A ... ii r3 tf, '..--a : ? 1 1 If 1 i'U I 1-4 ':jiv ll ii t V - 5,- - - .5 renovation to be effected. Va the rwncti- . out countless treasures from their sight, fied influence of the disciples of Christ How easily could they, even in the dawn n'nno w iVilfimiA'a main bond of future i inff of the present century, have iucrcased greatness. The power of moral principlo j hag, in acme important respects, begun to j Ji LrdmnwIedireJ. San Francisco, which two years ago was the theatre of the vilest I materials of future power, in instilling excesses, and most execrable of Sabbath j papal partialities into the uiiutls of Aroor profanations, is now assuming more the j icau youth ! What gigantic schemes of characteristics of sobriety and morality, i l.nsines-i is losing: its Sunday activity, tha gambling saloons arc be.ng gradually closed, and a recent letter states liiat not a single steamboat now leaves the port on t'ae Sabbath. At the mines, evc-u the greedy digger throws down his tools and observes ti;e day of rest. Oh the placers of- tb.3 Sacramento, labor is suspended, and the day devoted to recuperative exercises. It may not bs that any moral obligation to observe the Sabbath so much induce this suspension, as tie law of oar physical be inf? which demands stated relief from labor ; but t'ue obsei vaa-MJ of the Sabbath, even from physical coasidcratious, b;is its j i,,n of Protestant America, then, and not miral bearing on those embracing its priv- j till then, was her rock bound wealth laid iIaJ3. TLjsj conservative and lieaithful j open. What mean those energetic inulti innuenccs lire silen'lv shaping th5 social tudes. that Lave carried to the Pacific structure in the mould of a pure Christian-1 ity; and though titer.! is much of the spirit of the land infused by the lawless and abandoned, the disor amzer aud the fC totic. the; ire is everything to hope, iu the future s&rcal of tiopcl truth, for tha spiritual aia icyineut of this ucw-born nation. V. P.oprc'Joely. A few breathings in the regiou of the Probable, will enable us to view this country in a strange and fiLirrlin li 'iir. Four vcars ujr the most a?nta dic-.-r;irr of cui:ii' events, coali not have set-a the nigat wj now behold, m the dimmest distance o: his fancy. "ow, an ordinary omctver may interpret the plaiu omen, and read tho destiny of Czii foruia, in t'-.c record cf the times. Wheu the footprint of a Protestant' missionary first marked that shore, a few thousand of a pparse populaiion, were scattered over aa undefined territory. Now, there are thousands of annual pilgrim to her gildea shrine, and a ridable population ot 090 within drawn liues. A tewdnys ago, a weary whaler would disturb her waters, cr an aanuil trader would connect her with the StaH-j on the opposite sea. Now, San Franci-cn alone boasts a commercial feet half th it of New York city ; and ships from ll tlie maritime u itious of the world, ri-.se in her harbor. Kcfore the treaty with Mexico, her rivers were trav erse! by the ciuo' of the Indian, or the plank boat of the Spaniard. Now, seventy steambaats skim along her waters, ana wake up echoes that have slept since man first looked on Nature. In 1848, a town half the size of Lswi.burg was the s at of her trade. Naw.San Francisco counts her 40,000 inhabitant!", augmenting every day. Such a people may well be regarded with solicitude, as to the part they are to per form in the nsxt act of the world's great drama. In tha rclatioa of Cal'f .rrsia to the world, capitalists ana political ecnuomist. have sought 0 d ?civcr tho probable c-ffec: ef ber miner;! f,nxliiet;ftno1i '!wiutu,.-UJ)x. of commercial oi-cration. The following data is used ia the calculation : At th time of the discovery of America, the str-ek of current money in Kurope w is S170,0'J0,-000- Iu 1000, it was S'joO.wOU.OHO, und during these 112 years, the effort of the addition had been to advance prices in Eumpeabout 470 per cent. In 1810, the stock of coined money iu Europe amouu ted to $2,009,000,00.), and duriug the preceding 110 years, prires had advanced 30 p-;r cent California is increasing the circulating medium at the r ite of from 8.ji),030,0d0 to 830,000,000 per annum : auJ if this supply contiuues, it is aserio-a-. inquiry whether prices will be affected as n-idir similar circumstances before ; and if so, how far. While there are men who believe that this extraordinay amount of cain will be, if it has not already been felt, materially, in all the avenues of trade, there are those who contend that by the increased power given to its circulation by tho improvements of commerce, and by 1m uo of naner as a rccosuised currency. the effect will be no greater, than that ot a river on the tides of the Ucean. Urn will furnish the experience necessary to aK this rrobiem In a political point tf view, California is an acquisition 91 :miiu-uauit im. lnifenr.mlent of tho wealth of her mines, her geographical position renders her an flRM.nt auxiliary in that schema of as- tonndiug accomplishments, whicn America is destined to display to the world. Soou the terminus of the most western railroad trwk, will be in fritndiy uniou with the PBj, which shall thread the passes of the liocky Mountains, or pierce their rayless caverns, and carry the iron horsr, puCiii-' bis way through the western solitulcs, into the bustling warehouses of San Francisco. Thcre,massivc barqu.-s will crowd the docks of that spacious harbor, loading the quays with their silks and spices and teas, aud taking in return, cottons from California milis, to clothe the Malay aad tho African. The commerce of the IUciCo nations, car ried on iu American bottom?, will pur its wealth iuto California ports.and here will be established the centre point of Asiatic trade, and the grand depot of tho Atlantic sup ply. Following the rail road track, the mysterious wire will stretch iu length from ocean to ocean, throwing off its liMitning-ligbwd intelligence, aud telling the citizen of Madawaska how his brother fores at Monterey. A nrghty brotherhood, sacb as the world never saw is u be exhi bited by this ocean bound republic, and r...i;r.v;. the, broad catcway at whica the extreme East will gather, and lay its tribute of commercial fcaity at Uc feet ot American greatness. Bat ia the religious aspect of California there is n interest that absorbs all. That the finger of Providence has given shape to the plasticity of events, no rational mind will question. The indications of "man ifest destiny," reveal not the medley of a blind chance, bat the arrangement of an til vita Disposer. That God has great things in Store for his Church, through the c-eney of this developing coantry, is be tnVmed bv every leaf iu her unparalleled history. ' We read iu tbo record of the j Past, that for two centuries, the feet ofj - - . .1 -1 t. v..l the Jewnits tntcpgd the sail, wbivh ghat their machinery in the Atlantic cities, and studded the Western Valley with their seminaries, and secured to themselves the proselyting could have been cnecteu by this tresuro,and how efficiently could they have battled with the station poiuts of the true faith I 1 he sun would have gone back ten dcirrecs iu the dial of the World's Progress. Uat it was not for Jesuits that God had made that gold. Though it was known by them lUO years ago in the pickings of somo swollen stream, their eyes were covered that they might not see the golden bed, till it should be delivered iuto other and strange hands, prcdestiucd to act a better part, and throw a purer iizht on Hia'j upward pathway. Wheu tins modcru Uphir passed into the possess- shore the insignia of law, the school house j hell and the heaven pointing spire ? The "stai of Empire" that takes its westward i Way, shiacs upon Japheth dwelling "in the te:is of Sucin," opening up a mighty hiirhwav fur the chariot of salvation. are now in the region of tho Probable. That young man is here to day, who will i i I . C 1 " . ! . .. .1 Fiana on tiis wuari as oau sratiiuuvu uu bid "G id speed" to a land of gospel missionaries, educated in a California Coikrc,orda'ineJ in a California sanctuary, I seut f rta unilcr California auspices, and bearing ilie word of life from California presses. Uod owns tha gold 01 caiuornia; aud has he withheld it fur 350 years from the grisp of the white man, to mark no era fur Llis cause, by its disclosure now ? There are more nations represented on that slope to day, and more l.guages spoken, than there were at Jerusalem, at the Day of Peutecost ! Has God no anal aous work for them to do? In the busi ness streets of San Francisco alone, are 2,000 Chinese. On one of the thorough fares of that city, is a temple erected for I'jpv.i worship. lut, liuoueu wuu mc snirit of Amcr'can institutions, and moul ded by the influences cf the Go-pel, the . . .. . . - -n 1 hoary idolatry ot these votaries win vanisu like frost before the sun. Who can then close a pagoda against a Christian missio nary ? Let it be our enquiry to kuow how much of this glorious issue is to be effected by us. Let our hearts drink the sentiment, which a gifted pen at our own doors has indited "o whm the wm art breakisf On l i 6rnia' flbore, Chntl prtfci-nM gos;W tafclof, Mure rhh than golden ore." If God is painting in California brighter streaks of that morning, which bids a long lost world awaken to a brighter day, let it go forth to see its light, and inquire at ur Master's fret, "Lord, what wilt thou have us to do ?" for God will arise to elaim his revolted empire, and declare igaiu the message which Ilaggai told to l.-tuol - ''Tho tilvnr iu lutao ) the gold is mine, faith the Lord." Storage, Forwarding, AND GRAIN BUSINESS. UGIB0 rciiwclfullv announce to thr cmt. iiiof 1'inon and nijictnt rouulit' hat he h irn:td l!io- Sarge nJ comiuotliou EUre Honse3 and Wharf, ;Me!y orcujiiwl t'V Samuel Wolfe oVr.l, south nl iii- l.ei-!i'4 Bmlc!-, wlifre he will cirry on a Geni-ral CO VI MISSION liusincs. Storoe carntulW atenilej to and ell kind of (iRAl.N bought at ihe liii;hcl Market prices. H.U. UNIVERSITY at lcwiburg. riHE nn rrion of the University will com J menre on ThorfdaT, Oct. 16, 1851. The B i'l of Trustee haie been highly 6ral-ifi-d by ihe Urae drurce of sucres wliicli hn .Irrady atirndeil iheir rienion ; and ihoy are reilvi'il t.i s;.hi no tfloil in order 10 furnuh here iff ihe iiicli'" advanUiP to Siudenla. Hie Uev. HOWAKD M AL;()M, D. D.. has entricd upon hi dulie Presideul of the L'ni versi'T. Ht wi ll establUbed rrpulalion c,i ourjnre tlml under hi administration a still larger dcijrrt cl succes awaits llie t'niversiiy. 'll ih afiied in ihe department of instruc tion by liie fll'img able froleasora: I' it GEO. It. IM3. A.M.. Prof ot Crock Linj. Uacrat. tO AV'fKlliO", A.M. " LmUn " UA j'xVLS, A.M.. Prrf of Mnth. 4 Xnt tral rhiloj. ALIULD IAVLOK,A Ml'rotof IklluLettn. The usual system ef Collecute educiti.ni is fully carried mil. embracing a course of four years jii.I mining lite successful student to the degree ot Bichil'ir ol Art. la order, rnorcmer, to auapt the irniersily to the want of U. eourn of study hag been esialdi hej imituni ihe Ancient Lansutzes and .ub-lituting in ihfir place a;iou branclie of Maitiniuce. rLr.i o,.liy and Maiural Scicnc Tin course eviil occupy a period of three years. It is thorough and c.imple:e. anil will entitle the latth'ul StuJeni to the degree of Bachelor of Pbil.wophy. Ssiutrut who design apending but a year or two at College, will hare an opportunity of slud yins Tjhaievcr branehe they may elect, such as Chemistry, t ivil Eniurerin(, Ac. Kvrry P'udenl will lie required to gie pei1 a'.lrntion tot'o npoiticn and Public Ppeaking. Iu c.miieciiim with the Collcgiaie Uepartroenl i an Actvlfri'j in hich the ordinary branches ol sn liish b '-'id Classical iducation are pur sued Tbi deparinient t under the charge of lsc N. LooMia. A.M., Principal, and Assist ants. Thrrc is l o a Primary Departmtnt under the upriiienderice ' No. Bail. Eery srrangement has been made to furnish all riuiiie aid in eery part of thorough Aca Jeinx aiid Co'legiate edura'ion. An eicellenl t.'1'rarj. a ti cmple'e I'bilasopnicai Apparatus nd Trell furni.hrd Chemical Laboratory are provided. The Library ia constantly receiving valuable ddition. 1 be University baa eitensive Baihlines stand ing in n elevated (rave on tbe south side of the town. A more beautiful, pleasant and healthful location could not be lound within Ihe Slate. Puce or Itattos Coll crisis DerartawBt, V per saaosa. AeadtaUs " frimuy " U Boanfing and Washing en be obtained at prl- ... l,om SI. 50 to $ 5t per week. l'h year i divided into two Session on of 20 tvk. eommenewt- IOin uci. coniioums; lilt ihe Mib April ; the srt-ond of I weeks, from the V-fA tn lu" l8,n AU- la' frll WAITSU.v.riefiOi ooara, ;t'.fl. P. M1LI.EK. Sec, aVt iwrabmsj;npBjJaaADJJ1JJ85 LEWISBURG CHRONICLE & WEST STOVE WAUE-ROOM, Nearly opposite H. P. Shelter's Store. THE best and most approved COOKING. SHOP, OFFICE or PARLOK Stoves. Ploughs, Cablings, &c, at low rates, by CUUIST & FKICK. Another Rescue BT SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP ! I WAS on the Torsrrthi. ctuti-, rniil so fargono tliat my UulUy suU friemU null loKt nil hopes of my n-wrvry ; and KlH-ntnthis situlin. liinir btn rrsrnnl by the u.-c of Si HfycK'S I'LLMoy.C St HIT, 1 ili-siro to Ulity, with graUful emotions, to Pr. SCllIiMJK. the un- epifttsalils bcm-bl 1 hare rucsivcu iroiu u - I ii. I:., niitftii-iii. Jiarly lst till 1 contracted a violent cold, and in con suiucuco of which I hid chill", lu-rntitl with fi ver, psia in my rglit breast and s liouliler-Uade, with had cou.-nsnano cipoctonii.on. i m-pi .'"s V i iuiii n.tt 1.1 ..,,1 I...I th tttti'nduncis ol my fnatlly tiny- sician. 1 was uudtr bis ore stout fuur weeks, aud il the expiration of that timo was reduced so low tnai despair took hold of mvsvlf snd friends, and e-r, n my nhvMrian abandoned me, and Rive me up to die wit.l th. i.i. nu.,n,.,t-,n Mtf siinetite was uoiie, my Iflii'J very irreirular, fever and niniit sweats, pain in lay brea.i . .i ..- .,,,lwl with distrevins C.i'jrll. whirl was very tight, my flesh hsd nearly ll pme. and I w.,. . weak Uiat I could scarcely raiwmyhead fr,.m t.:e pillow, and wan truly an olject of fit? lho.l. My trinil had been ecnt lor to we me ui". sun mj -.-, .... rounds bv kind and symilhi.iu r.eishltir'. ivho bad in ii..H me ln:irture from this Wtir d. llou all ws of hope had lied of my riwvery. a n.-ihl' ir. Mr Darid' Conrml, .r.iw-d to try CIIEN' h3 I'LLMOMC SYKUr, with a view ol loosi-nm my tou.u, aim iv.ru. in" me of the ton-h phlegm, and as a mean of alTordinir mpunire relief, remarkins at the Uok. " thst I wa ton far cone for the Syrnp to be ol any pcrraaiicat b--nelit. Jly wife, aniiou fir the relief of my intei.se suffering, procured some of the I'u'mmic S:rup. I found it allon -ed me relief, and continil. d using it. I could f-el l heal ing iunueuce upon my lung-. I continued to improve i,. ....i niv frii.tiilH were much cratlfieil to witness my uncpccttd improvement ; many of my neiah- hors came to look at m as one rn.-eu uv me cou-h now hnimo loofo. and 5 felt fomeihin break, where I had tbe pain in mv breast, snd 1 d seharireil larpr quantities of yellow mutter. I have for weck difcbarp d and raised S spit lox full of n alter every day, with hard lumps, like grains of Kmieihin?. My bowels now lieran-.e regular and natural, and myarp tite wes so far improved Hint I CfUld fcarcely refr du from atinp too murh. Mv strength improved, and 1 regained my flesh. 1 continued to improve in oery renpert soon alb r I commenced il-irg the yrup. and the im; rovenient continued until I vi, restored to my wonted health. I have passed through the inclement w.-nthcr of the latter part or winter snd the sprinc. and feet as well now as en r I felt in mv lif -and I m tl.i dsv a livieigte-limnnnlof the great emeary of SCIlLXttCS PULMONIC SlULPm cunnj pulmon ary ditenses. . , . Ixst this atatrment should t thonsht tcohi--t-ij colored by some rople. I subjoin aecnifcate of a number of tin inhibilauts of lacmv, who saw mi at different times duriug my disease, and never expected tos me r.-stnn d I a'so append the i-cnidc-it. of the brothers of Mesne dodge, A'o. 270. 1. O. of O. K . tho kindly watched over mo. snd fu'Iv b lii-Ti d thev would ronsitrn my remains to Ihe tomb; l.lit thank to Dr. fell -nek, for his invaluable Pulmonic Svrup. my life has been spared, snd I in per milt -d to miifcc the forci,o.ug statement for the ben. Cl of fuffcrin mankind. I nsi le st l:ironv. and sm well known by most rf the people there, and will be gratified to hsve any perrn call upon mc and learn more particulars or th credit vlrtuc if this med cine. JOUX C. OKEdV June ii, 1SS1. The ub.r-ihrTMnetnt rsof the Mrrtie lodge. "n. 270. I. O. of O. F . of llolmesbun. Ta,, do hereby eertifr thai we know John C Green, (and is a mcmh r in c l stand ing in No. '70. I. O. of i. !'.. who was di.nereirly ill with a low I'ulmnnarv fonsnmplirn l.t wint. r. so that they gave him up to die: that he is now fu'ly rc-tored t perfert health, and they b.'lieTe his recovery was pro duced by Si hcnek's Pulmonic Symp. W'e believe hi. eerUficaa i- corrce; in every rrtieiilar. IIit Nrrr, r.ti., I Aiiaru Kotavsov. P.C, A.Tum Asinnu I'. C, .'. K. O-vm. N. O., Josltb Kni-vut jE I Jacob Watiuias, JB-, J.WTT C. "ITICC. tlolroesl.urg, Thilsd. Co., Ta- June 25, 1SJ1. ti,. .nLnol eecldents of Taennv. eiirht miles a-ovi- fhilsdolphia! being well acquaiuud with Juha C. Crrra tha eirenmsrsnees attendin? his ease. f.-l imr-elled by a deep s-nse of imperative duty, to make universal l nown toth- public his rntiru r-covery from the ver last stages of a Pulmonary Consumption. So entire!; helpless was his condition: havir.; boon but a brief pe ri-id iu that rapidly sinking snd cmaciat'd sU'te, as b utierlT preclude in the opinion of bis phy icsan snd friends, who watcheil hy h-.s Ndsi le. all nfpes ot even a t mrorarv recnverT and rrstcration to ins pr- s.ni rni hvalita. Thus tho careful use of your invaluable Specific. th'i l'ulm"WC Jivrup. maKes ll in our neu-i. unuev tn. irenmnees of his previnns prnlrat. n"t to say avme nn.Htinn. one of Ih'most startling resullsthatthe wh"lr annels of mclieal skill or seier.ee can prnduee. It de serve to be iminshsbly reeerh-d to yrmr cre ht. srd e ur.is ti yon, ihe treat di-coverer of an infallible cure f-r this hitherlo remediless disease, a la-ting monum -nr, am orld wi.le repoiat on m the lies'ing art tnnl no r m msv e ther dimmish or d siroy. llivmi wnne s n ir tlreen's distressing struggles nnd sutferinES from a con tin'ial rough, snrs railded ro the other symptoms ennse juent upin, or attending ine last sisges or a piimoiar. tiseaan: and moreover at being so generally believed bv his numerous friends that nohuman pnwor could relieve ir protract his l:f-, miteh less restore mm naeg asin vi his fo'-m -r health, we f el it Ihusnrdutv to give cur un aualifled tetimcnv of Mr. Green's trfeet reeoviTV, bv means of thetxrlnivTuis-of rourwontlcrft'l Syrup: rnrl o sbooM iortv-fd rinw if we evild ne mule in itum"i mtrura'tit of rl:f f ntH car to otrra wlio may be bo nnPTtunate a- to be suumrv aiuica. PivtD C )r.An, Jr.sss: Dcrrmn. J P., A';nttxw HsTtr, Cn tvin of St arat'oat Wasl in;"An. .Ii55C VValS-IX, IlOByT AiLrir, Jas. TottBicT. of tha Wash iiutcn House. Tacony. JonV liLOJMSBTTKT. C.'S. IIicgt.c. Captalacf Steamboat Trenton, Joseph Hrm. Jr STEPflFlV L"KE'5, Mitirriw To;, Atxix Vixitourr, Bocks cs.UQty, I'a. Pr r.are 1 only bv .V. H. 5CIISVCK, and fir ssle nt h'f PRiXCII'AL OFFICE, SKAKSPKAKK rCU.DI, . W. eorner of SIXtIt aal CUiiSIXOt streets, aud by Drugiri'ts generally. Price $1 Dcr bouie.oT six tottl.-s Jbr $5. 43.Solc ajent in Lewiaburs JOSIAU BAEEB. Iy301 BL'LL'o HEAD HOTEL, Mijfliiiburg, Union county, fenn'a- RESPECTFULLY iniorms the citizens ol Union county, and the public in general uat he has leased the above stand, for many years occupied by his Father, and is now pre pared to accommodate Itiends and tbe traveling community in a manner acceptable to all. Tbe HOUSE ia large and roomy, well arran ged iu all its departments, and every care will be taken to render his gue.-ts comfortable and happy. His TAUI.E will always be furnished with the choicest delicacies of the season, and ihe best the market can aCurJ. The KAR will at all times beattenled by careful persons, and none but the very beat of liquois will be kept. His STAlU.ES are ampli snd convenient, and the OsTLEKn DUOClual and attentive. ' In abort, he pbdges himself to endeavor to give general satisfaction to all, and hopes by sttict attention to business to merit and receive a liberal share of paironage. MitBinburg, June 30, 1850 81towe. rpHE subscribers offer Ihe public, at their J new Brick Foundry, the lollowing new and valuable Stoves : Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, with a Brick Oven. Ladv Washington Parlor Stove. Cast Iron Air-Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood 2 sizes. Coal Burner lor Parlors 1 size, 12 inch cjl nder. Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove t Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for wood 3 sizes. Egg Stove Ibe very best in use for Stores, Offices. Barrooms, and Shone. The celebrated Genesee A ir-Tipht Uook otove The Complete Cook 2 sizes. Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Slovcs Plouehs CRtine. sc. &c. ui-iKis i at r tiii.iv. Lewtsbara?. Dec. 12. 1849. M An ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Cure," in that awful diteate. COtlSUMPTIOl ! TR. F1TCII S Lectures on ihe Preven- II tion and Cure or ConnmpUon. This popular work for tale in Lewisburp by S. F. Lynda.! J. HwighUja-Mdji , 0W.P rnc. 1Q t ' BiOlOWSf. PRINTED with clear type on gowl paper and ill linn and cleg nil bindings, consisting ot STANDARD XELIGIOUS irOJIKS. Andrew Fullers complete I Frcy's5eriptnr..Types,2r.l,00 Works, a vols. $-VX! - Mcsetdi-bip AldstoD.v.itlon.Watts.AC.W Howell on the Ui-scnnshlp .i t. , i ; llb. Uiiv nr Salvation - Inviting 75 Jam s'Ch.Members Guide Devotional " 7S - Church In K.irnest 50 PilCTim sl'rojrs tWs Call to Christians 40 I olv War tw Liieof Jlrs. nn!t..luil"n a ( Booth s Keisn or t.racs " oiu-au -" - Crowel "s Church Mtaib- Lynd on the Macnluse and er s lland-llook ? Atonem n. . " Cox's lli-t.tng.Iiap.MissnsC.i Mi-ad's Almi't aChriSUan 5 tiauimed's Am. " TSiM. nioirs of lli v.S-1 earcu j COXTROrF.ESlAr. WORKS. nr. Carson on Eapti-m $l.f;0 Pr Howell on Communion CO t ii ti:..... tf. Si ii,.niinctou wraith en Infant " 2 , n-ason' for Fengillyon llajtismsnd hecoming a I'sj tist o ll'S-tll on llicolry, lo iiapusi ,iau,, Prof-CurtisonCcramunionidl tion of Tra'-ts, 4c. FOR cnilDKES AXD SUXDATS- UOOLS. .,..., ,ii..nnn. r.o-. ia R it'eaner 1M2 50 15 Alconoi. n" e. ii- iw , - . t. . i . .. lrl:abrocksTal..solTriithi5.llotsfilds Spiritual Toy l)rUelchcr,5S..riptcreTalc;l eg-, an Ailcjory " rnlopery . Anna 1 Saucy ' Itaptisnwof jiJerirtidethePeaccMaUcr H the Xew Testam. nt 2i Krnris t:g.rton Hosing Scenes iu L:fe of '."he Floods Vennglwons S..Katliers Aprl" rtur Snvi,.r. bv a Teacher SJi'.lamos end -f ' ' Serpent fnr.il. d a Port- M. mmrf h. M. Way rait of liuversaluia 2n Mmple St.TP s TIIF, r?At.MISX, in various itylcr, .' to l.S THE HA1U', " iJt0."'. The above for sale in Lewi-burg at iiiiic.niun I he auove ii sain in . i - res at the stoic opposite Kline's hotel. 371 BARTON & HHALFAXI prices. 3 Xew and Popular Stiiool Hook. C10MPRE1IEXSIVE iSummaryof UvivinAi HisToni. tocether nilh a liioff'sphy ol DMingui-licJ Tcreons, lo wliich is ojipcudtj an eiiitomn of C Heathen Mythology, Natural Philosophy, ) General Astronomy, and I'hyeioloay. AJoptcd nnd usnl in ihe Public Scho,.ls of Pliihi.1. E S.JONES & ;0 . Publishers, S. W. t.'orncr FnraTii and Rack streets; Plnla. rp"Teachers and School committees address ing Idlers to us post paid will be furnished with copies fur examination. full and complete assortment of BOOKS and STATIO XERY for sale nt the lulL-Cil prices lyelq390$3lr REMOVED. -"PHE Lrwisburrj Cheap S orf ha ln n JL rcmnvprl lr the more rotivpiiient Smre room, recently occupied hy J.Fnrt"r. firs' t,tlow Kline's lluli l, vvhi-re we sho!! It nppv to see our old patron, nnd an tininlicr f'f new ones. APrii a. 1850 c. n. novi-.s. sf5T Dr. John Locke, ZSS SURGEOX DENTIST, MAY be found at his Office and residence Tnird street, near ihe (iir.Uel.Ch the t vera billowing the fiisl Mond iy of each month -nere he is prepared to execute ull operaiinns' in his line of business in a manner c.-eJituMo lo himself and ati..f.ictor.v to tUoe ho may favor iii.n with iheir patronaae. JOHN LOCKE, D D.S. Lewisburff, Pa., M iy. I860 LEWISBURG BAKERY. 11HE suiwenoer hating commenced the baking business in Lrwisburg. nearly npMite II. '. ts'helloi's store, intends keeping coiiaiauuy on nnd ihe best of FANCY CAKKS, together with a good supply ol Common Uanes nd Itstl. IU which lor wniteness ar.11 quaini ill lie surpased by no baker in Ihe country, a. e have Ihe services of a practical workman. In connection ilh our Ii lkery, wo linve ass m$m sxLmn KAKMEItS nd persons from the country will find the D .kerj runveiiieiit and plcasaril resort me p".r" f ob'aiiiir'g refreshmonls, sum as ureau, wins ics. Oy-tern. Hot (olTce. &r. ate. Also. FLO I'R for sale. A. E. UENORMANDIE, Agt. Lewisburg. Dec. 1850 LOOK BEFORE YO'J LEAP! LOOK at KATrir.m'a NEW STOCK ol f.oU nd filvei VA . itches arid Jewelry, before you buy cl-ehere and pay a ' b eilr t..n much" because you was not ware mat liatuciu s-na iei- . i .11 . ..V. . Cold P. Levers, seven jewel, lito S lof"V " do lull jtwvwi -AnctorsandL.-viiv-sjcwldHtoia 30,00 SO.oc SilverlM.'V.rs.je,l.n, . W - Anchors anl Upines jeweled 1 Vi Vv Gold Finai rlliPKS.larse variety . t.ar Jiins, plain ana ngu, is sejis Pencils, and reus Peridls . . . Pecs, Silver rases, Dis mond pninted I,5U Urcastrins, La.ly snnl Gent's, dill't styles ,7 Iluntin? LoActs. double, 6,0 Watchcbains, Fob and Test J- Guard do ifoet 13;SO Kev ' 5.00 10,00 ,00 3,00 S,00 12,00 2f ,00 15,00 3,60 1S.O0 .( 3.50 e.TS 10,00 8,00 Silver Table and Tea Spoons ? Plated and Germ. Silver lea and Table Spoons ,i Silver Comhs " srd io!d bpectacies ' nrass Clocks JJ Accordcons ' And hnnd.'cds of first choice armies, splendid ;oods," just frrm ihe city and ns low as v retailers can sell, by A L. HATTIELD. Lewisbure, March 18. lsol Cewisburg iToimdrn IHE subscriber, thankful for post pal ronie, would iurorm tho public that hi. pnniinues to msinuittirmre a. I hinos oi Mill Rearlns ar d other Castings. 1 branine u. and mher articles of Machinery repai red in the best manner. Castin-i warranted lo be of tood material, and at prices th.it can not . 1 SSIVj 13 If I UUII fail to please. JAMca o. . Lewisburs, reb. 15a I nOOKING Stovrg. of various pattern J and iz, for Coal or Wood, for sale at tha Lewisburg Foundry by James a jiiarsn. riTOVES Parlor. Weod. nc Coal Stoves, various patterns, for nie dt ihe Lewiaburg Fonndry. Jamet . maien. WIARD'S Patent Ran? Plow, a supe rior article, for sale at the Lwisburg Foundry by James . Marsh. fl RAIN r Seed Drills !W Patent T Heeidedlv the ftef and most durable Grain Drill now in dm, for sale at Ihe Lewisborg Foundry try Jamaa rJ. Marsn. Arc7i7t Plaster, Sail and Fish tmenl just recM and for sal BRANCH FARMER, Petroleum, gROCK OIL, A NATURAL REMEDY!. b.Ls of sub-t.n.i which HlJf.WtTtoSfy "I.1! tl-y VJT. in this respect is ell liiun ;n e-mpetili'in. iiirjc.----. iwm ehrnnc like MlXni Al' WATERS, wltese 'MskialXI chronic e .ses ar. acknolel;.sl not only br i"""w.u ' bv the ee,m,,,itv at l.ir.-e. 1 hes.' ,s'"'f'f ''"lus cilt from the. artn,iinpre-,n,t-.l with .am ' Pte or Jiff r nt irof. rties.ana UnWrof tl- n. in sn h c.m P eU soluli.m as I. re,u r- th" aid oruh.-mt-lry to. ' 1-ar empie prcnl to tV f.et tln.t .hey sro !u"'1 th master l.an.1 of .Nature f.r th. a le later. otJf iiirerin,.. a.,.l disease, ir letrelemn is ;";'"' it is a ir.,.1 one, for .Nature nev. r h!f -Ine. I , r work. It ,U CM.tiiHl.. tn le use. I nnd :.IT".' m$.:?-tTlU as man cn-inues to te an!.-t sl with dr?,T",i '.,11 enn- cure every di-case. we do m t pret : Mil t liatllji a an-at manv dis.-scs. huh ineur:,b e, is pr.iv.-n Iy tin- . viler.c- in its favor. 'v a new era in medicine, and will enure t tho health and happiness cf man. SrnOFrtA.-ths retrcl cm is a preat Id in Scrofula .m l Kim'- i'.vj- in all tho? "ea " r in .depraved cinillhm of the Meet and oth r l.u -ds ol the 1 JdV. It 111 cure rain- s 0.1 eni.r uien.s rf.W ndj.int-.r.'otclie.l.s Kivsip-l.i-. I'milh- h- T t. s,.:.l.:.e...l. lihiL-orin.aiiJ the varnus Skin d.sea- S.S. It has enr.d n..B."t'. crises nfl!hemB.tWtt...'Or; , . . . In l":.r.l: .n COUntV. la., WSS enreJ er a rh. umMie all. ct on . f six years stand ' diieasewr.J .o ...jravaN'.! as toeoot.oe I to her Ud d . r ini the r-' iit r iit of that t .me; s.va is now well, ai.a cou.'iiicrs hers -If entirely restere l. hm.UVAT.SX iMU lo th: fwtr of re.'-o.';u"i .' I f. e! mvs -If nnd -r a delit of prui' nd- to th , rrmwietor of the l'c.nleiim. Ih1' us- i f whi-b rea: n...-'uii.. has en'.ir-lv cured m.V v ile Of a vi, I nt a' t-.ek of "'"'":''';"l M,e bed 'nlor d nnder an a'.'.r.ek cf the dm a ts-ra'-ut tw. moi;h. sn r.ns tne nwt inb-nse pew: ' e" f rrt e, th - tn,. coulee 1 t., ber rad. a..d "nall. to... anvtlnn-r. Tlie ln in the llo.hs was virySr.t.a ll. t.d.d with a crc.it deal o: sw. liin.-. 'i .. 1'. trni. urn hid a hai; eiT.-et. f,r the first two or thr, e arpVanons lh.s sw l.iri. diminished and the Jain left her. 1 continued to app y tha medicine riaiiv f' r about two w-exs, vhiet. entirely r ! evwl her. and she is new S' well as ever Jh was in n r lif- 1 feel enrifdcnt that the IVnlenm is one ol the trreafsst medidiies in the world for rbedntatie ra.n and awcliiug.. pETER VVili. y''ny St., AUh-ny C.ty. Chronic Conjh cared. I take pTeasnro in ccrtifvin-; to the valuable properties of Mr Kier's t'. lro'enm. f..r an oSi'li m cl the t r asl and Inn , ae'ompanied with sev. r.' (.aio in tbe b-l, and a cmi"h 1 tenk the Petroleum iu lar. er d,.-. s than is n c-omra-rated in th- direet,. !,.. hut after fcikins it a re. .lavs I cot to like it. I should like to have a l urrel of it ro use in inv faii.ily. for 1 b 1 eve it to be a vntttahle medi inc. The Petrol iini produced no unek-xtnt fe-eiinjs whatever in Ihe use of it. Wa.KA. lituluri, Jl.tr.-h 16, 1S;0. " Tim: it nMi'tj li e it fr Eimi HtL'.i r, XT ', F-b. t!l, 15r,n. I ot three doren rf tr Ki, r s !' tro e im ol MrH.".e!l, and I an dis; OS -d to think li, re is nothil g 0.1 toll for itiirns; huvii-j; 1 unit t,vh:r,!-..'t:i im'si-.ts n-ihiiiir I, s fban a lor ?. te 1 ens s- re. hot foni-l 10 s,.r, ii-ss at an from its onlv leavir.; a r. .l seat.'. v..lh.-nt uv r.,n s ,rh-n pre -.-d t:r ti. w!,ih 'iii:e.-Ui peis A rn -. Ilh r fe-,-have great f.lth in its etl.cacy, 6u l;.r at b at, and .ill intre.liiee it in ibis -.e-t::n. V,ry rtti.'Vsiuliy.i:. UAfVEV MANN'. n mr lifi ov-r f v mr.n!h witti T.-p".l r- "! imi?i Iwl. r.nr.r rm r-ii n . mvu-ftf -t I k t-H. l virv miirli, ."n-l f i.t.n.wl ku Oi.l.i i:i''y; I t "v. : .it .t -iitv r!f --t. C:.cs ri'.NM to .'tc in iri'h llt-n. Ciovli. rill 1. rf'Pim n-U-.l in to try yr.ur V'rol "m. ft- H Ii 1 W'tk -i --tunc w n.Icr.n. nin in h: n -vl.ew. Pr..T W'.Svrwj.t s .tin- ear- r 1 iiiiS j t H p n'h'- 4 ir!- firfl tl.t n -At morriin1 to i rnnM -ro i nar id cm trrv oi i. ot" at 1 a uirrt i .c act...rci 1 in.v:r inf rnvtti.nv n-.u i nc. .i :nv i trill p!ci- ! the l-fcn r Lv- e :ut I he w.lt rny you Ai t y iiViT. M "- .l".T-n r. .... .,i , . . hi IwUburg lur taie io ! Ur 'I h rnt'i. aii-l J Li i her A Or. T. Ll. H. TEUimm, JIaKELI El. LrsvISIirT.!!, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN Drii5',Icllci;ei,l hoiiilcaN.Uyc- lUl-. Oils, Itiiis-, I t'llmnrry, Confectionery fc r"ar.cy Aniclcs. Dr.'i horntnn returns his thanks fur llic lilie.-a' tlrnnaue lnch he has re.eivcil. ami lie assure he conimui.ity that rtcry art. i:t:cn sliiil be iaid lh. C 'li'l'ouinlii't! of M- i.iiie. anJ tbai al' liu; shall :c lul!y teste I b. f.i!.' tl.ev a'e cil'crvJ ur s .1.' on. I warranted hi t.p u-e sr'.l genuine. rt?T'c uvitiii. mis f-itcii free of charge al Ur riiornloii's Uiug o c. Kcin.inbcr l cnl! nt ine ill stspT, fir-t door ili'ivr the Mainmnih Store nl J. & J. W ills. -erTS!-o, . - r ; s -3.'.M. ORNAMENTAL TREES. The suhecrilx r r.iTi-is fur snle a lar"e issnrtnu tit of choice I'ru l Trrcs sur-ll as Apjile trees, 7 to 10 f. et hi'lh 40 vnnelies, til wnrrantrt! (;rnuinr itaci trres, -i' varieties; lartarian I lu rry, iecmnnr, rrn.ir. nnrl Pear trees, loaether with some f or 8 vnrteties ofOrnpe Vines of the lies' n-itive and exotic varieties. Orna'neriial I'rers, such as the Paiilonta. Lir.drn, &r. 1M R. Persons wishing to procure a quantity of the Fruit trtes.are requested to make immediate application to the subscri ber, in order to procure the varieties and I.TIII V size wanted. wwisLs. Lewisburg, March 4, 1850. MUSIC! MR FRANCIS J. Ui:.S-Mlt wnul.l res pectfully inform the Ladies and Gemlenien tt Levtisbure and virinilv, l!it ho has taken ro ims in tbe dwelling-liou-e of Mrs. Ludm ;, on VT-trket street fentrance at ihe Maiket St. il.rs ) where he is r-ripatcj to give Iasttuclions on the frr --'., til A t. v-r. . t airtoir" .nd also lo give instructions in acquiring the German lVinciiAgo. Mr. Gsss-teu is bt"ly from lSelLMonte. wnrre he his been encased for nearly two yesrs in teaehins the above branches, and has given entire satisfaction lo patron- and pupil. Lewisbu r. April 12. 18ol MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. T. A. II. THORNTON offers his profe-.sional services lo the citizpns of Lpwisbursr, and vicinity, in tho various branches of his profession. Residence Mr. Maize's, Market St. Office Drus Store, one door above the Mammoth Store of J. & J. Wells. Lewishur. Oct. 1, 1850 HENRY C. HICKOK, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Lewisbarg, Union Comity, Pcnn'a. OFFICE on Second St., lately occupied by L. B. Christ. Esq. VfOTES Promissory, Judfjmcnf. and I.! Joint Notes (blanks) nt this office. n EE 03 of superior farm, for (ale at to sJttronlala can, 9 M msttip pt i-n. Stone Coal for sale. To niackamitlis. BITUMINOUS COAL, from the West Brunch nnd from IIoHidaysUur";, for sale nt the Shop of the subscriber, near the llavscales on Third St. 1 ALF..VR AMMONS. Lewisburg, May 7, 1850 Price Reduced! VAUGHN'S IITHOimilPTIC 1VIIXTUEE! Iar(f Bolllct Only One Dollar. Tin? PrormVtor of Ute Great American Bcmt.F MVrow'i Vegetable InnomirTic Mutcw." indacl Ur tin oryent aoiicrationa f hu Aeu. ibroueboat liw Luinni States ami Caoatia. b&s now Eeduoed ti.8 Price of hit popalar aw. well known artit ! ; and fraai ifaio data, heorefortli. be will pat bp bat oao nzm otU. qu bottles : Ue retail price will he ONE DOLLAR The pob.ic mar rrt aware.1 tint the ch.iracter of the Me-H ciiie. it rtrength, and curative proiwrties will rem-vIM l Ncn50EDt and the uune caie will be betored in pre p an ne it at hereto lore. At thw medicine, under its redact! price, will be parchawl by tho who have not hitherto made tltrmM-'vets acitimil Willi iti virtur, tlie proprietor wooiil bE to mumble ihat hw arti !e U not to be i-laned with the tat-t amount oi " Reinedie of the day it laiin lor it-ii a greattr htaltug peterr, in ell diseases. tAn an ther preparation now iewrc Uit morld; and has Mstained ttvlf for eisht yean by iu taperioi metiical virtues, and, untii this rednction, eommaaticd doui tlie price of any other article m this hue. Notic e Pa ETirrt. ah.lt, tl.ii arucle acta with frai-eal-ing power and certainty, upon the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Longs, and all other organs, upon tlie proper action of which li and health depend. Tuis mwliaue has a justly bich repote aa a remedy for Dropsy and Gravel, and all diieae or that natnre. It may be relied upon when the intelligent pbjsician has abamloued his pauent, ami fbt tiiese dutrewine diaeaes, more epr:a!ly Daop-fT. the propri etor would eamet!y and hone-tly recoaimei.d it. At U present price it t easily obtained by all, and the trial mill pm the article to be the Cheapest Medicine in tlie World ! tr r'cae ask for pamphlet :baent ei re them iwir tliey contain over ix.ten pace of rt-cei(u, (inaduiiiot total mf.iical matter) ra Suable lur huueho'.l porpo-, and which iit ave many i!ol!an per year to pracucal houiieepen. Tuee reteipts sie hitrotlu'-ed to make tbe book of grea value. aMt.e iroin iu chi racier as an aiH-rtunne. ueftiom lo the niiu;nie, the testimony iu favor of w ii;ch, in ihe form ol letters from all part of ihecoantrv, may be reiird upon. " Vanjthn'e Vecetable I.ititor.uiftic .M.xtnre" th Great American Reinetlr now lor ta'e in quart lo:i at $ each, fmail bottles at bi eta each. o vmali tr as ill be ssue.l after the present ?lO"k u dipO"d of. 1'nncipal OZct, EutTalo, N. Y.. J.0T Main Ptreet C. C. VAI'GIIX. Fold tVhA!ea!e aid R-tsil hy OLCOTT M. KESdO.S & CO., 127 Maiden I.aiie. N'ew Vwh C.ty. N. P. All letter, (eceriting from a;entt a r.d dealers wi;h svrtom he tranacis bnnss) mui be post paid, or no a;ienujo wiii Ite Rtten to thtit .r-j ini. I IK M.'NTON. l.r-wl-Wz. i- (1. nrn! Acnt (or I.'m. n cuuniv J Il-t'.-t-ovr Ai i.t, M.luti ; 1. Ijr.iiiiAKT. 5. Inis;rae 3,1:: ft I TilE fEV FOUiiDRY IS now enrrird un n 11s11.1l. at the upper ciul nf M.irkt-i strt-rt. wfn-rprverv dt cri)!ion of CASTINGS is hunJ or rnatit; 10 order such us 'Flic ComiIfp, or Coiiii!c!c 'mprot ed Cooking Stoves lor fit Iter Co;i! or Wood and c!l other kinds of STOVES, cut kin Is Cs.rn Ploughs, IJull 1'iuuhs, nnd the Eelf-Shirpcning Plough, n rrw itr'H'li', and winch can not ho hen in P. nn- K.'n.i.i. C;i!l and -tc and jud' for vourstitcs. O.'IiilST & FRICK. L-Mviburj;. Julv 8, 1S51 m TlaiSs?S Ilil-l undi'rsijnerl cniit:tio'S the LIVE . UV BUSINESS nt the :tl Stand, ill Ncrlh Tinnl Si., m-ar Mirket, snrl respectfully solic.ls tiie patronage ol hi iricnJs und the publi' enu raMv. CM. Ml I.I IS F. HESS. Lcwisbiirr;. M iy Ti- I85t Tanning Currying. ITOR past favors, Ihe sulncriber reiurn.- his rntt'l'ul hanks, ar.d hereby in;ike known th'jl he curries on the buiiif$s) of Tanning antl C'urrjinz, at the Old Sland. Determined not to br outHonc in the miinulucliirc or fiui.sh of ln work, he is hound to have the best work men and materials, nnd to treat those who h.ive. sn lilwrallv pai ionized (as well a ihose also w ho shall be plene.l to patronize him) iih that mtenti.in whifh he hopes tn inuie him a I'uil share of public patronage. Al! kinds f PrKitiee taken in P.chaiiv;r. Hides and Hark not refused, for which the highest market price wilt be paid in cash or in exchange for leather. L. STERNER. March 25, A D. 1850 TEAS ! THE Canton Tza Company of Xetv York the olil.st n nd la'cest eslnlilishtnent of ihe kind in the V. S invite universal attention to tho fact thil, from ilirir sutierior arraniements, they arc prepared to sell Tens purer Sn1 mnra fraerant tot tho rrsperuve prices, Una auy tiouac on tau ccttuitnt can unifoimty do. These Teas comUne every mod description and qnajitv: tbey are done up in pacta.? from quarter of a po'ic'd apwards: the wrapper next ths sa i a Vary tin foil, covered with wattr-proof and eicjant Chinese parcr. and are perfectly secured from lLht and air, ro that the qnslity is completely prcssrvrd in anv climate. The above Tear .from 60 eta to $1,53 'ts r-r rouM, for sa'efcy J. IT A YES rf CO. Dec 18. Sol. Agents tor Levrisbur;. Look Here! AS ipurious BtUNDRETH PII,LS are old by many DruggM. jn ci,y ,0j country, it would bo well if persons in inquiring for them would mak Ihcm produce their Certifi. eate or .ixct. As there is hut one Agent appointed for ench erty or town, (no diltrence how large the place.) and all Agent ran pro.!0ca their Certificate, any persons wanting the genu ine PilU hail better purchaso where they can depend on getting the genuine article. J. ITAYES & CO. 51 Asn' for Lewisburj. MANIFEST8 for Boat ladin- a (oprT iM B RANT'S ML1J1RY HI The Creat COUCH KC.IIEOr. Many years of experience, ami mora than a la . Thoaaaad I re of ' snanmsilive t'onip; " Z? prused lo llwi uiat.Mibeed salleiaeu.ai of all Bartons Lava Isscowa acquainted wuli this aiarrU aZk2 Is areailly n.perlor, Ikscsuss it Is sooMas aid aJLr ami "' cerlniH lo rare '.bmubuisb i I.uii.a, tl any oilier Kemesly la Ine world. We knoV at cast, that On nediciDs ha. r.re4 luoov, aa.i sua wulcli. rw.Ft ihf ron wv.r rfl-etd. were called r.l 1-U.SMKll.M. B.I . S .-I. I -. .. " -. swrwirv wiiaayaiBCuaM U.at rr,m ...!. au l , rrTu Un Has m iVenZ (,r lh.. " .. nJ .ran m ar. nut to d,,i Purulent tlttt tc v .Viyjrs,,,," . vn-lin. .vrnv of Fle-h ait.1 Hloorl. tiv, havini; tM -a r.,Ti'ilaiBl aavff trr eiirvil allr 11 waa aaat ll.v rot4 not live a week l.nK Tii.a Kt.t,, ilnf) curc.1 soino win. were iiiis.!tl iu lie in a ilvi.n ol.ie I.U1. I.v 111- uao of ll.ia reui.l J, Ussy BOw llC. asu as .,1 e.H.I livsilli. ' ThU Kiil-1X ts fia.rfjr a T-,.t.,h, mrcwmt r s p'ensant Iu laa. atal asw 61 i.jr, in arij Ma-,. ( rt fc ease r utnlrr any rlroims'aneea Ir .:. wonilerful anJ alma Mirnenl.aa 1 oreal.v l'rilviM,.w... ft?. an.J l.vis.rnlinll :s- wf,.i ,v.;rni-i.v a, Stay fas cirtW.ri..a, ami pro.lar.n a ..Ua, act:". um , wt.iywj ('.iiKh-csarvy ra .trvea and ria, .tritiiuiiHif fcaiitsclorutioa. I: (.diss ilm Iu.mwml: i oaavs, v.s. : Consumption, ('IH'I.IIS sri'l tVrf. rU-mdtttit, Atthma. .VuioJtl t.ite.itny nf the t.m.'i. I'.wt la the ttre.it. .Si.. niti Ibimt. .Winoi. .I'.'il .Si;,rl. I' ttf.it.itun rj fit ttenrt, aial .A FK'IAI.K Vt i:.t KM-X-K-. si.J taesu.u ara Uirfniiii. holern InfiiHlnm. Lc f iT Kr 1'iu.if an l .at.U-afl .if Curaa, aso ojv lninihlel. aial tttndL tiit ail ar A!a a... laswa His. away. Asellfsi l)r Th- rntrm al il J Taker, l.rwi.. Viuru ; (j W Ke Icr arnl lto-h.1115 cV Anli. ,e Berlin; Jn M Tat Mr. .Mifflmburs ; S J Ooiis., clirtssrote; II X Bai khnns, Mnldlel'urir ; (i i K C Mojcr, l"rcliiii2 ; J II t'uslotv, Miltuu Sf'9cnvcL-$ t J vain Drill "PlIE uinlf.-ri 1. fhrn.iu ' iripd wisih lo inionn !.e community generally, that thry arp no iianuructurini .. '. ROSX Xnrh Improrrrl Cn.l DRILLS, or SO WIN (1 MACIIIXL. Withotil stopping to dis-Mi-s th.; compara tive llit'lils ol ciurntTDils Ur i'Isj now :'J, rt J lursiile, iliey wrrly vii-h li invitf I'anii ers to cull and stf the utiove mini, d urtn-'e before purcl.a-tn rlsevthere, lit-, n.' cui.i;-dt-nt tliiit tin y cuii 'niiitsh mi uilltle i'.at ttiii e.ivp niiire s:i'i-i.irlion. IIOSS. CI'.DDKS & Mr,su. Losishufe; Fuutirlry, A.J. 1J, liOtl. IT IS h FACT, ONE st l-t v d. lit, nnd worthy ol tvery eoii-itieiaMoii, i,:i! no Mi.iercari make ;i'oii clean fl mr wiiliuu! he ti n g'md clean wheat, i siiippn-e ou wtli to ki.u ii;.. reiiiedy. tell .u it t- to net une nl .rra.'r'asf' It Ittat ttiitirtrt, or m .l .1 .rtriiet. He ucinjj uti old, practical nt.1 experiencrd M.IIwrihi ha invented, j.-l ii nnd u: in sm-. e-siul onernimn die best heat tsC'.nrer now in u-e. Any pers.ni urd. rinj a imit'liiiit- nnd a'lemarijs finding that it dues lis -t prove to operate un re ire seiiie I. there shall be no sale, as l ht.se mn , liii.es are to be warranted 2iKd. Further ri-i (,n.ii,eii. alums are thought unnecessary, lie is now haun; a siti.plv made at Lewis. t.ur. by Ve.srs. O. ddi s 4. Marsh. Orders '.r miehiiies, or leiters of inquiry, will b ,.n inpl'v !i"idi d to. Machines will be -ent und put to alt order. AJ.lress I. IIEUC.STKliSSEP.. Lewishurf;. 1'nii.i, Co. P.i. 359 New Istrtbli-lt mont ! carr.'age mmm. 'I'JiK ml-scrit-.i r wouM inf.itm ihe citizens ..f ihi- loan an I Ihe slirrouiniin-; r.iuutrv thit tliing mule I.cui-liurg hi- a riu.inei.l ie-i.lenr.' lie hs taken tlie sh p a! the Lm rr end" Mirk't ttrctt. srt:th idr. her.- he wiil keep mi l.ai.u or n ipiitai ture tn nr,!er all kauls of DWUi i:YS, CA !i JilAfiES, SUUiTA S, SLEIGHS, ,)c. Also, every vaiiitv of work in his line Itcpairrsi, Faintfti, Trlmnud n short nonce an I reison.i!.le lenn. IVOn hand a lr-e st. rk ol w. ll sasoiini Tl.MUEil from Ihe L'liilli-iji! ,;,,e tnti,mis. Fr.an Ins l.mg eiieiM-ne in the business, the suliscrilwr Iru-ts he will la- nhle to civ rum s.nslaciion tu ail wh.i m iv favor him wnb pau. nai;e. Anv M,e ursiej is rruue.-lej 10 call, and uiviji 11, insterMl- anj wnikmanship. (Janh and (Jojnuy J'rmluce taken in pay for "'k JOSIAH GIUTO.X. Lcvtislmrg. April Cfi. 18.it 6m Ligiitmg Rods. fPIIE awful calamines that every City, JL Towu.ViUrtjre and country fails ictim lo annually, thro' ihe gross neglect i.f its in!. alliums, is beyond caculation,especia!ly when the rciin-Jv is so ta-y 10 obtain this is found in rmilage's Patent IHagnctic t yljt ninj UoDs, and in this alone. Tins rod bas hern examined by the nios' scientific gentlemen in the world Pfo fessors AI'Murtrie. J.ilmsnn, N alloc, anj manv others that bava examined them, recommend ami speak of them in Ihe highest terms of appr. hanon and have pronounced them ihe only sate roils n ar in use in this or anv other ouiiirv fir the prot tittn of Lives and Property. One advantage is to divide and throw ba k a purl of the electric fl u I harmless to Ihe clouds, this is in time of a suoke, this enahles the rod to conduct (hat poni.m ot fluftl that I rloi gs to the earth without Ihe s.'i-hi-cl dar gcr of leaving the conductor. This rod has many oibiw advantage, over ihe old one. The patentee tikes pin tire in infurruin; t: friends and the pu'.ilic in general lhat after many years' close iuv, sii-.ation and numerons evperi meuts he ha. arrived al the tree principle of pro tecting Families. Dwcl ir-, lmj ,,rf,rerijr fr.nB the destructive influence of LIGHTNING SAMl-El. HOOVtR. Harllcton, Union Co, I'a, Agent fsr L'uk nnd adjuiuing counties. 6rn371 Baltimore Pi in! ins Ink Manufactory. TIIC subscriber, agent for the sale of this hi, would invite the atleniion of printers aaJ publishers nf newspapers in tha South to the fast that they can now puichase in Dallimore a supe rior Ink to any manufactured in the State. The Baltitnoro Book and Newspaper Priotern prefer it lo any other Ink. Colored ink, eard ink. book ink and New ink of superior (joality and al ih lowest prices. The undersigned warrants tbe ink made at the Baltimore works to be of the very best quality, snd should any article shipped by him fail 10 give full satisfaction it ran be ntur Bed at I.U expense. VV M. THOMSON. 9368 So. 6 Carroll Hall, Balliaw Old Newspapers, SOME Ihoustntta in numher.or" all sat, for Hie at ihe Chronicle ofEce. at 40 eta per mo 1. Van mm the. ran. or Si when assorted. A cbinca fee Scrap Books aa will M far rfgir ipse