Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, June 04, 1851, Image 3

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    iLUilJJJJJ-"-'-' ' fT Mchnl within the county of Cnk-n, Ts, (br the
T -V,,,.,. A'aV 29, KV- M. J. Al- , U',",. ,,,raMed and classified by tb. under
Lcwisburg, JtUY 1" . . , , , 1 ' firJ.TdA, ,ZJL Aunraiew of ilUle.Taxos, to
vvdyke. both of Lewisburg.
B?-Anotbcr soldier of the Mexican War
taken prisoner. Hut as be is only oouna
with silken chains we suppose he will not
ettempt to escape from the custody of his
fair captor.
In Buffalo Tp., 22d ult, by Rev. J. G.
Ansrach, Peter Bechtel, of Jefferson
Co., Pa., and Miss Martha Joiissox, of
On the 15th ult., by' W. G. Ilen-old,
K.-q J- G. J. Chouse, of Selinsgrovc, to
3l2s'3lART Shaffer, of Chapman tp.
On the 25th inst, by the same, Mr.
Ceo. II. Siiaffer, of Chapman, to Miss
Rebecca. Boyer, of Washington tp.
Suddenly, on the 1st inst., the Wife of
Jacob Moore, Esq., of Middlccrcek tp.
In Union township, on the 3d inst.,
Mrs. Catuarixb Elizabeth Dalber
MAN, aged 72.
On the 24th inst., in Centre tp., Mr.
Samuel Sxook, aged 21 years.
Notice to Tavern-keepers.
"TIIKREA9 a petition La teen prvfnnttl to the Jnd-
of the Vluarur Swaioiw of Liiiou county, rryrv
voting tlit the Wtitiouro belu-TH, niofct if nuL all the
iinui ivi-rn4wiicT tn this count v an in ttie prif-ttoe
of wiling irpiritou liquor and permitting tipj liofr at their
houses on Sunday, contrary to law, hy means f which
tlit holy dayuhanufuily'deermt'l.and a Tantamount
of intemperance, iiutu rality and crimp i produced,'' and
suid peUtionrrs therefor earnestly pray the court tv
make an order forbidding the pra-Ui-, and requiring Uie
rrudeeuting Attorney to give notm of tlie same."
And, U herewtlietirandJuryof I nion county, a.t the
May Scrwioo, A. 1- n-rt that proper iu-aur-s
hould be lM. by the district Attorney to aoertaiu
vht-ther there U not a practice by route li-eused Uivurn
keepers to sell spirituous lijuon on the nhlwith dnyi and
that if any found so doing, ti norableCourt take then
licences from ail such an viulaw the law."
Thi-refore the Court mad the following nnW:
The Court requetU the attention of the 1wtriet At
torney to the reeummt-ndation of the Grand Jury and di
rect that he hare miMibi'd. that Mrt of the report made
to the present Sosidons, in relation to the allved practi-
ees permit tea hr tavern-Keepem in ui.r nouetes on ine
habl-ath with the petition of citizens of the County, to
the Court, on the same .ul.jfct- Alco. that he puMth in
run nation therewith tle OLh Sea, of t!ie Act of A-wmbly
of 170.1. relatim; tdriitkinr and tiwplinic in tTerH on
tlie Sabbath, and the 27th of the Act of Awmt y of
tue 11th of March 1:14, sliowing the power of thetourt
in relation to trern-keep on eonricUuu of offences not
cmbrwd in the At of liU, with notice that the recom
mendation of therand Jury, and re-iiet of the petition
er!, will be carried out to the extent that the Court are
authorized by the lawn in freeon that ub-ct.
The 5Lh rr. of the Art of Aseuibiy of i;uj rchttinc to
driukiug and tippling in taverns on the SfubUith day i ad
Joilowti :
-All persons who are found, drinkinp and Jipplinj; in
ale-houses, taverns, or oUkt public Iimmnnr j.lce, ou the
lirwt day of the wo-k comuiunly caib-d Sunday, or any
part tliereof, shall for erery offi-nce fortVit and pay one
f1.H1.dz and sixpence to auy constable, that shall demand
the same, to the use of tlie pour. And air constables are
hereby commauded and by virtue of their office required,
to search puSlic houses and place suspected tn entertain
such tiplers, and thone who found, quietly to disperse;
but in case of refusal, to brintr the ieriouj o refusing be
fore the next Justice of the Peace who may commit m h
offenders to the stocks or hind them to their piod tuba
Tluur. as to him shall sevra requhuLr. Aud the keep'rs of
such ale-houses, taverns, or other public houses or placr,
as shall countenance or tolerate any such practices, boinir
rouvkted thereof by the will of a ainle mKitrate. bis
own eonf -asion, or proof of cne or more credible witness
Fes, shall for every offrnce, forfeit aud pay teu shilUngs
to be recovered as and fur the use above said.
The -Tin bee of the Act of tlie 11th March ISM is as
follows :
If any inkeeper or tavern-keeper shall be annvieted of
any offence not mentioned in this art. or shall knowingly
suffer druukenness, riot or other disorderly conduct in his
house, or shall disobey any of the provisions of this act,
U shall be lawful for the oHirt whit-h granlcd the hot-use,
in their discretion, to revoke the same, and such revoca
tion shall be entered on record, and th license bhaii theiv
upon cease and determine.
Any person hereafter violating the abore act of Assem
bly, will be dealt with aosordin& to law.
Jane 4, 1851. Uutrict Attomnf-
ABOUT the 1st at April. red
land white spoiled Heifz calf.
The owner ii requested to come
I forward, prove property, py char
ges, and take it away.
Eart Buffaloe, May, 1851. 3U
Til E subscriber wishes to dipoe
kof an excellent BAY MARC, four
years old, at private sate. Apply
.soon. juti. r. iiKUWA.
East Buflklo, June4, 1851. 2w
Boxes,snuiT boxes and
cigar cases, dolls, rat-
lues, Emery s needles and cases,
lea setts, files, flutes, accordeons, nddles.dominoes,
fancy shaving soaps, smelling bottles, hair dyes,
pearl powders,toolh paste and powder, musk bags,
tooth, hair, clothes, wall, painting, graining, shoe,
horse and fly brushes, letter, note and cap paper,
envelopes, visiting and other cards, glass, wooden
and other lancy toys, microscopes, spy and other
kinds of glasses, fans of all kinds, Ac, just re
ceived at the drug and chemical emporium of
June, 1851. C W. SCII.4FCXE.
A LARGE assortment of Speetsblcs, gold and
silver pencils, breast pins, finger and ear
tings, Ac , at bCHAFFLE'S.
TaOCKET Cutlery .consisting of KNIVES.
J Dirks, Bowies, ic Tuck, dressing, side,
fine and pocket Combs. Pistols, guns, shot
pouches, powder flasks, percussion caps, powder,
.hot, &c &c (pg?5nr r?3)K, Pot
Monnaies, purees, etc Also, rluid, camphene,
oil and lard lamps, in variety, which are oflVred
very cheap. In addition to the above, tobacco,
cigars, snuff, fruits, confectionary, patent medi
cines, dyeing materials, varnishes, oils, paints,
mirror plates, trusses, supporters, syringes, Ac,
together with an extensive variety of articles too
numerous to mention, for sale at
Drug and Chemical Emporium, Fanry
Good, Xutum ami Variety Slore.
June 4, 1851.
THE subscribers have just received a
splendid assortment or summer goods
that can't be beat for the LadiesTissues,
Granadines, Bereges, Bereges De Laines,
Ginghams.Gingham Lawns, and Lawns in
great arieiy a large assortment ol Mour
ning and Second Mourning Goods. Prints
from 3 to 12 cents. For the Gents Black
TJoe-Sltin, English, French, and Fancy
Cassimeres, Cashmeretts from 50 cents up.
Jwct, general assortment of
Dry Goods Groceries
Bard, Queens,
all of which will be sold at a small advance,
at the Cheap Store of
May 28, 1851. 1). 8. KREMER A CO.
2 TONS Nails just received and for sale
by I). S. Kretner & Co.
Jun2, 1851.
Qr GRAIN CRADLES, a superior
,Vy,,r!ttleiinaJe,iiiil warranted, by
Chadw,ck Blackman & Co., Livingston
lo., js. Y., and for sale by
June 8, 1851. D. S. Krcmer & Co.
! xuiS m aaroctca. class, ucessx.
O. F. C. Mojrer illor 14 $10 60
'' Hover Bisler liquur J4 W 4"
; lwsc 1. Bor 14 ' "
' KidiWr geubold llqnor 14 10 W
S.fl.Hertold liquw 1 J00
11. It. Linnle "'Ii"" 1' ?
Auderwiu t Harold li-iuur 14 10 oo
Andnreon, lliiutwlman 4 Co. li'iuot 14 10 M
k'e.k's HALF FALL4.
Lome 4 Kheia Uiuor 14 10 60
Lewis Jacobs 14 7
Roshone 4 Antes " J0 00
,-iif. r A Klliott 14 M
KJwsrd Wilson I-1 1 00
Robert Swim-ford 14 "00
Klerfcner t Kouh 14
i Ueortx . Kisfter 14 J V
! Uwid Mauck donjostie 14 J oo
n-ClLmts , 14 7 00
Ramael Wittenmyer liquor 14 1J M
j D.vid Swemrle 14 J
Jacob W illeumjer linnor 14 J
K. W. Smith tiu 14 J 60
rge MoaU liquor It 1
I llcury . liackbouM liquor 14 10 i0
MiJJlcwartb. Kanu 4 Co. liquor 12 12 60
PsTis t Sehnun liquor 12 18 T.'i
Jolm limit liquor 14 10 60
lrmiic Coutdron liquur 14 10 60
John llartmau, Jr. liquor 12 13 76
lac Grrhart 14 7 00
Kenjnniiu Scborh 14 7 00
Jacob II. L. Shiudvt It 7 00
Henry V. Snyder liquor 14 10 50
Gaudier BHain liquor 14 10 60
hltjiih Couldron liquor 14 10 60
Wallia A Ciduks 14 7 oil
J. M. Ap k Co. :l lo 00
Ueurgc Kisbel 14 7 00
J. IL App , liquor 14 10 50
Ycsrics, 4 Ut-iaor 14 7 00
Moses Speclit 14 7 00
Frederick llininman. liquor 14 10 60
James ti- Siuitu 14 7 oo
Reuben Kcllcx liquor 14 10 60
ii. A J. Smith liquor 14 10 60
Simucl Frank liquor 14 10 SO
Mr ha -1 Et khart liquur 14 lo Oo
Oauiel Smith u 7 00
J. ChurchKoi)ke4 Brotliers 14 700
D. B. Kurat 14 J
Hubert V. lilorsr 14 7 oo
Wilt Eilirt 14 7 00
Mum Suigellnyer liquor 14 lo 60
&uuuul llaupt 14 7 00
Mark Itofpenny 14 7 00
Danil J. UffXT liquor 14 10 60
Kktkucr 4 l.outh liquor 14 lo 60
Anion 11. Lutx 14 7 03
John Ilumincl liquor 14 10 00
E. 51. Englo liquor 11 10 60
Voungman 4 Walter 13 10 04
Cliarlea Cawlcy liquor 14 10 60
Sauiuid R. Woods 11 7 00
Union Trading Company 1 4 T 00
juhn IIonghtoB 14 7 00
Utepbrn V. Lyndall 14 7 uo
J. A J. Walla 12 12 Jo
lieddea A Idsings 14 700
Seviua Kebcr 1 j jo 00
S. 8. BartiJi 13 10 00
A. I- Hatlield 14 7 00
A. M. Lawh 14 7 O0
J. Haves Co. 14 7 00
Catharine E towes 13 10 00
J. Baker 14 7 00
C. w. Schsllle 14 7 00
Jew Schreyer 14 7 00
D Kteamer CO. 13 10 00
T. A. U. Thornton 14 7 o
Thomas Hayes 14 7 00
Thomas Nebit 14 7 00
A. Ammon 14 7 00
Hun-h 4 Ammon ji 7 w
W.mdward r'her 14 7 )
Jonatbau Wolf 14 7 00
John Datcsnun 12 12 60
J. P. Sterner It 7 00
Kaufman. Reber 4 Co. liquor 13 16 00
J. P. Die (T-nderfer 13 10 00
J. W. Hutlman 14 7 00
Mcsainger 4 Crourath 13 10 00
Spotts 4 Myers 14 7 00
James McCriisht II 10 00
Kitscr 4 Brother 13 10 00
Sauds 4 Crotler 14 7 00
Cyrus Eatoa 14 7 00
Henry (last liquor 13 16 00
J. M. Taylor liquor 14 10 60
YoutiK A Brothers 14 7 OO
William Brobat liquor 14 10 60
Charles Slees liquor 14 lo 60
Jacob ilk-kernell 14 7 00
Perraos rrtnrrd for Lieenss under the Act of AsMnb! j
liasned the 10th of April, IM'.l, entitled - An Act to cre
ate a Sinking Fund, and to provide fur the gradual and
etrtain utinluthment of the debt of this Common
wealth, to wit:
"An 4 Benttxcs.
John Housewarth Chapman
John Hi rrold do
I'hhip Burkhart do
Andrew Stahiecker, Atiddleburg
Henry Smith do
1'hilip Scbnee, Perry town&hip
Katlifnng A 5ltnium, do
John Moats, Washington tp.
Michael Weyand, Bearer tp.
Jamb Smith, West BeaTertp.
Spotts 4 Fox, West Buffaloe tp.
Jubn Steas, Limestone tp.
a M. Kuich, do
Samuel Hassonplngh, Mifflinburg
$6 00
6 00
6 0
6 00
& 00
6 00
6 00
4 00
6 00
6 eo
12 60
6 00
12 60
4 CO
NOTICE is hereby pWen to the srors named Peajers
that an appeal will be held by the undersigned at the
Cnminirinrs Ofiiee in the Borough of New Berlin, on
SATURDAY the 21st day of JUNE next, fir the purpose
of hearing the appeals of those wbe may feel thtfueclTes
afcneTeu by the above ciaMoncation.
Appraiser 0 Mercantile Tires.
fir The above Licenses will be made out and ready for
delivery immediately after the Appeal, and by law they
are required to be lifted previous to the 1st day of July
next otherwise suits are requiivd to be instituted against
all delinquents. PA MIX UOKLACUKH,
Treasurer of thtiou cowtt).
New Berlin, Msy 29, ISM.
3Iorc Hats!
Just received from Philadelphia, a new tot of
splendid Hats, comprising Panama, Pearl Union,
Leghorn, Luton and China Pearl, all of which
we will sell cheap for cash.
Summer Goods!
Just opening, a select assortment of
LAWNS, &c. &c.
With full assortment of QVEEXSWARE,
t'KESH GROCERIES, Ac. to be had at the
old stanj of J. HAYES tt CO.
A New Supply
Of superior BONNETS and PARASOLS just
reed and for aala by J. HAYES & CO.
An extra quality of Black Net Shawls just reed
and for sale by J, HAYgS CO,
POSTS-Ok ud Young Cbestn.t, for tale
salebv C. E. BOWES.
LBS. of CHEESE for snJe by
LBS. of FEATHERS for sile
by C. E. BOWES.
C f BBLS. of FISH fur sale Ii v
Boots and Shoes,
Baolis, Stationcrn,
Ready made Clothing.
s.ir. assail
TTAS just received and opened the lar,
LJ est, best and cheapest assortment ol
Goods in his line of busines-i ever olU'red to
this community; and fearlessly challenees a com
parison of stotks wilh 'all the world and the rent
of mankind,' to say nothing of the outsiders iu
general. The individual articles of his lot are
decidedly too numerous to mcntiun, but ho can
say in short hand that
In the BOOK line he his everything that
anybody wants, from a child's Primer to
the highest University class-book, and at
prices that can not be rivalled in these
di!CingS. rv
He has a Iaroer!otandncliPrrn?rOtSs.
variety of STATION EUYt4--
than ever.
His stock of BOOTS and SHOES com-
prises every style of fashion
and workmanship for Ladies
and Gentlemen, Children and
Misses, that can be bought in the Eastern
cities, or made at home.
His assortment of CLOTHING include
everything called for by the season and the
fashions, or that the most fastidious or eco
nomical could desire.
His HATS and CAPS positivily enn't
be beat in this market. Good Silk Hats
for Sl,25, and the best kinds afforded at
unprecedenledly low prices.
Also a large supply of choice TRUNKS
and CARPET BAGS, cheap.
This is the place for capital lurpnirn. The
steam's up and we are bound to go ahead in spite
of wind and tide !
GTDon't call at I.yndali's until you have
been eveiywhere else first : you will then be
better able to appreciate the low price and super
ior quality of bis goods.
" Lewisburg, May 15, 1831
New Establishment!
THE subscriber would inform the citizens of
this town and the surrounding country that
having made Lewisburg bis permanent residence
he has taken the shop at the liiwer tndnf Market
street, south side, where he will keep ou hand or
manufacture to order all kinds of
Also, every variety of work in his line
Repaired, Painted, Trimmed
on short notice and reasonable terms. CcPOn
hand a large stock of well seasoned Tl.MUElt
from the Cnillisquaque Bottoms.
From bis long experience in the business, the
subscriber trusts he will be able to give entire
salislaction to all who may favor him with patro
nage. Any one disposed is requested to call
aud eiihise my materials and workmanship.
Cash and Country ProJuce taken in pay for
Lewisburg, April S6, 1801 Cm
THE subscribers having renewej their stock
wilh a choice lot of Lumber, now olF-r
for sale at their YAHD (fronting the (j'eruian
Reformed Chuich) an assortment comprising
1 inch Hoards I Common and l'anncl Boards
l'inrh (lo I Vrllw llue do.
Flank 14 anil 1 inch River Pine.
do eh utrar Valli-J Pine.
Scantlinir. mid Pine and ll. inlock JuislA
Koorine Latlt. and Oiling Lath.
Juiut luiigteri, 2" inch and 2 fliob.
l.ap do 2 toot, various prices,
do do larjrc. Sinmr Valley.
3 inert Buttnnwnnd I'lanks, fur SUir Ratlins, c.
twantlin; for uVdpmits. l'oiilar l'laukf.
Square Pine Timber Jte. 4c.
. We are erecting a Kiln on the premises to
kiln-dry such lumber as is required.
The above will be sold at fair prices for Cash
or reasonable (not long-winded) ciedit. books
kept at the residence of Peter Hursh.
Lewisburg, April 30, 1851 y7
FEET of W hite Pine FALINO.
a superior lot, made by machi
nery, sharpened, (3, 4 and 4 J feet long) put up
in bunches of 33 each, for sale by
Boots and Shoes,
TpHE undersigned has just received from
J the City of Philadelphia, a full and
choice assortment of Hoots and fn
Shoes of the latest and most ap 6j
proved styles, among which are
Men's fine Calf.Kip and Morocco Boots,
Congress Gaiters. Morocco and Calf Clay
Ties, Kip Brogans and Morocco tampers,
Ladies' fine Guiiers, Jenny Lind and
plain Buskins, Lice Boots, Excelsior Ties
and Slippers.
Boys' Calf and Kip Boots, Calf and Mo
rocco Llav 1 tea, Call and Kip liroiMne.
Misses' Gaiters, Calf and Morocco Lrtcc
Boots, Kid and Morocco Buskins.
Children's Gaiters, Morocco and Calf
Lace Boots and Shoes of every description.
Also, a choice selection ol
wiClassicai aud Common School
Books, Sunday School Library
Books, Hymn Books, Bibles, Testaments,
Portfolios, Monais, LiianK UooKs, t aper,
Slates, Metallic Pens, &c. Scc.
The above Goods have been selected
with much care and purchased at sdeh rates that
they ar offered very low for ready Cash. The
oublic are respectfully invited to call and exam
ine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere.
The sut-scriber also continues to MAKE TO
ORDER, Boots and Shoea of every description,
for which all kinds of Country rroduce win Da
taken in exchange.
rrVTbankful to bis frienda and customers and
the public generally for the liberal support here
tofore received, He nopea nj airic eiwnuon iu
his Business to merit and receive a continuance.
ofLhauste. . JOHN HOUGHTON.
Ltwisburf, May 6, 1651
Fresh Supply
T10XE11Y, NOTIONS, die
VOW on hand and for sale next door to J.
-L & J. Walla' slore at the Druistore of
Lewisburg, May 19, 1850
Woolen Factory,
nsar Hartlcton, Union Co. Pa.
rnHIS eslahlishment is now iu the best
I order. The Machinery beio nearly
all new, ana none Lut-iiie oesi oi ori-
men em(.loyed,.the subscriber feels sfe in
savin ' thiit hts work shall not be surpassed
by any establishment in this or tho adjoin
ing counties.
ilis Wagons will be around as usual,
and those wishing to patronize his estab
lishment, will please avail themselves of
that opportuniiy to do so.
0"1 have also on hand, and intend
keeping, a choice assortment of
which 1 will sell low for Cash, or exchange
for Wool and Country Troduce cpnenilly.
- mark halfpenny. ;
Miiy 3. 1831 j
D RUSHES just received a large assortment
of the following :
Hair Uruidii.-, variety of patterns Comb ISriiflies
rlutlie and Flesh limine Sail
FaneyandCoraiuoa Sh'ie ilruilics Tuplh do
do do l'aiut do Sxill do
Whitewash Brushes rul.bingdo
Wall Nailed do llore do
ll.n.l dn
Which will be solJ low for cash at the Drugstore
To Builders and House Painters.
The subscriber l prepared to furnish Red and j
White Lead Chrome Yellow.Grcen, Paris Oreen i
and Patent Black, ground in oil Vcnitian Red,
Yellow Ochre. Litharge, Varnishes, Linseed Oil,
and Glass of all sizes ; all of which will be sold j
at reduced i) rices at the Drugstore of
ISSUING Rods, Ac A fine lot of Cane rods.
- Lines, Hooks, &e. unusually low ; call and
examine for yoursttves at the Drugstore of
GATTLE Powder aud Liniment for ssle by
April 21 l)n THORNTON
f'i EDDES &. IDDIXOS have just ree'd and
Jt are now selling at unprecedented LOW
I'lilCES, an extensive and general assortment
Warc, Frcslt Groceries, CVdarwarc,
and every other description of goods usually kept
in country stores. Tbeir customers and the public
i -. i. ii i . i.
general y are soiiciieu 10 cnu un imce tucir un-
Eti PRICED than the same style and quality of
goids are sold at any other store in this county.
Of We invite especial attention to our large
stock of Cloths and Casaimeres Ladies' Dress
Goods, &e. dte.
All kinds of CorxrBT Produce wanted, for
which the highest market price will be given.
rL.STEil,SALT and 11811 always on hand
at the lowest prices.
April 15, 1851. it 1UUIAU3.
Many years of experience, -and mora than a Hundred
Thuand Cares of 1 nni-iimpilve Complaiiiu, hara t
have liecome aequainttd with thia vxmdfrful remeAy, that It
u ari-aB I w Mtintwrior- because tt ia 4KHfAit'' and hfilutv.
and mors rermln to rore C'oimnmption of tha
lnnaTM than any other Rt-mtKly in Uie world. We know,
however, ihui it ia aid tiv lume Utat Consumption can not
be cured. Be that the opinion or the many or the few, we
hall not am-mpt to arun with aucn, but this we teiU my,
and do aneri aa a fact, wdkh can be proved in thoNaaait
of caaea, that Utii md:cUie hnn r ureal Ctvyht and dt.
macs which, txjort uie curea were enecwu. were caiiea rem l
4;mttmtloB. and which were attended with tymptomt ;
Uiat reaiemhied. anl were tn nil mpect like the ajmpioma j
of Uiom who dy and Mn did are aaid to have died with
that fatal dinease ConnaniptEon. Thia FU:m haa mred
thoumtntU of peraona who were aaid to be hopeieaaly atlitct- (
ed who hal Aurd, dry, racking VumhrnPat in the ;
Breawt. side, and J.u-!lUiculiy uf Itrenthlas: 1
Vurulmt Kxpeetoratian'-iitctte h frrr Stiht-SuttuU and l
wfthtlnjK away of the Flenh and It I nod. Peraona
having such complain la have leen cuml atirr tt waa aaid
they could not live a week longer. This Medicine lina
cured aome who were auppuaed to he in a aylaaj Mate, i
but, by live uao of Una remedy, tbey new live, and ajoy
gooi ltealth. t
pleasant to take, and never doa injury In any itaire of dta
. .tr mirissr anv rimiriiatancea. ft etfVfCta it WON Her fit I
ase or under any
and aimctt
tnintf, and
si, i. ri.iianJ PJ"ci"S i2a"227!S3 '
uWivtna C ougB "TAia? ' Werve-ana atdtay and ;
facuuatina KxpectsratloB. It Cores tlie following dis-
eases, via. :
COt'GIlS ami Cold, Bronchitis. Aithma, SpitHng of rVnoi,
Heeding at th Lunas, tail aa tkt hreast, Aide, and Chest,
Semmsness. &i:t Suxat. Palpitation of the Heart, and all
FKMAI.K WKAKNKWSE! and CempbunU aristae
Uf.-vfrom, Chalrra laiulain, c
rjr s.r Proof ami particulars of Cures, ss. ovr
laaipblela and Uandliilts all our AUiis aav laea w
(ive awagr-
Agsilf Df Thornton and J Baker, Lewis,
burg ; G W Kessler and Koshong & Antis, 2ievr
Berlin ; Jn M Taylur, MiUlinburg ; 8 J Crouse,
Selinsgrove ; II N Backhouse, MidJIelmrg ; U &
F C Moyer, Freeburg ; J II Caslovr, Milton
Baltimore Printing Ink Manufactory.
THE sufiscriber, agent for Ihe ale of thia Ink",
would invite the atlention of printers and
publishers of newspapers in the South to the fact
that they can now purchase in Baltimore a supe
rior Ink to any manufactured in the Slate. Tha
Baltimore Book and Newspaper Printers prefer
it to anv other Ink. Colored ink, card irk, book
:a, uwa 1
ink and Aews ink of auperior quality and at ihe ;
lowest prices. The undersigned warrants tne
ink made at the Baltimore woiks to be of the
very best quality, and should any article shipped
by him fail to give full satisfaction it can be retur
ned at hia expense. W M. THOMSON.
9w368 No. G Carroll Hall, Baltimore.
Take Notice,
THAT most of the Note ami the Coot
Accounts of the subscriber have been
left wilh JonM A. Mertz, J. P. lor settle,
merit. All person interested will call and
settle before the lit of June, and thereby
save costs. j. tuoititi.
April 3, 1851.
THE Steedman HOUSE and LOT on
Market streetin Lewisburg. Pa.
. atmn n w taTfttV
Apply lo 4AMt3 r. Leinn.
March 25. 1851 w
Old Newspapers,
0ME thousand ia number, of all siies, for
aale at tha Ubroaicla ottico, bi ou cis per
. . - a .nn. or $ 1 when assorted. A
.. .y .... fol wrappuic.
cninca lor ccrw "j--- -- - ;t ? y
pcr. April f, 1850 .- - '
PRINTED with clear type en good paper and
in firm and'elegint bindings, consisting of
' Andrew Fuller's comiilele lFrcj-sScrlpturcTypes!v.1,f
Works, 3 vols. $00 - ataialuhi
1 Akt.toH vi.ti.m Watt.c. 40' Howell on lh UiTironrtiip
. Hunvaii'iAwakeninirWkj 7M M Wav of Salvation 7
luvitiux - 76jJame'Ch.Menihrrii-lJuide
" IljVMtional 7nl Church rn Kamest ju
M Fii-rrim'il'rogrs 6o,Law"a Call lo (;liriiliMia
Holy r
Liteof Mrs.Ann lllu'lyon fs
" tarnhi:JuUnoo
Lynd on tlie acxilice and
AUinviiK-nt GO
Runth's Iteiirn of (Irace
Lrowi?ir I'iturrh Sleiub-
j er Han.l Uo"k SR;
i Oox'ii llistEn.Bttp.MiS8ns0.i
Mead Almost a Christian HI
Uaaimell Am. " ' OiH luolra ol 1UV.&. rcaixe t
costrotersiai works.
; iith . n infant
Reasons tor
bprorainc a H&pliM 6
Baptist Muuual, a CmIIcc.
uoo of Tracts, Ac. SO
A e.hol.an AlL-pory rV'f-S. 01ranrrla3 IS
lr.llalirock irTaleolTruth Boli'folda !.intual Toy-
ornery n " " j
" Ituptt-iUIS of
lierirudctlw-Pisec Maker 14
tlie New Testament
Ctm rVrinn in Life of
Fraaris KiRrtou
Tho Floali , IS
rather s Ap fc"S
JaUM'S and i;core l'l
M. ruoir of K. M. Way V
Our Suvi-ir. bv a T"arher 2u
idcri"'"! l'nci.'ilfd, a Tort.
rait of UttivenaJicui
KHie Miiurke
imiU Stum V
1 Scriptorr rVrit-s, No.l and
in 2. bv a Tvacher 6 and 9
Jobn Kink
TI1K PSAMIIST, in various .tjlei, j0-0 to 1.2
1IIU 1IA1U'. " Jo to oo
The above for sale in Lewisburg at publication
prices, at the store opposite Kline's hotel.
M YCKERE!.. Shad, and Herring just reed
and for sale by J. II AYE3 & CO.
K4 ft TT not refused at the Oflke of
2.jLLthe Lewisburg Khronicle.
Xcw and ropalar Scliool IlooU.
I iCIOMPREUENSIVE Summary of Usivmsal
J Histodt, togetber Wltn a uiograpuy ui
Oiitinguished Persons, to which u appended an
epitome of
t Heathen Mythology, Natural Philosophy,
General AsWonoiny, and Physiology. )
Adopted and used in the Public Schools of
phjj. B. S. JONES & CO , Publishers,
3. W. Corner Foibtii and Race streets, Fhila.
E3?Teacbers and School committees address
ing letters to us post-paid will be furnished with
copies for examination.
rVA full and complete assortment of BOOKS
and ST-i '110 XER Y for sale at the lowest price)
To Jour.Cwiakcrs
WANTED immediately, FIVE Journeymen
Shoemakers, to whom good wages and
constant employment will be given.
Lewisburg, April S3, 1851
Administrator's Notice.
IETTEKS of Administration having been
j granted to the subscriber, a resident of
V bite Deer township, UDon the estate of WIL
LIAM NOLL, late of East IiufTilo township in
Union county, deceased, all persons indebted to
the said estate are notified to make immediate
, 1. 1 .:,
for settlement to
White Deer, April, 1S51
-.p May be foond in Third street,
AV three doors south of the Baptist
-church, where they hae on
hand a general assortment of Lailtes, Mines' and
Children's French and English Kid and Morocco
(Sentlemftn's French Calf HOOTS, Kip and Wax
Upper iJOOTS and MONROE, with an assort
ment of BOYS' and YOUTHS Boots and Shoea.
We are al.- prepared to manufacture all kinds
0f BooU and hoen and Ladies CTTJ.K f
every C ml VI 111 niun uuiaauiw ani.vnui
lutet fa.-hionable styles and at reasonable prices,
which you will see by complying with our invita
tion to tall and examine for yourselveaTQ No
charge for inspection.
LewUbarg, April 22, 1S51
New Stock.
TTAVE removed their Hat and Csp establish-
. . . I1-
JJ mcnt to the central aud commodnius room
. on Market street, lately occopiea ny s.r .i.ynaan,
two doors east of their eld stanJ.wheie they have
I received and are now opcuin; a large assortment
of Fashionable HATS rd CAPS of
; newest style end best quality, fresh train the
Eastern Cities ; comprising a select lot 01
Ji'O. I. rfo. la.
At). . BILK do.
and a full supply of Angola,White Beaver, Cutta
Ptrcha, Pearl, Uough and Ready, Fnr and Beaver
CltCdren't Funrg B'MT JTjfs viA Ostrich JVksw,
Panama. Leghorn, Braid, and Stiaw Halt, incla
ding all kinds for children,
Jenny Lind and Blue Military Cap,
Children's Fancy Caps,
Good Silk Hats for 1,50, Cash.
Also, Huts of their own manufacture constantly
on hand.
From the cheapness, variety and snperior qua
li'y of their goods, and the fact that their time and
attention are devoted exclusively to this particular
I II. k t .
,'..! M he l(ter
suited here than anywhere else in ' tha three
CUlvo as 4 call ! No charge for examining
our stock -Jt
N. B. Bonnets, also Panama, Leghorn. Braid
and Straw Hats, bleached and trimmed over at
the shortest notice and on the mot reasonable
terms Lewisburg, April 23, 1351
To Carpenters and Builders.
171 IN EST quality cast steel Panel Saws.Coro
. pass and Back Saws, dble and single Piano
Hills, Turner's Chisels, Augers and Auger Bitts,
upright Rim Locks, porcelain Knob Locks, carp
enters Kim Locks,Thumb Latches, Shutter Bolts,
Hinges, and Screws, and everything that ia of
consequence in tha building line, can be had at
the old stand of J. HATES & CO.
THREE Tons of Duncannon NAIL8 and
SPIKES lost reed and for sale by
ALT ahd COAL always on band and for
sale by
BINNS JUSTICE, new edilioo, can be had
al Lyndali'a Bookstore, in this plat.
Lewisburg, April 10, 1850
MASirEiJTS for 3oal l4ii;s aopp'y juat
printed at tbfl ChronWe dnVj
For lb Car f
The annnls of meJical science. iTni-line i
they Jo ample proof if the power and value of
many metlual agents, hive fun it a bed oo example
to compare with ihe salutary elii-cU produced by
Myfr Chrrry Pectoral '
lHs nniarkiiM enrm ff dirrftJs w thJ Lunrn whk-h
have tx-ti n.-ttiixii .y iu ur, ai-?l tv Uiry mrm ljf
mnny jT(iniiwnt .pttt-in ml j-hy Vinns in thi anJ
t-rt-ipn lan'la, hulJ rm-.Mini'ff' tii fcltlict'xl to rrm
witii Ui itrmt anunitice that Uw ums of tlw -Clwny
Jtorl will rHi-e and ultimiU' ly cre Hvw.
Yt'm ppwnt to t) pubhn uu.lw it.-d t-stiuj'.nlalu from
fomuof the lint luvn in oar country, upon Luae juJjc-nu-Qt
atut vxpfrinice itu illicit roufiJ. D.-i nut lu blntrtL
' our of the moMt k-arrW anJ iut-tiiiuiit by.u:;aiij La tb
t miintrv. rtHiii'.Tw it at tervlrnra(,aiilii.n tf c ..1l.d.M
fur the cure of Uial turuudutle UiseaH. Cuii9uuiitiin.n
Dr.J. C. ArrTVar Fir: ArveaU? to Um rojueMt of
your art-nt, w- win -breriuliy itntf what w Luve hdwb
of th vlft of your Cherry Pv-.rul, anU thy liav
twn aumi-LtiiK in-lwl. Mr. IHv Stivl-r Iwi Urrn
aitiii'tvil with wTt-Ta atvi r-. nt!' k coufrh, wbib iv-
uuvi tirr cry uv ; o um that little nope cuttlU ve nt
ttrtaitil of lier recovery. Numeroun rciiiwliii hail bnn
trtrd without ?ffwtt bi'fre ftn Otuerry Fet-lornl. And
titat bait run-d her. t-orgf Watkituon, had toour
kr.ol-t b'D atTIichtJ with Asthma, or tUrt vtar,
and yruwat yarly w.in until tUCU;Try itvUtntl,, ha
b ivm-tTrd Umi di-ni aud he ia aj from any
aywvptoin a- we are. Thtj Murk Dane lifcJ an o
m tar-tr atrw-ked with tli Ilrum hitu. a todiaM bim
frw St 4titie.. and notiiin had all -rttfU bim fvlW until
I'M: Th srninjmv-d him a Lottie o yur Pw-tirjl,
bBT-b rwiv-j bua at oucv, and Le now o!Uciatea u uusd
Tb- are rhrt of ttt raana 1n wf.kii we bnve knowo
H Mwan)ifUt but B-vrr U CiU. W'a) haTe fT at nleuura
In cr-rtijyin tn tlKae LfcitK ; am! ar-. i-yjru-l nir, rmt
buiuLleatnaaU. fctV. IAVU TllOKNJNU.
IltlX. Jhi'il UATTLfcH.
Are' nit tlie dlolInrnlM-! ntboritin who hare iciven
tbeir naioat to reuniBctnl rturrr IVrtoralT a thm hrt
ivnv-tiv that i knotnl r Uie AntxtojM of Um saiiiei.
ar Tlt lr.tl n Iviuct "Canadian Journal of Mwii
ra4 Scin,, ftitia M'tl!-al and ?unricnl JourmU.
Cbarii-eton(S. C.)Mi d;.Til lit tipw.- 5ew Jr y Jlrnli-
mi iifpaortv-r, ' inr. w .-twUT, riarnnl Colltye, Irr.
Bartluit, Tranivlranm LuiTerxrtT of MmIHim. Prtiivnt
iVrkina, VtTwviit Cullei, Ir. Valentin Mntt,
X.-w York C;tr, Ptirkrr ClvaTelaud Bowdoin Cll.-r.
I'rof. liutterfl'-M. WIUnn-H.y Ct.Ilt--, f1iio. rro ISratibr
wnitc, L.-tIi, (Km. Miii-al rV-uottl, H.f HUahnt Kane,
Quttu" Coll- . Irclanti, J'rot Kotnldtuui, Leije,
Tbr public Iiatc but U know the Trrtuva a na -f tonixb
n ani-eM8of tlie Clu-rry l"t cfcrl.? in curi aui-atiea
of the Luiijr. when tht-y will A-el arrure rtluti; theae
dnniswrs, wbnervr tliie nmtdy muj t obtaiiued.
Prepared by 3 C. A vert Chcm ist . )icell9 j .
For a!o by V V SCIIAFFLE, Jewburg;
J If Callow, Milton; Isaac (ierbeart. Selintgrove;
and tj Druggies grneiatly 3m35S
Lcirtsbur? P.O. April Itt.
r?The Eastern Mail will close hereifler at
5 o'clock, P. precisely. No letters will be
mailed after that hour.
THIS establishment fias jast commenced
operation, and is prepared to manufac
ture Steam Engines and Boilers, Blowing
Cylinders and Hot Blast Pipes, Peierts, Lamp
Posts, Gas and Water Pipes, Car Wheels and
Axles, Rolling Mill castings, Grist and Saw Mill
castings. Horse Power Threshing Machine and
Plow castings. Cast Into Fronts for Houses, east
Coupling and Railing Patterns, and Smithwork
made to order.
Harrisburg, Pa. Apiil 0,1851 3bb
Dry Lumber.
THE subscriber continues to keep a good
stock of Lumber on band, consisting
of the following, viz.
100,000 feet of Board?, comprising Pine, Pop-
lar. Linn and Weatherboards, rhe greater part of
wnicn nave been drying two years ;
50,000 feet of Joist aud Scantling ';
Kooung and Ceiling. Lath and Sawed Hails ;
2.500 left of square Pine Timber.
Joint and Lap shingles,
Mackerel, No's 1 and S, in ba$f barrels ;
Salt by the barrel and sack ;
Nails and Spikes, Tar and Pitch
All of which he will sell al fair prices for Cash
or Country produce.
Lewisburg, April 14, 1851 3m
MR. FRANCIS J. GES4NER would res
pectfully inform the Ladies and Gentlemen
uf LewUburg and vicinity, that he has taken
rooms in the dwelling-houe of Mrs. LuJnijt, on
Market street (entrance at Ihe Mai lie t Sl doors.)
where he is prepaied to give Iustiactions on the
Vocal music,
and also to give instructions in acquiring the
German Language.
Mr. Grssxeb is lately from Bellefante. where
he his been engaged for nearly two years in
teaching the above branches, and has given
entire satisfaction to patron and pupils.
Lewisburg, April 12, 1 85!
DR. LOCKE, I)eiltit may be found after
the 1st of M ly at his new Office on Third
street near the German Reformed cliarcft.
Executors' Rolled.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Reg.
inter uf Union county, has granted lo
the subscribers. Letters Testamentary on the la?t
will and testament of Gen. ABBOT OKEEN.
late of the Borough of Lewisburg, deceased. All
persons owing said estate, will make payment ;
and those having claims against ihe estate will
present them properlv authenticated for settle,
Lewisborg, May, 1351
THE subscriber having commenced the baking
business in Lewisburg, nearly opposite H
P. Shellvr's sloia, Intends keeping constantly on
hand tho best of
together with a good supply of Common Cakes,
and BREAD which for whiteness and quality
will be surpassed by no baker in tha country, as
we have the services of a practical workman,
la connection w ith our Bakery, wo have an
here he will serve op at short notice OYSTERS
in any style that may be desired. (JjOysters
received fresh every morning.
and persons from the country will Bod the Bakery
a convenient and pleasant resort for tha parpoes
of obtaining re fresh meats, seen ae Bread, Cakes
Pies, Oysters, Hot Coflee, ektu Stu
Also, FLOUR for sal.
lH Y3
Lightning Rods.
THE awful calamities that every C;y,
Town, Village and country falls victiaB
to annually, thro the tttn wegled of
inhabitants, is beyond eafciitaie.Uy wke
.k. n.u-J is so y U obtain Uus a Umm ia
rmitiiae's patrct iBagartit Cijljt-
2 Si mm
.i TiiU rnJ has beew saassinsal be
anu 13 WIS ivw. . rn n
ihe most scientific gentler-en the "W-Po-
frasors M .Murtne, Jonnsou, 7
others tliat have eiaiwined Iheaa, lecoei eewd al
speak of them in the highest terms el ifpwiiia
and have pronoonceo isns -7 -
: anv other eoontrT fur fee praltf
turn .. irrr. and Fnperty. On. advaniafe m is
divKle anu in row tan y w - -harmless
to lb clouds, this is in tine ef e atrake.
1.1.. .k. kJ tn MKktf. that Decisosi ef
fluid that lkngs lo Ihe earth sMthoot lb sugM
at danger ef leasing tne conductor. 1 nas sua ww
many other advantages over the eld one.
The patentee Ukes pleasnre ia iaksraBMaf kie
friends sod the public in general lbs after aaanjr
yean' close inveetiaatioo and Burnet oes esBevw
menu be has arrived al the tone principle of pre
lecting Families. Dwelling end property bases
the destructive influence of LIGHTNING
Hartldon, Vaiun Cw, .. Agent fof Ueieej
and adjoining cooqtie. 6m37l
Tlie true Di'jtit'tee FluiJ,or CaUrk Juiet!
l'lrarwl rroaj Kcwrt, er th T airtt, StossavB est tW Oa.
after dirertkais of HaSai Lasts, lb term Phyilslmlial
ClKaviO, Uj i. S. ItoglitoD, Si. , MaUasWsMa,
Thia Is s a-rvat stiml Kvasrdv Ibr laJIgw" .
Dvspei4a- mmil after Natunt a atrthod. by al.r-
owuatmt.thf liairVJuiii. rrvin tolawaWdstaaarat.
or ll.vat UiKwtiiw Piwil f the OnMrir Juit-r-nt
uf the flwtl. ths furifyimt). Frssrmmef, nmi M
ting strut of Ibe !WS akJ InWatinc. It la atracWJ
frvtn tlx bipti. S.cb at the Os. thus sstiaaay
Artillrial Diavrtiw FlnM.pslKiy lint Of nalawl
Juice, in its chemical fsmtwt. awl raraiabtns; a iiassi I la
audrtn-tsabati:utcia'rt. BjUwaUorttopvtjemUiae
Uif iua and evils of I luliga'ttun and l)jrprsa an. r
jurt thry would lbf Iwslthj slosarB-It a.
aula W(uS. rs Ir?ek, roitn- dun of oi PaWllty ,
Kmariatkm. Xervooa' Unlwa an VvapasSie CasaasSfc-o,
Uiiiianl lu be on Uie it;, of tha frasr. Tho ISVaU.,
KtH. no an wbirh it U baaad, is la the hiliss dsjOK
curious sad KoxirkaLl. m
a 1 Fr-m ntiffNv .m wi .i. '.-. j -7- -
ih-r aud If I niu. ju. remivrd by Hv. Thorntt.aw U-witoor
May a, lhol. '
SUA D,Ct )DJ;'LSII,'Coiistantljon hand and
fur Bale by
Market Street WUrf,
Fancy Goods, Notion W Variety Stan.
friH E undersigned wnald respectfully ennoanee
1 to his friends in LewUbarg aud Ibe public
geiiently, tiut bo baa just received and i still
Teceivnis a targe, fresh and well arlrcted stock uf
Pure DrugM, Medicines, jr.
whim will o di"ffid of by H'doImbIo or RHail. 9fcy
ti.-k Wnv nrw. iiurrha-d aud splvt.'d by BIY lf h. ibis
Pulj..h-.iiL am New York markets, at low rates forcaafc,
tlii-rviorc say rrM-ntU may rely up tp-ttias; rvrryihins ba
my line pun; and 9t wiurh Uirr iwtcs thaw rvovaBss Im
urtuiru iVnuyiTankr-ud couavt i murt f
Dru, ChemkaU, Paints, Varnishes. Guns,
Due Stuffs, Paicjit Xrditiues. Ptrfukty
Cry, Fancy art ft Xutimn Cauda,
Fruits and Ciinfrctiuaery.
alas the r q usiitT of LIQUORS ssasw. sly fee 3aV-dVj.
nal. Sat-ramntal aud Jforhanicai pmauma. -
A ! 1 irnt m trunui to mc will bo Hossotlyaft 'Bitf
ami my frauua may fvly uptas ail artk-lrs tawsiii
fnim me t rirr entlir aatNfartlo. or rrtMnatte ot asw
exiinia.. IIutIov l"rrn iu the buaiae ttf.war.ai of twetv
tear?. I thrntov rlatlor aayaelf uf buving a prwetsral kuow
Uf lire Of the ainn.
fcei.t.iw;. April 15, IS.,1. C. V. 9C1I PTLB.
THE Co-Partr.ersb!p heretofore exi.tbig ander
rhe firm of Kaata A Irteiw, is ibb day
rnutoally lirjolved I be Lt.wks hv len lft at
ihe Store fur collection. THOMAS KEUER.
Cj"The firm of Rebev e Idtltnea having West
dissolved aa above staled, the eeinese will be
continued al the OM Stand, by Ihe subscriber,
under Ihe title of Vedde tiding, where they
wiH be happy tn see the friend and cnsleeaaia ml
Ihe old fir in. Their store eonuiiH a Urge, Weil
selected andfwhionableassoitotunt of gouuswbsck
will be disposed of si low rales as pooeiU. They
hope, by dose attention to liosinesa t anaee lhe
patronage ot the pubue. SAMUEL GEDOES,
Lewisburg, March 4, 1351
Country Merckantt, and Teuchtn.
WTE respectfully solicit the sites Hess af al
dealers in l!kh.iol.Micrllanosor Bkwk
SHADES, to our superior taciUlirs for aepplysBg
at unusually low rates, tot Cash or auuioveal crvdN.
every article pertaining to oat busines.
A long and active experience, w arras Bi Ba us
saying that we can oiler ibdurerncnls lo perch
aauiaLSB bi rivr txctiLBD ar itit,
We earnest r ask ata rxami nation of ear saoda W
eon.lucting baniess, believing if atyevpi riawssit
is mad, u will b found lor in lulcrsst ef nsin
deeiring goods in our line, to eaniiaa evereling
lib as. Uur slock Is at all season larxe, save
selected with parlkulsr refsnrnce lo the wwa af
Pennsylvania, Ohio and In neat trade g east ally.
On feraby r-i,1"-"'k-"1 il"rnrtird BrosanTlr
snd al lb lowest rate known in any market.
(Q lu Dignesl pnre given U K ns in cask.
PCCtt k. nieie
.Xonh-Easl earner of Thitd and Arrh St, Pans.
IlurseSboe Hall ReSn.
N'E Ton of Centre County Hois Shoe Wrl
Roda of Ibe beat awaliiy. just weaiseJ asaj
for sale by J. HAYES dk CO.
BLANKS ubja,dr.c-, oa kand t
the Chronicle ofbee, or printed to order.
HsmU nmd Dsmtw
LOT of eld Window 8eak with Glass, ale
. Uoora, for aale by . J. HAYES.
1AAA LRS. of HA US for ..ia by
TVBBDS ef euperior for as, far rale at ike
C'tr juicle el&ce, 4 i la ingle. ,60 ff oVm.
r1 .