IawOo7aamT.sVok. .Tie SMght Htttake. sr inn siwee, - J a alj salleran Philip I - na kr a fanner ia MVne; Bnt hesever ws fm7 Ja"" We Frvss a drar, or a fork from a chain. 4 ad Bat aaHrnnora were tftn amuwd At the lodierotM Uukn he amor; fc hi mrbJsoa were euen they never has esrtl, alalia were th tnuUaf his trade. tTith ally, and collar, ami chain, With aa an in bis hand and a goad. Be stumped it, oar day, to lle forests of Maine For furl, to bring up a hawl. A ma, an tlx brow af a hill, Ur MM. ami it fall the wrenur way; And rreatiy it rasaled hit wnleriaf skill To sseamge rrst of the play. far the tree lay aa htph up tit- pilrb Ttiongh be tried it ecain and apain That 4e eauM nat anile, carry hi team U a bttrk: He wanted a little snore chain. " Al lrnfth," ac hr told ns neat day, Alter auny a fruitleni n4eavor, 1 luekily happened la Uiink of a way. Which seemed at the lime la be ckrsr. I meseured my length an the Ground. With my ami I rneireled the lor. Then, bavinr the chain bath my ant lee around, I orut-rctl the Gil v to joj. The filly ic notwoV nope ; Ble flvw, end I ploughed in her wake: AM m'd w not half any fa Out tout of IU aleK, AVer iptrctive mg mitljtt " One of the Duels. Tha Chronicle of Western Literature resurrectionizes the following capital story of ooo Col. Wheailey. I: smacks of an tiquity a little, but i none the leu rib ticking : ' The Colonel, during a short sojourn in VickVourg, met there dome hot-blooded Southerner with a spirit as fiery a liis own. They quarreled a criallf-njie passed and waa accepted, and ihe nest rising sun wu to witness one, if not both of their dead bodiss, drenched in blood, to wash out w.iunJed honor. During the nijrlit the Colnnel'said he heard a lioht coming up the rivrr, and it struck him as he heard the boat puffing, that ' prudence was the brdcr part rf talor. So he look his trunk upon his shoulder, and stepped in the dead of night very quietly out of the hotel , as he ncared the boat, whom should he see but his an lagoniat, at the boat before him, Just going aboard. He returned as quietly as he had gone out, was on the ground next moaning with his second, wailed with disappointed rage for bis antagonist, and published him as an absconding coward !" "Dying Gracefully." Dr. Dl'ncax, of the Cincinnati Dispatch, t;wes the following good-humored account of his defeat at the late election in those diggings." " We did nke some efforts among our (ierman fellow-citixei.s. On election day, we took our tick, and visited the German wards. Our progress, owing to the mutual iitnorance. was excerdimj V slow. We were at one of the polls, urging some ery tltiTJ f(K-tiitiaf nvinf connected with party erjianiznticn, hen one of our German fr!lo-rii.zrns " npprnached us, in a very t-icitine, manner, and made a speech. We are, unhappily, unarquainted with the beautiful and classic language in uc above the canal, and had to have the said speech translated, when we discovered the sub stance t. be a proposition to kick our t-di-t-irial self ; whi-reup'n e hastily retired, and devoted the bnlunce of the day to medi Uiioo and rcrrrchrrK:nts." s We die easy e die a; carefully. Like Ctctirat the foot of Pompey we pull our cuaNtaila over our head, and say, ' tt tu brute,' which, by a liberal translation, e render, and you you brute you.''' An old acquaintance of ours in the country, indulges in a very exaggerated style of description and illustration, in his ordinary conversation. For instance, when describing the effect of an alteration of h's kitchen chimney which he had ordered his mason tu make, be said that ' before the chimbly was altered, it drew the wrong way so powerful that every flock of wild geese that flew over the Iowa for ten years was ukrd down iiito his fire-place, but since the alteration had been made, the riraught wns so strong that if he should book one end of an ox chain in the middle of the kitchen floor, the other end would ttand quivtritt vp tht th'annry !" Yankee Hiade. One of the millionaries of Boston, re-s-Hing on Deacon Hill, has a porter, whose hair i so red, that he dare not cut it, lest he sho'i'd bleed to dea ii under the opera lion. U'e also know a man (those face is so red that be always imagines that the person he is conversing with, is blushing violently at the lime, when the fact is that it in nnihinj( but the reflection of his own enun:ensnce. In this way he 'imposes that his children are invariably guilty when he accuses them of a fault, 'their frees are so red when he quest ions them on the matter Wanting to Know If steamships are r.scd in navigating the sea of trou bles." If ships in " stays" arc addicted to " tight lacing." If it is owing to the rate of interment being cheap that so many are " buried in oblivion." Wheth er the aun shone during the " dark ages." Whether the "tale" which Hamlet's fath er could unfold, was " founded oti fact." The clcnttion of tbe "pinnacle of fame" above the ocean. The extreme. length of the " Long Parliament" If hydropathic treatment would be likely to core the M eruptions" of Maunt Autu. Mi'hematical Wanted to know, the mre of i ho proper sphere of woman,' the btse rrw!iirh is Ihe tVnrreataf eonvention. t)jr ealcU.nii.ia Snakes it vanity, hut our arithmetic is, doubtless, behinj the "g. (Milumitn. IjE GQIKITY CUSHESS. Court Proclamation. WBKSXAS the Hen, ABBAHAM 8. WI WN. PwaMent Judg af theOoart afOoeaam Plea tor the Twenti eth JaaJcMJliTiet,er-niaothcmiatie.uUBi. and Hiiaia.and fli-r " -J'" H.ejjioa.Keurt. AMacinta Jadree in Union county, have hwned their pre cept, hearint date the Wth day of Sent. 1M and to nw dincvd, fc th holding of an Orphan' Court, Oonrt or lioeaeaon rlra, Oyrt A Terminer, and General Quarter Sean,., at New Berlin, fur th county of 1'nkaj. on the Sd Monday of Doc next, tbtttif the 16th day,) ISM, and to continue two week NOTICe; i Uiereavre hrraby rrn to th Coroner. Jua ticea of the raea, and ConataUca in and for tbe county of Union, to appear in their own proper person with their roll, record, inquiiitkma, rumination, and other rene tnoranree, to do thoae thing which of their offtee and in their behalf appertain to he done ; and all witnenwa and other penon praarantins in behalf of tbe Coainwnwealtb aeminat any pereona, are required to be then and there attrndinc. and not depart without leave, at their peril. Juetice are required to be punctual in their attrndance at the appointed tieae agreeable to notice. tiieen uuurr my hand and aral at th Sheriff' office in New Berlin, tliie l"th day of Oct'r in the year of our lord ana Untuand eieht hundred and SftT. and in th aeeenty- nnb year af the Independence of tbe United Stat of America. ulflf save tne lomnvmweamu AKCUIBAU) TUOMAS, nieriS. Grand Jurors, Dec. T. Ir50. Kelly : in Brnnsge. N. Berlin : Chrn Mojsrr Haillrv : Geo Brnuchsr, M ichl Sthnurs Ucaeci : Geo A Smith. Philip Merits! BuUala : Ja Simontoo Jr, Jn Simon ton, 8amJ L Phoainaker E. Buffalo: Jac FreJarick.Th. Penny. Geo Rsed lwiaUirg: Gideon Ang-taJl. John Millar i Crntsr: Jn I' tSmiib. Djeid Wilson MidJIecrcvk : Uanl Keaalcr. Frcdk P Baas W. Buffalo: Gso Wley. Dsnl tirosaeup Union: Ellis Betifcr. Peons: J G L ShinJI WaabingliMi : laaae Bickel MiiBmburg: Saml Blair Travtnt Jurors. , . ..... . a a rt,.: I IwiMrf : roi (tiller, jo a mens, a, w Prnru: Jn Park. Jo Ejrater.Wm uoaier. jseoo Peny : Geo Martin IFiaher, Henry J App W.Buffalo: J n Kline. And IdJinga-W Young. 8r Krlly: Ua Hinely.Wni Dou(LTbal!ouard,Unl Buffalo: A Sbeckler, Ja M 'freight fKaufman j Cbainan : Simon Cholly. Jo I.cnig, Dul Bruba- ker, Pbil Hllib, J a Beeeniiet White Deer: Asrou Smith, Saml Marshal, Jas Maiahal. Jotio Ranrk Washington: Hani ttterner. Danl Hilbieh Union : Enoe Benfer, Jas Ciostgrovs, Chriatian Daubrrmsn. Benj Long Hartley : Hy Bartley. Jac Katherman, Onl Lone. Hv Hoffman, K V Glorr, Jn Fillman Si. Jn F Wilson. E. Buffalo: Ja Kilts W. Beaver: Peter Goes. And Utah Center: Edw 8lisyer, Jn Mitcbel Mifflinburg : Jn Delwiler, Win W VsnVsltah, Saiut Siitxef Petit Jurors, (Sd week.) Centre : Jo 8-engle. Jac Fryer. K Eieetibower, Geo Yarling, Oca Barker, Comad WorlAey. Jn A Schorh. Kelly : Emaoual Reedy W. Buffalo: Wra Walsen. Dsnl Stout, David Kleckner, Jn Etigrlhart, Sr Union : Chriat Seebold, Joa Wetsel Leoieburg : Hy W Fries, Jaa Ciiswell MirHinborg : Benj Haas, Jn Gset Perry : Peier Ackerinsn. Abrra HaUemsn I'bapman : Jn Craig, Abra Looa lle.eer : Jacob Gross. Ner MiddlsswsrUi Penna : Jacob Riblel, Hy Laudenerblager, Hy D Curns, Jac Hhafler, Ld App. H o Hellerica E. Buffalo : Abrm Aorand. Root H Laird Hartley : Wm Smith, Win Fieher, Saml Hartmn W. Braver: Jn 11 Koraif JberlJPa Salea. II T eirtu U nindry wriu of Vead. El. and Ler. "act - jMlH (. nut ot flB-t'Urt "I t.tnjQu I icae i voiwa count and to me directed, will l rupneed t" poWic eal". at the"ci.urt-linue iu.the boro' of .New Berlin MONPAT tli lth of lltitneaa nrkt, tlie followimi Keal llae: Tbe one undieided third of a tract ut land ia Center To, aoatainioe 'Mi acre mure or lea, adjoining on the north Jacob boeblrr, oa the weet Mr. llorbtand, on the (oulh anade mountain, and on to eaat Jacob Surand with the appurtenance. ScMcd, taken in execution and to be mid . , l nniwrl, of Anrun Mauck. Alw M .Vo. t, onuii.icy 1 of an acre, on the Ida of Qne, adjoining k 4, lot o. , t-enna rro-a. ana ua i erneylraniacauai a. 'Jie pcpcrly of Geo. fiundrum. Alio a tract if S'0 arm in White beer To. 30 acrra clear ed, li acre an alow,wnervon an- a two ry log bouaeaud earn, epring home, spring, apple orchard and frait tree ; aoanine J- Sprcac, ir a the property of Win. Ruceae. Alio a1 acre I' -t in hVaTcrtown, wlierevn are a log limiae and I.: table, louiided by Mnin elreet, C'ha Momrr, and lk-y a., tlie property of John W. bourh. Air? a trs-1 of 1& a-rce in Limcrtou Tp, with a weather laroVI t- hnc. loc blf barn, fruit tree, and a rpriug, adj"inine Jn sl.i, c - a. property of Uanl lieartyc.. Ala a w rr l in M Moiburi:. wbcrcon ie a wea'lwr Nrdrd la Miry b liMiie. a jiiining bt No.aand MK a pel-rty ,f Iv. 4'. k 'mawui. AHtn r of Tli'e V),uicman. Alai a two lry bc livtre t lot of cmund or rurtilace appnrlenant. in civliv Tu.eijmin Kmanl Hccdy. Conrad Oriaff, and N'oab biib ae pri-iMTtr of J,hn Rurd. AKIJU1HAUI THOMAS, SlaariS. SberiB Otn-e, New UVrUa, Nor. It, 18iO. laaae IJst for December, lSVO. Cha A aarder t John Wilt John MoaU Kiucumr Andrew P Knox J DO Harper who Mireived Jno MoaU T aaaaa saml llooTer ri liraal Uuulioa Ja WiUiantMiu Job Mrkelvy Jonalhan Xellar T S L Berk Henry Bardebcr t Henry Voxlheimcr tieo Benner for Saml frank ea Uco Adams Commonw'th of la for Hobt Iiaye H SBoyarand Bail Jobn Unyder' Klcrutor re Mow Fiabar John U Weber v Wm C'whran Jno liuhl for Clirit ilraham l Jared Irrla iHviel Jarrctt k C Jsrrrt Clia llarlmea. Jobn Kigcl ea Jacob Hccder Jacob avuber Jacob Leierret at John Oilbcrt A Co w Vi tn J My A Reuben Kleaa Chrietin Herman r Samual Schreekengaat Jacob Kloae Uedde A Marsh Vaniel Jarrrtt A C Jarrrtt t Kliaa llrtma at a) John B Iiaye t Lewi Kittor at al George r-'ces rm Cha S tin nor plau Knox tor Wriht A Nephew Ac t Jared In la Cha Krelebrr e John Kline 11 P llotienuiue and a ife a C Schroyar at al Predenck Itichter et al a earne Mary Binganun v Ktia f'eca tfame vp J A K eeea PUtt Knox for Buhl Ac v Jarad Irrla John F Kidder A wife t Muhael Kleckner Wilt A bMcrt t Mahlon Urvniaa Michael Miller n Martin A Stork Hobert Chamb-r t llcrthkr Thomnaoe Geo IK-al adm'r of P fetter ea John Kmtrer Wm ' Vlaaeneetlrr urr part Aces Reuben Keller Wm llnnler Kxr of i lluutrr re Jobn Snyder Peter lienuan and wife e. Tho Tliunby Ir 1 ftrucrcr ts J ltobnbach with notice Aa W r Wagi-nx-llcr A A Jordan Ex r Jacob llmiant Sarah Uarkbouae Adm'x v John Lcnig John Hoahr va Jamb Lt iper et al Wareaeeller A Jordan Ki'r Ae ea Jn Oendy Adm'r Ac veu-r A btitxer t Aam rrofc liVnry B .Viewer Jola) Mumcr Jacob K(ttrli Uco Nerboot Kmanucl Neitz vs Jacob llmr Ib-nry 51 Mowrer Jacob Mowrar at al Mr 0 E lt.wr t Julia 1'iiul J wph K LoU T. Joel Khrman Ae O r Miller t N Miu-hell with notice to J MeUaU John M'Kinty t T-Irr Neeiup Brown A Uoodwin May A Kloe ama v Reuben Keltvr Sam a Ner Mtddleawarth Snia v Ilaitiel Kloaa hama Ner Middlaawartb baiae a name Same ae Panicl Kloaa Same ra MiJdleawarth, Kara A 0 Shaffer A Zirjer va John Ilartman Jr Kflbert Cbunbvn r John It Smith Jamee Farrvn W Mcl'bmon A J Shannaa Lewi Colby et Wm 11 Ludwia-a Kx're Trueteee Ger Ib-f Ch Lewiebur vTru Lu Cb Lewiaburg baalcr A Fry A liuudrum Kodearmel A Stoaatrkar. Reglsltrr's Notice. NOTICE ie hereby irircn tn all perron, ennccrned, that tlie ftdloaini tiaiucd pcrnone have settled their ne couut in tlie ReirilcrV office at New Berlin, Union coun ty, and tliat the raid account will be nreacnted for eonflr tuaikm and allowance at Uie Orplmna' Court to I held at New B-rl in ihr tlie count v of Unbrtt. on tbe Fourth Mvnday uf UECtMBKIl next, rhrine the Sid day.) via: The final account of Tbomae Cliiumn, Rxeeutor of the lat will and tenement of Jame Merrill, late of New B-rlin. dee'd. Arc't ol Eliaalth Witmcr, Adm'x of Jaeob.Witmer, laie of CliatHnnii, Tp. W1 of J'.lm Kcwlcr ard flea. D. Miller, Adm'r of Jac. Kceelrr, late of MMdleeaeek To. Tlie Sual arc't of Jamee Miller and Jame Finney, Hrr of the laet will and tecum nt of Aud'w McClcncban. Uw of White b.-crTp. -v Aec't of Joha Lynch. Guard of Jane Price, a minor.' ' Acc't of Georar Kleckner, Ear of the MM will and tes tament of barlwra Kleckner, widow of John Kleckner, Ma of West BurTakie. Acc't uf Mary avi EUxa Bearer, Adm'aea of Met Bea ver, law of N"w Berlin. Acc't of John H Cornell ua, Adm'r af Jamea Coraeiiua. late of New Berlin. Sect of JaoobMobr, AdmTof John AnmOlcr, 11 af Xia4ccreek. . . Aec t of t'oiilp nuni, Aom r aacoo tuuer lata of Sof- Acet of Lennard An and Jacob W. Bautb, Adrnr af John Sicrer. Utcof P-aua. A-vt of PaaiH. Jaoob. sad John Kauffmaa, Adrnr e labn r.nllamn lata afantTlInf PAMIL BZLIMAK. 'a OSwa, Vew Bcrlra, Ker. IS, V. W1SBUQG CHRONICLE AND WEST M'Lzt!..PS WOatM TGatMIFITC.Ee THE follewiaf oreSefe akow at eoce deaund tot sad eieelleoce of this great medicine ; YoaK.JalyS8.Itl7 -J Kidd Co: Tan) Vcfnufugs irh ne en sale sosae lime ago by yoar eg0! sokJ. It goes very rapidly, end giaea great eatiatactioa. As ws are entirely oat of the aniels, and bae frequaol call for it, please sand ae eone immediately C . MORRIS & CO. SoBTgBviai.B, Tcod. March la. IM7 : uDr M'Laws Dear (Sir : Tbe Vermifuge yoo left with me Ism foil ha king sines been staad I could have sold a great deal more il I bad bed it. Since my retain from tbe East, I have been celled upon nearly aaery day to write to yoa, requesting so immediate eapply. I bate already tried your Vermifuge in my own family and find it to be tbe beet I bare aver aaed E F MORRISON. "Mc CastK, Steuben Co. Sept 7. 1847 Thi may eei tify that we have eoid DrM'Lene's American Worm Specific, or Patent Vermifuge, the peat year, and it baa given unbounded ealre (action. It is no impneitioo oo tbe community, but is what ita author recommend it to be a uaiveiaal epecific tor thoae afflicted ariib worms. -H. HUGHES & CO." AGENTS C W Scaarrti, Lcwiaburg ; J H Caelow snd J H Raacr. Milion ; I Gerbart. Se linegrove; J W Friling.Sunburv ; Mre M'Cay, .Northumberland , M C Grief. J Mooie, Denvitle UNIVERSITY at latewisbarff "CIRCULAR for tbe Academical Tsar soa J aaenetog Oct, 17, 1850. COURSE OF STUDIES. Primary Daparunant. EtercieeJ in Spelling, Reading, Definition English Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography, His tory li js.h Penmanabip and Composition. English Departmeat of tbe Academy. Tho fame eiudrea ae in the Primary Utpartm't continued in the use of larger tell booka ; snd to these ere added General History ,AIbrs, Legen drs, snd Elements of Surveying Claaaical Deparnnsnt af the Academy. Tarn Junior Acadtmic tlau. 1. Bnlih Uramaur, Latia Urammar, AritbsasN lwo d taioni.) Imarrapby. If. Th Bam etndiea aa in I. Terra, and Panmanahin. III. Bncliah Urammar, Cewar, ArilhsMtie completed b) ltdirtaiaa.Vrek Uraaaaaar, iliatory t-'Jl A, Pea aaaaahip, Baok-kpiB(. Senior Academic tlau. I. Canar, Urwak kdr, Al(sea (KUmsaU ) II. Aluaid. da ... t do . III. do do da asmpleted. Gene ral History, aaajiiaa Leaf nag nna tampeaitiiaj OOLXEOIATE DEPAJITMSIfT. fresh man tints. I. Bnc lib Lanxaae aaCempoaltion, Alphre, lavy Anatiaaia. II. lan UavaetrT. Lirv. laabana. III. Plana. Solid and Spherical Oeoesetry aemplatod, 11- vy, AaaBasH. Sophomore class. I. Bra,Od vasty . Plane and Spherical Triranometry. II. da do Mensuration.SurTayue.NaTiaatioa. HI. ' da eomplstcd, Select Oration af IHsjirdhins, suswrta, Aaauyueai ueomatry. -Junior class. i. Diraanbeae aa the Crown, Cieara Se Malia,afa- ahaaica, llydrostalica, and Hvdraallaa. IL lreaaathna on ths Crown. Cicero de OaVrH aom pietad. Pnenrnatara, AeausUo, laatrieity, Magna- vjam, aau trpuca. III. rark Tragedy, taaltaa, Artroaomy. - -. Senior tlau. T. Logis, Natural Theology, Inwllertual Philcasnby. II. Greek, Political Economy, Moral Phllesophv. III. BaUer'a Aaaby, Oanatitutiaa of K. S, Chemirlry, Lssturaa, General Kaviaw, No class in tbe Rrgulsr Course has leas Ibsn three daily recitations. Every Saturday forenoon ia devoted exclusively to oeal Muatc, lleclemalion, and reading seleet snd originsl Compoailiori. ' Tbe eiadenu sre required lo sttend, regularly some religious overling. Minors are ei peeled to altead such mealing as are reeumisnNided lo them hy their parents or guardian a. There era in the borough no leee than eig places of public worship, of as many diUerenl Chrisuao deoominatioas. Text Bar)!. JhftVM .siynsaa and AVnraia The Bible, Portar' Rhet-rieal Header, Woreeater'a or Webaler'a lIMonary, Kullioi.'a Eacliah Grammar. Parker' I'rorreawvc Blerei- m in English Compontkin, Parker' Aid, 111 air Lecture ll'aiveraity Kdition.) isinn juiwMiove.--nuition niirammar, nurnon neauer, Ietcratt Lexicon. Bullion Carear. Srhmita and Zumpt' Vinril. Lincoln'. Livr. Antban' llnraee, Thachere Cicero da litBcii", T)ler' Tacilu' Germaniaat Airricola. arreat- xVanonaor- nuliion'aurammar. nuinon r.aaaer, ti.Uell A Sa.tl Lexicon. Owen' Aeuophon' AjntbaM. Owan' Homer' Odyeeey, Champlln' ItemoeUjenea, Fiak'a Classical Manual. Afatieaiuhcf . Davie' AntbmMle aeademie. Elem entary Algebra, Hourdon, Legendre, Surveying and Naei. guon.AruilyticalUeosjal.UiinteJ Natural fbiluaffhy (lersolyped.) Olmsted' Astronomy. Sumbcr f Stttdcsite. The number of atodent during the past year in the various Departments, waa 1TJ). The I'ollegiele clsaees alreaJy organised ler the ensu ing year, are lbs following : Senior clam . a u . 10 - ....! Junior alas - Sop hosier das Teachers. TgPHEX W. TAVLOB, A. M, Prof, of Malham.il r and Natural philosophy. VKoRGB B. BLISS, A. M, Prof, af Greek Leaguagr and Literature. .IKiilHIK W. ANDERSON, A.M., FaflavUaLaagnare ani Lileratara. ISAAC N. L0OMIS, A. M, Principal of the Academy. ALFRED TAYLOR, A. M, Tutor in the English Lan guage and Elocution. Balldlmgft, Library and 4pparaluw. The Academic edifice now occopied by tbe members of tbe IJnivrrailv, bss been creeled, at an expellee af $ft,ooo, and it ia adapted to accommodate ISO students. Another ediAce ia nearly completed, and ia expected lo be ready for occupancy at the eominancement of the neat Term Oct. 1", Ixau. Th Library contain a number of select volume, end ia coaatatitly increasing. Chemical Apparatus ha been procured mSlrient to supply th Immediate deuwnd. Tbe Apparetue tor the ulustraskaa af Mechanical Philosophy, ia now complete.. Tuition and Board. Tuition in ihe Coileaiate Department f JO, Academic S0, Primary f 12 per yesr. Board, including Judging, washing, foei, and light, can be baj in tbe village snd its vicinity si various prices, from f I. SO to $3 60 per week. Arrangement are in piwgrem to furnleh Board, exeln ie of lodging, weshiug. fuel and light, to each a may ;ir it, at gl U per weak. Seaalomi and Tacallona. Two Sreeiotie in Ihe year the former com mences on the 3rd Thursday in Ocbiher, snd continues 26 weeks ; the latter eontmenree on Thursday. I5ih May. and oonlinues 14 weeks. Spring Vacation. 4 weeke ; Autumnal. 8. By order snd in behalf of ihe B.ierd : , TH0MA8 WATTSOX. Pree't. GEORGE F. MILLER. Sec'y. Lewiaburg, Union Co. Pa. Sept. 1, 18S0 " it IS A FACT, ONE self-evident, and worthy of even consideration, that no Miller can make good clean flour without he has good clean wheat. 1 suppose you wish to know the remedy. I tell yoo it Is lo get one ot iergstreittr's Wheat Scourers, or Smut Mdchines. He being an old, practical and experienced Millwright has invented, got up and put id successful operation the best Wheat Scourer now in owe. Any person ordering a machine and afterwards finding that it does not prove to operate aa repre sented, there shall be no sale, as thr-se ma. chines are to be warranted good. Further recommendations are thought unnecessary. He ia now bavins a supply made at Lewis burg, by Messre. Gddes St Marsh. Orders fur mtchinea, nr letters of inquiry, will be promptly attended to. - Machine will .be sent and put to all order. Address i j I. BE.KG8TKUSSEK. ' Lawicwrg, Uftkn Co. Pi. Prioa Reduced! VAUGHN'S TJIQ011TBIFIIC llLXTUKE! Kasraw tu OsUy Omo altwr. Taa risaeiitae af the Biaat Aaneicaa Remedy Taeeaa'e Vana-raaaa Lrrnarraimc MilToaa." mdaaad ar the arrsat mliiilattsaa af ha Agssaj. ItrmtlW ths Ususd uhbb end Canada , baa new BawPced tks rriss , . ef bb pasnmr and wel kaawa aruala; ad Sam this data. up bn ens waa eulr. to aaael sill ha 0IX B0LIAR. TWsabbasxaymWawaamijMalma ihwawwaf lb Maw. was, it Mamgih. and caiaiiva pupenna will aeaais cscaaaaaa. and the aua. nam will b k m asa. paring it a satntefbm. Aa law awrlicia. aadw it mdaead pries, will be pawkaw by thew was bare eat hi inane snade tsaamwvee acq earn ted with iw vat am. tbe pranmur weald beg to intimaw that an arnds is net to as clawsd witb ths vmtaamaataf " Biamrliw af ths day i" n claiaw far tmuf a grsater aasnag asww.sa all due, tlaa anp etaee aerparnrisa new eeeee ia weeld ; and as nwaia! tnalf ler night rear hr iWannanat meilli al eirtaas. and. aalil thi sidscuan, imwadd ass bis lb aeiea af ear atbm ankle ia Una baa. Nonce Fabticclaklt. thi arueia eaw wilh iaal real lag psww sad eanaiaty, apaa the Blast, liver, EJaaya, laaft, adaneuwsraas.apaatlwaipwatnsaef waiahaJaaad kaalth dapand. This saatwiae aw Sropsy sad Bravvi, L..I ill t i l- ' ' " It mar ha amed even when taa iataltigaM shraiciaa baa akadaJ hw paliaM, and ml dnnsw. mam spariaur Daora. the prapri- it. Atm in i - pries it n easily ebtaiaad br all. and taa trial wal pee the erode in he the Chaapast Xeecias U the World! tJTfliiw aikawaesjphbaj dwegaaw give lham swap thsraaataiaenrwxiasasagmef lemipw. tw addinm to fal msdiral axanw) Talaahle far kaawkild pan and which will sire maaf daUan pw rear la pearoeal hsawkwpwi. Thaw receiptt am iatrodaoad to make the bsak of gras valaa. asida nam iw character a an advtfuung nwdiam fa tbe amdiria. Uwwwiwanr m farm ef which, ia taa form al latum fram all pans ef lbs teaewr. amy be aalwd apan. tJT" Vaagha's Vstaubb) Uibaatripii Mixtam" lb tiiaat Aaairw Kamsdr, new Mrmb m snarl battba at sseb. email battba at fO ew each. Na anall tr aim will be mad aftw tba prawal alack is diepamdef. rtiaeipal OnVa. BaCaw. H. T.. SsT Mai 8tmt 6. C. VAL-6U!f. Bald WHotamla and Bsuil by OIXOTT McalaKIf ft CO.. U7 Mudea Lena. New Yark Cur. ft. B. All bniH (eiceptin nam aaasw and daalaw with ahem ha tranmcw baiiaaw) wast be peat paid, or aa aiuwnaa wiUseaieaatotbsm. iU Ha. IHORNTON. Lewisburg. is Grnetsl Agent for Union county J.H.Casmw, Agent, Milion ; I. Gsbbabt, Sebnag'o'S It 5:343 THE WINTER SESSION Or TBI LEWISBURG ACADEMY WILL commeoce oa MONDAY the 38th of Octobbb. In ibis Inetituiion, sll lbs branch of a thorough Academic course will be tsughi Tbe communication of knowledge simply, is not lbs sole design of Education and should not be made so ; it highest sim is to strengthen snd biing out into action, lbs intellectual snd moral power of the student. Throw sround bin? sll the ferilitiea necessary to bie piogre, and af f.ird him all proper Bid, but do not Bailer bim with the thought that be most rely upon soother snd not upon bis own efforts for success. , lade pendent a, If-raliance is ons of the firet lessons ibst should be learned in a school room. This kind of esrly menial training prepares one for vigorous end manly sseiikm in afier life, and thus giee him a marked advantage over the ig norant snd uneducated. Tbe main eflbrte of a Teacher should, therefore, be directed to the for. mstion of sound habile of study, for when this end ie reached, tbe piogress of lbs pupil becomes at once certain snd rapid. Composition snd Declamation, aa formerly, will receive due attention particularly lbs for mer, snd lbs Primary Department shall bsve our special cars. Tbe auhecirber feels flattered with lbs growing proeperity of the Inetitubinn. snd ahall labor la merit ita continuance, by increased exertion. Tcitiob Per Session of 30 weeks, for the Common English $6 ; Higher English, $8 ; snd for lbs Languages, $10. JNO. RANDOLPH. Oct. 1. 1890. Pr oripal. TanningandCurrying FOR past favora, the subscriber returns his grateful thanks, and hereby makes known that he car net on tbe business of Tannine a sad Carrying, at the Old Stand. Determined not to be outdone in Ihe manufacture or finish of his work, ho ia bouod lo have the best work men and materials, aod to treat those who have ao liberally patronized (as well as those also who shall be pleased to patronize him) with that attention which he hopes to inure him a full share of public patronage. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange. Hides and Bark not refused, for which ihe highest market price will be paid in cash or io exchange for leather. March 25. A.D. 1850 Th Greatest Disoorrry of ths Age! Dr.Tiask'i BAOITZTIO 0I1TKEENT 18 eonsisntly effecting cores of ihe utmost importance. Ths most credulnu are colt viscsb; tbe most fajtbleaw. comiwlled lo believe in the power and vino of this great remedy. v i- smiii. a a m bmw aMnderfat esmmantiou known to the world for the rwweatiaw relief of disease and pain. It newer fails while there renmin suflkVwt life to reakiee a natural and healthy action to IK. MaillM aeamla af tba hod, and aenaliM la cvrcano tion of M. " By this means, n controlling power is gained over tba meet aangnnnt rorm 01 ""TVT"r" power of the combinntion, that it penetrate to every .. .L- . . - Knaa and mnacja. pOTUOB Ol H, buhbb ,rw , - -s - - vein, nerve and liiramcnt t eearrlied oat and asadearn- Mbe nr punncatmn ana neaiing iaae. as reoJily with ialcraal s external diseaaes. . If nmrron instance are oa record, where this remedy . . . i .... , .- the arav that the most powerful lataraal remedies failed to produce any cDeat. Burn na rrrqaeauy oeaa - - of tbe Bowala. Ko patient need die with this disc where the Magnetic Ointment ana be obtained. That eangerooe enmemic, knc.wn a the PUTRID BRTB1PXLAS, can always be cored by thi remedy. For -. nrnAMMsxoKT nmmnTtSMT.x m this Ointment w th moat complete remedy ever prepared. In w eeaee ont or loe, n vrai smv -j.. worst cases of atsrrowa Headache in SO minutes. Por Servoes Bli linn thb remedy wnf tmnaralne. AITertion of tba Spina. Bbewmallem. Imewej ries ratcd Sara Throat, Bronchitis Pleurisy. Croup, Chills, rtxriera Mcewea. Agwr la the Pars er Breaat, Barns, Scald nead. Seraeala. Halt Bbram. fc.sla. laa. laSamed Byaa, Paver Soraa, Ac, will be hamsdnWly ralisvad by aha as of this remedy. - Sold by TanyrsjiM a aTdvase, LwwsabBrg. m im - , Ann t T nrvrwamfsnx-b, Tffvw it BRANCH FARMER AJtoTBUt satsnnc wosovtt PEPSIN: Tba tra DIGESTIVE Fl.LTD or GASTRIC JUICE afreoi Dyspepsia Curtr Prepared from Rennet, or the fouilh stomach of lbs Os, after direction by Baron Lisaia. the great physiological chemist, by J S.Hocearoa, M4., Ao. 1 1 N. 8ib 8t Pailadelpbia. Pa. ATRCLY wonderful remedy (ot Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, liter Complaint. Vo-utipatium aud Debility, curing after Nature s wu process, by Nature's own egenl, the Gatnc Juice. (TVIIsil a teaepoonful of Ibie fluid infused in water, can digest in diesolva Five Hounds of roast beef in ebuut Iwo hours, out of ihe stoinaeo. Digestion is chiefly performed in the elom scb by the sid of s fluid which IreeJy eiudee fiom the inner cost of tbsl organ, when in a elate of besbb, celled the gsslric juice. This fluid i the great solvent of the food the purifying, preser ving snd stimulsting agent of lbs stomach snd intestine. Without it there csn be no digestion, no conversion of food into blood, no nuirnion but rather a foul, torpid, painful aod destructive sWjsndtillAfl of tba whole digestive spps'siu. Pepuln is the chief element ur great digeat ing principle of tbe gaatric juice. Il U found in crest sbuauanre in the solid parts ot the human stomach alter death, snd sometime causes Die stomach lo digest or eat iuelf up. It is also found iu ths stomach of animals, aa Ihe os, calf, eVc It is lbs material used by farmera in making checee eiykd Kennel, the effect of which has long been lbs special wonder of tbe dairy. Curdling of milk ia the 6ret process of digestion. A cell's stomach can cardie nearly one thousand lime ita own weight of milk. Baron Liebig slstee. "one part of Pepsin dissolved in eixly tbouaand pa'te of water, digeete meat and other food." Dieeascd atoajiacbs proiluee no good Gastric Juice, Rennet oi Pep.in. To ahow that Ibis wsnt msy be per fectly eupplied, ws uuote tbe subjoined SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! Baron LIKB1U, in hi celebrated work on Animal Cbs miatry, sj: -An artificial digeetive fluid, analegous to lheUalrieJuice.uiay rm readily prepared from the inuccua membrane of th alomarh of ths calf, in which variou nrticta of food, as meat and egg, will be tofleard and digested in th same manner aa ia the human .tomacn. lr. UEKMItA, in hi famou treatiee on rood and Wet, published hy aowler A Wells. Kew York, page la. states tbe same great fact, and describes ths method of prepara tion. There ar few big bar aulhoritie than lr. arena. Ur. CoMBK, in hi valuable writing on the I'hvwolagy of ingestion, observes that "a diminution or lb due quantity of the Uaatric Juice ia a eremiawnt and e.l-nr-veiliag cause of Dynpepaia," and he state that "a distin guished pndeeenrof medicine in Loudon,wbowae.sevcrly aftlicted with thi complaint. Snling everything els to fail, had recourae to th Uartrie Juice, obtained from tba ewmarh of trvtng animals, which completely uccrJed Iir.UR AM A M, author of the famons works on V S'toi'ie Mat, says: " lt is a remarkable fart in pliysiolngy, that the Moaaacba of animal, aiacerU-d in water. Impart to the flnid tbe property of diuolvinx varlou arttchwol iooa, and of flirting a kind of artificial diuon of them in no wis different from the natural diptive proces- . . Kr. SIMON'S great work, the Chemistry of Man, (Laaaj Blanrhard. Philwl.. 1S, pp 32l,'3,l say. : "Tn. dweajery of Pepsin S-rms a new era in the chemical birtcryor in geathiD. Prom recent experiments, we know that "aw dimulved a rapidly in an artificial digeet v Snid. prepared from Pepsin, aa H i in the natural Waatrie Juice limit Prof. Ill'.NVLImJN, of the JeBersoa Collage, Fhilad in hi great work on Human Physiology, devote mora than Sfty pages to an examination of thi ub)eet. Ilw pen aanu with lr. Beaumont, on tbe Osetric Juke, obtained from th living human stomach and from aaunaia. are known. " In all caesa," he says, -digestion occurred a perfectly in th artificial as in taa natural msasuona Asa DYSPEPSIA CURKR, Dr Houghton' preparation of Pepein has produced Ihe moat mer veloue rflrcle. It is impoitile lo give drlaile of case in the limita of this advertisement but su thenlicat.d cerlifiralce bare been given f more tnauTWO HUNDRED tepid, wonderful, and permanent cures. Il ia a greet NiBToue Abti botb, and particularly aaeful for tendency lo bilious disorder, liver complsiut. fever snd ague. Ibe evil effects of quinine, mercury, dec, alio for egceas in eating or drinking There ie oo form of OLD STOMACH COM PLAINTS which it does not reach and also give instant relief! and repeated for a ehort time, pu rity of Blood and vioua op boot follow at once. It ia particularly excellent in case of nausea, vo miting, cramp, soreneee ol the pit of Ihe stomach, dietroe after esting, low, cold stale of the blood. beevinese. lowneae of spirits, despondency, emaci ation, weaknea. tendency to insanity. Ac. Price. ONE DOLLAR per bottle. OneboUle often eflrcte s lasting cure. FEFSXB? Of POWDEESaeat by Mail, free of Footage. Voe convenience of sendine to all Dart of tba country, tba Digestive Matter of the pinjt put np in ths form of Powders, witn airecuona 10 o aiwoivcu oy in pnuva, ia water or evrnp. Tbea powder contain just tba same milter aa tbe bottles, hat twice the quantity for tlx same price, and mn. by mail. -re. of iposlepaiai IO VT O- nouguvJn, -- a 'hibulelnbia. Six packages for I. Esrv boillcsnd package beers ihe wiitlen aig natuie of J.9 HOUGHTON.M.D .Sols Proprw-, tor. Sold by sgenu in every town in me i.niou snd by meat respecUhle deelere in medicine. To be tied of Dr. THRN TON, Lewiaburg ; J H Caelow. Milton; Thompson. MifBinburg; Will ct Eilert. Hsitlelon; Win R.xhong. New Berlin; G I Crouee, SeUnegrove ; Mre M'Cay, NorthumberUnd y335 CULL'S HEAD HOTEL, Alifflinburg, Union county, Petin'a. RES PEC I 'FULLY imorro me ciusens oi Union couniy. snd the public io general. . . I. .i.n.l I"... M,ana trial he baa testeu me iuv j :-J k. hi. Father, and is now pre- seam utvu" "J . . , . V psred to sccommodale fnends snd the traveling community m s msnner eccrpiaoio ... a... Tbe HOUSE is large snd roomy. well srrsn gsd in all its depanmente. snd every car will be Uken lo render hi' gueate comfortable and happy. u. . m s .11 alwasa be furnished wilh the xxia sxu,u ,. j - - ... u choicest delicacies of Ibe season, and Ibe beet IB market can afford. I he DAK will at an iimee l .. i i um .-.-ful neraona. and none but ibe "TaTT"- Z. rL ken . Hi. STABLES very ore ui in.- r-- are ample and convenient, and th OSTLfcKs punctual and al'enuve. r- ... ha nL-.tea kimaelf to endeavor lo give general sstislsetion to sll. snd hopee by etiict stteniion to busineaa to merit snd receive a liberal sbsrs of patronage. Mifflinhurg, June 80. 1850 TQY TIIEJIEVJ FHITJ! WTKOFF k BOUSEL WOULD inform the pub'ic. that they have opene-d a shop on Fourth street lower story of S. W. WykolTs old stand, opposite Hunter P.rdoe's shop, where they keep on hand or make to order " Fancy and Common Chairs, Hotnn KorKtng vnnirs nrno BureniiB. Tables, Beds'ends, of various kinds. aaa c i. .. laBaaaBBBsnnxf seitee. Oi" . our. All work in nur line warranted lo be well made, and on the most reasonable terms. House and Sign PAINTING attended to by the subscribers on tbe shor test notice and in the best style. Country Produce and Lumber taken in payment and Cash not refused, but rather preferred. The subscribers intend to be strict in ihe fulfilment of all their promises as regards work and ao doinz. hope tn receive a liberal ahare of puMic patronaee. JOHN N. WYKOFF. JOSEPH M. HOUSEL. Lewiaburg. Sny. IS 4 9 Farmers' Prodoce Wanted. . OCR Agricultural Friend will greatly oblige bv eapplving Ibe Printer, imigedietely. with Wheal, Corn, Buckwheat. Potatore C Mer. Wood, Apple, etc. As ibis baa been a pkmtifal ibsssb. saw Tirwtaw ssd F.di" h ts - af ft ALL KINDS OF JOB P1UNTING, HE1TLT fc EIPEDITIOUSLT BXBCtJTED AT THE "CHSOSiat" OFFICE. THE I1E17 FOU.-IDHY TS now carried on a usual, at the upper X end of Ma rket street, where every dee cription of C A S T I N G 8 ' kePl 0B hand or made tu order-such aa The Complete, or Complete Improved Cooking Stoves for either Coal or Wood and all other kinds of STOVES. al PLOUGHS of differ ent kinds Corn Ploughs, Bull Ploughs, and the Self-Sharpening Plough, a new article, and which can not be beat in Penna) Ivania. Call and see and judge for yourselves. CHRIST & M'FADDIN. Lewisburg. Sept. 22, 1849 THE iinrlrraisjnpd ri.iitiniifs the LIFE UY BL'SLYESS at theflld Stand, nu North Third St., near Maiket, and respertfully solicits the patronage ol bis friends and tlie pulilir generally. CHARLES F. HESS. Lewisburg. May 'it, 1850 Books Books! 1WC autiscrtber otT-ra for sale at the Lewisburg Posi-OHice. an assortment nf the most useful Paper, School Books, Stationery of all kinds also the best Cigars.Tobaccn, JOHN Y. KENNEDY. Lewishurg, M iy ?, 1850 THRESH TEAS Aim her lot of. Jj superior Black and Ureen '''"a''jj5,3 just rei-d Irom the ('anion Tra om pany, and for sale at New York retail pries by J. HAYES & CO. Lswisburg, April 16. Agents. Important Notice! rPHG public are hereby informed that I 1 am the exclusive proprietor of the Cooking Stove known 89 'White's Patent or 'The White Stove, by virtue of valid letters patent granted to me by the proper authorities at Washington ; and I hereby caution all persons not to .manufacture ur sell the same without authority from me.a I shall promptly seek let;al redress for every infringement of my rights under snid letters patent. The public are also cau tioned that all stoves manufactured by roe or my frranteea or agents, are marked James White. Patented June 10, 1844, with the additional mark ".Re-issue, Aug, 6, 1890," on the slidp plate. JAMES WHITE. Milton, Sept. II, 1850 3m Cctoisburg JTonnttrg THE subscribers, thankful lor past pat ronage, would inlorm the public that hey continue to manufacture all kinds of Mill Gearing, cast WaterWheels ol the most approved pattern, lltreshing Machines. One and Two Horse, PLOUGHS. We invite particular attention to a new article Wiard's Pntent Gang Ploughs. for seeding in Grain.. Farmera by thin Plough ran seed as much grain in one day as in three days with common ploughs. CASTINGS and TURlslNG, end Fining thesine. HOLLOW Ware. Keliles and Pols of various size Smooth ing Irons and Stand rust Ten Kettle to suit cooking stoves, tie. eoofctaa sbtobtft, the most approved patterns now in use, for wood or coa! Fancy 0 H VYtTT? O Parlor, Wood and Coal)y JJ Air-Tijiht Stoves Race's Sulf-regulating Air-Tight Patlor Wood Stoves, (a new article,) Ate. Threshing Machines and other articles oi Machinery repaired in the best manner and on the shortest notice. Castings war ranted i be of the het ma'erial, and at price that can not fail to please. r.EI)ES Ax MARSH. . Lewiaburg. March 25, 188 THE ondeisigned continues to furnish to order on ihe moat resannsble terms, Pisnne. Aom tbe Msnufselmj of Cosbab Mstaa. Philad'a. whose inatrumenie are loo well known lo need any panegwir, having uniformly received the commenaliona of the moat eminent profee-nr and composers of Wuaie, and the award of Ihe premium in NrwYork. Philadelphia and Bion. For qualiliee of lone, touch, and keeping in lone op to conceit pilch. Ihe; can not be aurpsesed by rilber Aa-erirsn or European pianos. Instructions liven on ihe Piano ss heretofore. Reference may be made to sny nf ihoee parents or gusrdiane who have pupil committed In his chares He may be eeen at hie residence si Mrs Mrixger'e, Firel airert. Lent. burg, where tanas and particulars will be made kno-n. Ths most pepsler end favorite Airs snd Music of diftersnt kind received ae it ia issued frnni Ibe different musical establishments in the fines. Msy 15 CHARLES KALISCH TT I ATTT Q froj osticea,Contn 1) JjAlN JVaJ htes.Ase .on hand it the ( hrmiele rVi or rwiBled to Ordtf. i5v Cl-ts&aa "An ounce of Preveatioa uoriL a pound of Cur. ia that awful distal GOtlSUttPTiOCl! DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the fnsti. lion and Cure of Consumption. This popular work for sale- in Lewistr. bv S. V. Lndal' J. IIluIuou and t this oflice. Price. 75 cents. IN BACH BOTTLE Ox TaUmpomM W Tnaai Iloaa dsr line soul canrairun; C4 aiae Ut, Tarewlv-One Wnja. trim (:.0O ee BoUU, ee Ser BUln M JWjma mrn "1nn7r??rBjf PURIPllXfi EXTRACT hmmptUmpm QI AICT ItOTTKKS, v.! it r - . ante nstdical ttrmqth and etfeury w that ID Zhn tsmatl U tl . Tbe trmit $upfrvrity .f Tmii PrriFirH otrrSuii; and JiUMrr miii-r lustiieriirv. nny m cmhim; ni-tri i.ei -tfuud (turn tisss fijiitrwsn: iir'-. ytk&ri-w. a fj)4if, wm portmjmsjof it. aiescitti'.m, :um Pea Em,. x Sarsapaiilala, Tellow Dock, Cherry nutl Hfrmm Bark, rntnt ttrangly. mora pm9srrf stiff tmmrtxtoitt't, ant! ias-grr ftmrnt, t of ael OIlhejr fir'jirrm :Q atiit tf'ttie uf tt t!:BJ! r.i. he ifl 0iJ l-vetbe BK-itCliM. e'i y.rtwttt nf S.lra.peU : UiL SrcttfiDLV lef-raus- This. Prirtrritxvrt ua BtjiiaCal rir i)y tussi Hcilutg rvdsrs af 9r.u ;hr Kmmf. Bitrkft, um1 tmrtnhim9 mhm PratrTINC prwiptrtim v4 wllJch re yrmrtif MrraTIja fs hmtrsufMtrttla, and when Vsmsr are rmpounura .Vass.,.. rilist. ilmm lock. CeWrtry. BMf S-twmifrm. lie V mull- Una -jeJe- tmMTllM flrf w-aant sMall Ottl PwriUrr f taa lalOSSti H ' myrlst Ha true U llua, ttat tu hv ry tinsi tmsjdseui fjftsJ, tka Doic is Only One Tahmpmmnf9 three tim On. Belt it ia mH m with VLxlrart of iLtrmpsmlla, fur m rsmms. rv,, ml ixa medscatf-n fin bir-jt bultin lLfi mucli wfaltf 4-. ani relaraNl Dvr uf darwpuril!a Ita tu b i ,r,. Tbrre, .1rp ltapottsti Imwe. Fuc-b, m y.,r timts a li , tu (!' 'igi aMiisrvri rrtVcr ; aii-1 a a tnt:,.- , f SarMpariiU wii hoitis wty-ftmw qmmfsi!t tij--r-, m.m9 pusn at a ai:d m many duan a tiy, wul ttaas m IfUtLal Of JiUl Fr, Pivk. or Sis Oft?, vrhirb ftIow that a fc-tfi,- Braat F unflf r, will Ut f--3 TwvIt t ixlrrn Dav tender uviti a teuui f S pw.nl ; aud if ir Ua.ly mvdtca. viticarT (m smaWi Jet,) i f i aivVlNt atl iit.kl.iMft aa the dany ( Itiry L.xsj ( $ ... pan I la, ibiD it Phot as thai Ox ln-ttl r.l Mil Pfitr;-; . wortb Ttjm ytmr, uf mm liMBure tiiac a butlim of -sw panlta. Tba alSow tympariann dn-a not yt bnw th grmnt d rv sseM tn tWttsT tMKwrrTt. mmmdsnti etfiotcy sf UllM l r' "'." aod S,a,rii...- Tuis will vi-rr ly law cvmtc- aunaa ia firvxar Pamptotu, aituwin tbat ONt BOTTLC OF BRANT'S PURirFfl kaa mora efficacy, and carta awa impure Ub4 4usuuet jUat TK litwlllra mf mrmprilht. If, O BoTTLr ff Pcairrr-a twlu l,r Cm- D. Caw httl of 8trrjtriUa aitouni e.l tor Tea ( eataw CANCEROUS SCROFULA Mr J B. HftSKi! f Hsmm,Ort2riX. Co.. N V.. w. w emr afScmfvtla ia lW. - tu tim frU a- rv ate-t let aw. ;n act.oa in tha Si; Fa. me CocaT in iu tty tw k am. Ktk qf Itetytmler. 18-U. usAkx Ukt f llowin- rirru::it'jr-e: . A paraoo m lha Ctynf .Vr. Y hawi i'iM'if4r::if! s taawl a tpur anicitt of nirtlir iur, i km1 ItDUN MrDICIs)E, IC isarirtw ef tW re7N-rlM mrj t . taaa prmmtutd to aMain damacv. ir: the Si ,r-'.f ktsm City uf Now York, ari tu ctrao wj. referred :v to J. S. BoawoTH, Kq., 1 Ltirny .tn-ft. o i eir:.:,-i.. L . ,r mm tUftrmxv ittate m tsTatiiauny. Tue da-f.-n hjif v . ; J atiryrjfMNa oj AiK4iji, that iws rropntftfirwuf iiroiu't ylnt c r,, bad lis MM CMC pUtrilMNMl rsLlK T tlf.ajrMT " f .re-., j hua had cumiaintsri a frhwd l'i p.ib'ic, vt-i. i-w.-j-r. IMt avMllkal lu dam sss-a. Tim? frt" Mr i;-in j m: -f tj aa heuty falm, and Hatakinw wi v-rr n a sr.-fr-SB irt re. 4. : tha Facts aa pUaUttxl. an J hi f j Muac liuw Mr. HAAKM a'i. I asn wall arf-a.: '4 ( Bru: r r u, I le-Bn tr- i-st lean-. t '. ..J t!;r- t vara -.t. w m , , Inwily art", la. bv it , t t'wt,Jd tsj I V- trm ti,v . . :u. : I Csas Itrat Uw--!iiat ft" ara-Jerlr, rurtlai ClfW (nr. I . t " A mmcm ttskirm staii. (Lr urn swattiWM I md -u-. 1 ( ts Bhret una. W 1 . rMnrnn-inrawl miii Uir I'unjttr !.jw nV-. - m bsi a " tsnr ; I ruilld SVH (aal ay hawsal li. mi a- . gaa amt aavWv- :m trw.t frtisai mr fw sr , war no llMt IterxaW eM iftW us e-tt (ff irlaa-aa, A caul, n a ; a : af; a sas wm s-sutm thvamr V nv-tpjar, tL .t :.k : r. rn-nv W4 at titas k -W ; svei wtrtrr ana rsi u . r w . , . tatanw "ass mnsitrt my Mm '-. i .rv, .e m :ui - ; i., . e a.atkat BB wvJt could W lih- -. : . .Ire? , it. -I .- Vora my aluiJe as a ik .i : i e.ii .. u :!. l . r arl btlsf ttlr( a leu. I n-d -.' i -t'r i . r-.s. ,.rr Jpttw rMtsel rsrs) sin ft. mm ma a.-. 1 .n..v i r., . s BalaaiH. SA B V i . lilBl lentils. e, .Zn --.,e-?al -rw., a 1 ' - - ' a-4-af aWd; tkmtemmtmsm t t. k t-.e f .t j lJt . . , i Utjsa.tlsevricd tms nim bexfwe. ta rs. . ;l ,t 1 -.-. na f i a, I m. -m ta tk mt-Vstmf m t.-wrj. .t li ,.- t"- ' ; -1 t mmiAtrst arni. tsxo titt HE VI A i Ml' i : ' e.-'-. . . i pasll mtm alsoajt aja tire mm thw fir.;. : -.rr, I :t. v -t -J - a ensiwmitf aswsf i iasw -ix . .-. t rs. r CUKK, m4 far4 me tm rW ay t'uR t ILL I Jk.itA IselAT, SMS tiUXrS tJMriiLf- n. bUMNl'S eNDIAN PULMONARY Ti:i i:i-rn f M-ti alt t-f - un :A yu-.f ! V:ar- ot the ai- -r-t-aitl i i -li arir: k.xr : v ' ' w xMejfauws 'i ri I'ttsiT ms-iljc par;u. s: " la.vlel W riirt ro!'iiJ- teU t l'SL.V! T:'--. umJi and e i l r in IjW -vi. and e.:erf"-.a iU- ""- 4. m s-iaii.iy wft.l a cUa.y aa lac lartf,ii -t-r.' t,J l i.-ra tsUmtUif. 1 Mt-fiaxir rf mr af the mi ktmeittt CrrarfLt uV.ff !- ua aWiM.at niirariil.-'ja ffr IA . i m'l.VtliiS, TUt OAT. and BKK-4ST. i ivic; HoiAX n.vveo: CONSUMPTION CURED ! We five the rDowin; certiiVare as a fcart of cure. wk:cki -ot tu jrie tbe paver ta .tare tiCs, ea wban the rcrtcm -aacrrw to be in Ike T. ry lat wtmxv of exiisrow-:, whsra kUt Tm ; 'aa.rvTv fit-mmt to ail mm inta:JT-f : W jire the fu!'ow nz octJIc-te u a fa-t orenr?, wh eh vdrft to tn thr uuwer tu tare U, rrnj wneu tiu' iKrc arrma to be ia the Vvry lact at--a of f xirenct. w.vn Brant a Jndtstm rvl0r9 Van tm atlmui!t rf?l : 1. 1 caar duea cut atanJ a! or , cuui l n.rn Mr cr aa marrtlo:iM and eafeant.titjf and huHtimh ot Uptut$ run. am! thomntU ot ra ea l. d CONSUMPTION. Tilia M Ht waa al(rted oo tiie wi - of Mr. .s Dtkk oi .te laafta ot itstiimto. SaraUvf d. X lira. D)k' mwa waa prwiwrced ,yjr. tavd ir. bykcmaa we-nt t tbe ahre of Mr. JuMsa VV ait tu p Hicham- canti 1-jT a aaros.dl ai otaar bariml mmm mL exteMi.t ha wnulti atM-a die. She wea ia lb- iaaf Mtsye ol the ii- -wm muck mpprmmd aod tiBtnwmi nd to rntrr Lrt rrrdl dmrmt. aUid mk a dmsKf ptUow more .r. i'ya rn;in w.ta iveraa- d tn ti- uer M'm- ot -ntn.'.: s NDIAN I'LXMONAKY BALSAM." IK- tl.: boaie with tht abruail, and 5-tT- a portion t bia ail i fr-lioTg-H h r abe eontnucd to tak- il enti) lw i-. or- ni Cuod HcaLTvt, aixl ahe baa coaiHUti nil for ncarif; ffrsm,-r Pumptit I of prtl-u'ara. Mr. I'TKKMJaM wir-1 tne 'Mre r?rfa rx-'ore i nxt Vouno, L'aq uf KUsion ., t)i Apr', l&iS. Tito, (i. ) oi.ve. t-.aq., Jnstic. ct-runr tbt ha h-a .nuwu Mr. Pykt-ntuta mny yeanr- -nl tial he i uoe of trH-trayaC tcert km aud rrrptruthit titizer.; and Mr JfH WaUT, tha na n-mutt tt. n jt b r. also erriii U tte fiHMi rb.-vrariir ot Mr. ifyktmtssm. smd ttt b w j c quatntr. with all tbe ', b. oi uvmni ibrm ultaai tv CB Ol Dy i 'y VaTSarwVt Brant's Pulmonary Balsam rorra COSSfNPTIOX Cofks. ColiU. Spiliitr " Koti. Kucdt.f at A Lt. Pain in tht PrmM an-i Side. .Vi Arsals, .Vsrroa Complaint. Paipivition lac fre-t f Aera infantum. ft-rer. Simmer t ymploints. an.l ALt FKVALU H llAKMKSXES. wuaeat an Jailing cUie DIIITUCS l.XD PHVSICIIXS KE('0HLi). The fl!owtn3-ntnLi loctar Mill Ph ric2a have luk J recommi'n.led HKAN'I'd MKUK I.Ntd: Or. N. ML'UKAKl). tjunbird, I unn. Or. J. S. SMI i ll. Wxcetluwa. N. V. Dr. KU..-i.MAN. 1 a lieurr Brooklvn, X. T. Dr. T. M. IU NT. Aulim, N. V. Ir. (iKU. KKAM IS. Kiddl, luwn. Conn. lir.l.KO. A. KOflEltS. Bath, N. V. Or. S. WHlTL. Ir. d..nia K. V. Hr. (:. K. tlALKNTlNK. Rerun. N. T. Dr. J. O. rMHI'MAN. K.venvillr. It. T. Or. J. SKINNtK. Henry street Brooa-rn, V. T. Dr. U. SUll'MAM. CurtUnd. B. V. For sale b Dr T A II Thornton. L burg ; Edwd Wilson. New Berlin ; S J C ouf. 8 lnwgrove ; IS 4 F C Mover, Freel-urg : H Backhaul. Miildleburg : Will & Ei'ert, Hsiile on ; Aire & Mrnch. Miifliiiburg All leltere and orders must b aJ I-eMeJ Wallace Ax Co 10. Broadway, N ewVork lyaJM f3fln'ves THE subscribers ciAW the public, a: ihr new Brick Foundry, the following nr anJ valuable Stoves : Irn Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stove. e:4 a Brick Oven. Lady Washington Parlor Stove. Cast Iron Air-Tight Parlor Slove, fur Wool-" S size. Coal Burner for Parlors 1 siie, 12 inch inder. Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove--' sixee. Shield Air-Tight Parlor Slove for WoixM sixes. Egg 8tovw the very beet in use for Sw' Offices. Barrooms, snj Shops. The celebrated Genesee Air Tight Cook -J Tha Complete Cook 2 sizes. Also, all kinds of Wood and Coa! Sio'f Ploughs Castings, ckr. &.c. CHRIST & MT ADDIS- Lewiabnrgi Dec. 11, 1649. r