LEWISBURC CIIRONICI.K AND WEST BEIAXCIl FARMER iiJit nub utnot Life in California, or tic I'scd-tip .Miner. 4 Oulc Son?, wrilten I t Jr. D. . noussox, arta Ping by Lima. T wiih pixM a; lanec at tbr I'r.imiitlr. !rm ga, fan i'ralKinn. Ai: -fard Mm." O, I ha'n't j. it ro line-, n..r notbtii' 'I'. I :-liFforl,ite. tu.-tof-fw ni v1i.-t-tI (If8: I lani- '"".il f.-erfia Wi'h a In-art both ftont eud tr-ld. An.l ht:v- Svn up to III- " tlirrr to pet oMe lur-ir.iF rf i-fM! pit T'-i- a u-til-nr- man e. j-Tf.r4. t man : Aud it ever 1 g-ta Ii-iui.' -uiu, 1 "il t .ay llicre if X am. J l.:Tt 1 -wtiydown in Jlnin-' wli-n I ri-u-J alr.ut t!iliir!ni', t-o i i 'i -I" 1 ruy -d:.iii" ul-i.-id aliarlLrtiuiuiiiuu-d by Jo I eold n.y hit lr farm. a1 fr..ia f nr.! ciilr-i Tflrt.-.1. An ! off f- r alifnrote .wi--d. and lfi ui broit-n-ui-aru d. Hut LdeY'a usou-up m.;n, Ae. I p i to ati Freti-iier. I rj pu1. lit-nT--- rio-iey. Mii lit- way the et i.ti l'ayrd, I t!i.iulil IL.' tranic .Uttr tuittiv ; Pi I look my liltle aid o;i 'In tal.Ii- lH tt 'lu t'rn wbo dwlt tuc .-nt lie rar.lt-, ra;a he, "My fri.-tid. you',-.- lvt-i i :' e-o you'.-u a u-t i-uti m.i:, a.'-. I r.-.t ia'r ft'f in b-V't, f ! ,!-.rl. d l;n I!.- river. V.ber.. J thought til iu-.il.t-i-i-e would ban- tufceu fut i-j lir r ; V.'li-n i '..l to t-rrnui--iit. I lm-'.-! 1 n ll.b ricir'n. An. ,..n 1 found itift i: I'la.-unl eo I went to d ggiu. Hut 1 ui a twd-ut- tntai, I c inti- tli" wntT. l.Tf tb "irr-'nirrr" (V ni., Al."i v 1,rn ! waiu t frt- to JtU'it turmd klout mid r.nt full i kt- t n wcrl;. r.-l:o;!n t ouM 1 lnttrt JitH '.v'...rwriu!d;i': f!I a lt;t it k-t a-iiltirfwitUT, Aliil i at a uh2-u nial, Ac Vrl n:t11 V- J t to . -jli-i.it I t'Vt yon. ".If -(.t:d.T 5 'li.in't g. t my -It-nib fi'rtili. t-.i-J dii a.-.ur-f. Ihim.trr! 1 fot a ii-.t t.f -1u-t, aii'l ',-.lt Iln- r;v T tri'll :lit it. Au.i u.-nl U th'ie t.i lrca-'a i-t-urti. 1 i.fw llf tirtit have irot 11 ! S I'm a u- irtan, f-.c. I f i . . if I il.. iii.l .lie. tV U r I" !lv V.f i..n, r . J 't.i Ki't-tt- '.l m-H in.' f.f ti . n in: ph KKian. l'v f . i: .1 li. !. t-u iluttira ..aJi-!'r-1 m iMn- iii- i',; AL'l it '-.'.lay .iit forl.tr in-'R-lrfi' vork I'd liirrt rj; not y.ni'd nn it. Fi t 1 ill a b-til up niou, kr. 1 d-nl nfw vli.it tido f r !! tb- tint- I'm '-";;"' To hunt no tzrub t-iioti-h in int, and f lid d-'lit lMfCing: I t-an i 1 any ljrair, ani t;p ouf ai- oi to m-ot ma XTLo'Jl tali- m- 1 j 111- cor, uow. ari k.udiy ak t-i tmit Qi" ' I" ir i ut a U"Mup man 1?. I ll po u to tlit ITTiwfrT-, nr.d w-o if Tom iront trust m-( l'.-r it.- It.- nt ttx zm4 a b--hirt.i'ai wr-.ts try t- bujt m. Iftit if tbt-t dt-not kut-ar ta'-th ri.;rr.y 1 ?:ib 1 1- tratl( Vit, lii.-'n. tiitd fri. od, wlth- u: your u !- tii-.- jtoor old rain-T'tt n-jfttii. For I'm a OM-d.-jp man, tc. I .lou't knoa It If t.-tt Tvi- a dn-aiiful fet-lin', If i ri.fli't t i:tloL i-'. toe. I i' lmv. r.otk. tofUailn: I d itk- m- Cl-y oiLrm, b.r?-HU:d ttir laa i.aw want! r-trri'Tji: : IV n-a::c a f:r-!-mt.: My.-t. to an 1 on!y want t-lrrtia'. rur i'ui a u.nd '..- liti.ii, lo. Hut t my f-Vii I err t-1-r..t, my tliaiikit I cant t-x-tr t-m. n.! f-r ;i.-ir r,-.'ty ran ot!y a iy. 0-l 'tin! I.-r aL a of kiudn.tt in' y ttoo't lag, I in aura a'a't orlli tlit.- kut in;' t-o mlh u;;- urinif I iLsuktt, fia Hi', I tliiuk I'li l a-;..:'.,- F- I'm a u-t-tl-np man a f- tf r v."d.tlp Biftn : Ai.d if t -t I F--t! l.'inr af.lt:, I'li &tf-y tti-'r- if I ran. He had llni ! Oti' of our !!:)Kiri rnpiiuli.stii.wor'b liilf h utilli'.n, irioJ hnrJ ; It.i a.thcr dny to 1 h tlown t!.o jirire tf " birr ! of upp'rs I'lTtrtd for ttalo by h c. tin rj fiinr, nt t r.e tki!!.ir and h hi!f. " The o!J jii nf. was uwttrc hdt the ma:) ki.e ii-.ii!.in tf lcm.aud tn-cnrJingl' tdtijjicd .1 caaxify lone, icllin bint tbat he !t!u millijiiaT'') "uas a poor m.in, and hi: ought ti lei !,im h:ve the npji!os tor a doifir and a tj'iarl' r.'' The coni.trj man 'oked nt t!ie ihrt'ad hnre coat t-f ihn "poor man," (l.o h-tl ;!t nty of moiipy tu loan t two t.-r cm, a ninu'.b.) a:.J a ab-tut relent. iug, nil ii dliullu-r liill ci'izll who stood iifiir and owrhchH tb conversaiion, put i:i bis t'iir aitd assured the cn-jn'rj man thin 1'it. v.as "rtiil'y a p r ma'i The n. 'liuiriltf, who could humble him ft'f ti a t-!fiirt:r tn snve n rputrtcr dollttr, was rt '.id euuuh of hi- wek'ih tahrri l.rn.ii.li into cn:rt with his reihhnrs 1 1" d:i-w !i ittst If iif to lii-i full Ir'Lht, and t ;.cir il!t scirn 'lie intnitler, taho nl:hi' mure Itlti rul was iit-t -'0 lit h s hiinsrlf by sfiti.e tbusnuJ-it sclitinu-d, " I am worth itiMtf ihiiii vnii ir, nny d.-tj ft ..''a.i, i ..,t,ii- ir il vou V II., 0"jl rre f il er tbau I 'n, vou can il-ird to p-iv :i.-m ibe price fir hw nppl''." Tl;i c lin'rviiiai), nmn-t d ut thi acenn, I t t-atiii1 f-ii'i us a r i ' ti n dniUr uud m b;tlf biiirt-I.Ha l 'he itiirintiairo -'kiJ oil" in rkin u fl ul tsuni'wberc else :ti:kce l!!jde. Wer- e a sulsi-riber to n nesjinprr, v i- wool I iive a dulinr eil.-u if il would n- vi-r ij'.e 'e ihe 'hrp, ''ffli'i Mruek Billy l'.i er ? ' Vatikee Kiade. ,j-T.iiJ ut'il give Jollar to any Xewapapor IJ j .ir- w!io will communicate tuih infurmation . tht!i Icid U the convictijn of the non-ta-'i in iniii t'.u.i! who tamm'ttiJ liie awiuH - la? ifiirtva d Wiiiiam !ich h cauwil UlU auiii .as and rq-oalcj iii'iuirii- lieict-r oo iliia 1-roiJ grei-n eirlb the Ai.gtii-'-'aKin tongue i by iiie .vunJ.ous m-i4 out-j olii-u ! ! i l-U'g C'llrLnii'!t. (JuATiTiiiK tr a Maotic. An Kn-b-h ptj'er tel! s!ory of a uvori'e niHpie, which had lufii aceusiomrd 10 rtwrive its di. ui v hi's fiom the mnutli nf iis niistrrsn Thi' iihi r day it pprehed, s umihI, on her Flt!iu':!i.-r, im 1 iijser'ed its lcak U-twc-en her bp u i" as it proved, to receive, but to jjive ; fir, n one gonj turn dttserves eni- lu-r,;hit magpie dru, prd l. i n flense, rccti, f it CHterp:!!ar, into the lady's miu'b ! A it"K.J tiry is HiM of a preafWr in otif rf tin; smal! towiii of New llnmp.-dtire. A S-itidiy or two agi, the proucher U j;;tn hi- titor in,: prayer by an iuvoca'.ion lor iil-rcy UJ) m our D.l'innal councils. Af:er . renio uboriii l'it' dtipartel iir.t el our late 1' resident, ' fi.iiini.-nced on the Cabinet; ex-;la.iuiii4 iMi''y, "und. O Lord, try lo bless Dime! Wtbster.'- V. 'Zir Wr.lit, in sjxaUirig rJ the opin . !i enlfrt-enr.J y seme critics that ibe p!'K nn.l ch itat-t. rs tif Sbakfpcare'at lay f Tfoilusutil ("les-idn wire atol. u from Ilon-or. rr in... Ua, very pi'h ly " l lhal Ik- II -lU'r is an infinite j;a:r.ci Shiik-t-prre takes I J tni-r c ehar,ciirs sruaabc, at. J leaves tb. in Siiiite ivn-f.kiu.''' Djt-ouor A ineud of ours says he bat Lct-ti so lung wi'lniut mom y, that bit: h' .id acl.o "ready M "plil" when be tries to recollect bo a si'ver do!iur lo-iksj. Ho nia the notion that "we live in a world of tiling'" a grmt litllaey. ;.!.. ScuTT Jim Inen duMx-d 1) r.lor of L-ara by oiiC of our (Vlleyi-w murl'uil las, we u, jf'sc, C.ilee bmiurs urc a pit. at o!.e. . .. ... ("action to Tri:nit:s. Thanksivipg i 1 1 i at ban. I. T Inventor ami Mrchinlct. ' una tea nr tiib Best Hechanical Paper la the World ! A Nt-w Volam uf tli Is cimim--ori.d a-nut thr --tlth of Si.jtt. rmli y.-ar, ami U tin- bt-.-l -;i:r l-a M-rbttiiii-a and luvrutor. 2'uI-IUImmI iu the world. Kuril Tiiiunn- mntina 41(t par of Bwt valuable rra-l-lrr aialt. r. ht 1 i. illin-;ratil wita rti-r ;tc MSOUAlilCAI. ZNUEAVIMG3 or luy-ntioiiii. tflk: jsi.nt;!!r Amt-riran la a n'm-kly Journal if Art, riijiri-i-t.d 51- ltatiit. l'aiilte' for itt filgi-t tin- a-"-vatic-'Unlit nf tin- irtm-ftaot Mt-rltanti. MiimifiHturfta and lull nl r. K.-U. liiniraut-r iti illu-tratil tth trom fivt V-n i.-riiijii KfirHTiti of Now Vot-hauh-al tnri-iitH-iif. m-arly nil of tin- l-oal inv-.tilion-i which art- puti-nt-il at W aliiii1-- l.-t'ff iiln-trr.ti in thr S-w-iilifcr Amrriinn. It alwi r-nfail:a a W.-t-li'y Ut :f i-at. tit I'liim:: iiotiri of tin- i-ror ft i-t uil Mi-rh.-iiii al and S-ioiittti ItiipniTi1 mi-iiu-: i-iarlMl ilin tinr. on lit- roiiitru(-tion. uiuinun moitt and tin-nt all kiiidi i f Mudiin-ry, T-.hi, r. Ac. i in. mia-a ai r.dH-t-ii ui aiiidinit, and tin tulit-mtn-r M-t-a. at Ui'-rml of th- yrar.a It-rRi- Toluuio of 4lti pa;H iliu.trnl.ni aitli ui-aar.ls of Miai nvrhanieat i-utraTiii-.-a T!.l:tlr!; inj;t.. ,ulrr:i tii.n--.f-i ay-ar in ailvaure: ;1 for fi nimitUs. 1tiii-alio ai-Ji to aulvcrllie Ai-.voa: to r:uot- tli.- auioiiiit !u a lott-'r. A VRKSKN't! To ai r onr- wlin will a.-ti.l us ThrtT Si!b'rrilrt.w? wi!l prwnl a ropy of lh-.- Iti-nt LaM-aof Itr I irt-il SleNa, I'Hf -lli'-r Willi Ajl iltfiiiinti.in r.-lutiTc lo l-alrl.tiifiirr Uu-aiui-tvhirlud-nj full direction, for taking out I'atrnu, li-tltod t4 lutdiina: thr rpt f-itirRtioiia, l'laiit.t llrawlrnra. iloi1rU,ltuymK-a 'iitiip and tratifl..rrinz I'liti-nt Kiirli1dtAf X. It. rul'st ritr r-. aill l.-ur iu mind that wr nipioy at- An- lit- to tnivrl on our arrount. Ml N. A tlU i'ulllior of tha SrH-ut-nr Am--riran, 1JS l'ulun tri:tt M-w Vork. All Lt ttrrt- luui-t br 'or.t 1'aid. INIit OKMF.NTiS FOR CI.l'CHIXil. n coj-m-ii for ii montlia, (I I In mpint for - mi-nttia, $1& e - 12 - k l - 12 - ft Houlli.-rit and Wi'it'-r uton--y taki-n at -t-r for tmlmcrip- tiotia. l'o.t uttiiv Mauipf taken at lb-ir lull Talur. Administrators' Notice. "llTlil'.ltKAS, l.eitrrsf-f Arin inistr:ttinti V iiib-eM'iiif nl SAVUKI, WUl.h i:, laie ol the IStim' tit lv-n i-tmrg. I'nioii Co., doceaed,liate been granted lo the subceri her-, rei'li'n' in nid Borough, by the Rt ister ol'a tid county, ihcii liirc all personi! unit htt-i to said ei-.to.te are requested In inakf iiiuiied ae pit mciit, and tho?e hav ing claims nirainst the same, are required to pre ni them, duly auibeiiticated, for ettlbinrnt, without delnv. JONATHAN WOLFE, ) . ;. F. MILLEIt. $ Ad'" iolirr. QI'IISCRIUKHS to the "University nt O Lewishut j;" are respt-Pt fully requested to pay their Second Instalmen', row due, to the Treasurer. And those who have not paid the Is; ini! il'l are respectfully notified that all such dt-linqucntg will lie charged in'ert-t on their Instalments from the time they become due. KAM I. T. WALKER, TusAt. Lewishurg, Feb. 25, 1850. Dcntislrv. V.U. C. STEWIET, I Sriu.r.orv; ncTisT, now i-n-aieii on Vou lh atrert, l.eni-l urr, near ihe Ftat.liliit H ut-, where he i-tten.la to operations on the teeth at a rr.l-trtion of hia former ptices. Teeth and root of teeth removed with Ihe aid of improved Instrument", and in an easy manner. Filling teeth and aottine on pivota or platen atten ded to arenrding to the lalewt improvement ia Ihe profession I'lcerntrd, epunrv.and inftarneil (itmi cured. Thankful for paat (svo-a. he solirila a continuance of public pitrnnace No impure materials useil fur filling" in terth. Iy288 SARSAPAKiLLA BLOOD PILLS, AHKAU OF ALL I TIIF.Ita ! Th Kuvy of all Pi'.l M inuraciurprs, ECM'SE they are safer, bellcr, and merr ifn-j t-jcious than any olhcs. 000,000 Ilov.cs have brtn .ilil annually for the lat five yeara, Yui bo tin On-, Vaie' 'ii FciAbE. can alxays lake them with rqital safely, srithoui frar. f J'illt lienrernsart for iiurging and cleau-ttig the Stomach and How ris, and purifying the HlooJ and fluids of the bo dy, take uo others for no other pilla produce those con.biiied effects, or contain Sarsapjrilla in them. Eat. Drink and Lirt at usual. and pursue your usual occupation whilst taking I hem, without fear of taking cold, during all kinds of weather. One Thousand Dollars ate wagered that more . genuine certificates (from physicians, clergymen, Memliera ol Congress, and re.pccMhle ritizenr) can he produced of their elhcary tnan ot any oinere. anu TEX DOLLARS will lie forleited in every iuetanre where Oue U..I will uot do more gixid than Two lioxea of any others. F..rtv Pi" in a H-.x ! ! and u.J.1 at Tuvnfv-t'irc Cent a But, with diirctiona and mucU wholesome advice accompa m ing each bol. TVy A.rrr no fc.-ffr nr fe.uwef tm,IJ, h'rrr from tiust or km-It u 'an.', ih. nof rir" tttf .w"mjra or iv.irr no tTfea. r-.an'fi'Rjr, h-l f"Kng9i TIll Y AKK ' A T ALL TlHhS, Ail a't'j'rj Im m-4( JuFoara c-saawei to ewn'.iW. No one hsvina once taken them will 1 willing ftrtwards to lake any others, because ihey m- ways do good, and if th'y do not, then no o'aers will. rw w. u til'.. The Prcsrlctor and MantuTactoxer, . , ui,, Irugeist. t h.mirt.aod I'hyrkian, of uf,ern year-' upa-riencc in Philadeli hia ; Grad- uate of ihe I'niveraily of IVnn'ylvaiiia ; Mem. lurr of .linWnt Medical Instiluliona of I'hiladel libit. New Yoik, Uoston, Italttinore, cVc and a-snciale and corresponding naemtier of several Medical Ins-.itutions of 1. muon ami I ana, cc. Oi tbice an Ie..siTio. llivrate of all pills called l-y name nearly similar, g.n up to be sold on ihe reputation of Dr. Lei.lys Sarsapaiill UUid Pills; the first Sirsaparilla pilla eei in troduced and the only pill containing rtarsaparil la. Take ni others and you will not lw deceived, (libers by rimilir names, or nearly similar, are a gross fraud. Hew arc, then, of Imposition ! ! .""Principal Depot. Dr. Imidly's dispensary. No. 11 North FOURTH 8T Philadelphia and sold wholesale and retail be r. W.STII 1KKI.H. LewiFhnre J. II. Oa.low. Milton J.M.Iknft-r.ti.U Krvl.r.N.II.'rlin W . I". I. I'ainl.T. .Moury Taj lor'.. an.1 siIii.t'1. Vifliinleirg lly fmilh. Adam.l.urp V.Minvaean A Waller, fin Vail, y II. S. Hover. Vreeleirir f.lL- A Myera. K-lly Koa.lF M..S.rhlll.aTm t llavbt A rVl'tn.ir.-. S-iii.Fc;r.wr ! l'..M!-iHlth. Mkidlrl.'rp I.. 11. Kolirvr, M Kr. l Kt.ll. w IliA Kih-rt.llartt. fon Tleaaiaa Ir.w.T. Slitiiankin iam K . Itonili.I'mtrrTillr lr.J. Jd.Jn.l.l.V.'illiamF-wt: eul l.j llruedFl. an.1 SUrf-e kreM-ra llinmleHit the l'nil-l Siab-F. (liG-.T s 1 CHOOL-TICK ETS piinttd nd -or tiale at this ofliee. 1 LARGE lot of Stone Pickling and Preserve J A KS iUFt rcoeiveil and for sale by Ss: I J. !!AYE9 & CO M. LAKE'S WORM TERDIIFIGE. rilHR rullawini; onlei show at one iVmant I fur anil excellence of tbia great medicine : "York, July 28, 1847 "J Kidd & Co: The Vermifuge U-U u on aale aome time ago by your agent, i mltl. It guea ery rapiillr,and gitea great aatifaction. Ai we are entirely oat of the article, and have frequent calls for it, pleaae aend ua aome iinmeJiaielf V A MOKHIS & CO. imkviii, Trnn. March 18, 1817 'Dr MX me Dear S'ir : The Vermifuge you Irfl wiih rot- laat (ill ha long since lieen aolil.aml I coulil have soM a great ileal mure if I had bad it, fSince my return from Ihe East, I have been called upon nearly every ilay to wiite to you, n questing an imtneiliaie supply. I have already tried your Vermifuge in my own family and Cud it to be the best I have ever used E r MORRISON. . "Men Creek, Steuben Co. Sept 7, 147 Tliia mayepttify lhal we have sold DrM'l.nne's American Worm Specific, or Talent Vermifuge, the past year, and it has given unbounded satis faction. Il is no impnaitiiin on the community, but is what ita authors recommend it to be a univeiFal specific for those sIHicled wiih worms. "H. I1K.HES & CO." AGEXT8 C W Si'HarrLE.UwUburg; J II Caalow and J H liaaer. Milmn ; I lieihart, Se- ( i: i ii- a.-i- l . t . aa liusgrove; J W Friling. Sunbury ; Mrs M'Cay, Wlbumberlanu , M C Gm-r J Moore, Danville UNIVERSITY at lcwiMbiirgr. C1IRCUI.AR for Ibe Academical Year eom- rnencmg Oct. 17, ltS.iil. COURSE OF STUDIES. Primary Department. EviniarJ i Spelling, Reading, Definition. English Gr.unmur, Aritlimeiir, tJeosraphy, Hia- j lory U.S.A., I'enmanship and ('oniK)filiiin. English Department of the Academy. The ame stodiea as in the I'rimary Ih partm't continued in ihe use of larger lexl books ; and lo these are added General History.Algebia, Legen dre, andElt-meiits of Sutvryiug. Classical Department of tha Academy. Term Juninr Aritth-mie clans. 1. Kneli-li tlrniumar. I.atin lirammar, Ariv!invt!r(two divixoeia, I tevrwphv. II. TIk .nnir Ftii.li.-t. a- ili I. T-rm. and PrnmanFliip. 111. Fnlili tlraiitmar. f'a-ir, Arillttu..li.-e..nipU..d l- 1-t dii i.itei, lirt k t,r:ui.uiar. Ili.t..ry L.A l'.-u-niau.bij li.M.k-ke.-piiiir. Vfr AruJi mir rlnn. T. Ca-anr. ftna-k lt.-a.litr, Alin-l-ra I Klrue-nta.) II. IU. -Vlieid, do d do An do et.mplrtr.1. flrm-- ral lliatory. Ktijrti-li Lant-uur. and t'omjitiou. COLX.EGIATB DEPARTMENT. Vrrnhiiiun rl9 F.nsti.Il Lanetlar alfrt'.4U4M.ition, Algebra, Livy. Alialaoit,. I'laur ti...inrtry. I.iry. Inala.la. I'laiie, .-..li.1 alri hpb. ri.-ul liuuni-try eoml.l.-ted, l,i ay, Aeal-at-i. &phnn.nre rlokx. Iloriiee, fltiF,.y. Plt.ne an.1 Sphrrirnl Trionr-mrtrv. do it-. " MeH-iimta-n..-iirvryinir..wiinaHii. .1.. ei.ipt.l.l..l. r-lcel orMiaei. of iielnoaUM-nert. II. III. T. II. 111. lUMtrie, Analylnal in.nieuy. Junior rluxn. 1. Prmoatlirn.li on tbe frown, rirm de OrnHia,Me- rlianHi. llidriMtatire. and HvdrauiH-e. II. DrnKWIhrni on thr iTi.wn. t'lrer.. le olnrila er.nj. l-lru-d. rnriiniafira, ArouFtira, hlielrieily, Maio- U-m. KIM irpllr.. III. Onk Tra.-dy, Tnritu, AFtroBomy. Senior cln. I. W... VarnrnT Tb. e'ecy. Intellertnal l-bnoer.;.if. II. n.k. ILIitlral Kmnomv. M.a-lll lhtl-hy. III. Iintl. r'. AnaJ'ary. I ..n-titutHai of I. llo-miatry. AF-etun-a, trrnemi Kerh-wa. No clsaa in tbe Regular Course has less than three daily recitations. Every Saturday forenoon ia devoted eiclustvelv to Vocal Music, Declamation. and reading select and original Compn-itions. The a'uilents ate required lo attend, rrz'ilatly. ! some religiou meeting. Minors are enpected to attend such meetings as are recommended to ihem I.. !. .:. n.H.d A. ...l;.na Tk.i. ere in the borough no less than six places of public worship, of as many diQeient Christian denominations. Text nooks. KitytUK tfiwjHor ami Wntim. The ItiM.-. Port.-r'F Rhetorical Reader.' '.nsWi or Wel.-t. r F liieiiouarj;. linlli'.ii f r:iili-li timninitir. i-ararr f rr.r.-F.ti.. r.x..iT-i-a. r in Kneli-h f ..i.iti..n, l-aiker'a AidF. Illair'a leturvF tl.'tiiv.-rFitr Mttioii.l IaMii .ii;;ii.'?. . ItnlllnaMtramniar. Bnltioir? Reader. Leveretr' l-Tn.tn. llnllion'Ft-a-ar. Srtimita and Zntnpt'F Virirtl. l.tneolnV l.iey. Anlhon'a llorur.-, Tliai-lM-r'a L'itvro d- offirii.. Tvlrr'F TarttiiF liermanta .-t Ari.-..1. .'fwt- lAWimtiiy. llilllMaiMirannnar. llullioli'F Header, Lald. ll Setdt'F la-xin n. Irweu'a X.-nii.lion'F AnahaaiF. Owen'. llonier'FtlvF.-y.Cliamldin'F la in.lli. ura. rnk'a L'laFFiml Mauual. .... , Mtnetln.-Unlet' Aritt.mrtlr Itt Arnd.-m:.-. rtrm entary Alsi-len. Itounlon. 1-j n.lrr. Kwrvryinr ami Xavi-raln.n.Aiiah-tiralll.nirtr-.olin-.tl F.atural l'hil.M..hy Rt. reotyr-d.) iDbSrI'i AFlronomy. 'Xumber of Student. The number of students during Ihe past year in ihe various Departments, waa IVi. The Collegiate classes already organixed ler Ihe eusu ing year, are the follow ing : Senior rluis - - - S Julii.4- rliiFa - - - It ti..plH.iii.rr rlaa - - 10 1're.lini.in rlaaa - - in, , , Trncliern. STKPItEN VT. T.IVI.IIK, A. M, fn.f. of Matln-matteF an.1 Natural l1iiloF.i-lty. iIKf'IHIK K. ItMr.s, A. M, Prof, of f I reek Lanttae and l.itrmttrrr. . 1 K lilt 1 K W. A X DKIISON, A M , Pn.f. of lail in Lanna?. an 1 Literature, a ISAAC N. LOOMI5, A. PrinriCl of Ihe Ai-rub-my. AI.F1IKII TAVIsill, A. Mi Tutor in the Kn(.li-h Lan CttaKe and Kl'jeutioa. Hulldlns,IJbrarr and tpparatiis. The Academic edifice now occupied by tbe members of the Cniversitv, has been erected, at an np-na- of SS.It, and it fa wta.t.-d to arrontmo.l.itr iUI atu-h-nlF. Anr.th.relifieriF mirly rmplet.-.l. and If .-xtM-et-4 to Im. r. -a.lv for occupancy at Uie eieaimenrenient ..f ihe neat Terra iet. IT. !.. Tlir Library eiHit-sina a numlar of aelert Tolumea. an.1 If constantly iner.-aFtn. 1'heiah-al A.ttimriiF has been promn.1 aumrirnt in atipply tie- iiiiin..liate .leman.1. The Apparntna tor the illuatrati.ei of Mechanical I'liihetophy, la now eompl.-te. Tuition and Hoard. Tuition in the Collegiate Deportment $30, Academic 520, Primary !i IS per year. Uoard, including lodging, washing, fuel, and light, can lie bad in the village and ita vicinity at various prices, from 1 1,50 to f 8.50 per week. fltmtar..- -- ,-. ' ' .- . -. ..r i.i.,lo r.,..l aiul lic-ht. t.. aurh an ntir I dealrv- it. at 1 "-r w.-ek. SeMslonn and Vacations. Two Sessions in ihe year the former com mence on the 3rd Thursday in October, and continues 26 weeks; the latter commenrea on Tharsdsy. 15th May, and continues 14 weeks. Spring Vacation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 8. lly order and in behalf of ihe Board : THOMAS WATTSON. Pres'l. GEORGE F. MILLER, Sec'y. LewiFlrurg, L'nioa Co. Pa. Sept. 1, 1850 IT IS A FACT i OXE self-evident, and worthy ol every consideration, that no Miller can make L'ood clean flour without he has good clean wheat. 1 suppose you wish to know the I fell vou it Is to net one of ,, - , JW'I. ...J o... I Hrrsttretstr lineal oeourert, or &mut j Milchillfs He being an Old, practical and j experienced ItllllWrigni UBS invenien, frOI , : ciiwaeefnl oruarntinn th lioet ! up and put in successful operation me oesi Wheat SCOUrer now in US. Any person ordering a machine and afterwards findinoj lhat it doe not prove lo operate as repre-. aentcd. there shall be no sale, as thae ma. l: 1 La C...fc CnilrLS arc in in- waiinutiu ,ifu. a UIIOVI recommendntions are thought unnecessary. He is now havine a supply made at Lpwis- bur", by Messrs. Geddes & Marsh. Orders " - . - - r . ... fir in ichines. or letters Ol inquiry, Will Oe promntlv nttendttrj to. Machines will be i ...... . -.1 nil rMFclppe. rniilrea "-"' I"" ' .-,-. r-r r. l.-col J. BFItOSTRESSF.R, Ix-nisburj. Union Co. Pa. 329 Price Reduced! VAUGHN'S uraoirrRiPTic mixtube! Large Bolea Only One Dollar. The Piwprtatorof tha firaat Amrri. an Rrawlr " Varana's VsoKTaBLK lilTUoaTKimc MlXTi RE. intinrrtl br liar arrant anlirilationa oT kit Aemta, tlnuuslwut the t'niual Utataa and Canada, baa now Eedaced the Price kaoortortii. rn mil pat ap but ana alia oulj.-ui. quan ' bvulsi: tbe wail prira will ba ! OWE DALLAS. TIpabKciiiartinjrrdiroailH(chictrof tK.Me.li-. I 'Z'Jn. Price, wit. beparcha-t ! br Uione who ba,e not bithrno made thenwlve. aciuaintail woikiu virtaei. tbe unn-netor would lir to mliniate that hie srta le r not to herlaawl witb II ,aM ainoontof " Rem.lie of tbr.lar il claim-, lor iurll a froilrr k,al,tt porrr, .a mil imr,. f. errr rrrj..ir!. ' r lh, a-arla; aiui ha, iu.laii.nl iulf hir runt year, by ih .aivnol aardiral linuea. and. amil tin. rrtlm iu..,. rominauded double the price of any oturt article in tlii. iine. Motu-b raBTH-l'LARtT, Una article acta ritia eaaat - ins power and cenainir, auoa the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Langs, and all other orcaw, auon the proper action of which liie and health depend. Tina medicine baa a jaiur hi( repale as a maeor ice Dropsy and Gravel, and all dianuea of that natare. It aunt be relied apea when tbe intelligent pbyieeiaa baa alaiu.lond hie patient, and for Ibese dwlreuns diwa". aawe eaieoiallr llaol-ar. tbe pret-ri-sua- woukl eameitly and hone-tl recoaiaiend it- At ita Sfeenit luice it is eaiuly obtaitaal by all, and the trial will prov tbe article to ba the Cheapest Kedicine in the World! ty Flcaie aok foriamph!ela thratfrnta aiie lliem aw y ther rotitain over MkUen patce. of mr.pui, (iu ail.luiou to flit aieu:el aialtet tai.iai.Ie for lM.LtariMN.l purpose, and w hick will tan aiaay dellapi per year to practical nous..krrwn. Tbeal rereiiiu are introduced U. make tie book of gn-a value, aude from iu diameter aa an adveruainc medium lb the medicine, the leatimony in favor of which, ui the form ol ' letter, from all part of litm country, mar be relied upon. ty ' Vaarbn'. Vrretable Lithootriptie Sliatare" lh timet American Remedy, now foreae in quart tattle, at each, amall bottlea at 50 eta eaeh. Ko rraall bottke will be baaed after the nnwent stock ia dMiamd of. rrinciiuu' Office, Duftalo. N. V.. Main Street C. C. VAl lillN. Bold Whole-lie and Retail by Ot.COT T Mi liESioN k CO.. W! Maiden Lane. New Vork City. N- R. All letten (etceptiug from Menu and dealera wtth whnm he tmneacu botaiiea.) meet be poat paid, or no attention will be given lo lbeaa. (KTIr: THOKNTO.V. Letoishur-v. is Gmeral Agent for l'nin couniv J H.Castow Agent, M ill-Hi ; 1 GkHa-r, . bu-grove 1)5:341 Tin: wiXTKi: kesxwx OF THK LEVVIGBUPaG ACADEMY AWILl. commence on MONDAY the VSih ot W . OiTtilia. Iu (Ins Institution, all the Branches of a thorough At-aileuiic cuurre will be tansht 'I lie commmiiration nf knnlci'ge simply, is uot Ihe sole deaivn ol Education and should nol be made so ; its bighe-t aim is to streiiatht-u and bring out into action, tbe intellectual and moral powers of the student. Throw around him all the lacilitirs necessary lo his pioiirens, and af ford him all proper aid, hut do not tUiter him with the thought that he must trly upon another ami not upon his own efforts for success. Inde pendent aril-reliance is one of the tiral lesaons lhat should Ins learned in a school room. This kind nf earlv mental training prepares one for vigorous and manly exetiimi in alier b'e, and ihua gives him a marked advanlace over the i noraut and uneducated. The main elfins of a Teacher should, iheri-lore. be directed lo ihe for mation of sound habits of study, thr when this en, I ia reached, the progress ot Ihe pupil becomes at once certain and moid. Composition and Declamati on, as formerly, will receive due attention particularly the for mer, and ihe Primary Department ahsll have our special care. The t-ubsenner lei-Is flattered vkith he crnwrinc pro-peiitv ol ibe Institution, and shall labor to metit its romiuusnre, by increared exertion. Ti iTlow Pel Sesion of 20 rrerVa, for the Common K.ngliah -s-U : Higher Eulirh, :s ; aid for Ibe Languages, fill. JNO. KAD')LP:i. Oct. 9. IS50. 1'r nt ipal. Tan n i ng a ml C'h vvy in Ir'OR past favor, Ihe subscriber re-urns . his frateful thanks, nnd heiebj mnkes known that he carries on the bustnf ss ol Tannins and Currjin?, at the Oid Stand. Determined not be outdone in the manufacture or finish of his work, ha is bound to have the beat work men and materia's, nnd to treat those w ho have so liberally patronizr-d (as well ns those also who shall be pleased to patronize him) with that attention which be hopes to insure him a full share ol public pntronagf?. AH kinds of Produce taken in exchange. Hides and Bark not refused, for which the highest market price w ill be paid in ensh or in exchange for leather. L. STF.RNT.R. March 25, A.D. 185:1 77 Gmttrtf Dimirrri of the A'jr! TS constantly elTi-cling cures of the utmost I importance. The most credulous are nit. vise in ; the most faithless, compelled to Mieve in the power and virtue nf this great remedy. It If unirrrFallr adni-tti-d to l. tin. most V"ii'Urfil etenbinalion knowu to thr world for the itt.i.-fir relief of diFcate. and pain. It nrver fnlF while there remniiiF FulTirk'nt life b. re-ton- a natural ami h -iililiy a.-tiei to the rapillary v.-fi-1f of the IffIv. and fywo.V lh rirrnl fee .." thr W.rid. Ity thiF mranF, a roiitrollin-r 1-iw.iF aain.Fl over the mOFt mnltiiaut fomiF of dittt-a. which ran not In- oldaine.1 from any ot her n-m-d.v. Silrh If I he power of tin romltination. that it p--n.-trat.-a t.. rverv norti.nl of the human frame: rrery hone ami rniiFele. Ti-IB. IM-rTF ant liai:rF-ni IF wan-wii Fill 4ifi amii- ire. ,n.i,ofnuritiratiounu.i heaiirisintiu.-iir.-. iirnevitcom-s as readily with kal a. ran-ranl .!: a. haa rerton-d health to .atl"!it n. nn.r the srave that the ""' powerful internal r-iiH-.li.-F ft.il.il to pn.lure any r(fcpL' SMrh hu ntiy i.en tin-e- in Inflammation of fa Eowe'a. xotuttb.ntnrr.i.iiewiihthiFdi wwh.-retheMaenrt!e . tue pi Tiim kkvi-ii'ki.a.s can aiwaya i tnTnl """t- 7.Vr-tJ lf.V.irAl iiiiKrv.iTisv, . thla fHntmmt If the mnt cimiile- n-mi'lv rv-r pn-par-.!. In tin raai-a out of pel. it wit) affor.1 rutin T'lirf to the wort cna.-a of Nervons Hcadach in So minutea. For Xerrtwi. Iiite-aera. thi. rrnntlr ia of iinm.-nwF valnn. AtT.-rti.a of the Spine. KlK-untati-m. launcnera. Ilre- rnt-ii isire i timer. iinew-nittF. i imn-T, enwp. i nuta. rholrra Morbua. Aeue in tlir Fare or lln-a-'t. Horn-, Seald ll.-ft.l. Srniritla. flair i:ii.-um. Krvatprlae. lnnalnr.1 Kve. Frvrr Sra. r will be Immrdiately relieved by Uie use of thla rciooly. 8old by Tonton J" Ttaker, Irfwlaburg. flmSSPj E F DrTTiantLB, Travf Ag df h 1 Dr.Trask's MAGNETIC Or?IT2ISrjT AXOTIJElt SriF.YTJFir WOXI'MI PEPStH: The true DIUITIVK Fl.tll or GASTRIC J I'lC B a gnat ly w'm Vurtr f Prepared from i.Ynnet, or the fouilh stoma::h of I lie t),afci iliieciiiu by Baton I.ikbiu, th great phyalo'iicid clirniist, by J S.Hoibhtos, M.D., iSo. 1 1 8ili t rhiladelihia. Pa. 1 '1 KI'LYv.. nJ.rliil ri-mt-ily ;lor liiuigmwn, j Jh'j niK,', Juiuui'ict, l-'iecr Complaint, Vo ttij.tiiii ami .'' '.'.'. curing after INature's own prucers, by -Nature", own aiii-nt, the Gastric i..:.... iiulf tea.iioonful of this lluiJ infused 1 'KI.'LYw nJ.rliil ri-mt-Jy for hulrtlum. Jujco. oTJ-ilalf a ea-")Oiiful of litis HuiJ infused in alt-r, ran digi-al o disole Fie Tound of ,o-i l.,rl in about Iwo lioura. out of the stomach. UiOslioil is cliirtly perlonniii in lot aio.u- ; h.l h, culled the '.iialnc juice. This fluid is the gmlt wll tut nf tilt Jwl ibe purilylllg. IJr,K'J vintr and .-tlinulalilic a 'rut of llie stomach anil interlines. Wlllmul it there call be no dige'l'mi f f.J into blood, 110 nu'rilion ,,.i.,f ,ud destructive ' ... ..j CUtdllUMl of tile whole dlsf. attve apnaratui. I't'lHalli ' r"lfl element or girai "'k ing principle of the gastric juice. It is tound in great abuiiJaucc in the solid parts ot ihe human stomach alter death, and sometimes causes the stomach lo digest or rat ilaelf up. Il is also found iu the stomach of animal, as the ox, call, &c It is Ihe material ud by lurmeia in making cheese sijl.d IlCltaet. theeltjci of whith ha long been ibe special wouJer ..f the dairy. CurJIing of milk is ibe firnt process ut d'iKt'tiin. A call s sloinucli can cuiuie m-any one iiiuut-aiiu wx own weiKhl of milk, lieioii I.it-iiig alali:. "one j part ot Pepsin di.-eulv.J iu sixty thoUrsnd patts j of water, diverts meat and uihcr iooil." Diseated sto:i.acli3 pro-luce uo good iI.tFttic Juice, llVnnet of I", p in. To rl.oei liist il..s wai.l uia ue pi-'-I'tcliy MlppliiJ, v.b uule tin; aul.joiu ed st ii.t.i :; EviiK:r. t Renin Ll..l:IH. in li: i-e!.-l.nit. d writ mi Ai.rual Clir n.i, trv, Ft.y-: "An arttbrial .liir. Flive tlu d. analaiiims to llir-.i."i.-tr;. .Iiree iu.. Ifrrendilv prepared fn mtheiuiienuti uieiiibruur of the rtoiuueli i.r lie- ei.lf. in wlii. li larBWlF an:, i. f of food, ui tai-at and eass. will " H.ft. ne.1 and Its -riot in III- Faiut- manner a in the human Fbautu h- lir. l:i:l:KIUA. in hi.- fi'inoUF tnati-eori to.l awl Uiet, I ...il.Ii-l..-J I y Fowler. Welle. X-w York, rcv-e i, Flat-F the 1...U1 (Treat Curt, and d.eril.e the nirtli.al id pr.-iira-uut:. Tlr;re are f. w higher autlioritiea llian Pr. I'ererta. It. IMMliK, iu hie aalilaldr writings ou the PhyFioli' llio alien. olM rvea that -a diuiiuution of the due .tlt ut.tv of the llaFtrie Juice If a proniiuent atel all-pre. railiua eaFtt ol I" iipi-pFia,' and he etatra that - a di-liri- xii led pp-f-Frorof lu-dieiue in Lon.lim.who waa severely ...;!!. t.ti w.tli lliiF ei.tiipuitiu, nnu.ns ei.-r. ...i..f fail. h:.il r 'lourae tu 1'a. lia-tr'N Juice, vl.tr iu.-d Icti ttie li.:a:.. li of !iiu(; uniiuala. w bieh com;.letrly .-u.-e..i.-l. I r.t.K.H.A.M.autliorof th. fi.uioua work, on c;cu!.le .iet, t..f. "It if a r. m.irktil.l. fa. t iu .hFi4. 'hat the .Ionia Iif of auhutia. laaei ruii l in water, impart to lite rlu.d Uie prop. I.vof d..-Folv:uK tariourartiel.-Fof f.-l, am! ol .11. . t.lif a k.iid of uilinVial diction of tle-iu iu uo ! u.J. ivul from tie: natural dip-FliTe pr.F-. it..'' I r..-l.'i ia jtreat o.k. the l li.tuiFtry of Man.tl.ra a ot 1 ...t l.l.it...l isao ....J.-'l mi. : "The .tii-ol'-ry of :'.-i t.iu loiuiF a Ucw ela iu the rhciui.-a! Li'ti-ry of I'i" . u. I i'oui r -e. tit e.r r:iu. i.tF. we know that food if .i.- ..u. a r...i.;:. in i... nri.ti.-i.il tliitiic I'.uid. i.r...tir d w.... I... ..... i. "i. o. lh.. a.Mttirtil li.-L.trir Jllit. itFi'tf. IT. f. IU .M.I.I.-ilN. ot tile J. li'. rx.u t'olh-re. 1'hila.l- in Ii.f p-real work ou Human l hy-i.tioiiy.d.n.l.a more Ihau till . pa.-. - I., an .Miuiliialiotiol tllir Ml'.-j et. lliep.rl-ine'.l- with lir. Ik umu-.i.t. ou 111.- lin-Uie Jllir.-. nl.lain.-J I'ncu til.- liiiiu buiuan fUui.1i and from auiiuala. an known. "In ail rat is" be sa- "dij. Flioll la-eurrvd a perfectly iu the arliBnal a.-, in Ihe uatural diifrtiona Asa DYSPEPSIA CL'RER, Dr Houghton's i.n imraiion of Pen-in has produced the mosi mar velous i fleets. It is imposaible lo give delaila of t-aes in the limits of Ibis advertisement liul au ihdiiicated cerlificaies have been gien of more tntin TWO HUNDRED rapid, wonderful, and neimancnt cures. It is a great Nebviii-b A'ti inirE, and particularly u-eful lor tendency to Oilious disorder, liver complaint, fever and ague, the evil elfecls of quinine, mercury, Ac, also for excess in eating or drinking There is no form of OLD STOMACH COM PLAINTS which it doea not reach and also give itit-l inl relief ! and repealed for a ehort lime, pu my ot tilood and nana or sunt follow at once. It is particularly excellent in cases of nausea, vo miting, cramjis. roreness nf the pit of the stomach. dii-treas niter eating, low, cold stale ol trie wood heaviness, low tiers of epirits, despondency, cmaci- aiion, weakness, tendency to insanity, Ac. Price, ONE DOLLAR per bottle. One bottle often ellecis a lasting cure. PEPSIN IN FOWDEFS sent by Mail, free of Postage. r..r cotucrii.-nrr of Frn-iirnr to all l.arta of tlir country. th.- Iiim-rlii e Mutter of thr i'-M.in.ii (.ut up in tie- fc.rinof i'ou.l.-its with dir ttoiiF to l.- .liFM.li.'t t.y Hie pan. ui iu wtitrr or fi nip. Th.-iM- ..w.l.-r. contaiu ju.-t lb.- Mime matter nr the l.ttfl. I.llt twite llie .ii:iuliu lor tne antii. pri.e. aitd are Font I.J mail. Fr.-e of e.lau'-- I"-' 1- rrut I o.-i.p:u.i, to It. J..-. . . million. X... u .v.Tib r.i).-um .-t. i')lili..l.-lphia. ia pa.-ka F for Jj. Every hotllr-.and package liears the written sig nature of J.S.HOl'GH I'tlN.M.D .Sole Proprie tor. Sold by agents in every town in ihe luion and by most ret.ieclhte dealers in medicine. To he had of Dr. TH RN I ON, Irewirbiirg ; J H Carlow, Milton; Thompson, Mttllinhurg ; Will & Eilert. Haitletou; Win RoFbong. New Urrlin; G I C ouse, Selmsgrove ; Mrs M Cay, Norl h u mrlsni ly33 5 BULL'S HEAD HOTEL, Mifflinburg, Union county, I'tnn'a. G-t.-l T T- 1 ' OV,r"'r T"k ESPEC I'FL'LLY informs Ihe citizen of XL Union county, and ihe public in general, that he ha leased the above stand, for many years occupied by his Father, and is now pre pared o accommodate friends and the traveling community in a manner arceplable In all. The HOUSE is large and roomy, well arran ged in nil its deparlments, and every care will be taken lo render his guests comfortable and happy. Hia TABLE will always be furnished with the choicest delicacies of the season, and ihe best the market can afford. The BAR will at all times be attended by careful persons, and none hot the very best of liquor will be kept. His STABLES re ample and convenient, and the OSTLERS punctual and attentive. In ehort. he pledges himself to endeavor to give general salistaction to all, and hope bv strict attention to business to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. Mililiuburg, June 20. 1850 TRY THEJMEW FIRM! WTE0F7 & HOUSEL 1TT0ULD inform the public, that they V V have opened a shop on Fourth street lower story of S. W. WykofPs old sland, opposite Hunter Pardoe s shop, where they keep on hand nr make to order Fancy and Common Chairs, Hoston Rocking Chairs also I'tireans, Tables, Beds'eads, of various kinds. Settees, tfce. &r. All work in our line warranted to be well made, and on Ihe most reasonable terms. House and Sign PAINTING attended to by the subscribers on the shor test notice nnd in the best style. Country Produce nnd Lumber taken in payment and Cash not refused, but rather preferred. The subscn'e r intend to be strict in the fulfilment nf nil :heir promises as regards work nnd s doing, hope to receive a liberal share ol pub'ic pntronanp. jiihiv n. vv vritirr. JOSEPH M. HOCSEL. Lewisburj. .ov. 1849 Farmers' Produce Wanted. Vl'R Agrirullaral Friends will greatly oblige j V. by supplying In rnnter. immemaieiy, with I supplying Ibe Printer, immediately, with H heat, Corn, i 1 1 -..in. ii' 1 Is this has been a rleniiful 'season.' Anntea. .t-e A the Ptintori sad Edi or hope to Fhsre of it. ' ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING. ilEATLT k EIPED.TMSLT EXECVTKU AT THE "CHRONICIE1 CE THE NEW FOUNDRY IS now carried on as usual, at the tipper end of M irket street, where every des cription of CASTINGS '3 iePl G,i hand or made to order such as t ,,e Oomppfite, Of Complete Improved Cookin.? Stoves for either Coal or Wood and all oilier kinds of STOVES. n-lso PLOUGHS of dilTer nil kinds Corn Ploughs, Bull Ploughs, and the Self-Sharpening Plough, a new article, and which cu not l.e Is at in I'eiiosv IvHiini. Cull and see. uud jud-e for yourselves. CHIHSr & M-FADKIX. lwisbtir-;. St. '42, 14! -ft If rPHE undersipned continues the LIVE- L III' lil'SIXESS at the Old Sland, on North Third Sr., near Market, and respectfully solicits the patronage ol bis friends and the public cenerally. CHAULFeS F. HESS. Lewisbiirg, May 22, 1850 i i3ook0- Cooks ! flMJE subscriber offers for sale at ihe X Lewisburg Post Ollir-e, au nsaurimeut o the most useful l'.i per, School Books, Stationery of all kinds also Ihe best Cigars.Tobncco, &J. &c. JOHN V. KENNEDY. Lewisburi, Miv 7, 1850 KESH TK.j5. Another lot ol' superior Black nnd lireen TenJ . jusl reed from thetTanton Tea Com J'J. panv, and for sale at New York it-t.nl priwsbv J. HAYES As CO. I.ewisburg, April IR. Agent. Important Notice! TPIIE public nre hereby informed lhal I I am the exclusive proprietor of the Cooking Siove known as White's Patent' or Thc YVhi'e Stove, by virtue of valid letters patent prnnled to me by the proper authorities ut Washington ; and I hereby caution all persons not to manufacture or sell the same without authority from me a I shall promptly seek legtil redress for every infringement of my rights under said letters paient. '1'hc public are also cau tioned that ail stoves manufactured by me or my ornntees or agents, are marked "James Y hite, rntented June 10, 1844, with the additional mark "Ifc-issue, Aug 6, 1850," on the slide plate. jamf.s white Milton, Sept. 11,' 650 3m Cciotsburg JbnnDrn TPHE subscriliers, thankful for past pat J ronage, would inlorm the public tha ihey continue to manufacture all kinds nf Mill Gearinej, cast Water AYheels ol the most approved pattern, Threshing Machines. One and Two Horse rLOUUUS. We invite particular attention to a new article Wiard's Patent Han Plough for seeding in Grain. Farmers by this Plough ran seed as much grain in one day as in three days with common ploughs. CASTINGS and TURNING, and Fitting the same. HOLLOW Ware, Kettles and Pots of various sizes Smooth ing Irons and Stand? cast Tea Kettles to suit cooking stoves, &c. the most approved patterns now in use, for wood orcwl rancynnirx-rTXlCl Parlor, Wood and CoalJ j JJ Air-Tight Stoves Race's Self-regulating Air-Tight Patlor Wood Stoves, (a new article, &c. Threshing Machines and other articles oi Machinery repaired in the best manner and on the shortest notice. Castings war ranted to be ol the best material, and at prices that can not fill to please. tlEDllKS & MARSH Lewisburg, March 25, 1848 ri"HE undersigned continues to furnish lo order I on the most reasonable terms. Pianos, from Ihe Manufactory of C'nsiis Mif in. Philad'a. whose instruments are too well known to need any panegyric, having uniformly received the commendation of Ibe most eminent professors and compoaers of Music, and Ihe award of the premium in New , ork.Philadelpbia and Boston. For qualities of lone, touch, and keeping in tone up lo conceit pitch, they can not be surpassed by rilher Arrericaa or European piano. instruction given on Ibe Piano a heretofore. Rrlerenre may be made to any nf those parent or guardiana who have pupils committed to his charge. He may be seen at his residence l Mrs Metxgrr', First street, Lewiahorg, where terms and particulars will be made known. Tbe most popular and favorite Airs and Music of diflrrent kinds received as it j issued frr m ihe different musical CstaMi.ihments in the Cities. May 15 CHARLES KAL1SCH - p -w- a T"f froj ustices.Consta .a i a. - I' J ii vll IV I J btcs,&e , on harrd at the Cu.oatcie tihce, or printed to order. 2 Ppljtrfi 5 "An ounce of Prevention worth a jiouml of Cure," iu that arrful distate, GOHSUMPTIOH ! DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the PretMr. lion and Cure of Contuinjilion. This popular work for sole in Lew isbur by S. F. Lvndali J. Houghton and hi tbi office. Trice, 75 cents. 1 TltKKS OP QV.kCKS. ' Lav EvaavaosT Baan Tata i aasaettr. Tiere h a I Sarrapnnlla lor aale In the rtiifererJ lowne called P. Towiiaend a aTai-i:a. n e. wo. e NAl liEM 'INK. a"-' "" Till' Towra-n.! ien.id.ut a id never waa : but war l.M-tiirrlt a wwanreu railrowb.ra nali, ar..i Ihe like im br T-ti-ttr the title ol ll-ieior k-r the l arpone el can.liu'ere.h: for wlial he Fat, lie aaaa "he li.ut a::rrtlrtl iwo rte-.lir.al Fcrnwiia. anj practiced tvr tilteen yeara 1 V S-w U-r ua.h ia. he nrerr prarujeed mnlirine a day in hia lite ' .-.e l , iricarj niiii. prrarurallta took bad to thr ca .racier a..d vcrttrity ot th.- man. I wiaS neiat Flnrrrely, he lta.1 twiei matle tleMr r-atene-nt-' el intn self or of mr." V !e-u wni rr-rii !earn to In h-Ht.-.- and nieb hJ in ail inclT .lea:i:u-a a.. ! l.itrrcotr-e wita the:r leil.i, smtni He apl-ite.1 .. me-HueM.' at-toarMet him in inai uiactnrU'Z hia nurture, a-aiiful llie at auina ba w ..S ! make aa aa ima ri.. i.t to re.ftark in ihe bu-iiee. T-:-i : men hare been inaultluj at. I lila-lime me in e Vf"j- -..rma. in orler V linpr-tu the public v i h Ihe t.r.ief t- : tiU'.d IPielor's S-raaiainlla ' ri' 'be a;'re, irtrn Jrs.i;-i. ''- '' '"" '' "m""t " lie. T.ii'S. r. Towiwl a-iys I nave k.I the u- 01 t .y EainelrTa wra. I will eive bin. ttFll if be wii r-i. dtlceonCFiiit lr ,..lit..r ,.r.e.f of tin.. "" ""''; ' 1 iiomp-K..!. Skiliniau A t'o.. are no.huir but a uaaw 3. laiacruKalF, snnplv nie.lr to lirceivc tile public, and k . Uie truth ilow:i in' rr-.-an! tn hiat.r(H.feriniM r a, ywunti. Tina i. ' ra.i:i..u tlir public to purcliaae iraie j it Old lr JAI-OII Towi e-telV Sarfaparilla. hainar on r -;5 Old leiclor e likreri. hia umi't (Ss( of Arm; am. a rnaturracro ' the I' ol Arms. Old Dr. Jacob Townsend, THE ORIGINAL DISCOVr.BER OF TflK Genuine Tovrasend Sarsaparilla. Old lr Towns. ..d 1. now a'F.ut M year- ut ti:-. '. M AHUtnern know, a- th- .tfTHOUxrA ntrf.VEKKH ol Ibe UK.SCISK UltUilSAL TO II j SAKSAPAMLLA:' H- unr sir. be waa Mtmen ! : limn ua n.ai.uiai . uie, by which. nitaiiF it Lai U-ra kip: .a of markat. l-r.-l tb- :.:cf rirruiti'C. il 1 lo tho-e t-:,:. wi:, had proved iu wor-.h. and known iu v.iiuc. Ii ba ! nc-l tlieeare of mail', la v erlhcieaa. aa th.au prr 'i who Ii len beale.1 of aore dueaaea, and savd Iroai ..t.-.ik. ji siain.cd lis won lertnl HRAIJXR WIWKR. This ORAM) A M I NEU Al.I.Eh I'KLPAR 1 1 it n.rinutcturvtton ihe letrs- tfatV.:ii ' .:..' j-"-eut the ienth iuI brtra-Sth f t!t .n-l. r;aa ; n foiltvl liifaj'.!e ' f derpitlrtii or f!teri(r-. l m. I'lilikc "iie S I raiiJfi1.:'r, it niit'r:i .:h Hi'i ndneiVliaikiivTiV.ut for th b-Ttrr : ltrau' i: u ; n tnf itntif.c iiftufif-'ti by a rint irir man. T-.e know lev ntni"trr. an-1 tfce Im iiierrtr. oi: it, ha; all h fu t'j"u;iit la.to rrxiuiir.i"n iu t.. i'i i -: w tar ol the Olri lr SiriiMiri::a. The .tru-'-an i rx . Huwuil WiH'Wii to iijfrtifal tueii, roi.raiit Biari,, i:.- r protiriie-i. -n I m jT"ber:rr which an u--. nfiihrrii. ulaK-h if rr ati.r.I in yrvr.u 1: u-r tr. r rt-dttt- rrttt'.-rn'ii ' '' wh""h w Uijri '.'..- teto." Sjiuddi r,rt.r n! Sir-ar i. a iv -lhal the vniiit-: eii(-intir e-l are : ui trvi 1 n, il thr? iirtr l..'t i.irr-I hy a s'it!.? procrs. kt,u v. It th"-e fiiTit-i.t-eti in 1: nsifiU:acire. I..rruv,r, i'hea Tainlti tf-p;t4, iiic& lly uti iu t.t;- r. ur a ta ejt halation, tin .- he:. :ir- tit- v, ry f-fn;iu.' mcdtcui y p trtteg ol ilia n-m. .:ru cive 10 it ali it waiue Any "trHn en t-r. . ;,. r'-s-t tul li s-" fft a roloretl Ih.iiiJ, .hn li m -re irm t!e c.Jn' f nutu ; 10 the pnh Li t 1. ir.M. tltev ciu thi etran. fh. tJraH it -.Si;ArAUM.I.A V. TKAt T wr & tRLT But iic't I t-oi n !'' t' avi:''0 th GliMUNc:t.t iii J4v(' iBTO'W INSt.IND 9 bAil.Al'AitlL.LA. T11W i n T'ft-er- i lhtf Ut9tt r"',Pni of l Sjr-t in: rtx are ti.-t rrtiuve I. eventhm-i rj iie;.i beci.mitk aci 1 r Urm.-.r : w eaUact,al tUHl fccie-.i ; thenevt.iv i.ricle ue.!.jl virtue 1 arcureJ luapw aD.lcooc-"ii:ra.etl lorn.; au.i iI.uh it I- teu .are J uicit-r.a of iuk.ii.ti aiiV ri i:- raluaMe tA ht" rr'T''-'"-iiareU 111 tiuwav.n is m ie tlic moat f ,.vfe.:d. a m :i t Cure uf liiunisirvalile Ileavsa. Uttrse Die rvaii wr.y we l.ear connw-Jamiia 011 ewe aitre in ita ta" nitt womtru. aiui ciaukeii. e 6. i a CO IMI'lli'S. WV.NTBPVM. and UtF.lt; li t i-ii.K 1 ov iivk vf..t. all irr Ot'i' Kld M-lOSS. I'lMVLES. lVLOJUltV ant I a!) a:Trr"i'fifa Atm. li"in l.MI'UKU Y OF THE Pl.OOO It powaawen a inaave.loue efflcacv in an cemioauiu ... ear -,.... Ir A. ulllU uf littt Vttfttufll"- iietiual eiixo.'au.'ii, .ii-ianiwivaafa of blow! to the itaJpttation ol ilitr hvart. c.i itt aui haitils, cold chil!aj.i ht naatica ovr ihe Iwiv. li haa iv it e-iuai in is jumJ CottAfha : anl tniiK.irt,-'asy xrM.cura:iou uul geutla aa l iriitK'H. ic.aiiii- suiciuic. ui Luruja, iUt-H uJ iv uheribUL , , . Bin iu noiliine m it" axi-eHer.ee mia Maifaaily wman aai arknotaieuri ih.m tu a.l kln.U ar. i tstac-t o! FiiMALK COMl'LAlMS. It mork w-niilera in cms of rnar AJm or jrif-a. Foiling vl tht M'uatA, OtmtrueUd Hupprtttd. ot JOJijia Men, 'irrrtfttlaritsf .! tlir niea-vUU-vl ierirtJ. aiti Die it attai ia eifectuj. in cuuki l U-e tmn ol Kid?? By renut olratru-jt.. and wgalatinji Um mixta. vaieuu it ni ion axtaiiijil. w tha wlu-la buUy, thUB cures all loroiaol Nervotaa Ulaeaaaa ana Debility, andlsina prceuiaur raiia'tu. a great -arieiy l oU.-rrtt a.hca,aa SpimU trrilutiutt, M euro.' ft, St. Iitu4 lhuu Suborn ng. Eviitplit Fits, CnTUist9na. fe. It ck-vuse tha blooO, exci'-ca iha li-ar u bea.thy aenja, tonea live ati.ni-cli, and eood tUeati.n. u.iavp m bowel- of toruoranJ cotijuriKn. ailayainrtan-watiuii, ntiea the -kin. equaliaea the cuculauoa ol tha ,UfJ-. s-tjCiJiit genua wanuih eiiiiii!y ail aaf Uta bouy, a.u inaensnhte peerpirattsnn ; relaxaa amrtiaratv) anl nshtna. movea ail absjtrurtrtvn-, and mvtormtea Uia ertiue ojrtaa ayatem. Ia tVH thta then Th Medlrlne yom pro-c tatl y need But Can any ol theaa ihliMja ba aaid ot S. P. To'wck. mfarior article 1 Thu vounc man's h'uid ia nM i N CUMPAKFeD WITH THE OLI PR'S, herauaaof one (.RAM FACT, that tha ana t IS APA BLE ui 1GTERHR ATION, and NEVER SPOItsS. while the Other TH IKS mntrinjw. frrmrmtim. am! f,frinf the hottitta eoutainiiif; it into Iroermmi : ihe ur. " liquid exirtoiiinc.aiid daioainr other ciM,lf Vu-t w' th:t Ifftrnhlf refn(Nuiul he 1 rLt ft.tM to the tnftm l-rrW pmt acid tntom vtm oirtoihr rfiaeoaettF tritkortJt U hai cauara l)yie(ia hut arid I ls te not ail kuvv whea rood atriira in tir srttMiuelii, what mieehifi it i-r-aces flatulence, heartburn. palfitaiin M the han. Itvrr cin plaiut. diarrtisea. .lyavnTrr. rolie, and corruuoa "i u blomi 1 What ta Scnl'ula nut an arid bunr in the tto-!;! What raulas-ea all the hntwtiw whh brine on r'.runiit:'', tha SkiR, Scald Hea.1. Salt Ulreuin. K.i-ysn.-iaj. tut Swelliiu:. Fever Srrs, aird all ukcrat mtrrnal atxi ternall It ia nothin? ninVr iVaven but in iftil Hijrf, whieh aoura. and ihua npoila ail the floula of rite hotly. mx Or iw. What eau!ea Kli-umUut but a tur aid fluid which tnainuair ilt-elf lMtwrei. ihe hHnfw and ' wnare. irntatiikr and inii-iuiinar the (tetiraie ikmm utttt whieh M aria I So of nrvoa iliawit, ol in-nniy m ir blood, of ifninsTd cirruUnott. and nrariy all th ai'mo'i whiehaffliet hwman nature. Now h ihm horribie to maca a ad aali. aaxt injini"'f wa to ne Ihia SoiKiv;. FKRMrTVTTN). r?f u rmiporNp" o S. P. TtVNS'-.Nl. and vet be won I.! fin ha a on-Vr-imw! tat O!.! TV ob TrtWTiend' 0nuin h ir-'l i't'itp.iril'a, if ?n 1 ITATION of hM mifrinr iT'irati -n '. Ueaven l.rTiid thai we s.huUI ileal in an -it-' 'i' 1 Wonlil iVsr the ititwsi itutaiit re'intiiance Ut S P T arnl'a mtirte t We wiih it unsiVnatrfBiB.1. bnrausTc it in the a .-'! .'. r ' that S. P Ti.wiit-nd'Ai artirV ami old lr. JachT ' ' San, Manila are ttrr--t iriJ myari. a mirf':i'i'- Uar: that thev are unlike iu avcrv particular, na ainfie thin iu cniitnii. Aa IK. P. Towrrvei.il h 10 iforir. ! rer iri' ahemM. noharniartutit kiHw a more i '"' diaeaaa than an iltjvr c'mniin. ututeieiiittir. mr' ni' -''" Oian. whR cuitranf ran thr public hevr lh;it V'V ,rr reixitif a e-iinine iiviinfi- meiiritBf. nuitjtititu ; b'r' liiaMol ihe ariirUta ul in iri..rin H. aifi with-'t Caj-nble of rhanrv which nuht rrtaler lh.ni thr A' f ltsrae taUsueaii nt hntlth T Bui what e'ae ah.nild Im anee-r fro-n one wht :- Whin ejimpataiively ti mvraM-ne or ..! ojr I Ii iaM':Y ft per-wa a MfiM eifveretswtw h etmk and avre "i"'"" Coniimm lea.i rnri. Itw Mut-h nn inir'.'it r - that ihe twrwfvsi wh mmnnlmt'mfr mi!rtnB .tVnfm J f.'r WVai arrikA.ai-iiai a via tviii'iti i- 11 sM'M athould kiaw well 1 ha ttutiral iitnieatl Ut t'nf narinar ol atrurtne a.i rtHtarriiiratintr their IvroiUi.i v'r' ' alao an eTtietiuve kn-wleiire of tha TarruustliMra"-' wl'" atfcr. ihe human eyatem, and how to ia('t rnie-:: tnetHf lUBta.H- It ia to arreat f ran la upon the nnfirturv-'e to tV'"' " Id wuunded hntiiai.iiv. to kimlla hoitai in the tl""' rr t atn' wxin. to ratore health, and bloom, and eiffr 'r''lt truhel and Smken. an.1 lo laaniirh intlrmitv ttJ y ' JACOB TtWNSKNO haa St!:t:ilTaiiit-FiirMlM Mietutiitv r meana to hrine hia . ttraiael Vntvaraal Coweetafrated nertn within the iwh. and u tha knowledge ol all wh n thai they may learn ami know, he yoylwl aTcertenca, i raatrrcMaatic rower Acr.TS for the above Medicine C SchnffiV, Lewisburg; John IIRutTTM ton ; rorsyih x Priestly iVorthunih OSK Rmrrev unti Soit of II.irros One Two Horse Wogon, One Truck Wngon. For sale ty II P SUlUr