Storagc,Forwarding, AND GRAIN BUSINESS. HGIBSOS irepectfully announces to the citixens of Union snd adjacent counties, that he has rented those large and commodious Store Houses and Wharf; lately occupied by Samaet Wolfe dec'd, south of the Lewisburg uiuiee, wnere ne win carry on Caneral COMMISSION Business. Sto.aoi carefully attended to and all kindi of GRAIS bought at the highest Market prices. H.U. Lewisburg, Aug. 1851 lj$ Orphans' Court Sale. P . evata. A g K E B A 8 LIT to an order of the O phane'Cou rt J.M. of L'nion couu y, will be solJ at Public a.'e on Satcbdat the a).h of September next, on the premises all :hat tnusuage an J 'J' I! AC f OF LAND tjiua . J iu Kt.!ly township adjoining lands of Jacob Hsrtman, heirs of Adam fMalil, Andrew Kellry nnd outer r mtaining about One Hundred and Fifteen Acre3, all cleared and in a good state of cultivation, on which are erected a good house and barn and nereMary out buil'lings. Also an orchard of excellent fruit on the premises, and a good spring of water. Sale to commence at IU o'clock A. M. when terms of rale will be made known by ANIj'vV IDDINGS, Administrators of LEWIS IDUI.NG3, $ Tho .Iddii g y'e:. Br order of the Court. J. ErsTaa, Clerk. Aug 6, , 1651 6w To the Voters of Union County. IKIEXDS and Fellow Citizens! I hereby offer myself to your consideration as a can didate for the office of Rsoistib and RiroaDaa at the ensuing election, if nominated by the Dem ocratic Whig County Convention, and respect fully solicit your support. Should I be nominated and elected, I pledge myself to perform the dutiea of the office with fidelity, and to the best of my ability. HENRY SMITH. Adam'barg. July 17, 1851 pd.w (CJ-A New Vol. of the AMERICAN PHRE NOLOGICAL JOCRYAL coouneni-s July 1, 1851. Now is the time to sabrrrihe. Devoted to Phrenology, l' losy, Magnetinn, Itiyrioirnomy, SaorhaniMo, Iwluration, AKrtraluir. the Natural Brieneeft, and tienrral Intellig ent, prunmlv IUurtraled : it can not bit to interest every -lass of readers. Every family, and eeptrtally tha young men and women, auonld have a copy. It ia prtntM on the lint at every month, at One Dollar a year. Letters should be foot-paid, and direeted A WELLS, 1.11 Namaa St. Near fork. tiTlie aliove Jnnrna, and the LrwisburRCtironiele,! will send to mew aulacribcra for Taro Unllura a year. Cash in adtanre. O. N. WOKOEN'. The Water Cure Journal. A New Vol. of this "Journal of health" commences In July, 1S51. f uhMrihera should send ill their names at onra. The .kUuMphy and iTattice of IIydrouliy, I'hysioh fj and Auatomv of the Human Body, llieb-tic. 1'hvi.iral ftlncar K)n, the Chemistry of Life and all other maUers relntin; to Lilr. Health, and Happiness, are riven in tha Journal. We belii ve that man may undone his life Touch beyond the number of years usually attained. We propose to rliow how. TuMubed monthly, at One Dollar a year in adiane''. l'lese aiitlrw Letters, post-paM, lo FOWLERS A WfeLLS, 131 a.-au St. New fork. aa.The above Journal, and the LewMnirjr Climniele, I will send to wxm subscribers one year for To Hoi Inrs 'ah iu advance. - A- ouut.v irALCABLG HOOKS, juat published v nd for sale bv Jon S. Tailor. Bookseller ami Publisher, 113 Nassau street, New York. Toe following Books will he sent by mail free of postage to any part ot the United States on the receipt of the money for the same, which may be lor warded tiy man at tne ruuiiener a rut : THE SACRED MOCXTAIXS. Hv Rev. J. T. II.dley. 1 voL 14 mo., lUutrMol, lull clutu, $l.w0 ; gilt edges, etr.l . THE SACKhD XOCXTAIXA By Rev. 3. t. Hradlev. 1 toL niv, without the plates, r-unday Ocbcoi eui tKin. 60 ets. Ell SVfXSS AXD CHARACTERS. 'Br Her. 3. T. Il. adley. 1 vol. 12 asuIliusuatrd, full cloth. (1 00; etltotrr. (1 SO. SACKED SCEXES AXD Ctt.iRACTERS. By Rev. J. T. Ilcmdlev. 1 vol. 18 mo., without the plates, guuday .'tiol editioB. AO ets. HISTORY OF THE l-ERSECCTIOXS AXD BATTLES OF THE WALDEXSE By Rev. J.T. lieauiey 1 to!. IS mo-Illustrated, full eloth, 50 ets. JIlStORV OF THE UALUEXSES. Ry Rev. J. T. Ilead-i-r 1 ol. 18 mo. Sunday School edition. 31 ct. 11W.K.V jl.Vfl i VISTlXOriSHED MAR SH 4 1.S. Bv Rev. J. T. Headley. 1 vol. 12 mo, Illus trate, full r'loth. 1. . I. I THER A XD CROMWELL. By Rev. J. I. ITeadley. 1 vol. 1 - mo- lllnstrat-d. full cloth, fl. JiA HHLES AXrt .. ETCHES. By Rev. J. T. Headley. 1 toI. 12 mo.. Illustrated, foil cloth, f I. THE POKER. OF BEACTT. By Rev. J. T. Headier. 1 ol. 1 on, Illuktrvted, full cloth, 50 eta; gilt edges, l"rTtiis'iFRO)I THE BACK trOOPS AXD THE AOIROXI'ACK. By Kov.J.T. Ueadley. 1 vol. 12 mo, full eloth. SO et. BltHlRAPHt- OF THE SAVIOUR AXD HIS APOS TLES. With a portrait of earn, ensraved on steel. With an essay on the Character of the Apostles, hy Rei J T. 1'eadler. I voL It an, IS engravings, $1 j T$7wnm T. HEADLEV Jlih his Lite 1 voL 18 an, Illustrated, 50 cte; gilt edges, UENIXeToF SACRED lllSTORr.-t, Mrs. Steele. Illu'trated with splendid ensravmgs. 1 vol. 12 mo new, enlarged and revised edition, $1 ; gilt edges, extra, THF.OPXF.USTT. or the Plenary Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. By Professor Guen of Geneva. Trans lated hy Rev. K. N. Kirk. A new and enlarged edition. 1 vol 12 mo 41D paces. 1. SHA XTf. the BLACKSMITH- A Tale of Otiifji Tinas. Bv Mrs. Pherww.l 1 vol. 1 mo., lllustrateil. 50 ets. LILT OF THE VALLEY. By Mrs. f h -rwood. 1 vol. tfi mo- Illutrat- d. .'-it ct-. THE SHORTER CA TECHISVat tb- K- v ' mMy or IHvtara. With Pmofs th-tx -f out :" t:.e J.;-., ores, in words at length Por W; $ Extracts from th .- ' ' lira. Sxrrd Soma and Clowe'-' - F- t r. Head- ley. This work may v. rv pro, : U .-.:. !.! a eom panKm to the "SacTed Mountain.', ty i author, 'uoljert ia to illustrate and - rendi-r more m . ke" tlw sacrrI wntinira. It Is not UM autnor suosnm w suprreew the Bible. But h a wish is to eaeiteaaolicitude to obtain, and to become intimatelv acquainted and perfectly famil iar with lt history, doctrines and laws; toknow iu truth, to imbibe iu spirit, feel iw power, and partake of its sal . - nriac in some measure salt deserves. this treasure which ia indeed beyond price. predict ( it a circulation far beyond any of the author'a furnur works The Ncwa. Jan. T'.h. Sicmi Scenes omk tAumebrs By the Rev. J. T. Head lev, author of the - Sacred Mountains.' A-e. This work m.lA ereatlv to the reputation of the author. In lit erary m'-nt it more than equals his M Sacred Mountains." tlr. Hilley eacels ia his glowing style and vivid descrip tions. Ilia works are a rich treasury of all the sublimity of Uioaght, moving tenderness of passion, and vigorous rtrength of expression, which are to be found In all the languages by which mortals declare their minds. See Iliily Globe, Jan. 4tb. JViMWesanrf Sktickn By Rev. J . T. Ileadley. We have not for a king time sat dowa to a book with more pleasing aatirination. or found those anticipations mora fully real ised, than in the perusal f the work before us, and we know it will fee bailed with gratification by the many ad mirers of the talented author. His -Napoleon and his Marshala" waa. perhaps, as popular, and found at least as many enthusiastic readers as any book that eaa be Mentioned. We think the Rambles and Skatebes are des tined to be aapopntar at least aa any of hia previously published works. There Is net a dull chapter in the work, tilled as it is with fc an infinite variety." The author baa ample renaa and verge eaonga for the employment af hia One talents to great advantage. and mast successfully baa lie aeeomplisfied the task. The biographieal sketch of the author is interesting and "well considered," and adds much to the value of the bonks, which is got np in a very nat and attractive sty be by the publisher. 3ee Portland Transcript, Dde. 15th. Mr. Headley ia one of the most promlsmg writers of this country, and we have here one of his beat books roe oa which be can safeiy rest an fame. It pssaaaaea the untafpuin- charms of perfect simplicity and truth. There is a graceful frankness pervading the com position, which engage) the interest of the reader la the author aa well ae in the anhjeet. Hia rambles about Rome, Paris and London, eahihit a thousand lively traits of an ingenious nature, upon which a man of taste will delight to linger. We prMtct lur ttus a sale equal to that of any of the au thor's work. -i nee New York News. Tha collection is one af which as author need be aaha-ta-d. It consist, indeed, nf some af Mr. Headley'a most brlliant and highly finished compueilioue, of those spec. aaene ef bis abilities by w'.iirb be may be judged with the I revest safety to his lame as a word-painter and thinker. -J See New Voek Tribune, llec. 17, 1MH. V R. The above books will be forwarded to order, at the prices mentioned, free of postage, to any part nf tha niled Stales, on the receipt of i r ters, with tfce money. Money nay be sent bjmail at mv risk. ' JOIIM S. TAYLOR, VS Publisher, 113, aasaa at- New York. Adrift. TAKE soiree, that Josefs: HorrAW and others have taken op on tha waters of the West Branch of the Susquehanna, at White tleer Million the 17th of July, 1851, about Five Thousand lest of White Pine BOARDS, Aii platbrm of LOGS thirty feet in length maikad XX. ROBERT CANDOR, J. P. White Dter Mills, July 18, 1851 J Public Vendue ! AT the late residence of Col. Jacasos M'F an nss. dee'd, will be sold on Satcbost the ICth day of August next Stock in the Lewisburg and Williarosport Bridge, and Susquehanna Telegraph companies; Carta: Wagons; an Iron Safe; also a large assortment of Household FURNITURE. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., when terms of sale will be made known by JAMES F. LINN. Adm'r of Cot. Jackson M'Fadden, dec'd. Lewishorg. July 23. 1851 pd CCRATORS. i A STATED Meeting of (he Board of Curators of the University at Lewisburg will be held at the University Buildings in the Borough of Lewisburg, Pa., on Mosbat tha 18th day of August next, at 3 o'clock, P M G F MILLER, Scribe. Lewisburg. July 17, 1851 University at Lewishurg. 4 STATED Meeting of the Board of Trustees of said University, will be held at the University Buildings in the Borough of Lewis burg, Union Co., Pa., on I cxsdat trie into, day of August next, at 1 1 o docs, n. xi U F MILLER, Secretary. Lewisburg, July 17, 1951 Dissolution. rfHE CoPortnertbip heretofore flitting bo - tween the undersigned is this day dissolved by mutual eonsent, Mr. Flick withdrawing alto aether from the Firm of M. RUDY & CO. In terminating this connection, we feci it incumbent on us to offer to our numerous friends and pitrons our sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage received from them, and tender to each our sin cere wishes lor their future health and pro perity. MARTIN RUDY, D. D.GIILUIN. STEPHEN FLICK. C3The business will be continue! at the old stand and all accounts settled by M. RUDY St CO. FaiiwEaaviLiK, Buffalo Tp, ) Union Co. July 10, 1851 , at Dr. Thorntons Drug Store. LAMPS! LAMPS! You will find at Dr. Thornton's Drug Stcrs, the largest and moat fashionable stock or l'iue Oil, Fluid, rhosgenic, and Lard Linip, in Lewlsbnrg. snd he sella thvm eheaper than you can purchase them anywhero else. Call and aee them. W II KRR ran T get a good Segarf At Dr. Thornton a " Drug Sure : he keeps the very best and domestic Sejars, as well as Chewing Tobacco of every quality, and a variety of Snuff. Pipes, to. Sl'KfTACI-KS of different kinds to Eilit I lie e ves of ail. young and old. I'ere pet tier Glasses, of a vari tv of sixes. J AZOKS, Strops, Pocket Knives, Scissors of every des-a-lv criotion, at prices to suit all customers. TRI'SSES. The snbscrllier is prepared to m who may becompelh-d to u-e tbem. on an im proved pluu : also Supporters ordilli'rcnt Kinis. JTST teeelred. a variety of the most Comb, such as liressing. Tuck, Cap, riidc, Pocket, Neck, Bullulo or Imitation. POWDER, Shot- Lead and Percusaion Taps, for sale at the a iir.,jch,.m;l..enr lr. THORNTON. Pocket Books, Port Jlonnais, Purses, Ac., at j reduced prices. Call and see them. I'K Black. Blue. Red. and Scarlet, by the bottle or larger quautlty, also Note Par and Fancy Envel- ipea or every desenpuon, MolUiS, irausiiareui. sou Fancy Wafers. SOMETHING FOR THK LADIES. Perforated Bristol Board. Bcphyr for marking purposes, Paper Wire, Leaves and Buds for making pajir towers, also a variety of fANd, u n usually low. LOTK9! LOCHS: I Tne cnespest ana mast durable ever offered. The suhscriher a.nul.1 ask the attention of the public to their peculiar construction. 1st. To their right and left properties, being adapted to any door. 'M. TtMrriaptae lion to doors of any thickness, by means of then- sliding spindle and circle plate. To this, great Importance la attached bv carpenters. 3. Tne general style, structure, and low price, combining neatness and atrearjth with anT ficient ornament to gratify the wi.hesand tate of repub lican population. Call and examine uiem oeiore ji popul t ur.Thornton a irug anu .neiu. ou.c OILS Linseed. P:ne. Sperm. Lard. Fish, and Spirits of the barrel or smaller quantity, at the Drug and Chem ical Store of Da. TOO'S A. H. THORNTON. NOTICE. THE Co-partnership heretofore existing bet. ween I..B.CiiBtsT and Jackso M'Fadms under the Firm of CArwr" 4- JWFooWen," was dissolved the 18ih day of June, 1851, by the death of Jackson M'Fadden. The business of the Firm will be settled by L.B.Christ, surviving partner: all persons therefore knowing themselves indebted to said Firm, are requested to make immediate payment ; and those having claims will present them properly authenticated to L.B. Christ for settlement. L. B. CHRIST, Surviving Partner. 0Xj-I,evi B. Cubist has this 24 ih day or June IS51, associated wilh him Ueorrr A. Fbick, under the Finn of CHRIST & FRICK, for the transaction of a general Foundry business Lewisburg, July 8, 1851 ""ATnTTPP ia herein niven that the nartnershio -v heretofore existing Between the undersigned is this dar amicably dissolved. The unsettled business of the late Firm will be settled op by Mr. Hertx JOHN HERTZ. JOHN LEAMON. Lewisburg, June 30, 1S51 Thankful for past favors, I would announce to old friends and the public in general that I continue Painting; and Chair Making at the old stand of Hkbtx & Lassos, (upper end of Market street,) where I will be happy to answer any calls in my line July 1 4wl50 JOHN HERTZ. " aTfr. Wood ' Ice Cream Saloon HAS been aaoovxn to the lale residence of S W Wykoff, in Fourth street near Market, two doors south of Dr Lud wig's late Office.where choice Ice Creams will be regularly served hereafter on every week-day evening Mondaya excepted. The patronage of the public ia respectfully solicited. Lewisburg, July 2, 1850 lm IRON a complete assortment just reed by 0 S Kimii cV Co. T I.ME BURNERS' juat reed by Coal a superior article, D S Kaiata & Co. SPRING Steel and Steel Springs a large assortment just reed and for sale by D 8 KasaiB & Co. GRINDSTONES, a superior lot, and Grind atone Cranka complete just reed by D S Kaaxaa. 4 Co. BIBLES and the NewTes- tamenL A large variety af Bibles and Testaments in Esouaa, Gebxas and Waixa of large and small sixes, and iu every style of binding, may be bad by calling at the Store opposite Klina's Hotel in Lewisburg. Jane 1801 Babios tV Cialta!t. aaflflttan BmaBnsasawsw LEWISBUEG CHRONICLE & WEST SUPERIOR MINERAL WATER For sale bv Dr. T. A. H. THORNTON. EVERY man and bis neighbor that's in want of a cradle, should call and examine loose made by Chadwick, Ulackman St Co. New York, and for sale by U. 45. KltUMEK & CO. YOUNG'S WOOLEN FACTORY, . Iu West Buffalo township, Union Co., Pa., one mile above Gulden's M ill. rpHE subscriber has lead the ebovo well- known Factory, and put the same in first rate) working order: and is prepared to do work at the following rate viz: Broad Blankets, 60 els. per yard, Clolh, 4S to 45 " " " Caasimeres, 43 " 45 " " " SattinetU, 35 Flannels, 35 to 37$ " Also Country Fulling, Dyeing and Carding done on the shortest notice, in the beat style, and on the moat reasonable terms. The patronage of the poblic is respectfully ao licited. JACOB HEKl'ZLEK. June 25, 1851. NEW STORE ! Opposite Kline Hotel, Market street. BARTON & CHALFANT are selling goods- at lower prices than they can lie bought elsewhere in Lewisburg. Best CofTee, 12cts. per pound " Sogar, 8 " Priii's, 9 & 10 per yard " Brown Muslins 10 " Ready made Coats, Pants and Vests at unusually tow prices. Prime Jersey Mams 12 per lb. Shoulders 10 " All oil or goods proportionably low. All kinds ol country produce taken in payment. Lewisburg, June 11, 1851. TOYS! ,Vjfe? NOTIONS, Fancy akv ujy Boies,nulT boxes andfes ' cigar cases, dolls, rat-vrtransa- ties, Emery's needles and esses, lea setts, fifes, flutes, acconleons, fiddles.dominoes, fancy shaving soas, smelling bottles, hiir dyes pearl powders.looth pa.-ao and powder, musk bns, tooth, hair, clothes, wall, painting, graining, i-hoe, horse and fly brushes, teller, note and cap paper, envelopes, visiting and other cird, glass, wooden and other tancy toys, microscopes, py and other kinds of glasses, fans of all kinds, Ac, just re ceived at the drug and chemical emporium of June4, 1851. C. W. CI1AFFM 4 N extensive variety of Razors, Strops, Fish " in Rods aad Lines, Snoods, Flies. Hooks, HCIIAFFLE'S. A LARGE assortment of Spectablea, gold and silver pencils, breast pins, 6nger and ear rings, 4c , 4c, at SCH AFFI.E'S. SECOND ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS! TUB subscribers have just received a splendid assortment of summer goods that can t be beat tor the Ladies, 1 issues. Grenadines, Berees, Berees Do Lames, CJinghams.GiughHin Lawn", nnd Lawns in great aricty a la rsje assortment ol Mour ning and Second Mourning Goods. Prints from 3 to 12 cents. FortheGonts IJtack Doe-Skin, English, French, and Fancy Cassimeres, Cashmeretls from 50 cents up. In fact, a general assortment of Dry Goods Groceries Ilard, Queen. and Cedar ware. nil of which will be sold at a small advance, at ihe Chpap Store of May 28, 1851. 1) S. KREME.1 & CO. TONS Nails just Z by D. June 2. 1851. received and for sale S. Kremer & Co. 30 GIUIM CRADLliS. a superior article, made and warranted, by Chadwick lilackman & Co., Livingston Co., JN. .. and for sale hv June 2. 1851. 1). S. Kremer &. Co. More Hats ! Just received from Philadelphia, a new lot of splendid Hate, comprising Panama, Pearl Union, Leghorn, Luton and China Pearl, all of which we will sell cheap for cash. J. SPYKER St SON. TEAS ! THE Canton Tea Company of New York the olJet and Urgent establish ment of the kind in the U.S. invite universal attention to the fact that, from their superior arrangements. they vvpTCparMtorli Tmi purer una more frapmnt for thr rvepectivc prices, than auy house on this continent can uniformly do, Thew Tm combine verr (food dciicr?ption and finRlit-: they Tf done np in pavrkftcr from a qaartvr of a pouml uowards: the wrarDrr next the t-a is a heavy tin foil. eoTnd with wat r-proof ami rlegant Chinetw pappr. and ara prftJy aftrvmi from niriit and air. no tuai in aanlitr i completely pirftrvi in any climate, The aborts Ititt.lrom DO cU to $U1' rts pr pound, for sain by J- U I co dr (V. Itec Is, 8ote Antb for Lewisbargr- Passengen for the Wwt--Take Notice. OS ami after Jana 1, 1SS1, a DAJLT I.T.N B or eesrbas will leaT Kalstoa in eonnacrioa with the ears rrosa STilliamaport, lor Klmira. Tba prosaiatora hare placed gooil tama and Troy onarhas with cart ful drirera on tb route, and tha Travelling Public mar rest aranrrd that no paina will he aparcd to make Uiem eomfbruble; and they will aim bars the advantage on this route of counectin' with the different trains on the N. York A Erie Railroad. A ear will feare W Uliam.port (daily.) at i o'clock, P. M.: arriT at Ralston at 7, P. M. remain all nijrbt. Leave KalKton at 3 A. M.; Arrive at Klroira at 8 P. M., where paMenirera ran take the evening train ftr Dunkirk, or a traia for Oeneva, or a train for New York city. Passen gers will be receipted through only by the Agent on tha r. rare, s.w. uinamn 19 mnf.. Wmiporl, June 2i, lftal. AUSTIN BOlTVrOS, SmoJ G. B. UAJ11LTON, Proprietors. Look Here! AS tpurious BRANURCTU 1'II-LK are sold b many DrnggisU in city and country, it would be well if persons in inquiring . . ... f . 1 . r lor them would mate loem proouce weir k-ctliji- caie or Aoisct. Aa there is but one Agent appointed for each city or town, (no difference how large the place.) and all Agents ran produce their Certificate, any persona wanting the genu ine Pills had better purchase where they can depend on galling the genuine article. J. XI A I DO at fir. Bole Agents for Lswisbtrj. SUMMER FASHIONS TOIL 1851! NEW York and Phila delphia PLVTES, have just been received by the subscriber. Persons wishing to havo their work done according to those styles, will do well to give him a rail. G3"Country Produce token in pay fir work, at Market prices. Shop on N. Third St. JOHN B. MILLER. I e vislmrg, April 1 - THE LYNOALL EMPORIUM. Boots and Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, Books, 0tattoncrn, ASD Ready made Clothing. TTAS just received and opened the larg XI es best and cheapest assortment of Uoods iu his line of businesa ever offered lo this community; and fearlessly challenges a com parison of storks rviih 'all the world and the rest of mankind,' to say nothing of the outsiders in general. The individual articles of his lot are decidedly too nu.ncrous to mention, hut he can say in short hand lhat In ihe HOOK line he has everylhing lhat anybody wants, (rom a child's Primer to the highest University class-book, and at prices that on not be rivalled in these diggings lie nasa larger loianoricnt-r.-rnasv'; .1 I variety of STATIONERY Ihnn ever. His stock of BOOTS and SHOES com ar. prises every style of fashion LJSand workmanship for Ladies und Gentlemen, Children and Misses, lhat can be bought in the Eastern cities, or made at home. His assortment of CLOTHING includes everything called for by the season and the fashions, or that the most fastidious or eco nomical could desire. His HATS and CAPS positively can't he beat in this market. Good Silk Hats Ill I r rai sasi'-sVt for $1,25, and the best kinds afforded at 1 was this day granted to me by trie Keguter 01 unprccedentedk low prices. u"iu c'un A" P"on inJeL.fe'J 10 .,d , , ' 1 r l tditvc 5 estate will please make payment, and those na Also a lare supply of choice TRUNKS . . . , . ' , ,' ..,, and CARPKT BAGS, cheap. This is the place for capital bargains. The steam's np and we are bound to go ahead in spite of wind anil tide ! (.1 Don't call at Lyndall's nntil yon have been everywhere else first: you will tlivn be better able to appreciate the low price and super ior quality of his (rrnxia. Lewisburg, May 15, 1851 New Establishment! CARRIAGE r.lAiUIIG. fTlHE subscriber would inform the eit'rxens of this town and tne surrounding country mat having made Lewisburg his permanent resilience be has taken the shop at the tower end of Mttrkct street, south tide, where he swill keep on band or manufacture to order ail kinds of BUGGEYS, CARRIAGES, SULKEYS, SLEIGHS, cj-c. Also, every variety of work in his hrm Repaired, Painted, Trimmed on short notice and reasonable terms. I"?" On hand a large stock of well reasoned TI.MBEK from the Chiltisijuaiiuo Bottoms. From his long experience in ihe boalnear, the subscriber trusts be will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him wilh patro nage. Any one disposed is requested lo call and exists, my materials and workmanship. Cash and Country Produce taken in pay for work. JOSIAH GIKTO.N. Lcwisborg, April 6, 1851 6m Lumber ! TIIHE subscribers having renewed their stock with a choice lot of Lumber, now offer f , r sale at their YARD (fronting Ihe German Keformed Chuich) an assortment comprising 1 inch TVinr!s Common and Pannel Beards l!-:iuch do I Y-llow line do. l'ifuik lj-iand 1 Inch Kiw Pine. ,i tin fMicnr Vallor Pine. rVantliue. and Pine ihiiI li.mlock Joists. Hoofin? Lath. anl CiMlin Ijilh. Joint .Suiruilta. 20 m'li and 2 foot Lrip do i tout, Tftrioua frirra. do do !arj.f. Sticnr Vallry. S mrh Biittor.wood l'lunka, fur SUir RII'me". c. Scaiitlini.- for Bedposts. fbiilar Planks. Siuarr I'inu limber c. Ac. We are erecting a Kiln on the premises to kiln-dru such lumber as is required. The above will be sold at fair prices for Cash or reasonable (not long-winded) credit. Book: kept at the residence of Peter Hursh. HIT.SH dt AMMOX, Lewisburg, April 30, 1851 y$7 NEW GOODS! Boots and Shoes, BOOKS ASP STATIONERY! fpHE undersigned has jusl received from 1 the City of Philadelphia, a full and choice assortment of Boots and f Shoes of Ihe latest and most p 'TT proved styles, among which are Men's fine Calf,Kip and Morocco Boots, Congress (Jailers. Morocco and Calf Clay Ties, Kip Brogans and Morocco Slippers. Ladies' fine Gaiters, Jenny Linds and plain Buskins, Lace Boots, Excelsior Ties and Mippers. Boys' Calf and Kip Boots, Calf and Mo rocco Cla v Ties, Calf and Kip Brogans. Misses' Gaiters, Calf and Morocco Lace Boots. Kid and Morocco Buskins. Children's Gaiters, Morocco and Calf Lace Boots and Shoes of every description Also, a choice selection ol yfgjClassical a ad Common School ffitf -lr Books, Sunday School Library Books. Hymn Books. Bibles, Testaments, Portfolios. Monais, HianK hooks, raper. Slates, Metallic Pens, &c. &c. The above Goods have been selected with much care and purchased at such rates lhat ihey are offered very low for ready Cash The public are respectfully invited to call and exam ine I loom Selves oeiurv urvuaaina, nnir. The sul'scriber also continues to MAKE TO ORDER, Boots snd Shoes of every description, for which all kinds of Country Produce will be taken in esehange. fjTbankful to bis friends snd customers and the public generally for the liberal support here, tofore received, be hopes by strict attention to bis buaineaa to astiit and receive a coo linos nee of the same.. JOHN HOUGHTON. Lewiaburg, M; IbVl BRANCH FARMER. IMPORTANT to ma Farmer, Farrier A Stage f roprlctT. GEO. W. MERCHANTS CELEBRATED GARGLING OIL s-aTAaaaixeLea 1 Taa msroaT or usmcisa As the most remarkable External Application are. "They can't Keep House without it' EiDericncsof more than lizteen Tears has aatablwhrd the far.l lhat Marchant'a Celabralnl Uarelmf Oil, or L'nl Tarsal Family Emtfrucauou, will curs moat caata, and ra Uava all auch as Spavins, Sweeney, Ringbone, Windealls. Poll Evil, Callous, Cracked Heels, Galls of all kinds. Fresh Wounds. Sprains, Bruises. Fis tula. Sitfast, a-uid Cracks Strains, Lameness, Foundered Feet. Scratches or Urease, Mange. Rheumatism, Bites of Animals, External Poi sons, Painful Nervous Affections, Frost Bites. Boils, Corns, Whitlows. Burns and Scalds, Chillhlains. Chapped Hands, Cramps, Con tractions of the Muscles, Swellings, Weakness of the Joints. Caked Breasts, tc tc Ac The unparalleled interne of thia Oil, in the cure of dis eases in Horses and Cauls, and eren in human Sean, is daily becoming more known to the larmiiur community. It can hardly be credited, except hy ihoas who ban been in tha habit of keeping it in their aiablea and nouns, what a ran amount of pain, auffenn and tuna, are aaved by the timely application of thia Oil. W Be sure the name of e eole proprietor, GEORGE W. MERCHANT. Lockport. N. ., ia blo-u in the aula of the bottle, snd in his haiatwrHiiur oar the cork. All orders sddtsaar. 10 tha proprietor wilt as promptly "Srtalhmphlet of the Arrnt. and sea what wonders an arcompluhed by the use of this medicine. . Sold br respectable dealers generally, ia tba Dulse State and Canada. Also by ti W Si Hirria, Lewisburg ; I Kessler, New Berlin; i FCaslow, Milton; H Masser, Stannary; At A M'Cay, Northurab'ld ; Potter it M'Mean, Uellefnme ; I. Martin. Williamaport. Wholesale Agents : F Klelt St Co Phitad.; M Ward aV Co. JNew York ; Wm Jackson. Pittsburg ly381inside:pd Estate of Col. Jackson HTadden,dec'd NOTICE is hereby given, that Lettera of Ad ministration on the estate of said deceased. JAMES F. LINN, AJm'r of Col. Jackson M'Fadden, deed. Lewtiburg, July 1, 1S51 wpd TV'OTIIIXO is so suitable, nothing so valuable -L or so Generally cherished for a gift, aa ia a COOI) BOOK. Messrs. Baarox At Cua-ranT have for sale su assortment of excellent works n plain and in elegant bindings, to which they respectfully invite the pnblic attention OTj'For ink at reasonable prices. July 1, 1850 BEHOVED. THE Lexkiaburg Cheap Sujro liaa been removed to the more convenient Store room, recently occupied by J.Forsler, first below Kline's Hotel, where we shali be h.ifpy to ace our 8ld patrons, and any number of new ones. April 2, 1830 C. E. BOWES. "I AAA LBS. of HAMS fi.r sale by 1UUU Maya. C.CDOWKS. 1000 LBS.oiSHOULDF.US for sttebv C. E. BOWES. 400 LBS. of CHEESE for sale by C.E. BO'.VES. 100 LBS. of FEATHER'S for sale ' by O. K. BOWES. j 20n FISH for sale bv C. E. BOWES. Winfleld Woolen Factory, near Hartlcloa, Unioa Co. Pa. rpHIS establishment is now in the best 1 order. The Machinery bein nparly all New, and none but the best of Work men employed, the subscriber feels safe in saying that his work shall not be surpassed by any establishment in this or the adjoin ing counties. His Wagons will be around as usual, and those wishing to patronize his estab lishment, will please avail themselves of that opportunity to do so. fe7l have also on hand, and intend ! keeping, a choice assortment of GOODS! which I will sell low for Cash, or exchange for Wool and Country Produce Generally, MARK HALFPENNV, May 3, 1851 Summer Goods! Just opening, a select assortment ef SILKS. BLACK CUT GRENADINES, CRAPE TISSUES. Fifr'd SUMMER POPLINS, BORAZE DES LAINES, LAWNS, &c.&c. With a full assortment of QUEENSWAKE, FRESH GROCERIES, See. to he had at the old stand af S. HATES St CO. Horse-Shoe Kail Rod. O' NE Ton of Centre county Horse -Shoe Nail Rode of the beat quality, just received and for sale by J. HAYES & CO. Fish. 1 f ACKEREL, Shad, and Herring just reed 1VL "l fr "Ie by J. HAYES A, CO. THREE Tona of Dnacannon NAILS and SPIKES just reed and for sale by J. HAXC9 St CO. SALT and COAL always on bawd and for "'by J. HAVES ft CO. TUT ATI' Q for Justices,Consta DJuillN JV O blesAcon hand at the Chronicle office, or printed to order. B INNS' JUSTICE, new edition, csa be i at Lyndaii'; -ooknore. ia this place. ejsctneieu. Ltvribut,AprU10,I850 " WOODWARD & FISllEf rt vj BOOT ATM SHOE STORE Jlsy he foond in Third street., 1 three doors south of ihe Baptist iH ; where thev he on aawsaaaasswk ! banJ a general osaorttnent of LediesMises'aud Children's French and English Kid and Morocco nsiro ntmtrtva SJ.IPPEKS a'so oviio, BO0T3 KtosnsnVai: Gentlemen's French Calf BUU I o, n.ip anu i s Upper iJOOTS and MONROES, with an assort-; ment of BOYS' end V0UTH8 Boots and Shoes. ; We are alio prepared to manufacture all kind. of Boot, and Sh,s snd Ladies' f ,.ry color of .he most durable material latest farhlonaMe slylra and at rcasonaoie pr.r..,, which you will see by comply ins wilh our inane lion 10 call and examine lor youiacitesj char?., for inapeetion. Lewishur. April S2, 1SS1 Xo NEW Allll ANG EMEN T New Stock. J. SPYKER b EON HAVE removed their Mat and Cap establish ment to ibe cent.ol and commoilioua toin on Market street, lately occupied by S.F.Lyndull, two doors cast ol their old stsnd.wbete they have received and aie no opening e Urge assortment of Fashionable HATS d CAPS of 'he newest style anl best qujliiy. fresh from the Eastern Cilies ; comprising a select lot ol E.rrn.i jioleskcx bats, XO. I. il- AO. - SILK do. and a full supply of Angola While Beaver, Cutia Percha, Pearl, Roush and Ready, Fur and Beaver Hats, Chiidrtn't fjvv g.jw Hits wilh Ottrich Pltrmes, Panama. Leghorn, BrsiJ, and Stiaw Ha.s, iuelu diag all kinJa for children, Jenny Lind and Blue Military Caps, Children's Fancy Caps, Good Silk Hats for 1,50, Cash. Also, Hats of their own manufacture constantly on hand. Fiom ihe cheapness, variety and superior qua lity of their goods, and the fact lhat their lime and alteuuiou are ilesuied exclusively to this particular branch of business, they are persuaded that pur chasers from both town and country can be better suited here than anywhere else iu the three counties." jyGive as a call ! Xo charge for examining oar stock !3 N. B. Bonnets, also Panaura, Leghorn, Braid and Straw flats, bleached and trimmed over at the shortest notice and oa the moat reasonable terms Lewisburg, April 23, 1451 To Carpenters and Builders. f7 IX EST quality east steel Panel Saws, Com pass and Rack Haws, dble and single Plane Bills, Turner's Chisels, Augers and Auger LUlts, upright Kim Locks, porcelain Knob Locks, earp- Hinges, and Screws, and everything that is of! i.,r. j.'ifM i.Acbe i ryumti i.atrnea.7Duner Doti. consequence in the building line, can ue na,i at the old aUnd of J. HATES & CO. FRESn SUPPLY OP SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, ( EDDE3 & 1DDIXGS have just ree'J anJ X ere now selling at unprecedented LOW PRICES, an extensive aud general neemnent ol DRY GOODS, QUEENSWARE, H ARD Ware, Fresh Groceries, Cedarwarc, and every other description of goods Usually kept in country stores. Their customers and the public generally are solicited to call and price their un- rivaled cheap stork of goods before making their purchases, as we are determined lo K at LOW. ER P1UCES than Ihe same style and quality of goods are sold at any other store in this coumy. IFWe invite especial attention lo our aioca oi iotus auu tdSMiacrea Auiie ureas . . . r ,. t : v J. I Goods. 4.C. &c. All kinds of CorxTav Pannccx wanted, fur which the highest maiket price will be given. rL ASTER, SALT and FISH always on hand St the lowet priffes. April 15, 1851. CEODES St IDDlXOd. MUSIC! FRANCIS J. UESSNEI: would res pectfully inform the Ladies and Gentlemen ot l.c-i:liurg and vicinity, tint be has taki-n rooms in the dwelling-house of Mra. Lndaiir, on Market street (entrance at ihe .Maiket SI. doora.) .here he is prepared to give Iuatiuclions on the PIANO, GUITAR, and aUo to give instructions in acquiring the Crrman Language. Mr. li.ssxaa ia lately from Bcllefonte. where j bo baa been entailed for nearlv two sears in ' teaching the above branches, and lis givra ' entire salisiaction to piron anu pupua. Lewisbu g, April 12, 1351 Executors' Notice. "VTOTICE is hereby given, that the Reg-1 ister of Lnion countv, has granted to '. the subscribers. Letters Testampntarv on the la-t will and testament of Gen. ABBOT GREEN", late of the Uorough of Lewisburg, deceased. All persons owing said estate, will make payment: and those having claima against the estate will present them properlv authenticated for settle ment. JOHX WALLS, JOSEPH CKEKV. THOMAS HOWARD. Lewisburg, May, IS51 LEVISDURGOAIIERY. THK subscriber having commenced the baking business in Lewitburg, nearly opposite H. P. Shelter's store, intends keep in g constantly oa hand the beat of FANCY CAKES, together with a good supply of Common Cakes, sad BREAD which tot whiteness and quality will be surpassed by no baker in the country, as we have the services of a practical workman. In connection v. ith our Bakery, we have an ass sasAsa siam FARMERS and persons from the country will find the Bakery a convenient and pleasant resort tor tbe purpose of obtaining refreshments, such ae Bread, Cakes Pies. Oysters. Hot CoUee, die. dec. Also, FLOUR for sale. A. E. DENORMAXDIE, Agt. Lewisburg, Dee. 1850 Old Newspapers, OOMG tbousanda in number, of all sixes, for kJ7 sale at tba Ubromcle office, at SO eta par 100 taken as they ran. or $ when assorted. A chance for Scrap Booka as well as for wrapping paper. April 8, IBM) AN excellent assortment of Avon, Florence Braid. China Pearl and Tulip Bonn eta hast opeaed and for sale by ... a ww.mrw.rt . . BRANT'S m a saw aaaeaavs) iill iiaeaaiB The Gi-rnt COl'Oll RE 31 EOT Manr wr..J.ipw, awe feaaa HawaVsWI Theasvei raw "T Casila; Cwiplauaa. kaaw to th umlWi.'K.'a aallaiacna .t a'! (araoua who Lars iMin acquaint art tbi ! .111 I., a. a la artlr tartar, asanas a B .1; ai. ia ti'rt awr rrriaia w w. r.wmx. Tr aoir-V'. t U i said hy mnmi al Consnr- au iZrlt ft. tk, it taioa of ir.s uw M vtfmp, .i.a m. tm is , 0 whirh.A,. ina eata ww aticna. waiscaiiaesiawi tSZSS&Za -T ljTStS.Z TJ SZii .j... ho aaia bosavalaaalj aSWaa. i-m awl tmr. an. """ -" Hreaat, M. em Jtadr-lrltHraltv f BrealMwsl -tmrmimt p wi t fcrtu "r .'Uiali an wwatlnc awny of H? ",li,'?2? JZTi Uin aoeh eouialaioia h" c t aiie M -a. ma i; mnla mot live a wcwal kir-r. tins Medletsa see cure! van u "ere eni; .-ed lo as la a riv-as; esaiaa, bar. bj ib aas of lute itnwrfr. tbef an live, aaa ssusy S'wl liea;lt. . . This lalaan la -arWy W"t It to ateasant lo lt, and t'J any ataa iva. iua or ander any rtrcama'aarca It etleeta Ita awSarlal aJ Waa- anirnewlaHs l am by Parlfjlne, a mm, and Inviaaraliwat ine "bole yeaafcy rirw rae circalnriM, ann pro4iicTn? a "Jv acriw mlL,mi l ,ua-W Ha jm-""?..-! Jtt'lti Mint Cxaeccerati ectorm ( It Cares tM alaanaa; v.s. Consiimption, rOI'UIMand CofcB, HrMirn. Alhmm, ''"- af .VW -... rmimatmm siha-t aaat aaj FKMALK KAHt:K sea C.awilaiati snsw e trua- t holerii Infantum. ry Far froof an particuiaia af Cares aaa aw t'ampbleia aud Alsaswla all oar Aavbss save aaa aa (iva away. Ant ill! Dr Thornton and J Baker, Lewis burg ; fj vV KeIer an J Rnshong & Antia. New Berlin ; Jo M Tayl r. Mifflinbuig; 8 J Crows-. !elitiPSrove ; H X Backhouse, Middleborf ; O F U Mojer, Freebur ; J II Caalow, MiltoB 3fi9wwcb$tJ Lightning Rods. riHE awful calamities lhat every City, X Town, Village and country falls victim to annually, thru' ih- gros neglect of it inliabiian's, is beyond calculation.e'pecially wheal Ihe remedy is so ea-v lo obtain this ia found in -Vrmilajc's patent iHagnelit fijrit ninj Bobs, and in this alone. This rod has been eiamined by the mos acien'ifi: gentlemen in the woild Pro fessors M'Mortrie, Johnson, Wallor, anH many others that have examined them, recommend and speak of them in the highest terms ol approbation and have pronounced them the only safe rods now in nae in Ibis or anv other country fnr tha protcc tiim of Lire and Property. One advantage ie la divide aud throw back a part of the electric fluid harmless to the clouds, this ia in time of a stroke. this enables the rod to conduct that portion of fluid lhat belongs to tiie ear lb without the slight eat danger of leaving the conductor. This rod ha many oiher advantages over the old one. The patentee lakes pleasure in informing his friends and the puMic in general that after many years' close investigation ami numerous experi ments be has arrived at the true principle of pro lecting Families. Dwellings and property from the destructive influence ef LIGHTNING SAMUEL HOOVER. Hartleton, Union Co., Pa., Aent tVr L'nioa end adjoining counties. 6m371 New Spring Goods ! AT ihe Old Stnnd of J. Haves tSi Co. is to be found one ol the best assort ments nf DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Jacensware, Hardware, &r. I thtt is to be scared un in all Ihe reeioo I rounfj 8DOtJ,. ..Seeing i, believinff." savs r . . . . -, . i , - I old proverb.and it you have any doubt. i Cail nd -''ne for yoursttlves. Wm want j to retain all our old friends, and cam aa many new ones as possible. We shall try ' . . . ... . , q "UciO ti by selling tiOO(N, cheap. J. HAYES 6t CO. Lewisburg, April 'I WHOLESALE and RETAIL DRUG Fancy Goods, Pfotion & Variety Store. riHE undersigned wnoM respeetrutly annownr I to bis friends in Iwibure and the public ', genen!y, lhat he has just received and is still receiving a large, fresh and we!l arlrett d atoek of Pure Drug. Medicines, Xr. vrhi-n win t :iprw-i of by whoianie arRrtaii. t--k irg new. rnnliiiwl and trtu-i i mrarlf ia th- I'hilaji'lphii and N.w York aiark.ta. at Irvr ratra fcrca.h. th rerore air Irivn-'s may rely up:a it-ttaig rverytbina tw ir.-Iino pin- anJ at much lower raws llian ev-roOrnd ha Nvrtharn t-tiDjlvaav sad eufuiala in aait of Drvg. Chemicals. Paints. Varnishes. Glass, i)ye SNJs. Patent Medieine. Perfutts ' ery. Fancy and Xution Goods, Fruits and Confectionery, alro tha frit qtiiilirv or LIQTJURS ear ran! j sV Uriltrl- c " w m.i AmwaKai purposes. C AIIonlrrentrualadtoiawiUraprayarVatMt to. ant my frianda nay rrry uprw. all araklrs purchaastt from m to a re an'trr sati.raction, oc ntama la at !v exjoiwr. Havinr has. in the bin-s iuwavla of twrtra years, t thwahy SaUer mysk.( of baviog a practirai know hdire of tha aanaa. Lawikbui Apa ! 151. C. W. STHAFIXSL 1)0CKE T Cullery.consisttng of f" pj y g Jj . Dirks, Bowies. &c. Tock. di easing, side, fine and pocket L'omlM. Pietols, guns, shot pouches, powder flasks, perenssion rana. powsW. .&e-&e. psiEKTr fl3XSv3-3 ,"t Monnaiea, parses, Ac. Also. I lunl, iaJD(.hra. oil and lard lamp, in variety, which are off red very cheap. In addition to tha above, ubacea, cigars, snuS; fruits, confecunnary. patent meui ciriea, dyeing materials, varniw aa, ells, paint, mirror plites, trusses, supporters, 4e togeiher wilh an extensive variety of ank-lss low numerous to mention t r sale at C W. SCI!AFFti.'5. Baltimore Printing Ink Manufactory THE subscriber, agent for the sale of this Ink, would invite ihe attention of prints t( publishers of aw-aspspera in the Soath lo the tact that ihey can now purchase itt Baltiraote awp. rior Ink to any manufactured ia the Slat. The) Baltimore Book and Newspaper p-iuie,. mtj, it to any o.iber Ink. Colored ink. card i.k. hook ink and News ink of superior an.lli. mA .a lowest pricas. The Hnder-igned warrsBta law ink made at the Bsllimona works to ha Of the) very best quality, and should an aatiek -'--a by hi m fail to give full aausfactioa rtcaaaa ialj3 aed at bis espense. V'j. THOMSON . 3368 j0. e Carroll Hall, Bahiatt . - i I j 1 v j as.- ; , 1 V;. 1