Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, October 09, 1850, Image 4
LHWiSUUilG CliHOKICl.iJ A Nil WEST UKAXCII t'ASiMKK II t t t 3 t A Dictionary Word, - ( John,' said n master lanncr in South Durham, the other tiny, 10 one of his men, bring in some fufl." ' ' John walked ofT. revolving the word in his mind, and returned with ihe pitchfork. ' " I doi.'t want this.' said the wonder ing tanner: l ani fuel. John.1 .'. !$. your pardon," replied the man : I ih night iou wanted something to turn over "he skins." ' Ami oil he went agnin.not a wlt'It wiser, but ashamed to confess his iimrnnre. Much meditating, as Lord ttrottgham wnul't s-iy.) lie m-xt pitched upon the be som, Khoulderin which he return d to the counlin-hnuse. I! is master was in pas sion. ' U'biil a stupi.l fls you lire, John," he xi-! ii i ti ; " I want 'ine slicks ni:d t-ha Inl- t.. lijjit the ti.e." " )l: h-h I'' reji-ii;r.l llie rustic ; " that uiiul yi ii want, is ii ? Why couldn't you Miy t-n nt first, iiinsii r, instind of usinjj a Ltme i d'rtiornry vordV' Ai d wish'ul to i-hcw il:i.t he not ... aW,e in his i,rnonu.-e,'. ca!l,-i a comrade '' Hlt.'ULA R for the Academical Year eom " . . y menemg Oct. 17, 1R50. t.m flu. I..nn.r nr-...inr. -t.i4 -1-. .1 t-.i.n ' he ktH'w whnt luel wis. . . " ! .!... t 1 J I . 1 1 . I . unsereu joe, nu. hs uuu giise and Sh'h like! D.it Jebrale PioaunR tii'"r, " Sum! Jonsii g." has heen in these l irniii's but uii . :t. iU r.., r... .. j., ,.. i ' j Sotif. Sam was ploughing one mornina in So lin Z b's corn lot, when block) Daa" t .ime aloiiii and hiii'ed him. Sum I pn i 1111. n il lull .1,1 iicruiiii.i. Nuinpt j us oxen, ana omceu tip against j . L l .. I. 1. II.. . . r-. j ' me pinujn iiHnuies, in, ax me his, ou s'f me drive dis team rutin' rie lot, now u) am dose oxum like i!ie steamboat Great liiiitum"' " 1 ft, cm u,,," Said Dan. j 111 " U'i I, I tell you, nie, kasc cYj'sgot '. a prni" 1-er behind 'em." I Y h ! yah ! go way wid ur 'pollers. 1 Now S :m Jonsin;; I ax you ni.nu filer wy m am d it plough like de eU oin;; st;ir V' j " D.r p!oiih like de ebei.itio star." said " . . ,11 Sam, ' e!I, M;a L KnuttM dt afore,, in kasQ.be bnund to shine.' ' , , ' " (in ay wid your shine, dnt ain't um i I nt all ; tint plough like ile eljenin star, j tr k ase i berry dark hi hind him."' Yan- k n , . j,,r A h .:ch farmer down cm hv Al'ihawk ! ,1 hid ju-; built a new barn, ami win'e ihe ! opprn 'umaf thrashing uas going f n, he rnedfiv nountt'd to the roof to ovi rlook 1 ooeraMm., and soon discovered w hut he very safely conidcred a gre.il piece of ex lrava::ice in the workman, and that was, that hilc they drove but ore nail in the Kinall -hingies, they invarinhly put two in wide nre. Mviihr-er mid nothing, but while tl.i' boss and his hards were in at dinner h i went out to the bnrn, balchet in hand, and split all ihe wide tliinglcs. Ibid. Tm ami thi; U.Mtis The Louis ville J.iurnal says very apdv. tlmt at the very mo nciit, hen Texas had an ajjrnt in U'ns' inton asking the I'niird Statis io send 'rnops to protect tn-r nii'iist the Indian, had Senators and lli-preenla-lives in VVashinoton prnrlnitnina, that, if tier drii nds in rcard to N w Mexico are not c rn -lied wi:h, 'ie will whip the Uni ted Si.d, t. The -ditor of the Broikl n Ki'jP makrs an np -loy to undry o! Ins 1mn4 irietids 1 vlsa cl cled under hi window n ffw eve-1 nings siii!e to give him a creinde. Ile! ku; poiuj a cat fij;bl w:is p inn 011, enipt-j ied a pit -iu r of aer t. ihtir heads in stead uf nckoowli-dino the lit.n' r. An olher wiirninji against tiKi 1. isty d-cisions. The m makers of I ho N- Viik Stale Fiiir, lio' Icn at Albany Snst wick pprmif i"J anim Js nnd Editors M 2 for half price hi h, on ihe rnilnmd. We are ar- nuain'r d ih several peiSOi: ln ni'gllt j . . l . '. 1 Il.ive ;;oite; ire", iii.tsn.u. tl o u: y m.iic the eh r .elers. An M.tirvilSe S. C.) piper s.iys : SmriH one criticising Wi bs'ei'i style, j ivs, eierv sentence eith a pound.' . ,1 V C II .l.-ll Know what Oil--'-! Is IOUCn:n j v ill luivi- mi the Texas I) 'I'he i ifect will be to iiukr mi till. .... , ,, ,, ... LOtiiiw.-iw p.a.n i...e., . puliles! n Idress of geiitlcimin to a lady i, " I om n'.w, dear inndain, the fun.l.lo-t of your M'nants !.c so grw.d I j a'lotv me to lie o ir bird .n I mas'er.' : I J.'in.v l.ind fl.iur" is a.!ierirrd at Al bany, an 1 "J.-ni.y Ltiid h and "Jenny j I.in-.l fc-ii.e' in Xe'.v Vn-lt Thn HaiV rif : . . . . "... .': n nwirii. ..in . i , . m -mam is . i - . .. ...i.ii . iisn (.inluviit tire beini ecjip ""t a or.nny tPiiiii.. We C-r.-nans erl ..or rit.. t., Ue surrt, 4 s f .r as e iiei'J Via . Wsr hate ihe freedom of curie lure. And a caricature of freedom 't rL ',.; m, 1 4. 1 , p:' p ' i , ' lf - ' . " - ' 1 t-inrs Mivfnevbe Itke oM tnaids ever 1 . . .. .... rrudy lui t.rver wantrd,4' t.J j N-w Jersey as pcocheii And 5ntni nf iKahi I ana sotnc o( them rim he Uiticht a cheap Jnny L'ti-iV r,j-etit is s iid, nut on! rni opp'to D in alt hut a!o verv frequenf-: i to x t r. ' i II'L.E'S WOH9I VCRMIFlCiH. T HE following orders show at once demand for and eicellence of this great medicine : " York, Jul; 28, 1847 'J Kidd &. Co: The Vermifuge Mt us on sale some time ego by your agent, is sold. It goes very rapidly, and give great satisfaction. As we are entirely out of the article, and have frequent calls for it, please send as sfl-ne immediately : J . C A MORRIS & CO. Vsbvih.e, Tenn. March IS, 1847 ' "Dr MX me Dear Sir : The Vermifu-e jrou lift wild nie Ism fall has lung since heen sol-l.and I could have sold a great deal more if I had had it. Since my return from the East, I have heen called upon nearly eery d.iy to write to you, rrqurtling an immediate supply. I have already tried ynur Vermifuge in my own family and find it to lie the lest I have ever ued ' E F MORHIfcOV Mid CueEK, Steuben Co. Sept 7. 1S17 ' This may ceitify that we have sold DrM'I.ane's A mei ican Worm Specific, or Patent Vtrmifiige, he past year, and it has given unbounded satis faction. It is no imposition on the community, but i what iu auihors recommend it to he a unuel specific for those afflicted with nouns. "H. HUGHES & CO." AGEXTS CWScHArrLt.UwUI.urg; J II CarJow and J H Baser. Milton ; I (J. ihart. Se lii.hBrnve; J W Friling, Sunburv ; Mrs M'Cay, Nouhumberlmd , M C Grier. J Moote, Danville UNIVERSITY at L.ewisbur?. COURSE OF STUDIES i VJ.v.. ... ., . ' n Spelling, Kea.lillg. Defirtitmn ar, Arithmeiir, tie..sraphy. HU Eur.isedin t Eni-lii (ir.iminar. ' toiy L" 8.A., Penmanship and Composition. rnl,Msh DcDartment of the Academy. ' The same studies as in the Piimary D.partm't continued in the use of larger text books ; and to these are added denpral history, Algebra, l. drCi .,) Eiemenu of Surveying Classical Department of the Academe. T. Junior AcaJtmie clot. ..... .... foglinh UramQUaT, lUu Gnuuiuiir, Arithnnliri two ftt. Tin miiii' stttdi-ii a in T. Trrm. imi PTnnaniliip. tnhntt tjruauuar. r'a-sar. Arithmetic nrtiij.ji t! l y ist ilivU;m. iinfk linuninar, History L'Jf.A., ln- Stkntvr Afuftmic cla. . Cw. Grerk KfI. r, Alibra (Lk-tu. nK.) .Vii'M'1, tlo do il tin do romplvta-d. tii-m- r;tl Htory, iilih Language antl Cuiu;uiti u. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. Freshman Kn Ji-U I.ajiuaie and Cuuipui-ition, Altra, 1-ity, Aimtni. l'hiuc ti omt-trr. Lit v. AnaboKis. I'laiif, Nhd and Sj.h.'riiai a.tiutry cnil !!. Li yt AuuhaM. Sophon.nrt rhtsft. ll--raOdy4ky. I'tatir and St-h-Tirnl Trf-.-"ti"iin-try do do Ii-iiurtinjinryiiij:.N.iViatkn. ,rto compart- d. S lert Orations cf lit ni"sih m liliftoric, An;il iiral iinn. lry. Jun ior clax. iN'moMhrnt-ff on tbr Cnma. Cicero d OfCciif. Me rii iniif. Hydro.-'tutn'.t. and llvilraulio. Itmoih-p-s on tin Crown. Cio'm dr f'ffifi( mm- i m plftrds IWimnitu, Atvutict. tlcctrivity, M;i?n- l-m. aud 0(.t-. (JlpwU Trag'-dif Tacitus Atroti' my. Senior cfa. T.iV'V. :itural Tli'-olrvrr, Infoll i timl l'hiTr'j !:y. Jtuil- r An:ilv 'oiiritituii"a vf L. tf., ."! -uiioirv. m- Lvtur-, 4c-tii:iai isi-rit-.. y9 ci,iSli j,, ihe Hrgular Course his less i three daily recitiiiions. Kvery Saturday fiirenomi i.- devntej riclu-ivtly ( ocal .MuU', IlicT-iir.at.oii arid readme seb et and original LonpnMUiMiH 'i'he siudebts ate reuuired lo MueiKUreciilaily. owe rol'uiijus meeting. Minors hre efpect-.! to attend furli meelins ttn arc rec'iTnmeuJeJ lo ihem t dy their parent.- or guirliaus. Theie are in tin- tmiut;!i no less tl. an six places of public woislnp. of as many dilTerent I'hristian deuoimnations. Xext Books. ' r.. V. '. . nif.fffr and A'orut4b Tl..- Bill.-. I'-ri. r'-1 Kl..i..ri.ai l;.ii.l.r, Wcmnvrr't or W.lur Uirti' iiarj . i.ui;a. ..urni .maunar. isrhTi. in'.'nw,r ..um- in Kiurli'H I i.i..!Mtiuu. farter's Aids. J:Uir s U-.-t.ir. - -1 iii-.-rsify 1-drtH.t... l.'itin Linttut;. DilHionVOraaaraar. ItullionV IteaJn 1-. .-rctl's Lc-xkoil, iiulliou sOeftar. achlnrtr ajul uuujIs ii--.l. I.iii-ijlti i.iy. Auli.un's llurar.-, 'i'h.-ich.-r's 1 .clto tl.- i ii.;i i s. Tv I t s Tarili.K" ermmnia rt ArrietiU. j ;.-. y.ry-;,-'- l-allaia's linunmr. i;.ij!;r Ileait-T, l.i-!;li-H ft Nntl.- l.-xicon; U.wi'l X'Mnq.lio.rs Atuitm.is. f i.tt.-r.' ll"in.-rs o-t.ss-y.r-!i.'.nii;!ili's D- mo.-Ih.T.i--. rind's I !:i.s. :.t i:ili.l:J. . ! M Mti linviiV Aritl-.ni.-t;i- f-r A-r. m'.-. Ft. iii- J .-nt.-.r- Aiir-tira. llourd.si. liri-niln-. Mlr -yiua hi-. ..ni- i f;xtn A. ...I . tii-.il . i. i -Hi. 1.-'. I ilin-l .1 i. t ul: I i'l.il jl.v rclj.el.l.li!!lli AMronvmy. . j HlJitrrol"Slinll'lli. - i The iiumlier ot rtudents during the past yeir ' in the various Deparliueiils, waa ll'j. 1 lie Collegiate elates slieady orgtuiie l Iur tUe eii-u in year, are the toil.iAiug nr rlaFS . s 14 - 10 !'... luni'ir rlasn - - S..(it...lnor.. cl;is -F.-.-sLm:.u tia.-s - 51 ; Teachers. J iSi,iI!lir A'll, tata!o ! i::..;i;i: l:. iit.iij, a. M, Prof, of Onvk Lania- j sd-1 Lit- r.btunK. - .;-..K..,.u.AMi!:!;s.NA.M.,pr..f.c.ruiiiit.ai.Sur.'e "Di's'i'.'e'l"rr;.w . m p.- , k . , ' l.-A t N. UIIUUS, A. rriBeipsl of the Arnrtrmv. Ai.nii n i avi. hi, A. m. Tutor iu the Eniih jju-' ami (MM-utiou. CtiillUin;i,IJ2rary and Apparatus.. The Academic eJifice now occupied liy thf ' mrtnlters of ihe I'niversitv. had Uen errc nt . ;-n frp'-n1 of t'-'.onfl. aril it in 1;tptfl tn ftrrnnt:iif-.intc i -l- rl nt!5. Ai:"tii. rilitic id m artf wimpli'tnl. :nti U j r' - !-iJ tt Ik ivariy t tr oi-pttcy at the r'Uiiu ui-.-un t ' a." tli.. is..t T..i-ti irl IT. 1 ' The 1 l'.nrt- iniiT:iitii si ri imilscr uf r-lrs-t f-nltiTn.-c vrid 1'l.i.niii.si Ii.mfiIiu lc twMtn nrnnired a n t?1-;i-nt . n,. !y ih,. im.n .lm d. manil. " he Ai-i-nratos l.-r II... illuslnilii.r. .-I" M'-!a.nic:il t'hiUopl.y, is now c.-m.-l-1.-. Tuition ami lluard. Tuition in the I'ollegiate Itepartinent f :J0. ' Academic fi,). Primary 12 per year. I lioar.1, iucludiiie lodcine, washin;?, fuel, and lishl, can be had iu the illage and its vicinity at "" P' ,'5 8-50 P6' k- i Arrn:.-nt.-iils nr In prT.M Ut rnmish Riflr.1.esrlu-1 fire of lol.-ln-. w.-l.ini. rul and lipht. U. u.ll as n; .l.-4re it, at $1 2i per .-ek. j. 10W jls I Kf.'Mti(tns and Vacation. Tsro Sessions in the year the former com 1 mfi.ra nn Ihn 3rd Thuisdav in Orti.bcr. and continues s;C .-rks; the latter couimenres on; Thursdav. loth Mav. and continues 1 1 weeks. Spring Vacation, 4 weeks; Autumnal, S. Uy order and iu behalf of the Board : , THOMAS WATTSOX. Pres't. . tiEKRtiE F. -MILLER. fec'y. Lcwialmrg. L'nion Co. Pa. Sept. 1, LS.'iO IT IS A FACT, F enlfwvident and svnrlhv lit' fvrv- . r, seil-eviot nr, ana wormy oi every i emisirieiion. thit no Miller en iniike . ' - , .. . ; ; v . a ' . . ... , : jrioa Clean II 1 ir wiinout lie ai !i""u vwitu ! ibeat. 1 sntipo-e you wish bi know the J wwwu. j , - v I I remedy. I ti ll V oil It i to tel one ol j ! Urtfktrtturt tt ktat bciurrrs, or Mnuj , , ! M HlilltKM. ! b"injl an old, praciic-tl Hlirl j ...wr,,l M !lu,rlnKl I. US iiivfnte,l. O.ll . 1 ,.r . ' e- . i tit 1 nnrl r.itt in iruAuful nnftriltinn llifl Ih'mI WrVH Scoim;r now in use. Any person ordorinj a mrhine Rnd afterward.- nndinjj iht it d- not prove to operate as roprt1 iK,.,,, .k.n . .7 .1 . 1 I no sale. s fhfse mn- ;-.-, iiij nisi 1m chinet urn in Im warranted ga'id. Further 1 1 . ; rft 1 r-fnT(iinii-"ii'..-ii-ii- nc iiiiniani uniHTfrWum 1 i " 7. j,M. r " ' I oUf(f nv X'sr-t. Gedrkft Marsn. Orders (or michine-t, or letters of inquiry, w ill h f frnmpt!v aliened In. Maehines will he(6 s nt and put la allrHrc. Addre ' 1. bV-iu-sstiu-sskr, 1 Lewitfhurg, ("nk'n Co. Ta. lZV The Summer Session of the LEWrSBURG ACADEMY, " Y7"ILL commence on Mo5tii.ii the 2'Jih of f f April. Instruction will he given, as for merly, in all branches necessity to a tborungh Academic course. Our endeavor shall lint le simply to communicate knowledge, but to excite the youthful mind to act lor itself. When tins is fatly attained, the progress of Ihe student becomes at once certain and rapij. The kind of learni-ig which most of our youths in this country ilex, is that solid literatuie. which, while it mature their minds, prepares them also, for the practical duties of h.e. ; ' Composition and Declamation will receive their full share of attention particularly the fornier. I he Primary Department thall have our special care. From the disposition manifested to sustain j the Institution, the -subscriber leels stimulated to m-.cu raetiiillis. The Session will consist of two Terms of 1 1 weeks each a short vacation intervening. Tui tion ijiu for the common branches, for the higher English, and $10 for Languages, per Session per Term, otie half. JNO. RANDOLPH. March 27, 1850. Principal. TaniiingaiuK 'iirrying IOR past favors, Ihe sutWriher re'tirns his gratul'ul I hanks, ami lierehy m ilic known thut he carries on the business ol" Tannins and Currjlnar, at the 0'id Stand. Di;ter(nined not lo he outdone in the manufacture or finish of his work, he is hound to have the best work men and materials, and to treat those who have so liberally patronized (as well as those also who shiill lie uleiised to painmixe i . r . ' j ,,lm) "n lh;, ntlenlion hich he hopes lo insure him a lull share ol public pHtrnnt;''. M" kinds nf Produce taken in exchine. Hides and B:irk not refused, for wliteh the hihest market price ill be paid in cash or ia exchunj;e Tor leather. L. STEU.NKR. M.irch 25. A D. GOLD andjSILVSH yit vitty in Cai'f'u-nia, but tiLo i.i Ltwhlurg.1 A co.iij aso Lrnrrit of ol line (ju:i!i ahJ at City juice.-. Hatfield & Thonpsoa ; Ivi's-pfClfully inlriii the t iliztii f Li'wisbiirg an! 1 vicinity , ih'ii ihcv have eiittreil into ritn(Mship ! I ihe OLU fePAMJ on Murkrt St., opposite J i llayeii & 'o' Store, jufpjreti l rxTu:e 'it j kiitj of work iu ibt-ir line in llie In-si ihjiiiht. ; I'hry carpi. lily mrlt-cU-J of llie best Kng!ili nud ; Fre-i.i'U maleruU, M-iiusprings ('vliiiJer! K-r-ipe LerU. ami a tariety oi W .U h Jc.M-I.-.anJ llulttr lheiiite,ve that llieir kuovvU,le ami skill iu Hit !UMue3 will enal'le i.".n to five !atistiictiuQ tu ull whtt mav f.ivor ilifin with patrfi::ae.:. kim; watches, such s ns-2 enpetnent!, Lfpinen, Arichars, lU tiiiht il, Xj I'ateiil Ieert Keptdti rs, fu!ial U'aUhts, ic inaily repan J uJ tva:ranlil Also for ilr, a vnrjelv of GuIJ ant) Silver Wairhp-, PiHrnt Lever, An- hnr. PftarheJ, Lp ;;ine. iuariiirat an I LiIj-h VVaicht!, G.tM ('haiiid, Urea-f-p i.g, Kimj-t and K.ir riiii. (iotii un.t Silver U It MiJis, limn K-ts. (ioM ni:t! J-vhvr IVricils an J I'eiis, t!t ISperlucles, Silvrr Siiit.tns. Suar tonc.( 'onihi;. Ac Ac. in .-h'rl. a Iit;le of r thinf?. and anything clt.e, inn meulinuiuz ktrcl: knacks. always on hun.l .r !j..t to order A vaiiety of Hrjss t li.clis for f 3 and upwards at holeil and retail IVrs.ms desirii.i; to get tlrnr riit, would do ue!l ty giving ihe sulisciil.ers a rail Evpcrience lella us that the Credit System can nt ull'.rd a living. Therefore, in older lo "push a!,,.., and keen mmins." llie fasti -teni must ,...'i. i . ... c . i ""u"t" l it. CS. 1 A !. HA run I. D. VM II TIIOMi fOM. HENRY C HICKOK, .1 TTOnSKY A T LA U', Lt'wislnr?, Union Couniv, I'onn'a. . . . , ,. . . . , rractHes in l,m..n and dj..iiiing counties alo attends the couils of Perry county. "FFICE on f econ.l St., lately occupiid Vj by L. B. Christ, Esq. C 1L'l! 1L'l!CTJi:i:;iS to the University n! IJ Lewisbur"" are respectfully requested i tu i.av their Second Instalineri'. now due. ' 'w Tf' 'hose he have not paid the Is: iiM-tl'l are respectfully notified , , . , , - -,, , j 'h:it all i,uch delinquent will he charff'd lu'erest on their In-t.'ilinerils fiom the time they become due. SAM 1. T. WAI.KLK, Tress. .ewisburj;, Feb. 25, 1850. 7Vir: On nt- li. ui . i j ff thf. Ay ri"Vtfi I r, .i.. A J Ejs. S- .JSk JJr.TraSK'3 llAUKJiTIJ OliTrriErjT IS constantly elTecting cures of ihe utmost importance. 'I'he most credulous are nix- , vivcKn ; the most faithless, compelled to believe rin the power and virtue of this great remedv. I It is uiiivrf.-ily n.lmitt.r! If tv tl:? l.l..-;t V"-nil.rfil roini.ipatii.n known to Ihp wori'l l'-r llie irinJuttr rt '.it f ' if ills. stn-1 jmin. It u. v.-r f.iis while Iti.-r.' r.-m:iiiis ! suifi.-i.-n' lif.' torsstof a n-.tural and li-altUy aeli.,n to tt-.- r.-ipi)l&ry vessels ..f II14 uihIv. :uid -..' Utr. arcula Hi;. uf f'.e I'hnml. tips m--;i... A miitrollin n.u-.-r is j ei. ii:-;l orrr It.- rrinv-T ri ili--tiro.t f.-ri r-f .lisf-nst-. whvh ,a" ""t nfcl""' " rarhwth.. ,r n( h(l ,lun,tjol, u,.lt H Ka ,,nl.,, u, ).ort.i.n of lb" liauian fr;tin -: .-v.-ry ism- .mil riuisrle. i'"r - i.ii .r ibe iiauian fr.iii-: VHin. rif-r-.pTia nnmi.T is wan-n-Ni 0.11 mm mn.lt- sn- .t.l of pur.ikatkai.ouHiraiiio-iniiu. no.-. Iluiu-euo. f'"'1'1'' wil.1' "rLit external Nmn-Tons mstanc-:.r;-011 r.-ctnt. v. hsro this r,-ni.-.y lias.Ktnri! beaiik loa.aiiriu so wt U' ntve that the ,,.,.,. frm.-ntiy b the raw in 1 ' In?imrr.ation of the Bcwe'a. "o rali'Dt eerl rlh- with this .lisnso 1T.- tt.c Mai.-lwlle .Hntuii - nt e.i hrt ol.lain.-d. 1 hat .ituiernaA epiieinh kn..n n llu. t'LrlttV hKlJII'J.l,A5, ean always In cur J l.y thin reme.lr. r'nr l.XFLAMMATOKr KHKf V.ITtS.V. this Ainlm.-nt h.pKiSteoniiltfl .r.'m-.ly ert-r j.npar in i casrs out of it win sfr..rd . r- to the wnntra'f ofKtrvona Headache iu-wimutn. Fur Nt-rvoiir- lFi-t-!. tbi" niBety i of imim n' rnlua. A TTKiwrJt fT tlifr ?pm iLn--nin:inm. LurfTmt. t !M rW inrM, ?nw iiuis, 1 t'-uiirt, ' i"i. Mnrhn.. Attn 1:1 inc J-at'c or lir.-au Kitrn. Kt Ferer t?oreiv en will be umuediat-ly reln by th - uvf th! nm-dv. U by Thornton r B fiber, I.ewUburg nn2vS ' K F RrrTKnFiELu. Trvg An tlX - VN JtVTICE,new eliiion,can b had J 9 i I.yndaii s Bookstore, in thi place. I.cwiaSurc, lil 10, m50 More Xcivn for the Sltk! CF.RTIFICATLS AX It TEST1.1IOXIALS, St'iRcient tn Jill rvtry nAumn f tht can br productd latuit J'oi Ut the wvmiirjui lirluct iJ l)r.SwajTne'8 celebrated Family Medicines. celebrated Comjiouitd fc?yrup of Wild Cherry, TI1E 3IOT COMMON SAVIG IS I hat I woul-l cot give n- Uatleof " Ur. Shjdc rnnKtuU yriiHt ilUt. bi-rry" fitr hnit 'i'ut-n i nii ulIut pr utr Mii""i!. t hVc tm-tf aU tilt- 'ulr oii' S. l.ul ihn strui'Js unlinl IitOn; Mm oi the f.'!iiiiir ti.twai. vie. itttlivtttti. 0u(ft. lfds, .''ninMj.iivit, JyuUiM! " ifi-d, I'u.lptii.a,"H Lfie Ilxjrt. WhmynHiJ 1'-uylt. J'ict. littff &r i.,ytr-f tt t snli',n in tut i hr-mt, Itfrncittlii. AVhnu, or I'ain-tl cuiistmiliUii from any cux-, u ii I tu i tk t ut j k th h i Iroia f:illiiiiiittia AW'W.tlii- mi1 Uirilit; bn.t not lis -niA 1h-u too min b t'alem.-i oriuin;iiL- l?a l-n ut .1. UiiB uii-itiriitt; will pn-tcnt il- evil effi-ts) t-u the saUui aud r iiiiir tiie 1 diary fuiicti"ii". MXAMCABLE r-ntE of a,.v.v; . n-.v. Alirahain liunsicker, 2 miles Irom Shiiiack- villi1, l'a.. contracted a bevere cold, whicli tt- lliJ upon his Luni;ii, attciidid w nil iuknt couching. gival ililliiuHv ul bitalhiiiij, unalcca lormi d in his lung, and mail its aj through tin; s-iJe, and ilischarged large quantities of ius xteinally. This mournful slate of ih iij con tinued for a long lime, until making use of Dr. Mnayne's Compound iyrup of Wild Cherry, wliitli peifonncd a pcrfrct cure. Have yiiu Ihe Aslhma, l.iver Compluii.t, or Uroncliiti. ! If so (ii this medicine a trial. It si-IU. 'in tails to cure. YUUY IMI'OKTANT CAL I IOX. lie very caielul lo ritijuiie tor I'H. SWATMi'S CO.MI'OL.NU VKll' l)h" W ll.U ('HKKltY, as some unprincipled indi viduals have stolen the name of Wild Chi-r. v, thinking to liorruw a reputation from llitt A dy eslatilished. Kememder, Ihe cenuinn ih put in F.pinie bottles, covered ilh a beautiful wrap- per. tstrvl engraving,) wnn lue p.iriiau oi u. ivi' . VVI-' ,!,,. .! his ni.l.ire: lt oil., er are posiiively ficticious and cnuiilerft it." SMayiie's C'rlcbralrd Vormifiisf. "A sale and ell'ertual leinedy for Worui. IliS' prji:i:i. Chotora Mnrl'ii-, i kly or Pi-perei.' Ctiildii'u, or .diilt., ai.d llie ioo-t ui lul Kamiljs". Medicine ever olH red to the public.'' Extract uf a l,el!:r ..-. .r-yir. 1) .lid. Aiii!ersoulovvii. tndinna. A mun purchased a bottle ol your Vermiluje ... l 1 1 11. 1; the other day tot Ins child, and by its use dis- cliarui'd sixty t!i if of the driest serins he ti;.d I eer seen. Ii is somolut Jilli.ult lo the people try it, as thev havj been so oilen qulle.1 !y nauseous ami w.iritiless worm nieuicines. Yours 1-eing so very piinsnnl l I'e tate, at ihe j same time elf dual, I shall be at.l.. t dispose of a hrge ipjantiiy. i;esrctfilly. jours. Townsemi T. fniKf, P.M. I liEWAKK Or' MIsTXK"! K mem'ier. ! Ilr wayne's Vermituae i now put up in sipnie. ' I'.itllcs. (having reeei liy b. i n change.!.) cover. , I ...1.1. t.n. I C...I c-.iir-.v.mr o-. i,T.!.,-r . u .ll. .i,..,. ..r .. ,i,n,I,n il..:.r this r' ' :,:z::., III mild. 1TKI I'T tu uncpru. H.e Ihat the t.au-.e U tpelt correctly SWAV.NE. 'IFXSi: l PI'RIFV ti.LA.5i. .v.vir iiiuri. Da. SWAVXE'S sn:.R COVTKO SAR - PAKII.I..V E.rrKA'.T Ol' TAK PILLS. A mild and eir,'Ctie purgative, great purifier of Ihe l.l.wid, thev correct all Ihe functions ol the l.l v.T.iiii.i as an alterative in Dropsical adecii ms, liev arc verv valuable, tiiddinesa of the head. ui iiiir?s of sicht depresriu:i of spirit, headache, &c, are cured 1-y these puiilyiug 1 nls. o medicine can Irive a hellor riTect I .1 mrnt! .ly ir- rt gularities, which occa-ioi.a!!y happen lo o- men, they are perfectly safe, and wiiliu c.u.junc- ii"n with Dr. Swajne's Compound Syrup of Wild C'I.ery, tukc all pain from every part the system. The al.ove valuable medicines are pre parr i! on ly Ly On. SWAY.NK. N. W. comer of EisUdi ai.d I! ice streets. Phil.oh-Ip'ii-i. Agents f ir l iii'iii tntmti. I'll.: I lV.N;n.riE :.15. T t.lT. N A ltKfR. l. v-lvrp: M . -i-.t." it!-..T, n..n ' ii.'.j. I'nv.T. r. n.r,Ti!i 1 .v. :s.v Si-lnur Si-l'.ii -T-vo j!,. I -j. T. r. .llifflint.er-V.-'i.i.-tii'ti. .V V;.:tfr,Prv V;.!!evl.'iiii!!h.M(-s.rYiin-y lit -ii'- ii K.-ll. r. Navv Islroi-I " U'iit A nlert. Itarl!. t -o l;...rr i Sunmi.-rs. Fr-l.ui- is;.iul ILini.t. Jr. ai d by Storekeepers generally 1)590 tiOMWISG. 'piIE subscriber nvai's himself ol the ro urritis of the Chronicle in publishiti lo the eitizens of l.euisi.uri; ami vieinily 'A-n' he has opened LOMIDI.Nt; HOI'SU in Ihat l ire and comforlal.ly airmseJ house, HHni. il kept as a Temperance Hotel by James Kelly, two d .ms east of the Franklin House. Market street. Ile is prepared to say that his Tahle shall have the be-l the Markets can allord, and the Lodging of I'.oaidcrs shall be as comfortable as can he Je-ired. I 8. HTKK.SER. i. 15. A team ami carnage wiil he k- pt to convey pisseners t-i and from the Park. I IJ iats. Lcwisbur?, March IS, lSfiO T'ilC subscribers offer the j 1 new Urick Foundry, the fo'.biA'inj: new an I va'u ible Stoves : Ir-n Witch Air-Tight (booking Stoves, with a Uri k Oven. Li.lv Washiimton Parlor Stove. Cast Iron ir-l ight Parlor Stove, for Wood "2 Coal Burner for l'arlors 1 size, 12 inch Cj I it.d.r. Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron I'arlor Stove sizes. .Shield Air-Tishl Tarlot Stove for S ood 2 slt. K;;g Stove the very best in use for Stores, Otlices, D-irroonis, and Shops. The celebrated (Jeneser Air-Ttaht Cook Slave. e. - ....!... r.,.t, O Jttit ,, . - , c iv i ir t tJ,. . i Also, nil kinds of or.d ami t-o.U Move , Ploughs Castillo. if. ' V 1 1 HIS I vY. AI V .-Vl'l'l.T l wiiburs, IW. 12, 19 lu. Braniireth's Pills are soli! at -25 cts per hox (with full direction-) ! 1") Y J- ll.XYIvS 6c CO., Lewishurir. nnn 1 l.v nvi.r one A'cent in every town in , A - . r, the Pninn. F-.ieh A-'CiU ha-t a ( -erfnioif' . ,1,.. itiblic. at their ufArrency, KxaminethehoXoPir.ntWnv,(.,r0 rAn ttlU besed ia procuring it gem-"! ant, compare it with the fuc-airrtle ini.eis on ino ; Crtifiiale of A,nc. .As .here is a coui.teHei, j ,.f iiw. n-.- 1-rl mil thU i f much imiioitaiiri'. of the ne-label out, this 1 . ! mucu im ut , Hi mere l tiecmea uuu-rence lfV .. .1,- I ih. ..f tia : v cmtiterf. it. . The counterfeit is done on stonr ; the Genuine are done on sterl. The appearance of the rrintinE on the counterfi-il is raijeit anil l.lurry ; the grnuino label is ihe ery fiii.k of neatness, both in printing, paper, and general exefiition. . He very careful anil goto the Anent.wheti vou want Brandreth's Pills : then yon are anre of the genuine article. When you purchase otherwise, inquire of the seller whether he knows the pills he offers von are the cenuine Brandieth'st Ev. ery man knows nhether the anicle be offers is true, or false. Ileware of cheats! NOTES Promissory, Judtmcnt. oncl Joint No'fs (blanks) at this office 'Small . Proais and lulck Sale." ilBBililljS . H. P. -SHELLER, 'llTtJULD respectfully inform his old friends W and the trading Community in general; that he has received a LAKUE and IjK.NEKAL STOCK of ; llerchandize9 for Spring and Summer wat.ts and usea embracing DRY GOODS, U'iOUHllIES, 11AUDU ARE, HA irf AND CAPS, FISH, SALT, IKON, I hCt(U,'l. i;jUCe of all fcindsiantt I 0 B rii 4 .,..1 , .. II,,.. ih,lL.iinl u l.na , , r itt and pumtual pajoiasten as umiuI. (Call anb Sec ! ' H. r. SHELLER. I,cwihorg, May 7, 1850. TO PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS, & COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Oil. J. N. KKKLKIi & HKO. most res nectfullv solicit attention to thi-ir fresh stuck ol English, French, German, and j .Imtricnn lrns. Medicines, 1 units, Che- n iits. Oils, Dye-tulls, Cliissware, 1'erlU- in li!i:nt -Mfdioines, Varnishes, &c imry ll nui ooeiifd a new sioie, -3, maraei si, a U1 supply ot fresh Uiugs ana .vicoitioes, I wc reSpectiully olicit country draUrs to exam- I jm. our stock betore purrna-iuri cisewi.c.e, pioiu- ' :.: ....1 .11 ,h.. ml feel disuoseJ to ex- . iing one auu an who iiiuj ici i-puu ; t01.J t,, u, tlx i r patrouase, to sell Ihem genuine j 1: ilss and Medicines, on as liberal terms as any ; otber house in the City .and to fuiihfuily execu'c j a!! oideis entrusted to us promptly and with r.e - jsp 'tcii. , , . , ,...i.. . .i. ,A.ji 1 . .t... ..,..t.r'ii ltr ht'hirr il fPffllliir lltiVSI 1 . a -1 . ci-in. all.irds ample guarantee oi tne genuine ,,u ,hty i ail armies ...i.i at their e-taM.ment. V. e especially iu,l urosmMs .. - u 1..'. .... - i-l. hiN-nmoaeenls for " , . ',, I'aiirlu Medicine, , Uf. hn-ier i. iu watt n I a mug .tuaietnea. ,..,.. n.. frrd the. r dilres4. Solicitin? the patronage of Je.ders, wc rcspect fu.lv rem;iin. I S. Ki:i;i.i:K& BUO., Wholesale Dnigoists, jv2SI -No. 2Ut, Market St., Vhilad. B Tfi V TH5T ffir& W7X0FF & kousel . : t -rTf n r. it... r..A. ,n thnt tftnv i llTMl'LI) irif.iriii ihr r.uli ic, that they vv r. ..i., ! V have opened a shop on Fourth street i; iitrin .in- ' . !,,,.- ,,., f S. V. WvkotPs old slnnd. . , , , , . . ,. ' nmmsitc I lur.t.'r 1 ardne s shop, where they . l a i, t i ki'fii on hand or niake to ordrr a"T IR, ' v . Com(on Chairs. L! Itnstoii Rocking Choirs also Itnre:iii Tables, Ih-ds'iads, . of various kinds. ! b'eees. ckc &c. :c' , , . nted to be well All work in our line warra made, and on the most reasonaWeterrris. House an.) Si rn PAINTING j attended to hv tin: subscribers on the shor - j t?i n,,,j,.,, nr)fj jn ,ne best style. Cmiiitry rroduee and l.uin!er tiiken in payment and Cash no! refused, but rather preferred. The subscribers intend to be strict in the fulfilment of ull their promises as regards work and so doing, hope to receive a ! liberal share ol pu!'ic patronace, Jlll. N. WYKOrr. JOSEPH M. HOL'SEL. Tov. It 49 !,otvisbur2 PIJ UK FllESII COD rVlUS new and valuable Medicine, now i used by th- medicil profession with such astonishing efficacy in the cure of I'ulniiinoi'i Cmimiiiption. Scnjulii. Chronic l;littni!:lii.i, (luiit. ainirat Debility, Vunijduiiilx if the K'.iiniijH, ! Arc. itc-, is prepared from the liver of the I .in i-r.o. .- I .....l.. I Hir-1'1311 lor tlie'JICIII.ll lisi, cajircaaij pir our s:i!cs. Litraci from the London Medical Journal. C. J.B.Willi ams, M. D F.R.S., Professor ol Medicine in l.'nivcrsity College, London, consul ting physician to the Hospital lor Conaump'ion, iVc , says ; " I have prescribed Ihe Oil in above four hundred cases of tuberculous disease of the Lungs, in different s!ages,which hove been under my care the last two years aud a hall. In the l.ir-e nun. In i of cases. ll out ol its use was lollo.ved by marked, uneipnvocal improvcmrut, varying in degree in dilleient cases, from a tem porary retardation of the progress of the disease aud a utilization of distressing symptoms, up to a more or less complete restoration to apparent heallh. J'he effect of ihe Cod Livei Oil in most of these ca?es was very remarkable. Even in a few days the cough was mitigated, the expecoration diminished in quantity and opacity, the flight sweats ceased, the pulse became slower, and of better volume, and llie appetite, flesh and stiengih were gradually improved. " In conelusion I repeat that the pure fresh Oil from the Liver of the t.'od is more beneficial in the treatment of Tulmonary Consumption than mcdicin:-!. dietetic or regimenal, that has vet been emploved." As wc have made arrangements to pro cure the Cod Liver Oil fresh from head i-M brers, it can now he had cheinirally rrir the single bottle or in boxes ol" 11 - 1 n c;trh. I' i ,v ri-'fr-rful efficacy has induced num j.-.t.ious imitations, As'ils success ('; enitrclv on its purity too much Kverv bottle havinfT on it our written f . ftaf ,ftv .p 4-4 Bev:ne. ! "r" t -- . . - . p Jle!9 containin-j nn amity! f the , ; r .u at..j:i F' 1 . u-iin nonces in it iruin tin: ivitruitrui Journals, will bs sent In those who aJJress 1. f.-PO nf nostaoe. :. ,n vi r.i..rp rrt JO A C. UAkEKQ LU., .. , W holcsnle I IniSirists ana t.-lmisis, lySSS 100 onh Third !M- fhtladttplua H . . .1 . .. i ALL KINDS OF JOB PKINTINGj SEATLT t EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED - . - AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE ,r-GDJll.Voal--;- IOR sale by " ' ' - ; r y,.. " SEBEU it IDDINGS. Lewisbarg, June, 1849 THE NEU FOUNDRY TS now carried on as usual, at the upper X end oi Market street, where ever des cription of CASTINGS is kept on hand or made t order such as The Complete', or Complete Improved Cooking Stoves for either Coul or Wood and all other kinds of S I U fc S, also PIOUUEIK of differ en!. kirHfe--Con Plough, Hull Plough, en! kim and the j Self-Sharpening Plough, j a new urii'.'le, and which can not be beat in Pennnj Ivanid. Call and see and judge for yourselves. CHRIST Ai M'FADDIX. Lewi-sburg, Sept. 22, 1S49 Oil IHE undersigned rrmtinucs ihe LIVE AT IIUSLYESS at the Old Stand, on North Third St., near Market, and i rrs pecuuiiy solicits llie pntrona'e 01 Ills ) rlCxids and the public Cenfraily. CllARLKS F. IltlSd. . . ' -.uur, may ii, loau Books Do5ks! ,rnM 8ub.sCriber olTera tor sal at the ; L t'ewisbiira lst Office, an assortment I ..I flfk nmcl (Itil nn:i:fX VI. l.lsrovrnrEa f)F TMH p,,. Soliotl Books, Stationery - . . , ' ' "I ml hi lids ilso tilt; best C?ars.l obacco. , S,- " i - x... Cd . . Inttv v I'PvvciiV L-.-wisburg, M iy 7, 1850 -Ano'her lot of.. X superior Black and Green Teas--'' m just re-d from the ('anion Tea Com X'i ' P'nv, and lor sale at iew lork retail 1 v j. haves & co. sburg, April 16. Aget.ts. j imnorta!lt nfin! . l j T"E are, "' ihat I ( . , . . I ; . nm J,,e ?."t,ut!ve P'r efor of the uookina tnve Known ns 'Whites ratent ; .,.,'"., ., ,. . "V ... "r nie unieaiove, ry virtue l valid i, , J . . ,. r""""u !Ile uy pniei aunM i mt a ui uii.-n' 'in , nn-j i irrt"iv caution all persons not to mmufaeture or sell the same without authority from me. as I shall promptly seek leal redress for I every infringement of mv rt"hfs under snid j ...,. Tl r...i.ii. r ..... j , ,.,) that all stoves manufactured by rre i or my grantees or agents, are marked 1 "dames White. Fatenled June 10, 184 1,' I with the additional mark "Ke-issue, Au". ' 6, 1850," on the slide plate JAMES WHITE. Md tun, Sept. 11,1850 3m 'Cmsbnx$ fomtivn r'PIIE subscribers, thankful for pnst pai X ronagp, would inform the public that they conlinue to manufacture all kinds of i Mill Gearing, cast Water Wheels j ol the most approved pattern, j Threshing Machines. : One and Two Horse A .J Kj .i o. We? HHIle particular attention lo a new nrticle Uiard's 1'ntent Uans j'lvtizha, for M-edmo in Grain. Fanners by thin Tiouh can s( d a mucli grain in one day as in three days with common ploughs. CASTINGS and TURNING, and Fitting the same. HOLLOW Ware, Kettles and I'ots of various s.izes Smooth ing Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles to suit cookin stoves, eoofcmtf stout, the most approvrd patterns now in use, for wood or con! '"'nevrifp'x-Tj-p-. Parlor, Wood and Coal Q (J ' jQ Air-Tipht Stoves K.tce's Scll'-rcguluting Air-Ti-;ht Pailof Woml Stove, (a new article,) &c. Threshing Jlacfiifirs and o'hrr arliclef ol Machinery repaired in the best manner aimricM nuuee. vitstinii war- rlniea lo lie ol the liest marerial, and at prices that can nol f.-il to please. (u:dui:s & marsh. I.ewisburg. March 25, 18J8 r?iS' 515 :1,'jfsS3V-W'T''2,trw'iy S L' 9 I P rilHE undersigned continues to furnish to order I on the most reasonable terms, Pianos, fiom the Manufactory of Coxrai Mitib, Plnlad'a. whose liistnimeula are top well known la need any panegyric, having uniformly received the a.nl composers of Muic, nnil the award of the P'mnimi infwVork.rhilatlelphiaahd Bo?on. S0 9 ialtm . ' . ' . " u v ''t' !fi:0JLf WA'V ....-i.,iwm i'uii m-; hhv h ireiewiore tUtemtee may be made to anv of th, ...m-i i: lu. . ... ' . . ... .r I . t "uiuifi! u uaTw punns comrniifiHi rt nm ar8e t e n al his resilience at Mrs Mi.lHif. wner. u.m. nu paniculara will be made kiun. The most popular and forile Airs an JMasic of different kind received as ii is issued fr. m the different musical eslablisbmm.is in Ihe Cities. Mm IS . . CHARLES KALlaCH For Sale, HAWO full M.0t io the Borough of X iewisoDr, annatea aa i Dira street, opposite widow, BrowD'f, together or singly. For purlieu! jr, enqaire of . m SAMl'RL SLIFER. An ounce of.. Prevention worth - , a pound of Cure," in in mtrful diieate,' COtlSUMPTIOtl! DR. FITCIPS Lectures on the Prever-, lion and Cure of ComUmption. L Thin popular work for sale in LewuLtirg by S. F.Ljadall J. Itgugbton rtud-at this ofllce. Price, 75 cent. . t TRICKS OF at' KS. t.iT EvuRritoDr Rbo this 'jkKrrLi.T. Hkiw i S-irMPVlIt tAr f i ditferr'tt town f ailed S. t. Tiwen1' Siriiiar;:'. It - .tvrrtid xm lrii;. NAl .KMUiNK..wl jU imi. Tm "l'"Wi -L.l .f.lxun and ncfer : bM i-m r w-Min mi rahnu-!-.. . iwl.ap4th V i- ftUr liUtr ii I-rur Mr fturris riiiilit: " - ' 1 ' ' wnlUe vl. Ilr !y- he hs aTtrnOnl I" tfi. t . p.irirM Trart' !" Now Unini tt V ti-.ver .t.arj:cr.i n(-i!:rt, 4 Jay in hi life' ! Ji tri wi.-kt rniw-v, louk tioiltft tlteekif ir ft- mv er-rrv v.:m I a i rri'Wl sinrrr!j. ti U i ufvmr m t-v Uio-e -t'-.eit-- -f t . ,, aril or m ntt- Wfirn will mni icirtt tt we biw an.; tiv ful in ali larir lirusi uinl ii.'.-ratar-e r.ti it:- a i mro ! II appli'-' ( t i R-tt?H' it tn ai' hitfrirm, nlacmriii? hia ifusiure. aiaiins U' mtu ' v.-.. . make, an an nn.ujrt ui in niwrk t.i l:v i : j J : t . 1 nta havr be-n it- a Iihrlhi tiw m al j -.. : rm. rn oaUe to u.;nt- ir pubtic rh tt i.i-: .t theOM Ih-rtiMV Sr-(-irill;! w- r-( lite r"n'-. r-if w ttttrafarti'K t ' liTtitttic i tWr1 On.nai 2: . piT. T!iiS. P. T.wuni'! MVfl I have itiMih u-e r.v Bjrncf'f a wtrk I will ttve bitn.'--'U l.'S A i: j dncn tiue u:?r .ti'ary !:: f xUt. IIh fa-em ;.. 1 htmc!"w. tilfin:n A. ". ar rt liinrr rirl a tis-:i falawritod.', fliiit iti.i.i u ictoite i'i n'-i.ir. a.i-i a. Ui truth 'I' M ii H r-i-! ! !.i ifi'4i', f m'-titing r , port tut. Tin H 10 fe-.ar-i n ih p'lblic t ftu.'ii.-i" riuh : Ol-J lr. JAOH T Mi.-n.f Snwfiti.',!. h iv.-iu -n i i Old IKictor'a lik".-. hw j-t.iti j f Ann.; ai j aijji)at"ucrw ih- '"t -it .rrn-. Principal 'tier, Swttm-tr, N V fi'v JJt "( Nr: Old Dr. Jacob Townsend, I Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. , on ir T..wn! i ww ;,i-tc ? "ir. i -! . bbMi knosru c- eh A I TH'ilt ami Hist;; i.l; KH f the G .V f .V E '.Itl'ilSil. - OH t. I , ,. y.u ih.'LI.A. ' irnr ir. h wa r.e. ' Li. hw ohieb t.. t-u -t- . i d rutrkrc ami the rirrurntiLC tu il.-e n I lud rrwvei! it w..rh. an-! kn-.wt. iu vlu. I h.i r--hfd ! Die ia t' m.v..i.evr.nlit .a- th. , - f breu bealcd of an-i aared Ir-wi -Wi. :.. IIKAIJNfi Kll. Tbi GRAND AND i NWAl.I.Kl rilKIMP. YT1 v mnnutartUf'-iioD ttc Ui'L."il a.r. Tdii i - ':t u it the trrieih and br-a-tth ih Uid. v i.'v i i; found mrapat rwnrim nr de'rrnr lti!ike j'ilnz ""S I Twi:rn .'. i: imr-"'"'" v 3". and neer rh.insr ritii fir ihf b-itr : brat;- r on rirntifte prmrijls l-.y m fintitic mnn. T' - --t knuwlii::e ol ri.nuitry, arid th iairM tii"-"Vi , an. hie all hwii brmtziit mu ir. i a . . . tur ot ihr Old fiftt r:ij.'aii!:a. Tit 5r..-'Ui i i . it is t:ll kii"n t" mtdical Rhai. Contains man. n- .f.rai prupvrir-wiirui ""Uii- jjpktiuj whu n dr-n.r -aii-l.-Uvr wlti ii rtaed fi uf,vf n u !u u-v. dtH'r termtntn. m .ind ttriri. w:n."h l- i: ; in ' : ' Irm.' Somof .riienic M irwi-nnli r- w . t. tttat they rriitrr:iy uv..rjtr au.i arc Ui :- if:r pr-; u : W llw ar ti': (nrrved t'T a .-i.'t- -.-(. !; . -w .. . ly t thrw ixitrifurvfl m it- tnamraciuic 1 'f "!. th"e T'Httiilc ' " bi:h rl i:t m n.r-.-. -h iidtiiHi, itnili r h..a" v ry fni'i'ii n.'-iV -trtin tl f:. h"n ;iv t. it il t a u Any permn f.ift a.i. tt sir the f -i ;t ? r : - ii. elirvd il-pil". u liK'it 1- lu-Tf 1 :-nrt iiic !'.'::-:'. the r tltdtri tnm at v'rttn ; t!i ran t r n -!:::. 'U lliftllild Or VHI'f l tMtnd. HWrfrlrtl wuh wir MnW:t-. . - .1 ttieisfail k -.UAIAUII.I.A i:TUACT T VUI P." II it mch i n"i ill- stnii-V kn'wn h rfw GENUISEOLO Oft JAt'VH TOWWsF.NP S SAUSAPAUILLA. Tbts in prvparvtl ilta: ad Ore men prrti-v 5insartlia rt are tifi njiHtil. rfrry tii'i ' rjroiniii? arid or itrrTnti:'.ri ii traried aik.1 n oi; ti,en erery fiaririe ot in-lt irtir v m;rd in j , - and OWrtriitCaltrd Iwnn ; and Hiiw it t reiMiei l Uk'j, o( lumt aiiv of its viiliia'e ant lirsfiis rrT rtl. Prr pared in thii ta. it w tnadr :hr m-t pwritilaji' u tU Citrc of iuaiiuicrablr Dtnemr, Ilrrr.e th rt-a-"n U w hear r.iwirhittfu m rv-ry side m i fatr Uy nii. wmru, and cbiiJrtu. W w tai.d tl dHt? wciwlrr til th cum of , , ,..- cw.ivr.M i i A;rv477.v.U. sr:n',r- Ota UiL PTOXS. PIMPLES VL'lf UB- and alt a I n aritn- tmi IMI'L'KII Y Of TIIK BLOOD. ft po.'wjujiea a m.irvellu9 effn-a ry in mil ciitf-UiiiU an i imiil Inil fCtttwn, lr.ifi A'-til-iy the Stunuwh. trlii tnift,al CirrttuMoTi. d'crmirra-nm of blM t h head, faltraitoii Ol llir hart. eo:J iet a id liauiis. c J ruu .! flahe ovi-i tin bsnly. I. hat uot ii njua: in CM an1 sratioii. reliiatiiJ Mricturcs tt iae iuits, tbr-i aiai awtry o:herart. Hut m noihius v if esiWnre nv ma'iifi-t!y wen an-l acknuwlcdnl l!i in in a.i k;n !t and -ia'tr" "I FKMALK COMPLAINTS. It work .i. f-M in fa.e- i y hut Atlms or W"r f tilling ufthr W'nnK ttur'.rii. SupvTt , . Pn.n''U fltmn.'irrfti tu i'y ttn mr trttti n vKaB I thr lic; and wetfictlliil Pi f jrnu al tf.t loini- ul K-in'U Jt.i"'- 4 By rrowviM "Oiur l and rfii'atin it.c .-m, wiviem. R ffirry lone ai.d strtriiillt to Uic wh'Jc btttly. ai.il lit us cur all ltnii Srrwnn Iiac and OrMIUy. and thus inrvt-ms r rfl;r- a ;rtt v.inl ! Vr .!u-ii. a Sftfi-d trrirtirion, .X-ut-a'eiu. ST I'i.'iw' it i .c &fovmg. Ktlpfir '. I'auM VtiM. ftc. It clraitvics t-if l'i'Ki, tviiri :br it-er to beal'hv u'-i -i. tone the stomach, and fic col disti.. retinri ;a bwUo"nrp4ranitc'iiurp;i:i.ttt.adiy intUinrii.i:i':i. r u rifie.- the km. -ii.iia the riiru-atum ol the bcK-d. j icins tfrrttle warnuh etiuaMy ai xcx Ue UMiy.aiai Lk.a mmmthfe prnira'ion : rv'axr !rtcr:re ami Mt.nr.n mnvin sm iUtit 'itrtiDtv. atid invigorale Uie enU.c iwrTuO tyem. ! rt thit rhen The NeclU-ine yon pre-euiinrntl v need! Bui can any ot ihr ihinf he hi I ot S P T .:i.vnJ't irilrrir arn- T n vmitirr n!-e Im-.ii.! iutt !. c COMPARKO i !H THE I.I Pit's. Ivcauw of ne t;itAMi I CT. thi: iiie one w INCAPA BLE oi UETKRIOR i1t. a,. I . ' M-JVE.t Si'OUaS. - wht! the other Hons ftrte. f"tn'ng: n . ' T-n the hut't rrin:n:r!w i: ii.ro ffLHnr-f : "if t-. - f liquid exptoliti?.htt t '1.in';'T or'nr r-K'-N ' Yti -. aorcihle con he p i-v;'tw to flir ?vm -!!-! pw arid iu-- n x;--'r-ii n'r'-tT t . .-.-? 'f tr, 'H nr! f W "at caui- lHicpia hut a -. f v.e int a I kniw il'.t k-i ao. mr in our :"iii i: o.'.T.-f r i-T i" - ' rtatiiN-nce, h ir:hum. (a';'!ta':-n ' h hear, rivt - ' u'ami. liiiTifra. -r-i -; rv. c :iu um .-i r. D 'tl I What I Sv-pt'u'a iHit n .. (i'trj r i-v V hNt What (irmiu-" an 'nc Iaii-in.,-.-' wiiKh un tiup;i.i,i-.i-l the Skin, S.atrt f! i !, S' Rhetirr. F:y-tm''a. U's Swelling. tcer -rf-. trvl u rei.i-i.ni n::erj.ii and ex ternal I t w inwi,;.ta u ui:- t. 'a. ii t : ;t, i.-i f --;io-iarfe Whn'h fiottr. tml trm" ;r. ftit- i?n ot il- hH . rri'r" OT te-w. ttkl ntr"' Kt-tMntirti hm .i -rjr r4 nei-J Hind winch inaiuaie iwlf hetwvih 41 r . where, irri'attinr tv. itffTmn-' 'In .) ''.-r- tts-u.-f of -ti which It arta I S l ir"-vm iliav". : 'tuioiri n" ti e bltNhl. of tleranued cirr i Joru and near ai! :h- .i:tnri,;i Which afflict hit i tin) n:tinrr. Now is K not hotnbie to ia! in-! fI, an i inf,itt', twii io n-e (St SorRI.(i, FERVF.VnV:. Ann TOtIPt:Nn" Of S. P TOW NSKNHi i ant et he wnh! fin i.ive h tHiVf'id rh:i O'i Or. J.v Sob TowiiMn''i O-ttmitte Or-prnW aVittJU''tt.'fi, la an IM IT ATM N of bio irwHjor riar:ii.i ! ' HeuTeu torbhl tluu rii.u.ltl 0ea4 Rt 911 aiirt M. ch would brr the uioi di-uani -ru$.-iii!i.)ina S. P Tawa end's article Wv wh)i 11 und"rTno 1. 1-ecatm.if h Uo ab-ufH that S. P T )wnMur anicjr ant) olil Tr. JiirohT Sanmnaritla are krarm u-e marr. iW !;- u -r iiir; ih-M ih"T arc uti!ik in eerv uarticiiar. tirretir not one niniathnv? m r-rt- tin. - - A S. P. TwaimI I- ho doctor. td rvrrcr li". is i:j micinwi. Qojhtiii. 1 t-4 iivWf. u.'n- .a tivli'-i4 " thaawthM-Hlnniatr aao'iji- vi-i man. what fiu-r'- il,t- pn!jt u Uiv .in- r- ceivins a ei-M'.-frir-irc r- lica wL -vl thevir. tar ..i iba vtd taw wr.r n. 1 1. iMime H.vtaMK - m raiwble iewfwf:wfiich iMiff.. ftvtr-rWnl W ItMKN I S t liara iniiud of l.tiili ? But what mitm rWcxed tr.on reie wa km fc. laOthtn? romratativr'v w,,i,r!i-rr t!i-rac T Ii r--rnraa tin thf it thf Pfrw nrat:a' ..-we im--trree init Mr WEAK KrOMAl IIS Ai LNr'Er.BI.EH SVSTK.MK honiri hrow well tit'" mil.c?l pro, en in of plant , f!ie br maarwr f awtHint aad cyratnaina? their benlin? nnne. thaii riit-iiv knowlcit- o' ihe r:vn Jie-e wlnrb ilW. he human -Ttm.!u now ta adafji trine.! ir. u .L ... . . . . th- .llMIMe ' It is ro arivKt frail ts'ilinn 11 tnr.-minr.'. ro iwiir !.-.!m into woun.tt h'j'liai.K.arIriiiJ1e faof in ih dewtrinc bOHom. Iu rr-f..ra bcMti, ai.J Iti.KMi.. simI ir rr .i i1. eruhr.l nml ln.rn. an-l 10 I.M.itli ..-nri-r t'.si Ol 11 IR JACOB TOWNSI.K4 a SOlUli au f Ol M .h os fpfiuii.tr ami inr.nsiiarin hm .. Irawil ( nWrml nr f nrrl Rfiufdr1 within ih. rrrh. aa-l t. th knowlr,!..e i .11 h. oria Uwa Ihsrr nu Isana and knnw. br jovliil srrmr, aa , . , ' TrasuM-asulaut Pawsr to Ileal. Agehts .(ot the above Medicine C Sc ha file, Lewisburg ; John (I Baser, Mil too ; Forsyth &. Priestly, Rorlhtinb'!aii? -j- --- - - 1 r - VNE Uuggey nd Sett f Harness, One Twq Horr Vago, One truck Vj'Rgon, m For sale by II P Sheller