J U)it curt Ranter. 17 England formerly aneered at everything American, but we "rayther calkelale," from the run of the folleriu' rone, from hi - London Punch," that he'a beginniu' to change her teun. Last Appendix to Yankee Doodle. Yankee Doodle sent to Town Uu good for Exhibition, Everybody ian him down. And laughed at hi position ; The; thought him all the world behind A gone;, muff, or noodle ; "Laugh on, good people never mind," Bays quiet Yankee Doodle. Cnonci Yankee Doodle,boy,huizal&c. Yankee Doodle had a craft A rather tidy clipprr And be challenged (wbile the; laughed) The Buiuheia to whip her ; Their whole yacht rqusdion rbe oulspcd. And I hit on her own water; Of all the lot, ahe went ahead. And the; came "nowhere" arter. O'er Panaana, iheie waa a acbeme Long talktd of, 10 puiaue a Kbort route which many thought a dream By Lake Nicaragua ; John Bull "diecnased" the plan ou foot. With aage irreaolution, V bile Yankee Doodle went and put It into execution. A 1 earner of the Collina' line, , A Yankee Doodle's notion. He also quickest cut ihe brine Aeroaa ih' Atlantic Ocean ; And Briiifb agcuta, uo-way alow '. Her owrua 10 discover. Have been and bought her just to tow The Cuusrd steamers over. Yoor gonamiiha of Iheir skill may crack, But that again dnu'l mention ; I guess that Smith' revolvere whack Their very fir-t invention. Bv Yankee Doodle, too, you're beat Downright in agricul ure, With hi machine for reaping wheat. Chewed up as by a vulture. You alto fancied in your pride, (Which t uly is tarnation,) Tbrni Urilirh locks of yours defied The rogues of all creation ; But I huhi&'aiid Uramah', Hohbs baa picked, And you aiutl now be vKtaed all As bating been compiets l licked jjy glorious Yankee Doodle. Chorus Yankee Doodle, &c. The Light of Nature. The celebrated Mr. Hume wrote an cs wy on the sufficiency of the light of na ture, and the no less celebrated KoLerteon wrote on tl e necessity of revelation, and the insufficiency of the light of nature. Hume came one evening to visit Robertson, and the evening was spent in conversing on the subject. The friends of both wen present, and it is f aid that Robertson rea soned with unaccustomed clearness and power. Whether Hume was convinced by reasonings, or not, we can not tell ; but at any rate II time was very much of a gen tleman, and as' he was about to depart, bowed politely to those in the room, while, as be retired through the door, Robertson took the light to show him the way. Hume was still facing the door : " O, sir," said he, to Robertson, " I find the liht of na ture always sufficient," and he continued, u Pray, don't trouble yourself, sir," and so he bowed on. The street door was open, and presently as he bowed along the entry, he stumbled over something concealed, and pitched down stairs into the street Rob ertson ran after him with a light, and as he held it over him, whimpered, " You had better have a little light from above, friend Hume." And raining Lim up, he bade him good night, and returned to his friends. Jersey Spunk. A late number of the Patterson (N. J.) Guardian, contains the two following ad vertisements : Notice Whereas, my wife Rachel haa left y bed and board, without any just cause 01 provocation, this ia to caution the public against Iruaung ber on my account, aa 1 will ay no debta of ber contracting. July 1, 1651. Jiatmia Srisa. Notice I saw in the Guardian an adver tisement signed Jeremiah Specr, forbidding any one harboring or trusting me on his account- 1, bis wife, aey be never had any bed or board for me, but he boarded with my father, and I paid his board. A lew months ago, he waa laken sick, when hia mother came with a hired man and wagon and took him away without my knowledge or my fathers consent, and 1 paid three weeks doctor's bill for bim. When he cams back, I told him be must go to his mother and stay till ha got weaned, before 1 would live with him. Fateraon, July 6, 1851. Ktcatr, grata. sKsVlsn't it singular that mineral waters are only beneficial to the wealthy. In all our experience, we never knew a physician to advise poor man. to go to Saratoga, or any other watering place. Why carbonate of lime should only operate on doubloons, we can't conceive. gej-Tn make money plenty and cheap haa been the study of Statesmen for the last century, and yet when a counterfeiter steps in and shows them how it is done, he is bundled off to State prison, for a dosen years or more. What an ungrate ful world. jj9The worst ease of this distressing disease of which we ever heard, was that of a young "middy," whose stomach was so awfully riled by old Neptune,during his first week upon the "vasty deep," that he "threw up his commission." aU"Why don't you buy a thingumbob and wbat-do-you-sall-it your side walk every morning, Mr. Jones ? asked one neighbor of another. "Because I hain't got no what's-its-name to buy it with." j Awtcl! The Detroit Free Press is respon sible for Ihe following Machine Poetry : "The Telegraph wires - Are terriWe bare!" Chronology is an account current with Father Time. Storage, Forwarding, AND G11A1N BUSINESS. IT GIBSON respectfully announce to the citizens of Union and adjacent counties, that he has rented those large and commodious Store Houses and Wharf; lately occupied by Samuel Wolfe dee'd, south of the Leiburg Bridge, where be will csrry on a General CUM MISSION Business. 8tobage carefully attended to and all kind of GRAIN bought at the highest Market prices. H.U. Lewisburg, Aug. 1851 ly$5 TAILORING ESTABLISHBIENT. '17'ERY thankful for former favor from the public, the undersigned would announce that he continues the business of Tailoring, in all its branches at hi old atand on Market St. between Third and Fourth streets. New York t AMl3 received regularly. All persons tatroKUns work to him but tie sure of bavins it execuU-d in a workmanlike awnner, on short notice, and at n-sso- uatile cnaficr. CAMLfct, AM.MO.Y ai-Cu-tmrrT who have not nettled in two years might ao wen io emu sua ee now weir scoounts alana. Lewiaburg, Aug. 19, thill. New York Importer and Jobbers. FREEMAN, HODGES, & CO., 58 Liberty Street, ; Between Broadway and Nassau St near the Post Ofltce,) NEW TORE. "1TTE are receiving, by daily arrivals from Tf Europe, our Kail and Winter assortment ol neb, fashionable Fancy Silk and Millinery Goods. We rer-pectfully iuvite all ('ash Purch asers thoroughly to examine our stock and prices, and. as interest eorernt, we feel confident our Goods and 1'iicea will induce them to select from our establishment. Particular attention is devoted to Mil.Ll.NKKY GOODS; many articles are manufactured expressly to our order, and can not be surpassed in beauty, style ana cheapness. Beautiful Tarin Rit.l-ons. for Hat Cuts Serk and Belt hfrtin and Tail.-ts KiM-uns. ot all width and rotor.. Silks, f-atiu. Velvet, and Uncut Velvet for ll.-its. I-Vattier, American and French Artificial Flowers, t'uflinirs. and Cap Trimminmi. PreM Ti imm'.iura, kuye assortment Kmbroiilerie. Cap.-. Collar. rnd.-rlcevii and OnfrV Frneem)-roileretl Keviereand llemtitrhCamhri lldkfr Crmi. Li.-., Tarletoiis. inuoion? and Cap Lares. Taleucieunvs, Bru&Mils, Thread, Silk, and Lisle Thread La-r. Kid. ttilk, Sewin Silk, Lisle Thread, Merino Gloves, and Mitta. Fizd and Plain Swiss, Book, Bi-hop Lswn snd Jaconet MuMIUS. English, rnr.ynr, amebic ax. axd Italian July, SmSTJ.vr UNIVERSITY at 1 jcwisbur.gr. v'r'HE next Session of the University will com- I nrience on Thursday, Oct. 16, 1851. The Board of Trustees have been highly grai ned by the lari;e degree of success which h"Jf I I ready attended their exertions ; and they are resolved to spare no eflbita in order to furnUb hereafter the highest advantage to Student. The Rev. HOWARD MALCOM, TXD..has entered upon bis duties as President of the Uni versity. His well established reputation gives assurance that under his administration a still arger degree of success await the University. He will be ansisled in the department of instruct ion by the following able Professor: ::rr. lift). It. BUSS. A M, Prof, oi Greek Lang. liters! HiO. . AM'F.BSOX. A.M. - Latin HAS. J JAMHi, A M, Prof, of Math. A Natural Philos. ALFKED TAYLoK, A M, Prof, of Belles Lettres. The usual system of Collegiate education is fully carried out, embracing a course of four year md entitling the successful student to the degree j of Bachelor of Art. In order, moreover, to adapt the University to 'he wants of all, a course of atudy ha been establi-bed omitting the Ancient Language and uli-tiiulins in their place various branches ol Mathematics. Philosophy and Natural Science. This cotirte will occupy a period of three years. It is thorough and complete, and will entitle the faithful Student to the degree of Bachelor ol Philosophy. eitudeiits who design spending but a year or two at L'ol'ege, will have an opportunity of atud ting whatever branches they may elect, such a Chemistry. Civil Engineering, etc. Every Student will be required to give special attention to Composition and Public Speaking. In connection with the Collegiate Department i an Academy in which the ordinary branches of an Enelish and Classical education are pur sued. This department is under the charge of Isaac N. Looms, A. Mn Principal, and Assist ants. There is aleo a Primary Department under the superintendence of Mr. Nonas Ball. Every arrangement haa been made to furnish all requisite aid in every part of a thorough Aca demic and Collegiate education. An excellent Library, a very complete Philosophical Apparatus and a well furnished Chemical Laboratory are provided. The Library ia constantly receiving valuable rdditions. 1 he University has extensive Buildine stand ing in an elevated grove on the south side of Ihe town. A more beautiful, pleasant and healthful location could not be found within the Stale. Paic or Ttmos Oolletriat Department, (.10 per annum. Academic " " Primary " U - Boarding and Washing can be obtained at pri ces ranging from $1,50 to $3,50 per week. The year is divided into two Sessions one of 26 weeks, commencing 16th Oct. and continuing till the 14th April ; the second of 14 weeks, fiom the 1 3th of Msy to the 18th Aug. 1852. THO'S WATT80X, Pres. of Board. GEO. F. MILLER, Sec do Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. Aug. 23, 1851 IMPORTANT TO SOLDIERS! I HAVE made arrangements with Wm. 8. Trowbridge and S. 8. Conover, the former ol whom has been engaged in the Western Ststes a Surveyor for 17 years, by which t can insure the Iocs ion of land warrant on the choicest lands now in market, in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa or Illinois, at the following rate : Warrants for 160 acre. $10 ; those for 80 acres, $7 ; and those for 40 acres, $5. Warrants entrusted to me with the above fee and a Power of Attorney to locate enclosed, if sent to me by mail shall be punctually and faithfully attended to. Powers of Attorney must be properly acknowl edged before a Justice of Ihe Peace, accompanied by the certificate of the Prothonotary under seal. Bankable paper in Penn'a and Ohio bills pass here. ty Refer to Peter Beaver, and II C Hickok, Lewisburg. MITCHELL STEEVER, Att'y at Law. Milwaukie, Wis., Aug. 22, 1851 N B. I will also attend as general land agent, pay taxes, die. fi r Eastern land-holder in any of the above Mate 3m3N6 M. S. MOST KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, NEATLY EXPEDITIOUSLY., KXBCUTED AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE Lewisburg. AN extensive variety ef Razor, Strops, Fiah in Rod and Line. 8nood, Flic. Hook, &. at SCUAFFLE"3. LEWISBURG CHRONICLE & WEST TJre Insurance. KEYSTONE Mutual Life Insurance Comp any of Hamsburg, Pa., has a guarantee capital of $75,000 Local Agent, Leuriiburg H.C.Hickok. Medical Examiner do Wm. Liiata.M.D. SIOfOfKfSf. PRINTED with clear type on good paper and in firm and elegant bindings, consisting of STANDARD RELIGIOUS WORKS. Andrew Tulter'n oosaptrte irirv7'sSrptanrTrpss4va,00 Works, 1 vols. f,uo MeaaiatublD 60 Aids to UevouVjn,Wattmc 40 Howell on tbe Deaeooehip ) - Way of Salvation 76 James'Ch.Memhara'Gaide 38 " Church la Earnest 50 Uunyan Awakening as T! " Inviting " 7S - " Devotional " J.'. " PileraProxrSo Law's Call to Christians 40 Ufeofalrs.Ana HJadana M garah BJudaoneo noty M ar u Booth'! Reign of Grace Crowell's Church Memb Lynd on tbe Sacrifice saw ers Uaad-tiook S 0ox' litL Kas,Uap.Miams 65j (aauuelTs Am. " 7& Mead's Almost a Christian 50 Memoirs of Rev.8.Faiee 26 COXmorERSIAL WORKS. Dr. famon on Baptism $1 .50 Irr.Howell on Coanar J. II. Ilinton - ra &awssaiajMia Smith on Infant 2i Seasons far Penzillv on Baptism and becoming a Baptist Rantlrt Manual, a CoUso Booth on Bigotry, 2Uto25 ProtCurtis onConununion 75 roon of Tracts, Ax. 60 rna CHILDREN AXD SCNDA T-SCHOOLS. iwu .n AtlnmvT tfl-lSiS. 8. Gleaner 1S4J IS Ur.llalwock TaieorTi-uUi 2& UrBcl. her S-riptureTale on I'opcry 26 H..ulnnl'a Hnirituai Tov aire, an Allecorv 16 Anna Bailev 16 " BaoUtuns of (lerfriidethe Peace Maker 14 the New Testament 25 e'raads Egertoa l- rinainir Scenes in Life of The Floods 13 Young Perrons 25 Our Savior, bv a Teacher ao Sernent Cnroilrd. a Port Father's Annies James snd lieorgs 1" Meooirof B.N. way v Siinnle 8tortS 9 rait of Cniveratlbm 2o Effie Maurice John r'iuk ll SrnDture Series, Ne.1 aad S. OT a leacner sanus THE PSALMIST, In various styles, $0,56 to 1,2k thk UA11P. " 26 to 34 The above for sale in Lewisburg at publication prices, at the atore opposite Kline hotel. 371 BARTON Si CHALFANf. Kew and Popular School Book y-nPHEIfEXSIVE Summary of UmrBAi I j Historv. tngeiher with a Biography of Distinguished Peraons, to which ia appended an epitome of I Heathen Mythology. Natural Philosophy,) ) General Aetronmny, and Physiology. $ Adopted and used in ibe Public School of Philad. E. S. JU- ES JU., ruDiisner. S. V. Corner Kui btu and Race street. Phila. 13" Teacher and School committees address ing letters to us post paid will be furnished with copies for elimination. CjT A full and complete assortment of BOOKS and STA TlOIsER 1 for sale at the lowest prittl lvcb3t0$9tr Map of tbe Stale or California, OREGON. UTAH, NEW MEXICO, and TEXAS, printed by S. Aug' Mitchell in i nun anrl nainie.1 lo corre-Dond with Ihe boun- Jaries Cietl by Congress in 1850 for sale at the Chronicle olhce, price S3 cts. Dr. John Locke, MS SURCEOX DENTIST, MA Y be found at bis Office and residence Third street, near the Uer.Ref.Ch. the two week following ibe Gist Monday of each month, where he ia prepared to eiecute all operations in his line of business in a manner creditable to himself and satisfactory to those who may favor bim w:th their patronage. jun.l i,irvn.Ej, is..?. Lewisburg, Pa., Miy. 1850 LE17ISBUR6 OAKERY. TT1HE subscriner having commenced the baking business in L.ewiet)urg, nearly opposite n. P. Shellei' store, inleuda keeping constantly on hand tbe best of FANCY CAKES. Iflisoltta waa at k Sk AWAArl aflinnl rflf vT! A mm Ala CiVm. iuliik was-a w B 'V and BREAD which for whiteness and quality will DC surpasseu oy no oaser in cvuimji we have the services of a practical workman. Id connection w ilh our uaaery, we nav an FARMERS and person from the country will find the Bakery a convenient and pleasant resort for tbe purpose of obtaining refreshments, such aa Bread, Cake Pie. Oysters. Hot Uotlee, dec. ore Also, FI.UUK for sale. A. E. DENORMANDIE, Agt. Lewisburg, Dec. 1850 LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP! LOOK at HATriKio'a NEW STOCK of Gold and Silver Watches and Jewelry, before you buy elsewhere and pay "leelle too much" because you waa not aware that Hatfield sella cheaper. Gold P. Levers, seven jewels 14 to IKK t. At. full jeweled 16 to 18 tl0.00toM,00 60,00 BO,00 80,00 60,00 11,00 U,00 10,00 17,00 ' Anchor, and LrlnrajewM 14 to IS Silver P. Levem, jeweled, u a.ml.M. .nil lninea. leweled Gold Finirer Bioicm lariw variety - f ja niUKB. pram auu ugu, iwcv. b.j " Penrila and Pens " Penrils . . , .. . I - N.il MtnliJ 4,60 10,00 1.76 4.00 - 1 eiiK, riivfi iw , . Breatplns,ldy' and Kent's, din t styles ,75 14 Hunting Lockets, double, 4,60 Watchehains, Fob and Vert J. " Guard do 6 feet 13,! 1,60 4.00 6,00 X,00 15,00 8,60 18.00 4.00 8,50 4,76 10,00 rn ,er tame auu - - r Plated and Germ. Silver Tea and Table Spoons ,76 Silver Combs n.L,. 1 ITu Omm,b fi.OO " and rJohl Spectacles Brans Clocks - 2, V) . i . 2.60 8,00 And hnnd'ed of first choice articles, "splendid eoods." ioa from the City and aa low a City retailer can aell. by A. L. HATFIELD. Lewisburg, March 18. 1851 CctDtsburg Jounbra THE subscriber, thankful for past pat ronaee. would inform the public that he continues lo manufacture all kinds of Mill Gearing and other Casting. Thrashing Machine, and other article of Machinery repai red in tbe best manner. Castings warranted to be of good material, and at prices that can not fail to please, JAMES 8. MARSH. Lewisburg, Feb. 1851 COOKING Stoves, of various patterns and sizes, for Coal or Wood, for sale at the Lewiaburg Foundry by James 8 Marsh. STOVES Parlor, Wood, and Coal Stoves, various patterns, for sale at the Lewisburg Foundry. James 8. Marsh. WIARD'S Patent Gang Plow, a supe rior article. Tor sale at the Lewisburg Foundry by Jame 8. Mar ah. , GRAIN or Seed Drills Ross Patent decidedly the best and most durable drain Drill now in oae, for sal at the Lewiaburg Foundry by James 8. Marsh. Nails, Plaster, Salt and Fish. A LARGE assortment juat ree'd and for sale by 0 KRBMM & OCk Petroleum, sROCK OIL, A NA TURA L REMED Y! PE0CCKED FROM A WELL IN' ALLEGHENY CO,PA-, Pour Hundred fret bulow the Karth a surface! It ia pat up in bottles, just as it Hows from the well, without admixture of any kind. It gela ita iuirredieuui Irom i the bed! of sabsunres which it panes over in its secret chan nel: they are blended totrether in such a form as to defy all human competition. The WrmVust in Una respect is Hke UlNtltAL WATERS, whose virtues ia most chronic chronic casea are acknowledged not only by physicians but by the community at lanea. The sini!lar Buida ttowinij out from to earth, impregnated with medieiual imbalances of dlffireul propertiea, and holding them in such complete solution as to require the aid of ( 'hcimrtry to detect them, bear ample prnoi to the tict Unit they are compounded by the maeter hand sf nature f rr the alleviation of huuiiut aunerhut and disease. If Petroleum is a medicine at all, it is a good one, for Nature never half does her work, it will continue to be uaed and applil s a Kemedy. sf "oms aa man eontinuea to be afflicted with dicaw. I hat it will cure every diaeaee, we do not preleud ; ut that it will cure a great many diesw, hitherto ineligible, in a fact whirn is proven by the evidence in il favor. Ita discovery is a new era in aaedicine, and will enure to the health and happiness of man. SCROFULA. the Petroleum In a great nmlicinc in a ....i i, .11 il,n,e ilie:oieM or'sinatlliiz In a depraved con.lition of the blood and oth-r Ituida of tne body. It wui cure paina anu enrarireuieiiiao. "; and Joints, Blotches, Biles, rysip.-la, Pimples on Uie la., .. o.H.r.i.iuM,! llit.vwf.rn.. Hint the WNrious kin divea- ses. It has cured numerous caw of lUieoiuatism. Ni ur- algta,Oout. Ac A woman in Fraukliu county. I - wa cured of a rheumatic affection of nix years' standrnti: the diiasae was so sigravated as tneoutine ber to her bed dur ing the greater part of that time; she is now well, and eonsklers herself entirety restored. SHETMA TISM yittdt Is nV pnwer f Pttnlttm ! I teel myself under a debt of gnlilude to tbo prsprietnr of the Petroleum, tho use of whir h great medicine haa entirely cured my wife of a violent attack of ltheuiuati.m. ghe bad :alored under an attack of lire disease for atmut two months, suffering tne most intense paiu; the greater part of the time confined to her bed. and aaalile to do anything. Tlie pain in the limbs was vt ry great, attended with a great deal of swelling The ivtmleuiu had a happy effect, Sir the first two or three sppiieations the swclliug diminished and the paiu left her. I continued to apply the medicine daily fi r about two weeks, which entirely r'lieved her, and she is now as well as ever she was in hr life. I feel confident that the Petroleum is one of the greatest medicines in the world for rheumatic pains aud swelUugs. (Signed) PETER PUI1L, I'erry St, Allegheny City. Chronic Crash cored. 4 take pleasure in certifying to the valuable properties of Mr. Kler s Petroleum, tor an au-TU-m oi lire ureatt anu lungs, accompanied wilh severe pain in the cheat, and a cough. I took the Petroleum in larger doses than is rec ommended In the directions, but after taking it a few days I got to like it I should like to hare a harrel of it to use In my family, for I believe it to be a valuable mediiine. Tbe Petrolenm produced no unpleasant feelings whatever in the wse of it WM. 1A V. Pittebarg, March 14, 100. " rcre if nothing W.t it ftr nmt? IlrLLr.ro VTE, IVh. 21. 11r'0. I got three dor.en ef Mr. Kier's Petroleum of Mr.llowell, and I am disposed to think there is nothii eual to it lor Burns: having burnt my hands, and expecting noitiiug leas than a long, tedious sore, hut found no soreness at all from its only leaving a red scale, willmur any soreness when pressed upon, which ouiu surpris -4 m t thcr-Tore have great faith in its efficacy, so far at least, and "ill introduce it in this section. Very respectfully, 4c. HARVEY MANX. PlMrtL M. Kieb, Eq. nr !ir: 1 have ben confined to my Is-d over five months with Tv plioi.1 p.-rer. and still am in hett Ouringmy sickness, my left fst snd N gswell-d very much, and contiuu'd so until lately; I tried reveral remedies, witliout any etf.-ct t'ol. lli.M:li called to see m" wsta (Jen. Clover, and he recommendi-d me to try yur Pereol' um. a it had work-d jsvrue wonderful cures to Iris knowledge. I had Ireen tlririliin all that dny. beftire Ire was here, that I would try it; 1 immediately sent my nephew, lr. J. W.NoaorN ttlie bear, r r-f this imtet to tl e drug-store, and g"t a lsittle, and appli'-d some that ni.'lit to the sores, and the ni'Xt murnini you could see a mtir!;frl iijftrmcr in fre out, and Iras cont'n leil so ever sin e. 1 can assure you it operate almost ;i :e a charm 1 m ver saw anythinv heal like it in mv life. I want a laII iinantity yet Uielfect a perfert cure: you will please let tire !earer bare sonie and he w:ll pay you for the same. Very respcclfullv your friend. ALK.V. SCOTT. For sale wholesale ami retail by C WSruarrLK in lewisburg for sale also by Dr Thornton and J Baker i?. T. A. M. THRMT0If8. Maeir c't. Lewisbiro, WHOLESALE Jt RETAIL DEALER TR DraRH,!IedlcSiic,Chemlcal,Djc- biulfK, Uils, lilas, I'crlumery, Confectionery & Fancy Article. Dr.Thomton returns his thanks for Ihe liberal patronage which he has received, and he assures ihe community that every attention shall be paid to Ihe compounding of Medicines, and tbat all Drugs shall be fully tested before they are ottered for tale, and warranted to be pure and genuine. Ur Prescriptions given free of charge at Dr. Thornton's Drug S ore. Kemember to call at the old stand, first door above tbe Mammoth Store of J. & J. Walls. Jftuit anu ORNAMENTAL TREES The subscriber offers fur sale a large assortment of choice Fruit Trees such as Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet hiuh 40 varieties, all warranted genuine Peucl trees, 20 varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine, Prune and Pear trees, together with some 6 or 8 varieties of Grape Vines of the best native and exotic varieties. Ornamental Trees, such as the Paulonia, Linden, &r. N. B. Persons wishing to procure a quantity of the Fruit lrees,are requested to make immediate application to the subscri ber, in order to procure ihe varieties and size wanted. H. R. NULL. Lewisburg, March 4, 1850. MUSIC! MR. FRANCIS J. GES.SNER would res pectfully inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Lewisburg and vicinity, that he has taken room in the dwelling-house of Mrs. Lud wig, on Market street (entrance at the Matket St doors,) where be is prepared to give Iostiuctions on tbe PIANO. VOCAL MUSIC, and alao to cive instructiona in acquiring tbe German Language. Mr. GxasHsn i lately from Bellefonte, where ha haa been engaged for nearly two yeara in teaching the above branches, and haa given entire satisfaction to patrons and pupils. Lewisburg, April 12, 1851 MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. T. A. II. THORNTON offers his professional services lo the ciiizens of Lewisburg and vicinity, in the various branches of his profession. Residence Temperance Hotel. Office Drug Store, one door above the Mammoth Store or J. & J. Walls. Lewisburg, Oct. 1, 1850 HENRY C. HICKOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewisburg, Union County, Penn'a. OFFICE on Second St., lately occupied by L. B. Christ, Esq. NOTES Promissory, Judgment, and - Joint Notes (blanks) at this office. EBD8 ef a so peris' form, for sale at the ObrontsM office, 9 at single, ,80 per so. BRANCH FARMER. Stone Coal for sale. To lllacksniltlw. BITUMINOUS COAL, from the West Branch and from Hollidaysburg, for sale at the Shop of the subscriber, near the ILtyscates on Third St. ' ALKX'R AMMONS. Lewisburg, May 7, 1850 Price Reduced! VAUGHN'S UTX0OTRIPTIC MIXTURE! Larce Bottle Only One Dollar. The Proprietor of lb, Crast AoMifcaa Remrdr " Vsronn's Vegetabl LiTaoSTSirrlc Miitiii." induced by Uie Dr(nt Mlreiuuons ef hit AseaU. liiraoflieat the fulled Slates and Canada, has saw Seduced the Price of his twpalar aad wall knows srtiils ; and fma tail due, hsnretunk. fcs will pat ap bat eo siss onl, tm nasi Wulst: the retail pries will be 0HB DOLLAR The pablic war iert asmnd that the character ef lbs Medi eine. its strength, snd caiative properties will bemum BscHtxoED, and the same cars will be bolssred in prs narina It as heietefuse. As liiu nsKticine, Bnrier iu rodaeed price, will be parchrued by thow who bsve not hitherts made tbeinMlret scqsainlsd with iu vbtset, tne propneur woold be to intimate thlt Um anicle is not to be clawed with the vast amount of " Remeiiiee f Uie dsr ;" it slaiau for itself erester ktmlnc Prer. " aU Hutu, tasa sas lAer prrpsrstam sjsb tifun 1st troWd ; and hat siuuned iuelf for eirbt ream br asertot medical vlrtaea. and, antil this reHueuon, somaiaiided dosule the pries sf aar sthsr snide ia tine kne. Nt-nca rsBTiccLAELT. this articls asts wilh awLCeal inf iisww and certaiutr, apea the Blood, Liver, Edaeys, Langs, snd II Kh orcuis, vpes tbe proper cua sf wkK kit mM health deiwnd. Taa aisdieias kaa a jastlr hirh npsu ss a snasdr for Dropsy and Gravel, aad all diseases of that aataro. It mar be relied epos when tbs intalliceot phyacuu has abandoned bb pslisnt, and lilt then duueeeinf duearot, aos stpseiallr Daortv, tbe propri etor woald earnsttlr and aoneetlr rscowwind it. At Ht prttent priee it iseasUr sUaincd by all, and the trial aill prov tbs attisls to as tbe Cheapest Modi cine ia th World! Pleats ask fee pamphleu tbe acenU civs drero awav they contain over eistecn pares of roeetpu, (in addiuos lo ful meitical matter) valuable for houeebold parpotee, sad which will nave msnr dollar, per year to practical housekeepers. These receipu arrAtrodaeed to make the book of eiea value, aside from itsaTliaracter at aa advertising wmlium to the medicine, Uie testimony in favor of which, in Ute form sf tetters from all parte of the coantry, may be relied upon. t3F Vaughn a Vegetable liihsntriptie Mittuie" th (.rest American Remedy, now for saje in quart lottlet at each, small bottles at SO cu each. No small t tiles will be Mtued after tbe pretest stock is dupotnl of. Principal Office, Baffaio. N. V.. 207 M.ir'n Srreet G. C. VAl ;il.V. Puld tVholwaleand Retail by OI.COTT MiKtlSdO.V Si CO., B Maiden Lane. New York City. N. fl . All letters (excepting from agents and dealers with erhom ho transaets bosiucts) must be post paid, or no attention will be given to them (Tl)lt. THOUXTOX, Lrwislinrjr. i Cnrrral Acenl for Tniun county J.H.t'snLow. Agnit, Milton; I. (Jtinni.r, Sclusiute 3vl:: St THE NEW FOUNDRY IS now carried on as usual, at the up,er end of Market street, where everv des cription of CASTINGS 's ke 011 hand or made to order such as The Complete, or Complete Improved Cooking Stoves for either Coal or Wood and all other kinds of STOVES, als0 PLOUGHS f differ- ent kinds Cora IMouyhs, Bull Ploughs, and the Self-Sharpenisg Plough, a new article, and which can not be liea in Pennsj Ivania. Call and see and judi for yourselves. CHRIST & FR1CK I.owisburg. July 8, 1851 T MIE undersiivned pontinues the LIVE on Norih Third St., near Market, and respectfully solicits the palronaiie ol hi friends and the public t;enerally. CHARLES F. HESS. J.cwiitbiirrv, May 22, 1850 Tanning Currying. IOR past favors, the subscriber returns his grateful thanks, and hereby makes Known that he carries on the business of Tannins and Currying:, at the Old Stand. Determined not to be outdone in the manufacture or finish of his work, he is bound to have the best work men and materials, and to treat those who have so liberally patronized (as well as those also who shall be pleased to patronize him with that attention which he hopes to insure mm a lull share ol public patronage, All kinds of Produce taken in exchange. Hides and Bark not refused, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash or in exchange lor leather. L. STERNER. March 25, A.D. 1850 S3 Jwffarj fj TEAS ! THE Canton Tea Company of New York the oldest and largest establisbment of the kiud in the U. 8. invite universal attention to tbe fact that, from their superior arrangements, they are prepared to aell Tens purer and more fragrant for the necUve prices, than any house on this continent can uniformly do. These Trss combine every good description and quality: they are done up in packaiiu from a quarter of a pound upwards; the wrapper next the tea it a heavy tin foil covered with water-proof snd elegant Chinese paper, snd are nerfrrtly secured from lishl and sir, so that the quality is completely preserved in any climate. The above Tctr.trom 60 et to 1S cts per pound, for "Jf l'f . J. UA YES of CO. Sole agents for Lrwieburg. Look Here! AS qmriotif BRANDRETH PILLS are old by Diany DruggisU in eity and country, it would be well if persons in inquiring for them would make them produce their Cert! A. . r.a.a.aii. A were is out one Agent appointed for each eity or town, (no difference bow large the place,) and all A genu can produce their Certificate, any persona wanting the genu ine Pills bad better purchase where they can depend on getting the genuine article. J. HAYES sk CO. : Sola Agent for Lawiibarg. TLW ANIFE9T8 for Boat ladin-a apply juat piintid at lb Chronwle office BRANT'S uriw HI. The Great COl'OH REMEDY. Many year, of Kpsrience. snrl mom rhn a Haatlreft Tbtlsttll Cures of Cowoaaspllve Compliant, bsve nroved lo Ibe umloMbleJ talufsclicm ( all panose wbt Law become aniiiainied wills U.,t woneVrei md, thai as arreallr eoperlor, because it a, too!.. ad aaaliai, f ;.. r ,.; ,ai I oaxnainlioil of tbo " " . . i. j . 1 ' . mm. tn k ,!,- .ntf urhor RraKdv In W wml. ettei which, brjon Um cores were efteclaru. srere cmlle.1 ml f miwdIom. and which were uriended wiin ,,m,lm U "l reteni"le.i. and were in all respect. e the tvrirpt.mia of Ihoaei . and asses W an, said to have sW with that fatal disease CeDoumptlaa. !'" Baliamhau cured UeasuaSt of pertont who were eai'l to lie hopeleuely unites, ori-who hmihurd. dry. r.irt.J fsuike-ta " lbs Breaut, and iio.-linlrallv of Hrenlhlaa ?.nre cer.i" e-A.f-Ato-nd vrasllaa away of Klesb and Blood. Fortune huvuii! tuch conirilamlt htvn l-ra curel ulW It wee sum Uiey .d o live a week lonrer. Thia Msdieiijs hu eurvd tonio who were auppoaed lo be in a dylaa state, but, by Ihe ate of Wis remedy, they BOW live, and enjoy eooil health. . . . This Halsnni Is no-eft m rrartoblt tomjomnd. It ts Bleaaatrt lo lake, and aerre duet iiynry in tny tlage or dis ease or under any clrcuruarances. It ei.cw iu waaderlal snd almost mim'ealoa :res by Puriryina.M'eayiV eniny, and I nviaarnllna Hi wi stay Me nrcaluriuu, and producing seuUny sclion 111 US III, I. 9. rut 1J. '"a Ne faciJiLiting FaiaeetarMiioa alhtvina It Curus Ihe followuic dia vis. : Consumption, COrGIl" and CJJm, Rrumthili: Aitomm. Spitting oj Kooi, htndmt at tlie J.ajiy., Vm '. ad t esf. Sem.umem. St jht .Sioeo'a. Wril ittua I4 Heart, and aU r..'l.v l. r. nMik.ir..-. Unrefrom. t'kalern Intanlnin, kt rasr Vur Yr9t snd purticuiurs of cores, see our I'utpkleta aud JiosdeiUs-eil oar A(ous turn Uatasus give sway. "-llts l'r Tb'rninn snd J linker, Lewis huri;"'; W Ke-fterand Itoshuiiii Si Antis, New Berlin; Jit M Tailor, Mililinburc ; 8 J C rouse, eliiirerove ; II N Uatkhouiie, Middlelmri; ; O & V C Mover, Freelm'K ; J H I'aslow, Milton SfiO.vrilif 1 vain Drills. ''PIIE undnrsiiined wish to inform tlie X farming community gtneiaily, that they are now manufacturing J. P. ROSS" Nich Imj.rowl OR A TX DRILLS, or SO WING MACHINE. Without stopping ti discuss the compara tive merits oi iiumirnus Drills now otfL-red for sale, they mi rely wish to invite Farm ers to call anJ it ttiu above n'ltned article before purchasing t'lseu here, feeling confi dent that they can furi;ih au article thai will (ive entire siii-fnriion. ROSS, CliDDK.s & MARSH. Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, le50. IT IS A FACT, flXE J coti seif-ivident, tind ttorlhy of cverj iuvi mum, that no Aliurrcan inane jjuimI clean flour rAiiiuiul he has guod clean wheat. 1 supt0e vou vth to know the remedy. 1 tell m it W to get one ol Hi rifoCrtsiei' II lit at Scourers, or Smut M k li iiti. Il Ix iiiij nu iM, radical and experienced Miilwrilit has invented, got iiji und ut in successful operation the best Wheat Scourer now in ue. Any person nrdrrine a machine an J af:erarJs lind.nj; that it does not prove to operate as repre sented, there shall be no sale, as tii se ma chines are to be warranted fjood. Furthei recomnien Jiitions are tlioulit unnecessary He is now bavin;; a stifiplv rnnJe at Lewis bur;, by Messrs. GedJes i Mirsh. Order for midlines, or letters of inquiry, i!l ht promptly attended to. Machines wilt bt ;-cut and put to all order?. Address J. BKRGSTIlI&SSIiR, Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. 329 New Establishment! CARRIAGE MARM6. rlHIE tulisciibir nnulJ infiim the citizi-ns ol I llii- town ami tlie surrounding country that having in itlu Lrwi-duri! his permanent rcsiilrni-r he has luki n the th.ip tit the luvtr c:ulf Murket ...tit -F- . . ... . smtt, m;uin mar. uin-ie rie will kecj) ou Land or inuiuifacture to order all kinds of HU(i(; KYS, I'AHllIAfiES, SULk'KYS, SLEIGHS, )-c. Alto, every variety of work in his line Itcpali-cd, Painted, Tl iinniri on short notice arnJ reasonable term. J"?On hand a lame stork ol well seasoned TI.M0EK from the I'hillisquaqup liottoms. From his long experienre in ihe business, the subscriber trusts be will he nblc In r;iv entiie satislaction to all who may favor him with patro nage. Any one disposed is requested to call and KUxnt mv niaterinl and woikmanship. Cash and Country Produce taken in pay for "Ofk- JOSIAH t;il5Tl).. Lewi.kurg. April 26, I S3 1 6m Ligsitmxg Rods. I'PIIE awful calamities that every City, A, Town, Village and country falls victim to annually, thro' ihe jrross neglect nf Us inhabitants, is beyond calculalion.especially when ihe remedy is so ea-y to obtain this is found in rmilugc's Patent iHngnctic i3ljt ning Koiis, and in this alone. This rod has been examined hv Ihe mos scientific gentlemen in Ihe worldPro fessors M'Murtrie, Johnson, Wallor. and manv others that have examined them, recommend and speak of them in Ihe highest terms ol approbation and have pronounced them the only safe rods now in use in this or anv other country fur the vroltt- lion of Live and 1'mperfy. One advantage is to divide and throw back a part of the electric fluid harmless to the clouds, this is in time of a stroke, ihis enables ihe rod to conduct that portion nf fluid that belongs to the earth without the slight est danger of leaving the conductor. Thi rod bas many other advantages over tbe old one. The patentee take pleasure in informing his menus anu me punlic in general that after man years' close investigation and numerous expert menu oe nas aimed at the true principle of nro tecling Families, Dwellings and property from sue ucatrucuve inuuence 01 LIGHTNING SAMUEL HOOVER, II 1 7-1 f- ' f, . . e ... m.vi tictuil, IllVlt a- U Agent For L.D10D and adjoining counties. 6m371 Baltimore Printing Ink Manufactory. THE subscriber, agent for the sale of thia Ink, would invite the attention of printere and publisher of newspaper in the South to tbe faet that they can now purchase in Baltimore a supe rior Ink to any manufactured in the State. Tbe Baltimore Book and Newspaper Printer prefer it to any other Ink. Colored ink, card ink, book ink and New ink of superior quality and at the lowest prices. The undersigned warrants tha ink made at the Baltimore work to be of the very best quality, and should any article shipped by him fail to give full satisfaction it can be retur ned at hia expense. WM. THOMSON, 9w368 No. 6 Carroll Hall, Ballirar Old Newspapers, SOME thousand in number, of all sizes, for aale at tha Chronicle office, at SO els per 100 talten aa they run, or $1 when assorted. A chance for Scrap Booka a well for wrapping. C red Be Ih.t 11- o, .Um of ll. many or Mm fcw. w. hull not atwmpl to srrtre wilh turh, but Una we witf tey. L doeasrrf it s (sol. wl.ich can be proved iu IhoaMiada iflon cub not Aitnm hi... r.r. M l.iHfAM SJI'l taf Eajvnj. J11WI D, leetv - r rt , - ANOTUKR SCIENTIFIC WOSDSR, PEPSIfJ: Tbe true WUESTIVE FLUID orGASTBlC J L I L E a great Dyiptpua Curer .' Prepared from Rennet, or the fourth stoat.- r Hie Oi. after directions by Baroo Litat, V. great physiological chemist, by J S-Hocsb'tI. Ao. 1 1 S. 8tb St Philadelphia, p ATRI. LY wonderful remedy for intiguhtm Dy,ptpa, Jaundiee, Liter CuLlaZ tvtniipultun and Debility, curing after tin-l own process, by Asture'. o. .gen Uie Mtrie Juice. (Tj Half a teaspoonM of thi. fluid infted ,n water can digest , JUI,, Ki , rosst beef in about two hou, out of the stoucb. IMSMon is ch,efl, pcformed io .h."; ach b, the aid of a fluld which (reel, ,IoJe, f(0m the inner coat of that orgm, .hen i , . of heal:h, called the gastric juice. This fluid is U great soh et.t fif the f,d-ihe purif,illg, prele. ving nd atimulating agent of the stomach and intestines. Without it there can be no digestion no conversion of food into bli,.,d. no nutrition' but rather a foul, torpid, painful snd destruc.it condition of ihe whole digestive siiiaratus. I'cpsill ia the chief element or great digest ing principle of tbe gastric juire. t i, founj j great abumlnnre in the solid parts ol the human stomach alter death, and sometimes causes th stomach to digest or eat itself up. Ii U also found in me Bo'iiiiitu oi animais, as tue oi, crilf,o;e. It is the material used by farmers in making cheese styled Itrnnet. the ellect of which has long been the specul wonder of the dairy. Curdling oi iiiiik is me urst process ol digestion. A call's tomach can curdle nearly one thousand times its own wrieht of milk. Baron Liebiir stales. part of Pepsin dissolved io sine ihonsand n.,i. of mater, (ill;ets meat and other food." Diseased stomarns pro.luce no good (iastric Juice, Rennet or IVp-in. To show that this want ... h. ... feclly supplied, vre quote tb subjoined " S IF.TIFIC EVIDENCE! nsp,u l.ll.llil., in In, c lbrum arork on Animal CW oiistry. rj: 'Ad artificial iliative tlul. analacitu to thv l.wtrtr J uir,- may la- nailily i n-par-i fr. the oiurro. aiHDil.rane of U atomarh of tbe calf, in wh-h ,aru irtr.-l.-s of rival, an mint and cPir. .ill h, toft-wj mmt ai(Ti tl tn th- .am- manner se in the human st.anarh i.r. i.r...,..i..-v. in nu. inmotis urcatipe osi Fond andlnvt. pulli.-.hl l.y tr..lfrs Wells. Y.,rk. esa- 34 ulZ U11- sanir im-at fai t, ant Jm-rilaT. the m-tlira) nf sn-nars. ;i.n. Th. r- ar- f.-. hiphrr autli..ritii than lir Wivrta. Ir. COM l:K. in hia vnluaMe writin- on th. Hirtiolo'v of llit-. sti. n. .1 S.TT. S that "a lininuti..n of iiV due luantitv ..I the ilsulric Jiiir- ir s pnnninrnt airi all-pra. railii.i Willis- of lv-ppii,." ainl he stau-s that -s dt:i-ui-l,..i .r- !. smt nf m.-.lii'ine in Un.Jon. on was sr.-r.lv aim. t.-d with this c-m !amt. Ar.UiiiK evrryUiin 1 u, fail, htnl r.T.ur-- to tur r;.-trir Juarc, obumrd rVjoi tho ..ti'iiia. h ..f !iin animals. whl-h complt-lT sanwM n lr.lil:.All AM.atitborortbr faiaxm .orkt oa Vcieuiils Dit. s:.s: -- It is a n-Diarkahle fVt ia phTsioliiarv. that :hr St. mat lis ol alnnii.s, mm-rstnt in Sater, inLart 10 Uir tlnsl the property of disaolvine various artKiV, of tbwL and ..f . tl.-tniir a kind of artHkial dinitinn of tlVla ia so wis. dill.-r. 11 frnlu tin? natoraj dtstire pr.M-. I'r- MM'i.S S sreal ork. the I hmislnr of Van, Lest lllatiilwM. I'liii.-nl.. Is4i;. -..pI,--;., ,,,- -TIb-dismrn-y .1 I'. pai !- ri.i a 1.. w ,-ra in the rtVim-al histrry of lii stii.u. t ri m re.nt rxprr m.-nta. wr kno. that s-od is l:ss..lv,-dasrai : l)y in an arl.hriai lii:estrv iu .1. prpamt 1'rt ni I'-i-.n. s it in tb. natural llastrir Juire itself IT.T. Ill Mil.lMIN.otthe Jrltrmi Onlle-re. MliM, i his rrvu: .,rk .11 llnman l'hy.i..l.vy..lVvnt,1i more tLa tit: far.-- I" an .s.iniiiiat-.4i of this sinJ.Tt. Misexaeri. m-v.if a ilk Ut. IV.111DI' nU..n thelsartrir Juiec. obtaianl rrt.in 11k- l;rin hninan st..mrw h and fn-tn snm-itii. art -in- uu. ii. all cn-es.- he say. .lic.-stion n.-curr.-d u ArlUUy in the artili.-.al as iu the natural digestions" As a I) VSPEPSIA CI RER, Dr Houghton's preparation of IVp-iti has produced the most mar velous 1 fleets It is impossible to give details of ca--es 111 the limit of this advertisement but au-iht-nticat.d c. rliticates have beep given of mora ihan TWO IH'.l)KED lapid. wonderful, and jiermaneiit cures. It is a great .kirors A.vti miTK, and particularly u-eful for teuJency lo "ilious disorder, liver complaint, fever and ague, he evil efTecIa of quinine, metcury, Vr, alao fur xcess m eating or drinking There is 00 form of OLD STOMACH COItf. PLAI.NTS tvhich it does not reach and also ;ne nstaiit nlief ! and repeated for a short lime. pc. 'ity of lilood and vieoa or aoni follow at oucr. It is pariicularly excellent in ease of nausea, vo niting. cranips. soreness ol the pit of the stomach, lisire,s after eating, low, cold stale of the 6ood heaviness, low ness of spirits, despondency, emaci ilion, weakness, tendency to insanity, ic Price. ONE DOLLAR per bottle. Onebottle iften :r-cts a lasting cure. PEFSI?i IK r OWDEHSsent ij Mall, free of Postajc. , ,"r ei.nveni.-nre ituilaj to "II parts of th,. eonntrr -l: Pip stiv.- !a.:f,-r of li.e "-j n.i- put up in tl.i-f.irni'. . ...!. r. auh .Im-et i n, t. ts- Hi, I .v the p.ifienl iu :il. r or si r.ip. Thrse ponders r-.i;M 11 jit,l the -am. natt. r a the ls.tll.-a, t,,it lwi,. tl. ,,,!:,.;;, f r the '.m.. nre. ami are sent by mail. tre. of l'.-tao-. f..r fl. tent P'ist-(ai.l 1 In lir. J. s. I..ii.-hi..n. Xo. II .0rU1 t.vttll M. I'liilad.-i) hia. tix pa-kar. s for j. Every bo'tle.and package hears tbe wtitten sig nature of J.S.HOLOHTON.M.D ,Sole I'ropn or. Sold by agents in every town in the Union md by most respectable dealers in medicine. To be had of Dr. THuRM OX, Lewisburg ; I H Caslow, Milton; Thompson, Mirilinburji Wilt A Eilert. Hartlelon; Wm Koshone, .ev Ceilin; Ii I t;rouse, Seiinsgrove ; Mrs M'Csy, -Viirll.uiiibeiland lv3Jo SOLI'S HEAD HOTEL, MiJlinburg, Luton county, Penn'a. I") EPEOl'Pl'LLY informs Ihe citizens of j Union county, and Ihe public in general liat he hag leased the above stand, for many years occupied by his Father, and is now pre pared lo accommodate friend nd the traveling community in a manner acceptable lo all. The HOUSE is laree and roomv.well arran ged in all its departments, and everir care will be taken to render bis guests comfortable and happy. His TABLE will alwavs be fnrniihe.l arith Iks choicest delicacies of the season, and the best the market can atl'ord. The BAR wilt at all times be attenled by careful persons, and none but the very best of liquors will be kept. His STABLE are ampla and convenient, and the OSTLEK3 punctual and attentive. In short, he pledges himself to endeavor tn give general satisfaction lo all, and bopea hv strict attention to business lo merit and recei a iinerni share of patronage. Miliiinburg, June 30, 1850 THE subscribers offer ihe public, at their new Brick Foundry, the following new and valuable Stoves : Iron Wilch Air-Tizhl Cookin Ulnae. .,,h a Brick Oven. Lady Washington Parlor Stove. Cast Iron Air-Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood 2 size. Coal Burner for Parlors I size, 12 inch cl indcr. Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove t sizes. Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for Wood-X sizes. Egg Stove the very best in aw for Stnrea. Offices, Barrooms, and Shop. J ne celebrated l.enesee Air-Tighl Cook Slov The Complete Cook S size. Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves rioughs Castinc. &c. &c. CHRIST & FRICK. Lewisburg, Dec. 12. 1849. "An ounce of .Prevention worth a pound of Cure," in that awful disease. CONSUMPTION! TVR. FITCH S Lectures on the Preven- J tion and Cure of Consumption. This popular work for sale io Lewiaburg by 8. F. Lyndall J. Houghton and ' thia oUce. Priea. 7 ctflft ' 1 la. : I aasaasssasstss