Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, December 11, 1850, Image 3

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i a k vvisb uitci cjuioui5L'ii'''Aov est "bu an cir fa k m k i t
!. 4 J i p t.
. Moatouf iJ.wniy is no- in f'uli Mast fr
' all praciijffl jjurpnscs. Tti.;rr.,iliot;vry,
and the RUterand Recorder o;e:ied llifir
iW-W'a.' Monday. . The band of the
Kiiiiriiits token, recorded and forivnrdeJ
!iIItriial urt'i unJ lis Commission is now
r .xjiecitii cn-ry day. The Commissioners'
Loard hit liccn ornuiiwd for mmc lime
j ist. 'i i.e uew Trejuirer will enter upon
Au:'.i!s of office on the first of next
Jshuarf m lliut the whole machinery ol
the tew Curniy is new in full operation.
The public i-CLf'S are re-fined and ncatl
tnj rotr.furtab'y furnished. -Going. 'up
:niri in lii-! Court House reir.iiwli ( lie o!
t c good o'li lirr.es c 1 "auM lang syne."
(I)unvi'! Dimwrn'.
Cijt. Ivitiiuml Ij. Dmn, of U'ilkes-Oiir-rr
is nnncuiiCKi as a c.-smiiJnte for Cnn
!"r vacancy ia the Luzerne Dis-l.-'C.
J r.iiv Ln 1 i in 'J.iUirn .re.
Currcctc l this Lay.
V!:-:ii 85u9(
( . .-a 40
iil 3"
I . I 100
iirit-J A;.!.Ws lOil
i.-.'.t-r ' 15
l.W 10
'iailn 10
L-rd ?
'; .:: 5
V s pfc i v . l?itne higd'Uve Fluid or Viiylrirjiiire.'
A gi.t DyFpepria cuier, pri-paied from Un.url
t ihe fouriti stomach of ihc Ox, after iirectiins
.f lUr.m Lir-big. the g tai 1'!. ..;. !..U-ul rhenii.t,
1 y i S HouSr,lr. M I), No 11 Nt.rih Eighth t.
This U a Iruly wot.dcrful remedy
I.ir ii.dirUosi, dyi-ppsia. juundiee, ccnrftipaiion,
iitei complaint apd dctiiliiy, curing after Nature's
r.-u mtltioil. by Nature's own agent, the lij.-luc
.T jire. Sl-c AuvcrfiMrm-nt in another coluinu.
11 COKTA'ST to those hiving impu.iii.s
rf li.o lllond. Ii KANT'S I LRIKVINU E.Y-
i RUT, inn moot wonderful I'uiiSer in the
n r!J : Lout put uj ill ti'iiT UurrL. ijVS-'te
i.,!i.:r;t-cr.i:i t.cniicd "64 DUNKS." Ii m so
-I .-rtar an I purifying-, thai or.e liultle lists froci
f i :. iU:'n djs longer thin fatrj; ariXi. Pr
'; 'lit iii. agin', Lpiklu;p. (Sia3S3
'. t '
ii .i
For l!t- Cnrr f
'.TiT'.nz 10 il.r c.ina.uui'y iLis jueily cie
ii Lra'J umrdy for t!irf0'ej of the throat and
iuns, il not nur wih to trifle with llie lire or
h cf the ttHltticil. litil Irankly to lay before
. :.-.-ru the oj i.u.i;t (.' di linuMi J men. am!
H)r.. of tlif eviJencci of its succfsa, from whuU
hcy cm J'l-gc for tht-mse'iTt'B. Vi pledge our
vim n.a'tie no wi!J aacruons or false stale-
n.enu of it cflicery, ni-r will w hold out any
Loyo to tutftriiig tumaii.ty v. hich facts still out
fil&r.r rnoom arc hcrp girfn, and wt? olicii an
ircto.Tt from the public into all we publish, fecl-
i K nuund they will find them perfectly rf liable
at J the medicine worthy their best confidence
and j atr nuge.
Vrrf. Vltaveland, of liuw&tin Culhe. .VjiHf,
i:Vr,"l riare vuncMti i:icuctj fi your-inr.nr.i
I'liOTtrRAL ia iny own f&mMy an-i that f xny fri-ndi,
t-.J if fircs stiLMrt'ion to tat that no tuil:cin 1
taYj eT kbuwn hf r.-rov-4 erain. iiHj- auavtcufut ia
tr.ng Ji-a o: the thror t ana luiig.
Rev. Dr. 0.cvmm
TriVs, "That h consMrra CH KKKY PEOTV-R AL' the
l't mcdictnw f"t Julnn nry Atf-'tiorif owr rien to th
r-ablif," and Btatra tliat his dwuehtrr.aiVr hein(rfl,Ji(fM
v kwp the ro-m fr four months w;ih a srre. aettld
jsouu. arroinpant'-d ty rainins of Mood, ni-rtit .w-ata
and th attendant (ymptomFof (Vnmmptinn. o-mmncfd
the use of the Ciiefry rertnral and had oooiplftely rr-
Ex-Chaneethtr King,
at N?tt Yortt, mv, I he been a fcrat auffi rrr rith
Bi':rn;Ti, and but fr the oaa of the "CIWIRRY PW
T- tKAL," miM have r.-intinucd tr bo n fitrra.-.ny year to
tae, but that ha enrvd uic and 1 am nan 7 to bear tca
Va?aj to i: cfi.varT."
Kro-n ?uch te.umony ne salt the nuMic tojudge
f.r :hf m el vei.
Hear the Pa!tent
Tit. Ayr Dear Pir: For two rrar I waa afBirtrd with
a Trr eVTfr cotton, arconipauied by ai-ittice of blitd
itj profu- iiht tveati. by the advicr of mv at tend inn
a-'s:eian 1 wainJuoed louapTonrCHKKKY i'ECTOKAL
1 mt;'. cued tw do a tilt I noncidtrvd my If cured,
3 &rr;b9 thcCfe to your preparation.
l?.!frftr. an. F7ynmu Nt. 27,
T'V.0 ! ppare0 th alre ntat-d Jthn Ilan"!U, and
3wU3td Urn fcbOTe Ftatvmnt true in eT.-ry r-pect.
The Remedy that Cures.
Pi.KTT.Oip. Me- Jan. 10, 1C4T.
Dr. A yr : 1 hare been lone afBirt-d with Asthma whlrji
(raw yearly worae until lat a'itamn, it broupht on a
aoufth whjeb confined m in my rhamher, and bof;an to
aMtune the alarming RrmpfMni pf consumption. I had
triad the beet adrift an 4 the bent medicine to no purjiose
r.til I triad yourCIIKitRV PEtTOK A I, which hu eur4
as, and you may cll bclieva mo. tratcfn!!y yourn.
el. J. nit.M'K.
If thera ii any Tain !n th jndfrment of the wise, who
;-eak from experiecoe, here Is a medicine vortliy of the
f i 'Aic coufidenoe.
Prepared by J.C.Aycr Chemist. Lmct!lNs.
ForaaiebyC V 8CHAFaTLC, Leaviaburc :
J H CaIow, Miltou; Inaac ficihart, Selinegrove,
ard by Dru;gtta geneially.
Ou the 25ih ult. by Rev. D. Longraore,
nd Mrs. Sarah Marr ofTurbut.
mr.n :
!n Ku'.ly Tp, Gih inst., Catrakixe, wife
it (arcel Uriycr, Bgei 39 ers, 6 months,
sni 2 1 dnys.
in hist BufTdlo, 5:Ii ins?., aod about C
tur-. F-liza Ann. dttu'ihti-r of G. Deck
In M mivsburi;,27:h ult. of consumption,
tUGii .M r.LB.ATH, tn his 53ih year.
In M:lron. 29ih ult., Mts Olwise,
e.jirj about 75 edrs.
In Chillistjuaque, 15.h ult., Rosaka, in
t-r lO'.h year, and lh 2d inst. Agncs, in
her O h tear daughters of Jncoh Kissel.
At the piper-rr.ill near Cacawisao, 4-h
Andkhw Cladk M'Kelvt, son of W.
M Kcivy, LUq., aired about 23 years.
la Iia Tp, Oct. 2U, iti her 74ih yesr,
Mr. Svsas RussnL, relict of Stiml'l Rusel
eni daunhter of the lae Cnl.Tb. Murray.
In Mill Hull, Clinton Co. Pp., 25th ult.,
t; :h residence rf her son, R. O. Ilutchir)
. J Il'-Tcmsfox, naerl nb-itii
lr.tl ' v : -.
-3 Just lletclvcd, .
BY Adirns Express another lot of euj frior
LUNU SHAWLS, of the Cuest qialily
uiid lateel atylfi, for sale ly ' !!'.
Just Published bj R. SEAHS,
Ao. 128 Jfaxau Stnct, Xlw'-Vork.
American Gift Books for 1851.
Af-i-tit an wantrd to eircuJfi th follow inn nw nl o
liil Ho: k (ROtOl pno , per vul.)A i.W A.xn
twi run k
Piciorial History of China and India:
With a i H-rifT account of thvi tountrir! and thlr
itiliali.u.iiits lr:n the -ar:ii-Mt -rii-t of atUUjn'Jr history
t ihtr pTweiii luue. lu wbi. il the Ivlitur ha tnb-U ml
of Ui Historical l-vfiit. but 1m ot tlw MuurhTH,
C'u.-tomfs Iiiiiotit Litcrniuiv. nnd IhHueatic limbic of Uic
I-ple of Ummw iinmtiiKC Xintp'.r-
Tite KmbclJihhinruta art aUnil two hundml, and of ihc
ftrrt onJr- illuMtraUn .;at vi r pi-culiur to th- iiiliabi
tanUi, rf(artliug their Drw, Oi a:t-ur vVrtipriiionA. thrir
mudo ol Ariculturn, CnajmrrriuJ luruiu, Art., ir.
TH'- iw-rurtUej atul aoh out has tw a made rxpmvl
f r the Wirk.
Tbf Tolumf forra a !are ortavo, enntaiujar l-'lin-u
tivr- and aix huiulml pjirra. prints in th Ic5t ftyW and
on tl tub tsniial n luu aj r. It is luniiUcd u ap-ula,
huMlM'ai.-lj uud in uiurlin gilt or l-alhT. a ttit pur-ihu-r
uiay prr&r. at a very IjUtmI tijmuiit, wh u qiuin
titKBuf nit It tiuui tw ni tii'ii arc utiitTitl at one
CoiMPripiii-r "M Dit r4rikim? anl prtnarkat'Wi ewnti of
thi iurfuuik n, the Kru.ii Har, tin Trijoliian War. thr
!n.ian Vjir. ih Sttwl Wjr of (in-nt HnT:un. hii I Ihc
Vli'iGS! tonipji. thi.itit; li'Anil jrin $UjKr c itmnc
Carts' VjirioritU familn 'Publications
apt- .lfcsd!ly the U- Jt l-H,t that a,-'iitain i-wsptlv tui
p.oy tiit-?r t:aic ::i eupp!u it ihe of the t'niu-d
M:. TUy aro atua.bl- fi.r r-t renoe, awl efmitl l 1-r
prtw!'ti l' 'it-ry laiiii'yiu I hi nut liutlic TiHpn is
iMt 8 etty tr in ia ih. I rit-! ht;4t. vvn t!:w f
ms.ll im'rtjiwcH. ltt xnilr.ins many titizmis to wbtni
iht et- wT.rlkr- an- in-l'-ix a. Thy aro aslnpu-d to Utr
liiTJT wjnul thChrititm. the FntrioUUti'Mtnti-Mnan,
and lit' I'Ui'-.r c.rch up in a ui-rir M3 it rf
sn mm unri.'nitiri'm: una arc ' niyurti ikok. tt will
41), l ut ucli a en avnt of pod principles will feet are
to n-cuunuend. r.nl wiliiiifr 10 v the pun-haT aain, af
t;r ilny ha.e Iki u l-cuvht.
TIe 1 1rtn of the Puhii-ht-r htUt iuiofutIy earriM
nnt frr rrTrnil Tfari. in the nMatahiz nponnhle rrwn
a-ent!. wl an w. U knnwn in their rountior. hwiut,
and vtiup. and haw tiuto ttiid dioitinu to rirculat
vr"0 and iDPixuctivej lonkn nnionv (I ir BtHfrttbuea mud
tn lid. Any -rfn wl.in U einlark in tit.- vuU rpH.-e
mil rdt uitlc !y fH ii.iiii- to i'abJi.her or $ K, ft r
r. hicli l.e will ri eive an a.Hjrtiucut as hf uiav dirurt. nt
the whohnwtr eaidi pritv.
Mv Knu-riri.-iiiir and art ire wien of reftctabiliiv and
jri4-i jadiirvM. wtiuid dt taII lo rntraife in the ta.le ut the
a'rve i.tnji; ai:d ail pofCjaiistcxa, tlerjmoa. inu.k pe.;-l.-js.
id n'Upap.-r a'nt-. are re-icti"uily reqnvt.'d to
aci. an our as- iiL-. A li-iidniv' riuuiirratioii aliuW"d to
all who rna in tf.ei- eah-. for inrtfeulnr-. ad'inva,
I .ti-i-.iid, ROBERT SEARS,
111. NntfKiu Mn-t t, N. Y.
7' PuUUthrrx Xn-fpajrt thm whnut the VniUH SlaUf
.:v m i-oi-juf thi- advert iicinent eatfire, wi ll
fi;-Tii,,s-d. u.- abo . witttnut any aiunitiiu or ;ibriirmuu
(iU4iiiiiU)i tin iMvUev.tait.1 giving it mtyrmiin$rrti'-mtf
ph-i'l rci . ive a enpy any one of ourri..iO or f '-l wf.rhfi,
t-ubyr. t their t -!er.; hy Mn-Hr din-1 to the PuM.tdn-r.
m 2 UlU t Kill be t&Uaft from Ui-.- othoe uniM pot-
HCAVY com)laints having been made
to the 15 roiia authorities of disor
derly conduct by luif-grnwn boys prowling
about the streets at late hours of the iight, NO
TICE is hereby given that the TownCouncil has
made arrangements to have all surh offenders
promptly arrested and punished to the full eitenl
of the law. All Parents and (iuaidians are advi
ed to look well to those under their charge.
Uy order of the Town Cnunci! :
Lewisbnrg, Dec. 3, 1850
NjVxM.' ' M. BAKNES informs
-vly those who wish to have
a Picture' of departed
friend COPIED, that his
llaguerrean room, opposite
Gen Green', will be open
ibis week until the Ist of March.
His price are moderate, and material good
all be ask therefore is a fair trial, after which if
a picture doc not pleafe. nJ charge is made.
Lewi.lrurg, Dee. S, 1850
LOT of new M ACKEREL Nus. 1 and 3,
just rccd and fur sale by
AKE and Giound Alum SALT just reed by
Nov 35
rf 1HE subscriber having commenced the baking
J business in Lewisburg, nearly opposite H.
P. Sheller'a store, intend keeping constantly on
hand the best of
together with a good supply of Common Cakes,
and IIIIEID which for whiteness and quality
will be surpassed by no baker in the country, a
we have the service of a practical workman. '
In connection with our Bakery, we have an
where he will serve up at short notice OYSTERS
in any style that may be dcsiied. QrJ-Oyater
received fresn every morning.
and perrons from the country will find the Bakery
convenient and pleasant resort for the purpose
of ob'ainiDg refreshments, soch as Bread, Cakes,
Pies. Oyatera. Hot Coilee, A.C. &c
Also, FLOUR for .ale.
LewUburg, Dec. 183'.)
Try tbe New General Tailor !
subscriber would inform tbe people of
Lewisburg end vicinity, that be has opened
a .hop in the large Brick corner bouse, opposite
Gen. A. Green', where he is prepared to
Gentlemen' and Boy' Clothing, in tbe beet
style. LATEST FASHIONS constantly on
band. Is suit every lute. By punctuality and
good work, I hops to earn a living patronage.
Country Produce taken in payment.
Lewisborg, Nov. 25, 1850 ;
k for sale, cheap. 2?
rpHAT full half Lot, in Ihe flouri.hing Boro"
1 of Lewisburg, north side of Market Street,
between Fourth and Race streets, now occupied
!y J. N. Menscb, is for sale, cheap. There are
s Frame House, Sialile, and other outbuildings,
and a (ex Fruit T ees thereon.
If not sold by the 1st of January, the above
p:operty will be TOR RENT.
Lewisburg, Nov. 28, 1850
Stone Coal' for sale.
To niackamltlaa.
BITUMlNOrS COAL, from the West
Branch and from Hollidaysburg, for
sale at the Shop of (he subscriber, near ihe
I Lj) scales on Third St. ...... , , .
U-iabug,.My 7, 1850 . :
$9,000 Morlli Cabinet Furniture
Fur Sale at Donarlg't Wareroom,
ITOUKTH Street, south Vide of Msikrt.at the
. sign of S W. Wykvff srsre-room up stairs,
mhrre in oQerrd splendid assortment of FUR
NITURE, cheap ssran be purchasd thiaside
of Philadelphia such as
Plain. Fancy, and Dresainc T)tireau ; 8ofa ;
Ottomans ; Mahogany Chairs ; P.ei. Center.
Card, 8of and Urewinn TaMes, Urrakfasi and
Dinin;Tablea,&e.; Bedsteads (Octican.French
and Common) from $2 to $100; also Stands
of every variety.
All work warranted to be well mn.lc, and on
the mont reasonable terms. Cah, Country Pro
duce, and Lumber taken in payment,
LeuristiurR. No. SI. 1850
T II4TRS & CO. are now receiving a
very large and suitable assortment of
Winter Goods, and as there are many articles of
winter wear not to be had in early purchase. e
would respectfully request all in want of Winter
Goods, to call and examine our stork, as we feel
confident tbey can be suited a to quality, quan
tity and prices. Call and sue at the old rtand of
Nov. 25 J. HAVES & CO.
fL'FFS, MUFFS ! A superior lot of Muffs
iTl jut reed and for ssle hv
ClARPEI ING A good Bsfotiment Csrpel
jut reed aud for sale by
BONNETS. Altine assortment oncut Velvet
anJ Silk Bonnet pattern, of late.l styles.
just reed by
nATS it CAPS A superior Ut Mole-kin
Hats, and Silk Plu.h and Cloth Caps, of
latest style, just reed by J. HAVES ft CO.
"The Old llead quarter.!"
THE subscriber respectfully informs his
friend and the public generally, that be
can ics on the
Tanning and Turning Business
ill full force, as usual, at the old established head
quarters in the Borough of Lewinburg, on St.
George's street, near the Kiver, where be keeps
a constant and lull supply of LEATHER
all kind aad the best quality, which are offered
HIDES and BAliK.
Orl(W) Cord of BARK wanted.
Lewisburg, Nov. 20, 1S50 Cm
Notice Extra. .
VLL persons knowing themselves indebted to
the late Firm of
Dr. Thornton & Baker,
are hereby notified to call on the sub-ciilier and
settle their account on or before FKIDA Y the
20lh day of DECEMBER next.
I may be found at my Drug Store.
Lewisburg, Nov. 30, 1850 Im
.'Small Fronts and quick. Snlea."
WOULD inform his old friends and the
public in general that he has now
on hand his
ol Goods, such as
Ac ice. These Goods we olTer unusually low
I lor Cash Country Produce of ell kind and
to prompt and punctual paymasters as ususL
eall nntj Stt.
Lewisburg, Oct. 30, 1850
New Goods !
fPHE subscribers have received and are
now receiving their new stock of
Fall & Winter Goods,
which they o(Tvr to the public on as accom
modating terms as they can b had else
where. Persons desiring to purchase, will
please call and examine for themselves. All
kinds of
Potatoes, anJ Wood, will be received in
01 per btixhel will be paid for Wheat,
SO els. for Rye and Corn, and correspond
ing prices for all other produce.in exchange
lor Goods.
Lewisburg, Oct. 28, 1850 f
Town Property
For Sale Cheap.
FULL Lot on North Fourth Street
on which is a two storey
l? u.,. i a k.. 'jo i .
a latuv ijuwwi aw u, d iixi, I. , , .
with a good Cellar under if a nil
r - , -
Frame Stable, 18 by 20 nnotit
Kitchen, and other out-buildincs now oc
cupied by David Sua sir. Enquire of
ry . DAVID KEREK, Agent.
Lewisburg, Oct. 30, 150.
mm Q33Bw . 'r
ON Market St., south side, between Third
and Fourth Sts. over Stove Wareroom.
Open until 9 in tbe evening. Charge until
the 1st of April next, $ 1 SO; for one mouth, SO
eta ; one week, 25 els ; single visits (.permitted if
they do not incommode regular patrons.) 6 ct.
Each member entitled to invite in stranger, a
visiters, for a limited lima.
Thi enterprise is undertaken with the belief
that the first town on the West Branch will gen
erously sustain it. ' All are invited to visit, and
(if they approve) patronise, tbe Keading.Rupm.
-' - (. IN. WOKUEA, Proprietor.
Lewisbarg, Nov 1, l50 j: .A. . -
J. & J, ry ALLS,
HAVING replenished the old Mammoth
More, and crammed it from garret to
cellar wiih every variety of Goods required
for ... ...
fall nnD lUintcr
consumption, respectfully request their old
friend, the trajin community , to call and
examine their Ktock.
r7CiilSAI. and Produce ofall kinds
bought as usunl. " .
Lewishur?, O-t. 27, 1850
Brandrcth's Pills
Are mid at 15 ett per Box with full directions)
1Y 1. II AYES & CO.. Lewislmrg . and by
4i Agent oy in avery Town in the
l'nion. Each Agent has a Certificate of Agency.
Examine the bm of pills always and compare it
with the fc-simile labels on the Certificate As
theie is a counterfeit of the new label oat, this is
of much importance, as there is a decided differ
ence between the appearance of the true label
and those of the counterfeits. The counterfeit is
done on atone; the genuine are done on steel :
the appearance of the printiug on the counterfeit
is ragged end blurry ; the genuine label is the
very pink of neatnen, both in priming, paper,
and general execution. .
Ue very rarelul and go to the A gent, when yog
want Uranlrlh's Pills: then you aresnreof the
genuine attic!. When you purchase otherwise,
inquire of the seller whether be knows the pills
he ulliiis yon are the genuine Urandreib's ? Ev
ery man knows whether the article he oaTuns ia
true or t'ulse. Beware of cheat ! - -
WASTED, Immediately.
VBOY of from 16 to 13 years of age, as an
Apprentice to learn the trade of a MIL.
I.KK. One who can apeak both Eugli.h and
(icrman, preferred.
Brown's Mill. i
Lowiaburg, Nov. 30, 1850. J
DR. T. A. II. THORNTON offers hi
professional services to the citizens
of Lewi.sbur and vicinity, in the various
brinnhes of hi profi-nsion.
Residenoe Tcmpprance Hotel.
OflL: Drug Siore, one rlnor above the
Mjinmoth Store of J. r3e J. Walls.
Lewisburg, Oct. I, 1850 '
fox Sale.
fPHAT lirge and desirable property on
1 the corner of Market and Water Sts.
well situated for a residence, for business,
or lor a residence and place of business.
There is a large BRICK House contain,
ing 4 large rooms on the first Door, 6 bed'
rooms on the second floor, and two large
finished rooms on the third. A Kitchen
and Washhoue .adjoins, and it has also a
large cement Cistern, a Pump and Well of
good water, aud all the necessary out
buildings. .
For terms Sic. apply to Gko.F.Miiim,
Esq. . E. DAVIS.
Lewiaburg, Sept. 23, 1853
Latest Arrival !
UTuJetale tj- Retail
IMlT. (ubscriher, thankful for past liberal pat
ronage, would inform his friends and public
generally that he has just ree'd and is constantly
receiving fresh supplies of pure
Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals,
Extracts, Herbs, Roots, Minerals, Tinc
tures, Oils, Essences, Spirits, Gums,
and other good In hi line of busine, which he
offer with the full assurance of their being gen
nine, and cheaper than can be bought elsewhere.
Physician and others in the trade are particularly
luviled to call and eiamine l ir themselves
Oct. 1850. Druggitt and Chemist.
Bread without Yeast !
I J lured by Babbitt & Co, u a most auperior
preparation for making Bread. Tea cakes. Buck
wheat cakes, quichlu arid cheaply, lot sale by
Family Soap Powder.
TY this preporation a single paper costing 12
JJ ct. will make 12 quarts of Ihe beet Family
Soft Soap, roc sale by
j. Flzt'Proof Paint
TS an article worthy the attention of owner of
X buikhngs of every desenptiea. , For sale by
lir I A H I HOKivTON
Dr. John Locke, 1
MAY be found at hi Office and resilience
first door east of Kline's Hotel the two
week following the fiial Monday ol each month,
where be is prepared lo execute all operations in
his line of busiiirsa in a meaner creditable lo
himself and satisfactory to those who may favor
him with their patronage. 5
Dr. L. spends the third week of each month
in Milton. "
Cj-Aromatic Tooth Paste, pot np in beautiful
porcelain boxes, an excellent article for keeping
ihe leeta dean and breath sweet, for sole at 35
ct per box, by .
JUU.I I.UIvlab, U. . o.
Lewisburg, Pa., May, 1850 . , ..
Lewisburg, Union Connty, Penn'a. .
Practices in Union and adjoining counties also
attends tbe eoorle of Ferry county. ;
rvFFICE on Second St., lately occupied
J bv L.' it. Chnat, tan
NEW GOODS ! ! j ;
JUST received hi "Forsler'a ore,' one
door Bast of Kline's Hotel
A full assortment of Fall & Winter.
Good, such as Cloths, CdsimerM.'..
&c. Also a variety oi Ladies' Di'a-s
Goods, such as Merinos, Silks," Cashmeres,
Detains. .
' And also, a well selected assortment ol
fresh - ' '
Levvisburg, Oct. 9,1850.
YOU that keep Clock.
Watches, and Jewelry to
sell, because
Hatfield & Thompson
aell Irom 15 to 60 per cent,
cheaper . than any other in
thi section ot country.
Just received from the
Factory in Connecticut, a large si-ck of fine
lower than usual. Alto, new and fashionable
ssaortment of JEWELItY fioae ISew York, ex
ceedingly low. -
Brass Clocks, 3 hours, . at f 2 SO h $3 25
" " naest Oaiahsd, - 3 to i Sos;
(day, ' & hi o
" " - finest finbhad. 7 " to 8IWJ
" !onrs,wtth aterm, oe s
Ollt TlmPioii forchuirhes and conrtb's t lA to 8 00
Oolil fat. U..rWatrhra.lMSTjaHH-,7j'ls,& 0
- IteUrilKl L.tws,lllli. rasa, roll j d, 38 00 to 60 00
" Lepincs, 1 Sk. cur. full i-w.lled, 30 00
8Ur.r l-ak-nt Lrvers. 7 jrwrls, 1H OS to & 00
U-Urhml Levers, full je weled, 1 1 0 to 1 s 00
Leiiines, " -It 00 (a 13 Mo3
Er Rinm. Jmnj Lind and Dinars, fine gold. 'A'. b 6 Ou
ritiinr Ktlitcs, fine irold, 3to3
DrmiriBi. " 1 OU lu Our-
lmiui4;iiardsnd ftib.warr'd 16k.$t pardwt.
B!t Slhlrs, rnlfl and aitrcr, 75 fo S 25
I'eucU Cases, fin. told. I HO to t 00
" " with pan, I b S
Gold Pns. silver canes, S 00 to 2 50
ilr Table Spoons, . 1 uo to If- JO 3
- Tea - s no to Mi S
Gold Hpsrtarles, 2.S to 10 IXI 1
tlrsr . " 1 W to Oil'
and s variety of articles splendid goods too
numerous to mention, (Jj-lower than elarwheie,
N. B. All warranted to be what sold for.
Lewisburg, Oct. 33, 1850.
0' FAXC1' GOODS, ZIil GS,(r. dc
fpilE subscriber has just received and is
now opening a large assortment of
Fancy Notions, 4c, which -will he sold
below the former prices for the ' ready
John Davis."
Br. T. A.
MaauT St. Ltwnena,
Draga,Medlclnea,C'hemlcal, Dye-
stuffs, Uils, Glass, rerlurwry,
Confectionery & Fancy Articles.
Dr.Tbornton return hi thank for the liberal
patronage which he has received, and be assure
ihe community thai every attention shsll be paid
la Ihe compounding of Me.lkines, and that all
Drags shall be tully tested before they are offered
for sals, end warranted to be pore and genuina.
UT Prescriptions given free of charge at Dr.
Thornton' Drug $ or.
Remember to call at tbe old stand, firt door
above the Mammoth Store of J. A J. Walla.
Fresh and Genuine Medicines.
THE subscriber ' has just received an
additional supply of Medicines, war
ranted of the best quality, also a general
assortment ol all such article as usually
are found in Drug Stores, all of which he
offers at the lowest cash prices.
POD LIVER OIL-a supply "cfthb ve7y
J celebrated article for couglis,colds,&c.
on hand and lor sale by
1)ERF1)MERV. Just received a fr-sh
lot ofall kinds of Perfumery lor the
toilel Sec. andfor sule bv
ARD. Sperm, and Linseed OILS, lor
j sale by Da. THORNTON.
Nearly nppo$ite H. P. Shelter Store.
THR hp-i and most npprnved COOKING.
Ploughs, Caalin-zs at low rotes, hy
LA K l, CH EK8E,!Constantljon Land and
for sale by
Market Street Wharf,
hlMw'fjWltff. I
rain drill.
THE undersigned wish to inform ihe
. farming community, generally, that
they are now manufacturing -
J. P. ROSS" Xrwfy Improved GRAIX
Without stopping tn discuss the .compara
tive merits of numerous Drills now olfered
for sale, they merely wish to invite Farm-
ersjo call and see Ihe above named article
before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi
dent that they can furnish an article that
will give entire satisfaction.
Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, 1850.
FasMonable Tailor,
la Iho Brick building, lower
Market street, on door above
J. Nssbit's new Brick House.
don to ordei.
Lewisburg, May S3, 1950.
B INNS' JCSTICE, new ediuoa, can be bad
al l.yndaH'a Bookstore, ia this plaea.'
Isb I "La i
I s SI 1 Iff - ' I YYaW I
2 . JUL
' wsVttaswaSwBw)
Lswrstnirg, April 10, 1 M0
H . ") i,'! .- V ' J
rpilEu!criber,BVBils hirnst Ifot llip rof-
I umnsof thie Chronicle in publiidn'o;; o
the citizens of Lewisburg and vieinity'ihni
be ha opened a BOARDING HOUSE in that
lame and comfortably arranged house, formerly
kepi ae a Temperance Hotel by Jime Kelly, two
doors east of the Franklin House, Market .urn.
He is prepared to say thai bis Table shsll ha.e
the bt tbe MsrkeU can afford, and Ihe Lodging
of ltaatdn. ahall be as comfortable a can be
.Wred. I. 8. STERNER..
1ST. B. A team and carriage
will he kept la convey peasenser l and from Ihe
Packet Boat. Lewisburg, Mreh 18, Hftl
Jftuit ntitt
The a-ubscriber offt-rs for sale a large
assortment of choice Fruit Trees such as
Apple trees, 7 to 10 fuet hth, 40 varieties,
all warranted genuine I'eavh trees, 20
varieties; Tarta.'ion Cherry, Necturine,
Prune aud Pear tri's, topether with sou.e
a a ' . ' . now Vrinsi nf tl.a Kb.i
native and exotic variti:es. Ornamental
Trees, such as the Paulonia, Lmdcn, &c.
. Person, wishing to . pKr-
quant.ty of the Fro.t Irees.are reqontcd 1 1 ,
make immediate application to ne su,,9r";
ber. m order to procure the varjet.e, and
s.xe wanted. . . IL K. SSu.
Lewisburg, March 4, 1850.
Lit rait llJJll JU.il 1 ,
JAUNDICE, Dyspepsi., Chr,ic or Ner.ou
Debility d.se.,e of the Kidney, and .P di
eases ansing from a disordered Liver or Slon.arb,
such a Cansirnstion. Inwsrd Pile. Fu!n.
or Blood to'lhe Head. Aeiility of ihe
Stomach, Nauea. Heartburn, dis-
gust for Food. Fulnhsa pr Weight in llie
Stomach, Sour Eructation inking or Flat-
tering at tbe pit of tbe Stomach, Bwimmine of the
,i -i i i. u s-i..,
neau, liurrieii anu uniicuii uir.inn,, . iu-
teiing al tbe Heart, choking rr sufPica-
ling Sensations when in a "'"K
poture, dimness of Vision.Dots ot Wet
before the Sight, Fever and dull Pain Ii. the
Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness pf
. the Sain and Eye pain in the Sidr, Bars,
Cheat, Limb, A e.. sudden Flushes of
Hesl. Burning in the Flesh, constant Ima
gining of Evil, and grrat Depression of Spirit
prepared by
lir. C. all. Jackxon,
at Ihe " German Mr-dtcine Store,"
ViO Arch St. Pbllad.
Thrir poorer the above m,t ex,
crura, y ?a., jjau, ...
I L - I '. a J ii Jl.m a,... Ait ...
eatM after kiJut phustaatt had jaitttt.
1 hasasa Hi.lora ar wri.rtl.v lh alitrition nl infi. I
lid. PocwiiiE treat vinuM ia thm rectiHcjitioo
of dieaim of the Livrr nJ lesaer glniitl. rxrrci-
I ing tbr fuost earching"oers io weakness and
j alfeciion of tbe clternn organ, 'hey ate wnbal
safe, certain and plrajnt.
Read asd cc-ticsd. The Hon. (!
D Hineltne, editor ol the Camden Demcratyxhc
bet paper in Went Jersey, any. July 2l,t
Dan 7 flaivprinc atotif of tbta wtMtrine. anil the nqr-
bca thty rtvin lwMlured frn fBaJt. inqutri n apr:t.iir
it rwrit. from in-iuiPF w wrt ptnadnt im bm itard
mt my w fnid it pVin ia itn artton a pen dmriMt of
the liver and digestive nrfraaa. and the ps-wnful infi wn.-
tt eTrrt n:on nvTTOU yiroHtratzpn l rt-alljr torrriiinr. It
raJuut and trn;?tlin tha nerrt, trlfing thrm into a
tate of rrpn. makinft slt'p nrfrvhin.
If this mdiriB wjrv morr DraliT ttvtl. we MT
ifld then wnald be J? avirkiTi, aa frotn thr stuinvh.
liTsr, and nTToas yt-tem tbr fTat niajirity of r-ai acd
imajrinary d-sjraat eiiiaiiatr. Iiae tht-m in a b-aJth.v e rv-
uiimo, a,Qi joa can n:i uvnann to pHiniir Kvnfrall.
Thi rxtrnliTiarr mrdifin mm wnuld adTtpt enr frVn.'la
who are at all ind'ispoftM to pir a trinJ it will tfn rrt
omrai-nd ietvlf. It s-trould, ia fart, fhs in TvrT fan; i It. 0
other m-dicine can produtr jurh ekiroc of mriu
Fiom the Button Die e.iitoiial, Dec 2
IT. IloAltand Clrbratrl Gs-rmaa Bittrra, ftr i1h nn
of LtTpr 0mflamt, Jaiindirt, Inapvpttia. and i'hninic r
NrrTou- IVhilitT. ia ttrrrt4KllT not of the? mnart ttn!lnr
mHii-inw off the day. 1 hem Bittrn ha tis-s-n u J hy
thotiimndr. and a trirnd at oar Ilxw savn he ha niium-lf
trerirrd frum the uaa of this rrnn-dy an erft-ctual. penniv
nent rur of Isirer Complaint. W are eonTinc that,
in tne nac or tiHwe Kitter. the patient conatantly rain
rttirojrth nd ir a fart worthy of crcat ?nnmlrat:ou
They are pleaaant in tate and amell. and rao be oed .j
peraoaa aith tlia uuat iii'rata toiiaraa. with sar-tv
under any etrnimitano. We are spcaiinic from i-inert
enoe, and to the afflicted we adTiae their nac.
Scot? Weekly, one of the best literary padere
published. Ha id Aug 35lh
im. iioopLArcry Okrhav TtiTTiu-. mannnirtared hw Pr
Jarkfton, are now iveouunended by tme of the m pr
nt:nt'ni mrniiK-rs or tns r amity, aa an article of miii a J
, euiracy in cas oi nmaie T.aitnnt. as ucn it the r i, t
' w. va-n'nl.l filrtek all molltn to nTritA.fi tanlflM -t-l (V.,a
(are th.n.fiTt-w ivkn.M. Pfrwiui of drlilit.iid
ciinxtitutiona will tiud Uuav Biitcrt adranta.iu U iLvtr j
health, aa we know frum t-xporkuce the aluar' iLtc
they have upon weak sralcma.
Judge .l..M..os. s fjrntieman ot great srien- fat ..urginganJ clean.ing the Stomach and liow
i.fic and literary atiainmei.ls.said in bi"NewYoik ! el. inJ nurifviue the Ulood anJ fluid of iLc bu
Weekly Mesengcr, Jin 6, 1950
which the l. aalmc piw of the ITnion aprwV.ii.im.
in reroratnendiniz, and the reason ia nhYion. It ia nuitlo ;
after piiWTiptin farofehed by one of the mM ertel-rate,
phyiriana vf inJ-rn tiiiea the late Dr. Chhatophar
WiihelmJioQSmdjl&fmT tothYmTTitvoJ-n,
iTirate i -nyrician t th- Kin- of IIa, and one of the ;
it. rvmmwt ar,ai)in onrr. tlvrv is a nreaamtl"!
wa rniphatirallv the eneniv of AumIu'. and thrfor? a 1
i;i.a .r.ht -h h. u. fl.a W..anA. ..,.1 ...I. 1
a.-u. "a u.vaa aai aaa aaav. KUU rilUUrM T QUJ I
be nmli'lentJy re!irii on. lie txzl.j rtvommendt-.l it iu
Lirer Comj.Uiut. lpop5ia. ikliiity, Vrrtiiro, Atiaitv t
iJfT' V?f H m?1iotf . n !
from a di-nlcnd CviUUitlna f ihc b. the LiTer aivi ,
the Intntinjetf, Nine l'lillad.'!i hLi Lacara th-, ,
rv.nW tH- vf iu extxlliuw, and aeveral of their Editors
apeak of it a-cta from thetrown individual exprkiie'. ;
in cUiiiA, the attention f our readeri to the Dreaent '
proprietor i Dr. C. M. Jaekaoii'a'i pn'paraiiion. but iu rao '
ouiia?ndin( the article to ail afflkU-d. j
Moaa Ev laeica. Tiie Phitadelpfaia 9itan.aT
Gazette, the best fitinily nuvrriflptr puhluhed in
the United la'e. the cilitor aai a of Dr iiouflarid
German Bittere
It ss'ldnm that we reoirmrnI what are termed I'i-
fnt 11tiriuvii to our n-ad-n' patr..nr- aitd otiitivlriire; ;
ani. th'-ivi'Tc, wni-n w ieernininr ur. Uo.'narula
man ltirtiTS. vp wi.h it to be diattnrtlr unilt-roi.1 that ,
we an- not r-?.!c!Dtr of ihe nostrums or thr day. that are '
lini.1 ahont fhr a hriiT peri A an-t arv tlirpitt.u'oJUT 11,,., I
bare ilone ihir gmity nur orm:arhi-r. but ra mnliriiii
ii'na eauLiiii.iiiu, uiii, cnoiij uriMru, auii wiiiru ar.a mat 1 - . , n i ii-
the heartj approval ufthe acuity itself. I - n. hain once taken thi m .ill l-e willin-
Evidcnce on evidence has been tereivrd fiite " e any other, becsu-e ihey
the fcresnlrur-. from an sertions of the Tutoq, th !0.t S ! ",-'' do lf ll,eT " UO, 'Mm UO ''l,
years. nsW tlm ttrrmntst rrwKWV l its fmor. is, that ' will. i
111-' re is mor. of it ward in the pnetire of the rcirular '. j ax r '
Pl.yslei.as of Philadelphia, thaj, M vthJnr N- B- Lf Te FT--tor and Mrnfactnrer.
combined .fart that ran eaii' j t"e ctiblialKil, and fullv 1 is a regular Drogsist, Chemist, and Phy.icisn. irif
thU saMieine wilt rare i.iverCoin)ilaint and nyiepsia. no uate of the I niversiiy el trnn lvni ; Mem.
one ran donbt, after n.inv It aad'net.'d. Itirtr .perifte- ' brrof different Meilii-al in!ilntions of Pliiln 'rl
tefnte.. N- Y-k.D.-ton.UalU.no.e, Ac, and
tbey ran he adnunMered to ruuii or LvraNT witt aabtr a-sociate and corresponding nieiuh, r of srvrral
and rtliahle bew, at uy Uass. MeJical lustltution of L imlon and P:U. fte.
- Beware Of Counterfeits! ! Oi-Ta asb Ivr.Mrinx. Urware of alf
This medicine baa attained that character which ' P''' called by name nearly similar, got up in be
it is necessary for all to attain to induce counter- ! ""'d on ihe reputation of Dr. Lri.U'S iraapaiil.
tenets to put forth a spurious article at the risk of
the live of thoae who re innnrenllv deceived.
Look well to the mark of the Genuine.
They have the written signature of CM Jaccso
upon ihe wrapper, and the name blown in th
bottle, without which they are rpurioui.
For sale wholesale and retail, at the GEKM N
MEDICI. E STORE, No. UO arch Hi. on.
door below Siith. (Ut of 178 Race 8t.) Philad
elphia, and by respectable deaiera a-enerallv. ih.
country throughout. - ly330
Altofirtak hy S.F.LYSDA LL,LetcuhvrS.Pa
DR. STEWART Surgeon Dentiaf
has removed his office tn Fourth Sl
near Blair's "Franklin Hotel.' '
Z j
WOOD TwK&rorTx"'
i 'j
The resent the iHios iavra! stason.
j ort!V fir fe.drnfrVrTfrt tbi TTfttirin)'
' aubsCrip'tjond IfirSewTTe-aild fc- a3
who think diC7..,"Cpronitl.edciH-ving of
support, we-TffrTthis ind Jtffiivnt until the
1st of JMUsryi Energ frtftit rtt'jriUr
who will lerure. iiiwth'r, lmllhirj: ihe L'hn
nitlefur himself and t)te fX nuhnxihtr fi-t
Tiro DiA'ars, (SI eath) f-r vntjfvr :
ihe Vtuh b be pa'ul inA'Uuure. Kjfiy V-
premium for obtaining a nw sulwwi-iLur, ii
worthy of the vjffort. . . .. '
Valuable Real Estate
WILL be rented at 1TCLIC OUTCRY
on tlie premisei, on Wijm;.iv,
the 25th day of Di.Ur.MuKR nex', t 1
o'clock, A. M., the following valuaMe r-Hl
es'n-.e, late the estate of Samcei. WnLrr..
di-c'J, si-uae in the Borough of Lew tbuiL',
' c""n ' '' U"n; '""i v ..Mfrair
! , - -
coimii0lllous 4m
j. ,Br,, Br.ck bV LL1NG-Houm
, oa be f o, Markf.f n(J, Wa
,jer streets, well ra'cuUted for the .Mr-rcan-
"Ie botinc, ""I has t.eeo used lor that
purpose iiu a number of years.
3 A ar(Te Kfc- iOTJiE on
bank of R wh .erv
i ... . . , ., , cT( , v , .
I nnd convenient W HARb also a STUM,
I WAKE-HOLSL. al the lower end of said
j U'bnrf. Saiil, Wharf is the only cue in
i I,fwil)iirg that can lie used in low wter.
Tne T,.rmJ in j e madc known en d;i
) , , s- , .
.or retmnj.
A. SI. l.AWSHE. .
Guardians of the Children of Siml cUc.d c'J
Lewisburg, Nov. 5, 1350.
Administrators' Notice. ,
i 1 1 1 llt,.i-'.AJ, uettcrs ol Aaunuistr iiin
! onilieteof SAMUKL WiH.FK.
!a:e of the l.ro' of Lewisburg, Union Co ,
! doceased.have been pranted to the sufcri
' bers resident in said Borough, bv the K-
giler of said county, theieii iu all pcrsoce
inj btoj to fniJ estate arc rrquc.icd !
muke immed a'e pn men', and th?c hnv
inz claims against tiie same, are rrquinrt
f ri nrpotntl ihprti rlniv n ill it'-n! -r:i Iff It i r
j gettpmenf- wltho,jt d,.Inr "
, j()V.TlV WDI.KK i
aVi." SS.S.w VUI - W .
N. 7. Fall and Winter Fashions for
185(0, 'SI.
O j JUST received by the suhscri!:rr,
1 not only PIntp.,hut wnrranted lo mnRe
exactly like them. No 6r no pny.
Country IV'duee taken in pnymert.
Shop in my new Brick House, oppot.re
James P. llo hot-.. ..
JOHN n. M!L!.E!a.
I.ewisUir, Oct. 7. 1R50. -
The Envy of all Pill Manufacturrrs,
ECtl'SR they are safer, Itller, and more
etfirsciuu than any oihers.
ftCO.OOO Boxes
have been sold annually for the lasl five jeai.
Yams in Ol,, Milk awi, Ftlats. -
can altai take them with equal suffty, without
If VUU be ntu&ery .
lly, take nn others fo DO older ( ills prod urn
-L - . t - i .r . .
iaQs ui:;eu ruev.a, w i;iiUaiU vra.aapaium tn
thr in.
, p f v ; j; 4 ..,..
ur lh iUK U'lil J'n f i,$
and puraue Tour uual orctipalion whiMfakine;
them, without (cut gf taking coM during ail
ol weather.
One Thousand Dollars'
are wagered ihal mure genuine certificaiea (if-iri
physician, cUrgTmen, Memberaol Congrraa. .mI
1 3 i i .
reapecUblo fiiizen) can I produced Wl Wrif
eitjcacv tnan of any other, arid
" TE 1)01 LVRS
ill be forfeited in everv iustanee where Of
Uox will not do more good than Two Uoxrs of
sny other..
Fortv Pi'ls in a Box .'
and sold at Twenty-Fire Centt a But. ":lh
directions and much nholeome advice accompa
nying each box.
Tttry hart wo ttiate nr nvJenxt rmrtl.
Free from durt or p..tciUr ii'cuy LmiJ.
fir met jript thr Htmim A or fanrrfa,
Pr-liwt mo ficAwA. raiVrin-. nr "it A'av.
And mliArteil to mcft diserltei cvmm.n to m-mS.,it.
Blood I'iIU; the first !?.ir.-s;ni:!s ;nIN ri ir-
trodticed and the only pill, containing faraaparif-
ia. I ake no other ami you will not ! um-itnl.
Others Iijaiuiilar na:nes. or nearly similar, si a
gross fiand. Beware, then, of Imposition ! ! '
r9rYiiirTpaI DcKit. Dr. I.f iJlv's diprnsarv.
No. 114 orlh r'OUlTH T, Ph.ladslphis
and sold wholesale and retail ba .- -
0. W STIIAtTI K.Uwiflninr J. ti Ca.Vw. Milmn
51 Itenler,.; W.Kawler.S llerlin W.P.L Isinarr. J ur
T..v'ir'a.andS.ilBerft.etirainburB;.lly fnk.lb, Ad.n-.ri rs
Vnunionan Warb, DrrVnUev ' l. 8. 1-oT.r. KrrelnTC
Spotu A Mvsrs, Keliy X ttesala' M. p-rlrli arrrtw l
liavia A Schnure, SeJtnaaTOT. Keht-ro-Lh. MulJIen'rQ
I,. O. Rohrer.ll'Kera U Fal's "Will Ktlerl.llarllrteak
Tooane Dower. Shamok.n Dsn K. A Kmaeb Oulrr.iUa.
Kr.J. M.Juud,Winiam.rort: and by tirufi;" sjml Musk
keepera Ihrougbout the I'niled Stats. lySiT - .-
QCHOOL - TICKETS rrin'ra il fr
O .ale at this office
r ' i