L.EW1SKUKC. CllROXICI,K AM) WEST BRANCH FABMEli Foreign News. ARRIVAL OF STEAMER EUROI'A. ' 7 M. 11-A. M. r Euro,, arrived ; nu.mmn sh.. " morning- ww .. .. II Korfe. IM. 11 The royal K3 WP Vre alter nine o'clock tiiis .' .1 .J 1 .l. iLm ii,,w,, " " l,v the Atlantic. The political nes nf the past meek is fi m n r The President of the French R-public. .1 tms, is not y-t done boJtday-artaking. lie has been reviewing the troops on the plain of Sartoro, nt Versailles. This w Mtid i" be in bonor of the Nepaulese am- bassador. It was a splendid military dis- blav. Spain. Advices from Madri dare to the 20' h. They contradict ihe statement that Lord ..... 1. r j . 1 .1 nowoen aaa recanuy reiuseo 10 nine hi ihe French Imbassador. A second in- rita'i in not having been 'en' Ins Lordship Ii the reason why he di I not accept ihe first. i di; .rnce from Barcelona lo Valencia 'isd fuilen over a n eipice near Xapeso, !y which fourteen passingtrs, the j;uurd, postillion, ami horses were killed. German) . Frankfort, Sept. 21.- The Diet. The Federal Council has declared that Ihe re- lual l vote the 'axi's in Hesse Cassel is rantrary to the federal compact, Md has j jii., 1 ,t ,..,... , , . 1 ilLlUIUllli 1 - u .1 iiuuc wc i;vj .( I llllll III Ml rn":f ti their collection and to overcome any resistance that may he opposed to i: by a constitutional method. In case it is iinsuece.sslul, then the governments r. Hanover and Wurtemberg, or, according In other aceoun's, Han irer, Bavaria and Scbovenbargfpfjo, are charged to enter llesc in aid of the Elector, and lo enforce he staye of seige ne.-nrdini to the erdi- nance of the 7th September. All employ- res of the Court of the E'etnr, have re- -1 ned order t repmr, before th- 16 h ol 1 fetnher, to Will elnubad. Ye,tef!ay, at Frankfort, the Permanent t ' immi-sioner of ihe Stale resolved to 'ring to trial M ijor Genl Scbjmber and lurgurrr.astT Mnrkenmrdt, for violating li e constitution in acting in the execution I the ordinance n ih Sent. Berlin. Sept. It is reported that the I russ an 'overnmpnl :ir, in allh I In- ' Mile ihe ' V consplicationsof llesise CassH by .r,s ..I j in BTWiratlun iriouuai, eonis'iug ol Hin t- members of the Permanent Conunission f the S:a:e. Prussia. Sept. 24 A eourl of as-ises, at vVei nier, has condemned the advocate M. Von v'i heily for the loss of the National (Jorade. The deprivation ofhisoffi -e, a fine ol si no, :helaw exienses, and finally to the penally : f Jeath. for having excited his (eUow-citi' en to take up arms against the royal au 'ihority, and committing hili treason at Horn Cassel. Detimtirk. Ilolsiine Kiel, Sept. 'J. The Gnauce committee of :he assembly bold lonj; sit tings every day, and, in onler to defray the State expenses, thev have resolved lo propose a forced loan on property. The A'sembly is to consider ibis next week, nn I adjourn. Mecklenburg. Sohae-in, Septemlx r 21, 1b5". The government having been it I r . I j c I wovnaeo ot me pnijecwu meeiu.g oi me j. ,: r in I . J r : ilara fn i. ri.hil.it lh ,1,.,, astern .'in,, In i Heliberate in their quality ol nationnl ren- 1 i resentatives. Magistrates Dave aiinoaucpd f.ne:r iBlcaiioa of obei ins these orders, and l it is feared a serious collision will lake t'lace nn Tue.sdav if the members persist. The municipal council of Schwe5in have adopted a resolution calling on the magis trates not to disturb the deputies in the ex ercise of their functions, but lo act in sup nort of the constitution. The Markets. , , Mi. ti LivtrrMioi v 1 1 1 1 in ..iiirni't- i in: luiiuii trado early in the week was aclive, but closed with dullness this afternoon. The accounts hv tho America, corrohorativc of those brought hy !he Ail.uiiic, causeil the market to advaooe fully , hut tlie spec- blatiaai drmaaiil kaarinai f illon n(T tiriros jianve aemarid aatring iniien on, prices have receded, mid attnUlioBa this nreek arc ? I tiearly similar to those last quoted. , ... , it is aoaicej outi,tttiti aaantxa p ?acnea nave been sold in New York the present season. On Friday the number of baaJteta was stated to brt 6.1,000, and on Saturday 51,- 000. Besides what came in baskets large quantities are hawked about in wairt ns. The Highstown Record stairs that the peacll-arower in lhal vicillitv. lindillS that I ,l ...:n . ii - - . their iruit mm not sell in Now tork at re- muneratina nrires havp mmorl ihoir mu n t A 1 s ' , t'on wevawaaaK i ivrcu v v .u. nave nt)W a kiln in operatinn in that vilh..e. csnable , nfdrvingeo bushel, per dav. e 1 j i- i :,,.',, i,t , m u been informed that an old man. about one hundred years ol age, reaiding in Fairfield, in this countv, . ; . ' ... . . -J i . ... , j I I . A r.a .... . VI... nm H., m . I Ml.. I .... a "iit.. ttti'i": . Lint vt , aJai.M...W an. tit m few days since bv haneing himself with a n et . ...,!.,., .. . . .... nt,. ll.9f.IIC ,11 III.: .lit.. . ' II. , m,,r-h ,;...j .1... d 'a. -- u.J ' c..,,,.,,l;,,v.lMrriiieiiiiU permitted him to live so long, and thought it was wrong and was very much troubled j alioul ihe designs of Trovidence in thus pro longing his life. He solved the mystery by terminating it, at an ae reached by very few. Herkimer Count Cour The population of Milwaukie issct down at 23,035 In the year 1834, she bad one white inhabitant. Culonel B. F. Sprague, of Eagle Prairie, hac raiaed a cueumoer fife let and eleven m -hn long. I On Saturdav.eek, about 11 .'. !od:, a I most destructive fire broke out at Carbon dale, consuming two-th.rds 01 l"10" or f u HUUISi Ma v , - " "TT , ,, , c, JJftJ. Ts.hcl"' bZ . 1 i . i. " i -j i -i . ii!(n slavers, having three hundred slaves ' j b 1 a ..,,,.. I Edward O Dale, Eq., of Philadelphia, 1 appointed 1 reasurer at roe u. o. Mini i at that i.'aee, in the rnOrrt of Jahies Ross Son den In Iwenty-ooe counties of Pennsylvania the Democrats bavo expressed their pre ference for tien. Cass fur next President (.en. Peter Skrn Smith has published a card, in which be announces that (or the future he will net with Ihe democrat At Malraei, in Sweden, up to the 3lsi of Anenst. 621 neraons were attacked wnh cholera, ol whom lo'J had ti ed. In Baltimore. on vVrdneday last, jus !nMm T "T"" ruKr he fi ll down dead. , .. . , Six daily papers are published j autjPi Wisconsin four in Bn io in G. rman. in Mi! ish aii ! It is said that Jenny Lind receives on an average, a hundred and twenty "egging letters a dav. Oorrecteei this Day. Wheat Di.'lO . . f.O . 50 . .UO . ICM) . loo 1' . . H ilye . . . . ( 'om . . . . Oats Flaxseed . . 'ried Apph llmter .... F.-s Tallo Lard Hun 1. STOVK W Mil. ROOM. Ari nppmite 11. 1'. SJutkri Slrr. IflR liest ari l most ; proved Ct KLC, SHI .'. OFFICE or I'ABLt I5 Stoves, 1 Ploughs, t'.istiriL', occ at low rate, by CHRIST A. M'FA lHil.V OYSTERS :. . i. OKKOKtaaMim Krrsli and Genuine Medicines rpilE subscritier has I additional supi I y is just received an ol Medicines, w;u- r anted n the liest quality, also a general assortment ol nil siie.'i articles as asuallj ar- f un I in Drug Stores, all of winch be oflers at the tones! cash prices. D. TH RN rO. 10D LI VKR Oil tins verv colds.&c. V Ceiebraleu artlCii for couab: aaaa IOT iht. i ih irn n in. I ABD. Snfrm. and Linseed t ML 17 li sale bv )n. THORNTON. NEW GOODS ! ! IfJST received at "Forster's store,'' one do r lvit of Kline's Hotel : A ball Psortnient ol Full & Winter Goods, soeh as t'loths, f '.issimores. &c, it. Also, n vanity r. Ladies' Dress (ioeds, --uch as Merinos, Silks, Cashmeres, Ile'ams. And also, a well selected assortn ent ficsb GROCERIES. Lewisburg, Oct. 9,1-50. ol TttK BOOK nf Tin: .V.I7VO.V- It fiillfn $ V5 D ffllfnV raiiUfiUP f I For 1 Mits R.J. Hale, A L. A-Oodet, Editors. American Writers wm4 Amfnean Artists American F-ialiion 1'latcs. rm ladi s ! r. i- isrs iM v at n ri r He ;,, .r..,, v,.io. , ,. ranowae rw 11 poUli mtian M Um hi d -r aui-ti' aa naeazia -. Th.- Mii.:i.ii,r in ..i.,ii,-,,.-. t,, it,,-, ui.ii,-,..:,,,. 1 . 1,,,.,, " ' ' " ". "' ' "- i'e-ii a t i. th.. aurnVlMv and .- . At Urn adf iikIIw intu ww irMnm rewl, the nubllnbfT of the tioot m t" an aVatveti . H-mnn tn kuliriefai poMible. Hv r-1. n n - t-rti- in' iiT i.tti Ii-li-.1 nn the ron r ! IV "Is. ;i f - - t y i -i tins .n abound in .. W'f' d ihzz-dinl.. r.tgr.nin.and i ritorra i ihti s. It will Itaif :tn imaaiial 4MEEIOA FASHION PLATE in h aaaaaar. No la.ly mil nink" a .Ir.-Mt I. ttit nr wr.- r.-lin.-'l latC ait'l aa ii tit. taakaaa, execpnaaj fn.m " M 0 J '. r. - llaM l'aflii"liK." THE MODEL COTTAGES will Is r. nt in ti. .1. hihI in t wary N... ill baoaBetalaj nt-w ' f.r TIIK LAOt S noRK-TABLK, nirli Knlttlna, Netting. CrotrlaH, Pat. It VVork, Leather Blhaail) ' heaill.-an.l l.:t.s' I'.. liar V..rk.(.:hil.lr"ii'- stt.i ln rwit' Caatbea, Cava, Capea, twin tana, an in lit. t . rj Untie thai a .ii pieaaa tit. ladie. I Mini llil It lil.l KII'IS AMMn "II s 11 will aits. yH. j-it,.,, ranlarlj a ulZ TX" ? "?fc wW ard ti for n.-ariy m Jmmwa wmaajiwi taaw, ma ir.-,. piii i tar aawj inaRa- BHMUu person, a- a rab rer tat the aasanasaaeat aad bsfbrai ation f tbe Indies ! his own o-untrv. A FEW NOTICES. F"r P"'1 enrourap-mt nt to American writer, H u.,ufcl ,,, iM fhe mrl),r f ,.WJ flimil. , ,hl. Un,,. , t:i.'i-tu, I Or aW lln .4aliMH llial kai uam aaili i iwai wallu . ''" M fceHilty ttw liaailaiawal aaat aaat Ktmparl r- rit.' LV it".k ia th.- it an.l anat hi-iiiv prizri waa,aiaa ..f tea Ma in un rotmtry SeaAatea ' harari' Mr. i;...hv is fvi.l. ntly in lli.- raa t.f tlie publiaheri t.f hi? elaaaof aaiaaaaiMB. Tkaet, naaae. it- aaanllfal aBMBaa4agsaa1 eaaaai Illaia. j all. r en dear it tn the lr of every fauiily it risits. T niusw CfciwMda. Oog!l Lady's Bfc is r.'rtainlvont'nf the hantlson.est ' ami i-ompleteat puhlieatinns of the Kilel. in this t.r any other aaaaatn . aaaeaa O&aerater. It is api. n. lid, -uiK-rb. and oiiapprearhable I'hibtdi. Bjawad - It baa the most aupcrb emrr.einir, aa eMrtaaaataettet ' l.t - r.irv matter loan anv ..th. r mreaame in tn.'.orlu. xrawu. ewe J rr , It should tte t -ea- ble and appropriate e.nnpajii.ni for the ytmtbful laid inn. cent litiuhl ll.nt.iHtr.'it. ' ,,l"i'"r- Mr "t- ttviy -r niu. and CT..at t,.st.-. irZeZrtlZuZ tfk.la-.ah. JaBhUM taaaVanaaa I. w -. ' . . . . um - arorr .r taata ami ninrai. r rijoirc- mat a ma MIatj , l.i .1 at aaton a. .Y.rlZa. . 1 rtus-. :,..h , A.lvance 1'ostagc rata r finale Nn. 2i eeota. ' sin.i.' . tlBI tot-T. tltiP 1. .1 ... II il.. fifi T- v',r- Two Crtpm. one rcv, in r IT. Tea jo ana an extra ropy to the rss.rat.n send- ; Inatheelnherio. - - - - - . an I Taterni win not be departed from i. any of tht- j "li'Jr!" """V WKUio.'.nvt .v.. iTrr" BwS. G. T. 4 NNOUNCKS to Ihe citizens of Lew iisburg and vicinity, that he will be al Kline's Washington Hoiia,'' on Friday and Saturday of each week, where he ol fers his services in giving private lessons in Vocal and Instrumental Music, Thor ough Bass, Counterpoint, and Composition. Lewisburg, Oct. 5, 18S0. vr T7 i- "WWC - 1 XI n It JJJXJVJ j FIRST ARRIVAL I (r FANCY GOODS, DSl GS,dec.Ac. , rTHE H - I now a hi i . assortment ol -f- .1 - - , Fane y Notions, ate., nl 1 ml be sold 'below the former price-. mr the "ready j0Bn Davis." Oct. ti T ii THORS rOX WHOLESALE it RETAIL DEALER IN Hriisi. leH ine. !eml :Hs, Ifje- Stulfs, O is, (ii.is, Perlumery, Coideetionery di Faar Article. Dr.Thorotoo rcturrs hi limn!. for the liiu-rjil patronage which he has rereinl. and be au the eoaaiBOBitv ibal everv atknUon Ii ill be pjul t.i ihe compounding of v ictne. aii'l iti.tt i!l llruis shall '. fully Uwtcd before ihey sie offered fur .--.tie. r.utl srananted to be 1 are am! genuine. ! w Preeription4 given frre of cliarg.' :it llr. Thornton Drug S are. Remeoihei lo call l the il.l . 'an.l. fjrvt door .1!' v,. th.- MauisMMh Store "f J. A J. Wall. 1)ERFUMRRY. Just received afresh lot of ill kinds of Perfumery lor the toilet and for9ale bv Da. THt IKXTON. MKDICAL KOT1CK. A. II. Till L l'i .N" offers his protessiooai service 1 1 me citizens of Lewisburg and vicinity, in the various branches of hi profession. Residence Temperance II del. Mfi -e Hiug Store, one door ab ivc the Mammoth Store ol J. kV J. Wails. Lewisburg, tel. I, 1830 Auditor's PJoi'ce. NOTICE i- herrhy given, that appointed by the Orphan ' Cc I have been ourl ! I ol 'ii countv. la ditrioute the lialance in ih haiuK ol Peter Koll, eiecu'or ol Pbte Uetc I i'o ol K-1 1 v township. Union eoonly, li-c'l . to iin-.' among the legatee nnder ill Ut will and lesta arenl of -aiil deceased ; and lhal I w ill sit fn thai purpoae at my office in the llorough of lwUbu -. I'nion county, I'a.. on Friday, ihe 22d day at Navesnliei oext,af one u", ! ck, I. M. , of ujiii'h ail iulerefted ni l I ike mnire. (I i 6, 1830. II C. HICKOK. An litor. i Orplians1 Cour Sale virt i) u. f an order of the p! I'nion couniv. will In- mis' Id i! I ibltc sale, on ihe premise in wniteueer township, Union county. Pa., on Friday the lt day d' Novem ber next, the fivi ighths part, of a I lhal certain messuage and tract of Inn I, situa ted in Whiiedeer township. Union comity, late the estate of Dan (Jalwell, dee'd., bounded by lands 'l Henry High, Esq-, IV. ti. Marr. M. D., Daniel Ludwig, and Joseph U. Ki ller, and the river Susque hanna, containing about two hundred i r-. The improvements are a large double brick House, stone bank Barn, Wagon Sheds, and other buildings ; about two-l thirds of the land is clear, and in a high state id culii-. ali in. S.ile lo commence at 10 n't loch, A. l . whin terms be made loon l.v J AMI'S I . 1 INN. Iiuardinn nf .lanirs I'iiI aH,' rht'iiren. SAMfaEL HENDCKSOX, t;HAS RUDYKIiNSP, Goardian ol Dan CalvreH'e children. let. 7. ik:o. BAKERY. r'!IK Subscriber having commenced the labserfher having commew 1 Raker rv Busintrss in Lewisburg is n . ,.l',.fj I(, ijp.fn the biiliti s lor a week ' .' . .. Of If fl davs Ml OroPr In (Mi fl' iif I fie ow n for ihe Cracker business. .V the time it is completed and ready lor business, due notice will be given. V I.. DENORMANDIE. Lewisburg, let. 1. 1850. Administrators' Notice. IirHEREAS, Letters of Administration I on ibr-estate of S AMI EL WOLFE, late of the Horn' of Lewisburg, Union Co , deeeasedJiave been B ranted to the subscri her- resident in said Borough, hv the Ke-1 : ." r :j ...... ,u,..,.i. , .11 rwD.n. I ti.-,:ti.i.--ni.jt"tii. ,''.'- r ' I '.. .. -. . j I Ddebteata -nil estate ant requnieu to K'SlPfl IO make immediate pat meni, ana inosr na- : T. B. TW 8RBSTOB8. ino claims against the same, aie requirt (1 1 Aromatic To iii Paste, put ab in heaotifol It i pariicalailj exce Ileal in caeca of a inea, vn tn iirrsent them, duly BUlbenticaled, lor porcelain boxe an eicellent article for keeping raiting, cramp, aorencx ol ib pit of the .tomach. settleanenl nrithonl rlplnv. JONATHAN WOLFI Adr f: I.- Mil I l.'l' i , . . I g ,.r.sns hav.n settlements to I make with s.ti.l istate i.re renuested to! mnwc ai.n soi.j tsiuit, am oapfca.ru wt nieet nt tlie store room of the laid dec'ti ri- ihcr nn the 24th or Vii'ilh Oct. inst., as the Adm'rs will attend specially on ilmse dnys lor the purpose of mnliino; settlements. LeBwisburg, Oct. 1, 1850. MACKEREL, LARD, I'll EESKjConstantlTon band and SHAD.GODFISH, for sale by Q VI.MON J. PALMER & CO. Market Street Wharf, tR .Mi DX J I t 1 I hltaaelukxa. HSMfl IMKS i 3at337 m,,., - . i,i.' ; , . ... JflT . - - a . B . . 1 IrVnilT 1 1 11 I I Cm 7 llllll Wl UlSJ. I ...uc. . - - a , ,i.l I nann "." "",",! I farmin-' fommunitv generally, that . - . c ..ic. n.v. - r ri ri c tr ... .7 tf J? .1 ' I yoa j.'i-v i.......... DRILLS, or SOWING MAVHItiMl ' . '. . ! Without stopping to discuss the comj.nra- I live merits ol numerous I Mill now olfered t for sale, thev merelv wish lo invite Farm- ers to call and see the above named article ! before purchasmg elsewhere, feeling conn- j before pure dent that they can furnish an article thai will give entire satisfaction. ROSS, GliDUliS 61 MARSH. Lewisburg Foundry Aug. l 3, 1850 A LARUE lot of Stone'Pickling and Preserve I ARS just rcceied and for sale l.y 8a 1 J. HAYE A CO. ! i M- Y- Fal1 and Winter Fashions for l -aa Q ay .jS, a C7lVj VJB.S ?, JUSTreceived by the subscriber, - " ' i sactlt 'like them. No nt no pay. . , I.ouuiry Produce taken m paymect. h"i in niv new Brick House, opposite lan es P. Russ' house. IOI1N !'.. MILLER. Lewisburg, Oct. 7, 1850. M1R Copartnership heretofore exitiiy between the subscribers in the Drue i-iii"s. Ace., under the firm ol l)r Th im n Hakrr, has been dissolved by mutual nsl al. The Itiioks and Accounts are in ;ti!' nanus 01 .1 wian naicor seinemen'. T. A. H. THORNTOXi JOSl li BAKER. Ijftwisburg, ct. I. 1850 JUST RECEIVED From Ihe Cities f New York and Phitad. dains' Express Line a new and nlendid assort menl of ) plen V L L N i) WJ N T E W A- w have BrS9 Goads of all desirable stvles and qualities, we would particularly invite the Ltd rs in call and examine ihemj and is for GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, we have qu : n ejifensive assortment ol Cloths, Ca$simeres, and Vcstings, which will be sold at very low prices Ly d. HAYES & CO. LewMmrg Sept S3, ! s."o House & Lot for sale. I ri'ATED i n the ll St. M.ir 'a -it. ets irner of Fourth and Kjsile I ..Philip's, a full kit, No. 220, ainl having on it a frime HOUSE, a Stablo, and ol In r necrsarv ou'-hnildiiis. Huruio i he absence ol Ihe subs crilier, IVi, ( '. I'wiin mtses, oi.'-. ADAM BAKER. in', S -i '. 23, 1850 for Gale ovU cnt. H I i c corner of M trket and Water Sis., wcdl situuli d for a rfidencc, for business, or h r a residr-nce and ptace of business. There is a large 1IIJICK House contain ing -I large rooms on the first floor, 6 bed rooms mi the second floor, and two large finished room-, on Ihe (bird. A Kitchen and tVashbouse adjoins, and it has also n l iro- cement Cistern, a Pump and Well ol jjooil water, an I all the necessary out buildings. For terms &c. apply to Gko.F.Mim.eb Esq. S. E Lewisburg, Sept. 211, 1850 DAVI; I()t Si: an, Small FA - t a 4 X, z cn . 5 " A. - 25 1 -. i t-i z I 7 K 3 j; - r x L wis iro. Sc IS, 1850. Dr. John Locke, ' SURGEON DENTIST, i.c fouritl al In Office am! residence- A V first dnoretwt of Kline's Hotel tbe two weeks f..H. mum iltf fust .Mond.iv ot each month, I arbere he bt prepared la execute all operati ion . in bis line of business in a manner creditable 10 . hinaelf and salbfacton to tfaoafl nho mas favor him with their ualronage. I ljr. L- apend the third week or eacb mootb . Mli. i ihe teeih clean and breath aweet, fol tale at 25 ; cts per box, hy JOHN LOCKS Lewiabarg, I'a , May, lw-ri' H.ll.S. HENRY C. HICKOK, A TT0RNEY A T LA II'. Lewfcbarg, Uaien County, IVnn'a. Pratr-ilf.'s in Union ani '(1 u ' I ii i ri muntit? also I Ml 9 mUT w ing llaCtVII U1V VtlWIW a.j wvaa.j . j tllKt . I'' ! j'lll.l. MX ptlrKa.'!')' r. FFICE -n Second St., lately occupied, Every tottfe aaai packaga bcaca tfca writtaai sia; hv L- B. Christ, Ksq. ! of JS.HOUCHTON,MJ). Sofa Pioaaie- I tor. Sotd l y aenu in every town in the Tni m : nrttl lit. in.iu.i'i i',1,. alaaanlanSni mm m li I i 0 1ST of Letter remaining in thtt I'ust 'H.llrll.tf., I Oww, 1 0'I5 sv-pv- , 9 Bjrnrn Ffcananus, Hreesce Oscar I (2). Berkly J-- LuT" w hi ,,,, oc I-lrrham Mntv W Miss, Duncan f C. TT ...... 1 K t !7.. Her lUM.i. p Flick Stephen. a i;r..over Thomas, liardner Jmes. Houl War Bat (S), Hansel Mary. ; "rrvTL: :.a2.iLi,. it.n tr.n... Hotiensnne uci.j....,...... - fi.iiit.i.-ti'.t "-'M- '-- ' .' ; H.arkH Jane Mis. i .1 P. f.ord Jnernh. Lehman ! a-iiaas u - John. .... ; til-Miller Charles Mi , h j(a,i,PW Baanatt "Jaj'LVoll John. Neslat I ..line. --- ' ! Ann W Mrs. atSirry Otiville U, Shadrack Wm RevM, shatter Abraham. Smith (7 . ar J-vJ way taTarai Sarnucl, WaS Jn. IVrsons calling for the above letters will nlinse sav thev are advertise,! A. KENNEDY, P. M. October 8. 1 S50 : 351-3.. i ot rcfusi d at the Office of . the Lewisburg Khroaic'e. Mi SA3TL AJtDERSON, Fashioniule Tailor, In UM Back Ubil.hiiB. kwf MaHurl tre:t, om- K'r HN J. Kebh'i aft lnek lluse. Ll l'IIV; ai:J MAKING tlone to urih'i. Lewuimrc. Mr 99, 1950. Latest News from Galifornia! MORE .f M gold: 4 LL ihe woil.l and the rr.-t of mankind" 1 ait- rcspectfult inlbrajwd ilui v.e l..ie opened an unu-uaM;, choice aaaailaamt uf SPRING AND SUMMER j comprising a sphmlul variety I.AUIES' DRESS (i(Xil)s of th- Bewl style Calicoe,lelaiu, Gingham, Barge, Silk-. Paraaol, an.! Kauey ; liooJs, ami for I SeaUemen'a wear j 1 ire stock "l Cliiliis, Cannifinm, Summer Stuffs, VestiniiS.Summer lints, Salt, Fish, Nails, Queensware, Hardware. Groceries, etc. etc. All of which wc ull-r Irr sale i oor proverbiallj l.iw prices, fur CASH or PRODUCE REBER & IDDINGS. Lewiaborgi April 1850 1111 it SCIKXTtFM? WOXDEM PEPSIN Tfc tree DIGESTIVE FLUID nr IJASTRIC JUICE- c greid thtptjaia Curtrl Prepan l fn m K, i m i, or ihe feuite. atacaajcb ol Ihe Ox, ticr direct! as by Baron Liebii, ilo-pri-ai phj siological cheaMnl, bj J .li -i -.i i u . .1 l.. lio. M N. sih St Philadelphia, Pa. A 'KI'LV wonderful lemt-dv for .':.- -feo. Duspcptda, Jaundtee. tdrtr ' ,:. int. Ctnil i iititt' ii mu Uthittfu. curins alM-r . iture'ai omn pmceM, bj Xtare'it own sfljcnta ih ii-trir Joictf ; ; Half a leasp Knfaol ih ii tlui.l utisad in na'tf, ran dim oi ilitsuUe Fte PnwnJi ol roal liitl in about two bows, uui ui ibe stotnacau &iu4as Ion ia i bit iiy rl rnu I neb y il.e ai'l ol u iluiti whii b frttlv exuuVd froai the itioci tit of thjt om. when in a tjtc ttf heal h. called tiii' mauic joire. Thtd flobl is tlie grtat ftolvtnt of tin food tbe parifymo;, pr. r n'm iud Ktimotating a.'rm of ibe vrooMch m l intestines. Wilboo! it the re can no digrsti m, no conversion t iijj iota booo no nu'n.i ui lui ratbei a iiiul. to ntl. painful an.! ilcatruc ivt' condition of tbe whole ili- stive aptivatu.-. l'n-pstti i- the i b'h I i It iifi.t or it .r Jigejtt iriir pnncipte "1 ihe gmatric juice It i' t Mind hi area! buntiafi e in Ibe iolid jtnrt- ol ihe human stooiacb u r d-ath, and onattiiTirt caUsen t!ie tomacb ui digest or eat iUeil up. I i ;!- fbuawl hi the Momach of aauaaala, as the ok, c 1 1 . r. It ihe Dsateria u- i by iurmi rs in w iking i b te st v Kd Iteaaaaet. tbeeUect ol wbicb !. long U i n she special srondt r l ibe tlairv. " rCui Uin2 ol nulla is ihe tirt pfoceea oi die-n !i. A call's stoBMcb can t urdte nearly one lautusaiid tin es its own weight ! milk. iJarji. Ijiebig atatea, -'nie pail nl Papaini dissolved in nxiji th tosan ! parts of u iter, liaie-is nn' it and otbei food.1 Diseased tooaacha produce bo anod Gastiic June, Rennet or Pepaa- 'i' sboai that this want mav W per fectly supplied, we jote ihe suhj iawd Baron UCBIU, in hi tehrated work ftn .Inlmal Che- mi-trv "ays; "An .w ftrfaal finar-itr WiiM. nlagnas t" UwtiiwtrieJoiri nsaj lev ivjdity snrparJ fh ui thr moTi w 1.1 ml reus "f lbs i- marl t in calf, ia wktrfa sari t of food, as aral an-l rnqn. wUI bj Mtftt-iH l ;iH I tiiirt -n-i in the wmmut maaarr ia lit-- liuni.tn t -r m h lii KKIRAfin hit taasoas Issaliw owl ? .. a i l i i.u.ii-l..-. i rotslera a u. x.-w fork, i .... ... , lb aaan gnmt fikct, an.l S srrii .-- il- mrthod --f ; ivpi ra tiow Tli r.- an-1 hlgawv saUMtritiei taaa lr. rvn ria. lr. GUMBC, in bin valnal Im wrUinzs t.n ihv Pavsii gy of Wjre-stkm, abfavTTci taal um diaatioa t-r uV dum qeant.tf ihr Basti i aluiets is proatiaeat and ; :' ; m vailing cause "I i ipsyola, ..i-l . ..- djtia frutf In -I profr nanr tt in--.lv tm in Looilon, bo was .- v - r h aflirted icli Uus roaaplaint, ftndJcqr, crYtbinK . I- t bait, bad rv arsste H Itatra Jalre. obtaased froa f a wtuaiarh oflh In; aniaMai hteb. rmaili t.-l um raadiiL ' hr.tii; AH VLantbttrtd tin Cuaoos works on legrtabtS w. HT' "ii i:iriin.ii(v;,''h ijfl in ! r. -i--. v th;.( t iam It- - aaioaJ-, aneeraM .,. 1 "n. hwtTar lit.- Ban l ln prufM rty ilthsolTias vanooa :iri. - : f oil, aad f rftw un; -. kind ifaxtitVial iBgwitioa of then in no viae .ht mi Grosa Ihr aataraa Jieesttw vnevm."1 hr. SISIOX'3 areal work, tin-1 ii. iai-.tr ol Man, L a .t UNtu h:ird. I'Tiilu l . l-4' . ... -: lb.. .ii,t.c ry of h -in t'-riiis new rra in th- rks aUVal aartorj of li ."ii"n. Frssa nesad bx peri as at, w awow ih.tt t--i t sKssotw -l rapiiBa in aa aitLacia) ii.- rtis. Rami prepared ir.i.i c pska, :i 1 1 in Um aataral i t-t . k .1 a Ii . t. PvoC IH'Ni.l.lSttX. ff ih- .Vff : r .... runaL, fas ha rual work aa awauui Miysioi' r, devotes aaore rhsa fifty MHHi b an irauuniaatioa nf tbix rabji H Bta experi Bssnts with Dr. bVaaaioat. oa the Uastrie Jairr, fdataiaed Braes IBa living bnasna t tun ti and fro animals ar. knowa. u la all caawsv a? aaajn, "nu stum otcuir.'d :i: perf cUs in the atftfftdal a.- in use natural dasaaateus ' . liVni'likit ,,,..,.. ,, ,, . . Asa piSPEPMA I I KI.K. Hr Hoaghton'a Bffeparali.il .t Pi psis has prodttced i.ie must mar- aataaa . Bert It is innoaaaVk la uie detail of . . . . s case in Ina limn- ol thai aairertttement berl aa- laenlarat it eertiti-'ates have feen grren af more than I WO HI rtUKt.lt rapid, uonderlul. and pernianenl cures. It re a ejeal EaEBVoca Asti awrc, ami partirularly u-eful for landency i. bibous disorder, User nun plaint, fever and aewe, ! JaV I -aT a.- . t : mi t uft i oi (iiuii' i . mercury, ore-, ai.-o ox rJT A ora"D,n There t- no torm of OLD STOMACH COM- n.Ai: i wnicn n ooea not rracn and also iaatant relief! and repeated far a abort tiaae, pa- ritr oi Blood rid rin.tti or ooi l ollom at anei dartreaa after eating, low , cold Male ( the Wood beaviness, lowness of spirits, tlivpoiulervv. em ic ition, wr.iknr'is, irnilcncv 10 mmailj, Ac. Price, ONE DOLLAB iterbotMe. Onebottli oftni t lit cts a lTstin5 cure. FEr SIN IN roWDERS sent by Mail, free of Fostage. f"i-r mnti iiit mt Ol SBaSliiH t nil part- of aa eooal v. tii IhgestiTc natter of the pepsin4t put ap the rm of j I'.w.li itBj it Ii tlin 1-t.ons to In- .iissoivttl I v tin- I'-itu nt im I aiatter sa Ibe bottles, bol twice tin- ti;n Lt t r th .11 i ..a p. i ui-. i mi fl.nn i . "it .1 ii in- I in.- i-ii -.ii.- I r"''- 8,1,1 " BM1 h ": Free ot Postage, fi.r fl. tent I ...... I. .1.1.1 . t. . I It- 1 -1.., .. ti l. l .... . .. . Ta be had of Tborotiai Sc Baker. Iwubara: : J II Caslow, Mtttan ; Thomson. Mni1. :'; j ; Wife. Jr. Eilart, Hatthttaa ; Waa Boakoo;, Ken BatSn; li I 0 ouse, Selinsgrove ; Mr M Civ, XorthumlurlunJ lv3 t n la w. WIWI, UW..W. , nw .ww ill;, t.n p-.. . m,-... . ' ,,.. 1 . ' 1 : 1 Dr. Rose's Medicines. . aaaaaaai aaaaaaaaasaaaaaaa, nri i , , . I lie suuscnor-r Having nepn apnointr-I sole aSHrt f,,r Dr. lion's Medicinea. for .,: a .L .l li:. ...y u. . ..- -.o.... Wltb ereat confident-e as to their nn at:v r . .- .. . . -,, " -- lor whirh thnv nre rlntaii7nit.rl A sinir!.. im.i I - j n only IS rcijiiirt'd lo Oslauiisll the lact. SSCpt VI ft It A It I I . Window SASH. A lot of Si 10 Window Sash, from the cheap Manufactory of Sprout A? Uurrowe, nn kanl .ill oil " ,l I,. n1e, r.n : ... b : May, 1849 I 6 L.VSHR , TJT TVTXT U for Jusliees.t'oiisla : J3JjAi JVO iiles.Ac , on hand a! ! be Chronicle t flice, or printed ig ordtr. STEAM ENGINES FOR SJiLE. M; of lo horse power, with one Hue boiler -:io be S in OpeiWma. UK of 0 horse power,with two cy imder boilers Batb made ui ihr beat Miemils, and Mr ranted perfect. Enquire of J. SMEOLEY, M ichinist, Coiuaabusj Pa iFnttt miO SiSto D M A KA C lJ T A I CiiwKVJ nun iwi w ' BMfBen TREES. The subscriber ofleis lor sale a large aasnrimenl ol choice Fruil 1 10 such as Apple trees, 7 M in feel hiyh, 40 varieties, all warranted genuim Peach tn.s, u varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine, I tui.e at. ! I oar ho !. ji r w : ti s ,n,e t! or si varielies ofGrape Vines of the beat nit v iiini exotic varn tii-s. Itrnameii'ai Tree ', such as the Pa .Ionia. Ln i n, N. 11. Persons wishhasj to procure a quantity ol the Frn t lrees,ara requested to aaahe imnardiitr application in ihe anbacri her, in order to procure the varieties and size wanted. H. R. NOLL. Lewisbors. March 4, 1830. LlVEli COMPLAINT, trMlltim Dvcorosia. Cheaoi at Kereosj .1 Debilirv, dweaa a th ludnej'.ana iiiiiis- ease aruina liom a diaotdareu uw at aioaaaea. inch a- CoeulipalioH, uwai i ilea, r atnraa or 111 . ,1 1. 1 Ihe Head. AcMill el t ie Btomajch, Kamea, Heart bora li--Su,'l fr PuodJ, rnlar i or Wright in the Plnraai h, B ur Era latiana.'iliukhn or Flut lering at ihe pit ol ihe Stuataeh. Mwiwaiain f the Head, barrird aiA difficult Brcathins, Klu: terina ai lb Il. ar". choking or -uirca- tiag Seaaatinn when in a lying polore,dimn at Vi.-.on.l' asorWcb befora Ihe Sight, Fever .. I do I Pain in '.he Head, Defii ol Peipii ihon, Yllawal al the Sum and Eye paia in ih" Bdi Bars, fTheat, Lintbe, Ac. laddea Plnhca of Heat, Borhins ia ih- Fteah. mualaai Inn- linings ol Eit, and great larp;tHoo of Spirit, i ai i.i ri. it; ai.lt ctraaa nr DR. HOO FLAN DS CELEBRATED GER?IxfJ BiTTERS. prepared l.y Itr. f. . ?. mfmeksit, al the "German -M dicine Niore," ViO arch !. Pbalad. Their f..nr rr ihr nbtm diitemt t asi ears clt-d. if matted, ha ana nt.'in- jii ipai afi'aa r-i L'mtted Stale, m lie -urr. alteit. ia many ctz.' afi-r skilful pkuiieian hud f.uitd. The Ui ler an- arottbv ih attantiaei inv i Kd. Poiimrini; er.-t rirtnes in the wetiCcatian ol disease of ihe l.ivr an.l i.-srr sian:?. eserci .ing r raoal Beaactuaaj power in waahifc and sflecli m- ff lh iiaertiv oro.-. be aie withal safe, ri-riin and pleaaaat. tte:nl ksn ai rnsviscca. Tiar Hon. Ch I) HineUne. editor nl i!. bet r in West Jerw ' 'den li mitral, ih Kiy, Jolt Slt KOOrLAMVS i;i.i:Mn BITCrjts. W am mam BMUXJ Iiiill :;i.; Doticva of ti l- m i.i iii' . una lli- Mmriv uh. an tlwj raaa-inaavtoaMUMnaaitl tBaecttaai it-in rite. Ir i.i i:.,ii.n I.' .tr. i i iltavaelMaal ltiil-1 1 ' 1 and :l . ti- ill it- :w li"n ui- aMae4 : the Irvrr and tlijri .ttv. oraaa, an 1 th i wrful mavea rt- uyt n 11 r... : ; roatraooa i-r- ally anra it :t'tii- umJ trtapth n Ihe nn r brinnwg tb-in mi" a .-tiit-' ! repose, making -l. -j. r- fr"-h't.; It tan m tnrins awe aanrs pwerasly wva ws ar.- mB tsftvd tbsrc aoald be tesj drkri-aK. aa frsa tbe ffrasarb. Brer, aanl ra rvow !y-t. iii use en ..t m derify af teal and bwaejuary aai sesi asanate, Bbm tarai w . asalusj eaw dstioa. and yoa saw abl wflsnrs tn spUsaurs prar rally. Tin- rstvwoi Bnarj awabrlac aid ndi ' ar frieaoi arao are al all iad'i t - givs n trial fl wBI nan ive sianai ad helC It -h' tiM. in fat 1. 1 ia rsevj BuaUy. lo otfanrr aards ba ran aenUurs .-u- h rvid an t sa lit. Pioa the ' tmton B edit. m l. Dec Br. li ..- Saa - O V rat runa Blta r. f-r IBs rase nf Liser I oaaplaiat, aHnaalire, Bys i and Caaaadc se Baesoas rVKtlitr. i wssdii asm af tins aaaal paaasksr sdirfasrs af tb day. Tto-snj Kaarra Bssw rsj n-l ly Ihonnnaila. an 1 a txit ad al -iir . pays Be baa kiaaw if r- v. .1 bi m lac a r" i' - r- n.- Ij aa etuea peswav n.-:t cur' "f User riim;daink W an- t- Brsaacad tintt. in the us th.- Bitteri thr aadisad "n-t:tntly aaMnS -tr aetb :i" i Tigor a Cai Wdrtbj ol Lr. ;it saaaaasaabai TI ? ars pteaaawl in la.te ::i-t raaell, ami saa bs ! ay -i us trikb use aaaal ifcBeaas saseaaraa, wnh saasvy nn i r ;.ny urrwats an i Ws ar. . afcfcag Braai sxfteii . nee, an i t" lbs aBtirted atleis.- IBs is aaa. otfi Weekhi. one af tbe best Ktatar paaan M t . ..-.i P"WJ- i.l. Aiu? 15 PI Ho titHsvN Ii:TT.r. niantiiin tttr-.1 ltlr ,ln.l-.ii. r. . .mm. it 1. 1 I t - mar I t ri.- tit -l wra t!i:ii. nt i aalit i n of :;: itar ally, a a aeUesa at it-ik. . Bear, in case, at taaaala ..-iS.n.' e. aa -oh ts.- cam wa v,..tti.i :t.ivi-i- ;.ll aaotaen ta nlai . (affile, an.l t?iu ..... tkeaaaetvaa .art sieitn..-.. ItetaaaH t.f aVaafiitatetl a .ti -tit ut i- i.- v. . 1 1 iiii.1 taaaa Iiiti. r- ajtaaaaaaBaaaa aalhait beaJtn, it- kaoa rr.tm aaaatteaa la. aalaaar, eaad Uaej aaai nj-n vaaft aj -t. tn-. Jndg M.M.Nan, a g. ntleman rf great -rien- liac and li i r.iry iininaamla al in hi"Me-.v York 1 Weeklv Mewenger, Jaa 'i. l.'tH tr II '!: Tf ..rn. in .'r'. r... - !!. r' i a pre(..intti..n .hi. h thf i.-.linic t-r- - -1 th" I n;,.n appeal BaaaaaaMMa in rt'.'.niin adlaar, ! il"' reaeaai i eaaiaaa. It t- aaa nn. r :t pr. ..Tiii'.n i.irr.i.iif.i f, . nf i it. iit-i .. t.raifi ,..!,. ,..,,..,. ,. h,. Dr. Chnatpbcr wilaaata Hooiiand. rraaeafor lo tl.-1 in, ran afX aa, ; ' ""- 1 1 aaa at the i:r. :ti.-t m.M; -:tI nr.n r. it. rinititv lt:t t-vt-r peoeaaam II.' rmpbatk-alrj tv . oemj ..f '...' aaat taanaim a aa, Jlenae otwluea ae aa lae inwatue aad aiwirai'r aea. ! t-i.titi tentlv r. li. .l ll-' -!-. . n l, r .- 'inm. n'l. .1 it in l.i.. r Caaafjlaaat, Baaaia, BeHUff., v.-rinr... aeMata ..f the 8aaaah, CoaaajaaaiaBa, an.l aii raaaaaaiaati aaiafaar tr. in a laaetel roadatloti oftaa .teaaara, th.' ataaa aaa il.. int. -tm. -. N in.- I hilinl.-ii'liia aaaafa E aaaaa. Meta r. i.t i.'ii .fit- exeelleaee, ami aeTeral . t tbeir tiditera -i - .tk ii it' ff - i fr'ru thfir iwa in h iluaJ -ru-itf I i ;t tin1 i-iri timtini-. . fvcj m :n r:nt-tt. u-t mmty in i- tilim: ih'' attsattioS! of - r r-u.lrr- t, mm pm nt .prit-t(r (nVr.Ca 1 .l;i kx'tiV .rt )'arati.u, but in aa aaaaaaaattBg aS art u It Is 11 utili. t. J. Mom Bi lasssc i - Tiit- Philadelpliifl Sal irJay Graetle, Um best inmlv Mwspsiier uSIi-!iel in ihr I'nttf 1 Statesj llw etlHoi v. 9 ! Of llocrtano'.. it . 9tim in tr.nt SM Vmn rSkd iiat w IsffSSSSl T.t Mntn .in- t" i iir wattrrs? iatr..n:i.' ssal ri.nti'l"f ; tm.!. tli.-r- for-. mln'U wi- nt''.mnifii'i lr. Iltntrtrmii j t.-r-tmmm Itittt-r-i. aS t-h it t be li-tin-tlv un-lcr-Parnl tlmt an- not if)aaiag .f th- n.;triiin "f Iks 'Lty. t':t r. slaarj ajbsssl aW n Msf p-ritl aayn :rr Tt i aflsr t)i y h;tv alHM tln-ir uiity i f nattM i. hut ! a nii-d.'-Mn li.ni; utaMili' J. unii rai; v priz ... talnrh ha iu-1 th- hrart) ai'ir-.va! ff the Faerfts itrlf. KvultTu'c on rviilelicc kM rercivpil (kc Omt forvY-'inc fro.u all t''tin- of sW tfri. the HS4 1 V"ar. ' l ir .i . -i "t""y r-i mt. ij. nun nasi i-. in "t.- .1 it ti-. 1 .;i il..' praetiN 1 1" th" fcfata 1 liv-iciiin, --r rhilii.1. li litii. tl. m ol nil t.ilt.T m.-iruii.- Maabtaaat .i bet Hint caa mull w aatafcUa I. aa 1 full; prnvimr ttmt a alMnac pttaaaatataaa will aaaal ith tlnir 1 , li. t spt.r..val when pr.ai.sl . .. .. hi it... f-ra.. Ik ihia BStslkuaa will cur laverl laplalat aaai Pj ayi uaia, aa on- run J..11M. aft-r aria it aa iir. .t..i. It icta ip i alHu j Ml tir"n aaanaiM a...l rr. a pr am. r , I.. in .1.1 btttt ma Jut an Ui.'.'tT.t ia iiir.ti' . i.it tii.-v .Tin h" adaaaiatrM t. nauia .tr Dapaan .mi -ai.-ty mid ii llaMr bwawftt, nt aarj ttaaa. liewnre of coutitcrlV ils! ,,. ,. , .. , ... I In m.-tli.-in has altainnl lhal clutaclrr winch it ia necessary fa all to attain In induce aaatananp. feitrr w f.ut forth a iori n artich. at the ri-k ..f ,,hc VT f 3? "I1" ,,e '!ec,'iT,d' Ijaat aaaSla li arj- of Cawil . . . rhev have the wrtten icnature oil M im. upon .he wranp. mai .1.- name M..tn m ran -a.-.. - TTT ' ' .... M For le.hoieile and reiml. at the (.bktl a.' MF.Dll'INK ttTOKK. X... 1211 AKfH St.. one .,... ;.,h ..r , - j i..,,,.. s, Phill. . . . . . ' . . .. .. elplu.i. and hy respectable .leaiers geneiaiiy, me icountrvthro.igli.ini. I--9J J 7... r..r .,,1,1.,, S h I. YXD I .. .eli..i.ru- Vn 4w, fr nle , S F.I. YXDA I.L.IsH-irkur Pa j o To iliac ksmilhs). BITUMINOUS COAL, from the West l .1. j c ii ii , , Lrnncli and Irom llollidavsburs, lor SO lo at I he ShoO of I he Sll ll.i'ei he tin., ikrt Ilavscales on Third Si. ' ALF.X'R AMMONS. laewisburg. May 7, 1850 VTA ILS ai Aa 24 nd IRON far sale bv IeW Si Iddinga. feiSLl'S IsED HOTEL, AiJlinfiurs-, Cnion cvoifi, I'tim'a. 1) ESI i'f I Kl " I.I-V aatasawllM ciiiassai ol j Union covjnty-anal lha uf.ln- m geaovalL ibaS ba Ln lea a ass at !; eTandl, lor imny y-ar- occttpied hy I i- Kio.er. "il urn ,e laml lo acTcaaaaadai friend ar.il iht- t-atin.rr rmttnnitj ia avatmei acceasahla t-' all. Th 1111 MK m Jr- ai.il rs-my.w-!l .irrnn geil in .iH oVparnaamla, anrl .t-ry cire will lio lak-n fn neVf hi. aoc-H cim!urta!'le am) hs.py. His TABLE will atWar l ainjbil ariib iha caaajcaal aalieacia of f?e easaaas, ami ihe lnt ihe marki-t ran afTo'J. 'I M A It Mill ai ali times ba alteaded i'y caeefol -.-.-, jih nun am ihe very beat sfliqaoi will kc iwpl. fj QTABLBH are an.j h- ami convrairal, and ihe C!9rTBatt punctwal and atiialiea In i-li. rl . lie j.i. ilj;'- liTr.'tll t. enJri.Tnr lo . sc rra rat,Ur ion I all. an. I hone tm iricl itnniion.io awaianan to merit and rrceita a uoenu auraot paironace. MiillinJ u-g, Jane Jo, 1 9M I II--' all you 3 oaaas bsb a boat : m Bntaws as And .. anwaj t., mm port j n a :. . ' nakwaral v, auaa-" B i.' 1 1 v u t n in p iaua in 1 1 in , e l es Ut ;-ut Jut coaac t-. .teva L. l . l.-r Baal t.t yaw Ba ran waad naas aew '. as riasaa ai .y ;,rettv ! fl .'. pcsav asttl saoae say. aadl saasp oa .- .r. I vjhk atut? I .r dollar or two, Trv?. will glv yun aurw l aal s kU U- a.i y our iif tini' a BnaMaia ; !- aura. a i if yaa dauaai t- tw in wart isfr.t r.r v.-vt rir Tmr-. rtawi Jm- l" l naxaaaulaaj Bar y no ra'l tu Ua1 -j.- litap of otb-T " '-'6. Aud naw Ltuj n-..n'.' nay jaat a wusdi BV l avli. I t nr. i l dot v h kaoa Baa Was rr ir.t laew ;.l i. II baa aaaas .f all kind? Whaai S r r r r r-r t'nnaatn it. J? ss : this Vre Puafij Ma; inc'a bfwaa ! nwwaowiai, iba aa! t are ui ! Twi had in the BPf)Cj is thi 'bit s. J P LT,DALL bats ' 9 an fthe tl ROOKS uii.l STATIONERY rt merit and iioors Ladies' ("riuti-rs ahd Slippers, i ii a are eeraen in LnariaWrn r.r any nth r gtnal taitirt. Marf 7. lt?5l. Dentistry. WW. C STEWART. P I ATE .f l'!:il tj. : hi,. r.or L.caipJ on j Mtrk.t strerl LwUbora. 0taaMaU Mr. J. Hctarajat'p atora. atWra hp mjTa H ujraiiona . mi ihelcctb al i imrtzuam of U f.trmrr nrir Tn . and rant ad tuli rpm.tvp.l wnh ria, f iii.i r.tv. .i Inatrnaif ata, aid m an eaay manner. Killing Trlh an I wiling aa j.'.T..t aa plate ailen tli 1 1. nrror.lnin lo lot htct irnj.r tvrmrni. in th, (.ittf. isi.in irirfru, ,). srJunT.uid ii.rlan.r.l cumi cittetl. 1'hanl.lLl t.tr Mat !.,. hp solu m a rantmaance of paMc pttrorisw Ka ia- ai i ;) Or. i.a.SUVs SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PILLS, .!ii n of ui itraw an ! Tke Eny nf aTf'Ptll Mnnnfatlnat ij, 1ECI'SE tli. y a-e aaaVr, better, aaai aaaaa ) rtfiracii aetttan any othera. ssaaaaaaraca have hern s.tl.l antiua.lv ba ibe lat live vear. us.. o Oaa, Mali ..;t Kr.ua can ataraj lake lha wnhtc qu ilaal. ly. muv-u! lear. ff Prffr tr nrrraiaa j fa, pangiagand clean ling the Suaaack How. els, and puritviag Ihe Blood and lluid of the dy, 'ake an other t no oilier jMm pr-doce tii.t-e con. Uined rffecta, or coaataia ttaraaitanlla in t cm. Eat, I)ri,k tmd Live at umul, ninl purine your uu l occnpaiion whilst taking them. i boat f.- .t of taking cold, during all kind of we attare. One Tnonsaad Dollars are wageretl toil taora tnnint cer: ificalaaj i rViira pKaeietara, clergyuaea, Jaeaacaari ol ( ..ngresa. and iMfMifniffe rtlBaesss) can he pr.tiu?.J of ihuif efficacy :ti jf tiiv oth rs. mmd rIN DOLL AK9 b4 f -rffiif I in frffffj iii-.iai.c-i where tj- s H.x will ni,i Jo mi,re gd rau To H im of mmj other'" F-.rrv Puis in n But ! ' mni m al 7V rityFirr C?t, a Box. lih tlirrctions anil mucti wholc-soine attain a. cunpn my ins eat h lox. TSfy hav nn Isafj cr unpit'isarit smrC, yrey t'rym dus . f mrnXXWaW oj anjf k ind, Iei n' irtfat tfaf .Cf-UI. '7, f itjVtis. Irtnlncr nt net firsc, romtlittej. ..r ArJ frrjnnajr THET ty;: VpQ at all rtvr Aniyi'iipte,li''.i ftdiir'iitsrfi"t ajn; No one haini sam tuben them w W willing attPiwartls t.t l.ikf any othcra, aaaaaaa tli.v aN m j l , - w. 7 " u'utra i'L Dr. K. 3. L, ly ft, Proafor and Mar-facttsr ... .i..i4.i,r, is regular Druggist. t.'brmit. and ntV'inaB, of lt,pfn j rxacranlCa ; fcj, . ,,r - . .r . . uate of the I nivet-itr of Fenn-ylvarn i ; Mun- oerot iiuirrent Medi. al Inatitotiooa uf nujiaaSc r phia. New York, B iaton, Uallitnore, &c, r a-sociate and corresponding memtter of several Medical Institutions of London ami Parta, &.c. OiTRtoi ana lvr..sini. Itrware of all pili. ctille.l fej names nearly similar, col un to ba tulil nn the reputation of Dr. I.ei.ly. SaraapanHn' i.t . . 1 dim . . .1... .. w.. ... ' ' ...a. oitsaparnia (.ills e.ei i.t- tnaWaMSnnatonnt...ii Tr lt , 1 !,. Take n.. other and you will not he .Irrn.ed. inner b, iil.r name, or cerrly rtrail.,. . . . - -'-.' 7T , " ""l"' ; li rnnetnat i7e;.oJ. I)r Mana iispenaarr. ., ill tia r. irwWu w,. u, . . - ; iu r ...,. a n ei., intauriinia- n.i sniu wholesale an.l mail l"e -B.-M " ." N " IU:. Iel- IV ' J. U Claw. ,,, J M.iwnr.T.o w Ke.ler.X.I rlin W. P. I Palaler. M i.7ior ..ana stitxer n. siinnnt.ur --v awaaa, atbaxt- i-j 1 V. unsni.n k Walt. r. OryValley II. 9. Boyae. frerl urir sp.,11, a ..ivt-ra. l.-.,v K.tnua .1 v.siftitri. Wtit, r' i. d ."JTKs''ir0 !i.iii.i",v, , L. 15. Kehn-r. M'llW.. ' . Fail Wilt Kilert.llsrt - ABaaaaaaaa.aaaaawaaa aaa iK.Bowah.iVnr.,iiiw lr. J. M. J U'M. WilH.msport and K. Dl U.. 1.1. mn.1 Str j eepetbn.hottoc .1:LS OCHOOL-TICKETS primed and , D sale nt this office. ALT and FISH on hand bv Ap S4 Beber da Idd naja. I ia3aaaaSB3aN3aasBiHaB gSa, ivara1a Biatrrial use ! f r htlingiin teti no . - n, v LII"' J ' 7t ,Bfl0'BjaBaBaTak BBBara''aa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers