Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, October 23, 1850, Image 3

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f. ... (...i.rrwnt C.'itv arrived at
1 lit-. r
Ne York from Uiagres on
.h S n Franco i.eus tip to Se..t. 15.
f.:c C. C. brought S2 passengers, and
$1 000,000 in gold dusl ia the hands of
passengers, and 822,600 in freight.
BuHars are plenty in San Francisco,
p,e collectors of taxes Irom foreign miners
vovc not been verv successful. Up to the
27 h Abgust, about one thousand suitenng
jir.ir inis have been received at Pldcer
f. The mirlality among them was in
.r.-asirg ; many of the emigrants daily fill
n . i .-ii.ns of diarrl tut and lever. The
;,.r'ioti Journal mentions a report that j
Mr . I'acheco. the iiintleinnu from whom;
: well kr.om n S.iuihem I'ass takes its
linnie, has been murdered in the mines.
JV Squatter Excitenirm has altogether
t jb-ided, and it i probable that there will
n i furllier disturbances on that question.
Murders arc st.ll trquent, and a severe
i'h a considerable ! ss on both
.. its, Imd been fought with Indinns, v. ho
ure routed. Business was becoming
t-rv i.a;:h deprt-s-td and unsettled, and
.everiil heavy fiii!uie- had taken plac-e.
Farmers' Produce Wanted.
Vl'R Agrirullar.il Friend will grratly oblige
J I'V u'.hing tho I'rinler, tmniMlialrly, witu
heal, Cum, liurkwlteat, rotators Cuter, Wood,
A l-lcn. Ac. Af ihi" has hen a plrnliful teaon,
lilt I'lii.Urs an I lliii'or lmje to share of it.
Tbe undersigned wil!
.tcr.oiii next, the following personal
jirnpeity, lo nil :
1 good large canal boat and ricgiuf,
:i Lorre. 3 mulia,
Hi's gear.
A douMe felt of carriage harness.
1 two horse, wagon, t aled.
Plough, bwrow, wheelbarrow, fee.
Hay by the ton. Shingle.
2 pair of large !,
S sham of ftork in the V i'.liamsp-irt Bridge,
0 da Bwik of Uanviile,
A l:irg" B-isnrlinent of
Plaster by the Ton.
Stone Coal by tne Ton,
Bituminous Coal by the Busli-
', togeiber with a vjrii-ty of other article too
umerta to mention.
CP"Sale to commi nce at 10 o'clock, A M., o(
aid day, when lenui of aitc nil! be made known
Adiii'n of Sum'! Wolfe, dee'd.
I.ewi.l.org. Oct. S2. 1850
Latest Arrival !
Wholesale i)- Retail
vnHE aubserilrtT. thankful for past liberal pal
I ronage, would inform bis friend, and public
generally that he has just ree'd and ia constantly
receiving fresh supplies of pure
Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals,
Extracts, Herbs, Koots, Minerals, Tinc
tures. Oils, Essences, Spirits, Gums,
and other goods in bia line of bosinesa, which he
oilers with the full assurance of their being gen
uine, and cheaoer than can be bought elsewhere.
Physicians and other in the trade are particularly
invited to call and examine fir themselves
c.w. sciiirFi
Oct. 1830. Jrggit and Che mill.
Bread without Yeast!
Aa tared bv Babbitt fc Co, U a mod urior
preparation for making Bread. Tea cakes. Buck
wheat cakes, quickly and cheaply, for aale by
Family Soap Powder.
"JAY this prepaiaiion a single paper costing 12J
XS eta. will make 12 quails of the beat Family
Soft 8oep. For sale by
: Fire-Proof Paint
IS an article worthy the attention of owners cf
buildings of every descrtpiian. For sale by
'PHIS is to caution all persons against
I harboring or trusting my wile, Itosr.
AsNi, as I will pav no debts of her con
tracting. JOHN R. TAYLOR.
Lewiburg, Oct. 17. 1S50.
NNOUNC'ES to the citizens of Lew
Jisburg and vicinity, that he will b at
Kline's "Washington Hnuse, on Friday
and Saturday of each week, where he ol
fers his services in giving private lesons
in Vocal and Instrumental Music, Thor
ouch Bass. Counter point, and Composition.
Lewislurg, Oct. 5. 1850.
fMIE Subscriber havinn commenced the
Bakery Business in LewUburg is com
pelled to suspend the business lor a week
or ten days in order to enlarge the oven
lor the Cracker business. At the time it
is completed and ready for business, due
notice wilt be given. '
Jwisbr?, Oct. 1, 1850. , , : '
Afw otVer at Public Sale on
A AjkV) 'be premises of Sj'i
jCiJaiaSC iw? Wotra, dee'd, in the
3 itr-iS tB?tjA 5 borouuholLewisburg,
Btt?irrQ stivti o.i THURSDAY thr
JWew (Goods I
JUST received at "Fofsler's store," one
dmr East of Kline' Hotel :
A full assortment of Fall St. Winter
Goods, such as Cloths, Cassimeres, &c,
&c. Also, a variety ol Ladies' Dress
Goods, such as Merinos , Silks, Cashmeres,
A n J also, a v.t!l M-Iedcd assortment ol
fiesb .
Leaisburg, Oct. 9,1930.
OrpliaTis' Court Sale.
BY virtue of an order of ths Orphans'
Court of L'nion county, will be o!J at
public saK n the pre:iif in U'hitcdoer
town-hip. Union county. la., on
I J Court of L'nion countv. ill te olJ at
Friday the 1st day of Novem-!M
her next, the five-ei".hths part of all that
certain messuai'e and Iract of land, situa
ted in U'hiteiicer township, l'nion countv,
la:e the estate of Da C'alwell, dee'd.,
bnunded by lands of Henry Huh, lisq ,
V. H. Marr. M. I)., D.iniel Ludwia, and ,
Joseph It. Krtler, ami the river Susque
hanna, convening about tiro hundred acres.
The improvements are :i large double
brick llouo, stone bank Sarn, Wagon
Sheds, liti J other buildings ; about two
thirds of the land is clear, and in a high
s'ata of cultivation.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
when terms will be made known hv
(iuaidian of Jjws Calwell'a rhbdren.
chas. (;LDYKi:.Nsr,
fiuardi.nii of U.m CuUlll'a children.
O. I. 7. IS.'iO.
Fresh and Genuine Medicines.
rJMIE subscriber has just received an
I additional supply ol Medicines, war-
runted ol the bol qujUty, also a general
assortment ol all such articles as u-uall)
are found in Drug Siores, all uf which he
offers at the lowest e:sh prii-es.
. I'UOitNTO.V.
COD LI V Kit OIL a supply of this very
celebrated article lor couj;hs,cold,&c.
on hand and lor sale by
I)EIU-TMERY. Just received a fn-sh
lot of ull kinds of Perfumery for the
toi'ct an i for s ib: hv
J sab- hy
Sj erin, and Linsetd OILS, lor
in Lewiwlitirp ly
Kotice to Bridge Builders.
TIMIC undersigned. Commissioner of l'nion
1 Co , la., will meet in ibe Bora' of I.ewii
burg at the bouse of A J.Weidensaul on FitivaT
Ibe 25ib day ol Oct neit at 10 o'clock, A.M., to
receive Proposal for building a UKIUUE acroi-s
IiulTalo Creek, at Lewiburg, where the old bridge
now ttanJs The bridge to ba built after the plan
of ibat acron Pcnna Creek near Centerville,wiih
one pier in the centre and two rpana or arcbea.lhe
whole length to be from 235 to 250 feet and 22j
or 2.1 leet wide from outaide lo outaide ; to be
wevtherboarded and painted, roofed with good
bite pine joint abinglee, fiee of eai, and floored
with good oak plunk, and in every way autxlan
tinlly built and well finithed. The ualla to the
wings and abuuntnu to be blled in, and made to
correspond with the road.
CoiniuiMionera' Oflice.
New Berlin, Sept. 26; 1830.
Court Proclamation.
T II Kl! EA tl- Il. n. A MBA II A M S. Vt lLSOX, 1-rmidVnt
Ju,lu.tT tli4urt (irioiuinoit lici
iw fur lis' Tw nili-
-ti Jti'lirinl I H.Trrrf ,r in"! iujrrif ihf rnnntir. nf I'uion and
)hlh!ll.Ul J.UHR n ITTk.MYF.USIItJilKiJi IMKKIHIK. t(rK.
A- 'tc .luWi's in t nion ruonty. hao ifWiHtt their r-e-pt.
iM'jirinit lUtc Oh. UTlh dny uf l'pt. auU to run
.lir.t h.1. ft.r Uie lioMlntr of an Or)ti:ui Court. Court or
rVtoimna I'Lus. is.it Jc TemiiiHT, tuij (;erjrsl Vtiurb-r
.-;ini. nt .New lltn-lin. for lire r-ountv of L'usin. on ths
aI l.n l;iy -il Dir. u. xl. ibcilij tlio !Ul day.) loOo, suj
.otick i. UKTifniv hn-i.v Hv.n to ti. ooron-r. Jus.
tirwutuiv iwr. sisi oh.irU. in an.t for uk rouuiy nf j
l nion, to arMor iu tls'trosn proper MrtioiiH with th'ir
p!l. mir.lf. inUifilioR. fXsiuiiiaUons. and othrr rt-ni- I
I'miinrnw. io.v uhw uuik. iriocu 01 uiciromci's irni in
tlfir Iwhalt' afipertsin to bt dour : and all witru-sis-s nd
otlnT mh.id0 rvscrutin? in Udialf of thcComnionwsaltb
n'-itiu.-it fluj -r4m. are rtHjuircd lo I thru sud tbrrc
stl isllns. and not dr'itart wiUiout Irnre. at tli-ir peril.
Jui'luvs arc rt-Uir-il I., f punrtiiaJ in tbvir att4ntlauce
ut tiavippointcd t!ins snwolili' to notine.
ii?Si uud(r my lisud ami isal at Us jtiiriff nfflce in
Xrw Kcrlfu. ttiis 17th dar ot (M r in the year of onr bird
one thousand iibt huis'trt and fifly. arsi in tiw srvrnty
tiftli year of tile IndprndMS-i. of lh I'nitod Slaus of
AinorU-A. Ool cave th' IVtniaionwfnhh!
Alirillll.M.Il THOMAS. Sheriff.
Grand Jurors, Dec. T. l-?50.
Kelly : Jn Bennage. N. Berlin : Chrn Mofer
Hartley : Gee UroucSer, M icbl Schnure
Beaver : Geo A Suiiih. Philip Merkel .
Uutrlo : Ja Simonton Jr, Jn Simonton, Saral L
E. Buualo : Jac Frederick.Tha Penny. Geo Reed
Lewiaburg : Gideon Ang.taitt. John Miller
IVnler: Jn P Sniiih. Daeid Wilson
Middlecrok : Uanl Keasler. Fredk P Baas
W. Buffilo : Geo Lepley, Danl Grosecup
l'nion : Ellis Uenfer. Penna : JGL Shindl e
ashinqton : Isaac Bickel
MitHiuburg: Saml Blair
Traverse Jurors.
Isawisburg : tol Bitter, Jn A Mertl, L B Christ
Peniw: Jn Parks, Jos Eyster.Wm Bower, Jacob
Pe'T'T : Geo Martin fisher, Henry J App
W.Bulo: Jn Kline, And fddinir,, W Young. Sr
Kelly: la Ilimly.Wm Doucal.TtH Howard, Unl
BuOalo: A SbeeMer, Jas M'Oeight Ktnfman
Cbapman : Simoi? SnMly. Jo I.enig, Dnl Urnba-
ker, Phil Hilbisb, efcchrUt
While Deer: Aaron Smiiti, Si'al Marshal, Jas
Mirshal, John Ranck .
WasbiiKioD-. Danl Sterner. Danl Hni'h
L'nion : Kooa Benfer, Jas Croasgrove, Cb.".'tlari
Dauuennan, Beni Loo
Hartley : Hy Hartley, Jac Kitherman, Dnl Lone,
Hy Hoffman, II V Ulover, Jn Fdlman Sr. Jn
F Wilson. E. Buffalo: Jo Ritter
W. Bearer: Peter Gosa. And Ulsh
('enter: EJ Strayax, Jn Mitchel
MifflinburK : Ju Detwiler, Wm W VanValiah,
Saml Bliiier , ,: ,
Petit Jurors, (2d week.)
Centre : Jn Svrengle. Jae Fryer. K Eisenhower,
Ge Yailing, Geo Barker, Conrad Woelfley.
Jn A Schorh. Kelly : Emanuel Reedy
YY. Buff.lo: Wm Watson, Danl (Mout, David
Kteckner. Jn Eagelhart, 8r '
Union : Christ Heeimkl, Jos Wetzel
Lewi-burg : Hy W Fries, Jas CrisweU -Mifiliriburg
: Benj Haas, Jn Gtat
Perry : Peter Aekerman, Abrra Hal laaim
('hapaian : Jn Craig. Abrra Lost '
Bcaeer : Jacob Grow, Ner .Middles) arth
Penna : Jacob Ribhtf, Hy Laodensrklairer, Hy D
Cum, Jac Shafler, Ld App, H B Hetterich
E. Buffalo t Abrra Aurand. Root H Laird
Hartley : Wn Baitb.Wai Fisher, Saml Hartmia
W.Berrtr: JaUKomig '
- r-i '
R. T. A. II. TH03NTON offers his
professional services to the citizens
of Lewisburg and vicinity, in tho various
branches of his profession. - t
Residence TeinrwanVf Hotel.
' VfTi x Drug Store, on door above the
Mimmoih Store of J. & iL Walls." ' v .
1 Lewisburg. Oct. I, I1-'! 4 -
Auditor's Notice.
"V"OTICE is herrlijr given, that I have been
appointed by the 0.hnn' Court nf 1,'iiion
county, to tHatrioute the balance in tbe luriJs ut
PpIit Null, eiecuior ot I'etkh Ucikb late ol
Kt-lly township, Union cunty, ilic'd , lit nJ
among ibe legatees under the Iu4 will and tpsia
uicnt of said i!rceasctl ; and that I will ait for
that purpose it my cilice in the litxougti of
l.pw Mmrg, L'nion county, Ta., on Friday, the
i2.1 d.iy of Ko mber tiet. at one o'clock, P. SI..
of which all interested wi.l take notice.
Oct. 6, 1850. II C. HICK.DK. Auditor.
v ipaii anri wirter Paahiona for
v?l JUST received by the subscriber.
X not only PlatPs.hut wnrranted lo make
"-exactly liko ihtin. 'o fit no pay.
f'ounlrv I'roduce taken in p-ivmei:t.
Shi( in my new Brick House, opposite
lUlllC-S P. Ilosa' IIOM!f. '
Lewishurg, O.-t. 7, 150.
fMIIi Copartnership heretofore existing
X between lite subscribers in iho Drug
boiuess, AiC., under the Srm of Dr.Tltorn
ton &, I'akrr, has been dissolved by mutual
orwnt. The ItiMrks and Accounts are in
the hands of Josiah Biker for settlement.
I!wishurg, Oct. I, 1850
frr(Ui the Citiet vf Kew ark and Philad.
BY Adams' Express Line a iiew and
splendid assortment of
As we have DreSS Goods of nil desirable
styles and qoaliiies, we would particularly
invite the Lsdies lo call and examine them;
wo have riuite nn extensive assortment ol
('loths, Cassinieres, and Vestings, which
wi! be sold ut very low prices by
Lewisbnrg. Sept. 23, 1850
House & Lot for sale,
QITUATED on the corner of Fourth and
O St. Mary's streets, opposite D.Philip's,
being a lull lot, No. 220, and having on it
a frame HOUSE, n Stable, and
other necessary out-buildings.
During the absence of the sub'
criber. Wx. C. Pai.nter will
show the premises, &c.
Lenisburjj, Sept. 23. 1850
ox Sale or ttcnt.
fPHAT large and desirable properly
.I the corner of Market and U'ater Sis.,
well situated for a residence, for business,
or for a residence and placti of business.
There is a large iRICK House contain
ing 4 large rooms on lim first floor, 6 bed
rooms on the second fl ior, and two large
finished rooms on the third. A Kitchen
and Washhouse adjoins, and it his also a
are cement Cistern, a Pumn and Well of
r. , 1
water, and all the necessary out
For terms &ic. apply to Gko F.Miilf.k,
Esq. S. E. DAVIS.
Lewisburg, Sept. 23, 1859
HOUSE and Small FARM
s o
3 sa.
-3 2. "3 S3'i.S
-fc cc
O. 5 a
5 3 -r -
5- 53
5- 1
2 .- . S 5. . -
, C3
0 S o" a
--5 ''B?eri. 5"c --
p:2330 .-3 S,'"5 6 3 O Z
U MLil ,,3"20'S5:SS-
: r V oo3t?3o-
Lewiaburg, Sept. 18. 1850.
Dr. John Locke,
MAY be found at his Office and residence
6rst door eaat of Kline's Hotel the two
weeka following the Gist Monday ol each month,
I where be is prepared to execute all operations in
t,,j lino ol business in a manner creditable to
Smeelf "d satisfactory to those who may favor
him with their i"'0"?'- . t . '
Dr. L. spends the !hlrd week of each month
in Milton. ":: ' . ' , ,
CTAromatic Tooth Pasta. Jllt up in beautiful
porcelain boies. an eicellent aru'je for keeping
the teeth clean and breath sweet, for sale at So
cts per box, by "'
.JOHN I.OCKE, D. D. 8.
Lewisburg, Pa , May, 1850
Lewisbarg, Union County, Peon'a. ..
Practices in Union and adjoining eoontiee also
attends th courts of Perry county.
OFFICE oh Second St., lately occupied
..by L. B. Christ. Esq.
not refused at the Office of
the Lewisbl!.'
Xtarlg opposite H. P. Sitlkr' Stare.
rvilW. best and most approved COOKING,
Ploughs, Casting, &ic. at low rates, by
LARD, rilEKSE.'Coustantlyonliaudand
ftvr oaln bv
J. PALM KR k CO. -Market
Street Wharf,
(Brain Prills.
HMIE under-iijnr'd. wislir to, inform the
J , farming community generally, that
they are now ii.armf.tcluriog
J. I'. J,' OSS' Nrtrff rtf',rrl GRAIN
Without slopping to discuss the compara
tive merits of numerous Drill now oflV-rcd
for sale, they merely wish to invite Farm
ers to call and see the above named article
before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi
dent that they can furnish an article that
will give entire satisfnetion.
Lnwisbnrg Foundry, Aug. 13, 1850.
t Fashionable Tailor,
In the Brick building, lower
Market street, one door above
J. Neititf new Brick House.
CUrriNU and MAKIMi
done lo order.
, Iwiaburg. May 29, IS.'iO.
a so Tiir:itS' 'iKxrirw voxdeu t
Jl.'ICE a,greut l)yxprpia Curcr !
Prepared from Kennet, or tbe fourth stomach of
the Us, after directions by Baron Litem, the
great physiological chrmist.by J S.tlot fcllTOJl,
M.D., No. 1 1 N. 8ih St IHiiladelphia. Pa.
A TRULY wonderful remedy fa Indigestion,
Dyxptpw'a, Janmliee, Liver Complaint,
Cvnutipatum and Deliitily. curing after i alum's
own proceea, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric
Juice. rjTlIalf a teaapoonful of this fluid infused
in staler, can digeat or dissolve rise founds or
roast beef in about two hours, out of tbe stomach.
Digestion is chiefly performed in the stom
ach by tbe aid uf a fluid winch freely exudes from
Ibe inner coat of that organ, when in a state of
bral.h, called the gastric juice. This Suid is tbe
great sorent of the the purifying, preaer-
siiig and stimulating agent of I he. stomach and
intestines. Without it there cair-fce no digestion,
no conversion nffond into blood, no nutrition
but raiber a fouK torpid, painful and destructive
condition of tbe wbole digestive apparatus.
aPrpslla is Ibe chief element or great digest
ing principle of the gastric juice. It is lound in
great abuudanre in the solid parts ot the human
ato;nacb .after death, and souielimes causes the
stomach lo digest or eat itself up. It is also found
in the stomach of animals, aa the ox, calf, dec II
is the material used by farmers in making cheese
stybd Rennet, the effect of which has long
been the special wonder uf the dairy. Curdling
of milk isathe 6 rut process of digestion. A call's
stomach can curdle nearly one thousand times its
own weight of milk. Baron Liebig states, "one
part of Pepsin dissolved in sixly thousand parts
of water, digesta meat and other food." Diseased
stomache produce no good Gastric Juice, Kennet
or Pep-in. To show that this want may be per
fectly supplied, we juotc the subjoined
scientific cviunxcn!
Baron LIKBIO. in lit. tvlrliratvd work on Aniinal Clis
mir'try. yi: Ati artirs-ial ittjcrstirn SuM. analatrou to
tlit'lia-MtrM- Jilirs.iuay tisrvudily pnareU from lis mucous
ni nilvans of tint stosato li of tus culf. in wlm h various
srtielfs of food, as us-at and rvg. will In Hoftrni-U and
dieted in thr saint maniu-r in lh human stoinai-h."
itr. KKhKIKA. in his fainoitK tnali.o on Food and Itit't,
puldiidifd tv r'os'li'rs K VVvlls. iw Vork. pai :6, ntnU-s
Ills sanis n-st tin. and deit-ribes thr mi-thod of prepara.
tioa. Thvre are aw bishcr auUloritk than lr rVrvria.
irr. CO.'illr:, in liis valuuhlc writiiurs on w l'hvtiolopy
0, '.nrstion. olTvt-s Hint "a diminntton of tiw iliu1
OUailtllr O. " 1 " ,r '""" pmniwn ii-nr-
taiHog "f BvtJT"' '.-,' ' U.at -a d..ti-a-.iisl.rd
,.r,.r ;,f iiH-diriiK '''on.wba .-.-r.- y
sIHirtcl Willi this t-..ui.laint. Sudil.." rtvr-v."1"';' "
fiul, had mvunc to On- OaHrh- Jllirp. obUun."!
sloiuarh of living aliiiaaN. whioh romnli'ti-lT sui'eevu. .
or. ; II A 1 1 A M. a utlur of Ui- famous work . oil Vi--i'la Ids
ItHt, tay: "Him r-ni:irknlds fart in puylolotry. tliat
tho sUHnarlts or animals, inaeorab-d in water, impart to
tlie Unid tits prttprrty of disMilrins various artirtrsof f.l,
aud of wfhrftitisr a kind of artificial ditrrsUon of tls'in in no
wi; difh-n'nt fnira the natnral diesstive prowss."
Ir. SI MON S rm-at work, the L'uemislry of Man, (la
ltlanrhard, I'hilad lMii, pp w'JI.'o,) snys: Thedi'v.vrry
of IVprin Srm a Mew era in the chsniiral history of In
trsstion. From reernt rspfrimsnts, we know that food is
dissolved as rapidly in an artificial di?i,stive tlutd, pretared
frotu IVpin. as it is in lite natural tiastrir Juice itself
I'rof. UI!Mil.lSON. of the Jetr.rsou IVillifjc, I'hils.t.. in
his irreat work on Human Pliysiolofrr.ilevoUs more Uian
fifty paes to an c aamiuatiou of tliis tm jeet. ilis exsri
ineut' with Irr. Kesiimont. on the tlastrie Juice, olitaiued
from tlie liviui: human stomach aud from aniiuuis. are
krsmn. In all raxes," he sas, "di;rrfitton oecurre.1 as
perlV-ctly in the artificial us iu the natural dilrcstious.,'
As a DYSPEPSIA CURKR, Dr Houghton's
preparation uf Pepsin has produced lbs most mar
velous elTccts. It is impossible to give details of
cases in the limits of this advertisement but au
thenticated certificates have been given of more
than TWO HUMMED rapid, wonderful, and
permanent cures. It is a great iVKavoes Anti
dote, and. particularly useful tor tendency to
bilious disorder, liver complaint, fever and ague,
the evil effects of quinine, mercury, Slc, also for
excess in eating or drinking.
There is no form of OLD STOMACH COM
PLAINTS which it does not reach and also give
instant relief ! and repeated for a short time, pu
rity of Blood aud viooa or aour follow at once.
It is particularly excellent in cases of nausea, vo
miting, cramps, soreness ut the pit of the stomach,
distress after eating, low, cold state of the blond,
heaviness, lowuesa of spirits, despondency, emaci
ation, weakness, tendency lo insanity, &c
Price. ONE DOLLAR per buttle. One bottle
often effects a lasting cure.
PEP8IN Uf POWEEES aent by Mail, free of Postage.
For convenience of semlinir to all parts of the country,
tbs IHgcstiv Matter of tho rpsina put up In the form or
Powders, with direct kus to be dissolved by the patient In
water or syrup. ' Tbeae powders contain just the same
matter aa the bottles, but twice the quantity Sir Uk same
pries, and arc sent ly mail. Free of Postafre. for $t. sent
i post-paid ) to Or. J.S. lloiurhton. No. 11 North eighth St.
'Ulaurlpbia. Six packages Sir $S. , ,
Every bonis and package bears the written sig
nature of J.S.HOUGHTON, M.D., Sole Proprie
tor. Sold by agents in every town in tbe Union
and by most respectable dealers ia medicine:
To be had of Dr. THORNTON, Lewisburg;
J 11 Caalow, Milton; Thompson, Milfimburg;
Wilt. Eilert, Haitleton; Wm Roshonir. New
Berlin; G I C.ouse, Selinsgrove ; Mrs M'Cry,
Northumberland . ' , ly335 '
Dr. Rose's Medicines.
The subscriber having been appointed
ante agent Tor Dr. Rose's Medicines, Tor
Union county, offers them to the public
with great confidence as to their efficacy
and certainty of effecting cures in all cases
for which they are designed. A single test
only is required to establish tbe fact.
. Sept 27 ' ; 1 S S BARTON .
TiT K TT7"Q for Justiccs,Conla
J5 JJ All A.U bH&ori hand at
tbe Or"16 or printed to order.
ONE of 10 horse power, with one flue
boiler can be seen in operation. One
of 5 horse power.wilh two cylinder boilers
Both made of the best materials, and war
ranted perfect. Enquire of
Machinist, Columbia, Pa
ifrutt nnU
I ha subscriber olfcis for sale a large
C . t I.' I , I Tm., BIK.ll Rl
assortment oi ciioil-c mm
Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet hih. 40 varieties,
all warranted, genuine Peach trees, 20
varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine,
Prune and Pear trees, together with some
G or 8 varieties of Grape Vines of the best
nt'tive and exotic varieties. Ornamental
Trees, such as the Paulunia. Linden, tic.
m ft Psrmna wishino: to procure a
quantity of the Fruit trees.nre requested to
make immediate application to thusubscn- j
ber, in order to procure the varieties and j
size wanted. '
Lewisburg, March 4, 1S50.
UIFiilll.l. 1
JAL'NDICE, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Neivous
Deltibtv, disease of tbe Kidneys, and all dis
eases atisine from a disordered Liver or Siomach,
such as Constipation. Inward Tiles, Fulness
or lilood to the Head. Acidity of tbe
Stomach, NauM. Hi-anhurn. dis
ust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the . , . 1 s.,i. av..aii.l .ini-iv.ai. l!K.m -..i-.Tanasi.rnii
iiaih Sour Ern.'tatioos. Siukiiie or Flut- I I s .h.iiar or to. fitv will v.n s tr.-a.-ur.-af
th; pit of tb" Stotnach. .ia.in. of tbe "t " -
lerins at the n
Head, hurrictl and ditticult Uieatninc, r iui
tering at the Heart, choking or uil"..ca-
tins Sensations wbtn in a l)iB
po-uurivlinnitss of Vision.Dole or Webs
before the Sishl, Fever and dull Pain ill the
Head, Dt ficienev of Perspiration, Yellowness of
the iSain and Eyrs. pain in the Side, Bart,
Chest. Limbs, Ac, sudden Flu.hes of
Heat, Burning in ihe Flesh, eonstnnt I oa
gtiiings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits.
CaS BE SFrEt-Tl ittf CCBED T
prepared by
iir. C. af. Jarksous
at the "Oerman Medicine Store,"
HO Arcb St. riillad.
Their puwrr over the atmre rfise.s u not ex
eellrit. if eipiulled, by any olltrr prepuraiwn in
the Viuled Slattt. at the eurtn attrrt. in many
eaxe after tkilful phytieiunt had failed.
These Ui ters are worthy the attention of inva
lids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification
of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exerci
sing tbe most searching powers in weakness and
alfrciions of ibe diersuve organs, bey te. witbal
safe, certain and pleasjnt.
Read A be costisceb. The Hon. Chs
D Hir.eline, eJilor ot the Camden Democrat, tbe
best paper in West Jersey, says, July 211
HlrilKLlxn'S ftKRM.l BtTTKKS. We have sorn
uauy SutiFrine uotirm rsT this lunlinnr, anil tin- H.i.rrr
whi-nes tlwy same itului-r.1 or- to lunsr iinniiri.s rrsp.rtin
its uo-rils. From i.iiUiry ws wsrr p-rsns.lt-J lo usi- it-aist
must say wr f unrl it sfriflr in tts artioa uo..u Ji-a- of
tlie livvr and Siirsstivs organs, anil tin- owrrful iiinat-nn
it i-aerts usn uervous protration I n-ally sunriMutr. It
clin and strvnth.-ns ths n rr" lirini-insc them iutu a
state of nrjM. making slsrp rrfn-slunj:.
11 titis int-dicine were mors vn.m!lr uwil. ws arr sal
i'ftnl there would l- less sirkness. ss from ths nomarlk
liver, and nervons systrss ths n-at majority ol real aud
imaginary diseases euuiruUr. Ila.e tls-ui n a heulttiy e.n
thtton, snd yon can Lid defiaiu-e to ep:Jemir p-is-rallv.
This eslraonlinarv medirine ws wnuld advise our friends
who air at all imli.p.l to rive a trial it will ile-u n-r-omns-nd
itsslf. It should, iu fart, be in every family. So
oliier medieiue ran imKlucx- sueh evidences of m-rit.
Fiom the Buxton Bee editorial. Dec 2 2d
lr. lloonand's Celbrat.l tiernian flitters. Sr tlie cure
of Liver Complaint. Jaundice, lrytus-psia. and Chronic u
Nervous Oehi'iitr, is deserveiilv one of the newt popular
Ineilieines of the day. Thew b;tu-rs have heen u-d y
tliouauiK nnd a friend at our elt..w ssys hs has himself
received from Ihe uh- of this rcni'-dy an elT.-elual. l-rma-ncnt
cure of Liver t'ompiaint. V are eonvinced th:t.
in the hm of Iheiie llitr.-r'. tile parii-nt eouyUntly ::utu
sf rvtlth anil vitror a fact worthy of (Treat eoUMdcration
Ttiey are pleamnt in tnste aud uictl. unil ran 1- u-1 ly
pt rsons with the uioft delicate stonou-h". with k-trcty
uuder auy eircmiistanci-s. We are sH-akina from eiperl
eutv, and to the attik'til we ailvisc liu-ir use.
Scott's Weekly, one of the best literary palters
published, said. Aug 2Mh
Ta. IIocrT.t!vTi'3 t.ERVH ItlTTrtM, Biannfni turetl t.y Ilr
Jack-ion. an- now recommended ly -me of Hie mot pne
minelit members of the Kacnlly, as au article of mueb
efficacy in eac of f.-male weakm-jis. As such is Ihe cats,
we would advise sll mothers lo ol-taiu a bottie. nn-l l!tu
save Ue-mselves much sk-knci"'. IVrfoie of ,h-biiirat-l
rou-ditutions will find tln-se Hitters n.lvsnta-.s.u Ui their
health, a. we know from exrierielice tlie salutary etlcet
they liavv uion weak sy-ms.
Jj-tee M.M.Xoaii, a gr nlleman of great srien
lilkaiid litcraryr!la'nni"',,''"id,,,h'''XwY,'rk
Weekly Messenger. Jan 6. H56
lr. .i' UrrmwH Ihllrrt. Here is a pn-priratiou
whS h the leadinu pn-es of the l'nion appear unanius.us
in neoniineisuu?, anu ,ne rca?o i u.....r
afti-r a pn-seriplioii ftimifheil hy one of tjis most celebrate-!
phVMclatlK o UMsJi-m uhhi me taw? ut. isnnw.iHa.r
VvTUhalia Hoofland, Pr-trfxwir to tltc l"iiirr-itrf Jena,
lkriratc lii-'pirian t tte Kinic ot i'ruiia. awl oik ol" Hit
-n-at'-ft mt '-alicml riUrs linnany bn- et. inJuml. !!
waso imiLsit.rnllr iKu rnrttir of Amm-'7. rimI t!un ft-r a
nwiliriiip of tthirli h was t.e iuTciiti-r nt na.r- r m:iy
be eoiifi'iindy rolwd on. He fninlly rr'inm. nii- it ,n
LiT. f VmnUint, lWrirp'tia, lK-bility, V.-rtip. JrUi'.y of
the ttnuwh, i'oiiiiitatK-o, anl all nitMInint! riii
fKtm a J.-onl'TiiJ wndition if the toni h. tl Llvrr nnd
the Intftine.. Miif 1'hiladelphia )ern rxprw lli'ir
erinvirtion of it- trxnelleorts aot several of Uj.-ir la'-lito
fponli of its effTt from their own hidividaa) rxprrit-n-.
L'udtT the cirrmnV01- w f'"' wairanted, uut ouly
hi rallinn; tlie atU'ntiou of our tvoi-T to the irwttt
pmpri-tor flr.C. M. Jark-inn pn-paratiou, but in rec
outiueudin the article to all afflict, d.
MomeEviderce, ThePluhdt'IphiaSatunlay
Gazette, the best familv newspaper published in
the Unite. Stae. the eiiftor ea a of l)r lloollund'a
German li meru
it 'hlfin thnt we rf-rtmimi nvl what an tTTn.i Pat
ent MeUirin. to our tailr)t' patron aue and eonlideure;
and, tlietvf -re, h-n w reennijueiid lr. Il'toflaiitt ;!
ui.ui IUttrH, we wili it to be diMturtiy iiuderKtsHil tlmt
we an not "tpt aUiajr rrf the noptrmuH of the day. that an
notwd aboal f-r a bri-f period atl are furotu-u nfti-r lhy
hare dime th- ir ptiiliy rare of mi.-rhivf. hut of a inf-dirin
lone estabhtlml, BnivmalW prixd. and wliieh Lt met
the hearty appnrval of tbe Vacuity itol
Evidence on evidrnce haa brcri teceiveil (like
the fomrointr) from all netiooi of the l'nion, tbe lt -t
yeara, und Ut ftrvM;rft testimony in Hm .! r, is. that
there ia rrore of it uMd ta the prartieu of the rrtculur
rUynciaoe of rbiltulclphlm. than of all other iMMirnm
roaoied- fact that can eamly be eetaMiwhed. ami fully
prirvin thnt a f-rntiQr preparation will meet with Uu-r
uuiet approval whi n pn'jenld even in tlu? form. That
thia mvdidne will cure Liver Complaint and ly ieptia. no
otic ran doultt, after uxiujr it a dirt;td. It aetf i-p'-ri ne
atly Upon the Ptomarh an4 Liver. It ia m r;ihle to
Caiomel in all htfmn ditriurt. The etft-et i iuiiufdiitti
tliey ran he administered to rm.LS or i.vfAXT with ialety
and reliable benefit, at any time
. Beware of counterfeits!
Tbia TnMicine baa attained that character which
it is oeceasary for all to attain to induce counter
feit era to put forth a apuriooa article at the rk of
the livea of tho-e who are innocently deceived.
Look wtll to Ihe marks nftke Cenuin.
They have the written aignature of C.M Jutoi
r" '-rr' ' " "- -a-wM aaa .iiv
botite, without which they are spurious.
For eale.wholfttale and retail at the GERMAN
W below 8ixth. (late of 178 Race St.) Philad
elphia, and by iepfctahle dealers ene rally, the
country throughout. . Iy330
Also for sale by S.F.L YSDALL,Lewishurg.Pa
iiiWiia that r runitpr mnrt ihm tnatmaa klaswr. n iKa !
Ta Blackamltba.
BITUMINOUS COAL, from the West
. - Branch and from llollidaysburo;, for
ale at the Shop of the subscriber, near the
Ildvscalea on Third Si. ' - '
Lewibtirg. May 7, 1850
AILS and IROM for iale by
Se.or or Itldin
' ' - i 1rolnttratir Tiofk..
liniKRIiAS, letters of Ai.niistr1ftWi.
V on thp es'rfte xii A MUCU;V ULFK,
tale ol the Ifcsro jf Isetibiir;r, JunL'o.,
deceased.hnvo bet n prsoled fillhe sobcrl
bers, resident in satd lioroogh, bv hsRe"
fster ofiiaid roun'y, iheielore all persons
indufile-j to niJ estate are rrqnetted to
make imir.edia'e payment, and thoe hav
ing claims against the same, are required
to prestent them, duly auiheuticaieJ, r
settlement, without oVIav. '
ts. 1-. .'vilL.L.Cte, y ,
N. 11. Peisiius httiririj; setil-mervt t
make with said,-t-state, are ' reques'M to
meet at Ibe slnre ri"nn of the said d-.-e'd ei
ther on the 2lrh or -lh 0:t. iust , as the
Adm'is will attend "speeiallT on those djy
lor tlie purpose of mnkin" settlements.
Isisbura, Oct. I, l?5l.
Ho! all yoo jroun urn sivM iul fraiori ar.- evr.an-lir.p.
Ami who nitil tssw.jSrt Vou, a ,'SS4 a",Srj,' ov,'Tw
V. h. o you think hos in turn- a-t ... :.t. ai.r- liavr Lit yon,
Ju.-t couii- to Jtivi IrxMU'." for Coots that wul t Jon.
It.. . . .n v ...t i.w IVw.l. . 0. sorhsnnanj soin-ttr
iliu il. . I
Jlt:d if y..u ch:incv to he la vast
tlf t.'ant or .st ur In.wncrloon-',
Jant so l I.VMnu.'s. fr y nti't
Uy luilf as rheap of other 'rooea. ..
And now I.vniull a. .old t-a ju-t s wool to the LadVs,
K-.r sell dot h.- know how iniiN.rtiuil their :ud i.
He has Slioes of all Lilst V hurr-r-r-r-r-r-r-r
Consarn it. lita ! ibis Vre Poetry Machine's
broke ! Ilowsornever, ihe substance of all'we had
in the hoper is ibis Ibat
S. F. LYNDALL has the l.et and the
, chenps-st .t t.f BOOKS anJ
and the be-t assoriiunit of SJOO't'.S
and St!OS:S,aiid
Ladies' Gaiters and Slippers,
that were ever seen in Lewisburji or any
olher great seaport. f Hy 7. 1&50.
I A 1 r. ol iMlidelpma. is now I.tcateil on
j Market street, Lewi.-burg, opposite Mr. J.
ATE of Pbilidelphia.
Schrever's store, where he eilends to operations
nn the teeth at a red t-ti.m nf his former prices.
Teeth and roots o! teeth removed with the aid of
improved Instruments, and in an easy manner.
Filling teeth and selling on pivots or plates alien
drd to according to the latest improvements in tbe
piofession I.Iceraled.Fpuniy.and inflamed gums
cured. Thankful for past favoie. be solicits a j
continuance of public pumnsee fio impuiel
materials used for filling in teeth. IvSftS
The Envy of all Pi:l Mriiu'acliirpr,
BEUAl'SE they are safer, Utler, and more
eifu-acious than any others.
500,000 lMe)
have heen sold annually for the last five years.
i oi. se iv Oni, Jin t aXB I rvm.
ran always take I hem with equal safety, without
fear. - If Pills be neetMory
for purging and cleansing the Stomach and low
els, and purifying the Ulood auj fluids uf the bo
dy, lake nu olhrrs fr no oilier r.ills produce
j those combined effects, or cuuuiu Sarsapnlla in
Eat, Drink and l.lvt at usual,
and pursue your uunl occupation nliilst taking
them, without feui of taking cold, during ail
kind of ireuther.
One Thousand Dollars
are wagered lit .1 more genuine certificates (from
phyeicians, clt rpymi n, .Members ot Congress, and
resprctahle citizens) can be produced of their
ellicar than of anv others, and
will be forfeited in ever 'instance where On
Box will not do more good than Two Uoxta of
any others.
F.-rtv Tills in a Rax ! !
and solJ at Tictnt nFire Cents a Box. with
directions and mucti wholesome advice aceompa
m ing each bot.
TVs efiY ho Vtttr. w nwet(' .sefT.
fru. from UtiM or )t.S-'r fu'j trfrrt,
' Jht m-t yrijw. thf nr ib.tr h.
1'ni.lHrt av airiwefi'. rvmtitif. r lmi fr-tii?t,
" tiily Uit: ioi .tr .ti. ti.v't:.s.
Awl a.u'.Vtt to mst disrtfeg rj.msiN s. mnLim.
No one having once taken them will he willing
afterwards to lake any others, because they al
ways do good, and if they do not, thro no o'hers
will. ''
Dr. N. B. Lclir. Th Proprietor anil Manufacturer,
is a regular Druggist, Chemist, and Ph vician, of
fifteen years' experience in Philadelphia ; Grad
uate of Ihe I'nivrrsily uf Pennsylvania ;- Mrin
ler of il liferent Metlieal Institutions ol I'hilauel
phis. New York, Boston, Baltimore, Ac, and
associate and corresponding member of several
Medical Institutions of L3nd.u1 anal Pal is, die.
Ol-tbagc 1x0 InrusiTio. Beware of all
pilla cnited by names neerly similar, got up to he
sold on the reputation of Dr. Lcidy'sSarsaparill
Blood Pills; the first Sirsaparilla pilU ever in
troduced aud Ihe only pills containing Sarsaparil
la. Take bo other and you will not ba deceivr.1
j Others by similar r.".uie. heatly stiailar. are a
groaa fiaoJ.
8eaea then, f Impoaitioo ! !
rTPrinciptt Depot, Dr. Iitllj tliaprnt.irT.
Na. 114 fioAih FOURTH ST., I'hiUdtlpbU
antl tolJ ".boleaale and retail be ..
c. w.siCiiArrLE. u-.b.hur;r i. if. r--Tom-. Miiion
J.M.l-nler.ft.W'.KiM!-r.V.B,.rMB W F.I. l-aintT. Miinnr
TarluMidtNaer'tuliaslinlM f It milii. Aiaiaittutv
Yountmian A WaJtrr. irv mlliy !.' J. ltorrr. Ftwl-unr
?I-.fW k Nvwa, Keitr X Koa-V H.A Smith.l-mTt-rtw a
liiiTiK A 9chnurf. &itii!wrima RlSniitU. Miritilt burp
I. ti. M Krt-p S (fall. jWilU KiUrt.lUrtl. t..n
Thnataa lkw(r, Hiaaautin bam IK. A J.ouiih.lnrrrUle
Ir. J. M. JuJJ.W illlarnrt ; snd hy Dvuflrists and Stars.
kriais tkruui;tsBl ths t'nitnl $ratrs. 12T
SCHOOL-TICKETS printed and
aale at thia office.
ALT and FISH 011 hand by
Reber Si Mdniav.
A LARUE M oriona'Pkklinf anI Trescrva
1 V JAW lst rsreive.l and for sale tyl
I.: ...--
Js luW (iOOBS I
OF "FA NCY GOODS, pR COS, Jix.d-c. "
rPflS sukriieViiaa yii Jceifee and is
riw piini! a Inrajsr asif!fnriit cf
Kutry No'i-fis, fcc, wKh W ..11 be sold
below tbe l.rtuitr price Irr the ready-
John l)vis.
T. A. I-.. x.ki-jWm;-
X.ul'w - V"
Ur ug, 5llicitte, CUr . W, Dye-1
StoiTs. O.ls. I JI-w. Perfamery,"
Coi.fcctioaery A; Fancy A.Vles.
Di.Tbornlon returns h.' llianls f. the fibera I
ptilr.ir.age vhich he has reei'ed. an.t he issarca
the communilT ibat every auti.tion 'IraU be paid
to th eompoumliug f Med. -toes, aul that elt
Dru fs shall be luiiy tested bef tbry a cflr-rcd
for s.t. and warranted to be tt ai d euine.
ri'Trescriprions given frte f charge- il l"
Th'.ruton's Drug S ore.
Kemrn.her t call at tbe rl ! ft. o.l. first door
above the Manmolh S-ore of J.& J.Wala.
IX EACH BOTTI.E-Ke r.aw-.' I
VajassDeMBadar 49nm SouU cunT:utim -; ti 1 a. s
TweaMyOae ln.
Prin tM fr MJt, sr .Sir Jior
b mam pml tp U Qr.tlfT BdTn.l:?1, n4 ia of HV
twin mdil iL'tWm mmi rt"? tlul !:(- .nt ti i.
Tlie yrait irpero.'y f Tin PvarrttR fir..r.i4iu
awl llo1i-r ini:lf r nH iciii-, auiif . imtHi I v utr't--.
roiail fruni ti f..lUwia lcr.: Vtw -t V -Up
jiw-nairf, m jrrrfi ttrvf rH n"- ' Pirt t'.s.'.ta wt
Barsaparilla, Yellow Doch,
t'hrrry aai MtLfHitraa Darka.
Mil afnsiy, rrt'r nirsrr',y fiVirnr ti". nTl irtryrr fsasaaW m
Uc ui mttk t Mwme ptujier iu mtrJi txrtt! jf Z itan turn lc .waitt
in ) tHttif ui--Is iim-. y.rts.trttyf Km tntl :
Bui. SKCwtH.ti tr.-ijia Thi K-iriirr jmmmmm liw'
aTrrdlCad rfjiciiesf sutd kfoii.ty tut at nf mrtritl mfkmr
ito! itorkwsy.aukU Vrcrtnblra.
.Ili- Prrvia pvrtin of wliirhan yrmtf si-mrtna M)
' S-irwajfiUtt, anl -kiwrj IA n r'mi'tsiKlnl ifa
tiUt. 1WW lhk. t hfrry. etnrt wrc-., ttr- m t.- turn tartt.
ir im mutt certtu ami ttir Puritirr mt rhe ltttl m 'A
r -rh1 S Irutr IS lUls ll'wh! lu liau ?rry dewed mmim it tjftt
Um luC w
Oftjr One Tnbl4-NBtoafal. rtrw Ummm FJvt.
BiT it is not 00 with Kxtrtacl ut .w-rin .. for in rtstjnne9
ot it- mrtltnstutm tut Utfif butt!, Isfinj1 p irmrh wraktnal
itnJ rrsliirril tb Usk uf Str.stp:trtl)ai luu h ! Twttfi
Tkrvr, r .Horr Tt tl Tnkkk. fr'va. -r Maa
turn a 1J-, M liave mrdnxtt ftt- t ; tin-t m a liot;it uf
Sirii.ariila uniy lniil wtpfaur ptm0-i, liufvfrat. u mt
puMiruU at a iftaatt, atu adaUtaKak day. Wul Uatf up a
UstUtf ol' tt .11
Faar, Five, or Six Day
- hich how that a fvsts-w Brrtnl Pnrifirr. win jrt from
Twelve h lixleeif HaVi Umvjct a .Hit uf 4rasa
Irsnlta: r.t if ir m uiv rrtru rrtirarv t in wtuU iatat. be aa
'lairviai. mud HtALi t. .- ii.iy tiarjt Asmnt ui Sirt
l'ar.i.a, i.h'h i Pkuv: rhnt hirri oi tku rirtr.a ia
unit 1Vt, svr, ur k'u limtf m.trK tiuin & UKUtr uif STo
Tim abnvr c'iBjariMn ti-i- not vt tr yrt d-Jfa-a.
euee in rUi$w Utw-ii !' mtdxttf tfitucy of Ka.Ts li ait lea
atMi 64R3tl.KII.I.s,. Tinn Wiii NijMf .y U CTlUCaaJi-li o
eurva ta kirnfm FamJUttm, tMatwia lint
baa mure efl-x-Y. and nm tmort impmr hfnnj rfifsjai, tUara)
TK.N Uocilea f lrapnrillai.
IC Uif, One Hiittuk PmiFira -t'- for fNr. TOLi..a,
il rVGtf -if SarjinttB Miuuiai meii fur Trtt l eata.
Mr. J. B. flksn-. ,f ff't-ae, OieirlH Co.. X V.. w ,., M ewrtj
of 4iTiA),a in iaa. wmw to r.v j-etr n';.tl i-titjv-. w M
rl.nu in rit-.MK C mT in :i- i ,iy f ., iVtt ia)
r vf lMtember, , t BnJtr the iihfwii-j cinniinunre. . .
A pTXJQ iu tlie Cifff f Sew .'.r h.l 'iiantif :rtftl an4 '
vended a pnrm mr.kctv of mr-tlkrirH-. rM 11 Bit. 'a
liH, MKIMi lE, ir. tmit.li' ., tht r , n., u-y, ..V. He
wo pocntd tu ulitaia .late.L.-r,, ui !( r.rri,i L'tn
Ur- CUV iI Sw Y-sf-U atul 'i.t- rj-c w, t. f-rrrl rV tt, "-mrt
Ut J. S. BwoTn, K-ij S LiU-ny am tmtu-ii L v rv-r,,
a tCrtere fo taVt- Urn Ir-stHWil V. !';. 1-IHmI - t- n-
tMsfrVs, uf Auma.j, ttml t'ue Jnri-tufi. I tir.t t: M -ii.r.M
4tl III mm 0w) M.'.;(.r-. JML-K rT '('
tint listtl CttU!tti::-l a r.i-rd ,a U.-t pit!-.ir. an.l. r.rt-r.-.r-, a
aut efili;,-'! lo d-i'iuiL-ft. Tin- cj of Mr. iU-iii m .., ---V, , J
a W'fsisy ttaa. MU I II Jfkinn i W rm t A Nf ir-n in nvnT.t -in
mlt piUiisIiiM.au.iWi t imony Molt tn.su sfTJilsrie
Mi. H lk l I. I ta sr.U ti--ii;nTit -n't R'ro P..-f.n- T
tf t-hsne ,-ssvl it f r Vr 7-s.V V...,t t(ir-- iw.r -i t. .
airtly a.fktrvl Hy (( . wrtrtki 4 w,,r j j m r-.r---.iri ... t. U ,
I ruill twit tt,,( r. tn-,U .. ,(.t . i.r- rt;-. -, . .. ... , 4
Mas k wl-nn,'t-i, fwr ( wmr n4 G-ii r v-'r ..
r fr.. ,1 if.
tf.Hl M
a (fir 4s e.s.fs, sav ' it 'at
and it -I Hi- isr-l-; tfrr .a
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a-tint wn Stuirf m
1. nu Uit tilt Ixult
nirttl frm.it-,1
t Ut ftt-.a r,H li '.. 4J -- , I
wrTll ntt..f .lli
wXlh rtr-l
pss,.wfi, 40t at rw;
tit if Nettle t-r-k-n-.t
tt .si tiM : Il
i.rTs. I t.srsa, list l-.l. -i
m r f ik .lr-.r.e .,t hs 1 !...,,.(. M j; ...... , . i( -.,.; .
uftui. ti.r i,rn.w. hi; Kth,, 11 i. i 1 it ft- I.- A
vm.it semes ,1.,, as. I rs - Ui-n I im , , , . ' 1
r..'- .m i'
. . thr- l j-
. ti ITMKTIVl KsHtviT.
I liui
r slit -;.-. .vrtfsi j
;iil.. sf-l 4 tivr'-Ii T-N. It
' iml. n'l fl-t-V. h r IH- 'rmtl-
'v. " r"j"4 y nrtai
aUlii 1'iliVi f.-fTmt't-J.
ii.-rsDa o ,!.- i'i ih wm$$ m f --" i.-J-'
iit i-rcri' i:- i-u.-r tiiriM-u'.rt- l"h"v ili i.-'t-a of
!tc";.lMo. VH..'AT. anJ H!t !s . -.-T.
V c" ti! f?!vfr:n-? ft rt.tif arr a f.- r -if rti
tav urov :!: is.'-r iu li. ;-;- -
, -rra
rV V-I v .at .m2 A ctl-?-..
V'j.a .wai l
fu.r;. P'hfn-t-f H.m tt a)tv;ni-itTi I : -
WftireCtf fo' ot n-'cc-tfiotca a tit t o"c.irr. tr'.VS
rn rt.vi ili twvj tuaavo lite. rv-n Vi- ( ;
sr. tn to - in ihr Ta-ry lxt -t ol ci-ti it; . v
Hramt'9 JnUJiii i'HiHtOiMftf itaitsn t b,!iti:itt-(, n-1 . i 1
eas dtK o-.tt tau.'a n?i we roull KiW cr v
v- ntartmi ami axon a .' in.i AhJ-I U
e.'. iitnl 'hottail uf r. cm Inl t'UNSi Mt I 'U'C.
- THIS 4'L'KK w tt.'-! tn t:tv wit. .-I '.r
I'VKKM xt o t'i- tr'sTi "i" fbxi!m. &im:-tm C" . A. a
Mr. 1 '; in a Bra -n,iamtctvi kil l Mr. l '.r.i
sm. Ht to ti- it)ri- -i Mr. Joitx Wait . r si ar
a nhrusHi, Wad mlker hmriml mternUt err-t.rii.' i. - w.
Woiltti w.,ji il. p'.tr vr- W tl' InM JMjr i( - '--.-h
-a. Ms., k ojtjtrtMstJ Ni nitrf.l n J r n . vr hr
enmt man. iuhI ui .k a dying ptioir m.-rr t-v Mr
! N-nist ur fsvrsH4ntti.il tt Six- (ur ul " Hii , N f.-l
IMn.lN '-.MONA.-V L? LaAM. II- t.k f:i.- '-tVa
hnttit' wil-- tiij Fhri t rul tfTe a porTtrii pt ta w it
r-ti i, In r li' rorifnin il to tu a- it uTil hi r rt.rr4
C'hiD 11-LiLT't. X'.J rb li tH Cf..aci Mai jW KtJitg JttkW
H..lsi4s pMHfsklrt rf p-iTUrU sUTi.
Us Ui KKSstx wri.r t-Umt a'- vt fnrU b-'turc T.n li.
vc, F-.. .f fatlsHm .t, A-nlt l-l-i.
Tuba. ti. Vooo, kjaq., JnMttrt rtrt-;.- ll t U-
ir.-wt. Mr. lHs..m,i, mai.y anl imI U . nai
kirvaawW voraan.1 maiiiWt ff.i; u.l Mr JuH.a
Wait, tti im r hul nan ot l w rrrt;r tb Ik
rlirartir ot .Mr. Ihsktm. aul tin n,'- a.f nr.
.'-"! w.'.n all I'k.- Jttrt, it-a 111, h.-.l tlu.ru olttti tjrMb-
Brant's Pulmonary Balsam
ror. CO.YS7 XVTloX Caa. L'oJis. Spit i f tv.m
huvUi,, mt tk I.tHa. s'-im i th ftyrnM aii '. Aaa-r-ax,
Xnrrout L"mpiitwtn. i'ulpssUtUvm nf tm HrTt
C'itonrtx luj'ar-tfM, 1'nm.H'o-y. Snmmrr 4 myt'ti m. ALL
Thr lolluavin; mm. ft JWlun.a l rtrwaviiuia tills
J r--o.inm.nrtr! Bit AN MKLrlUIN
Ki. K. Ill liUAUU. suuih.rd, l i,i.n.
lr. J. N. SMITH. W .f -mnvn. S. Y.
t. ItOSSSI AN. 13-J lUnry stnci, Braokha. S f.
Ir. T. N. UL'SV. Au!..rn,S. y.
Ir. tiHO. .RAMI.-'. Mi.Mk-kiwn. Cut a.
I'r.liKO. A. KtMiKli.'t. bsth.V T.
IT. . WII.TK. f nstiaris. K. v.
)r. t:. . a tLKNTI.Nr; Hynia. l. T.
lr. i. t. Mlll-MAS. F.vm.-villr.. !. T.
Ir. J. tiMriM.lt, li.nry .rrrrt, Kruukiva. X. V.
Dr. U SlUI'ilAN. Cortian.1 H. T.
For sale bv Thornton At Baker. Lewi.
liure; EJsrJ Wilson. New Barlin; S J Crouso.
Srlmsgrove ;li4Fi; Mover, Kirrburir : If .
Bacahause, Middlebur. ; U U Jt L't'cit. Hartl'v.
uu; Amas Jt Mrncb. Mifflinbarg
Ail Klttra snj orJsrs M.ust I s a I !rrs,f sa
VTalUca A Co Idfi, Braarlway, .a Vera
! s. ljra3.J ... . ,
A -
1- ;
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