Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, December 11, 1850, Image 1
UL LEW CiRON 1. Jo & 0. HICKOK, Editor. 0. N. WOHDEN, Printer. LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA., DEC. 11, 1850. Volnme VII, Krmter 87. Whole Number 343. . SBURG THe trwUbtireClironicle i i-ud carry Wcdnc-dj; inoru.ng at Lewisburg, L'uiod ouoty. Peiinnlvimn. Ts. $1 50 per year, for cash actually in ad'sur; $1.75. paid wiihin three months; $2 if paid within the year ; $i.50 if not paid More be jear eipirra ; single numbers, 6 cent. Sub scription far ail months or lea to I paid in advance. Discontinuances optional wiiU the sahliiirr except when the vear it paid up. Advertisements hantlsemeiy inserted al 50 cit far square our week. 51 " month ana 5 for a year; a reiiuml price for longer adverlisement. Two squares, $7 ; Mercantile advertisement rrnt ieelinir one-lourth of a column, quarterly, $ 10. Casual advertisements and Job work to be paid fur when handed in or delivered. All communication by mjil mutt come post piiJ, accompanied by the address of the writer, lo receive attention. Those relating eiclusively to the Editorial Department, to I directed to II. C tlicKoK. Erq , Editor and all ou business to be sJJreesed to the Publisher. UlGce, Market St. be'wecn Second and Third. O. N'. WOKUCN. Publisher. EARTH'S ANGELS. T HUW JCUA WlIAri Hfcy cmc tpirlt fmm the rraira of i;Vry I. unit rirth, a in thr days of ot 1 1 tw timt -f anVnT writ and savr) atory t 1 lir-o a -re JUUuit, or baa earJi grow rV.J? Oft liaw I east-d. when utit trl.-mlf weeding W.e-i .- 'niirin of a hot jrine. by. T' eat-h. the t:iviu7 oi n,- wi.it, piT.iMn jlinj" AiM the, &-nl'uic. of itif tfiowtn;. a ; Anl oft. -ahen roi-tnilit 4tnn in difttant fliillnAM tVer- raltnl luirriiu. listened late and ton, But Nrur' me .t ut on in s.-tnn fltillncaa, liraxuiK no tvbo of Lhc ncra'th' book! To rknlik-bem'M rky ha thir lat aiithero riaen When fUtH-r M:irn U'fofv thf lTir prrw d:m ? Waa tiM-ir I art ftrrawnrv known in l'tar'B prio( Or wbtTi- rKulciiii: martyr raised flirir liwnr An J 3 (- all vithin th valr fif-partM ? TImtv aai no wine mlxiiz tit rnptmi now, Arvl many a tear frum tinman eyes tiirtJ Wiit Dfil tmrh baa tlmni a murtaJ brow. )!' Fartti inip-!, IT'nirh thr ft rmi are ouMsl Bu' ot tUf ti clay km rHthi.m ail bt'!o-. ; Touh )iarpt an aiitinfr an'l lriirbt pinin fnjrlrd, We kiv llrm by tiie lovMiyht on llwir brtw ! I hat sn anirrla y th- W otie pillow, Tliir a tin mi ft lone atti tbr K'un-llfM trrsl; Whre iniitr-n hfarta rrv dnntiny l.k thf wiilow Trie al'--i bHwrfB thf liitig and Ui 4rmd." And if y ffilil by wirthlr ditnn h:nJ"r-( tt hrlii no hoTruif rhrrubim in air. I dnubttl not lar pir t-i kiMw their kindrt-J Tney nnuVd uwo tlie winftli-iw walciirra tlirrc. There hare Keen anpel In the a'lArtiny priann -2n mmiieil hall by the lne vtUow'a hearth; An-i wht-re thy paer.l. the fallen have npne.i The pdJy pauil iht uiuurnerV hfrf ha4 birth. I haee aeen one uliow eloqnetKT eoanmnndins; Riiywot the rirb erhowa nf tiie human bivxrt. The bhindiahni'-nta of walth anti withstanding. Hi at lutpe miht rvarh the unriiic and i4prvai. And by hit tide there moved a form of bemnty, Htrvwint! ewrt flnwera aloncr hta ath of lilV ; atnd lookinic with mk maA !ve-k-ut dut 1 call lr an'!, but he called her wire : 0, many a ajairit walk the wrM anhorslf d That when it Tril of tancm it iaid 4mwb, hall nar Aloft with piuton unitnor-td. Wrannp iu glory like a s tarry crvwnl Edocatioa. The reason of rirh men'j on being no ofirn un-iucceasful io the great business ol li e ia that they are improperly educated in their infancy and childhood. They are not obliged to look out for to-morrow, to help ihemsulvea out of difliruHies. or, generally, lo rely upon their own exertion for the f)ect'sifiea and luiuries of life. They do not a-e. f-ither, that their parent? are com pelled to do any of these thing ; and, great pain are taken to keep them frum associ ation with the only person who could benefit them by example, at thnt ape, as thing now are The children ol the striving poor. Rich parents, instead of surround ing their children by circumtiince ciilcu lalied to irritate it to active manifestation, the Perceptive, Exerutivp, and Restraining power of the minds of their children, take great pains to place them in positions in which there is no occasion to u-e these Faculties. They pay other Io Percpiye. Eecu:e, and Restrain for their children literati vt to r ramp their minds, and thu make thrmlhe servants of the next genera-! Hon. i hese Physical Faculties thus dulled and sometimes entirely killed by neglect, the young man when forced into conflict with the world in after lite, find himself entirely unable to cope wiih those who have been necessitated in infancy and childhood b) use the Physical Faculties of the Mind. To be a leader among men, lo command and manage them successfully and easily, tu be a good diplomatist, a good statesman, to negotiate well, lo be successful in a lare buxinest, and to get rich in it, lo be able praetica'ly to understand, and lo make practically understood by others, ideas, to carry out which, men and things have to be used ; in short, lo go ahead, not by fits and atarts, but steadily and surely, io any pursuit, the Lower or Physical Faculties of the Mind should be well developed ; and this can only be done in infancy and child hood. We must not be understood to say thai the children of 'he poor are scientifically developed, but that cirrumslnnces comoel them to exercise, somehow, and to some extent, Faculties that the children of the rich are allowed and often obliged io neg lecu Hence, let the poor man's son be deprived, at twenty-one years of age, ol wealth, friends, and the influence of paren tage and connections, let him be thrown entirely on hia own resources, and he will find himse f, no matter bow hi Higher In tellectual Faculties may have been devel. oped, quite unab'e to cope with those who Q their infancy were obliged lo depend upon the exercise of their Lower Mental faculties lor a living, in conformity to ihe design of the Creator. Tht Umit. When a man is unfortunate, people are ready to find him faulty, kal ibey should be forced to pity him. Passing Away. I a-krj the rtir Id the pomp of night, GTldiniz it? blai'km,sfi with crown of licht, ftripht with beauty anil girt with power, Whether eternity were not thr dowerf And direMik mu.ic stulc from their fphcrea, Hearing iw message to mortal i We hare no light that hath not been iriTMi, tV.- have no alivtiirUi but Poon ifaul be riven, We have mo power wberein man may truet. Like him. we are thine oT time and dust ; and the legend we blaxon with hpam and ray. And the song of our alienor, is passing away. "We hall Cide In our beauty, thr fair and the bright, Like Inmps that have served for s festal night; And rhaJl fiill from our .phrrrs, the old snd the strong, Like rose litem swept by the breeze along : Though wora!iipd as gods in the olden day. We shall bs like a vain dream, passing away." From the roars of heaven to Uie flowers of earth, Prom the pageant of power and the Voice of mirth, Fnsn the mists of morn on the mountain's brow, 'p.m childhood', song and affection's vow. Prom all nve that o'er winch fiii bears away, HrwnUwi but one record "Pscsuig away.' Ffl.sin sway sing the breete snd the rill they row on their course hy vale and by hilt: Tiirmiiii the varing scenes of each earthly eiime, Tis the le4on of nature, the voice of time, And nun at liut, like his fiitlivrs gray, rVritcs on hu n. u dun fauuso swat. UNCLE BEN'S NEW TEAK'S GIFT. " I think," said old Denjamin (licks, a comfortable farmer, residing some fifty miles from Cincinnati, " that I'll take a litiie trij) over to S., and see how Peter is coming on." " 1 wih you would,'' replied the farmer' wife, a fine, hearty-looking old woman, with a pleasant, intelligent countenance " I wish you would, Ilenjamin. There's not much to do now at home ; and vou can go away for a week, as well as not. It will be a good opportunity lo see the family, and judge of things a little from your own observation. Hannah makes a dreadful mou'h whenever she writes." " 1 know .she docs, and that'a the reason why I thought of going over. There' something wrong, depend oo't something wrong. Than Peter, there isn't a harder working or more industrious man any where, I'll give him credit for that. He ought lo get along comfortably and lay up money. No one in the State has a finer piece of farm land, nor one that, properly treated, ought to turn out more to the acre." " And I can speak for Hannah," said the old lady. "I raised her, and I know that she hasn't a lazy bone in her body." "It isn't want of industry oo either side," remarked Benjamin Hicks. The defect lies somewhere io want of management ; or in the profitable disposition of what they make. Handwork is all very well; but it is ofien like rowing with one oar ; there must be a head-work to make the boat shoot lightly lorward. Yes yes, I must see them." It was towards the latter part of Decem ber, a few days before Christmas, that the brief conversation, here given, look place between Benjamin Hicks and his wife. On Christmas day, the old gentleman, true to his purpose, arrived by stage in S. Soon afterwards he entered i he farm house of Peter Miller, which, neither within nor without, presented an air of thrift or com fort. A hearty welcome did Uncle Ben receive from Peter and Hannah ; and also from their children. Of Ihe latter, there were four living three had died. The oldest of these was Ellen, a girl in her sixteenth ear; Henry, just fourteen, came next. Butween him and Hannah, a bright, rest less, noisy creature, seven yeaisold, there had been a brother and sister ; but, two small hillocks in the grave-yard near by, marked ihe spot where their dust was mingling with its kindred dust. A baby, nearly Iwo years ol 1, completed the house hold treasures of Peter and Hannah Miller. For a few hours alter I he old gentleman's arrival, the pleasure felt at his coming beamed from every countenance. Peter was talkative and cheeiful, and Hannah's face was lit up with a constant succession of smiles. After supper, however, when all the children but Ellen were in bed she sat up lo help her mother with the sewing of the family and the quiet of evening made their thoughts sober ; Peter grew silent, and Hannah, as she sat at her work, now and then sighed involuntarily. ' How are you getting on now, Peter T asked Mr. Hicks, breathing ia upon a silence of several minutes. ' Not so well as 1 could wish, Uncle Ben,' replied Peter. He tried to affect a cheerful air, but the real despondency that was in his heart could not be disguised. I'm sorry lo hear you say that,' re turned the old gentleman. "You were always honest and industrious ; and in the country, honest industry should rise by its own inherent buoyancy.' ' Peter works hardenough.dear knows,'' spoke up Hannah. " We ought to get along. If he goes on as he has been going for ihe last few years, he will break him self down.' " Thai's bad,'' said Uncle Ben, very bad ; work, even hard work, is belter for the health than idleness. Rust destroys more than friction. But over-work is not good."- That I already begin to feel," said Peter. " 1 give out much quicker than I did some years ago. " Bad.barj," retanwd Unci Benhakmg his head. " You're just in the prime of life, Peier. Al your age I could go through more work without fatigue, than at any time before.' "And what is worst of all,' sighed Pe ler, " I don't seem to get in the least before- handed. In fact, for the last three or four years, I have found it impossible to make both ends meet.'' Yes, that is worst of all, Peter. I'm sorry lo hear you say that.' " Last winter,'' resumed Peter, " I loi twenty sheep, and two of the finest cows in the neighborhood." " We've been very unlucky, Uncle Ben,' said Hannah, pausing In her work, and looking with moia'ened eyes in ihe old gen tleman'i face. " Very unlucky, and we're downright discouraged. I don'i know what is going to become of us. Peter had to mortgage the farm this year." "Mortgage! Mortgage!'' The old man shook his head and looked serious. " There was no help for il, Uncle, said Peter. " It was mortgage or be sued." How came you to get in debi?'' " Well, I bought from a neighbor a wagon and a pair of horses for a hundred and sixty dollars. promising to pay forihem after harvest. But crops were short, and my bills at the store a great deal higher than I expected. In fact, there had been no settlement for a year, and it took my five hundred bushels of wheat and three hundred bushels of corn to make all square.' " Bless me!" ejaculated ihe old man. " And so nothing remained to live on until next harvest ?" ' Nothing." Uncle Ben shook his head, compressed his lips, and was silent for some moment. " What did you get for your wheat ?" he at length asked. Fifty-eight cents," replied Peter. " Sixty-eight.'' " No; fifty-eight. " You did'nt sell your crop for that. surely?" " Yes. It wss all Gray & Elder would allow me for it." " Fifty-eight cents! Well, that beats all! And did you sell your whole five hundred bushels at that price!" "Yes." ' While I received sixty eight cents for all of mine!" You did!" ' Certainly I did. So you lost just fifty dollars on your wheat crop by not gelling the market price !' " Fifiy dollars ! How many comforts fifty dollars would buy !' said Hannab, letting her work fall in her lap with a gesture of despondency. " And what price did you get for your corn !" asked Uucle Ben. Twenty-five cen's,' replied Peter. " From lira v & Elder V " Yes." " Mine brought thirty-two. Just seven cents a bushel difference. How many husheis had you ?' ' I sold three hundred bushels." At a loss of twenty-one dollars. Sev enty-one dollars loss on your wheat and corn crops in a single year. I don't much wooder, PeV'r, that you can't get along, if you let other people swindle you in this way. It requires two things lo make a successful farmer. Intelligence in agricul tural matters, sufficient to make the ground produce freely, and that knowledge in regard to the state of the produce market, necessary to ensure sales at the best prices. You are a hard-working man, Peter ; but to ensure success, something beyond hard work is needed. The head must guide the hands. And in order to do this, the head must be properly enlightened." Uncle Ben inquired still further and more minutely into Peter's affairs, and the results confirmed his first impression. There was industry, but it was not enlight ened industry. " Do you take an Agricultural paper !"' he asked, during ihe conversation. N,'' replied Peter, with some empha sis, " I don't believe in book farming I've seen too many men ruin themselves by new experiments. I was brought up by one of the best practical farmers in ihe State, and know my business thoroughly. There's only one right way to till the ground, and I flatter myself that I under stand that way.' Uncle Benjamin Hicks tried to show Peter that he was in error here ; but this was a subject on whieh Peter grew warm at onse. and thus closed the avenues of his mind to aK the appeals of reason. On the next day, Peter M Her was ab sent on business which called him lo a neighboring town, and ihe old gentleman spent most of the lime in the house with his niece, asking questions, giving advice, and minutely observing everything that passed around him. There was hut little real comfort in the dwelling, and little culti vation in the children. Ellen, the oldest, was a coarse, hard working girl, who bad been (o achool long enough tu learn to read, and to fill a few pages of blank paper with pot hooks and hinges. Beyond this, her mind was un educated in all that pertained io book knowledge. Coarse and rough as she was, however, there were about her certain ele.nenls of womanly beauty in the first efforts of development, that Uncle Ben perceived, aud which awoke for'her, in his mind, a feeling of both interest sod concern. ' You're working Elien loo hard," said the old gentleman to his niece, as ihe girl passed through the room where ihey were sitting, carrying a large kettle of boiling water which she had just heated for wash ing. " I know it," replied Mrs. Miller ; " I think of it every day. Ellen ought to be going to school. But I can't spare her. J If we could afford help, it would be differ ent. It makes my heart ache. Uncle Ben, whenever I think of the way our children are growing up." s "All bad very bad,'' said Uncle Ben, shaking hia head, and looking grave. "There's something wrong. Depend upon it, Ellen, there's something wrong. You're all industrious enough ; all, in lact, over worked ; and yet there is no thrift, no order in your family, no cheerfulness, no comfort." Hannah acknowleged, with tears in her eyes, the trutn Ol tne picture. Hut she knew no remedy ; and saw nothing but trouble ahead. If we go on aa we have been going,'' said she, M we'll lose our farm in two or three years ; and then what is to become of us all t I feel utterly discouraged." " I see no books about.'' said Uncle Ben, sometime afterwards. Don't Ellen and Henrv spend some of their time in read ing r " There's the Bible and seme old reli gious books up stairs," replied Hannah. " But the children don't care about them. Henry borrowed the Arabian Nights and Robinson Crusoe from some of our neigh bora' children, and he and Ellen got so interested iu them, that ihey couldn't do any thing else. Henry would leave his work in the field and hideaway among the bushes lo read, and Ellen would neglect every thing for the same purpose. Their father got so angry about it-ahat he positively forbade their bringing any niore books into the house.' " Is it possible J Do you take a newspa per t" " No. We can't afford to spend money in that way. We have nothing to spare for useless things. And. besides, Peter has no lime to read. When night comes, he is so worn down with work that he is glad to get in bed." . " No newspaper! Why, Hannah! You had much belter all go without a meal once a week, than not have a newspaper. I don't wonder Uncle Ben checked himself and became more thoughtful than before. On the net day he asked Peter why he didn't lake a paper " No lime lo read ; and. besides, I can I afford I lie expense." replied Peter. " A couple of dollars a year would meet that." "I must pay my debts. Uncle Ben. before 1 think about indulging in newspa pers,' returned Peier. You'd find a paper a great saving. even f it cost len dollars a year," remarked the old gentleman. Peter did not in the least comprehend ihe meaning of this declaration. But, as he did not ask fur any explanation, none was given. You're a hard working man, Peter,'' said Benjamin Hicks after two or three days had been spent in the family of his nephew and niece" a hard working man. I'il give you credit for thai. But. from all I have seen and heard since I have been here, Peter. I must say that you are not a good farmer!' " You're the first man who ever said that! quickly replied Peter, the blood springing to his face. That may be.r returned Uncle Ben. Still, il does not gainsay my words. You are oot a good farmer. Peter, and your want of,thrift shows it." f wish you would explain yourself. Uncle Ben," said Peter, both hi voice and countenance showing that the remark burl him a good deal. " No man in the neigh borhood would like to say an much." " A good farmer.with one hundred acres of land like yours, must get along. You don't get along, and therefore I say, you are not a good farmer." Now Peier was rather quick tempered, and this assertion of the old man's chafed him in a tender place. He tried to control his feelings, but the effort was not fully successful!. Uncle Ben," said he, in a sharp, angry voice, while his fce grew still redder, I won't let anybody talk to me after thai fashion. I'm -orry you came, if it was only to insult me in my troubles." "O.Peter!" eielMaew Hannah, in tones of rliaire, " dou't speak so lo Uncle Ben ! ' . " Petei Peter.'' said Uncle Benjamin, soothingly, "you don't understand me." " Yes I do understand you !" replied the excited Peter. -'I've got ear and common sense. You say I am no farmer, and that's" Slop, stop, Peter. I didu't say you were no farmer. I only said you were not a good farmer. And if you will hear me patiently, I'll prove to you' " I'll hear nothing more on the subject, Uncle Ben,'' sharply retorted Peter. "Not a word more ! When a man says I am no farmer, 1 feel insulted. He might as well way that I'm not a man !" " Peter, Peter ! don't act so !" said poor H:innah, whose eyes were filled with tears. From the hour of Uucle Ben's arrival, she had suffered ihe hopo which then sprang up in her heart, that he would help them io their troubles, to grow stronger and stronger. The many inquiries he made, and the interest he manifested in every member of the family, satisfied ber of a purpose lo aid them in his mind. Now her husband seemed in a fair way to mar all by his untimely anger. " Come, come, Peter!" spoke up the old gentleman, with some authority in his manner, " this is all nonsense. What I say is for your good. Can't you under stand that, you silly fellow !" - " i don't wish to talk any more on the subject. Uncle lien," replied Peter ; so change it if you please." This was said in a way that Unc'e Ben did not by any means like ; so, tossing his head with affected indifference, he ans wered : Oh, every well ! very well ! Ju-t as you like." Then came a long silence, which wss finally broken by sobs from Hannah, who, after having tried for some lime, but in vain, lo control her feelings, burst into a fit ofcrying. Neither husband nor Uncle Ben said any thing to sooth her distress. lo a little while she arose and led Ihe room ; and, in a few minutes afterwards, the two men separated. On the next morning. Uncle Ben an nounced, while they were at the breakfast table, his purpose to leave for home after dinner. Peter felt sorry for having mani fested sonuch angry impatience, though he pajpniy justified himself on the plea of great provocation. The declaration, that he was not a good farmer, was one that he rould not bear. If there was anything that he did know, it was how to farm. On this knowledge he had prided himself for many years ; and, what was more, particularly prided himsell, on being a thorough practical agriculturist, and no upstart theoretic-book-farmer," who. as he sometimes said, wouldn't know, except f ir books and newspapers, whether pota toes grew above or below ground. Still Peter felt sorry fur having lost his temper, and wished that it hadn't been so. But men of his character are not apt to j Own a fault. It lakes a man of some stain- , , r li 1 I ma, oesicie si goou uirgicc u. ki-hiii-i- I edge and true elevation of 1 haracter, to do this. He felt sorry, but not prepared to say so. I thought you were going to spend a week wiih us T'said Peter, when this an nouncement wss msde. " I did think of doing so, when 1 left home,'' replied the old gentleman, but I've changed my mind. Hannah looked sadly into Uncle Ben's face.and ihen glanced towards her husband. She did not peak her heart was too full. Nothing more wss said during the meal. Af er breakfast, Peter went out to look after the cattle, sheep and horses, and Uncle Ben went into the little spare room where a bright fire had been kindled by EHen. He had been sitting only a few minutes when Hannah came in. and draw, ing a chair close up to the old gentleman, said, in a choking voice, as she took h s hand and looked into his face : " Don't be angry with Peier, Uncle." " God bless you, child !" replied the old man quickly, betraying considerable emotion as he spoke; "I am not angry with Peter." " O yes, you are, and I don't much wonder. He didn't speak right. But you know how he prides himself on being a good farmer.' "I know I know. 1 can excuse him." "But you are going off home sooner than you would have gone, if this hadn't happened. 1 will not forget you." Hannah caught at these words. Ah," said she, " Uncle Ben, if you could help him a little !" Her voice trem bled. "If you could help him a little. He works very hard, and tries to get along. Rut it's so discouraging to be always un der a pressure to see no light ahead." Hannah's feelings overeame her. and she leaned her lace upon Uncle Ben's shoulder, and sobbed violently. " Don't take on ao, child don 1 !' said the old men, in a tender, encouraging voice. "Hope fiir the best. The darke, hour, you know, is just tiefnre d.brai. I wont forget Peter. Perhaps I can hel, him. I'll go home and think about it." Ht's very kind io us alt, Un.rle,' sob bed ll inn ih. And I can't bear to si htm so troubled as hu it sometimes." "If he were not quite so sel in hi ways," replied Uncle Bm, " if he were only a little more ready io learn, it would be a great deal better fur you all.'' ' I know he's stiff about some things, Un;le ; but tl.en he means well." " No doubt of that, Hannah. But no matter how good a man's intentions are, ihey will not help him much unless guided by a well-enlightened judgment. And there lies Peier' defect. But I will ste what can be done.' This was enough to inspire Hannah with hope. Afer the old gentleman had depared, which event took place at the tune fixed upon, she meditated on what he had said, and her heart took courage. Uncle Ben was in good circumstances, and tully able to help them if he would. A ew hundred dollars might be spared by him, easily. And how much good a few hundred dollars woulJ do ihein ! Her hopes were soon whispered in ihe ear of Peter. A' first he said it w.ts all nnnme lo thiiik of anything from Uncle Ren, and in the excitement of the moment, called him an old miser. Still hope did find a lurking place io hi htart, and would not be cast nut. . Before the day closej, Peter several limes caught himself musing on the vague promises of ihe old gentleman, and even making some calculations predicated there on. Since themortagage on his farm was executed, he had experienced a pns-oire on his feelinos thnt rnhher! him of nil true r : i r r i .1 . peace ol nnnd. Before, he seemed at least lobe stand.no ..ill. if not nrorPs-n progressing. Now. the first downward step being taken, final ruin seemed inevitable. A mn who reeis ntmseit sinking, is ready lo catch a. anything ihat promises lo bear him above the surface. The act is instinctive, rather ihan from a determination of the will. Thus it was wiih Peter ; he felt lhal he was in deep water, and caught a? the first ! straw which flouted near him. It was iu ! vain that he reasoned against Wry ... L. . J J L a.. I. . I a I . ll.s mum, ai.u s'lwpni. iu turn iiiiiisrn uuiii I. Its power over nun was not in thei. least atiateo oy tne struggle against it. At length. Peter Miller ceased lo .earch for arguments against the probabilities in- volved in Hannah' uggelinn, and to lei I his mind rest p'aisntiily 011 ihe certainty of receiving substantial aid from Unc'e Ben. Regret for his unhandsome treatment of the old gentlenvin came with thi state, minl d wuh fear least he had, in the un reasonableness i f his anger, done himsell and fjmilv a serious injury. Concluded next week. Love to Nan is Love to Gob. The following eaquisite lines (translated from the Ara Trllitnt but 0.0, novertheiew, to be copied ov.-r and over ajain. The leaut-ful lesson tlu yincuhau ought repeated quarterly in every newspaper in tlw Cuited bian) by Lxlca llo, may be fiuniUar to many of our States. AV lor Jftrror. Abon Ben Adhcm (may bis tribe tnereaset) Aokc one niht from a deep dream of pears, And saw, within the moonlight in his room, Making it ru b and lily-like in bloom. An Aug. I wnliui; in a book of gold ; Kaceclitig peace had made B.-n Ailhem bold. And t-i the presence in the room be sa. J. What wri!st thout" The iimoo raised hia hsaj. And in a voice made all of sweet accord, Anwert-d, Tur nanus i i lboe mho love the Lopf MAnd is mine one V said Ben A.lbem. No, noi so, Replied the Allel. A 1 On t-p 'ke Ulori: ljw. But chcerly still : u 1 pray thee, then, Wr.fc: me a one who love.-, hta frllow men." The Anccl rose snd vamshed. The next night He came again, with a gp-at wakening light. And showed the names whom love of (its! bad blest And lo! Hen Adhem's name led ail the rest! Church Influence Theie is an inhe rent and beautiful tendency in true religion, to diffuse itself. It is the natural instinct ot the joys t awaken', and the hope it au thorises, to reproduce themselves in o;her minds. The same l-.w of diiTusiveness, should characterise the genius and history of a church. Standing s;ill and holding its own, should be as fir from the ideal ol a church's lite, as frrn that of the indivi dual Christian. There is no stationary summil-level for a denomination ; resting is going backward. Numbers may be kept good, and ihe outward machinery of doing good may be preserved, not only without advance, but while the inner lileof a church may be dying out, and its relative power in thu community rapidly waning. Pro gress is the law .f life, tn which iudividunls and communities are alike amenable ; and churches which practically disregard this law, must necessarily occupy a subordinate position in the religious world, and exert but a feeble control over the thought and vital activities of the community. Ceasing to advance, they have really decayed, in respect to life, influence, and all the objects w hich give value or meaning lo a church. As a consequence of this, there are instan ces lo be found where congregations, once strong and influential, have dwindled away, and the ground they occupied, and might always have occupied, pone into ihe keep ing of other denominations, nnd influences. In ihis age of the world, activity, progress, eneruv. and erowlh. with the resultant excitement, enlargement cf views, and e j ' it retch of effort, aie the moral elements with which a church has todeitl. And the hurch and pulpit th.it expect to ke p piioe vith. and retain its hi. Id upon, a busy, (linking, accumulating, and increasing .opufafion, must paitakeof someth'ng tf a Kindred spirit of progress. An -inactive hurch can not long retain ihe respect or onfiilenceof such a community. The vital ties of sympathy will be wanting. And if one denomination will not meet this want, others will ; or if all be too inert, ihe ex citement of error and f-inaiirism will take the place of truth. TS. Y- Evangelist. Other People's Eyes. It is a singular fact in the history of hu man folly, that other people's eyes cost a V'tct deal more tfiiio our own. Indeed, other people's eyes have caused ihe ruiu of many a poor, mistaken mortal. It is fur thi sHke i. f appearing in a style which shall attract and astonish other peo-. pie's eyes, th it fnshionab'e prop'e are ic duced in run into pxtraiagincit-s which loo many of them can not affirJ. and which ultimately crush and destroy them by the expense of cash and time which such courses involve. Could one be possessed wi'h clairvoyant power for a short time, inrl be enabled to travel around into the xecret corners -.ft he thoughts ol the millions who are str'iiing every nerve. to appear what they really are not, and see the pains and heartaches, the troubles, the trials, ths expedients, and the turning and twisting. the privations of the real wants th,it the artificial ones may be gratified the wear and tear of conscience, aWil the compound ing, of villainy with the pomptins of honesty, it would astonish him beyond measure. Even wh-tt we da see on the (outside of the curiam, hch hides the i drama ol life from the outideis, is enough ' """u ' mcan-nuty ,ur- prise. i A year or two ago, the Evening Mirror went into a calculation in regard to the ex- 'nsM inurred in nh,ni,,, evpfV Mr ,ha art;ru,,f riW .i.hiw-t 10 the fliu.tlo., of fashisn. Now what is tashion as it rs grtJs dress 1 Why.it consists principally in the difference of form; sometimes i: con sists in mxtcrtal, but material i iiini'ed in ilw v: f a 1 . a 1 1 1 . t .2 f . . e o - a iipn iTi I iKarii-o ia a U w 'J e,ther of w0(( .j I " 1, of But the forms in which these can be made up are endless ana rc 1 hnppnn lh(l, when ,he fasllion ,.-, 1 dtci(Je cerIajo f (fm ofdresi (nu j d , fc- . . f worshipers must throw away the present dress, however good it may be, aud obtain the lattft cut. The Mirror above referred to estimated that not less lhan Jitthvndrtd tnilliont of dollars were annually spent in 'he United States, for these articles : Six- teen millions rf it for hats. Probably licenty millions f-r caps and bonnets, and the balance fir other articles mitking not fir from a million and a half of dollars spent every day for articles of clothing. Now as Nothing of some sort must be had. we will not charge the whole of il to fasll ion. We w ill only put dow n len per cent. of it to fashion expense, and it will then amount to one hundred andif ty thousand dollars daily, merely to satisfy otUerpeO' pit's eyes- Verily other people s eyes are costly things. Mi ne Farmer. Death of a Son of Alexander Hamilton. Col. W.n. S. Hamilton, the youngest sou of the distinguished Ah xander llm- Iton, died in Si.-ramento City, California, on the 7ih of August, from a disease of the heart. Tne SacraT.ento Transcript, in noiicing his death, says Al the lime of his father's uo'imely dja'h bv ihe fatal weapon of Burr, he was four years of age. Mr. Hanii!on was ed ucated at West Point, where he grad-jntrd si the age of tweniy-one- Immediately alter this he removed lo I Imois, where he acted for some time ns surveyor ff lha public lands. He filled a number of public iiflices in that State, until at length he ie moved to Wisconsin.to engage in mining." The venerable mother of Col. H- i still living at Washington, at the age of nearly five score years. John -'ay Smith, Esq., Librarian of the Philadelphia and Logaoiau L hraries. tn viies copies of all the paper pub ished in he United Stales, with a view to have them exhibited at the greal London Exhi bition next Spring. They must be ad dressed lo him free of postage. It ia pro posed lo arrange them by Slates. Mr S. justly says, " their number and cheapness will form an item for suprse and commen dation abroad, and they are legitimately entitled to the distinction." The Cherokee people have presented n memorial lo ihe Leg.slature of the S.ate of Arkansas.asking lor the enactment of ef ficient laws for ihe suppression of the sale of intoxicating drinks by the citixena of Arkansas, to the citizens of Indian nations on their borders. Il states that no inebri ating liquor is manufactured among the Cherukees. and that ihe quantities used by the Indians cornea from abroad, and chiera ly through the Stata ol Arkansas f r t r r r 4 t 1 i "inr