Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, December 04, 1850, Image 4

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iDit ant. fjnmor.
"Uavcls) Hd,M paraphrased.
- a j k. luxnl htes
of taacawxactrr mbm aaasea,..-
narrated Ba wnM webm "
1 em karw a darkey, end rie -"
That bo hah- on the lop of hia bead,
jb, place warn the wool ought Ui grow.
Caws lay eowa the bowl and the boa,
Hang up tbe riddle and the bow,
For then 'a no more work for poor oil sea,
Bet gone where the good dafkies go.
vfj, laian were ton;, like the cane is the brake,
Aa4be ha no eyea Inr to eee ;
W, had bo teeth fcr to eat de boe-cake,
BhabadtoletdeboeakeU. 41
Lay down, .
Owe eold frosty morning Old Ned died.
Oh, the tears down Moju t hot ran like rain,
fee he knew wbrn Ned waf laid in the ground
e'd aebber eee hie like again,
la down, Ac.
twaae efaanathiainc pool baa labored to "Improve" tbe
alen 07 a paraphrase, which require to be chanted, or
alee sang, to a "particular If long m.-tre- uavtnf eareauy
grren tat original, we now ofiVr the following
futsasilj I waa esrnixeat of an aged colored individaal
whaaa cognomen wae Cade Edward,
bl he departed thia We a cotiealereble time eince, a, eon
aMerable thne star;
And be had no capillary aube use on the runnait of Mi
Ob the place deaigned by nature fcc the Seer curia to
COT in Tin 11 dispone borisontall; of the agricultural
. . implement;
Permit ihe violin and lu rosined friend to be pendant on
eh mil;
or there is no longer physical labor to be required of
tbe indigent. aged Edward,
fjawaaurh aa be baa departed to the abode designated for
all ptoue, ntunaiM and benevolent ooiorea persona.
Ttecle Edward had digits equal In loniritade to the bamboo
sraaation which springs so spontaneously on the banks
at the southern Mississippi, . , . . ,
Bart ha bad no ocular orbs with which to obarrre tbe
beantaea of nature,
aat he had no dental formation with which to msstimre
the Indian meal cake, ,
Oanerqaentl. be was forced to permit the Indian meal
cake to pass by with impunity.
When Cnole Edward relinquished his hold on vitality, hia
maater waa exceedingly grieved,
aa the lachrymal poured over hia countenance aa the
ebovers descend from neaveu, ,
for he realiaed that when the old man was deposited
beneath terra fcrma
Ba would have the pli-anur of beholding the counterpart
ef the aged Edward nevermore !
Anecdotes of O'Connell.
He was despotic and arrogant, co I have
heard persons affirm ; but one thing we
may say, there was nothing sardonic or
inhuman in the public combats ol O Con
Bell. Ewen his abuse had a sort of buoyant
exaggeration in it, that made it kindly.
There was no moment in his most angry
invective in which the saddened look of an
Opponent could not move him ; and no
storm of excitement in which the whiaper
of friend could not soften him. There
was certain tenderness underU ing all that
passed on the surface ol his nature, which
was ever ready to bubble up, and to bring
lha divinest reeling of man sparkling into
light. No opponent was ever more fierce.
If, or more ably, or more successfully, his
antagonist, than Lord Stanley, un one
occasion, when O'Connell had spoken in
h.s usual strain on the wrongs of Ireland
Lord Stanley asserted that he was as
much a Iriend to Ireland as O'Connell.
Then. returned O'Connell, " yon can
be 00 enemy of mine let our hearts shake
hands f In the political combats of O'
Connell, there was an intellectual enjoy
inent, and happy self-satis "action, which
always saved them from rancor or impla
cability. In this very case, for instance,
of Lord Stanley the glow of honor in the
at rife, and the sense of being strong enough
for it, left no room in his mind for malice.
One night Lord Lyndhurst was in the
full career of an eloquent tirade against O'
Connell. O'Connell happened just to en
ter the House of Lords, as the noble orator
was building up a lofly climax, which he
capped by Cicero's apostrophe to CaiaSinc.
Cataline," of course, being translated into
Melesian Irish, signified O'Connell. "Ha!
O'Connell.' said a friend to him. " Lynd
hurst has been giving you a drubbing.''
AH right,'' replied O'Connell, I have
come this moment from the Free Mason's
Tavern, wheie 1 have been abusing Lord
Lyndhurst. Tit for tat is fair play.
That was a coarse retort which he made
to Shaw, the Member at one lime fur the
Dublin University ,yet not more coarse than
the provocation. " The honorable mem
oir," (Mr. O'Connell) said Mr. Shaw,
has charged me with being actuated by
spiritual ferocity ; but my lerocity is not
that which takes lor its symbol, a death's
head and cross bones.'' No," shouted
O'Connell, yours is a calf 4 head and jaie
bonet." But such ummxeJIy fierce ex
pressions, did not often escape him. For,
there was commonly a jocund and sportive
yayety, a quiet banter in the satire of O'
Connell, which generally tended to moder
ate, if it did not multiply its bitterness. His
hit at JJealier, of the London Times,"
ilting on a bench by himself -as his pa
per was about to apostatise, has been often
quoted, and always enjoyed Like the
- at ri. 11 T. 1 1
last rae Ol summer.' w ouucn remarked
be aat blooming alone.'
His hit at the
journal, itself, was still better. " The
TinTe-V he wrore, " lies like a inisplaced
tile sione, which can never, by any possi
btlity, tell the truih." Whatever may be
considered the sins or vice of O'Connell' .
Miotic conduct, he gave utterance to one !
r . . .
nasim, which atrikea me a containing a
principla of truth and power, as grand as
we can conceive of, for the guidance ol
public men. It is this : " 'ttt no political
mdmnlaseis wolh tigl criirie.'
Rev Henry Cirg.
Do you know how to cast iron V said
the proprietor of a stove foundry to a chap
who applied for work. Wal. isn said
he, ecratchinit hie hed, ! waa reeUoned
aond at prtrhin quotes, down to hum "
'SaUaM that dreadful bell !" ezclai tied
a pern a i leas oai-r on the steamboat as tha
reward was riagiog all bands up to 'he
rptaios oflW, to "aeM-l-e."
As a couple of Philadelphia policemen
were carrying a stubborn negro, (who
had violated the laws human.) down Wal
nut street the other day, an African who
followed behind, remarked to hit compan
ion, " Fine times these, Jim. for us, under
the new slave law." M Why, how to,
Eoos f" Ha ! ha ! ha ! don't you see
it takes two white porters to carry one
black trunk V
A Dandy is a chap who would be a
young lady if he could, but as he can't does
all he can to show the world he's not a man.
to ounjATRo:is.
The present is the most favorable season,
not only for reading, but for procuring
subscriptions fcr Newspapers and to all
who thiuk tbe "Chronicle" deserving of
support, we offer this inducement until tbe
1st of January: Every pretent subscriber
irto to ill sent re another, shall have the Chro
nicle for himself and the new subscriber for
Two Dollars, ($1 each,) for one year only;
the Cash to be paid in Advance, Fifty cts
premium for obtaining a nw subscriber, is
worthy of tha effort.
Auminittraton' notice.
WHEREAS, Letters of Administration
on the estate of SAMUEL WOLFE,
laie of the Boro' of Lewiaburg, Uoion Co.,
deceased, have been granted to the subscri
ber. resident in said Borough, by the Re
gister of aaid county, tneiefore all persons
indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and (hose hav
ing claims againat the same, are required
10 present them, duly authenticated, for
settlement, without rlelav.
SUBSCRIBERS to the "University at
Lewisburg" are respectfully requested
to pay their Second Instalment, now due,
to the Treasurer. And those who have not
paid the Is: Instal't are respectfully notified
that all such delinquents will be charged
Interest on their Instalment from tbe time
they become due.
OA M l. I . W AI.MwbK, I BBAB.
Lewisburg, Feb. 25, 1850.
CJtTRGEO' DENTIST, is now located
3 on Fourth atiert, Lewisburf, near tbe
Franklin Hon, where ha attends to operations
on tha teeth at a rejunon of hia former prices.
Teeth and roots of teeth removed with the aid of
improved Instrument, and in an easy manner.
Filline leelh and selling. 00 pivots or plates atten
ded to according to the latest improvement in tbe
profession Ulcerated, apungv. and inflamed gums
cured. I lianaiUI inr past favosa, v wuiw-ne a
continuance of pullic patronage No impure
materials used for fillings in teeth. Iy288
nr. li;m',
The Knvy of all Pill Manufacturers,
EC VUSE they are safer, better, and more
ctficaeioua than any other.
aoo.oow Boxea
have been eold annually for the last five years.
Yovsb asn Oti, Mat. a s Finals,
can always Uke them with equal aafety, without
fear. J j Pill he necessary
for nurcing and cleansing the Stomach and Bow
els, and purifying tbe Dlood and fluids of the bo
dy, take no others fur no other pills produce
those combined ctlects, or contain oarsaparuia in
Eat. Drink and Live at usual.
and pursue your usual occupation whilst taking
them, without feai of taking cold, daring all
kinds of weather.
One Thousand Dollars
are wasrred thai more grnuine certificates (from
physician, clergymen. Member ol Congrea. and
respectable citizens) can ba produced of their
eificacy lnn of ny olhera. end
wilt be forfeited in every instance wbere One
Bos will not do more good than Two Boiea of
any others.
Frtv Pi'ls in a Bob ! !
and eold si Tufnty-Fire Cents a Box. with
! direction and much wholesome advica accompa
nying each bog.
TVy here a tosre ar mjJratamt rued,
t nr from u1 e eWe iy tt,
IM e( print (he . er U-mrlt.
P.imtMrt ttrknttt, ree,fte, r e-tf I'lsaf
And adapted M asssl dueaMS CBSssuas to aeaHnt
No one having once taken tbera will ha wilting
afterward to lake any others, because they al
ways Jo good, and if they do not. then no others
Dr. W. . LeidT. The Proprietce end Muafaetarer,
u . ...l.. limi.t fhrmiet. and Physician, of
" .
fifteen year' eiperience in i-niladelpnii ; urao-
,'uat of the ITnivrreity of Pennsylvania; Mem
I her of different Mediral Inatitanona ol l'nilitei
phi. New York, lloston. Baltimore, ekc4 and
aeoeiate and corresponding member of several
Medical Institutions of London and Pari, etc.
Octbaob b laroatTio". Beware of all
pill called by name neerly similar, got up to ba
Mj on the reputation of Dr. Leidy'e8arsaparilU
Blood Pills; the first Sarsaparilla pill ever in.
Iroduced and the only pills containing 8areporil-
. . n(,0,be mni yoll wi, nol be deceieed.
Others by eiroilar names, or nearly eimilar. era a
grow fiaod. Beware, then, of Imposition ! !
IT Principal Depot. Dr. Leidly's dispensary.
No. 114 North FOURTH 8T-, Philadelphia
and aold bolesale aad retail ba
C. W.ecHAFFI.rLewlabarg IJ. II. Caalow, Mnton
J.M.nVafcr.a W Kessler.N.Berlinlw. P.I. Painter. Money
Taylor's, an. 8 -riser's, Miffllnl-nrg II; Smith. Adamabnrg
Tonnmua S Walter, DrvTalleir D. S. Bayer, rrerbnrg
fro-.u Mrers, Kelly X Saa.la Mo. XperhtlVavertw'c
llavia d Sri nure, Belinseenv RnUSmrtb. MkMleb'rg
L. . Renrer. M'Kae Falla WilU Kllert.llarUetnn
Tooaws """.er. Kbaaeokin bam I K. a Boa,Ojtrevllle
IM-.J. SI. JneX.vl lliamsaort: and by ItrvanriaU and Store.
keepers thn nghoat the United States. ljszr
SCHCOL-TICKETS printed and for
sale at thia office.
AXAetRE lot af Stana IVkGagaasJ Piwaaree
J tVA Just recereed tm4 rsreaiaby
8ept I
THE following ordera show at once demand
far and eiceUeace of this great medicine 1
"Year., July 88, 1847
MJ KkM At Cat Tha Vermifuge leh us on sale
soots lime ago by yosr agent, is sold. It goes
very rapidly, and gitaa great aatiefeclion. A we
era entirely oat of tbe article, and have frequent
calls for it, please eaod os some immediately
8BBartiLB, Tenn. March 18. 1847
Dr M'Lane Dear Bit-: Tbe Vermifuge you
left with me last foil has long since been aoldnd
I could have eold a areat deal mora if I bad bad
it. Sinea at return from tha Esat. I have been
called nnem ncrle- avcrw daw la writs to Von.
rrooaatioe an imanediata bsduIv. I have alreadr
tried your Vermifuge in my own family and find
n to be the beat 1 have ever oWJ
-MraCaixa. Steuben Co. Sent 7. 187
Thia maveMtifv that we have aold DrM'Lane's
American Worm Specific, or Patent Vermifuge,
lha past year, and il ba given unbounded eatie
faction. Il is no imposition on the community,
but i what its authors recommend it to be a
unireisal epecific for thoee afflicted with worm.
ACENT8 C W Scaarrii.LewUburg; J
H Caslow and J H Keetr. Milion ; I Ueibart. Se-
linagrove; J W miing.bunburv ; .Mra Bl tay,;
Aorlhamberland ,Ht Oner. J Moore, Lianvuie
at Lewisbur?.
CIRCULAR for the Academical Year com
y mencing uct. 17, issy.
Primary Department.
Eiercieed in Spelling, Heading, Definition.
English Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography, His
tory U.8.A., Penmanship and Composition.
English Department of the Academy.
The same studies as in lha Primary Drpartm't
continued in the use of larger text books ; and to
iheea are added General History .Algebra, Legcrj.
dre, and Element of Surveying.
Classical Department of th Academy.
Term Junior Academic class.
1. English Grammar, Latin Grammar, Arithmetic (two
divisions, f Geography.
II. The Mac studies as in I. Term, aad Penmanship.
III. Knelirh Grammar. Caw. Arilhaertie completed by
1st division. Greek Grammar, Utatory VJi-JL, Fen-
aianship, liooaeepuig.
Senior Academic clots.
I. Carer, Greek Reader, Algebra (Elements.)
II. Aaeid, do do
Hi. do do do completed, Oc-nr
tal History, Cngliah language and Composition.
Freshman class.
I. English Language and'Compoaitioa, Algebra, Llvy
II. PUno Geometry. Live. Analsais.
III. flan. Solid and spherical Geometry completed, Le
vy, anabasis.
Sophomore class.
I. It erase. Odvssey. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry.
II. do do Menturntion.SarveTini;.Narii:.ition.
III. do completed. Meet Orations or Vcmosuicaes,
Kbetorie. Analytical Geometry.
Junior class.
f. Ikemaetnenea on tbe Crown, Cicero de Oglciis,Me-
ebanles, Hydrostaties. an j llrdranlios.
II. Demosthenes on the Crown. Cicvro de Omciis com-
pleted, Pnenm&tics, Acoustics, Llccwkity, Magne-
tann, and tip ties.
III. Greek Tragedr, laeitus, Anronomy.
Senior ctuss.
1. Logie, ifatnral Theoloev, Int!!ectitit rWlosopby.
II. Greek, Political Lrjtncuiy, Moral I'lulosophy.
III. llutlers Analoirr, t'on9tituti-u of I'. Chemiatry,
Lectures, General Kt-Tk-n s.
No class in tbe Regular Course haa less than
three daily recitations. Every Saturday forenoon is
devoted exclusively to Vocal Music, Declamation,
and reading select and original Composition.
Tbe atuilents are required to attend, regularly.
eome religioua meeting. Minors are expected to
attend such meetings as are recommended to them
by their parent or guardians. There are in the
borough no les than aig place of public woiship.
of a many different Christian denominations.
Text Hook.
Kmfluk lamgaap and ATiecuaon. The Bible, Porter's
Rhetorical Header, Worcester s or Wehster'i Dictionary,
Bullion's English Grammar, Parker's Proeresuve Eierei
ses in English Composition, Parker Aids, Itlair's Lectures
(University Edition.) .
Labn Lanyuagr. nuHion'sOrammKr, Bullion's Reader,
Iverett'a Leiieon, Bullion's Omar, SrhmiU and Zumut'a
Virgil, Lincoln's Livy, Anthon's Horace, 't'hai-hcr'a Cicero
de Oflleiis, Tyler'a Tacitus' Germania et Acricola.
Grftk Langnngt.-Bullion's Grammar, 11 ullion's Reader,
Liddell A Scott's Lesicon, Owen's Xenophon's Anatiasis,
Owen's Homer's Odyssey, Champlin's Demonllicnes, risk's
Classical Manual.
JnilAeetatics-Davtea' Arithmetic for Academies, Elem
entary Algebra, Bourdon, Legendre, Surveying and Navi
ptioa,Analytieal Geometry, Olmsted'aNaturai Pluloaophy
(stereotyped.) Olaastrd's Astronomy.
Kaimbcr of Students.
The number of students during the past year
in the varioua Department, was lVi. The
l.'ollegiate elasae already organised for tbe enau
ing year, are lha rullowicg :
Senior elasa S
Junior elasa - 14
Sophomore elaas . - 10
Breahinan class - - 19.aaa"g
STCPHB1C W. TAYLOR, A. M, Prot of Mathematics
and Natural Philosophy.
GEOKGB R. ULlsS, A.M, Prct or Greek Language
and Literature.
EoKGE W. ANDERSON, A-M , Prot of LaUn Langujs
an 1 Literature.
ISAAC N. LOOMIS, A. M, Principal of the Academe.
ALFRED TAYLOR, A. M, Tutor in tha Engliah Laa-
gnage and aiocuuon.
BetlldsMge,Mbrar7 and Apparatus,
The Academie edifice now occupied by the j
member of the University, has been erected, el
an espenee or $,300, and it ia adapted to accommodate
1J0 student. Another edifice is nearly completed, end is
espeetrd to be ready for oceunaory at tbe eommeneeuent
01 toe next Term 4Jrt-1-, law.
Tbe Library contains a number of select volumes, and
ia constantly increasing.
Chemical Apparatus has been nroenred suSrieut ta
supply the immolate demand. The Apparatus toe tha
ulustrauou or xeenanieai rnuoaopny, is uow complete.
Tstlllam and Board.
Tuition in the Collegiate Department $30,
Academic f JO, t'rtmary $13 per year.
Board, including lodging, washing, fuel, and
light, can be had in the village and iu vicinity at
virion price, from ft, SO lo 2.50 per week.
Arrangementa are ia prnereea to f uruh.li Board, exclu
sive or lodging, wasntng, taet ana light, to auch aa may
aeaire It, as f i aa per wee.
reealssa and Vacations.
Two Sessions in the year tha former com'
menee on the 3rd Thursday in October, and
continue 26 week; the Utter commence on
Thursday. 15th May, and continue 14 week.
Spring Vacation, 4 week ; Autumnal. 8.
By order and in behalf of the Board :
Lewisburg. Union Co. Pa. Sept. 1, 1850
ONE self-evident, and worthy of every
consideration, that no Miller can make
good clean flour without he has good clean
wheat. 1 suppose you wish to know the
remedy. I tell ynu it is to get one of
Bergstresser's Wheal Scourers, or Smut
Machines. He being an old, practical and
eiperienced Millwright has invented, got
up and put in auccessiui operation the best
Wheat Scourer bow in me. Any person
ordering a machine and afterwards finding
that it does not prove to operate as repre
sented, there shall be no sale, as these ma
chines are to be warranted good. Further
recommendations are thought unnecessary.
He is now having a supply made at Lewis
burg. by Messrs. Geddes Si Marsh. Orders
for machines, or letters of inquiry, will ba
promptly attended to. Machines will be
aaat and put to all order. Address
aUwisbarg, TJiion Co. Pa.
Prico Eednced!
Lar( eltlaaj Mly OsM Hollar.
TW Piaprisear ef tna Great Aaaarieaa Basnedv " Tacean'l
Vsarrani-i LrrneaTaimc Mutubs." indaead r tha
anast i.iuinnsaa ef Ma igsaw. lares eaal liss U ailed
atigassl the Mot
sfnia naoabe and watt kaewa ankle! aad fiaaa
hssaaaattn. he will aai ap bat eee ana eeJT.-hsj a salt
Ike eMail pries will ba
I 0aT B011AS.
I Tha pablia ar rest sesaeal inal tb sbsraatw ef tha Msdi.
'; CMM" 7" l'.V,'i"
! As this madwaa. aadar aa tadaead prise, will be partial
' those who have aat kithane wada
with its virti
article is net to ba iliiiilvrabwaivastaaiaaataf
of the day ;" ttdaiass rr raatf e geaatsr asahag aewsr. ra
tS dutf. tm any eOsr avaaaralssa nss tcse (at
wtrli : aad baa saelainsd hsetf fce aient vaars bv hs sapenss
medical mass. and. aatil Un ssdactiaa. issiasnitsil daabla
the price af aar otaar aitida ia Una kaa
Koticc PaBTtcruaLT. das aruele eats vhlk
lag power aad esttaiatr, apaa lha
Blood, Liver, Eaaay, Ixags,
ud oef (sas. apimUMimversar waishlila aad
aealth depend.
Tha edieja has a jnstlr high repata a airaaaar aar
Brepry aad firaval,
end all danaaaaef that aataie. It anr ba rebad apaa when
the iateUigeat phrsioaa haa abaadaaad his patJeet, aad fee
these distuning danasas. wara sepeeisllj Daorsr. tha propri
etor weald aaraastlr aad bonastlr minaisssnil k. At Ms
ptiseat mica it b easily obtained by all. and lha trial will ntov
the article M be Um
Cheapaat Ksdidn ia tha World!
gaW Ptaass ask far pamphlets the areata sire them away
they eeataia ever utsea paras of receipts, (ia addiuoa to fat
medical manar) vale able lor hoaashvld parpases. aad which
will save aiaay dollara par year t practical faoaseaeepara.
Theea raeeipts are iatrodaead to make lha book of rraa
value, aside Unas us charactsr aa aa advertising aaadiom fa
tha aaidicins. the tssonway ia favar of which, in the formal
letters tram all parts af the country, amy ba relied epon.
ta"'Vaafbas Vegetable Litbontriptte Miitsie"-th
Great Amaricaa Ramsdy, now for sap ia qaart bettlss at
saah. email battles at H cts each. Ma ssaall batllaa will be
imaed after the prsasnt stack is dispsasd of.
Principal OSaa. B affile. M. V.. 807 Mala Street
Sold WlMleealeaad Betail by OLCOTT McKESSON fc
CO.. 137 Maiden Lane. Mew York City.
M. B. AU Istlars (aaoaptiag free, areata aad dealers with
arheea he transacts aa lis in) meat be jest paid, er aa ausauaa
will ba liven ta thaaa.
(KtDb. THORNTON, Lewisburg. is
General Agent for 1,'nion county J.H.C'astow,
Agent, Milion ; I. GtaaaaT, Seltnsgrove
or THE
WILL commence on MONDAY tha S8th of
Octobeb. In thia Institution, all the
Branches of a thorough Academic course will be
The communication of knowledge simply, is
nol the sole design of Education and should not
be made so ; it highest aim u to strengthen and
bring out into action, ibe intellectual and moral
power of the student Throw around him all
the facilities necessary to bia progress, and st
ford him all proper aid, but do not flatter him
with the thought that he must rely upon another
and not upon hi own effort for uicceas. Inde
pendent self-reliance is one of tha first lesson
that should be learned in a school room. This
kind of early mental training prepare one for
vigorous and manly exeition in after bfe, and
thus gives bim s marked advantage over the ig
norant and uneducated. The main effort of a
Teacher should, therefore, be directed to the for
mation of sound habile of atudy, for when thia
end ia reached, the progress of tha pupil becomes
st once certain and rapid.
Composition and Declamation, aa formerly,
will receive due attention particularly the for
mer, and tbe Primary Department shall have our
special care. Tbe subeenber feel flattered with
the growing prosperity of the Institution, and
hall labor to merit it continuance, by increased
Tcitioh Per Session of 20 weeks, for the
Common English $6 ; Higher English, $8 ;
and for tbe Language, $10.
Oct- 9, 1830. Principal.
FOR past favors, the subscriber returns
his grateful thanks, and hereby makes
known that he carries on the business of
Tanning; a Bad Curry
at the Old Stand. Determined uot to be
outdone io the manufacture or finish of his
work, ha is bound to have the best work
men and materials, and to treat those who
hnve so liberally patronized (as well as
those also who shall be pleased to patronize
him) with that attention which he hopes to
I insure him a full share of public patronage.
All kinds of Produce taken in exchange,
i Elides and Bark not refused, for which the
highest market price will be paid in cash
or in exchange for leather.
March 25. A.D. 1850
Ths Greatest Discovery of the Age!
IS eonalantly eflecting cures of ibe utmost
importance. The most eredulou are cos
vixcta ; the most fartbleaa, compelled to believe
in the power and virtue of thi great remedy.
It ia universally admitted to be tha most mmdrrful
combination known to th woe Id foe the immtdiate relief
of disease and pain- It never fails while there remains
suSicient life to restore a natural and healthy action to
the capillary vessel, of th body, aad tqttahtt rAe cu-cnid-rion
of us alsnsL By thi aseaae, a controlling power ia
gained over tna most malignant forms of disease, which
can not be obtained from any other remedy. Such is tha
power of th com bins Lion, that it penetrates to every
portion of th human frame ; every bone and muscle,
vein, nerve and ligament is searched out and made sen
sible of purirleatina aad healing influence. Hence it copes
aa readily with internal aa external disease.
Sumerous instances are on record, where thia remedy
has restored health to patients so Bear tbe grave that th
most powerful internal remedies railed to produce any
effect. Euch has frequently been the ease in
Inflammation of the Bow!.
Ko valient need die with this d leasee where th Magnetic
Ointment ean be obtained. That daaceroas epidemie.
known as the PL'TRID MT8IPELA8, can always be
eured by this remedy. Foe
this Ointment Is the most complete reeaedy ever prepared.
in vv ease out or tun, n will airora enrrrs tuwj io tne
worst eases of Verves) Headache la as mfnutes. For
Nervous fciseaee. thia reeaedy Is of immenee value.
Affection ef the Satae. Bheamsilem. tamsBre. Clce-
rated Bora Thfwat, fcwaealtta. Ptenriey, Croon, Chllla,
Cholera Morbu. Asraa ha tbe Face or wssasL sraraa.
BeaM Head. Serofala. Bait Unease, Erysiselae, Inflamed
Bye, rever eweat, a,wtu Be awjaeniassiy rsitevaa By
the was nftbis ssajady.
Sold by nwiiDv. Bairn, trtabarg.
'Hi F swritw, Travw A ft
JUICE a peat Dyspepsia Carer !
Prepared from Rennet, or the fourth stomach of
the Ox, after direction by Baron Lisaia, lha
great physiological chemist, by J S.HocoaTea,
M.D., Ko. 11 N. 8th St. Philadelphia. Pa.
A TRULY wonderful remedy for Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint,
Constipation and Debility, curing after Neture'e
own process, by Nature' own agent, th Gastric
Juice. fXj-Half a leaspoonful of iht fluid jnfud
in water, can digest or dissolve Five Pounds of
roast beef in about two hour, out of tbe stomach.
Digeatloa i chiefly performed in ibe slom
h ih. ai.1 nf a fill id which freely exude from
the inner coat of tht organ, when in s late of
hrahb, called the gastric juice- i ni nu.u
great solvent of the food ibe purifying, preser
ving and stimulij..g agent of the stomach and
intestine. Without it ihere can be no digestion,
no converaion of food into blood, no nuiriiion
but rather a foul, torpid, painful and destruciive
condition of the whole digestive apparatus.
l'epain is tbe thief element or great digest
ing principle of the gastric juice. It i found in
great abundance in the solid parts ol the human
stomach after death, and sometimes causes the
stomach to digest or eat itself up. It U also found
io the stomach of animal, a the ox, calf, Ac. It
is the material used by farmers in making cheese
styltd Kenuet. the effect of which bas long
been ibe special wonder of the dairy- Curdling
of milk is the first process of digestion. A call s
stomach can curdle nearly one thousand limeeita
own weight of milk. Bron Liebig ststee, "one
part of Pepsin dissolved io iity thousand part
of water, digests meat end other food." Diseased
stomachs proiluce no good Gastric Juice, Rennet
or Pepsin. To how that thi want ma be per
fectly aupplied, we quote the subjoined
Baron Lltlild, in bin celebrated work on Animal Che
mistry, ssvs: "An artilicial diBesUve Suid, analagona to
UieUantricJuiee.mil- be readily prepared from the mueona
membrane of the stomach of the calf, in which various
articles of lood, aa meat and ergs, will bs softened and
digested iu the same maimer aa in the human staaaaen.
fcr. llKUKIHA, in his funnus trealwe on Food and Biet,
published by fowlers A Wells, New York, page Sa, states
the same givat tact, and describe, the method of prepara
tion. There are IV-w higher authorities than fcr. Perena.
fcr. Cl0111, in his valuable writing on the Physiology
of Digestion, bservea that "a diminution or the due
quantity of the tiastiic Juice is a prominent and all-pre-vailiu
raude of fcyipepsia," and be statea that "a distin-fcuitht-d
proIVaior of uieoViiie in Loudon,who was sevi-rely
altiicled wuh this eouinlnint, finding everything else to
fiul, had recourse to the viaetrie Juice, obtained from the
suuia-li of living animals, which completely succeeded
fcr.UKA II t, author of the famous works on Vegetable
Diet, sas: It is a remarkable fact in physiology, that
the stomach of animals macerated in water, impart to
the fluid th- rr-.ptTty ol tliolrinir various article of a!,
and of eflvctiuz a kiu-i of artificial digestion of them ia no
wise diOerent from the natural digestive procem."
lir.MMuN'S crcat work, the t h. mitry of Man, (Ie A
Blancbard, I'hiladlMK, pp J'J1,'3, sy : "The discovery
of ivpbin forms a new era in the chemical histx-ry of In
gestion, r'roin recrut eaperimt-nt-, we know that food ia
diiwlvrd as raptoiiY in an artificial diirvstive fluid, prepared
from Pepsin. a it 'is m the nntur-.il Uastrlc Juice itself.
I'rof. DLXliLlSuN, of the Jelt rson College, Phil ad.. In
his great work on Human Physiology, devote more than
afty pages to an evaraination of this su"ij.-et. Ilia experi
ment with fcr. Beaumont, on the Uantnr Juice, obtained
from the living buiuati stomach and froui animate, are
known. "In all can," be -lays, "digestion occurred as
perfectly in the artificial as in the natural digestions."
nreiiaration of Pencil ha produced the moat mar
velous effects. It is impossible to give detail of
cases in thtrliuils of tins advertisement but au
thenticated certificates have been given of more
than TWO HUNDRED rapid, wonderful, and
permanent cure. It is a great Naavoc Awti-
dote, and particularly useful for tendency to
bilious disorder, liver complaint, fever and ague,
the evil effects of quinine, mercury, 4c, alio for
excess in eatrng or drinking.
There is no form of OLD STOMACH COM
PLAINTS which it does not reach and also give
instant relief ! and repeated for a short time, pu
rity of Blood and vioua or aom follow at once.
It is particularly excellent in case of nausea, vo
miting, cramps, sorenes of ihe pit of the stomach,
distresa after eating, low, cold atata of lha blood,
heaviness, lownee of spirit, despondency, emaci
ation, weakness, tendency to insanity, dec
Price, OS E DOLLAR per botile. One bottle
often fifed a lasting cure.
PEPSIN IN POWDERS sent by Mail, free ofPostaga.
For convenience of s-'nding to all parts of the country.
tb fcig-&tive Matter of tbe K-psin.it put ap in the form of
r OWUers, Willi Uiremons IO oe uiswu.wi vj me pnuvu. iu
water or ruo. These t-owovrs contain just tne aa
malti-r as tne b-'ltl-s. but twice the Quantity tor tbe SI
price, and am Sent by mail, free of Pontage, for $1, sent
liost-l-aiil,' to nr. J- liuojui.-u-.u. . i-wiMi a.
Philadelplua- fix prKa,-r iur i.
F.verv brittle nml uactaite bears tbe written sig
nature of J.S.HOUUH TOX.M.D , Sole Proprie-
tor. Sold by agent in every town in me Union
and by most respectable dealer in medicine.
To be had of Dr. THRX TON. Lewisburg ;
J H Casio. Milton: Thompson, Mifflinburg ;
W ill 6c Eilert, Harileton; Win Koshon. ew
Berlin; G I CrouM, Selinsgrove; Mr M'Cy,
Northumberland l733S
Mifflinburg, Union county, t'enn'a.
ThESPECTKL'LLV intorm the cilixen of
Xv Union county, and the public in general,
itiai he ha leased the bov aland, for many
year occupied by bis Pettier, and is now pre
pared to accommodate Irrrnus nu tne traveling
community in a menner accrptauie to an.
The HOUSE ia large and loomy.well rrn
ged in all it departments, and every care wiU be
taken to render bi guests comlortable and nappy.
Hia TABLE will always be furnished with lha
choicest deliracie of the season, and lb best ibe
market ean afford. Tbe BAR will at all lime
be attended by careful peraou, and none but tha
very best of liouois will be kept. Hi 8TABLES
ar ample and convenient, and Ihe OSTLERS
punctual and attentive.
In abort, he pledge bimaelf to endeavor ta
give general aatistaction lo all, and hopes bv
strict attention to business to merit and receive
a liberal share of patronage.
Mifflinburg, June 10, 1650
WOULD inform the public, that they
have opened a shop on Fourth street
lower story of S. W. VVykoiPs old stand,
opposite Hunter rardoe s shop, where they
keep on hand or make to order
Fancy and Common Chairs,
Boston Rocking Chairs also
Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads,
rj"-" of various kinds,
HIT Settees, &c. die.
All work in our line warranted to be well
made, and on the most reasonable terms.
House and Sign PAINTING
attended to by the subscribers on the shor
test notice and in Ihe best style.
Country Produce and Lumber taken in
payment' and Cash not refused, but rather
The subscribers intend lo be strict io the
fulfilment of all their promises as regards
work and so doing, hope to receive a
liberal share ol puMic patronage.
Lewisbure. Nov. 1849
Farmers' Produce Wanted.
OTJR Agricultural Friend will greatly obliga
by aupplyiDf tha Printer, immediately, with
Wheat. Corn, Buckwheat. Pot toaa.CiOer. Wood.
Apples. Ate. As this has been a plentiful season.
the Priaetrs sal Editor aspa ta share ef il.
at the "ck:::icu" office.
1T.E IIE17 FOimY
TS aww carried on a usual, at the upper
X e"d of Market street, where ever des
cription oTCA8TING8 ' kePl 00
band or made to order such aa
The Complete, or
Complete Improved
Cooking Stoves
for either Coal or
Wood and all
other kinds of
also PLOUGHS of differ
ent kinds Corn Ploughs, Bull Ploughs,
and tne
Self-ShviMriing Flongh,
a new article, and which can not be beat
in Pennsylvania. Call and see and judge
lor youraeives.
Lewisburg. Sept. 32, 1849
rpHE undersigned continues the LIVE-
X RY BUSLYESS at the Old Stand,
on North Third St., near Market, and
respectfully solicits the patronage ol his
mends and the public generally.
Lewiaburg, May 22, 1850
Books Books!
THE subscriber offers for sale at the
Lewiaburg Post-Office, an assortment
of tbe most uselul
Paper, School Books, Stationery
of all kinds also the best Cigars.Tobacco,
&c. &c.
Lewisburg, May ?, 18S0
TtDPCU TPIS ianlke. In, ef
kr superior Black and Green Teas?..
just reed from the Canton Tea Com ,,f
pany, and for sale at New York retail
prices by J.HAYES At CO.
Lewiaburg, April 16. Agents.
Important Notice!
fPHE public are hereby iufontied that I
J am the exclusive proprietor of the
Cooking atove known as 'Whites Patent
or 'The White Stove,! by virtue of valid
letters patent granted to me by the proper
authorities at Washington ; and I hereby
caution all persons not to manufacture or
sell the same without authority from me. as
1 shall promptly seek legal redress for
every infringement of my rights under said
letters patent. The public are also cau
tioned that all stoves manufactured bv me
or my era n tees or agents, are marked
James White. Patented June 10, 184,"
with the additional mark "Re-issue, Aug.
6, 18J0," on ihe slide plate.
Milton, Sept. II, 1850 3m
Ctwisbnrig JTomrtrn
HPHE subscribers, thankful (or past pat-
X ronage, would inlorm the public that
they continue to manufacture all kinds of
Mill Gearing, cast WaterWheel
ol tbe moat approved pattern.
Threshing Machines.
One and Two Horse
PLOUGHS. We invite
particular attention to a new
article Wiard'a Patent Uang Ploughs,
lot seeding in Grain. Farmers by this
Dough can seed as much grain in one day
as in inree nays wan common ploughs.
and I-ming tbe same. HOLLOW Ware.
Kettles and Pots of vs nous sizes Smooth
ing Irons and Standi cast Tea Kettles to
suit cooking stoves, &c.
Coofttnjt stotjM,
the most approved patterns now in use, for
wood or coal Fancy i WfYlTTCi
Parlor, Wood and Coal j
Air-Tight Stoves Race's Self-regulating
Air-Ticht Pailor Wood Stoves, (a new
article, &c.
Threshing Machines and other articles
of Machinery repaired in the best manner
and on the shortest notice. Castings war
ranted to be of the best material, and at
prices that can not fail to please.
Lewisburg, March 25, 1848
THE arvlrigr)e continue to farnisb to order
on tbe most reasonable terms, Piano, fiom
tba Manafaclory of Cobbab Miiib. Pbilad'a.
wboea inairamenl are too well known to need
any peevrie, bavins unifonnlv received tha
eomrneniUtiona of tba noat eminent professors
and composer of atone, and Ibe award of Ibe
premiums in New York. Philadelphia and Boston.
F or qualities of tone, touch, and keeping in lone
OP tO COtrCClt Pitch, tbev Can not be aurnaasad he
either American or European piano.
irmroctioBs given oa tha Piano as heratoiore.
Reference may be made to any of tboeo parent
or guardians who have pnpil commilled to hie
charge. Ha nay be seen at hia residence at Mrs
Metiget a. First alreet, Lewrabare, wheta tersna
and panicolar will bo mad known.
Tha moat popolar and favorite Aire and Masse
of different kinds received aa it is issued from tha
different musical MUMishtnents in ibe Cities.
lt l l l 1 nfea.Vr .nn hand at
ihe CAroniele cilice, or printed to order.
QS SSr?,,waS "wa, ""J
"An ounce of Preyention worth
a pound of Cure." ia
that snoful disease,
DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Prtver.
lion and Cere of Consumption,
This popular work for sale in Lewisburg
by S. F. Lyndall J. Hougbtoo aad at
this office. Price. 75 cents.
Lav Evxaraeer Baas rais l aaareu.,. TSaea a a
Saraeparilla for aal ta lha differs! lawns ealle S. P
Townsemt's reaarilla. k as advertised aa Ifce OBM
AL. GENUINE, aud all taal. This Towaeeixl isaeJstiet
and never wae ; But wae formerly a worker on railrea.re,
nels, and the like jet He assumes Ik rjtle M Dneier Me ta
narpeea of f aaaia cesdH far what be leaaL IU ears "a,
fvae attended I we atedtcal echnola, and practiced iar ikeea
vaars!!" Nowtbelraaai. Ba never praeuead axdwaMa
dav in hia life I Such eni7, eneeat nuareiwaaawauea
looks bal lo lOeeaerariarend veracnr oi Ihe roan, law
roost sincerely, as had never made those etaiemeats af ana
sell or of me. When will wen learn to he Isumet aaJ inak
ful in all their dealine and iniercourss with iheir Rlhx
saen! H spplnat to on Eea! Clapp la aaawa ana as aajf .
aiacturin his aaBiure, atauac the lares some aa weal 1
auike, aa an mi aisas in 10 embark in ibe baseness. TVw
man kava beea isaaltinc and libellinf me as all Bassske
forms, in order t aropress Ihe public with the bsrW thai
Ihe Old Itoetor'a Saraapanlla was not the eeaauae, ertftr,
SnTtttpmriVn, mad from lha Oui terror's Origtnmi Hs
ate. This S. P. Townacnd an I have sold the as of say
nam for $7 a week. I will iv him iJ if bs will pr
due one sinrle solitary proof of this. Um ataiemeau of
Thompson, Skillman o. Co., are no.hin but a uaM of
falsehoods, simply made la deceive the public and kap
Ih truth down ui regaid to hu searina;, Jmtnttng ss
nimnd. This is to caution th public 10 purchase nsas bv
Old Dr. JACOH Townarnd'e Sereapanlla, haenw ea la
Old Doctor's likeness, his family Coat of Arm, met OS)
sarnat u reacros. the Coat of Arma.
Old Dr. Jacob Townsend,
Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla.
Old Dr. Townsend u now sait 7U yean of e. st a
bar been known as the A UTHOR and UlSCft I t'sti
SAHSAPAHILt.A." Bern poor, he wae comiieMe
limit ita manuiaciure, by which means a has been kept ea
ol market, and th sales circumscribed lo thuee on., aa
had proved its wink, and known lie value, b had reacbat
Ihe eara of mane, nevertheless, as those psrsou wee hat
been healed of sore disesses, and aavetl from dead, an
Ciaioicd ita wondrrful
aanufaclured on tha lareesi scale, and is called fur 0ireeeb
out tha lenrih and breadth of the land, especially a a a
found incapable of defeneration or deterioratioa.
Inlik youn S Tawnseml's, il improves wt l sea.
and never chaneea hut for the better : because it are;arssl
on snealite senerieer by a sneMtfie man. The aieesa)
knowledge of Chemistry, are! the latest diacovense el the
an, have all been brought into requisition in the meaa'afr
tur of the Old Dr'a aaaparllla. The $arsapsriia reek
il ia well known u medical men, comaine many roeaianai
properties, and simc properties which are inert t.- lm.sw.
and others, which if retained in prepanns il lor use, pre.
duce fermentation and actn', which is injurious to lbs se
tern. Some of the protertiee ol Sarsaparilla are so i. is
that they entirely evairale and are i the preiurauea.
if they are not preserved bv a Kieifie process, known ea
ly to those experienced in Its maiiu:acmre. Mureovw
theae Tolaiue prinriswee, wtuea rtv oil la vapor, or as aa a
halation, under heat, are the very eeaotdoi audKal araa.
rfi ol the rM. which rive to n all Its value
Any person can boil or slew the ri uu tr ee eel a dart
colored liquid, waich at more from the coterie ma ear a
the root Itian from aimhln else; Uiey can then strain ia
insipid or vapid Itrmid. eweeten wi-.ri or molaaw an
tlien call H - SARSAPARII.I.A EXTRACT or bl RIP."
But nuch is not the article known '"e
This is so prepared that all the inert properties af ta
Sarsaparilla root are Cert removed. everything capabaer
becominx acid or fermentaiion is extracted and rejectee j
then every panicle 01 medical virtue secured in a pur
and concentrated form ; and thus it is rendsred u.cspal
of losing any of Its vsluahle and healtnr properue. Pi
pared in this wav. it is male the most powerful aesn" t ta
Cam r laaaaMrakls Olaeaaea.
Henc the reason why we hear commre-lauooe oe ersre
aide in ns favor by men. women, and chielre. we acs
doing wonders n the cure of
and all alfectMwui arism from
It possesses a marvellous efneace in an romruaintt) aaV
inr from hut'fetnon. from Aruiily of IKt AHeew. froa)
uneiiual circulation, deumiinauua of blood to tea bead.
I palpitation ol the heart, coid leet aad hands, cold cruile and)
latot Barnes ovsr the body. It has nt us equal aa Cants aast
laara ; and proinoles easy sspectorauoa and gwati eaa
1 a,.miun. nuiiLC suictare ol Ih tuna, throat sad vf
ether pan- . ,
Hut in notnrne i ita eiealteric mora aiaailastlv sea a
'ledced thai
u. in all hinds and ausree of
It works workers m eases ef W Aitmo s WVwwa
Fiumg of tot Woeaa, Oosrrwrrset. Wiirnnd, a, Porotm
Stenoto. frroiwartxy of the menstrua, penoda. aal the .1
Ad af effectual w curio ail the larass a Kaiacw ia
Bv removinc eamiacuoaa. and reulau4 ua cwaaral
svstem. ivee lews and suveujta W Ih waul kof -
laa care, all forma M
Neevweia Ptaeaaoo ae.4 aVewURy.
and thus preveeaa er retiees a $rm vanety ef ethseaaaV
atllea. aa Apiaoi ereirorMW. .Vntf.fia A Puws' iAsss
smweaiaa. .'maraor Pus. Coaeavsaro.
h clauses ihe Weod. eacatas tba bwr as haalihy attaw
leas tha atoaaach. and give good .Uawaoo. as iees u
ku ai laevaat aaj rueatirtaaikia. allav laflaasrasliea mm
nee Ui ski, tiualitea Ihe orcuiauoa of UM bleed p
Ja warauh sqwaiiy an aewr taa aouj. aao
ihl patera rat hwi relaxes en Kiel and newtaiss ea
move a.1 obetrartewia. and mvieomiaa tea enure an nee
vetewa. Is nm this tnea
'Tha Xeellelavo was aww-owalavewrlr e'
But can any ol ineee tbuvge a sees el S P ToeasaasrS
aaisnor srtic i t This vonng man e liquid at not ea ba
erauaaof eee I. M PACT, thai bh B Bl INCAPA.
while th other IX IKS ewet-. ervaenrear. aad latwaae
lAe sa4f.ee eontaiame tl into Irarnernte : the soar, asal
lM)uid exploding, end damaein oliier guate' Mwal Beetkaa
aorrib'e com pound ba ienno,ie at the eyatara 1 "
sa and tare a eyeeea arearf y diseases) air aead W aa
caaaes Dvepepeaa bat acid I lk we noi all know that whsa
mod soars ta our wnmarhs. what mieeewf proeoce. t
Batalenee, beanburn. palpualam of Ih heart, iieer eo
E auil, diarrbwa. dveeniere. rolK. arel eorruption of the
londl Vinal la Scrofula but aa arid kanaar m the bodyt
What produces all the humors wbieh bring on Eruptions
lb Sam, Scald Head. Salt Rheum. Eryipelaa, Whtes
BWellinfe. Fever ftirea. and all ulcerations internal aad ea,
lernal 1 h as nothing ander heaven but an arid eabsianra,
which sour, and thuo fsxtle all the Beads af the body, oaves
or tees. What cause Rheumatism but a aoaf and neat
Sue which awanuate itself between lha jomte ana alee,
where, irritating anil inflaming the delicate tieauss ape
which il acta I So of nervone diseases, nf impuru, cf ta
blood, of oerangad circulation, aad nearly all the ailaisosj
which afflict human nature.
Now is it not horrible lo aaaka aad wall, aad sadaeaSf
and vet aa would rain have il umtermend that Old IV. m
bob Townaend's fjeaaia Original SartapmriUa, IS so 1RV
STATION of hta inlerinr preparalMHl ! !
Heaven forbid that we ahould ileal in an attic's wntol
would bear th moat distant resemblance to . P. Towa,
and' article!
We wish it anderstonrl, pecaasa it ia lha anseurr rrura.
that S P Townee mi's article and old Dr. Jacob Towneen'rH
Sarsepahlla are Aenrew-ertdc trport, mod mriair'jr dtanaw
star; that they are unlike in ceery particular, having eat
Be aingla thing IB enmrnon.
A S. P. Townsend is aa doctor, and never waa. ia aa
ahemiac. no pharmaceutist knows an more of nva.iicin. af
than anv other common, nnacieniinc. unprofc
what guarantee can the public beve that ihey are n
is a genuine scientific medicine, containing all tbe .
tuea of the articles used in preiaring H. and which ate s
capable of changes which mighl render lham tha AOE TB
Of Diaaaae instead of health 1
Bui what else should be expected from sea) wh know
nothing comparatively of medicine or disease t It requires
a person ol eome erirnre lo cook and serve up sees
common decent meal. How winch mora important a, S
that the persons who maniifacuare medicine designed tor
ahould know well the medical proncrtieo of planla, the baa
manner of areuring aad concentrating their healing virtue,
also an extensive knowledge of Ih varioua diss n wis wataa
aSec tha human evstem, and hew to adapt remedies
It ia to arrest fraud upon ih unfortaaat. w pawrMB
into wounded hamanity. ia kind lb hop ia the oVJairwrj
bama am imm. bealih ami hlonm. and vigor into ta
cruaheil and broken, and lo banish rnnrraitv that OI.P B
port unity and mesas to bring has . .
eMl Calvsrwl Cwaseosttemtodl Btesaeeiyj.
wilhra tha reach, and to tha knowledge of all who eee.
taal lhav may laara an.1 know, bv joyful eiperience,
TraawrtB- rVwtl to Hani.
AerNTS for tbe above Medicine C
Schaflle, Lewisburg ; John H Baser, Mtlj
ton ; Forsyth & Priestly, Nortbumb'lard
ONE Buggey and Sett of Harness,
Ooe Two Horse Wagon,
One Truck Wggon,
For sals ty H T Shel'ar