Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, November 19, 1851, Image 2

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    hud soglori'tus, and the Ividish and the
Americans the happbst people under the
sun. Long,I pray, may it b? before Amer
icans forget those, and cease to regard with
interest the land of Hanrpden aud of Syd
ney. I seo, in the Union Jack this cve
ning displayed oa my right bund, and the
St irs and Stripes upon my left, the blend
ing of principles, that shall yet give happi
ness and freedom to the nations of the
earth ; that happiness an 1 freedom which
Tult from good law and stable government.
I do not mean that either England or
America shall give law to the world thro'
the instrumentality of superior power, but
that their example and influence will yet
tear away the band ace of political darkness.
that biuds the eves of earth's rulers, ami
dispel the ignorance and bigotry whiel
now envelop, as in a pall, the minds oi
three-fourths cf htr inhabitants, lhi:
tegeneratien (if I may so call it ) Las beei
goingon for the last half century ; ant
where is the land, and where the people,
that has not felt its benign influence? 1 hi
is a glorious mission, and the two peopb
seem fast becoming conscious of their des
tiuv. It is faid that the Ar.-'lo-Saxoi
lansuauo shall vet be sp keu in even
land, aud by every tongue. We do know
that the Anglo Sax ah is bailing nil othci
nations in civilization, in the arts ami
tciences ; audi have yet to learn of tht
toot on the earth where virtutyntclligcnce.
tnd the M-aA'ful fruitsof l'OO 1 government
do not distinguish his dwelling place. W
nre the nation founders of the ae. (t ntie-
men. what a spectacle does contiuenta
Kuroue urosent at this moment iirnorsnce
mist rv.aud preparation for a great struggle,
which scet::S closo at hand: among l la
neoplr. K-litic.l blindness, and a tciribh
future auion-r 'he rulers ! T!:o old heathei.
adage ihat whom the go-Is intmd to d
frov. tlu-v frt l!i:iK; mad.' wotil I seem
uU'ut beilu' luliilb'd. The lessons of d.
Tiotlmi. periodically t.mcht since 1 10, an
..ither fur-rotten or destiiscd, whilst broken
Tromises. iiiiwisuumelir, exile, and the ab
negation of all rights on the part of tht
imverned. r.re the maxims of government
fc -7 t
now reli'd upon, to produce order aiu
duiet. Kngiand aud America are the asy
lums to which the oppressed flee for safety
and peace. iriitleitieli, whil.-t we, tin
evening, are enjoying our.-olv. s in peact
and duiet, through the effect, of good gov
ernment, .'-potisui is nc ivii g a shock
that will be f. it from its ctnlre to its cir
cumftTt i;ec. Louis Kossuth has most
I robablv landed at Soutampton, and the
" . . V. , 1 . i- .11 . 1' . -
uoMe j:rtsl nan, irom ine j.aini s-cuu
to John O'Groa'.'s-bouse, is moved
bid bim welcome: whilst a whole nation
cn this side of the Atlantic, is ready to d
him honor, and throw around him the a?
iris of their protection. Gentlemen, th
bi"US of the times, iu the estimation of
many, portend a struggle close at hand,
between intelligence aud ignorance, liberty
mid despotism. The statesman and tlx
press are pucciving that your country,
aud my country, will stand .shoulder to
tbouldtr in tLecoufest. As England and
America are the only lands where freedom
exists, so they will present a breast-worl.
impregnable, against which the waves o)
despotism will expend their fury in vain
Ccutleuwn, T rlioiiH lifcr to StlY somt'thiii;:
about Canada, but 1 have already occupied
loo much of yeur time. I may say, how
erer, th-t I see around me t Unu nts ol
wealth aud prosperity ; I see also a pcoph
vigorous, Virtuous, and intelligent, capabh
(if developing its resource', and of placing
Canada, at no distant day, in a high posi
tion auiong the nations of the earth. Al
low lue again, gcutbnun. to thank you
fer the toast you have drunk and I have
The Chairman thru arose, and after pre
fenting the testimonials already mentioned
to the guests of the evening, proposed their
healths, which toast we need not say was
received with unbounded enthusiasm. When
the cheering had subsided, Mr. John Black
remarked :
"Mr. Chairman, and Gentlemen It u
with the most grateful fee lings that 1 receive
this beautiful aud chaste se rvice ot plate.
as the highest evidence of your wishes for
T roTct. Gent leim n, more thaa I have
ever done, on any prev ious occasion of inv
life, my inability to reply in a suitabl.
manner to the kind feelings that have
prompted this mark of vour regard. Hav
ing been more accustomed to the use o!
inv bands than iuv tongue, I must risk
each of vou to frame such a roily as th
filling which have led you to unite in this
iu::rk of kindness may suggest, knowing
that your hearts will call up emotions, as
mine" does, which I find myself unable t
express. 1 am well satisfied that this
present was not suggested by custom, but
is the offering of kind and true hearts. 1
therefore acc pt this offering, and shall cs
teem it the proudest memorial of my con
nection with the St. Lawn-nee & Atlantic
Railroad. Gentlemen, we hae been cn-
rcil in a.jireat undertaking, and if not
yet fullv completed, when we retail its his
tory to the present point of completion, we
nav congratulate ourselves that we Have
.-p. ii it 'out of the woods.' I l ave called
.lis road a great undertaking : and I think,
when we reflect upon the difficulties that
have been overcome, aud the incalculable
blessings which it will bestow upon the
livin" and the thousands vet unborn, it
may be termed as great an undertaking of
which this or an other country can boast.
Vc may uot live to sec, we can not expect
to see, but a small portion of the blessings
onr toil ! sweat sli ill d sperse through
this region; but our children and our
cuildreu's children shall see it ; and their
hearti will swell with becoming pride,
lien -theV recount what their fathers'
bauds aided in the accomplishment of this
great result. Gctftlemcn, I wish you ev
ery success iu your arduous employment
c f filling the valleys and leveling the moun
tains in preparing the highway of advan
cing civilization; and, if I read the signs
of these times aright, the inte-grity, indus
try, and perseverance, which you have ever
exhibited whilst I have b.en connected
with you, will soon briug to you a ri ft re
ward. The time is not far distant wheu
Canada will be covered with a tict work of
railroads, aud I think 1 am not mistaken
when I say that the Contractors of the St.J
L. k A. 11. K- occupy, at this moment, a
position at the head of the railroad enter-
priso mw opening in Canada, which, to
you, Gentlemen, will be the 'tide in the
affairs of men, which, taken at the flood,
bad on , te-fwrMwre.' Gentlemen, I-shall
hail, with great satisfaclion,your individual
suceess in this newly-opened field of enter-
prise. Allow me, Gentlemen, again to
thank you for this handsome present, and
although I do not observe the names of
the generous donors engraved upon this
plata it matters . but -little, for they are ;
indelibly engraved upon the tablet of my .
On" his father resuming hia scat, 5Ir. W.
II. Black thanked the couipany,with much
feeling, for the handsome gift bestowed
upon him; and still more for the warmth 1
of heart and kind consideration, on their
part, which had dictated it.
The following toasts were then given and
luly honored :
By Mr James Findlay
Mrs. Jlack and ramiiy.
By Mr. John Black
"I he working Lngineers oa the fct.
Lawrence & Atlantic llailroad."
By Mr. V. II. Black
"Mr. T. B. McLennan, the able and cf-
Soient Superintendent of the motive power
on the ijt. Lawrence & Atlantic Railroad.''
To which Mr. McL. responded.
"The smiling Dames and blooming Las-
sis of the 11 ist' m townships."
"The Corporation of St. Hyacintbe."
Ilesponded to by Pr. Boutillier.
Mr. James Black then arose and said :
" Mr Chairman With your permission,
I desire on the part of the guests whom
vou have h"iiored by an invitation to this
feast, to oikra toast, lu the olden time
of which we read, we learn, that it was
customary ti honor the man who saved j
the life of a citizen, with a civic wreath, j
All men everywhere agree iu the propriety j
of rewarding those with honors, who havej
.'.istiiifii.-ht-d themselves, bv conferring
benelits upon their race. If one lift was;
considered so valuable as to distinguish
th" savior bv so high a reward, are we not
called upon "to honor those who by their
toil and industry, (though in the humble
walks of life.) may save many lives, and
who have added iuuth to the sum of hu-
man comfort and happiness. I sec before
me, men who have displayed a courage
and perscveranre in overcoming difficulties,
and enduring privations, such as no one
w ho now enjoys, ic ease and comfort, the
fruit of their "toil, can potsibly conceive.
Fer the past two years the Contractors of j
the St. Lawrence & Atlantic Bailroad, with ;
their latiurm. bjv been immured in a swampy j
direct, uiMi.r,vH'h('J liy roads, and far from the
c-emlortu til I (Ii-. in I'OMtions where in many cases
Hour and pork, the chief articles of subsistence,
o-rt. in ll.f l aoi-iJoMation of a few miles, more
ihii ihe miginal price. During those two years
lliry h ire libeled the forests, filled the value,
rxluetil iLOuntains, and Luilt a rail-road equal
!o -iiv on ihii continent. The Crst apparent
brnrfit nreuht nut ly their toil, is the opening i
no. kit to the Intern Tawn-hips bringing 10 j
piodurts tf their industry. Who can calrolat
ihp value of one blessing, not only to the
pieeit inh.iliit.inis, but to the thousands who!
.Kdl b.-.-afinr CM ib. nlltra and cultivate the
rich j-oil ..t .he To.-n.hip.! Are not the men
lv whom this one bifsMne has nren achipveu, as ;
iiiuch eiit.titsl to honor, as he who l y his valur !
a tin the o; ken garland! I Ihu.k they are, and
.boUM..,d. h,.m the, have Ucwi think with
me. I know it ta customary, upon the comiilrtiou
Jl sn rt.terprise like the one in which you hive ; :riia 111 cuiuouuii i",H
twen rneaKeJ, to sing Te Deuins of praise to ihe Manufacturing esTablihments prod
IWUm and Uitectori. .nJ .y, to them and j ucmg 50(J anJ UpWards jearly 22,036
h..m ; l.t.si ihtf h.innr nn.l till 0l.rv ar 1I11A Itut 1 J J t
nut 6i, Mr Chairman: Prenident and Directors ttnnf nirmnDiiiTii
te often the lca-t worthy and least entitle;! to : R0UI CALIFOxUlIIA.
(.uhlir jir iie, nhi!t those to whom praise is due New York, Nov. 16 The steamship
are kpt luck by men in hiRh places. Honor to i rjaniel Webster arrived at half past ten
.hum honor U due. ou, Gentlemen Contract. 0.clock hj9 eveninr vi San Jnan, with
ors, are cnlitkd to a creat part of Ihe prame which 1 . 7 ,- , , .
is l.t,ioud upon oihers. llut, Ginilemen. from , t-alifurnia date, to the lo h ult., being 1 1
srltibh men te seldom receive a just reward. In j day later.
after years. hen you ece the forests in which I The steamer Central America, at !at
you have tern immured for two years disappear,' accounts, had made 25 miles up the San
and give place to well cultivated furrns and cmi- Juan fjyer.
line bomei.tF.do; when ihe products of this i tl .,.. n- , i o
F i .i . t-. i ii 1 he steamer Director capsized, in San
region aid the great West tdiall sweep in an I . , ' , ,
ui.hr.4.eii curiem towards the Adantic, and the: Juan rlver and 7 Pons were drowned.
produce of ever, land and every clime, shall bej The: geneial newg from California pos-
irceivrd in itturu; when you hehold peace and sesses considerable interest. Business was
plenty, where now roam the elk, and the bear, dull purchasers holding hack for a grea-
Ihen .ill you enjoy your reward-the proud sat- j , reduction of prices. Flour was Steady.
icfirlion of nuctiig been instrument d by your , '
toil in brincing about this prent result. But not 4 he Agricultural interests were prosper
until the la-t pa'je of time's recotds is written.! ous.- The mining news was very favora
will man be caj able of esiimaling the blessings ! b!e. New ditCoverit'8 of gold are dailv
wrouiiht out bv your Lands, nor measure the i beinrr made.
honors due tlie t.i.ntractors ol the tl. Lawrence
& Atlantic K-ilro.d. Mr. Chairman. I have the
I , ... .......no MO..r liwU ll.o I .............
..f the ft Lawrence &. Atlantic Ruil.oad we . The steamer California, from San Fran
thank them." cisco, took sixteen hundred ihoiisond dol-
Mr. U. Cirnea gave the health of Mr. Jamea lars in gold. Two other steamers took
Black, who. having thanked the company for ihe j large amounts.
honor done him added: "All lean say is.if any of Sixty thousand dollar, have been received
you should viit old Pennfyvanai, whilst I have j he Treasury of California, for fines.
a roof over me, you will Cud a cup and platter
spiead under it for you il I nave nothing ei-e
I can at b a-t aupply you wi'.h some " sour kraut
and tptek .'"
Alter the bi alihs of tne Chairman and Vice
Cl:.iirn an had lxen given and responded to in a
lew tippropiiate words by those gentlemen, the
Ust IdjkI of the evening was given from the
Chair, and received with "all the honors":
M..J the lion Horse of the St. Lawrence Sc
Atlantic Kadroad Company etos. the line 45
befoie the lt January 1833."
N lliins could bare exceeded the perfect har
mony ol the evening the dinner was got up in
eictllct.t snli by Mr Savage, the wines were
irtmitre (juiilit;, and attendance admirable.
Dutiog the evenuigt Messrs. noland and ,M'
(iovau, C'li.tractors, fuvored the company with
seveiul eicellent aongs and it was "the wee
short hour a') out the 12," before the, srperated.
The following are the inscriptions engra
ved upon the testimonials presented to the
lMsTS. Dlacks,
Ou the Service of riate-
!rii'iit.il to
John ulai'R, ifcox
Bj th r nlmrturn umler M .-r. blnck. Wood k Co.,
As nia' k 'f lttiirt, on bis leaving the
i.iercii'Y & JtFatitic Kailmul,
Oct.brr S, liil.
On the Suuff Box
Pre-entM to
W. II. I'.I.AI K, Ej.,
tn his leaving th
A. Lavttnrt d- Atlantic Kailroad,
By the Cfitrrtoni,
Ai . mark of UV hich esteim and nepeci iv
tii h thi-v hold hia.
JirilK.urue, Cctobor 6th, 1861. '
Raltimor'', Nov. 1 5. Littleberry Car-
ringion, Judne of the Ilutinfi Court.hung
himself at Bichmuud, oa Friday last.
Official Election and Census Returns
159 4
1 5686
Beaver . .
Delaw are
Fay clto
Full on
! Juniata
I'lulaJ'a City Si Co. 21760 22001
lke 1G9 830
I'ottcr 21 574
Schuylkill 40G9 4743
Somerset 27)9 1069
Sullivan 227 458
Susquehanna 2153 2815
Tiogi H:J 2036
Union 2817 1949
Venango 1142 1698
Warren 117 1242
Washington 404-- 3916
Wayne 1040 218-
Westmoreland 3115 5M0
Wyoming 913 1 130
Vork 4727 5733
178034 1861992311786
Cleaver, Native, 1857 17S034
Bigler's mnjority 81G5
Dwelling houses in the State 386.216
.-amlies ; ,he Slate 408,497
" "lie mairs
White females
Pr.lnrpd mnVt
25 057
c , j fema,es
I otal population 2,3ll,4au
l)eahs durng ,he ycar 2g 3,9
... '
The quartz mining attract! great at-
' tention.
M8"! ana "Censes,
Crime was en the increase in San Fran
cisco. Many criminals have returned from
the interior.
Five of the Port Oxford Kxploring Ex
pedi'ian were killed by the Indians.
The steamer Mina was destroyed by fire,
and several lives were lost. The boat was
a total loss.
The yield of gold for the present year
will be greater than any previous year.
Steam communication between -California
and the Sandwich Islands is about
being accomplished. Movements are on
foot lor a railroad to Sacramento city.
Real estate was active and advancing in
The sloop.of war Vincennrs left San
Francisco for a cruize to the southward.
The Alia California thinks that the
movement for the division of the Slate.will
amount to but little.
The liabilities ol Wells & Co. are stated
to be $21)0,000.
The project for supplying San Francisco
with waterv seems to be falling through.
The papers of the 9th are rilled with
outrages, duete and murders. There is a
strong talk of reviving the Vigilance Com
mittee. Moj. Reading, the late Whig candidate
for Governor, was badly wounded by the
accidental discharge of a pistol while hunt
ing. The Methodists in California have darted
a new paper.oalled the Christian Advocate.
Lynching to a cousiderable extent was
still practised in the mines.
The Mormons have purchased the
Ranchoat Bernardinoor $100,000. They
intend to build a large city there, to con
nect with the Great Salt Lake City by
Railroad, and secure a point at San Diego
for their maritime intercourse with the
The news from Southern California is
of the utmost importance. The Southern
corning out strongly lor' a Convention t
divide the State. Srnta Barbara i the
place fixed for holding the Convention.
Various counties are cnijaged in electing
delegates. An address is to be prepared
Ly the Convention for consideration, and a
petition is to be presented to the Lenislmure
at an early day, in favor of a division of
the State.
The news from the miners at Carsons
Vallev is verv discourn; i i;-. A company
of sixty were taking out but two ounces
The advices from Oregon brinj 'he con
clusion of importaut treaties with the ludi
ans. Valuable gold mines have been discov
ered in Oregon also n valuuMe mine ol
Anihraciie coal, in Charles river, four
miles from Astoria.
Gov. Gaines has left on a visit to Sun
H. C. HICKOK, Editor. O. N. WOEDEN, Printer.
At fl.-'iO .nfli in .lnnri-. $1.7.'. in thrT miHtb". t- P'J
within thi vpar. ali'l fJ.i-0 at tin enJ f Hi' ynr.
AwnU in l'liiliulfl.hi V B I'alinir ami K W I'arr.
Lavisburff, la.
tUfimcsiMn fllorniitg, Xoticmbcjrl9,'ol
AD7EKTIZE! KxoeuUir?. A.linini-lrn'ors. PiiMIr
0!H,-it. i u xnd l onntnr Mi n hnut", Manulaclorvni,
I Jl.i luiii. s. Busim-Mi Men all s in. wn-li to 1'n.cur.- t.r to
' dijiptu.: ul' anvthin would do well to fixe notirf of the
j saint- thrnu'hthe Isiei.'tttrj Viittnnlr.'J Thii pajiT lias
j a itihmI ami inc-reafiu rimilation in a community onntai-
ninn; an lar'i- a proportion or ai-tiTf. solvent priHluci-r.-,
; coasuiu. aiul deali-r.i. an any otui-r in llie StaU-.
S-SThauksgiving Day Thursday the
27th iust.
FlitE. About S o'clock on Sunday
morning last, a frame dwelling occupied by
two families named Wert, in Chilli.-iua-
jue Tp., a few rods below the I.ewi.-burg
liridge, was discovered to le on lire by the
inmates, and soon bumcd to the ground.
A late fire for baking bread had been used
and it is supposed communicated to the
garret, where a light was seen by sonic
citizens coming up on the Packet about an
hour before the flames broke out; but they,
j supposiug some one might be there in a
case of sickness, made no alarm. 1 he
families bs. c msidirable iu the way
of necessaries of life, and a liberal sub
scription in their aid has been started.
JfcafWe have been iuforuied (cot thro'
the press) that at the meeting of the Su-
I preuie Court Judges last Friday in Uarris-
burg, Judge llaek drew for 3 years,
Judge Lewis " (j years,
Judge Gibson. " U years,
Judi:e Jjowric " 12 years,
Judge Coulter " 15 years.
If this be correct, Judge Black will be the
next Chief Justice, aud with the largest
vote will have the shortest term, aud with
the smallest vote Judge Coulter will have
the longest term.
Cold Blooded Ilurder at Beach Haven.
About 10 o'clock on Juuday morning
last, Peinott Stookey was killed at Beach
Haven, in I.uzeruu county, by Charles
Seybert. The two men had a cimrrel the
Saturday previous. Stookey left, but
came back on Sunday morning, and weut
up a pair of steps outside of the house and
went to bed. Sometime after, Sey bert weut
up, opcued the door, aud shut Stookey as
he lay asleep. Tiie murdever escaped, and
it is supposed lied West or North to Can
ada, lie is about 30 years old, 5 feet 10
or 11 inches high, slender, thin face, dark
complexion, hair, aud e3-es, down look,
rather slow to speak, awkward gait, and
rather resolute iu maimer. (Another man
of the name of Seybert committed homi
cide in the same town, about a year ago.)
We since learn that Sey bert was ar
rested at Wilkesbarre, and is now in jail
at that place.
BSIn a preceding column we give the
Official returns of the late Flei.tiou for
Governor of Pennsylvania, aud of the
Census for IS 50.
It should be carefully preserved for
future reference.
The reported number of Deaths wa con
sider incomplete. For example, l,bl'J
deaths are reported for Lancaster, and but
Tll'J less than half for the adjoining
county of Berks, whose population is not
one-fourth less than that of Lancaster. In
Union, but 103 deaths are retunied.'while
the adjacent county of Northumberland,
whose population is nearly 3,000 less,
returns 340 deaths, or more than double
the number of deaths iu the more populous
tSome of the ultra Democrats insist
upou "cutting off the heads" of all those
Democrats who voted against JudgeCamp
bell, commencing with his 5,000 Democra
tic neighbors iu Philadelphia who voted
agaiust him 'because they knew him.' We
have no idea the Whigs are to be accom
modated by any such act of political sui
cide. Thoso rabid partizans would be
better employed in frustrating any future
impolitic nominations.
David Swenck, Esq., of Middleburg,
is appointed Clerk to the Commissionersof
Union county, in place of Christian Brey
man, elected Register & Recorder.
Mr. Herrold has entered upon the duties
of his office as County Commissioner. Mr.
Barbin's term has expired. V
THE Cillll,
Canadian Enterprise.
Commencing on the first page of tin a
paper, will be found a long article which
publish for three reasons 1st, lor iui.
SOUS-" v I
justness and manliness of the sen .menu ,
inculcated ; 2d, to show the esti.nat ou n ,
which the Lcwisburg contractors-Messrs,
Blacks'-are held ; and 3d, to show some- j
thing of fhe spirit and efforts of our Caiia-
dian neighbors in opening the highways
from the Atlantic to the mighty est.
The St. Lawrence & Atlantic Railroad,
is to run from Montreal in Lower Canada
to Portland iu Maine; and in addition to
the benefit it confers upon those Chios, 1
will save much time, danger and expense
now necessary in goin
g by the Gulfs and
Kiver to reach Montreal from the Seaboard.
It also lays open to the world a large tract
of isolated country.
Another great improvement is projected
in Upper Canada. It is a Railroad, about
100 miles in length, connected Toronto
..-oli d,,. f,.t. -inn of T.-i'tf! Huron fur-
,.;j.;n,r n .tn ,eh shorter than the old
route via Lake Krie, aw.
a straight line from the
land to Lake Superior and the large scope
of couatry North, Kast, and South of that
most important as well as largest of the
inland seas of North America. A com
pany of 7 or 8 New Yorkers and Pennsyl
vanians, aiuoiig whom is our neighbor, Col.
James Moore, Jr., we learn have under
taken the construction of this work, which
is to be finished within two years, at an
estimated cost of Two Millions of Dollars.
The Yankee nation is too apt, in prai
sing itself, to do so at the expense of
equally worthy neighbors. Not satisfied
with claiming for our country everything on
the credit side of the account, man)- of our
orators and writers are prone to deal some
harsh and (iu imagination at Last ) crushing
blows upon a certain family on the orient
side of the Atlantic, whith .-ceuis to be a
pretty soli 1 and well-to-do national family
after all. Their unmarried daughter, Can
ada, if Lot blessed with ripiiblicaiiisin and
slnv. r-7 Is f n.iiitvfil nilli r ri at natural ail-
" ' . . .
vantages has a stiir.ngaua energetic pop-
n . .
uiauon is verv r.ij.miy in.vu--..,-
wealth and population and, as will be
seen at a glance on the Map anl tracing
the route of the Itaiir. aJs we have noticed
aluve, is laving wise j lulls for future ag
grandizement and puttvr.
Th8 West Branca Country
Is now well represented in the prominent
official stations of the Commonwealth ; and
her interests so far as they are connected
with, and can be benefitted by, the politi
cal power and influence now in the hands
of her representatives well provided frr.
Col. Bigler, the Governor elect, heads the
list, followed by Hon John A. Gamble of
the Canal Board, aud by Gen. Clover from
a county adjacent to the West Branch re
gion. Iu the Senate we have Gen. Win.
F. Packer of Lycoming, and Col. Eli S!i
fer of Union, aud in the Assembly, Hon.
James L. Gillis of Elk all thoroughly
acquainted with the wants and capabilities
ottliisneglectcupartol tiiet oiniuotnvealtli;
ami withal gentlemen of liberal views and
enterprising disposition, an'i caieuiateu
from their personal wei-ht of character,
. ii a - i .: i .
as wen as nito poiiiieai ptisiiion, io exert.
. 1.1 l .
a potent, licence, ootn in ana out oi tne ; (bmn., ,c wa ,,,, nflc.rwilrds
halls cf legislature, in favor of wh ifever j r. ecived the appo:ntinetit f Chinese fcVc
public measures or business enterprises j retary to the P.ritish, J'leiitp iteiiliary and
may be set on foot to penetrate the wil ls
of the West Branch and develope its large
but slumbering resources. We confess to
strong hopes that a fresh impulse will now
be given to various important projects
which have been originated with reference
to these desirable results.
As a location for great iron thorough
fares, in the direction of both Eiic City
aud the N. Y. & Erie Road,' it presents
routes correspondingly second to none,
leading to and from the great West and
the Atlantic sea-board. The amount of
gain to this State and our principal com
mercial emporium from the throwjh trade
and travel on this route, can not readily j
be computed. But independent of all
that, the local advantage to be trained is
such as would tell powerfully upon thc j United States Senator to day, by the Ten
1, , .. , . .'r.essee Legislature. I ho vote lor Jones
wealth, population, and prosperity of;WM 5.-, ; rTrl)l)sda!e, Democrat, 1 j and
tuc Commojwealt! . A look on the ; 10holson, Democrat 1.
Map of the State, will show one fifth of its j AIIiariv Nuv. 1 1 -The majorities on
territory is drained by the waters of the (he S at' ticket, received here iifficiaily,
West Branch ; and the large gain in popu- stand as follows :
lation of those couuties for a few years Comptroller, John C. Wright, Dom. 4S3
past, is but an iu.lcx of what it would be ; Secretary of Stute.U. S.ltandall. D. U20
with enlarged facilities for improvement ! ,0,ne' t;';neral- L. S.Cha.f.eld.D. 340
, . ,c ,v. ., 111 1 .1 hngtncer, Wm, J. McAhnne. I). 2300
and travel. hen it shall be exhausted q ,, .,
... , 1 I reasurer, jamea M. Look, U lug. V
of its lumber an event by no meaus near , Canal Commer,IIenry Fitrhugb.W. 613
at hand it will be fouud an excellent I The above i the result, ns received from
grazing if not grain country, and 50 ' every County Clerk's office in the State,
abounding in the minerals adap'",n it for ! llnJ ,s sa:d 10 b(1 "ffioml by ,ne Evening
manufacturing purposes, n is' not too , l0" ''' Ver'
much to predict of tu0 country between ! New yrk; Nov' lWph Clark,
I vmniinrr in.l . .1 . 1 convicted ol the murder ol cfli er Gil'epie,
Jvconuug and t.ne counties, that a rail- . , . o o- , , . '
,,. ' , ,, ! and J'imes bulhvan, convicted of lhe inur
TOad through it would m ten years double , dt.r f Edward Smith, have been sentenced
ltd" wealth and population. There is no j to be executed on Friday next. Elforts
one who has carefully studied the progress j are being made to commute the sentence
of the North Western States, and noticed
the location, w ho will not admit that the
Sunbury & Erie Road is a matter of more
importance than the Central Penn. or the
N. Y. & Eric Road, not only as a sectional
but as a State enterprise.
j?"The rains of last week made a rise
in the river, and a number of rafts have
been run past Lewisburg. The water was
not high enough to risk the starting of the
35 or 40 New York boats from the yard
of Frick & Slifer.
Important Event
The Railroad from Lackawanna River
... ,, . ... . t.i
to the N. Y. & Erie, at Great Lend,
completed, and Anthracite Coal is now ta -
d Q
tern cw lork im. ,
the State might ong "J
IS luus iratisici itu ij i' r
New Proposition.
An effort is now uuder contemplation, to
carry the railroad from Cattawissa up Fi.sh
inc Creek in Columbia county, through Li
p0rte n suliivan county, down the South
0f Towanda creek to the Susquc-
: u.lnna at Towanda, thence to unite with
the N. V. & Krie at Waverly, 10 miles cast
of Ehnira. The route is very direct, and
seems so practicable that a survey is said
to be determined upon.
ggyThe following gentlemen were elec
ted Directors of the Northumberland Rank
! ' Monday last
l ' ,i,(L,ln,nst' John Tagcart, Win. Forsyth. Win. II.
id coiiipletiugainiost ,. ,- v .i i . w t
., , . . Naples, Amos h. Kapp, North d; . L.
,e Aboard at lort-,)uw.:irtJo,in ; j.ker, Sunbury ; Geo.
f;cj,nure Selinsgrove; Saml WiUon, New
j 5erliu; Win. Cameron, John Walls, Lew-
: ..-burg ; aml 1. brown, .uiit.ui ; Mm.
Hayes, M'lv.vetisville ; and Ym. Ncal,
KS.lt is stated that Julgo Lewis oilers
bis Lancaster property f..r sule, with the
. . - iii'i tit
intention of removing to Philadelphia.
B0kJcssc Beaver, an cx-priutcr, and
Geo. Stroop, a live jTinter, are the new
Associate Judges of Perry county.
C-3"The Bank of Danville has declared
a second stiiii-aiinual dividend I pcrcr,
Xcius Motions.
.;-' r .f.--i''.vJ ; U-J 'f
it g r'ir if ' ft u o i it
I. tt " W ft .7 "! tfl'u , O'lJ
Jfu f'f !'''' f"" f' 'l' I t
U s l' -r rn.jn; iwr.l
If tt F',r wire :i'. ,ti,rt. ri
it'ur il .' 1 1'
,-..r Ii.'i
ADVKTIo i-i tlio ''LewIsa:
A Contrast. The cnnl ii-i nfll.enrn.
,.,. , it
tile ana au'hontics ol lliv:m;i. on lirarin'r
iUl4t the .lanish Coik-i.'s tii -e
, . . . . . . i . i
Oi .cans had Lcen attKcked and bis p.ipers ;
i . i u. n t i i . . 1
ib strove.!, ws ,n tionoraLlti contrii-t to.
il.a! popular outrage. American at Ibi I
vai.a were seeure.iil they knew aiid felt j
n. The Cuptatti Geiier.il wis, ly took -ueh ;
pucritinr.ary measun sas were neees.-arv, I
an l ortlers eie is
I orders eie issued to Irible the ritv
mil id, and to shoot dimn th'; first man
iv ho stioulJ be seen to molt s' mi Anicrciin.
So saysja cor. tspuiidtul ol lhe N. Y. Jour,
of Commerce.
Jenny L;n 1 sung in llurrisburg, Monday
evening, l?th iiist.
New Orleans, Not 1 The Lraisla
ture has gono H hig. The Siu'.e ticket is
doubtful. The Congressional Dcltgfion
stands as before.
Mr. Cu'z'afT, the famous Chinre mis
sionary and scholar, died at '"ati'on on the
S);h of ug;ist List, in lhe 4S h year of his
e. Hu was by hiith a I'omerHiiian, and
was sen! to tiie east by the N.-ihcrUn Is
M ssiotiary isncicty in 127; and after
peml.iig lour years in l.nvii, ii.-apore
;( s;;.,,,,, he went to him in ISI
nn. he vient to him in 1S3I
Reirig ol an erratic dtspition, wr.hin the
" ' r .igeS a.ong
i !'"! "--oasl ol Lmna, (hen comparatively
.i iitiKtiown.
,;,.n t- r:;,i..,' .ir ; ,1,..,
,t.J.'., .'.I. ..mi - LIU 'll'ICU .11 11.11
Superintendent ol Trade, in which cfli -e
he d rd.
Every important piece of iron used in
iheconstrue'ion of the Crystal P.iiace.vvas
!.Tvl I.V llm 11, firm. II.. i.n.. 1 1 ..II.
1 ,.are was lalyf.n wi;Il a, ,h,. axles nnj
machinery ol a railroad, n.any valuable
lives would be preserved.
Tim late . G. Tompson, of Ne York,
has left SJOO.OUO lo charitable and benev
olent institutions, amnnj which are the
American Bib'e Society, $:i0,000 ; Amer
ican Tract Society, $30,01)0 ; American
Hume Missionary Society, 20,000 ; N.
Y. State Colonizition Society, S20.000 ;
Ameiican B. C. F. Missions, S20:0(J0 ;
Deaf and Dumb Institution, 0,0U0 ;
Institution for the Blind, $20,000 ;
Nashville, Nov. 15 Ex-Governor
' James C. Jones, U lug, was nominated a
of Sullivan to imprisonment for life,
Louisville, Nov. 15. The notorious
Calvin Fairbanks, who was pardoned a
! k.w years bv Governor Crittenden, for
kidnapping negroes, wiih Deliah Webster,
has again been arrested (or stealing and
running ofLa negro woman belonging to
Alexander Shotwell, of ihis city.
St. lyiuis, Nov. 15. The Free Banking
Law of Illinois has passed, probably, by
about five thousand majority. The pass
age of this law will favorably affect Illinois
State Stocks, as it will cause a great de
mand for them.
I The general lailure of the fruit crop if,
. opened a brisk apple trade
the last.pnncipay Western and orthern
YJ. K J .. ... , .
1 efj we ieBrll)jn Cincinnati, than in seasons
. -
, f . .
000 barrel of apple, have already beei
gd h an(J spm gouth i
i R.ver Railroad. They ..re Vinci
irom wswrgr ami vicinity, home have
been received from M.chigan, and apples
from Northern ludiana are sold in the Cin
cinnati market.
Jenny I.inl bif..re leating Columhbs
mude a donation of fiiteen hundred dollars
to tho Capi.'al L'tiiversi!, if ihiat city, h
was the entire neit proceed; of her second
Advices from Ribah, sta'e that the
Fre; C t nul ha-i received order to em
bark ail F renih residents at that place, a
the French fleet is about to hombHrd tha
town of Salee;, a repris.il against ttie
Emperor fir refusing cotn;.ensari..n firlhe
pillage of the French merehatit vessel
wrecked on the coast ol Morocco.
Washing'on, Nov. H Instructions
have been sent to Judje Sharkey, to i,ro.
ceed irtin ediii'ely to llavnna to take aclioij
upon the case of Mr. '1 hrasher. and r
demand his imrr.cJiate release or his trial
as an American eiiizen.
Buffalo, Nov. 1 1 The Grand Jury are
examining i!nees in thr case bf the
Syracuse rioters, which will cuutinue
several days.
ivnc i ine in.nmcn mea tor riot on
lhe s,;l'e L:"K '' "e f"nd guilty
yesterd iv, and twenty-three others are oa
, f , r . t ""
trial for a similar oflence to-dy.
i correspondent of the Pennsylvanian
i recommends Co'. Tate of the Columbia
Democrat, a the next Democratic condi.
j (Jaie for Canal Commissioner.
; t,,,. ..... j. : jtnni
I Il irnsburg ihal his excellen -v, uoon h;
re;ireineiil from the pi;si:ion he hat lielJso
n uch to his o n cred.t, and to th! ailn in-
t ige of lhe people of lhe Slate, i.l not re.
i turn to the bar, but will dc-vo'e his Line 1 1
j other pursui's, mid perhups in ci.tirely d f
j li-iei.t iiel.ls iroin ituiie in which he h.n
I hecii cd'jca'fil. lie has a'naiv b-ni
fleeted the Preiid- nl of lhe Aleghenv &
Killar.nin K. It. t'o., n rernl ori'ltt-iej
j Irnui PiMshtirg to Oear, Point, in theS a e
i ol New Y. irk. and it is beiieej he .
accept the situation.
: 1
Anv coiiipanv re-
I 'J tJ ' r 1,1 H ""am ui flinil'y win oe ii-tiUliUl--
r. i u.i: :i i .
ii it can r oi:n m? set vices ol uuvcinr
, , nl, ... ,
Johnston i i enna. tel.
behave lean.Hd ih derp regret tfcat
Dr- 1 l, ,lr' 1 ' Marnn.ol J. r-ey Saore.
rece.ved a fall from th coaeh, occasiowd
''' ,ho runnma away of the h..rses, near
! ,""!'urS' ll" " ,,s'1 '
pireiits 'ii the o ate ol ?fw lorlt at the
t ine ol th'-- accident, but as so severely
Imit as to be prevented Irom contiuuiog
his journey.
Democratic Cir'z'n, is the name of tha
new (u'rman paper lo he started in U'ill
iumuott. iIih lirst number ol which will
it ; -pettr in ".boot three weeks.
TitK nm Joim Swesi:t. The body
of Mr. S-.triif'y.itiH ntt be brought to Mil
ton lor interment on the 10 h inst., as w;a
stated lu-t wet k. Mr. VV ykoff, went fur
ihe rema ns to Dankiik, but upon consul-
: tatimi it:i Paysieians at that place.deemed
it imprudent o re.novethe body at present,
! 1, .,,. .. (vtiinmi. Jmr.,,
wi lne ..u.,ul, irom lhe J-mocracv of
I 1, , nrooorlioll.I(, Ina!.ritv
. ! it., t. ..1 ,1 c ,
iur joiiu , 1 , trotist-ii u'lvcruur 01 tail'
lotnirt, is larger according to Ihe vote
i ,hrown tf)i, lh: o hli brother, elected
i Governor of the Keystone State.
B.llv M
known to some of our
I , , 1 ( , .
' ri07..rw u ....r.i I.. I l.o.l to l.it in lh
lock-up at ihe Mayor's ffi .Philadelphia,
en the 30, h ult. I'uor liit'y uas, Inn, sell,
the only enemy he had.
Look to vour Gluten .' A netr party
crv will probihly become in general use.
: In Massachu-etis, the In w eotnjx ls the de
I posit of all bill its in sell'sealin 'envelopes.
The deficiency of gluten vitiated many
votes in the recent election, a all ballot
found unsealed were thrown out. So that
hereafter, in the Hay Stale, you must stick
well your ticket, as well us stick it. The
ticket best licked will be the most success
ful, and the proper sea ling of the envelopes
will seal the late of the country.
The rear of the building, in Harrisburg,
opposite Coverly's, formerly occupied by
the ISink of Pennsylvania, now used as
the Post Office, was seriously damaged
yslerday morning by fire. None of the
papers or letters in the office were injured,
Boston, Nov. 12. Morris the colored
lawyer, w ho wa on trial on the charge of
being a participant in the slave rescue
riol, has been actpji'ted. The remainder
of the rescue trials were postponed until
the M trch term.
Rochester, Nov. 12. Alice M'CIuskey,
charged it h the murder of her husband,
was examined by the Court of Magistrate
yesicrday, and committed to take her trial
in the next session of the Superior Court.
Twcnt y-scven Stales will unite in observ
ing the 27. h of thi month as Thankgiv
ing Day. The only States that have
chosen other days are Vermont and South
The Lancaster Union says it is in con
templation 10 hold h coumy meeting in
Lancusler on Wednesday, Nov. 10th, for
the purpose of making arrangements for
holdiug the ocxlSlute Fair 01 Pennsylvania
in that city.
A barn on the premises of Andre
Bratton, in Bratlon township, was discov
ered lo be on fire on Sunday morning last,
and wiih its contents totally consumed.
The craps in it were the property ol David
Ross, who loses about 1.000. Mr. Brat
ton's loss is estimated at $2500. No in
surance It is not known how the fire
originated, though some attributed it to th'
sparks of a locomotive. Lewistown Ga
zette. Senator Gwnn, of California, ru
bought a cottage 01 Washington city for
lhe snugtuin ol 817.000. H.s constructive
mileage account wil soon pay for the