Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, April 30, 1851, Image 4

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17 J
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. Look oat for the Cars.
Jntlge F., of W. county, and Burr S. C,
from " up north," are both good fellows,
and fond of a good joke. It is not often
they got " bit," but the following circum
stance (it is suspected) occurred last week :
It was in this wise: Burr and the
Judge were coming from Milwaukie tow
ards Waukesha, one evening, propelled by
a fine horse of the Judge's attached to a
buggoy, and wlien about a mile east of
Wauwatosa, on the plank road (which is
-ia!Jel to the railroad,) they heard the
locomotive jmffing and roaring on its re
turn to Milwaukie. They were alarmed on
account of the aversion of their pony to lo
comotives, and to avoid disaster both has
tened to disengage the horse from the car
riage. As the cars did not come along
immediately, and they both being some
what in haste, one led the horse while the
otVr tugged the bnggoy, occasionally res
piting each other by " changing hands,"
and thus they traveled at the astonishing
rate of about " fourteen miles in fifteen
aays." As they pulled, and paddled, and
tugged at the vehicle, they soliloquised on
the character of railroads iu general, and
the great advantages they afforded over
their then present mode of traveling, O'.'ca
pionally w snaring that the " iron horse"
did not come along. Burr thought the
cars traveled awful" slow in this couu
try. and still they pulled and tugged, until
they had drawn the buggey a good mile by
hand, when, coming in sight of Wauwatosa
they found that instead of the locomotive,
they had been frightened by the engine of
Vxr(s Straw Saw Mill!
They agreed to say nothing about it,
ii leaked out, and they must take the
resequences. Waukesha Democrat
Free Suffrage.
The Lowell American recently stated as
a f:-.;t I hut once upon an election day, in a
town iu Coos, in New Hampshire, the Mod
erator of the meeting called out, " Gentle
men, bring in your votes for Capt Peter
Barnes for Representative !" Capt. Peter
l.arujs had a!l the votes but one. The
Moderator seized tLL one, held it up be
tween Lis thumb and forefinger, and ex
claimed, " Who put in this federal vote f
No one was willing to own it " I thought
it must le a mistake," said the Moderator,
then dropped the vote on the floor, and
declared Capt. Peter Barnes unanimously
elected !
The Worcester iEgis appends the fol
lowing : ''It was once said that the Dem
ocrats moderator of a town meeting in
Westiieid, Matthew Ives, annouueed the
result of the balloting for Selectmen, in
the following manner: "Gentlemen, I
have couuted the votes and our ticket is
But this illustration of respect f.-r the
elective rights of the people, is shaded by
un inci'cat which occurred a ftw years
ag", i:i Maine, when Kent was the Whig
candidate fur froveruor, and Parks the De
uiwtic ri'.ndidate. In one of the towns
not far from .. ngor, the Chairman of the
Fcnsctaten anno meed the result as follows:
'Gentlemen, the Ifmorable Gorham Parks
has 134 vet's; the FEDERAL CANDIDATE
27 a ehrnrd sijlit more than I thought
he'd .jet I"
fcy-A Dutch widower, "out West,'
whose Lctkr half departed on the long jour
ney to the spirit land some twelve months
&(, determined, the other day, to consult
tL. l!appers," and endeavor to obtain a
.epiritmd communication, feeling anxious
i.-m "oting the future state of his wife,
T'l-'se llaprs," be it known, were not
the genuine " mediums,'' but of a bogus
kimi adventurers endeavoring to reap a
1. -.(i'-A out of the late mysterious develop
;.i )i. s. After the usual ceremonies, the
spirit of " Mrs. Hauntz," manifested by
ra ;.., its ilKugness to converse with her
Jiw OTisnlatc ? pouse.
" Iau .'at you, Mrs. Ilauntz ?" inquired
the Dutchman.
"Yes, dearest, it is your own wife,
who "
" You lie, you tev:l a ghost," interrup
ted Ilauntz, starting from his seat, " mine
frau e peak Dotting but Dcutch, and she
never said 'tearcst' in all her life. It vas
alvays 'Haunts, you tief ! or, 'Hauut,you
tirty shkamp ! ' " and the Dutchman hob
bled from the room, well satisfied that the
"rapping spirits' were all humbug, and
that he was safe from any further commu
nication with Lis shrewish frau on this
The Lyeoming G alette says, "A corres
pondent sends us the following specimen
of a writtea handbill, posted on a store
door in his vicinity :
Xippinoz ton -ship the follerin of my pro
perty Iiy pjhlikouttkri viiiiaiiiiiiy 1 Schotc
pig I Lur j 1 2Lh saio, -1 Brakkandelsticks
4ginuycn 1 hatchen on'20egg, labors wagn
und harucsess, 4 empt cydcrbals und 1
rushter, the sail will begin wit tor rooshter
which will be sold on 6 monat credit the
oder thing must be gelt, cause I go move to
muscheter Walley dig Schpring, oho hows
ole fernecher
S9The Wheeling Gazette says that
the reason Jenny Iiind does not go to Pitts
burg is that her reputation is so high she
can not get under the bridge.
Fights in a grog-shop are the only well
autheuticated "Vpiritual knocking."
Map or the state of California,
TEXAS, printed by S. Auk's Mitchell in
I BIO, and painted to corre pond with the boun
daries filed by Congress in 1850 for sale at tha
Chronicle office, price 25 cts.
Gg Dr. John Locke,
MAY be found at his Office and residence
Third street, near the Ger.Ref.Ch. the two
weeks following the Cist Mond i; of each month,
woere op is irepared to execute all operations in
his line of business in a manner creditable tj
himself and satisfactory to those who may favor
him with their patronage.
Dr. I., spends the third week of each month
in Milton.
(Cj'Aromatic Tooth Paste, pat up in beautiful
porcelain hnxrs. an excellent article for keeping
the teeth cUan and breath sweet, for sale at 25
cts per box, by
Lewitburg, Pa., May, 1850
I! fox Salt. B
HMIAT large and desirable property on
L the corner of Market and Water Sts.,
well situated for a residence, for business,
or lor a residence and place of business.
There is a lare BRICK House contain
in 4 large rooms on the first floor, 6 bed
rooms on the second floor, and two large
finished roms on the third. A kitchen
and Washhouse adjoins, and it has also a
large cement Cistern, a Pump and Well of
good water, and all the necessary out-
For terms &c. apply to Geo.F.Miilkr,
lisq. S. Ii. DAVIS.
Lewisburg, Sept. 23, 1850
LOOK at Hatfield's NEW
STOCK of Gold and Siler
Watches and Jewelry, before you
buy cl.-ehere and pay a Heelle
too much" because you was not
aware that Uatfield sells cheaper.
OuM 1". U-ters. nevon jewoln lltoKK $40.0nto80.00
Ou full jnflnl 16 to IS 6U 90.IK)
Anrhnniaudl'l'iim.irwM 14 to 18 30.00 511.00
P. !"fre. jwrrlnl, Vi.nO 3A.00
" Anclit'Tit iid1 LftiuCA.welvd llt.00 17 .0
Gold Fint-r l:inpi. Inrr varit-ly '0,t
r.r Kiutfr, plain adj hga, ultut styles , b.w
" IVm-lb and Vena 4.M in,i
" renriln 1.7.i 4J)
u Yen. SUtt nw. rf.imind p.'int 1.M sjjt)
" Ilrvitin,L3'lTatidieut',aur'ttylcs .75 b.M
lliinlinir Ixtckrts dtiM. " f.fiO 1'J.tKi
" w.,1- li. Ijains. K..I. and Vaat ."0 -U -IKJ
" inard .Jo ifeet 15.IJ0
" K.-v .7 S.M
Silver TaMr anl Tra Snna 6.00 ls.ilrt
Ki:.ie-I anil Tm. MlTerlva an4 Table Fpoons .To 4.00
SllriT ComlHl 2..'ii S.SO
" and lii.1.1 Sctclcj l.no fi.75
Bran rinpks 2'iO lojto
Anorleoiia 2,M S.oO
And hundreds of first choice articles, "splendid
gnods. just from Ibe city and as low as City
retailers can sell, by A. I.. HATFIELD.
Lewisburir, March 19, 1451
$4,000 worth Cabinet Furniture
F'jr S'tle at Donachy't Warcroom,
I .FOURTH Street, south side of Maikrt.at the
sit;n f S W. W'yknff ware-room up slairs,
bire is ntTerrd a spb'ndid assortment of FL'H
ITVKE, cheap as can be purchased this side
of I'hitaili lphta surh as
Plain, Fatiry, and Dressing Bureau? ; Sofa- ;
Ottomans ; Mahogany Chairs ; Pier, Center,
Card, Sofa and Dressing Tables, Breakfast and
DiningTablrs.&c; Bedstead (OcticaoTrcnrh
and Common) from -3 to $100; alio Stands
of ecry variety.
All work warranted to be well made, and on
the most reasonable terms. Cash, Country Pro
duce, and Lumber taken in payment.
Leaisburg, Nov. 51, 1850
Ccvuisbiivg JTotmDrn
rPHE suliscriher, thankful for past pai
J ron ipe, would inform the public thai
tie niiiiinues to manufacture all kind ol
Mill (iriiriiig and other Castings. Thrashing
Machines, slid olher articles of Machinery repai
red in the best manner. Castings warranted to
be of (,ood material, and at prices that can not
fail to please. JAMES 8. MARSH.
LewUbuig, Feb. ISol
COOKING Stoves, of various patterns
and sizes, for Coal or Wood, for sale
at the Lewisburg Foundry by
James S Marsh.
QTOVES Parlor, Wood, and Coal
O Stoves, various patterns, for sale at the
LenUburg Foundry. James S. Matsh.
fnillSASHING Machines and PLOWS
J for sale at the Lcwishurfj Foundry.
James s. Marsn.
"liriAUD'S rateniGang Plow, a supe-
V rior article, for sale at the Lewisburg
Fnnndrv br James S. Maish.
GRAIN or Seed Drills Koss' I'utent
decidedly the brtt and most durable
Grain Drill now in use, for sale at the Lewisburg
Foundry by Jamea 8. Marsh.
'The Old Head Quarters
rpiIE subscriber respectfully informs his
X friends and the public generally, that he
carries on the
Tanninir and Cumins Business
in full force, as usual, at the old established head
quarters in the Borough of Lewisburg, on 8L
George's street, uoar the Kiver, where be keeps
a constant and full supply ol LtM ntrt-
1. 1- i i it.- ut a,n.i;,w. which are ottered
Jill winus auu hi , . ,
ffTMOO Cords of BARK wanted.
lO-itiu oo HENRY W. FRIES.
Lewisburs. Not. 20. 1 950 6m
The beautiful Ship Industry!
The subscriiier
has just received by
the above, at his
New Snor, Second
street near Market,
(next door to H. C.
Hickok'a law office)
n entire new and
fashionable stock of materials for carrying on the
business of
Boot and Shoe Making,
embracing French Calf skins, Patent Leather and
Morocco of every description, with LASTS of
ail sixea and latest style-. He hopes by strict
attention to business and a desire todo the
"fleeter good of the greatest number of his
patrons, to merit and reeeiva the confidence) and
support of a generous public All work and ma
terial warranted. D. W. SAMUEL.
Lewisburg, Vet. 30, 1850
DR. T. A. II. THORNTON offers his
professional services to the citizens
of Lewisburg and vicinity, in tlicvarious
branches of his profession.
Residence Temperance Hotel.
Office Drug Store, one door above the
Mammoth Store of J. & J. Walls.
Lewishurg, Oct. 1, 1850
LANE'S VERMIFUGE This invaluable
remedy for worms, is rapidly supplanting
all others, iu public estimation. Where it is used
it has produced the best effects, and driven out
all other remedies. It is the best we have ever
seen ! is the remark of all who have ever ued it
in their families :
J Kidd & Co I received a lot of M'Lane's
Vermiluge from your agent last spring, which I
sold out in one week, and I think I could have
aolil one thmiaanil hollies hv this time if I could
I: n,.l I ni, mil tmnain. ahara In Ml ll I L-J
to wait until your agent came around. Every
6" ' " w O "
person that has tried M'Lane's Vermifuge tells
me it is the best they have ever seen ; in fact it is
impossible for any one to say too much in favor
of M Lane's Vermifuge. W JJ K'lUU
Tyre Springs, Sumner Co Tenn, Feb 19 1813
Dr M'Lane, Dear Sir I have sold out all
your Liver 1'ills and am anxious lo have another
lot immediately. These pills seem to take most
jvontlerfully ; I could have sold a much laiger
quantity if I had been provided with tbein ; the
inhabitants are sending to Rochester for them,
but whether there are any there or not I do not
know, riease send me another supply imrnedi
ately. F SHOKT, Druggist
Hemlock Lake, Livig'n Co N Y, Mar 8 1847
J Kidd & Co Your traveling agent left with
me last summer a quantity of Dr M'Lane's Pills
and Worm Specific to sell on commission ; the
Worm Specific is all sold and I should be glad to
procure more, as it sells very readily and has a
very salutary effect ia expelling worms. If you
can forward me some or send me an order to call
on your agent in Buffalo (L 8 Reynolds) I think
it will meet with a rapid sale.
Yarysburg, Wyoming Co, N Y, Dec 10, 1847
AGENTS C W Schafflk, Lewisburg ; J
II Caxlow and J II Itaser, Milton : I Gerhart, Se
liusgrove; J W Friling, Sunbury ; Mrs M'Cay,
Northumberland; M C brier. Danville
Pp. T. &b M. TOM,
M.tUEt St. Lewi.tooui,
Dross, Medicines, ChemlcalN, Dje-
biults, Oils, Glass, l erlumery,
Confectionery & Fancy Articles.
Dr.Tbornton returns his thanks for the liberal
patronage which he has received, and he assures
the community lhat every attention shall be paid
to the compounding of Medicines, and that all
Drugs shall be fully tested before they are offered
for sale, and warranted to be pure and genuine.
Lf" Prescript ions given free of charge at Dr.
Thornton's Drug S'oie.
Remember to call at the old stand, first door
above the Mammoth Store of J. & J. Walls. '
Nearly opposite II. P. Shelters Store.
rpiirc host and most approved COOKING,
Ploughs, Casting, &c.. at low rales, by
Or. LMllUYit
The Envy of all Pill Manufacturers,
BEC AUSE they are safer, better, and more
elfiracious than any others.
500,000 Boxes
have been sold annually for the last five years.
Yovso nil Old, Male axd Female,
can always take them with equal safety, without
fear. If Pills be ntcttsary
for purging and cleansing the Stomach and Bow
els, and purifying the Blood and fluids of the bo
dy, lake no others for no other pills produce
those combined effects, or contain Sarsaparilla in
Eat, Drink and Live as usual,
and pursue your usual occupation whilst taking
them, without feat of tak'ing cold, during all
kinda of weather.
One Thousand Dollars
are wagered thai matt genuine certificates (from
physicians, clergymen, Members ot Congress, and
respectable citizens) can be produced of their
efficacy than of any others, and
will be forfeited in every instance where One
Boi will not do more good than Two Boxes of
any others.
Forty Pills in a Box!!
and sold at TiventtFitie Cents a Box, with
directions and much wholesome advice accompa
nying each box.
TVy tar e taste or unpUatani rra-iZ,
Frir. from Just or pnwdrr of any kusd.
Do Mflf gripe the Stumark or Bonxls,
I'n.lurr. no sirimss, vomiting, or turn f'rungl.
And ttlapted to most diteaut common to svisiiW,
No one having once taken them will be willing
afterwards to take any others, because tbey al
ways do good, and if they do not, then no others
Dr. N. B. Leidy, The Proprietor and Manufacturer,
is a regular Druggist, Chemist, and Physician, of
fifteen years experience in Philadelphia; Grad
uate of the University of Pennsylvania ; Mem
ber of ilitlurent Medical Institutions of Philadel
phia, New York, Boston, Baltimore, Ac, and
associate and corresponding member of several
Medical Institutions of London and Pant, &e.
OcTaiKK asb IxrosiTiOH. Beware of all
pills called by names nearly similar, got up to be
sold on the reputation of Dr. Leidy 's Sarsaparilla
Blood Pills; the first Sarsaparilla pills ever in
troduced and the only pills containing Sarsaparil
la. Take no others and you will not be deceived.
Others by similar names, or nearly similar, are a
gross fiaod. Beware, then, of Imposition ! !
OTPrincipsI Depot, Dr. Leidly's dispensary,
No. 114 North FOUBTH 8T, Philadelphia
and sold wholesale and retail be
C. Vf -SCnAFPLE. LewWrorK t. H. Caalow, Hilton
J.SI.IVnfer.U.W.Kial.'r.N.BerUn W.P.I. Painter, Money
Taylor's, and Stltaer'a. MitBinborgjllj Smith, Adarnabarx
Younfrmaa A Watfa-r, IrrrVsllry D. 8. Boyer. Fnetxirg
potts A Mvrra, Kelly X Roads IMrM-SpechtBearertWa
Darts A Srhnnre. Solinfemre I RnMMeaith, Middlrb'nr
Hi. Kofarer, M'Keet rails WUtA KilertlUrtletna
Tbmria Dover. Shamokia Dsra lK.ARoaah,Centrville
Dr.J.M.JtKM.Williamaport: and by Druggists and Stcrt
kevjwrs horousbout the Cniu J ttaUa. 1J327 i
Town Property
For Sale Cheap.
4 FULL Lot on North Fourth Street
XL on which is a two atorey
ry fl - a a I on - .
rranic nousc, id uy dj icei,
Willi a good ueliar under it a In
Frame Stable, 16 by 80 an out1
Kitchen, and other out-buildings now oc
cupied by David Sham p. Enquire of
Lewishurg, Oct. 30, 1850.
Price Reduced!
Large Bottles Only One Dollar.
lie fPJpnwTW IW ailltlHaa ai uy lll.ni m
Vra.Ti.l . I irun.ru i U. ....... " k, U
srsant MlicituioiH of bb Aseuu, umMiftlwat tht UBMal
states and Canada, haa now
Seduced the Price
of his nopalar and wall known article ; and from this smut,
henceforth, ha will pnt no not ono hm only. he. qnas
bottiea: -Uie retail price will be
The pnblie mar rest aari- i iliat the character of the Meitt.
cine, iu atreaelli and euratiia proiieniea will aattain
vsrHASiaKD, and the same care will be bettswed ia prs
paring it a heretofore.
As tbu ineuicine, aiider it- mfuced prico, will be pnrchaMil
by thoae who have not hitht-rto matle UienHeleea acquainted
with iu virtnoa, tM propriviiir w onld beg to intimate that hat
article in not to be claiaad i . It tlw rait amount of BanMrltet
of the day it elainw for ii-lf grtmitr aesiinr peaK. tw
all dit costs. (aa my elAr preparation nut htfm tat
sreWd; and haa eastained iwlf for eisht yeara by ita Mnenaf
medical virtnea, and, antil una redncuon, nomttandad doable
the price of any oUier articla in tin line.
fii'Ttca PaBTiccLaaLT, tliie article attt with froiteai
iag pawar aad oartainty, apon the
Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Longs,
and all other orcana, opon the proper aauea ef wtaeh mj and
This saadicias kss a jsatl kick npaU as a pieaaHy fat
Oropty aad Oraval,
aad all diwatss of that aatuK-. It aaar be relied a pea whea
Uw inleUifsal parekaaa as. aiiaadoasd kei ittlieat, aad Aa
thcas distreeUns dm leu, nuttv epeeiallr Daorav, the prnpri
star would camavtlr and hoiieeUr rvcoaiBiend iL At IU
ore-ant price it is eaiilf oMain. I by all, and the trial will peov
the article to be the
Cheapest HedicLic in the World!
7 Please aak ler pampliu-L. the areata sire theat away
ther aootain over eiiteen ia-,'. of reeeipta, (in additioa to fal
medical natter) valaable tt r lioaeeboU panioeaa, and which
will save near dollai per r -r to practical huatekeepera.
These receipu are uitrodi.t . J to aiako the twos of saea
valoe, aside from ita vharaeti r aa an adv-rtising medioaa fo
the medicine. Uw teetimonj i . tavor vf which, in Uie form ol
letter, from all pane of ihe eno.itrr, may be relied apon.
Ci" " Vans hn'a VeeetaMc IJthantriplie Mutore " ih
Great American Remedy, rimv. tor aae in iinart holtlee at $
each, email botllea at SO c: a. h. No email If ttlea wal be
imaed alter tlie preeeat etoeV i ilLsKieed of.
rriacipeJ Uf&ee. BafTalu. N. Y., tut Main Street
Hold Wholeeale and Retai" !..- OLCOTT McKESSOJI
CO., 17 Maiden Lane. Ke 1'ork City.
M. B. All letlan (eieei i .; from exerts and daalaea with
arbom he transaeu ba-inea; i.i.t be poet paid, or no attention
will be (teen to them
(rl)B. THORNTOM. lewishurg,
General Agent for t'lii- n ruiinty J.II.Caslow
Agent, Millon; I. dti iuET, IScluisgrove
3, i: : 54
TS now carried on, as usual, at the upper
X end ol Market sireet, where every des
cription of CASTINGS 's kept on
hand or made to order such as
The Complete, or
Complete Improved
Cooking Stoves
for either Coal or
Wood and all
other kinds of
also of differ
ent kinds Corn l'lotihs, Cull I'luug
and the
Self-Sharpening Flocgh,
a new artirle, and which can not he hca
in Penns Ivania. Cull und sec and judge
for yourselves.
lewisburg. Sept. 22, 184!)
fTMIE unthrsigned continues the LITE-
I RY JJUSLYESS nt the Old Stand
on North Third St., near Market, and
resnectfullv solicits the naironane ol his
friends and the public cenerally.
Lewisburg, May 22, lt?5
Tanning Currying.
FOR past favors, the subscriber returns
his grateful thanks, and hereby makes
known that he carries on the business of
Tannins and Currying,
at the Old Stand. Determined not to be
outdone in the manufacture or finish of his
work, he is bound to have the best work
men and materials, and lo treat those who
have so liberally patronized (as well as
those also who shall be pleased to patronize
him) with that attention which he hopes to
insure him a full share of public patronage.
All kinds of Produce taken in exchange,
Hides and Bark not refused, for which the
highest market price will be paid in cash
or in exchange lor leather.
March 25. A.D. 1850
THE undersigned continues to furnish to order
on the roost reasonable terms. Pianos, from
the Manufactory of Ctixaati Meter, Philad'a,
whose instruments are too well known la need
any panegyric, having uniformly received the
commendations of the most eminent professors
and composers of Music, and the award of tbe
premiums in New York, Philadelphia and Boston.
For qualities of tone, touch, and keeping in tone
op to conceit pitch, they can not be surpassed by
either American or European pianos.
Instructions eiven on Ibe Piano aa heretofore.
Reference may In: made to any of those parents
or guardians who have pupils committed to his
charge. He may be seen at his residence at Mrs
Metiger s. First street, Lewisburg, where terms
and particulars will be made known.
The most popular and favorite Airs and Mnsie
of different kinds received aa it is issued from the
different musical establishments in the Cities.
TT , "TT7"Q forJasticen,Consta
niil IV kJ bles,&c,on hand at
1 fiSlmm 3.
IR ill
the ChJonicIe cilice, or printed lo order.
Stone Coal for sale.
To Blacksmiths.
BITUMINOUS COAL, from the West
Crunch and from Ilollitlaysburg, for
sale nt the Shop of the subscriber, near the
Havsc.tVn on Third St.
Lev. t- l.tirg. May 7, 1850
rpHE undersigned wish to inform the
J farming community generally, that
they are now manufacturing
J. f ROS.r Xnrli, Lnprorrd GRAIN
Without stopping lo discuss the com-arrt-tive
merits of numerous Drills now ofli-red
for sale, they merely wish to invite Form
er to rail and see the above named article
hefurR purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi-di-nt
that they can furnish an article lhat
will ivi entire satisfaction.
Letvislitiri; Foundry, Aug. 13, 1650.
at l-scwisburgr.
C1IRCi:LAR for Ihe Academical Vear com
inencing Oct. 17, 185U.
Primary Department.
Etercised in Spelling, Itratling, Definition,
English Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography, His
tory U.S.A., Penmanship and Composition.
English Department of the Academy.
Tbe same studies as in the Primary Dcpartm't
continued in tbe use of larger texl books ; and lo
these are added General History , Algebra, Legen
dre, and Elements of Surveying.
Classical Department of the Academy.
Ti-rm Junior Academic etan.
I. Enslinti Grammar. Latin tiramraar, AriUinietiW.twn
ilivitiloun,) teorahv.
II. Tlw same rtuJi as iu I. Term, arul Penmanship.
III. KnRlifb tirainmar, C-K.r, Anthni-tir rmiletil l.y
lt iiviMtnii.iire.-k tiraiuinar, Ublory LJs.A., IVn
luauui, tiuuk-B.piu;r.
ftrninr Academic clasn.
T. Oxar. (irtvk Ka.t r, Algrlira t Kli rni nts.)
11. .Kn.'i'l, do ilo
HI. ,ln tin ilo enntpM.il. nfn-
ral llitnrj, Kn-H-li Ijmu;i;e and O.miositk.u.
Freslimnn cla'm.
I. Kiil-IMi Language -irij;t'iuiwitinn, Algrlira. I.iey,
II. I'laiK' ii-uuitrv. IJvy. An.ilw.
III. riui--. "li.l and Spin rinil tiwuii lry roniiUt.il, U
vy, Auubasi.
Sophvn.orc c-v.
I. llnrnre.OilTwi y. Plane nn.l Splir-riml Tritrnnrm tr
II. do do .llrnsurnlinn.nnfyiii'.'.Navi..:.!...!!
III. il.i n.ni.litl. S'l-t OrHtiijns ul Itemustlit-ni'i.,
KlK'toric, Analytiral liiilnrtry.
Junior clans.
I. IVmnathewa on the t'mwn. t'ici'ro li' Otnriiii,'" Ii
rltanirs. llvilnn.tatii.4. and llvdruiiltm.
II. IViim-tliencs .n tin Cmwn. t'in-m de Offl.-ii. mui-
ilftv.l. I'wumattcav Acoustica. tk-rtrii-ity- Watw
ti-m. nnd l litk-n.
III. tinvk Tragnly, Tai-itiw, Artronmny.
Senior class.
I. Liyrir. atnral TtM-olitry, Inti'l'.tti.il liiiT.wphy.
II. tJrik. I'nlitirol Kr.nn.iuy. lnil lli:ln!..y.
111. ltulU-r'r. Anahry. t'nruititutton cf t. i t'Ueniii'try.
Lwtures, trvneral Heeiewa.
No class in Ihe Regular Course has less than
three daily recitations. Every Saturday forenoon is
devoted eiclusively to ocal Music, Declamation,
and reading select and original Compositions.
Tbe students are required to attend, regularly.
some religious meeting. Minors are expected to
attend such meetings as are recommended to them
bv their parents or guardians. There are in the
borough no less than six places of public worship,
of as many different Christian denominations.
Text Books.
Jintfiih Lonitvafff ont FAicHtitm. The BiMe. P"rW
l:li.'t.-rial lt-ad-r,' Wnrr,ter nr V,-lt.T lirti.nary,
liulli..n' Knilish rSramranr. Parker1!. Pmirrcwire Kirni
aei in Kntrlii.li CumtitU.n, Parker's Aid.4, tilair'ii Leflurt'ii
rntvi-rmty litnm.l
l."tnt L ijmup. nul!i'n'-i"Jrnmmnr. TtnHinn'slt.nil.
!.. -n ttV Lfxiion. liilii.ii sOe-:ir. M-hmitz and .uiii.t
ir'i!. I.nui.'u'ii l.ivv. Ai.tl.'-it'.'. Ilon-w. na. li.-r e tu-vru
K- t'i!:r.;.-. T It-r'.-. T;.ritu' (J. rmaiiia -t Ain vl.t.
;" It .rwiitoij'. Itiillii.n'sllrnnitiinr. ItullK'n'.. Itr-n.l.r.
I.'.l.!-ll A Srott'f. l-xit Itm-n's .-nplM:ir Au:ilut.-.i!.
itwrii'! Il-.nu-r'j. I.lry, t:li;:ui!.liu' lKn:i.-luvu,'S. iV-kV
('h.i.:ii 51: l.
.t.'..?im".W. IaTi.' Antlinietir fi.r Aiad mifP. Kli'tn-,-i.tHry
Al;r.-I.ni. I;..ur.lun. I";,'n.ir.'. urr.-yiii nnd N:ivi-.it...t...u..lytir.ili;.'iin.-try.tlliiit-li
.Natural 1 Uilu.H,'h
U:ri tlypcdT) trluutcd's .trnnuiy.
A un.be i' of Sludenta.
The iiumlirr of atudents during the past ycttr
in the various Departments, as 172. 'I'ite
Collegiate classes already organized lor ike ensu
ing year, are ihe following :
S-nir rliiMi - - - 8
Jutiii.rrla.-iS - - - It
tt...luuion- rlnsa - - 1')
Frrsliuian riiuia - - P.. ...JJE
PTKPHKX W. TAVLOl A. M, I'mf. (.f .Vatliematirs
ftinl .Nnt.imt l'uile.l!iy
liKtiKUR It. ltl.IsS, A. M, Pmf. of (invk L.iri'Ha,-
and l.d'Tilur..
! Ki Wi K W. AN DKIisnN. A.M., Prof, of Latin L.niL-ua.-r
ani Lib'ratiirv.
loAAf X. 1.0OM1S. A. M, Prinripal of the Ara.l..my.
ALI'CKD TAVUIK, A. M., Tutor iu the lOnglh Lon-
guagr and hlucutlun.
UtiiItIingM,I.ibrnr j and Apparatus.
Tha Acailemic cdilice now occupied by the
members of the University, has been erected, al
an exirn.4 c.f a.liOO. and It is adapted to aremmii'date
I.V studrnts. Anutlir ilinre is nearly completed, and is
exp.Unl U ready for oerupaury at tile euuuncncenvent
ot the next Term let. I., I".""-
The Lihrarr contains a number of select volumes, and
is mnstantly inr-rasing.
Chruiirai Apparatiu has been procured sufficient to
supply the immediate demand. The Apparatus tor the
illu-stralura of Mechanical i'hitoophy, is now complete.
Tuition and Board.
Tuition in the Collegiate Department 230.
Academic $21), Primary $12 per year.
Hoard, including lodging, washing, fuel, and
light, can be had in the village and its vicinity at
various prices, trom l,oU to f 2,50 per week.
Arraniremenls are tn rmzrrss to romiph Board, exrlu.
sivr of lodirintr. waybinir. ruel and iiirhu to such as may
ueairc l a. ax -o yvs w.t..
Sessions) and Vacations.
Two Sessions in the year the former com
mencea on tbe 3rd Thursday in October, and
contiuues 26 weeks; Ihe latter commences on
Thursdsy, 15th May, and continues 14 weeks.
Spring acation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 8.
by order and in behalf of tbe Board :
Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. Sept. 1, 1850
(SE self-evident, and worthy ol" every
J consideration, that no Miller can make
good clean flour without he has gftotl clean
wheat. 1 suppose you wish to know the
remedy. I tell you it Is to get one of
Btrslresset s II heat scourers, or Smut
Machines. He being an old, practical a:. J
experienced Millwright has invented, got
up and put in successlul operation the best
Wheat Scourer now in use. Any person
ordering a machine and afterwards finding
lhat it does not prove to operate as repre
sented, there shall be no sale, as these ma
chines are to be warranted good. Further
recommendations are thought unnecessary.
He is now hiving a supply made at Lewis
burg, by Messrs. Geddes & Marsh. Orders
for machines, or letters of inquiry, will be
promptly attended to. Machines will be
sent and put to all orders. Address
Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. 329
OTES Promissory, Judgment, and
Joint Notes (blanks; at this office.
JUICE a great Dyspepsia Curcr !
Prepared from Rennet, or the fourth atomach of
the Or, after directions by Daron Liebiu, the
great physiological chemist, by J.S.Hucohtos,
Mi)., ISo. 1 1 N. 8th St. Philadelphia, I'a.
A TRULY wonderful remedy for Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint,
Constipation and Debility, curing after IS ature's
own process, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric
Juice. (Tj-Half a teaspoonful of this fluiJ infused
in staler, can digest or dissolve Five Pounds of
roast beef in about two hours, out of tbe stomach.
Digestion is chiefly performed in tbe stom
al h '.y the aid of a fluid which freely exudes from
the inner coat of that organ, when in a state of
lieul b. called the gastric juice. This fluid is the
great solvent of the fowl the purifying, preser
ving and rtiinuUtiiig a;enl of the atomach and
intestines. Without it there can be no digestion,
no conversion of food into blood, no nutrition
but rather a foul, lotpid, painful and destructive
condition of the whole digestive apparatus.
I'epslll is Ihe chief element or great digest
ing principle ol the gastric juice. It is found in
great abun. lance in the solid parts of the human
stomach after death, and sometimes causes the
stomach to digest or eat itself np. It is also found
in the stomach of animals, as the ox, calf, Ac. It
is tbe material ued by fanners in making cheese
sij ld Helmet, the etrect of which has long
been ibe special wonder of the dairy. Curdling
of milk is the first pineess of digestion. A call's
stomach can curdle neatly one thousand limes its
own weight of milk. Ilaron Liebig states, "one
part of Pepsin di-solved in sixty thousand parts
of water, digests meat and other food." Diseased
stomachs produce no gwj Gastric Juice, Rennet
or Pepsin. To show that this want maw be per
fectly supplied, we quote tbe subjoined
Baron LIKIilll. in his crl. liriHVd work on Animal Ch
mi'try. says: "An artificml diir'ittive fluid, analairoua to
thel.astric Juiee,niay he readily prepared from thr niuroua
airmbrane of the stomarb of the ralf, in whirh various
articles of food, as meat and etors. will be sonenea ana
.li.FMtr.1 In tti- same manner as in the human stomach."
lr. BEUKIKA.in his taninus treatise on tu"d and l'iet,
published by fowlers k Wells. New York, page 35, states
the same frreat fact, and describes Hie method of prepara
tion. There are tew holier aut te.rlUes tuau vr. rerena.
lie ftlMUK. in 111. valuable wriliues on the Physioliy
of Wjrestiou. nlawrves that -a diminution of Uie due
ijuantity of the tiastrie Juire is a pnimioent and all-pre-railinir
cause of lljiipepsia." and he states that ditiu
ri.i.l.Hl T.r,.fe.wnroriiieilirine in Lrmdim.who was severely
aSlirti-d with this r..iiiplaiut. finding eerthin(r else Ut
tall, had recourse to tlie Ijastrir Juice, obtained trom the
.-loinaelt ..f livinx animals, whirh enniiletely surce-Med."
I ir. till A II A M. author of the famous work., on Vegetable
lli't-savs: - It is a remarkable tart iu pbysioloiry, that
lie- tti niw-bs of animals, mac-rated iu water, impart to
the tlu'd itie property of .li.-.-olvin)r rarii.usartirlesof tiiotl,
aud of. n -i i rnjr a kind of arttnh.l dieestion of UVm in no
wi different from the natural diiresuee proress.
lir. MMU jrrent wnrk. toe Cifiuistry of Man. Tea k
t:h.iLrh..r,t. l-liilail.. l-v4f. i f sat. : -The di--oerT
..f ivp.-in fornix a new era in the rbemi.-al hisUTy of li-
t:ou. Fn.m reei-iit rxtsriiiieiit. we know that lissj is
UsMilted a rapidly iu -i iirl.ticwl diin slirr suiu. pn pnni
lr..m 1'etx.n. ii It 'i.- i:i tbe liattir.il llastrir Juire itself.'
Yt'A. HI'MM.ISOV. of Itie JeBerson Collesr, Phila.U in
his irrit wnrk on Hhiuxu rb.-".i.iry.dernles more than
litty ijfrs to an rxaiiuli.' I e.o of tins suj.t. His experi
ments with lir. ll.-auui'.nt. en the (lastrie Juire. obtained
from the ItTin? hunisn .t..niai'h ami from aniutals. are
known. "In all rases." he says, -digestion oranrred as
piTlVeilj in the artificial - iu the natural digestions "
Asa DYSPEPSIA CUKER, Dr Houghion's
iireparatinn of Pepsin has produced tbe most mar
velous t fleets. It is impossible to give details of
cases in the limits of this advertisement but au
ttienlicatrd certificates have been given of more
than TWO IIL'.NDKEl) rapid, wonderful, and
permanent cures. It is a great .Vitvun Asti-
iiiite, and particularly useful for tendency lo
bilious disorder, liver complaint, fever and apue.
tbe evil effects of quinine, mercury, ic, also for
excess in eating or dunking
There is no form of OLD STOMACH COM
PLAIA'TS which it does not reach and also give
instant re lief t ami repealed for a short lime, pu
rity oi Ulood and vidua or aour follow at once
It is particularly excellent in cases of nausea, vo
miting, cramps, soreness ot ihe pit ol tbe stomach
distress after eating, low, cold slate of the blood
heaviness, lone?s of spirits, de.-pomlency, emaci
ation, weakness, tendency to insanity, rvc.
Price, ONE DOLLAR per bottle. Oncbotll
often effects a lasting cure.
PEFSIN IN roWEEP.Sscnt by Mai', free of Postage
r'.ir n.nvelii. tin
f s-'ndius ti
11 parts of the rountry
til - lli-. siie Matter o!
Powder, with dire.-ti.it
water or - rup. 'J li'"
matter a.s the l-.Mb-s. 1
he ''eji.-lll.l- .Ut Up in the lnu ol
Ii) Is' iti.ss.ilve.1 by tlie f.atlent in
r-.W'leis rnrtaiii ju.st the same
: twi.-e the .Uantitv- tor the sum,'
prii-e. and are seul by t
ill. I r e of 1 .-l:ee. I..r -1. enI
. iw.st-paitr to lr. .1. II. in;.: !i !u. .m. ii .-vurui r.igu(u ? i.
Ptiiladelphia. Mx package, ler
Every boitle.aiul p ickage hears the written sig
naluie of J.S.HOUGHTO.N.M.D .Sole Proprie
tor. Sild l.y asents in every town iu the Union
d by most re.-pectalile dealers in medicine.
To he had of Dr. TH 'K.N I ON, Lewi.-burg
J II Caslow, Milton; Thompson, Mifflinburg ;
Wilt Sl Lilrrt, llattli ton; V iu Koshong, -New
Ueilin; G I Crouse, Selinsgruve ; Mrs M"Cay,
Anrthumberland lv.135
iilijjunuufg, Union county, t'enwa.
EtSPECTFULLY informs the citizens ol
Union county, and ihe public in general.
that he has leased tbe above stand, for many
years occupied by his Father, and is now pre
pared to accommodate friends and the traveling
community in a manner acceptable to all.
The HOUSE is Urge and roomy, well arran
ged in all its departments, and every care will be
taken to render his guests comfortable and hsppy.
Ilia TABLE will always be furnished with the
choicest delicacies of Ihe season, and the best the
market can afford. The BAR will at all times
be attended by careful persons, and none but the
very best of liquors will be kept. His STABLES
are ample and convenient, and the OSTLER.
punctual and attentive.
In short, he pledges himself to endeavor to
give general satisfaction to all, and hopes by
strict attention to business to merit and receive
a liberal share of patronage.
Mifflinburg, June 20, 1850
rPHE subscribers offer the public, at their
X new Brick Foundry, the lollowing new
and valuable stoves :
Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, with
a Brick Oven.
Lady Washington Parlor Stove.
Cast Iron Air-Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood
2 aizes.
Coal Burner for Parlors 1 size, 12 inch cvl
Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor 8tove t
Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for Wood 3
Egg Stove the very best in nse for Store.
unices, uarrooms, ana Shops.
I he celebrated lienesee Air-Tight Cook Stove
The Complete Cook 2 sizes.
Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves
Ploughs Castings. &c. &c.
Lewisburg, Dec. 12, 1849.
"An ounce of Prevention worth
a pound of Cure," in
that awful disease.
DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven
tion and Cure of Consumption.
This popular work for sale in Lewisburs
by S. F. Lyndall J. Houghton and at
thisoflke. Price, 75 cents.
Lewisburg, Union County, Penn'a.
Practices in Union and adjoining counties t
attends tbe courts of Perry county
OFFICE on Second St., lately oeeupiaj
by L. B. Christ. Esq. P W
JFvuit ana
The subscriber oilers l..r Sile a ja
assortment ol choice Fruit Trees such as
Apple tries, 7 to 10 feet hiRh, 40 vaneiir.,"
all warranted genuine Peach trees 2u
varieties; Tarmriitn Cherry, Necianne
fruue and Pear trees, tojjeiher wnhanm
6 or 8 varieties ol Grape Vines of the besl
nntive and exotic varieties. Ornarr.eri'al
Trees, such as ihe 1'aulonia, Linden, ic
N. U. Person wishing to procure a
quantity ol the Fruit trees, are reijueaud to
make immediate application lo ihesubscrt
ber, in nrder to procure the varieties ai,4
size warned. (I. R. NOLL.
Loivisbtirg, M.irrh 4, 1850.
JAUNDICE, lypepsia. Chronic or Nenout
Debility, disease of ihe Kidneys, and all du
eases alining from a disordered Liver or Stomach,
such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulness
or lilood to the Head, Acidity of the
Stomach, Nausea. Heartburn, dis- .
gust for Food, Fulness or Weight id the
Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Flut
tering at Ihe pit of ihe Stomach, Swimming of lbs
Head, hurried and difficult Breathing, Flat,
tering at the Heart, choking or suflbca
ling Sensations when in a lying
posture, dimness of Vision.LloU or Webs
before Ihe Sight, Fever and dull Pain in the
Head, Deficiency of Perspiialion, Yellowness of
the Sain and Eyes, psin in the Side, Uara,
Chest, Limbs, Ac, surlden Flushes of
Heal. Burn-ng in ihe Fle.h, constant Ima
ginings of Evil, and gteat Depression of Spirits
csx be irricTriLLi ccbid bv
prepared by
Mir. f. sTI. Jackson,
at the "German Medicine Store,"
1-iO Arch Si. 1'lillad.
Tlteir power over the abore diseases is not er
celltd, if equalled, ly any other prcpurativn in
the Littltd Stutes, the cures attest, in mcr.y
cases after skilful physicians had failed.
These Bi ters are worthy the attention of in'.
liiK Possessing great virtues in tbe rectificai.ti
of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, eierri--ing
the most reirching powers in e.ikne.- and
fTeclions of the digestive organs, i hey aie mll.ai
safe, certain and plia-aut.
Read 4n cinvi-vrtn. The Ho. Chi
I) flii.eline, editor ol the Camden Dcniocrat,lhe
besl paper in West Jersey, says, July 2lsl
II'arLAI3 CKR.UA.N HITTERS. Wa tare ma
many ll:itu-rilif nfttiee. .r thi. ateitieia. and tbe n.nra
n hi-nrr thrj ratm imldnl vt. tn make iBrirtrries ri-sprrtin
its rjHTit. n.oi in.iuirj ve were prr.uiuied ro iim iLarxl
must -ay li.un.l it srcinr iu ita ai-tion ui.d Jimui-,?!
thf Ii-r ami Jiir-tive organ. and the powi-rfn intlumr.
it ea.rrtu ujw,n nrrrt.uji prfkslralK.a u rvall j aurpnuuiif. It
calm ami streuirtrirnrt tbe aervt. bringing lata ink a
tlateof repm.. niakili sta-fi rvlrr-hinic.
If tliM nirli.-tiie ne mure iteaeraily aaed. we are sat
isfied there would be leas mraaess. aa front tbe ttnmarn.
lieer. and nervona r.ytm the great majority of real and
imaginary dineawa amanate. llave tbem ia a beallay n.a.
ilitiun. ami you ran bl defianee to enidemira aene'rallr.
Tbia ealrae.rdinary metii-ine we would adviae our frieii.it
who are at all imliffpnst-d U pee a trial it will tb.n r
ommrnl itself. It ahould. in 6et.W in every family. No
i.tlii r ni.'di-iu ran rriinrv ,ui-h eTi.l.-Bri'. i.f mi-rit.
Kiora Ihe llosion lire editorial, Dec "-'-J
lir. Ili.!1an.:'.s C I. I niti.l i. nu.oi Itiitrrr. i r tlie r-jr-..f
Liver t'..nitl;iint. Jnuudit-c. l)pf-p,ia. and i'lircnir r
.itti.us IM.ili'y. is d. s.T.ily ..r.e of tin- ni.t p.i,u!r
m.Hh.-in.- ..f tlj- .i.iy. Tlii-se Bilti-n havr bis-u ert
ll...us:in.ls. an.l a frli-nl at our eil-.w ?as lit- bus biaii. if
netiv-d frum the um of lliis rvDH-dy an eflVetnal. pi-niis-n.'nt
run. of I.ivit t'onij laiut. Vt.' arc o.Dv.ucvd that,
in llif u- of lli.-M- Itilt.-rs. thi- (.atti-nt nitsuntir w'ain.
stn-nirth au.l ,i.or a fw-t worthy of srrat ron:ikrat:"n
lb-y are lwaaiti in ra.t and iimell. and rati ke useii tv
preson witli th mo-t d.lirat vtomarh.. with
under any cirrum-tanr. M"e are ,rikii; from rlprr.
emv, and to the alin tol we advise tiirir u.e.
Scull's Wctkly. one ol the best literary pst'ert
published, said. Aug 25lh
lm H.-.fLjM."5t.inu'. l:nTt.r.s. aianef u-ton-d hj Tr
Jarksou. are now mimnirn.l. .1 by some of Uie m. M .ro
mni.nt nonilH-rn of iho F:ieultT. aa an artirlr of rourh
ettrnw-y in r. of r. ii..il.- w.-aknW. jta men rj th. tw.
' would adviw all moihiTs to obtain a bottle, and tlim
save in. nisoivi niurn nirkn-sM. IVronp of debilitate!
stitutiolis will lin.l thsr 'iilN-madvautafrnusti . rhasr
h'allh. .aa wa know fn,m eatwrienew tlm salutary i-flt
tbey have upon weak nysbnia.
Judge MM. Noah, a g. ntleman of great sciei)
lific and literary attaiuments,said in hia'-Xew Vott
Weekly Messeneer. Jan 6. 1850
Or. Il'-bnwr s 0rman Biurs.r is . nM..ni...R
hi, h the ieailiui; pn wen of the I'nion appear unaiom-c
in reeoniuii-n.iin. and the roaon ia obviou. li i- m..f.
arl-r a preseriplion furn.h.d by one of tbe most rvlrtratrd
pliyaieiana of modim timos the late Dr. Christopher
Wi.helm Hoofland. lr..f.-sM.r to the Cnivenitv of J. r.a
Private I'hysMnan to the Kinz of I'rnui. . r
pn-atet roe,lKul writer!. Urrmany haa ever prr.luerd. he
r"- ; or aiiaiow, and tneref..rr
mliriiii. of who h he waa the invontor and endorser suv
be rimrMent y ndM on. He p.i,y rw,Innlrn,w it a
Liver toruplaint. VTrornaia. Uohili,. v.i.. ....... ,.(
the Stomai h, lonntipation. and all eomplainta anoint
from a disordored condition or thr stomach, tb. Liv anJ
the Inteatines. Xine I'biladoli.hia .... ,kr
eonvh tion of ita exrellenrr. and -vral of thiir Kdif f
i"-aa oi im rneeu rrem tnerr own Indivalual eiprra w
I nder theee rirriimstaneea. we M warrantvd. nut ea V
in railing the atu ntion of our readen to the r.reM
propriebir illr. C. St. Jackson t.n.r.,io K... i. rK-
ommendingr the article to all atttk-Usi.
MoaaEviDSWCE. ThePhiladelnr.iaS.l.ir.!,r
Gazette, the best family newspaper published '
the United Stales, the editor says of Dr HfMmW
German Bitters
It ia seldom that wa renmmn.i !,- ...
ent Medicine to our readers- patrona and ronndes"
and. heref.e. whra n reeomm.nd Ih- Hooflan.1-. le
man Bittera. we wish it to be diatinctly nndentood IW
worn, not .peaking or tbe Boat rum. of the inyTSst
noiaed about for a brief priod and are tbrgotten after ttr
isZZISm,J "'-thief, bWt of a mZinl
7 k! 1 ' """"""y Plied, and whieb hat sst
-j -i i'... oi in vacuity itsalf.
Evidence on evidence baa been received (!i
the B.re,roing) from all aeetk.n. of the rnion, the last
ynn ami Ike. rtronowr Ustimong in its fwr, .. if
oJ he eUWi.b-d. aad (ail?
, Z" preparatiosi will Bret wita Or"
L? T.1"" "esented even In thi. form. IW
tZ?Zr,Lr"n Ut" CPlaint aid Iryrrs -
ellVS"0" Md " Pre'""'
and reliable beneflt, at any tiam.
Beware of counterfeits!
Tbte medicine haa attained that character wbif
II ia necessary for all la attain lo induce eoomvr
feilera to put forth a spurious article at Uie risks'
Ihe lives of those who are innocently deceived.
k Wel1 10 marht flht Genuine
They have Ihe written aignalnre of CM. Jics1"
upon the wrapper, and ibe name blown in to
bottle, without which they are spurious.
..if0' '"'holesale and retail, al the GERM.
door below Siilh, (late of 178 Race tn.) Philad
elphia, and by respectable dealer generally, its
country throughout. Iy330 -Al.
r..-t. i.. c i-1 vvn a i f r-.; v
Also by Db. TifOR.TO., ia
reitlt 4 lumwmi