Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, June 18, 1851, Image 4

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; iPit an& ffnmot.
Hoslcal CatacMam.
1st. What is slur?
An- Almost any remark one singer
make about another.
2d. What is beating time ?
Ads. Singing so fast that time can not
keep up with you.
3d. What is a rest?
Ans. Going out of the choir to get some
4th. What is a staccato movement ?
. , Ans. Leaving the choir in a huff,because
one is dissatisfied with the leader's require
ments. 5th. What is a swell ?
- Ans. A professor of musio who pretends
to know everything about the science, while
he can not conceal his own ignorance.
"Chabob it to Father." A dry
good j dealer, well known in the vicinity of
Broadway, and somewhat prominent for
his various shakes and jerks when he pro
menades tho streets, was on a foraging ex
pedition a few days since in the Centre
Market. Seeing a buxom Sucker girl in
the distance, he approached her, seized her
hand, and exclaimed with much warmth;
"How do yon do, my dear young friend?
how is your father and mother ; when did
jou leave home? Ah ! excuse me,I have
forgotten your name, but I stayed all night
at your father's home a year ago. (Her fa
ther had been dead for ten years.) Per
haps dou't recollect mc. My name's
my store is on Broadway ; call on mc.
shall be happy to sell you some bargains'
and leaving his card in her hand, our
man of tape departed.
Not long afterwards appeared the not
very green young lady, who selected goods
to the amount of about twenty dollars, and
picking them up, was about leaving, when
the polite shopkeeper and friend of the
family exclaimed :
'Excuse me, miss, you have forgotten
the bill"
"Oh no," replied Mias Sucker, "please
charge it to father."
Utterly confounded, our long friend suf
fered verdancy in muslin to leave with the
bill upaid. St. Louis Reveille.
Too Good to be Lost. A few days
since, a good old lady of this village, meet
ing a farmer in the street,on a load of hay,
inquired of him if it was for sale ; on being
answered in the pffirmative, she requested
him to turn his team around and drive to
her husbaad's' barn-yard, some quarter of a
mile distaij' ller request was complied
with ; and afler' tiu barn-yard was reached,
the old tadjinformed the teamster that she
wanted a ceut't worth of hay for hens
nests, and that while he was throwingit
of, lie would step into the houe and gi t
the change ! The driver was ungallant
enough to abuse the old lady and her hcus,
and refused to retail his hay.
The Tuek 1 Brown, of the Indianap
olis Sentinel, is a proselyte to the short
dress movement ; but he thinks there is no
use in cutting off any of the low er end ;
all that in needed is to hitch 'em up so a.
to cover the upper end the bosom and
neck 1
VAProfessionnl pomposity is very well
taken off in the following anecdote, which
we found in a late English paper :
Doctor (looking . learned and speaking
slow) "Well, mariner, which tooth do
you want extracted ? Is it a molar or an
Jack (short and sharp :) It's in the
upper tier, in the larboard side. Bear a
hand, you swab : for its nipping my jaw,
like a bloody lobster."
Cold bathing, pure water, plain diet,
a clear conscience, a clean shirt, a copy of
-the Lewisburg Chronicle, a pretty and af
f ctionate wise, (with a lot of children1 say
half a dozen,) and a little "market change"
in your picket, are indispensable to health,
comfort, and happiness. ,
The New York Day Book says it don't
believe in the water-cure, and gives as a
reason There's Wcbb,now he has been
lying in his damp slteet for twenty years,
And he s worse now than ever
The man who stops his wife's tears by
cursing her eyes, and the chap who cats
his little boy's supper every night aud
then gives him paregoric to take away his
appetite, were out on a spree together the
other day, spending some money their
wives had earned by washing.
" A New Orleans paper states that there
is in that city, a hog with his ears so tar
back Ihatie can't hear himself squeal.
. . i . r. .. .
Quiz was dining at Lovcjoy's, when
everybody called for peas, pea, until they
were all gone. Quia felt uneasy, and
throwing himself into the attitude of Pat
rick Henry, exclaimed "Gentlemen may
cry ftaSf pear, hut there it no peas!"
Ladies Costcxb at Pasau. The
Panama Herald says it has seen a native
girl wearing twenty-out American double
eaglet (9120) linked together so as to form
Attain.- On the persons of two others
we baveseen trom fc3.000 to tS.OOO worth
of pearls and diamonds, with hundreds o!
dollar' worth of rich lace ; and yet ail
were ban footed, deeming shoes and atock
ttigs uaaecMsary to comn&c iheir costume.
Map or the State of California,
TEXAS, prated by 8. Aug'. Mitchell in
1816. ami painted to correspond with the boun
daries 6 led by Congress in 1850 for sale si the
Chronicle office, price 35 els.
Dr. John Locke,
MAT be found at hie Office and residence
Tnird street, neir the Ger.Ref.Ch. the two
weens following the first Monday of each month,
where he is prepared to execute all operations in
his line of business in a manner creditable to
himself and satisfactory to those who may favor
bun with their patronage.
Dr. L. spends the third week of each month
in Milton.
(jAromatie Tooth Paste, put up in beautiful
porcelain boxes, an excellent article for keeping
the teeth clean and breath aweet, for sale at 25
eta per box, by
Lewuburg, Pa., May, 1850
a lot Salt. B
WHAT large and desirable property on
JL the corner of Market and Water Sts.,
well situated for a residence, for business,
or for a residence and place of business.
There is a large BRICK House contain
ing 4 large rooms on the first floor, 6 bed
rooms on the second floor, and two large
finished rooms on the third. A Kitchen
and Washhnuse adjoins, und it his also a
large cement Cistern, a Pump and Well of
good water, and alt the necessary out
buildings. For terms &c. apply to CJeo.F.Mii.lf.r,
Esq. S. E. DAVIS.
lwisbiir;, Sept. 23, 1850
LOOK at Haxrntn's NEW
STOCK of liold and Silver
Watches and Jewelry, before you
buy elsewhere and pay a ' leclle
too much" because you waa not
aware that Hatneld sell cheaper.
Gold P. Imn, wtn ! 14 to 1"K
$lo,not sn.no
ifi.no oo.nn
3oo 5o.no
is.no 35.11
h0 17.)
do full iewflXI IB to IS
" Anrhoranit Lrpin's.jowld 14 to IS
Silver T. Lvrra. jwlod,
" Anrhnntau'l Ipine. jeweled
AoM Finirrr Htnff. lanre Tri'lv
Car iHnf". plain and 8gd, latest st.vlrs ,.'
" Prnrils and Pens -S0
" PrariU
IVnd, Silver raws, THntnmtd point! l.;0
M Hreajtpiiia,l,alT,iatitlffent,ditrislvlc ,75
" Huntinc Lnrket. doulilr. fi.50
WaKhchaina, F and Vest ."0
Guard do 5 fret 13.'0
Keva .75
Silver Tatl and Tea Spoons S-W
plated and Gerin. Silver Tea and Table Spoons .7i
Sllv-r Cnoilw 2.50
- .n,l Hold Spectacles 1'H
Rraa Clocks 2. I""0
Aonr-lons 2.--0 W
Anil hnndrrds of first choice articles, '.ptemliil
goods." just from the City and as low as t'ily
retailer can sell, by A. I.. HATFIELD.
I.ewisliurg, March 18, 185 1
$2,000 worth Cabinet Furniture
Fur Sale at Donarfiy't Wareruum,
T FOURTH Street, south side ef Matket.at the
sign of S.W.Vtukoff ware-room up stairs.
m here is offered a splendid assortment of FUR
KlTVHE.n cheap as can be purchased this side
of Philadelphia such as
Plain, Pacy, and Dressing Hureans ; folas ;
Ottomans ; Mahogany cnait ; rier. center.
Card, Sofa and Dressing Table, Breakfast and
DinirgTables,&c; Bedsteads (Oclican.French
and Common) from $2 to $100; also Stands
of eeery variety.
All work warranted to be well made, and on
the moat reasonable terms. Cash, Country Pro
duce, and Lumber taken in payment.
I.eiburg. Not. 21.-1850
Ccnrisbnrg JTonnirn
M1E subscriber, thankful for past pnt-
ronace, ould inform the public that
he continues to manufacture alt kinds of
Mill Gearing and other Castings. Thrashing
Machines, and other articles of Machinery repai
red in the best manner. Callings warranted to
be of ,ood material, and at prices that ran not
fail to please. JAMES 8. MARSH.
Lewisliuig, Feb. 1851
ClOOKINU Stoves, of various patterns
; and sizes, for Coal or Wood, for sale
at the Lewisburg Foundry by
James S Marsh.
CJ TO V E3 Parlor,
Wood, and Coal
Stoves, various patterns, for sale at the
Levtuburg l uundry. James s. Alaran.
HMlltASliTxG Machines and PLOVVS
J for sale at the Lewisburg Foundry. "
James 8. Marsh.
WIARD'S Patent Uang Plow, a supe
rior article, for saleat Ihe Lewisburg
Foundry by
James S. Marsh.
11 A IN or Seed Drills Ross' Patent-
decidedly the best and most durable
Grain Drill now in use, for sale at the Lewisburg
Foundry by James S. March.
"The. Old Head quarters !"
rilHE subscriber respectfully informs his
tiicnds aud the public generally, that he
can ics on the
Tanning and Carrying Business
in fall force, as uaal, at the old established head
quarters in Ihe Borough of Lewisburg, on St.
Ueorge'e street, near the River, where he keeps
a constant and full supply of LEATHER f
all kinds and the best quality, which are altered
(O"l0 Cords of BARK wanted.
- Lewuburg, Nov. SO, 1350 6 m
The beautiful Ship Industry (
The subscriber
has just received by
the above, at his
New Shot, Second
stieet near Market,
(next d.ior to H. C.
llicki'k's law office)
an entire new and
fashionable stock of materials for carrying on the
buainess sf
Boot and ''Shoe Making,
embracing French Calfskins, Patent Leather and
Morocco of every description, with LASTS of
all sixes and latest style. Ha hopes by strict
attention to buainess and a desire to do the
"greater food of the greatest number' of bis
patrons, to merit and receive the confidence and
support of a generous public. All work and ma
terial warranted. D. W. SAMSEL,
Lewisburg, Dec. 30, 1850
R. T. A. II. THORNTON offers his
professional services to the citizens
of Lewisburg and vicinity, in thovarious
branches of his profession.
Residence Temperance Hotel.
Office Drug Store, one door above the
Mammoth Store of J. & J. Walls.
Lewisburg, Oct. 1, 1850
M 'LAKE'S VERMIFUGE This invaluable
remedy for worms, is rapidly auppjanting
all others, in public estimation. Where it is used
it has produced the best effects, and driven out
all other remedies. It h the best we have ever
aecn ! is the remark ot all who have ever used it
in their families :
J Kidd & Co I received a lot of M'Lane's
Vermiluge from your agent !at spring, which I
aold out in one week, and I think I could have
sold one thousand boliles by this lime if I could
have got it, out not knowing where to get it I bad
to wait until your agent came around. Every
person that has tried M'Lane's Vermifuge tells
me it is the best they have ever seen ; in fact it is
impossible for any one to say too much in favor
of M'Lane's Vermifuge. W U KOI11J
Tyre Springs, Sumner Co Tenn, Feb 19 18 IS
Dr M'Lane, Dear Sir I have sold out all
your Liver Pills and am anxious to have another
lot immediately. These pills seem to take most
wonderfully; I could have sold a much larger
quantity if I had been provided niih thein ; tlie
inhabitants are sending to Rochester for them,
but tthcthrr there ate any there or not I do not
know, ricase send me anmher supply immedi
ately. F SHORT. DruEqist
Hemlock Lake, Livig'u Co N Y, Mar 8 1817
J Kidd & Co Your traveling agent left with
me last summer a quantity of Dr M'Lane' 1'ilU
and Worm Specific to sell on commission ; the
Worm Specific is all sold and I should be glad to
procure more, as it sells very readily and has a
very salutary effect in excelling worms. If you
ran forward me some or send me an order lo call
on your agent in IlulT.ilo (I. S Reynolds) I think
it will meet with a rapid nle.
Varytburg, Wyoming Co, K Y, Dec 10, 1S47
AGENTS -C W Scnarrir., Lewisburg ; J
II Cat-low and J II Raser, Milton ; I (ierhart. Sc
linsgrovc; J W Frilinc, Sunhury ; Mrs M'Cay,
Northumberland; M C Grier. Danville
By. T. A. H. TKSS55TSS3,
Stufls, Oils, (.5 las. Perfumery,
Confectionery & Fancy Articles.
Dr.Thornlon returns his thanks for the liberal
patronage which be has received, and he assures
the community that every attention shall be paid
to the compounding of Medicines, and that all
Drugs shall be fully tested before ihey are offered
for sle, and warranted to be pure and genuine.
Cs? Prescriptions given free of charge at Dr.
Thornton's Drug S ote.
Remember to call at the old stand, firrt door
above the Mammoth Store of J. & J. Walls.
Nearly opposite If. P. Shelter's Store.
THE best and most approved COOKIXG,
Ploughs, Castings, fee. at low rates, by
fir. l,i;mis
The Enyy of all Pill Manufacturers,
BECAUSE they are safer, better, and more
efficacious than any others.
500,000 noxes .
have been sold annually for the last five years.
V'oi-i no Olu, Male axii Kemai f.,
can always take them with equal safety, without
fear. Jf puis be necessary
for purging and cleansing the Stomach and Dow
els, and purifying the Blood and fluids of the bo
dy, lake no others tot no other pills produce
those combined effects, or contain Sarsaparilla in
Eat, Drink and Live as usual,
and pursue your usual occupation whilst taking
them, without feur of taking cold, during all
kinds of weather.
One Thousand Dollars
aie wagered that more genuine certificates (from
physicians, clergymen, .Members ot Congress, and
respectable citizens) can be produced of their
eflicacy than of any others, and
will be forfeited in every instance where One
Box will not do more good than Two lioxes of
any others.
Forty Pills in a Box ! !
and sold at Ttrentu-f'ire Cents a Box, with
directions and much wholesome advice accompa
nying each box.
The jr hnr it" Vote or unplraxant rmfU,
t rtu frvm dust or pKii'r of ang a-ijkJ,
not grijK the Sfimti-A or JA.u,
ProiInrf no m'c". vomiting, or hird frAingt.
Aud a:lajUit to most disewta coawutn to mankind.
No one having once taken them will be willing
afterwards to take any others, because they aN
ways do good, and if they do not, then no others
Dr. H. B. teidr. The Proprietor and Mannfaetnrer,
is a regular Druggist, Chemist, and Physician, of
titteen years' experience in Philadelphia; Grad
uate of the University of Pennsylvania; Mem
ber of different Medical Institutions of Philadel
phia, New York, Boston, Baltimore, Ac, and
associate and corresponding member of several
Medical Institutions of London and Paris, 4c.
Omasa n Ixpositiow. Beware of all
pills called by names nearly similar, got up to be
sold on the reputation of Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla
Blood Pills; the first Sarsaparilla pills ever in
troduced and the only pills containing Sarsaparil
la. Take no others and you will not be deceived.
Others by similar names, or nearly similar, are a
gross fraod. Beware, then, of Imposition ! !
EPPrincipal Depot. Dr. Leidly's dispensary.
No. 114 North FOURTH ST., Philadelphia
and sold wholesale and retail be
C. W.SCI1AFFI.E. lewlr.ur; (J. n. CmIow, Milton
J.M.Benfer, G.W.Kewler.N.rlerllii W. P.I. l-aiutrr. .Mtinej
Taytor,udtitsrr'a,MilliiibtirE:!lly Smith, Adanubarg
Youngman A Walter, Dry Vallt-y -,I. S. Uojcr, a'nsetura:
Spott k Myers. Kelly X Ftoiuls 'Mos.PpechtBeafrtwa
Haria k ScLnure. eVliuivrova I RoMHmith, Middlpb'rK
L U. Kohrvr, M'K.-f !-2 rails VSMk Kilrrt.UarUrton
Tbomap Bower. Shamokin I Him iK.lKouKh.CvntreTiUt
Ir.J.M..!u!il.tVilliamictort: and by lrufirits and Ht..r.
Septra IbrcUfUiut tfce Inihd Stat. i'5-7
S If I ti Jj
tl jtw sbi r '.. .11
Town Property
For Sale Cheap.
FULL Lot on Norlh Fourth Stree
XL on which is a two storey
Frame House, 10 by S3 leet,
wiin a coon teimr under it a iii
Frame Stable, 16 by 20 an out1
Kitchen, and other out-buildings now oc
cupied by Davio Shajip. Enquire of
Lewisburg, Oct. 30, le)50.
Price Reduced!
Large Bottles Only One Dollar
Tb Proprietor of the Great Americas Rvwdr" "" vunmu
onrnl Mliciutions of his Agents, throagbeul tfc Umtod
Siatei and Caoada, bu now
Seduced the Price
of hit popalar and wall known article; and from this dot.
hne.orih, ha will pat op bnt om atzo only, hw qnai
boitlca : the retail price will bo
The public mar rest saiared that the character of the Mxii
cine, itt strength, ami curative properties will KEMUri
L-nrnAtoiD. and the aamo can will be bestowed ta pre
paring tt as herrtolura.
A Urn medicine, under it winced price, will be patvhayed
by tho- who have not hiilierto made theiwelva acquainted
wtih its Yirtne. the pmprittor would beg to intimate that bit
arttcle w not to be ciaued with Uie vast amoant of 4 Remedtas
of the dar it !aiin for itwll greater healing potrer, in
mil dtseasM, thnn e ether preparation now lefor V14
wuri; and hastattaincd itw.f for eight yean by its upariot
mefiiral virtues, and, until this reduction, eomawsded doable
tit price of anjr other article in this line.
Ni'Tici PaTirrLai.T, this article acta with iraafctftai
ing power and ceruinty, npoa tho
Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Lungft,
and all other organs, ukmi Uie proper action of which Ufa and
hfvalih de:end.
This medicine has a jartly high repste as a laaaedy for
Dropsy and OraTel,
and aU diveasesof that nature. It may be relied ape when
the intelligent physician has abandoned his patient, and fas
these dutfewinff diseases, more especially Dtorar, the propri
etor wonld earnestly and honestly recommend it. At tt
prevent price it is easily obtained by all, and the trial will pio
the article to be tho
Cheapest Medicine in the World!
ty Flease ask for pamphlet the agents gi ve them away
they contain over sixteen pages of receipts, (m addition to fnl
medical matter) valuable for housebold purposes, and which
will nave many dollar per year to practical housekeepers.
Tbene receipts are introduced to make the book of grea
value, a.ide from its charactajr as an advrtuing medium to
the methane, the testimony in favor of which, io the form 01
letters from all parts of the country, may be relied upon.
ty "Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptie Miitare th
firrat American Remedy, now for sa'e in quart bottles at $
ea-h, Rmall bottles at SO cts each. No email If Ulea wHl be
inued after the present Hock is diioed of.
Tnncipal Offioe. BuiTalo N. Y., S07 Main Street
C. C. VAL'fiHV.
Sold Wholesale and Retail by OLCOTT .McKESSOX &
CO., 177 Matdnn Lane, New York City.
N. It. AU letieia (excepting from asftt and dealefi with
vhom be transacts biisiocss) must be post paid, or ao attention
will tie given to them
(KrIK. TMORXTOX, l.fwisl.urs, is
fSt-ncral Agent for Union county J. H.Caslow,
Agent, Milton ; I. CtmiART, Silinsgmve
3yl:: St
IS now carried on as usual, at the upper
end of Market street, where evcrv des
cription of C A S T I N G S 's kept on
hand or made to order such as
The Complete, or
Complete Improved
Cooking Stoves
for either Coal or
Wood and all
other kinds of
also.Tr.ftITmBS of differ-
ent kinds Uora riouiilis, Uuii riouiitis,
and the
Self-Sharpening Flougb,
a new article, and which can not be bea
in Pennsylvania. Call and see and judge
for yourselves.
Lewisburg. Sept. 22, 1S-19
THE undersigned continues the LIVE
UY EUSLYESS at the Old Siand,
on North Third St., near Market, and
respectfully solicits the patronage ol his
friends and the public Generally.
Lewisburg, May 22, 1850
Tanning Currying.
past favors, the subscriber returns
. his grateful thanks, and hereby makes
known that he carries on the business of
Tannins and C'nrr j ingr,
at the Old Stand. Determined not to be
outdone in the manufacture or finish of his
work, he is bound to have the best work
men and materials, and to treat those who
have so liberally patronized (as well as
those also who shall be pleased to patronize
him) with that attention which he hopes to
insure him a full share of public patronage.
All kinds of Produce taken in exchange.
Hides and Bark not refused, for which the
highest market price will be paid in cash
or in exchange for leather.
Mnrch 25, A.D. 1850
THE undersigned is provided with all ihe
necessary forms and papers, and will
take charge, on the most reasonable terms.
of any claims for BOUNTY LAND, EXTRA
PAY or PENSIONS that nviy be placed in his
hands. All applications, alter tiring duly prepared
here will be forwarded lo Chables DeSeldiso
Esq, an efficient and responsible Pension Agent
at Washington cily, who will present them in
person (without extra charge) to the proper De
partment ao arrangement ensuring accuracy and
despatch. H C HIUKOK
i-ewisburg, Jan 29, 1951 3m
Administrator's Notice.
WHEREAS, Letters of Administration
on the estate of ISAACG.LAWSHE
late of the Boro' of Lewisburg, Union Co.,
deceased, have been granted to the subscri
ber, resident in said Borough, by the Reg
ister of said county, therefore all persons indebted
to the ssid estate, or to the late Firm of Wolfs
Sc Liwsna, are requested to make immediate
payment; and those having claims against the
same, are required To present them duly authen
ticated for settlement without delav.
O F MILLER, Administrator
Lewisburg, Feb 3, 1851 1 6,v 1
Stone Co.il for sale.
To niacksmllhs.
BITUMINOUS COAL, from the West
Brunch and from Hollidaysburg, for
sale at the Shop of the subscriber, ocar ihe
llayscales on third ot.
Lewisburg, May 7, 1850
rain drills.
rpiIE undersigned wish to inform the
J farming community generally, that
they are now manufacturing
J. P. OSS' Knrh fmpr.tr.ur CRALVi
Without stopping to discuss the compara
tive merils of numerous Drills now olft-red
for sale, Ihey merely wish to invite Farm
ers to call and see Ihe above nnmrd article
before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi
dent that they can furnish an article that
will ffive entire satisfaction.
Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, 1350.
at Lewisburfir.
CIRCULAR for the Academical Year com
mencing Oct. 17, 1850.
Primary Department.
Exercised in Spelling, Reading, Definition,
English Or.immar, Arithmetic, Geography, His
tory U.S.A., Penmanship and Composition.
English Department of the Academy
The same studies as in the Piimary IVpartm't
continued in the use of larger text books ; and to
these are added General History .Algebra, Legeu
dre, and Elements of Surveying.
Classical Department of the Academy.
Term Junior Aratlemie class.
I. Knclish Grammar. Latin Grammar, Arithmctic(two
Imniona.) Geography.
IT. Th' siime (itii'liee a iu I. Term, and PeTimfln'l!ip.
nr Vt, rllwh Grammiir. IVsnr. A riUimef i- amil-t-i by
let JlTbiion. Givrk rirauiuiar, ilisfry t'f.A., IVu-
Senior Academic data.
I. Crr-Kir, Gra-k Header, Aibra ( tleruents.)
It. .Kliei'l. t' do
Hi do do do r ompM'-d. Gene
ral liixtnry, Knirli-b I-annuaicc ami r..iupoiliuu.
Freshman class.
I. En;llxh I-inroiKe and;ConifiOfitiin. Algebra, I.ivy,
Amil'aM;. A
II lUni:pr.m.trv. t'tr. A n:tt'll:i.
111. Plane, fnlid and fpliVrieal Geometry completed, U-
vy. .loaMyi.
Sitnlimuore class.
I. Ilerare, Odyssey. Plane and Spherical Triconometry.
tt, ,o do Ieii"iirati'.n.Mirveylnir..:iTliriiin
III. do roruplet.-d. Selertl 'rations ot tMllvulbeue.-j
ltrietoric, Analytical Geometry.
Junior elans.
I. lVmnnlicncs on Ihe Crown. I'irero do Officii.',' Me-
rlmtiic. Ilv.lroWatics. and ilv.iraulies.
II. IVinoslhcneR on the Crown. Cicero d- officii com
pleted. Pneumatics, Acoustics, Electricity, Miurue-ti-fcm.
and rtpti-.
III. Greek Tragedy, Tacitus, Aatronomy.
Seninr class.
T. Lope. Natural Thrnlorr, InU lleetnal Philosopliy.
H. Greek, political Economy. Miral l'liilosiphy.
111. Jlutlers Annlojry, Coiuititutiuu of U. 3., Chemistry,
Leclurep, General Reviews.
No class in the Regular Course has less than
three daily recitations. Every Saturday forenoon is
devoted exclusively to Vocal Music, Ueelamation,
and reading select and original Compositions.
The students are required to attend, regularly,
some religious meeting. Minors are evpected to
attend such meetings as are recommended to them
by their parents or guardians. There are in the
borough no less than six places of public worship,
of as many different Christian denominations
Text Rooks.
Enr'M Tjinnuagr and Klnrnlirm. Tho TtiHe. Porter's
Rhetorical Reader.' Worcester's or Webster's ictonary,
Rnllion's Knelish Grammar. Parker's lnirressiTe Exerci
ses in Enrlih Composition, Parker's Aids, Irlair'a Lectures
irorversitv Kdition.l .
L"Un language. Uullion'sGrammar, Bullion's Reader.
I.evi-rctt's Lexicon, liuilk.n'sCa-sar, Si hrnitz and Zuuipt's
Viruil. Lincoln's I. ivy. Ambon's Horace. Thnchcr's Cierro
de trttViis. Trier's Tacitus' Oermnnia et Atrricola.
rrcW.- iMttyitnyf. ltullion"Gr:innnar. Itulhon's Reader.
Liddi-ll & Scott's lexicon, oweu's Xenophon'R Analysis,
("wen's limner's l Myssey, Champliu's Ucmotthenes, l isk's
Clssieai l:inual.
.V.ithrm.itict. navies' Aritlitnetic for Academics. F.Iem
enturv AU--hr, Itounlon. L-p-lutre. Silrteyin" and Navi
irnriun.AiiiilyticaJG.'iiliielry.Oiinsted'sX'aturai l liilueoj.liy
:rcotyM d.t lm.-ted"s A.-m-nouiy.
!V umber or Students.
The number of students during the past year
in the various Departments, was Ifi. The
Collegiate classes already organized for the ensu
ing year, are the following :
pcliior class - - - R
Junior ilnss - - - It
Sophomore class - - 1'
Frcshuum class - - 19. ...51
STEPHEN W. TAYLOR, A. M, Prof, of Mathematics
and Natural Philosophy.
gkoISGK It. HLLSS. A.M., Prof, of Greek Lanmiajre
.d Literature.
GK.iiRGK W. ANKF.nsOX. A.Jl.,Prof.of Latin Language
an I Literature.
ISAAC N. LrHrMI.S, A. !., I'nncipal of the Acndemy.
Al.l'KKI) TAYLOR, A. M., Tutor ill tho English Lan
guage and Elocution.
Rii!ldings,IJbrary and Apparatus.
The Academic edifice now occupied by the
members of Ihe University, has been erec:ed, at
an expense of js.oon, and it is adapted to accommodata
l.0 student". Anolliercditice is nearly completett. and is
expeiTted to he ready for occupancy at the commencement
of the uext Term Oct. IT, 1.".
The Lihrary contains a number of select volumes, and
is constantly inercasin.
Chemieal Apparatus has been procured sufficient to
supply the immediate demand. The Apparatus tor the
illustration of Mechanical Philosophy, is now complete.
Tuition and Itoard.
Tuition in the Collei;iato Department $30,
Academic f20, Primary 13 per year.
Hoard, including lodging, washing, fuel, and
light, can be had in the village and its vicinity at
various prices, from 1,.)(1 to fz.nO per week.
Arrangements nrsMn progress to furnish Board, exclu
sive of loUiitir, aashinir, fuel and light, to such as may
desire it, at $1 per week.
Sessions and Vacations.
Two Sessions in the year the former com
mences on the 3rd Thursday in October, and
continues 26 weeks; the latter commences on
Thursday, 15th May, and continues 11 weeks.
Spring V acation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 8.
Dy order snd in behalf of the Itoard :
Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. Sept. 1, IS.'iO
ONE self-evident, and worthy of every
consideration, that no Miller can make
good clean flour without he has good clean
wheat. 1 suppose you wish to know the
remedy. I tell you it Is to get one of
lierzslress.er' IVhtat Scourers, or Smut
Machines. He being an old, practical and
experienced Millwright has invented, got
up and put in successful operation the best
Whenl Scourer now in use. Any person
ordering a machine and afterwards rinding
that it docs not prove to operate as repre
sented, there shnll be no sale, as these ma
chines are to be warranted good. Further
recommendations are thought unnecessary.
He is now having a supply made at Lewis
burg, by Messr. Geddes 61 Marsh. Orders
for machines, or letters of inquiry, will be
prompt!' attenJud to. Machines will be
sent and put to all order;. Address
Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. 329
"VTOTES Promissory, Judgment, and
1 Juim Notes (blanks) at tisU oflke.
J L ICE a great Dyspepsia Curer !
Prepared from Rennet, or the fourth stomach of
the Ox, after directions by Baron I.iiaio, the
great physiological chemist, by J.S.Hocshto.i,
M.D., No. 1 1 N. Sin St. Philadelphia, Pa.
A TRULY wonderful remedy for Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint,
Constipation and Debilitii, curing after Nature's
own process, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric
Juice. (Xj Half a leaspoonful of this fluid, infused
in water, can digest or dissolve r ive found ol
roast beef in about two hours, out of the stomach.
Digestion is chiefly performed in the stom
ach by the aid of a fluid which freely exudes from
the inner coat of that organ, when in a state ol
health, called the gastric juice. This fluid is the
great solvent of the food the purifying, preser
ving and stimulating agent of the gtomacn and
intestines. Without it there can be no digestion,
no conversion of food into blood, no nutriiion
but rather a foul, torpid, painful and destructive
condition of the whole digestive apparatus.
Pepsin is the chief element or great digest
ing principle of the gastric juice. It is found in
great ahull. lance in the solid parts ol the human
stomach alter death, and sometimes causes the
stomach to digest or eat itself up. It is also found
in the stomach of animals, as the ox, calf, cVc. It
is the material used by farmers in making cheese
sty lid Rennet, the effect of which has long
been the special wonder of the dairy. Curdling
of milk is the first process of digestion. A call's
stomach can curdle nearly one thousand times its
own weight of milk. Baron Liebig ststes, "one
part of Pepsin di.-solved in sixty thousand parts
of water, dige.-ts meat and other food." Diseased
stomachs produce no good (i.tslric Juice, Rennet
or Pepsin. To show that this want may be per
fectly supplied, we quote the subjoined
sriKXTiric eviie.ci:!
rtnron I.IEIHG. in bis celebrated work on Animal Che
mistry, says: -An artJlicia! digestive fluid, analaous to
Ihe Gastric J me.may tssreadtiy prepared from the muecus
meDihrajic of the stomach of ' the calf, in which various
articles of as meat and cirsrs. will be softened and
digested in the same manner as in the human stomach."
Dr. IShttKlKA.in his lauious treatise on iood and Diet,
published hy Fowlers A Wells, New York, paije o. states
the same jrreat fact, and descriles the method of prepara
tion. Th' re are f w hip-her authorities than Dr. Percna.
Dr. t'O.MIIE, iu his ralual le writinca on the PhysioloL-y
pf Dteptioii. observes that "a diminution of the due
tU:iiitity of Ihe linstric Juice is a prominent and all-pre-vailini;
caue of Dvspepsia." and he states that -a dislin
tmsli.d professor id medicine in London. who was seven ly
:-.ffi"ted with this complaint, finding everything else to
fail, had r'-course to the Gastric Juice, obtained from the
stomach of livinir animals, which completely succeeded.'
Dr. GRAHAM, author of thefnmous works on IV;." UI)1
I'iet. says: "It is a reniurknHo tact in physiology, that
ihe stomnchs of animals, maceraltd in water, impart to
the tiuid the propem of dissolving various articles ol f.ssl,
and ol etTeciniir a kind of artificial digestion of them in no
wi-e ditT.Tcnt from the natural digestive process."
Dr. MMtiN'S roat work, the Chemistry of Man. (Lea
I'.htnchanl. 1'hilM.I.. 1 s-lo. I.o :1!I savs: '-Tile discovery
of Pepsin forms a new era in the chemical history of Di
gestion. From recent cxHTitnents. we know that food is !
dissolved as rapidly in an artiliciai digestive ?uid. prepared j
from Pepsin, as it is in the natural Gii.-tric Juice its. it.
Prof. Dl NGI.IS'N. ol the Jefl.-rson CoMei-e, philad- in
his sreat work on Human Physiology, ilevotes more limn
titty pa;rcs to an examination "of this su: ject. His e--ri-nieiils
wilh Dr. Leauniont. on the Gastric Juice, obtained
from the iiviiu hiiniiin stom:ich and from animals, are
known. In ail eases." he say, -digestion ocfirred as
perfectly iu ihe artitieial as ui the natural diirestious "
As a DVStl'EPSlA CURER, Dr Houghton's
preparation of Ptp?in has produced the most mar
velous effects. It is impossible to give details of
cases in the limits of tins advertisement but au
thenticate certificates have been given of more
than TWO HUNDRED rapid, wonderful, and
permanent cures. It is a great Nastocs A.iti
iiotf., and particularly useful fin? tendency to
bilious disorder, liver complaint, fever and ague,
the evil effects of quinine, mercury, Ac, also for
excess in eating or drinking.
There is no form of OLD STOMACH COM
PLAINTS which it does not reach and also give
instant relief! and repeated for a short time, pu
rity of Blood and vioort or ont follow at once.
It is particularly excellent in cases of nausea, vo
miting, cramps, soreness of the pit of the stomach,
distress after eating, low, cold state of the blood,
heaviness, lowness of spirits, despondency, emaci
ation, weakness, tendency to insanity, Ac.
Price, ONE DOLLAR per bottle. Ouebottle
often effects a lasting cure.
FEFSIN IN rOWDEES sent by Mail, free of Postage.
Fur ronveni'-TUT r.f sen.limr ta all r-;irts ot the eonntry
tbe liiirestiie Matter of ihe Vpin.L- put up in the firm o
I'owilers, witii Jiri-' lions to U. .lirsi.l, .1 r.j Ihe pi'tielit m
water or svrm'. These rxiW't. rs -x-utaiu jn.-t the same
mutter us the Isitth-s. hut twi -e th niint;t !r Ihe same
irii-e, ami an . nt hy niiil. Kre ot I'e-iaire. fir 1. sent
pnsl -i.ai.li t. Vr.J.f. II- U-lil.n. o. II ortn tlt-blU M.
l'hilajei.hia. Hi r atkaices for -.
Everv bottle .and package bears the written sig
nature of J.S.HOllilITON,M.D.,Sole Proprii
tor. iold l y agents in every town in the Union
and by most respectable dealers in medicine.
To be had of Dr. THOR rO., Lewisburg;
J H Carlo.v, Milton; Thompson, Mitniuburg;
Wilt & Eilert, llaitlftnn; Win Roshong, New
Berlin; ( I Crouse, Seiiusgrove ; Mrs .M'Cay,
Xorlliuniberlarid 1315
JMiJjunUurg, Lmon county, t'eniva.
ESPECTr'TLLY informs the citizens of
X Union county, and the public in general,
that he has leased the above stand, for many
years occupied by his Father, and Is now pre
pared to accommodate friends and the traveling
community in a manner acceptable to all.
The HOI tiE is large and roomy, well arran
ged in tilths departments, and every care will be
taken to render his guests comfortable and happy.
His TABLE will always be furnished with the
choicest delicacies of the season, and the best the
market can afford. The BAR will at all times
be attended by careful persons, and none but the
very best of liquors will be kept. His STABLES
are ample and convenient, and the OSTLEIvS
punctual and atientive.
In short, he pledge himself to endeavor to
give ceneral satisfaciion In all, and hopes bv
strict attention to business to merit and receive
a liberal Bhare of patronage.
Mifflinburg, June 211, 1850
1MIE subscribers offer ihe public, at their
new Brick Foundry, the following new
and valuable Stoves :
Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, wilh
a Brick Oven.
Lady Washington Parlor Stove.
Cast Iron Air-Tight Parlor Stove.for Wood
2 sizes.
Coal Burner for Parlors I size, 12 inch cyl
inder. Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove t
Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for Wood 2
Egg Stove the very best in use for Stores,
Offices, Barrooms, and Shops.
The celebrated Genesee Air-Tight Cook Stove
The Complete Cook 2 sizes.
Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves
Ploughs Castings. &c.'&c.
Lewisburg, Dec. 12, 1849.
"An ounce of Prevention worth
a pound of Cure," in
that awful disease.
DR. FITCH S Lectures on the Preven
tion and Cure of Consumption.
This popular work for sale inLcwisbure
by S. F. Lvndall J. Ilounhton and at
tills odii-ti. Peir 7S ."
... . ----1
Lewkburg, Union Count?, Pena
SFtuit ana
The subscriber ofTes for sale a l.r-.
assortment of choice Fruit Trees-SUchl!
Apple trees, 7 to lo feet high, 40 vane,;?
all warramed gonuine-Pu'cJ0 ,
varieties; lanarian Che,,,,
Prune and Pear trees, together with .?
6 or 8 varieties of'Grape Vines of ihebea
nttive and exotic varieties. Ornarnen' I
Trees, such as the Paulonia, Linden
N. B. Persons wishing to procure
quantity of the Fruit trees.areouej,,'
make immediate application to the subset
ber, in order to procure the aritiM , i
size wanted. H. R. 2VLL
Lewisburg, March 4, 1950.
-tar at t -".-. i r W '
Jni .y uic, uyspepsia, t.hronic or XB,,..
Debility, disease of the Kidneyf.ar.il ,n i
eases arUing from a disordered Liver or SiomirT
" "i- . uiwiiii i lies, x (linen
or Ulood to the Head. Acidity of lie
Stomach, .Viu.-c.i, Heartburn, dis
gust for Kood, Fulness or Weight in tbe
Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinkine or T',
tering at tbe pit of the Stomach, Swimmine if-;.
II I I : I i i. .. J.sS
jicau, uurrieu arm uimcult UreatQing, f;B,
tering at the Heart, choking or sutUs.,'
ting Sensations when in a lying
posture, dimness of Vision, Dots orW'eSs
before the Sight, fever and dull Psin in .k.
Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellownm jf
the Sain and Eyes, pain in the Side, Bn-s
Coest, J.lmbs., 3cc, sudden f lushes of
Heat. Uurning in the Flesh, constant I,..
ginings of Evil, and great Depression oiSp:t
cij ee irncTriLui ccses sr
prepared by
Vr. C. Jackson,
at the "German Medicine ISiore,1
I iO Arch M. Thllatl.
Their power over the abort dUtaats ii no.' 2.
ttlltff, if equalled, by any otfur preparation b
trie I 'ti fid states, as the cure utft.-t,in 1
caex after hkilful pH y&iciuns had faiUd.
Thte Ui-ttTi are worthy ihe aUci.uoo of iir
tiJs. g great virtues in the rcufia:-:
of (Jiscttses of ihe Liver ami lesser g!acdilcif(c
king ihe moat searching powers in weakceniL.
allt-ctions of tbe digestive organs,; try aitmCL
sjfe, certain and pleasant.
1 Hineline, editor ol the Camden Ikmucrd, !l
het paper in West Jersey, says, July 31st
llxl-L..NL rf GfcliMAN BITTKKi. W nr
many Unitei-ini: ooticftf vf this mtJiciB-, and u
wheurr tJjiM ciiuw inJurri n Iu miake icairre rtijr.
iL mvhttf. aV'rt-m innuirj wrr psThuailrUtoiisrLst.
muct utiy we fountl it firiiir in iU action upoo dia
tlie liTrauUJiaitiTor(puitftiisi iiir forful incae
it cxtTUf ufon u-rTuuiirosiin,tiun isnaUT fcun-net
ralius and ttrvnirlhmn tli rw rTt . brioeuoaT ikacan jtti
If thi niiilictue were tuurt (rnr rally naed, wiav
jcfi,..J thv-IV KHUlll Ut lH8 MCaVIieSaS MM frOB th WL
liver. aiiU neruiu .-TUa li tnemt major j of m..
iningiuarT aiseaM-T tmuaw. iimTts iirra in a nraiu-i
dtuon, simI you caa txi viefianea to pkleaics grm
Thia rxtraMtrdiuairj lortikinai we would ad vim- our .Tm
who mre at aU n1ipoH-d to give a trial it wilj tix-.r
ouimrud itwlf. it buld,in, lact.be in ev-ry Urn;.. )
vlh' T nu-dicme can produrr aucb eTidenat of atrr.i
Fiom the Botstva Bet editorial, VkZU-
VT. lltumauu a s-t-tvinTaM-u vrrraui DHirrB. FT lr V
of i.iTer (."inpiaini. iaunuirr. irsptT11"- "d tcrir
.rnou Ik-' ility. is dt-senedly one cf th mct F-fu
nu'liriiif 9 of the dav. There iii tiers haTe bm uw
t!uiusaudi. and a trnd at our elbow br bi.ix-
I r-.'iT 'l lroui ibv use of thia n-mly an rffttui.;a
ni'iit cure uf i.itt iotnpiaiut. we are cootiix:
in the umi of thfij titu r, the patifnt coouct j a-'
f-tn-n'tb and tit a fart worthy of eiyat rtuw-i-rcc
Th y art ptwa.ont in taste and rnicll, and can N vk '
p. r.-ons with the mti delicate stoDiativ, wilt v
und. r any rirt am-tauc,d. W are ?iikiD froati
t-nee, aud to the aicicted we adrue tiitir tue.
Scott Wctkly, oue of the best literary pi:
1 1 : t. I n-.L
jjuuiiMiru, siiiu. nug -.jiu
Ir II-xrLAM"s Guxax Bittebs, manuflKturwi
J:irk!on. aru now it--oiirnd-d by aomeof the&K-nnut-tit
numtr-rn uf the rVulty, as an article ci atf"-
tHcju y in ra of iV male weakneris. As surh i tfc
no would advice all niuthers to obtain a bottle, aw
Pave t)iuuLf lve? murh irknf5s. Kersona cf ifcW-
contitutionawiil find Uteee Bitten advantageous
hi'riltb. we know fn-m experience tbe aalutai?
ttu-y h:ie upon weak s$Um.
Judi;e M Af.JVoAH, gentleman of jrrrit f
title and literary atUinmenU,said in his'Oic'"
Weekly Mossenger, Jan 6. 19o0
Jr. H'sJian'Ts (j'-rman Bitt'rr.-litre is a pr;ptn::
which the loading prefixes of tbe Union appear unaaa J
in rvnuiui'ndinir, and the reaaon is obvioua. !(
after a premrripti'-u furnished ty one of tbe BKtftiin
phyfirians of modt-rn times the late Dr. ChnfW''
Wiiheltn Hoofland, Ilrof(sor to the IniTersityefa'
Frigate fhynuifrd to the King of iruia, and i'K cl
pnatci't m'dici writers lierniany haaetrrprodnmi- -'
wave- eniphatienlly tbe enrnry of humhug. and ths "'
medicine of whirh he was the inventor and t-Ddtiiy11
be cont4dent!y rht'd on. lie specially reitnimfivi
Liver Vouiptaint, lyi;peptia, lability, trtio. Jp?
the ftima-b, Constipation, and all ronii'Iaiof rA"
fnui a di!ordered condition of the Momtuh, the
the Intestines. Nine Philadelphia paper eiprr
convuruon 01 11s excellence, ana several 01 m"
speak of its effects rm their own individaal til1
l liiltT iu'.e cirrumj'iaiires, we leei wamii-
in rmllinc the attention of our readers to the P1"
proprirtur (IT. t. M. Jackson s) pn praoon,
ommending the article to all afflicted.
Miinr F inrv;ri ThftPKiU.llnhiaSitarJ'
:-aAlfa in hnjt fl imiltr naavsnanat nnn ui.n-
ihe t'niied States, the editor says of Dr HacZ&
German Bitters
It is seldom that we recommend what are tern-1- '
ent Medicines to our readers' patmnafre and cco1'.
and, thervlore, wnen we recommend ur. itoonaw''
we are not yneakiwr of tbe nottrums of the dav. j
niaUl it W4 1 3. war s waa lb w uiniiuiut aauMW
nof Ned about for a brief period and are forgotten
nave done tneir runiy race 01 misentei, nut oirv
lon; establi.'ibed, univeraiiy prized, and wtuca av
tbe h- ariy approval of the k acuity itself.
faviuence on eviuencw naa oeen recei'm
- 1 t s, I I",.
the forego tnp) from ail sections of the Union, tir
Teart1, and the ttrona'tt Uthtnonm iu it Juv-r-
there is more of it Ufed in tbe prartiee ff tb i"-"1
1'hvneians or fbuadeipnia, tiian otall other
eombineil a fact that can earn It be etttMMi.aril.
proving that a sri- ntifle preparation will anet-t :ti;'.
nni.'t artrfval when nnMatal ti ita this fnrB '
kbit medicine will mre LiTrr ratnnlaunt ud IfTtrr
nm Mil Hr.ll Kr aft.-v nstins t o .iia.ut It ft
ally upon the btomach and Liver. It is prrtVn
Ihey can be administered to fthaL or lrS1 wrtA'
and reliable benefit, at any time.
Beware of counterfeits!
This medicine has attained that character
it is necessary for aU to attain to induce crt"""'
letters to pnt form a spurious article aimc"--;
the Itves ol tno-ie wno are innocently aecvi -I.nnk
well to the marks of the Gen
They have the written signature of CM J'
upon the wrapper, and the name blown 1 u
bottle, without uhick they are spurious
V.ir aala ah Mcnla ami rtail. at ihe GEK1
.1.. Si. Ill CI. I. nf 170 Timet St) "'
el.hia, anJ by respectable dealers general1?'
country throuebout. Ir33
Also f.n-sale by S.F.LYSVALt,Letcisi'P
Alan hw 1(1 .1 HUKlU.l, v