TT i. Reuben Dunbar, who Albany, , Jan. l-Tf., Se,(hen V. mu rdered Uavia t. --'... , , ,,, . c av. the zmn ui ,er of Person, were collected around the ni and the streets leading M tl were Jrowded. The Artillery and largesse. Corns were on duty.actinji a, tlie Sheriff. Sentinels. The Sheriff's 1W "ssc.nbled a, the County Clerk's (, and proceeded in a body to'the jail. The prisoner wi executed in the large room in the di rectly over his cell, lie made, full con. feaion of his, an. admitted the jus tice of his senience. lo show the stoic nature of the murderer, it is stated that at 'J o'clock this morning, he sent a roessen. ner to the publisher of hi lite and confes sion, written by the ft.-v. Dr. Ik-eclier, asking for a copy of it, a, he said be wan ted to peruse it. TW. Wills IWi-itai. Hiihdciphia, is one of the best of our iiiiny lienevolent j Institutions. The number of p itienls nd- mined durini! the year 1-50, was one hundred and ninety seven. Th.-rc were, moreover, twenty-nine in the House at the dose of the previous year, and thus the entire numler was two hundred and twen tv-six. The proportion discharged was quite targe, viz : one hundred ntvl eighty six, and ofthee, one hundred and twenty nine were cured, and fifty-one were re lieved ! "VOnCE is hereby given that ibe partnerhii j heretofore existing between the subscriber, under the Firm of H Tri Etn & Tnnro, i thiaday diolved by mutual consent All er. con. indvMed lo sai.i Firm r." roquc.ted to rr.aLe wlilemenl ; and those having accounts asainst raid Firm are respectfully requeued to present the same. the same. W H WOMI'SnX. Iwisburg, Feb 1. H51 Election. THE Stockholder, of the Iswlfur; if Mif finlmr:; Turnpike limit! Commnif. will please take notice that an flection will be held at the house of Col. Samuel R. ber in Ea.t Buff alo Tp on Mojmi the 3d day of March 1H5I. for the purpose of electing one Piesijcnt and four Managers lo manage the concerns of the said Company for one vear. GEOKGE .SCHXABEL, President Feb 4, Idol Administrator's Notice. TITHERES, Letters of Administration V on the es'ale of ISA C. (J.I. WSIIK late of the' of Lewibtirg, Union Co., tJcccased, have been crnntcd to the subscri ber, resident in said Boroiii-li, bv the Rrt; i.terof id county, therefore all person, indebted to ibe Mid estate, or to the late Firm of Wolfe A Lawsi.K, are requested to make immediate payment ; and those having claims against the ame, are required to present them duly authen ticated for oeulement without delav. F MILLER, Administrator Lewisburg. Feb 3, 1851 6m Selling OiT! To the Ladles. Mousline DtLaines, Cassimeres, Cashmeres, Cravat. Calicoea, very low, Cloths. Long and Square Shawls. rrj-The above Good. and all others in our line lor .ale AT 1! EDUCED PHICES. n we are amiou. to reduce our stock. C. E. DO WES. Lcwisburg, Jn -H, 1$."1 MILITARY BOUNTY LAND. t PRE untler-iuned is provided i:h a!! :he 1 necessary frms and paper", and will i.ike ehar"c. on the mot reasnriuVe terms. of any claim" for BOUNTY LAND. EXTRA PAY or TENSIONS that may be placed in his hunds. Ml applications, alter being o.,.v piciarru here will be forwarded to Ciiaklks IIeeliiiso E.t. an efficient snl responsible I. n-ion Agent at Washington ciiy, who will present ihem in iihi,m eiira charee'l t'i the iironer l)e v ' ' pariment an arraiigeniemi-iuMiiu ur.ry and lesiatch. Lewisburg. Jan 29, 1S51 II C HICKOK li.ii 1'tilon Co. Issue List, Feb. T. ltil, ;harle A ?nyder vs John Wilt Ta.nes Daiby v Abliot Green Jame. Wfili.m. v John M'Kelvy Levi U Christ va fumuel Gedde. ioristban Zelb-r vs I. Deck Henrv Uord,.hare s Henry oilhumer J ISennif lr Saml l iank vs George Adams Com th for Kobt Hayei v. H S Boyer and bad John Snyder's Ei'r v. Mow. Tibir lohn H Wetwr va W m Cochran John Kohl for ChrUt Graham v Jarcd Irvm Christian Herman v. Saml Shreckei,sast Jacob Kloe va Geddes Ac Marsh John It H aye. v lw Kilter et al Piatt Knol for WriRbt A: Nephew vs J Irwin Alary liingaman v. Elia. 1'ee. do v. J and Elia Fees Plait Knox for KuM et al vs Jarid Michatl Miller va Martin A f ork Robl Chamliers v. Uerlhier Thompson Jeo Deel Adm'r of P Fetter vs John Krotzer W F Wagenselcr .urv'g part, vs Rt u: en Keller Peter German and wife va Thomas Tliursby Jjeob Wagenteler's Ex'r. vs Jacob llauser f S Backhouse". Adni'rx va John Lenig John Boahr va Jacob Ler et al J Wagtnselei'. Ex vs Jn Gundy A J. M Sander. Ey.ler and ftiizer v Amos SSlroh Henry U Moisrr vs John Mower Jacob Roush vs George Nerhoot Henry M Mowrer Jcob Mowrer Mrs (; E Bowes vs John Paul Jos R I.oii vs Joel Ebrman et al G F Miller vs N Mitchell with notice Se John M'Kinly v. Nevius Jlrown Sl Goodwin v. May and Ktose do va Reulien Keller do vs Ner Middleswaith et al Robert Chamliers v. John B Smith Jos Famn tb Wm M'Phcron and Jos Shannon Lewis Colby Wm H Ludnig's Ex'rs 1'iuO.Ger.Kef.Ch. v. TrusuLuth Ch l.ewisburg B.lser and Fry etc v. Rodearmel and Sc lonecker Wm Byer. v. Jn Wilt. Kame v. Jn F Wilson Thomas I'cnnv vs A Graham's Ex'rs Eliaa Fees vs Martin Ilrieshach Wm Weaver et al vs P Petter's Aihn'r May for Middleswarth vs Henry W ti.vder Jacob Farley va John L Fisher Jacob Feimiy Jr et al vs John Mussr . t al Chiist and M'Faddin s Wm High Dmiel heckler's Adm'r vs George Walr John Ruhl vs Wm Moll Wm G Herrold vs Peter German Ray G Uiefor Klapp vs Jn Plank Haie and Furry v. A W Kremer Robert Kwinefnrd vs Chas Cawly J and J Wall, v. Thorn., Cumminrs John Hartm.n Jr etc vs Henry Ki.her II x. r r , " SIn,,, """'' Jlerbrt for Ilerbit vi PUlip GcBibetUiij . nA.,.-,v hid WABMMT. mr. ai. - .-...,.! rpHE Duplicate sjertincaie I?""5" Quarter -Want of the Peace for the roomy of L May, 1850,) of Warrant No. 2G8Z3, i;,lion February Sessions, A D 151 : in the name of William Cummins!!' Cap. I The petition of Mania Body respectfully I lever's Compnnv. 2d I'cnit'it Volunteers, ! .howeih that your petitioner occupies a comma for 160 acres of bounty land, dated Sept. ai.tute in Friiwille. Uuff.lo !. U 1848, and duly assigned to the subacri t'..n Cojon the . puhl,c road leading ft..,.. U 14. ioo, aim uu : 4,ur( to lruh Valley and from Miulnburg to her m the latter part of June. 18..0. ha. since Mj hil.h u we c.c(1Jlr, f 4 vuMie been lost ; and notice . hereby given that at the houM ,.,;,,, ,j fro(, iu llri..hborh.o.l epilation of eight week, from lb., date, the ,.,.,, ,, I .-.-. .- .11 Jn.n. lha I AmihIMlonff ' . """"ST ' ; of tension, a uir.. ...- s... certificate. WILLIAM YOUNG, J a Miflbnliurg. Jan. 8 TV IT IT "VflTTP K slaVEs rtUllUFi rpH AT we have tbi. day bought at ConstaM- 1 saie, as ine propeny 01 sl- ne, of Buffalo township, tbe follow iug personal propeitv, to wit : 1 bay horse H 1 dark brown home 00 1 two hone wacon 4 1 00 1 double nt of harnen 1 5 00 That we have loaned the above nrmrd property to the raid Valentine during our pleasure, and all olher person, are forbid to meddle with the vame. JAME- M t;i,Ku;nr, Jin. 16. 1851 J. & J. WALLS. ORIMIIW COIHT SALE. BV virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Union county, the suhseriiier will expose to l'ublic Sale, at the House ol C. I) Kline, in the Coronti of Ijewisburg, on Tiii'rsuav, the Cih day of Fi'bruary next, commencing at 1 o'clock, P.M., five contiguous tracts of Timber Land, situate in White Deer township. Union county, bdjoining binds of Rank V Ke.cbly , Reuben Haines1 heirs, George Fox, ilaker, and others, TRACT No. 1 containing 70 acree, 10 parch. do 3 do 73 88 do 3 do 6ft 140 do 4 do 69 63 do 5 do 31 40 neat menu re the aim. IVing part of tb elate of the late Rev. 1 bomaa Hood, deceaaed. SAUL M CORMICK. Surviving Adm'r. with the Will annexed, of Kev. Tho Hood, deceaaed. Jan. 17, 1851 AUCTION. ILL be sold at Public Sale, on Thurs day, the 20th day of February next, at ihe residence ol the .utHcriber, :n Kelly township, Union county, the follow nig property, to wit : Horses, fresh milch Cows, and young Cattle, Sheep and Hogs, Waggons, 1 ot Cart, Ploughs, Harrow,Cultiva'or, Sleds, one new top Buggy, Harness, common and plated, Horse (sear. 1 Treshinj: M ichine and Horse Power, 1 uprinn Wauon lor one or two horses: Farming Utensils of every description, and of tlie best quality. Grain iu the ground.Potatoes by the bush el, Hay by the ton, and a greal variety of Household Furniture, such as bureaus ta bles, stands, chairs, chests, bedsteads, car peting, 1 good Hathaway cooking stove and pipe, 1 ten plate stove and pipe, also Kitchen Furniture of every oVscription.from a pint mug up to a large kettle, iroa or copper, meat vessels, tubs, churn,barrels, 1 large cistern, &c 6tc. Sale lo commence at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, when terms will be nade known by the subscriber. Reasonable credit will be j;iven. Jan. 16, 1851 JOHN COUGH. REGISTER'S NOTICE. "VfOTlCE i. hereby given to all concerned, l thut the following named persons have al lied tbeir accounts in the Register a olfiee at e Berlin, Union county, and that the Mid aecount will be presented for confirmation and allowance at the ( Irphans1 Court lo be held at New Berlin for the county of Union, on the Fourth Mo hit of February next (being the S4th day.) via. 1st Account of George Mitchell, surviving Executor of the last will and testament of George Mitchell, late of Union township, deceased. 3d Account of John Shelley, Administrator of John Shelley, late of Perry townabip.deceaaed. 3d Account of Christian Gross and John Swinehart, Executor of the last will and teaiam ent of Henry Rearick, late of Beaver township, deceased. 4th Account of Joseph R 8lumpfTsnd Sam uel Stumpir, Administiator. of John Slumpff, late of West Beaver township, deceased. 5th Account of Samuel Pellman. Executor of the last will and testament of Mary Eagle, late of West Buffiloe township, deceased. 6th Account of Rebecca Waller, Administra- trix of Dietrich Walter, deceased, who wae the Administrator of Catharine Reits, late of Cenl.r township, deceased. 7 lb Account of John Mover and Richard Mover. Administrator, of John Mover, late of Union township, deceased. 8th Account of Sem Iitzel and Jacob Brian, Administrators ot John Denioua, late of Middle- creek township, deceased. 9th Account of Adam Nerhood, Administra tor of J G Herrold, late of Chapman township, deceased. 10th Account of George Engel. Executor of the last will and testament of Ludwig Engel, late of Beaver township, deceased. 1 1 Ih Account of Phillip Mayer, Administra tor of Josiah Weiser, late of Chapman township, deceaaed. 13th Account of William Fagen seller. Ad ministrator of James Kants, 1st of Peons town ship, deceased. 1 3th Account of Henry Hitbish. Guardian of Louisa, minor child of Peter Richter, lata of Penna township, deceased. DANIEL BELLMAN, Register. Register's office. New Berlin, ) January 20, A D 1851 TO the Hon. A S Wilson. Esq. President and bis Associates, Judges of the Court of Quar ter Sessions of the Peace for the county of Union. The petition of Das ill B Riasa respectfully ahoweth : that your petitioner occupies a commo dious house situate at the Fores iroa Works in the township of While Deer, on tb Turnpike road leading from High's Mills lo Center county through Sugar Valley, which is well calculated for a public house of entertainment, and from its neighborhood and situation is suitable a. well as necessary for the accommodation of the public and entertainment of strangers and travelers; thai ba is wall provided with stabling for horees, aad all conveniences necessary for strangers and travel ers : he therefore respectfully pray, the Court lo grant him a license to keep an inn or public house of entertainment there; and your petitioner will pray &c DANIEL B. REBER. We tlw unHmirnetl eHisrna nfUw tnwnabia oT Wkits liwr aforesaid, bring personally aUaioknl, with to. shnTs iianKNi prtitioosr, and also bavintr a kaowMes of tlw kotw which the Homae . seavoi. So hsrvtif ssr tify tht sorb a Imsms is ainr stars as aw sandals and etitinstniqrrwtnUra,thata is a psrsnai of rood nint for hoaestr aad tsmamaes, aad that he is wall I'"'1""1 wi,h "" rooai aad soaisasiwao Sir lodgiag and aoraniBMdatiBe Mraacos and tranlera, we then-fore bee lease lo rstnaaasad hiss for a Unasa, agrsraMv la his petition. Jha Koch, Jamh MHfeadaftr, Jasssa faBghoaer, James Adsns, NMnlas Oraossr, Charla. Klhw. John R'ssl, Pstsr Rd, Hsnrr Knsisnbnrier Joha DteCsadsSjr, Jt'lio Ueberling, Jacob TnicksxoaUler. t ! rFJ ibe Hon Abraham 8 Wilson President and i hi. Associates. Judges of lb. Court of , accommodation of the public mi l ihe enter- :,... o( .,,,,- ,I1( . .h.i he is well provided with .tabling for horses and trav eler. : He therefore respectfully pray, the i t.'ourt to grant him a license lo keep an inn o , pul,jc of ,,,r,smi,llt there ; and your .ti,et mM &e MAK flX KUDY We the undi'isigned citixena of UulTalo Tp in .aid county Union, being personally scpiaitited and also having a knowledge of the houe fur which the licence is prayed, do berebv certify that such house i. necessary to aceomoiod ite the pub lic and enteru n stranger, or traveler. ; that he is a person of good repute honesty and temper, ame, ami that he is well prosided with house room and conveniences tot Ihe Inditing and ac roimiiitd ition of strangers and traveler. : We therefore beg leave to recommend him fur a license agreeaidy to his petition. Adtfiu Shrrlilrr; Alirahnm Youhc; John H" Ximtmlnn; Ihtrid Hcitti i Jitmrt IV Simnnlnii; Ckurli t'reyi Admit Vounjf.- Jnhn thinly; Isaac Walker,- I'liil.'p llufif; Itrnj. Shotmaktr; Jatub Yuuiig; John ll'iurk UR1VO JTl'KT Feb. Term-151. 'Vest Hullulo- John L Koekev Peiinx M U App, John Hitter Sr, Daniel C Ulrich, t hns 1 1 lies, Isaac Jerrelt, (ieo. Klv, Itenj Smith, Saml llnrlninn Crntif Daniel shower. John Ililger, 'v ter Frane, Solomon. Bowcrsoi East HuiTalo John Strohecker Kelly Geo Klingan, James l.awson.Dan iel Noll New Berlin Saml Wilson, Jos Shifter Buffalo Martin Dreisbacb, Jac Llerr Hartley Thos McCurdy Washington David Bodorf White Deer Jacob McCurly Travtrtt Jurori. Limestone Christian Shivtlv White Deer Wm L Killer, Gabriel Hun tingdon Mifllinburc Saml Sechler, Jos Eilert Hartley Geo Fees, C Scbnure, Samuel urove Centre Peter Dreese. David Shoch. Jas Barbin Jr, J. C. Wilson, Jonathan Bil eer. John Mitchel, Geo Bowersoi Chapman John Craig, Daniel Hohrer, John nine, Peter German Lewisburg II P Shelter. Thos Hayes, Jesse Schreyer, Jn Norton, Jo Hanton Kellev John Huntingdon, Jacob Hummel, Wm Silsby Penns John Heimbnch, Nat Slear New Berlin Jacob tUauck BulTalo Silas Kngle, Fred Pontius,James Irvm Perry Michael Minium, Jacob Martin, Amos Winey Washington John Hummel Middle reek J M Dauberman, John Aur- miller. Frederick Baus Beaver Phillip Gtnney, Jacob Heaterrlno u Smith West Beaver Michael Bare Union Nich Stettler. Jn Deobler Jr West Buffale John Kline Petit Jurort. (2nd week.) Penns John Harrison, Samuel Boyer Jr, Wm J May, Jac Jarrett, JosShatf.Hen- ry Heiser West BufT-lo O P Katherman Washington Danl V Hilbish.Wm Teats, Isaac Boyer, David Moyer.John Hunes, Henry feeebold Kelly Jas Shields, Andrew Heckel, John Kline Buffalo Wm Halfpenny, Wm Kerstetter, Philip Kuhl Lewisburc Joseph Glass Centre Jac Long, David Schwenk, Jacob Keichly, Jacob rryer Hartley David Kline, Christian Diel Limestone Henry Moyet, Jn Norman Middlecreok Chas Fryman, Jos Zieber New Berlin Wm Benncr Beaver Jos Long, Jacob Beaver Kast Buffalo Samuel Zellers Chapman Casper Aurand West Beaver Abrm K Middleswarth WAITED No's 334, 331 and 33S. of Ibe Lewisburg Chronicle for 1950 five centa per copy will be given for four No's of each (in s good alate of preservation) at thia office Jmit Received, BY Adams' Expresa another lot of superior Bay State SHAWLS a fine assortment ol French MERINUS and an extra quality of Silk Plush CAPS, for aale by Dec SI J. HAYES & CO H Jot 0alc. JH 1WAT large and desirable property on the corner of Market and Water Sis., well situated for a residence, for busines , or for a residence and place of business. There is a l.ire BRICK House contain inn 4 large rooms on the first floor, 6 bed rooms on the second floor, and two Urge finished rooms on the third. A Kitchen and Washhouse adjoins, and it has also a large cement Cistern, a Pump and Well of good water, and all the necessary out buildings. For terms &c. apply to Gro.F.Mimi, Esq. S. E. DAVIS. Lewisburg, Sept. 23, 1853 II. T. Fall and Winter Fashions for nM, 'sn. JUST received by the subscriber, J I not only Plates.but warranted to make -""eiactly like them. No fit oo pay. Country Produce taken in payment. Shop in my new Brick House, opposite lames P. Ross' house. JOHN B. MILLER. Lewisburg, Oct. 7, 1950. Town Property For Sale Cheap. t FULL Lot on North Fourth Street Il on which ts a two storey f rame House, io oy j with a .rood Cellar under it a BsX. Frame Stable. 16 by SO an out Kitchen, and other out-buildinija -now oc cupied by David Shaep. Enquire of DAVID REBER, Agent. Lewisburg, Oct. 30, IWiO. s TUE WINTER SEHSIOX fP Till .'" . LEWISBURG ACADEMY WILL commence on MONDAY the 38th of tV-Twaca. In thi. Institution, all tho Branches of a thorough Atademie course will be tautens. The commnnfeatfon of knowledge- imjly not the aole design of Education and should not ho m ide so ; ita higbevt aim i. to strengthen and bring out into action, the intellectual and moral powers of the student. Throw around him all the facilities necessary to hi. progress, and af f ,rd him all proper aid, bat do not flatter bias with Ihe thought that he must rely upon another and not upon hia own efToris for success. Iml liendenl self-reliance is one of Ihe 6rst lesson, that should bo learned in a school room. Th-a kind of earlv mental training prepare, one f r vigorous ami manly sxeition in after li'e. and thus gives him a marked advantage over the ig norant and uneducated. The main efforts of Teacher slould. therefore, be directed to the for- nation of sound habits of studs, for when thi. i end is reached, the progress of the pupil become, at once certain and r mid. Comp viiion awl Declamation, a. formerly, will rece:ve due attention panicid.rly the for- ner. and the Prbnarv Department shall have onr : s ecial care. The subserber feel fl.tiered wi h ihe growing prnieiity of the Institution, ami ; halt labor to merit it. continuance, by increased exertion. I TriTum Per ScaeinB of 30 week, for the j Common Engli-h $6; Higher English, $8 and for the Languagea, $10. JNO. RANDOLPH. Oct. 9. 1050. PriH-ipaL WOltM SPKCIFIC! MT. A N E'S V E R M I Fl" : E This in valuable remedy for worms, is lapidly eupplsntiiig all others, in public estimation. Where it is used it baa produced the best etfecta. and driven ut all other remedies. It is the best we have ever seen : la toe remark ol au wno nave aver aseu u in tbeir families : J Kidd & Co I received a lot of M'l.ane's Vermifuge from your agent last spring, which I sold out in one week, and I think I could have sold one thousand bottle, by thi. lime if I could have got it, out not knowing where lo get it I had t wait until your agent came around. Every person that ba. tried M'l.ane a Vermifuge telle me it is the heal Ihi J have ever seen ; in laet,it ia impossible for any one to aay too much in favor of M'Lane's Vermifuge. W D ROBB Tyre Springs, Sumner Co T.nn, Feb 19 1849 Dr M'Lane. Deer Sir I have aold out all your Liver Pilla and am anxious to have another lot immediately. These pilla eeem to lake moat wonderfully; I could have sold a much l.iger quamily if I bad been provided with them ; the inhabitants are sending lo Rochester for them, but whether there are sny there or not I do not know- Pleaae send me another supply immeJi atelv. F SHORT. Druggist Hemlock Lake, Livig'n Co N Y, Mar 8 1847 J Kidd A Co Your traveling agent left with ma last aummer a quantity of Dr M'l.ane's Pills and Worm Specific lo sell on commission ; lbs Worm Specific ia all aold snd I should be glad to procure more, a. it aril, very readily and has a very aalutary effect in expelling worms. If you can forward me some or semi me sn order to call on your agent in Buffalo (LS Reynolds) I think it will asset with a rapid sale. W II AINsWORTH Varyshorg. Wyoming Co, N Y, Dee 10, 1847 AGENTS C W ScaarvLB, Lewwborg; J H Csrlow and J H Rsasr. Milton ; I Gethert. Se ll nsgrovc; J W Friling, Sunborv ; Mrs M'Cay, Northumberland; M C Grier. Danville Court Proclamation. VV-IKRIaS Om Hum. ABItAIIAM S. WIMOS. V jmtrsnTtherourt of Common pleas forth Twenti- elh Jsdleial IHstriet.ei4uasUBorihcMaUsrl'aiowand Mimia.aad Jscaa w mannrea aad Jsnss iisaaiiws.Esiirs, AssueiaSs Jadses ia Uakrn counts, has bwosd their ars- crpt, brarine dats la XStb da; of Pee- ISaO, aad lo aw directed, for th holdiae oT sa Orphans' Coart, Osort of t'otaaaoa Plraa, Oyer A Teraaiaer, aad Ceasral Owartar Keisioas. at Aew nerlta. the enaatv LBS Si. oo us M Noadav ix Feb. next, (beiag th loth dav.l 1U1, and to enntinue two weeks MrTK'K is tlierrliwe lu-rebv aiven to ths Coroner. Jus tices of the IVsre. and t'.iustaMss in and for ths county of I'nioa. to anuesr in their own proper nersims with their rolls, recoils. imiiititifMis, eianiintit,ns, snd other rein emliranees. to do those thinxs which of tllir offices snt in their tiehfttr si.uertin to In done : and all witness, and ntlH.rpersis proseeutine in behslrof tbetTomiaonwealth sjnnst anv fiers.His. are reqninil 10 ne mn ana lie-re stleisline. n,l not .leiwrt witlmut lease, at their peril. Justices are reuinl to Is. punctual in their attendance at tlie appointed time screes rle 10 notice. t;iren under n haul and seal at lbs liberig s office in New Merlin this Al dav id Jan. in the rev of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Mls-one, and in the srsentr 6fth sear uf tin- Independence of the tailed State, of A lorries. tio save the t omaaonwealth: AltCIIIUALtt TIIO.MAa, Shsriff. The beautiful Ship Indawtr 1 The subscriber fashionable slock of materials for carrying on Ihe buaineaa of Boot and Shoe Making, embracing French Calf skins. Patent Leather and Morocco of every description, with LAS I S of all sixes snd latest styles. He hopes by strict attention to business snd a desire to do the greater good of Ihe greatest number of hi. patrons, to merit and receive the confidence snd support of a generous public All work and ma terial warranted. D. W. 8AMSEL. Lewisburg, Dec 30, 1850 THE LAST JiO A TS.-A Hew Goods! MRS. C. E. HOWES IS just receiving a choice assottm -nt of GOODS embracing Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Ate. &., of good qualities, for sale on the most reasonable terms at the old estab lished Cheap Store, Market street, between Third and Fourth. The public are invited to call and eiamine our stock and prices, lewisburg. Dec. 17, 1850 25 BOXES Best Bunch Raisin, in Quarter, Half, and Whole Boies for Family use. also Keg KaUius, Santa Fee Currants, f igs, Uatee, rrunes, at ine vrug cc Chemical Emporium of C. YV. Schaffle. Farmers' Produce Wanted. OUR Agricultural Friends will greatly oblige by supplying ths Printer, immediately, with Wheat, buckwheat, PoUtoes, Cider, Wood, Apples, eVc. As Ibis has beta a plentiful Mason, aha Printers sad Editor bops to share of h. NE Bnggey and Sett of Harness, One Two Horse Wagon, One Truck Wagon, For sale by HPShailer HATS eV CAP8. A superior lot Moleekia Hats, and 8ilk Plush and Cloth Caps, or latest tjb, just reed by J. HAYES & CO. Cciuioburg JounDrn , f nHE ,uhcr.bers, thankful for past pat I rnmce, would inform the public that Prey continue to rn'inufnctnre all kinds of Mill Gearing and other Castings. Thrashing Machines, ami o'.hsr articles of Machinery repai red in Ibe beet manner. Castings warranted lo he of i, nod material, and al price, thai can nut fail to please. GKDDES V MARSH. Lewisbuig, Dec 1850 Ct AST Water Wheel for sale at the I Lewisburg Foundry by . GedJs h. Msr.h. ICHJKING Slovw, ill various pat'eru- and sizes, (or Coal or Wood, for sale al the Lewisburg Foundry bv Geddes A Marsh. riDVES Parlor. Wood, and Coal Si tovesj. various patterns, fur sale at the L.wUburg Foundry. Gedde. A Mai.h. T 1IIKASHING Machines and PLOWS for sale at the Iwisbure Ftmndry. (iVdde. A. M.rsb. IITIAKD'S Patent tiang Plow, a upe V V rior article, for sale ot ihe Lwisburg Foundry by Geddes A Marsh. GUAIN or Seed Drills Ross' Patent dtxridcdly the brtt and nvt durable ISrain Drill now in use, for sale at Ihe Lewisburg Foundry by GeddesJA Mar.b. "Ttrouih fty Iktytiyht!" T Ihe Public So .Iambus;. BARTON. GEDDES eV MARSH, having received a fresh consignment of Dr. J. 8. ROSE'S Family Badlcines, cau offer them lo ihe community with great con fidence, having tested their elfi. acy and known lirtues ia several instances. At this inelenirnt season of the semr, when persons sre sutjret to Omffhi, C'.J.r, and IttjCmwvitory Jffrctieut, they will Snd these Medicines mlaptrd to those malsdie, as very eftWiual in ibe rsantssl of the causa produfiux thru, and the rest.rfatioB of wontcl hsslth. If there are mj rvmsins of irrrr oml Autu Is ft.und, thee will on by a proper use produce a cur, and feMsats Uw ssstem. ITepared l.y J. S. tUlsK, M. I.. Member of ths Medical Fseulty. I'bilad. LswiilMirg, Osc.S IIAKTOM.liEHlIK A MKjll. Look Here! AS ipuriout BRANDRETH PILL are seld by asany Drufgials in city snd country, k would be well if persons in inquiring for them woukl make them produce Iheir Certifi cate or Assarv. As there is but one Ageut appointed for each city or town, (no difference how large the place.) and sll Agents ran produce their Certificate, any persons wanting Ihe genu ine Pilla bad better purchaae where they can depend on getting the genuine article. J. HAYES CO. Sole Agent, f m Lewiaburg. Dentistry. WB. C. STEWART, DEXTIST, continues to operate on the TEETH, at moderate prices. He i. now located next door to Dr. lesieer's,M FOI RTH Street, near Mr. Blair's Hotel. Thankful for past favera, he would reepeetfally solicit a eoniiuwaneeief the sans. Jetwieburg. Oct. 7, 1 850 388 LE7ISCUnGDA!IEnY. THE subscriber having comm. need lbs asking buaineaa in Lewisborg. nearly opposite H. P. 8hsllrr's etore, intends keeping eonataullv on hanJ the beat of FANCY CAKES, together with a good suppljr of Common Cakea. snd BREAD which for whiteness snd qualiiv will he surpassed by no baker in the country, as we have Ibe services of s practical workman. In connection with our Dakery, wo have sn where be will serve op at abort notice OYSTERS in any style that may be deaired. QjOjetera received frean every morning. FAKMEKS and persons from the country will find ihe Dskery s ennsenient snd pleasant resort for Ihe purpose of obtaining refreshments, such aa Uread, Cakes, Fiee. tlw.ies-. Ho CoUm, sVc. Ac. Also, FLOCK for sals. A. E. DENORMANDIE, Agt. Lewisburg, Dec. 1850 Try the New Gesteral Taltor t rptHE subscriber would inform Ibe people ol J Lewisburg snd vicinity, thst be has opened a shop in the large Brick corner house, opposite (icn. A. Green's, where he ia prepared lo CUT OUT AND MAKE UP Gentlemen's and Boy Clothing, in the best style. LATEST FASIIIO.XS constantly on band, lo auit every taste. Uy punctuality and good work, I hops lo earn a living patronage. Country Produce taken in payment. J. W. BENNETT. Lewisburg. Nov. 15, 1850 Stone Coal for sale. Ta Blacksmiths. BITUMINOU COAL, from the West tr:tnch and from Hollidaysburc, for sale at the Shop of the subscriber, near the Hjyscaleson llurdbt. AL.r.. U AM.MU.-sS. Lt-wisburg, May 7. 1850 USevr Goods! THE subscribers have received and are now receiving their new stock of Fall & Winter Goods, which they offer to the public on as accom modating terms as they can be had else where. Persons desiring to purchase, will please call and examine for tliemselves. All kinds of GRAIN, PORK, Potatoes, and Wood, will be received in payment. fl per buhel will be paid for Wheat. SO cts. for Rye and Corn, aod correspond ing prices for all other exchange lor Good. BARTON, GEDDES St HARSH. Lewisburg, Oct. 28, 1850 HENRY C. HICKOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewisburg, Union County, Penn'sr. Practices in Union and adjoining count lso attends the courts of Psrry county. OFFICE on Second St., lately occupied by L. B. Christ. Esq. B INNS' JUSTICE, new edition, can ta had at I.yndatl's Bookstore, a this place... . Lewrabutf, April 10, 1 850. $, sarlaa CaMatl Fsirts.lsirJ I FOURTH Street, south aide of the sign of .V IV. IVyioJ- ware-room np sMirs, where is ottered a splendid assortment f FI.K MITl'KK. cheap a. can be purchased this .id of Philadelphia such as Plain. Fancy, and Dressing Bureaus ; fjs Ottomans; Mshogany Chair.; Pier. IVn'er. Card. Sofs and Dressing Tables, Ureaklast and DiniegTables.&e ; Bedsleasl (Octii-an.Frcnch and CtNnmm) from $2 to jiltltf ; also Stands of everv varirir. i All work warranted In be well made, and on I the most reasonable lerme. Cash. tMintry Pro- dice, and Lumber taken in pavment. F. A. DUN ACHY. Lewisborg. Nov. 31, ljl WHITER GOODS ! . . I J II t Y US & CO. are now receiving a j vary Urge and suitable assortment of Winter (eiuda, sn.l as there are many articles of winter wear not lo be had in early purchases. e would lespeclfully reipiest all in want of Winter (rood., to call and ei amine our slock, aa we (eel confident they can be auited as lo quality, quan tity and prices. Call anil are al the old stand of Nov. 25 J. HAVES A CO. j "The Old Head Otatiera!" , FRIES' TANNERY. j rilllE subscriber respectfully inform his j X. Iiiends and the public generally, thai he caniea on the Tanning and Cumins Business in full force, a usual, al the old eslabli-hed bead uarters in the Borough of Lewisburg, on SI. lieorge' street, near the Kiver, where he keeps a constant and lull supply of LEATHER all kinds and the best quality, which are offered CHEAP for CASH or in EXCHANGE;! HIDES and BAKbl. fr"rl0 CorJa of BARK wanted. HENRV W. FRIES. Lewisburg. Nov.,;0. 1850 fim M8Mall PraMa aad Qalch alem. H. P. SHELLER, "1170ULD inform bis old friends and the W public in general that he has now on hand bis FALL AND WINTER STOCK nl Goods, such as DRY GOODS. UROCKRIES, HARDWARE. QUEENS VA RE, HATS AND CAPS, FISH, SALT, IRON, Ac Ac. These Goods we offer unusually low for Cash Country Prod oca of all kinds and to prompt and punctual paymasters as usual. Call anU See. Lewisburg. Oct. 30, 18S0 SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PILLS. A lit: AD OF ALL OTHtaa! The Envy of all Pill Manufacturers, BECAUSE they are aafei, better, snd mots eiheacioo. than any others. .00,000 Boxes have been sold annually fur the laal five years. Yot-so in Oi, Msia us rsaais. can always take them with equal safely, without fear. JFilU bt ntrefMry for purging and cleansing the Mloinai-h and How els, and purifying tbe Itluod and fluids of tbe bo dy, lake no others f,ir no other pills produce those combined elfects, or contain SSarsaparilla in litem. Eat, Drink ami Live as usual, and pursue your usual occupation whilst taking them, without feui of taking cold, during all kinds of weather. One Thousand Dollars ste wscered thai saore genuine certificates (from physicians, clergymen, .Members ol Congress, sud respectable citizens) can be produced of Iheir efficacy than of anv otbrrs. and TE. OOLI.AIW will be forfeited in everv instance where One Box will not do more good than Two Doles of any others. Forty Pills in a Box ! ! and .old si TwcntyFire Cents a Bar. with diraetion. snd much wholesome sdvics accompa nying each box. TVy Anee a butt m ammamf rmttt. Ftte frnm rflt r prniirr or Wast, ,, mitt ffript tht Stomach or sorts. "rts'wr sietwft. twssi'riap. er Ixml r'Kngt, Til hi AKE UOOIt AT ALL TIM FX AmJ'r.l to Most diuatrt tu swstX No one bsving once taken them will he willing ; ftorasanl to take anv other, because thev ah ! ways do good, snd if they do not, then no others wilL Dr. H. B. LciJy, The Proprietor and Mannfsctnrsr, i a regular Druggist, Chemist, and Physician, of fifteen years' experience in Philadelphia ; I'rail uate of the University of Pennsylvania ; Mem ber of different Medical Institution, ol Philadel phia, New York, Boston. Baltimore, 4c, and aasociate snd corresponding member of seteral Medical Institutions of London snd Paiis, Ac. Ocrasat aD Imfositios. Beware of all pills called by names nesrly similar, gol up to be sold on the reputation of lr. Leidy's SarroparilU Blond Pills; Ihe first Sarsaparilla pill ever in troduced and Ihe only pi" contenting Sarsaparil la. Take no othere and you will not be deceived. Others by similar names, or neatly similar, are a gross ftaud. Beware, then, of Imposition ! ! H" Principal TVpot. Tr. foully s dispensary, Xo. 114 North FOURTH ST., Philadelphia snd sold wholesale snd retail be f. W. SOUFFLE, LrwisbOTS .. It. Ca'tow. Milt..ri J M.B-titer.ll.W. Kesslsr.S. Berlin! W. P. I. ISialrr. Mures Tsl,w' IU SssiUi. AJsasshsnr Voancman 4 Walter. INvVslley ,0. S.tloTee. Brs Saotts Mvers, kells X Roads iMiprMI'eei" t ISSTis k Vhaure. :,.blmith. NsWleb r h. fl. Kohrer. sl'Kss i Falls KllerJ. Ilarttetoj Tbnsaa. 5hara.ia lsm -im!MjlS lw.J.M.JikM.Williaasseet: a-l .. Krm" ' keener throastksat the IJoite ljy- MUFFS. MUFFS ! A .upeiior its. 01 rauu. iustrdandforeiileby J .1. www rr; ' " . . 1 . . a TaaV r leal ttw TSf E. hsrh has iWa nsssl iM'ibaM a ea aa) lleM easva xwr a aasD i Price Reduced! VAUGHN'S IsITHOHTBIFnC 2IIXTUSE! Lar Hon lew Only tsaw wllaar. Tbe Prsreie'ar f ths CseM Aavsieaa BisasSV Vsl aaVe VasrrssLa bTsssTiimr Mis-reaa." isJai. ns rreM MbenaiHss mt ais A..HM. tassn(lMSB4 Uw I'srsnl Slats sssl Casarfa. has wm .Vetoes' the Pries mf ais seesW aa4 sreO kaewa arurls: aast rssaa Uss aass, swu slewa. he wM est as hat ns Mas sals. hi qaart ssctlss: ihs setsM seie will as 0B BOtlAB. Tb rsMn sssr net i ikat UW slswssiss f ths Meito. ine, ns MeSBSlh. sssl eealis ieirTls WILL RIBUS est-ajasoB. ami the nai ear wis a hisarsr as ss. pariae it as hnsslsliisi As ths, nHetfecine. sister its pmIc4 pries, w.1 b sawhssi I h. the oh has sat hahin asai Uiisili scqasssusl srnh its sins, th pasir M bse tvisnanl llnl km srtieW is ass as Kriis.1 hh Ins ssnaassaMsf " nWaastiss of ihsSar ;" slaiass Ssr nsrir a seesi,r asaisw ser. mil suses. 'Ssa mtkrr perpawbe as arr rs awtat: aa. hasiaalinsil itsslf far siht ssais br ns sbsssms Mdiral satass. and. aalil Itns sidaelisa, nanllHit SsU ths pries mf ar hr sniet in Ibis Kae. N one e Psbth i LsBLT. Uus arucb) aew rth rnS aab ag pwwsr sad csrtaiatr. span lbs Blast, Liver, Esaavys, Lang. aaSaOsiksrssfaaa. apaa th psapsr asuaa ml whsrh ka aa4 Tka Bsdicin has a jen high srps as a nsi'l fas Drefay aasl enveL mmi til riisiMi mf that aaiass. It mmt h mumI sbsw srhso th nisUirsot phrsiciaa has ahaajtsns Ins ssnsst. a1 fas tasss iliiliini. Sin.,,., sssss nam isllr lianrav. th sswew slae wld eanwsttr sssl sssstr istnisi, mm m. At ns tiiesissilrbra)naal hrsil.spSlhsln! sriSs la. si us Is ta ha the Cheapest Wsalcias ia ths World! taT Plesss ash wsTsawehlsw ia ajsnis gisatheaissrae thsf saatsss sr nsusm paeas mf nwsiirt.. (us sSilih I tal SMSieal asstfer) varsahts far hawhslS ssjsesass, sssl srhseto will ats anurr Sell sr. par i sar t psarueal hnasSspsm Thaw ssesipw ass sstnaaeW ks awa ths bmmk mf si) vale, asia fssss its ehassesnr as aa aSsnhntg anstinai as ass anahcia, lha isaunst ia fares af whsrh, si th farm a Isrurs n sll pummf Ibsasaatrr. anr h ntisJ apaa. ta" Vaaf ba's VssstaUa Lithaalfipua Miliars "-th term Aanricaa Bcanslr. nsw far ssh) ia qaan bssttss at S sash, mall hsttls si SS et sash. N saiall lr ales wnl he Sees! after ths psssiat sns h is Ssnsjaaa af. Pnasipal Ofliss. BsSsmh N. V.. 907 Msia Snsst C. C. V AI LUV. Sat WImIsssIs aaS Bstail a OIXTT McKKSSON at CO., IS MuSaa Us. w Tsrk Car. M. B. All Mel. csssnriat fssss ssvsts mwi esaaaa sritb ssss he tisjasarai harass) ais ks past pasl. sv mm .Itsatisa sritl h fissa t usss CCTlla. THORNTON, lwtshtirp;. ia General Agenl for l.'nion county J.H.CsaLaw. Agent, Millun; I. GtaassT, Sehasgrove I) 3:3.3 1400 LKS. Confectionery, just received and more eomine. A nikndid assortment of asaorled Csndie. for those thst wish aomething nice for parties, ITuf li.lars. ekc carried away al sll limes, by ihoea thai like sweei things, from the Central Drug Chemical Emporium,Fancy Goods,.otin( Va ri.ty Kioto of C. W cth.ffle. DEEDS of a superine funs, for aale al lb Chronicle otnee. & eta single. AO per dot. A I.i IT of new M ACKEREL Noe. 1 and t jusl reed and for sale by J. HAVES CO. LAKE and (iioond Alum SALT jnst reed by Nov 25 J. HAVE at CO. Ail RblirnXMi. ji Jls, J. & J. Walls, HA VIXG replenished the old Mammoth Store, and crammed it from garret to cellar with every variety of Goods required for fall anb tDintcr j consumption, respectfully request their old friend, the trading community, to call and exumino their stock. tCTGR Al. and Produce of all kinds bought as usual. Lewisburg, Ot. 27. 1850 MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. T. A. II. THORNTON .fft.,. his professional services lo the citizens of Lewisburg and vicinity, in the various branches of his profession. Residence Temperance Hotel. OfTi!" Drug Store, one door above the Mammoth Store of J. & J. Walls. Lewisburjr. Oct. 1, 1850 Bread without Teast ! IFFEKVKS' lNIi CKMI'Ot manufar J lurej b HaliSill Ac Co. is a most anperi,ir preparation for making Ities.l. Tea cakea. Buck wheat cakes, ynicklt and ehrajily. fur sale bv ltr T A H I HOK.TO.- Family Soap Powder. Iy this piepuration a single paper c.Mting 1 2 Jf ) cts. will make 12 quail of the best P.,mily .oll Soap. For aale by lrT A H THORVPOX Fire-Proof Paint IS an article woithy the attention of owner, of buildings of every description. F,r sale by J'fA it THOKxrors Dr. John Locke, SCRGEOX 1) EXT I ST. MAY le found al his Office and residence first door east of Kline. Hotel the tvrd weeks following the fust MonJ.iv ol each iiMHilb. woere ne is prepared to execute all nper uion in bis lino of business in a manner etolitsM t.s bimsrlf and raiisiactnrv Ui ilnsje who mav favor him with Iheir patronage. lr. L. etids the third week of each month in Milton. Aromatic Tooth Paste, put np in beautiful porcelain botes an eirvlleiit article for keejiiiie; the teeth clean and breath sweet, for sale al 5j cts per bos. by JOHX LOCKE, D. 1.S. Lewisborg, IV. May. 1850 LEWISBURG READING ROOM. OX Market St., soiult side, between Third and Fourth Sts. over Stove vYuieroom. Up-n until 9 in ibe evpninjj. Charge until the 1.1 of April nest, $1 -'HI; for one month. M ets ; one week. et. : single vtsiu (permitted if thev do not ine.inim.HUj reeu'ar palrona.) S eta. Each member rnliitesi to invite in atranger. aa ieer. tor a limited time. Thi enlerpn-e Is underlaken with tbe hetirf that the first town on the West Branch will gen erously sustain it. All are inviie.1 . visit. rl (if they approve) patnmixe. the Kerulin;-Unnm. O. X. WORDEX, Proprietor. Lewiabarg, Jfov 1. 19S BONNETS. A fine assort ae at unrat Velvet -an I Hilk Bonnet rr'e 'ssest strlea, invt rrcJ b J. HAYES CO. j T""-1