Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, November 13, 1850, Image 2
I.EWISBURG CHRONICLE AND WEST BRANCH FARMER H LI II. C. HICKOK, Editor. O. N. WOBDEN, Fnblisher. at 1 JO rash in advance. ft.75 in three -months, $2 PW within the year, ami U at 3ear IgmU in l-hilJr)'l" V " lll'r E T; . Lewisburff, Ia. Wednesday Morning, Nov. 13 A DVERTIZE ! -K.xrrtit..rK, AIminiitnitoiv. PuMif Mttwre.Citvantir'HiUirv M-r-lit. Manufartunrn. diMw f anvthinwouM Jo -a 11 to pive ini of thr um ihroufrh the Isncittsttrsj WroHiHr.'' Tl.i? iier line cntd bihI iDcrpinc eimilatmn in a rotnmuitiiy nntiu ninj5 a Urjre a proportion of art-ivc. w.T.-iit pn."lureri, w-iiiurav-T-. and ilralcr-. a any tlur in the i-Mat-tV l)anksgiinn3 in iJcnnonltmnia. hxtMlTitu. rs. Tn II" n-tsif ' . tlli"rilf -S tswonor of mti't OHMmi.rttrnilth- A PROCLAHATICN. Anotlicr rs-vaiuu-Mi sf Ibe et-aj-ons has l.-ti alrnsst -fleird. Peace with nil Tinr-tni- him i"- TihBH to w country by the M I'KKM K IsrKNSEKof national Mess-lttj.-. A lcn li'trt I'l'oX ll'KM'K has cniitinln-d MIS friinrdisn care over the people of this t'ouiinotiwcalth. lit-! lis presi rved ui. under the inrtitntions of freeliov eruniciit. in lit tjuiet ami undisturbed cnjovnicrtt of civil si4 rvlurioMsi Itl.-rty. II K lis favored lid with healthful fM-sfonn snd abundant uarveets. Individual hNi.iiM-s reward liit- enterorb of ibe ciiiren : "Th earth U full of tl poodnees of the lAHIli. While the inestimable bounties of I'liOVIIlKM'K toi-nit-h a suitable subject for mutual jo-atulalion and Krau-ful a-k cowled, twiit. an en- iiciitenrd wiiaeof riutyand pt.tu.irto tiiat iiKisu from whout Uiy tl.w. mi mom lie u to uihu a owe I -oopie. iu ..ti.rmSo. ihrtrii-n. .,i t-nrent thankviTine aud .raie I ... .mil i ii ,i...,;nii .f ..Kti.d.." I to HIM wlio wl-ln-th pw lle di ?tiniei of iintun " wlioe'artlleth the iM-arte tT the rbitdreti of n n" "who hath .ri'an. HIS Thr.rtie in the lltsav.ns, aud wbowe Kmloi ruleth otit all. fK.-p'y iiitirei.!Mil Willi the in'irietyof thin itutr.ln ae COriMliec Willi tta'' venrrt-d cu.ni and in umiplialu'e with the iflKH of the ereat imly of the bti.h.. I. U iu.lw V J.jH!'To.t;oTeruor of the caid tVrtimionw.-Mlih. lien-by appoint i.d di-isnaU- Till KMAV. tlie 1JTII IIAVl' liKl'EMIthK NKT.aad.vrfeiicralTHANKSi;il.Nti thKai'liout the State: and I hereby n-xmnnend im! ear aly inrite ail the pe.ipleof thU t oniinouwcaltli, to a aiuevre ami prayerful olservnnee of the itanie. tiiven under iny hand and tlu'tireat Seal of the St&teat llarrieborj?. thin lwentyirbtb day of h-toher. in thu year of our lrd one thituand eiphi hundred aud fifty, atidof the Cemuwwi wealth the neveuty-tiOli. By tlie tioveruor: A. I.. ItrsSEI.I Seeretary of the Ciminwuweaitb. Jffi-The Telegraph meeting referred to in our last, has been postponed for a week or ten days, in order to obtain further detailed inftinnatinn from the officers of the Sus quehanna Company. Wc understand it will cost about 200 a mile to put up the wire r fci"The letter of Lieut. Maury, ou our first page, detailing some of the operations of the National Observatory, at Washing ton, will be found, we think, to possess deep interest for our readers generally, as well as the class of persons to whom it is more particularly addressed; and wc be speak for it aa attentive perusal. NARUOwKsCArE AX1W.VUN1X1. Ou Saturday afternoon last, as a son of Mr. JWI Rangier of Buffalo Tp was returning Lome with Mr. It 's six-horse team, after delivering a load of wlicat in town, the Iioibco (boing Wt alone at Christ & Mc Faddin's Foundry) took fright, and whee ling short about, left part of the wagon on the street, and took their way at full speed down the whole length of Market street, but, (not being prepared, probably, to pay toll on the Bridge,) they wheeled around Mr.Weidensiul's corner, into Water street, where one of the horses fell, and after be ing dragged some distance and badly inju red, brought the team to a halt. No other injury was done, altho' the race extended to a distance of nearly eight squares, and Market St. was more than usually crowded. 8Thc Editor of the Bloouisburg Slur, is so enchanted with Jenny Lind, that he gaaes steadfastly at her portrait hung up over his dusty table ; and his of fice has become a shrine for the worship of this popular musical divinity. lie per mits the outsiders to share in his trans ports, though at enormously oppressive pri ces. Jenny Liud and 12 J tents! Hear hiui : "The public can have an opportunity of seeing the portrait at 12 cents a look. Children half price. P. S. Any "nice young man" who wishes to kiss the glass that covers it, can have a chance to do so for a dollar. W hat's bid for the firt liL'tf S. 2d. The " nice young man must lc one who says " wataw " and " waitaw," wears a rtanlnig collar, and has a great (tb of hair on his face. The West Branch Boroughs. Wc slightly "acknowledge the corn" this tiuic to our enterprising neighbors. But we'll bet our hat, that ere ten more years have rolled around, Willianisport will be fine plump thousand ahead of any town in the list, not even excepting the rrtrnxtre borough of Lcwisburg. We are a (trowing State. Ijiiumtnj (Jttzrtte. Just send us that hat by return mail, if you please. We claim it, in advance, as ourjiroperty. You have fairly ' put your Lvt iu it' by your rashness. Your " grow ing State" we admit may be one thousand tthcad of its prcscut self in teu years; but you will please lear iu mind that iu the mean time wo shall lengthen our cords aud strengthen our stakes to the tune of a still jnore rapid march than the one to which you promise to keep time. Then what is to become of your hopes and hat ? Kvi dently, you will have to march in the rear, bare-headed. (erThe listributing Post-Offices at Northumberland and Ilarrisburg arc now discontinued leaving only Philadelphia, Pittsburg, and Erie, listrilutitig offices. J The Philadelphia AWs defines a mustache wearer to be "a monkey with a tkoo brush on its upper lip !" Q&The Canals are now in good order In every direction, and a brisk Fall busi ness doing. ferThc Cro on the mountains between Buffaloe and White lccr, has rawd Seve rn! o.iys. Fugitlve Slave Law. As the jury failed to agree upon the facts in tlie case of Oliver against KaufF man, iu the U. S. Circuit Court at Phila delphia, (the trial of which was published in the Chronicle two weeks since,) no decision was made by the Court upou the points raised with regard to the freedom of the alleged fugitives ; but they will probably be disposed of iu the next trial of the exsc. Iu bin charge to the jury, Judge Crier stated that it was " too plain for argument, that the act of 1793 did not iutend to make common charity a crime, or treat that man as guilty of an offence against his neighbor, who merely furnishes food, j fatal in a quarter of an hour. In one lodging, or raiment to the hungry, weary, ' place, out of a'population of 200, twenty or nuked wanderer, though he be an ap- ! fire dicdin 24 hours. In the burial ground preutice or a slave. On the contrary, it , contemplates not only the escape of the ' slave, but the intention of the master to i the ground, one Sunday, because no one reclaim liiiu. It points out the mode in J could be found to bury them. Some pen whieh this reclamation is to be made ; and itntiary convicts accepted the Governor's it is for an unlawful interference or hind-' offer of freedom, if they would bury the rauec of this right of reclamation, secured ; to the master by the Constitution and laws, that this jicnalty is imposed. The , Larbtirui" made criminal by this act, then, i . . ' requires sonic other liigreuieiit besnies a , 1 w I mere kindness, or charity rendered to the t fugitive. There must be a kuowletlgc ! that the person harbored or concealed is a fugitive from labor; and formal notice of the latter fact, from the owner, is not nec essary. The intention or purpose which accompanies the act of kindness or chari ty, must be to encourage the fugitive iu his desertion of his master, to further his escape, and frustrate his reclamation. The act uiust evince an intention to elude the vigilance of the master, and be calculated to attaiu the object." Judge Grier has also published a semi-judicial opinion, in reply to a letter on the subject from Charles Gibbons, Kstp, that the new fugitive slave law does wl require that a judge should, without trint, surrender a citizen of Pennsylvania to a kidnapper. The provision " that in no trial or hearing, under this act, shall the testimony of such fugitive be admitted in evidence" is no more than the enactment of an established principle of the common law, that no man shall bear witness in his own cause. "The act contemplates a trial aud a decision of the Court or Judge, involving questions both of law and fact, aud unless the rules of the common law, as to evidence, be followed, when not changed by statute, the tribunal would be without rule, governed only by caprice, or undefined discretion, which would be the exercise of a tyrannical, not a judicial, power. It is tlie duty of the Judge who presides, to render equal justice both to the claimant and the person claimed. If evidence were heard on one side only, and that, too, without regard to any rule or principle known to the law, gross oppres sion aud wrong would flow from it. Free men and citizens of Pennsylvania .might be kidnapped into bondage, under forms of law ; aud by the action of a legal tri bunal, sworn to do equal aud exact jus tice to all men. This much maligned law not only gives a ' trial,' before a legal tri buual, before the claimant can be author ized to carry the fugitive out of the State, but it takes away from th prisoner no right which he would have enjoyed before the act of Congress was passed." As considerable feeling exists in this community on the subject of the new fu gitive slave law, we have given place tj the above extracts that our readers may know what aspect the law bears, under the practice as laid down by the Courts. It will be seen that much of its supposed harshness is thus considerably softened. But there are still other odious and im practicable features about the law that will require material modification at the hands of Congress, before the great body of the people at the North will rest satisfied with its practical operation. Changes and X-changes. The Phil.nl. iMi'Fg Acir we sec it sta ted has passed into the hands of a M r. Fi.AXAtiix, and has forgotten to carry our name to its new Exchange List, where it rightfully belongs. We wish him many more subscribers plenty of change and another ex-change. According to its proposition, The dly lit vi is iu debt to us for about 10 months' riitriors paid by advtj; about a year aj;o which Mr. FiTZdERALD will please forward to us to take its place among its 50 or CO illustrious contemporaries in the 1 Lewis- burg Beading-Boom." The Jersey Shore. IiijiuUiran, has not arisen front its ashes, and wc understand the remains of the establishment is for sale. Jersey Shore is emphatically in a good business community, aud affords a fine field for a man willing to work. The Proriilenen Journal mistook that "document," or we sent the wrong one always willing to pay difference in an X., particularly to that whose Editor receives but $400 per a nn. tor performing the extra duty of Governor of llhodc Island. P. S. The "Daily News" has come ! SrTherc is a fair prospect now that the Bail Road from Eliuira to Williams port, will be completed at an early day, and in permanent, substantial style. By the time this is done, if not sooner, wc have no doubt a continuation of the line will be under way from Willianisport to Ham-burg. Tho West Branch country will then be opened out to the world ; a consummation devoutly to be wished. &W c are indebted to our friend and oimianondfBt, Mr. Wat. II. Oumna, fcr eon? of the "California Courter" of Sep. 4 Ik, la which we sbserre among other Urine the "Romantic Marriaxy recorded ia Uiii KTironlde" some montlia aro, and which still traTrU the round, although the hero has ainee paaaed to thoaa realuu where they are neither married nor givea ia nuu riaje. Mr. C. has dm kindly furnUhed ni with a printed ProKramnie of President Taylor's Funeral rroceaaioB at San F ranrim ; and a Cnntie Snag eaUtled Til K UFKD lf VINKK:" whiih Utter we auaU lay before our read er! next week. Cholera at Jamaica. Wc learn, from the N. Y. Evening W, that the Cholera is raging with frightful violence on the island of Jamaica, West Indies ; aud dreadful as it has bcea, the physicians think its dcstructivcncss has on ly commenced. The later eases proved of Spanishtown, the scat of Government of the Island, 25 bodies were left above dead, but most of them died shortly after 0f the epidemic. There is a great scarci- ty of medical men. One physician made over eighty calls in a sinine day ; and scv- end had died from the diMrx'c. or over- ' exertion and exposure. The hope was entertained that New York would send out some physicians by the next steamer. The epidemic had brokeu out with great violence in the 07th regiment, stationed at New Castle, in the mountains, at the healthful elevation of 4000 feet above the level of the sea. The disease is spreading all over the island, and carries with it ter ror and distress. Latk from Lt:visi:i,ni. The editor of the Chroutrfe has got a bad cold thnt hinders the discharge of his editorial duty, His nose weighs one pouud and seven ounces. In the meantime, he uses "Pep sin" to digest his ideas. Ljromiwi 6'- zrtte. Slightly mistaken, neighbor. Our nose counts by feet, not pounds. Therefore wc should like to take a ieep at the scales by which youarrived at Vueb a ponderous re sult. Our only medical prescription in a pinch, isonc of" Wright's Vegetable Pills,' to wit: a copy of the Lycoming Gazette; though wc will admit to you (iu the stric test confidence) that after such a dose, a little ".Pepsin" would not come amiss, to help restore the digestive functions. Another Fire la Northumberland! On last Saturday evening, about I o'clock another fire broke out in Northum berland, and burnt down Mark . Pricstly's dwelling house; the stabling formerly con nected with Mrs. Withington's Hotel; and a blacksmith shop. Mr. Priestly saved his furniturc,but four valuable horses be longing to Thompson's Express, were con sumed with the stables. The fire is be lieved to be the work of an incendiary. The citizens of that place have been terri bly scourged iu this way, this fall; and if the fiend, whoever he may Ik;, should be discovered, he would be apt to be dealt with in the most summary manner. ateIf any of our readers should hap pen to visit Montoursvillc, Lycoming Co., they will find it to their advantage, as we did last week, to stop at the hotel of Mr. Frederick Shale, where they will find good accommodations, and an obliging host. Be ides it is the only public house in the pl3.ee. For the Lewiabarf Chronicle. Gleanings No. I Mr. Editor : With your leave, I pro pose occasionally to review in a familiar, gossiping style, the contents of'your ex cellent journal. To begin with your last Nov. Cth " Eueourage ymr otrn Xeighlmrs Jtrrt," is a capital motto. It is a duty it is a pleasure it is public policy it is private policy. Encourage your neighbor shoe maker, your neighbor Tailor, your neigh bor Printer ; and they will encourage jou in their turn. If yu send abroad for your work, tiny may do the same; and your means, instead of making your own home thriving, will go to build up towns abroad, aud to enrich people in whose welfare you have no particular interest. No true friend of his neighbors will with hold from them his patronage, simply be cause they can not work as cheap; in the long run, and by the means of home pay ment, they are the cheapest. Many who j buy abroad, get the worst ot the bargains. i Yuu. will remember the case of the proud man, who thought his neighboring me chanics could not make furniture, Sic, good enough for him, and sent to " the City " for the same : and when it was re ceived, he found it was second-hand furni ture, "made in his own town ! There arc very many such " speculations " made by going from home for what should be got at home. Farmers, merchants, and pro fessional men lose money by sending it to be buried in the mammoth city establish ments, instead of keeping it circulating in their neighborhood. " Sirintfling in, Xi-w York " shows Low much of the "cheap" work is obtained! it is wrung from the very life and soul of the poor and despairing widows and or phan girls are by heartless capitalists kept in a state of abject misery, preparing gar ments, tie., to be sold u cheap " through out city and country. There arc thousands of such knavish establishments, and suf fering fellow-beings, who aro kept one in wealth, the others in misery by the thoughtless demand for " cheap" articles. Let every honest man let all who hare human hearts not only denounce such villainy, but, by knowing who make their clothing and shoes, be sure they are paid for honestly. Such imposition must not only be denounced, but put down by ab staining from any encouragement of it by sharing its supposed profits. Whose heart does not weep when he thinks of the thou sands in our cities, thus dragging out a woful existence, when there are millions of acres of good laud, unoccupied, where they might with far less labor obtain a good livelihood! How foolish the poor and feeble are, to rash into cities for em ployment ! One of the best benevolent ef forts of the day would be, to publish such facts and put in operation such means, as would induce the suffering poor in our cities to obtain employment in the country. " Suttnuc Literature " is a very appro priate name for the streams of moral death and putrefaction that poison the public health. This enginery of Satan is less powerful than formerly, but the people still need to be warned of its many-sided arts. There are still unprincipled prin ters, publishers and booksellers, ia almost every couuty, who for money will (secret ly if not openly) pander- to the most brut ish passions of man who would not hesi tate to undermine that love and practice of purity which is the first ingredient in the cup of domestic bliss health of per son aud strength of mind. Parent ean mil U loo earenl in knowing what books, pamphlets, and newspapers their children and domestics read. There arc enough good and entertaining works such as Harper's Family Library, Chambers' 3Iis- cellany, Sears' Tietorial Works, Ameri can Tract Society's publications, aud many others, to interest and instruct children, the youth, and the most mature minds. Voting Men, a word with you. Licen tiousness develops itself in many forms of disease, both in body and mind. Resist, with all your powers, its passionate allure ments. It is a vice which causes more shame, more suffering, more death, than any other curse with which sin has en slaved Mankind. By all that is dear and sacred to you in life and beyond the grave, be entreated to preserve perfect purity in thought, irortl and deal. Regard him as an enemy who would, by any means or persuasion, undermine the love of honor. Bead no book, hear no conversation, which you would blush to have your mo ther or your sister know. " Evil commu nications will corrupt good manners." " You can not touch pitch without being defiled." " Jlittory of the Amish Chureh," by one of its most respected and intelligent mem bers, was to me instructive. There arc many of that sect in the Buffalo Valley, aud wc have no more harmless, indus trious, or substantial citizens. That Telegrajth must have a station in Lcwisburg. The largest town on the West Branch, and the most flourishing the seat of an extensively-laid out and highly prosperous University you must have a Telegraph ; and even if it should not be as good as Bridge stock, it will in other ways more than return its cost. "Economy in Wintering Stuck" is as sea sonable as it is reasonable, both to " man and beast." Many shrewd farmers have long practised upon Mr.T.s' principle, not knowing the philoMph of it. If it be true that animala kept wirm.require lees fooJ.netr owner bould provide for Ibem warm stable and shelter it home, and good blanket! to protect, if abroad. Poor people ahould take hinle from Mich facta. It i sometimes said, the poor hare enormous appetite." Money cm be belter laid out in procuring food shelter, fuel, and warm clothing, than for eilrs quantities of food. ' Wsbhtu is Lire snd the share of that warmth gained by clothing, Ac, is much cheaper, more pleasant, and moie conducive lo health and longevity, than where roou alone isirquired to produce it. Out the poor ye have with you always," and thoae whom the bountiful Giser has more fa wn!, should not only aid those by good advice and good examples, but also by giving such things as aie needful and can be spared. Re membering that tied lovelb Ibe eheerful giv er," let your assistance be sincerely, kindly of fered, timely, and in just the manner you would wish it done to yourselves, were yon (as soon you may be) in the vsk of poverty, bowed down by a miction, or prostrate on the bed of death. - Cold Winter is coming," and that is em phatically " the time to Remember the Poor." Adit.! REVIEWER. Newt from the Plains. ! Starvation Uhoh'w India Ljrsilit- tioHZ),W) reruns yet beyond the jluia. We are indebted lo Haw ley & Cu's Ex press for the Sacramento Transcript of yes terday, containing two letters from Capt. Waldo, one written at Great Meado Humboldt River, the other dated Truckee River, Sept., IS. He states thai the Relief Committee have not a single pound of flour cast of the Mountains, that he entered the Desert on ihe 7th inst., and met two men ho had given to die from starvation ; same day two sacn died from starvation on Car son Deseit ; that those with wagons have no fond but their poor exhausted animals ; that foot men subsisted on Ibe puirified flesh of the dead animals along the road, and disease and death - are consequently sweeping them down. The Cholera made its appearance on the 8th, and eight per sons out of a small train died of it in three hours. The Indians take every advantage to steal their animals, and thus they are left more than six hunlred miles beyond the settle ment. Fighting between them and the riMgranU occurs almost dai; 1 i . Tu a ly. Twenty thousand persons are yet beyond the Desert, ol which number nl-) teen thousand "are now destitute of all kinds of provis'ons, yet the period of their, greatest suffering has not arrived." It will be impossible (or ten thousand of this num- ber to reach the mountains before the com Minneempnl rtf nviflitpr ' FromtheTrockeeto the head of the' Humboldt the Cholera is killing them off;; the sick surrouna tne 1 rucKee otniion, un- able lo proceed. Capt. W. was about starting to try to persuade such as are from four to six hundred miles back lo return 10 Salt Lake. He calls for ten thousand pounds of flour for the Station at Truckee, and the same amount for the Summit. He says thai those back several hundred miles will die unless relieved. Me regret our inability to give as much of his communi cations as we could wish. He asks for contributions, and offers to the City Coun cil hi claim to ten thousand dollars worth of his pnperly, if ihey will forward thai amount of flour and articles for the sick, to bat place, (lis report is fearful. A black man from Boston rdr express four hund red mile with I he information. Cxn not something be dune here to save the lives of these our country meu and friends? Ma ny of them are women and children, wid ows and orphans, their husbands and fath ers having died with the Cholera. Alia Calilornian, Sept. 24. War in HaytL Advices from Jcremie, liay ti, to the 15th of October, state thnt hostilities have actu ally commenced between the Hayticns and Dominion.- On the 9 h instant, as the vanguird of SoLot'Qi'E's army was desend ing 1 h Pass nl Bonica, they were attacked by about SOO Dominican troops, who drove bck the Hnviens with terrible l.my.hit-r. The announcement ol this de file skirmish caused much uneasiness to the Emperer, who marched on the 11th from Petit Urate, nt the head of his staff and 400 of his guard, to lake the field in person against the Dominicans. In addi tion to the above defeat, a I lay lien brig-of-war, with 250 men onboard, was captured off Scott's Bay by two Dominican schoo ners of war, or gun boats, and carried as a trophy into Macao Roadsteal- These hostilities have had a very disaslarous ef fect on the trade of the island. There was ' no coffee to be had, and the cutting of log wood and mahogany, was under restriction. Rumors ol War between Brazil and Bu enos Ayrcs. Letters from Buenos A) res, of Sept. 3J, state that the city is full of ru mors that a declaration of war between Buenos Ay res and Brazil is soon to take place. These rumors, the letters state, are in everybody's mouth, but are not tracea ble to any authen'ic source. The relations between the two countries are of such a nature, however, that such an event is by no means improbable. " Seeing the Elephant" After the exhibition of the Menngrric on Wednesday Afternoon last, (he ele phants were chained to different logs to remain over night. About two o'clock next morning the smaller one, Tippoo Sul tan, attracted by some eatables in Ihe cel lar of a neighboring house, moved in that direction, bearing with him the log to which he was chnined. After breaking in the cellar doors, he discovered that the vegetables and other things so much to be desired by him, could not ho retched in thai minncr, and he very gently com menced to move the house a little out of his way. This operation awakened the family, who arose to sec the came of their unnatural disturbance. Upon ascertaining they decamped to inform ihe keeper that they had "seen the elephant,'' and desired that ihey might also see him taken lo his old stand. The keeper arrived but not in time to save the house from being utterly demolished, as it had been moved entirely off its foundation. Tippoo Sultan was then better secured for the remainder of the night. Schuylkill Haven Mip. Thanksgiving Day. It is a matter of regret that the States can not all unite i. selecting one day for public Thanksgiving. There is, thus lar, less unanmity than ususal. South Caroli na had her Thanksgiving on the 24th ult. The other States, as far as heard from, have appointed Ihe following days : New Hampshire, Nov. 23 Florida, Nov. 28 Vermont, Dee. 4 Maine. 12 New Yotfc 12 Pennsylvania M 12 Massachusetts " 28 Connecticut " Sft Maryland " 38 Indiana 28 Elections. New York. Washington Hunt (Whig) is probably elected Governor by a very small majority. The Whigs have also a majority of ihe Congressional delegation ; and a majority on joint ballot, in the Leg islature, which will secute a Whig V S. Senator, in ihe place of Hon. Dauie I S. D:ckinson, whose term expires on the 4th of March next. New Jerset. Fort, (Democrat) has been elected bovernor by a majority of about nve thousand. 1 he Democrats have also carried four out of five Congressmen ; and have a majority in the Legislature, on joint ballot, whirh will give a Democratic V. 8. senator, in place of W. L. Dayton. Illinois, Wisconsin and MirniasN. The election returns arc not yet sufficiently complete lo indicate, definitely ho result. Ntttos 'fc Notions. - " 77T, T Dkadfci. DiiASTe On Wednesday s,-.-,.P ne TWo-ranl, whie nc-ag M wty l0 Baltimoie, burst : bxiler wheo opposite New Castle, Del.. killing 15 persons and wounding 8 others, man in Philadelphia has been Coed $25 for violating the bnaali Note Law, "Some Pumpkins." Stephen Leniz, of Allentown, has raised a pumpkin which m8ures '. 'n--rouno, ana wc.gns lUt' ..TeI . ww) , G Cameron d, lho tes. chnce ior the Democratic nomination for (J. S. Senator. The Easton Argus highly commend (he Lectures on Mnemonics, delivered by Miss E. E. Pike, at Mauch Chunk. Why is a short negro like a white man? Because he is not a tall (at 7JsbIack. Deer Hunting Now is the lime to go 10 the backwoods in search of deer. Many a poor buck will be made to hear the sharp crack of the hunter's rifle. The N.Y.GIobe says, that ruffianism is increased in that city to a most alarming rxtenl. Mississippi Steamboats vs. Human L'fc. The annual amount of travel upon the Mississippi river, is equivalent to 500,000 persons. I ne annual loss (i numan me for several years past by burning, blowing up, and drowning, has been over 200, to say nothing of those sea I Jed, wounded, or maimed Tor l:le, or deaths and disease by sickness. The Indiana Convention rejected, by a vote of 124 to 1, a proposition to allow to negroes the elective franchise. Berks county has a population, by the present census, of nearly 80,000. The present number of Post-Mi stresses in the United States, is 81. Dr. E N. Horsford is appointed Prnl. of Chemistry in the Mass. Medical College, in the place ol the late Dr. Webster. Dr. Santl Jackson, late of North umbrl'J, has been Appointed one of the physicians of the Si. Josephs Hospital, vice Truf. Jackson, resigned. The Rev. B. Wistar Morris of Sunbury has accepted the call ot the Episcu)al Church at Manayunk. During one week, 50,201 tons of Coal were taken down the Rending Railroad 200,000 tons during the month October truly a ''big business." The Widow and Children of any one deceased, w hose estate is insufficient for the payment ol his debt, sre permitted, by the late act of Assembly, to retain 9300 worth of real or personal propeity, to be appraised for them. "The Daguerrian Journal" is a new 83 magazine, published semi-monthly in New York, and devoted to the Daguvrrianjtnd kindred arts. The Statue of John C. Calhoun has been recovered from the wreck. The Montour county "Democrat" names 10 counties in the State, snnillcr tb.m that. Found Dead. Mr. Edward Roberts, an old and respected citizen of Montour Tp, Col. Co., was found dead on Sunday mor ning, 26th ult., between Caltawissa and Monroe's saw-mill, close to the road lead ing fiom the former place to llloomsburg. He had been to Cattawissa, nndnas red r ning late in ihe evening, when, it- is sup posed, he was overcome with fatigue, and perished in the storm on Friday night. He was 9 years of age. Potnp, was you ebcr drunk 1" No, I was 'stosticated with ardent spirits once, and dat's 'nuff (or diss darky. Ileaben bress you ! my head felt as if it was a wood shed, and nil dc niggers in dc world appeared to be splitting wood in it." The Bostonians jo in for the Union about these days. Rev.Mr. Slrceter married 27 couples within 28 days, in October. The Whigs of Michigan recommend Gen. Scott for President in 1852. If you have a poor neighbor, send him a barrel or flour or load of wood. 1 heie's a satisfaction in giving ol our abundance to the needy, I hat rich men have but lo taste of, lo put in constant practice. There were over 91,000 more voters in Pennsylvania, who voted in 1819, than of those who voted in 1850. A poetic young man, writing of his lady love.says "her lace is a lamp of alabaster, lit up with pleasant thoughts." What an interesting light to write by, especially if she would allow you lo punctuate with kisses ! Take away the sugar, Jim. A man named Sullivan recently killed James Hough, near Mechanicsburg, by a blow with a pick, causing his death in two days. Both were working on Ihe Cum berland Valley Railroad. Sullivan has escaped. Ossian Dodge has had a Concert, which cleared him 91,000, in Boston. The Richmond 'Republican styles the Fugitive Slave Bill ihe "black vomit," because it causes the North to disgorce its ebonies. Pretty good for a Viminian. Banvard, the American artist, with bis huge Panorama of the Mississippi, ia now in Paris, drawing crowds of people, aud making his fortune. Only one watchman killed in Philad'o, last week. Quite moderate. None ol the articles on exhibition at ihe Fair of the American Institute, New York, attract more notice than a large Gothic chair, backed and cushioned with beautiful wrought needle-woik, in worsted, the ban diwork of the daughter of Mil!ard Fillmore, President of ihe United States. Several Whales have been caught in tlie St. Lawrence, below Quebec, lately. A Charleston pajwr carries iis doctrine of non-intercourse so far. that it hopes Jennv f : j rli .. . 1 . - .ra win not visit mat ciiy.heeause she comes from the North ! Two pigeons, liberated by Sir John Ross on his Exploring Tour.have returned to their cotes in Great Britain, but unfortu- "".' whuwui ma iniormation (it any) which was attached to tbem. Ilarrisburg is infested with thieves and burglars. Bounty Land Law. The Beneficiaries. It appears from a statement of the Ad jutant Gen-rat, that there were enrolled. militia and volunteers. Iu Black Haw k and Seminole wars. 28.984 men. Creek disturbances, (militia,) 20,000 M War 1812. (militia,) 471.000 " Regular army. 50,000 " Hollidaysburg, Oct. 30. Win. Gorsurh was killed last n;ght at a house of infamy, by Hugh Deary, who stabbed him in the neck, when be bled lo death. This is the second murder in the place within.a month. Deary was arrested and lodged in Jail. The present is the most favorable season, not only for reading, but for procuring subscriptions for Newspapers and to all who think the "Chronicle" deserving of support, we offer this inducement untifthe 1st of January : A eery present suosrnoer irho trill sernre amAhrr, thill have the Chro nicle for himself anil tlie neie sultscriler fur Tito Dollars, (II each,) for one year only; the Cash to be paid in Advanee. Fifty cts premium for obtaining a new subscriber, is worthy of the effort. Corrected this Day. Wheat Rye Corn QOuOS ....50 40 ....30 ...100 ...100 ...13$ 8 ....10 7 - 8 Oats Flaxseed .... Dried Apples. Butter Egsjs Tallow . . Lard Ham 12 Bacon ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER ' Psrsi s.Mcruc Digettitt Fluid or GattrUJuiut A great Dyspepsia cuter, prepared froru Reunct or the fourth stomach of the Us, after iliwctions of Baron Lic!ig,lbe g:eat Physiological chemist, by J S Houghton. M 1), No 1 1 North Eighth m. Philadelphia. This is a truly woulerful remedy for indigestion, dyspepsia, jaundice, eonstipariob. liver complain! snd debility, curing after IN stunt's own method, by Nature's owa sgenl, the UoaUio Juice. Hee Advertisement in another column. 11POHTAXT totboee having impurities of the Hlo.nJ.-BK ANTS PL'RIFYINU EX TRACT, the most wonderful Purifier in the woild. is now put op in (jfaiT Bo-rms. (rSee sdvrrtixements beaded -64 DOSES." U is so srtang and purifying, thai one bottle lasts from ten to tUtern days longer than earaa-atilla. Dr Thornton, agent, Lewiabutg. 2nt3S3 GREAT COUGH REMEDY! CHERRY PECTORAL: Far lb Cstrw anf COUGHS, C0X.D3, HOARSSVES8, BKOXN OHITIS, GROUP, ASTH. UK A, WHOOPIKO-OOUOH AVD CONSUMPTION. IN ottering to the community this justly cele brated rrmrdy for diseases of the throst and lungs, it is not our wish lo trifle with the lives or health of the afflicted, but frankly to lay beiore them the opinions of distinguished men, snd same of the eviJer.ces of its success, from which they can judge for themselves. We pledge our selves to make no wild assertions or false state ments of it. elhrsry, nor will we bold oat sny hope to suffering humanity wbkh facts will nol wsrratil. Many raoors are here given, snd we solicit an inquiry from the public into all we publish, feel ing assurid they will find them perfectly rrlisble and the medicine worthy their best confidence and patronage. Pro. Ckarthmd, nf Botedtin Cslligt. Mains. Writes. "I hare witnessed the streets of ToarTHKKKf I' Kt TOR A I ia mr own family and tnat ef my friends, and it eires me satlsfaetMin to state that no nisdieins f have ever known has prosed so eminently sneeeasfai as curing diseases of the thrust and lungs. Rev. Dr. Osgood Writes. That he ennsslers 'CHCRRT PECTORAL' IBs hest meitkine sr Pulmonary ASVetMas ever f jts to ths public, and states Uiat his dau if titer, aftsr behwroMiaed to keep the room tor four months with n severe, sttlied eoutzh. aeeompaiiied by raisinc of blood, niicht swvats, and the attendant symptomsof Conjttropttna,cuniiuonjil the use of the i'berry Perioral,' and had conioleUlj re covered.' Ex.Chaneellor King, of New York. saes. 1 have been a ereat tnfTsrer wtth HaoM-Hms. and but r the ass of the -1 HrJRKY l'kt TOKAL, tnis-nt have continued to he an lor many years ts ennM, but that has enre-l w and 1 am bap py to bear tes timony to it efficacy." Fiom such testimony we ask the public isjuJgs for themselves. Hear ihe rati ft. Dr. Aver Pear Sir: For two yesrs I was sffllcted with a v-ry severe enuch, accompanied by pttin ef blow! and profuse nielit sweats. Uy the advice of my attendlrts physician I was induced to nseyonr I'll KKKV I'EtTtsKaL and continued to do so till I considered mysslf enn-d, and ascribe the effect to your preparatioa. JOHN RANDALL llAurmr, u. ."nivmu, Nov. 37. 1'US Tbis day sppeared the above naaed John Randall, and pronounced tlie above statement true in every respect. LoaxMO Noasos, Justus. The Remedy that Cures. roaTuwn, Me, Jan. 10, 1S4T. Ir. Ayer : I have been lone afflicted with Asthma whha rrew yearly worse until Inst autsatn. tt tsrotasht a a cnujrh which confined as in my chamber, and beican ts assume the alarming symptoms of ennsvmptloa. 1 hsi tried the best advice and the best medicine to no pnrpost anUI I tried your Til KKKY PrXTORAU which has cured bk, snd you may well believe me, (iralefully yours. J. l I'll ELKS If there Is anv value la the Indswnt T the wise, wbs speak from experience, bet Is a asnlictue worthy of ihs public confidence. Preparedly J C.Avcr Cftemist,LoveIlJfs. Fotsalebv C W 8CHAF7I.E. Lewislurf : J H Caslow. Milton ; Isaac Gethart, Sclinegro". and by Druggists generally. villi i Mll-aw-- In Ixwisburf, Tuesday morninj. ViA inst., at the residence of Col. L. B. Chrisf, Hon. George Puiunton. of Freeport, Inl and Miss Sadilla M. Bocar, formerly ef Lewisburj;, Union Co., Pa. "-Westward the star of Empire takes Its way," a as thought to oursrlf when the above aanwuncemeat. an- bountiful portion of rake, made iu appearance In " sanctum. Well, so we fro; the East loss a prise, but ' West gains a gem; and as a parting salutation ws raa M express the wish that, ia the Empire of toe llrsrt. star ot the fair bride's happiness may ever be, as " the asrendant. Two Journeymen Tailors WANTED by the subscriber, immr"j atelu. None but cood workmen new apply. JOHN B. MILLLK- Lewisburg, Nov. IX, 1830 DB. STEWART Surgeon Dentil has removed his office to Fourth ' near Blair's "Franklin Hotel.' a a