LEWISBURG CHRONICLE & WEST BllANCH FARMER. tUit null ) i tun ox. fVho is Uw ,.o of Ui! Zailllc (ymrvrf H have Mil tl.e n 1 wing frm tl.-.t IT with very Maud, gild anturedeapreision of countenance. It is excellent in its line. Cat,-! e have tun'.- ware of U U Ir. SOiklM'J "Jugs Has RIz." Ob Ju njiylt I" hear Siln Joists Hal i.ut ilo- e"l old tiui e in our native eltilel v.hca alm-iel every cusbin:r ril! in the liu-keye rllatj could bwt it Mill; u hK tin- slron. pure .iuire of lis rye and cum vs flovui- on fivm nilit till morn, and every limn routd jrei a lioltx! th! l-IKkKK waschi-ap. far cheaper than now A m-n could live wilhfut koej.in:r a " 1 l.ut T.inp'rain-e has sl'w. Temp ranee as is, And the i-nct ot our grog us.djuPs ass hz. Now ltillytjustwijwVm t-ara from your eye, Ami MT dw tu oc Distillery ! I'ark ruin lie eealteml lur.- and tt:r, M'loie, mice our larpe UislilM rii-s were; lint the a.ii.14 an gi.iic,an't Hie wm 's dcivyed, And their owner arc in tiie churchyard laid, lor Tcnip'ranee fcas sch.i.d tin' LiFLsii trade! And new if you 'd drive the fg fnw your throat, You mur4 carry a r'lask iu your iiat thlK.l! For T- mp'reuce lime ki:m, Tuup'rauee AS IS, And tile jrioe uf our gnf awl jtig- tu. Arsvcirv! ibe joy ewl Unm will inspire, H'li-s a rnr is u.ad-- round the tavern f r-! Ahl what can eonijare with the ir room sent, Wlicu the joke p. rot'.UiL ana tlie Suug and treat! Jlul tlie llA.MiHi.sr plac-e 1 ever aw re oil shut up Ly tb- License Law, And we must el rVtr. our lii.k ji alone and raw! Ilta-fl I boait of i ur freedom i no. no sil:KE ! i Mot T if UKK'Jt has cheap and free, Jtut TVtnir.tnt; lias ki x, Tcmp'rutiee as is, Ami the l riceuf our give- and ju bu BU. I lee-a tirr fag lr thr e.l S-'c V-nw, hut iiiire it a t ar.i trt'itlue yon know: .Krj-ry tioe I p dry 1 rau?t Co lo the fellar. And tlie atiuuu-n folka play au- fa lrka on a Jellrr! A hure a my nrtme ia ijn-y I. St'aknm II I'm puvU'-il to d-:itti ! umy !toreltili rlHkecm! I'.r tl.i-y pnt5 in my ju? that T:irt.tri'l oakuiu, And Ikakny and llia?on of rutuui! lte halt of uiy UKKEit, a I am a rinnr, AVout titay iu that plnrv wnere I (tuts in raydlnncr. J.ui 1 viup'ratiet' h:s st'M. T uip'ninn' a is. Al.d the irire f (Hir ro aud juB H tk ais. Olyuj l-a, July 1, lal. rUlrf r P. SoAEl M. A Wcstera Love Letter. April tlit-o -2th 1000 ate 00. &Aty too. Mi tlt.ris swt'Tis tluclty I Take my penn in 8ny-2 TV11 you as Low I aiu h:ul A Fpel of Tht! a'iT aii'l i Lonp tUcas few Iigns ma linl you iiijoyin Tlie Niiin blessing 2 Y lo;iut U wrlglit onoly 1 swett Ligu 2 tell piiphcriiig molly awl about Her sweet Lcii ry. o my eweie Iioury how mi poor sole is InnginNg 2 LcreJL'rc purty little voise i think i here U wkscling yankee doodel as i happen 2 IJ Tbiuking on U. jim C-ly has liazed a noo hous aud sally dux liv so snug but She fites him tsum Times my Doer henry doo less U and i keep hous 2 an i si aut lick U at awl nor look at any body else so i wont daddy scz i must git married kaws ive h t it run. on 2 long now. U no i never hinted nothin about iuarriago nor dount never mean 2. take yore Own time for that as the old sayin is ler krasternahun is The tbeef of tyme and liutbin shood. B duu iu a hurry butketch in fiivs O mi deer henry U ullcrs was so deer 2 me an i Lonp U will soon U deerer then i can trcwly fuel with the immortal Earn mist, the rowa r!ad, the ilet blew : hhuani aweat aud no R V. So no more at present from Ure gufierin MOLLY UUCKTAIL Notty Uenny, Sister's ded and Jose got the pheaver, So no more from Ure swetc sbugar candy, MOLLY ANN. Fat at the Post Office. The following colloquy actually took, plaee at an Eastern post office : . "I s:iy Mr. Postmaster, is there a litthcr for iuc V "Mio are yon, my good sir ?" "I'm niesclf, that's who I am." ''Vv'ell, what is your name ?" "Au what do yes waut wid the name ? Isn't it on the litther?" "So that 1 can Cud the letter, if there is one." ' Well, Mary Burns, if yc must have it" "No, sir, there is none for Mary Burns." "Is there no way to get in there but by this pane of glass 1" "No, Sir." "It's well for ye there'bn't. I'd teach ye betthcr manners than to insist on a gin- tleman's name; but ye didn't git it it af- thcr all so I'm aven wid ye. Devil the bit is my name Burns !" "Many a young lady who objects to be kissed under the mistletoe, has no objec tions to be kissed nnder the rose." A Ktupid compositor once made an er ror in the above, rendering it so as to say, "has no objection to being kissed under the notr." The above reminds ns of a similar error committed by a compositor, as recorded "iu the papers," several years aco. In his copy, the following quotation occurred " Shout fully as sbe flies," iritm. The stupid printer gave it in this wise : -Shoot PoUy as she U"."Bi t A Yankee who went over to the mother country some time ago, and who was &kcd, on coming back, how he liked Great Britain : "Well," he said, "England was a very nice country, exceedingly fertile, well cul tivated, very populous and very wealthy ; but," said the Yankee, "I never like to take a morning walk after breakfast, be cause the country is so small that I was always afraid of walking off the edge." A Stbict CATnouc. Mr. Brown la not your friend Mr. Dobbins, a very tt.ict Catholic t Mr. Smith Catholic ? No, he ia one of Mr. Beecher'g flock. Cathol'c? Mr. Brown Well I judge so, from his keeping Lent I have lent him within a year, six books and two umbrellas, aud he has kept tliem alL An aged lady was seen in Chcsnnt street, yesterday, intently gazing upon a piece of silk, displayi d in a the windo" A passer-by observed that it was Satin tempting Eve. Life Insurance. f7"EVST0NE Mutual Life Insurunce Comp any ! li arrUburg, IV, lias a guarantee capital ul $75,0(10 l.'Kl Ayr-tit, Leaihburg II CHirsoK. Medical Examiner Uu Wa. Leisem,M.D. BOOKS. -i W e S IJKI.NTl'D with clear type on gooil paper and iu tiu aud eli gan t bindings, consisting uf STANDARD RF.LiniOVS WORKS. Andrew Ftlllei-'sowinpletft r'nySrriptlirvTypes.2v.i.Q0 Works 3 rola. " Mea.suh'liip t-") Aidll-T"li'iu.Watt.e. 4"! Howell n lhv lifMeoiiftliip :u) ItunyaifsAwnkeiiingn ka T '( Way of Salvation 75 " liiviliu? 7i Jam.VCh.JIenilrllaH)eas la-votioual 7:j t 'hurcb iu Fiiriiti.-t I'ilrimV lro 5.til.w',a Tali to I'liriftiana 4i lh.lv ir Lileot Mra Ann II Jnu-,n M H-iotira Kein of (iraee 4. CroweH'a t'hurrh Memb P&rah ii J udmu tio Lynd on tlie Sacrifice aud er's Hand-Hook Atoneln-'iit fO Cx Iti t.Ko.'.liap.MiwufClMrad'a Almost afTirijtlan lift (amuiell's Aut. 70 (Memoirs of Kiv.S.rearcu rOSTltOYEltSlAL WOIIK!?. Dr. Carbon on Bajttisul $1.50 Dr.llowell on Communion 60 J. II. Hinton fo S. Uemingtou - C Smith -u lnhint " 2.; - nraaonafor IVnrilly on Itaptim and beeomin- a llaptiat II - III -.u Uiuntrr. it) to 2'. Baptist Manual, a Collec tion of Tracts, Ac rruf.CurUPouC'uuiuiuuiouVI FOR CIirUlRKX AXD SCXDAl'SrllOOLS. Aleohol, an AlleeorT So.'jr, S. S. (".leaner 1SJ2 IS lr.ltnl"M-k'i:TalefofTrutlil0otffuiu'8 Spiritual Voy- IJrlieich-.-r s:-erlpturelaics2. on l'ow-ry u ltap'iMiia of an Allegory 15 Auua LatU-y 15 'irrtrnd -the p.ncc Maker ill. .ew im.ui'111 .'ii Cleains rVenea in Life of r'rallris Kr-rtoU The r:.i Voui!-; T-Tsona 2"'Fatl!er'e Applea Oi;r p iTi'r. hr a Teaelter Oj.lamea and (o-orrr Serpent I'neeiled. a I'ort- raitof I'uiTeihalini FfHe Mnuriee 1' Joliu Fink 1 Memoir of K. M. Way Miiipiu l-jrii s Srrii'turr in-rii-a. A0.1 and z. i a ivariier ana TIIK Pjt.tT.MIPT. iu rarions stvlcs, f,r' 1- TliK II.Mif, " 2j to U Tlie shove fot sale in I.pwistiuru at pul licalion prirra, at the stoic opposite Kline s hotel. 371 BAUTtlN & CHALFAXr. .cv and I'oinilar Stlit.ol Itook. "OMriiF.HENSlVK Summary of L'jiiVKRSAL I Histoiit. toevllier v. ilh a Uingrapliy o UiMingut-heil i'croii, tu which in appended au epitome of SHi-atlien Mythology, Nalural riiilosophy tieueial Astronomy, and I'Dysiolojiy. Adopted snJ used in I lie Public School of Philad. E. S.JII.MiS , ruliltstiers S. V. Cornef Fot pth and Kaie streets, I'hila. tyTcachers and School committees address' ing leilers to ns post-paid will be furnished with copies for examination. CPA full and complete asfortment of ROOKS and STATIUXEIt Y for sale at the lowest prices Iycho3t0-J)8tr Sinn of (he State of California, OKEtiON, UTAH. NEW MEXICO, and TEXAS, printed by 8. Aug's Mitchell iu lS4fi. and iiamird to corre-pond wilh the boun. darie- 6xcd by Congress in 1850 for sale at the Chronicle office, price 25 cts. (ga Dr. John Locke, 35nir SURGEOX DENTIST, MAY be found at his Office and residence Tntfd street, near the (Jer.Rcf.Ch. the two u.ba foilnminn' the first Mondav of each month, where he is prepared to execute all operations in hi. Iin of husineua in a mauner creditable to himself and satisfactory to those who may favor him with their patronage. JOHN I.OCKE,D.D.S. Lewisbnrg, Pa., May, 1850 B lot 0alc. a rpHAT large and desirable property on a ine comer ui :noi ci aim . . well situated for a residence, for business, or for a residence and place of business. 1'ha.en ia II Lime RKICIv (louee contain ing 4 lare rooms on the first floor, 6 bed rnnma nn the. second floor, and two large finished rooms on the third. A Kitchen and Washhouse adjoins, and it has also a large cement Cistern, a Pump and Well ol good water, aud all the necessary out buildings. For terms &c. apply to Geo.F.Mh.lek, Esq. S.K.DAVIS. Lewisbttrp;, Sept. 23, 1B5U LOOX BEFORE YOU LEAP! LOOK at Hatfielu's NEW STOCK of Gold and Silver Watches and Jewelry, before you buy el-ewhere and pay a '-leetlf too much" because you was not aware that Hal field sells cheaper, (odd P. lover, wven jewels 11 to 1SK $!o.iyitoso.on fo.lK tft),)) So.oo So.on l.iJ 85.1)0 lll.lfl 17.110 no Iltll j--ir, - - " An-horeaud U im ajt-wld 11 to 18 Silver P. I-Ter. jew. liil, n. I l-nioea. leweled UoM Finio r Itin-a. lar-e ariety .. - .t: 1 ltteat atvlea ,17"$ a.oo .-Jft o.i a i - r.ar iiine. pmio j " Peneilf and 1'eus Peneila . ... . . , - i M.mnnrl rtointf-O 4.50 10,1 i.( 3.IMI f,.oil 1'i.iat atjaj 15,00 3.5H ls.otl 4.1 (1 3.51) fi.75 10.1 KI 8.00 1.75 1.50 -ena. en v-r .-"---" -- - - " lr.-a'tlina.julyandr.ent5,uutttyles ..s ti I JH.11 tlonltle. O..V " Watebel.aina. Ki and Vest " tiuarl do 4 feet lae Silver Table and Tea Ppoona i Plateil and ticrm. ilvc Tt and Tabla Spoons .. a silv.r Cinii r;'u, and Hold Spectacles " ttraa- Clicks . i 2.0 And hnndteds of first choice articles, "splendid goods." just from the City and as low as City retailers can sell, by A. L. HATFIELD. I.ewisburg, March 18, 1851 Ccwisburg JTonnDrn ryyilK subscriber, thankful for past pat I rnna. would inform the public that he continues to manufacture all kinds of Mill Gearing and other Castinga. ioraanioK Machines, and other articles of Machinery repai. red in the best manner. Casting" warranted to he of t,ood material, and at prices that can not fail to please. J AMES 8. MARSH. Lewisburg, Feb. 1851 COOKING Stoves, of various patterns and sizes, for Coal or Wood, for sale t the Lewisburg Foundry by jamre is ntarsu. Q TOY ES Parlor, Wood, and Coal Stoves, various patterns, for sale at the Lewisburg Foundry. Jamea 8. Maish. M1RASHING Machine and PLOWS T for sale at the Lewisburg foundry. Jamea 8. Marsh. "ITTI Atin'S Patent Cans Plow, a supe- V rior article, for sale at Ihe Lewisburg Foundry by James is Marsn. n RAIN or Seed Drills Ross' Patent Jf decidedly the be$t and most durable Grain Drill now in use, for sale at the Lewisburg Foundry by jamea p. Marsn. Ar ifo, Plaster, Sail and Fish. A LARGE assortment jurt ree'd and for al aSOrim.V.T.trij Petroleum, ROCK OIL, A NATURAL REMEDY! lTtOCTitEII FROM A WELL IX AI.U"!!IF.XYCr,rA., - f'our llundreri f,-et b.-low the Karih a surtaia-! It is put up in tiolties. jut a it flows frim ihe well, without admixture of any kind. It pets it iulireilieuts from the lieds of aulataniit winch it passes over iu its secret eh in nr l: they are hli-mlt-d top-lhvr in aueh a liirm a.t to defy alt human competition. Th? i rrwfcuia) iu this neajiect i lic Ml.NhuAI. ATEit. wu ae virtues in uirMt ch;oaic chronic cae are ai-knowltHlc-1 uotoulv by physicians but by the community at lare. Tlieae siugular OuiU li-wiux oiil trom the earth, impregnated with m-dieinal rulstaii-es ldiXT'-rent ) rjp'rtit-a.and h'diiu tli-in iu urti complete aoluljon aa to re;a re tiie a:d of Cliemi-try tod-toet lh"in, l"-ar ample proof to IheCtcl t!it Ihey ar eompounded by the tai-Ur I1.111I of Nature fir tlie al elation of liuuian auirerins ami i ctim. If IVtroieuui i.i a UK-dirine at ail. it ia a pnl one. for Xature nerer half doea her work. It will continue to lie ured ftiut applied ae a liviuly. a, Ion aa man runtiniH to be auiiited Willi di-eaM-. Ti.al it ill eni-e nv.n ilic we lo not oreLeildl tUt that it w ill Ctin a (Treat uiauv d;-as s hith-rto inriirahie, i. a tact wbieli in proven bv'ihe evid.nee in its favor. It discovery i new era in mediciue, and will enure to the health aod iiappiucss us man. SCltO FCIA. The Petroleum ia a (Trent tnntl-'ine in Scrofula and Kitip f I'vil in all those dieeaeii oriirinalins; in a depraved ciihlition ol the blood ana n.u-r imio- 01 tlie Utile. It will eore tuiiniand enlar jeioenta of the li'in.r? and joiul,Blou-hei". lilies. F.rysi-la. Pimples oil Ihe face. Tetter. S-aJd-hea'l. Kinrworm.auu ine v:u-ions ruin oi.-e.v ae. it he., eoriu numerona i-ayea of Rheumatism. N ur- alKia, Uout, Ae. A woman in Krankbu eoiiniy. Pa, was eunal 01 a rheuniiiUe alieei,on 01 sis years- atauaiu: ute disease was so acirra rated as toeoufiue tier to lo-r luit dnr int the preatir part of liiat time; shu is nuw well; and considers bxre-.-lf eutiroly rertorcd. l;ni:Vi!ATUM yilds to tht JVtrfr of IVe&um 1 I f.-vl myself Uud'.Taileot of gratitude to the proprietor of the Peiro'eitui. the ue of uiiii-h (rri-at me-lirine ba entireiveurl my wifi- of a viol.-ut aiu-u-k ol Kht uuiati m. ghe bail laV-orto" umler an attack of the di.-ca.e for almut twomonlhi, aulurinir tie- uio.t intense pain; llie preater part of the t:we couliul u her laii, aud ulnlde to do anytbui-iT. The pain in the liml wan very (treat. r.eei.d(Hl with a -rreat deal orsweliinir. Tlie P.-trol.-mn bad a liappy effect, fur the first Iwo or three al'p!ii-a:iona the awelliu diminifhe.1 and Ihe pain left her. 1 continued to aoply Ilia nii'lieine daily f'T alwut to Kwka, which entirely relieved her. and ."'be i n-iw a.s well a Wi-s she wa-s in lu r life. 1 feel confident lliat the Pelrdeiim ia one of the irreaVat inateims in the world f-r rheuniatie paius aud sweUiugs. (Slimed) PKTEU CJL11L, Perry St., Allegheny City. Chronic Congh cured. T lake pleasure in certifying to the valrnMe properliesi of Mr. Kier'y Petroleum, for an alf i-tion of tlie br--aet and 11111.1. ai-i-oini-anit d with ai-vi r- ain in the chest, and a coii''li. 1 Po'k the Pefril-11111 iu larger does than in ree oniii'i -ieleil in the dir.-etii.n. but nfl. r lakiiir it a f.-wdays I jrot to like it. I should like to have a Imrrcl of it to use ill my famile. for I b'lieva it to la- a valuable no-di' ine. The Prtrtdeum produced uo uiipk-asaut tclin w whaievcr iu tlie use of it. V -U. DAY. 1'ittalur, Munh If., l':"0. Th'Tt it nothing IV.e it f Banis." llEll.'IFONTf, F. b. 21. 1RM. T Tit three doien of Mr.Kiisj'i IVtii.leuin of Mr.lloweH, and I am rtis oae-l to think thVe is nothiiii: eijiial to it for llurna: liavinjt burnt niv hands, and cJin-ctinjr lu.ttiinsr b aa than a lnni!.tisli.iu sure, but found no son ness at all from its onlt leaviliE a red urate, without any soreness when pressed npon. which quite surpria. d me. I therefore bare irreat fidlh in its ellictuy.so tar at least, and will introduce it in thi and ion. ...,.,.,. Very resa-etfully, c IIAMK MAXN. Sami-ix M. KlEit. Esq. la-ar ?ir: I have Wn eonllne.1 to mv ssl over live months with Typhoid Fever, and alill am in (sal. Poring mvsieltuis. my left foot and bs-swelhil very much, and continued so until lately; I trim! several n-mislira. wilhnut anv eff-et. t'ol. Uuick called to see me with lien. Ciivta. and lie reeommndi"l nie to try your Petroleum, as it had worked some wonderful ( Urea to his knoale-lire. I had la-en tliiokin; all that day. Is-f..re lie wa' here, that I would try it; I itumediat Ay wot my bepoeiv. tic. IV.? 'wi'rS (the bearer of tins note) to the druR-store, and (rot a beltlc'an 1 ?nu:i soiui: Oiat lii.-lit to the sores, and the nest mornin? you could see a murl, l ,l,iTrr 111 Hit Coot, and has continued so ever sini-e. I can assure you It o(eralei almost like a cliaitu 1 never saw anvtbnu Ileal hka it in my me. I want a small quantity yet toeir.-et a perfect cure; you will please let the bearer have solus and he will pay you for Illy same. Very respectfully your friend. a I.-V coves For sale wholesale and retail by V, W Schafflk in Lewisburg for sale also by Ur Thornton and J Baker For the Ladies. JUST received a choice selection of Doraze Deslaines. Mantilla silks. Silk lace Ac Ac at the old stand of J. HAVES & CO. FRUIT TREES. If 1 )EKSONS desirous of obtaining choice I Fruit Trees such as varieties of the Peach, Pear, Plum, Cherry, and Apple will do well by calling at the Lewisburg Nursery next week, ns the subscriber is receiving upwards of 1500, ol large sizes and choice varieties. April 1, 1851 II. R. NOLL. MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. T. A. II. THORNTON offers his professional services to the citizens of Lewisburg and vicinity, in thevarious branches ol his proiession. Residence temperance Hotel. Office Drue Store, one door above the Mammoth Store of J. & J. Walls. Lewisburg, Oct. 1, 1850 THE SUMMER SESSION OF TIIE LEWISBURG ACADEMY, lYTILl, commence on MONDAY, the 5th of MAY neit. In this Institution, all the btanche of a thorouh Academic course will be tauht. The Primary Department will receive due attention ; and eierciscs in Composition and Declamation will be required of the larer mem tiers of the school. The discipline of the Insti tution, as heretofore, will be directed mainly to the formation of systematic habits of study, as the best and only permanent means of securing order and progress among Ihe pupils. The sub scriber feels gratified at the liberal support which has thus far been given him by an intelligent public, and he believes that the best return he can make it, it to seek to lead the youth, placed vnd -r bis care, to the acquisition of sound, unos tet ta'ious learning. Tb.3 average number in attendance during the last year was 45, being a considerable increase over any previous year. A short Vacation will be given near the middle of the session. Tea, prr Session of 20 weeks: For Common English $6, Higher English JS. I.ancuaees 10. JNO. RANDOLPH, April S. IS51 Principal Dr. T. A. i. TiiMTra, Market St. Lcwisiirin, WHOLESALE ft RETAIL DEALER IN DrDM,Medlcineg,Cliemlcals,Dyc- jSlulTs, Oils, (J lass Perlumery, Confectionery & Fancy Article. Dr.Thornton returns his thanks for the liberal patronage which he has received, and he assures the community that every attention shall be paid to the compounding of Medicines, and that all Drugs shall be fully tested before they are offered for sale, and warranted to be pure and genuine. ty Prescriptions given free of charge at Dr. Thornton's Drug Store. Remember to call at the old stand, first door above the Mammoth Store of J. & J. Walls. STOVE WARE-HOOM, Nearly opposite H. I Shelkr$ Store. THE best and most approved COOKING, SHOP, OFFICE or PARLOR Stoves. Ploughs. Castings, && at low rates, by CHRIST & FR1CK. Town Properly For Cole Cieap. VFULL Lot on Nor:h Fourth S:rcc on which is a two storey Frame House, 16 by 133 Icet, jSjaf with a good Cellar under it a France Stable, 10 by 20 an out Kitcbt n. and other out-builJings now oc cutiicd by David Sham p. Enquire of DAVID RKHliti, Agent. Lewisburg, Oct. 30, 1p50. Price Reduced! VAUGHN'S IITHONTRIPTIC MIXTUKE! .Large Bottles Only One Dollar The rroprirtor of ihe Great Amrticar. Rpmwljr ' VArons't Vkcktadlk laiTaosTRirric Mixtirk.' induced br tlte invent saolifitationi of hu Aeuu, tWou;IiQt lit Liuied w?uica ad CviftiU, has now Reduced tlie Fries of Wn rm'ar and welt known article; and ftom IliU dnte, lieAt-elonh, Le will pat Bp bit one ituc oal, b qaar liOtiJcs: the retail price will be OK E D0ILAB Tlte public my mt awnied that the chararter of the Meiti cine, it trenfili, and curative inierue9 will k em aiu rsi nANUKD, and tlie same care will be bestowed in pn paring it a heretofore. At this medicine, nnder iu radoeeI price, will be paichaaetl by iho w ho have not hitherto mule thepfe'clt'ea acqnainted with its virtues, tlte iirojirietor wonlil ieg to intimiite tint his article k ntrt to lie clawd wilh tlie rust amount of Remedie of the day ;' it claim tor ittclf trailer htalme potter, in all diseases. thn aitjr elker preparation new Ufure tht wrtd ; and has snuined it-clt lor eiht rear by iu tatterim medical virtues, and, ami! ihia redocuon, commautled doable the price of any oilier artida in this line. N i' tk k I'artk tLAKLT, tin article acta with sm---Cal-infi puvur and certaiuty, opoo the Blood, Liver, Kidneys. Longs, and all other organs, upon the proper action of which life and health depend. Tuu niolwiiie hu a justly faif h repute a a remedy for Dropsy and Gravel, am. all ...seam of that nature. Il may be relied upon when the intelligent physician has abandoned his patient and lot these dUiKssiiif diseases, moreeniiecially Uropst, the propri etor would earnestly and honestly recommend it. At it present price it is easily obuined by all, aud the Uial will piov the article to be the Cheapest Medicine ia the World ! tT7 Please ask for pamphleU the a-etitsirive them away tliey contain orer sixteen pajres of receiiu, (iu addinoa to ful medical matter) valuable for household purposes, and which w ill save many dollars per year to practical housekeepers. These receipts are iutrodaced to make the book of gsea value, aside from iu character as an ad-rtiins; medium to tlie medicine, the testimony iu faror of which, in tlie form ol letter from all parts of the country, may be n-licd ipon. ty"Vaucbo'i Vecctable Iithontriptie Miiture" th 1-reat Arnerican Remedy, now forsaja in quart bottle at S each, small bottle at SO cts each. No -mall ty diet will be issued a Her tlie present stock is disposed of. Tnucipal Office, Buffalo. N. Y.. 807 Main Fttvot C. C. VAI'l-ilV. Pold Wholewte and Retail by OLCOTT McKE305 & CO., T, Maiden Lane, New York City. N. B. All letters (excepting from ajjenU and dealers with whom he transaeu business) must be pott paid, or no aUenlioii will be gif en to them OCtDb. THORNTON, Lewisliurg. is General Agent for Union county J.H.Caslow. Agent, Milton ; 1. Iieiihakt, Rclinsgtove 3yl:: 54 THE NEW FOUNDRY TS now carried on as usual, at the uppe X end 01 Market street, where every des cription of CASTINGS is kept on nana or maae 10 order such as The Complete, or Com plete 1 mpro ved Cooking Stores for either Coal or Wood and all other kinds of stoves, ; also PLOUGHS of differ- cnt kinds Corn Ploughs, Dull Ploughs, and the Self-Sharpening Plough, a new article, and which can not be bea in Pennsylvania. Call and see and judge for yourselves. CHRIST dt FRICK. Lewisburg, July 8, 1851 'PHE undersigned continues the LIVE J RY BUSINESS at the Old Stind, on North Third St., near Market, and respectfully solicits the patronage ol his friends and the public generally. CHARLES F. II ESS. Lewisburg, May 22, 1650 Tanning Currying. FOR past favors, the subscriber returns his grateful thanks, and hereby makes known that he carries on the business of Tannins and Currying, at the Old Stand. Determined not to be outdone in the manufacture or finish of his work, he is bound to have the best work' men and materials, and to treat those who have so liberally patronized (as well as those also who shall be pleased to patronize him with that attention which he hopes to insure him a full share of public patronage. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange. Hides and Bark not refused, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash or in exchange for leather. L. STERNER. March 25, A.D. 1850 MILITARY BOUNTY LAND. THE undersigned is provided with all the necessary forms and papers, and will take charge, on the most reasonable terms, of any claims for BOUXTV LAND. EXTRA PAY or TENSIONS that may be placed in his hands. A II applications, after being duly prepared here will be forwarded to t'niaii UaSaLDixo Esq, an efficient and responsible Pension Agent at Washington city, who will present them io person (without extra charge) to the proper De partment an arrangement ensuring accuracy and despatch. H U HICKOK Lewisburg, Jan 39, 1851 3m NOVELTY IRON WORKS. THIS establishment has just commenced operation, and is prepared to manufac ture Steam Engines and Boilers, Blowing Cylinders and Hot Blast Pipes, Retorts, Lamp Posts, Gas and Water Pipes, Car Wheels and Axles, Rolling Mill castings. Grist and 8aw Mill castings. Horse Power Threshing Machine and Plow castings. Cast Iron Fronts for Houses, eaat Coupling and Railing Patterns, and 8mithwork made to order. J R. JOXE8. Ilarruburg, Pa. April 9, 1851 3m Stone Coal for sale. To rtlaclismilais. II11UiHI1'I.O Vvw:, t, Jj Brunch mid from llollidaysburg, for sale at the Shop ! the suuscnoer, ucur wc Hay scales on Thiid St. ALKX'R AMMONS. Lewisburg, M ty 7, 1850 rain Brill s. milE undersigned wish to inform the J farming community generally, that they are now manufacturing .. ROSS" Xncli Lirr"7 f77.l.V DRILLS, or SO im'U MACHINE. Without stopping to discuss the compara tive merits of numerous Drills now ofTercd for sale, they merely wish to invile Farm ers to call aud see the above named article before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi dent that they can furuish an article that will give entire satisfaction. ROSS, JEUDi:S & MARSH. Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, 1350. UNIVERSITY at Icu isliui??. CIRCri.AR for the Academical Year com uiL-ncing Oct. 17, 1850. COURSE OF STUDIES. Trimary Department. Evrrciscd in Spelling, ileailing. Definition, Enj;lih Cr.immar, Arithmetic, tocography. His tory U.S.A., Penmanship and Composition. English Department of the Academy. The same stuilies as in the Primary Drpartm'l continued in Ihe use of larger text books ; and to ihese arc ailded General Hislory.Algtbia, Legcu drc, and Elemcuts of Surveying. Classical Department of the Academy. T. na Junior Acatfrmic rlata. 1. Kn'li.--h Cratnmar. Latin Unualnar, Aritlinu-tir(two illusions.) liii;ri-.ii'liv. II. Tin- aama stuilii a as in 1. T-rtn. ami IVnmsmlnp. III. Knjrlish iramnmr. Ca:.r. Anllnm-tir i-..iiipi!t i- il !' latdiTbiiiin.lins k Crammsrj tlidtory t JS.A., IVu niali?bi. Ut.k-ke ';n;r. iyritior Acitilmtic class. I. Orar. Cm-k livadi-r, Ali lni ,!U. iu, tit-.) II. .Vnt'itl. d'l (!'l III. .If. ,!. ll'l C"ITI1-I t-1. O'TIP- r;il Il:torvf Lr rli.-h t.fin 'uuiri' nnil L!i.-it;pu. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. I'wluiiiin cla.ii. I. English I.anguaj and"c'ouiiilion, Algebra, I.ivy Aiiiil'iisit. II. l'lam- liri iiK-lrv. I.ivT. An!il-ais. 111. l'luiii-. S.liJ and .-i hiiual li.nUK'trj tom;ltUd. Li vv, Auuliiuiii. Sorihim.ore ch.ii. I. Huron', 0Jyfa-y. I'tiini' slid i lu-rind Tri.nf ni'-trT. II. do il' Mt-iiur::!ii.n.SHrvr iiiz.Nai-':tin. 111. do r.mj.lrt d. S-li-rt Orutinus of liiiHstbcm'S. Klittunr, Ana!Uiiil l"Ul:trj. Jliliur etiif. I. rvmnsUii-ni-s nn tin' Crown, flrorn lc OfE. iis," Mi- i-liiniic.-i, llvdr'i."t;itic'i. and II vdruulii i. II. li'UiM.'tl-:i on tin' rniwn. t'l-ro df OITlrH rom- I'li-u-d. rin'iiiiiatii-a. Acuu.'tita, Kluitrkity, Magm.' tiam. and Optii-i. III. Gntk Tniiji-dy, Tacitus, A'tmcnniy. Seninr class. T. Iir, Natiiml Tlnuloav, Int. !! rtna! riipc'liy. II. ir.-.k. I'i'lltiral Kri'nr.u'.v. SI "rat Pliilwn 1'V. 111. UntliT'a Analojry. ('nnstitiitiou ff t. tf., Clnniirttry. Lccttm-s, jfn--rul Itcvu-u. No class in the Regular Course has less than three daily recitations. Every Saturday forenoon is devoted exclusively to V ocal Music, Ucclamation. and reading select and original Cumpo.-itions. The students are required to oitinJ, regutuly, -ome religious meeting. Minors are expected to attend such meetings as are recommended to them by their parents or guardians. There are in the borough no less than six places of public woiship, of as many different Christian denominations. Text Rooks. FiirfiA LnvgwKjt and ElvcHti". The Bible. Prirti r'a lihi'ti'riral lteadi r. Vnm-at.T's nr Wel-t. r'a Mi'tii liarv, HulIion'H Knlh (Iramnmr. farkcra lnarri-aairif hwrn aes in Knirlh ('oinj'?itii.u, l'arkcr'a Akla, lilair's Lecture; (L'niv. rdtv Kditiou.l . Latin Isiiiffiutfjr. Jlullirin'afJraminar. rtUiliinTa lt"?.diT. lren-ttV l-xii-iin. Ilulliim'al'a'Mir. rVhmiUand ilttptV Vinril. I.ini-nln'a Liry, Antlii'li's llnrce, 'I'hrii'lnT's Cicero de officii. Tvlcr'a Tucitua" (ienuunla et Airnit.la. (irtrk Lvn'jHwr. llnltiimXJraiiiiiiiir. ltullin'i rtr.ider. I.iddell A rV-ult'a Li-xici-n. llwen a Acih'tdioii a Anali.ia. Owen's llfUier'a I Myssey, Cbaiupliu'a IJ.-uiualUeuca, sink's ClstF:" l;iitual. Mtitlirvialin. navies' Arillimetie fir Acad; mica, Klim entiiry Algebra, llnunlon. I:cndre. Surreyins and Navi- (ratjnn.Anlytii-allii-ometry.ilui;it-d's Natural i'bilosoi'liy (ptereotyia-d.) oluwU-d'a A.-tronomy. number or Students. The number of students during the past year in the various Departments, was IVi. The Collegiate classes already orgauizeJ for the ensu ing year, arc the following : Fcnior cla.8 - . - 8 Junior class - - It S(lmniore class - - 10 i'rcahuianrlass- - Tearlierit. STEPHEN W. TAVLolt, A. M, Prr.f. of Mathematics and Natural I'liilosnpliy. (.K.il.l.K H. 11L1SS, A.M., rrof. of flrcck Language and l.itcmtnra. i F.illKlE W. ANDERSON', A.M., Prof.of Latin Language an J Literature. ISAAC N. IJM1MIS, A.M., Principal of tha Academy. Al.I l;i:l TAYboK, A. M., Tutor in the Englifh Lan ;nao and Elocution. lauildiugN, Library and Apparatus. The Academic edifice now occupied by the members of Ihe University, has been erected, al an ex)Nnse of SvnOO, and it is adapted to accommodate liar studcnt'i. Annthcrrdirice ia nearly completed, and is expected to be ready for occupancy at the cuinnicnccmcnt Of the next Term tlct. 17, lS.'Kt. The Library contains a number of select Tolumes, and is constantly increasing. Chemical Apparatus has heen procured snftiricnt to supply the inmiiHiiate demand. The Apparatus Inr the Ulustrutiou of Mechanical 1'bilosnpliy, is now complete. Tuition and Hoard. Tuition in the Collegiate Department J!30, Academic $20, Primary $12 per year. Hoard, including lodging, washing, fuel, and light, can be bad in the village and its vicinity at various prices, from $1,50 to $2.50 per week. Arramrements are in proffresa to furnish Knar.1. .vein. sive oi loupii. wasnitiiT. tuel auu light, to such as may UVB.1V J,, J" 1 .1 I A. Sessions and Vacations. Two Sessions in the year the former com mences on the 3rd 1 huisday in October, and continues 26 weeks; the latter commences on Thursday, 15th May, and continues 14 weeks, Spring acation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 8. lly order and in behalf of Ibe Board : THOMAS WATTSON, Pres't. GEORGE F. MILLER, Sec'y. Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. Sept. 1, 1850 IT IS A FACT. ONE self-evident, and worthy of every consideration, that no Miller can make good clean flour without he has good clean wheat. 1 suppose vou wish to know the remedy. I tell you it is to get one of ifcrgsireser n neat Scourers, or Smut Machines. He bcinry an old. experienced Millwright has invented, got up ana put in succcssiui operation the best Wheat ScOUrCr now in ll- Anv aanna - as j XTVI4VU ordering a machine and afterwards finding that it does not prove to operate as repre sented, there shall be no sale, no thrap mi. chines are to be warranted good. Further recommendations are thought unnecessary. He ia now hnvtno' n aunnlv mnrln al T n ----p. " ( ...ww w, at,,ia burg, by Messrs. Geddes it Marsh. Orders r i . . ... . ior mncnines, or tetters oi inquiry, will be promntlr attended to. Machine still k sent and put to all order. Address J. UC-uiiSl KKSSER, Lewisburg. Union Co. Pa. 329 NOTES Promissory, Judgment, and Joint Notes (blanks) si this office AXOTIER SCTFXTIFW WOXDERI PEPSIN: The true DIGESTIVE FLUID or GASTRIC JUICE a great Dyspepsia Carer.' Prepared front ltia.uet, or the fourth stomach of Ihe Ox, after directions by Baron I.iebio, the great physio'ogical chemUl, by J S.Iloir.iiTo v , M.D., No. 1 1 N. Bin St. Philadelphia, Pa. ATRI'LY wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Oyspipsia, Jaundice, Lieer Cumpluint, Coiuliitalwn and JMOUtlu, curing alter nature s own process, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. Gj'Uiili a leaspooiil'ul of this Quid infused in water, can digest 01 dissolve I'i'e Pounds of roa-t beef 111 about two hours, out ol toe siomacn. Digestion is chiefly perloimed 111 the stom ach by the aiJ of a fluid which freely exudes from ihe inner coat of that organ, when in a state of heal h, called the gastric juice. This fluid is the great torent uf the juvl the purilying, preser ving and stimulating ai;eut of ihe stomach and intestines. Without it there can be no digestion, no conversion of food into blood, no nutrition but raiher a foul, lorpiJ, painful and destructive condition of the whole digestive apparatus. lT.lrl i the chief element or great digest ing print ij le of ihe gastric juice. It is found in great abundance in the solid parts ol the human stomach after death, and sometimes causes the stomach to digest or eat itself up. It is also found in the .lumach of annuals, as the 01, call, Ac. 11 is Ihe material used by farmers in muking cheese sty ltd RCHHCt, theelTcct of which has long been the special wonder of the dairy. Curdling of milk is lhu.first process of digestion. A call's stomach can curdle marly one thousand limes its own weight of milk. Huron Liebig states, "one part of Pepsin di.-solnd in sixty thousand parts of water. dii:eU meat and oiher food." Diseased stomachs produce no good Gastric Juice, Rennet or l'ep.-in. To thow that this want may be per fectly supplied, we quote the subjoined SCIXTIa'Zt! KVIIiKJCF ! Baron LIEIIIti. in h: celebrated work on Animal Che- niitrv. sns: -An artiUeial iliiealite rum. anaiRou tlieliaKtrit.luife.uiay la: n ittlilv .r;-.:iri ilfn.-lll lilt uiuroua aiemlirane of the l"lm.-li of the tail", iu whieh rarioui artit ! of f-al. as nn-iit an.l e-i. will M-Ueiied anl (lijr.-ft'-U in tie- ."hliie maimer as ill tlie human j-toluarh.' iir. U1:IM.II:A.iii lainona treatise u riau auu fi'i, publ iclied l.y Wl.iw Wells. N w Vork. t.a-.'e :;5. states the same pn at tu t, and le?i nl'-s tlie inetl.ol of (ir i'ara linn. 1 here ar- f -vr he. her authorities than Ur. I'ereria. Iir. CnMlill. in his Tatuiihle writing on the I'tiyaioh-KT of lvi--ti.ui. t 1 rvea that "a diminution of the due ijunntity tif the '.atrie Jui;-e b- a prominent and tll.f.re vailir eause of !iyf i-.-ia,1 and be .states that "adilin jtiiiod pr.f. iior Tf ni.-dieine in ly ndon.a hn was wTerely .illiii ttl villi this etmiplaint. riii'Iinr ev. rytliiii el.e to fciil, h:.d r'niiirw: to tie- Ua-trir Juiee. obtained from the t'tuaeh of Hi in-- animal- which eompN t'-ly ueei-.Tii d." lir.liKAII M. anther of th.-fnniou work on Vetera I .le bie t, .- : "It i a n markitble fart in hyiidoy, that the toin!ii ha of animal, niaeeraleti in water. iuiart to the Itnid the .r' rty oi'di.-.-olvini various artieb-aof I-rf.l, and of fl'eTii'' a kind id artiri- ial di elionof r!i'-ni in uo uif dity- n nt fn-ai lb-- nat'iril di. i-tive .n--,-.." lr. SlMn:' treat work, the li. lni.-trv ol Man.i l.ea 4 l:l.-ii:ile.rd. fbilail- V-i'u i' -j-l. -j. I ay : l'li"d..toverj it I'epsiu fi-rm a new eia in the eliellii'-nl hi-letr of lli-'-stion. l-'n.ni rercut exw rimi nt. we know that fa-d i lirolveda ra',.i.!!y in ail arl.fn-ial l':-.-tit. tui-l. pr. f ared from !'e-vii. a it i in the L-i.ttiml liastrie Juiee its. if.'' 1'p f. I'lMibl.-'iN. of the J, :r. r.iii t olb-se, fhilail. in hi trial Work en liuuian I'hj -:o;o.;:y.d' i"lt ue.re tl.an fifty l-aes to an exainination i.t'tl.is .-io-j-- t. His exi-ri-meiit ilh lr. H-aiiniont. on the lotsirie Jni-e. obtain d I'reui the living huuiaii stt.mai U ar.d In in auimals. are known. "In alt ease." he say. "di"-tii oeaurr-d as jM'rf'.'et ly iu tlie art.teial 11 in the natural di.-i-stious Asa DYSPEPSIA CL'IitR, Dr Houghton's preparation of Pepsin has produced the must mar velous tllt'cls. It is impossible to giie dt-tads of cases iu the limits of this advertisement hut au thenticate certificates have tieen given uf more lhan'i'WO HLMJIiKD rapid, wonderful, and permanent cures. It is a great Ncurut s Anti dote, and particularly u-t ful for tendency to bilious disorder, liver complaint, fever and ague, the evil effects of quinine, mercury, ic, also fot excess iu eating or drinking. There is no form of OLD STOMACH COM PLAI.NTS which it does not reach and also give instant relief ! and repeated for a short time, pu rity of ltlood and vigor or Bonv follow at once. It is particularly excellent in cases of nausea, vo miting, cramps, soreness ot the pit of the stomach. distress after eating, low, cold state of the blood, heaviness, lowness of spirits, despondency, emaci ation, weakness, tendency to insanity, Vc. Price, ONE DOLLAR per botile. One bottle often effects a lasting cure. PEPSIN IN FOWDEKS sent by Mail, free of Postage. For eonrenienee of sending to all part of the country the Ili-'estive .Matter of the I'ej.sin.is l'Ut ut ill the form o 1'owders, with direetlons to be dissolved by the patient in water or syrup. Tht se iowders contain just the same matter a ihe t-dtle. but twiee the tiantity fr the same price, and are sent by mail. Free of l'"siiijre. for 1. sent post-paid i to Dr. J.S'. Houghton, No. 11 .North Eighth St- l'hiladelphia. MX packages lor Every bottle.and package liears the written sig nature of J.S.HOUUHTON.M.D., Sole Proprie tor, cold by agents in every town in the Lnion and by most respectable dealers in medicine. To be had of Dr. THORN TON, Lewisburg ; J H Caslow, Milton; Thompson, MifHinburg; ill & Eileil, Haitleton; H in Roshong, New Berlin; G I Ciouse, Selinsgrove ; Mrs M Cay Norihumbcrlaud ly335 BULL'S HEAD HOTEL, Mijiinburg, Lnion county, I'enn'a. f EiSPECTFL'LLY informs the citizens o' III Union county, and the public in general. that he has leased the above stand, for manv years occupied by his Father, and is now pre pared to accommodate friends and the traveling community in a manner acceptable to all. The HOUSE is large and roomy, well arran ged in all its departments, and every care will be taken to render his guests comfortable and happy. His TAUI.E will always be furnished with the choicest delicacies of the season, and the best the market can afford. The BAR will at all times be attended by careful persons, and none but the very best of liquois will be kept. His STABLES are ample and convenient, and Ihe OSTLEKS punctual and attentive. In short, be pledges himself to endeavor to give general satisfaction to all, and hopes bv strict attention to business to mciil and receive a liberal share of patronage. MifMinburg, June 20, 1850 IHE subscribers offer the public, at their new Brick Foundry, the following new and valuable Stoves : Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, with Brick Oven. Lady Washington Parlor Stove. Cast Iron Air-Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood 2 sizes. Coal Burner for Parlors 1 aize, 12 inch cyl inder. Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove t sizes. Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for Wood 2 sizes. Egg Stove the very best in use for Stores, Offices, Uarrooms, and Shops. The celebrated Genesee Air-Tight Cook Stove The Complete Cook 2 sizes. Also,' all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves Ploughs Castings, etc. drc. CHRIST & jrKHJK.. Lewisbur?, Dec. 12, 1849 "An ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Cure," in that awful disease. CONSUMPTION ! DR. FITCH S Lectures on the Preven tion and Cure of Consumption. This popular work for sale in Lewisburg by 8. F. Lyndall J. Houghton and a HENRY C. HICKOK ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' Lewisburg, Union Connty, Penn'a. OFFICE on Second St., lately occuni . by L. li. Christ. Esq. P 8 iFruCt ana ll&l ORNAMENTAL TREES. 'Ibe subscriber offers for en In i whsw aa Id rTf assortment of choice Fruit Trees such m Apple trees, 7 to 10 icet high 40 varieties all warranted genuine Ptacl trees, iid varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine Prune and Pear trur-s, together with some fi or 8 varieties ol Gratie Vine. r.k i... . .... j wl iao tarsi native and exotic varieties. Ornameniol trees, sucn as the l auonia, Linden, ir N. li. Pcrsnns wishing to procure quautiiy of the Fruit trees, a re requested la make immediate application to thesulscii ber, in orJer to procure the varieties anj size wanted. IL K. A'OLL. Lewisburg, March 4, 1850. LIVEIt COMPLAINT, TAtWDICE, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, disease of the Kidneys, and all dis eases aiiaing from a disordered Liver or Stomach such as Constipation. Inward Piles, Fulurss ' or Ulood to the Head, Acidily of tie Stomach, .Nau-ej, Heartburn, dis gust for Food. Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Siiur Eructations, Sinking or Flut teriti!; at the pit of the Stomach, Swimming of tht Hi ad, hurried and difficult Breathing, Fluu tciing at the Heart, choking or suffoca-. ting Sensations when in a lying poture, dimness of Vision, Dots orWebs before tiie Sight, Fever and dull Pain in the Head, HiSciency of Perspiration, Yello new of the Sgin and Eyes, pain in the Side, Usee Chest, Limbs, Ac, sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, constant Ima ginings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirit t1 EE EFFECTr-ALLV CltD II DIl. 1IOO F LAND'S CELEBRATED GEB31fi.n BITTERS, prepared ty ifr. f '. Jaekson, at the "CJcrman Medicine Store," 1-20 Arc h St. riiilatt. Tttrir pnwer urer the abort ilisrnxrs is , ,x, cillttl. if eijualitd, Inj any other prtparatim the I'nittd Male, as the cure ettrtt, in luany ciu-ts cf.tr M'.ful phya'citm had fuiitd. These Li lers are worthy the attention of inva lids. Possessing (treat virtues iu the lectificsuoa of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, eirrci sing the most searching poners in weakness toil allti lions of ihe digestive organs, ihey are niltial safe, certain and pleasant. Read be cuitTi-vcrn. The Hon. Ch I) Hineltne, editor of the Camdtn Democrat, lis best paper in West Jersey, says, July 21st lIiaiKLAND'S fiKKMAX ltlTTKK. We have mi many Malti-riii- notii-us of thi lunliriac. aud ih sonr. w lirli-i- thi-y ciuiic induri-u us to mnkr irumrs rwrftirc its tin rits. r'n.in inquiry wi- -r.- K-rsualt'd n. ur- itaid mun f:iy vec f.-und it sa--irk- iu it. a tion iir-oa disiyt tin- iiv, r niid uiift-.tivc orpica. sr.d tLc towt-rful isllurtin it ext rt- iiiuu D.-rryus i-rustratii'D is ri-ally surphsinr. It ca'uifi and stn-ntliT.s the m-rr.'a. Lrininug tliem altl stati' 'f rt-lso. niakiii alt-p n-fiveliiii. If tli:s iditrim- ri-rv morr prut-raliy used. sr. arrnt-isf.i-d there would be 1,-ss sukuisii, as from tbeab siarB. lirer. ami nervous pysMn the preat anuVrity of ri-al u. imairinarr diseases emanale. Jlave Uh-bo ia a healthy nav liliou. aud you ran tid dt-naiu-v to rpidemies arDeraJr. This extnii-ril.'Rary mi-dieiuu ae Vi-ould advise our trieaii who an- at all iudiiosed lo aive a trial it will thr&mv omiu' ud itself. It should, iu fact.be in every family. ouier meaiciite rau un-ucre .urn evau-uees OI Blent. Fiom the Huston Bee editorial. Dec 22d Tr. Ilnorlarid's Cel hratil German Hitters, Hr the nn of Liver O mi iaint. Jaundice. Iy.etsia. and Chronic nr Nerious lH-1 iliry. is deservedly one of the most perajr m.-l,riic s cf the day. These ilittrrs bave been used fy thousuMds. and a fm nd at our elbow says h has n ns-i! rui-rived irum the use of this remedy auefI-etuaL rttu nent nire of Liver (om laint. We are convinml tin, iu the ue of these rtitters. the pata-ut ronstanliv mef itreni.th and vilit a fact worthy of great ronsidVntn-n. l'h y are pl.usant in taste aud aiiiell. and ran be nasi y persons with the most delirate stomarhs. with safctj under any cireuuitaneis. We are speaiinc frt'Bl elfa-n euee, and lo tiie aftiirted we advise liit ir use. "' IVctkly, one of ihe best literary pipers published, said. Aug 2Slh lia HoorLiXr.-? Oem.,x Bittivs. rnannfirrnml hj 1 Jackson, are now recommended ty some of the moat prs miuent memoirs of the larultv. as an artiele ot nodi efficacy in cases of female weakness. As f urh is the fas, we would atlvise all mothers to obtain a bottle, and thus save tin mselvc s mueh sickness, tvnk.us of debilitated contitutions will find these flitters adTantap-oos to their health. .as we know from expenvnee the salutary efleft they have upon weak systems. Judge M.M.!Voah, a gentleman of great scifii tific and literary attainments.said in his'OiewYork Weekly Messeneer. Jan 6. 150 Dr. Itnoti'inif t Orrmttm Bittrr. Here fs a preparstiat which the leading presses of the t'nion appear unaniavatf in recommending, and the reason is ohi ious. It is mai. after a prescription furnished by one of thr most cvlebrau physicians of modern times 'the late Dr. Chxistopbe, Wilhelm Hoofland. Crofessor to the Vuivrrsity of Jri Private rhysician to the Kinft of l'russia, and one of la ereatest medical writers Ijcrniany baa ever prodneett. lit was emphatically the enemy of ubg. and therrnir. a medicine of which he was the inventor and endorsrr may be confidently relied on. He specially reeommended it is Liver Complaint, llysprpaja. Debilitj. VertiRO. acxtity ef the Stomach. Constipation, and all complaints ansinc from a disordered condition of the stomach, the Liver sad the Intestines. Sine Philadelphia papers express their conviction of its excellence, and several of their Editm speak of its effects from their own individual .aperient., t nder these circumstances, we feel warranted, net only in calling the attention of our readers to the prrarnl proprietor (fir. C. M. Jackson's! nrenaration. but ia res- ommending the article to all afflicted. Moie Evidence The Philadelehia SsturfiV Gazette, the best family newspaper published ia the United States, the editor say a of Dr Hooflans German Bitters It is seldom that we iwnmaiMul h.i - t-rmri Tit ent 11,-dirines to our readers' patronage and conrldeiKv; ouu, .ii'-i. i.-ir. wnen we recommend llr. Hoofland oer man Hitters, we wish it to he distinctly nndersto! tl we are not speaking of the nostrums of the day, that sw noised .U.ul for a brief period and are frmotten ancrtlaT bave done their (tuilty rare of mischief, bat of a ased! lonj; established, nniveraallv nrised. and akea h. asl the hearty approval of the Faculty itself. Evidence on evidence has been teoiwt 'ill the foreiroini;) from all sectiona of the rlo. ,i l.ai years, the stmigtit ttttimumm in its fytnr, uUbat there la more of it nui in .k . ... . . . " " " firaeucw i'l ine rrcu' I nvsirians of Philadelnhia. than r .n .... w.imaw combined a fart that can easily he established, and fai r provmu that a ientific preparation will meet with tbr quiet approval when presented even in this form. Thai this medicine will core Liver Complaint and Urspepsia. a. one ran doubt, after usini it as directed. It acts sped ally upon the Stomach and Liver. It is pret-rahle Calomel in nil bilnms dimim. Ths effect is immediate they ran be administered to nuu or urasi iia stsity and reliable benefit, at any time. Beware of counterfeits! This medicine has attained thai character which it is necessarv for all to attain lo induce cousin- feiters to put forth spurious article al tlte risks' the lives of those who are innocently deceived. look well to the marks vl the Gtnwne. They have the written signature of C.M.Jsca upon the wrapper, and the name blown in lb bottle, without which they are spurious. For sale. wholesale and retail. at the GEKMA MEDICINE STORE, No. 120 ARCH SUoe door below 8ixth, (late of 178 Race 8t) Pails elphia.and by respectable dealers generally, U" country throughout. Iy330 Aho fur sale by S.F.L YXDALL,UuburgJ Also by Dm. THORKTOZV, do MOST KINDS OF JOB PEINTING, KE1TLT i EIPEDITIOrSlI KXKCCTKO AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE lcwisburgo