitttiont.
13 s Krnsitwsr, aw Vorls.
Aoarrt in Lswisbnrg C. W. SOIIAFFI.B ly40t
lllanlcfl at Uje (Ci)ronirle (Difice,
ON accounts from one on to four years'
standing CASH and also
Wood, Wheat, Butter,
and most otbar Prodoe for boosthold gaat, at
tl caeat mv c It
SMALL Biiv flORSE. and a new
XL Spring WAGON. Knquire or
Lewisbnrg, Nov. 1881
Assignee's Notice.
TIL'BLIC notice ii berebr giTtn, that Jin
I mi 9. Stub , of Wbile Urer Tp, bit
isneil hit properly to me for the benefit of bit
creditor. All person! indebted to or biug
cleirof (gainst him, sr hereby notified to settle
the mom with me immediately.
- AAKON SMITH, Assignee.
White Deer Tp, Nov. 10, 1851 6w
New TorJe Importer! and Johhert.
- 58 Liberty Street,
(Between Brosdwiy and NsMsn St near the PostClfiM,)
r E are receiving, by daily arrivals from
J J Euioie, our Kail and Winter assortment
of neb, fashionable ranry Bilk ami Millinery
Goods. We respectfully invite all (,'ah Parch
asers thnrounhly to examine our stock and prices,
and. as interest governs, ere feel confident our
(joods and Piices will induce them to select from
our establishment. Particular attention is devoted
to MILLINERY GOODS ; many articles are
manufactured expressly to our order, and can not
be surpassed in beauty, ttyle and cheapness.
Beautiful Parti RiMons. tor Hat, Cap, Nerk and Belt,
rutin rdu lam-ta ItibLon. ot all wlillh and rolorn.
tilk5. tatiti5, Vehetx and I neat Velvets for Hals.
Feathers, Ameriran and Frenrh Arti&eial k'lowera.
I'ulfaDn. and Cap Trimluincft.
Dre8 Irimminirs, btrre aMurtment.
KmbroiderieK. t'aTNs. CoMim, l'lidTleeTes and Cuff.
Fineemtinndereil Hevicreand IlrmititchOambrie lidkfe
Crapes. Lihsex, Tarleton. llluionfl and Cap lare.
Vait:iiciunoSj Brussels, Thread, Silk, and Ule Thread
Kid. Silk, Senior. Silk, Lisle Thread, Merino GloTes.
and Milt.
Tied and Tlain Swiss. Book, Bishop Lawn and Jaconet
zxGi'srr, ragxrr, jmeftcax, asd italiax
July, 1851. 3m3S7f;T
TIIAVE made arrangements with Wm. S.
JL TrowbriJge and S. f. Conover, the former
ol whom has been encaged in the Western Stales
as Surveyor for 17 years, by which I can insure
the location of land wan ants on the choicest
land now in market, in Wisconsin, Minnesota,
Iowa or Illinois, at the following rates :
Warrants for IGO acres, 10; those for 80
acres, $7 ; and those for 40 acre, $5. Warrants
entrusted to me with the above fees and a Power
of -Attorney to locate enclosed, if sent to me by
mail shall be punctually and faithfully attended to.
Powers of Attorney must be properly acknowl
edged before a Justice of the Peace, accompanied
bv the rertilicale of I he t'rotnonotarv under seal
Bankable paperin IVnn'a and Ohio bills pass here.
L7"Reter to Peter Beaver, and 11 C Hickok,
Milwaukie, Wis., Ang. 2, 1851
Ti B. I will also attend as general land agent,
pay taxes, Ac for Eastern land-bolders in any
of the above Slates 3m386 M. S.
at Kcivisburgr.
THE next Session of the University will com
mence on Thursday, Oct. 16, 1851.
The Doard of Trustees have been highly grat
ified ly the large degree of success which has
already attended (heir eicrtions; and they are
resolved to spare no efforts in order to furnish
hereafter the highest advantages to Students.
The Rev. HOW AMD MALCOM, D. D..has
entered upon his duties as President of the Uni
versity. His well established reputation gives
assurance that under his administration a alill
larger degree of success awaits the University.
He will be assisted iu the department of instruc
tion by the following able Professors :
Frv. GEO. R. BLISS, A.M., Prof. of Circes. Lang, t Uterat.
t.KO. W. ANIIEKSON. A.M. " Latin
CHAS. S. JAMES. A.M.. Prof, of Math, a Natural Pbilos.
AI.FKED TAVLOH, A.M., Prof, or Belles Lettres.
The usual system of Collegiate education is
fully carried out, embracing a course of four years
and entitling the successlul student to the degree
of Bachelor of Arts.
In order, moreover, to adapt the University to
the wants of all, a course of study has been
established omitting lb Ancient Languages and
substituting in their place various branches of
Mathematics, Philosophy and Natural Science.
Vi, i I yesSMss sss I nrcss years.
It is thorough and complete, and will entitle the
faithful Student to the dsgree of Bachelor of
Students who da-ign speeding but a year cr
two at College, will have an opportunity of stud
ying whatever branches they may elect, auch as
Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Ac.
Every Student will be required to give special
attention to Composition and Public Speaking.
In connection with the Collegiate Department
is an Academy in which the ordinary branches
of an English and Classical education are pur
sued. This department is under the charge of
Isaac N. Loos is, A. M., Principal, and Assist
ants. There is al.-o a Primary Department under
the superintendence of Mr. Kobxa Din.
Every arrangement baa been made to furnish
all requisite aid in every part of a thorough Aca
demic and Collegiate education. An excellent
Library, a very complete Philosophical Apparatus
and a well-furnished Chemical Laboratory are
provided. The Library ia constantly receiving
valuable ?dJitions.
The University has extensive Building stand
ing in an elevated grove on the south side of the
town. A mors beautiful, pleasant and healthful
location could not be found within the State.
Paics or T CHIOS Collegiate Department, $30 per annum.
Academie - zo
trimary U
Boarding and Washing can be obtained at pri
ces ranging from $1,50 to $3,50 per week.
The year is divided into two bcssions one or
!6 weeks, commencing 16th Oct. and continuing
till the 1 1th April ; the second of 14 weeks, from
the 13th of May to the 18th Aug. 1853.
THO'S WATTSOM, rres. of Hoard.
GEO. F. MILLER, Sec, do
Lawiaburg, Union Co. Pa. Aug. S3, 1851
pectfully inform the Ladies and Gentlemen
of Lewisburg and vicinity, tnai ne nas laaen
rooms ia the dwelling-house of Mrs. Lndwig, on
Market street (entrance at the Market St. doors,)
where he is prepared to give Iusti actions on the
and also to give instructions in acquiring the
German Language.
Mr. Gbsssib is lately from Bellefonts, where
he has been enaaged for nearly two years in
teaching the shove branches, and has givey
entire satisfaction to patrons and pupils.
Lewisburg, April 13, 1851
Old Newspapers,
SOME thousands in number, of all sizes, for
sale at the Chronicle office, at 60 eta per
100 taken as they ran, or $1 when assorted. A
chsnee fot Scrap Books as well as for wrapping
papar. April I, 1800
jppCr CUB OJ aNUrnc - ncstl vtu m vwrau'jf.
1ME best and most approred COOKING,
Ploughs, Casting", &c, at low rates, by
Another Ketene
T WAS on the vrire of the craw, and eofer gone that my
- family and friend hntl hwt all bopee of my rerovrry ;
and vlirn in ttaa nituntion. having twn reward by the
uc f s hexvk's rriMoAe amcr, i drain to
U ulity, with grateful emottona. to Dr. 8CIIKNCK. the uu-fw-nkabie
Lei i. tit i hare received from the aw of hie in
Talimble mrdirine.
aUrly lart Ull I rontrnrted a Tinlent old. and in con
aiucnce of which I bad chiUa, ftltrrnntrd with fevt-r,
pfun in my right brt-vt and abuulder-blade, with a bad
cuuh and no t-apertoratiou. I kept tting wora; until
I t(Kk my bed, ami had the attendance of my family phy
it'tmn. 1 was uudt-r hincnre about funr weeks, and at
the expiration nf that time waa relnoxl a low that
decniir took hold of myarlf and friends, and ercn my
phiit-hin abandoned me, aud (rive me up to die with the
baaty conuaiptioo. My appetite waa (Eon?, my buwla
Tcry irrejriilar, f ver and night awcaL-. pain in my breart
ami ahouldcr. attendt-d with a di.trting oouh. which
waa rery turht. my fltfa had nnriy all ne. ai.d 1 w:p ao
we-4k that 1 could m-anvly rnirmy head from the pillow,
and wm truly an olju-t of pity to Iwhold. My friend
bad bren wnt for to Fee me diit. and my iik brd wut nur
rouudej by kind and iynipathinins netrhbor. who had
eome to witnefta my departure from thw world. When
all ravn of hope had tW ef my ivrorcry, a ncihtnr, Mr.
David Connad, propo.srd to try SCHENCK'S PULMONIC
SV UL'l, with a view of loownint; my rouh, and relter
inir mc of the tough phlejnn, and as a mean.' of air-ardinp
tvuiHrary relitY, reiuarkine; at the time, "that I waa too
forgone lor the tyrup to br of any permanent benetit.'1
My wits-, auxioua f,r thr relief of my intuae aufft-rinvrw,
prurutvd pome of the Pulmonic .Vyrvp. I found it afford
ed me relief, and continued uning it. Irould f-cl it heal
in j; influence upon my lung. I continued tn improve
under it use, and my friend were much gratified to
witnraa my unexpected improvement; many of my neitrh
born cme to look at me afl one raided from tlie dead. My
conch now brcame Ioom, aud I frit aomethinff break,
wbrrc 1 had the pain in my breast, and 1 diachaivrd larfre
quantitieft of yrilow matUr. I have for weckn dinrharir"d
and ruied a spit box full of matler every day, with bard
lumpa. likn (Trains of aumrthinjr. My bowels now became 1
regular and natural, and my appetite was ao far improvrd
that I ronld ncarrely refr.ua from eating too much. My 1
atrvntrth inn-roved, and I regained my fleh. 1 continued
to improve in every repect soon after I commenced ning
tlie vrup. and the improTement continued until I was
rertort-d t my wonted health. I have pned through
the iiieh-ment weather of the latter part of winter and
tlie spring, and fuel a.t well now a evrr I felt in pit lif
and 1 am (hit dr n living testimonial of the great efficacy
of srfE.i;h s riLXVMU until' in curing Luimon-
ary disraes.
L-ntthLonUitemeiit-aliouId ht tlionsht toohtptiTy crlored
1-T Kinie pr-opl.. 1 nuhjnin a certificate of a niimler of the
inhnbitantft of Taconv. who mw mc at different time
during my diwase, and nevt-r ex peeled to see me rtored.
I a! j-o (i n n-l the cerntiet''!1 or tlsc iirotner or iytic
liOile. No. 27ti. r. O. of O. who kindly wat.-hed oTer
ntr. and fuily bt-liered they would con.:?! my renin it: to
the tomb: but thanbn to lir. Pcheurk, for hi? invaluable
I'tilmotiic Svrun. mv lif hiu ben M;red. ani 1 am per
mitted to make the foregoing statement for the bene tit of
ftu3ern?e mnnkina.
I rcpi.1e at Taeony. ani cm wn Known iy mour oi in
people there, and will be gratified to have any person call
upon me au.I learn myre particular of the rrr it Tircs
of Ihiv medicine. J-Jll.N C. UilEiA.
June '21, 1S51.
The nnb-crilter.mem1erf of the Myotic T-odge. No. C70.
I. O. of O. Fof Huluieidiurg. Fa., do lierehy certify that
we know John C. tin-en. (and in a member in goii stand
iim in No. 170, I. O. of O. F., who was d.inceroui'ty ill
itb a low 1'uimonarT Consumption Ia.Lt winter, fo tint
they gave him up to die; th.nt he n now fully reton-d to
rerf.ct h'-eltb, and ther Ixlieye bis recovery waa tro-
d u red by S''heiiek Piiirr.riTtie Syntp.
We In-Mere hij eertificaie w correct In erery particular.
llt-sF.r Neif, P. I Alfred Rntwuoi. P. t
AnnuiM AtTHUR, P. G.r J. K. Oft, N. 0.,
JoiKPa KniMJioftr!, I Jacob Watju ican, Jc,
J-,n C. Calviii.
II -lmeurg, ITiilad. Co., Pa., June 25, lc'l.
The unda-rsienet! rewtdentu of Taconr, eiirht mile a1ore
Phiieid-'Ii'hia. leing well ar.inn.mted with John C. tirn.
and the circumtnnces attendine his cne. feel impelled
hyad-ep ii-e of im;-eratiTe duty, v make utiiTer.liy
1 nova t the public his entire recoverr from the rerv
lHt cUgs-ji of a Pulmonary Consumption. So entirrly
l.c-pIeMs w.i his condition; having leen but a brief pe
riofl in that rapMlv tsinkint and emaciated tntc. as to
utterly rrvclude in the opinion of his phvniau and
friend, who watched by hie bednde. all hopes of even a
temporary recovery and rentorntion to his pr'nt robust
health. Thu the careful ue of your inraluaMe tpecihe,
the Pulmonic Syrup, makes it in our belief, under the
ctrcnuutanee of hi preriotis prostrate, not to ray dring
comlition. one of themopt rt,utiiug reult8thattUc whole
annals of medical nkiil or science can prodine. It de.
ferrew to be imieriRhablr reeor-lett to your credit, aud hc-
rnren to you, thi grent discoverer of an infallible cure f..r
thin hithcrte remcdilcMidi.'eape. a lasting monument, and
a world wale reputation iu the healing art that no time
may either diniinfeh or destroy. Having witnessed Mr.
Green's di-t rejoin strnggles and sufTeringn from a con
tinual ccagb, uper.idded to the other symptoms conse
quent upon, or attendine the last stages nf a pulmonary
diease: and moreover at being so generally believed by
his numerous friends that no human power could relieve.
or protract his lif. much less restore him back attain to
hH former health, we reel u thusouruuty to gire our un
qualified testimony of Mr. Oreen'e perfect reeorery. by
means of theexclusire ne of your wonderful Syrup; and
we should Hidcrd rejoire if we could be made the humble
iitninient of relief and care toothers who may be so
nrtunate as to be suniiariy atntcteo:,
Dinn .''Muiis
JtsisE Di rmrn, J. P.,
Cnts. TTrtrKi.r. Taptaiuof
Steamtmat Tr-'iiton,
.Tosxrn IlKan. JR-,
M iTTnrw Toftrv.
Allkx Vsmuwiuft, Bucks
Axorew llssTir. Taptain of
Ktambnat Washington.
Jrsss Wats-ix,
K-bf:rt Allvx.
Js. TiassT.T. of the Wa.li.
injton House, Tarony.
county, I n.
Prepared ontv hv J. If. SCIfKNfK. and for sale at his
eorner of SIXTH mm I'1"1"1 '
Price SI pT nouie, or six dotiis ior
Sole asent in LewisburgJOSlAII BAKER. lyr.?1
JtltJttnburg, Union county, renn'a.
T" ESl'ECTFULLY informs the citizens of
j Union county, snd the public in general
that he has leaed the above atsnd, for many
years occupied by his Father, and is now pre
pared to accommodate friends and the traveling
community in a manner acceptable to all.
The HOUSE is large and roomy, well arran
ged in all its departments, and every care will be
taken to render his guests comfortable and happy.
His TADLE will always be furnished with the
choicest delicscies of the season, and the best the
market can afford. The BAR will at all times
be attended by careful persons, and none but the
very best of liquors will be kept. His STABLES
are ample and convenient, and the OSTLEKS
punctual and attentivs.
In short, ha pledges himself to eadeavor to
give gansral satisfaction to all, and hopes by
strict sttention to business to merit and receive
a liberal share of patronage.
MifHinburg, June 20, 1850
fPHE subscribers offer the public, at (heir
J new Brick Foundry, the following new
and valuable Stoves r
Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, with
a Brirk Oven.
Lady Wsshington Psrlor Stove.
Cast Iron Air-Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood
2 sizes.
Coal Burner for Parlors 1 size, 12 inch cyl
inder. Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove 2
Shield Air-Tight Parlor 8tove for Wood 2
Egg Stova the very best in uss for Stores,
Unices, Barrooms, and snops.
The celebrated Genesee Air-Tight Cook Stove
The Complete Cook 2 sizes.
Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves
Ploughs Castings, Ac. fec.
Lewrsburp, Dec. 12, 1849.
"An ounce of Prevention worth
a pound of Cure," in
that awful diseate.
DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven
tion and Cure of Consumption.
This popular work for sale in Lewisburo-1
by S. F. Lyndall J. Houghton and at
this office. Price,, 75 centa.
VERY thankful for former favors from tbs
public, the undersigned would announce
that ha continues the business of
- Tailoring,
in all its branches at his old stand on Market St.
between Third and Fourth atreets. New York
FASH10AS received regularly. All persons
intrusting work to him may be sure of baring it executed
in a workmanlike manner, on abort notice, anil at reaao
naUecharges. 6 AML'tL AMMO.V
?-Custora-rs who have not settled in two years aught
do well t call and see how their accounts stand.
Lewisburg, Aug. if, 1S61.
PRINTED with clear type on good paper and
in firm and elegant bindings, consisting of
ikndrew Fuller's complete rylVriptnn-TTs:2T.1.00
Works, 3 this. $V.rrii slessiatiship 0
Aids to OeTotimi.Watta.ac.ulj llowell on the Uracnnship 30
Bunyan'sAw.-.keningtt ks 7', Way of Salvation 75
" Inviting 7i' Jamea'Oh.Memliers'Oiiide M
" Devotional " 741 Chnn h in Earnest M)
rjrim's 1'rogrs 60 Law's fall to Cltri.-ti.inB 4(1
u Holy War fctl Lileof Mre.Ann lf-ludwn 53
Booth's Reimi nftiraee " Sarah B J udeon CO
Crowell's Chan h Memb- Lrnd on the famlie and
er a llanii Hook SS AUneaieiit
rox's IIi.t.Knc.llap.Missn-s 6.. Mead s Almost a Christian io
Uammell's Am. " 7J, Memoirs of Kev.S. Fearca ii
Pr. Carson on Baptism $l,.f0 Dr.flowell on Communion CO
J. It Uiuton " U S. Remington " 6
Smith on Infrmt " 26, Reasons for
IVniriMyon ltaptism and t becomins a l'a-tist 6
Ito.,th on Bicotrv, 2" to 2' 'D.ti.-t Manual, a Coilee
Prol.CurtisonCjmuiunion70i tion of Tnw-ts, Ac. 50
Ateohot. an AlleffoTV in.illS. 8. Gleaner 1W2 15
Dr.llalieock'sTali'soiTruth Jb Botsford's Spiritual Voy-
IrrBeirher'a SrriptureTales ii
aire, an Alleirury 15
on I "rry
" Baptisms of
the New Testament
Closing Scenes in Life ef
Anna Bailey 15
tiertrude the Pease Makar 1-t
Franria Kas-rtoa 13
:The Flooils i i
youus- Persons 2S father's Apples 13
Our Savior, bv a Teacher 2ui.lames ami tieorga 10
Serpent I'nco'iled. a Port- Momoir of E. M. Way
rait of rjniversalism SOjjiig,!, gtories
F.me Manriea K.Srnpture Serica, Jfo.1 and
John Fink 1! 2,bya Ti arher 8 and 9
THR PSALMIST, In various styles, $0,SB to 1.25
THK n tKP, - 25 to 35
The above for sale in Lewisborg at publication
prices, at the store opposite Kline's hotel.
cw and Popular Stiiool Rook.
CtDMI'KKHE.Nr;: VE Summary ol t'mviasar.
j HisTMKf. tocether with a biography of
Distinguinhed 1'erMjus, to which is ajipeuded an
epitome of
Heathen Mythology. Natural Philosophy
General Astronomy, and I'hysiolojy.
Adopted and used in the Public fVlio..Is of
Thilad. E. 8. JONES & CO.. Publifhers,
! W. Corner Focbth and Kica streets, Phila.
r?Tcachcrs and School committees address
ing letters to us post paid will be furnished wilh
copies fur examination.
Cy A full and comp'ile Dssnrtraent of BOOKS
and STAT10XEK V fr sale at the lowest prices
'T'HE Lewiahurfz Cheap S;oro has been
1 removed to the more convenient otore
room, recently occupied by J.Forsler, first
below Kline's Hotel, where vve shnl! be
happy to see our old patrons, and any
number of npw ones.
April 2, 1850 C. E. BOWES.
rptHE subscriber having commenced the baking
I business in Lewisburg, nearly opposite H.
P. Shellei's store, intends keeping constantly on
hand the best of
together with a good supply of Common Cakes,
and IIRKilr which for whiteness and quality
n ill he surpassed by no baker in the country, as
we have the services of a practical workman.
In connection with our UaLery, we have an
and persons from the country will find the Bakery
a convenient and pleasant resort for the purpose
of obtaining refreshments, such as Bread, Cukes,
TuSnftioV?: --
Lewisburg, Dee. 18o0
"Took before you leaps
TOOK at Hatfield's NEW
. vi'mctr ..f 1 ' .1,1 . u;iDA.
ft- 41 Watches and Jewelry, before you
buy elsewhere and pay a '-leetle
too much" because you was not
aware that Hatfield sells cheaper.
Ookt P. Levers, seven jewels 14 to 1K $t0.0nto,'fl.00
" dc full ji'weled In to IS fsi.00 SII.O0
" AnrhrsaudLe'ines,jewld 14 to 18 30.:) 60.00
Silver P. Levers, jeweled, lS.is) aS.'lO
Anchors and lupine, jeweled lo,o 17,00
Oold Fmjrr Kinis. laiye variety f"M &.0
' Kar liinirs. oiain and figd, latest styles .26 6-0"
" Pencils and Pens 4.60 10.00
" Pencils 1.75 i.OO
" Pens. Silver eases. Diamond pointed 1.30 3.00
u Rreatrins.l.adv'aaudlien&'e,diirtsty!es ,75 6,00
" Huntinif Lockets, double. B.50 11.00
" Vfatchcliains, Pob and Tea .0 sr.oo
" Guard do 6 feet 13.60 15.110
" Kevs .75 3.60
Silver Table and Tea Spoons 5.00 18.00
Plated ami Germ. Silver Tea and Tails Spoons .75 4.no
Silver Comtis 2.60 3.50
" an.l Gold Spectacles 1.00 S.75
Brass Clocks Z.60 ln.011
Aceonleons 2Jd 8,00
And hundreds of first choice articles, "splendid
goods," just from the City and as low as City
retailers can sell, by A. L. HATFIELD.
Lewisburg, March 19, 1851
Cctuisbnrg JTounDri)
fpiIE subscribers, thankful for past pat-
JL ronage, would inform the public that
thev coniinue to manufacture all kinds of
Mill Gearing and other Castings. Thrashing
Machines, and other articles of Machinery repai
red in the best manner. Castings warranted to
be of fcooJ material, and at prices that can not
rail to please. GEDDEd & MARSH.
Lewisburg, Feb. 1851
C100KING Stoves, of various patterns
and sizes, for Coal or Wood, for sale
at the Lewisburg Foundry by
Geddes & Marsh.
STOVES Parlor. Wood, and Coal
Stoves, various patterns, for sale at the
Lewisburg Foundry. Geddes & Maisb.
WIARD'S Patent Gang Plow, a supe
rior article, for sale at the Lewisburg
Foundry by Geddca & Marsh.
GRAIN or Seed Drills Ross Patent
decidedly the bett and most durable
Grain Drill now ia use. for sale at the Lewisburg
Foundry by Geddes tc Marsh.
Nails, Plaster, Salt andFisJi.
LARGBMWrtm-nti0","K'Jnd for sals
the hew mum
IS now carried on as usual, at the upper
end of Market street, where every des
cription of CASTINGS is kept oo
hand or made to order such as
The Complete, or
Complete Improved
Cooking Stores
for either Coal or
Wood and all
other kinds of
also PLOUGHS of differ
ent kinds Corn Ploughs, Cull Ploughs,
and the
Self-Sharpening Plough,
a new article, and which ran not be be a'
in Pennsylvania. Call and gee and judge
for yourselves.
Lewisburg. July 8, 1851
THE undersigned continues the LIVE
ItY J1US1.YESS at the Old Stand,
on North Third St., near Market, and
respectfully solicits the patronage of his
friends and the public generally.
Lewisburg, May 22, 1850
Tanning Currying.
1"OR past favors, the subscriber returns
. his grateful thinks, and hereby makes
known t heat he carries on the business of
Tannins a:itl Currying:,
at the Old Stand. Determined not to be
ouldone in the nmnunic'ure or finish of his
work, he is bound to have the best work
men and materials, and to treat those who
have so liberally patronized (as well as
those also who slinll be i!rast"J to patronize
him) wilh that ulteniirju which he hopes 10
injure him a full sh.-ire rfjiu!lic imtrniiiiire.
All kinds of Produce taken in exohnnge.
Hides and Bark not refused, for which thc
highest market price will be paid in cash
or in exchange fur leather.
March 25, A.D. 1850
Look Here!
4 S spurious BRANDRETH HM.S are
X B sold by many Drwretsts in city and
country, it wnulJ be well if persons in inquirine
for them would make them produce, their Cerfiji-
eare or Asjexct. As fiere is hut one A sent
appointed for each city or totsn. (no difference
how large the place.) and all A fen's ran produce
their Certificate, any persons wanting the gen'i
ins Pills had better purchase where they can
depend on getting the genuine article.
Sols Agents far Lewisburg.
Stone Coal for sale.
To Blacksmiths?.
BITUMINOUS COAL, from the West
Branch and from Holiidaysburg, for
sale at the Shop of the subscriber, near the
Ildyscales on Third St.
Lewisburg. May 7, 1830
Pries Reduced!
Laurg Bottles Only One Dollsur.
TUa Proprietor af the Ceaat'X aarieaa Kaaasdy "lilsasl
VsarrasLa LiTauaTairric MiiTeaa." Mulaaad br iba
arsanl aolieitauona af his AsaaH. laaaaahaat Iba Vaaad
Butaa aad Canada, has aaw
Bedooed the Priaw
af his astialar aad wall knowa article ; aad sssss Shis aaaa,
haacaforus. aa will pat ap bat aaa aaa ralr. ha qaejs
atmlas: laa ratail pnss wui aa
The paklia any raat aamiad that the eharaetav of tha Madt.
stae. its atrancui. aad earative praparuaa will bsmass
eacBaaoiD. and tlw sama aara will ha ksstawal sa paa,
paring It as haretafwa.
Aa liiis medicine, andar iw radaaad prise, wlII ba parahaaad
by thoaa wha have not hitharta ssaiia UMsnaelvsa acqaanwd
with us vvtuaa. the proprietor woald kef ta lauajate till ha)
arucla u not to be claawd with lha vaat amoant af " Bianiial
of Uia day ;" it a'.aims for itself a a-raxrr aaafaaa' mtr, ta
aU durauss. Uaa a etaer rresaraliea saw asera laa
werM ; and haa aaataiaed itself for airht yaars by ila tasanot
ausiieal virtues, aad, enul uua radacux, aswauadad duabia
the pnea of any etlier arucla in Uua line,
Nenca Pasticclaklv, thia artlala aaw with kvaataaaa.
bis paww and eanainty. apea lha
Blood, Li vrr, Kidneys, Langs,
aad all other artans, ape the prasar aatiaa af whisk Uk aaa
kaalth depend.
Tbia medicine has a jastly hick reoata as a saawiy far
Dropsy and Graval,
aad all diseases or that natare. It saay ha raaai a paa whaa
lha iaiallisaat pkyaunaa haa abamioaad ha pauaat. aad aa
theas datraaains duaaaas, more especially Uaorsv, lha praaa-
star woald eamaatlr and honestly mas tt. At as
praaant pnea il ia saaly abuiaad by all. aad las trial wal pass
las articla ta ba tbe
Cheapest Xedicins ia in World!
t7 Pleaaa aak for pamphlata tha afsaw five thaw away
they eon lam ovar sixtean pasta of raaupta. (ta addiliaa aa fal
awdieal matter) valeable far hoaatbold parpssas. aad waseh
will save maay dollars per year ta practical hoasakeepara.
These veeeipa are iatrodaead to make the bask af saw
valae. aade from us character as an adesrtaaac aaeaiam sp
ue medicine, the testimony in favor af which, ia the ream al
letters from all parts of the oaantry, may be raiad area.
ty'Vantbn'a Vesetable ljthoatiipua Mistass" i
Great American Remedy, now for sale in qs art bottles at S
each, small bottle, at 50 eta each. No small a Sual wal be
aaaed after the present stock ia diapoesd of.
Pnaeipai Office, BafTalo. N. T.. aS7 Main Sfraet
PWd Wholaaale and Retail by OLCOTT McKESSOhl k
CO.. 177 Mantea Lane. New Torit City.
1. tt. AU letters (eieepung from arena aad dealers with
whom ha transacts bastaesa) mast ha post paid, or aa athmttoa
wiu ba glvea ta them
OO-Dtt. THORNTON. Lewisburp. i.
General Agent for I:ui.in countv J.H.Caslow
Agent, Milton -t I. GaaaaaT, Selmsgrova
rriHE Canton Tea Company of New York-
I the oldest and larsest establishment of lha
kind in tha LT. S. invite universal attention to
the fact that, from their superior arrangements,
t iK-T are prepared to seU Teas puree and mora fraarant
for the respective prices, tiinn .0 ,u; . .
can onisVirmlv do.
These Teas combine erery good description an.! qnalirv.
they are done up in saeluam fr,, . n f J ;..
upwards: the wrapper nest the tia is a heavy tin foil
eoven-daith wat-r proot and elemml Chinese paper, and
aperfeetly seeared from lieht and air, so that the
quamy is comj.i.ij puTTT"' ia aI climate.
The above leas, Irons 40 eta to $1,-js cts per pound, ioi
sate ry . HA TES at CO.
Dee. 18. Sols Azru'J. .for Ivrisbunr.
A GOOD EGG STOVE nearly new
fur sal al the "Chronicla" office.
Mane jnn nf .arwnenea. and mora sa a Ilndrvdl
Tk"""""- 7 'asiaasiTO Cosapialsaa, awea
saueiactioB ae au aareana sa
ava In 1 oiaa aequaiated veuh taw aii.fal raL -
as sreally avrtar, heaua r m t--s--
and wre eee la la to car. lis
., lho any uitwlna.lt a, mZuTWtkaoH.
bumr, laal H is said bv soava ifcai rnaaaasasliM cm
be cured. Be dial Uus oelaioe of lb. aaaa. ST Z
seal! aot atreaspi lo argue wna me, aos 1 rr'ii
and do I as a (act. struck eaa ba proved la ,fci a mmm aa
ol caaea. Uial Una aaedicin baa rsr.4 Csa and dW
which. aer Um, curve vsaca enacted, was railed
C'aaaamsdla, and arkica sren, aueadad sriMsaaaataw
thai reseuti.led. and svera as all ray arm saw Iba svBswtaeBa
of liaise m. and dsrad ara aaal lo lass dual wus
uial fatal diaaaaa lima,llss. Tula Beiaaat baa land
laetunada uf peraooa who ware aal to ba huaaiaasly afltias
a.1 srbo bs hard, dry. rosemf I'siaaaasPiiai ia aw
Krraal, . and Mada-ltisjlraltr o ktraaiblaa-
'M.Mli. ajjwrlar.tfMSa Hectm ffl t "imV luaaai aaS
waslias s.r of Uie Fleak aad HUast. Panoa
baviiia auch eompiainta have bean cured allav k waa aaal
thev aaaid aal liv a week Uatfav. Tbia MdiMMi baa
curel aoroa wbu sreru a ippoaed to be la a vtaa atal,
Iiul by tbe uaa of Una rcuMulj, lusr SMtw live, and aajuy
aixkl iea.lh.
Tbl Haluam la varrfa swefaate ) 1 U
f iaairi to laka. and avsr daa u;ura ta any Mac uf da.
oas or uadev any circumsraara. Il aVcla ita waadaarfsal
and iila.wl mirmliaa 4'urea by tHriryla0, SaaayaV
. 1.9. and laviaarcliem Dl wltvia eyeteas-by aiaaai
ainy fas rifxwMtlioa. and prmlueinf a aalli actiua Oua,
alluyni t'aissls auUuf aba Narve aad aiSSaf aaul
aciiurtay taucctaraliaa. Il Cuiaa Uva fU.wwias du
vasaa, ,. :
t'Ot't;!!' and CW.Is, Bruaal ina. .I.ra, SauMaf Waa
ldif at tar l.asys, Pu9 at laa eeisf. aula, mmd c'ae.
Ar.. :.,. .tju Sugars. eulfMlMMS SW hum I, aad at
FK1I Al.t Vl tAhMssts and laasalaatai anaaag
uu-.tnHn. 1'balera lalaalaua. be.
lav Far P raof and panicu.a'a of Carsa. aaa aw
'aasahleu and HaaSsWIs all aaraxaaa aaaa taaasa
gv away.
ASv-ntslDr Thornton and J Baker, Lawi
burg ; G W Kesaler and Kosbong dr. Antie, Mere
Berlin ; Jn M Taylor, Mifflinburg ; S J C rouse,
Helinscrove ; H N Backhouse, Middlabarg ; G sa.
F C Moyer, Freeburg ; J H Caslow, Miltoa
(Incorporated by the Slate of Massachusetts;)
Branch OJice Ao. 63 Dock St. Philada.
AccamnlatedCash and GuaranteeCapital 5,09
President M B Dsatt. Financial Committee
Wm Patten, U C Wood, H B Judkins.
THIS is an Association of Working Men and
others, fur the mutual assistance ot cacb
ituer in case of sickness or accident.
By the payment of the following annual depo
sits, you v ill become a life member, and will be
entitled 10 a weekly benefit during life if you should
be lioaMeJ by sickness or accident from attending
to your oidii:ary business or occupation. Females
insured against ticktiecs common to both sexes.
Ttir.ir L'sposii or Muuees c.vnsx SO Kaas or aaa.
7ii'.Jc nf Rata. Ao. I.
Those drawing for the artt week's sickness by paring
$ J ,r e-.r draw $i tr week I
$7 pr year draw $7 pr weak;
ai a do
4 tia 4 do
a do 6 do
do (do
a do a da
do do
10 da 10 ao
Ta! re nf Rata, .V. .
Those not drawicft for the first week's sickness. nTpaytns;
$2 pr year draw $)prwk I pr year draw $7.50 prak
& do 4 do I 6 do S 7b do
4 do ojjO do I T do 1040 do
Those over 50 years of age will be charged li
per ct extra. $1.50 admission tee is charged in
addition to the above, the 6rst year, and must ba
paid at the lime of application, and the 1st years'
deposit within 30 days.
CITT r.EFHII!'CK.a. Pratt Rea'.b. Ko. 80 Market
St. Withsm a .Neman, airankiin Place: J Ottcnkirk Esq,
st-,-.,on liirfcl. N. 2d St; J M CiliinKS Es. 3 Cb'h Allev .
Henry liuls) EV-q. Bank Allay: Sam, Mart k Co. IT
Mey haiit ! : ( r C 1; l arter E q. 171 I'hesnut St; S G
Uoaanl, 4J S, at ; Andrew SootC. 11a Cheenut St.
All comruuntraiions should ba addressed (pass,
paid) lo M B Da. 63 Dock St. Philad.
General Agent for Union, Nerthumberlanif.
Montour, Columbia,1 Lycoming, ClitUow aad
Center counties 391
(Drain Drills. f:
THE undersigned wish to inform tb
farming community generally, that
they are now manufacturing
J. P. ROSS' Nec7y Improved GRAIX
Without stopping to discuss the compara
liie merits oi numerous Drills tow offered
fur sale, they merely wish to invite Farm
ers to call ami see the above named article
before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi
dent that they can furnish an article that
will give entire satisfaction.
Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, 1650.
ONE self-evident, and worthy of every
consideration, that no Miller can make
good clean flour without he has good clear
wheat. 1 suppose you) wish to know the
remedy. 1 tell yorj it is to get one of
licrgstrtsscr's If'heat Scourers, or Smut
Machines. He being an old, practical and
experienced Millwright has invented, got
up and pui in successlul operation the best
Whral Securer now in use. Any persor
ordering a machine and afterwards finding
that it does not prove to operate as repre
sented, there shall be no sale, as these ma
chines are to be warranted good. Further
recommendations are thought unnecessary.
He is now having a supply made at Lewie
burg, by Messrs. Geddes & Marsh. Ordera
for machines, or letters of inquiry, will b
promptly attended to. Machines will be
sent and put to all orders. Address
Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. 32S
jfrult an&
The subscriber offers for sale a largs
assortment of choice Fruit Trees such as
Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet high, 40 varieties,
all warranted genuine Peach trees, 20
varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine,.
Prune and Pear trees, together with some
6 or 8 varieiies of Grape Vines of the best
native and exotic varieties. Ornamental
Trees, such as the Paulonia, Linden, &r,
N. B. Persons wishing to procure a
quantity of the Fruit trees,are requested to
make immediate application to the subscri
ber, in order to procure the varieiies and
sizn wanted. H. R.NOLL.
Lewisburg, March 4, 1850.
T. A. H. THORNTON offers hi
professional services lo tha citizens-
of Lewisburg and vicinity, in tbe various
branches of his profession.
Residence Mrs. Maize's, Market St.
Office Drug Store, one door above tho
Mammoth Store of J. & J. Walls
Lewisburg. Oct. 1. 1850
Lewisburg, Union CcsstJ, YmX
OFFICE on Second St., lately eccnpid
by L. B. Christ, Estj,