-J hi LEWISBUKG CHEONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. 11 1 Bit atti) Cjntnot. Falling in Lora A young man elopes with a silly girl: d Hurries her, on a fortnight's acquain-! and nis follv is at Icntrth annarcnt even .. . , , ,. ... , so iiiiubcii, nu ue mtouuui mr uib hi w vised conduct by saying that " he fell in lore." True enough, that's the way to fall, A warm-hearted, weak-minded, impetuous . ... ' , . . damsel, listened to the false protestations of a reckless rascal, who, with or without the nuptial ring, brings her down from affluence and virtue to poverty, vice and degradation. She tells her scornful rela-' tires or sympathising friends, " that she fell in love." Alas, ahe says rightly, sue fell in love ! It is better not to ftlL They tell a good story of a very polite Sheriff who came nrar being outdone by a person it was in the line of his duty to hang. "Sir," said the gentleman, aa the Sheriff 9 c 1 Was carefu'.Iy adjusting the rope, "really your attention deserves my thanks. In fact I do not know of one I should rather bare to hang me." ' Really," said the Sheriff, "you are pleased to be complimenta ry. I do not know of another individual it would give me so much pleasure to tang." A Wise Landlord. One night, a military officer, a judge, ; . rW all nnnlied for Wo-.no- t n ' 11 c c ion where there was but one spare bed, . and the landlord wa culled upon to decide which had tlie best claim of the three. " I have lain fifteen years in the garrison at B.," said the officer. "I have sat as judge twenty years in B.," said the judge. " itli your leave, gentlemen, 1 nave rtood in the ministry twenty-five years at J.,'' said the priest. " That settles the dispute," said the landlord. " You, Mr. Captain, have lain fifteen years you, Mr. Judge, Lave fni twenty years, but the aged pastor has sfrW five and twenty years, so ho certainly has the best right to the bed.'' A Bitter Fill. " Doctor, that ere ratslianc o' yours is first rate," said a Yankee to an apothecary. " Know'd it ! know'd it !" said the pleasant vendor of drugs. " Pou't keep nothin' but first-rato doctor stuff." " And diictor," said the other, coolly, " I want to buy another pound of ye." " Another puin l 1" " Yes, sir. I gin that pound I bought the other day to a pesky mouse, and it made Lim dreadful sick, and I am sure that another pound would kill him." BCA -bad fix" was that rather raw boy in, who one morning bro't his master pair of bcits, the foot of one of which was much longer than the other. "How comes it that these boots are not of the same length ?" said the man. I "I really don't know, sir-but what' bothers me most is, that the pair down stairs are in the same fix !" A negro in Boston had a severe attack of rheumatism, which finally settle.! in his foot. lie bathed it, and rubbed it, and ' ewathed it but all to no purpose. Finally, tearing away the bandages, he stuck it out, and with a shake of his fist over it, ex claimed " Ache away, den, old feller ache away, I sha'n't do nuffin more for ycr ; dis chile ken stan' it as long as you keu eo ache away !" An old Dutchman passing a number of railroad tracks in the course of a day's journey, and never having seen any before, was non-plussed to account for their use. At length, after examining one of them for about twenty -five minutes, and scratch ing his head quite bald, he ejaculated : " Tay must pe iron clamps to keep der ertqoakes from breaking up der mad." We were at a theatre, on one occasion, when, in the play of Ilaroltt, a ghost came upon the stage, wearing a very heavv grey beard. 44 Who ever saw a ghost with wbir.kers!" I indignantly exclaimed a critic at our ellxw. i " Who ever saw one arVwaif f" was the ' sjuicf reply of another. In a town not far from Boston, a clergy man Was viMting a district, where a little lxy was bnt forward to " speak a piece," because he was bold. When he was done, the clergyman praised Lim by saying, Why, my little lad, you are not afraid, are yon ; o ! I ain't afraid of nothin'. J ain't of mid of tluul-s."' " Do you retail things here ?" asked a green looking specimen of humanity, as be poked his head into a store on Main street, the other day. " Yes," was the laconic reply. " Well, I wish you would re-tail my dog be had it bit off about a Week ago." It was said of a certain "frank and free spoken woman," bat not over-wise, that it was not at range that her mind was almost gone, as she had given so many people "a piece" of it ! u I know by a little what a great deal means," as the gander said when he saw the tip of a fox's tails ticking out of a kollow tree. A awelan-cholic man was he who passed last night in pain and tribulation, in con sequence of eating a whole watermelon at linner. .Storage, Forwarding, " Tttvttcc AND GRAIN BUSIN.LSS f GIBSON .pectfuUj announces to tne citizens of Union snd adjacent counties, tblt ne nM reDt,d those large and eommouioue Store Houses and WharfJ lately occupied by Samuel Wolfe dee'd, aouth of the I Biidee. where lie will carry on General COMMISSION Business. Stobaoe nnfMt .en,ied to and all kind, of GRAIN , bought at the highest Market price. U.U. -""" Aug. mat iya TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. IfERV thankful for former favors from the public, the undersigned would that he conliuues the business of Tailoring, in all its branches at his old stand on Market Si between Third and Fourth streets. New York FASIIIOXS received regularly. All persons tntru.tinir work tn bim m.v be purr of fa&rioc it executed woraaniikemnn,o short ,.wi at rewu- sable ejianres. bAMttL AMMON. liable ejiarges. SAMl'iX AMMOY a).'u-tonier. who nave not settled in two years might do well to rail ana it how until accounts staua. Lewisburg, Auk. if, "l. Xew York Importers and Jobbers. FREEMAN, HODGES, & CO. 58 Liberty Street, (Bctw n Broad war anJ Nawsu St. near the Post-OfBoe,) NEW TORS. TV TF. are receiving, by daily arrivals from Europe, our Knl I and Winter assortment ' of rich, fn-hmnahle Fancy Silk and Millinery w 'pecttully invite all i,an rural- i mrm thnrniiahlv In evarninei nnr stock ann nrice. and. an interest governs, we feel confident our Good and Prices will induce them to select from our eeiahlishrncnt. Particular atlention in devoted to MILLINEKY GOODS ; many articles are msnufactuied expressly to our order, and can not be surpassed in beiiuty, style and cheapness. Beautiful Tarin Ribbons, for Hat, Cap, Neck snd Belt Satin and Tall, la Kil.lons. of all widths and colors. Silke, Satins. Velvets, and I'ncut Velvets for Hata. Feathers. American and French Artificial Flower. I'ntfini;.. and Cap Triniuiinirs. Dress Trimminirs. lar.-e assortment. KHibroideri-.. 1'npes. Collars. I'ndcrsleeves and ruff.. Kin.mhrlt.n-d UcTiereand Hcmstifrhf'ainhrielldkfs Crapes. Lureee. TarMnns. Illusion, and Cap Laces. Va'uciennc; llruswls, Thread, Silk, and Lile Thread lee. Kid. Silk, Sewing Silk, Lisle Thread, Merino Gloves, and litu. Fud and Tlain Swis5. Book, Bi'hop Lawn and Jaconet Miflin. EM.USIt. FRrxrtf. AMEPTfAX. AXD 1TALIAX STKAW GOUDS. July. 5m3ST5T UNIVERSITY at lcivisburg. ri'HE next Session of the University will com mence on Thursday, Oct. 16, 1851. The Board of Trustees have been highly grat ified by the large degree of success which has Irradv sticmlfd their exertions : and they are rerolvt-d to spare no efforts in order to furnUh bcrerfur the highest advantages to Students. The Rev. HOWARD MALCOM, D.D-has entered upon his duties as President of the Uni verHiy. His well established reputation givra 1 assurance that under his administration a still laeer ilcene of success awaits the University. He will he assisted in the department of inaUuc- liiin by the following able Professors : Ret CKO. R. Tll.ISS. A.M., Prof. of fliwk Lang. titerat. (iK". W. ANfiKltSOS. A.M. " Latin " CHtS S J A.M I'mf. of Math. Natural Thilos. Alilihu TAVUlK, A.-M, Prof. of Belles Lettres. The u-ui.l system of Collegiate education is fully carried out, embracing a course of four years and entitling the successful student to the degree of Bachelor of Arts. In order, moreover, to adapt the University to the wants of all, a course of study has been 'h-bed omitting the Ancient Language, and I sub-tituting in their place various branches ol Mathematics, Philosophy and natural Science. This course wi.l occupy a period of three years. It is thoroueh and omplete, and will entitle the faithful Student to the degree of Bachelor of j Philosophy. Siti.tetita who iWiirn enendinw but a vesr or two at Col!err. will have an opportunity of stud ying whatever branches they may elect, such as Chemistry. Civil Engineering, &.C Every Student will be required to give special attention to Composition and Public Speaking. In connection with the Collegiate Department ia an Academy in which the ordinary branches of an Enclish and Classical education are pur. sued. This department ia under the charge of Isaac N. Loom is, A. Principal, and Assist, ants. There is also a Primary Department under the superintendence of Mr. Norma Ball. Every arrangement baa been made to furnish all requisite aid in every part of a thorough Aca demic and Collegiate education. An excellent Library, a very complete Philosophical Apparatus and a well furnish" d Chemical Laboratory are provided. The Library ia constantly receiving valuable edditions. 'I he University haa extensive Buildines stand ing in an elevated grove on the south aide of the town. A more beautiful, pleasant and healthful location could not be found within the State. Pbk s or Ti mux Coll. riate Depart meat, fpo per annum Aead.-mie " JM I'rimary " 12 " Boarding ard Washing can be obtained at pri ces ranging from $1,50 to $3,50 per week. The year is divided into two Sessions one of 26 netks. commencing 16th Oct. and continuing till I be I fib, April ; the sreond of 14 weeks, from the I Jth of Mas to the 18th Aug. 18.r2. THO'k'WATTSON, Pres. of Board. CiF.O. F. MII.LEK, Sec. do Lewiahurg, Uuiou Co. Pa. Aug. 23, 1851 IMPORTANT TO SOLDIERS ! X HAVE mails) arrangements with Wro. 8. I Trowbridge and S. 8. Conover, the former ol whom has Iwen engaged in the Western Slates j as Purveyor for 17 years, by which I can insure . the location of land warrants on the choicest ' lands now in market, in Wisconsin, Minneaota, Iowa or Illinois, at the following rales : Warrants for 160 acres. $10; those for 80 acres, $7 ; and those for 40 acres, $5. Warrants entrusted to me with the above fees and a Power of Attorney to locate enclosed, if sent to me by mail shall be punctually and faithfully attended to. Powers of Attorney must be properly acknowl edged before a Justice of the Peace, accompanied by the cenificsie of the Proihonotary under seal. Bsnkable paperin Penn'a and Ohio bills pass here. 17 Refer to Peter Beaver, and It C Hickok, Lewisborg. MITCHELL STEEVER, Att'y at Law. Milwaukie, Wis, Aug. S3, 1851 N B. I will also attend as general land agent, pay laics, Ac. for Eastern land-holders in any of the above Stales 3m386 M. S. MOST KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, SE1TLT k EIPEDITIOUSLTJ EXKCUTKD AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE Lewisburg. t N extensive variety of Rasas, Strops, Fish J, in Rods and Lines, Snoods, Flies, Hooka, iVe. at SCBAFFLETX Life Insurance. KEYSTONE Mutual Life Insurance Comp any of Harriaburg, Pa., has a guarantee capital of $75,000 Local Agent, LcicurWg H.C.Hickok. Medical Examiner do W.n.LnsEa.M.D. BfOfOjKfSf. PRINTED with clear type on good paper and in firm and elegant bindings, consisting of STAXDAED EELIGIOCS WOBKS. Andrew Fuller's complete IFrey-sSeriptiir-TvpesT.1.00 Works 3 vols. ft ,Oo " MKsuhtip ' Aidtol. votion.Watt.4c.4inowcllnth-l)ereonrhlp Hu BuuTaii'aAwakeningWks t.'kj Way of Salvation 7.1 lnvitiue 7&:Jame8Ch.Meuiler'lj!iide X u IieTolional 7." t'hureh in Kaniert AO " Filsrrim'a I'roirrs S" Law Call to Chrirtians II. .lj War ft) Booth'a Keiiru of l.raoa 4.'' Crowett'a lliurrb Memb er's Hand Book ." Lit of Mm. Ann II.Judn M M Sarabll-JudaonbO Lynd on the tiarnlrce and Atonement W Mail Alm-t arhriatian M Cru'f Ili-t Knt llap.Miom.fi.. UauuueU's Am. TiiMemoirsof Itev.S-rearce COXTBOXTltSIAt WORKS. Ir. Csrson on Bai ti'm$l,.WDr IIowell on Communion 60 J. II. Ilinton t'5 S. Remington e Smilh on Infant 8."! " Reasons for Peninlly on Ilai tism and beeominl a Rapti-t B..lh on llirotrr, 20 to 2S Baptist Manoul, a Collec Piof.CurUnunCom'munion7sl lion of Tnn-ts, . M TOR cnlLDBEX AXD SrXDAV-Si IIOLlLS. tleohnl. an Allivtinr rt.2.VS. S. (.leaner 1SS2 J5 Iir.ltiils-ock'sTaleKOtTrutli 4 UoLford's Spiritual Voy age, an Allegory 15 Anna llailev 1' DrBeleher'aSt-riptureTiLlcso on fopery t " llapti.ms of the New Testament 20 Closinft Scenes in Life of i Gertrude the Peace Maker 14 Fruneis F.j;erton 1-1 The Floods 1.1 Vonna I'emona 25 rather Apples l- Our Sarinr. by a Teacher 2u James and (ieore 10 Serpent I'ner.iled. a Tort- Memoir of E. M. Way rait of Uuiversiilbm 2fiSimple Str.ri.-s 9 Eflie Maurice ltl.Sr ripture Serls,o.l and John Fink 10 2, by a Teacher 6 and 9 THE PSALMIST, in various styles, $0,".f. to 1,25 THE HARP, 2- to 35 The above for sale in I.ewisburg at publication prices, at the store opposite Kline's hotel. 371 BARTON otCHALFANT. New and Popular School Book. COMPREHENSIVE Summary of Uxivfbsai. History, Meet her with a Biography of Distinguished Persons, to which is appended an epitome of Heathen Mythology, Natural Philosophy, General Astronomy, and Physiology. Adopted and used in the Public Schools of Philad. E. S.JONES Si CO., Publishers, S. W. Corner Foi-btb and Kice streets, l'hila. fi Teachers and School committees address ing letters to us post paid will be furnished with copies for examination. riA full and complete assortment of ROOKS and STA TIOXER Y f r sale at the luwc.it prices lychn38uSStr 9Iap of the State of California, 0' KEGON, UTAH. NEW MEXICO, and TEXAS, printed by fc. Aug s Mitchell in 1846. and painted to corre-pond wita the lioun. darics fixed by Congress in 1850 for sale at the Chronicle office, price S5 cts. jfia Dr. John Locke, surgeox dextist, MAY be found at his Office and resiJcnce Third street, near the Uer.Uef.Ch. the two weeks following the 6rsl Monday of each month. here he is prepared to execute ail operations in his line of business in a mauner creditable lo himself and satisfactory to those who may favor him with their patronage. JOHN I.OCKri, ll.U.o. Lewisborg, Pa., May, 1850 LEVYISDUI1GDAKERY. THE subscriber having commenced the baking business in Lewisburg, nearly opposite II . P. Shelter's store, intends keeping constantly on hand the best of FANCY CAKES, together with a good supply of Common Cakes, and DREAD which for whiteness and quality will be surpassed by no baker in the country, as we have the services of a practical workman. In connection with our Bakery, we have an 112! SSSAIffl SALLSIiU FARMERS and persona from the country will find the Bakery a convenient and pleasant resort for the purpose of obtaining refreshments, such ss Bread, Cakes Pies. Oysters, Hot Cullee, &.C. etc. Also, FLOUR for sale. A. E. DBNORMANDIE, Agt. Lewisburg, Dec. 1850 LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP! IOOK at HA-rrinn's NEW j STOCK of Cold and Silver W atches and Jewelry, before you buy eleahere and pay a "leetle too much" because you waa not aware that HaiticlJ sells cheaper. Gold P. levers, seren jewels 14tolK in no to 10.00 dO fllll jeweled '. tH ni.lS) W.OO Anelinrsandle.in.YjewldUtolS ", Silver 1'. le-vers. jeweled. 1."0 S-''.'" " Aneboni and lrpine. jeweled lo.ial 17.00 Gold Fiuirer Ilinir". larca variety ,37 'j- .0n - Far King, plain and sgd, latest Styles M . " reneila and Feus M ln.'W " IVneils 1.7S t " Tens. Silver eases. THamond pototM 1JW 3.') Hrrat.ins.La.lT'sanlleuts,UlI'tatyles .7' F..nn Hunting Lnrkets. douMe. 6.50 1-MMl Watehrluuns, Fob aud Vest .! 2. .OH " Hoard do t feet 1W la.on " Hera .'i Silrer TaWe and Tea Spoons .) l.il fluted and tterm. silver Tea and Table Spoons ,75 4. no Silver Coaiha 2.e0 S.OO " and liuld Spectacles l ."0 S.7S Brass Clocks 2.-'s lo.oo Arror.la.na 2,. .'" And hnndreds of first choice articles, "splendid goods." just from the City and as low as City retailers csn sell, by A. L. HATFIELD. Lewisburg, Msrch 18. 1851 cu)isburg JTonn&rn THE subscriber, thankful for past pat ronage, would inform the public that he continues to manufacture all kinds of Mill Gearing and other Castings. Thrashing Machines, and other articles of Machinery repai red in the beat manner. Castings warranted to be of good material, and at prices that csn not fail to please. JAMES 8. MARSH. Lewisburg, Feb. 1851 COOKING Stoves, of various patterns and sizes, for Coal or Wood, for sale t the Lewisburg Foundry by James S Marsh. STOVES Parlor, Wood, and Coal Stoves, various patterns, for snle at the Lewisburg Foundry. James 8. Marsh. WIARD'S Patent Gang Plow, a supe rior article, for sale at the Lewisburg Foundry by James 8. Marsh. GRAIN or Seed Drills Ross' Patent decidedly the best and most durable drain Drill now in use, for sale at the Lewisburg Foundry by . James 8. Marsh. Nails, Plaster, Salt and Fisli. A LARGE i ortment just ree'd and for sale D S KREM1R & CO. rat. J Petroleum, sROCK OIL, A NATURAL REMEDY! PROCURED FROM A WELL IH ALLB0UESTC0,P-. Four Hundred fret below the Earth', surtaeel It" put up tn bottles, just as it Hows from the wall, without aJmisture of any kind. It gets Its imrrrdlenU front the beds f substances which It passes over la Its secret chan nel : they are blended toother in such a tma as to defy all hnman competition. The ikrralnist in this respect Is like MINKILAL ATEIW, wh.we virtues in most chronic chronic cases are acknowledged not only by physicians but by the community at larse. These einiruiar auida aowins out from the earth, intpn-irnatcd with medicinal sutwlanees ofdiSenmt properties, and holdine them in such complete solution as to require the aid of Chemistry to detect them, hear ample proof to the fact that they are onmpoundrd by Uie rmv-ter hand of .Nature f the alleviation of human sulfennr and di we. If Fetrolrum is a medkina at ail. it i a Kinl one. t't Xalure neter half does her work, it ill continue u. I u-J and applied as a Itemedv. " as man continues to be afili. ted a lilt dl-eaoe. That It will cure erery dlrae. we do not .retend : .ut lliat it will enre a snat manv dsataxv. tilth, rto Incurable, w a met w 111. n is proven by the e.r.1. or- in its faT.T. It dlseoTery IS a new era in medicine, and will enure tu the health and happiness of man. StrROfTlA. The lYtrolenni is a prent medicine In Scrofula and Kini;- Kill in ail those diseases nriatnaUns; in a di-pravii condition of the blood and other Musis ot tliellr. It will cure p:tin and entailments of the bones and joints. Klotehea. Ililea. trvsipela. Pimples on the ta'-e. Tetter, Seald-hend, Kiiiiworni.aud the Yarious Skin dn-iv si s. It has runil nuui -rous cases of Khcumatism, Neur algia, tlout, Ac. A wi.innn in Franklin county. Fa., was etirrHl of a rheumatic affection of six years' standing: the Ui-ciisc was so apn"ava!ed as toeoulrne tier to her led dur ini the (rrcnter part of that time; she ia now well, and criiMders herself entirely relore-t. KIIKVilA T1SM yirhli to the pnrer of Pttrotnm '. I feelmrsilf unrtradehtof Eralitude to th'j proprietor of the I'eiroleuin. til- use of whi' il Rreat meiln-iur has eutin-ly cured iny wif. of a violent attark of Hheumati.ra. .he had :a!r.il under an attaek of the diieiL-e li.r al.ut two months. stttTerinir tne most intense liii; the preah-r part of the time coiil'uie.1 to her bail, and uual le to do any tiling. Ttie pain in the limbs was very Kreat attended with a preat ilesl of swelling The petroleum had a happy effect, for the first two or thri-e aiplieations the swelling .liniiiiislii'd and the pain left her. I continued to apply ,i.. m.n..;n. .Inilv f..r sl4ut two w.ks. whi'h entirely relieved her, and she is now as well as eeer sh was in h-r life. I f'-el ci.nlid. nt that the I'elroleum is one ol the rrn-atest mr-dieiues iu Uie world f-r rheumatic paius and sweliiugs. fSiirnelj I'ETIIR l'l'HL, IVrry St, Allegheny City. Chronic Congh cured. I take pleasure in eertifvina to the TalnaWe properties of Mr. Kier'a Fetmleum. for an afTjction of the breast and lumr. aceompani.1 with severe pain in the chest, and a couch. I took the Petroleum in larirer doses than is rco mnnicndci! in the din-tions. but afh r Ukinfr it a few days I (jot to like it. I should like to have a barrel of it to use in mr family, for I beliere it to be a ralnable medieine. The I'etruleuro produced no unpleasant a-elincs whatever in the use of it. V'M. DAx. 1'iltsUurp-, Jlarrh 16, 1S50. " There it nntl.inn mt it far Burnl." Rn-uroTTs, Feb. 21. I'M. I (tot three rlon n of M-.Kier's Ivtroteum or Mr.llnwetl. and I am disosH.I to think lli'-re is nolhit g isual to it Tor burns: haviuis I urnt my hands, and exMctmx notliiuir less than a lonif. teiliou- son-, hot found no son uese at ail from its only leaving a red scale, withour any soreness a h-n presstni uvm. whieil niiiu- surjiris d ui-. I therefore have irn-at f'lilh in its elt.uacy. so fur at least, and aill introduce it in llii ser li..n. Very rcspeclfully, Ac. 1IAUVET MANS. Smrn. M. Kir.R, T.-j P-ar Sir: I have lwcn eonltne.1 to mr l-el over live ni'.uttis it'i Typhoid Fever, and Ftill ani in bed. lfurinjr Illy sickness, m v left f.rt and 1.-IT swell, d verv mueh. snd .ntiniod sou:itil lately; triil sevenil rein. ili. s, without any effect. ol. 111. ten called to see me with lien. Clovfu. and l e ri-coinmi-nd.-d nie to try y..ur I'elroleum, as it bad worked some w..n.'erfnl enrcs to his knowledge. I hr.d b-i ii tbir.kiii!: alt that day. bef.n-c he war here, that I would try il ; I immediately sent my nepbew, Ilr.J. V. Sxomiox t lie tenri r ef this not;-; to tbe IruiT'stori-. and fr.t a bottle, and appliiil some tliat ni.'ht t the sores, and tbe n.-xt niorninir- you could see a mttrknl diffrrrnce in the fit. and br.s continued so ever IB -e. I can assure you it operate 1 aimost I e a charm 1 never saw anything heal like it in my lif-. I want a small quantity yet to effect a perfect cure; you will please let the benrer have soii.e and he will .ay you for the same. Very rests-ctfully your friend. AI.KX.8C0TT. For sale wholesale and retail by V, WSciiaffi.e in I.pwisburg for sale also by Dr Thornton and J Baker ior. T. A. M. T1M1K1TI0!KI, M arket St. Lrwisnota, WHOLESALE sz RETAIL SEALER IW DrusN.MedicioesChemlcal-i.Djre- Biurtit, Oils, Gins. I'erlumery, Confectionery & Fancy Articles. Dr.Thorntnn returns his thanks for the liberal patronage which he haa received, and he assures the community that every attention shall be paid to the compounding of Medicines, and that all Drugs shall be fully tested before they are offered for sale, and warranted to be pure and genuine. iy Prescription given free of charge at Dr. Thornton's Drug S ore. Remember to cull at the old stand, first door above tbe Mammoth Store of J.& J.Walls. fivuit ann S0 RNAMENTAL atf TREES. The subscriber offers for sale a large assortment of choice Fruit Trees such as Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet hiuh 40 varieties, all warranted genuine Peacl trees, 2l varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine, Prune and Pear trees, together wiih some 6 or 8 varieties of Grape Vines of the best native and exoiic varieties. Ornamental Trees, such as the Paulonia, Linden, die N. B. Persons wishing lo procure a qunntity of the Fruit Irees.are requested to make immediate application to the subscri ber, in order to procure the varieties and size wanted. H- R- NOLL. Lewisburg, March 4, 1850. MUSIC! MR. FRANCIS J. RESSNER wonlj res pectfully inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Lewisburg and vicinity, that he has taken rooms iu the dwelling-house of Mrs. Ludstig, on Market street (entrance at the Maiket Sr. doors.) where be is prepared to give Iusliuctions on the PIANO, GUITAR, VOCAL MUSIC, and also to give instructions in acquiring the German Language. Mr. Cessse is lately from TleUcfonte, where be haa been engaged for nearly two years in teaching the above branches, and has given entire satisfaction to patrons and pupils. Lewisbu g, April 12, 1851 MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. T. A. II. THORNTON offers his professional services to the citizens of Lewisburg and vicinity, in thevarious branches of his profession. Residence Mrs. Maize's, Market St. Office Drug Store, one door above the Mammoth Store of J. & J. Walls. Lewisburg, Oct. 1, 1850 HENRY C. HICKOK, A TTORXET AT LAW, Icwisbnrg, Union County, Penn'a. OFFICE on Second St., lately occupied by L. B. Christ, Esq. NOTES Promissory, Judgment, and Joint Notes (blanks) at this office. D EED8 of a superior form, for sale at the 11vmij office, 5 eas siole,,tO per Jos, Stone Coal for sale. To Dlacksmllbs. BITUMINOUS COAL, from the West Brunch and from Ilollidaysbur?, for sale at the Shop of the subscriber, near the Hdyseutes on Third St. ..,.. 3 ALF.X'R AMMONS. Lewisburg, May 7, 1850 Price Reduced! VAUGHN'S LITHONTRIPTIC MIXTURE! .Large Bottlea Only One Dollar. The Proprietor T the Gmt Aniffli-in Rt-rofflf " VAron Veoktablb l.iTHosTRirnc .MiiTrmc." indfjceil lr U arxent soUcitatioits ( Ittt A.-nu. Uuounlitjut Uw L'uiUnI tiute aiul Csuisvla. faa now Eeduced tha Price of hit poplr u1 weJI known artirle ; an! Trwrn Ihi Hate, hm-lonh. he will put BP but oj tui otJ i" iittuf butUo : the reuil pne w ill be ONE DOLLAR TI public mf rwt ann?.! tliat il.e cliararter of th Mfli cine. IU ttmijitl., nU cLralue irntpwiw will RtKAlf I'NcnAKGiD, aiiH the same care will be beuwtl in pre parinc It as heretofore. A lh inediMn-, nnrter ttf rednre! price, will be pan livel brtho-ewho have not hiihrrto oiade thpmselTt? at-fiii.itiitcd with iU virtue, the proprietor wouM beg tu mtim.tUf tint liu artitrle in not to be clawed with tlie vat amount of Reiufukrw of tbe day it elaim" lor it-l." m greater healing poirtr, i U 4ir$t, thttn mng other prrjaratiun nou hefure the world; an, ha.tnuwtaine.1 itw!f fur eijrlit ream bf iu nupenoi medical virtae", and, until tin redaction, commanded double the price of any other article in th ii line. Ka'TICK PaRTU CLAKLlf, tliH lUUtiltt aoU with ffrfjs.' tul- iag powtsr and ceruutity, aimn t!te Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Langs, and all other orsans, upon Uie proper action ol wluck lt and health depend. Tbia nwt'fint has a jultf hi eh repot at a rcuedr fur Dropsy and Gravel, and all diseases of that nature. It may be relied pon when tbe intelligent physician hu abandoned hi patient, and tot them dwtrcHtoc diieaaes, more eeeiallr IKOPv. the propri etor would earnestly and hoiiewtly recominend it. At Kt preaent price it u ewiiy obiaiued by all, tuid Uie uial wdl psu the ajrucie to be Uie Cheapest Medicine in tbe World ! Pieae ak for jiamchVt tha5ft;t zivethem away they contain over sixteen i-axi of rtn;ei;b, (hi adiiuioi. lo lul mrdiral matter) valuable for imux-liuid puro. anJ Hbtcb will e tnarir dollar, rr year to iiractmal linuk'i'v. T)iee reccipU are inlrodured to make the book bf ffn-a Tahie, aside Irom its eharartur aa an advriiMnv nictiii.ro lo the medicine, tire tertimotiy in la. or of wi.icli. tn llie form ol letter from fill parta of the country, may b rri.d upon. tF" " Vanslm'a Vegetable I.iiboritnptic M'sture ih Ureal American Remedy, now foraa; in qmrt lo;i!r at ea.ih. mall bottles at ex ea-li. No fmail I' Ules wdl be ts-tued after the pnnt Mork is di;optl of. Pnnai-aJ Olbce, Buffo, N. Y., 307 Main Street c. vai ;iiv. Fold Vhnlea!e and R-tail br OLPOTT Mi KESSON k CO., liT Maid4i larH. Nw York City. IV. R. All letter (exreptins from agenU and dealer with ei-nnm he trarwaet baaine) must be i-ost paiJ, or no atttaiiajo will tie civen to theia j UCrDit. TilOP.NTO.V, Lrwislmrrr. is! (it'iieril Aijpiit for 1'nii.n rounly .I.H.t'ALtiw, i A grill, MlllOll ; I. tiKKIIAKT, Sr.liiigioi.e j 3,1:: 51 I THE HEW FGliMBfiY IS now carried on ns iisu;il, nt the upier end of Market strfi-t. wherr every des" cnption of CASTINGS is kept on hand or made lo orJer such as The Complete, or Complete Improved Cooking Stoves for either Coal or Wood and all other kinds of STOVES, also PLOUfalllS of differ ent kinds Cora Ploughs, Hull Ploughs, and the Self-Sharpening Fiongh, a new article, and which can not be lira in Tcnnsj Ivnnia. Call and see and judge for yourselves. CHRIST & FR1CK. Lewisburg. July 8, I.S51 rPHK uniler-iioni'd mntinum the LIVE A. RY IH SLYESS at the Old tand, oil .North Third St., near Market, "tui respectfully solicits the pittrnnage cl his friends and the public ccnernlly. CIIAUI.KS F. II CSS. Lewisburg, May 22, I93U Tanning Currying. IOR past fivors, the subscriber returns his grateful thanks, and hereby makes known that he carries on ihe business of Tanning and Cumin?, at the Old Stand. Determined not to be outdone in the manufacture or finish of his work, he is bound to have the best work men and materials, and to trsat those who have so liberally patronized (as well as those also who shall be pleased to patronize him) with that attention which he hopps to insure bim a full share of public patronage. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange. Hides and R;irk not refused, fur which the highest market price will be paid in cash or in exchange for leather. L. STERNER. March 23, A.D. 1850 TEAS ! THE Canton Tea Company of Xew York the oldest and laree-t establishment of the kind in the U.S. invite universal attention to the fact that, from thpir superior arrangements. thejr are pn-psnil lo sWl T.ns ur. r and more fragrant for the ri-spr-ti,e prices, tlian any botin.- oa this eoutincnt can iinirrrrnuy rr. These Tas rr.ml inc errrr r;orl leseriptinn Rn,I rjnalitv: tliey are done up in parkain-s fmm a quarter of a uri.l npwartis: the srapper next the t. a is a li aiTliu foil, euvensl with wat. r pmof and .-learnt Chinese piipcr. and are peTfeetiv s.s-iinl rrnm lii-ht and air. so that the quality is emnpletely pr.wrrerl in any rliinate. 1 lie above leaf .lroia 50 cts to jl.25 rt. t pnnml, for sale bT Dec. IS. J. ha i t.y t CO. Sole Agent for Lewisburg. Look Here! AS spurious BRAXDRETH PILT.8 ,re sold by msny Druggists in city and country, it would be well if persons in inquiring for them would make them produce their Certifi. ate or Acect. As there is bat one Agenl ppointed for each city or town, (no difference now large the place.) and all Agents can produce their Certificate, any persons wanting the genu ine Pills had better purchase where they can depend on setting the genuine article. J. HAYE8 & CO. Sole Agents for Lewisborg. .J AXIFEST8 for Boat ladin-a supply Jnal AT printed a tkrunieU .ftc. " " BRANT'S Dillll The Great COl'GII BEMEDT. Manv vear, of esreHenew. saw amen than a Haa.rew Thawwaslw Vmrrm of 'awm"lilve tompl.inu, tar. J".ed W 111. eiRluul.ted wli.lart.un at all jerr-Hi . waj t.". beenrne araaiined - M One res,-;,. trl It u .eealle naorrlar. beeaiu it a a.i.ir ana ly. tAi.rrrXl IS e.re roawnsapllesi of -!.. than any oilier Brme.lv in lie. w.i J. e know, . """er. Uiat 11 is wjd l.y eoine that Coiwumiitiiio eaa a le, eurerl. Be Uial tbe npioiwi of Hi" mnajitr Uie ". we IhaHDot auerapt lo areiie wiih web. but lh we IS do olrl w a tel. wbirh can be r.ro.e.1 u, ih.iu.adn of ease.. Uiat till, medieine h.n r.rr. Cb id d- i whleh, uie cure. ... r aumnlioB, and winch were allenrl'd W1U1 tymptumt t'.Maump Uial reaemliled. and were in mil r.- .. .... !" "" U at faial dienu- 1'so.aaiplioa. Tin. Bal.sm ha. eared Mja.rlj of peri. wbo cre wid to Ire hopelenaly aHliel-iTu-wlo b.r.iri. dry. r.rrf-..7 '.ahn-HM la II,. Hren.l, ,dr. an.l Jmrt-IHIIInillT . Breaihlsjar- ' f i . I I, h and llload. Fera.ni. ... . -.1- J.. .ml um. Avr. ar. .ail l n..v mtrm win. bavin; nidi eomplainls liave ih.i rured after it waa said Uiey m-li . live a week Hier. Tbia Medicine bas cured sornn who -ere supeil I" be in a rtvlna atnle, bul. by Uie iu. of tbis remedy, tbey MOW live, and elijuy eirri.1 bt-a-lb. . . Thi. llnlanm is purr!) a eejr-MWe tomfmd. It la pleawnl lo l.ae, and aerer dn injury hi any stale of dis ease or under any cirrunuiancv.. Il era il. wo.4erfnl and olmtnt minir ulnn. ( urea by P.ril.vlna, Mrenyf. esue. and Inviaorwllna Ihe wboi. ayMeni-l.y miuli una th rireutarioH, an. I .nidurtn. a SerMy actum time aUtiviiw l amb ...rtrn-r tht erTe-id oidimf und f,i,it,uitio taiiertoration. Ii Cures lb. fuilnwiba- 4 cawa, vne. : Consumption, I'OI'fJIIH and CUdi, Rrnmhiti: .iMrnn. Spittivf Lndma ill l ' ru.y. faj.i Me Itria.t. Kidr. and Crtt XrrrmuMMt. MM .Sicerf.. Pilr iMIera ( Hrt, and a.1 fKIAI.K VH!ARKsi!K!i aud CumfliwH ariaw. Hi'refroin. t'hnlem lutunluill, tt ar- .nr I'rnof an-t panrumr. of rarea. sen nr rnrnphlet. aud Uuid(.iue-ail vox Ai;eula ba, lUam u give away. AKrllt Dr 'J'hnrnloii anJ J liaker, l.ewis liure ; ti VV Kessler and l!n-liring Sc Antis, New IJcriin; Jn M Talnr, .Mlfnn.l'ti'll : 8 J Crnnse, S-eliii'arovc ; H X llarkl.i:se, .MtiMlel'ars; ; O & F C .Mjjer, Fri'vlmrr ; J H Ci.lo.v, .Miilou :ifr'.)Liiunli 1 (Drain Prills. T HK undersigned -isli to inuirm the fiirmiii community general!)', tliat it.t'V arc now manufuclurio .. ROS.S" X,r',f Urrrf,l tVA'.lA ItlllLLS, or .SOW1SO M AVIUM.. Wrh'iiit htojipin In dis?us tho cornj.ara t:e tiitriN of iiuim rous Drills now nir.-rrd fur s. i!f, they in' tt ly v.U!i tu invite I'unn-(-! t.i (.-nil iiiii rut- tin! a Iron.' hi trie J article lu'lorf p!ircliu-ni2 rl-elu rP, Iwlin confi dent lliiil tin y cun iiinii-li mi article thai will j;1'1' ti'uc s:ri' ir'fii,n. no.-s, ;i:i)i:;s & marsh. Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, 1:50. IT IS A FACT, ONE seif-tv ident, and worthy of every coiisideiutioii, that no Mulrrcan make ynod clean (lour without he h is good clean wheat. 1 suppose you wish tu know the ren.eiiy. I tell vou il Is to get one ol ISirgntrcsner's II heat Scuirers, or Smut .M.ich ties. I!; being an ilJ, practical and experienced Millwright has invented, got tip and put in succe.--.ful operation the best Wheal Scourer now in ue. Any person ordering a machine and afterwards tind.ng that it does not prove to operate as repre sented, there shall he no sale, as iIksp ma chines are to be warranted goad. Further recommendations are thought unnecessary He is now having a supply ma'le at Lewis burg, by Messrs. Geddes & Marsh. Orders for machines, or letters of inquiry, will be promptly attended to. Machines will be sent and put to all order'. Address J. BERfiSTRESSER, Lewisburg. Union Co. Pd. 329 New Establishment ! GARRfA6FMAI0i.G. r"vilK subscriber would inform the citizens of l this town an. I the surrounding country that having nude I.ei-t urj his nerminent re-idi-nce he has tuken the h ip nt the liirer end of Market ttreet, fiuth tide, wbere be will keep ou bai.d or manufacture t order all kinds of J.Uf.f.IsYS, l.IIir.riK, SULKEYS, SLEIC IIS, .)c. AIo, every variety of work in hi" line Rrpairnl, I'aintrcl. Trimmed on short notice and renson j'.le terms, tlt'n hand a lime stock ol well eea-onej TIMUEK fiura the C'hil!iitiiiiie bettoms. From his lonn eijrnnce in ihe business, the ut.srrilier trusts he will be able to give entire satisfaction lo all who may favor him with patro nage. Any one disposed is re pie-ted lo can and l ill w my nialerials and workmanship. l-'aeh and Country Produce taken in piv for xo'k- JINAll (ilKTt)S. I.ewUbnrg, April CG. ISol fiat Li(.nTM(; Hods. "PHE awful ra'amitics lhat every City, L 1 own, vi Ilageand country falls victim l annually, thro' ihe gross neglect f its inhabitants, is beyond calculation.e-iprrislly when Ihe remedy is so ea-y to obtain this is found in vrmitaje's Piitcut magnetic Cijljt niii3 Uous, and in this alone. This rod has been examined by the mos scientific gentlemen in the world Pro fessors iM'Murtiie, Johnson, Wallos, and many others that have examined them, recommend and speak of ihcm in tile highest terms of approbation and have pronounced them the only safe rods now in use in tbis or anv other country far the protec tion of Liven and I'roprrly. One advantage is to divide and throw bark a part of the electric fluid harmless to the clouds this is in time of stroke. ibis enables the rod to conduct that portion of fluid that l elor-ns to tne earth without the aiisht- et clanger of leaving ihe conductor. This rod has manv other advantages over the old one. J'he patentee takes pleasure in informing his mentis ami trie puMic in general lhat after many years' close investigation and numerous experi ments he has nirived at the true principle of pro tecting families. Uweiimas and properly from tne ucsiructive inU deuce ol L GHTNING SAM CEI. HOOVER. llartletnn, Vniun Co., I'a , A cent for Union and adjuining counties. 6:n37 1 Baltimore Printing Ink Manufactory. THE subscriber, agent for the sale of this Ink, would invite the sttention of printers and publishers of newspapers in the South to the fact that they can now purchase in Baltimore a supe rior Ink lo any manufactured in the State. The Baltimore Book and Newspaper Printers prefer it to any other Ink. Colored ink, card ink, book ink and News ink of superior quality and at ihe lowest prices. The undersigned warrants tbe ink made at the Baltimore works to be of the very best quality, and should any article shipped by him fail lo give full satisfsction it can be retur ned at his expense. WM. THOMSOX, 9w368' No. 6 Carroll Hall, Baltimr Old Newspapers. SOME taesuanda in number, of all sixes, for safe at Ihe Chronicle office, at SO eta net chjnee for HcwpBoohw weU aa foi nappiDs-1 " aa . a. mry ran, or 3I wnen aaaorted. , AXOTIIKK aCIKXTtriC mSBSMi PEPSI J: Tha trne DIGESTIVE FLUID or GASTRIC J L ICE a great Oypeptia Cure, Prepared from Rennet, or tbe fourth storaack of Ihe Os, after ilirectiona by Baron I.isaia tha great by.io:orical chemist, bj J S.HooaaTos M.D., Xo. 1 1 X. 8th St. Philadelphia, Pa. ' 4 TKI. I.V wonderful remedy for Iniligtttvm 2. . Oipprpnia. Jaundire, Liter Complaint tunttipatwn and Debility, curing after Xature'J own priKesa, by .N ature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. rXj Half a tiasuoonful of this fluid infused in aler, can dirjesi or dissolve Five Pounds of rosst beef in about two hour,, out of ihe stomach DipTCKllon is chitfiy performed ... ih.... I ach by the aid l a fluid which freely nudes from uie inner cuti oi .uai orgin, wben in a state of heal'b, called the gastric juice. ThU fluid is the great solecnl of Ihe fwtdiht purifying, prelef. ving and atimula'ing agent of tbe s'otnarb and intestines. Without it there can be nodiqestja. no conversion of fiod tnln blond, nr nu'riii-jn-J but raider a foul, torpid, painful and Jestrue ire condition of the whole diijf siive ;j;j'a'u. l'epills i the chief element or ureal Jijj. ing priniii lu o( the irastric j-iice. It j. ,ur j j0 Rreat abunJnn. e in the solid parts nt the bviuua lomarh after death, anil s.in.eliinps cjuses t' a stomach lo di t or rat iteif up. Ii is also fuurij in the stomach of animal-, as the oi. cd:'. 4,. jt is the iiiateri.il u-ni by firrm rs in maktnj; theew stvlrd !('!! lift, tl.eitr.ct of h ch has l.,r.c been Ihe special wonder ol the datrv. t'ur.lltnj of milk is the first process of dine.iion. A ell's stomach cm ruriiie marly one tbnu-aiid limes Us own eiiht nf milk. Huron Li i.ig states, "one patt ol 1 ;.s.n ui-Milvr J in mtj ih .ii-snj parts of water, d:;cvn meat and other food." Diseased stomachs prolure no jrood (iitiic Juice, Rennet or Pep-in. To ?hciw thit this want mav be per. fect!y mi lit J, we uniite tbe subjoined s n: riric i:vie.cc! r:i7.ni l.l H;.i. in Ins eel.-l.ratril w..rk .. Animal ru. n.i-tr. s.ivs: -An artiuiml .litf,-ti.. fluid, analairi u, th- ii:.-tri. Jiii'imay U rr-adily .n-fareii fremiti, murrus iiil.r:.ii "f tile sli.marb nf th- calf, in wh:-b ranr.ua ;irt.--i-s t.f f...l. a niut aj-d ezz. will he rl.-nl .ra -1-S1..I in II.' in- manner as in the bucian st aiarh lr. I: Kll ell l; . iu lii lm..irs tn-alise i.q ac. t,rf, ul!i.li"l 1 l'..l.r.4HVls. NewVork. sac tM. , i- s:.i!i.- i:r ;.r f:ift. ni.d .l-si r-i.'s the niftl..! of j.r-nar. ..n. Tlin- sr.- frw bik-li'-r autlionte-s than Irr.e.ivra. IT. r ''!i.i.- in ii.- .j'..... :.' T.liii on Itir HI yj lli'.-.'.-n. r.r.svrv diniinuti.n cf the .in. ;y lUiir.litv of th- i inetric Juicr- i prominent and ; niLi: :iu-.' of I'y .' ; sin." ml. I Ii. stMtrs thai -a d.stc- :-pn- irili.n.si pr-.i' ...-r.'i ur.ojrine i in.l'.n.wu. was .,rr.1T wtjli- t-.l Willi tl:is r..nj :.i:l.t. f.i. Lug r-v.-ryll.iiis fc, f.ul. l.;:il r'-i'iirse to tilt- lii-i-tric Jnire. obrn.-.! tr-m th. -tJ.liir-. il nf 111 ins nullily Is. u !.; U eolnpU'ti-lT u t,J...' I'r.t. I: A II A l. .in ti,. r f th.- !:impu worn. r.a tsc.taf is Iii.-t. s:i;. s : " It is a r. markal.ie tart in hys..;i.-r. tin- st. n-rlis r.f oniu::.!s. ni:!rraU-d ia water. unn . til.. tlUi.l the pn-per'T of .iiirr.,.lTinir .annus art.rl, Br.ff ,,t and of. If.-ctitijr a kui.l 01 artrt;.-iel diiceslion .if th- m il a-', wi-e ditT.-rent fr. m the natrirrtl dic'.-t;,e pne.-...- Iir. SIM.'.N .s tr r.t n.K. the ( h. aii.-lrv cf M.n. In k l:laltrllkl,l. l'hila.!.. 1-1-.. pp KJl.'ILi kivs": -1 i,.-d.sr, I I'.-ps.n f. ruis a m w era in the i h. mn al h.si. rt r,f la. -tli n. 'n in r.-e. nt exrfnt nts. w- tar,. tl:at t-4 it .iM.lv-da.s ra id!, in an art l.i-:ai -t:r. u..i. pr.rsr:d fr m I'l-ps-'n. :i- it is in l!:- n-ttrml iia.-:rit- Ju.i-i- -11'- l'rnf. ITM.l.lS.iN. e.t'ttie .1. If. rx.n 1 ..il-f... M,'aaCia Ins irrefct rk r.u lliiuiau iivsn.:. .-t. -Ii v.t.-e nr..n taaa tilty pa;:, s to r.ti t-x:ii:i.ii;it.- t. .if th-s ..u:j..t Jj:. vi.r. ment.v with Iir. II iit iii nr. .! the II wine Joiee. ..litany) from the iim- hnuiitn t . h and f rr nj animats. u. known. '-In ali ras.-s.'" he sr., -di.- -stion n,.irrvd aa l-rf.-r-tly in the artifii ill a th.. natural distions " Asa DYSPEPSIA Cl'KKR, llr JLiughion's preparation of Prp-in has produced ihe most msr velous (fleets. Ii is impossible to give detsils of cases in the limits of this advertisement but au lhenlii at.il crrtifr-ates have been given of more than TWO HI .M;i;LU rapid, wonderful, and permanent cures, it is a creii .Tgrj .jti. hot c, and par ietilarly u-eful for tendency lo liilious disorder, liver cotrpUint. fever and ague, ihe evil i If, cts of quiriine. metcury, ic, also lor excess jn earing or dririkfrg There is 0o form of OLD 8T0MACH COM I'l.Al.NTS nhirh it does not reach and also ri, instant relief and repeated for a short time, pa rity of Blood and visit, or sons follow at once. It is particularly excellent in caes of nao-cj, trw initing. cramps, soreness ot ihe pit of tbestv math, distress after eating, low, cold alale of ihe blond heaviness, lowners of spirits, despondem-v. cdjci aiion. weakness, tendenev lo insanity, Ac Price. ONE DOLLAR per botile. One bottle oflen efTecis a tasting cure. PEFSIH US POWEr y sert iT Mail, free cf Fosnef . r-.rrrrnTrt.i. rtr r.f riirr t alt prtrr, rf rh re,tatrv th.- Lu-est re Vstt r f the i-e, . n nt up ia the H rai. I' i. rs. with mr. . t . n- tv I, .. d i v the r.ii.. I ia wal. rcr syri p. H,. f....:. r. ,. ,.u jut tke wm mart, r as the L.ttl.... r ,,t tw i s- -1. .i.uni r f sr the av r ri'e. aid are sent by Liail. I r. . ! f I r ,i iet p 1 1 l to Inr. J. ll -i.fc; .u. ii .a asaih t I'Lilad. ipnia. hi par kaj. t I: t ; .. Every Ii 'tle an. I pukse tears the wri'ten ii nature of J S l(i'ti!l I'n.V.M Ll .S le fropr. lor. Sold Ly a.-, i.i. in rv.rv town in the I' ate. and by most re-pret j-, e Jealrr. in medictoe. To be I ad ol lr. TI"KN TOS. I.eWl.bff; J H Ci.ljjt. Milt m ; Thomiwim. .M.lit.ahuri. Wilt & Li'ert. llait et.M.; Wna K h.nf . ew 11,'rliri; ii I t'rou, Sf;.o,,;rat ; Mrs M't'iJ. NoribumlvrUed lv3J.'i BULL'S HEAD HOTEL, MiJJIinlur;, Li.L n cjuiVij, I'cnu'u. rr- IEsPi:iJI FH.I.V in orm. the cms V.. Union county, and ihe public in i sers ot groiral 'Hi ne naa lia-ej the a' land, f.T a.sny years occupied by bis Fat!. rt. and is now pre pared to sccomruodate f.irnds and the liaisUif communitv in a manner acceptable to all. The 1IOI SE ia larse and room v. well arran eed in all its departments, and every care will be taken to render hi guests comfortable and hsppy. His TABLE will alwava be furnished with the ch liresl drliraries of the season, and ihe best the market can afford. The BAR will at all limes be alien led by careful persons, and none but ihe very best of liquois will be kept. His STABLES areampla and convenient, anJ the OSTLERS punctual and attentive. la abort, he pledge himself to endeavor give general .slisf.iciioii to .11. and bones rt strict attention to butinrss to meiit and recede a litiernl share of patronage. Mifllinburg, June 20, 1850 'HUE subscribers offer ihe public, at their L new Brick I-'oundry, the following new and valuable Stoves : Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, with a Brick Oven. I.ady Washington Parlor Stove. Cast Iron Air-Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood- - sizes. Coal Burner for Parlors 1 sixe. 12 inrb e.l. inder. I.ouis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove- sixes. Shield Air-Tight Tarlot Stove for Wood 5 sizes. Egg Stove the eere best in rn. ,. Offices, Barrooms, and Shone The celebrated Genesee Air-Tight Cook Stova The Complete Cook 8 aixes. Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stosei Ploughs Castines. Arc. &c. CHRIST & FRCK". Lewisburir, Dec. 12, 1849. "An ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Cure," in that awful disease. CONSUMPTION! TR. FITCH S Lectures oa the Preren- lion and Cure of Consumption. This DODtilar work for an Is, ia Lewishuri by S. F. Lyndall J. Houghton""'' ' tl,;. eiflSeM. rJ' 'It