Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, February 05, 1851, Image 4

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c m 4 q
tUit ani) C)umov.
PMibly our sage western J'rft suf
fer unjust reproach at tiiiies,'' writm cue
who knows, " from ihe conduct of mmif
anion" ihem ; but having lived in thm
midst. I .an bear witness t- the truth ti
the following riri-iimtances : A farmer,
residing in this region, had remarked du
ring the niuttji of 'he Cncuit Court,
pan of hit cornfield to be beaten down in
a regular track ,( ten or twelve pacts in
length, a il by the ranging of some am
mal to and fro. Aniious to delect the
nuw, he ensconced himself one day
among the thirk leaves, and observed,
about the hour of adjournment, one of the
judges rnutiouiily approaching the spot.
Arrived at the path, he commenced pricing
it gravely up and down, with knit brow
and air of cogitation, and at length, draw
ing a small chip from his pocket, he spat
on one aide of it, balanced it an instant on
hit finger, flipped it up in the air, and
watching it descend intently, exclaimed as
it fell, " lit lor defendnni dry for
plaintiff ;' then stooping down : Plain
lid haa it !" The firmer avoided all liti
gation from that moment !''
In these days of Homeopathy. Hydro
pathy and olher iaihie, it is beat to try
all thin and hold last ihnt which it good.
The following pretseripiion fr cold, ha
been taken from an old black letter book,
A. D. 1430, and will, perhNp. suit the
tavtea of some, better thnn the near fash
ioned cures for th same complaint.
PulK your Crete in hot water
A biah your ihighe ;
Wrappe our bead up in aannetla
A lows at voureyee.
Take a quart ol turn" J groelie.
When in hed.le. a a dise ;
With a number four dippe.
Well tall.iwe your nose.
Not long liiiicr," write an old friend
and correispoiiiient, as I was returning
from Buffalo, I was amused, whi'e the
Car made a momentary stop, at a demon
slration made by a crazy man. on his
way tothe State Lunatic Asylum, at I'liea.
lie was standing on the track, in front of
the iron hnrae You think you are
something ! he said, looking wildly at the
locomotive, and assuminga boning attitude;
but look o" here : I can whip you ! I've
flogged the fiery bulls of Rashan, and bro
ken their horns off! Say! don't stand
there, whistling and smoking, like a blu-k.
guaid in a bar-room ; jest jump to me,
and fll take the conceit out of you. you
darned old entity stove on vherl '"
Do yoj know that there are aome peo
ple who cm n-ver nay a plain thing in a
plain way? They must minee and mouth,
and adopt the hiuh fainting' atyle in
everything they di or neal. Of such
waa the old maid whom O l ipod encoun
tered on a canal pi-ket-ln.it. " Did yon
ever see the Niagara Fall- ?' aid a lady
pnsen;;cr lo her. 'X I never in't ihein
but I've heard Ihem hish!y sjioktH of '
Aa a m'araci, n.en lv, iheir renutnion w
'good. "
A new kind o! light hnjut lieen inven
ted which will eclipse the liht of the inn
in ti e time manner a tlinl luminary now
render the moon and a'ar innstli'e. In
a:ead of eos'ini; an ihtne. a rominoii liui
ner for a parlor yield a profit of aixpenre
an hour. It is aonii to he leoted at the
H4rkhamstead L'hthoue, si'uatrd in il
rtnrthwest corner of Cotmi ciieut Yunkee
A Noolo);ist. Djrina l lie U'e can
vas in Miohijim, a urt:eon-di'iitit
muking an excellent seech in one of the
interior towns. A low fellow, heliijiiia
In the other party, interrupted htm wnh
the (jueaiinn. Wlml do you itsk to pull u
loolh, doctor V " wi.l pull all your teeth
ior a shilling, and your nose grat'-,"' re
plied the apeaker. G ilt Importer.
A Model Ediiob. A correspondent ol
the Iostiiti Mu uin tliua speak of Mr.
Wright, editor of the Oironotype: " r ,
bis been known id write wiih a pen in j
each hand on two dilPrent auhjecis, ro, k j
the cradle with his tee), and whisl'e "11a. 1
Columbia" for the twin babies, while in
tent I y perusing one of l'arker'a aeritiuus,
all al the same t:me.
The Made saya that when the fat girl
at the Museum ia inviied out to take lea.
h-r entertainer i ohlitjed lo daiken ih
parlor windows, othcrwi-e h-r shnl iw
would im.ke a j;rae Sit on the carpel.
Didn't he $ap her well, tiy aJjin thi
lie to her grriite ?
A Boston ia ii who wa in New York on
New Veai's diy, saw so n.any people
" t'eihl," that he was astonished heyoi.d
mi'Seure. He says that he now under
stands why it is necessary to make the
streets trtdVr in New York thnn in Boston.
Poiitb. The Springfield Republican
says, that there was once a man in that
town who was so polite as lo tay.ns be
passed a hen on her nest" Dju'i rise,
Prentice, of lha Louisville Journal, in a
first rate notice'' ol J. K Paulding, say
that he is "most jtraiidmoihi'riah ofull the
petticoated old humbugs that have ye
alraddled into the field of American letters."
The young lady who got a cold hy di ink
ing water from a damp lutnUlcr.i conva-
I fcent.
JWew (Eoodsl
JUST waived at Fi-r-terV store,' oni
door East of KiincN (lo'el :
A full oriintit of PhII & Win'w
Gx.ds, such as Clot lis, C-iiinres, Ac.
St,;. Al. a vanity ol Ldie' Die
Goods, auch a.i Merino. Silk, Cashineie,
Ami also, a well selected assortment of
Leuishtirg, Oct. 0 IS-V).
YOU that keep lock J.
Waichaa. and Jelry to
sell, brcaus
Hateld & Thompion
sell Irom 15 to 50 per criit.
cheaper than an; olher iu
this section of country.
Just received from the
Factory in Connecticut, a laree at-ick of fine
lower than uuat. A Lo, a new and fa.liionalde
assortment or JEWELUY from New York, ex
ceedingly low.
Braaa Clocks. 30 boar, at $2 SO to 3 15
" ' finest finished, 3 60 to 4 SO 1
- t day. S 00 to 6 00 e,
- finest fSnirhrd, 7 00e 9 OjJ
" 30 bourn, with alarm. S 00
ftilt Time Piece, forcburt-hes and oourth'a S CO to t 00
Gold l't.leT..rWateh.'i..hcavreiuie. 7j Is. 4a Oi)
' Detached Lerers-lSs. eas. full jewU. S5 00 to 60 00
- lupine.. Ir-s. caM. rullj.-WL-lled,
Silver I'attit Levers, 7 ji-w.-ls,
' DrtivchrJ Levers, full jeweled,
44 Lthi"..
so m
j 00 to 25 Of .
14 00 to 18 coy
" Lpin"S, " 12 00 to 13 00 5
Far Rings. Jennv Lind and othera, fine cold.26 to ft 00
Flutter Kings, fine gold, STJtoS S0J
llreMt Pin.
1 1)0 to 4 00
rhaiD.uard anI fob.warr'd t6k.l pcrdwt.
iieit Mia-n, sO'd atio ;1T(7,
l'eoc;l Caaea, fin gold.
" with pen,
Gold Penf . arlrer eaaja,
SiUar Table Spooua,
Tea "
75 to 3 25
S 00 to S 00
5 50 3
2 00 t 2 605
15 00 to 16 Mp
3 00 to C 5?S
6 25 to 10 00 3.
1 00 to 2 00
I Oold Spectacle!,
and a variety of articlee plernliJ eoo-lr loo
umeroUH In mention. frjl"r than lel eie.
by H A I FIEI.U & TllOMl'SON.
N. II. All warranlril I . lie hjl aolj for.
L- Hliur2. Oct. 2t, 1850.
'"PHIS sulisoriber Iihs just receied nnd i
I now oiieuin! n large iissorlmi'tit of
Kiiucy Noti.n-, Sic, whirh will he old
In-low the former prices for the "ready
John Dtivts."
2t. T. S. E. TKSESSTeSS,
MutaiT St. Ltwuatraa,
Drugs MedictiicM,Chrmlcnt,lTc-
nill-. t) Is. Gtna-. I'eriiiirn ry,
('uiifertionery &, Fancy Article.
Dr Tlinrnt.ui ieturna hi lhanka for the liberal
I'tr.ina.'e o huh he ha rei cieed. and lie ati:rc
i he cimirnniiiiy (hat ncry aittiitinn eh-tll be paid
til the C"fnMtuKiiine: of Me irine. and lliel all
i)ru?- Khali !e lully leoied tu fme they are oft-rid
tur e-l and warrantetl lo he ure and cnuine.
t CPreer'ji'Min- iiveii free of charge at Dr.
Tlnnn'mi'ii lliue S e.
K in-mlx-r i nil: t ihe oil plant, fir-t door
, ... . 0 i-i x i vi- ii
almveihe Mjniuuiih S'u r ol J. Wall.
Kiesh and Geiiiiinc Mcdicini'S
IUE -ulisi-riln-r lino jnl rvciived tin
J -i Kiiin.ii.ii siii lv ol Meihi'iiiea. war
rinifd of the hi-t Ti!i'y. ;ilo n (jener.-il
M-isortini'iit of nil sneli nrtirles :i u-nn!'
Hre fotiiid ill l)ru Stores, all of whieh he
offers nl the loel -li trire--.
Du. TMOilNTON'.'
COD IA Eli OIL a supply of'thi very
o lelirated arit.'le lor coughs,cu!ds,&c
on hand and for sale bv
1)EltFUViEUV. .fust received a fresh
lot of a!! ktn lsi f Peifuinery lor the
tot e i Sr.?. andl'jr s ile hv
AKD. Sperm, and LmsieH )IL. lor
,. hv Dn . I IKIIiMll.N.
yearly opposite H. I'. Shelter's Sore
T PI1E and moM approved COOKING.
I SUO: ( IFFI;K or I'AilLOli Stoves.
I'ioulis, Ca.-Itn. &e . nt low ratrs. tv
LA1U', CHEKSE, ConstantJyon hand and
SUA !),C01HiiI.i tor .sale by
Market Street Wharf,
rain Drills.
rPHE undersi-ni'd wih to inform the
I ., m . u iii coiiiinuiiity generally, that
they are now ii.anur.n-liiriiiu'
.. ). KOSS' Xwh huproenf GRALX
Without stopping lo dtsr-tiss the compara
tive merits of numerous Drills now riftVred
lor sale, ibey merely wish lo invite Farm
rs to call and set the above rinno d article
laefore purcliaMiij: elsewhere, frelin; confi
dent that they can furui-h an article itat
will jjive entire satisfarimn.
I.fieisbiiru Foundry, Atitr. 13, 1850.
Administrators' Notice.
WHEREAS, Letters of Administration
ontli.esMie of SAMUEL WOLFb,
la:e ol the Boro of Lwisbiirg, Union Co.,
ileceased.have been crnnled lo the suSscri
l?rs. residenl in said Boroiioh, bv the Re
gister of said county, iheieliire all persons
indebted to said estate are requested lo
make immedla'e payment, and ihi.se hav
ing claim auaiusi the same, are required
to present ihem, duly, authenticated, foi
settlement, without tie la v. .
f JU.I.l 1 I1A, 1 ULl C., f
THE Canton Tea Company of New York
lb olJ.al and laige.l lalillkhmeut ol tltr
kind in lit (J. S invite umvernil atimiioii !
the fact th it, tram ihrir Uierio arraimemrul-.
the; ate pnpared lo ull Tcaa purer and mora frag, ant
Kir the naperure praue, ttiaii an boiu on tlx eoiauu.nt
n unUbrnlydo.
Tneae coaiLinc crcry good dcaeripUen arid quality:
they are done up in packari from a quarter of a i ound
upwaida; the wrapper next the t a a b avy tin ion,
coTviid with araur-pioof and elegan. Chiae&e paper, and
are perfectly accurut fiom lilil and a.r, ao that the
quality in completely preaerrcd in any climaV1.
The above Tea, trout SO cu t '..ft ta ft r'""l, ibr
aalcby WAVES t CO.
DjcIS. Sale .. it lu. L wifl'unr.
2800 'SiC
iiinti. V ti l"- L,v.i tl .
L-ari, Wn.R-it. Sp
niftl lirin. YHo Oclier. lurkiy Umlvr,
Chioim Green am! Yellow, Farin Green t'ru-.
lilne. Vermillion, Ui Lake, t'arinine. Liilier
"B. etc . dry and ground in oil, at ilie llms dr
Chemical Emporium ot C. W. SCU AKFLE
i arr c:alls.
Swet, Linweri,
ior;S;iern. Lird. Fih,
Whale. Tannera. and Pine O L. Burniiia Flu
id. Sfiitila Tureiiiine. at ibe Central
Diue St Clicmical Einioiiuin of
C VV. Sichafll.
l.S. Copal.SM-Miic.KoMn,
h. ruriiiture. Jni'Hii 1 it-
teru. M tp, Shoe, Spiri:, and Harnea Varniiitiea.
at the Central Uruj & Chemical Empn iom of
C. W. Schaflle.
S now curried on as usual, at ihe upper
end of Market street, w here everv di-s
cription ol J A S T I N G S ' Kel'1
hand or in ide to order Mich aa
The Complete, or
Complete Improved
Cooking Stoves
lor either Coal or
W nnd and a.
oilier kinds of
also PMmCS IIS or differ-
ent kinds Corn Ploughs, Bull Ploughs,
and the
Self-Sharpening Plough,
a new artiele, and which can not he Iwnt
in Pennsylvania. Call and ee and judj;
for youraelve.
Lewisbttrr;. Sept 22, 1S4!
SL'IJCRinEUS to ihe "University in
Lewis! i;r:;" are restiectfolly ieqoeieil
lo pav their fcecond Instaiinpin, now dor.
to the Treasurer.. And those who have inn
paid the la: lii-tnl't are re-eel fully notified
that all such d''lin.pien' will he charged
iiiier't on their (iiMaliucnts from ihe HUM'
they become due
s.SWl. T. tt'.U.KKR Tmi.
f.ewtshur. Feh. 25. 1650.
, , . ., ,
'I'llh iinni-rKtonerl roiitiiin the I.I I I.
I - , , , , ,
A' J JiLzIA LbS at llietl.it Ssr.inii
on iVirtti Ititril i.. i.ear HMrhei. tnu
repeel!iillv solicits ilie pnironai- til bi
friends and the puhlie oeiii'ra'U .
l.HAlit.ES F. 1 1 ESS.
Lewisburo May ISSo
Oooks Cooks!
fJMIE Mili-erilier ofT rs lor sale at th
J Lewialuirt! Post I Hlice, au iissorniieut
of the mo-it iiM'Inl
I'jipor, Sclioul Books, Stationery
fall kinds ulso tin- best t'igiirs,Tob cco.
Lewishurr;, Miv 7. 16511
Ta mi higntidCiirry in
IOR past favor--, the suh-eriU-r re'iirn
hii i;r:itrl'ul ttvuiks, nt.il lieu b) makes
known tli.it he carries on the IiU.-iikss of
Tainting and Citrrjlnp,
at the O.d Siaiid. Determined not to be
mtdoue in the tnatiulacture or finish ol bis
work, he is hound to have the be-l work
men and materia', and to treat thoe who
h.-.ve so liberally patronized (as well as
those nlo w ho shall he pleaded to patronize
him) with th it Httciitioii ivlni-b he hopes to
iti-ure hon a full share of public patronage.
ll kinds of Produce taken in exchange.
Hides nnd Bark not refused, for w hich the
highest market price will lie paid in cash
or in exchange for leather.
M uch 25. A.D. 185(1
riHE umleoignej rontinursto furnieh lo order
l n ihe niot rea.uiatle term. PiittKi. foun
lha Maiiufuctnry ol Cosuaii Mtriti.
whne iiistrumenis are too well known to need
any rviecwic, having uiiif.-rndv recei'ed the
cornmen.lntion of the rnnet eminent profe-nr
and composer of vtie-je. and ihe awaid of the
premium in New York. Philadelidini and B mil
for qtiatitien nf lone, touch, and keeping ia lone
up to conceit pitch, they ran not he urpaed hy
either A i eriraa or European pintio.
Inairuciinns siven on the Piano heietofnre.
Reterence may be made to any nf ihoae pnrenln
or suanlianii who have pupil committed t his
rhioie He m.iy be seen at hi ri.nlenee al M"
M'MigerV Kirst trret. Lew isburg. where term
and particular will he made tm n.
The mot popular and favorite Air and Music
nf different kind received a i- i imued ffm the
u.n'eient musical estal'ltehmer.tn in ihe "itiea.
"H T 4 f 17' Q to JutlicM.nnnala
Yj JLiiliN JVkJ iile,4tc, on hand al
rrn i
tfcs Chrortrtle ofhtsv or rrnotecj to oraVy,
QtfTfc LltS. Almond bard and o't
lOlV hell. d.Crei.ntaiid Encli.1.
vValius, FiUieila. I'erona. Urouml note. Cocoa
nuie. A c at the Central Urug &, Chemical Em
porium of t! W Schaflle
Q f f G . LI.S Port M iitetreSherr
OVJv "d l.i-hoti Wines Pale and
Irs'k llrandvK. Gin, Runt. Jamaica So"
ridi.il, and Kye Wni key, ripreu'y w srfdiral
and Saeranienlal u-re ai the Central Uuf &
l"heiuie.il Emporiu'ii of ' I" W Kch: ffle
(J pC L-BS. Pepper. A I apii-e, C ot-.
I !innHnwii, Nu'iiihi. Ginger.
Hu-t.r.l. Corioider. Mce. etc.. at tho Central
Uiug &. Cheini'al Emporium of
C W 3cbafB5
from 7 by U
neh litiht-'.
Lo l.o.-kius Plate, UiuzttinK and rhyi-
icaiH Ulan uare at the Central Drue & t 'hem
ic il Kinp'iriuin of C W JSchslilo
lJJ Nail. Shivina. P..iii'iiii.
Limine, V all. Houlr. !l..e. Scrnh, and Shoe
lirualiea at the Drug and Lbemical Einpurium i(
i: V tielitin
at aLcwisburg.
C1IRfI I.AU for Ih
uiem'Uit; Oct. 17.
for ilie Academical Year com
Primary Department.
Exerrirfi'd in Sj.t-!lins K-a-linc. Dpfmition.
EnjiliJih Uraiunar, Antliuirur, .crjj'Iiy , ilu
lory L..A , IV i)ii).iiihi' a in) Ifini, Hi.'ii.
English Department of the Academy.
The t-uuie Ktuiiit att in ilie fiiuiary l piirlm'l
coniiituftl in tlie UMt larger text lMok; anj to
tli. ee are mlJril Gem-ral Uisiory.AIt bia, Legeti
die, and Eh hh-iiU uf urr ing
Classical Department of tho Academy.
Tnn Junior Academic class.
1. Enzlirli (Jrantmar, LiitmOrammir, Arithmetic (two
tii visions.) ttfuraiir.
II. T1k onrac KtuJ'u-ff a in F. Tt-rn. awl PemDannhip.
1JI. huiiiKh rammar. Ca.r. Arithmetic cumpltfUd Ly
lM division, Ori'i-k. iraiuaur, ULSUJ.jr L-A., 1 cu
tuaiiliip, iiook ketpiRi?.
Sffu'ur Academic chut.
T. C-rir. I'reck KcaJtr. Algibra (tlt-m-nU.)
11. .I.imi'l, do Jo
HI. clo df do entnpM!. nc-
ral HUtorT. tnglisb Lanpua and Cumpoiiuon.
Freshman c!ux$
T. Kn-lh Language and Comro-ition, Algebra, I.Itt,
II. Phinv ttremt-'trr. Livr. Anabait.
111. l'lrttip. .Vl.d ati4 Fj hVricul Ueometry omplctfd, LI-
JSophon,ore class.
I. noracCtOdnwt'j. llane and St herical TrionuirtrT
II. do do Mi'Ufuration.SuriffTinir.NaTicatiou.
111. do compii'tol. S-Kct iraiioiu f lK-mothcm-?.
Kbctonc, Auttlvticai Occinelry.
Junior class.
I. ter-mcetthrnf-ii on the Crown. Cicero d- 01BcIi," Me
rhamrv. HvdrtH-ttiw. and Hvdraulictt.
II. Dt mostlieni-a on ih Cron. t iwro dr officii com-
piott-d. J'ucumatu'ji, Acoustics, Kleclricitj, Manc
III. Cictk Trapdr, Toritna, Anrronon,y.
Senior cluts
I. I.oie. Natural ThecloFT, lntrllfctual I'hiloro hy.
II. On-ek. i'oiilK! tcoitom.T- Mor.il l i:o.toi!iT.
lil. Huti. r Analo:-y. Conft;tut:on at L. Lbcmiirtry,
Lmurwi, Oeuerai lleviewa.
.No riatM in thr Ui tfuUr ('ouruft ha em lhan
tiWr.Uily lerilaiitiiia. Hwry Snunlay fiuenixii
iitvid t acluivaly M Vocal Mumc, l ciamntion,
in-1 reail.nc Urt iml original Ciii4ilinni.
'I'll tt udeiiu aie rruurd 10 xtfiid. teguUiIy.
-ome rrtiui.tu inrt tiiip Minora are expected to
aiicnd !-uch meeiiueii a are rec mmended lo ihem
l.v lh tr arentn or uanliaua. There are in fhe
rxirtMis't no lent than mi dacea nf puhlic woiahtp.
of a many itiHerfn ChrMitnn ilrnonunationa.
"I'cmf ltiMk.
Ffftfsh Lnvyuorr ttmt Ffoctttitm. Th Hi1l, Portrr'a
i:h-toriral Itca'drr." Wniwlfr' or Wrbrtrra Pu Uonarr,
Uul;Kin' tiiRlifh (.ntmmar. l'arker'a lrvffriT Kxrci
a.n in Knli.-h Com o it ion, PartuT'f Aide, Itlair Lectutea
t'niT- rity Kditiun.)
Latin Liintjttutr. liilIimiiGrflinn)ar. Itullion Rradir,
ITprctt'a lexii on Hullicn arnfiir. Si bmiti and Zumpt'a
ir-:l. I.lnndn'a iMy. Atilbfn lloraw, Ihnchcr' Cicvro
.I - ortii. Tvl'T'n Ty';tM' tifmntnia Aj-rioola.
Orrt Isfttffuvtj. ItuliionXiratnmar. l:ull:ou'eifa4lrr,
l.iddt 11 A S'it i L-xi'n. twfna Aa-nophon a Anabani,
owm s l!..mpr'n ity.ary. Cbamplin'a lXir.oMlwnw, ruik'a
ClaaVal Muntial.
f ttt,m';ttr.t. Davi- a Arilhmrtic for Aad. m.ea. KU-m-.
nt:rr Alct.m. l'ounlon. ndiv. nm-yniK nnd Navi
ir:it.oii.An: lvti. al'i."m -tr.-,olmstd aluraH bilwoi hy
;'tvr-ftypi d". (lmtls ANtronomy.
iiiaiitt r ot Mudt nl-.
The n-iniliff il i.liH!eiil dumn; ihr iaal yew,
in i he varimiii Uf parimi-nts. a l'i. 'J'hf
ollrtii.m- i-Kifs atietdy orgitiiieJ lor I tie ensu
in; Vtar. air itir f'Mtniiig i
Son; or cla - - - 8 I
Jiiuur clajsa - - - 1 '
Siplminore rjua - - 10
Frvsbutan cla - 1,,..5I
FTKMXEN W. TAYLOR, A. Mn I'rof of Slatbrmatics
.ud Nutuml 1'b.lotHiphy.
(il.ntU.fc: H. IlLlP'.i. A. Prof- of Orcek Lanu-ip
and l.it-Tatnre.
ii,ti,(..h W. AND&KSN, A.M.. Prcf.of Latin Lanua?
uuJ Liit-ratur".
ISAAC V MfflMIff, A. M., rriuripal of the Aratlrmy.
ALKKKU TAVLu.l, A. M , Tutor in the Kulth tuu
gaagc laid Llocutuu.
ISiilldiuMl.llirary and ipparaliiM.
The Aim :etnic elitic liow occupied hy ihr
inffi;Uii ot the I 'niver-itt. . Im hen errr d. n
an exppnai! of $3,000. and It ia adapted to accommodate
l.rtJ itu'lruta. Auotlii-rtHl.lie ia nearly cumpb'Ud, and in
t-MNi-u-d ti lr rady for occupancy at Uie commt-nccmrnt
of tho next TiTtn-Wt 17, In50.
'ih" Library (villain a number of aulect volumes, and
ifi constantly iiiiTiMfin.
Ch micul Apparntua has hncn prorurrd Kuffiricnt to
aupply tiw iminrdiHie demand. Tbe Apparutua lor the
illiuttiaUou ut Met lianicoi 1'biloropby, it now cumplctc.
Tiilflmi aiitl llard
Tuition in the l.'oltetii il UeparlinenC 30,
Academic 20. 1'iiinary $12 per year. j
lioanl, iiu-hiiltug liMlgiutr. asmiii?, lui't. and
lichl. can he had in the .illinrc and it vicn.itv al
tanous prices, fmin i 51 1.1 2 50 jer week. .
Ai-mn.-m"nta are In projrr.-ftS 10 furtmh Hoard, exelit-
fire ff lo.!-iim;. waliinir. fuel and lijlit, to such as may
U.airt: it. ut $1 J.rperHek.
Seirii! and Vacations. j
T.vo Ses.i.iiia in the ye.ir the former coin- ;
mpi:i-es mi Ihe 3rd Thursday in Ortoler. and '
cntiiiues 2G eeke; the latter co'nmenres on
lh.iis.1 15ili May. and continues 11 w. ek. ;
j-s in rsiiivil. wf-f-Vra 9 .lUIU'HI'ai. C
II y mder and in lielt.ill of the It.inrd :
;i:iui;i: v. mii.i.ki: sec'y.
I-eevirhurg, L'ni.iu Co. Ps. Si-i. 1. IS.'iO
NE seT-f-virli-nt, and nr!hv !' rvi-r
riniirliiatiiin, that tin Miller ran nmkf
H"orl cli-nii fl inr without fie? has i;'hhJ cli-an
wheat. I Miiipoe you wish to know tho
rpincilv. I tell vni it Is lo et tine ol
rrprslresse-'1! H'liruf Sf.iurrre, or Xniui
M ichinc-!. H" lir-iiit! an old, iirar-tical and
experienced Millwright lia-i inrpntd, out
mi and put in suce-slul oi-rati n the- best
V lii-ni Scuiirer now in ue. Any person
nrdrrinj a machine and afterwards findini!
tli.it il dia-a not prove to nMratf na rep re
.vnted. there shall be no sile. aa tln-se mn
chines are lo ht warranted uorid. Further
rerornmen'tiition are thonoht unnecessary.
Ill i now hrivin5 a sin.plv midr nl Lewi
hnr. by Messr. Gi-ddes ii M.irsh. (Irders
fur mirhines. or letters of iniiiiry. will be
promptlv attended lo. Machines "ill, be
sent and put lo all order. Ad.lres
Trwisttiipe.,(lii. f. Pn. , 1929
OTES Promissory. Judnment. and
JdiM Kolas (banks) at ibis onto.
Ayomm satyrrrrc woxviMt
JUICE a great Dyspeptia Carer !
Prrpantl fiom Hii.Det. r the fomth t.)mach of
ibe 0,l'ir Jiitrcii'im by Uaron Lirato, the
great jhjt.io'ogical ck-rai.t. bj J S.HuCoaioa,
11J., . ! I N. 8ib 8l riiilJel'hia. fa.
A'l Kl LY KuuJrrtuI icmeJy for Indigestion.
lijjiptp.ua. Jaundice, Liver Complaint.
Luiulipuluiii aut) Debility, curing alter ftatura
u fucra. b Nuture'a oaru ageiil. the G-"C
June, (jfj-i.all a leaauomitul of ihia fluid iiifuJ
in waler, cau Jigl w di-wlve Fie PounJ of
roal bret in aixiul two hour, out uf ihe lotnach
lii"fliiMI ia chirflv ueilormeJ in the atom-
aih tj lUr alJ .'I a flutu wliich Irtely exuJe from
ihe inner co.it of ihut org m, when ia a atalo of
lu-.il Ii, calieil the Ru.lric juice. I In Uu:d I. l -e
great talent of the find the purifyir.tf. prt.ci-tu-i
anil ti:Djlaiiug aent of the :omacli anJ
iute.tin'. Without it tlicrc can be no tlifeatioa,
no convt'i.ion of f.i.ij into H.xmI, no nutriii.m
but lather a foul, tofpid. painful anil delruc'.ive
condilion of the whole dis '.ie ppa'atu-
I'epill i Uie chief element or grral digest
ing piimii'le ol ihe gaaiiic juice. It i f.'und in
great atiuu Ian e iu the olid part ot ihe human
.t.Miiach a!li-r dath, and to nelime cauae tlie
toniaeh to dii;e.t nr cat iuelf up. It i lo found
in the .tuiaacU of animal, a the oi.olt. &e. It
ia the miieiul u-d by farmeia in niuking cheeae
tl.d ItVHUOl the eject of which ha long
ln lllO atIMll.al (atOlldrr III lha dairv. Curdling
(it milk i. ihe first nioceas ol tliitKiion. A call'
aiomacb can i urdle nearly one thouaniI limesiu
mn eii.ht of milk. Baron l.ietiig atate. "one
part of Pepain di-oled in tiy thininand pails
of water, di'e-t meat and olher food ' Uieaeil
.mm ich pro l.ice n g o.l G nic Juice, K'-niiet
o. I'ep-in. To alinw ihal thia want may be per
fectly fU.-li.'ii e tjiinte the .ut'j.iined
n-rA 1.1 Kino In hi. n-t..bratcd work on Animal Cn:-
Diitrv. i : "Au artiticial ais-nti" Uu.d, anal5u 10
UiebaatricJawsjaay be readily (.npareUlrom tue nucoua
...1 t .1.. .t.m.rh ..f ih. e.lf. in which anoua
ari d-, ot fcoo, a meat awl ctgi. mil be aoneued aud
diir-ivii in the nun- mannt-r oa iu the human utomaen
lir III If 1-lit A in 1.1 r.mnii. tm.ti.eon l'ouit ana Ulet,
publifheil bv Fimlera 4 Wel!, -New York, pmji- 3o, Hate
the am- srat fict, and ili acnbra the m.tliou 01 pni
uon. Tbcre arc lew niiinor luunifiw w" ' -
r r..iif in l... .al.ial.l.. wntinr on the llieaioIoT
iii....'...n.. '..1-.-. that " . d.nunution of the due
quauClv cl the liutrit Juice i a pruiuiuent and all-pre-
euitu a prufcMr il 1u.x11. ine in London, ho waa aeeerciy
iUIUu-a wilh thia compla.nt. finding ce. rythinn else to
fa t, hl r.oiirik.- to Hi.- U--lr.- Juice. t.lit.ned from tue
trnuai b cf lithig aniuuU, wuh loinjd.-ulj ueeua.
ll.it KA1IAM. authur of the hmom work. on ejrctable
Diet, avs: - It 1 a remarkai.le tort in pL)ioIoy, that
tlie Mumaiba ot animals, maci rated in water, impart to
tlie ttll d the pruperlv "I duvotvinj; .arioui article. ol tJoit.
and of elleeuug a kind of arLUcial dlpUon of them m no
i.M Jiff rent nvm ine nalurai niseaiiee pruni-.
tr. MMON'S great work, the uhemiatry of Maa,(.l
Ulanebatil, fhiiad., lBlo, pp 3SI,-) aya : "This diacuvery
... frm. .m in the ebemieal hiatrry ol VI-
geatiou. 1'rom reeeUt eapenment", we know that loud U
diaet'leed a rapidly in anart-aeiaiaism F" r-",-
finm rcr.in. as it win toe natural umc.uei.i.
I'rof. 1)1 NuLl.SO.V cf the Jetr. raon College, fhiiad., in
h;. rt on Human i'hv.-io!oey.d. ToWa more than
tifty page to an examination of Una uLjcct. Ilia experi
meuu with Dr. Beaumont, on the lia.tne Juice, ohlaintd
from the tiling human .toraaen and irom lr
known. -In all cae. .." he raym -di -ealion oe. urr.il aa
p. rf.et:y in the artilicial aa in tbe natural digestion '
.A. a UYsrEPSIA CL'RKR. Or Houghton's
itreiiaraiinu ol i'tu-in ha produced ihe moi mar-
veluu tTeit It i inipiwihle to gire detail of
ca.e 111 the limit of ihi deerti.enirnt out au-
ilienlicat. l cerlifi. ate hau been given o! more
ti.aiiTWl) HI .NUKKU rapiJ. wonderful, and
peiiiiaiieul cure. It l a gr. al NiRT.it: AT1
iiurc. and uar ii ularl u-eful for tendency to
bilious ilioruer, tiwer complaint, fever and ague.
he evil riled ol qiiiiiinr. mercury, die, alto lor
ice iu eating or drinking
Theie ia 110 form of DI.U STOMACH COM-
I'LAi.NTS which it does not reach and also give
in.t int relief ! and repeated for a hort lime, pu
ruy ot HI.iikI and rianR loDI follow at once
It 1 paniculaily excellent iu ea.ee of nauara. o
iiiitn.z ciainu. orenea ol ihe nit of Iheatomach.
Ii.-li:. .fter eating, low, cold taie nf the blood.
heaviiM . Inwiie? of epirit. ilcpin.lency. ein.ici
aiion. weaknro. tendencv to insanity. Sic.
I rice.O.NK DOLLAR per bottle. Ouebottle
often .ir.'i t a laline cure.
PEPSIN IN FOWDEKS er.t ty Mat', free ef Foctage.
lor convenience of Kendin to ail parts of the count! v.
th Iiieyslive Matter .f the 'ep'.n.i. put up in the lorm . 1
I'owdera, with lire.-t.ooa 10 I - dii.r..lved !- the patient iu
wau-ror irru.. 'lhvr- p.wj-r euuLuu j-i-l Ihe- .-ame
tnntl. f. - il... irtl,-.. l.r.t Iwire tlie 'iilaut.ty fur Ilie same
price, auj arc sent !) Bi-ii!. tree ef l'o.tae. fer St. sent
, IHt-jKiiil 1 to tr. J. a. lloumi.u. .-.o. II .-e.lt,
1'hilauelphia. 6i 1 Wag. a for JS.
i;.(n !. . ii an.i pii-kaue I t ara the wr iiten i-ij;
11 .1.1 i- ..t J S HOUUtl I'ti.N.M 1 ,S"Ic I'r.-pn.-tor.
S.1I1I by ai;t.M 111 every t..wn 111 the I'nioii
.mil i.y uii-.t te-H-cla!.ie deat. r 111 medicine.
To l.e I. ad t Dr. Tit' KX I ON. l.ei.hurg ;
J II Ci-I.iv. Milt-in; Ttioiniiii. Mifil'iibui ;
VV.'.i .V Ki eft llait.. 1. 1.; Wui K i'lioni. .e
B.-illu; li I t.'i.iuae, s.elin.grje ; M' Al Cay.
..rit,iiiitbi.jiul 1335
Mijjlmburg, Union ci'imfy, I'tnn'u.
RESl'EC I FL I.LV in onus the citiien of
I'll ion c.iuiity. an.1 the 'ul.lic in gencrul,
itiat he ha tea-ed the al.ove stand, for many
years occupied by lii Father, and is now pre
pared In aci'iiinin.Hlute f'iends and tho traveln.g
c.iiiiii.uiutv in a mariner acceptatile l.i all.
The H6LSK i large and roomy. well arran
ceil in all lis depart incuts, and e.ery care will be
liikeii In reinl.-r hi" gue.ts romforialde and happy.
His TAUI.K mil ulwaya he lurni.-lii-d erith Ihe
choices! delicacies ol the season. and ihebesl tbe
market can atl'.rd. 'I he UAK will al all limr
he attendeil hy careful persons, and none hul ihr
very best of liiUOi mill be kept. His STABLES
re ample and convenient, and the 05TLEK
punctual and at rntive.
In eh.irt. he pi. dues himself to endeavor to
!Cive net etal siliHacil.in to all. ami nope n
''ricl alieuliiin to Im.-lli. rs to merit and receive
a liUer.il -l-'e r.f p'r.nai;e.
! fl'.jiuru. June 20 IUSO
I J 2. -
ritll E nnbscriliers ofTor the public, at til
J new Brick Foundry, the following new
: nil. I viilunlilt- Stoves :
j mi Witch Air-Tigln Cooking Stove, with
: Urii k Oven.
I.-idy Waihinqton Parlor Stove.
j C il Iron ir-1 ight Parlor Stove.for Wood
j 5 site.'
j Coal Uuruer foi Parlors 1 siie, 12 inc'.i c. I
I inder. -. --
j Louis Air tight Cart Iron Parlor 8toe i
I. sizea.
Shield Air-Ti.Iit Parlor Stove for Wood S
1 i'.eg Slove the very hest in use for 8 tor,
Oilier. Barrooms, and shop.
The celelnaied Genesee Air TiebtCook Slove
The Complcie Cook 2 size.
Also, all kinds ol Wood and Coal Stoves
Ploughs Casiinos. Acc. &c.
LewUlmro, Dee. 12. 1849.
"An ounce of Prevention worth
a pound of Cure." in
that awful dittait, j
R. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven-
ion and Cure of Contvmplion. -
. This popular work for sale in Lewisturji I
by 8. F.Xyndall J. Irouzhton aad a I
his offiea. Prict, 75 cents.
THE aubacriber avails himself ol tbe col
umns of the Chronicle in publishing (o
ihe citizens of Lew ii.hu ru and vicinity that
he baa opened a BOARDING HOUSE in the
large anJ comfortably arrange. hauae, formerly
kept as a Temperance Hotel by Jame Kelly, twa
door east of Ihe Franklin Hou-. Market street.
He ta prepared to ay that hi Table shall have
the bet the Market can afford", and the Lodging
of boarders ahall be as comfortable a cm be
de.i,ed. I.S. STERXER.
N. B. A team and carriage
will be kept to convey pmenger to and from th
Packet Boats. Lewisburg, March IS. 1-S50
iFruft nnis
Tbe aubacilbrr otfers for sale a large
assurtmetit of choice Fruit Trees such as
Apple tri es, 7 to 10 feet high, 40 varieties,
nil warrantiri genuine I'each trcts, 2d
liiriartMn Cherry, ISectartne,
Prune and Pear irt. s. together iih ome
0 or 8 varieties of Grape Vines of the best
itHtive and exotic varieties. Ornamental
i , ,i !.,,,!,.;- I ,r..t-n t-f
V ft IVr,nn uwhln.r In nrocura a
ounntitv o!' the Fruit trees.are requosteU to
make immediate application to mesuuscn-
r . . .
Ur. Ill I'Tut r It ITULUir llirj loin ins hiiu
. ri r vf T
m2? wanted. tu.wbu
Lewisburg, March 4, 1850.
TAI.'.N'DIf.'E, Uypt-nis, Chronic or Nervou :
J D. l.llilv, ili.ea-e ol tlie Kiilney. and all Ui-
ea ariuii-1 mm a duorderej Liver or Stomach,
,7. , , .-..i... .
aucu a C-iiislipalion. I.iMrarii I lies, ruint.s
or If loot! to the Head. Aridity of tbe
Stomach, iNan-ei. He-irttmrii. dis
cus! for r'od. Fulnes-i or Weight in the
t-toinacb, S.iur Kruclalions. Sinking or Flut
nenire tne nunt, r ever tin.i ami rain in 1:10
Head, Drfii ieiirv ol Persiiiratioo. Yelloarnej of
toe omu sou Jjves. pain in toe aide. Dacs,
' Heat. Biirninj in the FleJi, conatatt Lna-
giuirig of Evil, and "real Depression of Spirits
CA.t be nrracTi'ALLi ctrazo si
prepared by
tir. V. ?J. .farkson.
at thp lr.priinri .It dir-tnp Slnre 9
oi trie ticniuii .muit-iiie oiorc,
110 Arch St. I'liI lad.
Their power over the abuve diieastt it not
eelled. if equalled, by any other preparation in
the United State, at the ruret attest, in many
caret after skiiful phusieiun had failed.
TbeMt Bi tcr are worthy the attention of ina-
lius. roiesiiis treat virtues in toe rectincaiion
of Ji.ea.ee f Ihe i.iver and leaser glands, cxerci
.ing ibe mj.it seerching oera in nefkne.a and
flection of the digrxive organs, ilu y aie withal
sifc, certain and p!raant.
Read ' be costiwced. The Hon. Chs
D Hineline, editor ol the Camden Deniocrat,lhe
hest paper in West Jersey, say. July "1st
man flattering notices pf this m.-di.-iac, &:id the puurce J
ii.ii.c.iir, 1 11111 111 . u twiuu..- iiRiu.1.1 pnriuir
it menu. From inquiry we wer perkuasiU :u i u.ud
must it we fuund it specific in it artion upon dutra.rt of ;
the Ur. f and th-stm onraiia. and the powrrful mtluvBe
it axcrtd apon m-rroua prourauou is rculjr vurprisfr. It
calm and strengthens th? ncrr. brin-mg U.;m iuto a
state of repoat. makinK Bleep irfreahtne.
If this mi-vJicine wre mvre gni3.1iy uvl. we are Kit -
infied there would be tff j airknt'M, aa fn.ia tfcr rtomarh.
lier. and Dfrous system the creat miontr i f r- aJ and
msriiiry dueanes emanate. Have them ia a beakhv ciil-
d t ion. and yon ran bid d fianrr ti i-pKl-inic nnUIy.
Thia cstraordman ta. diciue wc would adie our friemU
nuo srv ct all iisdiicn d ti cir- a trial it will :h.-n rer-
omra-iil ilet'lf. It should, in f ct be in every family. No
1 tlit r m-.-di' ine ma produce uiu evwh nca a of u-r.t.
Km n thi U'j.'ftiti filttoriil, DcfSiJ
thnn.'and-w. ami n frinJ at our el low pay he ha himelf ;
reeeired from tUc ueof this irmedy au cff'-etu-il. permar ;
nvnt cure of Liver f iitnpi&int. We are ctaTir.rd that,
in thr use of Ui'a Uitttr. the rticnt cnntant'y ?a;n9 !
jatreiii-th and ijr"r a fart worthy of (Treat rnnpidrraitr-n ;
They are pUaant in tate aud anvil, and can V used by !
pr-ua with the nioait delicate .tomaTi. with safety
under any eircumst3nf,-a. XSie are reakirj; froa ieri
enee, and to the aitlicu-d we &dr:e their u.sc.
Scott's Weekly, one ol the best literary paf)ri
puhlt.-hetl aaul. AuS.Sth ' ;
tering at the pit ol tne sinrnaca, pwiinininr; 01 trie a. n'.r to u.o ra.ut rim a-ir:-'tit pVvM
Head, hurried and difficult Uiealhine. KluU I .2
terillS al 111 Heart, chokinj Or uB'uC4- j Uim hl emnnuttJ a nut vn Uie WShe. and. Ih-r-fure w
. , . not eniu!l to.laiiM.yes. 'i. ense or ilr. H.iJn wu M kr-
ting Sensation wlifn in a lying I u hn.g.uitt. ..:J liua-n. wu .r. u. witoa. .arjj 2
po.-.lure,iiimnesof Vision. Dot or Wet I 'F..iMiiu.-i.ina.ii.'.m,a.atiiu,i.;.,,I,
he. .lonrnxuMsFRMA ItiTTrR. manufactured by Dr T3-,Ts-.j-t TCiTaam
Jackseon, are now r.-c..uim..r,.h,l by Cf the u.t p 12111 3 PClOnary Balsam
mmuiit memlMTa f th.' Faculty, as an art'.-ie of much i rarp COSSl'MPTloy. d'.k. Cv'd. rit.tn "f
effleaey in ea. of female weaknepa. Aa Mi.-h if. the e:iap. ' FUfUtf at uc LunM, Vatn in iv Irtait and 5iw, -we
a. Mild 8dTin all mother to obta.n a little, and thus ixr.u. rr-iis Vcmplatt. I'aiyiiJM i "
save th molvea much airkni-ae. IVrson of debilitated - ' Jattum liu-emerm Sumner (. rms:,ntt..dALl
eon-titut.onpwtU find tbrw Ititt. n advanta,. -ou to thi ir sr'ai'.VZ. U .tiS LaLS, ft.t a-iy !itg wae
; to. u7o e.,r,w"' w """
Judge M.M.No tit, a grntlcman of great scien
tific and literary at!ainnients,said in hia-.ew York I
Weekly Miwntrr, Jan 6. 1S50
Dr. Hmjlamrt (ttrr.ian Ihttm. II. re is a rn-naration 1
whirh th-- I.-aJin? .r..p- ..flhe I' niou a.;'ur unanimous
in rei-cmru.-n.linj. an.1 the ren-on i. ehvi.-u. It is mails '
after a pp-seriptiuri tumished by one of t he muit relehrated
I'hrsieians of m. J. rn times 'the lale Dr. Christopher i
Wilhelm Hoofland, Pri.f.-or to the I'liiwrrity of j.-na, i
Private Physician to the Kinc of Pro.-ia. ard one of Ihe
irreatert midii-al writers li. rmnnr has ever produ.-ed. He i
was emi.hatirnlly the enemy of humbug, and therefore a
mmiciue oi . nu n up was tne inv.-nior an-l en.lorer may
I eonntently ri'lieil on.
nrMcntly relied on. He specially rneonimen.l.-d it in
Complaint, Dyspepsia, lH-hiiitv. v. ri.-o. Aeklit.v ef
the ftomaib. t'on.stinti..n. an-l all" cniilufuii. arising
i.rr VAfinpiiuni. I'vsnensia. IH'ljllllv. V.rl..-L ,
troin a .lisoru.T. (I r.muiti..n orilie stomarh. Hie Lie. r ami arkhniisr Miilillelium Will Ac Pil.n Hartl
the Intestines. Nine Hhiladel, hi paper, epre.. thrir ''""hause, Sluldleburs lit & fc,lrt, Haitl
rnnvietion of its ex.-ellen.-e. anJ several of their Lditors on Antes clc Alencb, Mimtnburg
pe:.k of ite!I.rt from th-irown in.livulunl esrs-rienee. ' All ,ti,r. .r.,1 nr.t.r. n,n.i K. ..1.1,J uf
t:n.lrr these eirr.,iMi.i-.. ... fl war.Usl. not ontv ! "nd " ,mU" ,1J.rwe,l '
in eallinit tlie attention of ocr readers to tlie pres. n't I " allacc & to 106, Uroadwcy, Si aw 1 or I.
proprietor ilie. C. l. Jaek.-on si preparation, hut in rec-! Iy2S4
ommt-nJinj; th artiele to ail alEictM. i . .
MoiikEv i ti -The Philadcf.his Saturday , -s y-w y TOYS, Perfumery. Jewelrv.
(..neile. tlie Let f.iini y newspaper put. islied in I I II I I v . , ,
.her,.i.e.is,. e.,iheed..o,Sa!.oflrHoCfl.nii- Jy. ond Fancy Gtaids,
Ciern.ati Hinprs ' r ruits, toiileclioncry. Tobacco, Spree. Pin
It iseUrm that w.-reromm-nawhM are termed Tat-! l'y Stuff. Segals, Glass, Patent Medicinr.
ent Mrdiein. t. ue reuJera' parmnaire ami ronn.lenre; Chemicals, Extracts, Tincture, Essence. S'
and. Hi. r. tore, when w.. noniiiienj lir. IluctlanU s (ier-! tionerv Soora VSriithes Oils. Prtekel Books,
man llitt. rs, .,-1, it to be distinctly uih-r.d that U . ;v ' ' Ur,1,',r ,U'1' r0iel "
we are not st-a!tln of the nnslrums of t!i dav. that are I ock,'t hnives, liazor and iStrnpc. Port Monias,
rai.eu HiN.uv i..r enei pen.i ana are lorimen alter they
hare done tlnir euitiv ra, e of roiaihief. l.ut of a medicine
lone estuhlh-d, ururersslly rriicd, ai:d which has met
the hearty approval of the racultv itself.
iwiwoaiioutror a erirrpemj and are forsnuen alter they
.viiience on evnt
i.lenee has been ee.;...l in,.
the fori-joins'. fro.n all sretions of the fninn, the last 3
vears. una lie Mrmur UHimimy m Ui Jamr. is. that
tjjer ; is more of it usr.l in lh pret:re of the regular
rn.Tiriaris or Philadelphia, lhan of all other nostrum.
it. that
corohine.1 a faet that ean easilv be estaMi.heil. and fully ;
r... m myuimc . reparation will in.vl Witt
quiet approval sh.-n .r.wiited even in this form.
in.s mcoierne will .-nr.1 Liv-rromptaint and Tiyspepsii
one ean rlouK after nin it as directs. It acts speeifte-
n"7 .p'" .w s-iouiarn aim bi.er. ii u prclerable to
t 'alomel in all bilious rliitus. Tha eff.et is immediate
thee can lie administered to na.tu or nraXT with saletr
and relial.Ie beacnt, al my time.
Be are of counterfeits!
I his mcilicine baa attained that character which
it is necessary for all to attain Is induce counter-
feiter. lo put forth a .puriou. article at the risk of;
he live of those who are innocently deceived,
V . I,.. i . . .
ijuok weu to tne marks oj the Genuine.
The; hsve the written signature of C.M.Jsckso
upon the wrapper, and tbe name blown in the
bottle, without which they are rpuriout.
Forsale.wholesale and retail, at tbe GERMAN
door below Sixth, (lale of 178 Race St.) Philad
elpbia. and by reaprctable dealer generally, tbe
country throoi-hout. Iy3.1l)
AUofortatt by S.F.LYXDALL.Lewuhure.Pa
Also .y Da. THORNTON, do
DR. STEWART Surucoo Dentist
haa removed hit office lo Fourth St.
near Blair. "riankliB Hotal.
IN BACH OTTlI-O" T.il. s d.
Tamu IMm a aay Owe MU eantaiaia( w.
Twcbiv-Obw Pave.
Wrier M swr MtOU, e Sa BttOrn I" SS.at.
feMlVR QTIHT BOTTlEt ami ia r
aiM trt-j and ff.mity fhat tn ta? mmaii kmim.
Ham arut tVpwriorinf Tn TvnxtfWM orr SM9Mimttl
ana kit tnher bilI' irtn, mar n mwaorc a4's
ftiol from lit otowmfj fmrr: tmsr bsjcanaia. rt mmt wt
poMoav;i, ai prtkA medication, Uw Ptm Cukmci
SarsapariJla, Yellow Dock,
1 berry "d wlrkwf
sn fr:v-V mort jrerriy mmnfU4, and tmr
tutofmtk wi :ia. e naV"' m ' :an cid1m f,4
Ui bo-.i.e of raciivT.fif, cuLM t"" SmranUm:
Bui, bKcNDi.T i rrurf t !i ymrtnrr . a
Kcor. HnrUa, and Vefetablea,
ai PvatPVtivt. pn-jttrUf of which ara grtaiif .r: t
bitrxtpiiriita, n l v:.t;n thee mrv tUiinpoondejd witb .Wmbb
rtlUi. d!uit lhk. Che", and Sasifr.n, lr.y mailt) tku .
WMn!tnacjjt r'tldiiiml vr .'. tHrltr I t Hi 4 iW
lurid. S true ia U, U'at u Uar ,- dewed mndwi ifm
Cm Uo.a is
Only One TtiblaMiHionf.!. thwmtimm Dm
Cut U ia) nut to With Extractor SimipartUa, for m etmqmetm
ol itB mrttcuii -n tue Ury 6tU) btug au inoch w:krBt
aad rrtlaced t-i- lnw. of darMparilla haa la ba Tr.
Three, or .More TbtirSi Tnaca, Fowa, ar Mork
times a Dty, Ui hava any meedical eflWt ; aixt a a Bolu aaf
j V""
n!-jjr fouatavia, uwrcrura, at ak
I at atM tiusjtM day. wui oaa aa
I foir, rir nrirx
I wnwnanow n,-a rraj nrani'm rnrller.win aat rroaa
! a"'1" Vf S?'1-' m9r
iai y aie-ncau .-nracy 'in emmiJ dm.) ba aa
KALt.it.. aa iii (iv.r jmr.j dmt mf Saiaa-
pwit. it Panr mat -. bum r mm Pta.rtta i
iliat anm butt; f Mm Ptairtaa m
umm aiore Lhaa butue tf Mataa
PrV , . M
' Tte abovK romraranti dora not ahnw die araat 4fm
j -vtarar in r.uuc b :t n awitu ewicy ui DlSriT I rvairita
t M raiM..
T iia will ipM-v bv ta j
caiaa ia ttranft fumphirU, thuwiu that
hu mura affcarv, aiitl rwei mart a part btomd dmmm, riaa
TKN Bollli-a of Maraapar.Ua,
If, tUff, Our h ttli .f Pi-RiriEK avita for 0i DoLLa,
Un4 testis mf SartapunLa abouUl me A fur Tea teats.
Mr j B HA!tm of j,, Oneida Co., S. T ,.l.uar4
y(: ctu; ia ims. swore to th. ana reiate-j a w
' iet.oa ta The 5-.-rrM Coear la the t tf r .rw oa ia
. icimlr. ia, uauer il. (uuowiaa; circumstance.
A persuo In ri-.a Ci'y " .Vew IV had issunfietsrv aaa
ret-2tf a wpu.:j ar::"! of medicine, ea:imK n knAwt t
1KDUK CtcoictNE, In waiSuoa lie ux.- aum ,,
wnj praueuud lo obtain damage in U, Suprem. C.jrt u
ihe City ol Nve York, and the caw was rrfirrtd a. cw r . ,
lo i. S. Bo.wOTH, V . 51 Liberty street, mn vm eu Lmwn,
1 HaKtx t . ..1 .,..,,.,, fc
""k''' "r ?'7'r:''t"-J.', """ 1 - r
1 ...u
tl .1W m.
i .! w L'.n -.1 ii pi.. i, a,
wr.9 tMl r- IM ; M wu ua my mm im m m k, .mS,
UotW u Uf aim u lrk.. .U. I. u. Ui...;. f
wr. m tfa.t 1.. SM rw.i. M ImW t.:n ; r. m v -, ,
my M..ld.r to mjr . 'jo. h n.i I. im Mw . 1 u, M.
.11 othrr .ir... Stwi. t Br&u'l Fm tr h. ..... MlM 1W
UjUI. hut4 ...r. S.y.. 1 wu m 114 1 nmlf M J. m W .
fpaonf.: at 1 . M . Ih.t M.U. -o MrmtL-. t. .... . . H
.t Ot' Md . Ih. Krm Mil . I 1M ..! . n.: .1 . .. M
twyin. M kMl mf Mi., mt U..1 1 m u (m.
m uu imm I. ..1 Btfc1 4 . u K-m- e.-u. -r. . n.
Mm..-. ; S. mHUm HI.LIH ALL Mr tLrtm .
null w. SmI m Iff. u :u (-1 ml my imm. 1 1
: itriif.; i s u a..M ri irur
I nm ui m . rM r.u. run
iMt. net MH.rt nurhLi. 14.
Th; ia:a- .? . 'Jhe t'enruyc td pwn',v.g
...'; t.1 a r-ia:nr J PcaiPTiwo hTBcT. aa a.a
.u H'l t. ctr.tr md:cmnr-n; fmrluw' U a prt
m-,v tari tmc.it ruL'ii aiJ CuN.L:rT.ri!ia
M. i f-j I'..- ti ." Lunz. aad a:"rr ta-'t'sasi-
4. - ! aa ea.ly aa me fur'pi-g km tit aua
nd rirrt fjr'at.'v-
"i .t. nt r.l rural f tfa wxtt htprlrtt rwi.ma
r.i j : -n- rtllfaX-U JU" tf tvj IM mi. etsaaCasaM !
u-n:.fti. TURuAT. ad BRKAsT.
V DVIXti W03IAN saved:
We f to. fultowia- eariSear aa a fact af ears. wi.r
joe. u trove liie w.wor to rava tit, rwi waea th. r.
1 ... . ; . . , .
ct to be .a tha r-ry lart atar of
-. j PvmMurv ttmltmm i adm:a:trttl i-
V'e ei-e the fol'ow ne cartifirat aa a faet of tura. wa ra
g, to pruTr tha puwer to aam lite, vara wbao la. pe.raua
! artrma lo be ta (aa Vary iaat atcr ot axiateaer. wars
B:am $ Idi Pulmonary Htuattm u admiiarra.l T i j
1 ea d.iea ntt atand alotic we ewuM n-m- mr ct-aaa
m wtetrcthut aud stondtttg- and hunttrrJs o! kmpekem
I ea . and .'oj-ihj of ra a raJM C'UNlMrTluN
i Tillri C LKh. waa aflwiad itn the wi; ot Mr. 7:aa
Dyaaf- ui the tor oi HaiUzom. SortUffym C. T
Mr L)yse.t.-iu wa i)rtnouiM.l dytnr. atj Mr. Dxttcmaa
are-fit tu tr.a ftorr oi Mr. Johi V ait putckmM c- '
t a jirj.-.J, i,.i other burial wemttrtmU, exp- -t.of fa. w.:a
j i,.d 3n J J-hr ww in the- iat stage o thaitw
t-. omtted and ittrBd sd1 ii ri car
wtn, Mr,
re..trJ ii. T cont.iiut-tl to take- it untl! hr r.TOral
Cuon nciLm, an i abe haa emntiHUtd tetit fur nemrif
yariMrr rmp'.ict .tiT pnrtiru ara.
Mi. Irst'EM. ?w'rf Vt titr atK.v facta before Tnoa
Versa, Kq.. of fts'.Lttit -".th Apnt. iM9.
7 uoa. G. turxa, t'aq , Janice, vrrtiea tit a kaa
kii'-wu Mr. Djifiun ui-ny rcara- an I he i iaai
tii'-ir nasi tc-trzhy aod mpcaahl citr.e; and Mr Jo
Viir. t.;c m- rth.iiit ajvok.-n ui ab t. avaa crtiy U
poo,l chrsnter ot Afr. 2virm. and Ui a wi a
t;ua.i!i. a w.i., mil ua jaeta, flaYU-g heard tnem viZca
t-n ol by iMaa
i mum ia ruvsimss KtriPJMtM).
T ie fo!'.iw:n;n'Mle.l Rmasl rV'u.,Kt ua SiJS
yr.eomiiun.leJ nitAM'S MKi)Il.l.Nt.S :
IT. 1. HI HIl.tKli. Stoailu r.l, t'onn.
J. ft. r.n l tl. l iteit'.wn. . y.
lr. KINSMAN. IJ Henry slreer, Brookjjn, T.
llr. T. M. til N f. Auburn. W. .
lir. (.KD. IMM'K M:.ia:. u.wa. Coaav
llr.liKO A l.'rtiKHS. Bath.N. T.
IT. S. Will i e hn dunia. N. Y.
IT. t. It. GAt.KNTINr; F.yron. N. T.
Ilr. J. (J SOU-MAN. FayettevUl. N. T.
IT. 1. riKIN.NKK. Henry street. Rrocklv. N. 1.
Dr. O. ffilll MAN. CurUand, N. Y.
For sale by Dr T A II Thornton, Lewis
i . r , , u -i ,. , ,,
hurS; Edwid Wilson. lew Berlin; S J Croura,
relinsgrove ; liiFC Mover, Freeburg ; H S
I Catd-Case. I. igar-i'aaes. Snuff-Boxes, Cornbs.
I l aia-lase, l.iRar-l ases. Einult-ooxe, i;
I s,,v Classes V icroscooe Thermometor
1'" , ' 1'wopes. I Dermomelor.
I intying lilasfee, Mortar, Smelling Botllo.B
! t in, t ncy IJoie. tld.ile. AceorUioo.
! f lutes, etc., etc-, St the Drug A Chetnic! E"
I'OriUtll ol V. W. OCbtBl.
i I easUhur T.e tRn
. .
('Oriutll ol
Lesrisbure. Dee. 1SS0.
0v-r BOXES Colopne. Bav Kuif,
JOVJ Extracts. Bear's Oil. Ox Mr-
ions, Maic hair Oil, Quinine, Chin 0il'na
Rouge. Pearl Powder. Fancy Soap, etc..
al the Drug & Chemical Emporium of
C. W. gtchaffl
1 Tfl f LBS. Logwood, Redwood,
I VJVJ Fustic, Camwood, Bra''-
Wo?J: ?Ude'-, CoPP.' A,u- '"'"'..'Ss
uirii. r.iuuiu diiw. raiiuiiein iin. x.n. -
Central Drug St Chemical Emporium of
V, W. SchanV
1 f fl GOLD Breasl pins. Fiag
1UU1 ad EarriDgs.ChaiM.Pw.
Pencil. Silver Slidea. Spectacle, Sleel chaio
Ac, at the Drag St. Chemical Emporium of
C. W. Schaffi.
ffr,rvrv LBS. Prime Cheese, jus
QUJ civedaivdforsaleaitli'CeO'
tral Drug & Chemical Emporiowi.F.ncy
Notiop. A Variety Store of C.W.8cg
Dr. Jajae'a Fanaona nttchM
T1RESH froia hjsUlwtor-.for
X iabnfg by