Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, December 04, 1850, Image 2

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The Farmer.
Economy and Preservation of Farm
yard Manure.
Ala late mating uf lh" '','l',r",
Agricultural Society ol Scotland, Dr. An
derson delivered an important lecture cu
Ihe '"Economy of M inures," from which
We make the following extract :
1 beg it to be understood an my decided
opinion, thai farmyard immure must al
ways be the fanner's main slay. Good
farmyard manure will contain more or less
r.f all the constituents of cir crop--, but. in
estimating its value, we must he contented
to take into consideration only its more
imporliuit constituents, un.l, in this way, I
conceive we may obtain a sufficiently n.ar
estimate, by knowing the ninouut of nitro
gen and phosphoric acid which it contains.
In the management of farmyard manure,
Iwo different questions require to be con
sidered. Firsl.lhc production of a manure
containing the greatest possible amount of
nitrogen ; and, secondly, the successful
conversion of that nitrogen in'o ammonia..
It is not unimportant, of course, that the
m J-m i lllP
Arrival of the Europa.
- " Ilari'ax Telegraph Oince,"NoV."27.'
The steamer Europa, Capt. Lott, arrived
at 7 o'clock this morning, with 40 passen
gers for Boston, and 7 for Halifax.
The " renewed misunderstanding be
twen Prussia and Austria is confirmed.
All Germany is arming. Austria and Ra
varia are in arms. Prussia lias drawn
the first blood
H. C. HICEOF, Editor.
5 O. H. WORDEM, Pnbltaher.
M oath in aiinm Sl.Ji In Uinr month S pud
within the year, and (-'' at tli end c,f the Tear.
AitvuUin l'lu!ull4iia V II rainier ami K W Carr.
Ltcwisburff, Pa.
Wednesday Morning, Dec. 4
ADVERTIZE! Kwcut.iim Aiiuiinirtratnra, Public
Offuvn. City and I 'uuntry MereltanU. Manubu-tuivrF,
)l-hani-ft. l.uiiKta Men all whi wish lu rtirun. -r t
1 lieif troops OCCUpled the aa.in. tbmnzli Uw -UicUlmni I1.nmi.it." Tbii raper ban
.. i it ,. i . A J a kirhI and inere.aiu.ie. rirrulatiou in a niainiu.iit- conlai-
. . in.i-u f iui.i uiuii mnui 111c ituMii. i mug a kir 'a a timrtiin nr aetiie. sulrent prislucen.
I a lis advanced with their swords sheathed, :
but were nt once fired upon, and several oft
- their numbers were wounded. The shots
were returned, and the Prussians finally
, evacuated the place, carrying off their
wounded with them.
' France, Knglind nnd Russia have of
fered their meditations on the German
question. The latest accounts are more
, peaceable, although in Vienna war is now
looked upon as certain.
Destructive Tornado.
Louisville, Nov. 30 One of the most
t?"MoTiB Axn"' complaint 10 u of the neg
lect of our Borough offices to keep the side
walks clear of obstruction.., and notices sever
al accitirnts caued by piles of wood, coal,
Ac, fullered to remain after ilsrk. He also
. i . c ,u i ii.. i
rul'!ailia v .lie aiu. nnita w UJg iuh .
afeaVA promising young lad invaded the
Editor's thicken coop the other day, jot
as we were called to dinner, and mim
vJm thrust therein a fine fat ; turkey, as
a f.iVurnl.-le omen, we suppose, of tlio :.p-
proaclnng 1 liatiKsgivmg I lay. Alter a
close cross examination, wc drew tlie Tnfe-r.-acu
that we were indebted for this judi
cious and seasonable remembrancer to the
generosity of lr. John Locke, and since
learn that lie had served the Publisher in
precisely the same way. Wc had for some
time intended to call on the worthy Doc
tor, and have nearly a mouthful of teeth
extracted, but under present circumstances
have concluded to hold on a while yet.
Iteir" The 1'nit" is the title of a new
monthly paper edited and published anon
ymously in New York city, at 50 cents
per annum, "devoted to spiritual and
natural education, by the dissemination of
a knowledge of the Iaw of Universal
9" The i " CHRISTIAN DlAlKMr'aild
Family Keepsake," is a new Magazine,
published by Z. P. Hatch, NbS, Naaisau
St. New York, at 75 cents per year, or 20
copies for ?10 in advance." It is well
printed its selections entertaining and
instructive and is ornamented with en
gravings. Evangelical in tone, but nowise
sectarian we know not of a kheapcr or
more appropriate Holiday present
JKirOue of our exchanges says of IIol
dcu's Magazine that it " is a cheap one at
$100." We think it high at $09, but
$1,00 one hundred cents is all the Pub
lisher asks for it. PriuU.-C should be
careful to put iu the commas.
Cljanksgioinrj in Pntnsnloaniii
. 5
fjafTl.TlX!A, SS-fc On mw mil tyJl'fllifWVry otlt last week.
Robert Campbell a Scotchman
killed in Minerstille, Schuylkill Cm
; A PROCLAMATION. r j WBnm everybody likes aad that i, on,.
AwotbiT n. Jotton ol ihfn aon ban ben almnat torn- ho Il83 illdciClldence HIOU" ll lO disnuri
p1te.l. I'aiv with all uationithaf liwn wnrhw-. unur l.l. .! 'Y- '
amuurj by ta. hteaKWK wsvsf.Uof ujoi m- h every ooay tser and chime axaciy
iur. A ln-w-ftrrnt FKo lliKVK haa r.mtiiiu-d HIS with OUT OWU OpinioliS
fruanlian rare over th pniplr tr tliin Couimmtwealth. " g';
lit haa prvn.-rv.il u. nmu-r tiw in-titutiuns r trvr r;.- Orowntd. A colored man, ncrdar
ernmcnt. in th. ttk-t ami unilixturlail rnjnTDM'nt of civil rr , tl;-ir it ' J
and iviiKiuiut Iitartr. IIK ban fatvrxl na With li.-it!,fi.l Itlty years, IIBmen W llllum John-fun, n
i):nwunia'iiirwiiu..iiuKravi.i'iviivi.iii inw yrrl' rennPrrT OI "Uenill DV UCCIU' Tl "il
wlujta tbej fluw,a.lin.4tibs na l.i (i(titoanur l'..plr. iii , , . al
i4t.'nnx upthr tnlHit of fc-rvrdt thank.vin anl prais; Or.Vi Ijtncf. lC. U-'IZ.
to " IIIM who :.t kth orr tlM- il.i.tinii nf imfiony' rp. , t.. - A.
- wl. narcli. til Ihr h.-arU f tl- rliil.lrrn of mi u , 1 lalVMry UlllltCll, tCW XoriS, a
-jh?thpr.IM.rrd ins Thr.;... .. ti.. n.a..n, and furnjshed iheir Rector, lr. llllU. ;,
whoa Ktndrint nllrui otpt all. i
lNpi iwprraaud wilb Uh- proprMitj of thin dutr.ln af ' n pnrsrnRe hnttsr. CCllr r d him'O a'i!rv i
c.mi.iii will. Vll' irwiam rui 11 auu .n rvmiMisnrv
with ttxwifchos of tin cr-at bodvof the proplr.l. l illmm
ana a u.t nartraia. ii.,nr,.iua. nap,.,,.-,. Jr0)kI,erJ , l-.tld's mili dam. 00 I.: cu. ,
la thr enti rprini. f the ritim n ; Hie rartli u full . . -
oilni"f VWtP." While tlu) lnrttml- CieeR. cn the I8:Il tilt. An inotiiM .
i-ii of HltoVllil-Ai'K fumi.h a iiuit:it!e ftiitjM't for u. ij . L l. J. D L'
mtulatk.. al i-ratefnl aHt.wl.,lm. nt. . rn- " tnw u v. . r.!..,,,,;
$5000 n year, insured hi life in $IO,"ou
rn .L41. V. M t9va ontitl.Nl J"""""'.0"riiror thr ui.l Comnvmwrnlth. h. nhr ,,,J n.ade h.m a pifM'lil l f $15 0!H). I
0S"Tlic sketch by .Mrs. nayes, eniuieo ;mfreintn do-innaie thi'ksdav. ih i-.tii pavof , a i. . u j . t
i DKCMiil.K NKXT.aa aoaTuf ayneralTI1AKr4jlVI0
"J'nrt" will Cud her views enforced by the
I'uwn Council, arnnn; our new nilvi rliKcineuls
o-her constituents of the manure shauld be i appalling and destructive tornadoes which , (; -)wf. Sjt U, ,lf ,hr S,thim, .
present in abundance, but it may be as- b;is U-en experienced in the Mississippi Val i 'j,,r,t fuuauy, u i!l ml.lns Ac rit- j
.umed ascencially true, that the treat- ' l-y for several years, occurred about two j ;z, f I ril,ur'j , thr ,ul,j,rt ,,f the f. A-j
ll swept over the tjnn of Cape Gera-
deau,M.; situated on the Mississippi river,
just below St. Louis, nnd demolished some
seventy or eighty buildings, man) of them
the finest and principal business hou.es in j
ihe place. The l?.tptit and the Catholic j
fli'irf-rin nnil i !u fiiivent were de.f rnveil. !
Two of the la i go and splendid telegraph
masts belonging to the St. Louis and New
Orleans Telegraph Company .were cracked
and brought to the ground with as much
ease as though ihcy had been pipe stems.
The steamli.iat Sjranac, No. 2, which
had just roundeJ to at the wharf, hud her
upper works completely blown off and se
. i i.t.. rr....o it... ..rH.npst amount , o'clock in ihe ai'iernoon.
ni;in Hkviy .v. in u b- .
ol nitrogen, will be thut which proiiuces
the most Taluable manure iu other re
cts. In regard to the first of these
questions, there is a want of definite infor
mation. 1 1 is a common statement, how
ever, that the value of the manure is de
pendent upon the nature of food with which
the cattle that produce it are supplied.
That, for instdiice, cattle fed upon oilcake
produce suerior manure to those fed on
turnips. I am aware that this opinion in
not universal, as I have beard it disputed
hv farmers of skill and experience. 1 am
inclined, however, to believe that U is to a
artuin pwient correct. Supposing, then.
that two samples of such manure dtfivr, it
must be obvious that it is the dung and
which differ; the litter
ilum will be same in bo:h
- o
As regards tSe general question of the
preservation of mmure. I apprehend that
the most important matter is iis protection
from air and moisture, la the wny a
common dung lieap is made, we have, in
fact, exactly the conditions to occasion los
of its valuable constituents. It is exposed
to a more or less free current of air, which
facilitates the volatisation of the ammonia
a it is formed ; and it is exposed to the
falling rain, which wa.il.es out the sjl jble
saltsand what ammonia the winds have
spared, into the subjacent sod. It is true
that the former of these sources of loss can
lie got the better of by use of acids or ol
gyrwum, and mixing with dry earth ; but
when the ammonia is thus frxed. as it i
nirl if t fixed onlv as regard riirniin
f.r if i still tohtblr. and liable
. i . .. I are ween-nj
wfi-KA.I atanv hv rRtn. 1 &
In order to have farmyard dung in the j beta thus uj.ii.wdy sep. away
Lest statf, it must be prtl ed under cov i
i r ; and, my impression is.lliat the intro- j
duction of covered dung pits is likely to
prove of great importance. ' "Ve have an
other matter to attend to, also, in the man- j
ugement ol hrmyard manure its fertnen-
lation, namely, by which is meant the pro-
duction or such a decomposition as con- j
verts the nitrogen present into ammonia, j
The importance of this decomposition de- i
penda upon the ftct.thnt, by this means, we j
obtain a manure which acts with grea-er j
,,;ditv than one in which this decompnsi- j
ti . has not been eff.-ctcd. The fact is.tbnt
the formation of ammonia, takes place
much more slowly, when it b .sbeen in
rorpnrnted with the soil, than when it is
heaped up in the dung heap; and as the
nitrn -en must pass into the state of ammo
Ilia before it is absorbed by the plant. we
require to ellect as much of thut change j
as possible, if wcareto have a mmure of j
ra:id action. 1
some places that water stands there. We i Unity," as illustrated by the material or
hepe thai to name lbc.se fact, will answer e011forniati0n 0f niankind, according
his purpose. . . . . , . .
IU HIIX Iltili.uji , mm B I in.. e:. .i i ii. i.ii-n ...
mental philosophy. This numW contains
An esily and prnmpt cxerci.e of h U a sure .. ,.ur;ous aualvsis of the character of Ho-
safeLtisrd niEainst wanton or heedless viuUtion . .. , . . ., ,
of public and douwsiie rihis and prml.-ge,. I race (.reeley; and similar articles upon
- I other tiiiblic wen are promised in future
jr.hrtiii.ti n .wjji r.. yr..i. ., .1. ...
&3T Under the head of " County Hi'si
ness," on next page, will 1 c found all the
official county advertisements, compressed
within a single column Court Proclama
tion, Jury List, Sheriff!. Sales, Trial List,
aud Register's Notices, for Dee. Court,
commencing one week from next Monday.
AlrutNt.T AT I.AW.
Mitaailkir, WiiOTinyin,
struck our eye, and suggests a paragraph
that may interest some of our readers, as
well as illustrate a salutary principle. The
gentleman whose name we have thus ven
tured to make free with, in bis boyhood
served an apprenticeship to a trade, and.
..n.n .ilt .r nlt'iiiiiiii. Lie .ti'i i. irl t. n-ont
. , . . . . j .TiUII. lilll.T.i.fc a uuiiiiiiu iiii'n iij.nvu.
lio pt:i.soiia oil lit I m.ii;8inn.ii iiij'.ii-u, i . , .. , ,
1 . . , . i into the mercantile business at the Junc-
and some, it is probable, were drouneu. j . . , , . ,
, 1 I tion, but in a few years failed, and was
1 he wharf boat was likewise blown Irom I , , ., , . , , , ,
, left penniless, and burdened with debts,
her moorings and a tuoat irreparably in- 1 .. , , , . , ,. , , ,
. ' I I nfortuiiatc but not dismayed, hr removed
jtired. I 11
In or.ler that you mav judge of the trc-j ' Newport, where, for several years, he
mendous violence of the storm, I will state --upported a large family by assiduous
that a cow was unvfTcmonioiisty lifted' oil
her feel on terra firma, and deposited in
the top of a tree, sixty feet from the
The loss of lire in this awful visitation,
can not as yet be ascertained, but it is cer
tainly very great, n numbers are doubt
less buried beneath the ruins of fallen
buildings. There 11 ic also a greM ma-
ny persons who are seuousiy Hijureo
ind some nftbem are so crippled and mai- Mack, then M. C. from that District, pro-
mcd lb ilther will never recover from tlie 1 cured him a Lieutenant's Commission in
iTecls. the 11th lVnna lleiriment. and t'ol. Ram
sey appointed him tpiarter-master of the
reginietit. lie served with his regiment
The town is lilrrallt torn in pieces, nnd
otiks trulv wobegonc. Many citizens
tho were this morning to be sem with
light hearts nnd smiling faces, aro to-night
to be j wrapped either iu the arms of death, or else
for tl.ti.- friends who have
till the close of the war, participating with
credit in some of the severest battles near
the Mexican Capital, fur which he received
honorable mention in the official despatch
es of the lamented Col. Graham ; and
Census of KortiumTjerland County, j wit" Face was concluded, returned home,
Messrs. Friek : Gentlemen Helow I with renewed health and hopes. With
send ou a correct statement of the census be means he had acquired, one of his
of Northumberland county, showing the first steps was to bunt up his old creditors
population of each Township and Borough ! d pay off his debts to the uttermost far-
in the county :
Tu'bul "
Chdisquaque "
Point "
Upper Mahnnny '
Lower Mahanoy "
Little M ihunoy "
Upjier Aug ista "
Ix)wcr Augusta "
Shamrkin "
Jackson "
Milton lljrough
Not 'humberlaud "
Sunburv "
87 G
1 M2
23, -'-':i
grtijJi, nt tin: Tnirn Hull nu Friiltiy iriiinij
nr.cl. All mil r:tr.ly m the tmrn ami coun
try, trr hnpr trill att' inl.
Fruits of Perseverance.
In glancing over the advertising columns
of a Perry county paper, the following re- Our ample sdieet and small type now
centlv inserted card, i enable us to uive more new reading matter
weekly, than any other paper in t entral
tftaSrKev. V. Huthrauff, late Pastor of
the Lutheran Congregations in this place
and in Miltou, we learn has changed his
residence to Andesville, Perry county, Pa.,
in which neighborhood he has taken charge
of several Congregations. We t-Ac plea
sure in bearing witness that this new field
of labor of our excellent friend is pleas
antly located, and iu the midst of a weal
thy, intelligent and hospitable people.
fiiay-A Yankee writes home from New
York city, that '-a Miss.irtf Lintl has
f nt up at Mr. Irving's rrn, Proadway
trit, who they say is a pretty considerable
slick singer, for a foreigner!" lie must
bo cousin to that olscrving Jonathan who
wrote from Paris, " this is a pretty big
i llliiifi, but only think o' the terrible de
pravity of the folks they can't fjieak a
word of English !"
Par TluiHkfjirin'j is to he observed as
usual on Thursday of next week. Those
who wish to procure extra treats in the way
of cakes, cVe., will do well to call on the
Lewisburg Uaker.
y-the-by, our citizens will find that a
well supported Uakery will often prove a
great accommodation, and should therefore
encoorage it.
faa"-Tlie "(" SVj Whig has come
out in favor of the One Term principle in
all county offices hoisted the banner of
Gen. Scott for President and Kx-Gov.
Jones of Teunesse, for Vice President
and announces thut the Democrats arc go
ing for party Judicial nominations iu
Democratic counties, and for the Volunteer
system in Whig counties.
tear We are indebted to Dr. Wm. S.
Miuicr for a copy of the " Introductory
Lecture by 0. Bentley Mathews, M. D-,
Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeu
tics in the Homoeopathic Medical College of
Pennsylvania," at Philadelphia ; delivered
Nov. 4, 1850. The Professor advocates
the Homoeopathic cause with much earnest
ness and steal.
AnvtltTlRE. The whole assortment of
an article advertised by one of onr mer
cantile firms last week, was disposed of
in onr il.iy. Wc do not say this would al
ways be the case with everything adver
tised, but we do say the surest way to
"The Credit Svstem Thr J'rint,'
observe i taking an extensile round of "jt'i' b- pp!-.r u,i, .ommonwrai.b,
' C I ffasrareatid prrful ob-rvanrr fifth wimr.
travel. ...
By magnetic Telegraph.
For thr I'hiln.kli.hia S. American k U. S. Oaaotte.
to 1
ilvrn under mv haud anl tii.-tireat Sral of the Stntrat
j llarrirbnr-r. this twruty-cihttt daT of orUbi-r. in thr
I Tvnr nfour Iinl our tlioui-aiid rili't bninln-d atwl tiftr.
1 and of tlw roinitHinwealtli thewTrntj-finh.
j lit lbs Uovrrnor: A. I.. Itt'SSKI.U
1 S.-rrrtnry of tliv t'omiuonweattti.
Wasiiingtox, Dee. 1, 1850.
The annual message of President Fill
more has been in type since Thursday last,
(t occupies about seven columns of the
Washington Republic.
The message is a very able document ;
decided.but conciliatory in its tone ; strong
ly conservative in its character, and char
acterized by an earnest devotion to the
On the subject of slavery it takes ground
in favor of the general policy embodied in
the adjustment measures of the last session,
aud expresses a hope that nil further
agitation of this exciting question may be
In regard io the "Fugitive Slave Law."
it declares that it was passed if) fulfilment
of a constitutional obligation, aud that its
provi jions must lie enforced and sustained.
If, however, experience should demonstrate
News Sc Notion
Havre Do Grace Hunk. it is staled thut
the Grand Jury ol llarlord county, Mary
land, have indicted the following named
prrnms for embezzling the funds of this
l ank, nn I that Gov. Thomas ill immedi
ately issue his requisitions for them :
M. V. Rrarh. of N. T -hnrp ! wilb 1 nil-zzliiu i'n.'""' I I. I auav.
arh. nf Srw V'irk l"i.ik ! . . '
;i!ier imr.ur g.
Ilenrv uV-arh.
J. N..II1.L.T. ..f Km!!
Vitl.aiii.-1 Jriikms. of Milan. Oblo
J..hn I'alb-r. . f IVUMo
J'hn I'. li:.y..tf Milun. otii-,
Kira Collins, f llarr. !- lirarA
noif.a inai ny ptuceucc aim ccou.imv r r.
reverend genilemnn uiil be able, now,
'wiggle along."
A Welsh Newspaper, t'.e name .if V,,
is 1. Diich., t.rts lx.en cfiunit i.red it .N,
York. Thcie is a nervousness in the il -.
lion wh:cli thrills the readpr. ' The lol!,..
ing is i's motto, which is rrmarkably tf ; .
tng : .1 (ItlnrfUno, ysttjTitJ ; a yt't'n
cogiul ; a g'', gicudtd ; a u-nl.
llratb Irom Exci'emrnl. A cn'ore;
wemnn, belonging to Mr. Savage, aitciide I
prearhing at Nashville Ti nn , lately, I .
becoming excited and warmed up djr i,j
the services, commenced shouting, w. i
She died in a few iiixj ,
I- .I K'
A fashionable wedding occurred at Al 1.
ny last week, and it is atatcd I but ihe u j.
emg presents which the bride reci-ii
ere valued at near eight thousand do. ;rS.
A Pll has been introduced into ..
North Carolina Legislature, taxing N.-r:!..
A Church Without a Bishop The Spe
cial Convention ol the Protestant Episco
pal Church, which was held in New York
Inst upfk. ndintimed !.ine die. after a three
days' session, in wh ch it was f und impos- ,"n manulaciuns urotgi.t mm ,i.ai .Vi t.
sib!e to elect a provisional Itishnp for the j Smoking a Lady. I'.ieven ar.d a q..ur
New York diocrse. The diocese remains , ter pounds ol loreign manufactured brn -therefore
without an r.cing Bishop fur an-' co rre lakt-n from a lariv. 'be til in: -,
other venr.
j in the streets of London. 1; was hoaij
labor ut bis trade ; and in the mean time
devoted his leisure hours to the study of
the Law, under our direction, and after
the usual period of study, was admitted to
tlitj Perry County 15ar. Rut the emol
uments of both trade and profession being
as yet insufficient to relieve him from the
galling thmldoiii of debt, he looked around
for other irons to put in the fire. Shui
after the Mexican War broke out. Judge
1 lie lion. .Amos r.. noon, weprescnia- uv in ituus indiums v n nirven. imi ;.,
live in ('onsiress of the Sixth District of represt nt a bustle, nnd the o:h r to su :
th it it is defective in any parlicuUr.a resort 1 ( ),i0 died at Fort Way ne 011 the 1 'Jih ult. seniing in w hich " ladies w i-h to be ,
to legislative intervention, and not to trio-! He was elected to till the vacancy oeca-. love their lords.'
lence, will be the proper remedy. sinned by the death ofMr. Dickinson, Ujth Waahintt.n, N 'il Wm Do I! w
Tne President ur-es the attention of ! "f ,,orn Sandusk county. ; ha been appo.i.U ! Triaurr(l il.rj'i,:
In rerer ; ur' " ranoaii, no was al -New u, leans, tn .ace 01 J. .'.
tliinii : as some of our clients can testify
j lie resinned the practice of the law; ami,
j in the Perry County Democratic Convcn
j tion, iu August last, received the votes of
several delegates for the nomination of
State Senator. A portion of last summer
j was. spent in traveling in the We.-tern
t States, and sonic of the results of bis ob
j servatiotis were made public through the
! columns of the Chniiiirlc. iu a series of
excellent letters over the signature of
" M." Wc hope to be favored with more
of them, hereafter. It seems from his
j card that he bxs concluded to cast his lot
t in the fresh and enterprising west, where
I there is more elbow room for young men
i than in the crowded eat and where, we
The p .1 u'ation in 1S10 was 20,07-
i have no doubt, tlie same capacity, en- 1 r0curc or disnose of a thing, is to let
' fP."V of ( li:ira.-tir. :mil iirniiitv li.'r.t..f.ir ' 1 t .1. .1.
II i n ,rk will t Hushcl of Corn i Showing .... increase ill the last 10 ,e.rS i 7-, , ... V " '. ' ; I,col'R hn"w "K w
How much I oris will a nusiiei i vi... , .,. . . ' f , 1 exhibited, will make their mark and ensure i ' ,TT, , ,
ItelRv some cxrwriments tried, it is ol 3,l!l(i. 1 be number of inhabited dwell- j j Cv The proprietor of the Philadelphia
' f;tr)int'f J ftt 1 1 Hit lias rcrcuiij' vuiii-
trr-Thefollowingc.n.iuit,ieationspeaks I , a M.niiweeiEiy edition of that ex-
f,,r il.lf Tbr. I ..!,... ..-..1 1... 1 J
' " rv "' ' pid cut. n etxndent paper, at S3 a Tear.
I'he population of Mi I'wcnsxiile is 303,
hat ol Turbutville 230.
T. S. Mackky, U S. Assist. Marshal.
at i!
bushel is equal and tnat nt i uriiutviiic -JJ
Mke 1-
1h beved that a bushel of corn, fed to a - ing houses in the county isjibotit 4.100,
.u.:r. ..JlmiLe 1-2 lbs of pork. So and the nuinlst-r of f.rinshout 2,000.
k..i ,.n i.i 9J pts. is enual to prrk
!.. nnd corn at 75 cts. a
r.,rL- fi cts. a pound. The manure
will more than pay for the labor of feeding : Want in Williamsport
and killing the bogs. j -j-ie arpniIlfrnrnt f n United S ates j
..... . - - .
from llatilin" or slfToiiisMoner in ui:s poroun ui mc .jooc j
is loudly called for. There are a conid
Congress to practical matters.
ence to the TarifT, he recommends the
substitution tf specifn: for ad valorem
duties ; and il this cannot be accomplished,
that, at all events, a home valuation shall
be adopted. lie advises, also, the appoint
ment of ambulatory appraisers, to exercise
n general supervision, with a view to uni
formity in the rates of levying duties, as
well as to prevent the frauds w hich, under
our present system, operate to h-ssen the
amount of revenue, while, nt the same time,
they Bre of serious injury to the home
manufacturer. The iron and coal interests
are specially considered; and Internal
lmprovements,nnd other subjects of nation
al concern and impirtnnec, are fully and
wisely discussed.
The Treasury Keport is not et comple
ted, and may not be fiffnishcd to Congress
for a week to come. It will be an able
and valuable pnper, full of details concern
ing the Tariir, and our commercial n flair
yenernlly, and will, probably, be t f about
the same length as Mr.Meredith's report at
the last session. There is entire concur
rence of opinion between President Fill
more and Secretary Corn in on questions
of domestic policy.
The report of the Secretary of the Navy
is a document of great merit. Among its
distinguishing features are the advocacy of
the sj stem of steam mail marines, and the
recommendation of a line from San Fran
cisco to Macao.
The Post Master General in his report
recommends that a uniform rate of postage
for letter shall he adopted, viz : three
cents when prepnid. and five crnts when
not prepaid. He recommends, also, a re
duction in the rates of letter postage to
California and Oregon ; a reduction on
newspaper postage when within one hun
dred miles of the place ol publication ; and
a reduction generally on pamphlets and
All the reportsol the Secretaries, except
that of the Treasury, are ready and in
Connection of Philadelphia with the
West by Railroad.
The Pennsylvania railroad, the comple
tion of which to Johnstown we have al-
ia, tv trie la'e o- n-
stis, his a po ii la i on of n u.il irn. Si
hundred tbousind nre h::os, and four
hundred ihi iivmid ore negroes.
Tlie population of Sc!iu lki'I county r
the l-isl census is over fiO.tiOO.
The runout t or Whntt that has cr
over the Krie canal dur.ng this )enr is !
til4 3G3 bushels ; fi br,2 CC4.1 f5 bairels;
corn, 3,ir6,'f9i bti-bi Is. Not as truth
corn bv ow r a million and a ha'f busies
ready mentioned, is but a link in the great
elected Snlc. r, for from his last session's Ati(re!is Ajex'r Cumtuings, No. 40, South chnin of improvement which will connect
course, we know no other way to get a ! ,. j strtH;t- Philadelphia with the West to the present
.( out ol liim, and wc know he has it
To prevent Oxen
Crowdin". It isonly ne.-essary to length
i:i mm.
Frnni tb- Pennsylvania T-l' sraph.
Mwira. Kditors : We have seen sevend gen
tlemen recommended frnm the rank of .he llniio-
I .... . ... . . z.
i .-. .i . . . i i I exireme poini oi civilization, ana to luture
. . ,., , , , . , I probably with the Pacific At Pittsburg
lection of the bunchof Malatra grapes laid ! ' . , . . ...
A ,. , . r. , the Pennsylvania and Ohio road, on which
on our table the other day from Dr. I , , . ...
, . . , the work is under contract as far West as
mormon h J'rug cuire, wiiere-niore tn
I tried at i'luomsburg. Columbia rntinty nn : removed. Capt. S'nnslii:ry, from
a chirge of murdering .Mi-s Lhzibelh Lake, bns reached here, and will nmU ;t
j Smith, in adiiiiuislering medicine to her most iu'trestiug Keport tf his exp'orj ic
for uiilitHful purposes, was found nut guil- ; in n few ii is.
ty, and was di-c barged. ! -ptie J ory in the ca-e t,f Vm.U t srvlt v,
A personal fnenl of Jenny Lind says Auourn V Rochester Kaiiroal, I n'.h
that she is remarkably temperate in all a verdict r S. Thousand Dollars danu.-s
things, carefully avoiding all stiniulauts of , lor ti e Plaiutitf. ti ho w;is ii jurtd b :!;
evety description. She is an early ri-er, cars ou the roai.
bathes every morning regularly, winter Most evils tcrne cn horsiback, et.d ;i
and summer ; eserc ses much in the open , IIK(IV on j,,,,..
nir. Site nlwnts rlressea u-iih a view In! ... .
. . J . . ' I be !a!e el ttccrgia, bv trie ii.'e 0
comtori ra;ner .nan snow, rettgiousiy
avoiding tight lacing. She p-irtakcs freely
of the plainest kind of food, u-ing much
fruit. Stv attributes her uniform good
health to her temperate mode of Iivtnu,
she having no occasion to consult a hy
siciun. Wc learn by an arrival at Bjston, that
the Ilaytien nnd Dufiiinicans hhd come to
blows, but after some skirmishing, a peace
fnf fivn vpnr, ta4 rnnrlnrfi-it l.v Inmle I
through 'the exertions of the Kngl.sh and nis lfrn MVre ivlr xha can8' lh s .uar
Americans. as list.
The Michi-an State (institution was i Voung gentlemen whwnuld pmsp-i ia
adopted ut the recent election bv a mi.joritv j lfve should r-'r"V- I( " fashion
of 5 or C to one ; but the -equal sullrage" i ab,e f,,r lldles " tak "'"nt spirilt.
provision was rejected by a vote of three to j During a sn'e by suction of a stock r.f
one. , drapery goods in M,ddlesboroue;h, Intelv,
The Taxable Property of Chicago, ar "be lloor of the shop gave wav, ar.d turn J
cording to the census just taken, amounts ' ,! p 6"4'f ;f'o the sdlen. (cellars,) h tp; -10
413,000.000. Hv without rny scri.-us results.
The Newfoundland Times gWes fuels Rid Rinks In Louisiana one haf . i"
establishing the probability that the whole bntik are closed. All the ban' s r f
island is risinL' out of the ocean with a Florida and Arkansas are good for imth P.
rapidity which threatens, nt no distant J'1 'bo three in Illinois, one is cln-rd.
period," to materially i-fRcl. if not utterly j There is but one good bank in Mississipr.'
destroy, many of the best harbors on the j ' twenty seven in (icorgia, scventcta
coast of Newfoundland. re worthless.
There is a lady " dow n cast so fond of! M rs Weimer has received the appoint
music, that she lays down under the fence ! rncnt of Post Mistress at Northumberland,
to hear the wind whistle. I in r'nce of the late incumbent, Mrs. C.
A lady of Cincinnati has just been ; lJ- P.vd. resigned.
awarded$3,000 damages for slanderagainst j Found Dead. Conrad Rhode, a C: r.
her- i man about 40 years old, who had been em-
Gov. Johnston has appointed J. C. i rlop,J for several months past at the H:el
King. Ivnp, of Tippecanoe Furnace, As-:r Mr- J- c- ferkms. iu Sun bury,
sociate Judge t.f Clarion countv, in 1P found dead on Sunday rnormnif Iat. Hi
room ofthe Hon. C. Myers, who I SB been i liad ,,etn UcM ln ,he r"e' a few efVl
cle. t-d State Senator. j ,incP '"c!l. together with a more potent
... . . . ... destroyer rum, was adjudged by the In-
1 he Virgininns who were arrested in' ..... . . , ., 1
1 1 - , . . , . . : (iU9t iu uu tne cau&e ui ins uetiui.
llarnsburg, in Auj.uu last, on a charge of : ' .... n
not, whilst attempling to arrest some luyi-
Horace Mann savs that President Tav
lor told him ' that in case any Sla'e
'should nullify nn act of Cnntfreis, he
I would immediately order a naval force to
blockade its coast ; he would allow nr th-
tive slave were tried last week and acquit-ted,
A clerk in the employ of Messrs. Ilerr j
. i.o., ua.iimore, nas ueen oeiecieu as a - - . , c .. ,
. , , . , . . ... . ,. ing to pass into or come out of the rebell-
defati ter to the amount ot $14,000. . i i .u y. : u
ions Siate, and be thought it would soot;
The returns from Georyia show that the niv nn its rrhollinn '
L'nion party has swept the State by an im j Look Out. U'o
! i i . i r - . :.i. "Hon lor S(ie:ilter of tlie Aseii.lilv. Hut h.nriiiir
en the vokc to break oxen of this vicious nun r o. vagrant negroes .... 4ee , ,M -f(Ue A,,,lljni;.
, i no visible rrrans of snnnnrl. and ulm do iraimn i.l. ..,........ ... ill
:.-'nii- narlifi.'ariv in " . ... ...
til !. .- ... ' ,
the same sort' can 1 had cheap.
W'ooster, 132 miles from Pittsburg, and
the other sections of the work, are pro-
i-rlleuben Wunder retires from the I nressine finelv. This will be the orea'est
: not f-bnni tn u-orL in tlu vi.-iio.v uho M.trr.J.,olota Liiion.fortl.slatation. 1 he Cub ....;.. fr. ...... I..., ,...:..!. :tl i .: .- r j . -
lumlring with heavy teams on the roil, - " - - - . j, . m311 of gooJ juJgment. hrCri.y, urbanity, " " -'-7'. , wuu.muuus ...: o. rueroaus ,n Amer.ca, or
we h ive h-cii obb 'ed to m .ke yik.-s 12 W,,U,J U!"iou!'!ly '""ke themselves scarce. ltl(1 in rry ttfprrl Wf ,,naIiflej f (r ,he alion- ter be conducted by the Junior hditor, , perhaps in the world. From Philadelphia
T .a iM.M.,nr,f.7 tbnn thos ordinarily w, rc an oir'"' r who ouIJ rarry ''" " untlet.jii.ig Vl.i nbwys, vet ..ot ..... of I Henry J. 1$. Cuiumings, Ksip; a young , to Pittsburg, 300 miles ; from Pittsburg !o
;;J8n ,WC,M,,ne r ' e?ir: ;,h.!ndi-n..ine.hro0gh Indianapolis: to
" ,. Maw loca:.d among them. Our people wiil ; i,,.rj4 ; llltM home, his popularity iis..icie..tly i "w'ilir.n. I.'li;, tf .!. tilledtl.H.r.'o I Terre Haute, 150 miles. FromTerre
Mr. M "'son, of Ibxirbon county. Ken- , , i,,,,.,,,, ,., s.,rport ,0 ,ne ut.M, cx,i n ei.,red by his having ,-e than tlmMcd Am j ."r. ' ",('" no j l,m n.lute ,0 St. I,ui, 150 miles and from
.. .., r.s..d .me hundred md L t u . j . 'majority at bio recond election. Rielltwiuo 111 a quarrel at liPWIstown, has " ,u, . , , '
,ucky. this ,ear ra. d ooe bu l ed and tht. f lh and we trus , HS ; J , , cIaim w Mt honor fml(, J of manslatttrhtor, and j ' Independence, 300 miles ;
i-ightf -five busnt-.s ot . i. i . , ,n,.asll,p f .,'. justice to our southern ' from the aniTersslly admitted fact that ny ihe last ! . f . makin 1270 miles already completed, or
' . From ten acres be got one U.ousm.J ! .,.,. .Ammlln;ll, Bm ninnv Apportioned dietrict ... most rhWull, i " .ouryeareso..ry v. ; - - . -
... t j M;rtrtf IttixhcU. uad Leu Ir. ... . - . . IimU'J- Lumti on.l Juniata have more uxaMes 1 iu the JvsU;rn I'fnitenhary.
rtiinri nii unti u i in- i iin tnp ninv.in ni i km n A.tit an nirl rr I'ne-itii . i
"is ....... thm rranklii.,i;rawt.nl,tamberlanil orJJauphia,
quarts. ...... (sjlvania, that a proper officer for this tnrh of which he fi memtiers, while 1 tits tlis-
nrlir.l!:ir ill SSvill!? ""od fcfeil,
you hnve aoything growing on your
' :... .I- Kn aivi i b seed, nod plant
part.uuiai .j ... .
it next year. You wrl! soon see th benefit
of this cours.
I i.iiiiii, nai a proper Oincer tor tnts r caeu w, wuicn nave riow memtiers, wni.e ..... ti.s- j
. If locality will 1-e appointed, and the enforce- j 'VVT.h'T ""f.!'" u "; .S""t I0" Mars1'' of
wo.iU-r tl.at the lVople of ll... District feel Ihc.r , -
larm j ment i,f the law thussecured. Lycoming ; tlcht, to be iie.!-f,vl ihemsHvcs ag5rieed ! threshing
der the. Fugitive Slave Law.
Citon. Tne crop this y r ill be be
lo an arae. There U be a drfi-
,,.,cy in the New O.leaus market uf over . .pu;.- ;n
2,000.000 bales.
Want Supplied.
V"i Juli'.rrnwrfr. Messrs. Gcddes V
of this place, last week shipped a
machine to Maeon, tJcorgia,
'o honor it with the fpenker.hip, would be no i which had been ordered by a gentleman
, ino e than justice and would tend to allay the
Ado!phuD.U ilson,Ksq.of Williamsnort 1 ""U" fa.,iD?' tl!,"''- .XVf our p.r,,,,f
1 - i it . I" rl ' nt.on may be favorably received anl carried into
has been apfKiuiled U.S Commissioner un j exica.iu.. . Vi it Ji jut..
frir IV. Oyster was to enter upon the
near that place.
fifai" One day last week, we received our
Harrisburg and Baltimore ' papers via
Rcllefonte. The 1. O. at Hamsburg wc
C.d SeeJy U about reviving the Jersey ' dutiiS of hi? office as I'rothnnotary of Union supinisc is chargeable with this gross care
i ouiity, 4u Jfonday of this week.
j in process of construction, and when we
j add, the roml from Independence to the
Pacific, what part of the globe will be able
to show such a magnificent work 1 It is
but a few years since any part of this great
line west ol Harrisburg, Pa., was thought
of. We now see what energy and con
centration of capital and will can accom
plish. ; . . .
Juniata county, in this state, has a popu
lation of 13,000, an increase of 1,000 in
ten years. . s , - ' .
n.ense majority
The Rev. Dr. Sereno Dwight, on.j of the
brightest lights of New Hngland, and an
eminent divine, died in Philadelphia, Nov.
the 30. He was formerly President of the
Hamilton College, New Vork, which he
resigned on account uf ill heirftfi.
A R-.il Road is in contemplation (o con-
uect New York with the coal regions of
Lehigh and Schuylkill. A Convention
with this view is to be held at Al'en'own,
on the 3rd of December inst.
Chinese Mugjars Uutz'aff.thcChinese
Missionary, says that he has discovered in
an interior province of China, a tribe who
speak exactly the same language as the
Magynrsof Hungary. This tribe is entire
ly ignorant of Christianity. Two Hunga
rian gentlemen, named Hrady, are going
out to China with Ihe Missionary on his
return, for the purpose of visiting these
Chinese Magyars.
Barn Ilurnt. We learn that the large
barn belonging to Michael Heller, in
Conyngham, was consumed by fire on
Thursday evening last, with all his grain,
hay, &c and about five hundred bushels
of potatoes- The fire is supposed to he the
work ol an incendiary. Berwick Tel.
Moral Philosophy. Taking a " wee
drap" ol Brandy for the "acidity of the
stomach, and preaching temperance for
the applause of the church !
understand that ti.o
bridge on Front street, in our boreii'n,
was discovered on fire a few nigh's since,
caused no doubt, from the carelessness cf
some person throwing a lighted segar pn
it. It was discovered in time, however, 'o
prevent any damage Miltoniun.
A western editor announces the death of
a lady of his acquaintance, and louehing'y
adds : " In her decease the sick have lest
an invaluable friend Long will she set m
ta stand at their hrdsitle, as ihe wss went,
with the balm of connotation in one hnr.d.
and a tvp of rhubarb in the oArr.' A:
flicting, was'nl it !
Uncle Derby, defines ' ihe popular wii."
as the unanimous requisition with whu'i
his better hall and numerous lineal descend
ants come doun on him for bread auJ
ZUttitfiuvs JHarlut.
Correct ei l this Day.
Flaxseed ,
Dried Apples
. . 0
. . li't
.. 5
... 3