LEWISBURG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. of the 15riti.!i population during the lat five years ? The answer in, by famine and emigration. But, to get to the bottom of the question, we must discover the causes of this famine and emigration. These can only be a diseased social and political sys tem ; and such .Mr. Allison r.'preseuts theui to be. Kut while be attributes them tit ftv trade, we trace them deeicr into the f:tlric of society, though we admit that free trade may have assisted, perhaps, to dovelope thciu prematurely. It is theuu equal distribution of the soil which now in England, as of old in Home, is bringing on natioLal decay and death. There is a feature of this decline in pop ulation even more eloquent of ruin than the general fact. The falling off is princi pally in the rural districts. All history teaches that, when a country is sinking, the inhabitants decrease in the agricultural portions first. Iong after the plains of Italy had become desolate, and when deg radation and decay were rapidly overtaking he land, the cities continued to flourish. .Mich is the conditio!! of affairs in Great rriia'a now. In ten years Loudon has ;- .Tcar-cd 417,772 souls, Glasgow 03,171 and Dublin 22,1:24. During the same ptriod all the Iris-h counties have sunk in population. Cork, for instance, has lost 222,000; Galway, 124,000 ; Mayo, 114 000; and others in proportion. The cities, in fact, have grown at the expense of the country; yet, with this, notwithstanding, tlii-rc has been a general decline. Stnrviug thousands, evicted from their fields, or flyiug from a decaying land, have crowded into the towns, in hopes there to obtain a livelihood, while still otb.-r thousands, abandoning the rural districts for similar reasons, have emigrated to Cauada, Aus tralia, or the United States. How radi cally wromi must be the social and politi cal condition of a nat'on which thus com pels annual crowds of its people to seek a livelihood in other lands, while a suffi ciency of soil remains at home for the sup port of all, if it was but divided fairly I The decay of a declining kingdom, we have said, is first perceptible in the rural districts; but it soon makes its appear ances also in the cities. The ruin spreads from agriculture to commerce, from coui tiieree to manufactures, and so through the entire commonwealth. In England the cancer has already extended from farming to" other pursuits. In 1 43 the property assessed for trades and professions amounted to sixty-three million pounds; in 1848 it bad fallen to sixty millions; and in 1850 it had still further declined to fifty-five millions: thusshowingadccrea.se of nine millions, or fourteen per cent., in the short space of seven years. It is es timated that the decline will be half a mil lion more for In the face of this startling fact who can doubt that England in declining? AVhcn a nation loses both in population and in wealth, her days may be considered numbered, nor can she ar rest sjeedy death unless she checks the de cline. Will England do this? c fear not. The article before us, indeed, is proof to the contrary. While her great men, on one side, maintain that free trade is the cause of her decay, and, on the other, that protection is, there can be but little chance of the true evil, the unequal distribution of the soil, being discovered and remedied. I n every way, indeed, England appears to be declining. Crime is frightfully on the increase. The commitments for 1840, fur example, were 54,fc;V2, while for IS 15 they were 74,162. Pauperism, also, is growing. In 1840 the poor rates were, in round uumliers, four millions and a half pounds ; in 1845, they were five millions and a half. This was the increase in mon ey value, bnt as compaicd with the price of wheat, the great agricultural staple of the kingdom, the increase was far more terrible; for, while 1,3.'IG,34U quarters of wheat would have paid the poor rate of 1840, it required, in consequence of the (iodine in the price of wheat, 2,443,1GG iartcis to discharge the poor rate of 145. This too in the face of a decreased produc tion of that stau!e ! AY lien a nation thus increases in pauperism, and at the same time diminishes the resources of the agri cultural population, oil whom, after all, the chief burdens of the state fall, it needs no prophetic tongue to foretell her speedy decay. Meantime too, the imports of England increase faster than her exports. The bit- t,r have risen from fifty-one millions to i tixtj-Cve in ten years; the former have swelled from hiity-four millions to one hundred and three in the same interval. Truly, Great liritain, onee the mistress of the world, has seen her palmiest days '. Philad. flulhi:. According to the Medicnl Times, there are in London 2-i74 doctors of Medicine, 1S7 surgeon, it homcc ipathists. This gives alout one doctor ol Medirin to 914 inhabitants, and one surgeon to 12 637 of the population. Of the doctors of medicine, 616 are authors. The Poller Union states that Ihe farm era of Liberty township, McKean county, Pa., recently had a squirrel hunt, (those animal having become very destructive,) and alter a fortnight's expedition, m t and counted off Twenty-Seven Thousand head of game. Sewell Short, of Baltimore, has inven ted a uew and approved mode of inserting winduW k,i11SS- 2'o tutty is used. What is the Bloomer costume but the application of the higher law to petticoats ? Life Insurance. ITEVSTO.NE Mutual Life Insurance Cornp any of Harri.burg, Pa., haa a guaraulae casual ol 75,001) Local Aeent, Lewisburg H.C.Hickok. Medical Examiner do W. Leiseb.M.D. as a s a m. )RI.NTED with clear type on good paper and 1 in lirm and elegant bindings, cooaiatiog of ST AX PA RD RELIGIOUS WORKS. Andrew Fullers ooniplrt FroySrli,t(irrTjriv.l,nO "WM.on(l ","" " .lleSSiansllip Ml tills to Devotion. VTatta.r. lyj Howell on I he Denmnship 30 BmiyaJisAwakeningUka ,a - Way of Salvation 75 nvitiug - TSiJamesCh. Members V.ui.le 3S " Ientionl Taj - Ctmrrb in Earnest 60 " I'ilKrinnl'rogriSUiw'nCiiU to Chriatums 40 " Hly War BOjLifecf Mra.Ann Il.lii.lsnn 5(1 Booths Reiini of (irace 4a " Sarah HJudson tJO crowrn a c liun h 31emb- Lynd on the Sacrific and era Hand lto.,k ?. Atonement fio Cox's Ili.-t.Eo.; Hap.MiMDJli. Mead's Alruo.t aChristian SO Oauimrll'l Am. "i.Mrmoirsof Rev.S.l'oaree 24 COXTROIERSIAL WORKS. Or. OaraoB on Baptirra $t.an:lr.flnwell on Communion 60 it. tainion - (v. g. uemiuclon Smith on lufant " 25 Rcaaom for Perurtlly on llaptisra and Booth on Bigotry, 2 to 2." Pruf.CurUionCommuniouTO beeomintc a Baptist Baptist Manual, a Collec tion of Tract, tc SO FOR CnlLPREX AXP srxpjr-scnooLS. Atrnhil, an Allegory fn,3T, S. S. Gleaner 1842 15 nr.r.ahorkTal(ofTntth2.i Ritafonl's Spiritual Voy lfrBelrhdraSrri(turcTale2.) atfe, an Allegory 1 r-u I'operr 24:Ann ttailoy la M itaptisms of Gertrude the Peace Maker 14 tlie New Teelami lit j-Fran, is F.u.-rlon 13 Closing SVrn-s in Life of (The Floods 13 Young Persons 2-'. .Father's Apple 13 Odr Sai-r. by a Teacher 2ol.lame and t.enrpw 10 Serpent I'iio iled. a Port- Memoir of K. M. Way rait of 1'civersaib.m 2((:Simple ftori.-s F.ftie Maurice, ln.STipture Sere a. Xo.l and John Fink 1( 2, bv a Teaeher 6 and 9 THE PSALMIST, in varioua strict, $.;.' to LIS THE HAHP, " 26 to 35 The above for tale in Leveishurg at puldication price, at the store opposite Kline hotel. 371 HAKION & CHALFANT Xtw and Popular School Book CIOMFKEIIE.NSIVE Summary of UsiivEasAt H.sroni. t. jollier with a Biography ol Di-lincui-hrJ Persons, to which is appended an epitome of Heathen Mythology, Natural Philosophy, ) General Astronomy, and Physiology. $ Adopted and u-rd in the Puldic Schools of Philad. K. S. JOES ;0., Publiehera. i ". W. orner roenTH and Kace streets, rmia. rVTrachera and School committees address mt; letters to us post-paid will be fuinirhed with copies for examination. J"? A full and complete assortment of BOOKS and STA TlOXEIl Y f.'r sale nt the luwcut prices Iyciiq3s0str Map of (lie State of California, r"KEt:n, UTAH, NEW MEXICO, and TEXAS, printed by S. Aus'a Mitchell in 1816, and painicd to corrc-pond with the boun daries tiled by Congress in 1(150 for sale at the Chronicle oilice, price So cts. .gggj - Dr. John Locke, 5nsr sntGEOx dextist, MA V he found at his Office and residence Third street, near the Ger.Ref.Ch. the two weeks following the fust Monday ol each month, where be is prepared to execute all operations in his line of business in a manner creditable to himself and satisfactory to those who may favor him with their patronaee. JOHN LOCKE, D.D.S. Lewisburg, Pa., May, 1850 fox Sale. M large and desirable property on the corner of Market and Water Sis., well situated for a residence, for business, or for a residence and place of business. There is a larj;e BRICK House contain ing 4 lare rooms on the first floor, C bed rooms on the second floor, and two large finished rooms on the third. A Kitchen and Valihoue adjoins, uod it has also a larpe crnirnt Cistern, a Pump and VVell ol i;ood water, and all the necessary out buildings. For terms &c. apply to Gko.F.Miller. lisq. S. K. DAVIS. Lewisburg, Sept. 23, 1850 LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP! TOOK at IlATritin!! NEW j STOCK of Gold and Silver Waichea and Jewelry, before you buy elsewhere and ay a '-leetle too much" because you was not .ware that JlaUiow wiia cneaprr. (M IV Mm vn iowcls 14 to IRK $ 10.no to sn.on wi.mt w."i Sn.iio .yum is.iki r-".io 1(1,00 llJKI rt. full i. w. I.-.I ll.tolt AiK-horcawl l .in' jcwld 14 to 18 SUrer I. J.'-T-r. j.wrltit, A iii-linr?" it it,i Ij'phM'. jeweled (j.M Mnp r l.iiiK. l;uvc lariolv K.r IMii2. la:a and Ugd, latent lvlc IVtu-il and IVns ,.17 'i :..xi .-.'"l S.oo 4.M 10.00 " !Vti,-il 1": &.0" rtit. rilv.-r rawp. Piamon'T p-iotM 1.50 3.00 llrra.t.iiu. 1-a.ly' aniHienfUjUifl 't etjflea .74 .'i.O0 " ll.miiit ln-krt. iImhI'V, f.,Vl 12.rt " V it' h. lia nj, K..h and Vtst ." H 0 " rinarl lu ifc-ct 13M 1S.00 .. Ko .7S 3.50 Siltrr'l'aWeaiitl T Sima t.Oit H.UO riati.l aiilii-riii.MlTfaandTaliI Spoona .Ti 4. on .il.rOml. I.''0 a..' nn.l (i.,M Sirtalca ." Rrar'lurka I"-'10 Ai-n-r p-.na .;x e'.OO And hondteda of first choice articles, "f.lenlid 1500.1s." j'ist from ihe City and as low as City retailers can sell. ty A. I.. HATFIELD. Leniaburg, March 18, 1851 Ccimslmrg JTounDrn fPHE subscriber, thankful for past pnt I ronie, would inform the public lhat be continues to manufacture all kinds of Mill CJoarin and other CastinRS Jbrarfiing 1 ..lac'lintr, aiiu uiuci ai (11.11 . vi i.i u.i.,iiv j 1 red in the best manner. Castings warranted to he of ,onJ material, an J at prices that can not fail la )lea. JAMES S. MAKSH. I.ewMm.e, Feb. 1R51 nOOKINti Stoves, of various patterns I I t ami ttaa fnr f nnl nr Wnnd. fur s.lle V ' al the LewUburg Foundry br James S Marsh. TOVK3 I'urlor, Wood, and Coal Stoves, various patterns, for sale at the t.ewb-burg Foundry. James S. Matah. THRASHING Machines and PLOWS 1 ft br sale at the Lewisburg Foundry. James 8. Marsh. YlflAUD'S Pittent Gang Plow, a supe- V rior article, for sale at the Lewisburg Foundry hy James 8. Marsh. GRAIN or Seed Drills Ross Patent rlceidedlv the but and most durable Grain Drill now in use, for sale at the Lewisbarg Foundry by James 8. Marsh. Nulls, Plaster, Salt and Fisli. ft LARGE assortment jost ree'J and for sale 7 0 8 KBEMEK & CO. Petroleum, s ROCK OIL, A NATURAL REMEDY! ljRorrnED from a weh in alleohrntcopa., Four Hundred fret below the Krth s nnrtaor! It 1b Tut up in bottles, jut m it flown from the well, without vl mixture of nnr kiud. It (peta Its iusrulieote firmn tb budu, if subntanraii whirh it puMea ovur iu its secret clmu nol : they are blended together in nuffh a iWm an to iefir 11 hum. rmpetiti'in. The IVtmisum in this respect is like MINERAL U ATKR.S. whose virtues in must chronic rbrnniceasas re arknowledpvxj nut uuly br physicians but by the enuiinunity at lart;e. These sintnilnr ttuuls tlnwins oat from the earth, impregnated with ntedinal BultAii-es of different prttperties. and holdinfc them in such complete solution as to reju rw the aid of rhniii'try to drtert thm, bear ample proof to the fact that they re compounded by the m-wler liod of Xaturc f r th al'etiatitn of human sullen n and I 4,-se. If Hetroleum is a medicine at all, it is a god one, for Nature never half des her work. It will continue to he used and applet as a Remedy, as long as man continues to be a filiated with diase. That it will cure every disrase. we do not pretend: but that it will rure a great numy diseast hitherto incurable, is a fart wbich is proven hy the evidenoe in its tiTor. lit discovery is a new era in medicine, and will enure to the health and happiness of man. SJTOFCLA. The Petrolenm Is a (Treat medicine in Scrofula and King's Evil in all thae diseases oripinaiin in a depraved condition of the blood and other fluids of the Nxiy. It will cure pnius and enlargements of the bon-s and joints, Rlotche. BiUw. Kr sipelas, Pimples on the face. Tetter, iScald-head. Kinicworm.and the varioua Skin disea ses. It has cured numerous cases of Rheumatism, Neur algia. Gout. Ac A woman in Franklin county. l'a w:is cured of a rheumatic affection of six years" PtimlinR : the disease was so aggravated as to confine her to her bed dur ing the greater part of that tiuu; she is now well, and considers herself entirely restored. niihXMA TISM yitldt to the jwteer of Pttroltum ! I f.-el mrs. lf und-r a debt of gratii ude to ttw proprietor of the I'etroleum. the use of whi-h great mcdiiiui has entirclvciin'd my wif of a violent attack of Rbeuiuatim. She had Ia1or.d under au attack of the diea-e for about two months, siiff- rinff the most inten-e pain: the greater part of the time con lined to her r--d. and unMt to do anything. The p.iin in the ami was very great. atlend-d with a great de4 of swelling. The Tetroh-um had a hamy elfect, for the first two or thne applications the swelling diminishel and the pain left her. I continued to appiy tha meilicine daily for about two weeks, which entirely relieved her, and she is now a well as evr she was in her hfe. I feel confident that the Petndeuin is one of I ho gre.ttest medicines in the world fr rheumatic pains and swellings. (Signe.l iLldn l i lit, rerry cu, aurgucuj vnj. Chronic Con-h cared. T tVe nteaure in certifvin- to the valuable properties of Mr. Kier's Pftroleuro. for au pfT -cti-m of the breast and luii?, arcrnnpani'-d with aevt-re taiu in the cb.st, and a coiih. I bok the I'etroleutn iu barger doses than is rt mm-ndcd in the rtircttone, tmt atter taking 11 a lew nays I got to like it. I should like to have a harrel of it to use in inv familv. for 1 b'lieve it bi lie a valuable ui-di inc. The Petroleum produced no unpleasant feeling whatever in the uc of it. WM. DA V. Pi LU burg. March 44 Thrre. u nothing W.t it fnr Burnt? Pelt.kfte, Feb. 51, 150. I got three doxen of Mr. Kier's petroleum of Mr.Howel. and I am dif posed to think there is nothing ciual to it for Burns: having burnt tnv hands, and expecting nothing b-as than a long, tedious sore, but found lio son-ness at all from its only leaving a red scale, wuhou any arcness when preswd upon, w hieh .juite surpris- d m. I th-r fore have great faith iu its efficacy, so far at h att, and will introduce it in this foction. Very respectfully, c. IIAll K Y MA. 8nvel M. Kict, F.sq. Pear fir: I have l-rn conflne.1 to my bed over five month with Typhoid Fev.-r. and stiil am in led. During mv sickness, my left fin-'tand leg awe led very murh, and continu d so until lately ; I tried several r'm.di' S. without any eflivt. t'ol. Rlack called to ee me wiih Oen. Clovek. and he n-oMumended ine to try ur Petroleum, as it had workeil some wonderful r un-s to his knowledge. 1 had been thinking all that day, before he here, that I would try it: 1 liumeliatelv fl'-nt niv n- phew. Ir. J. V.Sowm-..i (the l.m r .f this note) to the drug-?-tore, and ct a Iwitle. and applied sonic that nLhl to the sores, and the next morning you pnuM se a mnrkrd !i'Tr4 not iu the 04. and has rout in tied so ever s nee. I can assure vou it operated almost like a charm I never saw anything heal liku it in my lif'. I want a man inanitty yet toeiiecc a perieer cure; you will please let the lienrr have some and he w.U pay you for the same. Very respectfully jour frr-tid. ALEX. SCOTT. For sale wholesale and retail by V WSchafple in Lrwisburg lur bale Uo ly Dc Thornton an J linker For the Ladies. JUST te rriveil a choice selection of Dor:ize Dc si. lines. Mantilla .ilks, Silk la re &c &e. at tlie olJ ManJ of J. HAVES & CO. JgTRMT TREES. 1)ERSOXS desirous of obtaining choice Fruit Trees such ns varieties of the I'each, Pear, Mum, Cherry, and Apple will do well by culling at ihe Lewisburp Nursery ntxl tretk, as ihe subscriber is receiving upwards of 1500, ol large size? nd choice varieties. April 1, 1851 11. R. NOLL. MEDICAL NOTICE. TR. T. A. II. THORNTON offers his J professional services to the citizens of Lewisburg and vicinity, in thevarious branches of his profession. Residence Temperance Hotel. Office Drug Store, one door above the Mammoth Store of J. & J. Walls. Lewisburg, Oct. 1, 1830 THE SUMMER SESSION or TUB. LEWISBURG ACADEMY, WILL commence on MONDAY, the 5th ot MAY next. In this Institution, all Ibe branches of a thorouh Academic course will be tauht. The Primary Department will receive due attention ; and ezercUea in Composition and Declamation will be required of the Urer mem--berg of the school. The discipline of the Insti tution, as heretofore, will be directed mainly to the formation of systematic habits of study, as the best and only permanent means of securing order and progress among the pupils. The sub scriber feels gratified at the liberal support which has tbua far been given him by an intelligent public, and he believes that the best return be can make it, is to seek to lead the youth, placed und r his care, to the acquisition of sound, unos tei ta ious learning. The average number in attendance during the last year was 45, being a considerable increase over any previous year. A short Vacation will be given near the middle of the session. Tkkm. per Session of 20 weeks: For Common English $G, Higher Enslish fft, I.ansuases $10. JAO. KAADULl'lt, April S. IS51 Principal PI ARRET T. LnrisDnto, WHOLESALE ft RETAIL DEALER ITT Drus, Medicinex, Chemical, Dye Stuffs, Oils, Glass Perlumery, Confectionery & Fancy Articles. Dr.Thornton returns his thanks for the liberal patronage which he has received, and he assures the community lhat every attention shall be paid to the compounding of Medicines, and that all Drugs shall be fully tested before they are offered for sale, and warranted to be pure and genuine. rTPrescription-i given free of charge at Dr. Thornton's Drug 8 ore. Remember to call at ibe old stand, 6rt door above the Mammoth Store of J. & J. Walls. STOVE WARE-ROOM, Kearly opposite H. P. Shelter' Store. THE best and most approved COOKING, SHOP, OFFICE or PARLOR Stoves, Ploughs, Castings, ice. at low rates, by CHRIST fc FRICK. Town Properly For Sale Cheap. A FULL Lot on North Fourth Strce on which is a two storey rrame iiuusc, 10 uy oj icei, with a pood Cellar under it a nji I ' IT , I O i . . Frame iMablc, 16 by 20 an out' Ki'chm, and other out-buildinga now oo cupied by David Shamp. Enquire of DAVID REBKK, Agent. Lewisburg, Oct. 30, 1H50. Price Reduced! VAUGHN'S UTHONTRLPTIC MIXTURE! Large Botlle Only One Dollar TTi Proprietor f tli Great Amriran Rem!- " Vicomt'i VCOKTARLR LlTBONTRlPTIC MUTDIl at,' indCfi br U or gent aolicitaiiona f bis Acents. lliroaieiwBl Hi tiuiicd tiwm mud Cicada, ban new Bedoced the Priee of kii popular and well known articlt; arvl frani ihia data. Iictirelbrtb. be will pat bp hat oua ua Oftlj. bia quar biulw : the retail price will be ONE D0ILAB TIe puhlic mar rest uaared that the character of the Medi cine, iu itrenicth, and earative propertien will be main crnANSE0. and tiie tame care will be bwtowed in pre paring it a berrtolore. Ai UiM medicine, under iu redaeetl price, will be pan-hosed by thoe wbo have not hitherto made tlirnielr arqnainteH with its virtue , tlte proprietor would bee to intimate tbit hn article if not to be clawed with the at anion nt of " Reniediea of the day ;" it elatnu lor itself greater healing power, tm mil dtseass than njt ether preparation before the world; and has utained itelf fur eight rears hy its mmpnn medical vimiw, am), nntil this redmniAn, eommamied duuble tlie price of any other article in tins lino. Notice 1articclarit, this article acu with treaat':iU laf pttwer and certainty, 0Hn the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, and all other org aits, npou the proper action of wbick hie and health depend. Tim medicine haa a jnttly biffh repute as a remedy for Dropsy and Gravel, and all diseases of that nature. It mar be relied upon when the intelligent phyaictan ha abandoned his patient, and foi Uiene ditreinr diseases, more especially Dioft, the propri etor would eanteMiy and honestly recommend it. At tu prewnt price it is easily btained by ail, and the trial wiil pv lb article to be tlie Cheapest Medicine in the World! t Please ask forpami'hiets the agents give them away they contain over sixteen pages of receipts, (in addition to lul mt'dtral matter) valuable for houaehold purposes, and which will nave many dollars prr year to practical housekeepers. Tliee receipts are introduced to make tlie book of gm-a value, aide from its character as an adwrmmg mediuui lo the medicine, the testimony in favor of which, in the form of letters from alt pans of tlie yon n try, may be reiied upon. ti " Vaughn's Vegetable I.iihontriptic MixUre th I real American Rcmtnly, now tor m'c in qoart Itotttea at $ each, ma!l bottles at 50 ct each. No small t Ulcs wrll be issued after tlte present stock is dipoed of. Principal OlHce, Uutfalo, X. Y.( 1)07 Main Street G. V. VAVC.ltX. Pold Wholesale and Retail hy OI.rOTT .MtKKSSOX & CO., Ti Maiden lane. New York City. X. B. All letters (excepting from areflts and deals with vhom he trawact business) miut be post paid, or no attention will le given u them tCr 1k. THORXTOX, Lewishurrr. is Gi'iifral AtfPiit for trninn county J.H.Caslow, Agent, Milion; I. GtiuianT, Sthusgroie 3,1:: 51 THE NEW FOUNDRY IS now carried on as usual, at the uper end of .Market street, where everv dus cription of CASTINGS 's ke'pt on hand or made lo order such as The Complete, or Complele Improved Cooking Sloves for either Coal or Wood and all other kinds of STOVES, also PLOUGHS of differ ent kinds Corn 1'louhs, UuII l'louglis, nnd the Self-Sharpening Plough, a new article, and which enn not he hea in Pennsylvania. Cull and see and judge for yourselves. CHRIST & FItlCK. Lewishur", July 8, 1 851 fPHE undersigned continues the LIVE JL KY nUSLYESS at the Old Stind, on North Third Ht., near Market, and respectfully solicits the patronage ol his friends and the puhlic generally. CIIARLKS F. II ESS. Lewisburrj;, May 22, 1850 Tanning Currying. IOIt past favors, the subscriber returns his grateful thanks, and hereby makes known thai he carries on the business of Tannins and Ciirrjln?, nt the Old Stand. Determined not to he outdone in the manufacture or finish of his work, he is bound to have the best work men and materials, and to treat those who have so liberally patronized (as well ns those al.so who shall he pleased to patronize him) with that atlention which he hopes to insure him a full share of public patronage. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange. Hides and Hark not refused, for which the highest market price will bo paid in cash or iu exchange for leather. L. STERNER. March 25, A.D. 1850 MILITARY BOUNTY LAND. f PIIE undersigned is provided wiih all ihe X necessary forms and papers, and will take charge, on the most reasonable terms, of any claim for BOUNTY LAND. EXTRA PAY or PENSIONS lhat mav be placed In his hand a. A II applications, after N-ins Jnlv prepared liero will be forwarded to (Jhahle Dl-Skuhno Esq, an elTicit'iu and responsible Pension Agent al Washington city, who will present them in person (without extra charge) to the proper De partment an arrangement ensuring accuracy and despatch. JI C 11ICKOK Lewisburg, Jan 59, 18S1 3m NOVELTY IRON WORKS. THIS establishment has just commenced operation, and is prepared to manufac ture Steam Engines and Boilers, Blowing Cylinder and Hot Blast Pipes. Retorts, Lamp Posts, Gas and Water Pipes. Car Wheels and Axles, Kolline Mill castings, Griat and Saw Mill castings. Horse Power Threshing Machine and Plow castings. Cast Iron Fronts for Houses, cast Coupling and Bailing Patterns, and Smithwork made to order. J. R. JONES. Harrwburj, Ta. Ap til 9, 1851 3oi (Brain drills. THE under-tinned wish to inform the farming community generally, that they are now manufacturing J. P. ROSS' X.irfy Lnpmrr.7 CRJI DRILLS, or SO W1XG MACI1IXE. Without stopping to discuss the compara tive merits of numerous Drills now oflered for sale, they merely wish to invite Farm ers to call and see the above named article before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi dent that they can furnish an article that will give entire satisfaction. ROSS, ttEDDES & MARSH. Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, 1S50. IT IS A FACT, ONE self-evident, and worthy of every consideration, lhat no Miller can make iood clean flour without he has good clean wheat. I suppose you wish to know the remedy. 1 tell you it is to get one ol rrsstresser'x ll'heut Scourers, or Smut Machines. He being an old, practical and experienced Millwright has invented, got up and put in successlul operation the best Wheat Scourer now in use. Any person ordering a machine and afterwards finding that it does not prove to operate as repre sented, there shall be no sale, as these ma chines are to be warranted good. Further recommendations arc thought unnecessary. He is now having a supply made at Lewis burg, by .Messrs. Geddes & Marsh. Orders for midlines, or letters of inquiry, will be promptly attended to. Machines uil! be sent and put to all order?. Address I. iil'.KHXl KbSSl'.K, Lewisburg. Union Co. Fa. 329 New Establishment! CARRIAGE MAKING. rilllE fultscriht r would inform iht citizens of I this town an. I the surroumlini; country that having m ile Lewi-lmrff hU H'rmnnri't rc-iilence hp h;.s Ukm the s-h ip at the Inwrr t ltd of Mttrktt sfrtrf, south stiff, wlirrr he will kern on hand or manufarlnrp t nriliT all kind of liCtaiKYS, CAUIil AfiKS, SULfCEYS, SLE1GJIS, ,) c. Also, every varirty of work in his lino liciiiircl, Painted, Triiiiiiirrt on slinit notice and reasonable term-f. I":-'ln hand a 1'ire slot-k ol" well seasoned Ti.MUEK fiotn Ihe t'hillistjuaipie hotloms. From his lonq experience in ihe business, the subscriber iru.-ts he will he able lo give entire salislaclion to u!l who mny favor him nilh patro nage. Any one disposed is requested lo call and Eta.MiE my rnaleriits and workmanship. Vish and Country Produce Inken in pay lor .vork. JOSIA1I GUSTOS. Lewisliurij, April ZH, 18."il Cm VAI.I AICI.C HOOiiS, ju-t published ami f ir s.ile by Jons ."S.TarLoii. Iiouks.lit r and Tubli-her, 1 Hi Nassau sticet, New Vo-k. The following iionks will he sent by mail free of postage l.i any part ot Ihe l.'nited Slates on the receipt ot the money lor (ho s.nr.e, which may be forwarded by mail at the Pul li.-her's ri.-k : nit: sA i:rii moimmss. 1 T1. 1- ni'.. IllutrntJ, full utn. CI Al, liy lv..l. T. II ii.llv. trlollt. jl.'U; rilt i-,!.-.. rim SA-ifKi' .vorxr iw. i:y nv. .?. t h.m.ivv. I vol. lMiio., without tin- i.lat.. sumkiy s, bi.li-cli-ti..ii. '.0 rl.-. s tci:r:i .sv:.v: axd characters, iiv Rer. .r. T. Hi a-lli v 1 vol. Uuio., llluslrutiit. r.ill cl,.lli. OO: irilt i-tt- i'. l !. SAi-REtt St .. ,I.V Cll llfACTERS. Iiv II' -v. J. T. Ili-aillfv. 1 vi-l. 1 lllii., witlinul tin- il:it,--. un.l;.v S Iiik.I i .lilion. irti-t.. IIITi'in F T.'i: KM'CITM.V.? A 7 r.ATTI El ur Tin: n r.fitx.i:s. iiv i:,v. .i t. ikm.ii.-v.-i Tut. 1- IIH.. llill-rr.,,-.. lull .-! ,;h. ;,ii , HISTORY I'f IIIK WAU'EXSI. I:-.-I!.t.J T Il.-atl-lev. 1 vol. I 111". S. ii.Iiiv S.-ll.-I i-iliniin. ::1 clJ. .Vli'lff'i.V .t HIS l'I.TI.t;riIIEH MAR. SUMS llv lv. .1. T. HiMilli-v. 1 v.il. 12 mo., lilus tr:.r. .1. full rl..tti. t. l.miER -i;virri.r.. nv k.-t. .r. T.ll.aiilv. 1 vi.l. 1 ni".. lllu.trjil. .1. full rl.irii. si. RAMI-.I.ES AMI !Kh:ii III s. llv It. i.J.T. li.mll.y. 1 v..l. t -' urn.. riitKtr.ii.-l. Hitl . i..tli. t. iiik ri'WEi: or hum rv. r.y iw. J. t. n. aiiii-v. 1 v..t. I1 m.. . Iliu-trati-it. fu.il eii.th, 1 1-; riit i'.!g.-y, etrii. T-"i rt-i. LEI I hits EROM THE R.VKWOtWS A 7 THE AliIHO.MiU K. l!v ilev. J. T. II.m.K. j-. 1 vol. 1J mo., full i-lolh. :m i-t. mi;i;.rin or the s wim u am his .hus tles. Wiih a lrtnif of ...ilt. pnirmv-iHl on t.--l. With an r-.--iy on Hi. i linmrti-r of ihe .A-ot!i.-, I.y l;.-v. A. ll.-:i.il.-v. 1 vol. IJ nio., lj -n-'ruuif,'s, l; rilt p-l-ri -i. extra. 1 .Vt. THE. IIEAVIIES HE t.EK J. T. HEtl'LEr. Wiih hi. I.ii'i' 1 Vol. IS mo., Iliu:;tratiil, r0 eta; j;ilt elt:e.. extra. T-'i els. HEIHil.ES HE S.irUEP HIST ill V. llv Mr. Steele. lllutr:iti-tl -villi s.lenli. etiLTavin'--. 1 vol. 1 nm.. new. eutar-reii and ruviMii vilitiuu, 1 ; jri'.t ene.-i, extra, lilE'il'XErsTi; or the Plenary ttispiratiort of the !.,! S-ril-Hire.. llv l'r..ti-or liau-ii'-H of ll.-neva. Tnins laleil l-v K. v. K. N. Kirk. A Dew alio etilar 'ej clitiun. 1 vol. 1-' mo.. 4111 lei-.-.--, it. SHA.M i: t) lll. Ai KSMUH. A The or OTtirlt Tivtr.. I'.v Mrs. Slierwo.-.!. 1 v... IS nio.. !lltr:ite.I. ."Met. I.II.V OF THE VALl.ET. Ily Mrs. --hirwiaxl. 1 v..t. Is mo., intitmti.i. .r:0 i tf. TH E SHOE TEH CATE'lllSMof th.' K.v. A- nilty of in, in.-!.. .,ii.i in...- in.-ri-oi uutoi liie J-eril-lures, ill wonls at leu -tli l'er lert, j 1. Exlrorlx from 111 opinii nt of tlie 1'rr.ts. Sfrnl S-rn?s awl Chttrnrt-rs. By the Kcv. J. T. ltea.1 ley. This work may V. rv properly' lie er.nsiilel i,l 11 eom pimioii lo the ivi.-re.l Vlonntain-." I.y tlie s-ime aiitlu.r. Itsolje.-t is to illntraie :in. "remt-r m.-re lili-hke'' Hie saeri.t wntlli rs. It is ri-.f the author's .1- .iu toimnerMle the llihle. Itut h:?i wi.h is to ex.-iteasolir-tii'le to ol.tahi. anil lo iM-rome ititiiuiit.-ly :t.-'llainteil nti.l perleetlv fiiuijl iar Willi its history. ilo.-iritti's ami laws; toknow ilstruth to iiul.il-p its spirii, feel its pi.wer. ami purtuke of its sail vnlion; in a w..nl. t-. prize in someni.-asure as it tleserven. tliis treasure whieh ia in-lei.l t,-y..n.l priee. l prisliet f ir it a rirrutalion fr la yonj any of the author's former works. i The Ni-ws..lan. Tin. ."vicr Srnirs awl Imra-! rl By the KeT. J. T. Ileail f.y. author of the -Paereil Mouulailis.- e. This work will a'lil n-atlv to the reont-illon of the author In nr. erary merit it more than r nulls his - Sai-re-l Mountains." Mr. lle.-v.llev evels in his -.lowinz atyla ami vivi.l .l. serio tions. Hi. works an- a rieh treasury of all the sitl.timit'y of thought, movitiir b-li.l.-rness of passion, aiel vigorous ttrentrth of expression, whieh an- lo N- f.uiti.l in all the lamruasrs l,v whii h muruils declare their luiuds fsee ll.iliv IMol e. .Ian. nth. 1 It'ttnbUttttif N:..H.(-ttv Rev. J.T. Hea.ltey. We have not for a liinj-tiine sat ilowti to a M with limn-j.l, a-hi -antiei-alion. or founit those anti.-ipation. more fully ri-al-i.rsl. than in the perusal of Ihe work h. fore us. ami ive know it will he haileil Willi uratifeatiou hy the many ad mirers of ihe talentisl author. His -Na oliHin mid his Marshals'' was. i- rhaps, as popular, and found at least as many enthusiastic readers a.v any hook that ran I mentioned. Wo think the Kaml.les and fket -lies are des tined to lie as popular at least as anv of his previously pul.li-h. .1 works. There is not a dull rha.pt, r in tlie work, h!hs! as it is with an iutinite vari.-tv." The-inrhor !. ampte room and ver-re enon-h for the employment nf hia fine talents to irreat a.lvantuge.and rao-t s!ii-ii-s.:iiilv has hn ai-compli-hed the task. Tin- bi.j-,-raphieal sket'eh of the author is ititerestim; and -'well e.uwdere.1, and adU mueh to the value of the l.ok-s. whieh is zot op in a verv neat and attrartivi- style by the publt-lier. l-fe l'ortlaiiil TraiiKeript, IMe. l'.th. Mr. il-a.ll. y i one of tb. most promlstni writer of this country, and we have h-.-ra one of his best Un.ks ono on whieh he ran s:-f ly r.-st his f.me. It poM sses the uiilnti-uinL' rharms of perfr-t simpli. ity and truth. There is a trrae. ful rrankn. ss i-ervaiUti-; the rouipo-ition, w hieh en-aseo the Interest "f the read, r in the amhor as well as in the anl.jert. Ilisramhles al-out Home, Paris ami L..n.lon. exhil.it a thi.UMin.l lively trails f an in -euioua nature, upon whieh a man of ta-te will d.-lifht tiv'lin.-er W e pred.rt for this a sale ..inal to that of any of theau tli.ir s work. I S New ork News. The colleetiou is one of whieh no author need he asha med. Iteon.ist in.le.-d. of gome of Mr. Headlev'a most brilliant and hi-rlily tiui-he.1 eomposilione. ofth,'. pee-m.-ns of his abilities br which he mav be jud-rd with the irrrate-.l safety to his tame as a wnni-paiutrrand thinker. See N, w York Tribune, IW. IT, lsM. N. B. The above books will l, forwarded lo nnler. at the prices mentioned, rn of posta.-e, to any part of the I lilted --tates, on the remipt of orler", with tlie moaer. Money may be ut by mail at mv risk Jmivs. TAvr.nR. lA ZJ Putilielier, 143, .Naasau t., New York. Old Newspapers, SOME thousands in number, of all sizes, for sale at the Chronicle oilice, at 50 cts per 100 taien as they run. or l h.n . . 1 r , chance for Scrap Books a. well .. fo, wr.pAinf--pr. Ajril 8, 1850 ASOTHER SCIESTIFIC WOXDER I PEPSIN: The true DIGESTIVE FMIU or GASTRIC JLICE a great Vgsprpaia Curcr ! Prepared from Rennet, or the fourth stomach of the Ox, after directions by Baron I.ibbio, the great physiological chemist, by J S.HoLou ros, M.D., !So. 11 N. 8th St. Philadelphia, Pa. V TRULY wonderful remedy for lndigrlion, Dyprpsia, Juundice, Liter Complaint, Vonntipatioii and Debility, curing after Nalure'a own process, by Nature' own agent, the Gastric Juice. (Jj-llalf a teaspoonful of ihis fluid, infused in water, can digest or dissolve Five Pounds of roast beef in about two hours, out of the stomach. Digestion is chiefly performed in the stom ach by the aid of a fluid w hich Ireely exudes from Ihe inner coat of that organ, when in a state ol hcalih, called the gastric juice. This fluid in the grtat solvent of the wl the purifying, preser ving and Simulating agent ol tlie alomaca and intestines. Without it there can be no digestion, no conversion of food into blood, no nutrition but ralber a foul, torpid, painful and destructive condition of the whole digestive apparatus. I'rfitifi is the chief element or great digest ing principle of the gastric juice. It is found in great abundanre in the solid parts ot the human stomach alter death, and sometimes causes the stomach to dine.-1 or eat itself up. It is also found in the stomach uf animals, as the ox, c.ilf, Ac. It is the material u-ed by tanners in making cheese sty K J ItOIIII-t. the t iled of which has long been Ibe special wonder of the dairy. Curdling of milk is the first process of digestion. A calf s stomach can curdle nearly one thousand times its own weight of milk. Baron Liebig states, "one part of Pepsin dissolved in sixty thousand parts of water, digests meat and other food." Diseased stomachs produce no good Gastric Juice, Rennet or Pepsin. To show lhat this want may be per fectly supplied, we quote the subjoined s n: uric i:vni: r: Harm l.ll.lil'i. iu his eel.-br it.-d work on Animal fhe mistrv. says: --An artificial .l.er-tive Hui-I, anr.lap.us to th- tiastrie Juiee.may Is- reailitv pr. pared tn.ru the mucous :n. ml.ranc cf ihe stomach of the calf, in which various articles of f...J. as meat and -;s. will Is- soften. .! and diest.-d in the same ruaiim-r a in the human stoma, h." Iir. l:l:!ll:llt..in bis famoiu lrnitfc.-i.ii lo. .i and Hi. t. pul.lishnl by Kowli-rs & Wells. New Vork, pa ;e oo. states tlte same i.'rei.t far t. aud describes the method oi" prepara tion. 1 h -re are few higher authorities loan :--. IVr-Tia. Iir. rttVHK. in his valuable wriliiers on the l'hv.iolo'y of Iiiiri-stion. observes thai -a diuiinuliou o,' lite due 'i:antitv of the l.astrie Juice is a prominent and ai!-pr-v uiliu-.: i mi-- of Iiv -(.. J.sia." ait ! tie 'tat.-s tiia' -a ilist:n-n.-h. d pridi ssori f iniaiieine iu l.oue.li.i 1... was sever. ly atlli.l.d with lins couil-lallit. tili'liltir ,-v. i--. ;iniii vlv- t.. faiL bad recourse to tl.e lia.-tra- .In:.-.-, o I. fine 1 from the tolua- h ol tlvniL' aliiluals.wlii.-h ci.iil.li tely -ueeo.-.ii .1.'- l.r.l.lt.MI AM.alltl,. r ni til. famous work.- on Vegetal !e Iiiet.savs: -It is a r.-uiarl.;.!.:.- f.i t iu liv-iol -i.y. ll.at the str ma. lis ol animals, mac-rat. d in wai'-r. impart lo the t'u-.l the pr p, rty .-t di il---' vanon. art--.- -.1 alid of - I'. . tilr' il klti l ol .trtili tal .It-e- L.oil .-i tit- tit it. Ho wi.--.- il.tf- r. i.t fr. r;i ih- n.-itur-ii die- -in,. r- Iir. slVluN S -r.nt v .-.rk. tio-1 h.-nii.-i.-v of Man.- Ia lllau.l.-ir.!. I'l.li.L.I.. 1- i:. pi- ..-!.'...- avs: -I .!. -.v.rv .-f l.-p.iri f' rnis a i: w era iu the i-hei.ii.-al Ir-t. ry .-I lli t...u. Fr-.m r. cent exp- r in tits, v.e !.uow that f...l is lis..o!v.-d:;sr.il l.iil lit all alt la-ia. il'.-.-t . v. t' U-l. pr- :. r- fn.m l'e -ill. as i! is in the natural I-:. .trie Jui.-i- it- IrV l-n.r. MMll.l.-iiN'. of the J.-lf. i-oii t'. li,..-e. l-hila.l.. in his jrrcat work on Human 1 lt.-io!oy..l.-v.ies more titan lit'ly i-iiis to an .-xMuinaM-.u .1 tl.i- .-u.j- ct. II:.- . -rt-r.i-iil w iih ir. II. aumi iit. i-n the tla-trii- Juii-e. ol.l.uri. d from the iivin-.- hiiuiau st-.ui.-... It and In. in aiitmals. an known. In ail r.i-.-s." ii. .. -oij. .-non rw-irrtsl as p. rl.vlly in the aiLilii-ial as iu Llie ualural l:'cstlolts ' Asa ItVM'KIMA LTl.KI!, Dr HouhIhouV irt'i'airatii'ii ot liu h is produced ihe ni i mar velous tfUr.a. Ii i i jit'M).-il.( to pie dftaJs of cases in the limit of this uJvt rtisi uniit but au ilu'iitii nt. tl crrl!'itTitt'. hiixe ,wn givt n oi more thru. TWO illMMiK!) raj-iJ. won.Urful. and ((ntiauLht cures, il id a pn-at .Ntuvtu s Ax ri hotk, anJ par:iru!ar!y u-tfu. for tt'inJv'ney to I'iliouH 4listrJ-rt liver co:nf!aiul, fever and auue. tlio evil ttXects of q'linii'. meicury, &.c., olo fur 'X(rsi in e.ilnif; or tlfinkirtg- I'hi're is no t.um of Oia TOMAfMI COM II.Al.TS w liich il dors not rnch and also qive instant n httl and reunited tur a .-lnrt time, nti- riiy ot UtooJ anJ viSiiR vr uoni ftllo'.v at once. It is particularly exct lli-nt in case of nnust a, vo milini;, ctantps, oreiif ss ot .he iit of ttie t-tin:u h. distress after eating, low, cold state of the Mood, heaviness, low tit's? of sjuniu, deoni!cncy, euiaci aiion, wenknt'ss, ti'ntlencv insanity, Otc. Price, O.N E I)'ILAlI per btile. Onebottle often iTt' eta a lasting cure. PEPSIN IN FOV.'LEKSser.t by Mail. free ofpostrge. F-ir t-iinreiii' 1' . n . i;irT tlif conrilry th-- li'ctivf M:i;rT tt:-- 'i'j t;.i? yw tiin th-' f-'-:.i 1'iiv .i.-rf. uilh .la . f mi- to U- .f;-. .:.-. jvitit ril hi wat rnr u-. ih.- mva.-r n-iiI;iMi just t!i- :iuu ilinltiT ?!. I I E 1 1 . t-ui t.v:.' tlie ij'i-tnr ly U-T t!i' ;iiu. iriri: ar - !( t.y iiirul. Kr- i vf I- t- j. t'.-r 1. nt if"-t-.iu-li to 1'r. J. .. Il'mhtf it. 11 ijrlh K.hth it. I'hilad'-li'hia. iix it.Knu- tV. Every b-):tle.atrd parkact hears the written stiy- nuluie of J.!S.HOL'UilT(.N,M.U ,fSo!e Proprie tor. Sold Ly agt-tits in every town in the Luiou and by most resprcta!ne dealers in nit dicine. lobe had of Dr. Til KA TOA. LewUburc - J H Caslow, Milton; Thompson. MiUlinburg; Wilt& Eilert. ilarth-ton; Wra IIohoiiji, New Berlin; li I Crouse, SseiuK-grove ; Mrs M'Cay, Northumberland 1 335 BULL'S EtEAD HOTEL, MitjUiiburg, Union county, I'emi'a. r)EslECl i I J.I.Y i , Union county, ami informs the citizens of J the puMic in general. ihiit he has Ica-ed the aliove stand, for many years occupitd by his Father, and is now pre pared lo accommodate friends and the traveling community in a manner acceptable to all. The HOI SC is large and roomy, well arran ged in all its departments, and every care will I e taken lo render his guests comfortable and happy. His TABLE will always be furni.-hed with Ihe choices! delicacies of the season, aii.l the best the market cm utlnrd. The B. will at all times be attended by careful persons, and none but the very best of liquors will be kept. His STAUI.ES arc ampl and convenient, and the OSTLER punctual and attentive. Iu short, ho pledges himself to endeavor lo give general satisfaction Iu all, and hopes bv strict attention tu business to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. Aliillindurg, June 20, 18f0 T IIEsubscri!)ers ofTt r ihe public, at their new Brick Foundry, ihe foiluwin" new and valuable Stoves : Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, with a brick Oven. Lady Washington Parlor Store. Cast Iron Air-Tight Parlor Stove.fur Wood 2 sizes. Coal Burner for Parlors 1 size, 12 inch cyl inder. Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove 2 sizes. Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for Wood 2 sizes. Egg Stovo the very best in use for Stores, Officr-s, Barroom?, and Shops. The celebrated Genesee Air-Tight Cook, Stove The Complete Cook 2 sizes. Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves Ploughs Castings. Arc. &e. CHRIST & FRICK. Lewisburg, Dep. 12. 1349. "An ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Cure," in that aivful disease, CONSUMPTION. ! DR. FITCH S Lectures on the Preven tion and Cure of Consumption. This popular work for sale in Lewisburp by S. F. Lyndall J. Houghton and a this oflict. Price, 73 cents HENRY C. HICKOK, A TT0RXEY AT LA IK, Lewisburg, Union County, Penn'a. 0FFJC? 5 Second s,- ,a,ey "PiB by L. B. Christ. Esq. P Jftuit nnti O RN AMENTAL TREES. The subscr.'Lv-r otTtis for sale a arB assortment of choice Fruit Trees such m Apple trce,,7tol0focthifih 40 raricti., ail warranted gr-ouine-Pcacf tree,, 20 varieties; lartanaa Cherry, Nectarine, Prune and I'ear trees, together hh Mme G or 8 varieties ol Grape Vines of the best native and exotic varieties. Ornamental Trees, such as the I'aulonia, Linden, &c N. B. Persons wishing to procure a quantity of the Fruit trecs.are requested lrj make immediate application to thesubscri ber, in order to procure the varieties and sizn wanted. H-R-.N'OLL Lewi.shurj, Mnrch 4, 1S50. LI V KII COMPLAINT, TA!;.W(.E Dyspepsia. Chronic or e0u, VfUUty, disease of the Kidneys, and all dis-a-es ansmit f,om a disordered I.iver or Slomach such as ;onstiiatii)n. Inward I'ilrs, Fulnfsa ' or BI.,od to the Head. Acidity of tLo Ntomarh, .au-i, Jliarthnrn. dis pust for Fond. Fulness or Weight in Ihe Stomach, tviur Eructations, Kinking or Flut tering at the ( it of the Stomach, trimming of tb Head, hurried and difficult breathing, Flut lering at the Heart, choking or suttoca. ling Sei.satiuna when in a lying posture, dimness of Vision, Dots orWebs hefore Ihe fiBhi, Fter and duil Pain in the Head, Deficit ncv of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Si; in and Eyes, pain in the Side, BacK Chest, LiinLs, &c. sudden Flushes of Heal, Uurning in ihe Flesh, consent Ima ginings of Evil, and grtat Depression of Spirits ri i-i iii-rECTrii.r.T ciar.r bt DR. UOOKLANlrs CELEBRATED GERHAH EITTLR3, prepared hy Ir. '. Jackson, at the "(Jermnn Medicine Siore," r.io irch sr. riiiiiui. 77(eV p'uvrr i.rrr the nhnrr distant s in n,t rx-. etllnl. if tniuiinl. L, ,,,, tl,er pr'pari,ti, n fy the tmnl .ltt.u Ihe turt, atti't.in tnwvi '' 'Sltr '': pAy-ieiuiiM had failed. Tlitse ti t.-rs arc w..rlliy the aitri.non of intra lids. PosesHiig great virtues iu the rectiricauoa ol di.-eass of ihe l.ivt rand lesser gi.iuds, eierri ing the most scirthing powers io weakness and all.-ctions of the digestive orgjiu, her aie wilhal sje, certain and pleasant. ItC.td a?ii i cosTi-jrtn. The Hon. Cha I) Hiiieline, editor ol Ihe Camden Democrat, tha i-et paper in West Jersey, gays, Ju!v 21st liifitl.v.Mi.-i ;ki;i nnTKiis.- hav. n rii.inv lliitt. r:r.-' u.ui.,-m.i this m.-iinH. . an.l t,e K-urr Hii. tti.-v run... m, in. t.j u? lo maxf ui.,u.ri.'sresctiii4 :1s n.i n;s. Kr..m m-juirv i- m n- -r.-uail.il tons- it. sod nillsl say Wl- li.un.l il -in citir iu il, cction U.Bilir:-araif i'i- i:v. r-riMit. .tivi-i.i-nni.cn.i llio j..rful intlurnrs :t i-. it- 111...11 1,. r.i u f.ri'StniiH.iib- rr-llv sori.risiDj;. It a'li.- and nr-n. tli.-ns ii;r u.rvr.. r-riiviiig liim juwa -tar- ,. r. (-.. in. .Kin- sii-i (. ri-lr. -hini:. Il th mini. -:n, w. re nii-ri. t-. ni rally owd. we an sat- -ti-.l lin n- .nii. U lei si.-kui-ss. as Ironi the stuBiacfa, !,-.-r. nri-l ii.-r..n system ibe rrresr m.-ut.rify of real and .was ii-O tlsre..sem.Ule. th, a, m hrsltilTCOB- ii. :.:iJ j..u run 'i.-tiani-i- li. i.iUi mirs geBe'tmlly. i In. .-Mra..r.i:iu.ry m.-lii iue e wuul.l -.Ivisr onr friend, "la. an- at all 11 J to E.re a trisl it will ther ret. .nun. n.l it.tir. H -I" u!.l. in ta.-t.l--in eerj faBliiy s ithiT m.,li.nie ran .r. lui.- rui h eiLlinres ..merit.' r torn the lt.lim Her editorial, Dec 22d I r. lI.M,tl:in(l' C-l. r.e Ill ..... f I.: n.i- aiii!. Jaun iLT. iiysi-ria. ,nd hrr,nien. -li- Il-. l il.tv il. Mrni:i r.iie lB. muft pn..a,t y. Tli. .v l:itt,.rs l.n.e i .. 'l l- i ill' s f I' the tU-usalals. au.l a fri. n.l at , ell.-w sav. ,e has himssff r .-i iv. I in m tlie u-e .,1 n,,, ," -, are rvuvmriil LLat iii nil- ii-a- i.i in.--,. t:; ttir. the l.atieiit ...,.....! 111. . - '. i wriiiy i.r jrr. at ..nsi.lrrata n. are -.wa.-.,:.l in t. .. ,m),H. mud e,.n he u.l l. l-er-ns ,ll, the ,,.rt Ueli-itte Moma.lis. lth s.letr ?'"'?;?";!'"" HearesBkiBcftM.,,,. .nor. ai. 1 l 111;- alth.-t.-d we ..Jvisr UKir ui. Scidt't W eek!;,, one ol the best literary papers net. .-I,.,. I ....1 J ' ' .w........u, eJlu, .-tug Olll- l'r. Jr. 'IU.M.N lil t BA IliITias. mannfartureii It Dr .lark -on. are ni.w r. - ..ii.,..,,,i, a ,,",.. ,i ...; nil Brii'ir .'i si.iu . in, a. j in rases .1 t, male e:,k i,.. As su. Ii is ihe rase, ..ii! l a-ln,,. ,,,.,,!.,, , ,,tin a , ,lin, save h.-m-i,e. ,,,u..i, ;..(.,..,. ,..., f dei.il.t.t.il .Bst,tMtM..w,a rn, ,,. 1;.r, ,n,...rr,sU,&,it ti. .1.1 i.. as ru km.w in.n, rKM! lht. fiiUIarT frrrt I. .III. Ill HI. Ill', r- ..t 11- i' I..- .. .. ; .. U sjsu-ms. Judge M..l..o.it, a gmtleman of great scien tific and literary attainn.ei.ts said in hi"ew York M eekly Messenger, Jan fi, I s;,il It ll;:z, h.r ,- a. rr.. .-,., r,. !(,. j. , preparation -iii !i ihe l..,,,. ,.,, ,.,, , ( .,. umuiimeirs m n-iiEiiiim.lin. an.l the ri-an i- n. It is ma. aft, r a ; r. - rii iii.i, fnriii-br.l I.r nr ' t the ninst rrWbratt f,11' "f Bwlrm timesil.e iate Er. Chnstophw Wtlhclm Hocrland. fr-f...r t.. the t niv. rsity if J. n r"'r l li.'-ieian ti the Kinnnf Tra-nia. anil onr ef th L-r. atit ni. .lui.I rili rs lieriuanr ha. ever prnHun-J. II was . mplialieally t. t.ni0iv of )....-. .n-l thenlerr a r.,l., :,,e or .hi. I, he was the invent. 'ami i nJ. r-rmr " "fi'trtitly reli, d no. lie sr. rially rerr.mraen.le.1 il ill 1.11. rl.rrip!;,. n:, lu.pepnia. u. J,i)y. -rrtipS Andili ut the Moma, Ii. 0.nfli,:,ti, ami ,11 ron,i.i1.int. an.-iDS irnui a ili.-or.len, rr.n.litii.n nf the Mnaiarli. the Liift an.l tlio liili.-tm... .N,ne fl.Ua.lelj.hia paper- eitr. Iheir o. tntl.-n ft Its ex. ellenn-. aii-l si vcral of their tilllers p. a.i nf its eft. rl. rrnai tin ir own in.tivi.lual eiis-neorr. '-rr tmse tirrliuistanrrs. we f,-rl warrante'l. net rn.V It: ra.Inii; the alt. iitin nf onr re..l,.r ., the nrrvit T. ri. ter i-minendin I'r. l . JarksuB's' preparaliuB, tut IB rel the artirle to all afllirt.-d. .MonzEvii.t!.iE. The Philadelphia Saturday (azette, the best family newspaper published in ihe I ntie.1 Glares, the editor say a of Dr lloofland'a Uennan fitters It i- s. l.li-m that we nmntm. r.l what are trnnrH Pat ent .M-.. 1,111, , t.. ,lr r. inters' i .tr. n..-e and cnti'tenrr i an.l. th, r, lerr. lieu we ri-n.mi.i nU llr. H.mflaB's Bev man Liu, rs. we wi-h it to I ili.imetlv uuilrrskai thai . are not .-neakinir of the n. Mreis 0 the .lay. that are nniM-J aK.ill li.r a l.rn f peri. J ami are n -rnttra after they have .h ue tii. ir rnilty raoe ol nii-rliief. hut of a Bicdicine I..11 j e.i;,l.!;,l j. mutersally rU. il. anil BBira kas But the hearty ai.pr..val of ihe Family itself. Evidence on evidence has been received (like the foretroinir, frln ,. l " , her""i"" L' T'",J-" '"'-" - "' " ', i,,".t ei nil in ' . ""V"MI hi- ' f oilier Boslro.is nn n "ir! ' """ ""' K- rslar.ii.lM-d. aa. nilly -n . . m;,B,'r Ifl araliia will ,..-, .itb Ihr.r .11, t approval wh, a pre,, nnd , j, th.. fm. Tkat 1.1. 1.1, .heme will rare 1.1 ver I'.'Bll.laiBt and f -prpfia. n Z 'l? .I' "'r' " " ted. art, Iper," .1 v ..,, .n II... Momarl, ,,,4 Lirr. prefcrahte to and rrhal ie (h n, fit, at any t,mr. Beware of counterfeits! 1 his medicine has attained lhat character which it is nectssary for all to attain to indue counter feiters 10 pul forth a spuiious articfe at the risk of the lives of ihose who are innocently deceived. Look vill t the marls of the (Unuine. 1 hey have the vrrittrn signatuie of CMJacksow upon the wrapptr, and the name blown in lii bolile, u-ithuut u hieh titty are spurious. For sale. wholesale and retail, at the GERM MEDIt l.VE STOKE, io. 120 AKCH u an door below Smh, (Jale of 1?8 Race St.) PliIaJ elphia.aud by respectable dealers generally, the couMiy throughout. , ly330 AUo finale bu S. F. L TMDA L h,Letcuhurg,Pm Also by THORNTON, Jo MOST KINDS OF JOB PKINTING, .NEATLY k EIPEDITIOtSLI EXECUTED AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE Lewisburs:. W