LEWISBURG CHRONICLE AND WEST BRANCH FARMER The Farmer, OCT" We cheerfully give place to ihe following communication on a subject of practical importance to citizens of both town and country. If the excellent pre caution suggested by our correspondent were generally adopted by the owner ol horned cattle, the deplorable accidents which sometimes send such terrible distress and suffering into families, (instances, of hich are still fiesh in the recollections ol our readers, would be in a great measure averted, and the liability of the owners of cattle for damages, be avoided. And be idea, on the mere score of economy, a great saving would Le effected in lite addi tional quiet, and consequent productiveness of milk cows, when thus protected Irom fear, and the violence of vicious animals, herding with them in the same enclosure. We Lope the advice and excellent example of -"Mount P.easnnl," will be generally adopted by his brother farmers in this vicinity ; and by alt our citizens in town who own horned cattle, especially if they are known or suspected to be, in any de gree, unruly or dangerous. Ed. Chrun, For tit Lewistnrg Chronicle. Mr. Editor : Since you have given a portion of your paper for the btriifu of the farmers, I will undertake to pen a few lines for their benefit, hoping that these few lines may encourage some abler pen to rite fur that department. It i a well known fc that cattle are apt to hook each other, nil seasons of the year, and especially at this time, when penned up in the barn-yard, they seem to be much worse on account of the cold, chilling winds that are so common at the beginning of winter. It seems as if they wanted to warm themselves by hook ing and goring the weaker ones in the yard. A considerable portion of stock is lost or j injured in this way yearly ; and sometimes horses are killed or injured by horned cat tle, and persons are not altogether safe in handling some of them. Every year or two we bear of some person being killed by some savage bull. ) am satisfied that a great portion of the injury done in this way can be avoided, by putting knobs on their horns, and it appears lo me to be the inter est of every person that has cattle to have those knobs, well secured, on their horns-, to prevent at least some of the harm done in this way ; and there is no one that can say that he can not afford it, if he looks to bis own interest, the cost is so trifling, that I would recommend the brass knobs. They are handsome and durable, and can be bought in Philadelphia for fifty cents per dozen. MOUNT PLEASANT. Dec. 11,1950. Cellars. Prnhatilv one of the chief causes whv vegetables of different kinds, particularly JScota. beets, and turnips, rot so soon af-Jf t ter beiifg deposited in the winter bins. fl the want of proper care in ventilating lie cellars in whi-h they are deposited. fl'he Germans, whJ are fa,ned fu' their exem plary domestic, economy, are Wgjidly cir cumspect in tbwsr,icu,ar- r most of their houses, ere is acommuni cation maintained betuRT" '' cellar and the principal chimney, in Cer to facili tate the escape of noxious ac-JT stagnant gases, engendered by the vgjstable and other contents. The nir in cellars from its rapid deterioration and impregnation by nauseous miasma, soon becomes highly deleterious to heal'.h. CerkshireCuIturisi. Vegetable cellars, in addition to the ar rangemejit for ventilation promised above, should have double sashes to the windows, with a space not less than six inches be tween them. A confined space of air is the best non-cond-... -r known ; and win dows thus arranged, secure sufficienHiiihl and entire protection from frost. Work ing Farmer. Agricultural Bureau. In surveying the various interests of the country, no one can fail to observe how little has been done by government to pro mote the cause of agricultur. It is true the cultivator of the soil, in common with II other classes of society, enjoys the pro tection of the laws and the blessings inci dent to good government. But something more seems to be due to a branch of indus try which employs more than half our pop ulation, and.o a great extent, sustains the other. r The power of the general government over this subject is limited, but this fur nishes no,good reason why it should not be exercised so farts it does legitimatily CXten1- . t . IT J The ordinary means adopted to auord protection to the manufacturing and com mercial interests are comparatively inope rative) in tronrA In iho agricultural. A -- o tariff can do but little, direetly, to benefit the farmer or the planter. The staple pro ductions of the South are peculiar to that climate, and therefore are in no danger of Mrfiiinn from abroad. Those tf the North and West, in consequence ofthe fer; tititv of the soil, and the low pr.ees at which land can be bought, are produced a. less cost there than in other countries, and consequently, except under extraordinary contingencies, need no protection by im posts ou the brradstufTs of foreign oations. But still much maybe done by govern men!, at a nr COit' lo Promo!" in teresta of agriculture; The science is j el in its infancy , and great minds are now d. reeled I a study and d-.-rebtpinrm of i- true principles. Experiments are in pro cress to ascertain the qualities of different soils ; the comparative nutritive properties of different animal and vegetable produc tions ; and the utility and efficiency of va rious manures in fertilizing and renovating the exhausted lands of the old Stales. Encouragement may be afforded to en terprises like these, and facilities furnished for the collection of seeds, plunts, and veg etables, from all parts of the earth, and their distribution throughout the country. Premiums may be offered for the best practical treatises on the diffeient branches of husbandry, which can be published and sent abroad among the people. By means like these a spirit of philosophic inquiry may lie stimulated, and a great impulse given to the interests of agriculture. Much l::is a' ready betn done in this respect through the agency of the Patent Office : but the subject is too important to be left in ibis depct.d -nt condition. The last nual report from the department recom- n ended the establishment of an egricultii-1 ral bureau, to afford to this great branch cf American industry the encouragement which it so well deserves. This is no novel suggestion. It hud the sanction of Washington, who, in his last annual mess age, referring to the propriety of creating an agricultural board, said : " This spe cies of establishment contributes doubly to the increase of improvement, by stimula ting to entcrprUe and experiment, and by drawing to a comniru centre the resul'.s, everywhere, of individual skill and obser-. vation, and spreading them thence over the whole na. n. Experience accordingly has shown that they are very cheap in struments of immense national benefit." I therefore renew ihe recomendation of my predecessor for the establishment of a separate bureau, to be intrusted with the du!y of prfllllo,;nt, trie agricultural interests of the country. The vast extent and rapid development of the mineral resources ol the country seem to require that adequate provision should also be made by law for ihe collection and analysis of the various mineral substances which have been or may be discovered, so that their properties may be understood and their value correct ly appreciated. The purchase of a farm in the vicinity of the national metropolis, to be tilled and managed under the direction of the bureau, bus been suggested as an important aux iliary in illustrating the best modes of cul ture. If this idea should be favorably re cited, I would respectfully add that Mount Vernon, whose soil was once tilled by the hand and. is now consecrated by the dust of thii Father of his Cmntry, should prop erly belong to the nation, and might with ryent propriety become, under its auspices, model farm to illustrate the progress of hat pursuit to which he was so much de voted. Repori of the Secretary for the Department o!" the Interior. Flax Cotton. A very important event his recently taken place in Manchester, England. It is nothing less than the spinning of flax on cotton machinery w ithout any alteration of ihe same. The flax was prepared by a new process rerently introduced into Britain and Ireland. The London Morn ing Chronicle states that " rovings and yarns, spun on cotton spindles without the slightest alteration having been made, were produced ready for weaving, and the strength, color, and r,uality of the yarns were every thing that could be desired. It is- intended toexhihit the whole process at ,ne great u "'""S made Irom it. 11 ilux can be manuiaciurcn by cotton machinery at but little expense, it will have a tendency to supersede cotton fabrics in a great measure, but perhaps the announcement is merely to touch the sen sibility of cotton brokers. Fisher's Atmospheric Washing Ha chine. Letters of Patent were granted on the 5ih ult., to K. A Fisher, of this place, for a washing machine, under the above title. A fair trial, which the inventor has given (his machine in his on family, enables him safely lo reeomnend it to the public. Any garment which can be washed clean by hand, or otherwise, can also be washed clean by this machine, in less time, and with less labor. Hcsides this, it possesses a property in which most, if not all other washing machines are lacking : namely, in- washing quickly and without the least injury to the clothes, it being constructed on the pressure, instead of the rubbing sys tem. Sunbury Gazette. A Pair of 'Em liditor IIickok, and Publisher VowE.t, of the Lewisburg Chronicle, are in'.ebted to a certain Dr. Locke, for a brace of ChristmasTurkeys. That Doctor evidently understands prin ters' complaints, aud, instead of having ,.,.., . , n nis - pnjsic in.. Mw-ujj-. f 11 1 1 J ,L. .Ir.Mtinn. nF lhA OOUOI Oe lOCKrn UJJ III siiw,iiuh i" Chronicle men as an M. D. without a nd , g s, , . , oW t , a dose of ,i,e Mme klld o( medicine from some one of our patrons who has a flack of physic of the same sort." llollidaytburg Standard- A. J. Downing says, "I have seen the roots of strawberries, extend five feet down into a rich deep soil ; and those plants bore crop of fruit five times and twice as handsome and good, as the common product of tbo soil only one foot deep.'' HWLG H. O. EICKOK, Editor. O. N. WOEDEH, Publisher. At J1.50 cash in advance, $1.75 is three month, 2 paid within lb? year, and $2,0 at the end of the year. Agent in Philadelphia V B Palmer and E W Carr. Lewisburg, Pa. Wednesday -Morning, Dec. 18 ADVERTIZE! Ixeeutnn. Atlniinutratom, Publle Officer. City and Country Merchant. Manufacturer. Mechanics, Business Men all who with to procure or to dispose of auythior: would Uo well to give notice of the Raine through the "Lewi&urg Chrxmiclc.' Thi paper ha a good and increasing circulation in a community contai ning aa larice proportion of active, solvent producers, consume ra. u'-i dealers, as any other in the State. vsns of Union County. 1840. 1850. Increase t South Side. .Denver West Beaver, new Centre 003 238 1891 2172 1488 C14 754 27G2 139 1239 281 Cli.innifin 1-279 502 C79 2-280 1254 1135 209 52 75 482 75 104 1,516 190 158 176 263 Middlecreek New Berlin, Bo. Pi j l'1 Penns errv Washington Total 11,08913,205 North Side. 1348 1538 Buffalo East Buffalo West Buffalo Limestone, new Union Hartley Kelly LcwiLurg, Bo. MifSitiburg, Bo, White Deer North South Total 812 1460 970 1007 ) . 807 y 1452) 2139 834 2012 783 1537 1030 18GG 788 1220 704 1252 40 792 79 285 1,989 1.510 11,08013,079 11,089 13,205 22,709 20.284 3,505 fiThc above does not prove, exactly, but is as near as we can make it out at a lato Lonr from the data at our command. Astronomical Discovery. The Pottsville (Pa.) Academy, Las late ly acquired some distinction in the hcien tific world, through one of its Professors, Daniel Kirkwood, Esfj., who has discovered a new principle in the laws of the Plane tary System, which is pronounced by emi nent astronomers to be of great importance, and " exquisitely beautiful." It relates to the rotation of the planets on their axes, and is thus elated in the Professor's own language : " The Analogy in (he Prriod of Rota tion of the Primary J'mies. Suppose Venus and the Earth in conjunction, and call the distance from the latter to the point of equal attraction between the two,thc innerradiusof the Earth's sphere of attrac tion ; let the outer radius be found in like manner when the Earth and Man are in conj auction ; call the sum of these radii the diameter of the Earth's sphere of attrac tion; find the diameter of another planet's sphere of attraction in a similar way; then the connection between the periods of ro tation will be expressed as follows : The iuiiare of the number of a jtrimary jilanet's days in its year u at the cube of tlie diam eter of its rjJu re of attraction." But eue discovery usually lcadon to another. This it alwavsij'et Agrijjriwcijpe. By the application 5r luisftlfheovcry, says the Emporium, Mr. Kirkwood has compu ted to the entire satisfaction of our as tronomers, it would seem, the size and revolutions of the lost planet, which had its place between Mars and Jupiter. As this planet never had a name, because in an unlucky hour it was fractured into Juno, Vesta, Tallxs, &c, before the other planets were nameil, Astronomers have called the lost planet " Kirkicood," and tIie namc aml fame of tilis fortunate diS. covercr, will thus be made as immortal as man's record of the heavens. The " An nual of Scientific Discovery" for 1850, in discussing this subject says : " At some future day, the world will speak of Kepler and Kirkwood as the discoverers of great planetary laws." Prof. K. is a native of Harford county, Maryland, and is entirely self-educated, a circumstance that adds ad ditional lustre to his achievements in sci ence. An alarm of " Fire," in our Borough on Saturday afternoon last, brought out a swarm of people and the Engine, in double quick time. It proved to be, in the Ac- ademic Department of the University, on j the Hill, where fire.hail communicated to i the wood-work around a flue; but, fortu- nately, it was observed by a few of the students, who had remained some moments after the closing of the business of their Society, and by their ejolncss and activity soou extinguished the fire,' before it had done any considerable damace. But for them, in all probability, that valuable threa-story building, with the Mechanical Apparatus, Library, Desk., Ac, would have been cousumed. Our Maine Farmer states, that the lire by which 25 person perished in the Lu unc jasvium 01 uiu rsiaic, was communi .:- a ...l . s.i.., c.i r cato(, th ,,.a flue from hcat wJjich . . . 1 ' . ' had been long in use. far a " national w nig paper is pro jected at Tlarrisburg, supposed to be de signed to oppose the State Administration. If so, it will find a slim-support from the masses of that party in the land of Penn and Franklin. gftf- Farmers will of course notice their County Meeting. The State Convention will be held about the middle of January. ait-W'e Lave now on hand an assort ment of Blank DEEPS, prepared after the most approved form!. With the rst Chronicle for January we purpose commencing the publication of the Private Journal of our young friend, Wm. Hayes Chamberlin, describing, minutely, the long, painful, but interesting route by the River GILA an entire new field of adventure and of observation. The Journal la well written, rare in style, exceedingly entertaining, minute tn its details of every day experience of joys and sorrows, and will be found entirely different from any puMfohcd narrative of the Overland trip to California. From a hasty perusal, we believe it to t in many respects of more popular interest than Fremont's or Emery's. en.Those who wlh to read this Journal, should suleeribe by the 1st of January, that we may know how many extra copies to printr Jbaj"Cul. Christ Las Landed in the fol lowing curious records of former days, which he clipped from the Pottsville "Journal." It will be seen that there were open winters before this and also that Philadelphia has gained considerably in fifty-seven years ! Reminiscences of the Olden Time. People are apt to say, at this time, there never wsa such weather in the winter months before, but the following extract, from a Journal kept in January, 176, will show the mistake of such assertions : 1766, Jan. 5. TVwtsy the rain ppoils Mie sliding-. - - 9. Hitch wind, and hard ra.n last night. " 1! Warm and pleatsn:. " 17. I'lenty of rain and mud. M 21. I'lenty of rain. mud. and warm. w - 22. Fax weather, brings fair news. We hear Col. WaehingUm has taken Fort 1m Cuene. " 27. A l:rl.t snow last night, not exceeding half " 2;'. No suow to be seen. M ' 31. Remarkably warmanlpleasant;Uttleorno frost in the irrouDd. Snakeeappear above gmnnd, of which I killed two thia day. u F-b. 3. Still r. markably warm ; the frogs peep,' and rrapshnppcrs appear plenty In the fields. M 7. It is surprising to see winter turned into stimuirr: boy beirin to walk bare-footed, and the men Uiiuk of ploughing and planting, and lomo people arc actually ploughing. - M H. Nowcimccoldwindsandsquallsofsnow,sVe The following is the state of the votes taken for Gover nor, throughout this State, the returns being opened by the President of the Senate, In the presence of both llon ser. on Saturday, DeceawtxT 11, 17W. jr nr.. V.rk count-, II ilford. M'rslnmr.-lLnd, .- t:.i.!;-, "iie,i( r, II rk-, I lew are, IUurhiii, ( uuiti-Tialfl, l-nt jomery, I -.iir-auli r, Northampton, N'TlliumUrland, Ktyritr, l.'U- rn Wafhintrtan, lluii'.indon, Mflfin. rtii!nlc!phia ro'tntr, l'hiladtli'bia city. 7':: --. taut 1172 2H70 3..J 70S 10M lK'J Mj fa 14 1UI 17 .V2 12T.7 iiZ im if .a 7i; Ii3 4hv 1IV 1J4J ll'J 477 Sii 70 :.tl :s:; Ml 2c H Wl nc la Jtt l.'.59) ll,7l With some few scattering votes, not worth attending to. t&r We sometime ago gave our readers a stateWnt of the population of the towns on the West Branch, exhibiting the pro press of Lewisburg in ten years. As an illustration of the general business of our town, we may here state, as an evidence of the value of our trade with the North Branch country alone, that in a period of three weeks, from Nov. 10th till about the 8th of December, inst., there was shipped from Lewisburg to Pittston, and other ports of the 'Wyoming coal region, 3,690 barrels of flour; 5,141 bushels of wheat ; and a large quantity of corn, mill-feed, butter, &c. &c. In the same period, 1,000 tons of anthracite coal were received in Lewisburg, some from the Shamokin mines, but the grea.Ur'fS' from Wyoming valley. The trade ttwecn this place and the North Branch has been proportiouably active during most of the past season. taJ" The " Ptnntyhania Intellijenter" is the proposed name wf the new paper at M'Eweusville. If Mr. M'Curdy of Harris- burg don't object to this appropriation of a name he has used for his journal a.dozen or fifteen years past, and is still sailing under, it is proposed to start an opposition at New Columbia with the still grander appellation of the " National Intelligencer." By-thc-by, we hear it suggested that if any more " Union Meetings" are necessary to save this glorious republic from tumb ling into " pi," Smoketoicn is very centcal, and would be the proper place for holding one.J Braf" It seams we were slightly in error jj one of our editorial statements last jreck. We xre informed there is but one dutiuery in Bjlfalo township. The two new ones going up are in West Buffalo. IWThe " NewYear'a Giftof Uncle Ben, was sensible, timely, useful, and every week reminded the family of the giver. Reader ! could you not do a similar service in the same way ? WST The object of the Sale on tbriHrnaa Eve, noticed in another column is to furnish the Students' rooms now alnut ready for occupancy, in the Univcrity building just completed. S?S Don't want any more Corn at this office a few bushels of clean Corncobs, however, we would prize highly, as they are capital for starting coal fires. The LevThburg Pout-Office Is now open from 7 A. M. till 12, M. 12 J P.M. till 4, P.M. 4j P.M. till 8, P. M. MaT People n town who own horned cattle, will find a communication of interest t them in our Farmer's corner. e e . . HA.We hawfio further returns of the Subscription for Telegraph jtock. The SrcAKKHsaiP. Col. Eli Slifei, of Lewisburg, and Representative from the Union district, is named in connection with the Speakership of the next House of Rep resentatives in this State. The Col. is a good man and clever fellow.and we regret that the House will be so strongly Loco as to leave no hope for hit election. The Whigs, however, can show their good will by giving bim their united support. Mun cy Luminary. Selected for the Chronicle. Peace Be Still. Aix "Oo fbrret me; why should sorrow?" Ones apon the heaving ocean. Rode a bark at evening lime. While the waves, in wild commotion. Dashed against the vessel's aUI. Jesus, sleeping on a pillow. Heeded nut the raging billow; While the winds were all abroad, Calmlv slept the Sun of Ood. In that dark and stormy hour, fearful ones awaked their Lord ; Je.in, by his sovereign power. Calmed Uie tcmpset with word. On 1'le's dark and restless ocean. Mid the billows' wild commotion, Treml-ling foul, vour Lord ia there; lie wiU make jou stiU his care. Jems knows vour silent weeping. When before His throne you how; Ne.er. never is be sleeping. Where He reigns in irlory now. If ihe world is dark before Ihee if die billows, rolling o'er thee. All thy soul with terror til Heir him uying, - Peace be atUll" y-Tl.s following translation, furnished for the Chronicle by a valued correspond ent in Northumberland, came to hand too late fur last week's paper, but will lose none of its interest by the delay. It proves that Brother Jonathan is as fopd as ever of titled foreigners, and has lost none of Lis omniverous appetite for Lumbug, in whatever bhape it may be presented, and whether of foreign or domestic manufac ture. The New York " Cronicu," (Spanish) publishes a letter from Constantinople, dated 25ih Oct. last, from which we trans late the following : "The United States have been hand somely taken in. We have been much sur prised at learning the eccentric manner in which an individual has been received in that country, who has passed himself ofTfjr Envoy aud Ambassador cf the Ottoman Porte, w hile he is nothing more than sim ply a naval officer, ordered to the United State to study naval architecture. This imposture is without a parallel in annals of history, and were it not that we live in n age in which the press is able to remove i tic evil lr m the audacious, aud explain all ibings it iniyhl pass unnoticed. The fol lowing particulars speak for themselves.'' " A short time before returning to the fJuihd States, Mr. Brown, Interpreter to lie American Legation in Constantinople, explained to the Turkish government the advantages it would derive from ordering an inteligent young gentleman to the United S ati-s to stuly the naval architecture of that country, in which there had been made many remarkable advances. The Minister of Foreign Relations, embraced the idea, and confided the charge to the young mar iner, Emin Bey, with the rank of Kaima kan, equivalent to that of Lieut. Col., which in the Turkish navy is ol little im portance. Emin Bey left Constantinople for Genoa, accompanied by Mr. Brown, and they con cluded to embark for America on board the U. S. ship Erie, merely for economy. Mr. Brown had abandoned his post withou' permission from his government, and, cer tainly with the intention of giving a grace ful appearance to his desertion, took ad vantage ofthe opportunity, and gave such accounts as to have Emin Bey received in New York as Ambassador of the Ottoman Court near the government of the United States. All that the American papera say about the diplomatic mission the same Emin Bey had been employed in near the Musknt, in hi embassy near the court of Austria, and of the council he had given the Grand Sultan residing the couise he should pursue during the recent difficulties with Russia and Austria, in regard to the question of the Hungarian refugees, has been an invention, a ridiculoua farce, with which the press and people of the United States have allowed themselves to be im posed upon. When the press finds out what a ridiculous part they have performed, in paying attention to unauthorised digni taries, they will repent of their excessive condescension, and there will remain noth ing for them to do but to overturn their own fabrications, that is to say, to give the lie to all their accounts of the mission and antecedents of Emin Bey.' ' For th Lewiatmrg Chronicle. Mr. Editor : I see in your last number an allusion to the temperance cause. Now Sir, for one, I think the temperance men should petition the Legislature this winter fur an alteration in the licence law. My proposition would be, to have the alter ation instead of twelve signers to a petition for licence, should be the majority of the voter of each district on the petition in favor of said licence before it could be granted by our Courts. There area great many reasons that could be brought in favor of such an alteration which I will not mention now, but hoping that some othet persons will give their opinion on petitioning to the Legislature on said altera tion. Yours, Ste. A TEMPERANCE MAN. Drinking During the Holiday!. The National Temperance Society has sent us a circular, requesting us to say a few word", especially to youug people, about drinking intoxicating liquor during' the Holidays. A tract on the subject, by Charles Hoover, Esq., editor of the New York Organ , accompanied the Circular. The Circular is signed by John Falconer, Prest. Mr. Falconer is one of our wealthy merchants, who emptor his money a a steward, in doing good. He is a man of active benevolence, and doe a great deal of good. There is one custom, in our home mercantile trade, which is a very bad one ; we allude to the custom offeojpe merchants having clerks, who aw com pelled to board at public hotels, to grab country merchant forcustomer, by treat ing them and attending them to public places' of amusement and resort. This custom of drinking at Christmas and New Year is very pernicious, and should he broken up. Every lover of hi fellow man must be pained to witness so many persons, and especially young men, reel ing drunk in our streets, on New Year's United States Senators. The Pennsylvania Legislature will meet on the first Tuesday of January, and on the second Tuesday a U. S. Senator is lo be chosen. Since the national governmont was or ganized, the Western part of Pennsylvania has had 6 Senators, whose terms of in cumbency altogether have been 48 years. The Midland counties have in the mean time furnished 9 Senators, whose united terms of incumbencey number 48 years. The Eastern part ofthe State has had 5 Senators, and their added terms of incum bency make 25 years. This region of the State has one fifth the total population ' of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia city bad 3 ' .I these Senators. i Northern Pennsy Ivania bus had one Sen ator, ho served six years. It is said by co: respondents at Washing ton that the reply of President Fillmore and of Mr. Webster to Governor Seabrook's demand, why so many U. S. troops were concentrated at Fort Moultrie, has been received, and creates a sensation. The President replies, in substance, that this is a question which the Governor cr Legisla ture of Soulh Carolina has no right to put that by the Constitution he is Commander-in-Chief, and ha9 n constitutional right to dispose of the U. S. forces in barracks, when he considers it best for the public interests. As he is not responsible to State authority for his action, he respectfully declines answering the inquiry. This is a very proper reply, though State pride may receive a shock by it. The State should not, however, make impertinent inquiries. AcciDEST. When the Pottsville stage, on last Monday night, was passing the lollgate at the Danville Bridge, and the two leader horse had just passed through, ihe gate which is suspended by ropes, suddenly fell down ill front of the driver on the backs of the wheel-horses. The coach tore ihe gate into fragments, and the horses ran at a furious rate up town, but were stopped by the driver a soon as he had recovered from the stunning effects of this sodden closing of the gate upon hiin. It was a lortunnie circumstance that the gale was made of liiht pine wood, otherwise the driver must have been crushed to death almost inaluntly. As it was a few scratches and bruises were the only injury sustained by him. Danville Dem. sEj If a slave conies to thi State from Charleston, we are all bound, under heavy penalties, to aid in his capture; but if a free colored Seaman goes to Charleston, he is thrown into jail and deprived ol his liber ty, und all men are expected to approve of the outrage. The whole power of the General Government is to be brought to bear to send fugitive slaves back to bond age ; but no: a ringer is to be raised to prevent the unconstitutional capture, im prisonment and sale of Freemen '. Such is a part of the 'compromise to which the ' Union party is lo be pledged. Albanv Journal. Nctus & Notions. Tne cholera is very bad, just now, in the Island of Jamaica. Five doctors have fallen victims to it. There is considerable terror manifested by the population. The several railroad companies between Albany and Buffalo intend to run three daily passenger trains on their roads du ring this winter, and the fare is to be re duced on the route to $9,50 which is a discount of half a cent per mile on the present rates. The arrangement is to take effect on the 15th inst. It is our opinion that there have been more freshets in our country, this season, than any other within our recollection. List week the village of Cleveland, Oswego Co., was visited with a destructive freshet in the rising of Black Creek, whieh carried away five dams and two bridges. The Riotous Tailors, to the number of 39, who were engaged in the disturbances in New York city last spring, were brought into court to be sentenced on Friday. Eight of them were fined, the ringleader $50, and the rest smaller amounts. The case of the rest of the rioters wss held un der advisement. The Hudson River is closed with ice as far down as Rhinebeck, and navigation has been effectually interrupted for the season. The Court House at Pottsville Pa.,' ia completed, with the exception ofthe seat. The cost of the building, it is said, will amount to between 923,000 and 25,000. It was erected under an act of Assembly, by private contributions of the citizens of the place. Advice from Constantinople state that Kossuth was still in durance on the 7th ult. No attempt had been made to assas sinate the Sultan. A conservative con spiracy had been discovered. Many ar rests had taken place. vThe number of person exiled from Rome, since the return of the Pope, is 36, 000 At St. Helena, on the 7th October, were three prizes one to the Centaur, con demned, with 300 alaves ; one to the Wolverine,covtdemned,with 300, the second prize this commission ; and one to the Harvy, from the Brazils. Drowned. We regret to learn that a young man named John Shrayer from near Muncy, was drowned in the Canal near Liverpool, one night the latter part of last week. We have not learned the particu lars of the accident. Tuesday the 31st inst., has been appoint ed fpr holding the special election in the Columbia and Luzerne district, for Repre sentative in Congress for the unexpired term of the Hon. Chester Butler, deceased. Cascade post office, in Lycoming coun ty, has been discontinued. Mr. S. D. Bennage a very respectable citizer, of Lock Haven had his collar bone broken, on Tuesday last, by being thrown from a mule which be was riding. The present population of Berks county h;7,179. Baltimore, Dec. 15. A riot occurred in Baltimore stieet between lire rowdies, dur ing which a man named Joseph Goodman was shot and dangerously wounded. A little boy named Patrick Farrell, was burned to death yesterduy morning by hi clothes taking fire. Jenny Liud left here in the five o'clock train for Washington, where she sings to moirow night, Hon. D. F. Miller, Whig member of Congress from Iowa, is lying dangerously ill at the residence of his brotber-ic-law in Pittsburg. v Gen. J. I). Mt-ars lis ben elected Gov ernor of South Carolina by the Legislature. The sugar crop in Texas will not vie Id as much us las', year, owim; to drought the quality, however, is much tetter. Canal navigation at lT:ira, N. V., it closed, and there is said to be good sleigh ing in that victni'y. Texas having now approved of the Texus Boundary Bill t passed by Congress, measures will be speedily lak.cn to organ.ro the Territory of New Mexico. The Presidents Message wa set in type in the office of the New York Tribune in 35 minutes after it was received and in 15 more was circulating on the street. A Good Rule. Every subscriber to m paper should make it an urfdilingrule to pay his dues regularly once a year. They are then paid without being felt, but wheir they are lift to accumulate lor years, they amount to a sum that i not to wiliing'y paid. Congress appropriated one million one one hundred and sixteen thousand dollars to def ray the expenses of taking the census. Henry Bibb, a fugitive slave, is going to start a newspaper at Sandwich, Canada West, to be called the Voice of the Fu gitives." The York and Cumberland railroad wil; be ready fur the cars in a lew davs. This road connects Ilanisburg with York. The population of ITtrrisburg is 8,173 ; in 1 840 it was 5.060. Increase in ttu years2.1K3. A Sco'i Meeting was held in Aileiitown last T'icday evening. The friendt ofthe Old Hero are beginning to move in h favor in every part of the country. Noiice according to law has already been given of eighteen applications to the next Pennsylvania Legislature for Lank charters, renewals and incrense cf capita1, making an aggregate capital of four mill ions nine hundred thousand dollars. In the Houghton Pit Colliery, near Sjr derland, England, the property of Lord Durham, an explosion occurred a few weeks since, while one hundred and thirty men were in the mine. Twenty-six were tilled, and many oihers were severely burned. A wagon can run without greasing, and business can be done without advertising but it is slow work. Millard Fillmore, is nominated for the Presidency by the Virginia Free Prttu The Allentown Iron works, in Lehigh county, Penn., were closed on the 5th oi November,and all the workmen discharged. These furnaces have made as much as ten thousand tons of iron in one year ; and in that time cansumed 20,000 tons of anthra cite coal, 23,000 tons of ore, and 12,000 tons of limestone. Presidential Reception. The President ofthe United States having recently estab lished himself with his family in the Presi dential Mansion, was formally visited on Friday, 29:h ult., by the members of hu Cabinet and the Corps Diplomatique, with their respective families. The Boston Traveller says that wiihin a week over one hundred intentions of mar riage were issued from the Register' office all owing to the influence of cold nights. V ho would be a miserable, shivering bach elor just now 1 A Great Hen Convention or Fair has been holding at Boston. At the closing sale of fowls on Friday, one Cochin China cock brought $30. There were purs aud beautiful Cochin Chinas, Java and other fowls. Since Mayor Gilpin entered upon the duties of his office, not yet two months, he has joined fifteen couple in the bonds of matrimony. This is sufficient, we think, to prove him a friend to " Union." The Fugitive Slave Law will not be dis turbed the present session. Washington let'er writers are .of opinion that a repeal would not be supported by more than one r.t ......i.t;... 111 IU 111 Lilt. l.l.l.Jtl.l... The intelligence from France is, that the President' message has been extremely well received, save in a few quarters. -The proposition for calling 40,000 men has been variously received. The Washington National Monument is now eighty feet from the surface of the ground, and it is expected to be two fee: higher before the close of the season. The appraisers of ihe personal estate cf the late Mr. McDonough, the deceased millionaire ol New Orleans, valued his en tire wardrobe at thirty dollar ! Messrs. Corcoran & Riggs have tendered $10,000 and a valuable lot of ground to the city of Washington toward erecting a House of Refuge. . The Government of Prussis has prohib ited the dispatch of private messages by electric telegraph throughout its dominions- Samuel E. Hencpf Juniata, and Wm H. Hutter of Northampton, have receive"! each the appointment of N. I. Mr. Loom is and hi daughter Mrtha art humbugging the good people of Batb.N.T Ex-Gov. McDowell made a great Unitf speech at Staunton, Ya., Monday week. Miss Lind's charities in New York txA Brooklyn amount lo $30,000. The State of Louisiana has obtain"! entire possession of the real estate of John M'Donogh, dee'd, until the contest on t" will is decided. On Saturday afternoon last, Jenny L,dJ sang gratuitously before the children oft public schools of Baltimore first to f,f 5000 girls, then to as many boys, i"" also sang, and as much delighted ner she amazed them. IVt Notices and Adveri?mtnt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers