Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, March 19, 1851, Image 3

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.The Uarrkburg correspondent of the j 2&Ctttj8UUt ijRJatfcCts
North American, under date of 13th inst.,
states that i Wheat
The bill to authorize the Governor to Kye
lake ten thousand dollars of the stock of Corn
The Sugar Valley and While Deer Turn- Oats
pike Road Company received its quietus Flaxseed ....
this morning. This bill is an old acquain-! Dried Apples
lance has been before the House for the Cutlet
J-xtihree winters, at least, and has always' Es
attracted great attention, not so much from
the amount of money involved, as the
principle to be settled. The House was
very much excited to day.whilst consider
and the friend of trie bill fought most
gTlanly. .They were finully, after hav
in" carried their bill ou second readme,
compelled to yield on its final passage. It
was lost by a majority ol six. This pro
posed road was to run through parts ol
Union and Lycoming counties, and is of
j;reat importance to the section ol country
in which it will be located. The citizens
have used their utmost efforts to raise the
necessary amount, but are unable to do so.
1 1 this i onjuncturj they call fur legislative
assistance. This woul I freely be granted,
were the financial condition of th State
sunh as to justify the Commonwealth in
l.inni-liing its of old on the shoreless sea of
blind expenditure.
The benefits of the road :he efforts ol
the citizens their failure the importance
,f the trade of that rich valley were all
very forcibly presented by Mr. Slifer, of
Union, who was indefatigable in his en
deavors to secure its success. Out the
House could not agree and were right in
rejecting it they were right in acting
as they did to commence a system of in
terna! improvement, such as once entrapped
and well nigh ruined the State.
Carlisle, March 12, 1151. The most
extensive and destructive tire which has
ever occurred in our borough, took place this
morning between 12 and I o'clock. It
originated in the stable attached to Seyll's
Hotel, and it soon spread to the adjoining
buildings, and in the course of a few hours
do less than 14 dwelling houses aud the
Lutheran Church were entirely consumed.
Several horses and cows perished in the
flames. The loss is estimated at $.jO,0(J(J,
only about $3,000 being secured by insu
rance. The fire was got under at 4 o'clock
this morning. No lives lost, but several
persons were seriously injured. It is sup
posed to have been the woik of an incen
diary. "The HilLtype" is the name a new in
vention, whereby colors are copied as per
fectly as light and shade are by the Du-
uereotype process. The inventor, Levi L
I lill. a iiaptist clergyman, near Cattskill,
N. V., was obliged by ill heahti to give up
preaching, and turning his attention to the
daguernan art, made a chemical discovery
producing the above result, a Tier two years'
experimenting. He has been offered 20,.
000 for half the patent, but prefers a spe
cial patent, and to communicate the secret
to all daguerrian artists.
Winchester, Va., March 15. The
Methodist Conference Committee on Dick
inson College have reported a series of
resolutions, expressing undiminished confi
dence in the ability of the President and
Faculty, and a determination to pay all
debts and erect the new building for
which 15,000 are required. Marvland
undertakes one-half of this sum, and Phi la
delphia and New Jersey are expected to
provide the remainder. 1 he Confer
ence adjourned tine die last evening.
Washington, March 15. The Secreta
ry of the Interior lias to-day, given a
lengthy decision as to the assignability of
warrants under the bounty land law. It
is addressed to the Commissioner of the
Land Office, but will probably be made
public before Monday or Tuesday. He
reiterates his former opinion, that the law,
as it stands, prohibits such assignment.
Providence, March 15, 1851. The
Journal publishes Gen. James' letter to the
Hon. nra. feprague, in which the General
avows himself in favor of the leading Whig
In Lewisburg, 1 1th inst. by Re M J Alleman,
V illi am Stuii sii. of elinsgrove, and Miss
CiioLiii Muter, of Northumberland Co.
In Lewisburg, 13th inst., by Re. P. B. Mirr,
Piaar Dleb and Miss Mast Jm Richaut,
both of Danville.
On the 13th inst., by Re D H Focht, at Mr
Matbesrs, Fbsbblib Bat and Miss SabsB Abb
Bexsee, both of East Buffalo.
Same day, by Re M J Alleman, Johb Wolfe
nd Miss l-xB Elizabeth, daughter of Capt.
Jacob Gundy, both of East Buffalo.
tT'-Thnki to the bride fir her remembrance of the
Printers and happiness and ton life attend her!
On the 6th inst- by Re J H Grier, Col. A a'
Roueaemel, formerly of New iteilin, and Miss
KiriAEL Bibb, all of Jersey Shore.
In Munry, 4th inst., by Ke. George Parsons,
Ke. Peteb Bobs and Mis Sabab A.Hill, of
By Re. A.B.Caspar, 4ih inst. Levi Gebibeb
"so of Kelly and Mias Catbabibe Dibble of
t-ast Buffalo,
Corrected this Day.
. 6
Tallow 10
Lard 7
Pork 5
BY irtue of an order of the Orphans' Conn
of Union county, will be exposed to poMie
sale on the premises, on Katchdat the 12th of
April all that truct of land situate in Whitelleer
Tp, Union Co, Pa, adjoining linds of Abrm l)er
sham.jJos Brown and others, containing seventy.
five acres more or less. The improvements are a
log house and framed l-ank barn and other out
buildings, a good orchard, and a spring near the
door. The properly lies about two miles vtest of
New Columbia, Sale to commence at I o'cl.M-k
I". M., when terms will tie made known by
WILLIAM HIGH, Administrator
March 19, 1851 of Rirn'n Uolaxii, dee'd
Removal !
rnHE subscriber has removed his Hat
J and Cap Store to his house, opposite
Col. Christ s duelling, where ho may be
lound until the 1st of April next, wheti he
will occupy the room, now LynJiill's I! k
LewMmrjr, Muri-h 10, 1851.
WOULD respectfully iiif-.irinihecitizns
of Lewisbiirg.tlntl he inte mis.nu th'-
first of April next, to move to town, when
he will ive Instructions in the use of the
yiano, Guitar, anb in local music.
He will also letch the German Language
Mr G. is lately fiom Ltelfofon'c, where
he bai been ti-urliiiij? f.ir the last two tears,
and rendered en'iie i;atifjciioi) to his p'ii
ron mid l uj ils. .Mrrli 10, 1851.
For the Cure of
and corcsursPTioir.
The annals of medical science, a Hording as
(hey do ample proof ol" the power and value of
many medital agents, have furnished no examples
to compare with the salutary tllects produced by
-Ayer' Cherry PtcturatV
Tiir rrmark.-iMe cuit of Uisoaaot of the Lun which
have U'fn ivaltcM l-v iu u.-. attifUi &, thvv m; 1'V
many T"miiieiit pr-ili fworn tnl i-liv-Viaus m h ninl
ttren lauii, -liouUl s-m-ouratrt tin .irrliclwl lo MT-'Trri'
with Uw ftnnff v-8ur;.iiw that the uw of tli tlurry
Pi"tLrmI' will n lit-v mitl ultimately curt' t.i-m.
We prvrnt to tin public utiMtlii itfti t'j-tlnmni:!!. !rum
mpif of the firt nu-u in oor eouulry. up' -it w Ihw jiilff
m ut and titxrit mr init'l.t'it roiiiUi. iin m.iv If t.htr.Hl.
i.e ot thf mopit icarmtl int-llirent i hysicinns m tli"
r.uiitr'. roiislii. r it a -rimi.sittnu f rar ll.-cw
fur the curv of Uiat fi.rmidaMi' isfM Coiisnnijiti'in."
Norwi'li. Aj.nl lk'4'i.
Pr. J. C. Ayer IVarSir: ArreaMi- to the lejtwt of
v ur w- will ch'MTfuilv fljit' what we havi- knxwn
of the -tiTt of your Cherry I't-t-ri:l. ami thty tinvi
tt-n atiirtiiihiii iiiIt1. Mr. Ilftyy Mr.-tj r trull r-u
atHirl-! with a tvtT; aii'J rrlent !.- rou rh. w lii h re-
duc! hr tit- low ; o low that little liojn- rouM tn n
tcrtaiiHsJ of livt rwrirv. Mumnius tvimiii' f li:J : n
tru d without (Tei-t, Ix-f tn; tlie t'hrry IN-ru.ral. Atnl
that lias cunnl htr. licor;' M'alkiu-oD. K-i.. hail to cur
Knf'Wlti-f UN'n mnttl wit II Atuma. euren g'"rr.
bihI firown yearly wor.-. until the Cherry I'tt ton!, ha
now removed the ui.-'aM' and he in a fret fmin any
vinptm!ii im we an. The llrv. Mark Dane hal hern mi
wven-ly atlw ked with the llmnehitin, a t'xli-hle Lim
from li:5luties aud nothing Had au nl-tl him r -li I m t
I fMr. Tiirtrninir) carrii'd hiin a Itottlc of vmr IV-tinJ,
whieh rurttl liim at ouce, and h now otticiu.tes aa uual
in hi phut'.
Thv arc thre of the vwa in whi. h we have known
it urrerul. hut never to fail. V have (Treat pleasure
iu riTtirvinjr to these hu'to ; and are. rerfpeeted Kir. vo
huuhlvWrtauts. HIV KAMI) 1 IHMtMV.;
11 N. JOSI.I'H i;ATri.KS.
Amonzthe diptinstri?hcd authorities who have riven
their name to rem mi mend riirrry leetornl, as the be.it
rt-mctly tliat In known rr (lie Atrctionc or tlie i.urr
an lne lfidnn Ltnctr 'lanjnlian Journal or Medi
cal fcien-e." Bntrm Mtilleal and Siirsriral Journal.
-Charleatnn (9. C.) Medienl Review " New Jeraey Midi
eal JU'iHirter.' I'nif. Welur. Harvard Odlee, 1'iof.
It.irtlett, TranpyKania University of Medieine. 1'ret-idt-nt
I'erkin-. Vermont M-diru) Colleire, Ir. Valentine Mi.tt,
yvw lork Citv, I'arker Cleave and. Row. loin tdieie
l'nf. Btitterfleid. Will'-nsrlihy C lh -. Ohio. lnf. Hniith-
ait. lilfL (Ed.) MelietU rVhool. Sir Kieliard Kane
UueirnX'oUeire. Ireland, lrof. l(Menlrauni. Liixie.
Thr- nul.lia. hr t.nt tn know tha. t-tai..a . t. tr,nil..
Ins pcre of the Cherry lertoral." in enri MiTiiiw-ajuf
oi tite i.nnra, when tiii-y will fc-el neeiire nimg theic
dangers, whenever tliic reuu-dy may be obtained.
Ft fparcdlry J C.AiierChemist, LourelltMs
For sale by C W SCHAFrLE, LewUhurp
J H Caslow.MiIlon; Isaac (icrbeart, Selinf grove;
and by Druggists gen ei ally 3m35t$
School Wanted,
you'll mnn accusio.ncJ to leach
uli ic.iu iive amiile saiiilaction
as to cimractcr ninlcratiinus uermnn nnu
Knlisli iin.l wishes to ttach two months,
('(iiiiiiKMicin imn:;!';ii-ly. Inquire at the
"Ciironiclc" t ffvr, Lewitburj;.
Mirch 11, 1P5I.
Public Sale.
JILL he solJ at Public Sale, on Sat.
urdiiy the 2-J nav of March next
at I ho residence of the subscriber in r.ast
Buffalo Township Union county, the fol
lowing property to wit : Horses, milch
cows, voun cattle, waggons, wnggonheds,
and hay Udders, ploughs, culiivators,
sleds, sleighs, horse gears, thrashing ma
chine, and horse power, windmill, hay by
the ton, and a lare lot o1" Farming Uten
sils oft-very description.
S t'e to c immence at 10 o'clock A. M.
of said J. iv. when terni4 will be made
known by the subscriber.
Feb. 15 1851. JAM KS HARRIS
Country Merchants, and Teachers.
WE respectfully ileii the attention of all
Irnler in School. Micllaneou or Blank
SH Al)ES, to our gupcrior facilitiea for uilying
at unusually low ratca, for cash or approved credit,
every article pertaining to our business.
A Ion; and active experience, warrants as in
saying thatwecan offer inducements to purchasers
We radically ask an examination of our mode of
conducting liusinens, believing if an experiment
is made, it will be found lor the interest of those
de.iring good in our line, to contin je operating
nith us. Our flock U at all seasons lari;e, and
selecled with partirulir reference to the wants of
Pennsylvania. Ohio and the near Irai'e generally.
OrdcnUy mail or otherwise denpa'cbed promptly
and at the lowest tain known in any market.
(j3"Tb highest uriee eiven for It tiS in cash.
Xoilh-Eiiet corner of Tliiid andArrb St Phi lid.
Ksnporlant Notice.
riIIC puMic are heretiy informed ihnt my wife
I LtiLBiln has left my hed and board with
out just cause, and I hereby million all persona
not to harbor nr Iru-t her on my account, for I
wont pay one cent unless 1 am.compelied by law.
It any jiersor) is troubled with her, be may sent
her home, or ells give me due no'ice, then I will
fech h. r home. JACOU BARNS.
White Deer Tp. Feb. 7, tJ31
Look Here!
S tpuriuut BRANDRETU PILLS are
sold by many Dtuggi-ta in city and
country, it would be well if persons in inquiring
for them would make them produce their Certifi
cate or AfiExcT. As there is but one Agent
appointed for each city or town, (no difference
bow large the plsce.) and all Agents ran produce
their Certificate, any persons wanting the genu
ine Pills had belter purchase where they can
depend on getting the genuine article.
8ule Agents far Lewisburg.
'"PHE undersigned, intending to remove
J, to the West, would hereby gi notice
that all indebted to him fir cotts, note, or
bonk account, to make immediate payment,
as after the first of April he will be obliged
to leave bis accounts with some one lor
collection. J. II A US, Jm.
New Berlin, Feb. 10, 1851
for sale by
.Market Street V.'harf,
of Reuben
In Lewisburg, I7lh iast.. a Son
vler, aged 3 yeara.
in Milton, 11 ih inst, in bis 5ih year,
"ocei sou of CanL John M HnIT
In Miffimburg, 9th inst, Cathebibe, wife of
"'A. J. Cbotzeb, aged 2 years, 4 months,
and 10 day.
la Mifflmburg, Friday 14th inst. Dr. Robkbt
iBTiLKiB, Sr, long cespected medical prac
titioner. His illness was painful and protracted;
fuceeuing from ossification of the heart. His
vraa about 65.
In Pottsville, 7th inst, Sabtkl TaoMrsox
,ng a highly '"peeled and active merchant in
his 58th year.
M m1 wiUenee f G. Ja's Irvin, at Potter's
Mill. Monday. i0lh Abd.ew W. son of
the late Matthew B. G,e8s. ,ged ,boul 20 ye..
M-At a rtint th. SoreoBoa. Claw, or Tire Cme-
DRfcW W. GfiBJfl, e,y o r tbrtr Bmlr, the
liT. we MB not too dfpl, fL
rlt?ai,An" ID th. lo ;.f tb. OWL
fnU of the '"nM be Kent to the
Chrooida. ". aiso pablwhod in th Lei.borg
( BMstiBg of th. rA ., A- Keu-T. r-
"TTILL be offered at Public Sale, on the
premises, in the Borough of Leivis-
bur, on
Saturday. 2Cth April next,
comprising One Square of Land,
Ivlng between Water and Firt, and St.
Mary's and St. Anthony's streets all
unimproved. ICpSold by Lots to suit
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M.,
when conditions will he made known.'
for Mrs. M. Skiixr., Harrisburg.
Lowisburg, March 15, 1851.
IOOK at Hatfield's NEW
J STOCK of (iold and Silver
Watches and Jewelry, before you
buy ebewhere and pay a "leetle
too much" because you waa not
I aware that II ai field "Us chcanrr.
Cold P. I-Tcni. trvrn jewels 14 to 1SK f IO.ontoSn.00
" do full ji-wi it.l 1(1 toll l..(l
" AnclwmandL. pin'-sjewld 14 to 18 ."VMiO M,nil
SilViT P. Lctito. jfwr-li-d, !". 34.10
Am-lir?( ami Lt-pini a, jeweled lo.cO lT.lfl
Gold Finpr Kin, tsrve variety f''a
Kar Kiiik. I'Inin sua tigu, tatrrt Mylcs & (4)
" P.-nolli. and l't-us 4.. ln.l
" I'enriln l.TS S.OO
Pens. .Silver ca-ws, Diamond pointed 1.A0 3.(jo
" Rrea.tpinn, l-aiiys awl lient ,dirl't styles .75 &.
" llunUnjr Lorkets, doable, 6.5(1 li.O-1
" WatetKliaiBs, F..l.and Vest 6.n0 2 .00
- (iunr-l do 6 feet 13.50 1S.00 j
Kevii .75 3.50
Hirer Table and Ten Spnnns 6,00 lx.o-l
PIstM and lierm. Silver Tea and Table Spoons ,75 4.00
Silver Cmnha 2,50 3.50
and Hold Spectacles l."0 1.75
BrawClorks 2.50 10.110
Acoordeuns 2,50 t..(0
And hnndreds of first choice articles, "splendid
goods," just from the City and as low as City
retailers can sell, by A. I.. HATFIELD.
Lewisburg, March 18, 1851
A PuMic SA LE of the ENTIRE STOCK of
;mt Bacon,
and iron 7
F the subscribfr, will take place at his
Storeroom in Lewisburjr, on
Saturday, 2?d March, IS5I,
comtwncinj at 10 o'clock, A. M. (rcat
barjiaiiis may be expected, as the Good
will I; sold to the highest bidder.
Merchants in the Town and Country
are particularly invited to attend.
Conditions, in the dav of sale.
Es"From this time
up to the 22d inst., the stock will be otlered
at Greatly Reduced Prices.fl The public
arc invited to call. .
Lewisburiz, March 4,1651
fPIIE subscribers having purchased H. P.
I Sheller's stock at such a rite as will
enable them to sell all kinds ol
purchasers wnl save money by giving us
a call. All kinds of Country I'UOUUCH
taken in Lxclianoe for Goods.
I). S KKKUIiR &t CO.
Lewisbur", Feb. 18, 1851.
Selling Off!
To the Ladles.
Mous!ine DiLiines, Cusi meres,
Cusbmere?, Cravats,
Calicoes, very I-tw, Cloths,
Lon and Square Shauls-.
(Tj'The above G.wmIs and a!l others in our
line for s.ile AT KEDIJCCD PKICES, as we
are anxious to reduce our stork.
C li. BOWES.
Lewisburg, Jan 28, IS.jI
On the Delaware & Hudson Canal,
TOll the year 1851 between Kondoct
I' and IIawley.
PANY will puy the following rates of
rrnght :
J'OTICE is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore eiKting between the subscribers
under the Firm of lU rnr.io Ac TsoairsoB, is
Ibis div dissolved by mutual consent. Air per
sons indebted to said Firm are requested to make
settlement; and those having accounts againai
said Firm are respectfully requested to present
the same. A I. HATr ICI.ll.
Lewisburg, Feb 1, 1S51
rrillE subscriber having commenced the baking
1 business in Lewisburg, nearly opposite II.
I'. Shelter's store, intends keeping constantly on
baud the best of
together with a good supply of Common Cakes,
and UREtD which for whiteness and quality
will be surpassed by no baker in the country, aa
we have the services of a practical workman.
In connection nith our Uakery, we have an
where he will serve up at abort notice OYSTERS
in any style that may be desired. QOystera
received ireso every morning.
and persons from the country will End the Bakery
a convenient and pleasant resort for the purpose
nf obtaining refreshments, such as Bread, Cskes,
Fies, Oysters. Hot Collee, &C. tc.
Also, FI.OI R for sale.
Lewisburg, Dec. 1850
Try the Jew General Tailor I
TF1HE subscriber would inform the people ol
I Lewisburg and vicinity, that be baa opened
a shop in the large Urick corner house, opposite
lien. A. Ureen s, where be is prepared to
Gentlemen's and Boy's Clothing, in the best
style. LATEST FASMIOXS constantly on
hand, lo suit every taste, liy punctuality and
eonit work, l nope to earn a living patronage.
Louiilry I'rouuce taken in payment.
Lewisburg, Nov. 25, 1850
M1E undersigned, trading as the Firm
of D. S. KUEMER & CO., having
purchaed of II. 1'. SiictLES his Store,
comprising a general assortment of Merch
andize, purpose to continue the business at
the same stand, lhcy respectfully solicit
the ratronaoe of the public generally. All
kinds Country Produce taken in exchange.
Lewisburg, Feb. 5, 1851.
ICTTo my Fiicnds and Customers, I
(T. ' . i 1. r .L-: . c
or J rips made in 10 dnvs. 90 cts.; if , . , ,, . .
i, oa . ,i j u- and kindness; and I would now inform
. u..,,, o , --. V uy them, that I I.u
Public Sale.
ITJILL be exposed to Public Sale at the
W house of the subscriber, in Haines
Tp, Center Co, (at the head of the I'enns
Valley Narrows,) on
Tuesday the 25lh .March next,
the following property, to wit :
IIores, Cows.
Young Cattle,
Wagons, Sieds,
Gear, one very
large Team
one larjie Bay Siallicn,
such as Ploughs, Harrow, Windmill, Sic
also Liquors, and a number of articles too
numerous to mention. To be soid as the
property of John Motz. deceased.
Terms made known on d iy ot sale, by
Administratrix of John Motz, dee'd.
Feb. 6, 1831.
the Company providing Boats, for which
$21 will be reserved on each trip for use of
said Boat. For further particulars, refer
ence mav be had to printed Articles ot
From the improvements made in the
Canal, the present winter, Boats are ex
pected to carry 100 to 110 tons per trip
during the season. Contracts can be
made at the Office ol the Company, 31
Wall St. New-York, or at Kondout, the
termination ol the Canal on the Hudson
Kiver, either personally or by letter.
tO".Messrs.FnicK: & Slifer, Lewisburg,
(who are building Boats for the Company)
ure authorized to make contracts with boat
men, or eive information.
New York, Hhh Feb. 1851,
Notice to Bridge Builders.
fsHHE undersigned. Commissioners of Union
I Co.. Pa- still meet at the houe of John S.
Kern, in Center Tp. on Fbidat the 23th day of
March, at 10 o clock, A. M. ; and at me puhiic
house ol Jacob Ou, in Penns Tp, on Faintr the
4th day of April, 1851, at 10 o'clock, A. M, for
the purpose of receiving Proposals for the build
ing of two Bridges, the former across Middlecreek
near Beaver Furnace, and the Utter across Penns
creek at Hartman's Mill. The specifications of
which are not now agreed upon, but will be made
known on said days. All those wishing to embark
in anything of the kind, are respectfully invited to
attend. JAMES BARBIX, 1
JOHN WILT, CommVers.
Comm'sers' Office, Xew Berlin, March 10. 1S51
Map of tlie State of California,
TEXAS, printed by 8. Aug'a Mitcbell in
1846, and painted to correspond with the boun
daries fixed by Congress in 1960 for sal at the
Chronicle office, pnet J eta.
WILL be offered at Vendue, at the
Public House ol Col. Sam'l Keber,
on the Turnpike, in East Buffalo Tp, on
(Lrjnrsban lljc 2 7 It) of fllarr!),
commencing: at 10, A M. 1 Mare with
fnal, 1 two-horse Wagon, 1 Cows, Plows,
Harrows, Harness, 1 Saddle, Plow-Gears,
Windmill, 2 Thrashing Machines and horse
power, 1 Carriage, Hay ladders, beds, bed
ding, bedsteads, chairs, tables, 1 eight-day
clock, bureaus, chests, barrels. tubs, kettles,
pots, kitchen and corner cupboards, 2 coal
stoves, 1 Hathaway's cooking stove, carp
els, and a variety of Farming Utensils and
Kitchen Furniture Ion numerous to name.
March 5, 1851. John Keber..
THE subscriber will offer at Public Sale
at his residence, on Fourth St., in the
Borough of Leisburg, on
Saturday, 29lh March inst,
the following property 1 Spring Wagon,
I Milch Cow, 1 good Hathaway Cooking
Stove and Pipe, 1 pood Wood Stove and
Pipe, I cherry Corner Cupboard, Kitchen
Cupboard, cherry Secretary, 1, d. zen of
Chairs, 2 large Iron Kettles, 2 Bull Plows,
1 Walker Plow, a sett of Wagon M .ker's
Tools, Breakfast Table, Utning Table,
Bedsteads, large Cistern, Meal Vessel, and
a variety ol other articles.
Sale to commence at 12 o'clock. Terms
made known on dav ol sale by
TJ0R tale at tbia Office an EGG STOVE,
H which haa been used loss than a year an
excellent sieve for small room
TkESTI.ST, continues to operate on the
TEE I'll, at moderate prices. He is now
located next door lo Ur. Lriser's, on FOURTH
Street, near Mr. Blair'a Hotel.
Thankful for past favors, he would respectfully
solicit a conlinuanceiof the same.
I.ewiburg, Oct. 7, 1850 588
The beautiful Sliip Industry t
The subscriber
has just received by
the above, at his
Kiw Shop, Second
i stteet near Market,
(next door to H. C.
HickoK's law office)
an entire new and
fashionable stock of materials for carrying on the
business of
Boot and Shoe Making,
embracing French Calf skins. Patent Leather and
Morocco of every description, with LASTS of
all sizes and lateat stle. He hopes by strict
attention to business and a desire to do the
"greater good of the greatest number" of his
patrons, lb merit and receive the confidence and
support of a generous public. AU work and ma
terial warranted. D. W. SAMSEL.
Lewisburg, Dec 30, 1850
ssBHkBtaaLW M b4WsbsW
have disposed nf my stock of
Goods to 1). S. Krexer & Co., and I
would hereby earnestly request them to
favor my successors with their custom, feel
ing assured they shall be able lo deal with
them to their entire satisfaction.
THE undersigned is provided with all the
e J -it
i ucccssu ry lornis nnu papers, anu win
take charge, on the most reasonable terms,
of any claims for BOUNTY I. AND, EXTRA
PAY or I'EASIOAS that may be placed in bia
hands. A II applications, alter being duly prepared
heie will be forwarded to Cbiblbs DeSkldibo
Esq, an efficient and reaponsiMe Pension Agent
at Washington city, who will present them in
person (without extra charge) to the proper D
imrimeiu -in arnilKviuvui cusuuiib. accuracy aim
despatch. H C HICKOK
Lewisburg, Jan 39, 1831 ant
Administrator's Notice.
WHEREAS, Letters of Administration
on the estate of IS A AC G. LA WSH E
late of the Boro' of Lewisburg, Union Co.,
deceased, have been granted to the subscri
ber, resident in said Borough, by the Reg
isler of said county, therefore all persons indebted
to the said estate, or to the late Firm of Wolf a
St Lawshe, are requested to make immediate
payment; and those having claima against the
same, are required to present them duly authen
ticated for settlement without delay.
G F MILLER, Administrator
Lewisburg, Feb 3, 1851 6w
WILL commence on MONDAY the 58th of
Octobib. In this Institution, all the
Branches of a thorough Academic course will be
The communication of knowledge simply, ia
not the sole design of Education and should not
be nude so ; its highest aim is to strengthen and
bring out into action, the intellectual and moral
powers nf the student. Throw around him all
the facilitins necessary to bis progress, and af
ford him all proper aiJ, but do not flutter him
with the thought that he must rely upon another
and not upon his own efforts for success. Inde
pendent self-reliance is one of the first lessous
that ahnuld be learned in a school room. This
kind of early mental training prepares one for
vigorous and manly exertion in after life, and
thus gives him a marked advantage over the ig
norant and uneducated. The main efforts of a
Teacber shauld. therefore, be directed to the for
mation of sound habits of study, for when this
end is reached, the progress of the pupil becomes
at once certain and rapid.
Composition and Declamation, as formerly,
will receive due attention particularly the for
mer, and the Primary Department shall have our
special care. The auheciiber feels flattered with
tho growing prosperity of the Institution, and
shall labor to merit its continuance, by increased
Price Reduced ?
fcju-ge Bolt lea Only Oave assail i.
see Vm
Ts FiwHw af tfcs Orsai Aawira
VaoaTsaLB LiTBei-rairric Mibtsbb.
erfsnt soocneue a his masaw, ibmmbbbs as tfai
attaias Bad Causa, has aesr
Seduesd the Trie
his sopalar and wall kwm artisia; asst ftsBB aafci SB
hasrai'ona. he will set ap bat saa sbbj ealf.-aat
fcwuJss:-UM Mrtail prtas will ha
02 DOliAB.
The pablM at, mm asssiwl lhat the (haraskw af aha 1
was. its susasth. aisi iaii pigpsniss will aaesus
cscbaissb. and ih aaaw ssss will a aasiimi ia pas.
parioc k as IrstsiufuiB.
As Uus asBlKius, aadsr iu pnss. will hs pascSMMs4
by those wis, hara aot htihstt ausw thasawtvss asaajsBs4
with iw vmaos, tbs piapiwsw wwiht has a
articW is oot t berlsw,it with lis, vast aawaasss
f thadair ;" kalaiaw tar BssiT a crsslw- assssas? I
mil Sussjts. tasa sap susr praps
w&rU : ana has sasninwl itsslf lor stsht raass hr h sapanst
smhoal smass. asd. aanl this psdarusa. sassaBaaessJ eaabbj
tbs pnea of anf atbsr article ia this hae.
Npticb Pakticl Ljiilt, this article aeta with esaaBasa.
lag pawar and esrtsintr. apsa the
Blood, liver, Xidneys, laaga,
sadattstbsTasfus. apaa lbs pcopst sstiaa as watah ass as4
This awdwae haa a jastt hi(h apass as a sbbbhIp Bar
Dropsy and OtbtbI,
aad sB dtssasss sf that aauss. It aaap aa ssliwl apaa whsa
the iauuiawu pbrwoaa has ahaaitoasd awpanaat. aad aw
tbsss itwrawiiit dm. m. m sspwiiaUr Daopav. tha psaps.
tar woald aansMlp and honssllr ws-nsjwsad k. At SB
pr,,snt pnos it m sssilr abuijMHt br all, aad tha anal wll paps
the articls to b tha
Cheapest Ksdicine ia the Werld!
Flsassaa rpaaphlsts Uwatmwtisathaaiawap
thsr aontaiD orar siitsan pasas of laawtiia. (ta aaduwa as lal
assdieal Butter) salaabl far bnasabiild mnaw. aad wasaa
will mvs aia, avllais par rau la pracuaal ' l iinnwa
Tbasa lanaipts ass intfwiaoad as auks tha bowk at aaaa
ajD, asMa IN
Common English 6 ; Higher English, $8 ;
and for the Languages, f 10.
Oct. 9, 1850. Principal.
Tiitiob Per Session of 20 weeks, for the I tha awdicina. the mmudoot ia fan a whiah. s ia.
auanima an parts taw aoaaur, but be asbad apaa.
QT " Vasfha'a Vsgatabla LithaauiDUc Btiiiass" ah
Gnat Aakiricaa EeaHslr. aaw faraiki is aaan hauls, as
each. sauH bottles at so els sash. Ma aanll a sllss was he
iasaad aftar tha praasat stock is diinoaail af.
rnacipal OtSes. Baffala. J. T., BtT Maia llM
S. C. TAt'CHsT.
Bold VVholaiaia sad Ksufl hjr OLCOTT McKEMON aX
CO.. tr Mu.Ua Una. New Tork Citp.
1. B. All lauam (aiesptnt Daai l
wboai ha uaasaels hminsw) siasl t
will be fi'aa is Uxsa
LANE'S VEKMIFUGE This invaluable
remedy for worms, is rapidly supplanting
all others, in public estimation. Where it is used
it has produced the best etlccts, and driven out
all other remedies. It is the best we have ever
seen ! is the remark of all who have ever nsed it
in their families :
J Kidd & Co I received a lot of M'Lane's
Vermituge from your agent ls-t spring, which I
sold out in one week, and I think I could have
sold one thousand bo! lies by this time if 1 could
have got it, out not knowing where to get it I bad
to wait until your agent came around. Every
person that has tried M'Lane s Vermifuge tells
me it is the best they have ever seen ; in fact it is
impossible for any one 10 say too much in fsvor
of M'Lane's Vermifuge. W D KOBU
Tyre Springs, Sumner Co-Tenn, Feb 19 1843
Dr M'Lane, Dear Sir I have sold out all
your Liver Pills and am anxious to have another
lot immediately. These pills seem to take most
wonderfully; I could have sold a much laiger
quantity if I had been provided wilb them ; the
inhabitants are sending to Rochester for them.
but whether there are any there or not I do not
know. Please aend me another aupply immedi
ately. F SHOKT, Druggist
Hemlock Lake, Livig'n Co N Y, Mar 8 1847
J Kidd Sl Co Your traveling agent left with
me last summer a quantity of Dr M Lane's Pills
and Worm Specific to sell on commission ; the
orm Specific n all sold and I should be glad to
procure more, as it sells very readily and has
very salutary effect in expelling worms. If you
can forward me some or send me an order to call
on your agent in Butfalo (LS Reynolds) I think
it will meet with a rapid sale.
Varysburg, Wyoming Co, N Y, Dee 10, 1847
AGENTS C W ScHirrLE, Lewisburg;
H Caslow and J H Raser, Millon ; I Gerhart. Se-
linsgrove; J W Friling, Sunburv ; Mrs M 'Cay
Northumberland; M C Grier. Danville
tO-LR. THORNTON, Leishrg. ia
General Agent for I'aioa county J.H.CaSLew,
Agent, Milu n ; I. Gst.BT, tsehnagiovt
LBS. Confectioner)', iust
recened and more coming.
A splendid assortment of assorted Candies lar
Ihose that wish something nice for parties, Hat.
lidays, 4c, carried away at all times, by those)
thai like sweet things, from the Central Draw dk
hemical EmporiunFancy Goods.NolsonA Va
riety Mora of C. W. Schaffle.
rain Prills.
fPHE undersigned wish to inform the
I furming community generally, that
they are now manufacturing
J. P. ROBS' .Wy Improved ORAIM
Without stopping to discuss the compara
tive merits of numerous Drills now offered
for sale, they merely wish to invite Farm
ers to call and see the above named article
before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi
dent that they can furnish an article that
will give entire satisfaction.
Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, 1650.
eu)isburg JTounDrn
flMlEFirrnof GrnDKs& Marsh has been
J this day dissolved by mutual consent,
Samuel Geddes having transferred all his
interest in said Finn to James S. Marsh,
who will settle all its nlfiirs, and continue
the Foundry, Stove, and Mtchine business
as usual, and hopes to be favored with a
continuance of the lil eral patronage hith
erto enioved. SAMUEL GEDDES,
Lewisburg, Feb. 14, 1851.
IC7In retiring f rom the Firm of Geddes
& Marsh. 1 tender my acknowledgments
to the friends and patrons of the establish
ment, and cordially recommend Mr. Marsh
- . r . I
to the confidence ana patronage oi tne
public. Samuel Geddes.
aC7AII persons having accounts with
the late Firm, will see the propriety of
ailing and settling, as I am anxious to
close up all its affairs, as soon as practi
. . 0 as
cable. JAaHf s. mAasa.
$2,000 worth Cabinet Furniture
For Sale at DonarJiy's Wareroom,
IT10URTII Street, south aide of Matket.at the
sign of S. W. Wyknff ware-room up stairs.
sv here is offered a splendid assortment of t va
KITVHE.mM cheap as can be purchased this side
of Philadelphia such as
Plain, Fancy, and Dressing Bureaus ; Sofas ;
Ottomans ; Mahogany Chairs ; Pier, Center,
Card, Sofa and Dressing Tables, Breakfast and
DiningTables,&c; Bedsteads (Oetican.French
and Common) from $3 to $100; also Stands
of every variety.
AU work warranted to be well made, and on
the most reasonable terms. Cah, Country Pro
duce, and Lumber taken in payment.
Lemisborg, Nov. 21, 1850
fPHE subscribers, thankful for past pat-
I ronnge, would inform the public that
they continue to manufacture all kinds of
Mill Gearing and other Castings. Thrashing
Machines, and other articles of Machinery repai
red in the best manner. Castings warranted to
be of (,ood material, and at pricea that can not
fail to please. (JEDDES & MARSH.
Lewisburg, Dec. 1850
CAST Water Wheels for sale at the
Lewisburg Foundry by
fieddea dc Marsh.
Lewisburg, Union County, Penn'a.
Practices in Union and adjoining counties also
attends the eourta of Perry county.
FFICE on Second St., lately occupied
by L. B. Christ, Esq.
N. Y. Fall and Winter Fashions foi
ws JUST received by the subscriber,
not only Plates.but warranted to make
--exactly like them. No fit no pay.
Country Produce taken in payment.
Shop in my new Brick House, opposite
James P. Ross' house).
Lewisburg, Oct. 7, 1850.
COOKING Stoves, of various patterns
and sizes, lor Coal or Wood, for sale
at the Lewisburg Foundry by
lieddee dr. Marsh.
OTOVES Parlor. Wood, and Coal
O Stoves, various patterns, for sale at the
LewUburg Foundry. Geddes 6c Maish.
rpilRASIUNG Machines and PLOWS
I for sale at the Lewisbur;; Foundry.
Geddes dr. Marsh.
J. & J. Walls,
HAVING replenished the old Mammoth
Store, and crammed it from garret ic
cellar with every variety of Goods requirM
Sail anb iDinftr
consumption, respectfully request their old
friends, the trading community, to call and
examine their stock.
K7U KAI. and Produce of all kiada
bought as usual.
Lewisburg, Oct. 27, 1850
professional services to the riiivn.
of Lewisburf; and vicinity, in the varioua
branches of his profession.
Residence Temperance Hotel.
Office Drue Store, one done ilsa k.
Mummoth Store of J. AV J. IV.II.
Lewisburg, Oct. 1, 1850
Bread withont Vmat
J tured by Babbitt & Co., is a most superior
preparation for making Bread. Tea cakes. Bock
ucsi cakes, quicKly and cheaply . lor sale By
Familv Soao Powder.
Ihis preporstion a single paper eoatin- itl
cts. will make 12 quaits of the best Faa.il
Soli Soap. For sale by
WIARD'S Patent Gang Plow, a supe
rior article, for sale at the Lewisburg
Foundry by Geddes & Marsh.
N or Seed Drills Ross Patent-
decidedly the best and most durable
Gr.iin Drill now in nse, for sale at the Lewisburg
Foo.idry by Geddes A. Marsh.
Throvjh hj Daylight!"
To the Public Xo Humbug.
received a fresh consignment of
Dr. J. S. ROSE'S Family medicines,
can offer them to the community with great con
fidence, having tested their efficacy and known
Tirtnea in several instances. At this inelen wt awin of
the year, when person are sutgeel lo CbwAs, Oidm, and
nftumsMtory Aftctimt, they will And' 'these Meitieines
arl'npted In those maladies, aa Terr effectual is the remoral
of the eanse aeodneing then, and the restoration of wonted
health. If them are any remains of Fever and Ague to be
found, they will soon by a proper nse nroduee a rwtl il
enre. and renovate the antem. Preparrd by J. 8. KOSE,
X D Member of the Heitleal FaeultT. Philad.
lewisburg, Dee, BAKTON, GtDDES MARSrl.
edition, can be bad
at Lyndall'a Bookstore, a this plaee.
Lewiabor., April 10, ItfO.
Fire-Proof Paint
18 an article vorlby the alien Uoa of owaera of
buildings of every description. For sale fc-w
Dr. John Locke,
r A Y be found at bis Office and residence
1?X nrst door east of KHne's Hotel the tsra
weeks following the first Monday of each month,
where he ia prepared to eiecote all operatioM IB
uusinesa in a maimer creditable ls
imaelf and salisfactory to those who atay favor
Dr. L. spends the third ak r ..k
in Millon.
CCTAromatic Tooth Paste. Dill nn in a i;r.,i
porcelain boxes, an excellent article for keeping
the leeth clean and breath sweet, for sale at tft
cts per box, by
. , JOHN LOCKE, D.D. 8.
I-ewuburg, Pa., May, 1850
mm mm
ON Market St., south side, between Third
and Fourth Sis. over S'oe Wareroom.
Open until 9 in the evening. Charge until
the 1st of April next, $1.30; for one SBootb, tO
c' ' n wk. S eta ; aingle visits (permitted if
they do not incommode regular patrooa.) i eta.
Each member entitled to invite in ssrangars. aa
visiters, for a limited lime.
Thia enterprise is undertaken with the belief
that the first town on the West Branch will awn.
eroosl, sustain j A . ,. ,
(if tbey approve) patronii, the Reading-Roosa.
t. k "N-WORM2.P,oprie4or.
Lewisburg, No 1, 1850
Stone Coal for sale.
To RlarksaalllM.
BITDM1NOU COAL, from the West
Branch and from Uoliidaysburg. for
sale at the Shop of the subscriber, near the
Hay scales on Third St.
Lewisburg, May 7. 1830
TTA5ITE1-IV 331 and 3. 1. .
M Lewisbim Chronicle 1830. ' f-a
cento par copy will be given tot fenr Naa of eaesT
(U s good atate ef csseevarion) at tfcja tttrm
k f.
v i
t, -
1 t