Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, April 09, 1851, Image 3

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Ertofsftiirir JHarttrt,
u;..?Z?. h,!FMMER & MECHANIC,
Rv 50 i
fVrn 45
UatS. .
pi i .ret ..... ... 100
riaxsccu "
Drapd AonleS ... ...............H'O
n la!
EggS .
... 8
.. 10
. 8
Lard ..
IirORT.T to those hiving impurities
TRAC'i". the most wonderful I'uiilier in the
world, is now iut up in Qi-kt Bottle". Tj ee
ad'e'M-emruu l.eirj -01 IjO.-dSS." lt is go
at org mad purifying, that oi.e buttle lasts from
ten tixlten days Ion: er ibvii Sareaoatilla. Dr
Thornton, agent, Lei.turrj. i2tn323
ri. tie true Vigc.ith-e Fluid ur Castiic Juice!
A groat Itynpeiwia currr,pr iviei! from Kemict
v the fiwrlh stomach of ihe lx. alter directions :
of Baron Lrebig, the ! Phvamlngiral chemist.
J S Hcwg.Uon.M I), 0 1 i Notih Emliia Su
I'liilaiMphia. Thin is a truly woi iLifui remedy
f.r irdicelion, tlvrprp-ja jiui tlirr, ron-ti i;i .n,
It.rre.tmplatnt ant) lieoility, curing after Nitiurtt'a
ii ui, thotl. tiy Kiimt'i in egint, ihe Oniric '
Juice. Ste Adrcrlisvrariil in ahullicr co'umii. !
For Ihe Care of
The annals of meJir?l science, olibiding aa
they do ample pr.wif ot the p.mer and value of
Jiany mcJi l ag, n's, have ( inia'i.d no examples
t' Ciimpire with the tmluLiry tllccts pioJuceii liy
Jyrr'a Cherry I'irfornf.''
The remarkable e -re of li-ea of tlie I.nns which
Uvii r.altztxl hy ita u.-e, a:t,-le. ok tliey are by
many pmuiioent ot,fisora and p'ivii;ina in tliie and
lre irn lamia. (,h mld enrn,irjeo tin- atllicTe.l to rt nrvere
'wait Ibe r.ii aAaurauce lliat ll.c u-e ff lb.- -Cbcrry
rtrai" aiil relieve and ultimatt ly ci:re tlieiii.
IV, r-Mnt Vt the public un4ie ted le.,t'C!,tiUil rrra
-"Bi,ot tlie llr men in .nr e,o!!try, i;,n vlniwJu-'K-lueut
t-XM'rieuce im),ltcit eoufel nee winy be (iuc d.
viw i'f tlie mt burned au,J int-Mtpeiil physicians in lh,i
.'n:titry. eons:,l,Ta it a -entiivw.tMin of ir. eatn ller.ce
or the cure of that formidable disease. t'"iiMimpti!n."
.Niirwieh, Apr.1 is IMS.
Ir. J. C. Aver Hear Sir: Agm-aMe to the mjuct-t of
yur a;, nt. wewKRbirrallv tate what we have known
f the elf'-eta of yucr Cherry PerUr,!. and tbey hare
len aiUHihinjr inieeJ. air. IM-y Str,a-UT hi licen
affiieted with a revere wnd reb'iitle.-a ei'ltflh. wbi h rt
Ju vJ her very low; ao low thai liitle Iiok rouM bi! en
tertained of her reeorerv. Ntiuieron. r.'ntcliea had be,n
iratl withimt effect, before Uie I'herry Pectoral. And
that ha- cured her. 1wrKe W atkm,4 K-.. had to our
kuoal dje lieen atua-te witli Atbn a. fi rUrtn y,iri.
and pfiwn yearly arree, until the t'iie'rry Perioral, haa
now removed the d.Mte and he iw aa free from anv
eymp'jims a we are. Tlie Kev. M:irk Hane had been o
K verely attacked with tlie llmnehitia. m to dinable him
from hia dutiea, and nethinK had atforded him relief until
I Mr. Tborninr) carried him a bottle of your Pectoral,
abich mred hiao at once, and be tw f olficiateti as usual
in bia place.
These are three of tba aaaes fn wliieh vre -have known
it succeful, but never t4p fait. W have frn-at pieaun
in eertifvins to tbeearjaclji : and are. r apec.-ed fir. vour
himible eervanU. KhV. lUVIb 1 H.lKMNli.
Amont the diatinruifhed authoritiiv alio have piven
their namca to reeouimend Cherry INetoral.an the beat
remedy that ia Known tor the Affections of the L-jntm,
are u The Ismdon Lancet :n " Canadian Journal of Medi
cal Science," Rovtm Mteal and Suritical Jonmal."
Cbarleaton C.) Medical Review, New Jeraey M.'di
eal Itepnrter," ITof. Webster, Harvard O.lleev, l"rof
liirtleU, Transrlvania Cniversitv of Medicine. President
I'erkina, Vermont Medical College. Ir. Valentine Mott,
New York City. Parker Cleaveland, IfcrwiKin O.llerr,
Prof. ButterAi-M. Willouehbr Collcre, Ohio, Pr-if. il-aith-Wiite,
Leeds (Eni l Mcnlieal IV hnol. Sir Richard Kane,
tiueen tinlbnra, lreaatwl, lrof. Ibiaenbaum. Ie-iaie.
The public haee but lo know tlie virtues a naer toniKh
tn; necera of the "Ctierry Pectoral." in curt rapiseaaes
cf the Luora, when they will feel aeeurenhng these
Oare ra, whenever this remedy may be oHniri'il.
rrqmredlnJ C.Awr,CJitmi&t Lourell.Ms.
For rale hy C V.' SCHAFFLE, Levtiaburg;
J II Caalrnr, Million; Isaac (ierheart, Selinsgrove;
and by Draggi.'la geneially 3m15B
On the 3d in-t, by Rev. I. lirier, William
f;ir, of Diuphin county, and Miaa MtaoaRXT
If.. HiTKs, of West Buffalo. Union county.
In Milton, 1st inst., aged 78 yearn.Davin Dts,
a Curator of the University at I.ewisburi; Mr.
Dye waa a uaiire of New Jersey, for near half a
century a reel. lent of lierry Tp, Montour county.
He bad reaided in Lcvei-lmri for a few years
put. and via removing lo hia home in Derry,
lieu, stopping wiiti a daucbler in Millon.be
arts attacked hy ao inflammatory affection, which
proved fatal lo hia already enfeebled frame.
In Lenirburg, Sib insL, GairrxTR M. son of
Join and Mary Murphy, aged 7 years, 11 months
and II days.
At hia residence in Point Tp, Xoilb'd Co, 5lh
last . Will ax Housel. aed 42 years.
On Ihe S9ih ulu. in Middlecreek Tp, Farnr
xttk Bacs, a highly reepe.ted iticen, aged 65
Jeaia aud 1 month.
THE regular Examination of the classes in
ihe University at Lewisburg, will commence
on MONDAY, the Hih inst.
TZtr The usual Public Exercises will take place
E.L.V cli.'?. a , commencing at o ciuca,
A, M. I
The Chilisquaque 19111 Wagon
1TTILL run to Lewisburg regularly for
V Grists, and return same on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Saturdays of each week,
tnd the subscriber hopes by furnishing
good Fiour lo receive a portion of ihe cus
tom, lie will always have on hand a
stock of good Wheat with which to supply
fa customers.
Chilisquaque, April 3, 1851.
Take Notice,
IMxAT most of the Notes ant! the Book
. Accounts of the subscriber have been
left with Joint A. Mertz, J. P., lor settle,
menl. All persons interested will call and
atttle before the Ut of June, and thereby
ave costs. J. FORSTER.
April3, 1851.
Old Newspapers,
SOME thousands in number, of all aizea, for
sale at the Chronicle office, at 50 eta per
lot! taken aa they run, or $1 when aaeorted. A
arjc for Scrap Books aa well as for wrapping-
fper. Aprils, 1850
reed and tor aale by J. HAYE8 4 CO.
QALT and COAL alw.v. on hand muffo,
J sale by J. HAYES 4 CO.
or jut
rprtE undersigned intend commendrigtbe pul.lieatioBof
X semi-monthly periridiral, called the "PAnsx a-i
JIbc.i.sio," devoted totfae interests of the firmer, Me-
rhanie nd Larsjrw, containing trcntiaes on Agriculture,
Horticulture, Puuiniogy, Botany, Mechanical Arts and
Sciences: together with Litcrarv and General Neva.
I ln" increasing interest that is manifested in favor of Ira-
tiroveiuents in Agriculture, bv Uie community in general.
an well a. by the Heads of Departments, demand that pub
lications devoted to Airricultur la-sustained, and nodoubt
. If rightly conducted will mjet with general patronage;
and in older to injure succees. the proprietors hare detcr
i mined to spare neii he r time or extra efforts to make tbeir .
perualical a.Tpratle to all ; andhbould they succeed, and !
thereby be Uie bumble instruments of advanrhij tlic in-
trrestsof Agriculture, or coutribute to the enj.-yineots of i
1 rural life, the ol.j. t of Uieir ambition will have b-en fully )
accomplished, aud their ettorU stimulated to n-ucwed ex-
The f bvk istj MectaMcwIH be nub!ih(l on tbc Crrt
and third 8al unlay of tuch moulh. comaieiii'in on the
itb of June nxt, at Lewibiirir, l'a., in quarto form, on
Sua paper and new trpe. alTunlinic at Ihe end of the year
a o:umeof near 'KJLll Ul'.MlilKD I'AliKS, with an
Nlo x to the whole.
TtUMS. $l.iJ iu advanee, and $1 50 if not paid in ad
vance. Any person sending us Kite liollars shall be enti
tled to 6 copi,a; ilu, 14 copies; and $16. 2' co;.i-&
JiillN It. OO.v.Sfcl.IUS.
! rllAM'IH M. ZltUAl II,
I'uUi.herii and l'ro:r,i-ton.
1 .Snbteriptlons receivixl atlha Chronicle'' otlicc
April U ls.,1.
To Carpcntfra and Uuildrrs.
17 IN EST quality cast ttcel Panel Sa s, "om
pasa and Hack Kant, Ji !e unj tingle 1'l.ine
bills, Turner'a Chisels, Augera and Auger Uilt",
upright Kim Locks, porcelain Knob Locks, carp,
en lii 'a Kim LockiI'hurnli Latches, fhuller 1!o!m,
Hinges, and Sciews, and everylliing lliat is of
ron-equence in the building line, can lie !u I at
the old stand of J. HAVES A CO.
MIltEE Tons ol llunrannon N II.S and
Si'IKLS just rccd and for tale by
Borough Ordinances
T a mtctint; of ihe Burucsa and Town
Council u ihe I3jrou"h ul Lewisbur,
elected March 21, 1851, agreeably to the
provtaioit!) of a Supplement to the Act in
corpo ra l in a id Borough , p i - - -d . I). 1 S5 1 ,
held ihe 28:h duy of March, 1851, the fol
lowing Kfsolui.ons were passed, to wit : , qiHE Iwisburst Chenp Sore hat b.fn
1st. That the Clerk is hereby auihori i J rfinovcj to the mtire ronvpnieul 55'ore
zed to procure as boon as practicable u . room, recently occupied by J.IYirstpr. firt
uitablJ sell ol Books for keeping llie ac-' helow Kline' Unti l, ulmrn we tihul! lie
counU and a record ol the proceedings
the Tow n Council of the Borough.
a I 1-1. -II I I. i i -I .
on Market street, between Water street ami
Fifth street, are hereby required to pave
the sidewalks in front ol ineir lots, (the!
width hereiol'oic fixed by the byp-litw9 ol
the Liorough,) and to properly grude the I
pavemunts wnli the street, as llie CuuiicilJ
may direct.
3 I. Thiil all owners and holders of luts '
on Third street, between tit. Lewis and St. !
M irvs slrteis, are hereby reouircd to nnveia
- e I f
Hie snlewnlks in (rout ol iheir lots, properly
graded, also the widih heretofore fied by
bve-laws of the uorouiih, (twelve feet,) and
t.'i have the same completed ou or before
the first day of October next.
At a meeting ol the Council, March 31,
On motion.it was resolved that the Coun
cil visit the several atree:s,alleys and places
where work is necessary to be done, and
bridges built or repaired, during ihe present
year after uhich it was Resolved,
1st- To remove the Millrace on Fifih
rs'reet, where it obstructs the street near L.
Sierner's tan-yard, to such distance on the
west t-idc o! Mid street as will leave the
width of the street (fifty feet) unobstructed
bv the said millrace, and to make a new
and substantial culvert or trunk across
Filth street, nearly opposite to L. Sierner's
tan-yard, leading under the bottom of thej
millrace. sufficiently large to carry 4ff the
waier uhich collects on the low ground on
the east side -of Fifth street, also to open
the gutters on fifth street above the Chris-
nan Church-
2d. Resolved to build a new stone Bridge;
with one arch across the run at ihp sniuh. i
west corner of the Borough, on Si. George!
street, to be let out by contract to the low- i
est and best bidder : said bridge lo be con-'
structcd of good and substantial materials,
to be built at least two feet higher than thej
present bridge, and twenty feet wiie in the I
elear. The Clerk is hereby authorized toj
advertise -the Letting of tlie said Bridge in
I the Lewisburg Chronicle, and to receive
sealed proposals fir building the same,intil
the first Monday in May ncxl, according to
plans and specifications to be exhibited by
him ten d'tys previous to the letting.
3d. Resolved In build a new plank Bridge
across the Millrace near the corner of Fifth
and St. Marys street, and also a new plank
Bridge across the Millrace where it crosses
Fourth street near the corner of Fourth
and St. Marys streets ; the plank used lor
building both the said bridges to be of good
sound oak timber, and at least three inches
4th. Resolved to finish opening and gra
ding the road lately located thro' grounds
belonging to ihe University at Lewisburg,
below Brown's mill, leading south, as far
as the said road is within the limits of the
6th. Resoived that the owner of the lot
on the comer of Market and Fifth streets,
north-west side, be and ia hereby required
to pave, or make a board walk, from the
corner of Fifth and M-.ri.et streets to the
Millrace.to intersect the board walk already
made from the Millrace across the run to
L. B. Christ's Warehouse.
6th. Resolved that the owner of Lot No.
1. on the south-west corner of Market and
Third streets, be and he is hereby required
to remove the fence in front of his lot, which
fence encloses about five feet by sixty-six
feet of ground belonging lothe public street,
according to the incorporated Plan of the
Borough ; that the said fence must be rem
oved to a line to range with the brick house
on the south-east corner of Market and
Third streets.
7th. Resolved that the Hill on St. An
thony street, between Second street and ihe
Bridge across the mouth or Buffalo creek,
shall be cut down and graded toward the
said bridge, in such a manner as will make
the said street a regular grade from the
Bridge to Second street.
8th. Resolved that the Fire Engine be
longing to the Borough.be loaned to the Fire
Company now about to be organized, for
their use, to be kept in good order by the
said Company, and aubject to the control
of the Town Council, to be returned to the
said Council at any time they may see
proper to demand the same. j
9th. Resolved that the Clerk be and is
hereby authorized to borrow the sum of
1 wo Hundred Dollars, Tor the term of one
year, fur the use of the Borough, Tor the
purpose of redeeming the balance yet out
sanding of the "Borough Scrip" or small
noles ISUIpd by the Town CoUOClI 10 May,
i iq,o
f- lOaJ-
Ordered that the foregoing Ordinances
be published in the Lewisbury Chronicle.
A. II. BLUR, Burgess.
Attest :
John Houghton, Clerk.
or THE
AVILL comirience on MO.XPAV. tlie 5 h
ot MA V next. In thia liieliiuliou. all
the hiam'at ot a ihiirouh Academic cimise va ill
l o t.mu'ut.
'1 be 1'iimary Department f ill receive due
attention ; and exerci-ea in Coiupusiliou auJ
Dt'i'ljuulimi will le rrq nreil ol the lirer meui
bers of the school. 'J'ne di.-ciiline ol the luti
t ition, aa hcielo'ore, ill be direcled maiu y lo
the formali m l fvaiemaiic lulnts of stu ly,
ihe best and only (eimiiii'fit menus of si ctiiltig
order and progre atnoiig the piiji ls The suii
srrilier feels gralilie.l at the lilwrul support uhich
has thus fir been given hiio by an iiiu!iient
pul lic, and he lieli,-ve ihji llie l-est ntum he
ran make it, is to seek '. i lea. I the yuuili, placed
under hia care. M the acijuisuion ol sound, uuos
tenlalious le.trriing.
The. aver.ige nunicr in ucndinco ilnrini: iho
last year was 4.r, beiu a cotis:d ralilo iurreae
over any previous year, A rliort Varjtiou will
. be liven near Ihe mio'd e of llie. resinn.
TkRH. per Session of Si) weeks: For Common
Enjlirh 6, Higher English fS, Language ill).
JNO. li.V.N UOuI'H,
April 2. 1931 1'rincipul
happy to see our old
number of new one.
April 2 I8.)0
patron.4, and any
rr viz,
AS fmoveJ liis o hn roorn
hrely ot?cupied bv Mrs. Ijoues, uhere
liire stock f
Boots and Shoes Cooks, Ileai! v
m:tde Clothinsj, &c.
1 ci,n h"'' bR"er iiln cv,"r-
Leuisburg, April 2, 1831
NEW York and Phila
delphia PLATES,
have just been received by
1 leo .ulsci .boa. I'ersAns
wishing to have their work done according
to those styles, will do well to give him a
call. CO-Country Produce taken in pay
for work, at Market prices. Shop on N.
Lewishurg. April 1
IJKKSOXS desirous of ohiniiiinji choice
X fruit 1 rees such as varieties ol the
Peach, Pear, Plum, Cherry, and Apple !
I7 Fruit Trees such as varieties of the 1
win oo well DV Calitno at tne Jjewtstiurir :
Nursery next week, ns the subscriber is
receiving upwards of 1500, ol large sites
an(1 choice varieties.
April 1, 1851
The Old Motto asiumed and will be ttrictly
ailhtred to
"Small Profits and Quick Sales."
THE subscribers have received a general
assortment of
Dry Goods,Groccries,
&c, which were selected with great care,
and will be sold at a small advance. Our
friends and the public are invited to call
and judge for themselves.
K7AII kinds of Country Produce takon
in exchange for Goods.
Lewisburg, April 1, 1851.
Naits, Plaster, Salt and Fish.
A LARGE assortment jnat ree'd and for sale
New Spring Goods !
T the Old Stand of J. Hayes & Co, is j
j to be found one of the best asaor
ments of
QuecnsTrvare, Hardware, Act
that is to be scared up in all the region
round about. "Seeing is believing" says
the old proverb,and if you have any doubts
call and examine for yourselves. We want
to retain all our old friends, nnd gain as
many new ones as possible. We shall try
to "dew W by selling Goods, t heap.
Lewisburg, April t
AN excellent assortment of Avon, iHorenee
Braid, China Pearl and Tulip Bonnets,
joet opened and for sale by
' April s J. HAYES & CO.
Boroush of Lewisborg Settlement
Jo. Ctau and S. Hitler. Uttrtetrt of tit Poor.
ISM, March 25, to amoant of Duplicate of Poor Tax As
sessed for toe year ISSo, (319 08
To amount received from the Oreraaers of Poor,
Cbillisquaqne Township, for aaoney exnaaded
for Harriet MeOoUuaa and chJUlrn. . AS S3
To balance doa the ttoroagfc xruaa maiawira' ae
roani, tor the year 1H47, 18
To tsuauee doe Borough. Iroal otwaarrr aoci,
lor lue year imv,
To baiauce due front S. Hitter, one of Oecrrogrf,
140 am
Bv am't erpenJcd for support of Itannab Deratt, $139
'do do do David rlauua A wile, 19
di do do John Meloy, 14 00
do do do Mm. Conner, 41 VJfl
b do do Lwtnd liees' child, lido
lo do d' Van .tin lilies, IS Wl
do d i d tieo. Vi . Tr.ibter, SI 'i '4
do do do tlaorl (1. llounell, llrf,'
do .1-. d . Marv . Iloieldson, M VJ
do do ,lo :. iwe. hv.n.l. 4b lu1 j
H,-el, mIjI AennwH.I.J ll..eeL.t Mei'.illnm u.1 I
lr chi.un-u . An ,ra.T i.e.. ,te. I MM
M " ,.i l.arl'faHl poj,a:r, 3 50
w faiid lor Aervniut lk as, 24
" On rye n" aea f T lh y- ar l.'al, 4'J 00
" pnr eeu ft rc i.-r o' -o' tiu bojl cate, li ''
" eoiMi;aitviUi a:lue.vi '11 X'Up.'lale, B 41
t iutanee rfue Oobejir-h I'M -r Tie of the Over- I
eicrs of the Pi.-, on alo-s ,i:it, i2 33X ;
(u'oiirrofiv.'iv on .w.e luxpir 18 JO.
Jo'in Adsmv
A ,U-ir Pey 40 9t
Join, barnes
larli:i h ip II
Win. lonaehy
.lolin KrlsTt. Jr.,
11 'i. h lli'soiv
W oia-s Virtrlou
J-hu P. ;ia iis.ii
I'bris ia:i Miller
.Iacla-.il Mr K !):,. 2.1,
J-ln. Mv.rs, Jr,
lolin U1UI.U
ki' hr.r.! I'nsts
iMe .r. r.wtli. 13
.!olnPre;s 14
.i-.:m iel Slrakland SI
I I. .is SU-kkland t'Z
; '.V ! . HVoe 40
ll..: mi Yost :;l
jS ... -y Wiuowl 1 (iB'j
l-.u;: -y nervosa taxed
1 '
ii o.tjr 3 1!
l'ilroretevonerfitlons $ 41
Ju3. fJUus, Culteclor tu thi -iuro' of Lewithurg.
IKil. March S.', to amount of Duplicate of Boron ;h Tax
ir 1S0O, 1,'-1 99
To balance due lite Borough on Moment tbia
day, 3 mK
1S50. Oct 1:., by cash ree d on dn tleat for 1S.',0.
er A. Wunraleu's receipts H:. -d Aue.l0,DO,10 00
liy cash reserved on do. ar A. V. luegardea a ra-
ctit t diatol Oct. lith. 10 00
Bj cah an J oam i-crltAlpb P:t'yh (r rrtipt 6
aj on ditpltt-mte "i-r SO Cu
- Bnrrtjfch rip roc J on .0
M intreila 1 twnl on Mm U !. . 76
I Xur. !, br casli rrc tl on tlulicuu? ,-r ript S" 0
VTh by it (Ji do 12 -m)
i u :v l.v H Oo tin li 0,
Her. ft. I.r .lo ;. (to 14 oy
j 7, by wf 'p rw'd mi d !:.I-nt pr p-tipt 1 1 to
i " hy iiit.-rt allow. j n a,w ai to dato, 5
11, hy ra-h rt-c'aon ilu'-Ht at- jx-r rwipl, 2-' 00
I " 2-t. I.v t ti.r do 1ft oo
i 2'".. hir f. lo w 40
Jjh, 2'-. by mh re'ti n !: 1. per riKwipt, -S (H
Maivh !. bv rv.h tve'ti vu !tlplu p-r rtwlpt, OO
hy ,l ik, 22 00
' iti, hy mm't f hi aVTtu-il rrni-rij for ft-
j 'iK-iutat on Ftr -t-. nil ' . Ac. WJZ 30
liy PXiifr?.o-i-n:lt-r tiiiitl.cat. J-i .JO
j ' bv baiuuxiu: thu lkti -a ieil.titaeut, 3 U'S
$1.2X3 W
Emnrratum nn Row?
itr fur laOO.
I John Barnes
i Win. Is naeby
' John KjrVrt
! Toinaa Morton
! Christian Mill.
; Peter Meyers. Jr.,
t Joltn Nnman
I John ll.;h-' t
Klward . Ilouurll
jl .Aril.
4il lli nr
1 li-VSani:'
$0 80 I
. Air rk land
4 mi
2 -.'6
3 So
7" 't-.' .i.in's II: ire
7. :"Villi...n Wallace
4" I -uu''rr Walows
,v jsan lry pertons taxed
4-. ir. ceor
i Itiehaol Pros
60J T-.t 1 cxone.at!ons
n so
JJuvid libber, Trtnsurrmf i.,r lsu)ibu
Ulftrict. Int.
1S50, June 5. to nmourt receiver; . John Nort.n,
on la-t year's ilultale. $5 00
June 2U, to amount rcc. ived of ,'cuathatt Wolt
Treasurer of last year. CO 86
Sept. lu. to am't received of State Appropriation, 1-S2 80
Bee 1, to am't roe'd nn dupl. or ISM, $342 61
Todednet2per cent, for reel vlng, 7 04 . 315 40
" Tl.u am't received of Wm. Junes, Collector, 4 50
TS41, Feb. 4, do do do 20 00
" 20, do do do M 00
March 21, do do da 24 00
f,t oa
172 13
March 24. in balance due the School fund,
1850. fn.
Sept 2. by order In favor of Pbeel-a KHne,o.21S, 60 00
six, do do ao wan vt iiaon, " 7i, at oo
" 2, do
Xor. 9, do
9, do
Dec 14, dO
Jan. 1, do
March 21, do
" - do
do do Marv Sr.vr.er, " 217, so 00
do do Joseph Walker, " 213, 24 00
do do A. Philips, " 21'J, 24 00
do do A, Philips, 220, 3d 00
do do Jos.pl, Walker," Ml, 24 00
do rib Johe.a Krllv, " 222, 60 00
do do Jo. Vt alker," " 223, 32 00
do do Jtrnaha Kline, 224, 1 67
dr do Ihivid llebet. " 226, IS IS
do eM Alex. Amrnona. 22ti. 40 40
do "avid KcrT's services aa ncr.ary
and Tr.surer. 10 00
Balance due School fund, 172 13
,123 W
jua Uovchlon Trenntrh- of the iiunugh
Ltiv.nburrh. DR. fs
"arru ""ance u.o oor..uKn on
settlement. 1125 S'J'i'
.nay a. wcasn reccivoa 02 joe. uiaaa, collector,
per receipt, 10 00
A tie. 6. to Boro' scrip ree l or J. filasn. Collector, is no
Interest on acme at 37 preent. 'taken from S Wolf.) 0 96
Auc. 2., to cash received of J. P. Iloss lor J. W.
' Shriner, Collector, for lb- year 1S4S, ( 00
Oct. 2. to cash received of A. it. Blair, Barents.
fr frrnntiti? licence tu Welch's Cirrus, S iM
Oct. l.l. torVih er A. Viiiesnnlen'sreeeipt,aate,
Au.10tb, 5.1. received of .Mil: t- 10 00
u - bv cash r-ceived 0! J.Ulaas' receipt, watcsl
fVt lilh. leiO. 10 1)0
15, to ca- h ani cats of R. IXtty. tec'J of do, 6 fS
" ' to car h received of Jos. II leas on duplicate, 30 )
o to Uorou-h scrip received of J. Glass, 2 00
lo interest allowel oa aante to date, 76
Nor, 9, to cash received of J. Ha, Collector, t 00
" .;, to rash reo-ived of J. Glass do 12 00
" X, do do do do 16 00
Dec 6, do do do rt 14 00
" 7. to Bifouzh scrip received of J. Glass 14 60
b. interest allowed on same at 37 per cent, A fc)
13, to eaah received of J. Glass, Collector, 26 00
" 20, do do do do 16 00
" 2, do do do do 2260
KM. Jan. 24, do do do do 26 00
March 14, to cash reed of J.P. Horn for J. W. Part
ner, Collect-, Sir the year 1848, 15 00
1H, to cash ree'd of J. Glass, Coll'r, tor 1150, 26 00
" Borouh scrip ree'd of Geo. V. Miller. Esq.,
Ma r. oT the Estate of Jas. D. Caldwell, de
ceased, in part for a claim of $29 23 due the
Boroucii from said deceased, 9 60
To interest allowed on same to March 1st, 1SS0, 3 38
To cash ree'd April 27th of i. A. Merta, Esq., on
judgment in favor of the Borough, against A.
C. A s. Ilbrh, 17 00
to L. II. Christ's receipt riven to A. C. 4 S. High,
fcr A60 paid Christ on said judgment, 60 00
To judgment in favor of the Borough against Joa.
Hutchison and Joseph Oreen. It 00
To judirment in favor or ihe Bomnch against
Knhert II. Kerr and J. A. J. Walla, 24 Tl
j To jiadcatent In favor of tlie Borough against Da
vid Minter ami I'eter .-veviua, o w
March 24, to cash ree'd of J.Olaes, Coll'r. tor 1850, 22 00
26. 00 do ipr J. Olass) of J. P. Ross for J.
TT. Shrinrr, Oiilcrtnr, for tlie year 1S4.S, T 83
" 25, to cash ree'd of (per P. iCellera) J P.
Boss per Jos. W. Sbrinor, Collector, fbr the
year ISIS, . a s
20. to eaah ree'd or .. P. Rosa per Joe. W.
Shnner, Oillerbir, for Urn J.'St 118, on ac
count or duplicate. 1 80
to cash ree'd of J. P. Ross Sir J. Vt. fhrt
ner. Coll'r, Sir lo4S per J. a J. Walls' receipt, 10.23
Balance due Treasurer on settlement, 61 7S
$720 ea
iSSO. April 16, by cash paid to redeem Bdrongh
fjcrip, including interest on mm at 36 per ,
cent. Scrip ' 00. interest $12 OS, $17 SO
June el, by cosh paid Geo. Chappelt per receipt, 1 60
Bv order on 11. P. Sh. Iter, In favi or tiro. Chapell,
' dated June IW. lftO, 3 IW)
By ordoron H. P. Sbeller per Geo. Ohapfie'r, 00
j on Jt. bv assumption S Gee. Pries, per K nitty, lo 00
&F&'i$$3t. 9 00
Chappell, dated July atn, s.i. z oo
- 2 hy rash paid J. Norton for Ralph Ditty
per receipt, t 71
By making out Duplicates for Borough Taxea and
Poor Taxes for lb- year 1SS0, 8 00
A nr. S, by Borough Scrip ree'd off. flraas, ColPn, 19 00
" - by intoreai allowed on same at 37 percent.
(S. Wolf.) ... 6 95
Ang. 10, by cash paid Ralph Dltrv per receipt, loo
12, by Sute and Co. taxes paid J. Norton for
" . DHty per receipt, . 1 S3
- IT, by oasbpaid Geo. Chappell per receipt, 100
" 30. br cash paid A. WinegaMen rst raeeipt, 10 00
24, by order per U P eoeller tG. . hapoell, 3 00
- SO, by cash paid Ralph DrUy per reeei, t, 6 36
Sept. 18, by rnslyiaid J. Norton fcr Mili'a-y Tax
33, bTamt Joid M. rk-btborn per R Ditty, 1 to
oi w ner Keber A Iddinaw Dor Oeonre
it, by order pet Joo IVrr per fleo-'
Oct by cash p Ralph Ditty per re,
By eaah paid A. Winegarrten aa per J. u
mw, u, I - - a
cnappeii, . ,, f "2
re.ipt, 3 00
. Ulass" ra-
redoL dated Aug. lotb, 160, - 10 00
v sin t ep'iK;e i 1.M- -uow rlul ?uraa ninjrin. iw -y nr mmubi si iwnnifa wnp Riiwuei j i
l,-.i.ui.- or. inpaal for relief M.-s. Johueou, 13 li'i i By interest allowed on same lo date at 4 pr caul, la Jj;a
" balaien o; - lor so ..r.or Ileth riuirtou. O-'U , By Borouiih Scrip roe'd of O. P. Miller, K., Ad-
rf.S.rnh M vbim.r. 1 I mini.tr.tor of the KsUte of Jan. D, Caldwell,
By eaah paid A. Wioeyarden per J.Ulaas' reeclpt,
dated Oct. 12th, 1S6Q,
Oct 15, by oaeh and cot for Ralph Di I ' f r do
18, by eaah paid A- Wmegerdra per r-e Ipt,
Kor. 9, do do
" JS, do '
10 00
is oa
" " do O. X. Worlcn, pubUsiJing or-
- dlnancea per receipt, 00
" 90, by eaxb paid A. VVinefrardon per racatpt, 15
Itoa. 6, bv eaah paid A. Wlneavdeaj do . It 00
" T. by Borough Strif ree'd of Joa. lilaaa, 1 ao
" 7, hy inbreu allowed on toe same fee data, to
- U, by cash paid Merrill ChappeU pernuaipt. 47
" " byca.hpd H.PardootjrK. Ditty do IS JS
" by cash pd A. Win,arden per racatpt, 10 D)
28, by cash pd A. K'incsardon do 3U U0
1841, Feb. 1.'., by cash paid A. VHnearden In full
fur balance due him by borough aw set
tlement of account, fisf lt!J. 6
feb. IS. bv cah noai A. U'iiiauarden per roceiiit
r account of li.Vl. SS 97)4 j
jnarca wy even pu ju. a ikuumib hi at anti per
receipt, la ao
BveasbpdM.ntehthorBira.rbappeitia?rraept,ll ou
liy order pd H. P. Shelter, dated July sib, leiu, lot
Qm- Chappell, t !A
Dr do do do dated Oct. 12, '50, do, 6 00
i By order per Beber A IiMinga, daUd Kor. W, 'if),
I fur A. Wuiegarde
By order per J. achreyer, dated Aor. 2S, '40, for
' A. Winefranlen.
1 V.
By order per J.A J. aua,0aUd uoc.7, so, wr A.
n inearden, .S
By order p-r II. r. Shelter, dated iajc itf, w, r
A. Winel?arlen,
By order per t. A J. Walls, dated Dae. 23, 'SO, fjr
A. WlneSrdVn,
Rv nr,lee ner J. S. hvver. dated DOC. SS. 50, for
1 05
1 U'4
" A. Wlne,-aroV-BU 100
H.M , In psrt f -r claim of $Z Tl doe tlie
D tmiili tttitn tlM tattf of MkJ dMeiwed, t CM)
By intpfCKf alln.! on same to Marrh 1, '60, S i8
lty L. H. riirievt rwiwipt to A. C. 4 H. Hlh, for
tiftv tlullani paid on judgment in iaTor of thm
DvrMub, which receipt in held by Trraiurvr. W 00
tj L. B. t hniit's rwlpt to J. Bulliet, received by
Tim'ur-r of J. A. Mrrtx, En in rynvi.t of
ju tu-m.-nt in favor of BnnmKO lor tea dollarts 10 00
By Bowtifil. Scrip taken by Trcwuiw in paymviit
of Aunrv ju-lpmcnU due Borough on docket
of A- S. ,;(-inr.l aud J. A. M.-rU, fqni 91 00
Bv intrrrt alloir-d by J. A Mrt-s Bsv, m thm
lton.S.rip .Taken in payment jaUjudfrra'ti 2 M
Mar ti -21. by UhU MilWr, Conntablt, bill lur
rv rvinjr notiren " BoniUKh Offlcera Krvctcd
M:ur-h,-.lFt,l.,.l, 1 CO
March 1', by am Hi ut of High CoiutaLlt'a bill for
pXTVk-t-a, T 00
31arcfa vd. by A. II. Blair bill for nee of bonne
t an l furni'bintf libt, cn tu hold LltLiu&,
' ' .VarrU If 01. 2 00
Bv AiKlitoni' aa-rr. 31 00
" " bv ;ierk'e lotlary for f-erriree for rear S1. 2ft 00
' u bv John A..Mn, t,biil IbrquaJifyiag
Itorotijrh OiHrens Llectard March 21m, 1U1. 1
3(arrh 2, by am't of U rn. Koehonira bill arrainH
the Borough HireoeU on judtrmenU against
Ella piae. Jacob Feee and 1. Hpegplinyer;
aloo judfrmeatN aprains Km. GloTirr ami A.
Kebor. allowed by Town Coanril Auditors, ft 82)
By bill of Jacob Hau!-,-rrn Pmthonotary of UnioBi
Co.. airainyt Borounh, tor onNta in suit of M.
A. Slock rt. BironKh. also Borough r. U'm.
Otorer and Samnrl lieber. 4 09
By O. N. Wordnn'fl bill airainst Borouph for lver
tininjc and printing ticketa In March, 1&60, to
be voted for and araiat Krt-ction of m Mar.
ket llouae allowed by Town Coum-tl, 3 00
By O. X. Worden'i bill ir publiabinx Annual
RtAtemcnt of Borough account! for the year
1". J2 00
By ciuh paid J. J. Welti per J. P. Rots receipt
lor J. W. Shriner, Collector, for 1848. 10 23
By balance due Treasurer on cttlcinent oa the
ibrcoin account. 04 ?
Auditort" Report.
TTC the nnersixne.1. Auditors of the Borough of Lewb
bur;. do oertiiy that we haveexameil tlie forexoins; ae-i-onnts.
an.l limt the same to be correct- vYitocsa our bands
and suaia the '.th dav of March A. D. 1K.M.
I. M. LOOM 14, ""jindilora.
vIB-rf: Johw rtoccnTox, Clerk.
m&t oe litxxtxu
T E.MAIM.NG in LEWISBUKG rotloffice,
uarter ending March 3), 18j0.
Bachman John, Boat S M. Burgh F B Esq,
Deck Lewis Esq. Blymer Oeorgi, Bent S B
Mrs, Husk irk Aaron
dyUm Jonathan 2, Collins Newman. Chriat-
I ine Jjsenh. Conller Jnaenb. Crnnralh l!haa
Dibtz Jacob, Delcome Chaa, Doyle Margt Mist.
Fix Tuna, Kerer Daol 3, Fuaten Mr Eq
G ifllea Lewis, Girtoo Joaiah
tiering Calherine. Hinkley Daniel, llubley
Barnard, Heller Geo W
Irvin M A Misa
Knapp Reuben 3, Ketch E Esq, Ktaipel
Kuben, Kiaaioger Levi
Joyd Joseph, Long Joaeph
Ulaiiheivs S t;, Moyer J H
Slesbit Mary E Miaa
Persel Ruben, Penny A J.PoUerWm, Piek Danl.
Riggle Piederick, Reeae E A Esq
Belter Dli.t sik, tla.i,k Wm.Ii, Mupew JoOn Jt,
smitn John, Mielp ilenry
Tulledge Alfred
Wagner Mary, Woodward R Mr. Wilhington Mr.
C7Person ealling for letters in Una litt will
please state that they are advertised
Court Proclamation.
yttKftKAS the Hon. ABBA1IAM S. WILS05. President
J uilire of the Court of Common Pleas for the Twenti-
etn .lOOK-ial lliatnrt.cousistinKOftbe counties ofUnion and
Mifflin, and Jacob Wirrxxnraa and Jakes H.tauiws.Ksiirs,
Associate Judires in Union county, have issued tbeir ore-
cept. bearing date the 2th day of Per, 1S6. and to me
directed, for the holding of an Orphans' Court, Court of
j onnn'in rieas, tryer A Terminer, and General Quarter
Sessions, at New Berlin, for the county of Cnion, on the
3d Monday of MAY next, (being the lvth day,) 1661, and
w emuniw ,.u weeaa
NOTICE ia therefore hereby given tr the Coroner, Jne
tices of Ihe Peace, ami Constables in add for the county of
Union, to appear in their own prooer persons with their
rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and other rem
embrances, to do those things which of their offices and in
their behalf appertain to be done ; ahi all witnesses and
other persons prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth
against any persona, are required to be then and there
attending, and not depart without leave, at their peril.
Juslesea are reouirr! to he punctual in tbeir attendance
at the appointed time agreeable to notice.
Given under my hand and seal at the Sheriff's office in
New Berlin this 27tbnl Marrh in the rear of oar Lord one
thousand eight hundred and fifty-one. and in the seven tv
fifth year of the Independence of the United Stales of
America. GOO save the Commonwealth I
AKClllBALb TUOJIA8, Sheriff.
Graiid Jurors May Term1851.
Ea$t Buffalo Abraham Wolfe
Perry John G Grayhart
New Berlin Henry Solomon
West B uffalo Charles Hatsenplag
Hartley Elias Katherman, Frederick Worman
Daniel Holler
Weat Beaver Henry Ranch
Peniis Sam'l Pawling, Philip Gemberting, Jr
Centre John 8 Kern
Chapman Frederick Brill, Wm Kelly, John
Hogmaater, Peter Hains
Buffalo Geo Hurah. Michael Dunkeljas Magee
White Deer Jonn KancK
Lewiaburg R M Musser, Jas Kelly, 8r
Union Geo Wehr. Michael Beafer
Mifflinburg Berryhill Bell
Penns Wm CoUher, Elijah Coidroo,! vVettdl,
t redenck liundrum, Jac UU, Benj Hammel,
Abraham Fiaher. Samuel Werheim
Limestone Wm Forstrt, Peler Wehr, Ephraim
Kloae. John B Smith, John Mitchell
East Buffalo Jos Walker, S Noll, Mich Brown
Beaver John Troxel, Henry Smith, Wm Salt
man, Aaron Specht
Washington Jac J Moore, Danl German, A dam
Herman, John F schnee, Daniel S Boyer
White Deer John 8t Clair, Robert Candor
Perry Emanuel Lohr, Peter Troop
Buffalo Wro Baker. Andr Haock
Centre D J Bogar, Marcua Tea
Union I Eyer, John Van Baakirk, P Millboose
Hariley Sam I Khtckner, VYm nantiagdon
Lewisburg Charles Penny
Kelly Wm T Linn, A Royer, Phil Gemberling
weat tsuiiaio s xtaop, u r la&er, 2 rJrsymaa
New Berlin Henry Aurand
West Beaver Jacob Smith
Mifflinburg Charlea Antes.
White Deer H Diefenderfer, Wm DatetmSn
Hartley Wm Frederick, I Kioman, Henry Mil
ler Jr, Joaiah Carl, Geo Ruhl
Lewisburg A M Lawahe, J Jones
Mifflinburg Jac Oberdoff, Geo Gutelitll
East Buflalo-Geo Reed
MLlilleCreek Samuel YodVr
Centre John Swengle, Peter Retail, Jac Aorand
Union Henry S Cochran, J Finn, Noah Wal
ter. Martin Donkel
Pen ha Simon Christine, 8 Kmatter, Jac Mitt-
bofe, Iaaae Woodliog. Peter Bolig
BuBalo Jac Vaneida, Jas D Chamberlain, Wm
Perry Henry 8 Hoots. John Fiaher, Joaeph
Graybill, Peter Acker
New Berlin Jos Klackner, Jae Horlaehar
Limestone John Stat
fplIE Staelmin HOUSE and LOT on
X Market atreet, in LcUburg. Pa.
Appfy lo JA.UK3 P. LIStf.
March 25, 1651 4
"ILL be offered at Public S tie. on the
premises, in the Borough of Leis-
burjr, on
Saturday. 2CU April neii, .
comprislnfj One Square of Land,
lying between Water and First, and St
Mary' and St. Anthony' atreeta ul'
unimproved.- fjCPSuld by Lu'a to aui1
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M-,
when conditions will b made known.
for Mrs. M. Seu.ca, llarrisbur.
Isewishurg, Mirch 13, 1851.
Country McfcJiants, and Tccutert.
WE reapectfully solicit the attention of all
dealera in School, Miscellaneous or Blank
SHADED, lo oat superior facilities for supplying
at unusually low rates, for cash or approved credit,
every article pertaining to our business.
A long aud active experience, warrants ua in
saying thatwecan ofler inducements to purchasers
za.ua.LLaD f raw xxttLLXD at soni.
We earuesily ask an examination of our mode of
conducting business, believing if an et peri men t
is made, it will be found for Ihe interest of those
desiring goods in oar line, lo contin j operating
with os. Our etock ia at all seasons large, and
elected with particular reference to the wants of
Pennsylvania, Ohio and the near trade grneially.
Ordertky mailor other isederached promptly
and at the lowest rate known in any market.
(j"The highest price given for R.GS in cash.
Xoilh-Eaat corner of Thiid and Arch Pm t.
The beautiful Ship IndutitrT I
The subscriber
haa just received by
the above, at bit
ajXtw Shot, Second
jjjsS alieet near Market,
(nelt door to II. C
Hickoa'a law office)
an entire new anil
fashionable stock ot materials for carrying on the
business of
Bool and Shoe Making,
embracing French Calf skins. Patent Leather and
Morocco of every description, with LASTS of
all sixes and lateat atyle. He hopes by atrict
attention to business and a desire lo do ihe
greater good of the greatest number of hat
palrona, to merit and receive the confidence and
support of a generoua public All work and ma
terial srarranted. D. W. 3A.MSEL.
Lewisburg, Dec 30, 1850
School Wanted,
BY a young man accustomed to teach
ing, who can give ample aatislaction
as lo cbaracier understands German and
English and wishes to teach two month,
commencing immediately. Inquire at the
"Chronicle" office, Lewisburg.
Marat, It, 1031.
Look Here!
tpuriou BRANDRET1I PILL are
sold by many Druggists in city ami
country, it would be well if persona in inquiring
for them would make them produce their Certifi
tote or AexxcT. As there it but on Agent
appointed for each city or town, (no difference
how large Ihe place.) arid all Agents ran produce
their Certificate, any persons wanting the genu
ine Pilla bad better purchase where they can
depend on getting the genuine article.
Bole Agents for Lewisburg.
THE aobacriber having commenced the baking
busineaa in Lewiaburg. neatly opposite H.
P. Shelter's store, intends keeping constantly on
hand the best of
together with a good sbpply of Common Cakea,
and DREAD which for whiteness and quality
will be surpassed by no baker in the country, aa
we hare Ihe services of a practical workman.
Ia connection a ith our Bakery, We have an
where be will aerve up at ahort notice OYSTERS
in any atyle that may be deaiied. QOyetera
received fresh every morning.
and persons from the country will find the Dskery
a convenient and pleasant resort for the purpose
of obtaining refreshments, snch aa Bread, Cakes,
Pies, Oyslera, Hot Coffee, &c. cfcci
Aleo, FLOUR for sals.
A. E. DENORMANfclB, Agt.
Lewisburg, Dec. 1550
fpHE undersigned is provided with alt the
X necessary forms and papers, and will
take charee. on the most reasonable terms.
of any clalma for BOUNTY LAND. EXTRA
PAY or PENSIONS lhat may be placed in hie
bands. All spphcationa. alter being duly prepared
here will be forwarded 10 CsaBlss DiSbldiko
Bsq, an efficient and responsible Pension Agent
at Waehington cily, who will present them in
person (without extra charge) to Ihe proper De
partment an arrangement eoeuriog accuracy and
despatch. H C HICKOK
Levruburg, Jan 19, 1891 3m.
Adjriiiilstrator's Notice.
WHEREAS, Letters of Administration
on the estate of ISA ACG.LAWSHE
late of the Boro' of Lewisburg, Union Co.
deceased, have been granted to the strrscri
ber, resident in said Borough, by the Reg
ister of said county, therefore all peraoria indebted
lo the aaid estate, or to the lata Firm of Weirs
k LAwsafe-, arts recjoested to make immediate
payment; and those having claims against the
aame, are required to present them duly authen
ticated for settlement without dels.
G F MILLER, Administrator
Lewiaburg. Feb 3, 1851
Constantly on hand and
for sale by
Market Street Wharf,
INXS' JnancK. now editioo. eaa be had I
JLJ at Lyndali'a Bookstore, a this piece,
Lewiaburg, April 10, IB90.
Slap r (be stale mf ColifWala.
TEXAS, priottd by 8. Aug . Mheaatll it.
1811. and painted to eotraipon, whb lb baaa ,
dari fixed by Coagtaaw ia I8e0fg. mla at tbsj
Chronicle olfrca, pnea IS eta. i j
BY rirta of an orilar of lb iohW Court
ot Vutm county, will be expowed lo MiMii
Ami I all thai tract of land annate to WhiuDewf
Tp, Union Cj, Pa, adjoining lands of Abrnt Dr
.ham. Joa Brown and others, containing atVenty
five sjerasi more of lees. The Improvements are a
lo? hirase and framed bank bar a and other otrt
buildiog. a good orchard, and a spring near lh
nW. The property lie about tva mrlee west of
New Columbia. fal to commence at I 'closa.
P. M when lerme will be atade know by
WII.UAM HIGH. AdministratVir
Mafch 19, 1831 of Hiea'a KoiaSa, dse'dl
fi Sot Sale, Mi
THAT large and desirable property oa
the corner of Market and Water Sis-,
.!! niiiuiioil Car a residence, for btMinttS
I n. In. .;tnois nrl nlarfi at husnneeiw.
There is large BRICK H.i-ise contain'
ing 4 large rooms on the first floor, 6 hed
rooms on the second floors and two large
fmishfd rooms on the third. A Kitchen
and Wanhhnuse adjoins, and it has also at
large cement Cistern, a Pump and Well ol
good water, and all the necessary out
For terms &C. apply to Gro.F.MiLLa,
Esq. 8. K. D 3.
Lewisburg, 6epL 23, 1863
LOOK at HatpibiVb NEW
STOCK of Gold and Silver
to atcbes and Jewelry, before yew
buy else where and pay a -laeila
too moth" because yow waa aeS
aware lhat liailield .el la cheaper.
Cld P. levers, erven jewels MtalSsT. $40Jto0.Cr
do full jeweled i aa is av.ea sov
- Anenorsand Lpiaes,Jewld It to IS av.es aSwt
Silver P. Levers, jeweled, lJs St.ias
- Anchors and Lepina,Jswstsa 10,03 1I."
Gold Finger Kurgs, large variety W .
Ear Kings, plain and 8aA UsWat stflsa Jt tVeiy
" pencils sad Pens M 10,)
" Pencils l.t Ja
" Peus. .-lveT eases. Ctamood pointed l.M 3.01
Ilrrt:ii:a, La.ty s ami liaara, diaTt styias .TJ t.oe
Hunting Lnutets, double. I H 1200
" Watchchains, t'ob and Vast M StS
Guard do 8 feat 166 16.0
- Kevs ,73 3,60
Silver T able and Tea Spoooa 6.00 1SJW
Plated and Germ. BUeer Ia sssl Table S stae ,16 .e
911 ver Combs 3.6a
and Gold Spactaelas 1,03 S.7
Brass Clocks l.ie 10.W
Aeeordeima V6a S,aa
And hnnjreda of first choice articles, "rploodul
goods." just from ike City and aa low ee City
retailers can eell. by A. L. HATFIELD.
Lewisburg, March 19, 185t
$71,000 worth Cabinet Faraltar)
Fur Suk at Donachy't iruirrotrrn,
FOURTH Street, south side of Market, at the
eign of 5. W. Wy knjf w arr-rooea op stair,
where ia nffered a splendid asoortmant af F Lii
SITURE, aa cheap aacaa be porchaaed ihiaasda
of Philadelpoie such as
Plain, Fancy, and Dressing Bureaus ; Rotas
Ottomana ; Mahogany Chairs ; Piet. Center.
Card. Sofa and Dreaaing Tables, BreVal asel
DinlngTablew,Ve.; Bsteaals (Octiea,rraiera
and Com man) from $2 lo 1I0 also Stands
ot every variety.
AU work warranted to be welt made, and ea
the moat reasonable lerme. Cash. Coon try Pro
duce, and Lumber taken in payment.
Lewiabnrg, Nov. 31. 1850
Ccunsbnrg JTounDrn
THE subscriber, thankful for past pate
ronage, would inform the publie that
he continues lo manufacture all kinds of
Mill Gearing and other Castinga, Thrashing
Maohinea, and oiher articles ef Mirhinery repai
red in the beet manner. Castings warrant) .
be of ood material, and at prices lhat ran net
fail to pleaae. JAM Eg S. MARSH.
Lewisburg, Feb. 1851
CAST Water Wheels for sala at the)
Lewisburg Foundry by
Jamra 8. Maraha
ClUUKINti Staves, of various pattern.
) and sizes, for Coal or Wood, fur sal
at ihe Lewiabnrg Fouadry by
Jamee S Marsh.
STOVE3-.Parlor, Wood, and Coal
Stoves, various patterns, for sale at Ibe)
Lewisburg Foundry. James 8. Mai ah,
for aale at the Lewisburg Foundry.
jama 8. Mareh.
WIARU'S Patent Gang Plow.asupe
rior article, for aale at the Lewisburg
Foundry by James Hi Marsh.
(1 RAIN or Seed Drills Rosa Patent
T decidedly the best and rnoat dmrablt
Grain Drill now in ose, for sala at the Lrwisourf
Foundry by Jamee Si Marah.
Tike Old Ilead taartcnip
THE aobacriber iwarjectfully infbrma hia
liiende and the pubtic geasxaily, ikak a
caniee on the
Tanning and Cunjing Bisisess
ill foil force, as isoal, at the old eatablished bea
qoanere in the Borough of LrvHsbarg, ea tM.
George's street. Bear the Kiver, where be keep
a eonmabt and full supply of LE ATH ER ot
all kind add the beat quality, which are- fjred
(KTl'rO Corda af BARK wanted.
Lewiaburg. Nee. 20, 1350 (a
"Throwjk by Darfufkt!"
to the stabllcaaae)!. Hwwabag.
iARTON. GEDDE8 fc MARH, bavins;
Sj receired a froah cottaiiDaawnt of
Dr. J. S. ROSE'S Ftunlly Btrtticlnes,
can offer them to the coaamanity with great can
fidence, having tested tbeir efficacy aad kaewh
m srveral iwslawces. n una roewssses asms ar
the year, when pcraoos ara sahjest to Oaayaa, OWa, oast
jwitmssassew Jjtctumt, they wiU Ssal these xtdwtee
ailasteel te Uses maladies, aa isay iSY stool hi the naaa ial
of the eanse producing theaa, and the rseMeatton of warte4
hralU. If there are any liatslajs Of Jxesrensl janapsabe
foand, they will sum by a seooer as arc doss a lasMral
care, and rewovsae tbe syslrm. Plijaejvel by J. a BOSX.
61. D-, Member of the lledieal PaewHy. Phila.
XX. lor teat.- and left at tbe Chresstcle
I Tbe owner can have it hy proving property aad
rTrI 'is rrrater. (3)
; i
S :