LEWISBUEG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. H. GERHART, Surgeon Dentist, Has asMorsD hit mi In Mr. Pennv packer', Lniversity Boatd 1 in? House, on the Race. Lewisburg. Aug. 12. '851 WP1 NOTICE. PROPOSALS will be received op to Sept. 25 far Four Male TEACHERS fjr the Lenris burg District the schools to commence on the 1st dsy of Oct. and to continue Five Months. Bt older of the Uoard : DAVID KEBER, Sec. (jPerson bavin; lumber or anvthing else on any of the lt belonging to the school houses are herrby notified to remove me same Dfiore the 1st dy of O.t. next. lug. il, iboi (jA New Vol. of the AMERICAN PHRE (lix;irti. jofTRAL (ommnifrt July 1, isil. Now it the time to subsrrilw. la-mtcd to I'bmmkiry, Phrsio- btr. Man?tim. rlifciwiioiiry. MtvbaniKln, htlucatinn, AKrirultun. th Natural fWeuces, anil tieiii-ral lntellig env.profurlv Illiiptrat.il: it ran not fail to interest every . la of m!r'rs. Ksvnr family, and especially tin young nil a auil women. sliouM linvc a ropy. It is printi-il on Uie first of errrr monlli. nt One Dollar a year. Letters should list paid, and directed to l olVl.hU t WtLLti, 131 Nassau St X-w Turk. a-w.The abve Journal, and the Ls-wishare Chronicle, I will M'nd to new subgcribi-rs tor Two Dollars a vcar. Cash In advance. U. K. WOUUKN. VENDUE. The undersigned, Admin'rs ol Jobs Stiass. late of BulTaloe Tp, Union Co, dec'd, will sell al public outcry at the late residence of said dec'd, on Tin dat the 2d day of September next, the following property, lo wit : Horses, Cows. Calves, Sheep and Hogs, a four borse Wagon and bed, Buggey and Harness, Sleds and Sleighs, a Threshing Machine ; also a lot of Lumber, such a dry pine boards, two inch plank, oak scantling and shingles; and a variety of Household and Kitchen Furniture and Farm ing Utensils. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock. A. M. of (aid day, when the tenns will be made known. WILLIAM STEANS, . . , DANIEL KAUFMAN, J Buflaloc, Aug. 8, 1651 Storage, Forwarding, AND GRAIN BUSINESS. HGIBSO.V respectfully announces to the citizens of Union and ailjact nt counties, that he has rentid those large and commodious Store Houses and Wharf; lately occupied by Samuel Wolfe dec'd, CJUth of the Lewishurg Budge, where he will carry on a General COMMISSION Business. Smtur. s carefully attended to and all kinds of GRAIN bought at the highest Market prices. H.G. Lewisburg, Aug. 1851 lyro The Water Cure Journal. A New Vol. of thin "Jnurniil of hi-alth' commences in July, 1V'.M. Subseritrs should send in their names nt once. The philosophy nnd prm-tire of llyilnpatliy, I'livsiolopy and Anatomy 'of the Human Body. Dietetics, i'hysii-al rMm-A-tion. the Chemistry of Lite ami all oilier matters relating t Life. Health, and Happiness, are given iu this Journal. We bcliive that man m:iy prolong bis life much beyond the number of year. usually attained. AVe propose to show bow. ruMihrd monthly, at line Ikollar a year in advance. lMra.-- :,iMrc-s Letteri. post-paiil, to r'OWLLKS t W ELLS, 131 Naania St. New York. 5,Tlie above Journal, and the Lewishurif Chronicle, I wii, m-uu to nticsuOecrioersone year tor j wo ipoiiarni nsu in advance. U. X. W OllDEX. Public Vendue ! VT Ihe late residence of Col JacKsos M'Fan new, dec'd, will be sold on San-Boar the ICt'i day of August next Siock in the Lewishurg and Wiliiamsport Bridge, and Susquehanna Telegraph companies; Carti ; Wagons ; an Iron Safe ; also a large assortment of Household FURNITURE. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M , when terms of sale will be made known hy JAMES F. LIVN, Ailm'r of Col. Jackson M'Fadden, dec'd. Lewishurg, July S3, 1851 pd SUPERIOR MINE It A L W AT E 11 For sale by Dr. T. A. II. THORNTON. VERY man and his neighbor that's in want of a cradle, should call and examine loose made by Chadwick, Blackman & Co. New York, and for sale by D. S. KKEMER & CO. CTR4TORS. A STATED Meeting of the Hoard of Curators of ihe University at Lewisburg will be held at the University Buildings in the Borough of Lewishurg, t'a., on Moxdat the 18th day of August next, at 2 o clock, P M G F MILLER, Scribe. Lewishurg, July 17, 1S51 University at Lewisburg. 4 STATED Meeting of the Board of Trustees of sail University, will be held at the University Buildings in the Borough of Lewis burg, Union Co., I'a., on Trtsnar the 19th day of August ucxt, at 1 1 o clock. A M G F MILLER, Secretary. Lewisburg, July 17, 1351 Orphans' Court Sale. OREEABLYtoanordprnftheOrphaiis't'ourt -aL of Union couniv, will lie sold at Public Sale on SaTcaiiiT lhe20ih of September next, on the premises, all that messuage and TRACT OF LAND situated in Kelly township adjoining lands of Jacob Hartman, heirs of Adam buhl, Andrew Kelley and otners containing about 140 Acres, of which One Hundred and Fifteen Acres ere cleared and in a good s'ale of cultivation, on -which are erected a good hause and barn, and necessary out-buiMines. Also an orchaid of excellent fruit on ihe premises, and a good spring of water. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. Til. when terms r,f sale will be made known by AND' W HIDINGS, Administrators of LEWIS HIDINGS, $ Thos.lddings,dec. 'By order of the Court. J. Etstk. Clerk. Aug 6, 1S51 6w YAl.VAtSM.I2 BOOKS, jot published and for sale by Jtmir 8.Ttloh. Bookseller and Publi.her, 143 Nassau street, New Yotk. The following Books will be sent by mail free at rjoslaee to any part ot the United Stales on the receipt of the money for the aamo, which may be forwarded by mail at the Publisher's risk : THE SACKED MOrXTAfXS. Br Rev. J. T. Tlrsdley. 1 vol. 1-2 mo. Illustrated, tuu clou, si-uu; gut aigi-t, extra, ft 50. THE SACKED MOrXTATXS. Hy Rev. a. T. Headier. 1 toI. 18 mo, without the plates. Sunday School edi tion. 50 ete. SXCKEU SCEXES AXD CHA KA CTER S. Br Rev. J. T. Ili-adley. I vol. Umo, Illustrated, full doth. $1 00; lilt edees. 1 So. SACKED SCEXES AXt CHIKACTEPS. By Rev. J. T. Headier. 1 vol. IK mo, without the plate. Sunday S-honl edition. fO rt. uisTuin or the nwsEmmxs axt ft a ttlef Or THE WALT'EXM B Kv. J T. lleadley. 1 vol IK mo.. lllu-trnted. full rlnth. 50 rt. HISTORY Of TIM WA1.UEXSES. H Rev. J. T Ilcad- ler i Tol IS mo. Sunday petiool eitition. Bl et. XtlVLEOX AXO HIS l)ISTl.;riyHEH MAR- SIIAI.K Br Bev. J. T. lleadley. 1 vol. 12 mo. Illus trated, full cloth. 1. X I TIIEK A Xl HOMWEI.T.. Br Rev J. T. Ilea.llcy. I vol. l'iaw. lllutnHd. full cloth, ft. JIAMHLES AXl SKETCHES. By Rev. J. T. lleadley. 1 , 1-2 mo.. Illurtrateil. full elotli, $1. THE lf' Eli OF HKAVTV. By Kev. J. T. lleadley. 1 vol. TS mo,litustratd, full cloth, iu etn; gilt edges, extra. 75 et J.ETTERS FITOJt THE BACKWOOIIS AXP THE Al'lKOXI'ACK. By Kev. J. T. lleadley. 1 vol. 12 mo- full cloth, Wl ct. MlwlKAFHf OF THE SAVIorR AXD TIIX AVOS- T.ES. With a portrait of earn, en craved on fcteel. With anesayon tne tnaracieroi uie Alionies, oy Rev. J. T. H'-auley. l vol. ii mo, la engravings, $t; rilt eilees. extra, fl 60. tiie HE.trrrir.s or ar.r. x t. jieadlet. With his Li lvoLlSmo, lllnstraU-d, iV cts; gilt e.L.s extra. 75 cts. 1IEIIOIXES OF SACKED irTSTOR r. By Mrs. Steele. Illustrated with splendid enarines. 1 vol. 12 mo, new. enlarged and revised edition, $1 ; gilt edges, extra, ! SO. Til EoPXEVSTT. or the Plenary Inspiration ef the Holy eeriptnres. Bv Profenaor ttaataen of ticneva. Trans lated hy Kev- E- N- Kirk. A new and enlarged edition. 1 toI. 12 mo, 410 pe. ft. iHI.VTr, (V BLACKSMITH. A T mx or Other Tims. BvMrs. fherwood. 1 vid. la an. Illuntrateil, 50 cU. Zll'r OF THE VAL LEW By Mrs. SherwooiL 1 vol. is nn . Illu'trated. 50ct. THE SHORTER CA TE'llTSVot the Rev. Assembly of Divims. v ivn rrvr. iu-rewi ma u inv .j .j'tuivp, iu words at length Per loci, $3. Extracts from tht nptnionn of tJie Prrss. tiered .Vwiel oik CharactTt.T:y the Rev. J. T. Head ley Ihis work may v-rv properly be considered a com panion to the "Sacred Mountains." by the same author. Its object is to illustrate and urrndrr more life-like" the aarred writinrs. Itianottlieanttror'sdefii-rntosupersede the Bible. But h;s wih is toexeiteasotieitude to obtain, mndto become intimately acquainted and perfectly famil iar with its biatiiry. doctrines and laws; uiknow its truth, -ji imMhe Its spirit, leel its power, and partake of its sal-r,tLd,- in a wori. to prise in some measure as it deserves. this treasure which is indeed beyond price. We predict f it a circulation far beyond any of lite author's former works. (The ews.rfan. .in. jr,l Krrnr ami CHarnHrrt By the Rev. J. T. Head- .nihnrof the Paen-d Mountain.." 4e. This work will add ereatiy to the reputati-ta of the auth'ir. In lit erary Bo-Tit it more than equals his " KM-rd MonnUiits. Mr. Headley excels in bis ffiowinjr style and rivi-l .ti-.--nn- tions. nis wotes are a rten treasury ot all ui'- suilim;ty of thoneht. moving tendemeea of paasioo. and viperous strenrth of expressi-m. whi-h are to !e f.iutMl in all the langus? by whirh mortals declare their luiud?. .-x-e Iljjlr tr. itie. Jan. . RamHs and SKetcAes By Rev. J. T. H-Mley. We have not f- a longtime sat down to a Isiok wil'i m .rr pi -atiii? amieination, or found Uioee anticipations more lu 1 v n-al-.1. . . . i , L v t , Ijp,. tuan in ine pei ui ur- ,i w wit un. nirj we -know it will be hailed with (ratification hy the many ad mirenaftbesaienteil author. His hiaiulixm and bis Marshals' was. perhaps, as popular, and found at least u ,.. enthusiaatie rvailers as any bonk that can be menuoaed. We think the Rambles and fketcbea are di-s- MDed to be as popular ai ii-aei ae muj vi "I" previously published works. There is not a dull chapter in the work, "filled aa it is with " an infinite variety." The author has ample room and verge enonirh for tbe employment of his fine talents to rreat advantage- and most suooessfullr has he accomplished the task. The biographical sketch of tha author IS interotlnit and well eonsalered, and adds mueh to tbe value of tlie Wks, which is pit up in a verv seat and attractive style by the publisher. 1 See Portland T., IMc. 1 jlh. Mr. lleadley is one of the most promising; writers of this Country, aatl we nine iirre one oi f,im ust brtf,ks one on which he can safely rest his fame. It pessesae. t ) anliticuinc charms of perfect simplicity and truth. There Is a rrareful frankness perva-tine the composition, whirh enrareo the interest erf the reader in the author as well asm the subject. His rambles about Rome, Paris and lowioa. exhibit a thousand lively trails of an ingenious niture. npon which a man of taste will delichtto linger. Vie predict (or this a sale equal to Uaat of any of the au thor work' See Sew Vol Sews. The cot lection is one of which no author need he ashv tried. It eonsist". indeed, of some af Mr. Headley's most brilliant and highly finished rntnposilioiic, of those sped, mms f bi abilities by which be may be judged with the ereatest saf'-tv to nta tame aaaword-paintsTand thinker. 'See New York Tribune. Bee. 17, 1 s4S. N. B. The above booka will be forwarded to order, at the prices mentiofii-d, free of porta, to mrT I'nlted States, cm the receipt of . rlrrs. with in, money. Koasy out be seat byouvil at bit risk. J'HS B. TAYLOR, '."' f aWishcT; W Ksfjau St., Stw Tork. Dissolution. nnHE Co-Partnerhip heretofore (listing he tneen the undersigned is this day dissolved hy mutual consent, Mr. Flick withdianing alto gether from the Firm of M. KI DY & CO. In terminating this connection, we feel it incumbent on us to ollbr to our numerous ftiends and patrons our incere thanks for the very liberal patronage received from them, and tender to each our sin cere wishes tor their future health and pro-perity. MARTIN KUUY, D.D.GUI.DIN. STEPHEN FLICK. rrThe business will be continued at the old stand and all accounts settled by M. RUDY & CO, Fiitmviui, BnlTiIo Tp, Union Co, July 10, 1851 at Dr. Tlionilon'si Drug store. LAMPS'. LAMPS! Yon will fiii'l at Ir. Tlwirntrni'i Stero, the lai-jr- Ft aii'I mort f:ihi.'uatle no-K of 1'ine Oil, Fluid, rhosgenic. and Lard Limps, in Lewi-ilninr, nnd he wll tlwm chrapor thun you ran pnrcJiaso taem auv where vise. Cuil mud wr tiiein. V jlfattl. run T pet a pnM tVpar? Xt Ir. Thornton's Drui Store : h? kf is the tott ft imtortxl nd domfrtic S-tmrsi, m well tm rh-wiiijr Tulamcco ot eJttry quality, atij & variety of .SnuiT. i'ljscs te. SPKCTACLKS of aiffemit hlnt1 to -nit t)it? py.-t of all. yoane and old. lipee-tiv- of a TATH-ty of fin. 1 AOItS, StronB, INn-ket Kni.en, i.-t-irs of every de rrii'ti'm, at pritvn to suit all cu.-t-iUiTi. TIiraSSKs1. 1 iuhrrih.T in prrpared to fit .j)who may l-cr'inpU'd to u- th.'m. on an im- provt-d plan; ai.-mlSupi-irU-Mol ditUTfiit kiuai. .Tl'ST rrvlTfl. a TBrintv of th mort liLlionall imbK, snch as IrewiniC. Tuck, Cap, Hide, P:ktt, Ntk, liuHalo or Imitattuu. 1 ( iWDKR. Sliot Isvl and IVrruseion Cip. for f1 at the 1-rne and Cacmic! store of lr. TUJlL.NTO. rrvrliet Hooks, port MonnaK Parec, at Call and w Uiein. eo. INK Tllark. ltlne. Re.1. and Scarlet, by the bottle or larger iiiantity. also Note Facer ami Faury Kuvei- pes of erry desenpuju, jloluis, irausiiarent ana Fanry Wafers. OMKTIIlNl! Fillt TnE LATiIKS. Perfornte.1 Bristol hoard. Zi'tihrr fur markinir purposes, I'aner Wire, Learcs and buds for nukiug ier lluwers, also a variety of FANS, unusually low. f v UICKS! IXITRSM tlie cheapest and 5Jr-!- u,,, dural'le everofTrre.1. The subserilier would B'k the attention of the public to their pecultsr construrti . 1st. To their riirht and left properties. U-int adapted to any door. id. Their adapta tion to doors of any thii-knei-s. by means of their sliding spindle and rin-lr plate. To this treat importance is attarhed bv eanienters. S. The iteneral i-tvle. stmetute. and low pr.ee, comliinins nratness and stiYutrth with suf ticu nt ornament to zratify the wishes and ta-te of a repulv lii-an population. Call and esamtne them before purcha- alse where, at Dr.Tliorntou Krui! and t hemical Store. 01 1,S Linseed. Pine. Sperm. Lard.Fish, and Spirits of Turpentini-.by the barrel or smaller quantity,at uie airug anu uina teal Store of Da. THO'S A. If. TnOP.XTON. YOUNG'S WOOLEN FACTORY, la West Buffalo township, Union Co., Pa., one mile above Gul Jen's Mill. TIIE eubscriber has leased the above well known Factory, and put Ihe same in Grst raie Winking order: and is prepared to do work at the following rates viz: Broad blankets, 60 cts. per yard, Cloth, 42 lo 45 " Cassimeres, 43 " 45 " M " Kaltinetts, 35 " ' Flannels, 35 to 37i ' ' Also Country Fulling; Dyeing and Card done on the shortest notice, in the best style, and on the most reasonable terms. The patronage of the public is respectfully so licited. JAIOU llt.HI Z.L.I.K June 25, 1S5I. SUMMER FASHIONS FOR 1851! ATEVV York and Phila 1 tlelphia PLATES, have just been received by the subscriber. Persons wishing to have their work done according lo those styles, wilt do well to give him a call. (K7"Uotintry Produce taken in pay fr work, ut Market prtces. bhnp on N Third Si. JOHN B. MILLKR. I eishurg, April 1 THE LYNDALL EMPORIUM. Boots and Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, Books, Stattoncrn, Ready made Clothin i r B NEW STORE ! Opposite Klines Hotel, Mirlcct street. All TON & CI 1 A LP ANT are sellin" goods at lower prices than Ihey c lie bouoht elsewhere in Lewisburg. Best Coffee, 12 jcts. per pound ' Sugar, 8 " " Prin's, 9 & 10 per yard " Hrown Muslins IU Ready made Coats, Pants and Vests at unusually low prices. Prime Jersey Hams 121 per lb. " " Shoulders 10 " All oil er goods proportionably low. tC7 All kinds ol country produce taken in payment. Lewisburg, June 11, 1851. TOYS! NOTIONS, Fancy . Doxes.snutT boxes andief'1; cigar cases, dolls, rat-&ss ties, tmery s needles and cases tea setts, 6fes, flutes, acconleons, fiiltlles,dominoes, fancy shaving soaps, smi'Ilin; bottles, hair dyes pearl powders, tooih paste and powder, musk bags. tooth, hair, clothes, wall, painting, graining, shoe, norse anil lly brushes, letter, note and cap paper. envelopes, visiting and other cards, glass, wooden and other lancy toys, microscopes, spy and other kinds ol glasses, fans of all kinds, Ac, just re ceived at the drug and chemical emporium of June4,1851. C W. SC'IIAFFLE. 4 N extensive variety of Razors, Strops, Fish XL in Kds and Lines, Siio iU, Flies. Honks, &c. at SCH APPLE'S. 4 LA KG E assortment of Spcctables, gold and A silver pencils, breast pins, finger and ear 1 rings, etc , &C-, at SCHAFFLE'S. r SECOND ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS! nitt. subscribers nave lust received a splendid assortment of summer goods that can't be beat for the LadiesTissues, (rrnnadincs, Fiereges, Berecs De Lnines, Ginghams, Gingham Lawns,ond Liwns in great variety a large assortment ol Mour ning and Second .Mourning Goods. Prints from 3 to 12 cents. For the Gents Black Doe-Skin, English, French, and Fancy Cassimeres, Cashmeretts from 50 cents up. n tact, a cenernl assortment of Dry Goods Groceries- Hard, Queen, -and Ccdarvrare. nil of which will be sold at a small advance, at the Cheap Store of May 88, 1851. D S. TCREMEU & CO, ""TOXS Nails just received and for sale ,Q by V. is. Kremer & Co. June 2. 1851. IMPORTANT TO THB Farmer, Farrier & Stage Proprietor. GEO. W. MERCHANTS CELEBRATED GARGLING OIL BsTAaaaLLaLiD u tbs ma-TosT or stEDicna Al the most remarkable External Application erat discovered. can not be rivalled in thee vj. TTAS just received and opened the larg JL est, best and cheapest assortment ofj Goods in his line of business ever offered to this community; and fearlessly challenges a com parison of stocks with 'all the world and the rest of mankind,' lo say nothing of the outsiders in general. Tbe individual articles of his lot are decidedly too numerous to mention, but he can say in short hand that In the I!OOK line he has everything that nntboilv wants, from a child's Primer to ,i L-i.iT i t. i j .j daily becoming more known to tbe farming community, the hK'hest Universi v class-book, and at .. ' ,,. i ...... . .- Zi i.,.. o J prices that diggings. lie has o larjer lotandricher variety of STATIONERY than ever. His stock of ROOTS and SHOES com ffv prtse9 every style of fashion if and workmanship for Ladies and Gentlemen, Children and Misses, that can be bought in the Eastern cities, or made at home. His assortment of CLOTHING includes everything called for by the season and the fashions, or that Ihe most fastidious or eco nomical could desire. His HATS and CAPS positively can't be beat in this market. Good Silk Hats for SI, 25, and the best kinds afforded at unpreeedentedly low prices. Also a larce supply of choice TRUNKS and CARPET BAGS, cheap. This is the place for capital bargains. Tbe steam's up and we are bound to go ahead in spite of vi mil ami tide : t?Don't call at Lyndair until you have been every where else first: you will then be better able to appreciate the low price and super ior quality of his goods. Lewisburg, May 15, 1851 New Establishment ! CARRIAGE MAKING. THE subscriber would inform the citizens of this town and the surrounding country that having made Lewisburg his permanent residence be haa taken the shop al the loxvtr end of Market street, south side, where he -will keep on hand or manufacture to order all kinds of BUGOKYS, CAKUIAGES, SULKEYS, SLEIGHS, $c. Also, every variety of work in his line Repaired, Painted, Trimmed on shott notice and reasonable terms. P.? On hand a l irtre stock of well sessoRcd TIM B Eli from the Chillisquaque Bottoms. r rum bis long experience in the business, the subscriber trusts be will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with patro nage. Any one disposed is requested lo can. and EX4MIME my materials and workmanship. Cash and Country 1'roduce taken in pay for work. JOSIAH GIKTO.X, Lewisbcrg, April 26, 1851 6m They can't Keep House without it" Experience of more than sixteen years has ertablish.il the lact thai Merchant's Celsbratol Uantluig Oii, or Uni versal Family feuibrucauoa, will cure louat cases, and re lieve alt aucb as Spavins, Sweeney, Ringbone, Windfalls, Poll Evil, Callous, 'Cracked iiecU. Galls of all kinds. Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Fis tula, Sitfast, Sand Cracks, Strains, Lameness, Foundered Feet, Scratches or Grease, Mange, Kheumatisin, iiites of Animals. External Poi- aons, Taiufui Nervous Affections, Frost Bitea, Boils, Curtis, Whitlows. Burns and Scalds, Chillhbuiis, Chapped Hands. Cramps, Con tractions of the Muscles, Swellings, Weakness of the Joints, Caked Breasts, Ac tc. ic The unparalleled success of this Oil, in the core of dis eases in Horses and Cattle, and even in human ne.b, It can harrilv be credited, exceot bv those who have been in the habit of keeping il in thc-tr stables and houses, what a vast amount of pain, suflcrin; and time, arc saved by tbs timely application of this Oil. Sjr lie sure tha name of the sole proprietor, GEORGE W. MERCHANT, Lockport. N. Y., is blown in the aid of the bottle, and in his bandwriline. over lh cork. All orders addressed to the proprietor will be promptly resfiondcd to. Gel a Pamphlet of tbe A rent, and sea what wonders an accomplished by the use of this medicins. Sold by respectable dealers geuerally, in tha United Slates and Canada. Also hj C V Si-HarrLE, Lewisburg ; I Kessler, New Berlin; J F Caslow, Millnn; H Masser, Sunbury; M A M'Cay, Norlbumb'ld ; Potter & M'Mean, Bellefuiiie; I. Martin, Wiliiamsport. Wholesale Agpnts : V Klelt & Co. Philad.; M Ward &. Co. Is'en York ; Win Jackson. Pittsburg ly381ineiJe:pd Estate of Col. J ackson M'Fadden.dec'il jV'OTICE is hereby given, that Letters of A J- ministration on the estale of said deceased, was Ihis day granted to me by the Begister ol Union county. All persona indebted to said estate will please make payment, and those hav ing claims will present them for settlement. JAMES F. LINN, Adm'r of Col. Jackson M'Fadden, dec'd. Lewishurg, July I, 1851 6wpd WOODWARD & FISHER'S BOOT AND SIIOE STORE a. May be fonnd in Third street, Ar J three doors south of the Baptist - ' wWchurch. where they have on Wawsaav hand a general assortment of Ladies', Misses' and ; Children' French and English Kid and Morocco BOOTS, BVSKISS, and SLIPPERS al-o ! Gentlemen's French Calf BOOTS, Kip snd Wsi Upper dOOTS and MONROES, with an assort- i ment of B0V3' and YOUTHS' Bools and Shoes. Wt are also prepared lo manufacture all kindtv of Boots and Shoes and Ladiea' Q&f?l, i5 of every color of the most durable material iu the . latest fashionable styles and at reasonable prices, j which you will see by complyini with our inita-; tion lo call and ri amine for youiselves.TD No charge for inspection. Lewisburg, April S3, 1951 PUIUFMG EXTRACT The Creates. BLOOD PURIFIEff In Nl WHOLS WotLB' Prim $1 BottU. or tit BtttmM If It U now p-jt mp la QHABT BOTTLE, of Mb una jxtwr and m4wt ifuani m wbM la mmU wsfM'Uv. ticft iMrft botli eonuiiiit 9IIXT1 - fflli K IVffVWHl. im! Ue nKcmvT are o tfmmW C wtT" tmdr tt t only One TubUoamfiU ia at a Pa tarw ttma atV thtJt to boo Um TwnHyOM ttay wincb a oufrj longer ibaa a Imttle of any otaar wmtotmm iur. brutava lattra la noiiii4 af itu a lata ajMamiUy at low. Tb mrmt Superiority af tfafa Bla! 1 ornr atetiiciBM. cmuuii m a crtMt uapund NEW ARRANGEMENT AMD New Stock. "JV"OTIIING is so suitable, nothing so -valuable ' or so generally cherished for a gift, as is a GOOD BOOK. Messrs. Bihto & CatiriJT have for sals an assortment of excellent works n plain and in elegant bindings, to which they respectfully invite tbe public attention. (tj'For sale at reasonable prices. July I, IbjO slugs NOTICE. THE Co-partnership heretofore existing bet ween IB.Christ and Jaceso M'Fsnnx.v under the Firm of " Christ M'Fadden" was dissolved the 18th day of June, 1851, by tbe death of Jackson M'Fadden. The business of Ihe Firm will be settled hy L.B.Christ, surviving partner: all persons therefore knowing themselves indebted to said Firm, are requested to make immediate payment ; and those having claims will present them properly authenticated to L.B. Christ for settlement. L. B. CHKIST, Surviving Partner. (j-Le i B. Christ has this 24th day of June 1931, associated with him Georok A. Frick, under the Firm of CHRIST St FKICK, for the transaction of a general Foundry business Lewisburg, Jul; 8, 1S5I .Tr. M oods' Ice Cream Saloon TTAS been sivotm to the late residence of S W Wjkofl", in Fourth street near Market, two doors south of Dr Ludwig's late OfEce.wbere choice ICC Creams will be regularly served hereafter on every week-day evening Mondays excepted. ibe patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. Lewisburg, July 2, 1850 Im .rfw s-m a at rf-aw-v. w -v w e v OJM UKAi.x UKAU1.C.S, a superior article, made and warranted, by Chadwick Blackmail & Co., Livingston Co., N. T., and (or sale by June 2. 1851. D. S. Kremer & Co. 3Iorc Hats! Just received from Philadelphia, a new lot of splendid Hats, comprising Panama, Pearl Union, Leghorn, Luton and China Pearl, all of which we will sell cheap for cash. J. SPYKER & SOX. TEAS THE Canton Tea Compant of New York tbe oldest and largest establishment of the kind in the U. S. invite universal attention to the fact that, from their superior arrangements, they are prepared to sell TVas pur-r snd more fraerant for the ivsnertive prices, than any hoesc en this continent can uniformly do. These Teas combine every eood description and quality; they arr ilone up in parkairp from a quarter of a pound upwarils ; the wrapper next the tt a is a bt-av-y tin foil, eorered with wab-r-proof and ele-ant Chinese pasr, ami are prrf-etfr seeitn-d from lisht and air, so that Us quality is completely preserved in any ctimat. TIm above Tc at .trom ZO cts to $l.'io rts pir pound, Ibr sale by J. HA TES d CO. Dec IS. Bole Agents for Lewismirtr. IUOX a complete assortment just reed by D S Krmeb & Ci T ntE-BURNERS just rccd by Co. Coal a supetior article, D 8 Kiihi & Co. SPRING Steel and Steel Springs large asiortmeut just reed and for sale by 1) 8 KaatsxR & Co. BIBLES and the WewTes- tament A large variety of Bibles and Testaments in EseLisK, Gervjsst and Wucn of large and small rises, and iu every style of binding, may be had by calling at the Store opposite Kline's Hotel in Lewisburg. June 1S.I InaTOK & CaxLratiT. Passengers for the West-Take Notice. rtX and after June 1, ISM, a DAILY LINK of roarhi v' will leave Italston In connection with the ears from vTilltamsport, fr-r Klmira. The proprietors have placed good teamn ami Troy coaches witli ean-ful drivers on tbe route, and the Travelling Public may rest assnrvd that no pains will be spared to make them comfortable; and they will also have the advantage on this route of connectini; with the dinVrent trains on tbe X. York k Eric Kailrond. A car will leave Wiliiamsport (daily.) at 'A o'clock, 1. M. ; arrive at Knlston at 7, P. M. ri-main all nl-;ht. Leave lialston at S A. M.; Arrive at Elmira at 3 I. M., where passeneers can take tbe evening train fir Dunkirk, or a train for Geneva, or a train for New York city. Passen ger will be receipb-d throuj-h only by tbe Agent on Uie ear. Fare, $.1,.'i0. Dietnnrs ,5 miles. Wmsrort, June 23, 18S1. ACT! ! B0TNVS, 2mo. U. B. IIAMILT-IN, rroprictors. Lumber ! rrilfE subscribers having renewed their stock witu a cnoice lot ot l.tllliucr, now oiler for sale at their YARD (fronting the German Iieformcd Church) in assortment comprising 1 inch Ronrda 1 Common and Pannel Boards lVinih do Yt-llow Tina do. I hitik V,i and inch Hirer Pine. do do SiiLrar Viilley Pine. ct-artlln?, and Thie snd Ilrmlock Joists. Itoorinir Litth. anil tviiili Ijirh. Joint abilities, 51 inch aud t foot. Ijip do 'I fi.it, various prices. do do larei-. Sitsar Valiry. 3 ir.efi Ttuttnnwoisl I'lauKs, for Stair Rallinffs. Ac. rValltlin? Iiir rleiliostii. i'opbu Tlauks. S-iuare I'ine T.inlier c. c. We are erecting a Kiln on the premises to kiln-dru such lumber as is required. The above will be sold at fair prices for fas or reasonable (not long-winded) credit. Book kept at the residence of Peter Hureh. HUKSH & AMM0X. Lewisburg, April 30, 1S51 y$7 REMOVED. r'PHE Lewisburg Chenp Store has been I removed to the more convenient Store room, recently occupiej by J.Fcrsier, first below Kline's Hotel, where we shall be happy to see our old patrons, and any number of new ones. April 2, 1830 C. E. BOWF.S. 1 sTalwiT- LRS- of H AMS for sale by JJUV -ya. c.E. bowes. 1000 LBS. ot 'SHOULDERS for salebv C E. BOWES. A Cf LB3- of CHEESE for sale by HlAJ J C. E. BO IV ES. J. SPYKER & SON HAVE removed their Hat and Cap establish ment lo the central and commodious room on Market street, lately occupied by S.F.Lyndall, two doors east ol their old stsnd.wbeie they have received and are now opening a large assortment of Fashionable HATS "d CAPS of the newest style and best quality, freh Iroiu the Easteru Cities; comprising a select lot of EXTRA MOLESK1X ll.i T. St. i. do. do. XO. L SILK do. and a fur) supply of Angola. White Beaver, Gutta Prrcba, Pearl, Kough and Keady, Fur and Beaver Hals, Chiiiircn't Fjnry E-'imr Hits with Oilrieh Plumes, Panama. Leghorn, Braid, and Stiaw Hats, inclu ding all kinds for children, Jenny Lind and Blue Military Caps, Children' Fancy Caps, Good Silk Hats for $1,50, Cash. Also, II ata of their own manufacture constantly on band. Fiotn the cheapness, variety and supeiior qua lity of their goods, and the fact that their lime and attention are devoted exclusively to this particular branch of business, they ate persuaded that pur chasers from both town and country can be belter suited here than anywhere else iu " tbe three counties." tVUive os a call ! No charge for eismiuing our stock ' -S I N. B. Bonnet, also Panama, Leghorn, Braid and Mraw Hats, bkached and trimmed over at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable term Lewisburg, April ii, lsol To Carpenters and Builders. T7INE3T quality cast steel Panel Saws, Com. 1 ' pas and Back nawa, dble and single Plane Bills, Turner's Chisels, Augers and Auger Bills, upright Kim Locks, porcelain Knob Locks, carp enter's ltiui Locks, Thumb Lalcbes. Abutter Bolts, Hinges, and Screws, and everything that ia of consequence in tbe building line, can be had at the old stand of J. HAYES & CO. FRESH SUPPLY OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, nam: u Mil of its . l inae of km Scarce tad Jlara 'M MvtvilM. Indian Roots and Bark, which bo ohCT awwytdtctgw pnimni. Thmm fth mmim. tnm fsirlHni 'if U 0o that war umtr Jmdmn or whtU mum. and thi SarsapariJla, Tallow Dock, CHIHY AND SASSAfSAS BAIstS. take this TewetaMw Extnaet, mat only Blwww Pwrlaer, but mitt, a cawapwr area! mddm Utan any otber. It ia tammw. aa(i( of u that aaay bs bouah! far Dm Dtilaar wtn kwa Msch leeer, and will cure Teat Tlwsl moce BtsasV Sieue. iliaa tm lMUa9 worth of aay osasr sdiilsst t gV" fu. undoubted proof at Ite Omm of Scrofula, Ferer-Sorea, ttaU-HmU, s.i.ftt, fatt-Httmrn, Win if ll I I Is, . ErmpUmu. Pimrta m Ske Eacm, Llywrawsplaisila. Pun, IjvIw tioiiin VUmn. C lv , aWe w DnKssb, fut. aw au, am, H S Jmintt. mmJ h l uTHSa iMrcaa-BuMO Diskases. ave eae Ham HULL IS ami asasWls every Ageat ksa asast as aivw away. Agents Dr Thornton and J Baker. Lrwns burg ; (J W Kessler and Konhong St Antia. New Berlin ; Jn M Taylor, Mifflinburg ; 8 J Cruoea. Melinsgrove; H N Backhouse, Middlebarg; O it F C Moyer, Freeburg ; J H Caslow, MUtoo 369eowch$4) EDDES ft. IDDIXOS have just rec'J and X ere now selling at unprecedented L 0 IV" PJilCES, an extensive and general assortment of DRTG00DS, QUEENSWARE, IIARD- Ware, Fro.'-L Groceries, Cetltirware, and every other description of goods usually kept in country stores. Their customers and tbe public generally are solicited to esll and price their un rivaled theap stock of goods before making their purcha-es, as we are determined to sell at LOW Lightning Rods. THE awful calamities that every City, Town, Village and country falls victim to annually, thro' ihe pros neglect of its inhabitants, ia beyond calculatioo.especially whew the remedy ia so easy la obtain this is found ia railage's Patent IHagrttlir Cigljt ning Hobs, and in this alone. This rod has been examined by Ihe mo scientific gentlemen in the world Pro fessor M'Murtrie, Johnson, Wallor, and many others that have examined them, recommend aed speak of them in the highest term of sppribauoax and have pronounced them the only safe rod as in use in this or any other country fur tkt Droit. tiim of Lite and Property. One advantage is t divide and throw back a part of the electric fluid harmless to the clouds, this is in lime of a stroke, ihis enable the rod to conduct that portion af fluid that belong to the earth without the slitlU est danger of leaving ihe conductor. This red ha) many other advantage over the old one. The patentee take pleasure in informing hi) friend and the public in general that after many years' close investigation and nuovwroua expert menu he ha arrived al the true principle of pro teciing Families. Dwelling and property from the deatructive influence of LIGHTNING SAMUEL HOOVER. Hart let on. Union Co Pa., Agent for L'aiost and adjoining counties. 6m37l New Spring Goods ! AT the Old Stand of J. Haves St Co. is to be found one ot the best assort ments of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, queensware, Hardware, Ac. thst is to be scared up in all the region round about. "Seeing is believihg.' aay a the old proverb.and if you have any doubts ER PRICES than Ihe same style and quality of cd" anu "amine lor yourselves. W0 want- goods are sold at any other atore in this county. ; to retain all our old friends, and pain as . I sr We invite especial attention to our large many new ones as possible. We shall try Ladie Dres ; to "dew i" by selling Goods, cheap. J. HAY tS At CO.. 100 LLiS. of FEATHERS for sale by C. E. BOWKS. 20 DDLS, of FISH for sale bv C. E. BOWES. Look Here ! AS spurious BRANDRETH PILLS are sold by many Druggist in city and country, it would be well if person in inquiring for them would make them produce their V ertiji- eate or Aginct. A there l but one Agent appointed for each city or town, (no difference how large the place.) and all Agents ran produce their Certificate, any persons wanting the genu ine fills nail better purcnase wnere uey can depend on getting tbe genuine article. J. UAibS ot bU. Sole Agent for Lewisburg. NEW GOODS! Boots aud Shoes, ROOKS AXD STATIONERY nHE undersigned has just received from I the City of Philadelphia, a full and choice assortment of Boots and Shoes of the latest and most an proved styles, amonj which are Men's fine Uall.lvip and Morocco Lioots Confjrcss Gaiters. Morocco and Calf Clay Ties, Kin Brogans and Morocco Slippers. Ladies fine Gaiier9, Jenny Linds and plain Buskins, Lace Boots, Excelsior Ties and Slippers. Boys' Calf and Kin Bonto, Calf and Mo rocco Clav Ties, Call and Kip Brogans. Misses' Gaiters, Calf and Morocco Lace Boots, Kid and Morocco Buskins. Children's Gaiters, Morocco and Calf Lace Boots and Shoes of every description. Also, a choice selection ol iCIassical and Common School Ci'ifcy Books. Sunday School Library Books. Hymn Books, Bibles, Testaments, Portfolios, Monats, BlanK books, faper, Slates, Metallic fens, &c. &c. The above Goods have been selected with much care and purchased at such rates that thev are offered very low for ready Cash. Tbe public ere respectfully invited to call and exam ine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. The subscriber also continues Ut MAKE TO ORDER, Boots and Shoes of every description, for which all kinds of Country Produce will be taken in exchange. rrl'Tbankful lo hi friend and customers and tbe public generally for the liberal support here tofore received, he hope by strict attention lo bis business to merit and receive a' continuance of the same. J0HS WVWTW. Lewisburg, May o isoi Winfield Woolen Factory, near Hartlelon, Union Co. Pa, THIS establishment is now in the best order. The Machinery being nearly all new, and none but the best of Work men cmplovrd, the subscriber feels safe in saying that his work shall not be surpassed by any establishment ia (his or the adjoin ing counties. 1 lis Wagons will be around as usual, and those wishing to patronize his estab lishment, will please avail themselves of that opportunity to do so. C71 have also on hand, and inlend keeping, a choice assortment of GOODS! which 1 will sell low for Cash, or exchange for wool and Country Produce generally MARK HALFPENNY". May 3. 1851 stock of Cloths and Cassimerc: Goods. Vc. iVc All kinds of CorTT Panares wanted, for which Ihe highest matkrt price will be siven. PL ASTER, SALT and PISH always on band at the lowest prices. April 10, lo5l. GEDDES St IDDING3. MUSIC! .. E. FRANCIS J. GESS.NER would res pectfully inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of LewUburg and vicinity, that he has lakrn rooms in tbe dwelling-hou.-e of .Mrs, Ludsttg, on Market street (entrance at the Matkct St. doors.) where he is prepared to give Iusttuclions on tbe PIANO, GUITAR, ? VOCAL MUSIC, and also to give instruction in acquiring the German Language. Mr. Gxssxa is lately from Bellefonte, where he has been engaged for nearly two years in teaching Ihe above branches, and has given entire satisfaction to patrons and pupils. Lewisbu g, April 12, 1S51 Lewisburg, April 1 WHOLESALE and RETAIL,, DRUG Summer Goods! Just opening, a select assortment of SILKS. BLACK CUT GRENADINES, CRAPE TISSUES. I-Vd SUMMER POPLINS, BORAZE DE3 LAINES, Lawns, &c &c. With a full assortment of QUEEtiSWARE, FHESH GROCERIES, Ac. to be had at the old stand of J. HAYES & CO. Horse-Shoe Stall Rods. E Ton of Centre county Horse-Shoe Nail Rods of the best quality, just received snd for sale by J. HAYES fc CO. Fish. t T ACKEREL, Shad, and Herring Just reed IVL nd for sale by J. HAYES fc CO. 'HREE Tons of Duhcannon NAILS and SPIKES just reed and for sale by J. HAYES & CO. s ALT and COAL always on hand and for ale by J. HAYES ft CO. T)T , "NTT" CJ for Justices,Consta DJUIIN JVO b!es,&c.,oo hand at the Chronicle office, or printed to order. Executors' notice ATOTICE is hereby eiven. that the Rec J. isier of Union county, has granted to ' the subscribers. Letters I esUmrntary on the last will and testament of Gen. AUUUT GKEE.V. lite of the borough of Lewisburg, deceased. All persons owing said estate, will make payment ; and those having claims against the estale will present them properlv authenticated for settle ment. JOHN WALLS, JOSEPH GREEX. THOMAS HOWARD. Lewisburg, May, 1831 LE7iSDUR6BAfERY. THE subscriber hiving commenced the baking bosines in Lewisburg, nearly opposite H. P. Shel let's store, intends keeping constantly on hand tbe ben of FANCY CAKES, together with a good supply of Common Cakes, and BREAM which for whiteness and quality will bo surpassed by no baker in the country, as we have the services o! a practical workman. In connection ith our Bakery, we have an FARMERS and persons from tbe country will find tha Bakery a convenient and pleasant resort for the purpose of obtaining refreshments, such as Bread, Cakes Pica, Oysters. Hot Coilee, dec. dec. Also, FLOUR for sale. A. E. DENORMANDIE, AU Lewisburg, Dee. 1850 Fancy Goods, Notion & Variety Stortv r ljttc undersigned would resps ctfully anjo)fj X 'o his friends in Lewisbv rg and the pvUiw generally, that he has just received and b ettU receiving a large, fresh and well eelrclrd stock af Pure Drugs, Medicines, Ac. "htwi11 be ai"P0,,, f T Whnleml, or Retail. Ms stock briii- ww. pnrehased and arksrlrd bv mvwU im tha rniukieiphu an.1 rw i.k aaarlurtf, at l..w raio lor ask. th.-rSrc mr friends may rely upon mting rvervtMnsj tm "J lfae pure in.1 at niucb Wwer raUs Uaa avvr oBand aa Nortucrn PeUDy!tanut ail eousiats ia part of Drusp, Chemieah, Paints. Varnishes. Glass,. Vye S!uJT&. Patent Medicines, Per funs, ery. Fancy and KiJion. Goods, Fruits and Confeetioneni. aTro tbe ftrt nnsliir er LFQUOBS warrcsslv tar MsSVi. aal. Saerami-ntal amt JlcrhaakaJ porp. 9..ll ..nters auteU to me will he prjnMhatrsxls to. m. mj menu, aaay n It upon all ajtidi. porrbssasl ftrsa woe tnrr, enure satisftwtk.n, or ret am Ma at saw rwrnw. Hi-Ttee tea B th. bum..,, ,w4. e r-ersi iX,-fS?2Siu" -- twisbnrg, April 14, 1S51. f W. SOHA1TLX. B INNS' JUSTICE, new edition, can be I Ui I I.yndsll'i Bookstore, in thit plif, Old Newspapers, SOME thousands in number, of all sixes, for .sale al the Chronicle office, at SO cts per 100 taken as the run, or SI when assorted. A chance for Scrap Books as well as for wrapping paper. April 8, 1850 POCKET Cutlery eonaigriiiaet It U itc at. Dirks Bowies. &e. Toe, d swisjg, fine and pocket ConitM- PisaoU. pouches, powder flask, perenseinn rape, powdewv hot, &C. &c psas-rir im p- Monnates, purses, Ate. Also, Flunk, lasniass, oil and laid lama, in variety, which art) eOnee very cheap. In addition- to the above, tobaceav cigar, snuff, ftaits, eonfeetionary. pataax asesH cine, dyeing materials, varnial.ee, oils. Banal, mirror plates, trasses, supporters, syrlugsw, skew together with- en estemive variety of arUcJea lett numerous let mention for sale at C. W. SCHAFFLPJ. Baltimore Printing Ink Manufactory. THE snhscriber. agent fet ihe sat of this tail woohJ invite the attention of printer lit publisher of newspapera in the South to ibe tWrt. that ihey can now pu-cha. in Baltliwose sac, rior Ink lo any manufactured lo the Siai. tv. . " " ? ''rspspwr frntere nrstVr it to an. other Ink. Colored ink. card jrf, "A N excellent assortment of Avon. Florence J Braid, China Pearl and Tulip Bonnets J Lewisburg, April JOj 1850 Braid, China Pearl and Tulip just, opened snd for sale br i- Afrit 3 i- HATES ic CO. ink and New ink of superior euality wjsj t imm r.,. i.w uuuersigBjea warraaia tk in very k made at ibe Balim:re works -ry best quality, and should a srtirW .k-T by him fail to gi 11 satisfsctloa it can be tJm 5ed atM.Tpww. WM. THOMsKHf S3s No. 6 Carroll HaH. pSJS. . a