Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, July 23, 1851, Image 3

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Union County Whig Convention.
TKo ti.ric Whig voter of Uoion
...1 i mt ;.. hu ,
county are rcq ...w. ...
iviwnsn I us anu uuruuirns, 01 ius
usual place Ol noiutng ciecuuiia, uu
eDAV P. M.. the 9ih day of August next,
to select two Delegates in each District to
meet in County Convention nt the Court
House in New Berlin, on the Mo.idav fol
lowing (Aug. II) at 10, A. M., to form a
Ticket for the next ensuing Election.
By order of the Whip County Commit
tee. July 5, 1851
r i 11 L?l.: S3 .
On the 4th iust. by J H Zimmerman Esq,
Jacob Gbhlicb mod Miss Lima Mieklt, ell
cf Sunbury.
In Circleville, O., 1st inrt. by Rev.J. Rowland.
Giobob W. Biavib nd Miss Mart M.. Miller
both formerly of Union Co. IV
On the 18ih lilt- by Re HZiegler, Hi-oh P
Miliar of Lewisburg and Miu Carouse
FLii kikglr of Turbutville.
(n Lewiaburg, morning of 22d in.L after two
days' illness, Jacob Rhoaus, Sr.. aged 76 years.
8 months and 10 days. Mr It. was twice elected
a Commissioner of Northumberland county, and
lived and died much respected.
In Milion.tSihinst.Miss Mari)aret Bastiax.
aged about 28 years. Un the 16. h inst., Mist
"!tcr Bcov, aged about 49 years.
TAKE notice, that Josteu HorrMAX and
others have taken up on the waters of the
West Branch of tne Susquehanna, at White
Deer Mills, on the 17th of July, 1S51, about
Five Thoussnd feet of White I'iue HOA KD"S,
and a platform of LOUS thirtv f.et in length
nisrked XX. ROIIEKT CANDOR, J. 1'.
White Deer Mills, July 13, ISol
fBB From this town on Tuesday of last
pajjjweek, a milch, CUW alwul 7 ;ears ulJ,
jiuiiiiy white, with black s'ots. he may be
identified by one of her hip being smaller than
the othet. Whoever will return said Cow, or
inform me where I can find her. will confer a
great favor, ai:d alia!) be auiuldv rewar.le.1.
I.ewisburg, July C2, l"l
4 STATED Meeting of the Hoard of Curalors
of the I'niversity at Lewiaburg will be held
at the l.iiiversily ltuildings in the Iloroogh o:
J.ewisburg, fa., on Monuat the 1 3 lU day
August next, at '2 u'cl rk. 1' M
G V MI I. LEU, Pcribe.
I.ewisburg, July 17. liSol
University at Lewisburg.
STATED Meeting of ihe Hoard of Trustees
of said L'niversiiy, will be held at the
I'niversity Buildings in the Borough nf Lenis
burg. I'nion Co., l'a.. on 'J'l isntr the 19lU day
ot August next, at It o'clnrk. A M
li F MILLER, Secietaty.
Lewiaburg, July 17, 151
Public Vendue !
VT the late residence of Col J .ckso M'l'in
ptv, ilec'd, will be sold on Sati boav Hie
IGtli day of August neat
Scocx ill the Lewisburg and Williamport
Biidge, and Susquehanna Telegraph companies;
IJarts ; Wagons.; an Iron Pafe ; also a large
assortment of llouseh ihl FL'KM I'L UI.
tSsle to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M, when
terms of sale will be made known by
of ('!. Jark'on M'Fadden, dee'd.
Lewisburg, July 2:t, ISol pd
I RON a complete assortment jnl rccd by
1 V S K kmc it A' Co.
Coal a supeiior article,
I) S Khuii B &. Co.
int ree I liv
J - j
kPKINv; Steel and Ste! springs a large
' esforlineiil just reed and for sale by
II 5 kniMi.li ,V Co. I
t KINDSTO.NES, a s ipcrior lot, and Oiitid- ''
' stone Cranks complete just reed by
1 S Kill MAS .V Co.
Farmer, Farrier & staye Proprietor.
cifraaaALLELED is the history or MEmeisc
Al the most remarkable External Application ever
discovered. ;
They can't Keep House without it"
F,iprifiic- nf inrtr- fh.in
'Ttf 1.ict ir.m Mt rriiati' IV!
rEai family ll;ntro.att-n.
'i w a, tuch m
r:rti ve.--
n'aiiS Oil. r I oi-
ideals, tm: i
Kvil, Callous, ( ra. k-'l li-Ws
(alls of hII I
kinds Krvsh Wfiii.ds Sprains Ini.s s
tiila, SitfasT, S.-uid Cnrk-. Strains, hanit 'icss, j
Fmn.lTod Ken, Sfr;it-ln-s or (irfas-, Mane, '
lihonniati'-in, iUt- cf Amn. ;.!.-. KxN-riial I'm- 1
fTis, I'.uiiful Nirv.'!.it Ati !,.. ns, Fpt liit s '
B'UiS lVms Wltititt'.vs li'iTTis auM Sc.il is
ClulIl'I.'UTis (b.nr..-.l lirind-, C.aiuvs
trar'jons of tlio Mu!ts Swi-Iiiii's Wakius
'f tli .loints 'ak l !ri.'.3, Ac. Ac, At.
TV iiniral Vlia siKCfW rf 'hi Oil. vi i'i" cur'1 of ti
'! ir. ilorvrt .in.i ("an!-. a:i.l even in tmin.ir. (! sh. t I
.. y r .miiir rti'Tf fcrmwn m h laimiti- r- inn, ir.i;v.
V 'tr. h.tr:v i err i. rifpi by i ! u wh-j h;t Urn j
i' T l,abit"n kr i inr r l" 'bt-ir fi:ib''' .'tt-i h' uvf. v,T:.it i
-t!-i amou'.i ol yam, Mifl. nrsq &:A iiiiif. .ire b-ivf .1 i,y
'.1 tnftv applira'i-.ii f (!ne Oii i
jt b- -Vis. , ni ib r-rr'i''',r. e.rn.n I
U" Mi;K Ham, I. 'r c (..!'. Y., is hifvn in tinj tti.je
ot th b"U!e. ir, hi? l.:i'.niwri:iTii: v r ihe coik.
All or Vrt aUrt.:ii t-, ih- pfpnei-T null bt prorr.p''y
Tp''n'Tcd t
l.rt a 'ani:-h. nf ! Arr., nut, r what w.-ttij r! are
i'mmj'1!-1'! by fh. :- ,.t n,-.ti' : .
Siii bv r -pv"lbi': iS;a.l-a teiitii.ty, in The rmttd
Iv A .ts artd t ana-i. Ai& by
Y s-ii uuFLt, Ipwihtmri ; I KosfWt, Npw
Berlin; J F iVljw. Miitr.n; H M bsmt, unlur
M A M'Cay, Nurthuml I.I ; P.ntrr & M'Mean.
I'ellefi,nte ; I. Martin, Williamsj.ort. Whtilrwh
-z?nt8 F Klett A Ca- J'hilad.; M Ward 6i C o.
York ; Wm Jackson. Fittaturg
l38iin3iJt :j.J
(CHEESE a new supply by
J Barton cV Chalfar.t.
HOSTON MESS SllAl7inTia!irbnrrels
fur sale by J. Haves (V Co.
EEDS ff t enre'tor firm, for U at th
i- orijuirie cni.t , r- ct8 sir.jie ,f o rrr i.i j
Partnership heretofore existing be
tween the undersigned is this Jay dissolved
; h mutual consent, Mr. r IKI wnnuiawing auo-
. f M RrDy & ca ,
, . ...
terminating this connection, we feci it incombent
on us to oiler to our numerous fiiends and patrons
our sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage
received from them, and tender to each our sin
cere wishes tor their future health and prosperity.
(TJ-The business will be continued at the old
stand and ill accounts settled by
M. RUUV St t-O.
FiBMinsTiLLS, Buffilo Tp,
Uuion Co, July 10. 1851
Sfxttit) Srritoii
at Dr Thornton's Drug Store.
Too will find at Dr. Thornton- Drag Stere, th
, . i 1.1. atH.k nf
I'iue Oil, Flu d, Fhosgemc, ana
-1 ' , J o
JUlird ljtllipS,
in Uwt,W J fcs MI. than. , etojper than
ynu can purchase them, an.-where else. Call
i and thcui.
" 1IKUK can I cc t a eood Socar? At Dr. Thornton 8
rir.. fi..r h, k.- the wrv hat ImportiO and
, i'i...w,!r T.i1,n(r,.fi of everv i
luaiity, and a Viiriely ft iion. Pije. Ac. i
a. SI'ElTA'.'LES of diircrt-nt kiudj to suit I
,iJS'"iS'le "'' "f all. voun.' aud ofd. Vent.
tivi. Alaaws. . a variety of aims.
AZ'B5. Stmns. Porkvt Knives. Sawn of every des- !
' crij.Uoii, at pri'-es tn suit 11 cusIuuwts. j
r. TUL'SSEi The mbferfVr U prpafd to t
Wwili) furnish Truss-s of .UServiit siws to all j
Tho aw tieowii'elM to u th-m. on an im-i---'
i.r.ive-1 pinn; alsoupporUTofdillerent kinis. j
sSSB! Jt ST n-cfive.1. a Tark'tv of thf ni'tft fafhioiiaM.
yV.,inha. Mich a. Drcin.'. Tuck, Cap, Side, Poekct,
N'-CK, KuiUioor luiiution.
'Ili:R. SIl t, l. ..t an 1 Pi-r -ussion Cap tar sale at the
lru.- aud CdwuixaI Store T K.-. 'fUOll.N WX.
Tl"1 ' I',K-k. Jtnk. P 'rt Mvnual. Purses, is., at
I : ""ire.tu-c-1 prices. Call aui ate llitiu.
INK Ilia, k nine, r.i-1. and S.-ar!et.. I v th.
nr l.n-.r .nl.itiT :! v . NcTe l'ar aili t'alU'V
,?f ..v.tv de-criptiou, Mottos, 'liaiiireat and
k.xxv y !tr.
METIIINii V-iR THE I.AHIE. Pertoratot nnnoi
lloirl. .ilnr f,r m:irmj purpo-es. l up' r ir.
l.eiv". and Ha l? f..r taakiug per Bowers, a..w a varn-ry
"f f A.NS. umiualiy i.
I.iiriv: i.'-" . ,
..st.lursUc-v.rr.lT. rvd. 1 1-sui..ni-r
..old !i-k Ihe attention 'f tie' puhli.- tn
tl.-ir pe-nliare..u-tru.li...i. 1-t. to u.eir runt ami leu
,.r..,Jr,. u i., .!a;.led V. anv d".r. -A. 1 le ir adapta-
l.!l t. ,I.ts el anv Ihi'-kue-s. I v luesin of llieir sl.dni
spindle and e.r -l-' pl.de. To UiK nr-..t imiwtan- is
alt:e lie-l I.v earp.-niers. S. The c-ner.l -lle tnictme.
and piiee. e..intlii-' ntuei and ureoith itU anf
ti. i. ut oriiain. iit to L-n.riH the i-hes and ta-t - of a repute
In an I t-t uUliMii fall and eaajlli th '-fore puc lin-ingeis!ien-,at
llr.TUrcteua DruiudfSie
i ill I "ns..,..!. Pine. ffi'erui. l.-rl.Mfcli,
.5 and S:irit-. f Tuns Ut ill- ' the l.arpd or
at tile lrUE ana tueui-
I'll. Til J' A. H TII0P.NT0X.
TIME Co-partrier-liip lieretolore exiting bet
I.. I! .CiiHivranJ Jai kson M'Faiihex
under the Firm of Chri.-t M' I'urlden, was
dissolved the 1 Sill day of June, 1S51. by the
death of Jackon MTadden. The business of
ihe Finn will be sc'tled by L.U.Christ, surviving
partner: all persons therefore knowing themselves
indebted to ssid Firm, are requested to make
im'neiliate pavtnent ; and those having claims
will present them properly authenticated to L.B.
Christ for scltle;ucii:. L. B. CHKIsT,
Surviving Partner.
rrLn i B. CiintsT has this " 1th day of June
m.'il. assoeiated with him (itomtr A. Fiiick.
! under the Firm of CHIMST vie FRICK, for the
i transdclion ol a ceneral Fouudr' business
j I.ewnloirir. July 8, IS51
Dl'lltist will be absent on
" a professional visit to Lewistown until the
first of August next
l "SOW
N'OTICE is hereby gi- cn that the partnership
heretofore exi-tiug netween the undersigned
I is this day amicably dissolved. The unscliled
I business of the late Firm will hn settled up by
Mr. Herti JOUX IlEltl..
Lewisburg, June 3(1, HM
wx.fiAsm Thankful for past favors, I would
announce to old fuenJs and the public
in general that I continue
I'ainlin? al hair Makini;
at the old stand of Htnr .t Lcamox, (upper
end of Market sireet,) where I will be happy to
answer any calls in mv hue
Julv 1 4.vl50 JOHN HERTZ.
ll'ILL Ire sold ot the residence of the sub-
scrilier, in Smith's addition to Lewisbuig
on StTi-nnar, the Bfiih !ay of July inst., the
following personal property, to wit: j
y setts of chairs. 2 bedsteads, 1 dining tabic, j
1 kitchen table. 1 breaklsst table, I setter, I i
cupboard. 2 eandlestands, 1 we-h'tand, 1 boston
rocking chair. J bureau, 1 ten plate stove, j coai
stove, a lot of stove pipe, e lot of tubs and ban-Is,
and a variety of articles too numerous to name.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., when
terms wi'.l be made known bv
i VOTHI.N'ft is so suiial'Ir, nothing so valuable
ciitraiiv cht'rifhi d ior a put. as is a
;0I) UOUK. Messrs. Uahtoi & CiiAi.r ant
havo f f palf an assortmenl of excellent W(k 'n
pliiu and in elrqant Implicgs, to which they
rtjte tfuliy invite the public attention. Tj For
at reasona'-Ie prices. July 1. 1 S.'iO
.Trs. Woods'
ec Cream Saloon
3 s horn ltF-M-iVMi to the late re
,lenr.e nf H 1
AV WvkoiT, in Fourth street ne ir Market
, two doors south of Ir Luilnlg's late ( Mice, w here
choice Ife ( I'CailK will be reguladv srrved
! hereafter on ecrv wtek dav evening Mondays
i excepted. Th.- patronage of the pubix is :
: lespeetflilly Solicited. I
Lewistiurg, July U, IS."0 lm
Estate of Col. Jackson PITadden.dec'd
' V'llTIt'K is hereby given, that Letters of Ad
I ministration on the estate of saiJ deceased,
j was this day granted to nie by the Hegister ot
! I'liion county. All persons indebted to said
estate will please make payment, and ttioso nav- i
ing claims will present them for settlement. j
JAMES F. I. INN, Adm'r
of Col. Jar I; son M'Fadden, dee'd.
Lewi-burg. July 1. Iol fiwpd
and the
l f. l"fc!i"- it 1 1 smaller niantity
! ft is---: W ieJ M, re ef
i V. 1 Bra . rtir
A large variety of liibles am Te-taments in
Ctgmsh, Cicrmat ami Wet.ch of large and
small size, and in every style of binding, may he
had by calling at the Store oj pObitb Kline'
ur.e FPT?r & CHUtASiT,
M I N E 11 A L AV A T E R
For sale by Dr. T. A- II. THORNTON.
EVERY rnsn and his neighbor that's in want
of a cradle, should call and examine loose
made by Chadwick. Blackmail A Co. New York,
aud for sale by V. 3. KKEMER & CO.
In West Buffalo township, Union Co., Ta.,
one mile above Gulden's Mill.
I.-.,,,. u.. I. .l .1,. .!.. .ll. I
j I "" " : --m
I known i actorv. and put the samo in firsts
sy,kini order :" and is treoared to do work
, fa fu,lowin? ,,
t... en , ..r.l
Cloth, 42 to 45 " " "
Cassiineres, 42 ' 45 "
Sattinetts, 35 " "
Flannels, 35 to 37J "
Also Country Fulling-, Dyeing and Carding
done on the shortest notice, in the best si) le, and
on the most rcaonuble terms.
The patronage of the public is reppdfii!lv so
licit.. J.VLUU HEHTZLElt.
June 25. ISol.
OpjiiMte Kline t IIj'.'I, Mtrktt at net.
goods nt lower prices than they can :
he bouoht elsewhere in Lowi-buro;.
Dust Colfee, licts. per pound j
" Sudr, 8 " I
I'nii's, 9 & 10 pT yarJ !
" Brown Mucins 10
Ready maiie Coat?, Ptiiits and Vents al
iinusiia v hnv i.r:cts
IVlllie Jff.-CV li'Jm
Ill pprlb.
" " S!ioti!d:rs 10 "
All o'ler 201 Is proporliombly low.
ICT All kinds ot cuuntry produce taken
in pnj merit.
I.'-H i.-bitr, June II, 1 S-j 1 -
T O V S !
.Ml I lU.NIS. 1 atlCV- rJ-
Si' :l K VJ" Boxes,
nutl boxes and
cigar cases. Pons, rat-' r naa".
ties, Emery's needlos snl cases,
tea setts, fifes, flutes, accoideons, fiddles.dorninoes,
fancy shaving soas, smelling tiottles, h air dves.
pearl powders, tooih pa-'e and poivdcr, musk bags.
tooth, hair, clothes, wall, paintu.g. criming, shoe.
ln.r.x nii.t llu ltrilliod lttr li.tlu uti.t ,. r,a,...r I
ov..lo,,e, i.iii,,Wa..'.iihe,'r.,.U !
and other fancy toys, microscopes, spy and other
kinds of glasses, fans of all kinds, it, just re
ceived at the drug and chemical emporium of
Junc4, 1S51. . v. II ti i m:.
X cvtf nsive variety of Razors, Strops. Fish-
Kods aud Lines, 8:io ds. t lies. Hooks,
Ac. at -sciiaffll:s.
LA KGE assortment of Spectacles, riM and
hilver penciU, breast jnins, ftnutT and car
Ac.iVc, at frCHAFFLE S.
MI1S subscribers have just received a
splriidij assortment of Fiimmer goods
that can't be beat for the LadiesTissucs,
(iranndities, IWees, Heroics Do Lnines,
Ginghaiiis.Oiinohim Inwns.and Lnwns in
great variety a larire n:sorlrnent ol Mjur
niiii; and Second Mutirnini; Goods. Prints
from 3 to 12 cents. For the Gents lilnck
Due-Skin, English, French, and Fancy
Cassimeres, Cavhmeretts from 50 cents up.
In f.ict, a or-iicral assortment of
Dry Goods---Groceries---llai
tl, (iics-nx.
;iiil 1'iMlarivarc,
ail of which will be sold al a small advance,
at the t'lvap S:ore of
.May 23, I So ! . 1) S. KREMKR & CO.
pTONS Nails just received and for sale
by I), i. Kremer & Co.
June 2. 15I.
article, made nnd warrantei
Ciiadwick Blackmail iV. Co., Livingston
Co., N. Y., and (or sale by
June 2. 1851. D. S. Kremer &. Co.
More I fats!
Just received from Philadelphia, a new lot of
' splendid Hats, comprising Panama. Pearl I nion.
j Leghorn, Luton and China Peail, all of which
' we wiii sell cheap for cash.
J. SPYKLK .V !?n.
CXa- iW52 K T H '.JVT HO
fllIE Cnnfun Tri Company of New York
the oldest and largest cstabli-hment of the
kind in the L.t. invite universal attention to
the fact th it, from their superior arrangements.
They nrf- .T. .ar-t t t il T' .is r.ol
an-I mere fnerant
for th" rt-!-i"-fivc pr.ct's
( cni viiiit'trndy iif.
Tb- Ti'.'ij fdiiihin'' r
' th y nr.- il'.nt' njt in j ji
iipan! . th' wr:i;.jfr
' rovt't" it w th w:n- r .r
tii.'i n ;fn li"tic on thi? ointiut'i.t
p.-rv p-wl -b ecrirition nnl tpialtty:
k:t iff f-' fti i 'jimr'1 r t n ponii.l
in'vt th" t'-a i a . tut t"il.
f itii'l t leran! riiiti' p:pi-r. im-l
r.!.i liLht ami air. ?o t!i.-tt til
! nrr H-rt'- tJv wi url
It't. h f-r. st rvi .1 in :tiiT rlineile.
; i truiii ;.o er t.. il.'-.i ! it r"":"l. for
. i f e ! r-n
p.i'e A?Ttts f.-r l.-Hisimr
passengers for the West-Take Notice.
N jtw I. ls.,1, a IAlt.V I.1XF, "f enaehes
will l.-ave l;:vlioou in ronn.-eti.in with t;:e .ir fr-.m
llll.oil.p rr. I-r l.im r;i. i :i- jr jpr'-urs nnve i.irpo
rnel t'-ains hii-1 I P'V rns. n'-s a iTIi ''.'ir-'TUI oriv rs i a tin
niito.aii'l the TraTii.nj .'in-l if may n-t A".-tiril th:it ri
f'ani" will 1-j 'jan i l nuke thin f-iafi tn.-it.h-; hih) tht-y !
wiM abn h:.Tc ilir aiiatitajc ''ri tliis r,i'' cf ronnt tiik- '
with th" -btt.T.'nt tninn .-n th-N. Vnrk Ki- Kriilr-v-.l. j
A cr will 1-ave Wil.i ,m-intrt ( Jiiy.iat -t o'-l- r-b, p. M, ;
arrive at Kal-tnn ut 7. I. M. n-tnain all pi'bt. Iave (
Hfil't'in i-t 3 A M.: Arriv at KImira at 1'. wIpt
p:i.-fi ri'jfrs --nn taft-th1 rrmirf; train for lrt:k irk , r a ;
tr.iin t'tr ' D'Mi- or n irain mr .--w i t ''., . la.-!
per.' will bf c Ij'fl lliptiiL'h mity by Uie Aetlt ou tl;
er F.ire. f ..-S". IistaTHe To mil".
" -mv -Tt, June i.,il. ATSTIV Tb. Ti'V,
limt.J ii. li. n.Mll.T V.
loolv lien
-w a -a a"
sold by many Druggists in city and
country. It w ould Ue w en ll persons in IIUl'Tli ru
for them woulJ make them produce their Certifi
cate or Ac.ENt r. As there is but one Agent
appointed for each city or town, (no difference j
how large the place.) and all Agents can produce
their Certificate, any persons wanting the genu
ine Pills had better purchaso where they can
dcrjtnJ on getting the genuine article.
J. HAYF.fi f O.
Pole .-vi,-..
TEV York and Philn-
i. delnhia 1'L.A 1 bS,
have just been received by
,tho subscriber, l'ersons
wishing to have their work done according
to those styles, will do well to give him a
cull. KrCounlry Produce taken in pay
fr work, nt Market prices. Shop on N.
I e vilurg, April 1
Boots and Shoes,
Books, Stationcrn,
Ready made Clothing.
HAS just received and opened the larft
est, best and cheapest assortment of
Gnods in his lino of business ever olL-red to
this community; and fearlessly challenges a com
paiison of stocks with 'all the world and the lest
of mankind,' to say nothing of the outsiders in
general. The inJiviJual articles uf his !-t are
decidedly too nu.nerous to luetition, hut be can
say in short hand that
In ihe HOOK line he has everything that
anybody wants, from a child's Primer to
the lii"liest University class-book, and at
prices that cau not be rivalled in tbese
discing. v,
1 le has a la rcer lot nndrirher r''jiiaV
variety of STATIONERY U---
l ban ever.
His stock of fiOOTS nnd SHOES com-
prises every style of fashion
and workmanship for Ladies
and Gcn'letneii, Children and '
Misses, that can be bought ia the Eastern :
cities, or made at home. j
His assortment of CLOTHING includes j
everything called for by the season and the
fashions, or that the most fastidious or oco
uotnii'al could desire.
His HATS and CATS positively can't,
be beat in this market. Gnod S lk Hals,
for $1,25, and the best kinds nlTordeJ at I
unprecedented!' low prires.
Also a liroe supplv of choice TRUNKS ;
and CAUl'KT P.AGS, cheap. j
This is the place for cspdal bargains. The 1
steam's cp and we are bound to go ahead in spite '
of wind and tide 7 I
LiDou'l call at Lvndall's until voti hive
" '
t,Mn everywhere
else first : you will then be
better able to appreciate the lew price and super
ior quality of his coods.
Lewisburg, May 15, 1S51
New Establishment !
rriHE subscriber would inform tlte citizens of
this town and the surrounding country that
having made Lewisburg his permanent residence
he has taken the shop at the barer end nf Market
street, south side, where ho will keep on band or
manufacture to order all kinds of
Also, every variety of work in his lino
ICcpuirotl, Painted, Trimmed
on shoit notice and reasonable terms. it'On
hand a lame stock of well seasoned TI.MULI1
fiom the Ckillisoeaipre Ito'.tnms.
From his long experience in the business the
st'lferiber trusts he will he able to give entire
satisfaction to all who mav favor him with patro
nage. Any one disposed is rrrjueted to call
and fxamise my materials and workmanship,
Cash and Country Produce taken in pav for
Lewisburg, April tC, 1-5I f.m
Lumber !
HF. subyribcrs having renewed their stork
with a choice lot of l.nilllllT, now offer
t t sa'o nt their xAKIJ (.tronting me Iierman
Keformed Chnich) an assortment comprising
1 in-'h H"ar.ls 1 romrren alet Tannel p.janls
l'...m ll .1" I Y.'.l' W fine do.
flank l'- an.l I", iie'h Kiver I'me.
()., " ,., SnlLMr V.-iiley Pine.
?-lin'I:n'.'. an 1 Pine :in-l ll mleek .I'.ists.
It-s.I.n I-.lt (1. aiel CeiOoi l.sth.
,l"iot Miin'les. in.-b an I - f'-et
I...p r!o 'i fmt. vannii" jriees.
,, tU InrL'--. Sucir Vall' y.
.1 in--li Ilutr. nw.srl IManks, for M;ir Failinci. Ac.
S-oitlitii f-T lt-li"R'.s. I'uj'lar Mank.
s1 iinre I'me T.ml-er Ae Ac.
We are ereclins; a Kiln on the premises to
hiin dry such lumber as is repaired.
The above will be sold nt fair prices for Cash
or reasonable (not long-winded) ciedit. Books
1 kept at the residence cf Feter liur-h.
Lewisburg. April 30, 1.1 y7
ISoots and Shoes,
r'pHE undersigned has just received from
I the Citv of I'hilaclflphia, a lull and
choice nssoittncnt of Boots and
Shoes of the latest and most Bp
lmvrd s'vlcs, Rrnotif' which are
Mi-ii's fine Ciilf.Kip and MoroCro Doots,
Conorrss Oaiitrs. M roci;o and Calf Clay
Tip, Kip Brnejuns and .Morocco Slippers.
La kes' fine (iai'rrs, Jfiiny binds and
plain Bushir.s, Lice LSoots, Excelsior Ties
and Slippprsi.
Hoys' Calf and Rip Bontt. Calf and Mo
rocco (,'lav Tirs, Call and Kip HroAnsi.
Misses' fiaiter. Calf and Morocco Lace
Hoots, Kid and Morocco I'uskins.
Children's Oaitets, Morocco end Call
Lace Hoots and Shot s of every ih scription.
Also, a choice selection of
'TCIassical and Common School
Hooks, Sunday School Library
Hooks. Hymn Hooks. Hdilcs, Testaments,
Portfolio. Monais, Rlnnk Books, Taper,
Sliiles, Metallic Pens, Arc.
The above Cnods have been selected
with much care anJ purchased at such rates that
lliev are olTered very low for ready Cash. The
public are re'pectfu'.lv invhed to call and exam
ine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere.
The su'scriber al continues to MAKE TO
OrtDKR, Hoots and Shoes of every description,
for which all kmJs cf Country Produce will be
taken in exchange
rri"Thankful to his friends snd customers and
the public generally for the liberal support here
tofore received, he hopes by strict attention to
his business to merit and receive a continuance
of the same. JOHN HOUGHTON;.
t ..... Mas K tKf.t
Life Innurance.
KEYSTONE Mutual Life Insurance Comp
any of Hsrntburg, Pa , has a guarantee
capital ot $75,000
Local Agent, Lewitburg H.C.Hickok.
Medical Examiner do Wa. Lxisia.M D.
MIE Lewisburg Cheap Store has been
removed to the more convenient Store
room, recently occupied by J.Forster, first i tatet fashionable styles and at reasonable prices,
below Kline's Hotel, where we shai! be ! which you will see by complying wuh our invita
k.nni tn cur rihi natroiiA. and anv I lion to call and examine tor vouiAelvea.ZS No:
""ITJ r ' i
number of new one.
April 2, 1650
LBS. of HAMS for sale by
Maytf. C. E. BOWES.
8'ilebv C. E. BOWES.
LBS. of CHEESE for sale by
LBS. of FEATHERS for sale
by C. E. BOWES.
BBL3. of FISH for sale btr
Woolen Factory,
near Hartleton, Union Co. Pa.
rpHIS establishment is now in the best
J order. The Machinery beinp; nearly
all new, and none but the beat of Work
men employed, the subscriber feels sale in
saving that his work shall not be surpassed
by any establishment in tins or thu oujoio
in counties.
II s Wagons will be around as usual,
and those wishing to palronlze his estab
lishment, will please avail themselves of
that opportunity to do so.
l71 have also on band, and inteud
keeping, a choice assortment of
which 1 will sell low for Cash, or exchange
for Wool and Country Produce Generally.
May 3. 1851
Fresh Supply
rioxEii y, xo tioxs, s-c.
VOW on hand and for sale next door to J.
-1- A. J. Walls' stole at the Drugstore of
Lewi-hnrg, May 19, 1950
1JIJUSHKS just received a large asaorlmeut
Jx of the following :
Hair Ilruslies, variety of patterns Comb Brusties
Cl ulies and Flesh Iiruh'.a Nail do
Fancy and Omnnon Sle Bru.hes T-iOth do
cjo do I'aint do rf.otli do
Ttlilteirash llrushes Scrubbing-de
W all Nailed do Ilorsa da
Hand dn
Which will fee sold lew for cash at the Drugstere
To Builtlers and House Painters.
The subscriber is prepared tn furnish Red and
While Lead Chrome Vellow.Green. Paris Green
and Patent Black, ground in oil Venitian Red,
Yellow Ochre. Litharge, Varnishes, Linseed Oil,
and (ilass of all sizes ; all of which will be sold
at reduced prices at the Drugstore of
I WISHING Rods, ,tc A fine lot of Cane rods.
Lines, Hooks, &c. unusually low ; call and
examine for yoursolvcs at the Drugstore of
C BATTLE Powder and Liniment for sale hy
J April 21 Dr THORNTON
rt EDDES &, IDDINGS have just ree'd and
f are now selling at unprecedented LOW
I'KiCES, an extensive and general assortment
Waro, I'rt'sh Groceries, Cedarware,
and every other description of goods usually kept
in country stores. I heir customers and tne public
generally aro solicited to call nnd price t
rivati-J cheap slocR ot goous uitorc ms1
nurcha-es. as we are determined to sell
ER PRICES than tho same style and quality of i
goods sre soH at any other store in this county. I
IIT W6 invite especial attention lo our large
stock of Cloths and Cassirr.ercs Ladies' Dress '
Gorrds. Arc. Ac '
All kinds of CorXTUT rnonrci wanted, fcr ;
which the hishest market price will be given. j
PL XSTKK.SALT and FISH alwaysonhand
at the lowest prices.
April 15, ltiSl. GEDDES & IDDING3.
Slimmer (ioods !
Just opening, a select assortment of
LAWNS, eve tvc.
Wit!i a full sssortment of QUEEXSWARF.
ERE&H HHUCERIES. Ac. to be had at the
old stand of J. HAYES .V CO.
To rarprnten ami ltuililort.
I --IX EST quality cast steel Panel f?aws,( dn :
pass and Itnck Maws, Jbie and single Plane !
.... . .. . i . , .
Bills. uruci s cnisels. Augers ana .urjer inns.
nnrichl Kim Locks, porcelain Knob Lock, carp
enter's Rim Locks.Thumb Latches. Shutter Bolts,
Miners, and Screws, and evervthing that is of
. .1 -i i:.. l:-.. l.- k- 1 ;
consequence ... ,ne ou.iui. 5 - j
liio o,o .aim w. - " i
II(H KOSlnc Xall Koils.
ONE Ton of Centre county Horse-Shoe Jfail
Rods ol the best quality, just received and
for sale by J. HAYES & CJO.
MACKEREL, Shad, ami Herring just reed
and for sale by J. HAYES A CO.
THREE Tons of Dunranncn NAILS and
SPIKES just reed and for sale by
ALT and COAL always on hand and for
sale by
TT 1 ATT7" C1 for Juslices.Consta' l
hc,r,ur-: vvSV'-y
Miig i.ieir i ''Ay, vy
J) Jji.i IVkJ hles.&c.on hand at ! chance for Scrap Books sa well as for wrapping
the Chronicle othce, or printed to order. I l,l'er: Aprils. JS50
B INNS' JUSTICE, new edition, can be had
at Lynddli's Bookstore, in this place.
Leirburg. April 10, 1850
c. May be foand in Third street.
IF I -i - . L r.u- 11...: ..
al J inree tioura auuiu ui uiv uapuai
Kehurcb. where Ihey have on
hand a general assortment of Ladies', Misses' and
Children's French and English Kid and Morocco
Gentlemen's French Calf HOOTS, Kip and Wax
L'pper tiOOT8 and MONROE9. with an assort-,
merit of BOYS' and YOUTHS' Boots and Shoes.
We are also prepared to manufacture all kinds
of Boots and Shoes and Ladiea' QiSJ3.J2 of
..... .lnr nf ika mn.l .tur.ldj. material ill lb.
charge for inspection.
Lewiaburg, April 22,
New Stock.
TTtVE removed their Hat and Can establish.
I I mant o the central and eommaJioc. room I
on Market street, lately occupied by S F.Lyndall.
two doora east of their old stand, where they have
received and are new opening a large assortment
of Fashionable HATS CAPS f the
newest style anJ beat quality, fresh from the
Eastern Cities ; comprising a select lot of
.SO. 1. ita.
.Yd. . SILK do
snd a full supply of Angola. White Beaver, tiutta
Percha, Pearl, Hough anJ Heady, Fur and Heaver
Ctii'dren't Fincy leaver Hti with Oitric (uav,
Panama. Leghorn, Braid, and Sttaw lla's, inclu
ding all kinds for children,
Jenny Lind arid blue Military Caps,
CiulJren's Fancy Caps,
GouJ Silk Hats fur .$1,50, Cash.
Also. Hal of their own manufacture constantly
on hand.
Fiom the cheapness, variety and superior qua
lity of their goods, and tbe fact lhal their time and
atteutiou are devoted exclusively to this particular
branch of business, they are persuaded that pur
chasers from both town and country can be lt:er
auited here tun anywhere else lu the three
LUive us a
caH ! No charge for examining
our stock' A 1
N. B. Bonnets, also PanTma. Leghorn. Braid
and Straw Hats, bleached and trimmed over at
the shortest notice and on the in,t reasonable
terms Lewisburg. April 23. 1S51
- .
rUClUCI TV ISfliVI UlDal'',
JiUilLII ihUll llUnAda
fPHIS establishment has just commrnced
X operation, and is prepared to manufac-
ture Steam Engines and Boilers, Blowing
Cvlinders and Hot Blast Pi oes. Retorts. LamD
Posts, Gas and ater Pipes, Car keels and
Axles, Kolling Mill castings, VrK and Siw Mill
castings. Horse Power Threshing Machine and
Plow castings. Cast Iron Fronts for Houses, cast
Coupling and Railing Patterns, and diuithnurk
made to order.
Tlarrisborg, Pa. April 9, 1S51 3m
Dry Lumber.
IHE sulwcTtbpr continucj to keep a good
X slock of Lumber on hend. consisting
of the fullowrne. viz.
100,000 feet of Boards. remDrisin Pine. Pon-
jlar. Linn and Weatherboards, tbe gtatr part of
which have been drying two years ;
50,000 feet of Joist and Scantling ;
Roofing and Ceiling. Lath and Sawed Rails ;
2.500 feet of square Pine Timber.
Joint and Lap Shiryles,
Mackerel, No's 1 and 3, n balf barrels ;
Salt by the barrel aud sack ;
Nails and spikes. Tar and Pitch
Ail of which he will sell at fair prices for Cash
or Country produce.
Lewisburg, April 12, 1651 3m
R. FRANCIS J. GESSNEU would res-
peclfully inform the Ladies and Gentlemen
of Lewisburg end vicinity, that he has taken
rooms in the dwelling-house of Mrs. Ludwtg, on
Market street entrance at the Maiket St. doors.)
where he is prepared to give Instructions on the i
-Y,- a.f V V UUAL. -MLSIU,
- rlMX--3a
and also to give instructions in acquiring the
(ierman Language.
Mr. Gyss:"r is lately from Rellefont", where
t. t i. . - i r ...j. , n .. ;.. !
teaching :',( above brr.nches. and has given
entire satisfaction
o patrons and pupils.
Lewi-bu'g, April I
Executors' Notice,
AjOTlC'E is hereby giver., that the Reg.
1 is'er of Ur.ion counlv, has granted to
the subscribers. Letters Tcstamentnry cn the lnt '
will and testament of Gen. ABBOT GKEF.X. ;
!.ie of the Horoush of Lewisburg, dcre.ised. AH
persons owing sniu estate, will mnkc payment t
and those h iving c'lims against the estate will j
present tucin propcilv authentica'eit lor fettle- i
Lewisburg, Mav, lo I
E subscriber htupg commenced tne rakttig i
business in Ltwl?burg, nearly opposite it.
P. Sheller s store, intends keeping constantly on
hand the best of
together with a good supply of Common Cakes,
,nJ HKE.4U which for wh-ene5. andtil.ty
Wj bo surpassed by no baker in the country, as
i we have the services of a practical workman.
! In connection with our Bakery, we have an
and persons from the country w ill find the Ttakery
a convenient and pleasant resort for the purpose
of obtaining refreshments, such as Bread, Cdkcs
pies. Oysters. Hot Coffee, &.C. &c.
Also, FLOUR for sale.
Lewisburg, Pec. 1?:0
Old Newspapers,
I OOME thousands in number, of alt sizes.
kj7 sa'e st the Chronicle oiTice. at 50 cts
lOO taken as tber run. or $1 when assorted".
per i
excellent assortment of Avon. Florence
Braid, China Pearl and Tul'p Bonnets
j'ls-t opened and for sale by
am mm.
The Great C'Ol'CiH HEM EOT.
Maay jr.rs of nfnerm. tn4 mom diaa H.wJrtMt
Tkaamsi' Cere, of t"Riatllve f.anpiMa. k..
Crowd k in. od'Hil.iM .li.frion of all pwraima was.
v. bee,MMff aequamrM anlh Ihta misct'W J. that
laarralt; HM-rler, beemwah m BsUran4 W
an.) . err lulu rare ;sasBtfa of um
1.0MB, Uiao tay orter fteai.Iy I. tlie ir.4. V. . haaaw,
hu..r. inat it ia aaal by mum lirft iTiauaiMptm. can rat
Im cured. B U.al owl. of 0i aaaey or tbe tew,
aKall mA attempt tu arie. arilb MacA, Wat Una w. mB m.,
an! Ho Maa a fact, wruc1! cai t,. a.-. 4 ic
,rt case. Hist this ncdtcnie tmm eltreat Cayaa mmd
mm wax b. brt Uh; cim wn-cBVcuyt,wmca;lad reiaf
t'ttaaNM.ll.B), and wloch wsr. a'leralrd with aainaia
I,.: ri-sH,I:il. o-l wara in all rapab lata ttm mjmfMom
uf lieu wAtf aV, and arAea aVa ar. aaia lo bar. W
tti.l fatal d.-:aw; A BMOmali.a. Tl'ia Basaaat haa cnnaS
wf arT-ryn, wbu.wrra saul tw b bupelaaalr affile-Sdwl-o
sail ka-d, aVy, radnmy C'au.ha w. I. laa
Breaal, aaV. aad llooclilaValt of BreatataB"
iaVwar Krp Ura Iv-, lltt'.H Vmw .itfal-Sialora-aaJ
waallaa away of !h A leak aal Blaotl. rwaona
Savins wich coinplaiata have Ueo carvd aflar M was aud
uy tmtud m live . week loiiKr. TftJ Wad .etna UmS
aared soma whi wars auppowid to tala I rfylaa; a tale,
but, ay rha aa ol Ibis ramady, Uy aow 11 v. , and aajof
good beailb.
Thla Halaaas is aaerfp a wftatlm tniimaal tl U
plaasaot u laAa. aud aaa AVm. 1.. wy id any slarv of !
aaaa or uudav anv rtmiauHancaa. ft artets its' waaaWfal
aod almott ailraealaa Care, by Parilylae.60a.niA
wMtf. aud lavlsaraslaa u wbo. syxens by ty. ull
tmg ta. nwiddrwa, and producinc a Aaiirap amoa Ibaa
uViyna (.'aask aaacaaaa Vis ereav and adia aaal
tarda! tjiimetarauaa. ll Cara. Um aulowuoj dia-
(.'Ol'ORH and CaUs, BvaacStfn. .SaUaid. 8pMr a AtaaaV
iaa, or caa i Paimt m t. hru. Aufa. and CAad.
XimuHuN. AVAX fiMb. F'ttjnlittwn a laa Hwt, and .J
FiOIALK tt KAK.NESnbS aud CiaaaHVwu viauaf
lEvrefrom. Ckalertt JafiLataai, ke.
I v- y.r 1'raaf aud j.arueu,ara of Caraa, Ma aar
ramphlete and Haadtta all out Aeau aave laaaa ta
(iv. away.
Astriltt Dr Thornton and J Baker, Lewia
burg ; G W Kesslcr and Koshong Sc Antis,.N.t
Berlin; Jn M Taylor. Milfliuburg; 8 J Crooaa,
iSelinagrov. ; H N Backhouse, Middlehurg ; G A
F C Moyer, Freeburg ; J H l.'aslow, Milloa
Lightning Rods.
THE awful calamities thdt every City.
Town, Village and country fails victim
i to annually, thro' the gross neelect of its
inhabitants, is beyond calculation. especially wheat
the remedy is so ta-y to obtaiu this is found la
rmiiaje's patent fllagnctir, fjgrjt
ninj U005,
and in this alone This rod has been examines! by
the mos- aeieiititic gentlemen in the world Pro
fessors M'Murtrie, Johnson, Wallor, sad many
olhers tl.al have extiniiied them, recommend an J
speak of them in the highest terms of approbation
and have pronounced thero the only safe rods Dow
in use in this or anv other country fir the protee
tim of Lives and Property. One advantage is ta
J divide end throw back a part of the eUvtric fluid
; '"""'' " the clouds, tins is irt time of a etroae.
! eneuies tne fou i conduct tnat portion ol
i fluiJ, tJ"t 1 tlu"B" ln ,h "h "itbou
est "G" f I 'b eonductoc. This rod haa
; m""l ,her "Jvantsge. over the old one.
, 1 b P!"' f pleasure in ii.formtof tale
' friends and the public in general that after many
! ?e,r" c',e iuvestigation and numerous experi
jssjas arrived at the true pnoople of pro-
j tecting Families, Dwellings aud property from
! the destructive iufljsnce of LIGHTNING
j Hartleton, Union Co., fa.. Agent for L'oioei
! adjoining counties. 6m37l
Xcw Spring Goods !
T the Old Stand of J. Hayes 4c Co. ia
to he found one ol the best assort
ments of
linx- rnnnc. minnnnyiyn
""""i -ivwvjiiiE,of
Qucentvare. Hardnarc. &d.
, thtt is to bo scared Up in all the region
rriuuo aoout. "teeing ts oeueving, says
the old proverb.and if you have any doubts
call and examine for yourselves. We want
to retain all our old friends, and gain as
many new ones 89 possible. We shall fry
to "dew if" by selling Good, cheap.
l-e . . . a.
April 1
Lewisburg, .
37 asaayyis
Fancy Goods, Notion & Variety BUM.-
TIlilE undersignt J would respectfully announce
jl to nti friends in Lewisburg and the public
: gencr:il!v. that he has just received and le Mill
! receiving a large, fresh and well selected stock of
I Ture lrne;. Mrdiclnrn, Jtc
whin .;t t- 'n.)tw.t of t.y Tt h"trsa!e or Retail. Me
r-'erh U'O new-. rnn-ti3st and si-Ms-til l.y mvself la tea
I'luiad'-lt'lna an-1 V w Y'.rk markets, at I. w rates for cash.
tii'-T.-i'irf Ire'n.ls may r.-y ut.'n frttinir avrythivn ta
my hne rr" and nt nmeh str rals than ever offered tar
VTfle.Tri t'eit.isylv.-mij and rr.nists ia part or
Drue. Chrnirat, rain!, Vartinheii, Glata,
Dye Xtujpt. i'otcnt Medicine. 'erfum
irn. t "'f,y aiif uticn Gnods,
f rriiVv f' Confrrfinnery,
,'cn th Sr.t Tisl.tr ..r LIQ0OE3 evpvI fc MetxTfT
Ttsl -n -r:,:n- tit o and M,n hameal T"iriJ.isas.
C ll onlr- .ntm-ted touwarilt 1 rnairOTatteadacfl
t.'. ;oi-l my lri'-n is insy r ly m.,n ail arfietVa purrhaaatl
trotn me t" rnlire sat:-ta, ti.'n. or retnrnat'U ax ay
,.xt..,,.o. fUvin-j tsM-n in ihr ,,nes npwapls of twahra
vcir.. I tlirx tv itauer niveU'ef havtru; a praetkal know-M.-.-'ftlteme.
I. iurir. April t.1. 1-1. r.yr. SCHAITLK.
1)OCKE r Cuilery eonsistmgof KNIVES,
Ibrks, Itowies. Ar. Tuck, dressing, aide.
fine and pocket C ollins. Pistols, gens, shot
pouches, powder ii.isks. peret.-sron caps, powder,
shot, Ac. Ac. V.f 'ZT,T O Port
'. Monnaies, purses, Ac. Also, Fluid, camphena.
' nil and hid lamps, in variety, which are offered
j very cheap. In addition to the above, tobacco.
cigars, snuff, fruits, confectionary, patent medi
cines, dyeing materials, varnisl es, otte, paints,
mirror plates, trusses, supporters, eyrmgee, Ac.
toeether with an extensive variety of erticlee toot
. numerous lo mention for sale at
Baliimorc Printing Ink Manufactory.
I T jHE subscriber, sgent f.n the sale of this Ink.
wouiu none in. ,ic..in.i. i priniera ana
puh!ish' -s of ne-vspspers in the South to the fact
that they can now purchase in Baltimore a supe
rior Tr-.k to any manufactured in the State. Tb
Baltimore Book and Newspaper Printers preter
it to any other Ink. Colored ink. card ink. book
ink snd News ink of superior quality and at the)
lowest prices. The ondersigneJ warrants the)
ink made at tbe Baltimore work, to be of the)
very best quality, and should any article thippeel
by itim fail to give full satisfaction it can beretgr
net at hts etpense. W.M. THOMSON.
3363 No. 9 Carroll Half. Bsltiav
' t