KEWISBURG CIIRONICL.K AND WEST BRANCH FARMER m mum. H. C. HICXOK, , O. H. WOHDEM, FeblUhef. At $1 J rwah la awiwa: r-t.TS In tb- m-witha, J? paid within Mm rnr, ui fiSt. at tb rat fit 0 rw Araota IB W talrrr mxr W fair. Z,etrisburff, Pa, We&te'sciay Morning, October 16 . DTERTTZE ! Enrrnlor., A''mli,i,tmtor. PnMir rra. CUt sti4 Cnnutrr Mm-hanta. Manufurtun-ra. arhaaka, ttnnnra M...i all aim wi-li to prurure or to diapoar of amlliini. .x.ti! .to well to Riir tintira- of the anw through the -IsKU'mn, lnKtr." Tliin napvr hw rood and incn-aainc emulation in a romiuunilv contai tunn aa larra a proiiortWm of artiia, aoltrnt producin, avsrumor, and dvalrri, aa any cthir in th Stat. TO OURJMTRONS. The present 5s the most favorable season lint only fur reading, Lut for procuring subscriptions for Newspapers and to all nho think the ThVoiiielc" deserving of rupvrT, -ire offer this inducement until the Tst of January : Ecery jimii snliscrilx-r trho trill teevre another, fJnil Jiare the Chro nicle for Kimnrff and the nrir tiihsrriber for Tiro Dollar, (81 each,) .or one year only; tu- Cash tn be, jtrid in Adranrr. Fifty ets premium for obtaining a new subscriber, is worthy of the effort. Election Jcturns. Constitution. From the returns re ceived, it is evident that the Amendment providing for an Elective Judiciary, has carried. The Baltimore .Sun sr.ys the Pom. niaj. on (.'anal Commissioner is less than it was last year. The Democrats gain Members of Con gress in the 1st Phila. District, aud in Montgomery, Chester, York, Juniata, Ly coming, and Fayette counties. The Whigs gain a member in Westmoreland, and a report gives them one in Erie. Senate. The Whigs have elected ,r members and a late report gives them a gain in the Mercer district ; the Demo crats have 4 certain, and probably ", al though the Clarion district is reported to have elected Judge Myers, the Tariff can didate. The Mercer ami Clarion districts will determine the political complexion of the Senate. Housk. 5" Democrats aud 37 Whigs reported elected. The vote has been very small compare that of Union county, for example, with thatoflS4S: Whip. Taylor S15 Ihinlrmn u TirmoTaU. (' l'V) IMS K0 lrjolriulS40,Wh "7 Ih TOrat lr 1C I'U. In l'hiladelphia City, the Whigs carried the Mayor, &c., by about 30i majority Charles Gilpin, Mayor, over Judge Jones. The County was carried by the Democrat by abt ut 2000. Of tie City and County jifficcrs, the W'Ligs carried all but Prose cuting Attorney and Prothonotary. Mr. Gamble has Si 0 niaj. in Northum WW1, 258 in Lycoming, 142 in Clinton, fff li.j iu Sullivan 580 in all. Col. Slifer's the District is 875. j ? Mr. Madden had l.J votes Juniata t,o, to mnn ksiostikxts. The lines entitled " Christ's Second Com ing" are hardly up to the mark, and we arc therefore constrained to give them the cold shoulder. The author is him self decidedly a " genius," but as other men of genius have, as he frankly ad mits pretty much exhausted the sub ject, and blank verse is, of all poetry, the most difficult, the fact that "each line begins with a capital," is not enough to stve the piece from the edi torial veto. Ohio Election. The re'uros from Ohio are so contradic tory and complicated that it is impossible o prew nt a correct statement of the posi tion of parties. The returns for Congress indicate that there will be no change in the political complexion "f ihe delegation. The Whiga have already a majority in the Lefnlifure, and there is no doubt that Woods.Dem., is elected Governor. Florida. Mr. Cabell, the Whig Mem ber, is re-elected to Congress, and the Whigs probably have the Legislature. fgp-T)r. Mtmitox having concluded his Lectures on Astronomy, will deliver ano 4her free Temperance lecture in the Me thodist church, this (Wednesday) evening, at the ringing of lh" bell. Something rich may be anticipated, and cf course there w,ll be a rousing turn out. On Thursday evening, Pr. M. lectures .. .. it.. . m tliC ro' rcss nni jiuiueiiet; m -""" tut- 'r-'- m the Human Mind, and the closure of 4.11 int. 11U.I...4. .... , I llnubug. 1WA young niau has Wen arrested and ! We will close by a quotation from His committed ou the charge of having fired own lips "First east the beam out of the Clerk's Ferry Uridge. If guilty, we j thine own eye, that thou mayst see more wish him nothing worse than justice. j dearly the mote that is in thy brothers II kniit CiirRCH, Ksq"j Member of the " ?.a ga inst Legislature from Cumberland county, j Intelligence has reached England that was re-elected on Tuesday last, and died j the Chamler of Deputies, at Km Janiero . ... . . v ir ' . .... .1 . . rr the dav following, t cilnexlay. now : vain are buinan 'houorb how empty are 1 . . 1, . bumnu triumphs . NEW r.sTAnLISII!LT. .or. ..osiau. il. T.T Raker is now opening a new Inig,Xotion, ! ,f pailllrd Thursday, the 14'h ol Novem and Variety tnre, at the late Tost r t fa bcrvcd in that State 0s a day Offi'-c si'ind A lxrtiff njeut nest wk (m gcocial thanksgiving. What art W (toning to ? The Danville Intelligencer of last Fri day, says a no! signed " Lucifer" had been picked top in a public part of that borough, stating thit the town would be fired on "nest Tuesday night," (lt night, the 15c'h inst.) The Intelligencer very prorly advises their citizen to keep vi'iiiant look out for the scoundrels. We understand from a private letter re ceived in town, that a similar note was lately found in the streets of Columbia, IV, threatening to burn llerr's Hotel and Ilaldeman's Store; but a careful watch was kept, aud the designs of the miscreants frustrated, at least for the pres ent. Sinco the above was in type we learn that soin loose straw near the "table of uod aud speeds its way from world to one of our citizens was set on fire on last . world. No one possessing the least iinag Monday afternoon, but after burning over ination, ran for any length of time give a space about a yard square, was fortunate- himself up to the contemplation of the stil ly discovered and extinguished. J pendous mechanism of the heavens without . . " - - i becoming wrapt in wonder and amazement: It?" Last evening as two persons driving , . . . .. . . . A , , , , , , e , , ,c language itself fulls to depict, adequately, a horse and buggy attempted to pass the , . , ... - ,' ,. , , ... 1 1 . the glorious scenes Which break in upon his lines or the military encampment near 1 ..... . m;i i. j .i . ,. astonished vis.on. bayonet though the neck of the horse, badly wounding but not killing it. The horse Wlonged to the livery stable of .Mr. Hess, iu this place. JKi-Tlicrc is great excitement at Ha vanna, in anticicipatioii of another inva sion from the U. S. &arThaiiks, to " W. II. C." for a copy of the" California Courier" (for steamers) of .N-pt. 1st. ii. 9CiPKn aud apples En (jviire at this office. faji-JIembers of the Uar, in thi neigh borhood at least, will rend tho following reminiscence with a decided relish. Itich additions, we doubt not, could easily be made to this catalogue of phrases, and wc suggest to our brother ' limbs' Cooper, of the Danville " Democrat," pro tun., Masser, of the Sunbury " American," and Weaver, and Freeze, of the lWooimburg " Star," and " Democrat," for instance to bring forth from their field of observa tion 4 things both new and old,' to garnish this novel chapter of American Law Lite rature. Fur the Letvitburg Chronicle. Union County Bar, 25 Years Ago. l?y publishing the following extracts from a loo piece of paper found on the Counsel Table at New IJerlin at September Term, (the work no doubt of some briefless limb of the law) you will biin' to mind the tufioritii.i of the men ! that day ; a number of whom have since been admitted to the practice of another bar. L. " 1 do think and I do say, gentlemen of the jury." Latltrll. " According to the perpendicular line of truth and justice." lllhi. " It is not in the power of mortal man, to have a particle of doubt about it." (j retiKiunh -j I " But this is of unearthly consequence, j if tho court please." .S' lnr. j " I'nder the r)ntut of hov and crv." lium-raft. " The gentle, liuiiiane, and wild spirit which is diffused through the penal cod'; of IVunsvlvania." JLVi, "Hiituph! the gentlemen arc marvel ous, ivittv : r.ri'c. " Yes stop well let us sec stop there's come, let us have it down iu writing." Fr'i: '1 here is no evidence in the wide world to suplrt it." Yanhorn. 41 It is no such matter." Ihniul. " I fancy." Joi-.l.m. " Hem! the big man gets up, and the little man gets up, and they try to carry their cause by a kind of mechanical oper ation." Mmr. " The creditors, at the time of this transaction, had no existence." Ellis. To the l'utili-her of the Leu-isburg Clironicle .- I noticed an article in a paper emana ting from a press in a neighboring Iloro', professedly devoted to Temperance which the writer would do well to exercise in governing himself, and in the words of one of its most able advocates let him lcaru to 1 "temperately teuijieratc and consist ently consistent," particularly on the sub- :..4 ..e - , 1,;..1 w,n n In. tli. tn. J y. e - , vcrmnz spirit ol ins pen. it apparent. t is not so lunch bis object to promote teni- o luncu ins ol'jccr. 10 promote teiu- j ins nearcrs. x.vcry nic .ij.jH-.m-u , as to injure individuals, and a and benefitted ; at peace with himself and house, in order to reach which he I the "rest of mankind" in the pleasing re . .h. ...nst able and worthy i flection that he had spent his tune and perance. public h assails one of the most able and worthy supporters of the temperance cause, IV. Morron, because he stops at the Washing ton Hotel. T. I. Kline. Proprietor. This is one of the best stopping plat es of the day clean and pleasant rooms, a table of i .... 1 ... ,- .I,... I the first stamp, and every attention that . ." , , , i heart can desire; Mid no person would , . ... 1 i 1. 1 ...... 4. ..1 1 fc , , a ace as a , cs!sttH, - , i if- 4 i . . 1 r .'blessed Savior sat down with publican , . ... ,' , . n1l Littm.rd n-Iiuli Ti-fie thr. nrilv i inr,i, liw ' -1 i 1 ' '-'v " t- . ciii'inies were able to brins atrainst him. liau con e to me rt-soiuuoii mat me iraiuc in slates was piracy, and that therefore the most stringent steps would he taken lo r. ..rr: . put an end to tbe inhuman trvffio. .. . f . Caroi;.,. t.H, For the Lewisburg (Chronicle. Dr. Horrtn's Lec trues. Mr. Editor : The coarse of lectures re cently delivered by Dr. Morron on the science of the stars, Las been one of surpassing interest, and it is but sclddui that the good people of our place are fa - vored with such a rich intellectual treat or one which they seemed to relish as well. Although entirely removed from the sphere of the practical, yet the great truths, and speculations of Astronomical science, when once clearly presented never fail to awa ken attention by their grandeur and nov elty. Under their influence, the mind in the intensity and rapidity of its conccp- j tions breaking away from its moorings to earth, sweeps out in the ocean universe of I I Itrwl tl 9 ri.'li nn rioT'irti' if tlntlKrlit aud expression, combined With the power of clear and condensed mathematical statement, the eloquent lecturer never fai led to please and intere.-t. Crisping the main points of his subject with a vigor and boldness which showed him to be per fectly at home; on every part of it, he made them pass so vividly before the mind, that one scarcely needed the aid of his beautiful diagrams to render them visible part of his uumcrou and intelligent -mdi P!iL-f,:ii rvident from thefixedncs fatten tion mil breathless stillness which prcvai- 1 led. Anxiety seemed to be depicted up on every countenance, lest some important thought might be lost and the enchanting -pell broken. Even in the more difficult trains of thought, amounting in many in- ,-tanees, to complete niatheinaticul dcmr.n-' stra'ion, the hearer was enabled to follow ! him with comparative case, and the Ir. , ,' .... would ireqntmn, ly some happy Ulusti a-1 tion, throw a flood of light over what "r- ,,arcd dark and inoxplic:dde before. The ease ana lac.lity wnie.1 lie grappieu with that niod.ricultprollem of IMiysical .VMronomy tac i rcce.-su.ii o. iac r..,u.-1 noses, was tons both a matter of surprise and delight, showing by the simple ilius-, n hox which moves onrollers. the whole tration of a wheel floating upon a smooth ! drawn upon an inclined plane by a station-,-urfacc of water, how the attracting power j rv engino.-TI.e new plan was tri. rl last , , , . ,. , ! week, and three boats drawn up in us of the .sun and moon acting oMioucIv up- ., r . 1 - 1 , than five minutes, on the accumulated matter within the tro- . pics rve.l to -wiv the avis f the earth' neu 10 . way ine axis i u c tano Inn lv from its oii"ii al uo-it:oii i . .y i. ... . . i . . . . i Hut it was when speaker expatiated , upou tho beauty, stability, and vastnessof Jehovah's Empire that the audience most felt his power. Out of the apparent con-1 lUMOl. a.Ht ii reuia. o n i.u: i.ociui .iii. sky, order and harmony arose ; in i lie i .. -.1 . ..r i j ..l l 4. .,!.. o.m " " a..e.i .. r"'-:i.(:v. tions of our f.wn "island cluster," which appear to mark ts decay aud hnal dissolu- . . t ton, a scries of checks and balauces ul tains, by which all these fluctuations are: seen to return unon theinseltcs, and thus is; is its permanency secured. 1 u the mighty periods required for the completion of these results, time dwindles to a i.oiut, an eternitv closes around us. AVhilc one may well stand amazed at the achievement of the human intellect bv which such vast fields for investigation ; , i i 4 1 have been opened un, yet we coulit not ; - - - in surpress ine inougut mat in.ui . his boasted attainments, is still nut enter- mg the estibulc ot nugniuu ut : , , . .1 ii- ,i:..4 1 , temple, winch the JMinc Arcinutt J as reared for the contemplation ot his lutein-! creatures. In a splendid peroration at the close of the last lecture, the Ir. while dc-; scanting upon the immensity of creation, : recited with striking effect the Dream j the thermal! poet, of his fancid flight with his angel guide through the regions of in-, I fillity. ! M c could wish that space would permit 11 . us to follow the Dr. more minutely through the line of his invr-tirations, and recall a j f,.- ,f tl.o nvmv hriM.t"s with which - j - - - ne was couMauuj mo""o his hearers. Every enc appeared pleased nionev profitably. We wish the Dr. abun- .butt -success iu bis arduous and philan- thropic labor.', and sincerely hope that 11110j.11. 1,10 . 4 these lectures may tend to create a t;,ste in the minds of our eitizer.3 generally but especially among tha yoy.ihs of our toyn, for the acoTisiiioii of useful scientific 1 v , kno;vlcure. It sueb .-nould prove the hap- . u li;iv.. ,lo .t,(i)in to rc. . . lOWn, - ct th, b.u f visit of Ir. Morron. CLTO. I'.t.sburg, v.i. uuy ine omcai re- .. e I, lurus irotti t.urioti cou..i, e i.itiii uiai Myers has been elected State Senator, by 79 majority- The election of John I. Walker. (Whig,) for Congress, is doubtful in the XXIII district. The western coun ties give heavy majorities for ihe amend ment of the Constitution. Detroit, Oct. 14- Some farther attempts have lRy made to cnolure a numlier of fu-'iiive slaves.nnd serious results are likely " . . : . , , , . to follow. The authorities are using every ! precaution to suppress all attempts of res cue. The jail is well guarded ny ine mil itarv. Elisha C. Thomson, Volun'eer candi date for District Attorney, elected, by a small majority, over Weaver, (Dem.) in Columbia county, and John Stahley, (Re I e-j Whig) for County Cominbsioncr. TfcRRiBLfc Collision at Sea. Twen ty four Lives ! The steamer South erner, Captain Berry, from Charleston, arrived at NTew York, on Friday afternoon, i reports that at 2 o'clock on the morning of t,e same day, in lat. 38 39, in 22 fathoms 0f wnlert he descried the bark Isaac ! MeaJf w,icn eft New York for Savan- nah, on Thursday, on her larboard bow, very near. She immediately stopped and backed the engine, but too late to prevent a collision. The forward part of the bark was struck, splitting the bows entirely open, and in less than five minute she went down with fifteen passengcrs'and nine of the crew. The Southerner lay by the spot, with three of Frances' life bonts, and were enabled to save two passengers and seven of the crew. 'The fsauc Mead had a ery valuable frei"rrt for Savannahirnnd the interior. The damage tn the Southerner was incon siderable notwithstanding the violence of the concussion. The captain'of the Southerner soys he had three lights. A white light cn the nia-.t-hcod, a red light on the starboard paddle bos, and a blue light on the larboard which can be seen ten miles. The bark saw the Steamer first and put helm to starhoiird to cross the Southerner suppos ing she was standing in. Earthquake at Cleveland. A very sen sihle sliockof an earthquake was felt at i Cleveland, Ohio, on the 1st inst., twenty-1 five minutes past five o'clock. The moil ing wo very clear, with the cc?;tion of conciis-ion was so violent mat 11 prouuroi hrrin-a-d ntilin-.-of tl c ir.d.m-, fur niturc ai.d crockery, ana a vciy scnsio.e ... ....... 1 . . mi. trenibiing eoulU Ie tell ny one ho stood upon the "round. In Euclid, about cii'ht tniies east, the shock was sufficiently vio lent to thro- crockery from the shelf. Aliens, who have h en iii-e .V'r tLu United States, and who did not arrive under tiehlcen year$ of ne, in order in t,e iualinRd lo nI ,r,,, 1 'cientmi i - ..., i Election in 1812. they mu-t declare llair, grapes in hi- garden, (he called the Berki jnlen,:on ,0 i,e(.ollle riaMrni2f( on or be-I ennnt v grape,) and which be not on! v fore the evenih day of the month of N I si(OU,;j 111Ci but ccmpellcd me total of vrT), er, 1.50. otherwise ,.,, ui.. U,.,e ,he j, hpn) anJ ,nke fme lunche homP. ; privuegc . , m rs . u,M o, t j sl)rPrre(,t.j fl ,. Monk,anc cami Canada West, by an in- 't.ii,.d pai:P. The boats are floated int.. h Prire of a Men. C'.tlO has been, . ,, , .. .. . . 1 pain lor n nen in iinssacnuscii, wncre nir poultry fcter has been racing f" long lim( ,( cn,,p(1 jhp w j, ,,,,. hi ni he .rvij,.ncc Joura .ecom- ,m.,irJs that she should be named the jenny L-nd. i ! Minor kifiTTtiuf npriiimi a i i i rti& .n I-.I ..I , . W ' ,. )nj ..l, j ,i, .. r ..... . I he 23d till., nnd IS ihe CUfSt Of tllU lit. t. ,..-.. V. . . uisnop M-ndricK. lie nas pit on the plediie to over a rpiarter of a million since "p nas ,)Cen ,n our country, nno in Aevv Orleans nlone to IT 000. "ritans nione in ij.uuo. WEST BRANCH " wi iilt;i4tll Prepare for Winter. Tl,.. . i. ,.. i. .1 . ,i. r.n . .. , . luv imu, ui uiiIK m tnc him .i Cvcrv farmer, to render all comfortable i'nroul!h the win'er. Sheds need renairin?. ' " or new ones siiouic De uuiit. Apples, po- taioes, and garden vegetables need at ten-: (l0n. IT not already secured from frost,; l. . i i . ' no time ought to be lo.-t in protecting them from the same. Hank up the cellar, have . rmj supply of fire wood under cover, j nnrJ -cethat all stables and yards are ready j fr UjC. Remember that to a considerable j Hejpe, warm shelter for domestic animals j ;s equivalent to food. If exposed to storms ! ,) seVere cold, they will need thirty per rpiil mora fornr In rnrrv thpm witl thro' ' I j itid May, than they will if properly housed ! ,., , .... . . r. . I . .. , . ... can be all saved and turned to a valuable account next season By all means keep your dung heaps under shelter, that they may lose nothing by leaching Cattle, horses.hogs and thtep are most profitable, j when one is sure that he saves from the possibility of loss all th! matter voided bv I possibility of loss all th" matter voided by them in the course of the full and w inter. ,i1Rm ; ,u r.i.- r.... .j in,. e , . , I 1 i ho excretions formed by the consume-1 I . , , , , , , '1 "u" l" - l" , wW llUUUltM auu im v it 10 hundred pounds to the corn, oat or , hay crop of ihe next year, if skillfully j managed. The first thing is to save and ' I make ail the manure one reasonably can. and then study to obtain the largest practi cal gain Irom this raw material applied to the soil. Not a j ear passes in which fer tilizers worth several millions are not ttasted in the United fe:ates. 1 h.nk ol , these immense losses, and set a better ex- j ample to your brother farmers. Demon- strate to them thai you save every pmin I ! ofdun' and urine that al!s in vonr , . . w . . .... . . ' ...... 0 ,.. , ' I varus ana hcius. Make provision for watering stock con-1 veniently if your premises lack in that re. gard. While preparing (or winter, forget not 10 add a few choice books to your agricul tural library, for the w hole family to read rtne wnoic lamity to read and improve in ,l ., - 1- , . , , nu improve in useiui Knowledge. Hud- 1 son Ihmorral. Union Counly ct. 8, 1S0 lacial. DISTRICTS. o ? 5 1 -5 Ha!? 1? ? 3 5 o o . Canal Commissioner! Joshua Dungan, Whig Wm. T. Morison, Dem. Auditor General Henry W. Snyder, Whig Ephraim Banks, Dem. Surveyor General Joseph llenderson'Whig J. Porter Urawley, Dem. Congress lames Armstrong, Whig James Gamble, Dem. Assembly Col. Eli Siifer, Whig John M. I'auin, Dem. James Madden, Temp. I'rothomitary Jacob Hau, Jr., Whig Dr. Jos. Kvster, Vol.W. 208 160 113 33 2d 69 208 143 113 30 34 57 207 156 110 32 25 55 208 159 114 33 27 60 209 158 114 28 26 41 4 0 18 67 55 114 150 130 61 County Commis'ner Grure Ileimbach.Whig Serfi Shoch. Vol. fTcm. Dr. Jacob llorlacher.Vol. County Surveyor Itolcrt O.II.llayes.Whig Henry Motz, Vol. Dem. Constitution For the Amendment 153 117 74 37 10 31 P5 64 20 l-6 14 121 49 33 46 170 84 102 47 51 fa 1 Against the Amendment The rema nder of the regular Whig Ticket Ueorge Mill, esq., lor rrosecuung Attorney ; jmes w weigm ana uenry a. Sanders, for Auditors ; and Messrs. Boop. Wnlson, and Sheckler for Trustees elected with little or no opposition. Fur the Ltu-hburg Chronicle. Grapes and Peaches, j 1 ' yr notice of scvtrnl good peaches t vrn wrtfi'ivpn ni-fi u 1 rn pverw liiriiirr ' r,n.,lLt rtm. i hnvp f,p trinrt pt tli mvsiVf- r-.-- - c- f- , i n"w 51 c " here I have missed it, and 1 uoulil advise ail younj; larmers to ntant on kinds of fruit as soon as they begin lor thrm-elves. A short tin,e since I v d Dr. Ib-tten- stine. at Shamo kin Dam, and it would have -lone vou cod to ste the fall vim s of U wou!j say ,0 ai, ,,an, p rapes, as the ' ,r. hlis d ,ne, nnd ou will enjoy aplenty i ( the fruit of tour labor. The Dr. moved , ... lh" Mlme ..... i hs0 C(jm. menccd, (182l,l but I now see where 1 missid it, for it is 30 years before I begin to rai-e the grape. Ooe thing more I must le!I you the Dr. I ,1... f I, .. 1 1 ! 1. . . f -.. thp not of h eh he 1,1 n IM - - : from old Berks and planted in honor of ; (.(,n Jll(.ks()n. j. is a splendid tree, and ! th:s . ,.ar bore for the fir.-t time, and one j f jls firsl nuts ,hc Dr. han(k.d mPt which , , in my jn honof of 1.1 I, 1 llflY "I, I. I : i no iir nnn fun iwm rraiu" ruru, iru, I A.rnin T mlvi-cnll to r.t:m! Fruit Trpp I " - ! anj Kmn,n , our 0J fnend, ! . rj ' pARMi;R n,l(r.i r.. l, I ountain HiH, bast Hutlalo, Oet. 12. Sowing Corn for Fodder. Extract from a let't r lo ihe publisher of the Lewisburg Chronicle, from Franklin, Del. Co., N. Y. I nm now, instead of i Yankee , ork State soil inslead ol ihe nun.Is of I n i w.. J f... , i pnnst ivB.iiB un:.ims. ncuu uui ui.u I on xvmncivotv here as the Inrmers in I.'ni- J ! on rni.ntv lu : hut we trv to do thlnss in the right way. e hate anew plan ol raisin" fodder forcattle in thiscounty, w hich never saw in Penn a. It is to sow corn . .. .... . broadcast. Sow three bushels to the acre on tolerable cood land, and a lar erabgoodlanrj, and a .arge crop , them for troub,e-from three to four repay tons of good fodder is thus raised per acre, Perhaps this plan would be of some interest to farmers in Union and adjoining counties ho take your valuable paper J nnd should vou think it worthy, vou are at bbert? to .nnv if M T - , n , Advantages of Dkillimo Whfat. Tho advantas claimed for drill culture, in the Transactions of the New York Ag ricultural Society, are as follows : 1. A Saving of Seed. Five pecks of wheat drilled in is equal to two bushels sowed broadcast ; every kernel is neo'ly . . ..." M"n8 01 Any person that can manage a team can comp'ete, in , . . , . r.. the neatest manner, from ten lo fifteen acres per day. 3. An Increase of Crop. Small ridjes of earth are leftbetween the rows of wheat, tl.i:h, by the action of the frost, slides t'o vnand covers the roots, thereby pre vention winter killing.'' Light and h- at arc admitted between the rows and prevent inj iry l.y rust. A vigorous growth is I civen to the vounc nlanl. and its nnsilion in 11 utniA' i 11 1 1 v iiiiif-tr. iirt't'iiii in- drou(h . .. ' , The Town Council of Northumberland Ur"J "P n'bt watch, and offer a reward of 8100 for Ihe detection of the incendiary or incendiaries who are sunnosod to infest or incendiaries who are supposed to infest that Horough. The Repeal Ticket in Columbia and Montour had 2 to 400 mj. Col. V. Best had 710 votes, and Mr. Duckalew only 2, in Danville. Baltimore, Oct. 14. The New Orleans .nPr, of the 6th inst.. announce iherW 6th inst., annou e of the Centenn r t - - - truction by fire orthe t entennary Colletre. in that ci'v. Loss 520,000. 93 44 93 43 93 42 94 46 85 ?5 31 40 96 62 125 69 97 206 98 172 81 51 63 75 26 103 106 17 121 57 54 58 120 65 98 195 98 178 78 49 64 71 23 103 107 17 116 55 50 58 123 66 95 193 97 171 81 50 03 70 22 104 lOl If 94 56 52 64 129 71 95 206 99 186 P2 49 C2 74 25 107 110 16 119 59 56 68 124 67 95 201 97 248 81 52 58 71 17 107 94 9 34 55 53 2 0 G . 1 16 6 26 2 0 49 113 61 84 190 93 160 51 31 76 90 31 118 122 23 136 83 74 53 116 50 87 129 93 112 49 30 68 80 35 102 143 14 64 77 58 8 6 5 13 27 4 105 12 13 60 45 29 91 101 10C 53 30 203101 157 91 39 45 29 88 40 17? 92 12 90 46 63 30 60 123 9 84 114 60 178 16 36 67 52 50 34 101 134 11 46111 47 Frum the American Agriculturitt. Raising Potatoes front the Ball. fine, rich earth in a box id the house, kettr iiit-111 iiiirrc uiiii 111c &utn u uiitr. ' . . .t... AriAn al. 1 ,, n. lmjp, n.i inna 1 1 v in the onen a r. out not under , , g'n-, m I haJ not prepared :he means to lorce ttiem, wrucii l ininK wnoum oe oesi- rable lo ain lime and size. 1 then, June Kith, planted them in the open ground. 1 protect the vines the first year from fros.. to obt-iin n longer season until the 1st of N ivember. On digging them, I found . ? , , son.e as large as hens eggs, the largest portion smn'der. They produced seven varieties such as I now give you:-One ,ike ,he Eng.i.h red, ,o like long and round pink ne one hke the pinkeyes, but no red in the eye , one like the dark purple ; one like the blue ; and one like Ib()v r, 0!,c, 0f UriIf, sl2. The second jear, 1S48, 1 planted the seed raised, like other potutoes, hut in rich earth, but did not protect ihem in the fall to increase the growth. The vines were killed before llmv upm on.irwlt, mnturp I fill f Vi m i , the 20th of October, when thev were the - usual size of potatoes. This year, the vims were kil'ed by the frost as early as the 2d of October, when ihey were green and growin2 vigorously, and I believe lh(,y wo(jIJ ife .fhey dug on the 1 0th of October. One weighed lib. 10 oz. ; twelve others, 12 lb. 10 oz. The long potatoes are more mealy tit one end thanthe other, which shows they hate Dot their full growth. I do not know Ihe kind of potato from which the seed frt,m l the ball was obtained. The land, half an acre, was a pasture j , . . , . e i IS4 , plowed otice. 1st of May, IMS; carried on eijiht loads manure Irom the cow stalls. andciuht loads of leached ashes, spread , , . . ,, , . even, then drasuea it well, planted . M IPth had ond cron ' . . .. r ih. Ii I Br-r.. n nw4-rl . n (tin Uhi.i . j j j Oi, pioweo, oraggea, ann . j .l- l.- (nuiiieu i.ik nun acre wnnoui out manure. The i i soil is fine sandy loam, land foiling, very menow. i ne lonowing is me expense .r .i,;.,n . m.:., t;it: ,k- 01 c,llllvnlr' tOWing Sna tilling the ,,t .a.n..Mj i.u, an. p,Bnilgi , hoeif)g 80 . d; jn cost aboul 3 ; n30, half n barrel of p ' ' ' , . i plaster, w hen up, $1, making the whole r Nrw York. r., 1 haw hn , STra rafrr wna expense, 10. I am confident that the half tSK,bb,, acre will yield at least 230 bushels, which. ZZ'Jt tJZ""'' 1 w at four shillings the bushel, is $115 From uch teiimony weakfcs'j3bl:tio)uJj Expense of cultivation, 10 fo1'heo'lvea. Which leaves a balance of SlOa r .''"r'! a''-L " vr. Ayrr nrar Sir: two yarV I aa afflirt.J wlta I am confident l could easily sell ihe do- t;''7 -ompaii ,tirtmt r M"oi j t nJ (,rofujw n lirht lreat. B tin- a.lTi,v nf m attrixlir.f tatoes for the above sum, which would be Ph-ri'ri" iainaucrd jmciii kKv iwrokAk . mntinumt to do m. till I on-i.lrroj aiTarir enraa. the nice sum of $210 per ntre. for use of nJ aamb o en-t to oor prparti.,n. , , , . , . JAVKS RAXPALI. land and sn ail capital invested. nnnti. . .nnomu. o. n. nu. .... - .. . Thia day appear,-.! thr ahnTr namrd John Randall, anj J he ,0!, owing particulars, I Consider to Pronouncml Uie abort natun-nt tm in frrry rrfoact. ... lair(su nMTnt t.iitiaa be important ,n the cnltiyation of potatoes: TAe Remedy that Cures. I plowed the land six inches deep ; planted ivrrwxr.. su- Jan. 10, imt. . . ., . . 1 Dr. liar: I hare ton king aJllirtrd with Aitama the potatoes three inches deep, leaving the rtcw arir wore ntu hut autunn. tt hrowaht on a hills level with the earth, nd I planted T&JZZeltSZgLiTJ the rows three fee: Bjiart, and the hills two IT, X&ttZSX2Z feel from the centre to centre making 44 hills to the square rod. which gives 7,480 .A'.Xtrt: hills per acre. Allowing 14 hills for a puWl bushel, (as some of mine yielded.) gives Bi 500 bushels to the acre. I rally believe J H Caslow. Milton ; Iaaac Cerbart, Selinagroie, that if 1 had seed from the bulls sufficient nJ b7 D'fgiu gene. ally. to have Dlanted an acre, and ruliiwmori them, as I did what I planted, they would have produced at least S00 bushels this season. My land is now mellow : did not plow between the rows, but hoed the weeds up, icaving the hiUs nearly cye, whh ,he top of ihe ground until the potatoes grew and then raised the hills above the level, lhe usua, wa of .,owin- d ' .. . , ' . T " " corn or po.a.oes is . bad practice, especially in dry seasons ; small cultivator is much preferable. A'. Y. Stale Transaction. Aaron Kiliaji. Mexico, Oswego Co., 1849. The Whigs have elected Mr. Jerome, f Rii.;- v- -r, " "iwui tvv maiwr IV. tie Democratic 56 77 202 39 54 257 53 66 208 68 63 240 49 76 191 88 51 236 57 65 197 94 68 270 51 61 199 70 54 215 18 17 32 63 44 94 82 89 350 36 32 145 65 6t 245 42 39 56 69 107 116 64 91 72 88 59 87 58 7 5 2250, 780 1470. 2173 729 I4l3j 21961 818 ires' 67 63 94 101 87 74 69 100 114 64 76 62 69 111 113 65 89 73 67 1C6 118 64 79 67 1 20 1 64 77 58 68 125 130 89)2257, 750 68 j 1507' 91 2292 1070 55 j 1222: I ' 2021 1 j 8" j 1616: 58:2092' 476 57 66 64 U'3 12 14 88 el 18 82 : 103. 53 ' 1552 10) 474: 66 92 51 133 24 87 20 103)1912 24 50 73 315 111 100 171 40 ! 1669; 37 42 122 66 20 21 SliUSC 27 76 69 159 56 135 109 34 j 1424, Mrs.Grten, with her seven dvuiitcrf. are making ascensions in a balloon, near so ils. n.ivi nu .".hj.i 1 i v . - TkTx.thetrueOigetireFiuidorVaatricJuiu? . i .... A grt Uvt'iii curer. prpim from Kt,nt or the fcunh tomach of the Ox. after dircvtinr ,, . 7i - "i 7 ; ' ji,jwi,,u.' Thu w a truly woulrrful mncilj for imli;eiiin. i)yp; pia. jaundice. roiiiiaiiD, Z&yZ jire. See Atfrrrtiivmrnt in at.oihrr columD. i.. i u u.. m n Vo 1 1 vh r,..t,.k v. III POIITAXT i thore bing impuritm of he Uuj.UKAM-S PURIKVI.U E.- TRACT, the niot Koudeiful Puiifier in ih ""ld- Pu' P'" 'J"?"?- 'p'urS trn lo day. l..n,rr th.n H.mrill. Ur Thornton Bake,, .genu, L..t.,8. ;;n.3i GREAT COUGH RKMEUY! rATB&'S CHERRY PECTORAL: Far lb Care COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOFIlTO-COUOBy AVO COUSUIttPTIOU. IX ollerine l ommunitv this jiwtl; ccla-' bratnl rrim-dy fur J.i.ra-rs of ihr thniai aruf luii!, it i not our irb lo tiille with tha iivra or hfahb of thp afiiiclrd. but Iranklv to lav befora them (he niiiniooa of ilii-!irguih'd mm, anil. me of lh' "fr ot j" 'ufc fr,? mhkh thfj can judge for ihemai-lv.a. e pleilga our- trUn to make no "ild aertiona or falta atata- n''1 of i1 efficacy, nor .U bold out an nope to auffrrins humanity which beta will not WBrranU Many noun are here girn. and we aolieit aa "-juiry from the public into alt we pubhab. ms hit ataurrd Ibey will find ihem perfectly reliable i..T .u . . . ,nd ,,.,.. .. . . . .. rmt. V Irartlanri. uT Bowdinn Coll, ire. Maine. l' innwi thrfiVrt. or r,.ur-t lilkHt feitoral" in bitos family m.l that trf air rnuj. .! it prm-a nv atwfartina to ntur tiua no I haTervr knnn hai. prottil ao rminrntly fuccaatini at' 'rit, That ha nDnd.-r thkurt PEoronAi 1 i r.irj iu i n u 10 k"T th " month.. .th a nm. nui;u. m'iiijiiH-a dt or Momi. athl SfSTSS ""' ' ' .. Frfk......ll. ".-.... " I 4IIII- In Lewisburg, 9th inst.. by Rev. Jolrr Guter, William Geen, of Jersey Shore, and Miss Elissa Shri.nel, of White Deer. On the 8th inl. by Eld J.Adams, Cur's Srior-E. of Bo-gs Tp.. and Miss Kewxc An IIoves, of Half Moon. : In Lewisburg, llih inst., a son of Ann nd Henry Myers, aged about 6 months. In Bellefonte. 29th ult., in her (Mh )far Mart, wife of Wm.C. Welch, Esq. In Northumberland, 2d inst. in her?J'h year, Hannah, relict of late Rev. Ja's Kay. In Sunhurv. 10th inl nrl W,nt 4". years, Edward Otster, formerly Reg- "::S7PZ,l'rr'.'t" neenruer oi ivorinumoerianri coontV WOOD .SrtiV
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers