i m LEWISBURG CHEONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. A Curious Hirtoricil Fact. ' Some LundreJ years ago, a nuinW of llic Professors of the E linlmrg Uuiversity attempted to publibli a work which sIiouM Ic a p-rfect spi-cimeri of tyiKigrajiuical ac curacy. Every prrciution wis taken to secure the dVsirvd result. Six experi enced prof rcal"H wcie employed, who devoted hours to the reading of each page, ani after it was thought to Je pwf.-cf-, it was passed np in the hall i.f the University, with a uotilicatiou that 50 would be paid to any person who could di.eovcr an error. Each page was suffered to remain two woeis in lb j pi ice wi.e-es it had been pasted, before the work w.ts printed, and the I'rofesFors thi uglit th y had attained the object for which they had been striv ing. When the work was issued, it was dicovered that several errors had lioon committed one of which was on I lie first line of the first pare. If a case of this lind should occur after all the precautions which had been used, after full and ample time had been given for a thorough and correct reading, and that by day-light, carpers at errors in morning newspapers .should have some little excess for those who are. compelled to read proofs at two or three o'ebx-k in the morning, and then in u burrv, in order not to miss the mails. Maidenhood. There was a lime when 1 couM jflr-t If any liiau was :,atd to l.ive rite, t'tMild iau"ii in tport at rniJi datis. Nor llui'l thai passion c-r rould move nie. I smiled, oijnrl'.f J with them all. Sent bristliest glnnrps frm my eves, Yet if ilii. iii'-tnn c'or a popped I bluslii d in auger and surprise. That one eoiiM tl ink I e'er shoull wed While yuli and lieeilmn (lill were mine, And men ot talent Time and weillli Were tliirli an hops, upuii the vine. And thus I plaved alone lif-'s road, .or deemed lliat OliformV shore toijlJ ever draw the Im-suk away. To fi t I ur winning charms no more ; That they by water and hy land should start to reek the golden mine. As, in the chilly autumn days The hop flowers drop from eflTlhe vine. And now in weary maidenhood A I ni; a tedious path I move There' no roijnctiiitg sport for m, Ao tender looks, or words of lovo. I ghoulitn't rare for I am not ro old, tint that I might he older If men were still as plenty now As when my enreloa heatl was colder. U til ill. mull T now micht find me one W'nrih having, still, among the lieaux. Vet let me smile, and play, and sing, Do all I ran he wont propose. I'm wand'ring in a lonely road I'll chance my life, if I but could I'ur ii a dreary, cheerier path. This life of lioiieless maidenhood. I.in't get tip?y; don't swear; don't pa inm'w. tobacco; don't quarrel with your friends; don't fancy yourself the nicest or the. handsomest man in Christendom; don't despise the poor; don't condemn rny one unheard; don't slrikc a man who is beyondsyour reach; tloiCtf'iryt to jtny tlie jiiitr; now don't! It is generally beliived that Cowpcr v.as a freemason, as he wished to erect "a bulge in some vast wilderness." Sheridan gives tho fallowing humorous definition : Irishman a machine con verting potatoes iuto human na'ure. Under the new law, Postmasters whose compensation dues not exceed -00 a year, aic al'owed lo send and receive tree, all letters written by themselves, and all com irriniealions on their own private business, welshing not over half an ounce. They can aUo frank letters to publishers ol newspapers, containing money fir subscrip tions of the names ol subscribers. On Friday, 18th ult., the dwelling house if Mr Win. Abbott, on the Plains, near 'ilistnn, look lire and was totally con sumed, most of the furniture however, was rescued from the (lames. The building was but lightly insured, rendering the loss considerable. The Providence Journal suggests that as postage is lower on pre-paid letters, person who writs on their own business, requiring an answer, should enclose a pos tage Kl.itnp in the letter. Tins will lend to make payment more general. By ihe late Census, the population of London was nsoer'ained to be 2,363,141, of which 1.104 356 were male, and I.25P, 75 females. Jn lU, it was 1,914,309, of which ! 12,000 were males, and 1,030 UC8 females. We have Iteen informed that a young lady restrl ii' near I Mtslon, a lew days since, killed a li attic Snake which was found to have imb!l:d twenty-four young 'uns of the same species. A heroine, in deed. In Onondag coun'y. New York.tobsieco is slid to be cultivated with much success. und has been yielding the very handsome profit of 8100 iter acre. About a thousand acres devoted to the culture of the plant Some paw-paw wood and n accidental deposit of boii iron were found near Chili roilie, embedded in blue clay, 40 leet below the surface, and discovered in digging a well. An English piper announces tho mar riage of Charles Cat, Kq , ol Brighton, to M.iry Ann, daughter ot the late Hen. Mew, '. , of Newport, isle of Wight. An American sailor, was arrested in Mintanzas, last week, for whipping tm fpanMi soldiers? The authorities put t.im in fhe stocks. . The most tender hearled man we ever aw was a fhoenmkrr, who always shut ins eyes and whistled, when he ran his aw l into a sole. Iceland is a bleak place; but there is a '.'rcet in N-Yrk city, north ol Houston, hir.h is K'ttktr. What rnd docs a printer come tot To !ic cud of bis copy. Jfc Insurance. KEYSTONE Mutual Life Insurance Comp any of Harr sbur &, !'., has guarantee capital of $75,0(10 Local Audit, Lewisburg H.C.Hicao.. , Medical Eiatuinaf do W. Litsta.M.D, BOOKS. IIMN'TF.D wiih clear type on gooil paper and id firm and elegant bindings, consisting of STANDARD KEUyjOCS WORKS. Andrew Fulier, complete. Frey sScriptiroTypea,2Y.1,G0 Works, 3 vol,, f '1,0(1 - Mcssialiship CO Ai'l-toln-.ti in.W.itt".tc.4ll!owdl nn the Dcncnnthin 3d UiiDvairsAwakeniiigXVks " Way of Salvation 7o iiiviunr v.l .lams Ch.lrmlT. Oui.le St " It-votional T.'ij " Churrh ia Harnett 50 " I'ilKrin'srrozri l.w'l Call lo Chrotialis 40 Ht-lf War m Liteof Mm.AunlUutlton :S u Sarah H.J udson 00 Lynl on tlw Saci-ilic aud rt'-ntVii IW-ii of (Incf 41 Crnwr-irs clmrrh Memb er s IIstH Ktik r.s ALonrm'-nt fo Otx lliu.Kite.tli.MisTOC.i;M '-if Almost aChriKtian 50 liMiuiiM-U. Ain. " la.Mt-uointof Kt'T.S. I'oarcc 24 OO.VrfOrB.l WORKS. Or. Curwin on Ba tim Jl.M Or.HowrllnnComrnnnion J- II lliutnn - !5 g. Reminston " 6 sniiih oo Infant " 2.V Itfa-ons for IV itilly on l;.i.tiFrn and brramjil-; a Haptiiit t Bth on Bigotry, 20 Ut 2'. B.ittit M.tnual, a Collec rrol.CuruotiCominunion75l lion of Traeta, . 00 riiR cniLPRF.x axd srxoAr-srnooLs. Alenlinl. an Alltrnry fn,e".IS. S. Clranor ltlj 15 lr.B:tlniK-k 'ulalfitorTr-ith-ft.Bot-fonl'a Spiritual Voy-OrBt-Irh'T'sSfripluriTaleaiii ajp, an Alltgory 15 ' on I'optTy 25 Anna Bailey ltt " llaputtnii of I'lertrutHliePraecMakr H ha New Twttaint'nt 2- Kran-i- l-'crlon la Clo5Mig Snw in Lite of Thr Flrl ii'nrtc rerpona 2- Our Savi tr. Itv a Tcher 2i' Srint I'n'oiltMt. a Tort- Father's Appl1- .Inmea antt iteonre M. rnoir of K. M. Way rait tf UniTersaibm 2Ul impio Mttrit-a Ktlie Morire John fink tgrriv W 21 pture xrit-a. ?o.l and y a T neber e and TUB PSALMIST, in Tarions stvlta, $0.."tfi to 1.24 THK IIAKP, " 2a lo U I'll above lor sale in Lrwisburg; at puMicalion pnee, at the store opposite Kline a hotel. 3il B.VKi'O.N & CHALFANT, Xcw and Popular School nook. lOMPKEUEXSIVE Summary of Usivtrsal J liisruBT, to-;cther with a Uiograpli-r of l)i-tinguihed 1 eroon.-, to which is aji-ieuded an epiloaie of Heathen Mythology, Natural Philosophy t.'eneial Astronomy, and Physiology. Ad'tptcd and D-tcd in Ihe Public Srhoold of Philad. E. 8. JOXES & VO., Publishers, S. V. Corner Focrth and Race streets, Phila. fSTeachers and School committees address ing letters to us post-paid will be furnUheJ with cojiiea for eiaininatiou. t"pA full and complete assortment of HOOKS aud STA'IIUXEli Y for sale at the lowest prices lycoqtlgUftHr Map of the Stale of California, OKEtJON, UTAH, NEW MEXICO, and TEXAS, printed by 8. Aug's Mitchell in IS Iti. and painted to correspond with the boun tlarics fixed by (Juncrcss iu 1600 for sale at the Chronicle office, price 25 cts. ygjg Dr. John Locke, SEnST SVRGEOX DEXT1ST, f"A Y be found at his Office and residence llL Third street, near the Cer.Ref.Ch. the two weeks following the fust Monday of each month, where he is prepared to execute all operations in bia line of business in a mauner creditable lo himself and satisfactory to those who may favor him with ibeir patronage. JOHN I.OCKE, D.D.S. f.ewisburg, Ta., May, 1850 fi lot Sale. M fMIAT large and desirable property on L the corner of Market and Water Sts., well situated for a residence, for business, or for a residence and place of business. There is a large BRICK House contain ing 4 large rooms on Ihe first floor, 6 bed rooms on the second floor, and two large finished rooms on the third. A Kitchen and Washhotio adjoins, and it has also a large cement Cistern, a Tump and Well of ood water, and all the necessary out- built'inos. For terms &c. apply to Geo.F.Miller, Ksq. S. K. DAVIS. I-cwisbtirg, Sept. 23, 1850 LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP! J" OOK at Hatfieiii's NEW J STOCK of Hold and Silver Watches and Jewelry, before you buy elsewhere and pay a "leetle too much" because you was not awsre that Hatfield sells cheaper. H..M P. Urerr. wven jtwels Ittol'K $4n.nntosn.0 " do full jeweled le.tolS SH.KI tto.oo " Antli..ritalfll-vine?,jiwl1l 14 tolS So,W 60.0O RiWer P. I-.tis jew. led. 1S.I0 S5.no " An. lH.r an l Upinw. jeweled 10,o0 17.) Oot 1 linpT liiii'j lnre Tarietv fi -o - I -hi- liin.. plnin aud fjgd, latest (tylea .25 5.WI " ivnella and Puis !.") " !Vn.i! l. ' u Vi,. silrer eime. Tiamond polntM 1.W It.o lireaMfinc. l.alt'sanll.eut'r,Uilf'tfetylca .lb 6.HO " llmiliu.' I-K'kei., .loul.le. f 50 liiai - Wat. In hums, Foli and Vast fXO 31. M " Oiinrl do a feet 13.M 15.00 " Ki-r .TS 3.50 .Slier T.We "rid Ten fSjvona l.W l.W Plnii'.l and lierin. Silver Tea and Table Spoons .75 4.oo Silver (nils "SO ..'. - and lir.ld Si-tacles l.0 .75 llniMi-lirki "' l"-'"1 AeeiTth.iia -"0 e.00 And bnndieds of first choice articles, "splendid gondii," just from the 1'ily and as low as City retailers can sell, by A. I.. HATFIELD. I.cwinburc, March 1. 1851 Cctuisburg .ftmnorn T MIE subscriber, thankful for past pat- rnnarre, would inform the public that he continues to manufacture all kinds of Mill Hearing and other Castings. Thrashing Machines, and other articles of Machinery repai red in the best manner. Cartings warranted to l of -.ood material, and at prices that can not fail to please. JAMES S. MARSH. I.ewKlu.g.Feb. 1851 COOKING Stoves, of various patterns and sizes, for Coal or Wood, for sale at the Lewisburg Foundry by James S Marsh. O'lOVKS Parlor, Wood. and Coal O Stoves es, various patterns, for sale at the Lewi.-horg Foundry. James S. Marsh. rnilllASIIING Machines and PLOWS J for sale at the Lewisburg Foundry James S. Marsh. WIAIUl'S Patent Oang Plow, a supe rior article, for sale at I lie Lewisburg Foundry by James . Marsh. AIM or Seed Drills Ross' Patent- decidedly the best and most durable Grain Drill now in use, for sale at the Lewisburg Foundry by James 8. Marsh. Nails, Plaster, Sail and Fish A lakge oriment just ree'd and for sale D S KKEMEK & P. ar.w.to.'.lTT.ssl Petroleum, gROCK OIL, A NATURAL-REMEDY! PROCURED FROM A WFXL IS AI.LEOIfKNYCOPA Four Uui.fi red ft below the KrUi's iurfaccl It is pat up ia Isoltlot. just w it flows from tlie well, without ailinixture of any kinl. It Rets iu innrwlionU from tlie of ruttanrii wliirh H paioiet OTcr ia it or ret rhsn Oi l : they are blriulud ktjiTthcr in such a form u to tlvfy all li u ra a n yniictitiitn. The JHmltum in this reiert is like MINERAL WATERS, whrne virtues in most chronic rhmnic cases arc arknowlriiol not only by physicians but by Ui community at lare. Ihrw siuvular fluids flowinf out from the earth, imprejsnntttl with medicinal snbstaiicrs of iiff. rent rntpt rtwi. and hohlinz Uiem in such complete solution as to require the aid of Chfmitry to dfturt thm, 'r a tuple rooi to the dct th:t they ar cooipoundd by the m vtr hjtnd of Nature for the alleviation of human sulTrnni aud i ea.e. If lVtroleum is a uiwlicine at all. it is a pi-nl niK, for Nature never half does her work. It will ountiuut to be ud and applieil as a lU-mfly,as Ions as man cuntinui-s to I afllit ti with dieate. That it will cure every disease, we do not pretend; !uLlhatit will cure a prr.it niany diM-a..fl mtn rto incurable, is a tact wnirn is proven by tin eTidcuce in its faror. It Uisvery is a new Mra in median?, and will enure to the hvallu aud uappiueet oi uiau. SrROFrLA. The Pvtrnleom is a rreat meiliHne in Scrofula and Kiu?' Kvil in all those diseases originating m a depraved condition of Uie blood and other fluids ol the 1-o-ly. It will cure pniussnd enlargements of the bons and joints. Ulotcbes. ml, h.i-jstn;laa. 1'implcs on the lace. T tier, IScald-htwl, Uinirworm, and the Tarions tfkin di.-ea It has cured numerous ca.c of Rheumatism, Neur al pa, iout- &r. A woman in FraUatlia county, l'a was curffl of a rheumatic alTection or six years' standing: the disease was so sTzraTated as to confine her to her bed dur ing the crentvr part of that time; she if now well, and considers herself entirely restored. RHEUM A TISM yirhlt to tht poitrr of Pttrfum ! I feci mvself under a debt of era tit ude to tlw proprietor of the Petroleum, the use of which great mediein has entirvlv cured my wife of a violent attack of Kheumatism. She had labored uudcr an atLark of tlie disca.e fur atx.nt two mouths, suffering tno inort intense pain; tlie greater iart of the time confined to her led, and unable to do anything. The pain in the limbs was very pre at, attended with a trreat deal of swelling- 1 he fetmleum had a barrv cwect. fr tlie nrt two or tnr'e applications tne swelling diminished and the pain left her. I continued to apply tlie ineticine daily frr alout two weeks, whVh entirely Mteel her, and she is now as well as ever she was in ber lift. I feci cittifideut that the Petroleum is one of the trreat-t medirmci in the world for rheumatic pains and WCllinZ4i. (Hl-jilfKl) TETER rCIIL, Perry SL, Allegheny City. Chronic Congh cared. T take pleasure in rertifyins tn Hie raluaTile properties of Mr. Kwr s r' troienm, lur n atIrtion of tlie bn-ant ana lun-js. 'tompanied with sertx" pain in the chest, and a connli. I tiH.k the Petrolt utrl in lamer diwes than le rec-omni'-nded in the direction, but after Ufcinp it a few days I pot to like it, I should like to have a ttarn-l of It to use (n niv family, for 1 h-'lve it to be a Tamable tnedHne. The Petroleum produml oo unpleasant feelinir whatever iu the ne ot it. 3k. if a i . TitUbur, Manrb 15, 150. TAcTc it wthing tit it fnr JtnmtP Bblutowtie. Feb. 21. 1W0. I cot three dozen of Mr.Kier's Petroleum ot Mr. Howell. and 1 am dioed U think there is nttthintr eijual to it for Burns: havinp burnt my bands, and experting nothing less than a loifr. tetiions Mre. Mit tounti no soreness at an from its only lea vine a red seate. without any soreness when pressed upon, which quite surprised me. 1 therefore have great faith in its efficacy, so far at least, and will introiiuee it in litis section. Very respectfully, Ac. HARVEY MANX Swrix M. Ktr.it, Esq. Dear Pir: I liaTe been confined to my bed over Ave months with Typhoid Fever, and still am in bed. lurinpmv siekuess.my left foot and lep swelled very much, and continue so u'ttil lately ; I tried several remeilirfi. without anv effeet. VI. Itucx called to see me with (ten. 1'uti er, n&l he n-comuieuded me to try your Petroleum, a it h:td wirkei some wndertul cures to nis knowblpi-. I had b-en think tnjr all that day, before he a here, that I would try it: 1 inline I iately sent my n. pf ew, Iir. J. W.Svowien (the lieari-r of this note) to the drtip-ton. and pot a little, an 1 applied some that nu'ht to the sores, end the nxt mornin; vou could see a mnrhff flijfmtof. in the ft, and has oni n ied so ev -r sinv. I can ssre you it operate! almost like a cluirm 1 never saw anythinp heal like it in my hi'. I want a small itiantitv yet toeff.'et a perfect cure: vou will please b t the biwtrer have some and he will pay you lor ine. same. cry respecuuiiy your in nn. ALEX. SCOTT. For sale wholesale an J retail by C W Schjifplk in Iewisburg for sale uUo by Dr Thornton and J Baker For the Ladles. JVSiT rrcrived a choice selection of Ilomza Deslainea. Manlilla silks. Silk lace &c &.C at the old stand of J. HAVES & CO. FRUIT TREES. PERSONS desirous of obtaining choice Fruit Trees sucli as varieties of the Peach, Pear, Plum, Cherry, and Apple will do well by calling at the Lewisburg Nursery next trcck, as the subscriber is receiving upwards of 1500, ol large sizes and choice varieties. April 1, 1851 II. R. NOLL. MEDICAL NOTICE. T. A. II. THORNTON offers his professional services to the citizens of Lewisburg and vicinity, in thevarious branches of his profession. Residence Temperance Hotel. Office Drug Store, one door above the Mammoth Store of J. & J. Walls. Lewisburg, Oct. 1, 1850 THE SUMMER SESSION or THE LEWISBURG ACADEMY, "IT'ILL commence on MONDAY, Ihe 5ih 1 J ol MAY next. In this Institution, all the blanches of a thorouh Academic course will be tauht- I'he Primary Department will receive due attention ; and exercises in Composition and Declamation will be required of the larer ncms bers of the school. The discipline of the Insti tution, as heretofore, will be directed mainly to the formation of systematic habits of atudy, as the best and only permanent means of securing order and progress among ihe pupils. The sub. scribcr feels gratified at Ihe liberal support which has thus far been given him by an intelligent public, and he believes that the best return he can make it, is to seek to lead the youth, placed under bis care, to the acquisition of sound, unos tentatious learning. 1 he average number in attendance during the last year was 45, being a considerable increase over any previous year. A short Vacation will be given near the middle of the session. I'khmv per Session of 20 weeks: For Common English 6, Higher English $, Languages $10. J.0. RANDOLPH, April S. 1851 I'rine'pat ip. T. A. M. TIHMGOINI, Masjut St. Letobcbo, WHOLESALE fc RETAIL DEALER IK DrUKS,Medlcine,henilcal8,Dye- atulu, Uils, olass. Perfumery, Confectionery & Fancy Articles. Dr. Thornton returns his thanks for the liberal patronage which he hat received, and he assures the community that every attention shall be paid to the compounding of Medicines, and that all Drugs shall be fully tested before they are offered tor sale, and warranted to be pure and genuine. 13? Prescriptions given free of charge at Dr. Thornton's Drug 8 lore. Remember lo call at the old stand, first door above the Mammoth Store of J. & J. Walls. STOVE WARE-ROOM, Nearly opposite H. P. Shelter's Store. THE best and most approved COOKING, SHOP, OFFICE or PARLOR Stoves, Ploughs. Castings, &c at low rales, by CHRIST tt FRICK. r Town Property For Sale Cheap. A FULL Lot on North Fourth Stree ou which is a two storey jm Frame House, 10 by 33 lect, frjj. with a pood Cellar under it a la s S I Frame Stable, 16 by 20 an out" KitchtD, and other out-buildings now oc cupied by David biiAMP. Lnquire or DAVID RF.RER, Agent. Lewisburg, Oct. 30, 150. Price Reduced! VAUGHN'S UTHOIITRIFTIC MIXTURE! Large Bottles Only One Dollar. The Proprietor or the Great AnMricaa Remedy Vseoaw's Vboktablb LiTarMrrairrir Mixtvbb." indscod nr ahar orcenl loliautioru of his Agent,, tfanmsbsst IBS United Bislei and Canada, bw now Bedoeed the Price of hu popalw and well known artMle ; and (mm thi, data. hencelertk, ho will pat bp bet one was onlf, hi, uau bottlai: tlw retail pries will bo OIK DOLLAR Tho public mar mt aamrad that tho eharaetor of tho MetK- CU). Its strength, and curative properue, WILL RBHaibi unciiarobd, and the tame care will he bestowed ia pro. panns it a, heretofore. A, Una medicine, nniier iu rodneed price, will bo parchaeed by thote who have not hitherto made Uiemetlve, acquainted with iu virtue,, the proprietor wonld ber to intimate that his article in not lo be classed with the vast amoant of Biacdiss of tlie dar ;" it claims for itself a gremttr aeoisx pewcr, s mil dittaiu. Utmn "V atktr prtparmtum Bee Stftn Lbf world : and has Hsuined itself for eight rears by iu noeriot medical virtue, and, antil this reduction, commanded doBblc tlie price of any other article in thie line. Nt'Tii'B PaBTtccLaBLV, thie article acm with rraslfflll ing power and certainty, apon tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Longs, and all other organs, apes the proper astioa of which Us and health depend. This medicine has a jastly high repate a, a remedy for Dropsy and Gravel, and ail diseases of that natan. It may bo relied apoa when the intelligent physician has abandoned bm patient, and foa these distressing d Meases, more especially Daorav. lbs pi cue wonld earnestly and honestly recommend it. At Ms present price it ie easily obtained by all, and the trial wal pes tho article to bo tho Cheapest Kedicine ia the World ! KW Please ask for pamphlets the axes Is give them away they contain over siiteen pages of receipu. (ia addition so fnl medical matter) valaable for hoaaebold parposoa, and which will save maay dollar) per year to practical bocuckcepem. These receipu are introduced to make tho book of cms valac. aside from iu character a, aa advrtsang medinm fb the medicine, the testimony in favor of which, in tho fon letter, from all pans of the wastry, amy be relied apoa. C7" " Vanghn', Vegetable LiUaontriplie Miitare" th .rent American Remedy, now for sak ia qaan bottle, at each, email bottles at M cts each. No small IP Hies will be issued after the present stock ie disposed of. rriacipal Office. BntTalo. N. Y., S07 Main Street G. C. VAt'CHX. old Whelecaleand Retail hy OI.COTT McKESSUN tt CO.. 127 Maiden Idne. New York City. N. B. All letters (eicepting from agenl and denies, with whom he Iransaeu baainem) mast bo post paid, er no atleatiOD will be given to them fZTUR. UlUKiMlUlN, L.cwi8buri, is General Agent for Union county J.H.Caslow. Agent, Milton ; 1. iiEHnaBT, Svlmsgrove 3yl:: 51 THE NEW FOUNDRY IS now carried on as U8tialt at the UppCr end Of Market street, where everv des- a .asas. sa a - cription of CASTINGS kept on nana or maae to order such as The Complete, or Complete Improved Cooking Stoves for cither Coal or Wood and all other kinds of STOVES, also PLOUGHS of differ- cnt kinds Lorn l louhs, Hull riouchs. and l lie Self-Sharpening Plough, a new article, and which can not be lie a n Pennsy lvania. Cull and sec and judge lor yourselves. CHRIST & FKJCK. Lewisburg, July 8, 1851 TTWIE undersigned continues Ihe LIVE- L RY BUSINESS at the Old Stand, on North Third St.. near Market, and respectfully solicits the patronage of his Incnds and the public generally. CHAKL.ES t. HESS. Lewisburg, May 22, 1850 Tanning Currying. I70U past favors, the subscriber returns his grateful thanks, and hereby makes known that he carries on the business of Tannin? and Currying, at the Old Stand. Determined not to be outdone in the manufacture or finish of his work, he is bound to have the best work men and materials, and to treat those who have so liberally patronized (as well as tnosc also who shall be pleased to patronize wun mat auenuon wn.cn i.e nopes to insure him a full share of public patronage. All kinds Ol 1 roduce taken in exchange. I uiaes and Uark not refused, lor which the I nigncst market price will be paid in cash or in exchange for leather. L. STERNER. March 25, A.D. 1850 MILITARY BOUNTY LAND. mHP. a -- -""vi.iuba w i'iuviucu wuu an tne i X necessary forms and papers, and will take efinrp-n. nn iho rami ,i...n..kl. . p w7 r "" -"' -, i oi any claims tor BUrUNTlt LAND. EXTRA i a i or rr..vctuo mat may be placed in bis u.uu.. num ppiicaiiona, alter being duly prepared here will be forwarded to (Tn..,.. nsiai.. Esq, an efficient and response M A at Whington city, who will present them in person (without extra charge) to the proper De. partment an arrangement ensurinaaccoracvan despatch. h C HICKOK Lewisburg, Jan 89, 1851 3m NOVELTY IRON WORKS. i "wiwuHicm uos just cuiiiiiieiiiara operation, and is prepared to manufac. jure Steam Engines and Boilers, Blowing Axle, Rolling Mill eastings, Grist and Saw Mill easlinge, Horse Power Threshing Machine and now castings, Uast Iron Fronta for Houses, cast Coupling and Railing Patterns, and Smithwork nau. to order. J. R. JONES. Harriaburg, Ps. Apt i 9, 1 85 1 3m Stone Coal for sale. To niacksmlllis. "niTUMINOUS COAL, from the West II Branrli and from Hollidaysburg, for sale at the Simp of the subscriber, near the Ilayscalcs on 1 bird bt. ALif.A tt AW UWlHO. Lewisburg, May 7, 1850 rain drill 0. THE undersigned wish to inform the forming community generally, that they are now manufacturing J. P. ROS'Xrwh Improved GRAIN DRILLS, or SOWING M AVIUM. Without stopping to discuss the compara tive merits of numerous Drills now offered for sale, thev merely wish to invito Farm ers to call and see the above named article before purchasing elsewhere, feeling conh- dent that they can furnish an article that will give entire satisfaction. ROSS, GEDDES & MARSH. Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, 1850. UNIVERSITY at Lcwisbiir?. CIRCULAR for the Academical Year com mencing Oct 17, 1850. m COURSE OF STUDIES. Primary Department. Exercised in SocHinir. Reading, Definition, Enclirih Grammar. Arithmetic, Geography, HU- tory t'.S.A Penmanship and Composition. English Department of the Academy. The fame studies as in the Primary Dcpartm't continued in the use of larger text books; and to these are added General History, Algebra, Legen dre, and Elements of Surveying. Classical Department of the Academy. Term Junior A cauem ic clan. I. English Grammar, Latin Grammar, A nib me Lo (two iivifiinfi.. liWMrriiiihv. - ii. The Mtac rtutlies u iii i. Ttrm. ami Penmanship. Kujrlif h flmnintmr. Caar, Arithtn'tir rtimplt'inl hy lot dWi-jion-vim-k ram mar, iiistury tS-A Pen- mouuliip, ltxrk-kfpiu. Senior Academic ehix. CtrtRT, Greek Reader, Algt-bra (Elenw nt.) jftni'M, do lo Jo do do y.mpVtM. Gene ral Ilixtnrr. Knp1ih Lanfiin ani ComiKieition. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMEMT. Freshman class. Entrlish Ijuipuage and'C'onipotjition, Algebra, Liry, Aiial'a."i!. rin iftm'trr, I.iry, Analaii5. l'tmif, Si'lia and Spherical Uevont-trj complctt-d, Li tj, AnabaMiff. Sophomore tlasx. Ilnraee, Odymtey. 1'lane and Sphrriral Triffonnmtry. do do M-niuration. Survey in.X.ivi'MtiMn. do rrmi'lftt-i. Select irntinid of lh.mosUicu, lihetoric, Analytical Geometry. Junior dux. Dcnuvtlncn on the Crwn. rirro d Off.eUf,TMe- rhanicM, Iiydnctaticft. and Ilylraulin. Df'uutfthfneH on the Crown, i.iwro ile offlciin enm-l-lrted, lieiiuiatii'eS Acuustiot, Elrclrk-ity, Mnne tim, and Mpttrft. Cireik Trag.-dy, Tacitan, Astronomy. Senior class. lpic, Natural Theolopy, InU IlWtoal Pliilfvysnphy. lirerk. Political odouiv, Moral I'hiloitophy. Itiitier'a Analojry. Omiitntif.n of U. Chemistry. in. ir. in. i. ii. in. Isectureji. lie ueral Keviewff. No class in the Keeular Course has less than I three daily recitations. Every Saturday forenoon is I dcTOled exclusively to Vocal Music, Declamation, I ami Mit!nr) tasIisl a risi rtr'i n ntt I Pftmnniilinna The students are required to attend, regularly. some religious meeting. Minors are expected to attend such meetings as are recommended to them by their parents or guardians. There are in the borough no less than six places of public worship, of as many different Christian denominations. Text Rooks. Fnntitk Istvnwtnt nmt Khmttinm. The WW. rrtcr'i Rhetorical Header, Worurtder'A or Welr-Wr'a lk-U'nary, UuIIh n Kncli-li iramniar. Ia.ki-rH InvTi-KniTe Kxerri- w! in Kn jlili Cmixition, 1'arker's Aid, Blair's Lectures (L'nmr"ity Edition.). lAiun uivgtta'if. iiniiioTi mirjimmar, ifuinon n ii?aiierT fTrctt'ii U siin, ltuIlii nVr.-var. Si hmitx and umpt's Viriril. Lincoln l.iw. Antlion's Ilinic, Thar her t Cicero d' ofllrii.. Tyler' Tacit uh Germnnia et Airricttla. t,rr'k isTHywiir, liulJion pttrauimar. IuIlion i l.cadcr, Udd'll A Scott' laexicon. Owen's Xrndi'lion'n An:.h:uii-, thren's lli-inr tM5ey, Cliami'lin's iKiuosihenes, link's ClaMicaJ .llnnual. Mittkrmattrs. Pavics' Aritlinrtic fr Aradi mics, Tlcm tnt.ry Alip-hra. ltoimlon. Iif n-lrc. Surrey i hit and Navi ti"ii.An:dvtica1 li.-mttry. 4 tlm.-tHl s Natural PhiIusoihy U-reulyitd.) Olmsted's Astronomy. IV umber or Students. The number of students during Ihe past year in the various Liepartments, was 17-f. ine Collegiate classes already organized for the ensu ing year, are the following : penmr class ... Junior class - - - 14 ophomorc class - - 10 freshman class - 19. .aH Teacherc. FTEriTEV W. TAYLOK, A. Prof, of Mathematics id Natural Phil"S"phy. CKOKGK U. DLlSd, A.M- Prof, of Greek LanLma iUKj iiivniiun'. i K HMiK W. ANDERSON'. A.M, Trot of Latin Larnni.vn bdJ LiltTjiture. ISAAC N. IlOMIS, A.M.rrinHpMoftlie AnvVmy. ALI'I'.KI) TAVLDIL A.M, Tutor in the Enirliah ln. puau aud Elocution. nulldings.Llbrary and Apparatus. 1 be Academic edifice now occupied bv the members of the University, has been erected, at an expense of SSmKI. and it is adnrM to arwmmoilate 1M fltmlrnti. AnothpreUilirifi nearlr cniurili-ti.l- .mi cxpi-ctiil to be rt'uily nr rwupancy at the euiumt-'ncemi'lit VI lllf Ut'Xb ITH1 INT. li, inOII. The Library eniibiins a number of select volumes, and is constantly increasing. Chemiral Apparatus ha Wn procured sufficient to snpply the imuioli.-ite di nmnd. The Apparatun tor the illustration of Mechanical l'hilodophy, is now complete. Tuition and Board. Tuition in Ihe Collegiate Department SCm Academic 20, I'limary $12 per vear. Board, including lodeine, washinir. fuel. anJ ight, can be had in the village and its vicinity at various prices, from $1,50 to $2,50 per week. Arrangement are in nrarrcM to furnish n.i i SeVL iti i : per week. g ucl1 " my Sessions and Vacations. Two Session, in the ye.r-the 7o7me, em. menees on the 3rd Thursday in October and continues weeks ; the latter 1 nureuy-,oln """y. nd continues 14 weeks, Spring ycat'n, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 8. j in ueuau oi me Board: I MUMAS WATTSON, Prea't. GEORGE F. MII.T.F.D Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. 8ept. 1 , 1 850 IT IS A FACT, . . , - sj I nt' 8Ci'-ev!dent, and worthy of every J consideration, that no Miller ran mnlrn . . . : MKau "our wunoui no has good C ean "neat. suppose you Wish to know the remedy. 1 tell you it Is to cet one of n i-t . . b 1 Marhinol H L' .r mut Mach.,ncs- . H be.ng on old, practical and e3tDe"eCed Millwright has invented, got P ttniJ Put in Successful ODeratinn lh hout Wheat Scourer now in use. Anv noeanr. Orderintr a machine and artr,re. that it does not prove to operate as repre- M.I.J .1 1 ? . . ' emeu, mere 8nau oe no sale, as these ma- chilifa nrn tn Ka ,....j e...i recommenaations are thought unnecessary. He is now having a supply made at Lewis, burg, by Messrs. Geddes & Marsh. Orders promptly attended to. Machines will ho sent and put to all orders. Address J. BERGSTRESSER, Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. 320 NOTES Promissory, Judgment, and Joint Notes (blanks) at this office. AX0TI1ER XCIF.STIFIC WoyDEB I PEPSIN: The true DIGESTIVE FLUID or GASTRIC J L ICE a great Dyspepsia Curer ! Prepared from Rennet, or the fourth stomach of the Ox, after directions by Baron Liibio, the great physiological chemist, by J.S.HocvhtosT, M.D., No. 1 1 N. 8th St. I'bitadetyhia, I'a. A TRULY wonderful remedy (tt Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liter Complaint, Constipation and DcbiUtu, curing after Nature's own Drocera. bv Naturc'a own agent, the Gastric Juice. fXj-llalf a teaspoon fu I of this fluid.infuseJ in water, can digest or dissolve Five Pounds of roast beef in about two hours, out ot tne atomacn. Ditrestlon is chiefly performed in the stom ach bv the aid of a fluid which freely exudes from the inner coat of that organ, when in a state of hcalib, called the gastric juice. J his fluid is Ihe great solvent of the fxxiihe purifying, preser ving and stimulating agent or tne siomacn anu intestines. Without it there can be no digestion, no conversion of food into blood, no nutrition but rather a foul, torpid, painful and destructive condition of the whole digestive apparatus. I'cpwiu is the chief element or great digest ing principle of the gastric juice. It is found in great abundance in the solid parts ol the human stomach after death, and sometimes causes the stomach lo digest or eat itself up. It is also found in the stomach of animals, as the ox, calf, cVc. It is Ihe material used by farmers in making cheese styled Rennet, the eject of which has long been the special wonder of the dairy. Curdling Of milk is the first process of digestion. A call's stomach can curdle nearly one thousand limes its own weight of milk. Baron Liebig states, "one part of Pepsin dissolved iu sixty thousand parts of water, digests meat and other food." Diseased stomachs produce no good Gastric Juice, Rennet or Pepin. To show that this want may be per fectly supplied, we quote the subjoined SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! Baron LI Kill., in his eel.-hrated work on Animal Che mistry, says: "An artinrial Ui'.'mtiTe fluid, analagous to thi'iatrif Juire.may be rvadily prepared from the mucous aicmbraa of the stomach of the calf, in which earious Artirl of food, aa meat and ejrs. will lie softened and diirwt.'d in the same manner as in the human stomach Hr. IIKKKIKA.in his famous treatise on food and 1'iet puhliFhed by Fowlers A Wells. Nw York. pa;re M. tt-s the sam great fact, and dserils the method of prepara tion. There are S-w higher authorities than Dr. penria. Dr. Cli.MHE, in his valuable writings on the Physiology of Digestion, observes that " a diminution of the due quantity of the Uaflrie Juice is a prominent and all-pre-i ailing: rause of IysMpnia," anj he states that "a distin tcuirdied professor f medicine in London.wbo was severely amirted with this complaint, finding everythinir else to fail, had recourse to the tiarrie Juice, obtained from the toniel of livinjr animals, whirh completely soweded." Ilr.Uil AHA M. author of th. famous works on Vegetable Dirt, says : It is a rrmarkable fact in physiology, that Ihe stomachs of animals, macerated in water, impart to the fluid the property of dissolving various articles of food, and of effecting a kind of artineial digestion of them in no wi.e different from the natural digestive proees.,.' Dr. JilMO.N'S great work, the Chemistry of Man.fXca k Blanchani. l-hilad.. IbUi, pp nays : "The discovery of Pepsin forms a new era in the eheinieal histe-ry of Di gestion. ,'roni recent experiment, we know that food ia dissolved as rapidly in an artificial digestive fluid, prepared from Pepsin, as it is in the natural liastrie Juice itself.' Prof. DtXIiLISON, of the Jefferson College, Philad- in his great work on Human Physiology. devotes more than filly pages to an examination of this subjert. His eg ri ments with In. Beaumont, on the liastnc Juice, obtained from the living human stomarh and from animals, are known. "In all eases," he says, "digestion occurred as perfectly in the artificial as iu the natural digestions." Asa DYSPEPSIA Cl'RER, Dr Houghton's preparation of Pepsin has produced the most mar velous cflects. It is impossible to give details of cases in the limits of this advertisement but au thenticated certificates have been given of more than TWO HUNDRED rapid, wonderful, and permanent cures. It is a great N savors Asti iiote, and particularly useful for tendency to bilious disorder, liver complaint, fever and ague, the evil effects of quinine, mercury, 4c, also for excess in eating or drinking. There is no form of OLD STOMACH COM PLAINTS which it does not reach and also give instant relief! and repeated for a short time, pu rity of Blood and visoa or soor follow at once. It is particularly excellent in cases of nausea, vo miting, cramps, soreness ol the pit of the stomach, distress after eating, low, cold atate of the blood, heaviness, lownesa of spirits, despondency, emac ation, weakness, tendency to insanity, &c Price, ONE DOLLAR per bottle. One bottle often effects a lasting cure. FEFSIN IN FOWDEES sect by Mail, free of Postage. For convenience of sending to all parts of the country the Digestive Matter id the ''ep.in.i? put up in the form o Powders, with directions lo be dissolved by the patient in water or srup. These powder contain just the same matter as the Little, but t wire tie' inantity for the same price, and are sent l-y mail, tree ot l'ostage. for f I. sent post-paidi to Dr. J.S. Houghton. o. 11 North tighth St. t'tiilaaclpma. MX packages lur 3. Every bo'.i'e.and package bears the written sig nature of J.iS.HOLUHTON.M.D., Sole Proprie tor, bold by agents in every town in the Union inil by most respeclalile dealers in medicine. To be had of Dr. THORNTON, LewUburg; J Jl Caslow, Milton; 1 liompson, Miulinburg; lit & tilcrt, ilailleton; W in Koshong, New Berlin; U I C rouse, Sclin? grove ; Mrs M'Cay, Northumberland lv3:15 BULL'S HEAD HOTEL, JHijiinburg, Lmon county, retuva. "PJESPECTFULLY" informs the citizens of I Union county, and the public in ecneral. that he has leased the above sland, for many years occupied by his Father, and is now pre pared to accommodate friends and the traveling community in a manner acceptable to all. The HOUSE is large and roomy, well arran ged in all its departments, and every care will be taken to render his guests comfortable and happy. His TABLE will always be furnished with the choicest delicacies of the season, and the best the market can atlord. The BAR will at all times be attended by careful persons, and none but the very best of liquors will be kept. His STABLES are ample ami convenient, and the OSTLERS punctual and attentive. In short, he pledges himself to endeavor lo give general satisfaction to all, and hopes bv atrict attention to business to merit and receive a liberal ahare of patronage. Mifflinburg, June 30, 1850 THE subscribers offer the public, at their new Brick Foundry, the following new and valuable Stoves : Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, with a Brick Oven. Lady Washington Parlor Slove. Cast Iron Air-Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood 2 sizes. Coal Burner for Parlors 1 size, 12 inch cyl inder. Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove) S sizes. Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for Wood 2 sizes. Egg Stove the very best in use for Stores, Offices, Barrooms, and Shops. The celebrated Uenesee Air-Tight Cook Slove The Complete Cook 2 sizes. Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves Ploughs Castings, &c. &c. CHRIST & FRICK. Lcwisburjr, Dec. 12, 1849. "An ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Cure," in that awful diseaie. CONSUMPTION ! DR. FITCH S Lectures on the Preven tion and Cure of Consumption. This popular work for sale in Lewisburg by S. F. Lyndall J. Houghton and a this office. Price, 75 cents HENRY C. HICKOK ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' Lewisburg, Union County, Penn'a. riFFICE on Second St., lately occapit,j J by L. D. Christ, Estj. 1 jftim ana ORNAME N TAL TREES. The subscriber offers for sale a lar? assortment of choice Fruit Trees such as Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet hinh 40 vnri,..; all warranted genuine PtacI trees 2 varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine, Prune and Pear trees, lopether with some 6 or 8 varieties ol Grape Vines of the be t native and exotic varieties. Ornamcnttl Trees, such as tlie l'aulonia, Linden, ir N. 1). Persons LI, ing to procure a quantity of the Fruit trees, are requeued to make immediate application to thesuUcti ber, in order to procure tho varieties atj size wanted. II. R. A'OLL. Lewisburg, March 4, 1850. L1VKU COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, Djfprpsia, Chronic or Nrrvnra Debility, disease of the KiJnr j, and all Ui" eases arising from a disordered Lier or Momarh such as C'onstijialin, IrinrarJ Tiles, Fulii, or Blood to the Head, Acidity of tl.e Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, dis gust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Flut tering at Ihe pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, hurried and difficult Breathing, FluW tering at the Heart, choking or suffoca ting Sensations when in a lying posture, dimness of Vision.Dots or Web, before the Sight, Fever and dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Scin and Eyes, pain in Ihe Side, Cats Chest, Limbs, cVc, sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in Ihe Flesh, constant Ima ginings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits cis be zrnc-rr aiit ccbed it Dli. HOOFLAN D'S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTEKS. prepared by MJr. C. .77. Jackson, at the "German Medicine X;ore," ISO Arcb St. riillad. Their power orer the above diseasts is not er eelltd, if equalled, by any other preparation ii the Vnilid States, as the eurts utttrt, in nianj eases offer skilful physieians had failed. These Iliiters are worthy the attention of inva lids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver ami lesser glands, cierri sing the most searching powers in weakness anil affections of the digestive organs, they ate withal safe, certain and pleasant. Read in sscojtuctri. The Hon. Cts D Hineline, editor oi the Camden Democrat, the best paper in West Jersey, says, July 21st IIUOFLANU'S CEKMAN UITTEKS. We hm sera many ttaturtn!; notirrs of this lunltriao. und the surr? whence they ram.- imlurt-il us to make inquiries nsjiectin5 its mvrits. From inquiry we were persuaded to use it.ait must say we found it eperitic in iu action upon diseases 1 1 the liver and ilifrestiTeorpuis. sod the powerful iDHuenn it exerts uim nervous prostration is really surprisinir. It calms and strengthens the nerves. Lrin;niig tlicm ibto a state of repose, making sleep refreshing. If this medk-tne were more generally used, we are sa: isned there would be less sirkne, as from tlie stomarb, liver, and nervous system the great majority of real sad iniairinarr diseases emanate. Have them ia a fsealtiiT cra lition. and you ean hid defiance to epidemics rene'rai i This extraordinary medicine we would advise our frit n.'. who are at all indisposed to pive a trial it will then ni ommend itself. It should, in fact.be in every family. j other medicine can produce such evidences of merit.' Fiont the Bostun fee editorial. Dee 2.1 Dr. Hoofland's Celebrated German Bitters, for the cts. of Liver l..ni.laint. Jaundice. Dyspepsia, and CLmairrr Nervous D. I ility. is deservedly oue of the most l La! -medi iu. s of the d;iy. These Hitters have been .'i U thousands, and a friend at ourellnw says he has bm-i received from the use of this remedy an effectual, wrta neiit cure e.f Liver Complaint. We are convinc-d th in the use of these lint. rs. the patient mnstantlv laia strength and vip.r a met worthy of great confiii.'rat.iL They are pleasant in taste and smell, and can he uei i t persons with the most delicate slmach, vitii .akiv under any circumstances. We are speaking from iif' ence, and to the afflicted we advise their use. ;.' Weekly, one of the best literary purr, published, said. Aug 25th 1r IIoorLiSD's t'.EKXAX ItiTTtss, manufactnrt j It K1 Jackson, are now recoinmeudtd bv w me of ihe m. -t r- mini ut uvmls rs o( the t'arnitv, as an article or ma il etheai y in cases of female weakness. As sni li i the m we would a lti.-e all moth.rs to ohlain a Is.ttle. ar. I thus save tln-m-felTcs mm h sickness. l'erMns of det-iliuw constitutions will find these liitu rs advantageous to th. j health. :as we know from cxrielicv tie aaiularj 4, they have uion weak systems. Judge M.M.Noah, a gentleman of great scien tific and lilerary attainmeiits.saiJ in his"NewVo:k Weekly Messenger, Jan 6. I."0 Dr. Jlrtfi-mtTs Herman :tt.lhT is a prcparati'a which the leading pr,..s.' i t ihe I'nicn ar -.-ar uiianiBK-u' in recouiluelidilig. and tlie ri-:-on is ol-vious. It is mai altera proscription furnished 1 yi ne of tl.e most cl. l-rat.-, physicians ol ni'Urrn tim-s the late Dr. Christopher Wilhelin Hootland, lkrofeor to t!ic I niversity et J.'tv, 1'riiiite I'hjsieian lo the King of Tru--'ia. and ine of the greatest m dieul write rs lieriuany has ev, r trotiuce-1. 11. was emphatically the enemy of huit,t utj. and lie rtf' re a mtlicine of which he was the inventor and end. rT tniv Iw eocfkleutiy reiiod on. He ficiaiiv n-ccmuieii.l.d it ia Liver Complaint, lisK psia. Lvl ilitv, ertig". Acriitj f the t-toma. li. Constipation, and all" roriij l.iint. ari-in; from a disordered rendition of the sp n:ac li. tlh- Liver and the Intestines. Nine HusadeipLia paj-ers evprtss their conviction of its excellence, and sei. rnl cf tln ir Editrs speak of its effects frrm their own indii-lual experience. L'nder Hies- circumstances, we feel warranti!. n l ualy in calliug the attention of our nadir to ll'e pr.i'.nt proprietor (lr. I'. M. Jackson's) pn paratkn, but in n ommrnding the article to all afflicted. MuittEi idewci. The Phila Jelphia Satnrilay Gazette, the best family newspaper published in the United Siaics, the editor says of lr Ilouflnii' German Ditlcrs Ir is seldom that wc recommend what are t. rc"! rNi cnt Medicines to our readers" patronage and cc rit;ltn; and, therefore, when we recommend lr. Hoorlaml ti-r-man ISitt.-r. we wish it to V distinctly nnderti.! tIa we are not srwakinr of the noslrnms of the day. IHt !,rf noise.1 alout f-Ta brief p,-rio,I and are forgotten after have done their guilty race of mischief, but of a medic::"' long established, universally prized, and which has n'. the beany approval of the faculty itself. Evidence on evidence baa been received OiU the foregoing) from all sections of the Union, the la"t5 years, amt th! ttnmgf$t tun mom y iu urr, u. that there is more of it used in the practice of the regain Physicians of I'hiladelphia, than of all other nctniri combined a fart that ean easily he established, and foil' proinir that a scientific preparation will meet with the" quiet approval when presented even in this form. That wis medicine will cure Liver Complaint and liyspepsia. ne oneaean doubt, after using tt as directed. It acts spccinc ally upon the stomach and Liver. It is preferable is Calomel in all ftlious ohanrars. The effect is immediate they ean be administered to muu or isfasi with saW and reliable benefit, at any time. Beware of counterfeits! This medicine has attained that character vtbico it is necessary for all to attain to induce counter feiters to put forth a spurious article at the risk oi the lives of those who are innocently deceived. Look well to the marks i f the Genuine. They have the written signature of C.M.Jsck upon the wrapper, and the name blown in u' bottle, u ithout u hich they are spurious. For sale. wholesale and retail, at the GEKMA MEDICINE STORE. No. 120 ARCH St-oe! door below 8ixtb, (late of 178 Race St.) Fhil1 elphia, and by respectable dealers generally, lb country throughout. Iy330 Also forfait by S.F.LYmALILetcisourgrT Also by i)m. THORNTON, do MOST KINDS OF JOB PEINTING, REATLT & EIPEDITIOtSlI IIICVTZD AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE Lewisburg.