UL LEWISBURG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. The house of Mr. Joseph Montgomery, in Wayne tp., Clinton county, win burned to the ground on Thursday afternoon 30th ult. It caught from a burning chimney. The greater part of the furniture was saved. Haileton, April 16'h. A young man by the name of Wiliiam Depew, of this place, was killed yesterday by being run over by the Locomotive, Robert Morris. The new Evangelical Lutheran Church in Milton will be dedicated on the first Sab bath in May. ANOTHERS,IEXTiFIC WONDER! PtrsIX . the true Digestive fluid or Cuatric Juice.' KJt Uynpejwta carer, prepared from Rennet or the fourth stomsch of the Ox. eltrr directions of Baron Lie'jig, the great I'bysioioeiral chemist, hf J S Hougnton.M 1), No 1 1 North Eighth St. Pbilsdvlphii. This ia a truly wonderful remedy for indigestion, dyspepsia, j.undire, constipation, liver complaint and debility, curing after Nature's iwa method, by Nslure's own agent, the Uastrie .Juice. See Advertisement in another column. tOo the 10th inat., by Iter. Charles Kslhfus, jrj L. Eisa, late of I.ewisburg, and Miaa .$en Low, of Williamcport. On the lOib, by Rev. Mr. Conser, Set C. rTEiTT. of Ltwilon, aud Miaa Msnr C. Vuii, of Harlleton. In Milton. I4th insL, by Re. P. Longmore, Juu K. Liiohou, of Poiut Tp, and Miaa Mist rVtiaii, of Milton. jxhs! mmmmm In Colon, St. Joseph Co., Mich., 32.1 ult. aired 64 yearn, IXsviel Hi sk el, formerly of Lewis burg, Pa. In Kelly Tp. 16th inat, Jon Stcabd, aged 79 years, 2 months and 1 7 days. In Chtlisquaqoe, 20th iust., an infant ton of James and Sarah Camel. In Lewishur. trnuninsr of 20lh inat (red 24 vesrs and 5 months, Mabv As, daughter of : Samuel and Mar Ream In Centra Tp. Vniort Co, Clh inat., Michael Swirsel, aged 76 years. 500 BUSH. POTA1 OES wanted by A pril 2 L D. 8..KKE M E It 4 CO. DR. LOCKE, Dentist may be found after the 1st of May at lna new Office on Third alreet near the (Jet man Kefarmn! church. 1 To Jour. makers VtrANTEU immediately, FIVE "Journeymen v V Shoemakers, to whom good wages and constant employment will be eivrn. S. F. L1NCALL. Lewiaburg, April S3, 1851 Administrator's Notice. T ETTERS of Adminislrstion listing been j granted to the subscriber, a resident of bite Deer tonnship, upon the estaie of M il,- I JAM NOLL, late of East liu&lo tonn.hip in t.usan county, deceased, all persons indebted to the said estate a' notified to make immediate payment to me, anJ all having claima against the said cause will present them duly authenticated for settlement is ELIAS NOLL, Adm'r. White Deer, April, 1851 CAUFOR.U SEWSI LOOK OCT, Western and Buckeye Drovers ! Beware of the trading stock of horses in Center and Union counties, for a Mifflinburg man claims the greatest number T thetn,epecia!ly the bob-tailed bays of Center ; te has ejuite lot out for feed, and if he sees any of fbem will replevy them when they come into Union county, and swear to them, if he thinks bis agent made a poor bargain and will clap the Sheriff on before giv ing you any notice. Again I say keep your eyes tinned for bob-tails. JAMES POUNDS. April 15, 1851. of Jefferson county, I'a. ATTENTION, Lewisburg Infantry! YOU are hereby commanded to meetat tbc house of J . M 'Creight, Buffalo cross-roads, on Mown the 6th of Msy next, at 10 o'clock A M, each memlier to be provided with ten rounds of blank cartridge!. By order of the Captain : JOS. A. RHOADS.O. 8. rp"The members will wear the , same uniform as before. Lewiaburg, April SI, 1851 WOODWARD & FISHER'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE - May be found in Third rt.ssjj" K three doors south of the Baptist Whurcb. where they have on eaemaammv hand a general assortment of Ladiea', Mimcs and Children's French and English Kid and Morocco BOOTS, BISKISS, and SLirPERSso Gentlemen's French Cslf BOOTS, Kip snd W ai Upper tlOOTS and MONROES, with an assort ment of BOYS' and YOUTHS' Boots and Shoes. We are also prepared to manufacture all kinds of Boots and Shoes and Ladies' of very color of the most d-rabte material in the latest fashionable slylei. and at reasonable prices, .hh . win see bv complying with our invita. feon to call and examine for yourselves charge for inspection. Lewisburg, April 52, 1851 No NEW AltltANGEMENT AND New Stock. J. SFTKER fc SOW HAVE removed their Mat and Cap establish merit to the central aud commodious room on Msrket street, lately occupied by S.F.Lyndall, two doors east of their old stsnd.wbere they have seceived and are now opening a large assortment of Fashionsble HATS am) CAPS of the newest style and best quality, fresh from the Eastern Cities ; comprising a select lot of ITTRA XOLKSKUl 11 ATS, yo. . do. de- AO- X SILK do. and a full supply of AngohuWhite Beaver. Gutta Percha, Pearl, Rough end Ready, Fur and Beaver Hals, CMidmi'i simry Bnver BaU with Ottrich Fltma, Panama, Leghorn, Braid, and Suaw Hats, inclu ding all kinds for children, Jenny Lind and Blue Military Caps, Children'a Fancy Caps, Good Silk Hats for $1,50, Cash. Also. HU of their own miaufacture contUndy on band. From the cheapness, vtriety and superior qua lily of their goods, sod the fact that their lima and aitaution are devoted exclusively to this pariiculsr branch of bo tineas, they are persuaded that pur chasers from both town and country can be better suited bera than anywhere else in the three counties, &7GiT oa a call! No charge for examining our stock jf X. B. Bonnets, Uo Paium, Leghorn, Braid smd 8trew Hals, bUaehtd and trimmed over at tho shortest notko and on the most reasonable terms lUtbar. April 23, 1851 I I Corrected this Day. Wheat &5att0 Rve 60 Cora Oats Flaxseed . . Dried Apples Buttei .... Eg? Tallow Lard Ham ...50 ....35 ...100 ,...100 ...121 8 10 7 10 Bacon 8j CHERRY PECTORAL: Far Ik Core of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROXT. OHXTXS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOFXirO-COUGH AND COSTSUIftPTIOU. The annals of medical science, affording aa tbey do ample proof of the power and value of many medical agents, have furniahed no example! to compare with the salutary effects produced by -Ayer't Cherry Pectoral'' Tbs remarkable cures or diseases of the Lungs which bare been realised by Its use, attested aa tbey are t.y many prominent professors and physicians in this and foreign lands, should encourage tue afflicted to persevere with the strong aft u ranee that the use ol the "Cherry Pectoral" will relieve and ultimately cure them. We present to the public unsolicited testimonials from some of the first men in our country, upon whose judg ment ana experience implicit con bat nee may be placed. ' d li"!l'f.0'J'b2"ci"Li.'? ! for the cure of that formidable diw&t-e, Consumption.' Norwich. Auni zo. imo. Dr. J. C. Ayer-Dcr Fir: ArveaUe to Uie requcHt of your agni, we win cne?nuiiy stale wnat we oaTe Known of the effect of your Cherry Pectoral, and they have been astonishing indeed. Mrs. Hetty BtTLfU-r had been afflicted with a severe and relentless cough, which re duced her Terr low; so low that little hope could be en tertained of her recovery. Numerous remedies had been tried without effect, before the Cherry Pectoral. And that has cured her. George Watkinson, Eq., had to our knowledge been afflicted with Asthma, fur eJrrrn ywr,, and grown yearly worse, until the Cherry Pectoral, has now remored the disease and he is as free from any symptoms as we are. Tbe Kev. Mark JJane had been so severely attacked with the Bronchitis, aa to disaMe htm from his duties, and notninc had alfordcd him rclirf until I (Mr. Thorn ing) carried him a bottle of your Pectoral, which cured him at once, and he now officiates aa uual in his place. These are three of the cases in which we hare known it successful, but never to fail. We have great lt-aure in certifying to these facts ; and are. respected sir. vour humble servants. REV. DAVID THoKMStj. HoN. JOSKPH BATTLES. Among the distinguished authorities who have given their names to recommend Cherry Pectoral, as the beat remedy that is known for the Affections of the Lutijrs, are "The London Lancvt;" "Canadian Journal of Medi cul Science," Boston M-dical and Surgical Journal, 'Charleston (S. C.) Medical Review,' " New Jersey Mrdi cal Reporter," Prof. Webster, Harvard College. Prof. Bartlett, Tran sy I Tan i a University of Medicine, PreFidcut Perkins, Vermont Medical College, Dr. Valentine Mott, New York Citv, Parker Cleaveland, Bowdoin College, Prof. Butterfield, Willoughby College, Ohio, Prof. Brailh waite, Lctiris, (Eng.) Medical bV-dooI, 8;r Richard Kane, Qu-en's College, Ireland, Prof. Rosenbaum, Leiraie. The pubik have but to know the virtues inf tonih rng succem of the " Cherry PwV.ral," jn curi supLveasce of the Lungs, when they will feel secure nitug these dance rs, whenever this remedy may be obtained. Prepared by J-C. Aver Chemist LoiceIl,Ms. For sale by C W SCHAFFLE. LeiburR: J H Caslow, Milton ; Issac Get heart, Selir.fgrove; and ly liruggute generally 3m358 Lewisburg P. O. April 16. t7The Eastern Mail will doss hereafter at 5 o'clock, P. Mn precisely. No letters will be mailed after that hour. A. KENNEDY, P. M. NOVELTY JRON WORKS. IMilS establishment has just commenced operation, and it prepared to manufac ture Steam Engines and Boilers, Bjowing Cylinders and Hot Blast Pipes. Retorts, Lamp Potts, Gas and Water Pipes, Car Wheels snd Axles, Rolling Mill castings. Grist and Saw Mill castings. Horse Power Threshing Machine and Plow castings. Cast Iron Fronis for Houses, cast Coupling and Railing Patterns, and Smithwork made to order. J. R. JOXES. Herrietarg, Pa. April 9,1851 3m Attention, Cameron Guards! YOU are hereby commanded to meet at the house of A J.Wei densaul, in the Boro' of Lewisburg, on SiTcasav, May 3, 1851, at 10 o'clock, A. M, equipped, and scou trements in good order. At which time snd place, the An nusl Election for Non-commissioned Officers will be held. By order of the Captain : G. Y. M LAL'GHLIN, 0. 8. Dry Lumber. THE subscriber continues to keep a good stock or Lumber on hand, consisting of the followinp, vie. 100,000 feet of Board, comprising Pine, Pop lar, Linn and Weatherboards, tbe greater part of which have been drying two years ; 50,000 feet of Joist and 8csntling ; Roofing and Ceiling, Lath and Sawed Rails ; 2,500 feet of square Pine Timber. Joint and Lap Shingles, ALSO Mackerel, No's I and S, in half barrels j Sslt by the barrel and sack ; Mails and Spikes, Tar and Pitch All of which he will sell at fsir prices for Cash or Country produce. THOMAS NESBIT. Lewisburg, April U, 1851 Sm MUSIC! MB. FRANCIS J. GESSNEK would res. pectfully inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Lewisburg and vicinity, that he has Isken rooms in the dwelling-hoose of Mrs. Ludwig, on Market street (entrance at the Market 8t. doors,) wbere be is prepared to give Instmctions on the PIANO. S GUITAR, and also to give instructions in acquiring the German Language. Mr. Gesshcb is lately from Bellefonte, where he has been engaged for nearly two yeara in teaching the above branches, and has given entire satisfaction to patrons and pupils. Lewisburg, April It, 1851 Bridge Letting. SEALED Proposals will be received by ihe Burgess and Town Council of tbe Borough of Lewisburg, at the office of the Clerk, until Movdav tbe 6th day of Mat next, for ths building of a new Stone Bridge, on St. George street, at the south-west corner of tbe Borough of Lerwisbrug. Plans snd Specifications to be exhibited by the Clerk ten days previous to Ihs Letting. A. H. BLAIR. Bargees. Jesjir Hovasror, Clerk. LswisbVf, April It, 1881 GREAT COUGH REMEDY! ! t km afKnA 8Tvr a-sx f X P Buns : , ., lvsa V (i-x.ik.-rf. 8 VJ SSa&ryLS'S WHOLESALE and RETAIL WH0L DRUG I Fancy Goods, Notion & Variety Store. THE UliJt r.ignrj nntild irjertiully announce lo lna frietnU ill Lewi.burg and the public generally, that lie has jurt received snd ia atlll receivtiig a large, fresh and well selected stock of 1'nrc IlrugM, lflt?1lclni9 &.c. j wb.cn will be dtfi-owd of bv Wlmlccale orKv-tail. Mv ' st.ck bfing new, purcliaed ytid Uct-d by myself in the Phiituieiphui and .New lork markeU, at low rates for csh, Uicrrfore my lrietiur m:y relj un getting eTi-ryUunx tn line pure and at mm-li )fer rates than everollered Northern Pennsylvania -and consivt in part of Drug$t Chemical, Points, Yarnithc, Class, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medieines, Perfum ery, Fancy arid TCotion Goods, Fruits and Confectitmery, also the first quality of LIQUORS expressly for Mdici nal. aeramutal sid Meehuuical piirpoes. sj. All ortlent entrusted to me wilt b? promptly attended to, and my friends may rely upon all articles purchased from ms t give entire satisfaction, or returnable at my expense. Haing len in the bus-net upwards of twelve years, I thereby Hatter myself of having a practical know ledife of the same. Lewisburg, April Id, 1861. C. W. SCHAFFLE. THE Co-Partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Rtata St looiaea, is Ibis day mutually dissolved. The Books have been left at the Store for collection. THOM AS KEUER, LEWIS IDD1NGS. djThe 6rm of Reber Sc IdJinga having been dissolveil as above stated, the business be continued st the Old Stsnd, by the subscribers, under the tide of Ueddet if Iddings, where they will be happy to see the friends and customers of the old linn. Their store contains a large, well selected and fashionable assortment of gooda,which will be dispoaed of at low rates as possible. They hope, by close attention lo business lo share the patronage of the public SAMUEL CEDUES, LEWIS 1DDINGS. Lewisburg, March 4, 1951 FRESH SUPPLY or SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, GEDDES A. IDDINGS have just ree'd and are now selling at unprecedented LOW rixlt.!, an extensive aud general assortment ol DRY GOODS, QUEENS WARE, IIARD- arc, rresn tirocenes, tcdanrare, and every other description of goods usually kept in country stores. Their customers and the public generally are solicited to call and price their un rivaled cheap stock of goods before making their purchases, aa we are determined to sell at LOW ER PRICES than the aame style and gualitv of goods are sold at any other store in this county. CsT We invite especial attention to our large stock of Clotba and Cassimeres Ladies' Dress Goods, etc. dee. All kinds of Coc!tt Prodccc wanted, for which the highest market price will be given. PLASTER, SALT and FISH always on hand at tbe lowest prices. April 15. 1851. GEDDES & IDDINGS. Appeals. THE Commisiioners of Union county will meet st their ofiice in the borough of New Berlin, for the purpose of buttling Appeal on Ihe Assessments af 1S5 1, a folio. s : April 28 Kor White Deer. East Buffalo, Buf falo, Lewisburg snd Millliiihurg. April 29 For West Bull'alo, Hartley, Beaver, West Beaver, Center and New Berlin April 30 For Middletreck, Penne, Chapman, Washington, Perry, Union and I.imcetone. At which times and place those persona who consider themselves aggrieved, mnv attend Irom tbeir respective districts, if thev think proper. JAMES BAKUiN, JOHN WILT. SCommVers. GEO.IIEIMBACH, J CommiVrs Office, New Berlin, April 10, 1951 rpo the Hon. A. 8. Wilon, Ere,., President, and his Associates. Judges of the t'ourl of Quarter Sessions of Ihr; Teane for tin countv of l'aion,tno petition of itiJenn Jln-hl renncctfully r.hna.th: That jour pe'i'inner hSA latrlj imnms tire ownrr, and now occupina, that commodious snuge, aitnarKl ia East ltilflaloe townthip. on tho turnptlre r"ai leading from Iwinburf; to Mitflinlmrir. which ht wll ralrulated, and has for a number of years been ormpinl. as a public house of entertainment, snd from its neighborhood and situation is suitable as well as neceeaary for the ireumno dation of the public and the enrertainnv-nt of stranjrsrs and travelers; that ho is well provided with stabling for horses, and an conveniences neeeasary for ths entertain ment of strangers and travelers : be therefore respectfully prays tbe Court to srant him a license to keep an inn or public house of e&tertaininent there; and your petitioner will pray, ic OlUtsO.N UEilL. Kait Buffalo, April, 18.11. We the underriirned, dtiiens of East BufTalos townnhlp aforraid, being personally acquainted with Gideon Biebi, the above named petitioner, and also baring a knowledge of tbe house for which the license is prayed for, do hereby certify that such bonse is necessary to accommodate ths public and entertain strangers or travelers; that bs is a person of good repute for honesty and temperance; and that he is well provided with house room and conreniences for the lodging and accommodation of strangers and trav elers : we therefor beg leave to recommend him for a license agreeable to his petition. John schrack Peter Wolf David Ream David Smith John C. Snook S. L. Xhoemaker 8amuel Sellers Benjamin cVhrsck Geo. Waller Leonard Wolf Jacob Noll John 8. Schrack TO the Honorable Court of General Quarter Sessions, in and for the county of Union, at Msy Term for 1S5I, tbe peUtinu of Win. L. Hitter of White Deer township In said county respectfully ahoweth That yottr petitioner is delrous of keeping a fmblie house in the house kept by Wm. L. RitU'r last year, and where be formerly kept a public house tbr a number of years, snd is provided wttli every necessary convenience so to do ; be therefore prays the Court to grant hhn license to keep a tavern or a public house of entertainment tor the areommodaUoo of travelers and strangers, and such a tavern is ncocseanlj wanted; and he will prav e. WM. L.' HITTER. Te the subscribers, ritltens of White Deer township, do certify that tbe above applicant is of good repute to hon esty snd temperance, and b well provided with house room snd conveniences tor the lodging and secommodation of travelers snd strangers, and such a tavern is necessarily wanted. Witness our hands this 1st dssof April. Solomon Englemaa Joel Ranch Kok.y M'Curley Wm. P. Dalesman D. Ram-ev Jacob isypber Samuel (loodlander Francis Walker Jacob Leiser, Jr. Paul Ooodlander Israel Guyer Ahem Angeny TO the Hon. Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Union county, now composing and holding the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for said county, the petition of Thomas Green of tbe town ship of Kelly in the said county respectfully shnweth That he occupies a bouse m the said township which has heretofore been used snd occupied ss a public house of entertainment, and is desirous of continuing lo keep a public boose therein ; be therefore prays your honors to gnat him a license to keep a public bouse at the place aforesaid for the ensuing year ; snd he will ever pray. THOMAS GKKK!. The subscribers, dtisrns of the township of Kelly in the county of Union, recommend tbe above petitioner, and certify that the inn or tavern above mentioned is necessary to accommodate tbe public and entertain strangers er tra velers, snd that the petitioner shove earned is of pwt repute for honesty snd temperance, and is well pmnded with house room snd eonvenienees for ths lodging and acmrnmodation of strangers and travelers. John Huntington Andrew Heck el J. Dalesman Thomas Romig George Metisel Jacob Hummel jtojes Kling Wm- P. Dougal John Hnmmd Isaac MUlsr John Grove Jacob Hafr-r M ACKEREL a lot of No's 1, 1 snd 8. jut rscd and lor sals by J. HATES at W. s ALT and COAL always on hand snd for sis by J. HATES CO. i f-iMn. s NOTICE. The Chlllsqiiaqae Dill Wagon WILL rua to Lewisburg regularly for Grists.ajid return tame on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays or each wees, and the subscriber hopes by furnishing good Flour to receive a portion of the cus tom. He will always have on band a stock of good Wheat with which to supply his customers. JOHN H. VINCENT. Chilisqtiaque, April 3, 1851. Take Notice, rpiIAT most of the Note, and the Book I X Account of ihr? subscriber have been I i-r. r...... a it...,, i r i. .otu. ; ICIl Willi tftSllt. !! UiriUli! f w.ii'- men. All ierson, inieresled will call and spine titort me m of June, ana irwreuy save costs. J. FORSTCIt. April 3, 1951. FOR SALE, t," rpilE Steedmin lloUs'li and LOT on 1" I -L Market street, in Le Miurg. Pa. i Apply to JAMKS F.LINN. March '25. 1851 4 Old Newspapers, SOME thousands in oumlwr, of all sixss, for sale at the Chronicle office, at 60 cts par 100 taken as they run. or $1 vthen assorted. A chance for Scrap Hooks as well as for wrapping paper. April 8, 1850 Borough Ordinances AT a meeting of the Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Lewisburg, elected March 21, 1831, agreeably to the provisions of a Supplement to the Act in corporating said Borough, passed A.D. 1 85 1 , held the 28th day of March, 1851, the fol lowing Kesolulions were parsed, lo wit : 1st. That the Clerk is hereby authori zea to procure as sooq a practicable a suitabld sett of Books for keeping the a& counts and a record ot the proceedings of the I own Council of the Borough. 2d. That all owners and holders ot lots on Market street, between Wnter street and F ifth street, are hereby required to pave the sidewalks in front of tnt-ir lota, (the width heretofore fixed by the bye-laws ol the Borough,) and to properly grade the pavements with the street, as the Council may direct. 3d- That all owners and holders nf lots on Third street, between St. Lewis ant! St. Marys streets, are hereby rt uired to pave the sidewalks in Iront ol their lots, properly graded, also the width heretofore filed by bye-laws of the Borough, (twelve feet,) and to have the same completed n or before the first day of October next. At a meeting ol the Couocil, March 31, 1851 On motion.it was resolved that the Coun cil visit tbe several streets.alleys and places where work is necessary to be done, and bridges built or repaired, during the present ytur after which it was Resolved, 1st. xTo remove the Millrace on Fifth street, where it obstructs the atreet near L. Sterner tan-yard, to such distance on the west side of said street as will leave the width of the street (fifty feet) unobstructed by the said millrace, and to make a new j and substantial culvert or trunk across! Fifth street, nearly opposite to I.. Sterner's. tan-yard, leading under the bottom of the ( millrace, sufficiently large to carry off the j wti'er which collects on the low ground on the east side of Fifth street, also to open the gutters on Fifth street above the Chris tian Church. 2d. Resolved to build a new stone Bridge with one arch across the run at the south west corner of the Borough, on St. eorge street, to be let out by contract to the low est and best bidder ; said biidge to be con structed of good and substantial materials, to be built at least two feet higher than the present btidge, and twenty feet wide in the clear. The Clerk is herebv authorised to advertise the Letting of the said Bridge in the Lewisburg Chronicle, and to receive j sealed proposals for building the same,nntil j the first Monday in May next, according to : plans and specifications lo be exhibited by him ten days previous to the letting. 3d. Resolved to build a new plank Bridge across the Millrace near the corner of Fifth and St. Marys street, and also a new plank Bridge across tbe Millrace where il crosses Fourth street near the corner of Fourth and St. Marys streets ; the plank used lor building both the said bridges to be of good sound oak timber, and at least three inches thick. 4th. Resolved to finish opening and gra ding the road lately located thro grounds belonging lo the University at Lewisburg, below Brown's mill, leading south, as far as the said road is within the limits of the Borough. fiih. Resolved that the owner of the lot on the corner of Market and Fifth streets, north-west side, be and is hereby required to pave, or make a board walk, from the corner of Fifth and Market streets to the Millrace.to intersect the board walk already made from the Millrace across the run to L. B. Christ's Warehouse. 6th. Resolved that the owner of Lot No. 1. on the south-west corner of Market and Third streets, be and he is hereby required lo remove the fence in front of his lnt,wbich fence encloses about five feet by sixty-six feet of ground belonging to the public street, according to the incorporated Plan of the Borough ; that the said fence must be rem oved lo a line to range with the brick house on the south-east corner of Market and Third streets. 7ih. Resolved that the Hill on St. An thony street, between Second street and the Bridge across the mouth of Buffalo creek, shall be cut down and graded toward the said bridge, in such a manner as will make the said street a regular grade from the Bridge to Second street. 8th. Resolved that the Fire Engine l longing to the Borougb.be loaned to the Fire .knur In Wm nreFsinlwoJ i7.v i thai;w nam In hf stent in ffOod Order bv the said Company, and subject to the control of the Town Council, to be returned lo be aairl Council at any time they mar a a Jaw.nr.rl l he. earn. 1 riupwt ui j 9th. Resolved that the Clerk be and is i herebv authorized to borrow the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, for the term of one 1 year, for the use of the Borough, for the purpOM refeeming the balance yet afJ!j10j, 0f ,ne "Borough Scrip" or i I out- io or the "uorougn scrip or smaii era. an a. II notes issued by the Town Council in May, A. D. 1843. Ordered that the foregoing Ordinances be published in the Lewisburg Chronicle. A. II. BLAIR, Burgess. Attest : John Houghton. Clerk. THE SUMMER SESSION V TB LEWISBURG ACADEMY, I - -y yy ILL commence on MONDAY, tbe Stb ol MAY next. In this Institution, all the branches of a thorough Academic course will be tsught. Tbe Primary Department will receive due attention ; and exercises in Composition and Declamation will be required of tbe larger mem bers of lbs school. Tbe discipline of the Insti tution, aa heretofore, will be directed mainly lo the formation of ajstemalie habits of study, as tbe best and only permanent means of securing order and progress among lbs pupils. The sub. scriber feels gratified at the liberal support which baa thua far been siven him by an intelligent public, and be believes that the best return be j can make it. is to seek to lesd tbe youth, placed 1 under his csre, to the acquisition of sound, unos tentatious learning. The average number in attendance during tbe last year was 45, being a considerable increase over any previous yesr. A short Vacation will ! be siven near tbe middle of the Tsnaia, per Session of 30 weeks: For Common i En,,i,h 6-Highw Ea,$ I'lsiZglZZ' J.NO. RANDOLPH. April S. 1951 Principal MOVED. THE Lewisburg Cheap Store has been removed to the more convenient Store room, recently occupied by J.Forster, first below Kline's Hotel, where we ahal! be happy to see our old patrons, and any number of new ones. April 2, 1850 C. E. BOWES. SUMMER FASHIONS FOR 1851! ATEW York and Phil Vi delphia PLATES, have just been received by the subscriber. Persons ishinji to have their work done according to those styles, will do well to give him a call. (CT"Country Produce taken in pay for work, at Market prices. shop on IN Third St. JOHN B. MILLER. Lewisburg, April 1 FRUIT TREES. T)ERSONS desirous of obtaining choice JT Fruit Trees such as varieties of the Peach, Pear, Plum, Cherry, and Apple will do well bv calline at the Lewisbure Nursery next week, as the subscriber is receiving upwards of 1500, of larire sizes and choice varieties. April 1, 1851 II. R. NOLL. FIRST ARRIVAL of HEW GOODS! The Old Motto tutumed and will be itrictly adhered to "Small Profits and Quick Sales." rpHE subscribers have received a general X assortment of Dry Goods.Groccries, HARDWARE, QUEEXSWARE, &c, which were selected with great care, and will be sold at a small advance. Our friends and the public are invited to call and judge for themselves. SCPAII kinds of Country Produce taken to exchange for Goods. D. S. KREMER & CO. Lewisburg, April 1, 1851. Nails, Plaster, Salt and Fish. A LARGE assortment just ree'd and for sale by D 8 KREMER dr. CO. New Spring Goods ! AT the Old Stand of !. Hares & Co. is to be found one ot (ho beat assort- ments of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Queens rare, Hardware, etc. that is to be scared up in all the region round about. "Seeing is believing," says ihe old proverb,and if you have any doubts call and examine for yourselves. VVe want to retain all our old friends, and gain as many new ones aa possible. We shall try to "dew if by selling Goods, cheap. J. HAYES & CO. Lewisburg, April t Bonnets. AN eteellenl assortment or Avon, Florence Braid, China Pearl and Tulip Bonnets, inat opened and for ears by Aprils I. RTER tt CO. l-V-weLT) TEAS! THE Canton Tea Company of New York the oldest and largest establishment of the kind in tho 17. 8. invite universal attention to Ihe fact that, from their superior arrangements. I thrr are rreeared wi sell Teas porer and more frarrsnt r the respective prices, than ear hoomonthmeotrtincnt Ths Tees ensanine awevr mod aest I lutlBB and inalrrr; .TZVS TJiVX Zi .T-lrTmsesi ut m any sites. Ihs shove leas, trees eft to les Per ran4, fcr J. BrnTma m CO. u h. -r ' ttMburi Court Proclamation. 1T7RKASih. n iBiiiHiM g. WllJ08t.fi sat ilint " Jud of Ui.Cjrt of Coaaavwi Plsas foe thTl tta Judicial Dusctasttsof ussaoutkaofCssoBsaa MiSIlm, sad Jama Wrrrsasjiaa saa JaKSS niseis!, Tsars. tt" Jadsss la CnioB coantv, bars iasusd tbsir sts- mmm hMrln. flats til Hfcth daw of V.Su ls&l. SAJ S BSt dinewd, fcr ths holauaa; of aa Orplna' Court, Coart of Cosusoa Fteas, Oyvr Tarsuasr, ana usswrai urw S e.ioaa, at Nss- BstUb, lbs lbs eoaaty of Uatoa, ob ihs ,'d atondaj of MAY asai, (baisaj las Ink, SajJ Issl, sad to codUbus two wseks KUT1CS Is tbsnfora brrsby gtvssi to ths Coroner, Jos tiess of Ihs fasts, and CoaatsMss la and lor ths sntyor Union, lo spnaar in Ihstr own proper parsons wilh Ibslr rolls, rssorda, inquiarUona, aiaaatnationa. snd otnsr rass- OBabranttes. to do thoss things wsks or tnra- omos m Him, k.h.lf .rnwrt. to as ilfsia : sad all other persona proascating Uw Conuaonwssith against snj parsons, an raqnirad la as ibssi and thsrs atirndias, and not depart wnhoat tram, at Ibsir psril. Jastion arc rsqulrtd to bs ponctanl In Ihsw sllanJasrs at ths sppolntsd tinw aumslili to notice. Given under mv band and sssl at ths snsrurs OBVn In New Berlin this tttbot March In lbs year of our lord one thousand rurbt hundred and aftv-oas. and SB lbs aavssitv- fth year of ths Indenmdrnoa of ths United states of nnianca. UUU save ins UHnawnwaaiui i ARCHIBALD TUOM An, Sbsritt. Grand Jurors Hay Term 1851. East Buffalo Abraham Wolfe Perry John G Gravhart New Berlin Henry Solomon West Buffalo Char Us Haasenpluar Hartley Elias Katherman, Frederick Wernaao, Daniel Hotter West Beaver Henry Banch Penna Sam'l Pawling, Philip Gembtrliuf , Jr Centre John 8 Kern Chapraan Frederick Brill, Was Kelly, John Hogoaasur, relet Mains Buffalo Geo Harsh. Michael Dunkoljas Mages White Deer John Kancfc Lewiaburg R M Mnsser, Jss Kelly, 8r Union Geo Webr, Michael Benfer Mifflinburg Berrybill Bell TRAVERSE JURY. Penna Wm Colsher, Elijah CoUron.D Weodl, Frederick Gandrum, Jae Ou, Benj Hummel, Abraham isaer, Samuel Werheiaa Limestone Wm Forster, Peter Wear, Ephrsim Klose, John B Smith, John Mitchell East Buffalo Jos Walker, 8 Noll, Mich Brown Beaver John Troxet, Henry Smith, Wm Salts man, Aaron Specbt Washington Jac J Moore, Dsn! Gerraan.Adam German, John F 8chnee, Daniel 8 Boyer While Deer John 8t Clair, Robert Candor Perry Emanuel Lohr, Peter Troop Buffalo Wm Baker, Andr Hauck Centre D J Bogar, Marcus Tea Union I Eyer, John Van Buskirk, P Millboo.ee Hartley Sam'l Kleckner, Wm Huntingdon LewUburg Charles Penny Kelly Wm T Linn, A Royer, Pbil Osmbsrling West BuHalo E Kaup, D Fisher, Z Breymaa New Berlin Henry Aarsod West Beaver Jacob Smith Mifflinburg Charles Anlee. PETIT JURY. White Deer H Die tender fcr, Wm Datesaaa Hartley Wm Frederick, I Kin man, Henry Mil lev jr, jusisn v,sri, ueo Kuni Lewisburg A M Lavishe, J Jonee Mifflinburg Jac Oberdorf, Geo Gutelius East Buffalo Geo Reed Middlecreeb Samuel Yoder Centre John Swengle, Peter Reisb, Jae Anrand Union Henry 8 Cochran, J Finn, Noah Wal ter, Martin Dunkel Penns Simon Christine, 8 Kreisber, Jae Mill bofe, Isaac Woodliof. Peter Bolig Bttflalo Jsc Vaneida, Jas D Chamberlain, Wm Brown Perry Henry 8 Hoots, John Fisher, Joseph urayDiu, refer Acker New Berlin Joe Kleckner, Jac Hotlaehtr Limestone John Slaw TRIAL LIST May T. 1851 Hsnrr II Irk vs Aaron C. ULrh Whiu a Manias vs asanas! Lone U. Anthonv at al vs deoria toadarfck Charles A snjosr vs John Wilt James Dsusv va Abbot Green Jamas Williamson. va John M'Kslvy Levi H Christ vs aamavi tisddes Uenrv Boruahars va Henrv loatSNHDser O- Banner for Saml frank vs Seere Aassaa Commonwealth for RoU Mares vs 11 B Bojsr siai John snydcr'a Kx'r vs Mosss fisher John U. Weber vs Was. Oachraa Juha Buhl tur Christ and tirahass a Jasad Trvla, Jacob Kloss vs Uedda A Marsh J. K. iiavas vs Hitler and Kline with notice toO. Goaslram l-latt Knox Ac for Wm Col Una vs J. Irwin Mary Bingaman vs Klias ears W. jr. Wajreaseiler sure, partner Ac. vs Beeben Keller Peter German and wiie va Thomas Thurbr Jacob WatxnseUcr'a Kx'ra va Jacob Hansrr Jr eo do va JDGandY.Adm.or Enter A Stitier va Amos stroh Henrv B Muster va John Muaser Jacob Roush vs George Nerboot Joseph R Lou vs Joel Khrsaan, ae John McKinty vs Peter Keviue Brown A Uoudslo vs Hay A atlosss rams vs Krunea Keller Sams vs Nsr Middleswarta Same vs Daniel a loss asms vs Nsr Mrtllrswarlh m. wa same Same vs MkMleswarta. Kerns, Da Robert Chambers vs John B Smith Trusters Oer Hef Ch, Lewisbarg vs TrnstLath Ch LewlsbnTf Basslsr rrv, Ac. vs Kodemrasal acoioswessr Thouas Penny vs A Graham's ea'rs t-lias rees vs Martin vmenarn Weaver and Wraver vs P Pettrt'a adm'r May and Klose tbr Middleswarta va H W Snyder Jacob farley vs John L fisher Jacob f'elmiy rt al rs John Moasar st si Christ A Mer'addin va William High Pankrl S heckler's Adm'r vs George Walter John Buhl va William Moll William U Hsrrold vs Peter Gsrsaaa Kay G Ins for Klapp A Bra vs Juha Plank Hate A furry vs A W kremer J A J Walts vs Thomas Cummins John Hartaun, Jr va Henry fisher. same vs Samuel rawer P Knox for Graham A Christ vs t lrvln Martin A Stock vs Hsss A Hsas name vs same Acker for Menges vs Herrotd A aVVrler Barnhart for Caw fey vs Ywancman A CO J. Hauswarth's ex'r Aa. vs John Moats 8 S Backhouse's Adsa'r vs Hsss A Uses A J Walls vs same Kaney Rohb for M Lawshe vs P Nevioa Valentine Hare va J llallman, Jr D B f uhrr va Borough of New Berlin Wm B Norris Ae vs Thomas Bower Geo Keener vs J Dinner's Committee 'ommonwerttb vs J Anrand A H Orwlg rills ac vs jonn iiarrman, Jr 8 Jennison vs Nliiabeth Leicht William Tale vs Robert H Kerr Baltimore Printing Ink Manufactory. THE Mbscriber, agent ibr the vale ot this Ink, would invite the attention of printers and publishers of ewspapere ia tho Sooth to tho tact that they can new parchaas ia Baltimore a euptv rior Ink to any m an u factored in the State. The Baltimore Book and Newspaper Printers prefer it to any other Ink. Colored iok. card ink, book ink and News ink of saperiot anaKty and at ihe lowest prices, Tho aacWrsi fired warrants the ink made at the Baltimore works to be or the very best quality, and efcoofa any snide shipped by hint fail lo give full saiuf actios) it can be retar ned at his expense. W M. THOMSON, 9368 No. 8' Carroll Hall, Baltimore. "Through by Daytightl" To the FabUt-eNa Haaabas; BARTON. GEDDE8 MARSH, naving received a fresh ammgnrnsmt of Dr. J. S. ROSE'S Family Hodtclnt), can offer them to the eoananity with greet con fiilenee, having tested their eflleaey and known virtues m several Inslsarai At tnss rneieraent ssasoa or tbe rear, when persons are swtsset w (hweas, fWdt, and MlfnmwteSsre isctawM, they will Snd these IMklnes aiiapted to tboes maladies, as vsry riretaal la the rewKreet of t he cease produrtns them, and the resaoretkwi of wonted health. If there are any remains of rrr sad Jg to be rand, they wUl soon by a proper am snrlnce a iwrnral rare, and renovate tbe system. rYepared by J, S. KOoX, MB, Member of the Medical faculty, Phtlsd. lewisbur., Dee. B ABTON, GlDDES MAJtBB. A8TRAY UMBRELLA has been "seised for rent,' and left at the Chronrels effien. Tho owner can have it by proving property and paying the Printer. (Sw) Hoie-ilMe If aU Bads. ONE Ton of Centra county Horse-Shoe Neil Rods of the beat coalite, just teeaived sad for sale by J. HAYES at CO. DEEDS e.f s euporier hem. tot sale the Chronicle office, fl ett ti. . f dss. TURIE Teas el Dvaeaaae MAILS au dPIKES Just rscd amJ far sole by J HAYES es CO. - To Carpenter amd BnUMavs. IINEST quaiily cast atari Panel Saws, foes. ' pass and Back Maws, dUs aa) singia Plan UitU, Tamer'd Cbissn. Aegsrs and Aogsr Unu. upright Rua Locks, porcelain Knob Lncks. ssrf. enisi's Jtira Lacks,Tbamb Lstcbss. .btities kVuttn, Hinges, and trcrews, nod sverytbiag that k of nwssquenc in tbe building fine, can bs baa at tneold stand of 4- HATES CO. PROSPECTUS FARMER & MECHANIC. rrHK uwdecsienesl lamed theswtrlmSlriaser a sawu-moatuly ireieel, called tan "lianas ass HwatM. " .fcOTUaJ tm t ' " SS iBSt S aim ST. BS ehanie nasi U borer, eontainmsl Uistssse em 7utf Hortieulture, Pomoeosy, Bulaay, MschasoeeJ Arte anet Be ir seas: tofetber wish Utasnry and Csnsral a The iusruuns Uiterest ibal is man in still in faToeeflaw. nreveasenis In A eric altars, by the eomnvanaty In faawrai. as wsU as by the Heads of Uvsartassala, il.mtnd thstFw Uesboasaeiotsd lo Af ricnltww sesestaiwsd. and asdeeiea if rlshUy twndneud wUl asset with lasal salrew.se; and ia order to insure swraeas, the se.rwoes kaee dstw mlned to svsrs aeither time or extra enVm aseaelnetj uarioeiceJ ssptabte le ail : sadrhoaM they sueeeed, asm thereby bs tbe humble Ustra meats of advanems tae iav teresu of A eric altars, er contribute ts the . ens-yavsnts rural lifc, tbe olxt of their ambrtiow will have U faUj aeeompUabed, and sheer snort stimulated ts reaeeaa ee The f ashss am stscnsvicwni be ewWenWd en the Srs and third ssstnrdny of each asontn, (o ith af June next,; at heerslara Pa, as auartw fern, an, Bun pacer and new tvpe. aflbrding st tbs snd of Ike yeae a volume of near Atefiul'sl Ut'MBJU PAwaVs, with am lansx to the whole. tlUUIS--gl uu in adranss, and glJo h ant aeidhiesV vaaee. Aoy person ssullnt as fis IMlars shall be nash Usd lo ( eofuse ; Alo, U coptes ; sad la. eootee. .I1N B,COKNBJCS. KkANClS M. tUnACaa, PuUlshers and Proaewawse, WfaJulm iliUsaa resalved sa lac " Cnrotusle- AarU a. tail. PUBLIC SALE. WILL be offered at Public Sale, on the premises, in the Borouv h of Lewia burg, on aatarday. 36U. April Mat, those 7233 imam mh&9 ttrmprislne; One Sqaara of IstnsL lying between Water and First, and 8t Mary's and St. Anthony's street el unimproved. (C7Sold by Lola to suit purchasers. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. when conditions will be made known. THOMAS HATES, for Mrs. M. Scn.tR, Harriabiirg. Lewisburg. March 19. 1851. BOOKSELLERS, Country Merchants, and Teachri. WE reepeclfolly solicit tbe attentMNt of alt dee I era in School. Miseellaneooe or Bleak BOOKS. STATIONERY. FAPER or Wiodew SHADES, to oor soperior (acililieo for enpplyiag at unusually low rales, fcc cash or approved cradil, every article pertaining to our basineea. A long and active eiperietice, warraole ae la saying that ws can oner imlace ments to perches are sa.cstt.iB at raw aieaiian av saa. We sarnestly ask an examinatioa af oar mode of eondncting boaineea, believing if aa asperiaaaai is made, it will be sound lor the inlareat of lhass desiring goods in our lino, to cool in as operating wilh aa. Our stock is at all eeseeni largo, asxl selectsd with particular ressrsnce to tho wants of Pennsylvania, Ohio and the Dear trade generally. Ordert by anil or otherwise despatched peompUy and at lbs lowest rates known in any avarkst- ffjToa bigbeet pnre riven for RAGS aa PECK A. BaUaUM, Notth-Bast corner of Thud and Arch Sta, Psiaaa. Look Here! AS fmrieut BRANDRETH PILLS era sold by many Druggists in ehy a ad sou n try, it would be well if persona ia inqeinng lor tneoi would make them produce their Ctrtijl- cote or Aoaacv. Ae there is but one Agent appointed for each city or Iowa, (no diflsreaeo bow large the place.) and all Agents ran prod use their Certificate, any persons wanting tho geaa iue Pills had better purchase where they ana depend on getting the genuine article. J. HATES dr. CO. Solo Agents for Lewisbarg. LEVISCU.TGJJAllEnY. THE subscriber having commenced tho baking bouaewa ia Lewisburg. nearly opposite H . P. Saellet's store, iniende keepioa coavMaadv oa hand the beat of FANCY CAKES, together with a good supply of Common Cakes, and BREAD which for wbitenoee end quality will bo rarpeased by no baker ia tbe country, ae we have the services of a practical workman. In connection with our Bakery, we have aa where he will serve up at abort notice OYSTERS ia any style that amy bo deaired. QOyelaro received fresh every mornias;. FARMEHS and persons frost the country will find the Baker a convenient and pleasant resort for tbe parpaaa of obtaining re (rsfa merits, such ae Broad, Cakes, firs. Uy sieve. Hot CoOe. etc eke Also, FLOUR for sate. A. E. DENORMANDIE, AgU Lewiaburg, Dec 1850 MILITARY BOUNTY LAND. a THE undersiirned is provided with all the nectsisary forms and papers, and wilt take charge, on the most reasonable terms. of any claims for BOUNTY LAND. EXTRA PAY or PENSIONS that msy bo placed la bio hands. A II applications, after being duly ov spared hero will be forwarded to Caaaifta DaSaiaia Em, aa efficient sad rramrssiMa Pwamtm Agent at Washington city, who will nreseot tkraa la person (wilhoot extra charge) to tho proper Do panment so arnnreraeDt ensnrinc arrarsev and despatch. II C HICKOK lewiaburg, Jan , 1851 Sat Adinlavistratn'i Botlcs. WHEREAS, Letters of Administration onthe estate of ISAACG.LAWSHB late of the Boro' of Lewiaburg, Union Cm. deceased, have been granted to the abhocts. ber, resident in said Borough, bv the Eeg- ister of said county, tlksrsmre all peraoaa indebted) to ths said esuts, or to ths lata Firm of Weisa At Lawsaa, are issarstai to make immsdiaia pay meal ; and those basing rlainmt afaiawt tb saae, are required to present them duly sinew treated far settlement without nwa.- G F MILLER. Admiaietraior Lewtabtirg. Feb 3, 1811 "w MACKEREL, SHAD,CODFISnCowUntljonksndarl SALMON, for sale hi HERRINGS, PORK, HAMS, SIDES, SHOULDERS, J. PALMER i CO. Market Street Wharf, rhilaAfphia. LARD, CHEESHJ Zmm B INNS' JUSTICE, new sdlliejo, saa ko haw at LyadaD'e Bookatnttv ia thio phca. LesMsbuit, Afeil !