Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, July 02, 1851, Image 4

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Bow a CoustrA-ic mile Lis first Levy.
In one of iho interior counties of Ten
tifcSocr', au ii ilerate man name Jake Short,
who of law matters, it might truly be said
'di,l not know as uiueh as the law al
lows Iiiiu" ly some cbauce was elected
The next day be was met by a neighbor
utr'uiing like a military officer, with bis
raddlc-bags on his arm.
'Hold on, Jake," says bo.
"The wheels of government never stop!"
"doing to make a levy?"
"Yen, got the document in my saddle
bags." "You bad better look out, the List man
in, lost by not doing bis busiucss accord
ing to law."
"Can't catch me, I'm up to bow it's
done," answered the new made official,
jToudly, never turning bis bead as be
strode along.
''Let me see," soliloquizes be, ''I am to
distrain for rent, attach all the property I
can lay bands on.''
When be arrived at the tenement, be
found it vacated, and no visible means left.
"Whew where am I to make my mile
age? a pillar of the State must have sharp
,.yej government expects it."
After seeing about the house and bushes
fir some time, be espied an autiquated
porker and her little ones.
"Ahem I've got 'cm I say I'm some"
lie ejaculated, as be crept slily around
and caught the unsuspecting porker by
the kink in her nurrnlur, that be might
lay hands on, and go according to law,
(for he had seen a prisoner taken by slap
ping him on the shoulder while the process
was read,) shouting (as ho had heard at
Court) "II ear ye Hear ye Hear ye
1 attach you." All this time the porker was
"up and doing" her best licks, but Jake's
motto being "never give it up so," hung
on to "the forlorn hope like death to a de
parted colored gentleman."
The poet thus beautifully describes a
similar catastrophe :
".lark f-ll down, asd Jilt not tumbling after.''
The porker fell and a wheel of goTcrn
mcut was suddenly heels over head, ma
ling six feet measure, and fracturing
some jean. The porker, owing, perhaps,
to her having more propellers than the
pillar, got under way first, and the little
A.nn small snecimen of mirratirijr
..11 !, t'Vn.&TrvnroCtablc office." !
i T.1-. .,n,ii,i;i,i,lJl
enaiii:uiv-,. ' "
at-vl babilimeuts. 'l"t a sworn omcer
i... t do bis duty, and go according to
Hmiow wcut it strong it was "nip and
l-.ck-"' fornbont a quarter, be then gained,
and cudjJ Us ' '!', ;t by pouncing like "a
duck on n .Tut. Lug," nabbing the porker
l v the "Ti.u uf hearing.
4.;;. .r Hoar y Hear ye I com
mand you tj Mp';- : lock on Satur
day nest at .tiu l-'uk - yocery (the
Iiorkcr was r-hnr ' t d cn it' in the
littL i ;;. r .f iuc looked around
r.r i.iii.; ones not one of which was
U- mk.u) and bring with you that pas
rlo of cussed pigs, for in the eyes of the
law you are accountable for 'cm : fail not
under pain of the penalty laid down in
the Iiw Uooks. This is done by me a
sworn oTiccr, as the law directs.''
A bad done bis duty, be loosed bis
hold.; the porker no doubt being accounta
ble fw the appearance of the little ones
was in so great a hurry to join them, that
she pot her head bothered with the -etanding
of Jake, and sad to relate, "a
pillar of the State" t.Vaud great was the
fall thereof.
The next day the following was found
sticking on a tree :
At Sam Tarker'a Grocery at 9 o'cl k
on Saturday next, I will expose an old
sow, and a passle of pigs, more or less
who will appear as the Law directs to be
distrained for rent.
Jake Short, Constable.
Tennessee, March, 1831
If a man wmiM he "dry,- let liim drink, drinV. drink :
1 f a man would he io. he mil tliiuk, think, think ;
If a man would t rich, h moit wik, work, work;
And if h would U tat, eat pork, Irk: Prk :
Hut if
A man with would itudy. he murt cat, eat, cat
Kut little at bit dinner of hit meat, meat, meat ;
A joutb to he diaUnjuuhed in his art, art, art,
Mut keep away the (tirls from bia fcear hrarOirart.
I'arfon Howe, of the Mississippi "Pine
Knot," who changes the type of hispspcr
every week, the size every month, the title
every quarter, and the locatiou semi-annually,
and who advocates Laud Reform
wherever be goes, has the following post
script to "exchanges" in his last : "This
is the last Knot! "We're off! Obituary
AVe like a witty thing, no matter who
mys it Such we conceive to be the re
mark of the Pickens Republican, when it
told its neighbor, the West Alabamian,
that it had been "salivated by the too fre
quent use of the Charleston Mrrcury."
"Mary Ann,as soon as you get that bread
mixed, wash your bands, for they hain't
eecn water since you cleaned them naty
ccla, yesterday." It is unnecessary to add,
that Mary Ann was making bread for the
What are the moht unsociable things iu
the world? Mile-stones. You never sec
t'.vo of tbtju together.
Map of (lie Slate of California,
TEXAS, pruned hy 8. Aug' Mitchell iu
1816, in J painted to correspond with the boun.
darie fixed by Congress in lb 50 for sale al the
Chronicle onSce, price 25 cts.
Sb& slrueux dextist,
M S Y he found at his Office and resilience
Third street, near the Uer.Ref.Ch. the two
weeks following the fust Monday ol each monili,
where he is prepared to execute all operations in
his line of business in a manner credilaldo to
himself and satisfactory to those who may favor
him with their patronage.
Dr. 1,. spends the third week of each month
in Millon.
fjromatic Tooth Paste, put up in beautiful
porcelain boxes, an excellent article for keeping
the teeth clean and breath sweet, for sale at 25
cts per box, by
Lewisburg, Pa., May, 1S50
lot Sale. S
MMIAT hrge and desirable properly ou
l. the corner of Market and Water Sis.,
well situated for a residence1, for business,
or for a residence and place of business.
There is a lare BRICK House contain
iiiR 4 lare rooms on the first floor, G bed
rooms on the second floor, and two large
finished rooms on tin; third. A Kitchen
and V;ihlinu-i; adjoins, and il Ins nlso a
hriie cement Cistern, a I'ump and Well of
good water, and all the necessary out
buildings. Tor terms &.C. apply to Ono.F.Mir.i.r.R,
I'.s-i. S. K. DWIS.
Louisburj, Sept. 23, 1850
TOOK at IUTFir.i.i.'s NEW
J STOCK of (.old and Silver
alches and Jewelry, before you
buy el-eivherc and pay a "leclle
yf'Vt'irTJ too much" because you was not
aware that ilaltield sells cheaper,
i; .11 r. lm, v n j-ws 1 1 1 1-K Jlfi nntcW rni
- do lull jc. led l' l" IS fji.nn :nul
' Anchor., and l-i in-s.j. aid 14 lu IS Su.uii :,o.o.i
i'ver l L- VerS. jew-le-l. .'m.JHI
Anchors and lupine... jeweled. Io.mi IT.ou
llol-l tiller liiu;:-.. Inr.'e variely -,M
- Far l:iu;rs. plniu and nl, latest styles i " ,'i.ihi
" IVncils and I'cns 4...U lo.Hi
IVncils I.T.'t ii.ofl
1'enn. Silver rases, riism.-n-i pointed 1.-:e :i..hi
llreaKli.ine. IOv's ami 'lit's,UiU v-slylcs ...' ."..oil
'- Moulin.: lo ki'if. doul.le. CM l-'.oo
" Wat -li.-haiiis. t'..haiid Vest . S -il
' .u:irt uo itocl 1.1 .all l:..uu
" Keen .7." ....'si
Silver TaMe and Tea Spoons
IMa:.l and i;.-rm.:-iUer Tea and TUc Spoons .".i 4."i
.-liver Coin! C-i'l il.-'o
Kt.d liold .cictacks I ")
Rra... Clocks -'si lu.'to
A.--.r.it .'HI
And hundreds of first choice articles, 'splendid j
goods." just from the City and as low as ily I
retailers can sell, by A. I.. HATFIELD.
Iicwishurg, March IS, 1831
Si.OOO lvorlli C'aliinrt Furniture
Eur Hale al Dtmurhyt W'aicroont ,
IOI RTH Street, south side of Maikel.at the
n of S.W. IVyAv-ware-rooro up .fairs.
w here is ollerrd a splendid assortment ot I LK
A7'l7i'.',as cheapascau be purchased thisside
of 1'hiladelphia sueh as
I'lain. Fancy, and Dressing Bureaus ; Sofas ;
(Ulnmnn ; Mahogany Chairs; Tier. Center.
Card, Sofa and Dressing Tallies, Ureakfast and
DinirgTables.&e.; Hedstead (Octiran.French
and Common) from $3 lo $100; also Stands
of every variety.
All work warranted to be well made, and on
the most reasonable terms. Cash, Country Pro
duce, and Lumber taken in payment.
r . A.
I.eisburg. Nov. 21, 1850
cunsbuvg JTcmniivn
rPIIK subscriber, thankful for pnst pat-
rotngc, would infornt the public that
he continues to manufacture all kinds of
Mill (learin? and other Castings. Thraihing
Machines, and oilier articles of Machinery repai
red in the best manner. Castings warranted to
be of .ood material, and at prices that can not
fail to please. JAMES S. MAKSlI.
I.ewisburg, l eb. ISol
ClUOlvlNd Stoves, of various patterns
J and sizes, for Coal or Wood, for sale
at the Lewisburg Foundry by
James S Marsn.
I'OVKS Parlor, Wood, and Coal
Stoves, various patterns, for sale at the
I.ewisburg Foundry. James !S. Mai ah.
IIIUASIHNG Machines and I'LUUb
for sale at the Lewisburg Foundry.
James S. Msrsh.
17IAUL'S Patent tlun Plow, a supe-
V rior article, for sale at the Lewisburg
Foumlry lf
James 8. Marsh.
RAIN or Seed Drills Ross Patent
decidedly the best and most durable
Orsio Drill now in use, lor sale at uie i,ewiuurg
FounJry by James n. nisrsn.
"The Old Head Quarters!"
riTIin subscriber refpectlully iniorms ins
1 IrienJs aud the public geue.ally, that he
can ics on the
Tanning and Currying Business
in full force, as usual, at the olJ established bead
quarters ill the Borough of Lewisburs, on St.
(irnrge s street, near the Kiver, wnere lie Keeps
a consiant an J full supply of LEATHER. of
nil kiml and the best quality, winch are oii.'reu
(rll0 CorJa of BARK wanted
iipvnv W
II I... IV A
Lewisburg, Nov. 20, 1850
Tlie beautiful Ship Industry !
The aubsfnlier
has just received by
the above, at his
New Shop, Second
street near Market,
(next door to H. C.
Hickok's law office)
an entire new and
fashionable stock of materials for carrying on the
business of
Boot and Shoe MaJung,
embracins French Calf skins. Talent Leather and
Morocco of every description, wilh LASTS of
all sires and latest atjles. He Hopes by strict
attention to business and desire to do the
'greater ?ood of the greatest number' of his
patrons, to merit and receive the confidence and
support of a generous public. All work and ma
terial warranteJ. U. W. SAMUEL.
Lcwk&uif, Dew iO, ISiO
DR. T. A. 11. THORNTON offers his
professional services to the citizens
of Lewishurg andvicinity, in thevarious
branches of his profession.
Residence Temperance Hotel.
Office Drug Store, one door above the
Mammoth Store of J. &. J. Walls.
Lewisburg, Oct. 1, 1850
M'L A N E'S VERMIFL'ti E This invaluable
lemrdy for worms, is rapidly supplanting
all olbcrs, in public estimation. W here it is used
it has produeed the bcl cli'ects, and driven out
all oilier remedies. It i the best we have ever
seen ! is the remark of all who have ever used it
in their families :
J KiJd &. Co I received a lot of M'Lanc's
Vennilui;e from your agent la-t spring, which I
sold out in one week, and I think I could have
Fold one thousand hollies by this lime if I could
have got it, but not knowing w here to get il I had
to wait until your agent came around. Eveiy
person ihat has Hied M'l.ane s Vermifuge tells
me it is the best they have ever seen ; in faet it is
impossible fur any one to say too much in favor
ot Al Lane s eruuiuge. W 1 KOUli
Tyre Springs, Sumner Co Tenn, Feb 19 1813
Dr M'Laue, Dear Sir I have sold out all
ynur Liver i'ills and am nnxiuiis lo have another
lot immediately. These pills seem lo take most
ronderfully ; f could have sold a much larger
quantity if I had been provided wilh them ; the
inhabitants are sending to Rochester for them,
but whether there are any there or not I do not
know, l'leasc send me another supply immcdi
alely. F MIOKT, Druggist
Hcmlork Lake, I.ivig'n Co N Y, Mar 8 18 17
J Kidd A, Co Your traveling agent left with
me last summer a .juaulity of Dr M 'Lane's Tills
and Worm Hpecifie to sell on commission ; the
ortn Spcciuc is all sold and 1 should be glad lo
procure more, as it sells very readily and has a
very salutary ellect in expelling worms. If you
eau forward mc some or send me an order to call
on your agent iu llullalo (l.-S Keyuold) I think
it will meet wilh a rapid sale.
Varysburg, Wyoming Co, Ii V, Dec 10, 1817
A;EMT'S---C V Snl tiFLK, I.ewisburg; J
II Ca.-low and J II llaser, .Milton ; 1 (ierhart, ISe
linsgrove; J W Friliug,Suiibury ; Mrs M 'Cay,
Northumberland; M V (iiier. Danville
ir. t. Aa iwmnm,
51 r.llT .-'T. t.K !-::!
Irup;s,.i2clii'iiio,c:iu'iiii4 aN.lyc-
fatulls-, Oils, (las, rerlumery,
Confeclionery & Fancy Articles.
Dr.Thorntnn returns his thanks for ihc liberal
pitronage which he has received, ami he assures
the community that every attention shall be paid
to the compounding of Medicines, and that all
Drugs shall be fully tested before they are ollercd
for sale, and warranted to be pure and genuine.
C 'Prescriptions given free of charge at Dr.
Thornton's Drug .S ore.
Kemember to call at the old stand, first door
above the Mammoth Store of J.&. J.Walls.
Acurj apposite II. P. Shelter's Store.
rpilR best and most approved COOK I NO,
1. SHOP, OFFKJK or PAR LOU Stoves,
Ploughs, Castings, &c. at low rates, by
The Envy of all Pill Manufacturers,
BECAUSE they are safer, better, and moto
lifii-acious than any others.
roo,ooo Eloxes
have btrn sold annually for the last fivo years.
Vmsfi axii Olh, Male nil Female.
can aUajs take them with cipial safuty, without
fear. J Tilts be niccxsary
for purging and cleansing the Stomach and Dow
els, and purifying the blood and fluids of the bo
ny, lime no uuicia m' uw uttitri iiis piuuuLi; j
those combined effects, or coulaiu barsaparilla iu
Eat, Drink and Live as usual.
and pursue your usual occupation whilst taking
tliem, wiibout fear of taking cold, during all
kinds of weather.
One Thousand Dollars
are wagered that more genuine cerlificatcs (from
physicians, clercymen, Members ot Congress, and
respectable citizens) can be produced of their
clHcacy than of anv others, and
will be forfeited in every instance where One
li.ix will not do more good than Two Doxes of
any others.
Forty Tills in a Dox! ! ,
and sold at Twtnly-1'ive Cents a Bnr, wilh
directions and much wholesome advice accompa
nying each box.
7Vy hnrr nn tntt' w vnfJrafint mdl,
J-'rer frnm dtttt or )i?trr nj ,i y i inJ,
Jin nr uript ffir Sti.mach or li-.ityh,
J'rtithirt m sii-l n. rfmtitivn. or ltt frrliiigfj
And i..irril to most disrupt common to manlinJ.
No one having once taken them will be willing
afterwards to take any others, because they aU
wave do good, and if they do nut, then no others
Dr. N. B. Leidy, The Proprietor and Mannfactnrcr,
is a regular Druggist, Chemist, and Physician, of
fifteen years' experience in i'hiljdelphis ; Grad
uate of the University of Pennsylvania ; Mem
ber of different Medical institutions ol Philadel
phia, New York, Boston, Baltimore, 4c, and
associate and corresponding member of several
Medical Institutions of London and Paris, &.e.
Ottiiagx aud Imposition. Beware of all
pills called by names nearly similar, got up to be
sold on the reputation of Dr. Lei.ly's Sarsaparilla
Blood Pills; the first Ssrsaparilla pills ever in
troduced and the only pills containing Sarsaparil
la. Take no others and you will not be deceived.
Others by similar names, or nearly similar, are a
gross fiaud. Beware, then, of Imposition ! !
LtPPrincipel Depot, Dr. I.piJIy's dispensary,
No. 114 North FOURTH ST., Philadelphia
and sold wholesale and retail b
C. WWitAFFI.E. I.-ititTff 1 J- IT. Csslow, Mlltnn
J.M.Bfnfrr, i.W.rWlr.N.il.Tlin W. l'.I. I'amirr. Munry
Taylor's. an.1SH!ri. Miffllnl.urs'lly Smith. Atamslmrjr
Yuuiif-iaan M Wltr, llry Vll-y l S. Hover. Krwrrorff
Fpolls Ik Myers. Kiilv X Kttads .M.rjK-htHearertw a
lri & Sf'hnurp. flofinmrs j RMmith. MMl.llbrj
L.l!. Uobrpr. M'Krrs ',: Kulls Willi Kilrrt.llrl4it n
Tlim.iR Bonrr. Sti;im!iin l.im ! K. it Koush.ftmtrf'Tiilr
llr.J.l..lol.l.Willi:inppf.i t: nut! I'T Ilrut'fc'i' r'toft
kv jri thrculiout 11k luitil lr.Us. 1')'-
Town Property
For Sale Cheap.
A FULL Lot on North Fourth Siree
il on which is a two storey
l.'.on.n Mr,..c m I... )) I .
& I nine I iuujl. J uv jo leei. rsaaa
rtniiu puuu cuar unucr ii a ill
Frame Stable, 16 by 20 an out1
Kitchen, and other out-buildings now oc
cupied by D.tviD Sua mi-. Enquire of
Lewisburg, Oct. 30, 150.
Price Reduced!
Large Bottles Only One Dollar.
The Froprirtor of tlie Great Ammrait Remedf " VAtrniiVa
Veqktablk I.itboxtriptic Miititre." indoced by th
orrrnt oUcit attorn of hu Acenu, throuclwal Ihm United
buuet ud Caiutla, lias now
Beduced the Price
of hts popular utl well koown article; and from this dat,
hwicclunb, lie will pat Dp but one tiz only, Im qaar
Ittjlllea : Uio tvtail price will be
The public may test awnred that Uie character of the Medi
cine, iu strength, and curative iroiertiei will remain
i st hanokp, and tire lama care will be bestowed in pro
parinjr, it ax lirtrtolure.
A tin nkedicine, ui.dor iu redaeeil price, will be purhaxed
by thoe who hae not hitherto made l Itemwlvet acquuntad
wnb iu virtues, the proprietor woohl bet; to intiroe tint ku
artirle is not to be classvd with tlie art amoantof ' Rcoteitief
of the day ;" it elaims fur ilsell' a greater healing porrr, in
ail distasts. th&n en other prtparatie mam htfmrt th
vorld ; and ha unstained itelf for eixht years by its sopcriof
niwltrsl virtues, and, uniil this reducUun, eutnonaitded double
tiie price of any other ariicle in this line.
Nt-Tii c l'RTirt'LAULT, tliis article acta with cndttleal
ins power and certatnty, vpou the
Blood, liver. Kidneyi, Lungs,
rind all other organs, upon the proper action of whick kit and
health depend.
Tm ioedicine has a jmtly ki;h repute as & rcawdy for
Dropsy and Gravel,
and all diseases of that nature. It may be relied npon wlien
the intelligent physician has abandoned his pauont, and fos
tlute dutresein; disease. niort tecially DaorsT. the propri
etor would earnestly and hormlly recommend U. At IU
pnent price it is easily obtained by all, and the trial n ill ptov
Uie article to be the
Cheapest Medicine in the World!
t P'eae ak for pamphlets the a genu gire them awa,y
tltvy contain over sixteen pages of receipts, (in addition to iwl
tivnlieal matter) valuable lor lioubehold porpotes, and which
w ill save many dollars per year to practical housekeepers.
Tliec receipt are introduced to make the book of grea
value, aside from iu character as an adv-rtaing medium lo
Uie medicine, the testimony in favor of which, in the form el
letters Iroin all pails of the country, may be relied upon.
tV Vanghn's Vegetable I.ithontriptic Mix tare tli
Grt American Remedy, now forsake in quart bottles at
earh, mall boitles at 40 cts each. No !mall f tiles will be
iaed after tlie prcMRt Hock is dipoed of.
Tnacipal Cilice, Buffalo, N. V.. 2U7 Main Street
. r. VAt GIIV.
Sold Wlmlenle and Retail hy OLCOTT MlKESON &
O ., 1l7 Maiden Iane, New York City.
N. I.. All letters (excepting from agenLs and dealer with
ehnot he transact bobioeat) must be post paid, or no attention
wiil lie given to Uiera
03-Dr. THORNTON, Lpwisbnr", is
('. ni-ral Atrerit for Kninn county J.H.Csslow,
Agent, Milton ; I. (Ilhiiakt, Siliu.gruve
3yl:: 54
IS now carried on as usual, at tbo upper
cud of Market street, where evcrv des
cription of CASTINGS is kept on
hand or made lo order such as
The Complete, or
Complete Improved
Cooking Slovcs
for either Coal or
Wood and all
other kinds of
also IMJIflHJISK of differ
ent kinds Corn Ploughs, Bull Ploughs,
and the
Self-Sharpening Plough,
a new article, and which can not be hea
in Pcnnsj Ivnnia. Call and sec and judge
for yourselves.
Lcwishurg, Kept. 22, ld-19
PUC undersigned rontinucs the LITE
1. Ill' nUSLVESS at the Old Stand,
on North Third St., near Market, and
respectfully solicits the patronage of his
friends and the puhlic Generally.
(JllAULKS F. I1E33.
Lcwishurg, May 22, 1850
Tanning Currying.
IOR past Htvors, the subscriber returns
his grateful thanks, and hereby makes
Known that he carries on the business of
Tanning and Carrying:,
at the Old Stand. Determined not to be
outdone in the manufacture or finish of his
work, he is bound to have the best work
men and materials, and to treat those who
have so liberally patronized (as well as
those also who shall be pleased to patronize
him) with that attention which he hopes to
insure him a full share of public patronage.
All kinds of Produce taken in exchange.
Hides and Dark not refused, for which the
highest market price will be paid in cash
or in exchange for leather.
March 25, A.D. 1850
rpiIE undersigned is provided with nil the
JL necessary forms and papers, and will
take charge, on the most reasonable terms,
of any claims fur BOUNTY LAND. EXTRA
PAY or PENSIONS that may be placed in his
hands. All applications, alter being duly prepared
here will be forwarded to Cimules DeSkliiino
Esq. an efficient and responsible Pen-ion Agent
at Washington cily, who will present them in
person (without extra charge) to the proper De
partment an arrangement ensuring accuracy and
Jeflpateh- HCHICKOK
Lewisburg, Jan 29, 1851 3m
Administrator's Notice.
WHEREAS, Letters of Adria,;
on theestate of ISAAC G.L.A WSHE
tatc of the Boro' of Lewisburg, Union Co.,
deceased, have been pranled to the subscri
ber, resident in said Borough, by the Reg
ister of said county, therefore all persons indebted
to the said estate, or to the late Firm of Wolfi
& Lawsbk, are requested to make immediate
payment ( and those having claims against the
same, are required to present them duly authen
ticated for settlement withont delay.
i MILLER, Administrator
l ewisburg, Feb 3, 1801 C.v
iilif ?
Stone Co.il for sale.
To IMatksiiiitlis.
Hrnnch and from Hollidaysburg, for
sale at the Shop of the subscriber, near the
Ildvscales ou Third St.
Lewisburg, Muy 7, 1850
rain Drills.
TIMIE undersigned wish to inform the
X farming community generally, that
they are now manufacturing
j. r. eoss' x-ichf r,,,).,-. w an.wx
Without stopping to discuss the compara
tive merits of numerous Drills now otfered
for sale, they merely wish to invite Farm
ers to cull and see the above niiuv d article
before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi
dent that they can furnish an article that
will give entire satisfaction.
Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, 150.
at Ijcwisluir;?.
CIIKCI'LAR for the Academical Year coin
liieiicing Oct. 17, 1 "(.
I'niiiary Department.
Exprcisrd in iSpt'lIini;. Kca-lm, Definition,
English (ir.tmmar, Aritltmetir, (eofrahyt
tory U.S.A., JVumanship and tomnoUiuu.
English Department of the Academy.
The fame studies as in the Primary Dcpartm't
continued in the use of larger text hooks ; and tu
these are added fleneral History, Algebra, Legen
dre, and Klements of Surveying.
Classical Department of the Academy.
TVrm Junior Amthniic class.
I. Kn lih Grammar. I.ntin (iritiumar, Arithmetic (I
tlivi.-iiiis.i ii.-rftj'ly.
TT. Tin- .;tfni- jiiu'tit-i n. m I. T-rm. and Pi-nmfinhip.
111. hnli.-ili (irHiumitr. C :.r. A ritlinfl t- -ui-l-t-l by
l.-t tisi-iMri.4ri--k 'Jr.nuiuaj-j llthtfry I ..A.; iVu
Ui;iUhi. l'k k'i'.ii,-'.
Seniftr Acttthmic r Aa.
T. Crar. firw-k l. a..-r, Algebra (Khwnts.)
II. -lln-i-l, do
HI. o n !rt cnin.trls'.!. flenp.
nil Hi.-f'rv, CuIi.-h I-inii;tp and (.'ini'OMiifu.
Fresh man cas.
I. rn-U-1i Ijinuau aud"Otuiiaiiiinnf Al' hrn, Liry.
It. IMiiiit- itt'oim-try. Isivy. Ansdai..
III. I'l.-iiM. Mid and i.-ru-al (.... .uiftry roini-Uted. Li
y, Aiiiil'iifi.s.
ISophttthore rbtss.
I. Ilir.i(v,0d -sr-j-. I'hinr mid .ii..i"ript TrtL-onnmetrr.
1 1. do tiff ' Mfn:-ur;!tii.TiHrT" in.Navij;itiji.
HI. )o mmclet.-d. S l' t tmif i-.ns of 1. uiuUi' iic,
l;Lftoric, Analli'-:d .; 'iiit'trj .
Junior ff.".?.
f. P-m-Jthni'! tn thf Crown. Cicero dr OfCu ii,MIe
fJiHiiit. Ilytlr'st:ilien. anl llvlrauii'-st.
H. I in.tlM-m s .n thf I'ntwn. tt r-t dc OfT:ii pom
j U t.-tl. J,ii-ninnti'-i, Acoustic!, LU-clricit, M.ut
turn, and ('i.tu".
Itl. Urrvk Tragwly, T:tntuf. Atmnrmy.
Senior c Aas.
T. rncie. y tu nil Tb..In-v. lntdW-nl PlnVAjliT.
II. in-k. rolitiml lonf'iny. M'-rl l-lid"Ttiy.
111. fcutl.-r'n Anat-fry. ..nHtituti-u if t. Ciiiiii.-try,
Lut-tun, M-utral Kvtk'w?.
No class in the lingular Course has less than
three daily recitations. Every Saturday forenoon is
devoted exclusively lo Vocal Music, Declamation,
and reading select and original Compositions.
The students arc required to attend, regularly,
gome religious meeting. Minors are expected to
attend such meetings as are recommended to them
by their parents or guardians. There are in the
borough no less than si places of public worship,
of as many different Christian denominations.
Text Itook.
FnfiJiih LtinflHfift nud i:irui-Ti. Tin BiMo, Trtr"
nii.t.-riral KfJi'l'-r. Wororjiti-r's r W.-hstf-r'n lM-ti n;vry,
KuIIh n Kniih timmtn.-tr. I'nri4T rrnr. iT' KiT i
w in Knli.-di ConiKitioii, 1'arki r e Aids, lsloir r hcciurir;
1 ntvt rsiiy Witiou.) .
Jsihn i,nuim'fi. laiillirin"fir:tmmftr. IJiilliiinVItefldtT.
F.s'TiTt'tt'ri Uxittn. Ilullion's Vrrir. Srlnnitz and Zunip's
Virctl. Lint-oln'n l.ivv. Aiit!.tr Hinnv, 'I'titi' Ii'-rV rk-vro
df 'liK-ii-. Tjler's Tacit ii-" (t-rniani i t A .'i a.
(,'i'rk L-t,rfwt'jf. ItuilifiiiXirnmniar. IttiUion"- Rnndr.
I.i.l'l.'ll k S--tt lxiii'n. nwi'tr- .X- n-'pli'-n's An;it:t-i-.
ow-n ? Ili mrr' n thlycM-y, CUai;i;li f l ic"tbcm;, t'i.k'n
CI-r"M:tl Manual.
M.tthrmnti'-s. Pai.-s Arithmetic fr Aead. mie. Klem
rntitry Al l.ra. i:. nr.len. U-p n-Ire. Snrvi ;imr ainl Nai-crili'ii.AiiiilytienH;iN.m''try.thnt4-t'
Natunii Phjitiwij liv
U-rtotjired.) UlnipU-d s A-tn-nomy.
A umber ol Students.
The number of students during the past year
in the various Department?!, was 11 "2. The
Collegiate classes already organized lor the ensu
ing year, are the following :
fi-nir claw - -
.tuninr class ---11
S'l'lminrv rlnss - - 10
Freshman rlas - - 1. ...1
PTFPITKV VT. TAYUM:, A. M, Pmf. of Slathrmatics
anl Nfitnnl riiilnsoidiv.
Jr:'Hi(.K li. UUrS A.M, Tror. of rek Lan;ru:i;
and l.itenitnn.
iKMH.K W. ANDKUSOX, A.M., Prof, of Latin Lanuaire
an 1 Literatim.
JSAAr N. I.tVMI3. A. M.. Principal of ihv Arademr.
ALHtim TAYUMi, A. M., Tutor in Uie oglbh Lan
pua'e and Llocution.
ltiiihUngK,IJbrarynn1 ipparatus.
The Academic edifice now occupied by the
members of the University, has been erected, at
an expen or .O0o, and it is ailant'il to acv.nim"dtti
1:.0 xtudeuts. AnoLh reliliec is nearly n.nipleteil, nnd is
esps-rt-! to ho ready for iwvtipancy at tbe cuiumi-ucenicut
of th next Term Oct. 17. ljo.
Tin Ltlirary contnins a uuiucr of geloct volumes, and
is mnstmitly inen ajinir.
i'henitral Apparatus has 1kpti prormv! unfRr-ient to
supply tlm immetliatJ demand. Tht Aiparatu for (lie
UlustraliuQ of Mechanical Philosophy, b now coiajdete.
Tuition ami ISoartl.
Tuition in the Colleciate Department f 30,
Academic 20, Primary $12 per year.
Board, including lodging, washing, fuel, and
light, can be had in the village and its vicinity at
various prices, from $1,50 to 2,50 per weA.
Arrangements an in pro-rrnn to furnish ItnanLexr-In-
rivc of ltHltrinjr. washing, fuel aud likt, to sui-h as may
desire it, at $1 vr we-k.
Sessions and Vacations.
Two Sessions in the year the former com
mences on the 3rd Thursday in Octohcr, ami
continues 26 weeks; the laller commences on
Thursday, 15lU May, and continues 14 weeks.
Spring Vacation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 8.
liy order and in behalf of the lionrJ :
OF.OKGE F. Mirj.EI!, Sec'y.
I.ewUburg, Union Co. Pa. Sept. 1, 18.j0
ONE self-evident, nnj worthy ol' c'cry
considuration, that no Miller can make
good clean flour without he has good clean
wheat. 1 suppose you wish to know the
remedy. 1 tell you it Is to get one of
Bergstrcsseia Jt'heat Scourers, or Smut
Machines. He being au old, practical and
experienced Millwright has invented, got
up and put in successful operation the best
Wheat Scourer now in use. Any person
ordering a machine and afterwards finding
that does not prove to operate as repre
sented, there shall be no sale, as these ma
chines are to be warranted good. Further
recommendations are thought unnecessary.
He is now havino a supply made at Lewis,
burg, by Messrs. (ieddes is Marsh. Orders
for midlines, or letters of inquiry, will be
promptly attended to. Machines will be
sent and put to all order?. Address
Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. 329
NOTES Promissory, JuJc;mcnt, and
Juiut Nolc5 (bJuuks) ul thii office.
jLyoTien sciF.ynFi?woxvERt
The true DIGEST! .'E VlXVi or GASTRIC
JL ICt a gnat .'"V'T""' Curer
Prrpartd from Kennel, or"lhi, f"-'" "tomach of
he Ox, after dirccti'.iis by lU. on I.f Emu, tlie
great physiological chemist, by J is. Hoi t iitus,
M.D., Xo. 11 X. 8th St. l'iiila.lrlphiJ. 1
VTKL'LY wonderful remedy forlrfrr-''."",
Dii'Oi P'i'U Jaundice, lAecr ConijiUu..'
Cuitslipu'tivii and Ihbilihi, curing after Nature'
own nrucess. bv Nature's own accnt, the (iaslric
Juice. fjj-Ilalf a leaspoouful of this fluid infused
iu water, can digest ur Jissulvs Fio Pounds of j
roost beef ill about two hours, out of the stomach.
Iirstioil is chiefly performed in the stom
ach by the aid of a fluid which freely eludes from
j the inner co;it of that organ, when in state ol
: health, called the gastric juice. This fluid is the
! anal suUcnl of the fuud the purifying, preser
ving and stimulating agent o( the stumach nnd
intestines. Without it there can be no digestion,
no conversion of food into blood, no nutriiion
but rather a foul, to.'piJ. painful and destructive
cuiidition of tlie whole digestive apparatus.
I'l5n is tbo chief element ur great digest
ing principle ol the ga.-ttic juice. It is found in
gn at a!iun:lain e in the solid parts ot the human
stomach alter death, and sometimes causes t!.c
stomach to digest or eat itself up. It is also found
in the stomach of animals, as the ox, calf, &x. It
is Ihc material ucd by farmers in making cheese
stvlrd Kcniift, thecirect of which has long
been die special wonder of the dairy. Curdling
of milk is the first process of digesiion. A culfs
stomach can eurdltrncarly one thousand times its
own weight of milk. U;iron I.iebig states, "one
part of Pepsin dissolved in sixty thousand paits
of water, dige.-ts meat and oilier food." Diseased
stomachs produce no good Gastric Juice, Kennct
or Pepsin. To show that this want ma; be per
fectly supplied, we quote the subjoined
m ir. nrir i:rni: n !
rtiiron I.IKhlil. in his r....rHt"l work on Animal rti
mislry. srtvs: -An artifi'-iji! .itr-liv rlni.l. aii!ln'.r"us lo
lli..i;asrricjiiifi..niay Im- r.-wlily r...arelfr.ni th. mureu.
uu-nil.ram' of tin- stoinnrfi nf'the calf, in whit h virions
rtrlirlc of foM. a.s niit an.t "'.'. will I.' f ft-rn-il aii'l
ilerestnl in the ..inn- manner a. in the human stomaeh."'
i)r. IIKItKIKA. in Ioh femAus lr. a:ise on fr'Ksl mi.I Met.
pill.lislud ! tc.wlers 4 Wells. .New York. a- u.', .it. s
Uie Rame (rrt-at fart. sni oVseTiN'H the metlKsl of -r. .:,ra-ti'-n.
Th.-re are f.- luirle-r smle-riti.-s lh;in Jr. f.-n-ri i.
I'r. CeM UK, in his T:i'e.iM ritinzs on the l"hTsi.l..--v
t.f I .li.ii. '.I.m r.s I oat "a Oinnnulinn f Ih One
.ii:mtily ef Iht Ka.trie .lio'-e is n prominent ami all-j-re-Tiiltotv:
cause nf i-..-;.5t:i," nli'l he s;Mtes that "a dilol
Loiih il .r"f- - -.I' of in. -lieot.. in l.n.l-.n.who was severely
:irlli . .l wilh this e.mlaint. uii.Iiii everythini el lo
f:iil, ha.l r.'-"r.-e v lie- toiflrn- Jui-, oi.laiue.l Irom the
st'.ionrh of living anoiiaN. whi. !i ei-mj-l.-telv inii l-tl.''
Iir.l. It All A M. anlh'.r o tie- f.oii'.u-- works ou tal
I'ii-l, p:ivs : -ll is a r.-iii-irkal-le lacl in .hy..i..lo-. Hi it
the Ftr.i'imehs of imimriN. eoo rat.-J in wat-r. luipnrl to
th.- fuel lto i-r".. rly ol .li--..l :n r tare.ns arli-l solf.hl.
an-l of .11. el in a ki n.l ol artiti'-ial Jiu'i-stion of ile ni iu no
wi-e ilill.-n-nt fr.-ui the natural .lii-slive pr.K-e.."
hr. M MOV. i:n at w.m k. Ih--1 loini.-liy of lnn. it-a A
Ilia in lianl. Phila.l.. 110. pp :-l.'.'l. says: h. tlim-overy
"I ri-psui f.-rins a new era in tl- flierui.-al history of 1'e
e.slii-u. tr.-in r-is nt ei- riiii. nls. we km.w that fi-l i I
ilTs..lv.ilasrapi.l:y i:. no artil:. ial .Ii-.-.-liv.. Uni-I. pr.-par. a j
fo.ui IV;..in. ns it'i. in Ue natural iiatrie Jiiie.' its. If.''
I rof. Ill MiLI.-HN. . I toe Ji !fc mm I oll.-p-, I'hiia l.. in
his -Teat w. rk on Human I l iv -: . .1. -y. it-v..l.-s m..re than
l.liv pau'.-s lo mi eai.iinai'.n ol ihls sui.je!. Hisex.-ri- ;
in. Ills wilh I'r. 11. auui' nl. "ii 10." i.a.-trie .luie.-. ol-taiii! it
lioai the living luntian SI. nne ii an I from annuals, art
known. -In ail fane.." lo- saj . -ill;. -ti.n w.urr.1 as
perf- ctly in llo- artiti. ia! as in the ualurnl dip-stions-' j
As a DVSPKPSIA Cl'KKR, Ur Houghton's
preparalion of Pepsin has produced the most mar- j
vcluus i fleets. It is impo-fille to give details of '
cases iu the limits of this advertisement but au- !
tlicnlicatfd certili- ates h ive been given of more
than TWO HL'XUKKU rapid, wonderful, and :
permanent cures. It is a great Xiiitvors Ati- i
nnrr, and particularly u-eful for tendency to
bilious disorder, liver complaint, fever and ague,;
the evil e Heels of ipiinine, mercury, iScc, aUo for j
excess in eating or drinking.
There is no form of OLU STOM ACH COM-
PLAINTS which it docs not ri ach and also give j
instant relief t and repeated for a short time, pu
rity of Illood and viooit or bout follow at once. ,
Il is particularly excellent in c.ises of nausea, vc- I
miting, ciamps, s orencs s ot the pit of the stomach, '
distress after eating, low, cold state of the blood,
heaviness, lowness of spirits, despondency, euiaci- j
aiion, weakness, tendency to insanity, &c. !
Price, ONE DOI.I.AK per bottle. One bottle
often effects a lasting cure. i
FErSIN IN TOWrEKS sent ty Mail. free of Fostn-c. t
Fir coiiTriii.-n. if it.,; 11 it- nil parts ( tin' country j
tlie hi'.-.-tiv.- V:iit-r 1 t.i- -in cut u;. in thf l'.-rm
watiTor yrti. 'I lit'-o j.ui1iti ffiitniii jict Uio .-me 1
ni;iiti-r as the lUf!. t-ui iwin- :hf U:tiitit t'- r tht .-amo 1
j. ri f. ami ar' - nt hy v-- I'vi f of IV-.-Vn."-. f-r I. oit !
( ..st-;.i-t- tu Ir. J.S. Ih'Utit -n. No. 11 urlli Li-iilU M.
rhilatifli'Ina. I'.Mri.vs lor .0. j
Uvery b.aK'.anJ package licars the wiitlen sig
nature of J.S.HurGHTU.,M.l).,.Sole Propm-
tur. toU l y ngouu in cvt ry tnwn hi the L'uioti ;
iiixl by ntot resjirtaMc th'alrrs in nieJicine. f
To be hail of Ur. TH-K.rON, I.ewisburg; j
J 1( Caslow, Milton; Thompson, MiiUiiil'Ur ;
Wilt & Eilert, Ilartlcton; Win Koshonj.
Uilllll , VI A V.IUUBC, LUlilUiV t .1119 .lk.sUyt
Norlbumbcrlanil Iv33.
MiJlinbiirg, Liiion county, Eemi'a.
c.-n GLUTEI?
IJESrECTFL'I.LV informs the citizens of;
t Union county, and the public in general, j
that he has leased Ihe above stand, for many i
years occupied liv his Father, and is now pre- j
pared to accommodate friends and the traveling j
community in a manner acceptable to all.
The HOUSE is large and roomy, well arran
ged in all its departments, and every care will be :
taken to render his guests comfortable and happy.
His TABLE will always be furnished wilh the ;
choicest delicacies of the season, and lliebest ihe i
market can afford. The BAIJ will at all times
be attended by careful persons, and none but the !
very best of liquois will be kept. His STANCES
are ample and convenient, and the U3TLEUS
punctual and attentive.
In short, he pledges himself to endeavor to j
give general satisfaction to all, and hopes tiv .
strict attention lo business to merit and receive ,
a liberal share of patronage.
Miillinburg, June CO, I8."0
fl"M IK subscribers ofTer tlio public, at their
X new Brick Foundry, tlie following now
and valuable Stoves :
Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, with i
a Iirick Oven.
Eady Washington Parlor Stove.
Cast Iron Air-Tight l'arlor Stove, for Wood
'2 sizes.
Coal Burner for Tailors 1 size, 12 inch cyl
inder. Eouis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove
Shield Air-Tight Tarlor Plove for Wood 2
Egg Stove the very best in use for Stores,
Offices, Barrooms, and Shops.
The celebrated tiencsee Air-Tight Cook Stove
The Complete Cook 2 sizes.
Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves
Ploughs Castinfxs, Sec. Arc.
Lewisburg, Dec. 12, 1849.
"An ounce of Prevention worth
a pound of Cure," in
that awful disease,
DR. FITCH S Lectures on the Preven
tion and Cure of Consumption.
This popular work for sale in Lewisburg
by S. F. Lyndall J. Houghton and at
this tiflice. Trice, 7 5 ccuis
Lewisburg, Union County, Penn'a.
OFFICE on Second St., lately occupied
by L. M. Christ. Esq.
Sfxuix imar
lie subscriber ofilrs for sale a args
assortmt.'11 of choice Fruit Trees such as
Apple trees, 7 'o IU feet hiKh 40 varieties,
all warranted "luine I'tacl trees, 20
varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine,
Prune and 1'tar irtc&. 'ogether with some
li or 8 varieties of (.! rapt.' iocs of the beat
imtivo and exotic varieties- Ornamental
Trees, such as the 1'aulonia, L:oden, 4c.
N. U. I'ersona wishing lo procure a
quantity of the Fruit trees, are requested to
make immediate application to the subscri
ber, in order to procure the varieties and
size wanted. II. R. NOLL.
Lewisbursr, March 4, 1850.
JAI'XDICE, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous
Iieloliiv. ilin-j r of the Jvidiieys, and all dw-ta-cs
aiisiiig from a disordered j.iver or SlojnacB,
such as 'ons;ij,ation. Inward Pi7.", Fulnesa
or Ul,i.,d to Ihe Head, Acidity ot HlO
S'oinacli, -.iu-e.i. Heartburn, dis
gust tor Kood. Fulness or Weight in the
Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Flut
tering at the pit of the Siomath, Swimming of th
Head, hurried and difficult llicatUing, Flut
tering al the Heart, choking or suiioca
ling Sensations when in a lying
posture, dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs
before the Sight, Fever and dull Pain in lha
Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of
the Skmi and Eyes, pain in the Side, llaci,
l.'hest, Limbs, Ac, sudden Flushes of
Heal. Durning in iho Flesh, conslsnt Ima
ginings of Evil, and great Depression cf Spirits
prepared by
Ur. C .7. Jackson,
at the ' German Medicine S;ore n
HO An-I. si. I'lHiad.
Their pou-tr rtr the uhore dUta,t, nni tz
": )'.':: "7 many
r": "''( :J"lihli had failed. '
1 li.se U,,ie,s are worthy the attention ofinM--.
1 o-.ti-.Mi g areat vinucs iu ihe rectification
ol .h-ea.-es cl the I.iver and lesser glands, rxerci
sii.g Uie most searching poners in weakness and
allectioiis ol ihe digestive organs, ihey ate withal
sale, certain and phasant.
i. i?C1,d ,N" BE1""'"ta.-The Hon. Cha
U Jl.i.e.i.u-, eihior ot thtf Cumda, llemocrath,
best rniier in est Jersev. 1..1. o,.
l( "Ii. b
- ' .-" -U.J 1 k
-m;man l:iTTi:i:s.-We h.TeWB
in.ui t: ruu n-ti. . - . t' il
vli' ii i'l lu-y r.iiii itnliK tt4 11..
il- it".r:t-. fr- tu in.finrv
lir.i-il -:y w. ! ui.-i il .-(". ji.,-
in its. o 11011 ui-.u ilwtiu-! of
:atf tliv Wirrfullli'a
. u (f uv it. and
ll. . !i- "I' iiioi..u.,,r,.irnli..niIviillvumri.in I.
en. in.- a.i.l -irtii-un a ti i rv. . I.niimg uttm attorn
-Ijii- . t r- r. i Ivi i: r fir. p r. lri -lim.
If ii... m. .li. ,e.. ...-. no r.- u. r;,ily uwl, ws an sat-I"--1
'" r-' !!. as fnmt tlw stonarh.
In. r. ai. i . rv ii- -sT. ui Ihe irnai mirilj of re.1 lTti
""" r '"a-.s.unnal". llaTetbeminaheallhvci.il.
.10 .11. iii.J J..I1 eau b;il iletiauee to .petemies Kene'rsllv.
i..tr..r.0nary nWi'ine we wuutii ulnw ntl. t..
lio ure ;il all looist-s. A to fi.e a trial it will then rrc
oniiu. ii-i ii.-.ll. It slioulj. iu laet.W in every rsmily.
otte-r uieiiieiu-. e.m (.riitiiiT sueli evidences of rm-nt.
Fiom the iimtun ii-e editorial. Dee Sid
Ilr. ll.-.ltnn l s I . Iel rso .1 Uernian Bitters, frr Ihe ran
of I.iver r. niplamt. Jaiimliiv. I - .!ia. i.i Chronic er
Nervous IMiilitT. is Ue-.-rT..ii) o ,.f the raest popul.r
tin diene-s of thr.Inv. These ltitl..rs have trn ue-i It
tl...ii.-aiiis. aiol a !ra-D. at our eli.w says he has himself
r. r..,n I Ir. m tin- use of thi r- un .lj mi , .rj,,.lUaI. rni
ii. ii: rure ot Liver l-.mi,iainr. He an- ennviaeej that,
in til-.' l!-e of il,.-.,. r?. lite- frir-ut eou-t-intlv mil s
slrellh al. I hit-, la. t wuilli, f fTrM l..kll' .jticn.
Hi. ar.- .,.a-aol in t.,-i,. uj ,.i. tIlJ rln u ,T
r-..ns vi. n I, I.,,. ne..-t deli.ale fl..oia,hs. nh safelv
iie.;-r any eir.-t.nis.ari -. ,. V are s,akir,i aval eer;-
' ' tae allii. tisl we aUvise their u--.
S.-ulfs Wukly, one of the lest literary pauera
puliii.-hej. said. Aug C.'ith
Hp. "oori-AM' sir.iiii.. v hiTTrss. mannfii-rnred bvPr
J:i. B..-.U. are .. rm.,,,,,,. ,,,!, ,j v ot ,,,,, , '
lu.ueiit lu. ui!. rs of tl, t a.Mi v. a, ... ,ru, l,. f mu, t,
elloa. v m caseevt femalp veakn.,,. As ,ii. h isthecase,
.v.. ..,i. I .li:.- :l iiL.tli-rs to el.iaiu a iK.ttle. and thin
rave l nenis.-lves much siekn. -s. ivrsi.n.s of .1. l.iliutrsl
..ii.-tituta.usnill m.,j i!,,..,. v.'M.-T' a dvaiitazeuus to their
h allli..as e Wu. lr. ui e;er;ia.e the. salutary eilm't
they have lifeli weak si.-tenu.
Judge M.M.A'o in, a genileman of great scien
tific and liuiarj aiuuiniciits.saiJ iu hia-ew Voik
Weekly Mes.-eimer, Jan 6, H.'ill
'r. ....; oi.y.- .;.iei.-ii h.tirrf. ii.-reisa preparsti'in
n hi. li th.- I. -a i:n- .ri --'S of Ihe I nn.u appear unanimous
in rec. iitiii. ii.hn. an.l llu- ri-ason i.. (.I.vu.us. It is madp
Ht'o-r a pn s. ripti. nfiino-h. d l.y one ot the most peU-hrate.1
liv-i. iaii- i.t in -I. rn times the lati- Dr. Christopher
Wilhelin Hoortjcii. 1'n f.ssfir to thr lniTersily of Jena,
l'rivate 1'iivsn iari . the Knur "f Prussia, anil one ef the
irreat.-.-t mi .lna uritrrsil.-rniaiiy has ever pr.Ktucetl. 11
was , nipiiatirally loe en. my of humlmij. anil therefore a
niiiem. of i. ii..-li he was the inv.-ntur anil emlcrsi-r may
Lo et.in.lei:l!y r. li. 1 on. He sfweially recnmmen.Ie'i it in
Liver t'..inj.ainr. Ivp,-psia, IH-Liluy. lertio. .Vidity ef
the -.,.,,, I,, t ..ii.i ati.m, an.l all' complaints aniiiDS
from n 0is.T,l. r. .1 e-.ii,liti..n of the .-u.niaeh, the liver act
Ihe ItiO-smi... Nin I'hilnti'-lphia pai.rs eapres. thtir
c-iivietion ..fits e,-,.irnce, au.l m-veral of their Ktlitors
sp-ak of it.effiets t'n.m th.-irown in.tividual experience.
I ud.T these ein.uiiisian..s. w feel wamuite.1. net only
iu ealliie; Ihe ato-nti. n ef our readers to the present
propri,-..r j I'r. C. M. Jaek.m'sl preparation, but la RC
ouiueudini; the aliiele to all altliet.l.
.Monr L inrvi e. The Thiladelphia Saturday
('azctte, the best family newspaper published in
the I'niieJ Elates, the editor says of Dr ilootland's
(erinan liillers
It i s.M..ni that wo recommend what are termed Pat
ent Vl.-di.-iiie. to our read.-r.' patrouaze and eonfldenec;
and, tlirr. for.-, wh-'n we r i-oniiueint lr. II.H.rland's Her
man Lilt.-rs, we wi-h it lo be distinctly understood, that
w.. an- not -i-'akiti of the nostrum of the dav. that are
rioi.-e.l al.uf I'.-r s l.rn f timI ami are f-.rp.tten after they
have l, ii.. lli.-ir ruilty race of mischief, hut of medicine
l.oi r ...lal.ii-li. il. uuiver-alty primal, and which has met
in.- n-.i.i. a,-j r,..ii hi me ra-uay itHetr.
Evidence on evidence has been received (like
ie fon-ciinct from all sections of the In ion, the last 3
' " i-ii.nie.njr in ijj fannr, ,. that
Ili-re is more of it n-.l in the practice of the n irular
rhysieiiiin of 1'bila.lelphia. than of all other nneirnms
eouil.in. .1 a lart that can ea-ily hr psUMinlml. and fully
provni,- that a scientific preparation will meet wilh their
iiui, t approval wh. n preseute.1 even in this form. That
tins no. h.-ine will cure I.iver Complaint and nvsp.psia.ao
oneeiind..ii'it,amr n..inc it as directed. It acw speciDe
lly U.. n the Siomaeli an.l Liv.-r. It is pnferal.le to
( al. in. I mi all ti,..u, ,t,s. ,ms. The effect is immediate
they can he administered to rm.vv or LvraNI wilh salety
aud reliable licut-nt, at any time.
Beware of counterfeits.'
This medicine has attained that character which
it is necessary for all lo attain to induca counter
feiters lo put forth a spurious article at the risk of
the lives of those who are innocently deceived.
ionAr u-tll lo the marks of Iht (Genuine.
They have the written signature of C.M.Jickso
upon the wrapper, and the name blown in the
bollle, without uhich they are spurious.
For sale.wholesale and retail, at the CERM.l
door below Sixth, (late of 178 Race St.) Philad
elphia, and by respectable dealers generally, the
country throughout. lya-IO
Ahn for sale ly S. F. J. YPA I. L.LeuishurgJ'm
Also by ia. THOKMUV, do