Ul ill.KWISBURG GiEROXlGI.E AND WEST BRANCH FAKMEK ANOTHER MCIEXTiEir WOXDER! Tf.rt .thetmr Distir Fluid nr Gait, tc Juice! great Dysj-eps" rurer. prrpared from Kennel or the fourth slumscli of llie Ox, alter diieriions of Haron LieViasl'" ' Physiological chemist, I by j's Hms"1. U, No 11 North Eighth St. ' I'bita ltlp'j". ;'J'hi is truly wot.ilerful remedy i.iv .ii.li"r.tioii. disiicu?ia. i..tindice. coiit-litiation. 1 hver complaint and dchility, curing after Nature's own method, liy Xalure's own gml. the (iastric Juice. See Advertisement in afiulbcr column. IWIMMIT l"VT ,n Ihose having impurities of the lllood. BKAXT'S HUIFVIXO E.Y TKAOr, the most wonderful 1'urificr in the nofld.ii now put up in Q( t UoTfLF-s. See advertisements heiideil "Oi DOSES." It is o srton; and purifying, that one (mule lasts from trn to sixteen days longer than Sarsajiarilla. Mr Thornton, agent, Lcwuburg. 3n.3::i GREAT COUGH RKMEUY! ,9 JAM CHERRY PECTORAL: Far the Carr of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSEWESS, BROIJ CHXTIS, CROUP, ASTH IVIA, WHOOPIITG-COUGH AND COLTSUZVTPTICIJ. IX "lining to the community this justly cele brated remedy for disease of the tlir.at and lungs, it is not our wish lo I rifle with the lives or health of the afflicted, but Irankly to lay before them the opinions of diolinguislud mm. :uu! some of the evidences of its fucc ss, from i l.icb Ihey can judge for themselve s. We pledge our fwlvn to make no wild assertions or false state ments of it efficacy, nr will we hold out any hope to su Ailing humanity which facts will ii"t warrant. Many moors arc here given, and we solicit an inquiry from the pul'lir. into all we publish, feel ing assur.d they will find them perfectly rrliaMe and the medicine worthy their best confuhnce and patronage. J'ruf. Clrarrlantl. if limnhiin College. .17 sine. Writes, I hitvti witti.-"..! llif t f vour "I'HKItUY rElT'MIA I." in my nwn riti.!l. and ft-at i my fr. nj. met it ;sive me snt:st.-.rli.ti I., r trie Hint in. bim? .if I li..re eT kn'W n ha ,r 'Till so rntim-lilly ;ututs?ui ill ami iliaca-es W tn trmst awl lur.".. Iter. Dr. thsiKil Writes. ' Tlirit hi- r.mHl. r THKitltV I KITilKAI.' Ui. bsirt iiK-dirim fir rn!mnnry Afl.lwiii' ev.T eiven to the putiti." and nlt,- that - (lis !aP!rlibT.after t" i!r"'-!:.l t k-1- til rf'in fur four Inclltl.x Willi a -v-.'rt: wt!,t coiiirh. aee"in;iniiii-'l tiv niiinir f l(o.l. ti-lit w.':it. ami tli- ntt-nlai!l ymi'1mKtf l'ntinii'ti.ii. i-,.t,.,.ttlj tli ur f Hie i'tirry Peeturat. atul l.n.i iviinj-Iolt Iv re o'eri"l." Kr-Chnuf!hr Kin;;, ff New Tork. snv. l lirvi lf n a ;r'-M nTrrwiTli ltaMH,niii. nn.l'l iit r. r the use f the 'lti:i l!Y I'l I -T'lRAI.." nisrlit have enntMiut.l te ! f .r-umit;, yenr'- to com.-, iutt that bus riirt-I cji' uu,I I ain b:i; y to !v:ir It -tiui-ny to it I'lficarj'.' From surh lePtimony we ak the pu! lie tojudge for ihcrnstlves. Umr the Valient. Tit. Att TVnr Sir: For tan ypnr 1 vi nfflirt.",! with a v.'rr m.vrr" eoinh. aecemfanii l-y pfittiirj ofl.l.Mi Mel rffnse nijrlit Kv-at5. It thr alviif of niy atti ri.titic ).liTrir:nn 1 waiih!ni'l ton'r-yeurlJIKKtiV I'KCToltAI. nri'l eontiiiuM to Jo so lilt I eon"i.lvr(iJ tnysi'lf iiri j, auil aserttt.' tlieelTevl to our i'r.-'araton. JUIIN RANPAM. HvMi:iT!N. as. ?rniM;rn.!.li. Nov. JT. This Jay ni'jit'ar.ti the tihov. iibuki! Joltu llan,,:iil. auj prououiicej llie ajve statclu. ul trtti- in evi ry re(.Mi-t. Louozo .NuKTu.v, Jti.tiee. The llemrrfjf thai Cures. IVrti ami. Jt.... Jan. 10. 1M7. Pr.Ayer: 1 have Iteen tiz aftiit-t.j with Athimi Mhiili s;rr yearly worae uutil last alltiinill, it hr.tuulit on a cuukIi whii h mnfinej uie In niy ehamKer. and le;rnii to avnuie the alarintnir symioiii of roiiKiini,tion. I had tritl the iwst alviei- and the liet neslirine to no parous, ntil 1 trie.1 your I'HKI.ItV l'l-:iTl:AI,.rlii.h has run U mm. and you may well helicvt me, linitrfuilv vours. .1. I VilKI.PS. If tlrrc is any Taiue in the judgment of the vi.,.. a1o srMak from rsiHTienee, here is a luvJieiue uorliiy of tlie puLilc eonnjenee. J'rrpare lit, J.C.Avrr CJirmist,jMreII,3!f. FoisalebyC XV S(;HAF"1.E. I-ewisburg : J H Caslow, Mi lion; Isaac (ieihail, Selinsgrove, and by Druggirts geneially. Illlf r lllliV- -a On Thursday morninjr, 2Sih u!t., by Rev. D.V.Hoislcr, Jonv H. IAnxtoLL nnd , Alias Eliza ConuaD. all of L'Jwlsburg, Pnt.en. A. Green's, where he i prepared to Thursday evftiinjr. 23th ult., by Rv G R. iiiiss James Laffrrty and Miss Eliz auf.th Clauk, all of I.-wisburp; In Lewisburg, 3J inst., by Itev. I). Y. Iloislcr, John Wensell and Mrs. Hannau Mvers, nil of this place. At Northumberland, 2 1 si ult., by Rev. 5. L M. ('oner, David Sterick anil Miss UilCILLA PlIILLiri, bo ill of I'oillt Tp. 2Hih ult., by R:. CM. Long, Ciur.LEs NEWtiAltD, of Washingtonvillf. and Miss Anna Maria Eckcct m ar .Milton. Mi It : In Lewisbtirn;, 2J ut., nnei 6 months and 11 days, Maucsaket Maria, diiuoliler of Ir. Thomas and Lucindu Vanvu!zah, of Houlsburz, Centir cotinty. Like a siHw-tlake fai the river. A moment here UVti pour, da i'Iit!"" la Kelly Tp, 1st int., aocd 3 years. 7 months and 27 days, Finney, son of John and Kliznbeth Law son. In Mifflinburg. 2G:!i ult., Capt. Ai.es'u M'Ewen, aged nboul 94 years. In Delaware Tp, Thursday week, John Oystek, an aged no J respective citizen cf that township. Al the residence of her father, Wm. I)e hart, in Chilisquaqtie Tp, Friday week, the Wife of Frederick Snyder. in Milton, 24th ult.', a Son ol John W. ilueiher. CAUTION ! HEA Y complaints having been made to the Borough authorities of dior )er:y conduct by half.Rrown boys prowling about the streeta at late houra of the ni?ht, .NO TICE is hereby given that the TownCouncil has maue arrangements to hava all surh oll'endera promptly arrested and punched lo the full extent oi toe law. All I'areuta and Uuaidiaui ate advi ed to look well to those under their charge. By order pf the Town Council : JOHN IIOUGHrO.N, ( lerk. I.ewiaburg, Dec. 3. JS50 Dagucvrcofnpcs. M. It A K N BJ-fn forms thoso who wish to have tbeir Likenesses laken. or a Picture of a departed f"nd COl'tEb, that hi. Iljguerrean room, opposite Gen Green's, will he open on SAT! RIlAVsi i - lll'all "ns week until the 1st of Marrh. His prices are moderate, and materiil good it he aks therefore is a fair trial, after which if s picture doca not please, no charge is made. Lev-borg. I),,. j , R50 i'T of new m ackerel os. i and 2, IX. just rccd and for s.ile by J. HAVE? A CO. AKE and Cound Alum stir i i7. .No -.... . 1 1 u u y f 2o f 11 -., . J J. HAYES & CO. LEVViSBUBG BAKERY. 1 Mill subserilier lining commenced the halting business in Lellurg, neiirly opposite li. I. sMIer More, intends keeping constantly on hand the l"sl of FANCY CAKES, together with a good supply of Common Cakes, ! and ISRIviU which for whiteness and quality will be surpassed by no baker in the country, aa we Kate the services of a practical workman.. In connection with our Uakerv, we hare in where he viU serve up at short notice OYSTERS in any style that may be d. sited. (Xj Oysters received fresh cverv morning. FA KM Eh 8 mil persons from the couniry will find the Bakery a convenient and pleasant report tor the purpose of obtaining refreshment, such as Bread, Cakes, I'iea, Ovstrre, Hot Colli e. Ac. &e. AlsoFLOUR for rtle. A. E. UEXORMANDIE, Agt. Ltwis'.iurg, Dec. 1850 Sartain'sMagailiieofLIteratareatArt. Orcat Iniluctmcnt.- to suli?('ril( for coming volume January, 1 So 1 . f TIIK I'ul-lifin rwdf Sartnin's- l:iir;i7.incninmor tlirtf tlnv A ht xu;ilclci Midi arruiirft ui' iit tVir Ui fortht'inii rt iiiiii-r vnluui nn makr it diTid"Hr i-npori'ir u all Tin- K-iil'-rrnl I rMrtrnTt!" will f .rtimm ni.1.r Mwrnn trol ..f i'ruf. J,.hn S. Hurt, of r!:iiinJt. Ji.hin. nnl Mr$. V.N. kiri.U:wI. f r Yi i k. win.. U -(.I.-- ti c n.iUnt vuiilr.l -nt !;. tr"m l l;-ir tiwn ns, m J I cmtniuc li (Turr lor it fhiittitiriv:!1! ! nrmv .f writers .iih li.tii pv.-i, U, tlii-Mii'-aziiip fiuh n ri.j- my -x .rail it--'mi.tiiMtv. Tli-1 niTi'-t.rj ur inw niril.m xn iimnirfin'tit. nhit-h, !n u oiiui'Ifi'il, will x i uiv tur iluir nurk m t-r;i. ! ur-iM-s mi f iil.j. ati'l - f -! aii.l Iiar:t !'-r I'lilin-U lit lTt tjI trvni t tn iHiml riMny'ii'' .riniiii:r:-. Th-j" will rt "i.tiiui'tnl Ili Di-Ixi-s t tit nmliin; tulIic Kr th' ir i-riiltjti.rj t u wil a.- 1-t iimi-rittv on tli Mitjt lint in no lf nrlpirnt r llu M:tr.ixin will th r? I fm h luarknl Hiii.i-oT.-nn-iiti- in THE EMBiLISHMiKTS FOR 1850. In tl:: r'--li rts tli;- Jn..i-U lr j.-TllliBr a-Ix u- tn:5'. Mr. J (in Srfain. M wtlrnto Kinrrnxf-r, hlu mif .f ili- r--.ri tr-:. piv.-is ilti- iu-t !tuul' Ium t.trn ,Ki)l v.-r i'l' trli t tlif M i!.- hi.. l-'.-i..-f t :ifriiif. nKn ,-iiut lir '.ur- il '-li r nit- Iti-1 iii.:itt). T'lrnriy into ffft t ui'-rt- fully xh'-h i s ii tins i'":nt. the ir'ijiri(ir Lavi tlurinsr lli'--n-non ni Ir. Sniiiui'I S;irt:iin. win uf llu firm r. uii'l ! .ui- 1 tli.-iiuf ai-In 1 :ui arli.-t. mi a f t r i'li. "';!'!! V' iluni( ''. t ur" fur Uir M'ik'.viiir ft w ,f ;i i Imm i-: n iicrj inli nt v. !. n itml n tli-nni in i t. luiiin-z the ywr K-l. Mr. J-lin S.,rl;tin liiM--l! i--n prt !.:! t.. vf. -it Kur.-jH-to i t.vry tlmmh i!n j l.-.tis :;ll3ii.iy .f' ! 1- nuiI t liutkf l lil ior inuri t i?i ! i . nT -n nti.l. Th irrt-viJ:;! ..l Uu! mnp tticJiLi -..ill tc-vru irtiii time Ut tiiu.. lit.- i;t:.ii:ti K::tin Hthtnt nt. - r.'jmriti: fir Inin - M ittxiiie :ir- f a Hi.trjw it nt miti'trikiiicly U au- iii. 11 in in ru (t ami ein-luiiy t iijm- ! M -wtltintit tl j.1ntt trf -. Jf.hn Srtiiiii. "m:tnv uf xthit li wili fp'in Ori).ii:Ti! r.iiutin; b tl- lirt iui -Oj of Kni-i'vc ;nnl Am rira. Th.-n- w iil 1- an int.'n.t:iiv ri-.-j. J.-uji( t - iiluirt:it (he L:f f Mm rtrl lh" Ytr, ct-nil.iiHvi hi tli' sa!ii pIrTnr.-c. Tli- I. -t ;:!- iuc xvil K-n-rii Ik -1 l : iniiiil-'T tt'illittii:ii;it"tl Tint-, i.n-iuwtl l.v lin Ix.iuliltti .-.itol n.im-i'niitiiix. uliitli will ult jrn ally to -(! ins.r .l ih vrurw. In i. iii' ititl ' ij t f-ner;. vius. the litrhi'it t.-tlrnt lias U-.-n r-ft nrnl. T :.-utv tin. i.,tmtis of ih.- M;c-nxiu-.(' tli-l--rt'"(-t in fitMt limy I t-TT-t'l in tlii. t j-ri'lni-nt. w.- n.-.l i.nly .-lilt' ilu.l tin t-'l' l'nit'i TraVtT. fiinln. I'!ii ii;?'l ' xifi:t a riMii.nTcf cii;r'rT Mt'j Tt on I. r..r--l fr Uii orkf in s t4yl of uumiti J XKW Fl'ATri'E. s llie ll-i-i roinr i l n'l;l 'ri of il!nir:ttln'. nil nri. r liif .-;i(-r"nl-n i in-. ft' Mr. .Tji-tftin. hae pn I'urtil fur! f i l!n-oiuiiK; rrliiiii. an cntirf-ly W w K.Htun itt llir Inu.-.iii- L'ti iaiurt-. A- .ur work h intnIfl ii..t only a v li t iniii- htt-raliin. liut jiImi fur nsu.cii if a lin-r- f. riiu- c.ii-t. i-U' It a- ri.tnj".rf tlii' irn-:it lnJy of Auirrituu jn-op!. ihtiIi h1h xvjint a "jrirdkTii frr in--lrilioli at- veil - imu lm iit- wt h;tr- itr-'tatnl tT tJu y ur m r i ii of illii.tr.li r.rlirli s. to Iv ralltjtl, A ttfS in tf I.it'r an' TrnrUituis thr Siirit.r. l '-iiriiiil niitl 'XTiitHj nnilvl tin cMix-rinti ti'lenm of CnH 11 ;tlli. of I.-ni'l' ti. us Ani-t. TIIK KKY. Jo Tol)Il, l. of 1'itt-fi. 1.1. Mri.. Author of -T1m IfcsitorV Tliinl I'r tiriit.'- vtr mi- Jitvrarv Ktliifr. Tito;- Kluniviiii:.' an- no; UM-n f:in-tfnl );'tnrr.a tiik' ii frin any .jujirt-r. nml ,!lr.J oil. r triitrnl mum-, tttt liaxt-rai hitricnl f.tli iity from arari lul ntuWv t tin n- i nt x'iKiiiHtion' nt ralt stin-. an wi-li a tin ;iiicicnt trn- ii tn n in nynnl to tin- Holy LMQtl. ittrliiUuiir nJnoeopM-t t iii rn v of ilu- ui-w p.-i tirat'l iniiit;it4 of tiie iiivat nm-liT. Xr n- ttn-v iwn iv K-nutiful ai" works of art. i Im ir i.ariM u r in lli.j r irct i kpt in nu)iiriiuat.on to Hit bilior oitjs-rt of inrult atiti mrul aud rt'lijt;ion truth. TKKMS. Kniirl- uWril- n, - - - - - -no T...-..pi.. ....... , tn hnv i.pi-t,- ------ - clo 00 T. n Mitw. ------- no p t-xtra mpy to thr i-r-on tilling tin- rlut.f li n. Tlirs-i ts-inif will not do rfiarUn, from ly any of tht Phil.-i.i Iphin tliP-i(ojir M:ier:iiin-i. A'Mn , JollN SAHTAIV 4 CO.. riiila.Uli.hiii. Try llie .cir General Tailor rilHE subscriber would inform the people of 1 I.ewisburg anil vicinity, lhat he has opened . chilli in lll0 lama It r I 1, mm., knilM nridnil. CUT OUT AND MAKK UP Gentlemen's and Bov'a (Mothins, in the beat ntyle. LATKST FAMHUXS constantly on hand, to mil every taste. Uy punctuality and good woik, I hope to earn a living patronage. Country Produce taken in pavment. J. VV. BENNETT. LewUburg, Xov. 25, 18,10 Yarket street property" for sale, cliCtip. H rilHAT full half l,ot, in the flourishing Bnro' 1 of I.ewiliuiir, nonh side of Market Street, between Enuitli and Kace streets, now occupied by J. .N. Mi n h, is for aale, cheap. There are Frame House, Static, and other outbuildings, j anil a tew r run 1 tees thereon. If not Mild by the 1st nf January, the above ptoHrty will be FOK KENT. P. HUKSH. j Lewitburg, Nov. 2C, 18.10 aiuable Ileal Instate I isvi-k i.mrr,, i nun am i:. ryiLL be rented at TURLIC OUTCRY VV on the premises, on Wednesday, the Z3 h duy ol Di ckmukb next, nt 10 o'clock, A. M., ihe following valuable real sta:e, late the estate of Sami-el Wolfe, dee'd, situate in the Borough of Lewisburg, cour.ty nf Union, to wit : 1st. The MANSION HOUSE now in the possession of the Widow ol said dec'u. situa'c on YVater street, which is a large and commodious dwelling. 2J. A large llrick DWELLING House and STORE Room, and other necessurv budJing, en the corner of Market nnd Wa- i ter streets, well calculated for the Mcrc.in- lile business, and has been used for that purpirsc for a numlicr of years." I 31. ' A laroe firi.-k WAKE-HOUSE on ihe bank of the Ulver, with a very lorne The Terms will be made known on dav of renting. CATiiARixn vvolfe; A. M. I.UVSUE, TINTS HAYEK. GtiarJians of lIieCtiiMreu of riain'1 VoIfc,(lc'd LcwL-burg, Xov. 5, 1330. Stone Coal for sale. To IMar!tmltIis. BITUMlNOt S COAL, from ihe West Dnnch and from Hollidaysbur", for sale at Ihe Shop of ihe subscriber, near the llayscales on Third St. - ? " r ; ALKX'Ii AMMOXS. 1 Lewisburg, May 7, 1850 r " ApTVMni"5p ,A'iF-I,,S 8 ? Ivi-chen. nnd other i,i.build:nli.-nw oc Wh r s Av.8' 'rer C1d f Sa-'d cunied by D.v,d Shah p. Et.qt.in of W hrr. Sid U harf the only one in ,uVll) RBm.:R, AgPDt. i.ewi.siitirtr mat can be used in ow water. t : .u r .. S -2,000 worfli Cabinet Furnlliire For Snlc nt Donailtg't Waru-mim, 1 wn f S Wukitff ware-room up Ktnini, wht re in nit. Tt.J iloiiiJiJ n-ittirt merit uf f I'ti AlTVtiE,n cheap oa ran be purchased lhitJe of 1'iiilidelpbia auch aa Plain, Fancy, nnd Dreeing Bureaus ; Sofm ; ()ltuinan ; Mithogany Chatrn ; Pier, ('enter. (J-i r J. Sofa anJ Drefsing TalIef, Ureulifn'l and Oiuirg l'alile(,&c.; Bedfttead (Octican, French and Common) from $2 to $100; also Stands of every variety. All work warranted to bo w ell mad?, and on the moit reasonable term. (.a:-h. Country JVo duce. and Lumber taken in payment. F. A. DUA'ACIIV. I.enrUburK, Nov. 21, 1850 WJMTERJ30D35 T Iltl'l-S & CO. are not receiving very lame anil suitali!e assnrtmcrit of Winter fiiuids, anil ns them ate many artirlfa of winter wear not to lie had in early pim-has'. e would lesjiectrully reijttest all in want of Winter tiomls. lo rati ant! examine our stock, as we feel confident Ihey can he suited as to quality, quan tit and piii-cs. Call and see at the old stand of Nov. 25 J. HAYES & : f I'KKS, Mt'h'S ! A superior lot of Muff. just reed and for sale tv J. HAVES & CO. lAUPKI'IMS. A good assortment ('nrjiets ju.- t rccj and fur sale lv J. HAYES & CO. ) O.N.N El'S. A fine assortment unrut Velvet ) anJ fcilk Bonnet patterns, of latest styles, just reed by J. IIAYi:s &. CO. UATS & CAPS A sup Hats, and Silk I'lush MTior bit Moleskin and ("loth ('.i'S, o( latest f t b", just rerd by HAYES Ac CO Tbe Old illcad tu:u lt i ! " FRIES' TAKKERT. "MIE sulrscriber resiiertTuPy informs his liieiids and the public generally, that be c iriics on the Tiinnini; and Currying Uusincss in full force, as usual, at the old cstaMi-lu-d head quarlera in the llnr nmh of Eenilure. on ."SI. (Seorgea strivl, near the Kiver, where be keeps a constant and lull supply of LEATH ER of all kinds and the best quality, w hich are nllered CHEAP for CASH or in EXCHANGE for HIDES and DA UK. 0O-l0 CorJa ul UAKK wanted. HENItY V. FIUES. I.ewisbur;, Nov. 20, lS.jfl fim Notice -Extka. 4 EI. persons knuwing tlicinsclves indebted to the late Firm of Dr. Thornton & B.iker, arc hereby notified to call on the sub-ciibrr anJ settle their accounts on or before !"KIEAY the 20lh day of DECEMUEK next. I may be found at my Druit Store. JOSIAH UAKER I.ewisburg. Nov. 20, 19.10 I in "Sninll I'rollH and quick Sales." JlUIItU. 'rV H. P. SHKLLER, 1"I70ULD inform bis old friends and tbe V public in general lhat ho has now on hnnd bis FALL AND WINTER STOCK ol Goods, such as DUY GOODS. GUOCKRIES, IIAUDWAltF.. QUKKXSWARR, MATS AND CAPS, FISH, SALT, I HON, cVc &c These Goods we od'er ununually low for Cash Country Produce of all kind and to prompt and punctual paymaster as usual. eaU ana Stt. Lewisbjrg, Oct. 30, 1950 Mew Gocdwi! '"PHE subscribers have received and are I now receiving their new stock of Fall & Winter Goods, nic" r to the public on a nccom modating terms as they ran be hd eise- wherc. 1'ersons desirinj! lo puri-hnse. will please call and examine for ihcmselves. All kinds of GUATX, POUK, Potatoes, and Wood, will be received in payment. f 1 per bushel will be paid for Wheat, 50 els. for Itye and Corn, and correspond ing prices fur all other produce, in exchange (or Ooods. BARTON, GEDDES & HARSH. Iwisburr. Oct. 28, 1850 Town Property For SaleCheap. A FULL Lot on Norih Fourth Sired on which is (i l wo hioTpy Frame House, 1G by 33 1mm, with a pood , Cellar under i! a it g LEWISBURG READING-HOQM, my Ojisj . ON Market Si., south side, between Third and Fourth Sis. over Stove H'areroom. Open until 9 in the evening. Charge until the 1st of April next, $1.50; for one month, 50 els ; oua week, 25 els ; single visits (permitted if they do not incommode rrgular patrons,) 5 cts. Each member entitled to invite in strangers, aa visiters, for a limited time. This enterprise is undertaken with the belief that the first town on the West Uranch will gen erously sustain it. ' All are invited to visit, and (if they approve) patronize, the Heading-Room. - ' O. X. WOKDE.N, Proprietor. I.ewisburg, Nov 1, IP50 S T i J -as VJ', " i Tit 1 Ppnrr.o Stlnhln fft l.v 911 .flnAlil COUNTY DUSINiSS. Court Proclamation. W'm'KAS It,.- lion. A till Ml AM S.WIIjSDX. l-rrakknt ' Jii.I.h. ..ei.mC.t ..r. ..... III.... ft.r flu Tv.-ati. cili.TuIir:Hl Itrict.r.iL'i.tiii:f tlimntH!iof t'nlf.n anJ and .1 WH W ITT !. KH Ullil J II VRKISt-.rMjrrt, At-MK-iaU' Jutlpt h in. t mob cvuuly, Itave hmJ thvir n r4M.t. Ii urititc ilati thn 27 III dav i f rfnt, !-.:". Jircrtiil. t"T tht Ytm Coumion I'li-an, fh' Hr!.sioiij. at N-w Berlin, for tin rnnntv of I'nion. on tin M nnla uf IW. next, i hem- tht- lOttt day.) If-SO. viA to rontinm two wr-t-k - ' NiiTH'K thn-forr lirrrl-y ni-irn to thr Coroner. Ju t.Mt of the r.-ai-e. ati'l ConntiiMcs in and for the munty f l'nifn. to nN ar in thtrivn pr-per pcr n wHh thir rtttlit. mort(aU ui uitttfHi rxkmimuioni, and ntlier rcni-mhran-r. to do thKe thiupx wlm-u of tbeir oftireii and in thf-ir l half n'rtain to 1 duiio; and all witmtiH-ii and oih-r pt-r.ons pnrrwtiiijr fn hehalf of th('oinnionwcalih aAinst any peraou. an rttiuirod to b Upii ami tfii-n-Mlteiidin, aim! not teurt witliuiit I;tve. at tliir rril. JutMift art rrqnind to be puiu-Uial in tlifir aUrntiitiH' al the jpiit(hti tint a-int-alih' tt notice. I..vt n iuiVr niy iinnd nud wl ul tlw Minff cmw in 1 New U -rlin. thin 17th day of iet'r in the ytiar of our lonl i one thnw:tnd e-rlit 1 nmlnid and fifty, nnd in the wTenT 1 fifili oar d tlw Indeitendrnre of the i:nitet Stat of ' America. MOli a,vr the 'oniin'nwiallh! aiui!;ai.i thm lu-riir. Grand Jurors, Dec. T. 150. Killy : Jn Hennagp. N. Berlin : lhrii M-ser Hailley : '!n llrouelter, M ichl Schnure Heaver : (Sen A t:iiillit Phi!ii Merkel Ilutl'ali: J is Simii!on ir.Jn Simonton, Sural L ll'lmaker K. Uiill.il..: Jar Fredorirk.Ths Pinny. Oeo Ueed l.r.visl'ure : Gideon ni;-la it. J.ihn Miller l'i liter: Ju I Smi h. Divid Wilson Mitldh rretk : Uanl Keller, f'ri dk T Oaua W. Iiutrdu: (ieo I.riitry. Danl (Srosscup I'lilcm : tills Deufcr. l'euu : J (S I. Shindle Wa'hington : Isaac Uickel Milil.iihurg: Saml lll.iir Trave.kt Jurors. I.cwi.4urg : fol Killer. Jn A Merti. L It Christ Penns : Jn l urks. Jo. Kjs er.W m llower. Jacoli IVrry: (Srti Martin j r'isher, Henry J App W Kull'ilo: Jn Kline. And Id.linis.W Young. Sr KeMy: Ua Iliiiely.Wm DiiisjI riillorar,l,Lnl mi i .i.i . i ii.... li... i ...i..ii t i k ... i . . -.. C'bapinan : Siinnn ?hii!!j. Jn Eenig, Dill Hrulu- ker, Phil IMtusIl, Jn beeehii.t White llrer: Aaron 8 niib, Kami Marshal, Jas Mjrshal, John Ktinrk Washington: Danl Sterner. Dnil Hilbih Ciiion: Enos Ueufer, Jas Croaagrove, Christian Daoberinaii, Uenj I. oils Hanlry : Hy Uartlev Jae K itherman, Dnl Long, Hv Hiill'man, K V Ulover. Jn Fillman St. Jn F WiUou. E. Ituffalo: Jn lime W. Heaver: Peter (J,hs. And lU!i Center: Edw Stiayer, Jn Milchel Milllii.burc : Jn liutwiler, Wm W VauVa'zah, NjniI ll;zer Petit Jurors, (21 week.) ("en're: Jn 8enule. Jar Frrer. If Emenhower. (iei Varlinir, Ceo Becker. Conrad Woetfley, J ii A .Schoeh. Kelly : Emanuel lieedy W. Ilull'.lo: Wm Watson, Danl Slout, David Kleckner, Jn Engelhart, Sr I'nion: Chriat (vebold, Jos Wetzel I.ewisburg: Hy W Fries, Jas Ciiawell Milllitibtire : Henj Haus, Jn (iaat Perry : Peter Ackerman, Abrm HalJeman I'h iprnan: Jn Craig. Abrm Look Heaver: Jacob (iroas, Ner Middlesnarth Penns: Jacob Kil'let, II v Lsu.le.inchlager, Hy I) ("urns. Jac ShauVr, Ld App. H H Itetterich E. Uuifalo: Abrm Aurand. Kohl H Laird Haitlcy : WmSmith. Wm Fisher, Saul Hartm in W. Heaver: Jn 1) Komig Slier IfPf Salf. IT virturnf fuintry writ t4 Vnl. Ex. nnd 1st. Vaeijm trifiiol iut f tin Oiurt r I'lstniniiu I'lvmn f I'tiion OMinty nnd U uii" dirVUnl, will I. rxpftiii to iriiMir atal. nt th rsHirt-lmuw urtlii- lnfY f Nw IfcTlin m ltM'A V tit I'it.itiri'&'kVBrnih-xt. th p-llowm? li.-al K-tnti: Th iur iniiiivKh tl thirl nf tract nl Imrut in Outer Tp, rt itilniiiintr tit nm-t man or lrn. nljo:tiiti(f on U imrth .l:trili I.H-Mrr, r.n the wr?t Mr.,ll'rliliitnl. on th iMpinh J1iri- niouiitniii. rikI m th mut Jamb fturninl wirh H tjluru-itnti. Sv-ixttl, taken in vjsu.-ali bihI V bv kM llif i'iN.-rty f Aarn M;iurk. Ahu lot .t. 4. mnUitiinu uf nn mrn. nn tltt I-Ip of mljoiniii t N. lot .No. ."i, IVntu rnk. nl tli iViiiisiylviinui nuial vlp tin 'niMrtv .Hr. 4iuiilruui. Air" a trnrt nf SO iirris hi Wbib lfr T,, :tii nrrn rh-iir-hI, i fn!-! milnw, wheimn rv a two tttrrr z vm ih) arn. sj.rin b(MiM, tyring appts- on ttant nn1 fruit tmii; tvljoiuiiij; J. Sjht. A- tu tw f.irty f Wm. Ats(a' wrv lot in I(.-art'n. whrrwiii an- a lojr hiHifu- inn! t ftahlr, Ntutxlnl hv M tin tr.-rt. Ch. M i jvt. antl iiil.y.-1 na thr nrojaprtv ! John M. liiih. AIj-o a trai l of IT. acrt in Lim-t'Xv Tp, with a wt-atlW iram n vr iitr-jMo, Msr ,,niI mm, iTtui ir.-!, a n I a pipnii jnljt'ii.itiz Jti Ki.-'li.tr. im rotMrtvof Danl Itrart t.. Al-n ? m-iv lot in M ttliul-ur, h-n-ou tit a wrarher- iriru a two story . I)u-.ailjniiintf IoU .No.Tt.iviKl St a pn.jt-rty ol K. IVYttiin-nnnn. A'lm'r of ThV Vouiilmiiuji. A!rta two cfc.i y loir Ih'U- ur it f ruuil or rurtilaf f) iiirtrii.int, in Kcllj T'.a.ljo;u:iii; Kuuu I IUsdv.ConratJ t.riflT. nnl Noali ..W'V -m .pi.-rlv of John llunl. AKCllliiAl.b TllOAlAd. MuriJT. hrrifTV Omc, Xw Urliu, Nor. IJ, 1,s.kJ. Isiic IsKI for Dcct mbor, loO. ilinn A Snvjrr x John Uilt John Moatz'n Kxccutor f Antlrt P Knox Jnn ll.irMrho rurivn! Jno Moats Ti unia !anil ilouTerva lurarl (iutelins Jan U illiani.ou Jolia MtKi-Itj .fofiath.iii 7si-llari S L ltufk lit ary i;arlrli r vs Ilriiry VoxthfimsT th-o Jtr-nii'T for 5itml Fmnk vi i'rt .Alm (Vruiinouw'tli of fa for Kol-t 1 1 arm th II j Bxot and Bail Johu Snytlrr! KxTiittr tk Men Kichcr John H WVIkt Wm C'orhran Ju Ituhl for t'hrut trn hunt m Jaml Irin Iranit-I Jarri'tt t V JaiT.t v? 1 1 art man John Ilit'l vt Jai-oh !hftlx Jarnh vinr vn Jacub Li'iiw-r of al John fiillMTt To v Wm .1 Mrv t Tli iil- n Klis i'hristia H-rniMii v amuol rhrrrkengaft Itanit'l Jarri'tt st V J arret t tk KMv Hart man ct al Johu 11 Jinf I win Bittt r rt ui ttt'firjsf Kif Titrh.-u. Shriii'-r liiitt Kno for rirlit t N'rphrw Ac tk Jarrl Irvin Than lin-i"her c Jhu Kliuf II I' Holt, n-tin.- anl wif- Tr C Schnycr rt al Kml.-rick Kii-htcr t al g itunio Mnry Uiii)tstuiiu vs Klutf k'w Sain tJ4 K Ff.'n I'lfitl hnx for lluhl vp Jareil Trrin John K K.tl'lr & wii'.- m M t had Klerk ner W lit Jt Kilrrt T5 Mhln l!r. man Mi. hacl Millt-r t Martin A Vtork Kolsvii rhaniltn rt llt-rthicr Thoinj'r.n fi. o Deal ashn'r of Kt-tt-r John KroiitT W m F ai'iiwlbtr furr part Art KrutM-n Kfllrr Wm Hunter Kar of S Hunt'T tp J.bn Suy r IVt r Lrnian ami wif tji Thn? Tliurohy j Dr I Bruirtnr vn J KfiltraJnu-h with tiuiiif Ar V WajrcnwlltT A A JorJnti V.'r ti Jrxh Hnuw'r j Snrnh Itftrkhouw Ali'x TnJohn Lt-nig John Boahr t Jamb Jscl-cr ft al Harnwlh r A .Ionian Kx'tt tr t Jn (iundj -Vtm'r Ac l'.iT A .wttlztr Ta Aniojt Mmh Ht-nrr B Miir tk John Mn.-mr Jaroh Roufh t!iin Nt-rhoot Kmanurl Nrit vn J.voh lloiiwr Hrnry ! .Mowrvr i Jueh Mowref rt al .Mi ' K lbturM Tt Jliii I'anl Jo-pli l( lotx v Joa-1 Klirman lr H Miller v N Miu-h. ll with notice to J MttlauU Johu M Kinty ru IVtr Neviufi lirown t Isuotlwiiw x May l Klofv .aine Tl IlYuU'ti Keller Snmc X9 NerMt-Mleawarlh r-'auio Tit Daniel KhM tatn : - - t Nrr MiilJWpwarth Simif ts lnmt SaitMv . th Onninl KIam - Hani vn .MiMenrarth. Kants t Co Sh;iff.T .ib r t Johu llartuian Jr Itohert t'hamU'r v? John Ii ,mitli Jihikv Karren Ti W Mel'heron J Shannon l-wii. I'olhy tx Wm II Ludwift'd Kx'nt Trnttei ier Kef t'h fswibiire TuTruK I,o Th LrwihurK I'aler st Kry t tiiin lrum t Koileanucl t sSlunaeker. Register' Xollcc. I OTIOK ir li"ii'!iy tt'.n n t allpersnns mimiL that I lli iiiH,.'.vintf uanirtl M;nsb4 hav. si'Ulml tlair a- fnunt-iin thr Ui-isut s otlui. at Ncif B Thn. I.nimi mun ty, ami that th,' kuiI acootuits will be prmtt fnr rainrir rtiatifin anl allnarsncc al thr Orj liana C lurt tn bf hnhl at Niw K-rlin for tlif rmmtv iif t'liHm,mi tns t'utirui Hiiudav .f HKCKMIIKK nrit. (I-ibj tlw day.) via: The final armuntof Tlh.mai Clinan. Ktttuirnf ths lat will ami toboni'Jit of Janes Merrill, laic f Dicsr ll'-rlin. ili-c'tt. Arr't uf Kliaaliclh Witmar, Ailm'i of Jarab.Witmrr, lau of I1iftini.iu, Ti. Air't i.r Jilin KiksIit ami '"o. D. Millrr, Adm'rs of Jar. Kwlt-r. lata! of Miil.ll.Tnvk Tp. The final arr't of .lames Milhf and Jam"? Finih'V. Er'rs nf I Ih last will and bwtassrnt of Anl'w MiCkwhan, latr of White Isvr Tp. Aop t of John Lrnrh. Onsnl. of Jn Price, a minor. Air t of Umrjre'Kterkner. Kv'r of the Iaat will and tes tament of Barbara KkTiner, widow of John Klerkucr. late of West B'UTaloe. Arr't or Msry and Eliia BVavrr, Adm'aes of Peter B'S ver. In of New Berlin. Arr't of John II. Cornelias, A'lm'r of Jamas Cornelius, , la.e or ew BiTtm. Aer't of Jan.b Mohr, Adm'r or John Aumiller, lata of Mid'lleereek. - Axt of p uilip Rnhl, 11m t of Jacob Hitter late of But faloi A't nf Leonard App and Jacob W. Smith, Adm'rs of John Sierer. IsteWif IVuns. t An-'t of Waniei, Jacob, and John ' Kan!tmau Adm'rs of John Kautfman, lale of Miina.Va'. BAN! El. BKT.T,MA, Re.-ijter. It?eirtcr's OSiee. Sow J) 'rlin, Nov. 19, 11-oU. J. & J. Walls, TJAVISG rel'leniJ old Mammoth 1 x. more, and crammed it Irom gnrrut lo cellar wiih every variety of Goods: required for JTall tmi UJintcu consump'ion. resprclftilly request their old frienJ-i, the Iralmg community, to call' and examine their stock. fCTMilSAlA and Produce of all kinds bought as usual. Lewisburg, Ojt. 27, 1850 Brandredrs Pills Are said al 25 els per Box with full direetiiinr) 1V J. HAYES A CO., Lewisburg. and by ) oik Ag.nt unly in every Toan in iho i 1,'uion. Each Agent has a Certificate of Agency j Examine llie hoi of pills alwaya and compare it . with llie far-simile labels on the Certificate As I theie i a counterfeit of the new label out, this i of much importance, as there is a decided ililler I enee between the appearance of the inie labels j and those of the couulerfiiu. The couo'.erfeit i. ! dune on stone; the genuine ire done on steel : j the appearance of the printing on the counterfeit is ragged and blurry ; the genuine label is the very pink ol nea!ne-s, both in punting, paper, and general execution. He very caielul and go to the Agent. when you waul Erandreth's Pills: then you are sure nf the genuine aiticle. When you purchafe ntheiwUe. inquire nf the seller whether he knows the pills he offers you are the genuine Drandreth's ! Ev ery man knows whether the article he oilers is true or false. Beware of cheats ! WASTED, Immediately, VB0V of from 16 to IS years ol age, as an Apprentice to learn the trade of a MIL-I.EK- One who can apeak both Engli.-h and (icrtnan, preferred. J0HX BROWN. Brown'a Mill, , Lrwtshurg, Nov. 20. IPSO. MEDICAL NOTICK. DR. T. A. II. TIIO.IXTON infer, his professional services lo the ciiwns nl' Lewisburg and vicinity, in the vdriuu branches of his profession. llesid.-iir-i- Temperance Hotel. OlHe Drug Store, one door above the Mnrnmuth Store of J. & J. Walls. Lewisburg, Oct. 1, 1850 iwa .for Sale. M si r'PIIAT Urge and desirable property on I the cornt-r of Market and tt'a'rr Jits., well siiuitlrd fur a residence, for business, or for a residence and plane of business. There is a Ure !!UICi House coniuin in 4 lre rooms on ihe first fli;ir, G bed rooms on the second fljfir, nnd lo l.irye finished rooms on the third. A Kitchen nnd Washhouso adjoins, nnd it his also a lar'e cement Cislern, a Purnp and Welt of good water, nnd all the necessary out buildings. For terms &c. apply to Gko.F.Mim.kr, Es.(. ' S. K. DAVIS. Letvi-iburp, Sept. 23, 1859 Latest Arrival ! AT TIIE L V. W I S It U II (i Wholesale tJ- lictail TIIHE stiliscrilior, thankful for past liberal pit- ronace, would irifoim his friends and pulilic generally that ho has just ree'd and is constantly receitiiii; Ireeb supplies of pure j Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals, IvxintclK, Herbs, liouis, MineruU, Tine- ! lures. Oils, Essences, Spirits', Gums, Plasters, and o:hrr coods in his line nf business, which he offers with the full assurance of thvir bring gen- ' uine, and cheaper than can be bought elsefthcre. j rhysiriaiw and others in the trade are particularly invited to call and examine fir themselves c:. w. scmrri.i:, Oct. 1830. Druggist und Chemist. Bread withoat Yeast ! IrrERVES.JIXU COMPOUND, mannfsc j turrd by Uah'iitt ct t'o, h a most sujierior preparation for making lirpnd. Tea rakes, liurk- heat cakes, qtiickh anil cheaply, fur sale hy jjrJT A H I HOK.NTON Family Soap Powder. 1)Y this preporation a single paper castin; 1 ) cts. will make 12 quails of the best Family Soli Soap. For sale by DrT A H THORNTON Fire -Proof Faint IS an article vvoithy the attention of on ners of buildings of every description. For snle by UrT A H I HOK.NTON Dr. John Locke, SCRGEOX D EXT ST, MAT be found at his Office and residence first door east of Kline's Hotel the two weeks following the fi.sl Monday of each month, where be is prepared lo execute all operations in his line of business iu a mauner creditable to himself and satisfactory lo those who may favor him with their patronage. Dr. L. spends ihe third week of each month in Milton. (Xj'Aromnlie Tooth Paste, pot op in beautiful porcelain boxes, an excellent article for keeping the teeth clean and breath sweet, for sale at 35 cts per box, by JOHN T.OCKB, D.D.8. . I.ewisburg, Pi., May, 1850 HENRY C. HICKOK, A TTORXEY A T LA VT, Lewisburg, Union County, Pcnn'a. Practices iu Union and adjoining counties also attends the courts of Perry county. OFFICE on Second St., lately occupied by L. D. Christ, Esq. NEW GOODS!! JUST received at "Former' a'ore,'' one door I'ast of Kline' Hotel : A lull assortment of Fall & Win'er Goods, such as Cloths, Ctssimeres. &:, Also, a variety ol Liidu'.-.' UrPss Goods, such aa Merinos, Silks, Cashmeres, DeUm. And also, a well selected assortment o! fresb GROCERIES. Lewis-burg, Oot. 9.1S50. LOOK fVILD! YOU lhat keep (locks. Watches, anil Jewelry lo sell, bec.iu' Hatfield & Thompson sell from K lo II pi r cent, chesper than any oiber in Ihis section nt ounlrj. Just received Irom the Factory in Connecticut, a Isre st.s-k of line JJJIASS CLUCKS. lower. than usual. Also, a near and fashionable assortment of JEWELUV from New York, e lerdmgly Uw. Bmu Clocks, so hours. mX il W i-1 -'' " - rln.-st flnishnl. .1 Ml u t 4" S " S ilav. i '' t" " flnet ftnlsli.-l. 1" ! '' 2 ' 30 hours, wiia alarm, 4 "9 E liill T'ros fieri'. fiirrSiirriirs aielmorth's ." fiO lo 8 'i! bolil I'at. IxVOTWatrlmi.lntveaa,-. 7j Is, 41 Oil - iK-ta, lir.l ls Trra.lek-easr. f ill j. w a, '! to SO 00 l'inn-s. lsk. ease, fnll -w(lrt, IS ts Silver I'atent Id lers, 7 jrsicla. Is Isi to i'i ISi g lloUctKU Lefcrh,lull Jevrel-.!, 1 'Si u p a L.'insi. K.ir Urn:;. Jenny Unit anil utbtr. Pinirer Itinss. fine ffr.M. l'i no to l.i o 3 fiaeg'id,t to s i' Ilreivt Miia. - 1 U0 lo a IW riiain.i;iiarJ airl f. h.warr i tnk.Ji erdn t. 5 to IS IVueil t-'aes, tine Koio, ' " witli pen, IJoUl P.-TIS. silver eases, Mtver Tst'Ie tMuIlS, 2 no to i 00 & .Mi 2 onto 1 fswi! li t) m t "'3 a imi tr s ;.o 2 vi'-Itl .Jtl t.'M-U!lt .SiUer ti u lo isi i 1 OO til J and a rarirly of articlrs fpIen.IiJ nood.- loo numrrous to mention, -rlowrr tlian r!-irw! e ie, hy 1IATFIELU & THOMPSON. S. H. All warratifH ns b.it aol.l fr. LrvrUhurff, Oct. 2S, 18'jO. I VliO FlilST ARRIVAL OF FAXC1' GOODS, DliCC S. tr.A: 'PMK subscriber has just received and i ! 1 now opening a lare assortment i f Funcy Notinns, Vc, hn h will lie sold below the former prices fur lha "ready John Davis." Oi-t. 6 T A 11 THORNTON Br. T. A, E. Mcket Ft. Lrwrsrni, WHOLESALE U RETAIL DEALER IK Drut, Mcl ir lne, i. lie miraN. Ij c- iSniiis, O.U, .;tas, IVrlunxry, C'onfcrtioni'ry & Fanry Artjrles. Ilr.Thornt.in returns his thanks for the lilxral iitriinaci vthich hs has rcceivrd, and he assures he community lhat every aiimtion shall lie paij to tlli' cnmpnamling of Me.!icinrs, ami lhat all Drugs shall lie fully testnl brf.irs' ihey are otTi-rt'il for s ilc anil warranted to be pure anil qnuin.'. UTTweriptions given free uf cbargo at Dr. Thurntnn's Drug S ore. Kemrmber to rail at ibe nl.i stand, firt door above tbe Mammoth Store of J. & J. Walls. Fresh and Genuine Meiliciius fPHE subscriber hrts just received nn 1 n Idiliuim! supply nf Medicines, w;ir- rMMtfPil tif lh hAf nit alitv nlr. m I'hpr-il i pt.ittvi i me dpi qmiitv, nuo n Lrnerai aasortmPIlt Ol nil fUldt articles as Usiinllv ' ttind in Drtii; bfores, nil of which lit: , offers at the lowest c;ish prire. Du. THORNTON. C0Q LI V Kit OII a supply ofThisTery I e.eledraled nrticlc lor coughs.colds'.iVc on hnnd nnd for sale hv Dr. THORNTON. 1EUFPMRRY. fust reeeived a fn'sh lot of ull kinds of Perfumery lor the to: el mi 1 for s.ile hv Un'. THORNTON. T a nix c I J III O I . AKU, Operm, an. I Ia,msPf-n WIL0. hr Ii salehy l):i. THORNTON STUVK WAUIvUOOAI, S urly o;tj)u.iile 11. V. Slitter's Store l II. !)Pt ani most approved 1,IRII iU. j SFIO?. OFFi'JK or P.XRLOU Stoves Ploughs, CaatiiiS rt nt lnw ratfs, hy CHRIST oc MTADDI.N". M.rKisin:r., : LAKI, ('II I C ns K, Constantly on lian J aul SIIAH.COIinSM.I for sal. ly SALMON, I J. PA I..M E R .V CO. HKUKINCS, 'Market Street Wharf, rtMiK, i riiHwMj&M. HAMS, SfKKS, j om:i37 SUOL'LHElS j (Brain Drills. ''PIIE uinIersinJ wish tn inform Ihe r -. ,i t i fiirniins; community s'iierally, lhat they are now manurnrtttritt" J. I. JCUSrs Jftciil IiHiirornl fAMA URLLS, or SO ll'XG MA CJXL. Without stopping to discuss i'.io compara tive merits of numerous Drills now offV red for sale, they merely wish to invite Farm ers to call anJ see the nb'we r,am d article before purchasing elsewhere, feeling conli Jent that they can furnish an articlo lhat will give entire &a lis far-lion. ROSS, GEDDES & MARSH. Lcwisburir Foundry, Au. 13, 1S50. SAWL AXDERS0X , , v, FashioaaWe Tailor, In the Drick builJin. Wer Market street, one door above J.Nesbif.ne-Bnck House. CUTTOO and MAKIM! TevHsbui'.'MaySS.lSSO. . TINX' JUSTICE, new editing ran le tail i I 1 .1 T.vnal.s Tlnokslnre. i n Ihis rImm. ! I.ewisburg. April 10, I S3 J. ' i lioAiwisG : r T 1IIE suLs'riber a(fs him.sirol the co!- tunns of the Chronicle m publialitri" fi the onzeii." ol lewifOtira an.l fivinitv ii at h. open, d o HOAKDINU lI'r'K in that large nl eoinfcwlalily arrunceJ loae. foesheny kept s Teinprmnce HoVl by litne KfMy, tu. doors east of rt.e Franklin HoB'e. Maike' ,i'ie:. He is prepaird to say tt.al uis Tb sl.a!t I..,e llii! brt the M irk! can atTord, a.-.d t'.ie J.i Jt. i z of Boutdirs ahail be as c.nnbwiai.la as emi Lir desired. I 1. STKRER. iV. D. A team and cairiit will hs kept to convey pwenzeis to and from 'b Packet Boats. Lewisburg. it'stcb 19. l'iO Sfxnit nntt RNAMENT AL TREES. ' The subscriber olTuts lr sale e Inrge" ! itssnrimrnl of choice Fruil Tree such I Apple tree, 7 to 10 feet hiih, 40 :rit-s nil warranted genuine Peach frn-s, varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectiirine, Prune and Piar tref?. tncetber with seme ' 6 or 6 varieties of Grape Vines of llie Lest j nitivc pud exotic vnneties. OrniimciilBi i Trers, such lis the rntilonia, Lir.tlen, iic. . N. I?. Pt-rsin wishing lo procure a . rjuaniity cl the Fruit tree,are requrstsrl t make tininediate app'.icat on to the sutwicri- ber, in order lo procure the varieties and fsi.! wauled. . II. R.NOLL. Lewisburg, Murcti 4, 1S50. LIVEIl COMPLAINT. T A UN l)ICE, Dyspepsia. Chronic or jS'eroi:s . Jj,.bijiy, diwase of the Kidneys, and all ilis- t-ii(es ariii? (mm a liiirdt'reJ Liver or Sfoirarb, iurll ax CVnfipafitH). Inn ant l'i!e, Kutnra ur UtuoJ to tbe Jie.itl. Aridity of the - ilomnrh, iausej, ilcarlbura. ii gust for Von. Fulnes- or Wvight in lue r STornach, f ur Kiuctalion. iiikinc or Mul- f aarincw ) tttt rtf ihan SlAmarh Swimmina nt tka j Hi1. Uuriitfil anJ difTicutt Urrattiinc. Flut t g trrin? at (he Hrarl, choking or auliiKa j tin? Sr.Mlifn whin in a lytne "J l posture, ilinme: of Viiion.Uot or We! I liff.ut ihe iSihl, Fer anJ iJu!l I'uin in trie j Hiail( VvfiCienrv of PrTfpiration, Ye'lune-a of I tie aui and Uyr pain in the bit!?, UacE, ! HM, Kr,in5 " ,ne nh, constant I na- gllllllB Ul J1I, Bit" S' ,t 1" Jirr-IUII VI a-7:iiw csx ie irrFrTi-sr.tr ccheb r DR. UOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS. prepared by at the German Mfdrrine Sfore, 1-20 irrli St. Pliilsd. Ilitir porrrr arer the abort dhenpe is not (X CfUtdt if C'ji'.aiLd, bij any other prepvrutivn m the t'nttfft Sf$ifts, a the cure oift.t.iti many ( ruse nffrr tkifftil phtsiciun had failed. I he ui ler are worth the attention of iava- i liJa. HeDiug great virtue in the rectification i of dit'a's of the Liver an! tenser gland, exerci- finir the mot nearehin powers in weakness an! allectiona of the dii?etive organ?, heir are withal aafe, certain and pU aJt.l. KCil a covitan. The Hon. Cha t Hineliiie. editor ol tbe Cmtuhn DrrrtocrutW best pap'r in Wert Jere. saya. July 2!?t I II' n H LAN D 3 t.KUVAN lillTKKS. We hav am . many HntU.riuc miUrtjt if thut mfln-ine, and the urc wlwncetlieT raiur in lured w U make inqairi- reDretin i itj ui-rit. rrt.m in iUirv w wt-re jr. r-u.-'i tc u.- itnU rnttM a.T we fuuuJ a e-,tic in it an:on Uhn ditvn- f ; the liver nili-tivi- vr'ans. in. I the powerful inturn It exerln npn nervtij prostration i renlly snrprtinjr. Tt j euliu.-s lutU iirvii,thci:i tiie w r , l-r.i.-m tlteiu mtu a j tate f r.-rKp. mnkinz sleep refnhliinir. j If tbii uit'Jirint.'erv mon- eu ruliv nrtl. we are sae J iifitl therv wnuM i-- i I, nfti. a from the it-mah, ; lirer. aal nervous KVftein tbe areui miuontT of real mad f immrinnry litwa'.' eninnnb. Ilaretliein in a healthvnn J tiuion. anJ y.tn ran hti denaut-e to ep;.Jemir evnurailr. J Tliin etrr"hna,ry imilirim- w,- .u'.d i1ti- otir fnritct wboareat all iutii.-pwI l- irrr a trial it will then no -;ntn-nl .ru if. It th..ul-l- in fus-t. If In every t':u.t;Iv. i ntlter UH'Iieine ran pr-tucc ?orh eTiJ ncc! ("meriC ( Kiora the Bttxtun Hee editorinl, Dec I Pr IIi"tTrtn.lV I'.'li Itjii.-iI -vv-rrnan loiter, f r the cura j f Liver ri.inplint. J?n.!ir.-. ltvr-i-. and I Lrontefn ; Nerrtu l riiy. ! ti. rrt-diT one f tbe niwt pjpaiar i iw dit ini-jt of the .lay. These Bitr'-r haT. been ted hy ; tl)manl". an.i a frioiiJ at t.iir i-il.w ho has h.:aff ! reeeiTM from the ne of thi- ritlr aneffertual. pnnn. , iK-ut cure of Liver luuii'laiut. We are ruvatei Uutt j in th Uo nf the ltiti. ru, t pati'-nt eouytaurlv cvzr. qriU':;" aM tli-,",-a torth) f RPrat coaiitrn.tioa. Thry am pient in u i.-.id.i sii-ii. .n j in t--u.i i v Prp,n,, wi,b lbr a deiieate toui.n-bs with aalatT Pn. .,i t..,i. nnivwd ...j, ti.ir u-. Sci'tt Wet hi i, one of I he Iwsl literary pact: j puItiUhn!. Paul Aug -"ih j Tr. llrLA7ii'. (tFitwx PrrrTit. msnufiiHurvl tr Vt i Jiu-kiTsu. rr ntw nt-mtu-iHl.'vi l.j tu.uu of th uwt pro j mtnnt inpiuNrs of th. Farult. tut fn nrti-a rf much e W'.ulJ .ltL-e nil to olitaln a botti". rd tiu Mire tima.'lrvs murh hi kn-t. H-r?M.D of dcbi'ltjlv d nuTituii'us will luI t!irw Ul.irr intn wu to tJ.ir i IinUlh, m we kutiw fruni rxprr renew tbe trlulary ffs.Tt j thfv have u pi ii wmk t'ni.j. Jutlrje M..M.Ii"oah, a g, nlfem-in rf treat (itn lilir and literarr uttaiiimei1f..uiil in hisM.rw York j Weekly Metwoiigcr, Jan fi. S50 hit h tin i.ulini; pnw trf th I'un rypour umuiiiuc u irL.-uu.. un. tiir (rn.sll !8 UDvi0UII. II IS Itl-l :Vrai nM-rii ti..iiiurui!.(l byrn..-ftl,mnf.ft.f,hrt.d , i-'iv-i. -lniif fit uc'.i-rn iini- tu lale ur. Christorncr j Wilheim Hoodard. I'r.f !. r tn ih- l"uiTrrfiT of Js ns, j Frits-it I'liTwirian Id the Kin; of I'tu-vsia, anj pim- f tht . rn atp!t m i!in ritriv ...-rtiiam hit.' t-Tcr (.n-Iuci J. ll I was rmi-hatiraily tua enemy cf Uutur. ami tbcr-ture j m.il.fim- which h ws tin- in nlur ani rnJ.-riHf may j -unti.i-ntly nluil on. He ,--iiHy n-ominirudii! t ii ' l.ivi-r I'ouirlAitit. Ih sv'Tf.iia- U-Jiilttv. A ,.i , e sunn-:, oustipatu n, all tviipl.vnU M-.jicn fr..m a .iL-MT-ii rt-ll ct luliti. n tit tti.- -f nia-h. tin. ,..! . ttir ln's!ini-. Ninf l'hi?aullit psnors express tlis eUTiet:n i.f its nn lu-n.-r. anJ f. vr:.l nf tiit.r Chrurs ! ifeak if lis r.T-rts fimu th-tr rwn In.Iiri.lual riprrr". j I u t r ciri iini-:iin s, wr f.l warrant, ft. n..t cn'.T in niltina lli att-nt-ort r.f nr.r n a.lir to thr prrs's't 1 I'T-'j.rirf'T i Ur. I. 2i.Jiufc--.nVI trs.vratiL'li. but in rw- j oinni"THtii): th artklr to alt atflktol. I Mint Evmevri. The Philadelphia Silun?sy I Cazelte, ihe best family newspaper pulih-hed iu i the United Stales, the eiiilor saj s of Dr UooflanJ'a ! (ierman Uitters J Tt ' M'luom that are rmrnim-.,,.! !..! . . r. rut Mntinnrs to our iwIit.' atr..i:a- nnj enfi aim ; aii.l, thrn-fjrt.. whrn ws rrr..mr. n.l It. Il.x.rtafiil's :r rhan Bitt. rs wr wi.it it tn b.. ,liatinrtlr mW.r-u-J tint " sprskine "f tlw nostrums rf th.. tr.T. that ar n"!ril about f. a brit-fi crioU aa.1 w iwvttrn slier lliey linvr .lonu thrir cnittv rars nT mlsrlilrf IS,, a .frt mr.li.r l..a vi.titbiip.li. .i, uiuvi'rsall.v pri7rtl. arsi wkuli lias uwt 0" hearty art'nal of the Kiu-nlty it. ir. Evidence on evidenre been lereived the fiT.roiiic'i frca all sn-tioo.4 f ill 1 nion. ths last A 'ritrn. inn, tike lnt't..' r.-'f ww iri ij fi:rnr , tl..t ' ti.,r u .. i- .h.- i,-: : i ll Jt i'tiyi,-ian t i-hti; i1.iii.-. than ..r i ott, r ii.rrnnis. ' ruBihirsl s feVllnst ran racily be cstai4i.hrw. aivt full !;-: tiwt a sr!"n;it- r.-iara:i.i wiil imvt sarttla thsir 'iiitt approval warn prr.'ns.-a rvrsi in tlm fi,rm. That ihismv-lirlnrsillrun- liver C.imi.laiut and Dvsiiia ! mie ran doul.t. aftrr u.in it an uirrrwd. It arts srciff. ' ally U r n thr Sti.Burh au.l Uv.-r. It is nn ral.lc ta Tnlomi'l in ill btli.t ,Hmfr. 1 hr rfT.t is imiii.titr tbiy iu u.' a4iaiui.t-ri lo rum Dr i.n:.vi ssILtv ami rrliahlr brnrfit, at any Umr. Beware of counterff its! Thi medicine has attained that chiractiT vrhirfi it i necessary for all to attain to induce eounter frilers to put forth a spuiious article at the rik of ihe li ves of thoe who are tnttorenllv deceived. Look Well to the mtrrka nf the f-rnttinr. They have the written signature of CM. Jac Kao upon the nrapprr, ami the. name bbivtn in thn b0,,,e maom '"" '"'.y " punou. For sale. wholesale and retail, it the OrlRM .N medicie stoke, n0. no aKch . M h1-" ' V of 17? R,ee St.) Phiia N - "J iwpvWttle dealer, anally, tbe " throughout. l,r.l0 JHr"t S s YXOA LUUuUo,trg Jy iTfi' STEWART Sorj-eoD DeniM , X hi rrmnved his oflsoe lit Fourth St,. ncar Blair "Frnnklin Ilnlel.'' - - - . v WOOD Mu""1 cn avrtnt. imn:r'';rrflT i i 1 V r r t i r r- c r r