Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, November 13, 1850, Image 3

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    Foreign News.
The new Cunard steamer Jlfrica ar
rived at New York on Friday last after a
stormy passage of th:r!e.n days. She
brought Liverpool dares to OcX. 2h. The
political news is of considerable impor
tance. Fkance. There is a strong probability
lhat the Presidential term of Loui Napo
leon will be extended four years longer,
by a rote of the Assembly, at its coming
session. Since the late law has gone into
t.rea reouirii)2 newspaper writers and
editors to sign their names to their article
the papers have become tame, and the
circulation has fallen off immensely.
Esci.d. There fcave been a great
many conver's of la'e Irom the Church
many conver's of late Irom the Church o
England to Korrmnsirn ; ana in iew 01
-t . r. . 1 C, Jnirp tfk FPCOn
that fact, nnJ from a desire to " re-con
vert the English nation," tho I'ope, ty i
Lull dated Sept. 29ib. has created an Arch
bishonric stvled the Archbishop of West
;.,tr u.hn. ith 14 fuff.asnn Bish-
Unisys f "
oi9, will divide the entire kingdom
This Bull has created the mot intense
f.rlins throtigho-it England ; and it is be
lieved the Cabinet Council has been called
together earlier than usual, with reference
i il.w mntler. At Rome the feelins
equally intense, as it is said the English
government h is agreed to pure csimin
tir 'iSev at the disposal of ihc new Arch
Ki.hnn in order that he mav perform hi"h
miss in that edifice noon the occasion of
I 1 .1
his inauguration. It is aiso saw me
priyer for the Q iren has been suppressed
r, iK Iceman Missal. Tho Protestant
ilUIII ssaw -
piblicare'grcaily excited ; and it is expec
ted a season ol nign religious guiiiruvcTey
is about to commence.
Prussia. am Denmark. The difficul
lotrppn Denmark and Schleswiff llol
stine are Mill unsettled ; an J both armies
nre in the field, but no decisive battle has
been fnuch The London Times says
llussia and France hive a scheme on font
in which they ask the co-operation of
England, to siee on Silesia and the line
mish provinces of Prussia in case the latter
kingilom will not or can nnt aid Denmark,
a;id prevent :he Germans from lending As
sistance to the. lloUiixs ihus entirely
dismembering Prussia after the example of
Poland. The oliject is said to be to com
pel Prussia tn recede from all steps of con
itiiutiortrl reform, and thus sweep away
every ves'ic of political and religious
freedom gained by Germany in the last
tM !iii(t i)nw sfwurc the re est all-
niit-tii I
lihment of polilicul despotism throughout
Western Kuropc. I nis project, as may
be supposed, creates a prodigious sensation.
Persia. conspiracy, just ripe for
nction, has just been discovered at Teheree
headed by the principal clergy, whose ob
ject was to dethrone the Shah, and drive
all the Turks out of Per ia.
Cihsa. forinilib'e revolution has
broken out in the southern provinces, the
design of which is to overthrow the present
Tartar Emperor, and restore the ancient
native or Ming dynasty. A pretender to
tha throne has taken the field with an army
of 50,000 men, and so far the imperial
forces have been worsted. It is said the
Tatar monarch must either yield, reform
or abdicate.
.4 Cungrcmonitl A-jrkultnrat, and Litmi
ry Xcicsxqxr.
THE undesigned Mjlnniti to the puMic pro
posal. for the GLoacsnd its reports for neil
eemion of Congress. Congress h now lib
erally patronised the undertaking that it will be
eotablUhed as a ttandard work worthy of its offi
cial imprimatur, unless the undersigned fails in
bi duty. This will not be the ease if carurai
effort can avail. The Globe is the only paper
that will furnUh full rrports of the proceedingf
and debates of the two Houses of Congress ; and
having received their sanction as such, the best
Reporters ill be engaged to write out the de
bates of each day. which will undergo the revi.
sion of the Member. The woik, after passing
through the Daili Globe and receiving correc
tion, will be presented, as 6nihed, in tho Cos.
oatsMoxi Globe anl ArrssoiT.
The debate will probably increase ia interest
during the next session. The one subject which
engrossed the last, will doubtless give way to
others of great variety, which, in this progressive
country, the conflict of party and tho ambition
f..r place and distinction, necessarily produce.
Vast in leresta will be at stake upon the decision
of ihe next Congress; and there is great talent
in both branches, which will be evokel in their
diversion. All the honor of the Kepuldic, de
pendent on the succession to the Presidency, as
well ss all the great anJ permanent inlerctl
which will give Impulse to the action ol the next
csion of Coneres.
The Paily Globe will be published daily du
ring the session of Congress, nd weekly the re
mainder of the ytar. It will contain full and
faiihful report of ihe proceedings of both Hous
et of Congress: and miscellaneoua article on
those general subjects to which it is devoted.
The Weekly Globe will contain Agricultural
and miscellaneous articles ; snd will occasional
ly give debates of such importance as command
universal interest.
The price of the Weekly Globe is reduceJ to
one dollar, with view to obtain a more general
The Congressional Globe will embody as it
has done for the last seventeen years, Congress
ional proceeding and debates exclusively.
The Appendix will embrace the revised spee
ches separately. anJ the message of the President
of the United State and the reports of the Heada
of the Executive Departments.
.. : ,.-., J r
J be uongreswonai liiuuv ana jippenuix win
r ruMii!r-d as tkt OS th prwlinr rr-. jl
mk-ft numtwr. Sultrril-TsmayrNrtoni-of.urlii,w-k
4urin Uw fiit f'ar wt-k f a sssinn. snj two or thfe
nnmlKra of each k afU rmalMs, notU ibc rncl of tb
(V-mpMr IrxtcK-s to the eonirrwodnnsl Clnlw nj Ap
Kn.ii will be strut u 8ulTil--r suud afu r Conp-sn aJ-
Vthintffriolital rTir vpert wilt Ti-sr in thr
r,li sa thatwliB-h will linnd T tb VnFrrsk.nal
mrw. A vapor aMiiminc to be an itnrtial . lii. lr
S all ikta. ran not mainUin its character if tin' editori
al oluintu rt-Aerl a party hue.
ar one eopr of iW IHily t;iohs t'datly during the SfM"?ion
of ConTi'.t ao-1 wklj during the iroftwl a jrrar & 00
Tar the Daily llMw fi.rlina than a year, at Uk rate
of Mounts a m mtli.
Tnr one eopv "ftlie WmVly Globe Sir a yoar. 1 Oft
For one copy of Conir. Ulohe durinz the snvion 1 .VI
For one copy of the Appendix dorinit the aenion &0
For 4 eopk of cilh r or part of both daring seesion S ml
F'r 10 do do do do do 10 00
The price for Umi papers are so low. that sit ranee pay
ments are indiftpenrable to carry them on. and ao wU-r ia
attended to unless the money accompanies it- (tntiecrip
uona may he remitted bv mail, at our risk, in money at
par in the section of the country where subscribers reside.
The Conm-wionat tilolie nn.l Appendix, or the Paily
Clohe. far thvy mar elret.l will he sent to all editors who
may nuV)lifa Uiis PmepiM-t us as ofla as Uiroe times benre
the Bret Mnavlay In Ih'eenilwr. and send us one copy of
their paper couulntue it distinctly mArk'-d aroursl with a
pen to direct our attention to it. J'.HIN C. JUVES
WasmssT'.-x Citt, October IV ly.
Valuable Real Estate
on the premises, on Wkdhehdat,
the 25h dv of Dccgxbkb next, at 10
o'clock, A. M., the following wluable real
esia'.e, late the estate of Samuel Woire,
dec'J, situate ia tho Borough of Lewisburg,
county of Union, to wit :
1st. The M ANSION HOUSE now in
ii McMtunii of the Widow ol said dec'J.
situaic on Water street, which is a large
a '
and commodious aweiuns.
2d. A larte Brick DW ELLING House
and STORE Koom. and other necessary
building, on the corner of Market and Wa
ter streets, well calculated for the Mercan
tile business, and has been usca lor mm
MBter of vcnr9.
3J A arj?e Brick WARK-IIUUSK on
I .1 - t l. - r 1.. 1iunr aiMi m wr Isirtlift
nnd convenient WHARF also a STONE
Ifie uana Ul tiro in.vi, wki. . - . .
WARE-HOUSE at the lower end ol said
Wharf. Said Wharf is the only one in
Lewisburg that can be used in low water.
The Terms will be made known on day
of renting.
A. M. I.AW8HE,
Guardians of llie Children of Sam'l Wolfc.die'd.
Lewisburg, Nov. 5, 1950.
JOURNEYMAN to the Cabinet busi
rl i nrviri workman can have
-i-a - R ---- - -
c.iiploy ment by applying to the subscriher.
A youth Irom 10 to 18 years old wnuw oe
received as an Apprentice. Apply to
Lewisburg, Oct. 29, VsW
"Small ProSt and Quick Sales."
WOULD inform his old friends and the
public in general that ho has now
on hand his
ol Goods, such as
c Are. Theae Goods we offer unuaoally low
r Cah Country Produce of all kinds and
prompt and punctual paymaster a ucual.
enu ana see.
LMvUburg. Oct. 30, 1850
J. & J. Walls,
HAVING replenished the ol J Mammoth
More, and crammed it from garret to
cellar with every variety of Goods required
JTall anb UJhttcu
consumption, respectfully request their old
friends, the trading community, to call and
examine tli'eir stock.
7GKAI, and Produce of all kinds
bought as usual.
Lfwifhurg, 0.:t. 27, 1850
New Goods!
IHE subscribers have received and are
now receiving their new stock of
Fall & Winter Goods,
which they offer to the public on as accom
modating terms as they can be had else-
Um Porann rWirinc In rtlirphnfcp. will
ww in. i a -
please call and examine for themselves. All
kinds of
Potatoes, and Wood, will be received in
1 J- . t c 1171 .
91 per mn-hei win DC paiu ior m-a.,
50 cts. for Rye and Corn, and correspond
ing prices for all other produce.in exchange
lor Goods.
Lewisburg, Oct. 28, 1850
Town Property ,
For Sale Cheap.
FULL Lot on North Fourth Street
XL on which is a two storey
Frame House, 16 by J3 leet.TnVji
with a pood Cellar under it a jssjst
GVumn Stril. I ft bv 20 an out"
Kitchen, and other out-buildings now oc
cupied by David SriAMP. Enquire of
Lewisburg, Oct. 30, 1H50.
Tewisburg reading-room,
ON Market St., south side, between Ihird
and Fourth Sts. over Stove Waniroom.
Oiien until 9 in the evening, narge until
... r a :l tll' fnr nna month. SO
Ulc i si ui n pi ii iiv t "
cts ; one wk, 25 cts ; single visits (permitted if
they do not incommode regu'ar pstrona,) 5 cts.
Each mrmber entitled to intrite in strangers, as
visiters, for a limited time.
This enterprise is undertaken with the belief
that the first town on the West Branch will gen
erously sustain it. All are invited to visit, and
(if they approve) patronize, the Reading-Room.
t). N. WORDEN, Proprietor.
Lewisburg, Nov 1,1850
VNNOUN,CES to the citizens of Lew
ishurg and vicinity, that ho will be at
Kline's "Washington House,'' on Friday
and Saturday of each week, where he of
fers his services in giving private lessons
in Vocal and Instrumental Music, Thor
ough Bass, Counterpoint, and Composition.
Lewistiurj, Oct. 5, IS50.
The undersigned will
offer at Public Sale on
Ih - pemise of NajTl
XV itrs. dec'J.
b .rough of Lswisburg,
2trt of Novell: next, the following pereou..
property, to wil :
1 good large canal boat mi t rigging,
3 borteis 2 mules,
Horn gears,
A double sett of carriage harness,
1 two bone wagon, 1
Plough, harrow, wheelbarrows, &c
Hay by the ton, Shingle,
2 pair of large scale.
S shares of stock in ihe Willia-mnnrt B'iJge,
SO do Bink of iultie,
A large assortment of-
Plaster by the Ton,
Stone Coal bv the Ton, '.L;.
Bituminous Coal by the Bush
el, together with a variety of other article too
numerous to nvntnn.
t"P"Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A M, of
said day, wben terms of sale will be made known
Adin'ri of 8am i Wolfe, dec'4.
Lewisburg. Oct. 23, 1850
Latest Arrival !
L EW I S B U 11 G
5 Wholesale J- Eetuil
THE subscriber, thankful for psst lilieral pit.
ronage, would inform bis friends and public
generally that he has just recM and ia constantly
receiving fresh supplies of pure
Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals,
Extracts, Herbs, Roots, MineraU, Tinc
tures, Oils, Essences, Spirits, Gums,
and other goods in his line of business, which he
oners with the full assurance of their Iwing gen-
uine, and cheaper than can be bought elsewhere.
Physicians and others in the trade are particularly
invited to call and examine for themselves
Oct. 1830. Vrugg'ut and Chemiil.
Bread without Yeast !
j tured by DaliHitt & Co., is a most anperior
preparation for making Bread, Tea cakes. Buck-
v beat cakes, quickli and cheaply, for aale ny
Family Soap Powder.
BY Ibis prepsraii n a single paper costing 12
cts. will make 12 quarts of the best f smily
Soft Soap. For sale by
Fire-Pioof Paint
8 an article worthy the attention of owners of
buildings of every description. For sale by
r sale in Lewi. bur? by
Oct. 7.
Court Proclamation.
VII EKE A 8 th Hr.iL ABRAHAM H.ttlleN-. Pwi.Vnt
" Jadwof the Court of ('onima IMra ftir UieTvv-nti-
pthJuiitri.il IwtriHfnittin(rof tbroutitiisf rnionaoi
Mtflltn, una Jacob W ittrtcmtesI and Jamks II ARtuw;.lri.
AtvorimUi Judge in fninn county, have ixiU4d thHr prr-o-iit,
lMrinr date tin- 27th dav of Sit, ls.rH, and tn m
dirucrtrd, ftr the boldinfr of an Orphan' Court, CVurt of
Cunuuon IMcan, ftyi-r k Ti'nninrr, and (fVnvral UuarkVr
Semioiiii, at Ni'w luV-rlin, ftir tlw county of LTnkn. on the
3d Monday of Drr. m il, (hiring tlw loth day.) l&Of and
to continue two w-n
NOTITK Ik thTetrp benhy riTcn to tlw Coroner, Ju
tiff of the Pnc and Conit.ihJcri in and fT the county of
I u ton, to appear in their own proper penon.t with thir
mil, reeorth. iwiuifitionp, examination, and other rem
embrance, to do thorn thinr which of llHir office and in
thv'ir behalf appertain to he done ; and all wltneM and
other prrwirut proaeeutinir in behalf of the Coraraon wealth
apiiUKt any perttoiui, are rcquirs-d to be then and there
attending, and not depart without leave, at their peril.
Jufticei- are required to be punctual in lltctr attendance
at the appointed tirao afrreealde to notice.
tiiven under my nanu anu peai at ine Mienn omre in
New Berlin, thin 17th day of Oet'r in the year of our Lord
one thousand eiftht hundred and fifty, ami in tlie percnty
fifth year of the Iilependeiee of the t'nitM States of
America, kHjU mtc ttie tommnweaitni
A KCII 1 ItAI.I TIIOM AS, Sheriff.
Grand Jurors, Dec. T. 150.
Kelly : Jn Bennsge. N. Berlin : (Jhrn Miearr
Hartley : Geo liroucher, M ichl Scbnure
Beaver : Geo A Smith, Philip Merkcl
Buflalo : Jaa Simonton Jr, Jn Simonton, Sural L
E. Buffalo : Jac Frederick.Ths Prnny. Geo Reed
Lewisburg: Gideon Angstadt. John Miller
Center : Jn P Smith, David Wilson
Middlecreek : Dinl Keaaler. Fredk P Baus
W. Buffalo: Geo Leplry, Dsnl Grosscup
Union: Ellis Benfer. Penns: JUL Shindle
Washington : Isaac Bickcl
Mifflinborg : Saatl Blair
Traverse Juror$.
lewisburg : f ol Ritter, Jn A Mertx. L B Christ
Penns: Jn Parks, Jos Ejster.Wm Bower, Jacob
Perry: Geo Martin Fisher, Henry J App
W.Buffslo: Jn Kline. And lddings,W Young. Sr
Kelly: Dav Hinely.Wm Dougal,Tha Howard.Dol
Buffalo A Sheckler, Jaa M 'freight Kaufman
Chapman Simon Sholly, Jn Lenig, Dnl II ru ba
ker, Phil Hilbish, Jn cieechiist
White Deer: Aaron Smith, Saral Mirshal, Jas
Marshal, John Ranck
Washington: Danl Sterner, Danl Hilbish
Union : Enoe Benfer, Jas Crossgrove, Christian
Dsuberman, Benj Long
Hartley : Hy Hartley. Jac Katherman, Dnl Long,
Hv Hoffman, It V Glover, Jn Killman Sr. Jn
F Wilson. E. Buffalo : Jn Rilte
W. Beaver: Peter Goss. And Ulsh
Center: Edw Strayer, Jn Mitchel
Mifflmburg : Jo Detwiler, Wm W VanVa'iah,
Ssutl Stitzer
Petit Jurors, (2 J eek.)
Centre : Jn 8rengle. Jac Frf.-r. K Eisenhower,
Gei Varling.Geo Becker, fnnrad Worlfley,
Jn A Scboch. Kelly : Emanuel Reedy
W. BulFilo : Wm Watson. DjiiI Stout, David
Kleckner, Jn Engi lbart, Sr
Union : Christ Seetwld, Jo Wetiel
Lewisburg: Hy W Fries, Jss C.iswell
Mifflinburg : Benj Haus, Jn Gast
Perry : Peter Ackerman. Abrm HalJeman
Chapman : Jn Craig. Ahrra Io"k
Beaver : Jacob Grass, Ner Middlesarth
Penns : Jacob Riblet, Hy Landmark-lager, Hy D
Cuma. Jac Shafler, LJ A pp. H B Hetterich
E. Buffslo: Abrm Aurand, Root H Laird
Hartley : WntSmilfc.Wm Fisher, Siml Ilartman
W. Beaver : Jn D Romlg
DR. T. A. 11. THORNTON- offers his
professional services lo the citisyw
of Lewisburg and vicinity, in thevarious
branches of his profession.
Residence Temperance Hotel.
Office Drug Store, one door above the
Mammoth Store of J. & J. Walls.
Lewisburg, Oct. 1, I860
' Auditor's Notice.
NOTICE M hereby given, that I hue been
appointed hy ihe Orphans' Court of Union
county, to dislrinute the balance in the band of
Prli-r Noll, raeru or ol Pstkb Geis.ii late ol
K Hy township. Union county, dec'J , to and
among the legatees under Ihe list will and teala
riHnl of said deceased ; and that I will sir) for
that purpose at my ollire in Ihe Borough of
LewUbmg, Union county. Pa., on Friday, the
22d day of Nov. niber nesl.al one o'clock, P. M.
or birh all mlereaterl sriil lake nonce.
Oct. 6, 1830. II C. HICKOK. Auditor.
N. T. Fall and Winter Fashions for
ASS, '5H.
JUS r rrceived by the subscriber,
lA noi only Plutes.but warranted lo make
-t iactly like th-m. No fit no pay.
Country Produce Inken in pnymcct.
Shop in my new Itrick House, opposite
James P. Rosa house.
Ienisburp, Oct. 7, 1850.
riMIK Copartnership heretofore existing
X between the subscribers in ihe Drug
business, ic, under the firm of Dr. Thorn
ton 4- Raktr, has been dissolved by mutual
nn-rnt. The U mkr nnd Accounts are in
ihe hands of Josiah Hiker for settlement.
Lewisburg. Oct. 1, 1850
Frttm the Cilia of Ktw York and Philad.
BY A duns' Express Line a new and
splendid assortment of
As we have DreSS Goods of all desirable
styles and qualities, we would particularly
invite the Ladies to call and examine them;
and as for GENTLEMF.2PS WEAR,
we have quite an extensive assortment of
Cloths, CassiiTeere, and Vcstings, which
will be sold at very low prices bv
Lewieburg. Sept 23, 1850
House & Lot for sale,
QITUATED on 'he corner of Fourth and
O St, Mary's streets, opposite D.Philip's,
b ing a full lot, No. 220, and having on it
J ., a. a frame HOUSE, a Stable, and
jfaaVi oiht r necessary out-buildios.
lis s J During the absence of the subs
'criber, Wm. C. Paister will
show the premises, &c.
Lewisburg, Sept. 23, l50
fox Sale or Rent.
WHAT large and desirable property on
J the corner of Market and Water Sts.,
well situated for a residence, for business,
or forja residence and place of business.
There is a la roe BRICK House contain
ing 4 large rooms on the first floor, G bed
rooms on the second floor, and two large
finished rooms on the third. A Kitchen
and Washhnuse adjoins, and it has nlso a
large cement Cistern, a Pump and Well of
good water, and all the necessary out
buildings. For terms &c. apply to Gko.F.Milleb,
Esq. S. E. DAVIS.
Lewisburg, Sept. 23, 1850
HOUSE and Small FARM
Jr IT ?
?S3 3
" 89
a m
2. s
o -c: 2: 2 o 5 r?
- CP saf W 3,
m m r
a;??-? j2.2..,?-K
rg.g v eqg Xw s&S53
- m 2-3 Hr. f 3 s I ST
hH? 5-?- 0 ls j a
Lewisburg, Sept. 18. 1850.
Dr. John Locke,
MAY be found at bis Office and resilience
first door east of Kline's Hotel the two
weeks following the fust Monday of each month,
where he is prepared to execute all operations in
his tin of bosiness in a maoner creditable 10
himself and satisfactory to those who mav favor
him with their patronage.
Dr. I., spends the third week of each month
in Milton.
(j-Aromalic Tooth Paste, put op in beautiful
porcelain boxes, an excellent article for keeping
the teeth clean snd breath sweet, for sale at 35
cts per box, by
Lewisborg, Pa, May, 1850
Lewisburg, Union County, Penn'a.
Practices in Union and adjoining counties also
attends the courts of Perry county.
OFFICE on Second St., lately occupied
by L. D. Christ. Esq.
not refused at the Office of
the Lewisburg Khronicie.
PTT O 3 3 O - - a 3 O -
'31 TQv ?5 0 5'5 ; 5-
J0ST rccoived al "Filter's storf," one
door Hast of Kline's Hotel :
A-full assorimt-nt of Fall & Winter
floods, such as Cloihs, Cassiiueres, &lc..
Also, a variety el Lidiea' Dress
Goods, such as Mt-rinotvSilk, Cashmeres,
And also, a well sclcrtf J assortment ol
Lewisburg, Oct. 0,1 WO.
YOU that ki-ep I lots.
Watches, and Jewelry to
sell, beeau'e
Hatfield & Thompson
aril from 15 to 50 per cent,
cheaper than any other in
this section ot country.
Just received Irom the
Factory in Connecticut, a large sinclt ot Cua
lower than usual. Also, a new and- fseliionahle
Besortment of JUVVELKV from New Yeik, ex
ceedingly low.
Brass Clucks, 30 boor. at 2 5o tn f i".
Buert Sabbni, 3 Soto 4 so J
u a jar S Ml In s i
- Sliest Snt.rM-4, Unto Wl t
" W bnun, with alarm. SOU 5
Hilt Time Pierre torehmrlini and mnrtlTs (sj to 8 01) 3.
Ui.l.l -at-l-r,erWatrhe.brajea-.;j-.4i 00
- lletarbe-l liera,lsk.rasr. full Jew d, :ii UO to SO 00
" U-inea. lsk. raar. full jem-llvO, 00
Silver 1'atrnt Urers, 7 jewels. W to IS Oft.
Hetnehed Urem, full jewele.1, 1 l tu IS '
" Upines. - tilJOWWtslg
Kar KinifA Jenuy Liwl and otlxrm Sue gxl-V-5 to w'3
ringer Itinpi, fine pld, STi.toJ S;J
llnast fins. " luuio Swr
IL.lt MiLlea. mill anil eilver. T.r In a
Pencil Cases, tine gold, J I.) to Uc)
- with pen.
S IM In Sl
u;i . e - - nn tn It. .rill2
15 CO to Hi Mi 3
ciicr iiiw r.viU)
i no to s
t 15 tolo iSli
1 00 to 0'
O-.ld Ppeetvlea,
and a variety of articles spli-ndid goods too
numerous to mention, (j-jiower than elsewhere,
IS. D. All warranted In be wbiit sold for.
Lcirisburg, Oct. 24, !850.
fpilE subscriber has just received snd is
1 now npenins Inrge assortment of
Fanry Notions, Sec, which -will be sold
below the former prices for tha " ready
John Davis." . .
fri ir St
MIT. U . oHl. L'U. U UliW
Mi&atT St. Lawisacan,
Stuffs, Oils, (ilns. Perlurmry,
Confectionery & Fancy Articles.
Dr.Thornton returns his thanks for the liberal
(Kitronage which be has received, and he assures
ibe community that every attention shall be paid
lo the compounding of Medicines, snd that all
Drugs shall be fully tested before ihey are ollcrcd
for snle. and warranted lo be pure anil genuine.
7 Prescriptions given free of charge at Dr.
Thornton's Drug S ore.
lie member to call at ibe okl stand, Bret door
above the Mammoth Store of J. & J. Wall.
Fresh and Genuine Medicines.
THE subscriber has just received an
additional supply of Medicines, war
ranted of the best quilitv. also general
assortment ol all such articles as usually
are found in Drui" Stores, all of which he
offers at the bwest cash prices.
COD LIVER OIL a supply of this very
celebrated article for coughs,colds,&c.
on hand and for sale by
PERFUMERY. Just received a fresh
lot of all kinds of Perfumery lor ihe
toilet &c. anJfjr s tie by
LARD. Sperm, and Linseed OILS, lor
sale by Da. THORNTON.
Kearly opposite H. P. Shelter's Store.
THE best and most approved COOKING.
Ploughs, Caslins. &c at low rates, by
LARD, CH EESE, Coilstantlyon lianJanil
for utile by
Market Street Wharf,
rain Pulls-
THE undersigned wish tn inform the
farming community generally, that
they are now manufacturing
J. P. ROSS" Xrtrhl Imnmrnl GRAfX
Without stopping to discuss the compara
tive merits of numerous Drills now offered
for sale, they merely wish to invite Farm
ers to call and see the above named article
before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi
dent that they can furnish an article that
will give entire satisfaction.
Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, 1850.
Fashionable Tailor,
In the Brick building, lower
Market street, one door above
J. Nesbil'e new Brick Houee.
done to order.
Lewisburg, May 29, 1950.
B INNS' JCSTICE, new edition, csn be bad
at I.yndaH'e Bookstore, in this place.
Lewisburg, April 10, 1850.
5 1st
ONK of 10 hore povier, wi:h-one flue
btnler can be mvo in ox-r;iiion. Wite
ul' 5 hore pnwer.with two cj linler loiU-W
Itrith mode of the liest mntt-riul.-, aud war
ranted iwrfcct. Eii'iiiire of
Miicliinidt, Culumbin, l'a
jruit nniJ
l N A M E NT A L
The subscrilier otn rsfir sale n l.irge
assnri merit of choice Fruit Tires such as
Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet hiyh, 40 varieties,
"ill warranted genuine I'eacb trees, 2U
varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine,
Prune and lVar trees, together wilh some
6 or 8 varieltes ofGrajic Vines uf the best
nitivc and exotic vnrietios. Ornamental
Trees, such as the I'auloni.i, Linden, &.C.
N. B. Persons wi.hing to procure a
quaumy oi trie rrun irees,are ri:cjuest.u io
make iimncdiate application to ihe suliscri
ber, iu order to procure ihe varieties and
size wanted. II. It- NOLL.
IWistrtirj, Mirch 4, 1850.
JAUNDICE, Dypepsis. Chronic or Nervous
Drbilily, disease of lite Kidneys, and all dis
eases arising from a disordered I.iver or (Stomach,
such as Constitution, Inward I'ilea, Fulm-ss
or Uloud to the Head. Aridity of tlie
Stomach, Nausej, Heartburn, dis
gust for Fuod, r'ulm-ss or Weight in tlie
Stomach, Snur Eructations, Sinking or Flut
tering at the pit of ibe Stomach, Swimming of the
lfcad, burrinl anJ. dilficuh Uteathine, Flut
tering a the lli-art, choking or suffoca
ting Sensations wlicn in a lying
posture, dimness of V'ision.Dols or Webs
before the Siiihl. Fever and duil Pain in the
Head. Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of
ihe Ssin and Eyes. in in the Side, Bars,
Chest. Limbs, Ac. sudden Flushes nf,
Heat, Burning in the Flrsh, conslnnt Ina
ginings of Evil, and grrat Drpression of Sturils,
Ca be Errr.cTrLtT ccbeb ar
prepared by
iir. C. .?. srtfltsoM,
ul the German Medicine Store,"
t-jo .-th si. ri::2i-
7'Aci- power nrrr the ahnrt disrates is not t Jf
etltrd. if equalled, by any other preparation iu
Ihe I'tnlrd Stole, an the euret atlert. in many
ease after skilful physieiun had failid.
These Bi ters are worthy the attention nf inva
lids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification
of diseases of ihe l.ivcr and lesser gfai.tls, exerci
sing the most searching powers in weakness and
alfectiona of the digestive orgm, hry are withal
safe, certain and pleasant.
Read asb bi rosvisccn. Ties Hun. Chs
D Hineiine, editor ol the Camden Drmoerut.lhr
best paper in West Jersey, says, July 31st
HmiFI.AMl'S CKRM A BITTKKS. We have seen
many SatteriB?. nota-ea of this aKd:eine, an.1 tlie aonrf-e
whence they eaine iudileed n toaiaki- nwiulra-s reeperuiux
its merits. )rtnn itiiUiry we wore rna;tilrj t un- it.aud
munt say we funnil it uperifle in its action upon iliiM-a.e of
tlie liTi-ranildiiestiTeiirinins. anil the jwiwerful influence
tt exerts upun nerrnus pnietralinn is rvally vurprisinir. it
cairns ami ntn-nt:thens the m-rvee. hmitring Ue-m iuUi a
state if naaN. Diakinr .lei-p refn-shine.
If this medicine wen mure avncrajly need, we arc ms-teftt-U
there wouhl W lena sickuew. as fnmi the stini.-u-h.
liver, anil wmu sy-tem the rreat mairity nf r-al and
imainnary dineasee ruianate. Hare Uem in a healthy ein
ilitinu. ainl you ran 11 dennce lo eiliH-ii. Milly.
This etranrdinarr mnlii ine we would adTise our friends
who are al all Inil'isrexeil to eive a trial it will then rve
ummenl itai-lf. It ehould, in fart, he in every fomily. .N.
olbt-r Bicdiciue ran ppluce sucb eridf ores of im nt.
Fto.n the Boston Ike editorial, Dec 2-J
Hr. Ili.'flaml Crielmti-il German Ititti-rs. 'r the cure
of Lirer C.implaiiit. Jnnr.dire. Ilyeiepsia. and 4'hronie or
Xerirous IK-liilily, is deservedly one of tlie most popular
meilirinea of tlie il.iv. These Hitters hare been need hy
thi'iuaod, anl a frii-nil at our ellmw says he has bim.-lf
rveeivi-d front the ue of this ri-m-fly an ef?-rtual. perma
nent core or Liver Complaint. We are convinced Unit,
in the use id these Hitters, the patient eonelantly caius
strength anil vi?r a fart worthy of print eonnidcration
They are pleanant in lote and ulni-ll. and can Is- nsitl hy
persons with the moet delicate atonuirhs. with saS-ty
umli-r any circuni-tanci". We are sneakiu from eip ri
anee, aud to toe afflicted we rdvisr their use.
Set,tt's Weekly, one of the best litciary atenf
puMUheJ, saiJ. Aaj S.)th
Jras-k o.n tlsiwr IN-e ltlllttlili1 1 hv MXIH fsf tils1 tTIOfal MTr
mint-nt m-mt- rr. of tin Faculty, a pit artirlt- of niurh
rltrcary in rai-rt f f- uialr wtkmtri. As fitch is ih rnM.
wf wouM alvin all iu"ilnri U oMnln a S4ts. arnl ibn
MiTe tlirnirvflTrfi murh Ptckntiw. Kttoiui of lit-tiilitau d
ruu-titutHnii will find tit HittT! ailTantJk.ui t thrir
hk.ilth, an we know fnui rxps.TH'uev tlie fuJutazr ctlvrt
t!ny have uun wrak ysl4amu.
Jutlce M.M.Xoah, m gentleman of great erien-
lific nJ litrtary .t.ainmentn,iiJ in hiMINe York
Weekly MejwnKcr. Jan 6, ISjO
r. H.snftamTg 1'-rmrn liitUrttHon if it pfpiMiratU'B
which th lewlin? prwn f tlf I'nion appear unnnimou
in recnrainfixtiiiir. an! the mt-on u ohriisui. It t inswlf
aftr pwiTipt i n fiirntfthtd by one of the mntt relrbratsil
pliTMciaiM oi mfitvrn tintea the late UT. uanaiopner
Wilhlm Hoofland, liMft-jir tn the lnivernity of Jena,
t'rivate lhymrian m the King if lrH5ia. ani one of tbe
((Tiatit nviliral wriirtiirin.in3r haeTerpr-iluce'l. He
wan riuihatinvll? the enetnjr of knmbmu mad thTtf rv a
irtstHrtTir of whit-h he wa." ttie inventor and cDdnrrvr may
he roiifrlcntly ivIh-U on. llv spw-aUy nToinuieiilvil it in
LiTt-r IVtoiplatnt, Iy.-H4'.a, ih Hlity, Vertisn. Aridity of
the tomarh. Coiaf-tipation, and all eutnplaiuM arixine
fmm a lirord'rvd mbdition of the utoinarb. the LiTt-r arnl
the Inteiitrns'ri. Nine rhiladt-lphia paperp expnf th-tr
ronvietion uf it exn-UtnreT and iHTrJ of tlM'ir I'-litim
speas or its effeeta fnim their own iikliTkinal experieuee.
I' n-l-r these rirrumt:inees. we ft-el warranted, nnt only
bi ealllne the attention at nor readers to the pn-nt 1
proprietor lr. C. M. Ja-ksnn's) n-ralkn, but in n- J
omiuendinr the artirle lo all afllict.il.
MoaaEvinsscs. The riiiladt-lphia Saturday j
liazeltr, tne ivesl i.imtty newspaper puntisneu in
the United ta'c, the editor sa s of l)r Hooflaiid's j
(ierman Bitters
It is slilom that we ri-mininen-t trhnl ate termed Tat-
ent Miilirinea to our nuders' pitnmarx- snd ennfhlene-;
and, therelore. wht-n we rveouintL-nd IT. llooSami. tier1
man Ihttrrs, we wish it to be ilii-tim-tlT nnilerxlfmil that
we are not speakinie of Ibe norilrums t the day. that aru
noisetl abnnt for a brief period and areftirsntten after tiiey
have done tlh-ir puiltv rare of misi-liief, but of a niedirine
lun eslahliebe.1, uniiemilly priat-d, and which has luet
Uic hearty appruTal of the Fai-ully itself.
Evidence on evidence has been received (like
the forefmin:) from all sections of the Tnion. the last -1
years, em! th slnirjast Uxtimomg in if Jiimr, it. that
there is more of it nscd in the practice of tlie ri-culnr
rhvsirians of Pbiladeluhia. tlian of all other noetrums
eoDlbineil a tact that can easily tm e..tabli-ibi-il. and fully
proving tht a srientirte premrallon will meet witb their
fpiiet approval whew pri-senb-d even iu thin form. Th:it
this asedieins will rare Liver Lmptaint and llvspepeia.no
one ran doubt, after uxinK it as directeil. H a. m KfH-cifie-
allv npon the rtomarh ami l.lrcr. ( is pren-raiue 10
Ciiionii-I tn n Miima iHmf. The effect ri immediate
llu-y ran he ailmmi.-ti n d to ri. tlx "r tsr.iST with saf ty
and reliable beiK'fit, at any tiuie.
Beware of counterfeits!
This medicine has attained that character which
it is necessary for all td attain to induce counter,
feitera to pat forth a spurious article st the rik of
the lives of thoc who are innocently decern d.
Look well to the marks of lite Genuine.
They have the written signature or O.MJkkiov
upon the wrapper, and the name blown in tlie
buttle, without which they are spurious.
For aate.whoiesale and retail, at ihe G Eli M AN
door below Sixth, (late of 178 Race St.) Philad
elphia, and by respectable dealers generally, tha
country throughout. Iy3.)0
Aho for sale by S F.LYXDA L L,Lcicisburg T
To niacksmUhs.
BITUMINOUS COAL, from the West
Branch and from llollidaysburg, for
sale at the Shop nf the subscriber, near the
Ildyscolcs on Third St.
Lewisburg, May 7, 1850 "
"TAlL3aud IIU
1 AP5
N n-r slc by
Sfkr & hiding.
Tit IttciHtort tlit'l .) fi'Uli'l.
Best mecbinical Pa; er In the World I
3sV f olitisv of Uw
IS c-vntlK-need lHst the 9Sh 4 ft-f-t. ra h year. Kmt h
thv fcrst fur.l lv iavcw.i awl itHaku fuUMlwl
in the wuriil.
kh voluai i-i-rfw iw r; aa-Avalaalle r. A-
ill" oiulti-r. awl l lllMelratl with lrtii-r
of -New lnrenlmiis.
flv rVe-nriSr loenert livWeMT Jtmntal of
Art. -Virnre anJ l. duililre. Iii.umi v tt "-et lit !-
i ... ,i lLen-ete 4 .llei-lfcewH-i. Xanafi-rtlrrn
land lii.eiitiir-'. rj hnnnihi-r isUivlnle-lwillrtrMe
U. I.-II llri.iliji Kn-rill.- .-f.V-w W-duniril iwrern.n.
in --irlv all vl Ihe fc.-t ii.vi nts tv hit h am JcteSIa J -VVaeliiwi-ti
e.-in? illa-trtil. ! in the rrw-lrtiSe .la-re-ar -It
ah-f-t-ailie a W -ek:jr U.t nt lat. nt Claima: a4icii
of lie- im-itl-i-ee .-f !1 .Vlt i lialilcnl and Seielilite lf-ni-nts:
irartaral din-i tuui- m the na-Uui li-'li. rauu-ap -m-
nt an.1 rv of all kin-la f Jla. Uinery. Ti-I. Sr. r.
Thie wrl. is alablrd ta hm-Siar- and the lakernurr pw
-net. at lheen.1 irhe -ar. larjre ,lunr e441n pa--rs
'ill-l-1ratd witli iiowanH 4 iM aarrhaauraj engTBviwtir
TKK MS : Mn-rle .ul-M-ri.t:o-.a. 3- a year to advance; ck
(r eia irnnUm. wl-o wr-h lo aabscnav hsvadjr
Wm-ua-c Ca- aanunt in a k-u-r.
Tn any one who will m wTlire Satflrnhrra. M will
i.n.-wnl a niev i-f the Patent Laasof tlie twit d rtalea.
t-n.it her with all iiiS-nnath-a relaui l'letinV Kw-
! tciiii. full
nv-livol -C inakms tlie He-oli0"s ftnim, brswimia.
jasatWlsxijttvio.M-litii!; ail tnj-ls-rrir lirat KitrbtxAc.
( . j;.,arilwr-tiM brar in Bund wal i s-mh.j
i AnU W tvii l'a trur artiuul. JMt'.'.N
! I'lihlb-hrnot titeHtntiflc Awrjnm.VA KmtU-m strceV
Nrw ork. All Ltu-n murt be raid.
i er.ui.-s 6-r C ajntrtil-, H4 1" rp.en for 12 monlha, (1.V
& - vz h - " "
S.utWrn and WitVru my Ukrn at par frr nut-arrjr
tjoiiM. I'.-t H.u--,min Ukfii at their full value.
Administrators9 Notice.
AniL,UC.S, Lciiersof Adti.itiisTriKion
on thttc-'Mtc of SsMUEI.UiiLFI,
title of the 10(0 of Lr,wi--bur, Cuiou Co
Jectaeil,liavc be n praoted to the ti!rcri
bcr. rrsiilonT in oaid Birowgh, the Ur
"inter of tsaid county v ilKicfre .... MTJwn
imftfhre.i lo is-iid estate are r--f)iv!l ta
make itiiiinYtiiae paAn-enf, and ilne hit
ing claiin-i agviinal the sum', ato m nnd
lo prcacnt them, du?y au hraiicactl fug
sctt't-mcnt, without delay.
l.fVT ft I II NT tt'.f VtS 1
nUnSCRIBKUS lo ihe rni.ei-.ily al
O Lewisburg," are respectfully if-qtinsfttl
lo pay their Second lnstaluif now tluf,
to the Treasurer. And lUo wlvo have not
paid the Is: iiiM.it'l are m-ipertfuliy nuiifitd
that all suchv d:la ijenis will be ebitrged
Inicrest on their liviialioeiits frotn list time
thpy become due.
n.wrr. r. WArKnirfss.
Lewisburg, Feb. 25, If?50.
iRr;i:o devtis r. is no v i at.i
nn FoimIi stirrt, l.rwL-lorp, near tbs
Franklin H'Mi-, where be nttenjs to oprviiliooa
nn ihe leelh at a redaction of fsi turner price.
Teeth anil root of teeth removed ivtlfa the aij of
improved Instruments, and in an easy manner.
Filling teeth and selling un pivots or plates atten
ded to according to the latent improvements in the.
profession Ulcerated, spnniry,and inflamed gaoi
eared. Thankful for past favots, he solicits
continuance of politic patronage No impuie
materials used for fillinfjs in teeth. I)S!4s)
Or. mi:iD"
The Envy nf all Till Manufacturers,
1EClB thry are safer, Wuer, atul owt
) enVacious than any others.
500,000 Boxes
have he en sold annually for the last five year.
Voi. 10 i Olii, Man m Fa.waia.
ran aUajs take them with equal safe ty, wiiliuttt
fear. If Villi be necessary
for purging and cleansing the Stomach and llov.
els, and purifying tlie Ulood and fluids ol tLe U
dy, lake no others for no other pills pr due
those coailiiiicd iHecls, or contain snap.irii's ia
Eat, Dr'u.k and Live u vsunf.
anJ pursue vour usual occupation whilst I king
them, wiib-Jut fern of Hiking cold, duMig nil
kinds of tveither.
One Thousand Dollars
are wain-red that more genuine certificate. (i m
nhvsicians. rli-rEvmrn, Members ol Uotier,-. ami
respectable citiMns) can be prodacd ol llu ir
, ,
eflicacy tDSn or any others, and
. . frfriied in ever instance where Oi.a
u.,. will not dd more sood than T Bon of
ln olnerJ.
F..r!v PiUs in a Bo ': !
and sold at Tuinlyr'ire Cents a Box. with
directions and much wholesome aJire accoui,!-
n ing each box.
Thry l'r f..-rr er unptasmtt rmtrtt,
Trr't from ttittt or t -tnt. r e s.v kwd,
lh, nt jHf thf Hmarh r ieiwWs,
iYpii.-tr nfi jmHu.jwi, rttmitimff, ir S"l f"1itr.,
Atrt e.nj-fed to mitt ditrafts aAuMwm t tmliitU
N. one having or.ee taken them wiB Sa vsiilitiif,
afterwards to take any other, Wvansa thssr al-.
wave do good, and if they d.i But. Uleo Ha (fUrra
Dr. H. B. Liiy, The Fropriofor and STaeaDcturer.
is s regular Diilggtst, t'hemrst. snd Pfcy-ician. of
fifteen year experience in philaVI hia ; t.r-l-uale
of the I'niversily of Fenosylvant ; M. ni
ber of diiferent Medical Institutions ol I'hile el
phia. New York, Boston, llaltrmore, 4e aril
asociale and corresponding member of se eral
Medical Insiitutions of ImuduO snd Paris, A.C.
Oi'TBaGt asn Iwrostriosi. Beware f all
pills called t y names nearly similar, got up b
sold on the reputalinn of Dr. liiK'sSarsaparilts
UI.mmI 1'ill.-; the first Sirsapaiilta pilla eves isr
trodured ami the only pills coot lining SarMfatil
la. Take no others and you will not he dereivr-l.
Others by similar names, or nearly similar, are a
gross fraud. Beware, theu, of Imposition '.
ty Principal T-ot, Tr. 1-ei.lly'a distirsieary.
No. IU North FOKKTH ST., Philadelpbia -tnd
sold wholesale and retail be
C. ir.SCU'.VI'l.l!. U-wishurr U. H- Cas'ew. Mitt-,
J.M.Denf.-r,fi.W.Kesler.N.K.-r!;ii: W P.l. INint. r. Jsww
Tvlcr s,andtit ra. Mitltinl ore Hy roilth, Ai w..kr
Younsn.an W.lu-r. Pry Valley U. S. Iyer. IreeMrtf
potts Myers. Kelly X K"S4 i''-1":" "
Divia Schuur-. -liiwir.v. KorvMntUi Mwldb b rir
U l Kohrer, M Kee, ' i VU ilt Kllert.H.rtM. n
Thomas . rlwasAiB twow I W. HewdiA. atrrvl.le
Pr J M Judd.Williamspsrt: and by Druggist, ard yu.'
keepT.'uinimrtiw tlie i aiwd Statea. ly. r.
salo at this olRt-p.
VL l?OE lot of Stone Pkkhi.g ui rieti'S
J ABU just r cei.e.1 and i"
Strj., 1 1 J HAY." C