Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, March 05, 1851, Image 3

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Correcieu uns Ajay.
. ..100
... 15
Dried Apples.
Eggs .
Tallow . .
IHPORTiXT to lhoe hiving impurities
of the BUhI. UK ANT'S ITKlr'YI.NG EX
Tit At' 1', the nu.t wonderful I'uiitier in ihe
world, it now put up in IJitart Butties. (Jj'Sce
advertisement headed "61 DOSES." It is so
srtong and purifying, thai one bullte lasts from
Un to tixteen days longer than Sreajarilla. Dr
Thornton, agent, Lewisburg. 2ni323
1'lpi .thetrue Digestive Fluid or Ga&tiie Juitt!
great Dyspepsia cuter, prepare troni Rennet
or the fourth stomach of llie Ol, aller directions
if Karon Liebirr.the jt'cai I'hyaiolorirral chemist,
bv J S Hougnton. M 1). No 11 North Eiehih St.
Philadelphia. This is a truly wot drrful remedy
fur indigestion, dyspepsia, jaundice, r.instipsli.in,
Iner complaint and deliiliiy, curing after Nature's
own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric
Juice. See Advertisement in mother column.
Country Ulcrcuinls. and Teachers.
TE respectfully solicit the attention of ill
dealers in School. Mi-cellaneous or blank
llt)t KS STATION EKV, PAl'ER or Window
SHADES, to our superior facilities for supplying
at unusually low rates, for css-h or approved credit,
every article pertaining to our business.
A long and active experience, warrants ua in
raying thatwecan offer induce meiitsto purchasers
We earnestly ask an examination of our mode of
conducting business, believing if an experiment
is made, it will be found lor the interest of those
desiring goods in our line, to continue operalirg
with us. Our stock is at all seasons large, and
selected with particular reference to the wants of
Pennsylvania. Ohio and Ihe near trai'e generally.
Ordershy niailorolherwisedespaiched promptly
and at the lowest rates known in any market.
irj The biBhes-l price given for it AGS in cash.
I'i; K Si BLISiS,
North Eitst earner of'J'hud and An h St-, I'mnn.
Important Xotlrc.
riMin public ate hereby informed that my wife
J BiiBin has left my bed and board with
out just cause, and I hereby caution all persons
not to harbor or trust her on my account, for I
wont pay ot.e cent unless I am compelled by law.
If any person is troubled with her, he may sent
her home, or ells give me due no-ice, then I will
lech her home. JACOB BARNS.
White Deer Tp, Feb. 17, 1651
S II A I ,C0I)1'1SII, Constantly on Land and
f.ir sule by
Market Street Wharf,
THR remaining stock of Store Goods,
Piaster, &c, belonging to the estate
or the laie Samuel Wolfe, deceased, will
be again offered for sale r n
Saturday, 31arcli 8,
commt-ncing at 10 o'clock, A. M., on the
premises of the deceased.
Terms, Scc, made known by the Ad
ministrators. Lewisburg, March 4, 151
Auction I
A Public SALE of the ENTIRE STOCK of
sal1' , f Bacon,
and Iron 7
OF the subscriber, will lake place at his
Storeroom in Lewisburg, on
Saturday, .March,
commencin at 10 o'clock, A. M. Great
bargains may be expecled, as the Goods
be sold to ihe highest bidder.
Merchants in the Town Bnd Country
are particularly invited to attend.
Conditions, on the dav of sale.
s?From this time
up 10 the 22d inst., the stock will be offered
at Greatly Reduced Prices.) The public
are invited to call.
Lewisburg, March 4,1851'
"TTILL be offered at Vendue, at the
? Public House ol Col. Sam'l Reber,
on ihe Turnpike, in Fast Buflalo Tp, on
2t)nroban the 27th of Xttarrr),
rommencing at 10, A M. 1 Mare with
fcnl, 1 two-horse Wagon, 1 Cows, Plows,
Harrows, Harness, 1 Saddle, Plow-Gears,
Vjndmill,2 Thrashing Machines and horse
F"wer, 1 Carriage, Hay ladders, beds, bed
d;np, bedsteads, chairs, tables, 1 eight-day
dock, bureaus, chests, barrcU.tubs, kettles,
pots, kitchen and corner cupboards, 2 coal
"oves, 1 Hathaway' cooking stove, carp
us, and a variety of rarming Utensils and
rviichen rurniiure too numerous to name
THOMAS KliBER, Acent for
March 5, 1851. John Keber.
llorse-Shoc Xall Rods.
ONE Ton of Centre Count Hotse-Shoe Xail
Koda of the best quality, just receivej and
sale by J. HAYES & CO.
Furniture, Wagon, and Violincello
at Private Sale.
rPHE subscriber offers for sale the following
i-- ,rtde i horse Spring Carriage, a Vio
r,110',,6' frUcle.) BureaGa. Bed
wf' T,We- whUnd sett Chtira, 1
Copper Kettle, o.e, l00 ,.,d. f Carpeting, .d
Z ZV't Tb.ey "iU 00 ! nt,l .bout
fi "Uch Pr,c" W b. bad
i . .
..e, una. o ASUERSON.
y-vwisDurg, tab. S4, 1861.
By the Commissioners and Treasurer of said County, from the 1st day of January,
1850, to the 1st day of January, 1851.
District, anrl Names of
H-aver Christian Uns,f
West Beaver Jos. Foutius,
llutlaio Martin 1). Reed.t
K"sat HuttaJo Oeo. Shierv.t
West ButTalo C. Hassetiplue;,
Centre r'n-d'k. llamr,er,t
Chapman O. U. Sliatfcr.t
Hartley John llutTfuan.t
Kelly Adam Koyer,
Lewisbure; John Nurton,
Liiiislone John Kiukert,f
MuMlerreek John Hutlt-v,
Mittiioburft A. tiutrliutf
New Berlin Oeo. I fed.
Pnna &m'l. C. I'uber,
Perry Jamb ltinium,f
I'nion Jmas Berey.t
Wa.huiton lian'l. Sternar,
White Keel Israel tJeiger.f
117937,29 319,24 $1
The above table eihiblts tbe county rates and levies tor
comniissionff and exonerations, and I alance due.
Those marked thus hav paid m tuli since settlement,
Distriet and Collectos"
Hartley 8. Honpt, Jr.f
W. beaver M. liearhart,
Centre John Sanders,
perry Georay Rem.
Centre I 'brist. Hiechley,
Heaver iUury SchwarU,
W. Beaver Jmath. Kom.g,
Centre Adam Walter,
Chapman Andr. Ibmser,
Hartley David Kline.t
l.imestune Marcus Tea,
M;ddleereek Henry Verrer
Amount due.
Stale. Couutv
t erry Michael Miuiumt
Those marked thus have paid in full sinca settlement.
and Utose marked to u X nave paid m pars,
tut their services, including Clerk, $37 00
For their services for the year 1650. 363 62,
Tnwh-hin elt-etiona. 126 o4
Uensral election, 2S4 67)
70 Tlli
Jurora pay and mileage
February Term,
March peal Court,
May Term.
Sapu-mbvr Term,
lKceniber Term,
Court Cryer and Conatabl
K' bruary Term,
M arrW Special Cart,
May Trm,
S'ptm!?r Term,
lfecembcr Term.
$'41 M
132 00
4;4 sr.iU
604 12' J
521 K,
1394 8i
Corir-tablra Retartu to
Fabruary Term,
May Ttrm.
S-ptiiibT Term.
IfcKxmber Term,
62 93
10 &0
Jarvb IHel scrulbing Court House. as per
cuii Lr act.
Wm. VanOexer.Deputy Atlorny General,
l.ia f.ta, 42 00
M rriii and Fleming, AttnmyR f and
exper.rva, Lnton co. t. Lycoming e 42 07
Cha's. M-rnll, bii Salary as Comnuuion-
uth' I'riunsel, 35 00
Gtfrrp HJI. Iputy Attorney General,
Ins feis lur lcemLvr Term, 21 00
140 87
FI. Solomon. New Berlin bridge, $& 70
H. Herry, bri-lge below Freeburg, W
J. ChamtM-rlin. bridre near his mill, 1 00
A. Nest.it, bridge at Lewisburg, 32 83
Wm. Sudden, at High'a Mill, 7 60
Fred'k. Oundrum. S-l in uprose, 3 60
Oraig A Ken-U-tur, kremer's Mill, 6 00
Iravid Maurk, New Berlin bridge, 6 &3
Joseph Kwing, do. do. 3 00
Kdward Baua, do. do. 4 3T1,
Wm. Mmerurk, do. do. 10 00
Pelrr Bolig, bridges at Richter ' Hill, Se-
lingroTe and KanU'a, 193 07
John Norton, Lewinburg bridge, 10 62
Jarob Snvder, bridge at Moore's, 22 14
Ianiel Zieber, do. at Kline's, 1 SO
Jonathan Neebit A Ctk, first payment on
contract lor new bridge at Lewuburg, I'ii VJ
1357 1S,'S
N. B. The aboT. contains all th billa lor
materials, work, sc., done at the ainereut
bridg mentioned.
Witness fees paid by Commonwealth Ti. the
followinr; persons, to wit :
Fred'k. f3clim-der 1S; Daniel Millhr,ff $1,73 ;
I.rael Lorkhart 4i4; Benjamin rjctilouch
fl.04; l.tiert Cummins 17.44; Joseph
lru $14.41 : Iaid Weikel Jt).o4; I. W.
W oods J :r, U : John 1" Arnold 1 ,17 : John
tssler fi,75; Chris't. Moeser JiOU: ToUl, 113 S7J
Wm. Rnshong, coal, wood, ac, $15 7J
Klerkner a Koush, sundries, ( 83
auTl. rVop. faaulinK and planting trace
in front of Public Buildings, 2 01
John. A. t-nTder, 4 days mason work at
I'rivT. at 1,25 per day, 6 00
Wm. Ivters. 3 days work at Privy and
fisioj brMire at Court House, 2 Ti
David Maurk, coal, lumber and hauling
for I'rivy. 10 23
Wint-r shout, work and materials for
Privy, 30 33
Franklin Spittler, 3 days digging hole for
I nvy, w
E. Wilson, paint locks, candles, 4c, 3 41Jj
M. Kleckner, lumber for bridge at Court
House 1 V4
John Bryman, 5 tons of coal, IS 12' ,
98 TO' i
imon Frice k others, premiums on Fox Scalps, 136 373-j
Wm. Pursley, premium on one old Wolf Scalp
and probate, 12 i
corxTT PMXTixa
D.W.Woods.Kngli.h printing, contract, $160 00
Tountr A Mo st-r, Grraiao, do., 65 00
O. . W orden. KnKlish. do- 30 00
Bsum k Winter. do- 30 00
2S5 00
Catharine Limbert, damage on opening
road, ay order of eourt, 91 uu
Nicholas Arboast, do, 15 00
Ssm'l. T. Walker, 2 orders,do- 76 00
G. F. Miller, 1 order, do, 60 00
laniel Cronrad, ao- o (
JameaOeddes, do, 50 00
James Moore, for the estate
of Dr. W m. 11. Ludwia-, do, B3 75
Joseph Wetasl, do, 15 00
John Stroheckcr, do, 100 00
Jacob Spitler, do, 12 50
Feter evius, uon 00 uo
xieuy, ao, 20 i-'i
Frederick Bower, Esq, holding inquest on the
dead body of George Witeumyer, February
6, 1S0. $11 07
Wm. U. Herrold, do. do. William Freed,
July 15, ls50, 12 a
J. ITaus, Jr., Prothonotary, his bill of fees for
lb4 and 1850,
24 20
331 3S
Daniel Bellman, Register and Keoorder, his taea
for Recording Bonds,
J. TJaua, Jr, 6 Hocketa and freight for Pro
tbonotary's Office, 5 12
t 2
Wm. Koshong, 1 do. for do, 7 00
72 12
cm Schoch, for boards, brick A hauling, $S 42
Dssid Manck, boards, Ac, J 44
Wm. Benner, for materials and earpen-
ter work done, 26 86
Milton Cornelius, plastering and white
washing Jail, I M
A. Thomas A Sons, for wood and carry
ing shingles and coal, 14 00
Boop A Rishel, work done at Jail cellar, 4 00
Jonathan Bilger, hauling shingles for
Jail roof, ' 00
John P. Smith, brick for drain at Jail
eeller. 1
J. Hummel, shingles for Jail, 77 15
W'm- Steinruck. mason work. 3 00
Jos. Cwing, tending maeon, Ac, 1 67
Michael Kleckner, hauling shingle for
Jail, S 18?.
John Lel.k icber, roofing bog pen ax Jail,
aud nails, 12
A. knitter, unloading shingles. 25
Wm. Koshong, 1 desk lock, 15
157 Zli
On amount of State Tac paid by them to tba
Treasurer prior to the Z3d day ol July, lSdU,
at & per cent, on the dollar.
ZtutrvU and Colkctarf Amount Amount f
Nana. paid A'xucmt.
lewisburg John Norton, f750 00 $37 sO
White Deer Israel Geiger, 310 00 16 60
Washington D. Sterner. 300 00 16 00
'ffrryJaob Minium, 130 08 0 80
Kellv Adam Royer, 670 00 28 60
Buffalo M. D. Used, 1.4O0 00 70 00
Ontre Fred. Hassinger, 171 00 8 66
Union Jonas Herge, .wv. WW
Kast Buffalo Geo. Phiery, Kt3 97 11 70
West Buffalo Ch Hassenplag,7O0 00 16 00
New Berlin George Diel, 26 00 14 76
Miflltnburg A.Gutolius, 164 00 7 96
Middlecreek Jnbn Hartley, 74 00 t 70
Penas Samuel C. Fisher, 806 00 16 2S
West Beover Joseph Pontiaa, 85 00 1 76
LlnvMitfloaJohn Kinkert, 93 00 4 06
Ilartlsv John tioffman, 168 00 7 90
314 90
Airhibald Thomas, Sberiff, his bill bearding
arisonsra, aeieatinf, drawing afid tiMnwon-
Amount ehanrsd. Amount rec-iired. CommYns. E.-ionsrat's. Balance du to
Stale. County. Mate. Couutv. State. Countr. State. County.
1KU.S2 673,'d 17,U0 4ot,uU .7 .hi 1&S.71 138,1).;
621,11 333,44 Ms"5 ttifc.OJ 32,, 4 2'tMl el.Ul 46,45
ltK!l,u6 K74.UO 1S10.U0 640.00 Kli.Sl 6,M 5.45 S77,t2
1IM4.H6 6l3,t 756.67 3u33 ix,,45 31,71 192,74 V,M
t54.55 43tf,o 7B7,UO ",lW 44, SS 27,08 42,i7 3.'W,"0
lihi.uo to;, 15 4.i.4S i3s,uo 6u,h2 32,03 f,:io 4.,17,12
655,til !WJ,2l 22.'. .00 160.00 .H 2u,Hl STA61 12,45
1275,a 667,2i "40.WJ 3t'l tT 83.S1 47.4S 4M.1S 317.H7
103,ll 65a,0 tllS,3 47,32 65.W 2-'.7- bf,60 ,12
7W,(H 432,'J7 75H.H0 4o4,6ii 47,20 '2H.41
81 2,15 4f2.37 7:i7,24 327,41 63,23 12!,1 101,0)
3M.73 l7,'l 235,70 74,00 u 12i,i4 113,45
30ti.42 171,17 2W..95 6H.U0 1N.44 12.H0 21,03 l',37
44H.14 2"7,W 39.75 61,0 22.07 11,06 65,72 1464
2i2,76 114i's24 840,26 262.00 l:.7,oS Sf,,sJ 116,42 807,31
ttl2,'J3 32ti,60 422.M) llr,,00 30,74 17.3J 16U.3J l"Vi,7
.10:14,26 5.1K,51 S15.42 Il2.:i2 U'M at.711 l2,2s 32.41
Wsi.4tf 4Ji,iill 60,eo tM.,0) 47.KV 21J.47 25,14
87,4 4.'.5,2B 4i,50 W.uO 4J.71 31, to i3J,13 32o,E0
- '4WS4 (UJH,01 $1J41,MJ $5MZ $4464,16 $14ll,bl
the year 1&40 showing the amouut charged, amount raid,
and those marked thusf hava paid in part
Joseph Winter, luUi ( oouiu Hioiiar, SO
James Harbiu, Cumin ifiuuer, 172 I'J
John Wiit. d... 131 &o
4jej3rge lleinba'-h, do. iil (.J
C. Ilreman, Clerk to Cummbsicncrs,
his calary, 260 00
IL-nry Aurand Jr.,for assisting to make
out the lupkieate, T Oil
8. Wilson, paper lur Cmminn. Of!i':e, J
R. riwinefurd, 2 rams of paper, (lar
f.r (Vmuiilikn t's Office, 1'2 hi
Pey 11 waou.iig towels, V
road rnrsi
Jamev F. Linn, an J uth-r, fur making report
on Public Itoa-ia, $:: 00
Ht;pini A Dnni, i J hn baron ') irafton the
countr, for the keeping convicU Feter Buct,
in full, 11 &
Cumorsai' ners fur dividing Tv.wiub:pn. It Q.
R. Hrcs uud othrnt, fur Unid.tij Centra
Towusli p, 6 00
Philip Frank, PoUaice fur 1S4 j, $1 00
James MaddvD, Auditing in the Pro
thun't&ry's and Itegister and itecor-d.-r't
O.licos, 4 30
Archibald Thomas, ex Treasurer: ovrr
rharg in Al-atment in aoct.fir lrvl7, 120 13
Henry llilbish, one of the Commission
er, for laying out a iStaU Koad from
Millentowu, Perry county, to Mitihn
burg. Union county the share of x
pene of said mad on Union Co., 87 00
P. K. Winter, postage, I 3d
Michael CUmmmi, crying sale of Grati
Sold on publx lota, 60
Franklin hpyker, asseramnt on pr
mium not1, for Insurance of Pubiic
lluild:ngs, in the Ljcomiug I us. Co. 0 f0
224 0
Total amount of orders, 53
WE, lhi und-rii?ned, Couim.Biir-ner of Union county,
hireby nubnitt the foregoing account of the KeceipU and
KxpendiLurs of naid county, fur ihe year 1850, as correct
and true. 4itven under our ban-U at the Comtutt-sioner's
i tlfira, in the Borough of Svw K.r., lLs U Ji Uuy uf
Jauuar-, lsil.
JOHN MILT. Oymmiuivturi.
C. BKEYMAN, tier-.
in Account vilb I hi,n County.
IS.M. lilt.
To balanr la Treasurr at last settlement, 02
To (vh lv-iTO(l of dt-liiiqiKitt t'olleo-
tors, fur tbe filluwiug fears, tis
IS 17,
lo3 Si
4:i2 Ii3
3.;-.'4 03
4.-.M 01
S.M9 03
To cash rscircd of unseated lands.
12s SO
32 Si)
t, 00
M 44 of seated as untested land tax,
M M of Jfhn lluiunifl, f'ir stu,e,
of Jt. Wettrl, fiT pump ban !,
' of ll.W .W ooils. u r.-nt r.irofilc, IS U0
of Cha. Merrill, Ksq as costs
in tfas case of Union county rs. I.yeiuini(C
arising from the tfchultz aud Co.den trials, .159 47
11,314 77
Tin'ra, CR.
By amount of Commissioner's Orders paid, S.504 53
lly commission of 1 1 i per cent, on 9.1U6 (5, 114 M
By amount in part of 5 per cent, for prompt
payment, 45S HI
By balance in Treasury, Jan. 1, 1851, 2,IS6 U'4
$11,154 T7U
WE, the und-rsiirned. Auditors of the county of I'ni. n,
having carvfuily examiued and audited the foreiroinK ac
count of the Commissioners and Treasurer of said eounty,
do find and report the said account of Receipts and Ex
penditures, and Treasurer's Account for lb. year 160,
true and correct as stated. In witness whereof, we have
hereunto set our hands, at the Commissioner's Office, in
the Borough of Sew Berlin, this 15th day of January,
IM. " H. BLAIR. 1 Awiilon
UENRY K. SANDERS, j Auauort.
MimjjfBCKO, December 2S, 1R50.
Tteport of the Mifflinburg Academy Is as follows: A
Juudgmcnt in favor of said Academy for 53 On, with
intert-st from the 13th day of May. 1M5. which cannot be
collect d at present. And one dollar and sixty-two cents
in the hands of tbe Treasurer.
(tmtr.x. CR.
Br cash paid by the Treasurer for scrubbing said
'Academy, $1 00
By cah paid bv rlo. for a shovel and lock, 87
AudiUd by tbe County Auditors, Jan. IS, 1B31.
H. II. Itl.AlR. ) . .
HENRY K. iASI)l!l!S.;J,,,tor-
IIOIiSB-BILLS neatly and
expeditiously printed at the
Chronicle" t.lTioe.
LONDON, or a Visit to the World's lair." The
April Number of Scars' "Familt Visitor," to be issued
about the 15th of March, will consist of a splendid Pic
torial Miect, embracing Tlis places or qheatbsT notb ad
(iraiosiTr IN AMD about LoMios, and the most stnkinc
objects to be visited duriug a month's residence, with full
directions and descriptions. To persons contemplating
visiting the Fair, this would be found to bean invaluable
guide and asitAnt; and those whom necessity compels
to remain at home, for a mere trine, oriain a thorough
insight and view of all the Wonoiks or ths Ght.t Jla-
TKOP"U9. I ne views will mosuy crtnsisi oi-
1 The (ila Palace.
2 London fm York Column.
3 Do. from Greenwich Park-
4 Royal Exchange. j
t Rank of England.
6 Custom House.
V2 Westminster Abbey.
13 A 14 St. James and Hyde
15 The Horse, Guards and
10 London Poet office.
1 Covent Garden Theatre.
8 National Gallery.
,11 TV s-ri.IIllHBI.Vr X1U.11.
Ifl 11.11
0 New Parliament Houses.
10 House of Lorls.
19 I'niverfity Club House.
M Goldsmiths' Hull.
11 St. Paul's Cathedral.
View of the Thames.
Besides the numerous other views too numerous to men
tion, and all of the greatest interest.
Piwca Sji Cetts each, $1 per HrirmiD, oa TwrrrrT-rrTi
for $1. As the demand for this sheet will probably be
very great, it is of importance to those who wtsb to nave
their orders filled at once, to send them in immediately,
as they will be supplied in the order of their reception.
Postmasters would do well to order of us packages of at
least 2. as they will find a great demand for them. It
will be one of the mutl UiWresling pictorials ever issued
in this country.
00- Letters inclosing remittances must be post-paid in
fnll. The silver change for a single copy, or for three or
four copies, mav be remitted (Puktaoe PaTtm at our risk;
but when you send silver, please envelope it in a half sheet
of writing paper, so that it will cot slip out, and so that
it will be subject only to single postage.
fa- All orders shonld specify distinctly the Town,
County and State where the Paper is to be forwarded.
We will send you a Printed Circular, about the
Terms of all our Bound Volumes, by Mail, if you desire
to engage in their sale and circulation in your section of
All letters must be post-paid, and addressed to
129 Nassau street, New York City.
Public Sale.
1TT1LL be sold at Public Sale, on Sat.
W urday the 22d day of March next
at iho residence of the subscriber in East
Buffalo Township Union county, the fol-
lowintr property to wit: Horses, mil
cows, young cattle, waggons, wajzgonbeds,
and hay ladders, ploughs, cul'ivators,
sleds, sleighs, horse gears, thrashing ma
chine, and horse power, winamin, nay oy
the Ion, and a large lot o' r arming uten
sils of every description.
Sale lo commence at 10 o'clock A. M,
of anirl dav. when terms will be made
known by the subscriber.
Feb. 15. 1851. JAMES HARRIS.
FOR aale at thia Office an EGG 8TOTE.
which baa ban Deed leaa than a year an
xaeilent stove for a small room.
not refused at the Office of
the Lewisburg Khronicle.
TVEEDS of a aupsrior form, for sale at th
Ckrookte office, 8 eU single, ,60 per do.
flMIE subscribers having purchasrd II. P.
JL Sheller's stock at such a rule as will
enubte them to sell all kinds ti
purchast-rs will save money by giving u-i
a call. All kinds of Country PUUDLiUK
laketi in Exchange Tor (Joods.
Lewisbtirir, Feb. 18, 1851.
Cn the Delaware & Hudson I'tnil,
FOll the rnr 1851 belwtt'D Kumwci
uik) I IaWLKi
P.-VNY will jiiy llm lull j wing rule u
Krt-iuiit :
F-r Trip made in 10 dim. 00 rt ; if
in II d.iys, 8"i cts.; utr 11 days, fa
t!m G'iiiniiy irun.liiij li.iaiu. lor winch
821 will tie p'srrvrj on eai li trip fur u-e o(
(iiJ lJ.iat. For f ir'lier parliculnrs, rclrr
ence mav br hi J lo ruilej Artichs ul
Ay reeinrtil.
From ihrt iinprovomriit made in ihe
Canal, thr presrnt winter, 15 aN Ure x
pecli'd to t-arry 100 to 110 Inns n-r nip
dur'n lh: sw-airm. (ontraels enn he
inmle t thn O.Iice ol ihe ( "nrTp my, 31
U'nll Si. N.-w-York, or at R.n.lnn, the
lcr:i.iiiulioti nl the ('anal on the Hudson
River, ether personally or by letitr.
(rMesrs.Fnii:K Si. SLirtit. Iewiybur,
who are building llodls for the Company )
nre authorized lo make contracts with bout
men, or cive information.
New York, 12th Feb. 1851,
For the Core
'11) e annals of meJicnl wit'fire, utfording as
lhty do i.n:'le ro.f uf lite powt-r av.d vtilue of
many inedi' al ng-'iits, have furi.MhrJ no cximjilf
l' c m:iie with (he nalutiry t-trtcu iroductd by
Ayer's Cherry VtcturalV
turn iiaark utile curtm of tiidoftsoi uf tlie I.iiurs wl.irh
have bevn ralurd It it uae, ntfatii aa tlicy are If
many riniiiiit yrf sB-.ru anJ physical a n this ai.J
fi'ifin laii'Je, rh.uli vaixturatre theailUcl'J to pf-ivTero
with th alnn a'turnvtio t hat the use nf tlie "Cherry
iVTturai" will rclieo and uititnaoiy cure ihtm.
We prvnent to the public unsulic.ted t-f t.in ..nial from
pouiv uf the firtst m'n in our country, upon whose judg
ment and vxatrimre implicit nui?nce mar be placed.
one uf the moat learned and inU-liiiccut liTS.ciani in the
country, considers it a M composition of rare excellence
for the cure of that acrmidable dieaie. Consumptinn.
Norwich, April -ti, Ifvft-J.
Dr. J. C. Ayer Dear Sir : Afrreeahle to the request of
your agi-nt, we will cheerfully ptate what we have known
of the effect of your Cherry Pectoral, and they have
been astonishitur indeed. Mrs. BUy Sirneter had been
a 111 fried with a severe and relentleias ooub, which re
duced her very low ; so luw that little hope could be en
tertained of her recovery. Numerous remedies had been
tried without effect, before the Cherry Pectoral. And
that has cured her. George Watkinson, Kwj., had to our
knowledge been afflicted with Asthma, .At tin en yearx,
and prown yearly worse, until the Cherry Pectoral, has
now removed the Uist-ase and he is as free from any
symptoms as we are. The Rev. Mark Itene had tx-en so
severely attacked with the Bronchitis, as to disable him
from his duties, and nothing had afforded him relief until
1 Mr. Thorning; carried him a bottle of your Pectoral,
which eun-d him at once, ani be now olc.ales as usual
ip his place.
Them are three of tlw casri in vhlrh we have known
it succc.-uful, but never to fail. We have great pluamre
in certifying to these facts ; aitd are, rcspecreJ sir. vour
bumble tHrvaiitd. ItKV. DAVID THORMNG.
Amonp tlie (iriincultlrel authorities who have given
their tiaine? to recouiuiud Cherry IVctoral, as the best :
rt-mdy that is known fur the AfTecl.onr.uf the Lung;!, :
are "The London Ieai.ct;' "Canadian Journal of Medi
cal Science.' ISoston Medical and Surg.cal Journal,'
"Charlrsttin H. V.) Medical Review," New Jersey Mcdi- ;
cal Reporter, l'rof. Webster, Harvard Clleir', Prof. :
Hartlett, Transylvania University of Medicine, Prepotent j
Prkins, Vermont Mdical Cnlligp, Dr. Valentine M.itt, i
Niw York Citv, Parker Cleaveiand. Rowdoln College, ,
Prof. II litter tie i"l. Willoughby College, Oh.o, Prof. Uraith-
waite, led, (Kn.) Mnlical School, Sir Richard Kane,
yarn's College, Ireland, Prof. Rosentaum. Iipsx.
The public hne but to know the virtues a nao tjniih-
ing success of the "Cherry Pectoral,1 in euri supiras'sf
ol the Luntrs, when they will feel secure rilmc these
dangers, whenever this remedy may be obtained.
Prepared (yj CA ver, Chem Uf-, JjnccllRh.
For sale hy C V SCHAFrLE, Lewishurg;
J li Caslow, Milton; Isaac (ierheart, Selintgrove;
tnd by DruggUts genet ally 3m358
Public Sale.
WILL lie exposed to Public Sale at the
house of ihe subscriber, in Haines
Tp, Center Co, (at the head of the Penns
Valley Narrows,) on
Tuesday the 25th March next,
the following property, to wit :
Horses, Cows,
Young Cattle,
Wagons, Sleds,
Gears, one very
one large B ly Stallion
such as Ploughs, Harrows, Windmill, &c,
also Liquors, and a number of articles too
numerous to mention. To be sold as the
property of Johx Motz. deceased.
Terms made known on dav of sale, bv
Administratrix of John Motz, dee'd.
Feb. 6,1851.
fPHE? irmof Gkodks& AIaksii haslieen
I this day dissolved by mutual cunsont,
Snmuel Geddes having transferred nil his
interest in said Firm to James S. Marsh,
who will settle all its alliirs, and continue
the Foundry, Stove, and Machine business
as usual, and hopes to be favored with a
continuance of the liberal patronaga hith
erto enjoyed. SAMUEL GEDDES,
Lewisburg, Feb. 14, 1851.
)7In retiring from the Firm of Geddes
& Marsh, I lender my acknowledgments
to the (riends and patrons of the establish
ment, and cordially recommend Mr. Marsh
to the confidence and patronage of the
public. Samdei. Geddes.
Br-7A1I nAMons havini? accounts with !
thn late Firm, will see the propriety of
calling and settling, as I am annoua to
close up all its affairs, as soon as practi
cable. Jaxm S. Maub.
Vjt JL jL. aM n
largo Team Wngon.ttfl
Selling Off!
To llio (.utile.
Mous'ine DtLmies, Cttssurieres,
Cualiiiiere, Cravat,
Culicoes, very low. Cloths,
L'Hig hiiJ Square SliaU.
rrVThe abose G.wiila ami all othera in our
,e lr sale AT liEDUCED 1'ItlCES, at we
ire anxious to rallies uur sMck.
Lew sburff. Jan 29. 1801
NOTICE ia hereby Kisan that lha iannarship
lier.-l.flji s.i.linK between lha aubscribers
umler ill firm of HaTriaLU fc ThoxmOsT, is
tliiadiv Jis..ilveJ by mutual consent. All per
sons indi UeJ lo saiil Kirm are requeatej to make
set lenient ; and those having accounts against
saiJ Kinu are respectfully requested to present
ibe saute. A L HATFIELD,
I eisbur:. Feb I. 1351
r J 111 K subscriber basing commenced the bakinr;
I tu.ine.s in Lewisburg. nearly opposite II.
1'. Shell. i 's store, intrnda keening constantly on
hanJ the I est of
Ingethnr with a good supply of Common Cates.
and !RI?4D which foe whiteness and quality
will be surpassed by no baker in the country, aa
we hsve the servicee of a prnrlical workman.
In connection tilth our Iiakery, we hose an
where he will serve up at abort notice OYSTERS
in any atle that may be desired. (Jj'Ojstera
received fresh every morning.
and persms from the country will find the Bakery
a convenient and pleasant resort tor the purpose
of obtaining refreshments, such aa Dread, Cakes,
Pics. Oysters. Hot ColIVe, &.C. Sec.
Also, FLOCK for sale.
Lewisburg, Dec. 1S50
Try the Xtw General Tailor !
I l.ewishurg and vicinity, thai be haa opened
a shop in the large Brick corner house, opposite
Grn. A. Green's, where he is prepared to
(ienllemen'a and Boy's Clothing, in the best
-tjle. LATEST FASUIOXS constantly on
hand, to suit every taste. By punctuality and
good work, 1 hope to earn a living patronage.
Country Produce taken in payment.
Lew isburg, Nov. 55, 1850
'fPHE undersigned, trading as the Firm
1 of D. S. KREMElt & CO., having
purchased of 11. P. Shellek his Store,
c.mpriing a general assortment of Mi-rch-undiz",
purpose to continue the business at
ihe same stand. They respectfully solicit
the airnnnge of the public generally. All
kinds Country Produce taken in exchange.
Lewisburg, Feb. 5, 1851.
lG7To my Fii.-nds and Customers, I
offer my sincere thanks for their past favors
and kindness; and I would now inform
them, that i have disposed of my stock of
Goods to D. S. Krf.ner & Co., and I
would hereby earnestly request them to
favor my successors with their custom.feel
ing assured they shall be able to deal with
them lo their entire satisfaction.
fJMIE undersigned is provided with all the
1 necessary forms and papers, and will
take charge, on the most reasonable teims,
of any claim for BOUNTY LAND. EXTRA
PAY or PENSIONS that may be placed in his
hands. All applications, alter being duly prepared
here will be forwarded to Cm a lis DiSeldi.vo
K-q, an elfioient and responsible Pension Agent
at Washington cily, who will present them in
person (without extra charge) to the proper De
panment an arrangement ensuring accuracy and
despatch. II U HICKOK
Lewisburg, Jan 29, 1S51 3m
r'PHE Duplicate Certificate (granted 25th
X May, 1850,) of Warrant No. 28 823,
in the name of William Cummings.of Capt.
Heyer's Company, 2d Penn'a Volunteers,
for ICO acres of bounty land, dated Sept.
14, 1848, and duly assigned to the subscri
ber in the latter part of June, 1850, has aince
been lost ; and notice is hereby given, that at the
expiration of eight weeks from thia date, the
undersigned will demand Irom the commissioner
of Pensions a duplicate of the above specitied
certificate. WILLIAM YUUAU.Jb
Mifflinburg, Jan. 1351 6w
Administrator's Notice.
WHEREAS, Letters of Administration
on the estate of ISA ACG.LAWSHE
late of the Boro' of Lewisburg, Union Co.,
deceased, have been granted to the subscri
ber, resident in said Borough, by the Reg
ister of said county, therefore all persons indebted
lo the said estate, or lo the late Firm of Wolfs
& Li wans, are requested to make immediate
payment; and those bavin; claims against tbe
same, are required lo present them duly authen
ticated for settlement without delay.
O F MILLER, Administrator
Lewisburg. Teb 3, 1881 Ow
$'2,000 worth Cabinet Furniture
For Sale at Donachy'i Wareroom,
IOL'RTH Street, south aide of Market, at the
aign of S V. Wyknff ware-room op atairs,
where ia offered a splendid assortment of FUR
KITURE. as cheap aa can be purchased thia aide
of Philadelphia such aa
Plain, Fancy, and Dressing Bureaus ; Sofas ;
Ottomans ; Mahogany Chaira ; Pier, Center.
Card, Sofa and Dressing Tables, Breakfast and
DiningTables.Ac; Bedsteads (Octican.French
and Common) from $2 to $100; also Stands
of every variety.
-AU work warranted to be well made, and on
the most reasonable terms. Cash, Country Pro
duce, and Lumber taken in payment.
Lewisburg, Nov. 31, 1850
Lewisburg Union County, Penn'a.
Practices in Union and adjoining countiea also
attends th courts of Perry county,
FFICE on Second St., lately occupied
by L. LL Christ,
'PI1E undersigned, intend ng to remote
J to the Weal, would hereby give nut ice
hu all indebted to him fir costs, notes, or
uiMik account, lo make immediate pay men',
alter the tirst of April he will be obliged
to leave his account with some rue lor
colli ction. J. HXL'S, Jk.
New Berlin, Feb. 10, 1851
WILL commence on MONDAY the 2Sih ol
OcTona. In thia Institution, all ti e
Hianct.es of a thorough Academic course will b
The communication of knovtlejge simply, is
n t the vole desigu of Education and abouid not
be made so ; its highe.t aim ia lo strengthen and
bring out into action, the intellectual and mural
powers of the student. Throw around hun all
ths lacilitiee necessary lo his pioresa, ai.d af
f rd him all proper aid, but Ao not Batter hun
i h the thought that he must rely upou another
and not upon bis own efforts for aucces. Inde
pendent self-reliance ia one of the 6rat loasona
that should ba learned in a school room. Thia
kind of early mental training prepaiee one f r
vigorous and manly exertion in after life, and
thus aivea him a marked advantage over the ig
norant and uneducated. The main effort of a
1'eacber shjuld. therefore, be directed to the for.
nation of sound hebita of study, for when thia
end ia reached, the progress of ihe pupil becomaa
al once certain and rapid.
Composition and Declamation, as formerly,
will rereive due attention particularly the for
mer, and the Primary Department shall have our
auecial care. The subscriber feels flattered wi;h
Ihe growing prosperity of ihe Institution, and
shall labor to merit it continuance, by increased
Tcitiow Per Session of 20 waeke. for the
Common English $6; Higher English, $8 ;
and for thsLanzuagea. f 10.
Oct 9, 1650. Pr.ncipal.
ML AN E'S VERMIF UG E This in aloable
remedy for worms, is rapidly au planting
all others, in public estimation. Where it ia used
it haa produced the best elfecta. and driven out
all other remediia. Il is the best we have ever
seen ! ia the remark ol all who have ever used it
in their families :
J Kidd & Co I received a lot of M'Lane'a
Vermifuge fiom your agent Iat-t spring, which I
s.lJ out in one week, and I think I could have
sold one thousand botilea hy thia time if I could
have got it, nut not knowing where to get it I bad
lo wait nntil your agent came around. Every
person that haa tried M'Lane a Vermifuge telle
me it ia the best they have ever aeen ; in fact il is
impossible for any one to say too much in favor
of M Lane a eriiiifuge. v u tiuuu
Tyre Springs, Sumner Co Tenn, Feb 19 1849
Dr M'Lane, Dear Sir I have sold out all
your Liver Pilla and am amious lo have another
lot immediately. These pills seem to take most
wonderfully ; I couIJ have sold a much larger
quantity if I had been provided wilh them ; the
inhabitants are sending to Hoc Hester lor tnem,
but whether there are any there or not I do not
know. Please send me another supply immedi
ately. F SHORT. Druggist
Hemlock Lake, Livig'n Co N V, Mar 8 1817
J Kidd & Co Vour traveling agent left with
me last summer a quantity of Dr M Lane's Pills
and Worm Specific lo sell on commission ; the
Worm Specific ia ail sold and I should be glad to
procure more, aa it eella very readily and haa
very salutary ettect in expelling worms. II you
can forward me some or send me an order lo call
on jour agent in ButTalo (LS Reynolds) I think
it will meet with rapid sale.
Varyshurg, Wyoming Co, N Y, Dec 10, 1847
AGENTS C W Schawls, Lewisburg; J
II Caslow and J II Haser, Milion ; I Gerhart. Se
linsgrove; J W Friling, Sunbury ; Mra M'Cay,
Northumberland; M C Grier. Danville
rain Prills.
1MIE undersigned wish to inform the
farming community generally, that
they are now manufacturing
J. P. ROSS Kewly Improved GRAIN
Without stopping to discuss the compara
tive merits of numerous Drills now ottered
for sale, they merely wish to invite Farm
ers to call and see the above named article
before purchasing elsew here, feeling confi
dent that they can furnish an article that
will give entire satisfaction.
Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, 1850.
Cctoisburg onnDrji
fpHE subscribers, thankful fo past pat-
J ronnge, would inform the public that
they continue to manufacture all kinds of
Mill Gearing and other Castings. Thrashing
Machines, and other articles of Machinery repai
red in the best manner. Casting warranted to
be of good material, and at pricea that can not
fail to please. GEDDES & MARSH.
Lewisburg, Dec. 1850
CAST VVater Wheels for sale at the
Lewisburg Foundry by
Geddea & Marsh.
C100KINU Stoves, of various patterns
) and sizes, for Uoal or Wood, for sale
at the Lewisburg Foundry by
Geddes A Marsh.
TOVES Parlor, Wood, and Coal
Stoves, various patterns, for sale at the
Lewt.burg Foundry. Geddea Malta.
rpilRASHlNG Machines and PLOWS
X for sale at the Lewisburg Foundry.
Geddes A Marsh.
WIARD'S Patent tJanji Plow, a supe
rior article, for sale at the Lewisburg
Foundry by Geddea & Marsh,
RAIN or Seed Drills Ross' Patent-
decidedly the belt and most durable
Grain Drill now in use, for aale at th Lewisbarg
Foundry by Geddea dr. Marsh.
"Through by Daylight!"
To the Public Xo llumbncr.
received a freah consignment of
Dr. J. S. ROSE'S Family medicines,
can offer them to th community with great con-
Bdence, having tested their eflk-acy and knowa
virtues in several instaneea. At this inclement season of
the year, when persnna ar suhjert to Otaasa, cMrf, and
Jnjlamnutttry Afrttiomt, they wUl and thass MnlWne
adapted to Ihos maladies, a very .(factual in the anaoval
ot th eanas producing them, and th rrstoratfca of wontad
health. It Ihcrs ar any remains of Fnr ami Ag tr, b
found, thev .-! snoa by a proper ns prodao a radical
ear, and renevas. she system. Freparsd by I. S. EOrJB,
Bt. D, Member ot n nicaJ rm-un., rmin.
Lswisburg, pee, a Msiv.i(vwsit a bsbbu.
B INNS' JUSTICE, new edition, eaa be had
at Lyndall'a Booketor. a this Bhe.
Lcwtokurg, AffU 10, isau.
Price Reduced!
Large Boitlea Ostly Ossw Dwllar.
Tas Froprletor of tka GsM Aav4kaa Bssaaar Tosas's
VasaTasta LrTaoxrairac atiTaa. iaiasss a saw
arcsol auUcltauoos st km AWS, li issal sn aVs UasksS
tltaiss eaa Canada, ass aasr
Reduced the Fris
mt him sapalar aaa wall kaawa aruJa; aasl ftass sssa eata.
MacaianA. a will i aa ass saw awe awy, I
Tas aastra raai wat asaaivd shat iW sans Hsf af aa Mads,
sins, ns sumaia. ana sarauva sssssrasi wiaa aaaTaia)
aacBaaaae. and the aaiaa aw will a kaMewse as s
patina at as inMafelsra.
As uua asatiaina. autar as rwlaeW piias. wtl to asuan I
kr tasas who aava aet aiiiarts ana taianaliai asaastan4
WUB its virtvss, uss bravnatar waala bat W)
aniclais aol ta bsclassas with th lastaawaatar '
of th r!ar ;" it alaiaw tot itaatf a rrsalar tmlmt aaaw, a
aU dumsn. (asm asjr siasr aisawaiisa as svsra la
wWa : aad kassastainad rtaslf for M raass kr ha ssasM
assilieal vinuas. aad. aatil thai raaastiea. aasaawttasas eae
th phs af aar atbar aruel ia uua baa.
Noticb Fsa-nccLsaLV. thai astial saw) wRk awaa '
laa pawar and larraiatr. apaa th
Blood, liver, Edneyt, long,
aad all atbar sraaaa. apaa th pnpw aatiaa af wataa laV ssaff
ksalth dsparid.
Trus mailisiiia has a jsstlj hick sspass aa a laaaaa ta
Dropay and Oravtl,
aad all Jlssasal f that aataia. It ssav as ssOaa apaa whMS
th iutalltcant pnrsKiaa has ahaadaasd ha aaaaat. aaa lap
thaw datiwaiaf dissaws. mum sspawallr Daarsv. Ik psaaaV
tar would aamsstiv and kowssrtr iaaavasad H. At iw
prastct pne it ia sasilj obtaiasd kf all, sad la aaal sral asa
la anisl to b th
Cheapast Kadicr ia th Wsrld !
ty PWass ash larpajaphlta taaaaw gts laass away
thr aDtaia ar sistasa paaas af raawpta, Oa adaiusa a fs
adisal ssatlar) valsab! lar kasahald fsry w. aad wkla
will sav aur dollars par rasr la piacnaal haasskwaam
Thsss smipw ara ratroiaasd ta sssh th to af gwas
vala. aast froas its eharaetar aa aa adianaaai aaissi to
th rasdKina. th law Boar fa, favor af wkiak. as Ito toaa a
kxtars rrosa all parta of the satrT. saaf to ssusd apaa.
KT" Vaatba'a Vasstabla UUmttTprJe Munaas" a
Craat Aawriraa Bsasadr. bow fora ia aaart kattlas at
sash, swill bottlas at SO ctt sash. Urn assail k alas Wat mm
toaad afiar th praatat stock ia disposal af.
rriaaipal OrSaa. BaDalo. H. T., tOT afahi ffcnwl
C. C. VAtOH.
Bold WholssaJa aad Kstafl kr OLCOTT MitUIOI at
CO.. ir Maidsa Laa. Nw Yark Citr.
N. B. All Isttars (xpua( rnas assess aad daalaw wna
whow to transacts baaaws) arast to pew paM. ar aa avaasaaa,
will to give ta thiol
OCT Da. THORNTON. Lewishu'g. is
General Agent for t'nii.n tnty J H.CaaaBW,
Ageut, .Mi.Un ; I. GiaasBT, Ssbrwgrova
LBS. Confectionery, juat
received and more e mingr.
A aplendid assortment of aseor ad Cai-die for
thoe that wi.h something nice for peril. Hot
liilaya, Ac, carried away at all lima, by those;
that like sweet thing, from th Central Drag chv
C hemical Emporium,Fanc; Goods.Xotioo.A V'
riety Store of C. W Schaffl.
J. & J. Walls,
HAVING replenished the old Mammoth
Atore, and crammed it fro'm garret t
cellar with every variety of Good required
all ani lUinfec
consumption, respectfully request their old"
friends, the iraJmii community, lo call and
examine their stock.
C7CsRAI. and Product of all kiadV
bought aa usual.
Lewisburg, Oct. 27. 1850
DR. T. A. H THORNTON offers tila
professiutinl servicea la the ciliaash-
of Lewisburu ai d vicinitv. in Ihe.varioua-
branches of ht profession.
Residence Temperance Hotel.
Olfice Drttij Store, one door above lhr
Mammoth Store of J. Jt J. Walla.
Lewisburjr. Oct 1, 1850
Bread without Yeast !
J lured by Uab iiit & Co , is a moat swparior
preparation for malting Dread. Tea eaiee. Buck'
w heat cakea, quickly aud cheaply, fur sal hy
Uf r A H rrl(IK.iT05
Family Soip Fowder.
BT thia preporan. n a single p 'r costing Il
els. will make 12 quart of the beat Family
Soft Soap. For aa'e by
Fire Proof Paint
IS an article worthy the attention of owner af
buildings of every description. For a la kr
Dr. John Locke,
"1 f"AY be found al hi Office and raeiJaoe
i.fX first door east of Kline'e Hotel lb wo
ween followving ibe first Monday ol each aaonlav
where he ia prepared to eiecot all operation ra
hia line of busitieaa in a manner creditable lav
himself and satisfactory lo those who Buy favor
him with their psr.naee.
Dr. L. spend the third weak of each saoarh)
in Milion.
(CTAromatic Tooth Pasta, ant on in Waatifal
porcelain noxea. an cicellent article far keeping
th teeth clean and breath itwt, far eel al 1
CU per box, by
Lewishnrr, Ps., May, 1850
wma i2Ze
ON Market tt., south side, between Third)
and Fourth Sts. over Stove Wareroom.
Open until 9 in ihe evening;. Charge until
the lat of April next, $1 SO ; for one aasalb, SO
rt ; on week, 33 ct ; aingl visit (per milled if
they do not incommode regular patrooa.) al.
Each member entitled to invite ia atrangara, a
visiter, for a limited time.
Thie enterprise ia BneWtskea wilh Ihe belief
that th first toaa oa the Was Branch win geav
eroasly sustain it. All ar rnvrred so visit, sa4
(if they appro) patrnnit, th Reading. Roeaa.
O. N. YVORDEN, ProeMMar.
Lewisburg. Nov I. 1 80
Stone Coal for sale.
To awtackaitillBa.
BITUM1NOU COAL, from the Weef
Branch and from Hollidaysborg, for
ante at the Shop or ihe subscriber, eear iW
Uayscalea on Third St.
Lewieborg, May 7. 1990
WASTED Ivn 31 and 939. 1. mf
th Irwrsborg Chronicle 1S30. l lav
rants per copy will b give (rr fear IT af earl)
(ia a good1 state of umaivaHoa) at this aw