LEWIS'BUKQ CHEONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. Taking the Census. An EUhrly Ltuly Cawjht.Dic taking of the last census has given us a score tf capital stories, but until yesterday we Jo not recollect having stumbled upon the following. We pick it up as an estray, going the rounds without credit : Last fall a census taker, on a tour of duty, stopped at an elegant brick dwelling bouse on Western Row the exact location of which is no business of t-urs. He was received at the door by a stiff, well dressed elderly lady,who eould be easily recognized as a widow of some years standing. On lear ning the mission of her visitor, the lady invited bimto sit iu the hall. Having ar ranged Liuiself into a working position, he inquired for the number of persons iu the family of the lady. " Eight, sir," replied ihe lady, "includ ing myself." " Very well your ftge, madam V " My age sir," she replied, with a pier ring, dignified look ; " I conceive it's none f your business, what my ago might be yon are inquisitive, sir." 'The law compels me, madam, to take the age of every person in the ward ; it is lny duty to make the inquiry." " Well, if the law compels yju to ask,I presume it will compel me to answer. I am between thirty and forty." I presume that means thirty-five?" " No, sir, it means no such thing; I am only thirty-three years of age !" " Very well, madam," putting down the figures, "just as you say. Now for the : ges of the children, commencing with the youngest one, if you please." 'Josephine, mv vouuce.st, is ten vcars of age." Josephine pretty name ten." " Minerva was twelve last week." "Mi nerva ca pt i va t i ng twelve." "Cleopatra Elvira hast just turned fif teen." "Cleopatra Elvira charming fifteen." "Angelina is eighteen, sir just eigh teen." "Angelina favorite name eighteen." " My eldest and only married daughter, sir, Anna Sophia, is a little over twenty- five." " Twenty-five did you gay, madam ?" " Vcs. sir. Is there anvthiiijr remark able in her being of that age 7" " Well, no, I can't wy that there is but it is net remarkable that you should be lior mother when you were only eight years of age?" About that time the census taker was observed sailing out of the house, closely pursued by a broomstick. It was the last time he pressed a lady to give her age. A Novel by Lip-hard. "Chap. I. "A large mountain and a small pole cat. Hist! hush! a polecat and a mountain! Huzza! Cii.vr. TI. "The pole-cat views the mountain and the mountain frowns upon the pole-cat ! ee, its huge brows contract, (not the pole-cat's, but the mountain's) and the lightnings lick up a row ! bee hist ! lurk! "Chap. 111. "Oh ! alt !-l'm " Letter do not blush. IVufa. Shu. Neither do certain editors, who ought to. Anwr. TJtyrttjJt. Wc do whenever wc "ought to." Jlu'la. Sun. Yes,but you badu't ought to "ought to." Amrr. Tclrjmjih. l'crhaps not ; tut we have a sympathet ic eoul, and often blush for other. . P.i'a. Sua. There is a hotel in Springfield that only charges half price for lovers ; and yet the proprietor says he makes more money out of this class of boarders than any other people about the house. 44 Let a youth," he fay, "sit up with a yellow spencer ud bluo eyes ou Sunday night, and he will feel so heavenly that he wont get down to pork and beans again till the lat tar part of the week." I'bacticai. Satire. At Syracuse, on Faturdav. a fat neero woman, riL"'ed out in the new style, with a dress reachitn just below, ber kuecs, flowing trowsersand a gipsy bat, nith streaming ribbons, pro menaded the streets, attracting considera ble attention. The dress was given her by some young gentlemen of the city Boston smokers are to be accommodated with a portion of the Common, to indulge in the weed, by the gracious permission of the City Councils. . Settees for their espe cial accommodation arc to be placed there, and they mustn't smoke anywhere else. Stuituxg Them Ur. A Michigan pa per publishes the following : Fellow cit- lens ! If you are asleep awake 1 If you awukc wow If you are moving w alk ! If vou ar walking BL'N ! If you are running fly to the rescue 1 A rich lawyer has bequeathed all Lis "property to a lunatic asylum, saying that Lc wished Lis sroDcrtT to return to the liberal elasa of people who patronice him The 'Deacon's' Cokcxdrcm. Which is the quickest heat or cold? Heat, be cause you can catch a eold. Map of the State or California, OKECOX. UTAH, NEW MEXICO, and TEXAS, pr.meJ by 8. Aug' Mitcbrtt iu 1846, nil painted to correspond with the boun daries fixed by Congress in 1850 for sale at the Chronicle oilier, price 25 cts. Dr. John Locke, ES SURGEON DENTIST, MAY be found at his Office and residence Tnird street, near the Ger.Ref.Ch. the two following the that Monday of each month, where he is prepared to execute all operations in bis line of business in a manner creditable to himself and eaifactory to those who may favor uiin with their patronage. Dr. I,, spends the third week of each month in Milton. (Cj"Aromatic Tooth Paste, put op in beautiful porcelain boxes, an excellent article for keeping ilie leelh cl. an and breath sweet, for sale at 25 cts per box, by JOHN LOCKE, D.D.8. Lewisburg, Pa., May, 1850 S Sox Sale. Ml T MIAT lare and desirable property on the corner of Market and Water Sis, well situated for a residence, for business, or for a residence and place of business. There is a large DIUCK House contain ing 4 large rooms on the first floor, 6 bed rooms on the second floor, and two large finished rooms on the third. A Kitchen and Wahhnusn adjoins, and it has also a large cement Cistern, a I'ump and Well of good water, and all the necessary out buildings. For terms tec. apply to GEO.F.Mn.r.F.rt i:sq. S. 15. DAVIS, I.ewisburg, Sep!. 23, 1953 LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP! T OOK at Hath eld's NEW J J STOCK of (iold and .Silver Watches and Jewelry, before you buy elsewhere and pay a "leetlc too much" because you was not aware that llailicM sells cheaper. (..II I". l-m. -vrn jrTls 14 in 115 finnotosn.w full j.-w. li-l Hi to IN HUM !.! " .n. h..rfn.l l in..ji W 14 to IS Vl SilTrr i: 1,-t.iy. .k-.I"I. 1--.IM - Am-burn nu t lupines, jf weird IO.imi fiulil Finir'T liiiii;.. iiirir- aiiit? .".T1. . r'.r litiif. 1niii ami fitl. litter.1 vl'-s .-" " IVtV'ilf aud Pens "' " r-ntili. 1.T5 I'.-nm Silver ejw. Fi;illinnt r.lnte! J.i'O - IIr.-K.-l injB. lflenil'leutV,lill'l iitylrs .VA " limiting lteliefj. .Ljiililf. ti.ii'J " Wab-bebailM. '.ia V . " innl do 4 f.vt i:L." Kr .7.'. Silver T:tl'le and Tin Smr,n ft.''! Plat.M mt ierm. Silver Tea and TaWe Sn.ous ."-1 Sil.er i'.tnitt - and Hold Speotavlcs l. Itra. Cliirl. 2..t AeMPleifi.i S..riO 17.110 ; it.thi n.tM) il.'MI 3.SI l-.MH-JI .f Ml 1M 4.'! 3..n i.7." S.l And hnmlri'ds of first choice articles, "fplendid gooils,' just from the City and as low as City retailers can sell, by A. I.. HATFIELD. Lcwishurg. March 18, 1851 ij'2,000 vvortli Cabinet Furniture fur .V'Zt ul Dimnrliys Wurcrovm, 1 "Ol'RTir fireet, south side ofNfaikrt.at the 6i!n of S.'.Yulwff ware-room up stairs. Khere is otrertd a splendid assortment of h'L'R A ITVIl K, as chrapascau be purchased this side of rbiladrlphia such as (Main, fancy, and Dressing 15 urea in ; Softs; Ottomans ; Mahogany Chairs ; 1'ier. Center. Card. Sofa and Dressing Tables, Ureakfast and llinipgTalies,A-c; 'misleads (Octican, French and Cornmtui) from $2 to 100; also Stand of ecry variety. AM work warranted to lie well made, anJ on lie most reasonable terms. Ca.-h, Country Pro- luce, and Lumber taken in payment. I . A. UO ACrii. I.ei!urg, Nov. 21, 18.")0 tcunsbnvg JTounDrn rPIIE subscriber, thankful for past pat J ronagc, would inform llie public th.V he continues to manufacture all kinds o1 Mill fJearini; ai d other CaslinRS. Tkrasliinp Machines, anJ other articles of Machinery repai red in the best manner. Castings warranted to le of t,ood material, and at prices that can not fail to please. JAMES S. MAKSII. I.cwi.-l u g, I cb. ISol ttOUKINU Stoves, of various patiern- and sizes, for Coal or Wood, for salt at the Leo.it.burg Foundry by James b Marsh. C1TOVE3 1'arlor. Wood, and Coal O Ssoves, various patterns, for sale at th Lewi-burg Foundry. James S. Mai oh. T MIUASIIING Machines and PLO for sain at the Lcwishurg Foundry. James S. Marsh. VI fl AMD'S Patenitian Plow, a supe- V rior article, for sale at the Liwisburj: Foundry by James S?. Mareh. G MAIN or Seed Drills Ross' Patent decidedly the best and most durahli tirain Drill now in use, fur sale at the Lewisburc Foundry by Jamea o. Marsh. "The Old Blend qtiiirtcrs ! " FEES' TANNERY. rTMIE subscriber respectfully informs hi I tticnJs and the public generally, that he caniea on the Tannins and Cnrryinj; Business in full force, as usual, at the old established head quarters in the Borough of Lewisburg, on St. t.eorge s street, near the Kiver, where tie Keep? a constant and full supply of LEATHER ' II kiuds an.l the best quality, which are ottered CHEAP for CASH or in EXCHAJNGE foi HIDES and BARK. (t7-HI0 Cords of BARK wanted. HENKY W. FRIES. Lewisburg. Nov. 20, 1950 6m The beautiful Ship Industry ! The subscriber has just received by the above, at his jXtsr Shop, Second i-V? sticct ucar Market, S , , j . it Hickok'slaw office) an entire new and fashionable slock of materials for carrying on the business of Boot and Sfioe Malting, embracing French Calf skins. Talent Leather and Morocco of every description, with LAS Is of all sizes and latest styles, lie hopes by strict attention lo business end desire o do the " greater good of the greatest number" of his patrons, lo merit and receive the eoo6denee and support of a generous public. All work and ma terial warranted. D. W. 8AMSEL. Lewuborg, Doc. 30, 1SS0 MEDICAL NOTICE. DR.T. A. II. THORNTON offers his professional services to the citizens of Lewisburg and vicinity, in tbevarious branches of his profession. Residence Temperance Hotel. Oifice Drug Store, one door above the Mammoth Store of J. & J. Walls. Lewisburg, Oct. 1, 1850 WOllM SPECIFIC! M'L AN E'jS VE R M 1 F LC E This in valuable remedy for worms, is rapidly supplanting all others, in public estimation. Where it is used it has produced the best ctl'ects, and driven out all other remedies. It is the best we have ever seen ! is the remark of all who have ever Used it in their families : J Kidd Sc. Co I received a lot of M'Lane's Vermiluge from your agent lat spring, which I sold out in one week, and I think I could have sold one thousand bottles by this time if I could have got it, out nut knowing where to get it I bad to wait until your agent came around. Every person that has tried M'Lane's Vermifuge tells me it is the best they have ever seen ; in fact it is impossible for any one to say too much in favor of M'Lane's Vermifuge. W D IIOBB Tyre b'priugs, Sumner Co Tcnn, Feb 19 1W4S Dr M'Lane, Dear Sir I have sold out all your Liver Tills and am anxious to have another lt immediately. These pills seem to take most jvoiiderfully ; I could I ave sold a much larger quantity if I had been provided with them ; the inhabitants are sending to Rochester lor them, but whether there are any I here or not I do not know. I'leae send me another supply iinmedi ately. F SHOUT, Drugsist Hemlock Lake, Livig'n Co N V, Mar S IS47 J Kidd Nl Co Your traveling aeent left wilh me last summer a quantity of I'r M'Lane's Pill and Woim Specific to sell on commission ; Ihe orm Spccilic is all sold and I should be glad to procure more, as it sells very readily and has a very salutary ell'ect in expelling worms. If ynu can forward me some or send me an order to call on your agent in liuH'ulo (L S Reynolds) I think it will meet with a rapid sale. V If AINSWORTH Varysburg, Wyoming Co, N V, Dec 10, 1847 AGENTS C W Srsirrn, Lewisburg; J H Ca.-low and J H liaser, Milton ; I Ocrhart, Se linsgrove; J W Friling, Sunburv ; MrsM'Cay .Northumberland; ML Oner. Danville LUp. T. BO. Market St. iDCRa, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IS Dru,Mcdicinc, Chemical, Dj c- Siutfe, Oils, (ilas, I'erlumery, Confectionery & Fancy Articles. Dt. Thornton returns his thanks for the liberal patronage which he has received, and be assures he community that every attention shall be paid lo Ihe compounding of Medicines, aud that all Drugs shall be fully tested before they are offered for sale, and warranted to be pure and genuine. ITr Prescription given free of charge at Ur. Thornton's Drug S oie. Kemcmber to call at the old stand, first door above the Mammoth Store ofJ.it J.Walls. STOVE WA11E-UOOM, Ki urly opposite 11. P. Shelter's Slorc. rllR best and most approved COOKING. SHOP. OFFICK or PARLOR Stoves, Ploughs, Castin". &c. at low rates, by CHKIST & M r ADDIN. SARSAPAB1LLA BLOOD PILLS, AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS ! The Fnvy of all Pill Manufacturers, BEC AUSE they are safer, belter, and morn clfiracious than any others. roo,ooo iioxs have been sold annually for the last fire years. lot'Mi iin Olb, .Male id umiii, -an always take them with equal safety, without If 'Pill be necessary for purging and cleansing the Stomach and Dow- Is, and purity in? the Ulood and fluids of the bo- ly, take no others for no other pills produce those combined effects, or contain Sarsaparilla in them. Eat, Drink and Live as vsual. ind pursue your usual occupation whilst taking i hem, without feat of taking cold, during all kinds of weather. One Thousand Dollars ire wagered that more genuine certificates (from lhysicians, clergymen, Members ot Congress, and respectable citizens) can be produced of their Ihcacy tnan of any others, and TEN DOLLARS will be forfeited in every instance where One Box will not do more good than Two lloxes of any others. Forty rills in a Hox ! ! and sold at Twenty Fire Cents a Box, with directions and much wholesome advice accompa- uj nig each box. Tffy h'jre no tn' or tmrlmtont i?7, Fret from tf'rut or Jtowlrr ofitty kind, lift it"t gripe the Stmich rir "KW, J'rmlmt lo itiflTtfU. rttniifinfj. itr Intii f,f!ngKt THE V A HE HOO) AT Alt. TI.VES, Atti aibqitai to must diteuei eMMa to wahkiml. No one having once taken them will be willing afterwards to take any others, because they aN ways do good, and if they do not, then no others will. Dr. N. B. Ltiiy, The Proprietor and Manufacturer, is a regular Druggist, Chemist, and Physician, of fifteen years' experience in Philadelphia; Grad uate of the University of Pennsylvania; Mem ber of different Medical Institutions of Philadel phia, New York, Boston, Baltimore, &c, and associate and corresponding member of several Medical Institutions of London and Paris, Ac. Octraoe Aim iMPosiTtos. Beware of all pills called by names nearly simitar, got up to be sold on the reputation of Dr. Lenly'sSarsaparilla Blood Pills; the first barsaparilla pills ever in troduced and the only pills containing Sarsnparil la. Take no others and you will not be deceived. Others by similar names, or nearly similar, are a gross fraud. Beware, then, of Imposition ! ! ' trpTrincipal Depot. Dr. Leidly s dispensary. No. 114 North FOURTH ST., Philadelphia and sold wholesale and retail be C. vr.SCnAFFt.K.Lt'wUtmre J. IT. Oaslnw, Milton J.M.Iteoler.O.W.KMslfT.N.B.-rlln'W.P.I.l'aiiiti-r.Muncy Taylor's. aikl SUlsrr's. Mifltint.org! By Smith, Adam.kanr l'ninfrmnn c vivr, ifrvtwifj a. wjrr. Stts Myers. Krlly X Koads IMo.SMn-iivertw-a lUTlii m-hnur. Pclinsffrvv 1 nonimi n. jimm L.tl. Bobrrr. M'Kres U Falls Wilt Kilcrt.llartlcf.a Thomas lt.rr. Shami.kln Hani I K. k Ron.h.rratlvTillc Iir.J.M.4iiil.l.illlmpon: u4 t'rui'ji'l' and Store It'ri'vrf Uiroujboat Uw Cuited Statvs. ilvJ7 Town Property For Sale Cheap. FULL Lot on Norih Fourth Street XL on which is a two storey Frame House, 16 by 33 Icet, with a cooa cellar under it a lit Frame Stable, 16 by 20 an out1 Kitchen, and other out-buildings now oc cupied by David Siiasip. Enquire of . DAVID UEBER, Agent. Lewisburg, Oct. 30, 1S50. Price Reduced! VAUGHN'S LITH03STEIPTIC MIXTURE! Lmtc Bottlfl Only One Dollar. Tl Proprietor f the Hirat Ameriran Rprntf VrHV Vkoktasilk laiTnnKTRirric Mixtvkk." iodHced by th ursHit fN)liL'iiitiuia. of iiif Aeeou, Uirouclwttl Um C'uHeU uies aud Catuuia, liu now Bedooed the Price of hit popular and well known aniet; aid froua tliia dnt, liwt.forih, lt will pat ap lnt on tu oul, Im qaar boiUei : the ntail prit-o will oe ONE SOLIAB TI public mar rest awnred that tlw cliararter of iko Mwli ciue, it otnaeih, and curative proftent-will rem ain 1'NCHanGED. and the aame care will be bestowed ia ie parinit H v npretofvre. A iliu luoriKine. andrr i(t redneoil price, w ill be parchawil Uy thoiw who have not hitherto wade tlwmtctvo at-qnauiied with iu jrinr, the prrvnetor would bes to intim,! that hw arti'-le not to to rlaued with tht vast amnont of ' RnH4iea of the day ; it ileum tor itaell a greater krIis power, m mil diseas, fAaa any other prrparatin wis toore tht KairJ ; and ha ftflttained iLcIf ti,'lit year by its anppnoi iHdi:al virtus, and, antil tliie reriiirtion, eoinniaaded duuhle the price of any other article in thu line. Ni'tile raRTtcrt.AKLT, tli is article acta with ffraatieaL ing pwcr and certainty, opon tlie Elood, liver, Kidneyt, Lungs, and all other orgaui, upon the proper action of which lit and health depend. Thia tufriieia haa a jnstlr hijh repata aa a renaedy rW Dropsy and Gravel, and all Hi caw of that nature. It may be relied apon when the intelliirent pbyaktan ttaa abandoned hia patieat, and for theae tIutreior diaaaoa, more efpeeially bRtipar. tha proftri etor wonld eamaatly and Itoneotly recooimend it. At it present price h m eatly ohtaiued by all, and the trial will pwv tlia article to be the Cheapest Medicine ia the World! 7 Please ak for j amphleu the airenta (i ve them away tltey eontain over aixteen paicce of reoeipta. Cn aildiuua to hil aivHlical matter) Talaable tor liouaebold purpose, aad which w ill Mte many dollars per year to practical hoowkteneni. Thee receipta are introduced to make tie hook of grr ralue, aide from ita charartur aa an ad-rtinc miiliam to the medicine, tlie testimony in favor of which, in the form ot let ten from all parts of tha eoantry, mar he relied apon. tT Vanchn'a Ve;etablt I.itbontriptic Miitire' Ui Great American Remetlr, now forw'.e in qaart botttea at $ each, vrrialt bottles at 50 cts each. So small tr Uloa will ha iHae1 after the pmeat tock is dLpowd of. rrucipal Office, Doffalo, V., 1W7 Main Street C. C. VA.CIIV. Po!d Wholesale and Retail hy OI.COTT MtkESSO & CO., Ti Maiden Ijne. New York City. N. F. All Utter (excepting from atrent and dealers with rhom he traneiaefe basineas) mntt be post paid, or no attention a ill to siren to them (KtDr. THORNTON, Lewisburjr, is fieneral Atrcut for Union county J.H.Caslow, Agent, Milton : I. (itniiAHT, Sclinsgrove 3yl:: 54 THE HEW FOUNDRY I S now carried on as usual, at the unnef end of Market street, where evcrv des cription of CASTINGS is kept on nana or made to order such as The Complete, or Complete Improved Cooking Stoves for either Coal or Wood and all other kinds of STOVES, also PLOUGHS of differ ent kinds Cora Ploughs, Cull Ploughs, and the Self-Sharpening Plough, n new article, and which can not he brat n Pennsylvania. Call and sec and judge for yourselves. CHRIST fc M'FADDIN. Lewisburg, Sept. 22, 1849 T IIE undersisnod continues the LIVE- JIY BUS1XESS at the Old Stand, n iorth lhird ht. near JMarket, and respectfully solicits the palronagc ol his friends and the public cent-rally. CUAULK3 F. II ESS. Lewisburg, May 22, 1850 Tannins: Currying. IT'OR past favors, the subscriber returns . his grateful thanks, and hereby makes known that he carries on tho business of - Tannin? and Currying, at the Old Siand. Determined not to be outdone in the manufacture or finish of his work, he is bound to have the best work men and materials, and to trsat those who have so liberally patronized fas well as those also who shall be pleased to patronize nimi wiin mat uttention which he hopes to insure him a full share of public patronage. All kinds of Produce taken in exchnn.ro. Hides and Dark not refused, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash or in exchange for leather. L. STERNER. March 23, A.D. 1850 MILITARY BOUNTY LAND. fPIIG undersigned is provided with all the JL necessary forms and papers, and will lake charop, on ihe most reasonable terms, of any claims for BOUNTY I.AXD. EXTRA PAY or PE.SIO.8 that may be placed irt his hands. All applications, after being duly prepared here will he forwarded to CnaaLXs DkSbloixu Eq, an efficient and responsible Pension Agent at Washington ciiy, who will present them in person (without extra charge) to the proper De partment an arrangement ensuring accuracy anJ despatch. H U HICKOK Lewisburg, Jan 29, 1851 3ni Administrator's Notice. WHEREAS, Letters of Administration on the estate oflSAACG.LAVVSHE late of the Boro' of Lewisburg, Union Co., deceased, have been granted to the subscri ber, resident in said Boroogh, by the Reg ister or said county, therefore all persons indebted to the said estate, or to tha lata Firm of Wotrc it Liwsai, are requested to make immediate payment; and those having claims against the same, are required to present them duly authen ticated for settlement without delav. O F MH.LEH, Administrator " Lewisburg, Feb 3, 185 1 6w rrt r, Stone Coal for sale. To Itlaclismltlis. BITUMINOUS COAL, from the AVcst Branch and from HoKidaysburg, for sale al the Shop of the subscriber, oeur the Huyscales on Third St. ALF.X'R AMMON3. Lewisburg, May 7, 1850 vain drill I XI. THE undersigned wish to inform the farming community generally, that they are now manufacturing .. ROSS" X'-ir'' Ln.i'-ri-l ORMX DIllLLS, or SO'mXU MAVJILKE. Without stopping to discuss tho compara tive rneriis of numerous Drills now olll-red for sale, they merely wish to invite Farm ers to call and see the above named article before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi dent that they can furnish an article that will give entire satisfaction. ROSS, GKDDKS & MARSH. Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, 1S50. UX IVKKSITY at Ijcu'tebiirff. C1IK(;l"I.AK for llie Academical Year com nicnciug Oct. IT, 1S5U. COURSE OF STUDIES. rrimarr Department. ExerciseJ in Spelling, Keailing, Definition, English (Jr.immar, Aritlnneiie, (ieograpby. His tory U.S.A., lYiiinanship anJ Composition. English Department of Ihe Academy. The jame studies as in Ihe 1'iiinary Ui partm't coiitiuucd in the use of larger text hooks ; and to there arc added (icncral History .Algebia, l.cgcn dre, and Elements of Surveying. Classical Department of Ihe Academy. Ti nii Junior Aruiti mic eltint. 1. Knuli-h liramniiir, l.ntiuOnimiuar. AritLin.'t'i-ftwo lm.i"ii.i railiy Th' Mini Uitli-rf in I . T'rm. mi'l IVnman.-liip. r. Ai iiliin -tic - it i sit ' -I h ,iiu:ir, ili.-torj L.S.A., I't n- 1-1 ln ijiinn. lirm-k ir; in.iu.-iii'. .nik-k'-'iiii,r. f;inr. Urirk IN-a-tt-r. Ai-I.rn U- im nts.) Kn. i-l, -lo -I ,Ut ! 'I n-ni.!ff r;il History, Kn-IMi Litn-uitc an i ('(.imji 1. ;.-n- COLLEGIATE rrrAKTMEKT. Frrshiimii I. Kn-ilih l.anua:.e an-l t'oiii;'.. iti.-n. Algebra. A niiLai... tt. I'laut- Ijiimietrr. I.i' e. Aim1 111. I'l: S.ii.l and .-i-ln ri :.l l'.iiii try com;-!' t- .1. I.i- ,v, Alial'HM.. Xiiphfithiirc elftss, T. librae. Cili-. rhtiieaii'l .i In riral Tri-r-.Ti m.rr. II. , ' itn " Mi.i..-nrati'-n..-uii. avi.ii;.:i. HI. .in .'mli-t it. St-li i-t lir:;!!'Hin ol' lirim-.tii'-n' -. lth. lorie, Aua'vliial (ii-Lin.-lry. Jllllinr rlit.-s. T. IViii.thi'nr! in tin- i'p.ti n. ricrm ilr t fTi'-:K'M." rlianirii. ll .1m. tatirji. fltnl li v-lraulli-i'. II. I'l iin-lli-ni's i.n tin- l'Mn. 'n-p. .1 i ifli'-ii' e' ni-j.li-teil. I'lifiimnti'T. AemiHliif.. Kirvliii-itj, Mau---ti..tn. nntl Ojilii . III. (im k lrag.il-, Tm -ilu. Atrolu.niy. Feniiir ri.vfl. T. Tacie. Xntnral Tln-iilo-y. Inti-ll'H-tnnt I'liiliwiptiy. II. Ureek. I'olitiial Krinilny. Mural I'lnlnipliy. 111. lliilli'r'K Analiry. r.inntitiilion e-I" L". !:., e'Uelnistry. Ix-turen, iieuu-ral Keviews. No class in Ihe liegulor Course has less than three daily recitations. Every Saturday forenoon is dcvoled exclusively to Vocal Mu-ic, Declamation, and readina select and original Compositions. The students are required to attend, reguhnly, pome religious meeting. Minors arc expected to attend such meetings as arc rec immendcd lo them by their parents or guardians. There are in the borough no less than six places nf public woiship, of as many different Christian denominations. Text UortKs. FnfJi'fh T.-'nii"j' ntnt .'i-.i ;i. Tim Itil.K tVrt.T'i. Ttlii'tmirxil Iti-a-lt-r. Vini-.ti-r ni 1lt.r".' I'irlii-nary. iiilli..nM Kn'lili timmmar. Tai-kern rrivri-snivi- Kxi-ri-i-s ill Knzlir.li rifiiii.-.ilii.iu, I'ark.-r'si Aiil.-;, iilair r LcLtaii t'liiveriiily K'litinu.i ."tin IjHttjiir.ji . iliillinn'.. limnitnar. TlnlliinVIIeailiT. Leveret f lii-xi'i'n. Kulliwr :i'..:ir. S lim it x itml iini.t'r iril. I.ilin.llfi l.ivv. Al. I In .li'.- ll'irai-i", Tlrnh.-rV Ckith J.- iiffl. TylerV TnVilii." lii nnania el A-.'i 'i ..:.. tii'.il. Li.jiir . l.nllii'U Vl.rainiiiar. I:nilnirn Ilei-l. r. I.iil.li'll A- Si-'ull i l.-'xiinn. liwi-n i. . n . h'. n -i An -.'-.i.-i-. iHTvirn llMTn.-r'. iKis.-y, I. lialni-iiu'.. lVmu..lltMu, I'i.-k'.-l'lasii-al Manual. M itht motirt. Ilarii-s" Aritlmietir fur A'-a.l' mie. Kh-ni-,-ntary Aliri-t-ra. lii.urtlnn. l-'mlre. .nry.-yi'i aii-l (Tata-ii-Ainm tn-al l.t-ium-try.l mit-t-i Aalurai 1 uili..ouj.li. (..l.-riailTM-.i. iiliii-ti.-U'? Alrniiiimy. Xiimlirr or MurieiiN. The number of ttudeuls during the past year in the various Departments, was IV-!. The Collegiate classes already organized lor the cu.-u-iug year, are the following : rWiinr rlai:. . . . S .lnninr el.-i.-in - - - 14 h.tilinmiire riant - - 10 i'rehuian ela.-; - - Tcaclicrs. STKPHF.V W. TAVI.ni:, A. M., I'n.f. of Math, matie.- Dil Natural I'lltln.Htl.liv. liKuliiiK li. 11I.1.-.S A.M., Trdf. of Creek Lan-ua-e all'l l.itiTatliri'. liKiilli.K W. ANDKKSOX, A.M., Prefer Latin Lanage an 1 l.tleratnri'. ISAAC X. 1-iK iMIS, A. M, rrineipal of (1. Aernlemv. AI.HiKIl T.VVlJlK, A. M, Tutor iu thu Knglib. lni friuiu anil Klueutinn. HiiilIt;ig4, Library an1 Apparatus. The Academic edifice now occupied by the members of the University, has been erected, at nn expen-a; f .i.lHm. nnl it iti nilapte-I tn art-ommoilat.. I.i0 iitmleiilj. Aiinthi-rerlitiiv ii m-nrly riinIett-J. ana expieti'il ta Im ri-ivly fur wiuiam-y at tliw ciiuiuieueenieut or the next Term l)et. 17, IkAo. The Library einitains a uuuiU-r of Select volumes, and is rmistiiiitly inerea.iny. ("tiemii-al Aiiaratu.- h;u li-en prnenn-il snfari-nt trt nllVIly tin) iiiliiieiiiti. ili-iiiaml. Tin A)iiaratil! lor the illustration of Mechanical 1'Likviopliy, ia now eonijilete. Tiillion and Hoard. Tuition in the Collegiate Department $20, Academic 20, Primary 13 per year. board, including lodging, washing, fuel, and light, can be had in the village and its vicinity at various prices, from $1,50 to ?2..r0 per week. Arrangements are in rmirresa t furnish Hoard, exelil- MTe of liMlirin-j. wahitt. fuel and li'iit, to guch as luay ui-iirc it, ax $i per weeK. Sessions and Vacations. Two Sessions in the year the former com mences on the 3rd Thursday in October, and continues 26 weeks; the latter commences on Thursday, 10th May, and continues 14 weeks. Spring Vacation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 8. 11 V order and in behalf of the Board: THOMAS WATTSOX, Pres't. GEOKtiE F. MILLER, Scc'y. Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. Sept. 1, IS.'iO IT IS A FACT, ONE self-evident, and worthy of every consideration, that no Miller can make good clean flour without he has good clean wheat. 1 suppose you wish to know the remedy. I tell you it is to get one of liergslresser's U'heat Scourers, or Smut Machines. He being an old, practical and experienced Millwright has invented, got up and put in successful operation the best Wheat Scourer now in use. Any person ordering a machine and afterwards finding that it docs not prove to operate as repre sented, there shall be no sale, as these ma chines are to be warranted good. Further recommendations are thought unnecessary. He is now having a supply made at Lewis burg, by Messrs. GedJes & Marsh. Orders for machines, or letters of inquiry, will be promptly attended to. Machines will be sent and put to all order'. Addrcsq J. BERGSTRESSER, i Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. 329 VjOTES Promissory, Judgment, and i, Juiut JNolcs (blanks) at this office. ASuMEi: si-IKS nil'- ifuSIiMl PEPSI The true DllJEsTIVE FI.l'IU or GASTRIC JL'ICE a greut Jli'npnia Curer .' Prepared from Rennet, or the fourth stonuuh of the On, after ditecii'ms hy Uaron I.i r.iuii, the great physiological chcruUt, hy J S.Hoi ou run, ALU., fto. It N. 8lh St. 1'hiladelphia, Ja. VTRl.'LV wonderful remedy for Intlic.-tion, Di.-prptiii, Jititnilire, Liar t'oinplainl, Cuitbliputiun and Debility, curing after Nature's own process, by Nature's own apji'iit, the Gastric Juice. (jIJalt a teaspoonlul of this fluid infused in ater, can digest or dissolve Five found of roast heef in about two hours, out of the stomach. Digestion is chiefly perfotmed in the stom ach by tbe aid ot a fluid which trccly exudes from the inner coat of :hat org in, when in a state of heahh, called Ue ernsiric juice. This fluid is the gnat taleent i'f t' j the purifying, preser ving and stiwula'irg aeut of the stomach arid intestines. Without it there can be no digestion, no conversion of fond into biood, no nulriiion but ralher a foul, toipi.l, ainlul and destructive I' cundition of the whoiu digestive apparatus. I'Cpsill is the chief clement or great dige't . ing principle of the eastric juice. It is found in great abundance in the solid parts ol the human i stomarh alu r death, ami sometimes causes the stomach to digest or tat itself up. It is alsu found in the stomach of animals, aa the ox, c.ilf, A.C. It is the material used by farmers in making cheese styled IlC'MIM't. Ihe elied of which has long been the special wonder of the dairy. Curdling of milk is the first process of disestion. A call's slomarh can curdle nearly one thousand limes its own weicht of milk. I! iron l.ie'.iig states, "oue part of Pepsin di.-"led in sii'y Ih.iusand parts of water, digests meat and oilier loud." Diseased stomachs produce no good i i.-tiic Juite, Kennel or IVp.-in. 'J'o show that this want may be per fectly supplied, we quote ihe subjoined s lr.vnrir' r.viUEXci: ! Fnrim l.li:l;lii. iii li. - l r:it.-.l '.rk on .nuna! ("hi mi.ln.Mi.': "An arliL.-ml .!iy.-tie Kn'-I. nla.u I" llirii:'iJ.trii-.luirMii i t- r. .m1i. vr i!r-''ifrt'nilli-uiii.ii.-au'iuliran "I tlu- Muluueli .nil', in li-li aruiu- .irliH. .. of fii.nl. i'S iii- nt ami eisrs. mil I wif.em-il :-.A lifri'sli .I in lltr aun- main!' r a in llie liumsu .-:"ln:n lt.'' 111-. j:Kl: Kl KA. in li t:ii.i- 1..- tnali i 1WI ntl-t Irtet. .iil.!isliFd l.v Ki-!r WellL Ni-w V.Tk. .e."- :i. sl.il-s Iti.. .oii t'r, ul lart. ami iI..imtiIs tin- lin-lln.1 of l-n'vira-U..11. 'I Ir.-i'.- nrv i'l-w l.l-h.-r aut'i-nri. . tl-an irr. f.-r.-ria. hr. CuMI:K. in In- lalu.il.i.- writii:-- (in the i'ltv..ii.li..r of l'i' -.-tii'ii. i'l..i v,-s liu-t "a ii.niiiiuliu Ill" 'lu 1 ' I tin liiant .1 -rri'- .In;".' i- a ppnir.ne:iT. nin ai!-pr.--:.;.' ; (; 1 t:r -T.il.-r. that "a tll.lin- I in.-.lirit!" in 1.i..1..i.w1j'im:is.-i-H'-:v vailiiiii car..-- illi-lie.1 1 alltlcl.-i u ill tlii t..iii.:.i nf. I.iihn e,.T Ihilij: tlw tu full. l.a.I r.-i.uii- t'i ' -l..uiarh i ! Ii in-4 ;::ii lir.liKAIIAM.autli liiel, ..!.- : - U 1. a r 111., .-t.-iiia- li- ! an. 11 Ihe tinal the I'!- 1 : ami el . !! 1 :ii.;- 'n w i-t .hll.-l-i lit in. HI I li Hl-..IMil.'.- 1. :.l !:l..l-,'li:..i. 1-l.ll.el.. I' it 1'. ..-oi 1..11H- a p. .-i:-.i. 1- .1 ia r--r. m in :T. in :i"in t'i'l a 11 1- ; l-:,.f. 1-1 M.I.I'V Iii it-lit wnrk nn lie mix a-'.-s In .111 . al. in.-iits ::ii It. K-.ui: :r..l:l Ihe l':n- hiltli Kll"v. 11. - I :i a.! i-a J i..-lt- etlv in li..- .11 tit'n .liiii-c ..i'tailn '1 fruiii the .lii.-ll ni!'!i-t.-) u-.-e,-.t.-l."" 1- v.-i rknin eiri-lalili-t ill J.li,i..,I'.'V. that I 111 w:;f. r. iinj-art to nil-- HT.1111 in ; va.-i-.M- a;-i. l.-st.t I'-kkI. I;.! .Uj' .a-ll - f tll--Ill ill U" I -liji-.-tlve .H.?l.', -1I1 ini.ry nf Van. ' Lea A lieitiii-ivt-ry li l iicuiiial lii.-tTV f lli- !!.. li ' I'l' :: (..1 .Ill- lit-.. m knn iltal lii.i i 1. ?'!;:! it:-i..-tivt- illL'i. T- .-ir.-it i.- n I'ur.il n itric Jui'-r it-i if. ' .1. J r-i li C-'K.-e--. 1'hil.i.l.. !n n l"l!V-i.il'.er.'l'-T'l. iimrt- ti.an : :;, -t t!i: 'i;.j.ct. II L-i i-X.-ri-;!, en tin- lla-trn- .h:i'-.'. (.:. uri'il Mvi i. li an i tp'lil eiiTHeil-. an l:i- ti'.n m.tirre'l iui iii lie" natural .Ji r -r.r i. .tia '" Asa DYSPEPSIA Cl'KEK, Dr Houghlon' ireparatinn of Pcp-it has produced the most mar velous rllrcts. It is impossible to give details ol cases in the limits of this advertisement but au thenticated certificate have been given of more than TWO Hl'XliUED rapid, wonderful, and permanent cures. It is a great Xeuvoi a A.iti iiotc, and particularly u-eful for tendency to bilious disorder, liver complaint, fever and ague the evil e licet s of quinine, mercury, &c, also for excess in eating or dunking. There is no form of tll.L) STOMACH COM PI.AIX'I'S which it does not reach and also give instant relief ! and repealed for a short time, pu rilv of Illood and vioon p om follow at once It is particularly excellent in cases of nausea, vo miting, cramps, soreness ot the pit of the stomach .Jistre-s after eating, low. cold state of the blood heaviness, lowness of spirits, de-pondency, emaci ation, weakness, tendency to insanity, Ac. Price. OXE DOLLAli per bottle. Onebottlc often effects a lasting cure. PZFSIU IK iO'.VDEKS sent by Mail, free ofPostage, Knr ri-nv ni'-n-i- nf - -n.liivr nil farts of lh. i-.tiuti-y till- i:c.-.-l!V- M.:-.-. r "! t!i.- ''- : li.i- J-lit u:i ill th- f..rm 'i l.w.!.-rs. v. i:h uirccti-iii. t.. N- i1i--j.1v, .1 l.v Hi." i.-iticlit in wal.Ti-r ,uu. T'ii' t-.'i. l-. i.tiiiu jnt tli- sain. IJattiT a.- tin- l.--tl!.-. l.llt t !i-i. 111.-.ill-.litltv f'.rtiif ..mil ,-rii c. an. I arc . nl l-v mail. I r t' r..-t..-i . f. r si. m-u :..t-l..-i.l, tn Iir.J. s'. Il-.ie.l'.li.n. No. 11 .Ilh 1.1-utlt .-t. I'liita.lcll.hia. .Six pai ka ; :i.r . Every b-j:tlc.n-.l package bears the written sig uatuie ol J.S.HUl i;itTOX,M.li.,s ,Ie Proprie tor. .Sold l y agents in every town in ihe Lnion aud by most respectable dealers in medicine. To be had ol lr. TiloKX I'OX, I.ewUburg .1 II tjaslow, Milton: Thompson, Millliuburg ; Wilt & Eilrrt. llatlleton; Win Hoshong, Xevv IJcilin; li I Crousc, Selinsgrove ; .Mrs M'Cay. Xortliumberland lv3:)5 BULL'S HEAD HOTEL, AltJItiwitrg, L num county, 1 enn'a. "TiEf PECTFLLJ.i intnrms the citizens ol Union county, and the public in general. i but he has leased the above stand, for many years occupied by his Father, and is now pre pared to accommodate friends and the traveling community in a manner acceptable to all. The HOUSE is large and roomy, well arran ged in all its departments, and every cire will be taken to render his guests comfortable and happy. His IAUI.E will always be furnished with the choices! delicacies of the season, and the best the maiket can aflord. The liAR will at all times be attended by careful persons, and none but the very best of liquors will be kept. His STAW.ES: arc ample and convenient, and the U3TLEKS punctual and attentive. In short, he pledges himself to endeavor lo give general satisfaction to all, aud hopes by strict attention to business to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. Millliuburg, Juno 20. 1850 milE subscribers ofTer the public, at their X new Brick Foundry, the following new and valuable Stoves : Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, with a Brick Oven. Lady Washington Parlor Stove. Cast Iron Air-Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood 2 sizes. Coal Burner for Parlors 1 size, 12 inch cyl inder. Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove t sizes. Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for AVooiI 5 sizes. Egg Stove the very hest in use for Stores. Offices, IJarrooms, and Shops. The celebrated ( ictiesee Air-Tight Cook Stove The Complete Cook 3 sizes. Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves Ploughs Castings, &c. A:c. CHRIST & M'FADDIN. Lewisburg, Dec. 12, 1849. I An An n r f PrArfintiAti - V 4aVA& VUllVLf A. 11 VU11V11 It VI hU a pound of Cure," in that awful disease, CONSUMPTION ! TR. FITCH S Lectures on tho Preven- lion and Cure of Consumption. This popular work for sale inLewisbur" by S. F. Lyndatl- J. Houghton aud at mis u.ttjc. rnco, 7 j couU HENRY C. HICKOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewbbur;, Union County, Penn'a. 0FFbvCE T- s,Tni s latc,y J by L. 15. Christ, Esq. fFrilft rvvrT ORNAMENTAL TREES. Thf. iinerri!.i.. t.lV. r . .,... .uw nuns 0r 8ale a ja assortment of choice Fruit Trees such as Annie trees. 1 in In f.,. k:..L . it-- . - "in, 40 varieties, II warranted acnume-iwh t... o.. utrietit-s; Tarurian Cherry, Nectarine, mne a,.., , mi uees, ioetncr with orno C or 8 varit-ticu ol Grape Vices of the best ti.'ifive and exatia varifiipa . 1 rces, such as the I aulonia, Linden, tic N. II. Persons wishing to procure a quantity of the Fruit trees, are requested lo make immediate application to thesubscri ber, in order to procure the varieties and siz wanted. II. R. NULL. L'-jwisliiirg, March 4, 1850. UVKIl COMPLAINT, T.M'NMCE, Dyspepsia, Chronic or .em, I'cbility, disease of the Kidney, and all i . eases ariing from a disonlereil I,ier or Siom.ch such s Constipation. Inward Piles, Koines ' or Illood lo the Head, .Aeidity 0f the S'ornarh, .Nantrs, ll-aribrirn. dis gust for Food. Fulness or t'.-i?ht in the .Siomarb, t'liur Eructa!i,ns, Sinking or flut tering at the pit of the Ktnnsach. s imminS of the Head, hurried and difficult Ureathine, KluU ti ring at the Heart, choking or sulToca, ling Sentatiuiu when in a lying posture, dircnes, of Vision.Uols or Webs belore the Might, Fever and dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Kyes. pain in the Side, Bick Chest, Limbs, Ac., sudden Flushes of Heat, Doming in ihe Flc.b, constant Ima ginings of Kvil, and great Depression of Spirit, CiV HE li TElTt ALtT CCBED SI DR. 1IOOFLANDS CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, prepared by itr. r. .7. Jarkson, at the "German Jledicine Store," l-f Arch St. I'hllarl. 77rer nnver urer the abort di'tensei in n ,t tx. ei.'ltil. if tij'ialleil, hy any other preparation it the t'nitiil Stntix, us the cure at!tt. in Biany iv.'.v nftrrslif.tl jihyrn'ritin hail failiil. These Hi tern are Uorthy the attention of inva lid?. Possessing Rreat virtues in Ihe rectiliction of dis rasrs of the Liter anJ lesser glands, f lerci -iii? tli most sejrcliing powrrs in weakness toil alVcctinns of the digestive organs, hey aie withal safe, certain and pleasant. KCiul Arn he toxvirET. The Hon. Cha D Hineliue, etlitor ol the Camd'ti Democrat bc$t papf r in West Jersey, says, July 21st !n.tn.AM-.s ;i:.:ma fittkrs.-V. b.w m ninny Htt. riii - n"tit . -,f t!.L m.-iirlne. aift th munm wli-tifi !H-y t.iiif in.lnv. ut tmiake inainn-pMrtink-iu iiu r;t-. Kri'tn iuinrv wt- crr i r-uinliil ruiLuhl tun.t ,av wi r--tii-l il :tj- in it j-tii.n uj- n iijaparf tli liv r ami .iilivc..r';tns ilih! th.- j- w. ifui jriftorm-w it r.-rl- iii .it :! rr..M i ..!-!ra;it-n i T-nl'.y -ur'.riftiijr. It i.!.- in i - r ;i tl, -n tij. .tt-. l-rir.u,; UifB iuW If t'i'..- vi -i ui v.-r. in. r- L-.-n. mIJ.v utJ. w HT it t:,.T.- v .'t; j f- ;. ivii f. a Vrr.m the it.-inarh, i i v.-r. 1 r' r- a - -r- ni th-- wnt nj;ij.intr of j1 int-;ii;i; !;;!. ,i -, lUv,- tlifiii in at tk'tlthT ffn-liti'-n. ;!, i ti f:.u I : i .It -f::uirv tn 'i'lPDiir? RiwralW. riti-1 ,:.-.. i i v ninl. nif vnuM atTtM our frkivia wn.t an- nt nil iii..-j... it ti iriv m trial it will then rwr- tttiiiit i!.-t if. It -S'uiM. iu furt.W in rrtry familr. ui::tT 'Iii :i- rm rf-lm-t- -uoh fvuiencv of mrit. Tiom the IS'wthti Ha editorial, Dec -2d Tr. Ht-'ifjtn f- '!. (.frman Bittt-r. fir the ran .f Liver ' i,; jMiiiiit. J jiiiiitf. Injptu. anJ thrrnif it .Vrv'iuji I 'ii'irv. i .,t. -, rvt iliy nue of the mot pnpalar in ( iiif-in. ll..-f iiittr hurt Ntq uA hr ;!i ti-.iint- n-1 ft n it r, I at onrrlMw hv ha. hiniirif n-ft-ivt M lii'iit ttu u. "I li is r'm-ly an eflWtual, prrm itii t t ur- f i.iv. r C "lit; i. int. W ar ronTinr.-i that, n tl..- i!-r :!.-. l;:t;- r. tlie j-;tti-nf rntntlr gaini -tr iitii: .u.I vu-t a I-f! of jrmit ro n I J rui' B. nr- -.'Ut in I it.-- aii'l rat-II. u-l an N- o.i by .r r -i ;t- h t;- rn- rt ! ';.-ati' t'-m:M-li-. with Mif-tv !i r .ir.v t.tr-i:m-t tun --. W e an- snnkin fxim tiwr. L-lin &r.tt' Ur'7, one of the best literary paor )U Nit? lied, fiiid. Aug S.'th r. IE f . m .'- iIi'km liiTTf F manuf!rfiiivil hy Pr .laf-l..- :i. .-.r- i" rvr.-iMn-iol' 1 by - mi- "f tlt ni"t pr i:r:ii ':. i:i in " - r- ' I'tt-- F:i-iilty. an arti le .'f xuurh f. i- v in c t- -' -t I m.i.'r v.-i-nkuv-fK. As u-h is ihe t v - n ! i ;.!! i ' r ?: ; - t,. ..1-t.iin a t-"ttie, anl th?i! Mivt- tt. iti.--;- " Mi.rJi "f'nTi' IVrM an nf A hilitatfti 1'ii-t.Uiti :i-will timl lin-sc llttti rs ativnnta2v-iuf to thv-tr S-:ilth. if ru w tr-iii fXirkm-e tlw fealuurj effect ilfj Uit".- uf ii fak ?-tm-'. JuJlc M...r.3io.H, a gentleman of great seien titic aud literary ut!nnn,enf?,aid in hia'Oi'ew York Weoklv Mpsfencr, Jan 0, 1S"0 Ifr. li-j '"?'.'. rwirrjf ;.'-t.. Hi tv i jifcparation tii h iii.- i i:-!ihj )rv!-'. el th- l'niu ai-p-aruuaDiiiiotta in n r- 1:11111 n.;:r.-. jiict th1 r-;wn if ot-viiu. U is mart itft.-ra IT'-- rtt T1..1. furnhfl 1 y n- nt thf mft rflrbratt tiliTiri;ui-i 01 iititi-rn tiiit' the late Dr. Christopher Wilhelin Hocliand, l'r'!. f-..r to the VniTeritj of J-b, I'rivau l'tiy-i-iitn t Kntuf t'russia. and f-ne of the ri;it. t nn lii :tl m ritt rs (m rmanv ha.- ert-r i-n-lured. H was t iiti'haliraMv tin- ein niy of immbiiff, aud theref"! mtilirini- (' hirh h' wai" tlttr iiiTt-nfor ami emiorsr mj Te tTMifii.i-iitly r- hol nn. Ifr siMTisHy renmiufntil it m l.ivcr ri'ini hurit. I!!h-jm.i. lK-tiJitr, Vrrtiico. AritlilT ot tlm Steiiiftflt. (.'ntiitntion. anJ all complaint.1 anicc from a .li-'-nl-nd rf.iniiii-in of the stomach, the Liter ac t the lutrstirr. Nine riii)allphi pneem expre tlir eonvi t; n of U r.rt.'H.'nr. an-1 Peveral of thir litt'rs jH'ik f itHclT'Tt.' trom thi irown imUridiMl esperien'. LuJ r tin fie cirf-itmMnntf!. we fcrl varrantetj. not ttf in mllinj the attention of our readers to the frewnt pr-pn-tr t lr. r. M. JarRjiOB preparmttun, tat in rec omuu'iiUin the artu.Ie to ail afUicb-d. More Kvidx5ce. The Philadelphia Saturday (faze He, the bet firmly newspaper published in the Liiited States, the editor say a of Dr HooiiaDd's German Bitters It i wlJom that we reenmmen'l what are termed Pat ent Mrtiirint-ti to our readcra' patronaire and confidence; and. tlirn fi-re. wh.-n we n-eniumi nl r. HtNifland's GeT inan lfitt r, we wih it to hr tiiotlnrtlr andratnod that are n-t yp"nk.inir of tin- nwtmni of the dT, that ar notypil utxnt for a hr-ivf prried and ure ft)rritteii aftvr their have d"m' tli. ir iruiJrv rarr ff niiwhit f. but of a medieiae r i xtnMh. d, nnivt-riilT pni-L and which haa m-t the lu-arty aitnTal of the fatuity it?if. Kvidence on eridenre has been received (likt the forein; from all wlions of th Cn ion. the last yars. cm iir smirst trfttmnvtf in its famr it, that th-re i more of it ium J in the rrarttee of th Iiv7ici;ns of I'hil.i-UIuhia. than of all oihp wiBfr.m mmMin-d a fnrt that ran easily he etaMihe.f. n.i tM!!v pr-ivhitf th.it a tew utitic prvoaruttoa will neet with their inirt aprro ral wht n rrt-.-rnt.-d eten in thin fi.rm. That thi.-inmlirjnp will eur Litit Complaint and Iv.repota. one run dutiM. alter u.-inj it a. directeil. It act prt-:fif-ally upn tht- St..ma-h and Lir.r. It fa preferable riiiom. l in U tViW tlitetii. The eff.-rt ia immediate they cn he admiuvteml to rrw vLt QTUirixi with raftty and reliable bem tit, at any time. Beware of counterfeits! Tbia medicine baa attained tbat character which it is necessary for all to attain to indue counter feiters to put forth a spurious article at the risk of trie lives ot those who are innocently deceived. txK well to the marks of ihe Hemline. Thej have the written signature of C.M.Jcio upon the r rapper, and the name blown ia ts bottle, u-ihuut uticlt they ere spurious. For sale.wholcsale and retail, at the GERMAN MEDICI.XE STORE. No. 120 ARCH Sue donr below Sijtb, (late of 173 Race St.) PhilaJ elphia, and by respectable dealers generally, lb country throughout. Iy3.?0 Also forstile by S.F.L YXPA LL,Lett-uiurg,Pa Also by D. TlKK.M O., MOST KINDS OF JOB PAINTING, XEITU t EIPEDITIOISII IXICIITID AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE Lewisburg.