tiJit curt ijumor. A Fable. Old Hodge one niRht at Cr!o bar Had got, in classic parlance,""."'. When u he homeward inaJe his " He heard the "Voices of ihe Night- Aa with a quite, nneerlain alep, l"nto a mill-frond's brink be came. Where old King Bull-Frog !lefl hw roarl",. He thooghl he heard one call bia name Old Hwrge ! old Hodge !" he (topped and gaxed, Till goblins termed to fill the dark. And Hodge, though brave, was rather scared ; - What a Uial!"he aaid."that's lhatt tr hark !" Old Hodge got drunk ! Old Hodge gol drunk ! Drunk, druufc, drunk !" "You lie. by gosh!- said H"Is. "oa !" A deep voice answered. "Nsvrriiiore And Hodge thought Nick himeelf nest, Amone the liu.he on the abore ; So thinking it wa. best to run. He started like a rail road car. But bnrrid shane. now throng bia path, A lid voice ahouled near and fir "(II. I Hodge got drunk! Old Hodge t l drunk ! Ilrunk, d unk, druuk '." Our hero reached home half dead w ith fright, And ne'er since has he got '-tight !" Variation. A young itim-rant preacher, in the con stunt habit of ditcliiiminp, a great deal nboul J he creation, and especially about the first getting up of man, whenever he wish ed to display his native eloquence to good advantage, was one day hold ng forih to a mixed congregation in a coun'ry school house. ISecoining warm and t-utliusiaslic as lie proceeded, it was not Ion:; before he renchrd hit Invoriie theme, and started oil" in something like the foiiowing sivle: "And when the world wns rreattd, and the beasis of ihe field, and fowls of the air, and pronounced very gnu I, God said, Let us maUc liiBn, And lie formed man ofier his own likeness, and declared him the nobles! of all the work of hn hands. And re; made womaa also.ntid fashionable her in the image of man, with variation "Thank the Lnd for the variation" fcho'j'.ed an old sinner, who sat over in the Amen corner of ths room, at this interest ing junciure of the discourse. Tha effect was pefcctly ludicrous and irresistible. The preacher dropped the a-ubject where he was interrupted, and was never heard to allude to it during a eubc iuvnt m;nis!ry of fifty years. Political Aneo dotes. Soon after Tyler's defection, rt Whig in the town of Massachusetts, was de nouneing "the Captain" as a raseal. "6 ji you voted fof him didn't you ?' said a Democrat. "Not 1 '." said the Whig. "Hji you voted fur old TipT' "To be sure I did." "Then you voted" for Tyler, of course." "Not by no means,' said the Whig "I suspected1 he was a riiscal, and Bcratched Lit name off the t'uktt .'" Bot ton Post. This reminds us ''f an anecdote we have heard of two men in the upp'r end of this county. The one was folding up a ticket for the other, and arier h-inJi:ig him ('anal Commissioner, Aulitnr General, an.l Sur veyor (leneral, he remarket, "Sow, here's a ticket for Amendment I guess you'll vote for him, loo !" "VVhat he runs for,'' asked the other. "Why. he's a candidate fur dt (in-iti'ution, and he's a very clever old fellow. I voted (or him ' "Well," rejoined tin O'her, ! guess I voie for him too," and tho built or Mr. Amendiiicnt was deposited in the box. Easton .7-ut. The Tender-Hearted Dean ! A Philadelphia correspondent of a New York pijier, sjieaks fjiiite encouragingly of the pr 'gres of the Female Medical Siu-d--ii's in ilmt city, saying, " The lein lie clan at the new Medical College for the fiir sex, are progressing ra,iiJly in their Eiudies, and a'ready use the knife in the ilistecnug room with a nerve and facility that astonishes even the professors. They ilivn in"o the mysteries of the human frame, and Isy hire the nerves und muscles ol an ii roi ot le. with the name ease that they would dmw a turkey or truss n puilel for the operation of cooking. The I'rof'ssiirs declare that such rapid progress was never w;:uisfj in a class of males." Great co'iatry, thU ! Whit a fig we had the other miming! It was perfectly bewildering, llaveloped in the li.r, we were striding along, early in the morning, scarcely seeing where we were going to put our feet, w hen an angel ft ia!ed right up ngninst tr: one of the bon niest, prettiest f.iees that the sun shiiies on, was in happy proximity wiili our own! We bowed profoundly ; said "oh ! ah !'' and were about to apoloii-z-j at length, when shr interrupted us with "Old boss ! just 'rv t h it on ngiin efyo'i want yer face rj i!cd ; thai nil !" We cut the fog in a rjpid rectangular as we lodged round the corner of M irket Nrj'iarc Lycoming Ga zette. TO OURJATRONS . The present is the most favorable season, not only for reading, hut for procuring pnbscriptioiis for Newspapers and to all who think the "Chronicle" deserving of aopport, wo offer this inducement uutil the 1st of January: f.re-v.nl tnlacrUxr ic'so uHfs-un: an'he.r, Anil lun tw. t'hro nire'ir him' a.ul tlw. wtr tth&rilrr fur 7Vo DJlirt, (1 e.ieh.);r one y.ttr only: the Oih to be iMi' in Aeremv. Yfy cts premium fr ootuining a new FuWriher,? erthj cf the effort. Tm Inventor aud Mechanic. FIFTH VBAB OF TUB Best nechanlcal Paper in tne World ! A New Tot am of tine 19 commenoM aliout the 20th of SrpV mb ymr, and it the U:t iMipcr twr Mvcbuuict and Jmeulom puUtfbtid In tb world. rh volume mnUdns 416 of must t1uMv Kul inc tualUT. wt i illuntmu-d with oter 600 MEUHAKICAL ENGRAVINGS of ftirw lttvcntH'UK. Tlie Srknttfic Aiwrlrftn U ft 1TekW Journal of Art, bcirnre auid M-clauir. haviitft lur iU olijort the aU Taucrux nt uf Ui JnlivUof MtWiaitlca, Maiiufacturvra aud lnvontora. tarb number b illutctralcd with from fixe to tun Origiual Ktriwini uf Nt-w Met-banical lurrnlkma, nearly all of the brt iuTt-ntioiu which are patcnUd at WMhinun Wing UluxtraUil in the ScM-ntifir American. It alao couiaic a Wrkly List of 1'atciit Clainiit ; notices of the urogrejw of all Mechanical and Srirntinr ImproT mcnUi iractical directions on the construction, manage ment aw iuv of all kinds of Machinery, Tool. Ac. Ac. This work is adapted Ut binding, and the subKcriber poi i'sses. at tho end of the yVar. a larpe ulume of 41A p.ipcs UluHrtated with upwards of 600 mechanical cnirraviu& TKUMs: riutc!e nubscripUoas, f'l a year in aJance;l fttr eix luniithd. Those who wih to sularrtbe havvont to ucKHe the atuouut in a letter. a vkesknt! To any one who will send u Three Suberriber,WM wi!l presil a opv of the PaU-nt Laws of the ( uited Stat, toetiier with" all information relative to Patent Office Itu v:ues, including ftiU directioM fc.r takiutr out TateuU, method uf uiakinie the tfrM-ciucations, Clainij, lrainirs, M(deli.tu in.M-liini; and transferring l'at-nt Kihts&c . B Subscriber will bear in miud thatweciuploj no Agent to travel on our account. MI NN A I'O., 1'uMiohers of the Scientific American, 12S r'ulloli htrvct, Nw Vuik. All Letters must be Vval 1'aid. JNIU CKMKNTS FOR CXVU1I1NO. ft oopie for months, ft I 10 copies fur '2 muth, $M a - u - $,' " i- $ Southern aii-1 Western money taken at par tr pubscrip tius. 1 t fflce Stamps taken at their full value. Administrators' Notice. ATUKIlliAS, Letters of Administration on the estate of SAMUEL WOLFH, late of the Horo' of Lt;wisburg, Union Co., ileceased.have been pranted to the subscri ber, resident in said Borough, bv the Re gister of said county, theieli.re nil persons indebteil to sai i estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims attains! the same, nre reotiired to present them, duly authenticated, for setllement, without delav. JONATHAN WOLFE,) ... ;. F. MILLKR, S A IN ofier. (il'HSCUIHKUS to the "University nl tj Lcwisbur" are respectfully icquested to pay their Second Instalment, now duo, to the Treasurer. And those who have not paid the Is: iustaPt are respectfully notified that all such d' lin jticnts will be charged Interest on their Instalments from the time they become due. SAM"!. T. WALKER, Trksi. Lewishurg, Feb. 25, 1850. Dentistry. WH. C. STEWART, 'I'KUEOV DEXTI9T, ia now located Foti'th atieet, Lewilurg, near the Franklin House, where he nttends to operations on the teeth at a red i:tion of hi4rmer prices. Teeth and roots of teeth removed with the aid of improved Instrument!, and in an easy manner. Filling teeth and setting on pivots or platea alien, ded to according to the lateat improvement in the profeneion Ulcerated, rpunpy.and inflamed gums cured. I hunklol for pant lavoia. Me aolirita a continuance of public patronage materials used f.r filling in teeth. ro impure lyU88 SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PILLS, A II K AD OF ALL CTHP.US ! j The Ivivy of rtll Till Manufacturers, Bl'.CU sE ihey are safer, heller, and more etlit'acious lliai, any othera. r.OO.OOO Itoxcn have leen sold annually for the last five yeara. Yolxo aiu Olii, Mali asd i'iiil. can aUaja take them with equal aafety, vtilhout fear. Jf Pills be necessary for purging and clean.iue, the Stomach and Mam eU, and I'mllyttn; the lllood and fluid of tl.e bo dy, take no others fir no oilier pills produce hose comtiiiied rtTecia, or contain Sareaparilia in them. if, Drink and Live a usual, and pursue vour utial occupation tKhilitt taking lliem, wiihout fcal of taking cold, dwiuf ail kinds of weather. One Thousand Dollars are na-'ered that more genuine certificates (from livMt'iaii. rlertymrn, Memliera ol Conareaa. and reH-t-tilil- riiiiciir can lie produced ot their cllicacv tnan ol any other, and TUN DOLLARS will be foifeiied in every instance where One II. ii will not do more good than Teo Uoies of any oilier. F.irtv Tills in n Ho ! ! and aold at 7t'- n'y-A'iVc ("ena a Itnr, with directions and much wholeso:nc advice accompa ny ine arh Thry f'nrr rt- t-itt' or Htplrararit smrll r'-ii twr it yrwler nf t'tty lind. It; nt tr.y-t muic t lt'U--l$. t'-iii'r V" si'It'i". eotNftn.. tr h-ni frrtingt, Tiir.y -m: t;en at mi. times, Au-t nd.ij'A t; t'.if tUiratts n.jnmm lt lam'.in'I. .No one liaMii- cure taken mem tain ie wining i rwo Sl.,,ioI1, jn ,,e ,ear the former com aftrrwards t il.k any others, liecause lliey eN mccf!l OII ,be 3rj Thursday in October, and ways do good, and if they do nut. then no othera j ,. B wei.,, ; ,he- latter commences on ai'I- Thursday, 15tll May, and continues I t weeks. Dr. N. B L-Hv. The Froi.rIi tcr ana Marjniacturer, , is a rezular Druccist, Chemist, and Fhvi-ician, of fifteen years experience in i'hiladelphia ; t.raU- ' u.iteof the I niveraity ol l"ennylvaiiia ; Aiem i l-erof ililT.-rent Medical Institutions ol I'hila.'el ; hia. New Yoik, Uoston, Iiallimore, &c and I :i.-;ociate and corie-tpondina; memlrer of several J j Media! Institutions of London and Paris, Ar. j OrTRac-.r. sn iMrosiTio. Hrware of all I pills called by names nearly similar, got up to be -old mi ihe reputation of Dr. I.eiily'Sart!parill I liloo.l Pilla; the first Sarriaparilla pill ever in- j trodtired and the only pill containing arsapiril- i la. Take no others aud you will not be deceived. j (libera hy r-iinilr names, or nearly similar, are a . .i f groaa Iiallu. Lienare, men, ui irnpusiuuu . ; CiTrinripal Depot. Dr. Leidlv's dispensary. No. HI North FOURTH ST., Philadelphia and sold wholesale and retail be 0 W.SrilAFKI.E. Lewiore (J- H- raInw. Milton J.M n- nf.r.(i W Rosier. V.Urrlin W. P. I. I'ainler. Mitnev 1avli.r u. an.l Sliir.-r'j.Mifflinl.nn; lljr Hnith, Adamhiir Voiinjrman 4 Waln-r. IlrrValky l. S. lioyer. Kreebiinjr SrMtti k Mret. K-!It 'lnn.la i Mop. Sp-htB.-aert 't liai Sr-hnnr. SlinrTrtr j ItnbtSmith, MidJH-S're I. a. Rohrer M'Kee. U rall Wilt Kilert.Hartletno Th..m.i l!o.er, ShaaaoUii Vim Ik Konpli.Centn-Till. Dr. J. M. Ju4, tWiUiams)Mrt; and hj Itt-uginet and Stor. kcfirr UirouiMtul lb- I uiLro state.. 1327 SCHOOL-TICKETS ale at this office. printed nnd for I. A RUE lot of Stone Pickling and Preserve JR just receiv) and for .ale by I HAYES A- CO. LEWISBURG CHRONICLE AND WEST BRANCH PARMER NiLAKE'S WORM TERMIFUCSE. THE following orderaabow a once demand (of and osccUonco of this great medicine : "Yobk, July S8, 1847 "J Kidd & Co: The Vermifuge lett ua on sale aome lime ago bj your agent, i aold. It goea aery rapidly, and gitea great aatiafaction. Aa we are entirely out of the article, aud have frequent rail for it, pleaae send ua some immediately C A MORRIS &. CO. ''8onsuTii.Lt, TVnn. March 18, 1947 "Dr M'L:ine Urar Sir : The Vermifuge you left with me last fall baa long since been sold.enJ I could have aold a great deal more if I had had t. Since my return from the Eat, I hate been called upon nearly every day to write to you, requesting an immediate apply- I have alieady tried your Vermifuge in my own family and find it to be the beat I have ever used E F MORRISON. "Men Cheek, Steuben Co. Sent 7, 1847 "This mayceilify that we have sold DrM'I.ane's American Worm !Siecific, or Patent Vermifuge, the past year, and it has given unbounded aalis faction. It is no impotitiun on the community, but is what ila authota recommend it to be a utiivertal specific for those afflicted with worms. II. HUGHES & CO." AGENTS C W SrMirvLE.Lrwuburg; J II I'atlow and J II Itantr, Milion ; I Gcrhart. Se linagrove; J W Kriliug. Sunbury ; Mra M'Cay, Northumberland , M C Giier.J Moote, Danville UNIVERSITY at Lcwisburgr. c IRCl'LAR for the Academical Year com mencing Oct. 17, 18SU. COURSE OF STUDIES. Primary Department. Etercised in Spelling, Reading, Definition English Gr-immar, Arithmetic, Geography, His tory U.S.A., IVnmaiiehip and Coiapomliou. English Department of the Academy. The fame studies as in the Primary Uipartm'i continued in the tue of larger text books ; aud to iheee are added General History, Altboi, Legen- dre, andElemenu of Surveying Classical Department of the Academy. Term J.iniitr Arudtmic flats. 1. Knliti 'irruuiiiiir. Latin tirainniar, Arilhxuctic ttwo it. in 1 l.c alu stihlirj a. in I. T'-rra. anil IVumaiuLip. Liijti!li lirammar. ;ir. Aritliint'tir tt-uil'li-ttfil ty lttlirti-ifit. i;rcvk Lrainmur, nmry l'.A., Fen suuii.liip. IkU'L-ki-cpiut;. Senior Arudettiie cities. Vir, Greek l: aJcr, AJl-ra I'.U uwnU.) .Kuvi-I, du dn tlv tin lo rcnijilrul, Ornc- ral Hitt'irr, Enfttii-h Lanxuapc and i'ouicwilion. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. 1'ret.lnnttn c.s. Knglikb Lalifcuarru ajtUCi-iui-otiUun, Algebra, Uvy, AnaluFiit. l'laiic (ieftmetry, IJtt, AunltL.i. J'laue, sitilai r'l'Uirical (vtuulr5 aeaiplcted, Li vt, AunLatf. Sophon.orf thus. Horace, 0lry, Plane ntl Slierira) Trlonom'try. do do Men--uratin,Surtriii.NaTit;atiuii. do ecmi-ttrd. Srltvt oration, uf K'nioBtheues, Klittorie, Analytical tlromrtrT. Junittr tltuts. I. n. in. I. II. III. T. II. 111. I. II. III. I. II. III. Iiemonthcn.-a on the Crown, rirero tie OfnclUiMe rhanir, llydnittic. and llylraulica. llemnelliru.-s ou the Crown. Cicerr- tie offleiia eom- lett:d, I'nvuniaUra, ActimtUrs. Eltctricitv, alane- tiani. ami optim. tirek Tragedy, Taeiluf, Aitroaouir. Senior cits. Logic. Natural Thifjli-r-. Inte llectual Philnaophy. tjn-ek, ltlitical BiennoBiT, Moral Hhiltienphy. Iluller'f Analtnrr, Coni-titutioBi ot V. Chemlatry. lectures, Ucorral Keiiewa. Ho clasa in the Krgular Coarse has less than three daily recitations. Every Saturday forenoon it- devoted eicluiavcly In oca I Music, Declamation, and read i its elrrt and original Compositions J Th siudenu ar r?iiunti tn ailml, rcgulatly. i ome rrliifiaus niltng. Minora are enpected lo j aiirnd urfi meeting a are re&nimrnded to ihem ; hy their parent or euardiana. There are in the borough no less than six places of public worship, of many different Christian denominations. Text nooks. E-ylith Lawywtge and i.lutim. Thr Bihlf, rortrr'ai HhfiorivtU ItcadtT, VomnttTi or Mbsb-r' liictionry, lltillicn'it Kiiclh nmmttKir. ParkcrV lo!ri':-, Ki.rci nv in Kngli.! CoiupoitKa, I'arkrr'a Ahii, lllur's Lecture i t lii.i'iKiiy Mitiou. Lttn Jjantiuatp, rtullinii'tirninmar. Rulli'H RfaJfr. ITi natt lfiirtn, liulliou't'ii-nr, Sriirott amt umpt Virgil. Linft'ln'i Livy, Aotbo& Horace, Thwbrr'a Cit-rro Jr Oliirain. Tyler's la. itus' ticrmania rt Arrirls. tirrel Lnutuapf . ltnllkn'vjrmininar. Iiulliin'fl I.adr, Li1J4-ll t sorti e Iscxirvn. 0rn'rt Apti'i,hV' Anabai, Owen's HcmrrV iMyvwy. Cliamplins l'iiwttlieacii, FiskV CUnniraJ Manual. V.tthemntte. IiaTWn ArUlimctir fr Arat. mlrt, Klem enUrv Al-I.ra. Itounlnn. Lfp'suliw, SurT.-jint nn-l Navi faiin.Aualytiiil(jHWii7.tMiiit-i's Natural I'LiluAojjb; .U'rvrtyj,rsi.)iJlinst'i' Antrououy. Xuiuber or StudcnH. Thc number of students during the past year in the various Departments, was IV-t. 'J'he Colleg'ute elates already organized tor the ensu ing yvar, arc the following : , ScoH-r etaM - - Junior tlas 14 !oilioinore rlaaa - . lo FraMliuiau rlaa - IV. . . J Traclierii, PTKPIIKN W. TAVUJlt, A. M Prof, of Mathematics ant Natural IhiliH.pliy. (.K'tU.K R. lil.ISS, A.M., Prof, of Greek Language ami Literature. t.HHu.K w. ANPEIiStiN. .1.,Prcf of IjitinLanfTuage nnt LiliTnture. ISA At" X. LsKiMIS. A. M, PrinHi al of the Aadrmy. ALKKKh TAYIHL A.M., Tutor in Uie Kojrhsh Lan- RUK'e HUll KlorUtiOD. Ilnlldiiig!,llbrary and Apparatus. The Academic eJifice now occupied by the members of the t'niversitv, bin been erected, at an exi-iiiM of eS00. and it i. ala)t(tl to areommodat I iii tii lt lit-. Aii"tl:ere tier is m arly enipletii, and is rxjH-rteil to be re;ul for oreu paticy at the o.inmfiirentrnt ,f tin- ii' it Tt-rm tM. IT. lfwit. The I.ibmry onitiun a uuiutter of wles'l volumes, and is r.iiist;int!y inerrain. t'iK'uiical A)arntuit ha Kt'n prrure.I itufliru-nt to tif tatv the itiiMiitHnte tlemnnd. The Appiiratun fr.r tlie illiMtratton ol MVchauinU I'tiiloMdiy, in uuw complete. Tii If Ion and Hoard. Tuiiion in the Collegiate Department $30. Amdeintc $-Z0, Primary $12 per year. Hoard, including lodging, washing, fuci, and light, can be had in the village and its vicinity at various prict's, fr.m ?l.50 to j?2.S0 er week. Arranffementu are in pnvrei to fiirnh Itoanl, exelu-iti- of loihrinir. wa?liinfr. fuel and li,;ht, to men as may tlsnre it. at 1 jht 'k. SsIoiim and Vacallons. Sjiring acation. -I weeks ; Autumnal, 8, Uy order and in liehtlf of the Hoard : THOMAS WATTSON, Pre.'l. (EOKUE F. MII.I.EK, Sec'y, I.ewndturg, Union Co. Pa. Sept. 1, 1850 IT IS A FACT, ONE self-evident, and worthy of every consideration, that no Miller can make good clean flour without lie has good clean wheat. 1 suppose you wish to know the remedy. I tell vnu it (s to get one ol lertrcxier''s Jf'fieat Sennrert, or Smut Machines. Hi; being an old, practical and experienced Millwright has invented, got up and put in successful operation the best Wheat Scourer now in use. Any person ordering a machine nnd afterwards finding that it does not prove to operate as repre sented, there shall be no sale, as thfse ma chines are to be warranted good. Further recommendations are thought unnecessary. He is now having supply made at Lewis burg, by Messrs. Geddes & Marsh. Orders for rmchines, or letters of inquiry, will be promptly attended to. Machines will be sent and put to all order. Address J. BFROSTRKSSER, Lew'sburg, Union t'c Pa. ItO Price Reduced! j VAUGHN'S LHHONTRIFTIC MJLXTUKE! Large Bottles Only One Dollar. Tbe Proprielor of the Great American Remedy VaroRHa Vkaktablb LlTHonTEimc MiXTtJEB. induced be the nirent oUcitaoorM of b Afents, ibrotijchoal tbo Vmted Btavaa and Canada, baa now Badnced th Price of bit tonalar and well kaowa article ; and from thie daw, hmoefortii, bo will not p bot ooo warn oalr.a aaart bottlos: too retail pneo will bo OJTB DOLLAR. Tho pablic mar mt amorod that the charootor of the Modi cine, in etreofih, and carauvo Bflopertim WILL anMalM L-rlCatAKOKD. Olid lb OaJBO CM WlU DO bwtOWOd in pfO paring it at beretofoiv. Aa thu aicdicinc. ander hi redaced price, will bo psrcbamd br thorn who have not hitherto made tbefmelvea acqoamtod with ita virtuei, the proprietor would bee to intimate that hw article is not to be clawed with the vat amount of Remedies of tbe dar ;' it claimi for itwlf grtaUr kemitug pTter, in mil disease, than mmp orAer pTcparacitrn now kefem the cortd ; and has sustained itelf for eijht rears br iu sapmot medical Tirtnea. and, antil this tedoction, commanded doable tlie pnee of anr othor article in this line. Notice PaanrrLaRLY. this article acts with tTwtwa) inc power and certaiutr apon tho Blood. liver, Kidntrya, Langa. and all other orcans, upon tbe proper action of which lit and health depend. Tbw medicine has a justly high repata as a ivmodr tor Dropsy and Gravel. and all diseases of that natore. It mar he relied upon when the tutrtlirent physician has abaorloned his patient, and for these dutreMinff tHfaseii. more especially Paorer. the propri etor would eamesllr nod bonesUr recommend it. At its present price it h easily obtained br all. and tbe trial will pros the article to bo tbe Cheapest Medicine in the World ! 17" Tlraie ak lor pamplileU the agents give them awar ther contain over siiteen pages of receipts, (to addition to ful medical matter) valuable for household purposes, and which will save many dollars per year to practical honsekeepem. These receipts are introduced to make tlie book of grea value. airie from its character as an ad vert song medium fo the medicine, tlie testimony in taror of which, in tbe form ol Utter from all parts of tlie country, mar be relied upon. ty Vaushn's Vegetable Lithontriptie Mixture th Great American Remedy, now for ' in quirt bottle at i each, small bottles at SO cts each. S'o small bottles will be itsusd after the present stock is disposed of. Principal Olrice. Buffalo, N. Y.. tXfJ Main Street O. C. VAI'GIIX. Suld Wholeirale and Retail br OLCOTT McKKSSON ft CO.. Maiden Lane, New York City. N. B. All knurs (etcepting from agents and dealers with srhom he transacts business) must bo post paid, or no attention will be given to them. (rl)R. niOKNTOX, l,rwis!mrp, is General Agent for l.'nion county J H.Caslow. Agent, Milton; I. (Iinni", K-linsgrove 15:343 THE WIS'TER SL'XSIUX OF THE LEWISBURG ACADEMY 1TTILI. commence on MONDAY tbe 28lh ol Octubsr. In this Inaliluiion, all the Blanches of a thorough Academic course will he lausht The commutiics'ion of ItnonleJge .imply, is not the sole deaign of Education aud .boulu not be m.ide ao ; its highe-t aim i to strengthen and bring out into action, the intellectual and mcral power, of the student. Throw around him all the facilities necessary to his progrens, and af ford him all prone r aid, but do not flatter him with the thought that he must rely upon another and not uuon bis own efforts for success. Inde pendent aelf-reliance is one of the first lessons that ahould I learned in a school room. This kind of early menial (raining prepares one for vigorous and manly eieitmn in after life, and thus gives him a marked advantage over the ig norant and uneducated. The main effort, of Teacher should, therefore, be directed to the for mation of anund haliita of study, for when this end is reached, the progreas of Ihe pupil becomes at once certain and rapid. Composition and Declamation, as formerly will receive due attention particularly tbe for mer, and the Primary Department .ball have our aprcial care. The subscriber frela flattered with the crowing proaperily of the Institution, and shall labor lo merit ila continuance, by increased exertion. TfiTiow Per Session of 20 weeks, for the Common Knglith $G ; Higher Englith, $8 ; and for the Languages, f 10. JNO. RANDOLPH. Oct. 9, 1S50. Principal. Tanni. lgaiidCiirryiii IOIt past favors, the subscriber returns his grateful thanks, find hwc-by makes known thbt he carries on the business of Tanning and Currying, at the Old Stand. Determined not to be outdone in the manufacture or finish of his work, he is bound (o have the best work' men and materia's, and to treat those who have so liberally patronized (as well as those also who shall be pleased to patronize him) with that attention which he hopes to insure him a lull share of public patronage. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange, (lidos and Rark not refused, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash or in exchange for leather. L. STERNER. March 25, A.D. 1850 The Greatest Discovert rtf the Aye! Dr.Trask's MAGNETIC OINTISIEPJT IS constantly clTfcting cure of ihe utmost impartaure. The most crejuliu are ru viyt Eii; the most fnithltits cim.elleJ to believe in the power nnd irfae of this preat remnly. It i nni verbally a'tnvttt to N- i lis most Vfmtlrrful roiiif'iunli'-n kiMiti tu tlie vrnrltl fT th" immctliatr rHif of (li'ans- ami i;iin. It nrT f:V.s while tlierc renin in? imfflrifiit 1 if-- Vj rc.--iy.ro nnturl ami hcaHIiv action to the rapillarv of Hit Iv-ly. and tftaliw the. circttla- tinn of ft blfnt llv thi. in'-anp, a rontmllin power ia jr.iinc'i orr the mfift ra iitiriiant form f-f dis-'a!f. which can not no fbta:nil fmni any other remedy. Such the powrr uf the rotnhinatin. that it h netrates to every l.rtim of the human frame: '"ery lmiio and mu-tele. vein. n-'lTe and ti?amant -arelird out ami made m-u-ftil'lf f.f pnrifiration ami hralinrr intliifnrc. Hence it cope a. n adily with intrrtutl aa exts'rnal dt-faeK. Xumi'Mus inctanct s an nn rerunl. where this rrmely haa re$.red ht-atth to pati nto tu near the crave that the m-tt powerful internal remHtio9 failed to produce aiiy etTect. Such haa frequently been the ew iu Inflammation of the Bowels. Vo patient need die with this di-ease where the Mametie (rint men t ran he oMained. That dangerous epidemie. known aa the Pt'Tliin YMX ? II' EL A.S, can alwaa be eurrd by this remedy. For IX Ft A M.VA TORT JtllFCMATTSV, thiMHntment is the most complete remedr ever prepared. In 99 eass out of 100. it wi(l afford entire r$Hirf to the worst cases or Nervous Headache tn .K minutes. For Nermus Dtaoasea. this remedr is of immense value. Affections of th Spine. Rheumatism. Lameneas, Tlee rated Sore Throat, Rronehitls. Pleurisy. Cmup, Cbtlls, Cholera Morbus. Arjne in the Fare or Breast. Burn, Seald Head, tjeroful. Salt Rheom. Rrvsipelas. Inflamed Ryea. Fevr Sores, Ar will be immediately relieved by the use of this remedy. "old by Thtyrntrm 4- Balser, Ltwishurff. m32S E f Bvrrrtwtif TrtTg Aft : jrgj aM 1 axothbk aciexnrifr wosderi PEPSI fJ: Tbs true DIGESTIVE FLUID or GASTRIC JUICE ertat Dyspepsia Curer S Prepared from Rennet, or the fourth elomach of tbe Us, alter directions oy oaron ikbi, great phyeio!ogical chemist, by X S.Hoobiito, M.D., No. 1 1 N. 8tb St Philadelphia, Pa. A TRULY wonderful remedy for laatgenwH, Al. Dyspepsia. Jaundice, Liver Cornplaint, Uonstipatum and Demur u, curing aner iin.io . .. . . iL. flutr own process. I'V mature a own agcut, u. Juice. fXj'llali a leaspoonful of Ibis fluid infused in waler, can digest or dissolve Five Pounds of roart beef in about two houra, out of the stomach. Digestion ia chiefly performed in tne atom arh by Ihe aid of a fluid which freely eludes from the inner coat of that organ, when in a elate of health, called Ihe gastric juice. This fluid is ihe great solvent uf the fml the purifying, preaer- ving aud ktimulating agent oi ms - intestine. W about it mere can ne no nunmi, no conversion of food into blood, no nutrition but rather a foul, torpid, painful and destructive condition of tbe whole diguatite apparatus. ePNln ia the chief clement or great digest' ing principle of the gastric juice. It t found in great abundance in tbe solid parU ol the human stomach niter death, and sometime causes the stomach to digest or eat itself up. It is alao found in tbe stomach of animals, as the ox, calf, ke. It ia the material uaed by farmera in making cheeae styltd Rennet, the clfect of which has long been Ihe special wonder of the dairy. Curdling of milk is tbe first process of dmeition. A call's stomach can curdle nearly one thousand limes its own weight of milk. Baron Liehig states, "one art of Pensin dir-sotved in sixty thousand parts of water, digests meat end other food." Dieed stomachs produce no good Gastric Juice, Kennel or Pepsin. To ehow that this want may bo per fectly aupplied, we quote the subjoined SC ITATIFIC EflWEXCK! . Baron I.IK11H1. in liin n l. bralel workm Animal Cnc mutrv. av: -An arl.in.-ial ili-alive Dual. analaon. to Un-l.a5t.rir Juice, uia i n-adily in-pred from th.- mu uB iiieml.rane of the nornvh of the calf, in whKli varioua artli-lu of foal. meat and ins, will i"fled f n .lip-trd in tin- Ktnr manner as in the human .nanach. Ilr. IIKKKIKA. in his funioua Uvatie on rl and lwt. puMi-l-d l.y Koaiera 4 W rit. New York. j aRi- 35. tate the riami- pr-at fart, and dt-drnl-ea the nH-tiiol of m-rarac iion. Ttn-re are few higher aulhoritic thau Ilr. Hi-rt-na. I'r. (VM1IK, in hii valuaMe wriliniis on the rhr.ioHcy of IiirDti'in. -lervr thai "a diminution of the due ijnanlU- of Ihe llaslric Juire Li a promiuc-ut an-l all-pro-ailin rauw i'f livs-pt-i-in.'' and he ttaU-5 tliat -a diin euih l i rof-sT of Ul .ilirtne in L-oiu-u, ton a wverely nniivtrd ith Una ooui laiut. fin.lmj: cvrrythiuK 1 to lad. hart r.o.orse to tin- lianrie Juior. ohtain d irom th .t-.marh t.flmnjc animals, which eoiui.trtelT urceelHl. lr.liKAiiAI.:iuthorof thr- famous wi.rkjon Vr.-lal'.e liirt.savs: - It ut a rrmaraatde f;u-t in pli simio.17. i"' the sti.marh, of am:is. man-raleal in waler. imparl to the Moid tii.-pni'rtv ef dinulrinii varii.u- artirb-. "f f sl. and uf rff.Ttiut' a kind of arterial dip-slion ..f lltrin in no si' dilTrrrnt trum Ihe natural dicrntive i.rr-s..'' Ilr. SIMON'S prrat work. th t'h mistrr of Man. ru-a lllanrhanl. fbiiad. !. I'p M1.J. ay: The diseovery of tvpiu furuis a m-w era in Ihe ehriiiiral history of ln in stum, t'rmn r.-o-nt .-xp. rimrnts, ' knew tliat food is diasulted a rapidly in an art tirial di-- t v. fluid. ptvpanu from IV.ain.ns it is iu the ualural tiastrie Juiee iteelf- I'rof. IUJMiLIS"N. f tlir Ji-fT-rtoii tolleer. linlad.. in his great work on II ti nan l'b? .i!o-:y.ilevote more than hfn pam-s to sti examination of this nioj -et. His eiprn ntentaaith Hr. IVnnmout. on th- lla-tnr Juh-e. obtained from the livin; human stomarli an-1 fmm animals, are known. "In all ra-s.'" he .a . "disi-stion oreurrvd aa perf.-ctlj- in the artir.rial aa in the natural dig-stlona " Asa DVM'EPSIA CI'RER, Dr Housliton's nrenaration of Peu-in lias uroilucetl the ino.1 mar velous tflecta. It is inipo.silile. to gie details of cases in the limits of this advertisement but au thenticated certificates have licen given uf more than TWO IILMiRED rauiJ. wonderful, and permanent cures. It is a creat Nsaruf. Asts- ttoTE, and particularly useful for tendency lo bilious disorder, liver complaint. lever anu ague, Ihe evil effects of quinine, mercury, &c, also fur excess in eatmg or drinking There is no form of OLD STOM ACH COM PLAINTS which it does not reach and alao give instant relief ! and repeated for a short time, pu ritv of Dlood and vioob or sons follow at once. It ia particularly excellent in cases of nausea, vo miting, cramps, soreness ol ihe pa ol the atomacn diatresa after eating, low, cold atale of the blood, heaviness, lownere of spirits, despondency, emaci ation. wcakneasL tendency to insanity, &c Price. ONE DOLLAR per bottle. One bottle often effecta a lasting cure. PEPSIN IN POWDERS sent by Mall, free of Poatag. For eonsenh-nre of sendin-r to all parts of the eountry, tha IHeestive Matter of the i Vpsin.ii put up in the form of Powders, with dirertauis to be di.'olv-fl l. tne patient in water or svrop. Thes- poadrrs contain just tho same matter aa the bottles, hut twire the uatttity Sr tbe same price, and are fe-nt by mall, r rue ot rostagc, lor f i, scot i potd-paSI i to In-. J. S. Iloufhton. No. 11 orU layhth St. Philade lphia. Sia parkaea for i. Every bottle.and psckage beara the wrilten .tg nalure of J.S.HOL'OH I t iN.M.D., Sole Proprie tor. Sold l.y agent in every town in the L'uiou and by most respectable dealer, in medicine. To le had of Dr. TH RN TON, I-ewieburg ; J H Caslov. Milton; Thompwn, Mifflinburg; Wilt &. Eilert, Hailleton; Wm Koshong. New Berlin; U I Crouse, 8elin.grove ; Mrs M'Cay, Northumberland Ij333 BULL'S HEAD. HOTEL, Mifflinburg, Union county, '. TESPEUTri'LLY informs the citiiens of , Union county, and the public in general, that he has leased" the above stand, for many yeara occupied by his Father, and is now pro pared to accommodate friends and the traveling communiiy in a manner acceptable to all. The HOl'SE is 1irc and roomy, well arran ged in all its departments, and every care will be taken to render his guests comfortable and happy. His TABLE will always be furnished with the choicest delicacies of the season, ami the best the market can afford. The DAK will at all times be attended by careful persons, anil none but the very best of liuuois will be kept. His S'l'AUI.ES are ample and convenient, and the OSTLEItS punctual and attentive. In short, he pledges himself to endeavor to cive ceneral satisfaction to all, and hopes bv strict attention to business to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. M.luinburg, June 20, 1850 TRY THEJEW Finn! WYKOFF & HOUSEL WOULD inform the public, that they have openfd a shop on Fourth street lower story of S. V. W ykofPs old aland, opposite Hunter 1 aruoe s shop, where they ktfep on hnnd or make to order Fancy and Common Chairs, lioston Rocking Chairs also Bureaus, Tallies, Heds'.eaJs, ai?m of various klnils, Se'tees, fcr. &c. All work in our line warranted to be well made, and on the most reasonable terms. House and Si!?n PAINTING attended to by the subscribers on the shor test notice and hi the best style. Country l'roducc and Lumber taken in payment and Cash not refused, but rather preferred. The subscribers intend to be strict in the fulfilment all their promises as regards work nn-l so doing, hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage. lann . w YKtir r. JOSEPH M. HOUSEL. Lewislmre. tVotr. 1849 Fanners' Produce Wanted. OUR Agricultural Friends will greatly oblige by supplying the Printer, immediately, with Wheat, Corn, Buckwheat, Potatoes Cider. Wood, Apples. &e. A this has been plentiful srasoo, tbe PiiiHtu tad Edi'or hops to rhars of iu ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, HEATLY k EIPEDITIOUSVI EXECUTED AT THE "CHRONICLE" CE THE HEW FOIKIDBY IS now carried on a usual, at the upper end of M.irket street, where eery des cription or CASTINGS kePl 00 hand or made to order such as The Complete, or Complete Improved Cooking Stoves Tor either Coal or Wood aud all other kinds oi STOVES. also PLOUGHS of differ- cnt kinds Corn Ploughs, Bull Ploughs, and the Self-Sharpening Plough, a new article, and which can not be beat in Pennsylvania. Call and see and judge Tor yourselves. CHRIST cV M'FADDIN. lwishurg. Sept. 22, 1949 T HE undersigned continues the LIVE- Iti' BVSLYESS at the Old Stand, on iNorth llurd Ph., near Market, ana respectfully solicits the patronage ol his friends and the public generally. CHARLES F. HESS. Lewisburg, May 22, 1850 Oooks Cooks ! I MIE subscriber oiT'-rs lor sale at the L"vialuri I'ost-t llTice, an assortment ot the most useful i I'iinpr Slihool IsOok"? StnllOnGrV 1 ill-l, VIIUUI ianiiilt.lj .r.M l.- J l- .1... I .... iv Tt in u 1 1 hiini.-, uisu in; lh at l Lra. I uujllu. j JOI1M Y. KENNEDY. I Lewisbiirn;, Miy 7, 1850 I 1RESH TK AS Another lot of superior Hinck and Green TeaJT; just reed Irom the teuton lea l orn v,,"i pany, nnd for sule nt New York retail prices by J. HAYES & CO. Lewiaburg, April 16. Agents. Important Notice! 'PHE public are hereby infor.ned that I X " ihe exclusive proprietor of the Cooking Stove known as 'White's Patent' or The White Stove, by irtue of valid letters patent granted to me by the proper authorities at Washington ; and I hereby caution all persons not to manufacture or sell the same without authority from me.as 1 shall promptly seek leiial redress for every infringement of my rights under said letters patent. The public are also cau tioned that all stoves manufactured by ire or my crantees or accn's, are marked James White. Patented June 10, 1844," with the additiunal mark "Ke-issue, Aug. 6, 1850," on the slide plate. JAMKS W IHTE. Milton, Sept. 1 11850 3m Ccunslmrg JimDni rPHE subscribers, thankful lor past pat X ronage, would inform the public that ihey continue to manufacture all kinds of Mill Gearing, cast Water Wheels ol the most approved pattern. Threshing Machines. One and Two Horse 1'L.ULUUS. We invite particular attention to a new article Wiard's Patent Gang I'lought, for seeding in Grain. Farmers by this Plough ran seed as much grain in one day as in three days with common ploughs. CASTINGS and TURN1NQ, and Filling ihe same. HOLLOW Ware, Kettles and Pots of various sizes Smooth ing Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles to suit cooking stoves, &cc. eooftfna stoiKju, the most approved patterns now in use, for wood or coal Fancy CirPATT"PCl Parlor, Wood and Coal)X(J Jj Air-Tight Stoves Race's Self.rcgulaling Air-Tight Parlor Wood Stoves, (a new article,; &c. Threshing Machines and other articles of Machinery repaired in the best manner and on the shortest notice. Castings war ranted lo be of the best material, and at prices that can not fail to please. (.KDOKS & MARSH. Lewisburg, March 25, 1848 f I v II E undersigned continues to furnish to order I on the moM reasonable terms. Pianos, from the Manufactory of Cosaao Meter, Philad'a, whose instruments are too well known to need any panegyric, having uniformly received the commendations of the moat eminent nrofesora and composers of Music, and the award of the premiums in AewYork.Pbiladeluhia and Il.,si..n For qualities of tone, touch, and keeping in tune up to conceit pitcn. tney can not be surpassed by either American or European pianos. Instructions given on the Piano aa heietofore. Relerence may be made to any of those parents or guardians who have pupils committed tn his rharge. He may be seen at his residence at Mrs .Metzger a. first street, Lewiaburg, where terms and particular, will be made known. The most popular and favorite Airs anj Music of different kinds received aa it ia isaued from the different musical establishment, in the Citir May 15 CHARLES KALISCH TIT A AT1T Q froJ n'.Consta JjJLiilll JVO bles,&c,on hand at ihe Chronicle office, or printed to order. s sPi if MP "An ounce of Prerention worth a pound of Cure," in that awful dittmte, COtlSUDPTIOIl ! DR. FITCH'S Lectures on lite Presta tion and Cure or Contumption. This popular work Tor sale in Lewiaburg by S. P. Lyndall J. Houghton and i this office. Price, 5 cents. TltlCKi OF tJl ACKS. LT Evav.uev R.ad van i erui -TW w lanaparilla for sal. tn th. dirTrrer.1 wwrw callad S r. Towniiend'a Saowpanlla. k if a.l.MliaMl a. Ih. OKIGV NAL. KENl'ISF. and all tnat. Tarn Tnaaer.f i.a Jociw nut never waa ; but waa liwnierty a worltei nn rwlroada,... Bala, oa the like yet he a-aamea ih title of Uocuie Sie in. nurpoa. of famMtf crwtit tvr what h la WA. II. Wm h. ka. .tunded two mc-Ural achonta. aial nraetie.1 fee (rtan year.' I" Nww IbatraUlla. h. ner prarKd mediein . dav in Bia tile I Purk nil, vkW matifBiraaia took, bad U Iheeaaracerand ..racltr of lh man. I wia. nMMit wneerely, H. nad ne.er made tltoae watetnent. M Ana atlf or ol me. When will BKn anil to he B-mari and ua-k rul in alt their dealing, and niTerttrtir. with ilieir I. men ! II. applwd u on. Soil C..;p l w aim ta mai olaelarinf toe iMatur. ffauac Ih. lai.-e awn. b. w nfc ; auk, aa an incuwi l to embark in iShu.iin-i Tsm mm aav. been nmtuuf and li'je'lmf me m ail powU form, in onlet u impiaa. the public with the DeiMf U. -t ueGId Onelor'a Jtaraainlla iraa M Ui. ftnuinr. or,r,.m Sarsaparitta. tuitl lean. U Ci IhcW Oryfimnl lUt. me. TlnaS. P. Townsenil aay. I ha' th. uaa ol . tarn, foe V a week. U f aim - h witl f.. duce one ainf le Mlitarr proof of thi. 10. waMnnia of Thompson, Skilluua Co.. ar aoihinf but a lm a! faiathooda, aimpiv made lo deceive tn. pwb:c and kwp th. truth down in" retard lo hi. scurntf ftrmtnlinf . " Mvnri. Tin. i. to caution the public to parbUas. aone tua 5ld Ih-. J At OB TownaenJ's Saraapanila. ba.inf oo a Old Doctor1, likeness, lit family C'aol Arms, an ba, aumatareaero the treat of Arms. Vmopul (J4lce, l'U .Voarmn.Terr. .V T d'r v JACOB TDV .iWa Old Dr. Jacob Townsemi the ORtrnvw. DisrovF.nr.s of tiik Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. Oij ilr Tosnscn ! . nuw ah nit To year, ot ae. and h.. tin been known a. the A VTHn an.l 1'ISV'i Vr.HKK ef he C K .V f I.V B DRir.lSAL "TOWSSBSb i limintamaiiufariure.hy whirl, mrnns it has been kept o, o . and Ihe sales cirrumsenbt.l to thu oi, w! h.td i.mved Its worth, and known lt value. Il had rtacosS HAICSArAntiLA. n-lnj poor, ne was ' . -- .t..M . the ear. of tnariv. iwv.rtlie.ess, aa iih person, wna utm bren ri-alerl ul sore diseaaea, and wtJ Uvu le-h, (arte a'aiu:ril it. won trrtul j HEALING I')WKIt. I TtiwGHANKANii i:NK4ti.i.rirm:psTHMi. 1 inaniilaetureOi'nOie tanresl .rale, a-nt is -alird I-.r -..ir -i ?fv " I out tha Icniih anl lifaJth tl the laad. s-r-ecia.lj aua I found ineai-aDie ol -Leem-rall'm or deterK'ia ln. fnlit. ynuu; S P Tawnwie:' It imiroes w,-.h let. ' and neser'chari-es bill lorthe be':.r: because It ts p-tparW I ontfienilie principl' by aa-iertr;e wiis. Ttie b:tfts knowleita-e ol 1 hep..i.ir. atl the U:.st disce.enf. ol th. an, have ail rs-Ti tirimelit into raquisinon in v niaauiai. tur-ol the Old lr'. SarMpanlla. Th. S,rsa-arll:a row, 11 i. well known to inedirai ruen. een'ain. ran) rasdiciriai proiene.. and some pwtunas whKh are iner w ossIms. and oihe.-s. whirh it re atned in prsnartK H tor as. pra dure rr-neafoiion and arid, which IS in'unous totew lem. S.uw oi ih iroruee of Saraaparil a are so that they ennrei eva(Hria aatl are ! ::. th. preranv. il th. are not .rr.rred bv a scieHif yrorrs. krwwaso ly lo'ihH eitertcreed in its manufacture. MoreoT.a, thc. rertic ptmripl'. whica Sy off tu sapor, .r as au a halsu.il. un ler heat. ar. the rry emtiiU mnium ysf stmi at the nK. which tve to ll all iu a: ue An. Krwn can tioil .r s:e w the rot u'l . eel a Jar Colored iBiuid. wfoch a mi-r. from Ui eoloiiof otaaar la th. ro Uian irom anv 'lun .Ik ; they can lh.u wr.ia Ihw insipid or sapft li-iunl. "" .wir, imSaases an J then call H SAIISAI'AKII.LA EXTBSCT S tT Rut such is not ihe article ki.own a. ill. QES L LNE OLD OR. JACOB TOWNSEND 8 SARSAPARILLA. This is so prepared thai all Ih. inert propaftMW tt tka tenapartlla Mot arc lis remove., .scrythias capata. becomuu: acid or larrnentalioo " eatracad and njKiaw ; then eveiy pane:, ol me,nral strtu. ia wcursd in a pura and eoneen 'rain) wrrn: and thus II as KnH.raa irrapala. f loams an. ot lis salualile and haalin nropenaea. eav Darad in this was. It I. nia-ts the most powenulacutl la laa Cre mt IwawaweraJato DtaaiM. Hen-. Ih. rea whs w hear eoraiuewttalwas oa jesfT mo. ia rs favor tv nam, woinsn, and cr-il-lsaa. v. s aaa a tcoiV"Vivr.. d KHKVMATisM scnor. 171 A I'U.KS rOSTlYF.SF.SS. all CI r.la Iti' Lki PTIOSS. PIMPLES, BLOTCH iuIaJI affrction anunc from IMPURITY UF THE BLOOD. h xmamt a marvI!ou efficacy ia all rvmpiainla ins from Indrli 1rvm Act fitly of tht St not. fro n?iual circulatt.m. rUtrrminatiu-ii of tlood to thm htwiL C. I pi taium ol ihr hrart. cold ft mod haiuK cl chillavj i Aaiiiws uer ihe b-xi. It baa nM its equ. in Cold mm Vtourh ; and promote, ea-v eipaetonuou and $mm 9 t.iruon. nMiig su-wtuiaa Qt iQfs wwai maA mwm0 (Kher part. , But m nothinr it it eieeltanw morm itiaailaaUy M ul aclUMWlKlri man ia all kind and asM of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. ft work woudera in cmms of Aikmm OT Wlmm. Falling of th Wuwih, Ottrwefm StupurmtrH, or rary'm Menmem. IrrtfitUaity ofUr mansuuai rirttia. nnd th tm and w effectual in curuuf a, ine forma of Kiunom IHooa Uf ramovinc wbr:wi. wl raeulaunf tna rt-atem, it ciea ion and aiMUffia to thm whoim ooJy. aul ti.ua cure all furnaa of . and thus pre -eiua or relieve a frvat vonet of other nutv thea. aa Spinal trrttafion, bouralfia, SK Vihtm' Vut. Swooning. Kpiitphe M. ConruJotono, 4fe. It cleanaea Ue bltwO. axcitaa th lier to hoatth ef-;o.-, tonea tlie etciuach, and givm (tood difoatioo. relie-t itu. bowels of torpor and conatirpatioB, ailaya inflammation, F nliea tha akin, equalitee th circulauoa of th Woad. pr eijcig ctmk warmth equail all over lb body, mini uo iiiaeiMiN porapiration : reTam omciarao and tirhtneaa. 10 moeea nil obeiruc(ina. ami lovigoraia th entire ner jetera. !a rvM thio thw TftW Heerlw ymm pro-wnnlscatlv w-dr But can anr of ihea thirsffa be aaid of S. P. Tonne ill m f nor article ? Thie r.nmr man'a liquid m not to b COMPARED WITF1 THE OLD DR S. berauaaof one R4ND FACT, that Ot on w INCAfaV BLE ol DETaJII -RATION, an1 INKVEIl while th other PoF.Sr taming, erwuni mf. and bowmm the bottle ctiDiainir.t it into irt,taow ; lb nr, aaat Uquhl expUii.anil djmiiru? other roodaT Moat not thro nomble comnoiind He i.a.r.oue to the evatana 1 Whet put act rt into a oyttem a'ready duemed nth acid What Cauaea lPTOpepiia OUl OCin ipo we wh an inww .. -mnmn food flours in ooratomachs. what nuH-hief it pro-luce 1 Umlence, hf-irtburn. paipi(atun ol the hrart. hrer comp laint. Uiarrbtis. IrllTrv, folic, anil corruption oi i ttotl 7 What t Scrorula but an acid humor in the borivt What prodm-e alt the humors which brine on CrupttonaoC the Sin, Srald Hea.J. Sitt It Ileum. Eryiipetae. Whito Sweliintr. Fever Srr. and all ulreraiiona interna! and ea ternal ? It w nothuit? under heaven but an and aubatatt. which fours, and ilitw ninitU ail the f.nuia of the botlv. mty or Iew. What causes Ki.pti:v-i;im but a ormr ami acid fluid which ii.siiiuarr tm-:i belweea the joiriLO and etao where, irntatm and inArnm? ihe delicate tissue upoa which it arts ? S of ner .-ns dieas. of impum zi tho bloott. of ile range'! rirru1.irtm. and nearly ail the ailtnetua which atBict human nature. ISr.w is it not horrible to maka and soli, and iMirife nwrtf to ne thw MHKlNt.. FEKMF.VrlAfi. uriJi COMPOf.ND' Or S IV TDWNSKNP, and vet he wuM fain hve it nn.Vrwnod that Old Dr. tb Twrisentl Hmumr trtetn.il s,traparxuA ta an IM ITATION ol his inTrtir prepjratum ' Ilearen forbid thar we thau(d deal in an article which would hear the mo-a disutnt reaemblanc to $. P. fomw aenda article t We wih it omlfr-fotxl. neranse it tn abwut tru. a. that S. I T'wn-rn.la article and old lr. Jacob Townetni Sarsaparilla sire harmftide apart, antl infinitely df" itar; Uiai they are unlike m every particular, lam$ not one sinrfle thtn" m rommon. I As S. P T'wneinl no doctor, and never waa. la no ohemist. no pharnince mist knows no n.ore of iretiKi' or disease than any ohr coinin-n. imsciewiiie. unproie-ioaal man. what wuaTant'r can the public have that tHr-v ar re ceiving a senninesrimtifie nitlicine,cxnumncH ih vir tues of the articles uvd in prnmnng n. and which are m capable oi chanfs which nnhi remkr U;m tbe AGENTS ol Disease inxtcatlot liealihY hut what else atmiiid le expeffed Irom one who know nothing compaiativelv of medicine or dieact h lrquire ft person ol some eiperine ! ck aud serve upeven common decent met. How much mre important ia It that theneron who muufacjue niciic tne de-urned lor WEAKrsnMArilS ANITNFEF.I.EI SVSTK ahould know writ the medical properties ol plant, the beat manner oi'ai'curin aatl cinKentratm? thvir healinf viriuea. alo an evtenxive knowledge of the vanotdiaewhit aifec. the human system, and how lo adapt ramadies w these disease ' Ii to fo arrest frsu.' upon th unfortunate, to pocrrba'm into wounded hnmanuv. to kindle hop in th dcsnsinrvf bosom, to restore heafth, ami bloom, and i?or into t! crushed and broken, and to banth inftrmitv tha ! P PR. JACOUTOWNSKND has SOCG1IT and FOl NPh oo portuiutv and mean to brinf hi ertaaaal liilvertal Cw-atatrmtdl HefweviyH within th reach, and to th k nowle.kr oi alt who need thai they mav learn and know, bv jnyiul expertenco, n Tra-CBlaBit Pww tm Hcsvl Accnts for the above Mfdicine C Schaffle, Lewisburg ; John II Kaser. M i (on ; Forsyth & Prieslly Norihumbiurd ANE Buggey and Sen of IlamaM, One Two Horse Wagon, uoe i rack wagon. For Kit faf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers