IjEWISBUUG chronicle and west branch farmer iDit croft ijjumor. O'Oonaell and his Reporter!. Anxious as he was to be reiiorteii in England, ihere were occasions when O'Connel preferred that what he said should not be primed there. Of this an arousing anecdote ha been given. O'Connell was on a visit to Ireland, and indulging in long sj-eeches of a most " combustible character." when the Gov ernment thought fit to send oer some short hand wriiers to lake dowo the ha rangues. The first appearance of the Government reporters was at a meeting at Kantuak. The genilemen were English men (says the story.) and belonged to Mr. GurnexV reporting staff". They came on the platform, and introduced themselves to Mr. O'Connel. He shook them by the ham!, and saiJ to those around them, Nothing can be done here un'il the gen tlemen are offered every requisite accom modation." This n at once provided, and having assured Mr. O'Connel that they were "perfectly ready," and well provided for, he can e forward to address the peojile, and commenced his s eech, to the crcat dismay oflhe Englishmen, in the Iiith language. Having espliined to the assrmb'y who they were, and how he humbugged them, he continued in the same language to address everything he w ished to say to them ; the people laughing ail the wh.le at the English reporters, while they joined very good humoreiily in the laugh raised against thrmM-lves.' Poor Fugitive Slsvb Bill," said Mr I'arting'on.as her eyes ran over a morning paper, and her quivering lip betras ed the agi'aiion of her mind " Poor Fugitive Slave Kill ! I hope for my soul they wont catch him I hope they wont. And here they are denouncing us with punUhmenl if e help him any. Good heaven ! what do they think we arc rone off Are we flesh and bl-od and bones and u.'arJs.or are we slocks and stone, itS no more feeling than cotton hags f Nut help 'em, iudif-d ! and will In avt n help us if we do n't f If I'd see a poor crealur with lii i'e and chil dren otid hi property on hi back giing to Canada or any other free country, wouldn't t'help him in spite of all they coul I do to atop me ? To be sure I wuld, even if the Uenenl Government and all the lave ketcher was to say I shouldn't. A person that wont maUe a sacrament of him-lf lor his princijjles. is worse than a Turk." Overawed, the people stood back her pesctar! blazed with an ardor that made the old sword on the wall, and the bnghtlv scoured tin on the shelves, flash back with soperiKil splendor, and phi'an'hropy, like a ightiirg beam, irradiated the old kitchen Latinglisk. sr w. r. wibht-i. Tmt eld it on a fence. Caneut cwmina aloud, I'.t in rrgular cadence, lul relent be ne'er bail ploweJ. I'.tnH of poor Mary Blane, Intermixta with old ft'ed. zit that she gave liira in, Lt ille bad a unx;h bald bead. Yluit he hsJ a caUe Cum a Iwlle of good berr. J 'ravit he'd tide the gate, Vyue pro a king would ear. D "n cant bat merrily, Tavrv pitcheJ across the vilf, l'-ohibuit his melody, Et projtcil bim quite hard. ft upon t!ii life high frnrs Stamut fur a little white, Jj-tm old Mora dmh put u hence, Taetut nut to Hade vile. K Udy was traveling in a stage-coach wiih a trouMesorne dog, when a gn'.leman comf I tii'iiJ of it annoyance. Dear me ! sir," exclaimed the hdy, "I wonder jou complain of my dog every body admires it it is real Peruvian." , ' do'iit complain of y'r Peruvian dog,' aid the man, "but I wish he'd give us less ol hi. Peruvian fcari.'" The editor of the Ka'estown Herald owns a hore so bulkv tl at tl.ctr have to start him with a jack-screw. He did a mile the other day in 2,28 and all the way backwards. When Piatt harnesses him, he nuts the bridle on his tail, and the , breeching over his head. For holding Lack there i no horse in this State that can begin with him. Served Him Right. Last evening, says the Bjton Mail, a man visited I'.utolph snd djaceut streets, inhabited by the colored population, and, " just for the fun ol the thing." rt presen'ed himself as employed to search for runaway slaves. Some of the dark-fUs at once "pitched into him," and - gave him a severe heating. I Woclb s't, wrai-LH VOL'! I wnatd n't gie much for subscriber or reader Wh flitter the spirit and tone ol y our li-adera," But nrrer pay orer the printer bit due .' Ws would n't give much lor aura -ntroa' Would you ! Charle Lamb's remark upon the water cure are perfectly lamb like : ' It is nei ther new nor wonderful, lor it is as ol i as the Deluge, which in my opinion killed j more than it cured." - The last topic betore the Philosophical Society was, "The Quantity of Cream in ibe Milky Way. and wbeib-r it can be made available for Irirtischold purposes." It is now ascertained the heroine of the Miv.tei. Bouih died of a chrtt complain'. j M'LAXE'9 WORM TEBMIFICE. THE following orders ahow at ones demand for sad excellence of this great medicine : "Yob. July 88, 1847 'J Kidd Jr. Co: The Vermifuge left ua on sals boom tiiM ago by yoor agent, is aold. It goes very rapidly, and give great satisfaction. A ws re entirely out of the article, and havs frequent call for it, please aeod aome immediately C A MORRIS CO. '-SoacBTiLLS, Tean. March 18. 1847 "DrfM'Lane Dear Sir : The VertBituge you Mi wiih sue laat tali ha Long sine been eoliLsnd I could bas sold s great deal mors if t bad had it. Since my return, from the East, I have been called upon nearly every day to writs to yon, requeuing an immediate sapply. I bas slready tried your Vermifuge ia my own family and find it to be the best I havs aver used E F MORKISOX. "Mrs Car.ES. Steuben Co. Sept 7. 1847 -This may certify that ws have aoid DrM'Lane' American Worm 8peci6c, or Patent Vermifuge, the paet year, aud it baa given unbounded satis faction. It ia no imposition on the community, but ia what it author recommend it to be a uuiveisal specific for Ihoa afflicted with worm. -H. HUGHES A CO."" AGENT8 C W SrairTLE, Lewisburg; J H Cblowr and J H Haeer, Milion ; I Geibart. 8e- linagrove; J W Friling.Sunbary ; Mr M'Csy, Aoribuniberland, M V Grier. J Moore, Danville UNIVERSITY at Lewisburg CIRCULAR for the Academical Year com meuciiig Oct. 17, 1850. COURSE OF STUDIES. Primary Department. Csririawtj ia Spelling, Railing, Definition. nglih Grammar. Arithmetic, CSngrapby, Hu tory L'.S.A., I'eutsaDsbip and Composition. Enfliavh Department of the Academy. The fame Mud tea aa in the Primary Depart mt confiuufJ in tha at of larger teit book ; and to these are added General History, Algtbia, Legeu dre, and C!emenu of Surveying. Classical Department of tha Academy. Tfm Junior Academic class. I. Encll'fa i mmir, Latin Graataur, Aritiiaictk (tw 4TiiiHbLMirntbr. tr. in. Tits hum studim an in I. Term, and fenmannhip. Kiielisih (nnmar, Catw, Aritlimetie eatnisvtri bs lt diikm.rt--k tiramnur. History VJ.JL. fVu- niaiitiiip, Hooft-ktx'puig. Senior Academic clm$. mT, Orack Reader, Algebra (Elemitnte.) niil. do do do do do cnaipleted, Gne- rat ITiptory, Knplitab Language and U-mKNitivn- COIXEGIATE DEPAETMZHT. Freshman clans. Eneleh Lmnguage and ComponUon, Alfubra. Uy, i. ii. in. i. AnmtMtiui. Dtmi U(Nttntiy, Liry, Anabaaia. I'ian. Solrd and S.h 'ricU Oeouetry completed, vyt AnaUinis. Sophaihore class. Ilnracv', OitrWT. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. tin do Mn.uratMnJ)nrTeyin;.NaTi7atmn. d conii'Mtd. Slert irrnttonit of i-mitbiK. Jtb-tirir, Analytical 41xim-tr). Junior class. ZtenvvtthHitv mi the Crown. Cirero de OfRriia, Me- ehauirft, llydnMOatiVs. and Ilydranltrn. lX'Ui'Mihviirf) c tti Crown. Cin-ro dc (Xtldin eom- I'tf'tol, rnrnmatka. Aoouetka, lectricityt Slagae tiftu. an I OjiNi. Girk Trat-iy, Taritan, Aftronnmy. Senior class. , lassie, fttiiral TlwoltipT, Intells-etual PhilfWi-hy. tirfk, I'oli Ural rinniy. Moral I'hiloroplty. HutltT'e Anahy. i'nnntitutiun of L. .Cb'Diiittry. ii. in. i. it. in. i. ii. in. T. 11. III. Lrctuiva, General llrvsrwa. No clii in the Rrgular CoorM has lesa than three dailT recitations. Every Saturday forenoon i devuted ricluivety to Vocal Music, Heel a ma lion, ami r?adtn.f aelect and original ("ompoj-inorir. The student are required to attend, regulatly. rome relifiou meeting. Minora are expected t attend ucU meetings a are recommended to ibem by thrir parents or guardians. There are in the btuough no less Iban sii places of public womhip, of as many diiTercnt Christian JenoniinaiioDs. Text Books. Kn-pih I Am? wo ami Elnrtttvm. The Bil-V. Pnrti-rV Rh.'loriraJ Kdr, VVorrfrt.rii or Wt !r4rr !irtinary, HullinnV fjtclifdi 4niniiiaar. I'arfcr lYrirrerwire kKt-rri- m KnflihVmiortitksn, Parker Aalo, uisuralcture 1 1 i.tvfrsity Mition.) ftTi'tt't La'xinm. Jt ii 11 ion ' 'ar, SrliiufU and Xumpt'ji Virgil, Kinnilu' Livy, AnUi'n'n llttrace, Thsrher's Ckero dr oifi-ii, Tyler TantuV ( nuania ft Arricola. tsrfeU Ukmiiwfm . ItoUioa Granunar. hullkn Reailer. Li-Mrll A stt'ii IVxiortn. iwm'n A?uihnu'e Analimii, Owt-n liumer'n 4ldyiwy.Chamttin' lK-nMtiieuc. fiwk'e Clarirnl Manual. M.:tArM'jtteM.lvbi' rithaMtie tut Arad m', V.U ui- entary Alui'l-ra. Iksurdon. Uirrndre, uirryini; and iivi rAthtn.AnNhtTfltJn'tir.Oln'Nalura) thiloMhy (utt-mity-d-i ulmNU-d'tt Atrouuuiy. dumber or Mudcnt. The number of students during the past year in the various Departments, waa J be I'ollegiate elates already organited lor the euu ing year are the following : i rsnkr elaea ... a Junior clae 14 Sspliosajore rlaM - - 10 rmbaaan ebM - - ....5 Teacbem. TF.rnr W. TAVIAIE, A. M-, Prot of MatheniaUe and atural iti.'wjiiy. OKoK.K K. IlLI.S, A. M., Prot of Greek Lanua and LttTxtun. oKiMit.E V. ANPLILNA-M-jIWofUtinTAOguari- an j ijw'niiurp. IS A AO S. UMlMlri, A. U PriaHnsl of the Aradmr. AUKKU TAYUiR, A. Tutor in the Engltoh Ln SumKt stiu Lwcuutin. Bultding,IlbrarT and Apparatus- The Academic edifice now occupied by the memher ol the univemilr, na been ereciei, st an rxMnM. of exrmo, an1 it ia adapts to armmmodnU' 1 Mutltiu. AmKh-T Hliftrr i pearly mnil-t'ij, ntt if rxpNU! u bf n ady Sw oornpanry at tiw couBKOmaival "I in mi-xi I t-rm tn. Li , inni. Tbr Library coutains a number of arlect Tolumca, antl rlt-miral A irnaufl baa horn nrornrrd tnfSrient t. uil tV imim-diatr dVmaniL Th- Apparatiu lor tbf uiuftnuM-n 01 jitt'iianirmi muupopuy, IP now rucDjWt. TmIIIob and Board. Tuition in tbe Colleeiale Department f30, Acaucouc 30, I'rimary SI3 per Tear. Uoard, iurlwliug lodging, nraahing, fuel, and light, can be bad in tbe village and ita vicinity at vamws ricra, i rum . i ,ou to e,ou per wees. ArranKrmmU arr in proemm to fumi.h Bfjard.exra- mre of toileine. vaMiine. foet and lixtit. to such an niav dmira H,alfl liprr work. Scsslaas aad Vacation. Two Seaatou in tbe year the former com mences on the 3rd Thursday id October, ml continue 36 week ; ths Utter commences on Thursday, 15lh May, sod continue 14 re:kj. Spring aealion, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 8. By order and ia behalf of the BoSnl : THOMAS WATT80N, Prea't. UEOKGE F. MILLER, 8ec. Lewuburg, Lnioo Uo. fs. Dept. 1, 1850 IT !3 A FACT, NE self-evident, and worthy of cverv J consideration, that no Miller can make Kiod clean flour without he has good clean wheat. 1 suppose you wish to know the remedy. " I tell you it Is to get one ot Bergttretser' If 'heat Scourer; or Smut Machines. He being an old, practical and experienced Millwright lias invented, got up and put in successful operation the best Wheat Scourer now in use. Any person ordering machine and afterwards finding that it doea not prove lo operate as repre- seniea, mere shall be no sale. as tlM-se ma. chines are lo be warranted good. Further recommenauiionsare tnooKhl unnecessary. He is now having a supply made at Lewis burg. by Messrs. Geddes & Marsh. Orders for machine, or tetters of intuirv. will b promptly attended to. Machines ill sent and put to all orders. Address J. BEKGSTRttSSER, Lewisburg, lTni(T Co. Pa. (ttO THE WINTER SESSION or tub - LEWISBURQ ACADEMY ILL commence on MONDAY the SSta of OcTaain. fa tbi Institution, nil lbs Brancbss of a thorough Academic coarae will be taught : - The commuuicaiion of knowledge simply, is not the sole design of Education and should not be mads so ; it highest aim i to strengthen and bring out into sctioo, ths intellectual and moral powers of ths student. Throw around him all tha facilities necessary to bis progress, and af ford bim all proper aid. but do not flatter bim wiih the thought that be must rely upon another and not upon bis own rfforia for aucces. Inde pendent self-reliance is one of lbs 6rt lesson ihst should be learned in a school room. Tbi kind of esrly mental training prepares ons for j vigorous snd manly eseition in after hie, and mu give Dim a uiarsed advantage over ine ig norant and uneducated. Tbe main effort of a Teacher abould. therefore, be directed to tbe for mation of sound baliita of luJy. for when this end ia reached, the progress of tbe pupil become at once certain and rapid. Composition and Declamation, a formerly, will receive due attention particularly the for mer, and the Primary Department vhall have our pecial care. Tbe aubacnl-rr lerls flattered with lbs growing propeiity of ihe Institution, and shall labor to merit it continuance, by increased esertion. Ti'itios Pet Session of SO weeks,' for the Common English $6 ; Higher Englishes ; and for the Languages, (10. JNO. RANDOLPH. Oct. 9, I6S0. Principal. Tanningand Currying FOR past favors, the subscriber returns hi grateful th inks, nnd hereby makes known that he curries on the business of Tannins and Currying, at the Old Stand. Determined uot to be outdone in the manufacture or finish of his work, he is bound to have the best work men and materials, and lo treat those who have so liberally patronized (as well as those al.-o who shall be pleased to patronize him) with that attention which he hopes lo insure him a full share of public patronage. All kinds of Produce taken iniexchanpe. Hides and Bark not refused, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash nr in exchange for leather. L. STERNER, March 25. A D. 1850 GOLD and SILVER Sul only in Califurnia, hut alto in Lewitburg. A good asiiortment of Watches., Silverware. Jesxelrj of fine quality and at City price Hatfield & Thompson Respectfully inform the citizen of Lewibbtirg and vicinity, that their have entered into Partnership at Ibe OLD STA.D on Market St., opposite Hayes dr. Co s Store, prepareJ to execute every kind of work in their line, in the beat manner. They carefully aelerted of the beat Euglish am French material, M jinsprinr tvl:nderj,E'icnne wheels, and a variety of W ii-h Jewels, and flatter themselves that iheir knowledge and skill in the business will enable tliein to rive alilaction to all who may favor them uitb palronane. PINE WATCHES, such aa Duplex, E-ccpeinenti--, Lenines, AncUars, Detacbrd, Patent Lecro, Repeaters, and Muxical Watches, &c neatly repaired and warranted Also tit sale, a variety of Gold and Kilrer Watches, Patent Levers, Anrliar. Detached. Le- pines, fjuartiera, anJ English Witches, Gold Chains, Bread-pins, Finger and Ear ring. Gold and Silver Bell Slides, bracelets, Gold and Silver rJtir-v fencils anJ Pens, do Speetaclee. ?j --.Siler SiHHina. Sugar longs.Comba, Ac Ac in ehort, a little of everything, and anything ele, not meulioiiing knick-knack. alwaya on hand nr got to order A variety of Brass Clocks for f 3 snd upward at wholesale and retail Pereons desiring to get things right, would do well by giving tbe subsciibers a call Eipcrience tells us that the Credit Syatem can not aflord a living. I herefore. in order to "push along and keep moving," the Cash System must iieceasarily be enforced. Feb 23. 1850 A I. HATFIELD. WM II THOMPSON, Notice. OUnSCRIBEIlS to the "University at O Lewisbur" are respectfully requested to pay their eecond Instalment, now due, to the Treasurer. And those who have not paid the Is: (iiMal'i are respectfully notified that all such iicHn.iiieiiis will be charced Interest on their Instalments from the time they become due. SAM L T. WALKER.Tbeis. Lewisburg, Feb. 25, 1850. The Greatest Difrorery uf the Age! Dr.Trask's HAGNETI0 OaWTnEWT 18 constantly effecting cures of the utmost importance. The most credulous are cos. viacaa : tne most failhleas. dmnelleJ ta hli... u ,ue power anu virtue ol this great remedy. ii is nniveraanr admitted Ia 1- th. . emlsoMto. kao.. to the world lo, th. imnuMule relirf ; r-"- " urrer nui wuile there n-tnaina raffinent lifr to rertore a n.ntural ant he-!tr art ion to IVat of JV blnnd. Bv thin ana, . l,.Ui-7 Z7l ean not he olJainwl rrom anv other n-mMr. Soeh it lh. 7, V ? liiramcnt I. ararrhni oat and made arnl ..l.l.of .,rirtioa.B, heslinz inHomre. llrWit oooea as rradtlv Srlth itmnl ..(...! j! NuuwroM irB.tanee are on rword, vhere this remedy haa rrrtorrd Ihealth to patients as aear the srav. tnatu effort, gurh haa fmnwntl. t- .i ; 1 InflammaUon of the Bowels. KO patient need die with thin dianwe wnrre tha IXFLAMMATOBT RlECMATrxv thlaTHntment Utke SMtMnplHr remedy everneenared. " " oo, it will arrord rsrr rrlirf to ihi Xerroua Uaeaaea. thi rrnrnty i, or Immenati ralT AnVetloas of tha Spine, Khenmatixsa. bniwa rrw rated Son Throat, Bronehitie, KlenrtiV OrooTlf-hntt" Cholera Morbus. Ao. i. the fPZ'it; Seald ll'-t, Seeofals. Salt Knenm. ErvalprflT Infli Kyea, rover Sorrs, r will be usaeOuitdS IJeweSbJ tbe u of this remedy. reucved by 8old by Thornton 4 Baker, Lewitbnrg. 6m338 ; . E;F BcTTiarisia, Trsvs-Ast e 1 B INNS' JUSTICE, ne-e.li.ioo, can be b7j at LyndaU'e Bookatore. in this) piers, Lesvrsr.org, April 10, tgso. Uore news tbr the Sick I CERTIFICATES ARD TESTIMONIALS . Suffkiiml ft. Sil erern column tfMtpftr.m WsrorfKC" Kltmf rl4 tW awnaVrnt tirMt Dr.Swayne's celebrated Family Medicines. l)r. SWAYNE'S celebrated Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, TUB MOST COMMON SAYIHG IS That I would aot rive one InUla of - Dr. Swajrae'e CoaipouBil srrniof WUdcfevrrj" Sir half doaea ol any atker pivpar aUm. 1 have trinl all Ute popular ones, hut this standi UBrivalled lur Uw cure uf UM following dweaiwn, vis. iKjInnua, Umfht, OJJt. GmtumtHM, OpdtiHg cf bltai, lltpUttm of lite Heart, H'JkKfxa? Umgh, TidUmg or Auaaf mm tatom in the ThnuU BmmcMtit, A1mn, or WxakntU of IHt Arrootu Dftlrm, or iav uiml eonrtitutioa fraaa mnj rauat, aad to prevent penopa fruai fallinc intoa re(M,tlikiaw diciue baa not lU equal, and whra too nurh Caksnel or ttumiue baa bees asrd, thin mnlHM will prevent iu evil eOVeta on tb a) stria and npair Um biliary fuuetiow. REMARKABLE OCRS OF COX& MIVIOX. Abraham llunaicker, 2 mile from Shippack ville. Pa., contracted a aevere cold, which act lied upon hi Lungs, attended with violent coughing great difficulty of breathing, an abscess tunned iu bis lungs, and made it way through the tide, and discharged large quantities of pus externally. This mournful stale of thing con linued for a long time, until making use of Dr. Swayue's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, which performed a perfect cure. Have you the Asthma, Liver Complaint, or Uroncbili t If ) (i tbi medicine a trial. It seldom tails to cure. VERY IMPORTANT CAUTION. Be very careful to enquire for DR. SWAYNE'8 COMPOUND 8YHLP OF WILD CHERRY, a some unprincipled indi viduals have stolen the name oi Wild Cherry, thinking to borrow a reputation from that alrea dy established. Remember, the genuine is put in square bottles, eovered with a brauuful wrap, per. (steel engraving,) with ihe portiail of DK. S W A YS E thereon, also his signature : all olh. era are positively icticioiuond counterfeit." SfTtij-nc'a Celebrated Ternalfuse. -A sale snd effectual remedy for Worm. Uie pepsi. Cholera Morbus, sickly or Dipeptic Children, or Adults, and tbe moat use ful Family Medicine ever ottered to the public ' Extract of a Letter to Dr. Swaune, Dated. Aodersoutown, Indiana. A man purchased a buttle of your Vermifuge the olher day for hi child, and by it ute dis charged sixty three of ibe largest worms he had ever seen. It is some hat difficult lo get the people tiy it, a ibey havo been ao often gulled by nauaeou and worthies worm medicines. Yours beina so very pleasant to ttie taste, at the lime lime eu". ctual, I ahall be able to dispose of a laree uuantilv. Respectfully, yours. Tuwxsesb T. Sua sr. P. M. BEWARE OF MISTAKES! Remember, Dr. Swayne's Vcrinituceisnow put up in square liotilca, (having recently been chaiied,) covered with a beauiilul alerl er.graviug nrapper, with the nortrait of Dr. 8vavne ibereun. Bear this in mind, sod be not deceived. See that ths name is spell correctly SWAYNE. CLEANSE AND PURIFY. D. SWAYNE'S SUGAR COATED SAR PAUILLA EXTRACT OF TAR PILLS. A mild and effective purgative, great purifier of the blood, they correct ail the lunciions oi tne Liver Jind aaan alterative iu Dropsical affection. thev are verv valuable, ttnldines ol the head, dimness of sight depression of spirit, headache, declare cured by then purifying Pill. No medicine can have a better effect for moqtlily jr. regularities, which occa-ionally happen to wo men, they are perfectly safe, and will in conjunc tion with Dr. Swsyne lompound Byrup or Wild C hery, take sll pain from every part of the system. ..... .1 ly by Da. S WAYNE, N. W. corner of Eighth j snd Race streets, Philadelphia. Ascnti fur Union eotmt , Ta.t C W. SenirrLK and Thosxto k Baker. Ijrvt&mrm: (l.W.KnaVil K.Wilimo.N. Berlin B.Mea-h.lillrn.burB ytnrtm Srrht. bravertosa I. J. Rover, ivnrrrville I. S Taylor. Mifflinlmnr lhia S Srlmure, Selinivrove Vnunmnan a Wallrr. Irr Valley Kruben Keller, Navy llarvt I UMltli.liwrt alley Wilt a Kik-rt. Hartletua Buyer S Summers rroeburg Saml llao.t, Jr. and by Storekeeper generally Iy290 BOARDING. rPHE subscriber avails himst If ol the co!- umns of the Chronicle in publishing to the citizens of Lewisburz and vieinnv that he has opened BOARDING HOUSE in that larce and comfortably arranged house, formerly kept as a Temperance Hotel by Jamea Kelly, two door east ot tne r ranfclin House, siarset street. He is prepared to y that bia Table ahall have the beat tbe Mantel can alioru, arm tne i.ouging of Boarder shall be as comfortable a can be desired. I. S. STERNER. N. B. A team and carriage will be kept to convey pasaencera to and from the Packet Boat. lwiburg, Marco in, is.-mi HE subscribers offer the public, at their I JL new Brick Foundry, the lollowing new nd valuable Stoves : Iron Wiich Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, with Brick Oven. T.mlv Washington Parlor Stove. Cast Iron Air-Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood 2 aizea. Coal Burner for Parlor 1 aise, U inch cyl inder. Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove S aire. Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for Wood S lies. Egg 8love the very best in os tot Stores, Offices. Bsrroom. snd shops. The celebrated Genesee Air-Tight Cook otoye. The Complete Cook S arses. Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves Ploughs Castings, dec. &c. UIIKIol ot M Fa UI 'I Lewisburg, Dec. 18, 1849. Rrnnrlrcth's Pills are sold at 25 cut per bos (with full direction) TV I HWRS An iXX. LewisburE. and 11 hv n.v mi Ahdi in eteiv lows in he ITninn. Each A sent has a Certificate O - I ofAoencv. Esamtnetheboi o pills al way and compare it with tbe fae-aimile label on j i Certificate of Agency. A mere a counter ien i ,. , ,h. appearance oi iuv - - counterfeit. The eoontsrfeil is dons on stone; I he rrnuine are dons on tseL The appearance u. of the printing on ths counterfeit ia ragged and blurry , the genuine label is the very pink of neatneaa, both in printing, p.per, anu general . era lion. n fir emfal ant) sola tha AanUho too want Brandnth'a PilU : than you ara tore of ibe aenoina article- When yon parchaea otberwie, inqoire of tha aellcr whetber ba knowe tha pills K AflVf von ara tha MnniM Braadreth'e! Ev ery man kaowa a bet bar the article ba aflara ia true or felea. Beware of cheats ! XTOTES Protniawry, Judgment, and t Joint Noiot (btaoka) ml thtai 9flbl Window SASH. : A lot of 8x10 Window Sash, from the cheap Manufactory of Sprout At, Burrows, on hand, and all sizes got to order on ahorl notice. I G LAW3I1E CULL'S MEAD HOTEL, Blifflinburg, Union county, P.tnn. RESPECTFULLY informs ths citisens cf Union county, snd the public in general, that be ba lea-ed the above stand, for many year occupied by his Father, and is now pre pared lo accommodate friend and Ibe traveling community in a manner acceptable to all. The HOUSE is large and roomy, well arran ged in all its departments, and every care will be taken to render his gueU comfortable and happy. His TABLE will always be furnished wiih lb choicest delicacies of the season, and the beat the market can afford. Tbe BAR will al all limes be attended bv careful persona, and none but Ibe very Ivttl ol liquor win oe aept. ju . . ... tfn . ur cu are ample anti convcsueui, nu turn vaaaun punctual and attentive. ' . i i .1.. rk'i-i a-v.1 a abort, ne pieugea nimseii to enueavor to civs ceneral ratisfaction to all, and bop) by strict attention to business to merit snd receive a liberxl share of patronage. Mifflmburg. June 20. 1850 - TO PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS, & COUNTRY MERCUAXTS. DK. J. N. KKELISR & BRO. most res pectfully solicit attention to their fresh stock ol English, French, German, and .Imtrican Drugs, Medicines, I'aints, Che micals, Oils, Dyestuffs, Glassware, Perfu mery. Patent Medicines. Varnishes, zc Having opened s new store, No 891, Market st, wiih a full supply ol freah Drugs and Medicines, we respectfully solicit country dralera to esaut ine our stock before purrha-ing elsewhere, prom ising one and all who may foil disposed to ex tend to us their patronage, to sell Ibem genuine Drugs and Medicines, on as liberal terms aa any other house in the City, and to faiihfully eiecu'e all orders entrusted to ua promptly snd with i:e anateh. One of the proprietors being s regular phy si cian, affords ample guarantee of the genuine quality ot all article aold at their establishment. We eeneciallv inviie druggial and counliy merchant, who may wieh lo become sgenta for Dr. Keelrr'i Celebrated Family Medifinet, (atandar I and popular remedie,) to forward their address. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, w respect fully remain, J.N. KEELER& BRO.. Wholesale Drugswt. lySSI No. 291. Market at rmiaa. TRY THE NEW FIRM! WYKOFF & HOUSEL VITOULD inform the public, that they V have opened a shop on Fourth slrecl lower slorv of S. W. Wykoirs old stand. opposite Hunter Pardoe s shop, where they keep on hand or make lo order Fancv and Common Chairs, ftoston Rocking Chairs also Bur rails, Tnblcs, Itcds'i'ad:), ""?."t sfc of various kinds, a" "al Settees. &c. All work in our line warranted to be well made, and on the most reasonable terms. House and Sisn PAINTING attended to bv the subscribers on the abor tes. nijce nnd in the best style. r-ni.n,rv Produce and Lumber taken in I , . j ( k .i riiuul hnlnihn IMI 1 1 IC 1 1 1 U VU9II I" w . " J. " " ' The subscribers intend to be strict in the fulfilment of all iheir promises ns regards work nnd so doing, h"pe to receive a liberal share ot pu!lic pntrunnge. JOHN N. WVKOFF. JOSEPH M. HOUSEL. Lewisburg. Nov. 1849 PUItE Fit E SH VUD ''PHIS new and valuable Medicine, now hv the modioli profession with such astonishing efficacy in the cure ol r..ru.... rvin.umn'nn. Scrofula. I ironic lihtumat'um, (lout, general Debility, Complaintt if the Kidneyi, Ae Ac. nrenared from tlie liver Ol me . . i e . COD.HSI1 for medicinal use, espressij ;or our sales. fExtract from Ihe London Medical Journal. i: J R Williams. M. D.. F.R.8, Profeaorol Medicine in Univeraity College, London, consul in. nhvairian to the Hneuilal lor Consumption. 4.c , says ; I bave prescribed the Oil in above r... mm ni lurteieuinus uiaeaec ui tne ng m different tages,wbich have been under my care the last two years and a nan. in ine large number of caaea. S06 out ol 234, its use was followed by marked, unequivocal improvement, van ins in decree in different rases, from a tem porary retardation of Ibe progrea of the disease md a mitigation ol distressing symptom, up to a more or less complete restoration lo apparent health. 'The effect of tb Cod Liver Uil in most of these esses was verv remarkable. Even in a few daya tbe cough waa mitigated, tbe expectoration diminished in quantity and opacity, the night asreats ceased, the pulse became slower, and of better volume, and tbe appetite, nen snd at length went gradually improved. m coneluion I repeat that the pure fresh Oil from tha Liver of the Cod is more beneficial in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medicinal, dietetic or regimenal, that has yet been empioyeu. As we have made arrangement! to pro cure ihe Cod Liver Oil fresh from head quivers, it can now be had chemically pure, by me mngie douib or in uos.es oi tot '1 7'tn cacn. Its wonderful efficacy has induced num- -piiM imiioww. As its success tWo - i tin entirely on its purity, loo much " ... a ... rare can not be used in procuring it oexv s r . Every bottle having on it our written .nature, may be depended on as genuine. Oil. with notices ol it irom Ihe Medical journals, win tw ci i urusc who auuress free of posfntre. JOHN C. BAKER CO., Wholesale Druguisis and Chemists, . m yonh Thi(, gu philaitiBaia ALL KIND8 OF ! JOB PRINTING, SEATLT k KirEDITIOrSlT . AT THE Mra:UW.t;M KFMJli OF AtL KINDS TT'OR sale by REBER k 1DDINGS. Lewigbtirg. June, 1840 THE t!El7 FOUNDRY TS now carried on as usual, at tbe upper X end of Market street, w here every des cription of CASTINGS s krrl on hand or made lo order such as The Complete, or Complete Improved Cooking Stoves for either Coal or Wood and all other kinds of STOVES, also PMlUGrllS of differ- t . . - . n . , en, kln(i-. I'louiihS, Hull I'lOUghs, i - and the Self-Sharpening Plough, a new article, and which can not be Lea' in Pennsylvania. Call and see and judg for yourselves. CHRIST A; M'FADDIN. Lewiiburg. Sept. 22, 1349 THE undersigned continues the LIFE HI' BUSINESS at ihe Old Stand, on North Third St., near Market, and respectfully solicits the patronage ol his friends and the public generally. CHARLES F. I1ES3. Lewisburg, May 22, 1801) Dooks 8ooks! rPHE subscriber offers for sale at the J Lewisburg Post-Office, an ussortmrnt ol ihe mot useful Paper, School Books, Stationery of all kind alio Ihebest Cignrs.Tobacco, 5iC. &c. JOHN V. KENNEDY. Lewisburg, M ty 7, 1850 IRESH TKAS. Another lot of. . surior lllnck and Green Tea-J jusl reed from ihe ('anion Tea t'oni i pany, and lot sule nt New York retuil prices by J. HAYES & CO. Lewisburg, April 16. Agents. Important Notice! rpHE public are hereby iufor.itcd that I am the txtluMve prnprietor of tin Conking Stove known as 'While's Patent' or 'The White Stove,' iy virtue of valui letters piittut p ranted to n.e by the proper authorises at Waliiioinn ; and I lieri-li caution all persons not to minu-'acture' or sell the same without authority fruin ine. a. 1 shall promptly seek leg!il red i ess i. every infringement of my rtplils under saif letters patent. The public ore also r:iu tioned that all stoves manufactured by rrt or my grantees or agents, are m.-iikir' "James While. Tatented June 10, 1814,' with the add tional mark "Ke-issue, Auo b, 1850," on Ihe slide plate. JAMES WHITE. Milton, Sept. 11, 1850 3m CciDtsbnrg JTonnDni PHE subscribers, thankful fnr past pat I ronage, would inform the public tha they continue lo manufacture all kinds of Mill Gearing, cast VaterVheel ol the mo-.t approved pattern, Threshing Machines. One and Two Horse risUUUllS. Ue invite particular attention to a new arncte Wiard's l;i!ent Onus; J'toimhi for weding in Grain. Farmers by ihi Plough ran seed as much grain in tne dn as in ihree davs with common plnuohg CASTINGS aad TUEIIING, and Fitting ihe same. HOLLOW Ware Kettles and Pots of various sizes Smooth ing Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles l suit cooking stoves, cVc. ihe mosi approvrd parif rns now in use, for wood or coal Fwcrynmrv-xr-rirt Parlor, lVofd and CoalJ 1(J Air-ngni troves Kitce -5:ff.retulatiuj. Air-Tight TailorlWood Sloven, (a new article.) Vr. Threshinu Machines and o?IW anioU. of Machinery repaired in the best mann?i and on the shortest notice. Castings war- ranted to be ol the beat material, and hi prices thatcan not fail to please. c.UUUKS 6i MARSH Iewisburgf March 25, 1843 rilHE orMlcrsignrd continue to furnish to orJ? A 00 ihe most reaaonahl lerma, Fianna. from the Manutactory ot Cuaaaa Maiia. PhihsJ' vrnose instruments are too arrll knoarn lo need any panegyric, having nniforailv reeei.sd ihe rommrnJationa of the most eminent profr-or and eomporr of Music, and ihe award of Ihr premiums in New York. Philadelphia and B!nn r or qualiuea of lone, lourh. and keeprne in lone op 10 concert pilch, they can not he eorpaased b . 1 . . - riiuer .imrrirsn or jumieen pianos. Instruction given on Ibe Piano a heretnfin Reference may be made to any of those parents or guamiana woo nave pupils commuted to hi. charge. He may be seen at hi residence al Mr Meisger'a, First street, Lewisburg, where term and particular mill ne made kno.n. - Ths moat popular and favorite Air and Music of different kinds received aa il is issued from Ihe diflerent musical estahliahmeiils in tbe Cities. May 15 CHARLES KALISCH Fop Sale, rTUVO full JLof in the lloroiigh -of L Lewisburft, situated 00 J bird street, opposite widow Brown's, . together or singly . For particulars, enquire of - Sm t?MrP.L SLIFKR, GOAL a-j g f.r. a a 2 "An ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Cure," in tlml awful diieatc, GONSUnlPTIOIl! R. FITCU'3 Lectures on the Prever- tion and Cure of Contvmjition. This popular work Tor sale in Lewisburg by S. P. LyndaH J. Ilouelitun and si Ibis office fnce. 5 cents. TRICK4 OP Ql-ACKK. I,. T.mnvBottt ti rmn . s-auieru t."Pvc tf ftarsMrtsiiiiia lor sw1 w ilte fJilfrrtt.: fw-rs ri.i Trn-n.t'H S.in-)itAii:. H n trnt-rti as i! fi:if.( SAl ENI INK.im1 ;i(I tnaU Ti T'wi uni'l-y; anl Ber w : bm i tsinttrff worlfr mi ii:nvt;i.,r, ft . I. arnl lit! hkt? et Iw r-utii.--. 'bf tnlr l I :f turptrW 'rf ffaminr rtf.lit Pf Ik; tit. He K.y u-i u aurmacl two iiwItt-Mi va-tnw.s. and pr-i-ii--rtl v.i i-iVct Vara! V So it.i-iru h i-. be -f-jUt:;.i riv-.i:rl Uy in hr hlrf S-ift. tri'n', v.rW r,i-r. K'"c :, t Unk9 txitl to h r(;r.-irT m 1 vr-r-ifttr i I'm m:ii. 1 v. j IHfnPliircl. t'v intU ih 9?t ilr::i:i' f H Of of mr. W tit- will hkh Isnni I h-iir-: ru till tu all ihrir A lt ate! inrrtur wt'fl Mtrir f.;.. inrn lie l't'llf I t onr R h I JUfp lo m. . him i rjl4i BfarftHnnff hi rii:iir. smjiiii ) Ut; sunn tic . ma ii , an nn.uffir.-ni iien.Mrk ii the ba-siu. "J;, tea have brcn it'-ttiiunsr nuJ ItU :lm; m in a; I 4 JwniM, in on(er u tutri putslic wrh tit 1;m the (M l IV-rtajr1 SiirvMpatilU vrt n t the tutur. or . 4 Hmraawtrmltn, m-vU- lptn ib fd Itoctur'm ng'Wl : . TiiiS. P. T'--ii! Kt? I (wrr miJ iff U"j -ii nam m 7 a mrrk I :! rive htm M W wiH t'urss tvrv nwitrle f-oiiury pn! ot Ii ftttitntru ThmMon. SWii inafi A. !' . .ir iv hiu; ImiI a t.vu laiwhmwK mntply uumi- i ilrfafi t'ic u'K". "v1 k'. the UUth rh'Wn m rti tit ft: mr-wrine. f'rnnli n e poumi. TtMfl m rn rrtwtMtt thr I'tiliiK urrhj-e n-wi jt (H'l ir. JA"fIl Twii'cn.l'i Strwf irilla. havH' ou 1 Old lsctor1 iikensstsa, lu fttnu y V;it (jf A' is, ua' '.j laitataracro?ri f f ((ar nf Arrm. VtrVizstW ttjict, liU Xagmttrrtt .V Y Ct'y JA OB lOW.ia ' Old Dr. Jacob Townscni XTIP ORHMNAI. IllSfWrTtRR OF 1 1TC Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. bne bs-rn known ih- AfTtOR nt WrO VKHt.lt 1 th ii t; .V t' I V B OttttilSAL TYSSK.U SRSAPAIiILIA-n B iirt r, be Cvmi:(...i limit H manuiariurea r wltirh mfwn it 1W brfn kp- r. oi maikruafr.1 lb- lc.-i ei .-.iimenie.! 'h"1 ' haJ nruveJ H- wrh. arv! known it value. Ii ha l r- .ur4 Uwraip nf iiv, tivsmit-. a Uit.e -fro-. tut i cmi liMle. !' f " t!t-ase. ami paTd hnu ura:u, n a ftb. eU IU aii-tTtul HKAMNO HVK1. Tiii grand ami t i;ur uj.n riu:p.R.vni OtitikUlaCturt-it -Hi ii Ur?! aM;Uf - ' ciir t u.. t out lit Ir.uMi arvl br!th f i irie lin-i. r-.c:j ' u t toanl nifaa!j "I dvr-nciM'."!! "r iijritr- l-ti. I'ttiiLe yomis S P T-11 in.(trnvt ia ami never chans bt urihr Iwht: urratt-c i: i f rr-.. n ftrntiic firmetp? by a ftrntiir mnn. T!te li iissaf knowinicr ol 'nM:iliry, an 1 the tk'.r-t .Itajrtrvrrwg an. have at! .; lirctubi into rq!ri-it.-n 11; thf nir.j: liir ol the 0:4 lr' S4iiuii.-tnUa. The 'ir.'ar: .a i pr-'IsTOC, iirvi 'rlls' l-t-MT'-M- VS-hlCh iiftr ili'Tt U .Caa aifl t'ht. w!m ta 11 ri-:;ii:t t in jtrfinti- h !r t.. ri ftiicefrrm'n'rt'rwi a:: I tfuf, wi.ir-h 1 r.t-iri'-u :o .e trni. S'in ' lie r.j-rrf !- ! Si'-;i;'riyi ,ir e m thfv riiuri.: ei.r iW an.i -.rr :.. trf pt"; r:.., il ttawv sire ."ri-rv.. by a (...' 'rr-j. k-wn va ly ihN ev'rrif wtl ui i:.h m iti'i-i.'Ture. V ;;frf th r-t.'ti-' ''''. !t 1 1 )' tr. 'r hisit'a, ti:irr Iiv-t!. are tit rriy srt'iti m-'-i. ;-jja. errieg ot tlie r .:. ti.-h -ir i 11 a'.i 11- .t ui Aht ierii riwi tu 1 r w the nt ml tf s-y rrt a &rk ro'trta h'jtfM. wiiirb n. moie 1'tnn i.m v. ? mi:tt th ft" iiimii Ian u '!V'bi;i2 c' ; t'.-" r-i ir.- mtu V H.-IImI T vj;'i-l li"i;.?. w wrh m-tir n -c. . i then rati H S liSMMH tl.l A t.XTKAl'T x sVfitP. T'll -vrr fi 1 nn tiit art if . Lri'iwn a?, liiv GEM'UNKULlIit JACOiS i'OV.WiESD SAKSAPAi;!LLA. ThMiis) ptvpA.el 'Sn: a'l the nrri rrpene of ii Sarait'irilia r'rt ar fi-t rrtm.tti, ert:iii.; fij i'ii J la-riMiiinf af itl r If ritirt:'j(im i etrar:c! sift rv-ee ; thw evrry prif!e ol nwttrral virfilt n fcrari 'I v a ainl cHHriitrat hirm; anJ Ohm it l rrn W-rr-,1 uss :j Ol rtr-lltC .1I Ol IT Via-llsaM- tl lirillllf priITt-4- P- parcJ Li i!i w.ty. tt f m if the msn fiwri Iu itiru' ii Core if Imanmrrable liteae. Its7.c the rvrisastt wuy we bear rinni'e.as':i.'i -:i i.le nt it btvir b nsrit, wMiitfih ad ciinivii. We 1 3 a dr'ins wtnlers in the cure CO.V.VI MP tt. Jt YSPKPSr.t. nr hlVF.Uf CftlPLAIT,a-rt m: KHKl'ViTlsM. X:HQt VLAo FlLRSo VttSTii tif:ss. a:! fCTA& OL'.S KHI PTIOSS. PIMPLES VLulCtiL4 aittlali air- :nti-j .ini 1 ln:n IMPLII1Y Or THE HLOOD. h pwivwa a marvcllotr e!iff in alt rrtmIawts eth' inuii iHittrttu, uim A' -Uiry f thr St"r.ach. iw urf'tiitl eirruIjtMni. tlrienitiit.i:i'it oi' bki-s-J u the heai. jfiU!tsn ot ill- tvart. Cu'1 rrrt ajii honIfl. rolj rMMaisJ hoi IJ j-alivw tvrr ih'- body. It h-n ihl ii uaJ in tAtia suasl VuiiAfHt ; ami tnMif ( raj rxmer rorariim itl arttls? fa liiAthiu rvl.tiiii strict urtrsi oi ue luic. tbroai and mftf o her (art. Itut 111 iittiin; in 11s r irtilence tmire mantfmlv aaea m ackijw.niefl :tan m ail kiwii m-t w?e ot Il work. Win hr in raes ol ww A Jv r Whtts Ftt'!ir Me IVvith. 1 ?tru-tJ. Xipprrlm Pium MMm, in fa imiul the ineiL-tnLaJ i1.k!. the tikej ajf I 11 erteftii.il in curtn-4 a'l (: m l K'Uwm iirverueft, It rrrjioTiii tttissLntctivvi.. arnl rcslt.t the e-t.aj rvs. 1 em. it sivra tuite aittl stcensin 10 Ute lc Irvijr. ! Uiu cih alt f.rrirf of Nrrvtin IHtM-ane rnnti Delililty antl ihi !' :! .r rt iies-e- a crrai vanrty i ihr maV ai'it-fj. st iSf-nnl rrtiutinJ Xu? a'e'K St. Vitus' $trt.mtnfi, fcp'lrftie Fit. Camrufuwrn. '. It ch:ii ice lid n. I. ex nr the h.er tu baltiT a-,, tnoet the etfiiicli,aiu. sitv,- gxl -'iiei -n. tt-iirve :m btl oi 1 i!f r tnlf'i ir(iatl'n, aay9ii,flaniiiattiafi, ( lis rilie the ftm. r;ut!u- it.e eirruluu ol Ifie bMi. -r eitKr eetstltf wanu h eialiy ail own th lJy. ia ineeneilrle pererttraTian : re rr fr:f ttrr! mi4 Ti?htnm. mrveJB.all obtrvtwrrsi. aitd UiTltrlxi iii e:ui.- nrrvuae yrvfsm. I ni t ni then ine Hietllrlne yarn pre-rmlnrntlr neettf Him fan ai.v i ibr ihtue te ai.i ;H s. P Ttw jl mlervr miiv 1 I'm toun man' iMitt.t t not m ba COMiMRKO VI I'll TilKOLn HfL'S. heran-f on I.K1M FAIT, that the on i INCAFA BLE 01 DLTUalOPv TH), an ) l r. V Ks S 'O LS. while the other IMFS- morni. frmHm A". Me V nmimi.tii! it u.ti i..-n-nti : th rr.nr. 3 llfiuiit epls.h.ein.t ibmictt - nth r Vut rrinw fiHTi-itinil in i--iM,tti ih. n.m t 11 :.,- put tteiff intoo nijt'rm arQhj iir,ts.i trtfh wi-l r W'Htt eanrfi lytf but art.I ? ".. wr mt a i know tl.af 'ien fnttA mmr in r irtuij. )i-. w hm nn-rhiri it prr ife flatiiltMtre, henrtrrnrn, i s't.nari.-.i of the hran. lirr r p'ahit. fnrniea. lv!siit-r-. r.'if r,.i c.rrm,-. t af oNhhI J Wh.it i. Sci-.i"u:a Imi an arj.l r.imtr m 'V 10 1 What prut!itret hi ''t !inu.r ltih brin tm y.r u.trt to the Skin. SraM lln.L Kiil Ufi.-ui.i ..a.-';, tvsiu Swell nt-. I-Vver Sie, , , .t'I M;.-ci.i:i.)tT.teTTal ati.l ternal I It in nnthit'i iti.tir !.-, ,n an mi u:u'.r, Whirl. Mmr. ih! ihiM f-stl al! In rtm.' ..1 i kU vnorav r lei. What Crinr Kit tifMii-in l;( a e. l s-i,l md whirh hi9'rtttitr j'H -w-rtrn t!io i.,u i- a-l where, irn'.itiii- -nn f trfLtminf ill vial-' 1 .uu whirh il art ) f nervmm ilieaertavs. ii );iitri: cf ihm bhsmi. ot'rlrnirHrrtl rimiUituu. i.J trrai v ail the aiTnieaM hrehatfltrt hifiuau ti:ili:e. Ntw 1 if m horn We to maba ani IL anri tnieaai SUt'RIMi, FfcKMnvriNf:. ahd 'eovporMv or s. 1. Mxrxsvn anrf ei b wtmM fam have u iiir.t,H thni fWr! Dr J 3nh T'VWTWIVI' (rNMr'm Ituimimnl -V... . (as ITATHS of h.-nuru ic prep'. ration " lleavra kirbi4 1I1.1 we r-Sonm .h-l in en aniete whie wonM hear the hhmi ihetant resemhlu-e to S. P Tnwv n i l artir't W'ewHh it hii I 'r-rtoo!. hecn h iiSe trm . mat . P. TowiwmP erririe a.nt olit r. J.tmSTw f'i - sMnapanlla -trr AefirTe-wtVe rTpswf, and mfinit'tf-Ms lar; that ibey arr ei.UVe )Q erm panic u tax. harm- ne ooe Bint (e thtn? m rr?nvfL. A S. P. T-'wimtl nn iTnetor. ami nrr wa. a m erewiiai, n phannaretrtt-kiiwii n w i pJk-ihc k d-ear than any o; hr r un". tr.virn ttj.tm, rVi:rat man. whal rucrnHtT ,-.n he i!i!ic heve thai il.ry are re Ceivinc a r.-nMine Wrrwttir ire!icint. ronLiti.tn? nil thevir tueoi the artirlr irse I m prrparin t. .-tM whteh ar 1 rapuM ot chan-eiwliirh onclit re Irr iHr.M U.e A4.KMI 1 lhwae intea(li hvrth? Bui what el- vhH!, U- ric'e1 fm-n ore V k iew noihinF efnvantiivf o H)i-.:irine -r .ht-a' T h iviuinw a perwn 01 prTte exncrf to ri and mrw up even a, COflirxva ilecritt ire;:l. .w nturh a.'re ltn(K.rt.iMt te I lliiet tits prtii- wh tnan'-mr m-?ii:w iVirn i frr WEAK STOMArilS AM) t.SH'.t lil.H SM FMt boulrl kiMw veil :h iiMf.uea! prx-t-it' ol Uf:, th Sjv unner ol mfnriB'f jhh! r-Msfetilr:.!'-' itwtr healins eintira. Iw an ej.trw.re kiit'w'nlii 't the eann !ie.iif whirh arltuu. the htiniau irifi. aittl htw to asJas;st Kitivtitea w ibesM iheVesi It ia to arret fraii'l v te mif.nonte, to p-trw hatna into woumJetl hummtv. to kiniWr i-le in the drMMinre btsrsom. to rettHe beatih au.1 b'naNii. anil ior imn h anJ hrk.'n. an-f H bwih iriirmitf iH.I DR. J.AftiITCVVNS('M hr SlN'CItT anJ Fit'.Mib op fKinunity and iara m hrtuT hi. ran'i La.iTrfinl l nntBrnfrafwtl ReniHr' witlini the reas h. aiii ta thr k.iiw!eJsr i all who aewi f vmy mny (ram an I kiMw. h vhil virnmcMy nm TranvretMaa.t Pawtr to Ileal Ackwts for the atv.v Medicine--C if Schafllf-, Lewisbiirc; John fl Rastr, Mi Ion ; Foravih & Priesflv. North iintli'binia ONE Busgey and Sett of Harness One Two Horse Vaon. One Trm Wssok Fbs-ihsr r. UPaMSct
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers