I.UWISBUKC CliliOMCI.K AND WEST BRANCH F Three more dead bodies have been found in the river in th'n' neighborhood. 1 he first was a worhan apparently 5 years old, found on ibe itOih inn., near ihe shore 90 Shainokiii Island, between this place and Northumberland. An Inquest on the body was held the next day by Frederick lazarus, Esq., of this place. Her dress was a blue ground calico with a vine in it, nnd open in front. A boy was discovered ui Saturday last above Northumberland, and an Inquest iiHd by Esq. Cake ot th-it j place, yja oaturuuy u.iv.o.u, a little girl was discovered in the bottom of the river, several miles above Northum-b- rlaiid. These are no doubt some of the victims of the catastrophe at Necopec. unbury American. We learn that the burn, together with j SlAEMt .'LH1CM, VmOLESALE St RUTAIL SEALEB IK . Drug, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuff, Oils, Glass Perfumery, Confectionery it Fancy Article. IV.Thomlon retains his thanks for the liberal patronage which he has received, ami he assures (he community lhal every aiuniion shall be paid I to the compounding or Me.iieines, and that all the contents, of Martin Drilibitbees, of j Drugs ahalt be lully toted before they re off-red P. nn mwnliin. iienr Milllienn. was COn ' for Hale, sud warranted to be pure and genuine. .unu-J on the ni"l.t of Saturday the 7h lPtewption. given free of charge t Dr. JUST RECEIVED I'rum Itu Cilitt of Xiw Y rb and Vhlud. BY Adams' K.x press Line a new and pp'.endid assortment of V A L r; AND W I X T E K mat. The fire was discovered about 12 o'clock, and is supposed to be the work of en incendiary. Mr. 1. was insured to the amount of $1250 to the State Mutual In surance Company at ilarrisburg. This is the first loss that Company lia met with :nce going into iraiion, about three nionlhs ayo. I ellefoule Whig. 1'iltsburg, Sept. 23 The excitement increases ninarig our adored population in rtlutinii to'.he Fugitive Slave Law. Nearly all the waiters in the hotels have flej to Canada. Sunday thirty fled ; on Monday fur y ; on Tuesday fiTiy ; on Wednesday ituriy ; and up to this time the number timt have li ft will not fall short of three lundred. They went iu large bodies, firmed with pistols and bowie knives, de termined to die rather than surrender. A young man named Steele, about ci",h !rn years of aue, hung himself near I'arkersburg, Va.. a short time since. He hid attended an execution by hanging, and nfterwards repeatedly expressed his admi ration of that manner of death. actotetmra Harfcrt. Corrected this Day. 65u90 Thornton's Drug S o e. Ketneir.lier to rail at Ihe olj stand, first door ' above the Mainmoih Store or J. & J. Wall. ; Aa vie have DreS3 Goods ( nil nVsir.tlilf styles nnd qualities. we would particuhirk invite the L-nl rs io pull nl ex irnine thru.; tmtl as for G EXT LEM EX'S WE A II,', we have quite nn .v'fiisive assortment nt I Cloths, Cassimeres, and Vestinos, which ; will be sold at very low prices i J. HAYES & CO LcwLhurg Srpl. 23, 1S50 SAML AXDERSOX, Fashionable Tailor, In the Brick building, lower Mirket street, one door above J. Neouit's new Brick House. eurn.NG and making dona to ordei. Lewisburg, May 89, 1S30. "Latest News from California! KOBE 4ifHfv 60LD: I LL the worl.l nnd the rest of mankind" 2 ate respectfully informed that we have oprin-d an unusually choice assortment of KIMilNf. AND SUMMER ONE of boiler- PEUFUMEIIY. Just received a fr.-.si. j. J lot ol uli KtnUs ol I vrlumery lor the; - ' - - toilet &c. and fur .ale THORNTON. I - fotlSC & Lot ft IF Sill(. ! C'l rUATKDon'hecorni rof Foiirlli.ind MEDICAL NOTICE. i U Mary's streets, epposi.e D l'hilip's, DR. T. A. II. TIIOSXTON ..(Ters his i !,dn-r ,uil N'V,,,il","d '"'."f " '! r , ,, Ua ii rumc IK'lJsL, n Sinble, nnd professional services to the citizens! yPvrK , i i i .u - 1 is other neeesarv oul-liuiiaincs. ol Lenisburu nrd vicuiitv, in the vjriuus iiiiHtl.., . , , . , , .? r ; !it(fi)iirin! the absence of the subs- uraiii-i'cs ui in !roi:Mou. ' riAi?Vff Kesiuence lemparance Hotel. Oilice Drug Store, one door above the) Mammoth Store of J. A: J. Walls. j comprising a splvinlij varioty LADIES' DItKSS i (iOOI)S of ihe newest styh'-i Culicoes.DelailK, liinghini'. liamiri's. Siiks I'araols, and ranry (looils, and for li m lie men's wear a large slock of Cloih, C;tKliiicrft, STEAM ENGINES FUR S.1LU. 10 horse power,, wMi one flue -can be seen in open'tinn. One nfS hor,e noApr.wiih two cylinder boilers Uolb made of ibe he-it materials, and war ranted perfect. Kinuire of J. SMEDLCY. Machinist, Columbia, Pa M iFriUt nnH CiO RNAMENTAL TREES. Tfce subscriber offers for sale a large assnriment of choice Fruit Trees such as ! Apple trees, 7 to 10 feel high, 40 vaneiies, ill warrantee! genuiin IVach trees, 20 .varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine, I I'ruue and Pear trees, topeiber with some j f or 8 varieties of Grape Vines i.rthe liesl i n-itive and exotic varieties. Ornamental I ,u .1. Pxilnnn l.imlen. I i rers, Kuuii R3 me . j N. H. I'erson wishing to procure a i ; quantity of the Fiuit lree?,are requested to j make imrncaiaie nppucii" bor. iu order to procure the varieties and BULL'S HEAD SiOTtL, Mifjlinhneg, Union tbvnty,' Ptntfd- REPEUTFt'l'LV iufoims ibe citizens of Union comity, sad ihe public in general, that he has Ica.cJ the above aland, fur nmny . -' k .i 1, years occupied "y nis jjini,anu is now pre pared to aecOuimJiJut Kirnils aud the travelmf community in a manner acceptable to ail. The HOUSE is large and roomy, well arran ged in all iu deiiarl.ieiiH.aaJ tttrfmtt. will be taken to rrnder hu- RUttU conifonslife aftd baypy. Hia TABLE will aay be furniJirJ mhh Ihe choicest delicacies of lu seaaon, arxl ihe beal the naiket can afford. 1 he BAR will at all llrnea be attended by careful persoi., and none bat the very best of huuois will be ket. lit STA B1.E8 are ample aiiJ cop,f Bu nt, and the OTLEUS punctual and atienlive. In hort, he pkdges bimaell to endeavor to give cenerat salisfaciion to alt. and hopes hv strict atieniion to buMnrss to merit and receive a liberal share of pj'rnnace. Miffliiiliurg, June SO, 1850 f TwrwtT-Oa Ihir. 1V l J per BvtlU, rr Sit A. rUct If fl ( Summer Stiills.Vestiiiis.S'jininer Uats,&c. ! s,z'' wa inted. 11. R. NOLL. Lewisburg. O.-t. 1, 1850 'criber, Wm. C. I'aiteb i:l show the premises, &.C. AUAM B VKEIl. . Sc-pt. 23. 1830 Le Wheat .... . Kye Corn (Ms Flaxseed 1 tried Apples Mutter r.!i!8 Tallow . . . . I.arl Ham ...50 ...50 ...30 .100 . 100 -125 .. 8 ..10 ...7 1 2 Hacon Auditor's Notice. .TOTH'E is hereby Rien. that I hive been ; piiom'ed by Ihr Otphani t ourl el Linwn countv.to dilrinute the balance in the hanJ of : PetrrNoll. eseeu'or ol Pith Gktek late of: Kelly totvushie, I'nion county, dee'd , to :nd I i among the legatees uutler the lt will and testa. ment of id deceased ; and that I will sit for that purpose at my oliice in the Ilornugh of l.swifbu'g. Union county, 1'a.. on I'riJsy, the 22d day ot Novrniber'iH'XI, at one oViock, 1. M. of which all interested will uke notice. Oct. 6, 1851). H C. HICKOK. Auditor. THE W1XTER SESSIOX or THE LEWISBURG ACADEMY "11TI1.I. commence on MONDAY the 28lh of OtToKKa. In this Inelitu'ion, all the Branches of a thorough Academic course will be taught The communication of knowledge simply, is not the sole desipn of Kducntion and should not l-e made so ; its hielie-t aim is to atrenRihen and biing out into arii.m, tho intellectual and mural owcrs of the student. Throw around him all the facilities necessary lo his pi ogress, and af f rd him all prner aid, but do not 6atter him with the thought that he must rely upon another and not upon his on n ffTorta for success. Inde pendent srlf-relisnre is one of Ihe first lessons that should be learned in a school room. This kind of early mental training prepares one for v igorous and manly exettinn in after life, and thus gives him a marked dveotaee oser the ig norant and uneducated. The main efforts of Teacher should, therefore, be directed lo the for mation of sound habits of stuily, for when this end is reached, the progress of the pupil becomes at once certain and rapid. Composition and Declamation, as formerly, will receive due attention particularly the for mer, and the Primary Dpfiartment shall have our special care. The subscriber feels flattered with the tjrowing iropeiity of ibe Institution, and shall lalior to merit iu continuance, by increased exertion. TriTioa Per Session of 20 weeks, for the Common English 16 ; Higher English, $8 ; and fur the Languages, $10. JNO. RANDOLPH. Oct. 9, 1850. Principal. Orphans' Court Sale. BY virtue of an order of ihe Orphans' Court of L'niou county, will be sold at public sale, on the premises in Whilt deer township, Union county, l'a., n Friday the ltt day of Novem ber next, the live-eiiihths partj of all that P i certain messuage and tract of land, situa ted in Whitedeer township. Union countv, late the estte of Dan Calwell, dec'il.. bounded by lands of Henry H'jih, lisq., W. 1. Marr. M. D-, Daniel Ludwig, and j Joseph It. Keller, and the river Susque- hanna, ccn'a:nui! about hundred acres. The improvements are a large double brxk House, stone bank Cam, Wagon 8heJs,' and other buildings ; about two thirds of the land is clear, and in a high state ol cultivation. Sj!c to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., when terms will be made known Lv JAMES F.LINN, Guardian of James Calwell's children. 8AMI EI. HENDERSON, CUAH. GLDVKLNST, Guardians of Dan Calwell'a children. Oct. 7, 1850. JTov Sale or ttcnt. fpHAT l.ire nnd dcsiiahle properly cm J thejeorner ot Market and " a'er his., well sttualed for a residence, for business, or lor a residence and place of business. There is a laroe IIIUCK I loti! conMin injj 4 large rooms on t he first floor, 0 lied rooms on the second floor, and two Kiroe finished rooms on tin? third. A Ki'elien j and Vaslihi"R adjoins, and it h is .i'sd n j Salt, Fish, Nail Queensware, Hardware, Groceries, etc. etc. All of which we olTi r for sale at our proverbially low prices, for CASH or I'KODUUE. REBER & IDDINGS. Lowislmrg, April 23, IS.'.O AXUTlirit SI.-IK.XTirt'' WOXDERI PEPSIN: The true DIGESTIVE I I.I.ID or GASTRIC Jl'ICE u urcut ltypcptia Curer! j 1'reparid from ltei.net, or the fourth stomach of Ihe tlx, alter direction by Uaron Liir.ro, the prc.it plivsio'oL'iru! chemi.-t. by J S.Hcilsii ros, .M l)., No. 1 1 .. Hill .Si I'uiladelpliia, l'a. 4 'I'KI.'LY nomlerlul remedy tat Indigestion, J Diffiiifjixitt, Jaundice, Liiwr Utimplaintt t f .....;.... ii. .;;.. i v-......v. Win ifittiiui ami MJitniu i . vuiiKg aitci .,aiu,c j own pri.crss. by Nature's o;vn iigi-nt. the Ga.tric j Juice. (TV i'uif 3 tcapooiiful of this fluid infused i , lit Ill waitr. tail U'iiia. I'v uuii-i. laroe cemr nt Lisierti. a I ump anu en o' TOa bnf j( 1m)u, w., hou, out of lhe 8lomaca. good water, and all the necessary out- Ojseslon is cllicfly performed in ihe stom butldinos. , n j,- ,i,e ,j , auid wjjich luely exujes from ror terms CcC. .tpplv to (,i:o l-.Mit I.Kit, I ihe inner coit of ih.it orujo, when in a state of Esq. K.K.DAVIS. Lewi,biir:, Sept. 23, 1853 i Lewisburg, March 4, 1850. I i HOUSE and Small FAR M 2 S.3- 0. f Mr. S. T. 10 HI V.NXOUNCKS to the citizens of Lew- j isburp and vicinity, that be will be at Kline's Washington House,' on Friday and Satwdity of each week, where he oi lers his servires in living private lessons in Vocal and Instrumental Music, Thor ough lisss. Counterpoint, and Composition. Lewisburg, Oct. 5, 1850. NjWGOODS ! FIRST ARRIVAL OFFAXCY GOODS, I)RLrGS,dx.dr. t pilli subscriber has just received and is I now opening a large assortment of l"ocy Notions, xc, which will he sold former prices for the " ready below the John Davis, Oct. 6 T A n THORNTON ATTEBTnOII, CAMERON GUARDS ! YOU are hereby command ed to meet at the house of A, II. Dlait, in l-ewisburp, on Thurtday, the l70,Oct., 1850. at 7 o'clock, A. M.. fully equip ped for a'tending the Milton Encampment. Bv ortW of the Captain : I. DE FREHN, 2d Serg't. N. T. Fall and Winter Fashions for mm, 5i. vja JUST received by lhe subscriber, 1A not only Piates.but warranted to make exactly like them. No (it no pay. Country Produce taken in payment. Shop in my new Brick House, opposite lames P. Iloss' house. JOHN B. MILLER. Lewisburf , Oct. 7, 1850. 1M1F. Copartnership heretofore eiisting between the subscribers in the Drug business, &c, under the firm of Dr. Thorn ton If Baler, has been dissolved by mutual consent. The Books and Accounts are in the hands of Josiah Baker for settlement. T. A. If. THORNTO.V, JOSIAH BAKER. " I-evusburg, Oct. , I85G BAKERY. flIlR Subscriber havino commenced the X Bakery Business in Lewisburg is com pelled lo suspend the business lor a week or ten days in order to enlarge the oven lor the Cracker business. At the time it is completed and ready for business, due notice will be given. A. L. DF.NORMANDIF.. Lewisburg, Oct. 1 , 1 850. 8-5-.- - 1 ? ti $J I s-i.5 rr, T,-?r9i." : 5 - f . c - sc-c ?5- - r- a. I. 1 Z..T7 2? Si 5 2 5 2 s-s 5. 3 LIVKIt COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Aei'ous Debility, disease of the Kidneys, and alldis- , ' eases aiiin; from a disordered Liver of SMomacn. such as Constipation. Inward Piles, Fulnraa j I or Blood to the Head, AciJily of the j Stomach, Nsuei, Heartburn, dis gust for Food, Fulnesi or Weight iu the Stomach, Sour Eructaiions, stinking or Flut tering at Ihe pit of lhe Stomach. Swiminin of the Head, huriie.1 and difficult Urealhinir, Flut lerini; at the Heart, chokini? or sulbjca tins Sensation when ill Ijimj poturr,diiniifssof Vision.Duis or Web bi forp the Sight, Fever and dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of l'erspiiation. Yellowness of Ihe xin and Eyes, pain in the Side, lines, Chi st. Limbs, Ac. sudden Flushes of Heal. Ilnrning in ihe r lesh, constant Ima gining of Evil, and go at Depression of Spirits, CAM I1E EtrtCTriLLI COED BT I)K. 1100 FLAN D'S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, prepared by Ifr. C. ?I. Jar knotty at the "German Medicine Store," 10 Arch St. I'hllad. Their power neer the abnre d!ease i not ex erllid, if fjitulltd, by any other preptativn in the L'-iitrd States, at the eitrei alti-t. in many rases after skilful phyhieiuni had filled. ! Ho! all too Toun turn vboe fine framn an pamlinXs And wlt ot-cd in support you, a ywd uitdmtamtiirt'j W h-n you Unnk bow in tiuv fuuil AMRleajt-r havt bit yoo, lut eutac to i?Tta Ltxsaix' fur HuotM that will fit jok. Fo joa want wrmt new Book O. to rfai-ap am! o pn-tt;.'? ponif trrar and w frvv. and miw qtMr atM tame wittjr Fur a dollar or two, bTtv will citv voa a tn-nanrm That wiJl bv all yoor liie-tiia- a fcuutain t'f pltraaurc. Ami it von rhancr to be in want f ( wl or Wt nr Tmiwrrloonf, JiKt go to Lrwtu.' lor ytm ran t Jlu tialf us clu'ap of otiu-r 'cxna. An! now LrrDU would ray just a word to th Ladk, Kur well does h? know how tutprtaDt their a:d it- Jl- bas boes of all kindu -- Whurr-r-rr-r-r-r-r Ct.titfarn it, Koms) f f h ts Vre Poetry Machina'a droke ! Ilowtomrver, ihe suUlsnre of all w bad in lhe b((Jpr i ihi-t 1 bat SF. LYNDALL ha ihe best and the 9 cheapej-t l-n of BOOKS a,,J STATIONERY, 'he lat nnd the be-t as-artnint of BOOTS and .Oii anJ Ladies' Gaiters and Slippers, (hat were vver seen in Lewisburg or any olhrr grrHt seaport. Miy 7. 1850 Dentistry. wn; C. STEWART, Street, Administrators' Notice. "t7HERKAS, Letters or Administration V on the estate of S A IM L'KL WOLFK, late of the Buro of Lewisburo, Union Co., deceasedjhnve been granted to the subcri ber, resident in said Boroujih, bv the Re gister of snid county, ihcteforc all persons indebted to caid estate are requested to make immedin'e payment, and Ihore hav ing claims against the same, are required to present them, duly authenticated, for settlement, without delav. JONATHAN WOLFE, ) . . . G. F. MILLER, S N. B. Persons having settlements to make with said estate, are requested to meet at Ihe store room of the said dee'd ei ther on the 24th or 23ih Oct. inst., as the Adm'ra will attend specially on those days lor the purpose of making settlements. Lesvisliuro, Oct. 1, 1P50. LEWISBURG INFANTRY. YOU aie heieby commanded to meet at Ihe house of A.H.DIair, Lewisburg, on Wednesday the 16th of October next, at 8)oclock, A.M., each member fully equipped fnr at tending the encampment at Milton, and provided svilb 12 rounds of cartridge. N.B. The members are requested to meet at the Town Hall on the previous'even ing to make Ihe necessary arrangement. 0v or der of Ihe Captain. J. A. RHOADS, O. 8. Lewisburg, Sept. 30, 1850. MACKEREL, j LARD. CU EESE.iCousUntl von hand nnd .SIIAD.CODFISII, for sale bv SALMON," IIERRIXGS, TORK, HAMS, SIDES, SHOULDERS, J J. PALMER & CO. Market Street Wharf, PhilijiLljJiia. IewUburg, S. pt. 18. 18-iO. TOWN PROPERTY For SaleCheap. V IT'LL L-it on Nurlh Fourth on which is tt two storey Frame Houie, 10 by 3:1 feet, with a pood Cellar under it a Frame Stable, 16 by 20 an out' Kitchen, mid other out buildings now oc cupied by Daviu Sim MP. Inquire of DAVID RF.IIKU. Agent. Lewi.sburg. Sept. 19, 15.V). heal h, called the eastric iuice. This Quid is the reuf iolvent if the fund the purifying, preser ving and t-tiniuliitiiig agent ui lhe stomach and iiite.-tines. Without it there can be hi digcstiim, no conversion of i.iod iulii ldod, no nu?ri:ion i hut rather a foul, tuipid. painful and dctructive 1 These Ui ters are worth the attention of in3' runilitiLlll of the w!li!n ili.Vt iCtiv niiTir:tn. 'ill. IVws.wui...- n tirliioa in lh fM-tiArNfinn IaCiKill i- the chi. f tli-ment or great digest- j of diwases of the Liver an.! lesser glands, eierci ing principle of lhe gastric jiiice. It is lound in ; ilg the mo5t searching powers in weakness and great abuiulmue in the solid parts ol the huuiau I allcctitiiis of lhe digestive organ.-', ihey are wilhal stomach altrr d. alli. and sometimes causes tl.c ' aife. certain and pleasant. I T ATE of Philadelphia, is now located nn j stomai h to digest or cat itself up. It is also found j Ioal n nr. rm t.tcr.n. The Hon. Ch ' u Market street. Lewibnre. opposite Mr.J. in Hie sioinacii ol animals, as the oi.cili, A.C. It , jj Hmeline, editor ol the Camritn leinoerat,xit Schreyer t store, where he ntiends to operation is the nmleiial ut-d by farmers in msking cheese , ,c1 p3pir in Vet Jersey, says. July 21st I on the teeth at a red-.i:tion of bis former piires. st) l.d Itl'IISK t. tlie cli'i'i-t of which has long i imuflanics OKKMAS "bitters. "V bare w, j Teeth and riMits pi teeth removed with the aid of liei n ine special wonder ol Hie dairy. Uurtliing many fl:-tiriii ncti"- "f tbs ui-liiit. n.i rii wnirrv improved Instruments, .and. in an easf manner. of milk, is the hrsl process of digestion. A call's stomach can t urdle nearly one thousand time it own weight of nnlii- Ii iron Liebig states, "one part of I'rpsin drolcd in sixty thousand paits ot water, digests meat and other food. Diseased tr this mruM tin- wt-n- nif n- tft-m raliv nni. we sr- sat- istt.'d then; would bo li-s akkm.s, s fniro ibr u much. Iiv.t. and in rvou. sv-l, ui tbf n':,t iu:ur:ly f r.-fxl nittl imaginary dist-ams em.oinv. Hawtheni in a hialiliy rn ' Oi'-imj. aul tu ran lu-l .i-li:,nce to fi-idt mii-s e-'ctrally. ! Tins i xtrit'frilinarv lucilii-ine wc W4tull adiisenur iritnos I l,o ar at all it: .i..-pi.K. .1 to a trial it ri!l th, n n-c-i tinnnn't it.'lf. tt i.!..,uM.io fart. Ih-in 'tTT family. No otli- r un-ilu'ine cau induc hurl t-vulfiK'-.-s vi merit. PUIIIFHVfi LTI!KT Mmrnrm rAT BOTTI.r.M, M i. of ttt Th fr t apriunryv4 Turn ll'lirir vrr UAHn Ijt md allMWrMitlaraWwIteivit, wmv n mn mnr aiiVf toud frum l(te (uliuwm farts: tmsj t avf omtf MMMM M JWftMl M US OKlXum. tk Pi CB SarBAparilla. Yellow Dock? Cherry mmd Wnmfraa Barkm - v alary wtrmjly, mtnre pifzlf rmcmtrtu4. nrl taryir fuamft of nek A ihe prryun rj mtU o 4 rhan etfr be km& In Mr bjl of RMfH cine, ca!lil F.ttr.irt tf frrtpnrki : ' Me, Mi 'rsctnMrsf tfw Tcrtii prvpertt ft wfiirh ar frtatig tcrmmwm to Km!?, lf wUflta tikmm am cidupouMMl wifa ffainijMi rL. YHIow fyh. ( htrry. mm.l Snmttr.rm, Dwt m.ik Htm -iriM ' owiiiiKJfrrinfkniiwrrirter mftkm Hm4 m ate mori4. Su trw ia tUa, tm tv bvc fwn Atwmd medwi tfcxu Mm DusK a - - - - , Bat it ia not m with Extract M &trjrriir. Inr trnm hjiimi af iM Ua awwWM tut til bttt i trTih ri-nkal anj rtlarf1 im !" ' nvnr,m btu tv ba Tw., Tbrr, or Mmrm TUvmtU-TuKtLi t'cvm, cr Moaa rtM py, u Latvn ry mrdtail cHWi ; and aa a bont liarMparisla unly bolti ntt-mr tpmulm, thns(rrft au MNf . ftwiuulat at aaW. aad au-irdmnwa y, wiii urn aa buUMtuf K IB Fur, Frvc. ar Six Varm9 whirh them Km: a htUtf BrMt Pnrillcrf win laar iVottt. Twelve n flHlrm ly tom? than a baru ra ftfLla ; stnd if ii titutjr vntlicaJ rlvvr ( ut tmil sixm, f tm am vwmi and Hklh m tm dmtJjT flwge of .Snty partUa, tfafa u pnrrr.4 thai OR botu" ( thm Knurtea m wona Thrm, ftv, ur 'n ttmta mm Lab a 6ocl of SaiMr pari, la. Tidt abovn ctmmwrimm oW nor Tot f-w aW frmti ttfm m m 9oiwr btlwern Um m4il ifr. erf tAT rrRUICA aiMl sa-a.rarLl,. Tin w.a m-t-r b Um Mrttttcains mI carra in fromr, famU-, abwVaiUbU r ONC BOTTLC Of BN ANT'S PUKtFltft km mora effirary, ami rmm tmrrre imjmrt biuo4 auatw wm TKN Battle mt hmrttli. If. aVn. Owe Potti.r of ft ri pics -i', f,w (,,r d--,-Um bUtUm Srtojrtiia attuuld aeb fur Ten 4" Mia. CANCEROUS SCROFULA Mr. J. ft. IlASKtnof AMM.Oneitla Cx,S T .. w)rr m ra f Scrofula id tffifi. awurv to tim -ieU r i vi.-u w ai-t.on in fba S.-krkmk Co-it is th t'if Am Ywk tm uW 3tth vf VeetmtUr, 14 uo ier the fbiiu oi c.rrnmsuiara -- A pnoa m th L it f Sem York kmk mmtir.r-nsw.1 vetalrd a mrmm anH of mXx:ie, cm'Mxig if BaaNT'a WW. Mkui. iE, in m,VUm of IV .mwa median H wm prcuud to olKam duiaVM. m Urn idots. ( ort f Um tuy ol New Vor. and tm rae waa rrfrrd tVy BW i l J S. Bowotb, Eq.. Liberty mwl. an vmuifiu Larv-r. M httermxo takr; the itniavjnv. TW J-lisn la;l wajl.I iu aurMMfwa mamtujta, that im Propri-tor ltranr .1fIicina bad id mmm yaUtiMimi flsk fTTr,rr of r . afid Ibua had commiltt-d a fraud on tint puM.c, trvi. tirref(.r, w . But MllUed to Umifw. Tm oute of Mr. lanm wta me.rj M bwgaUe, and Ha-aina wm iunn mm m antwn m re-ard ft Um rcr m pubUbed,aild4 anaMy m.jUK iha ctixsb mm aaofKUliaa., Mm ! ..TrS;! I KM "n ' -fUnson pivots o, platctten. . tnut say found it .; itic initf action u"n !i'HiHs.f i i ih' liTrraiiddi stiTec'rmn. nnd tlir r-rfl inflm-n. j i it -xtrtH ui ou n. rvoupntrtitn in'iiiiy turpriH.n. It j ralins arul ntrttnptlifiiH ihc n- rv-f- lmiimt; Uitia iuto ; tun' of ri-juve. nianiits? snip n-m-shinjr. T FOmVLE, MIE BRICK HOUSE nnd LOT on North Third ftn-el, with a stiiialilc Oul-liiti-lirn, nnd a choice lul tiffSg yotin Fruit Trees. For terms. - enquire of S. Aimnon. or of the suhscriher at Pittsiori. JKI1K. DOWCIIi'. Lewisliurj;, Sept 6, 150 3r stomachs pro. luce no good (i tstric Juice, Kennel or l'ep-in. To show lhal this want may be per fectly supplied, we quote the subjoined scir.Tirsc i:vmi:.rc! tlarun I.I Ulllll. in l.'s n-U t.rat, d sri.rk on Animal Cho-mi.-trv, says: "An art.firial din'Sfite Hird. anala-.-ons to tll';ulric Joiri-.mav U-rViulllv t'r,-nart,lfrnin th.- i,i.ir in niliraiio i.t the fU.la.-u li of lh; raif. in wlii. h Tariuns FlOm Ihe R'Wtnn Bre editorial, Dec 22d arta-les uf fi-uJ, as u.. nt ai.d viil U- n.fu n'd and Jir. Il.'land's t'.H.raKd U;-rm-oi liitwrs, t Hip core du.ftd m the tain manm r as iu tlif tinman st"marli." nf Liv,.r ('iail.ia;i,t. J..iu. iv. 1ns,". . a. and c hp nic tr lr. bKllh.ILA. in h ,w t:.niini- Ir. nti"r va K.-l and ihVt, N, rv,.a. i, l.ility. is di rndlv oni! of the most jmr olar uMislie.i l.y t .s l.is v..riu ftx- "i. slaU-s ; in. .lii in. n of thr .lav. Ih-w Kill rs liav- aeesl ward bv th.- sani- t-r,at tu t. and rt. rril- th- in-thid rrn'.ara- '. ih.msands ati.1 a frwnd at .mr i ll., ii he lias luuself tion. lb r,- an- U ln-lrar auth.iriti than tr IVr. ria. j ri iv.il Irian the urn- nf UiN n i.i .ly au" rlfertdal. p rma- Hr. CuMIII- in his vatnaide wriiinics nn lhe l-hysi...!i.y u,.nt rim. f i,ivPr '.,mplii.!it. Wc an- ennvinord that, of Il:--M!..n. rv.'S that "a dimiilntion of th- due ' i it... . r lli, nt F.iiu n. Hie nali. nt n iistanltv eailis quantity o. tliu i.astrte .Iuice is a j.ruaiir.ent and all-prp- .tr. n--th and 'i.t.r a fciet wurtl.y . I great runsiileralam i vailing etu- ofliyssm- ai.d hv states that "a distin- Th. v are .t.-aant in taste anj -mi ll, and ran be nd ly J uh. dl.r..f. sordiii- ...eine in L..ndun,Liiass..ver. :y ,th lhe sm deiintle stnwarlu, with Saf-ty I alKitleU illi this cuinpla ot. flwlu ev. rj tliinj . lse to ; n j, . ,m. ,ir. ilr,stanc .. W , are si-caking from exp.ri f.ul. had reci.urse ti tue l.a-lne Jul.-, obtained irc.111 the ! rllc, and'ti the nfiiicted we advise their use. st'iuiachuflmuiriiniuiaU h:. h cuiupletely sucei.l. d.'' I .. , ,. , .11 ,. l;r.tSKAHAM.auth.ir..i't;i" fini..iis wurfc'un Ve-.-etaWe iiy, one ot the beat htciary paper I. t, says: - It is a i.'.uarkal !.: fai t iu physiutov'y, that i liufilished. said. AU2 8ath :11s. ui:;erral.d in aaier. Impart !) i(K. narLs's ;tKnvs Iirrrras, mannfartured by Or fdisFo.v.nevartnnsartirl,.,,f fmj. j..k,B. .,w r,.,inmendM be st.iueof the ni(t pro 1 mineut inenibers nf the Faculty, as an article of much etlieaey In cases nf female weakness. As such is the case, ded to according to ihe latest improvement in the piofe.sion. t Ireraied. spnnjy.and ii.f..ui.eil gam cured. Thankful for past farms, he solicits a continuance of puMic pairirnaue Xo impute materials used f.r hllinesm lef.h. 1j28f) IIousjf. and Iot. rpHE stiliscrilifr ofl'crs Hir sale hia House d Lot nn North Fourth strcrt. nbove- the Brit-k How. TI.p is a 4 acre, nnd h i? tho usual out buildings, a Stable, Well of nood waier, and much t'ood Fruit. Enquire ol S. Ammon as to Terms. JOHN SUTTON. Lcwisburp;, St pi 6, 1850 ffT.-t Loi A' NOTICE. N ludi nirtJ Apprentice, named Smnufl Kfff rtSrt) bout 17 yrars, !clt my service on or about the 9'h inst., without just cause. This is therefore to warn the public Again harboring said Apprentice or trusting him on my account, an I will pay no debts or liability of his contracting. r.EOIWK MOLSTEIN. Lewi-burg. S. pt. 9, 1950 pd t tie htcmitrti vf ni: tin Itui'l tlu' iniiit rty ana of Wlt ctiii:? a kin l or nrtihiul flijrstinn .if th m in u itM' U!lTT-iit irniD tiio n;iturai iiipst;vc nirv.' Pr. sr1N'S irr at wi-rk. tl: Clu mitry of Man. 'U a ItlAtirltaril, i'bilaii., ll-. pj. fcavs: Tin disnvt?ry ff l. p:n ftirnin a nw 'i a in ih cliftnii al hitfry t.f trtvtioo. Yrttut rt-cvut ( xptT.mt iit;, we know ttutt UhjJ io di!!lvr(l x rupiilly in an :trt'fii tal Ji jt;rt t?url.pr-rnr'. fnmi I'fpuin. an it it in the natural tiaslrio Juictt itrw-If. ' I'rof. NtilslS iN, ri' tiio J- tTfion College, ThiimiJ in liiii ur-at work un llumnn I'liy.sIoUt-y.ilfVo:" tmn tlmn fifty j ac to an cxnm'.untton of t hip fultjift. Ill rxp. ri meuis with Pr. IVaumont, on ihe tiaotric Juiv, obtaiu-l j iniu tli living lium.m Rtm.-v-h ari'i from animal, art i kttuwn. In all ra.-R,' he f;.y?i, "Uiifttttinn oTtirn-1 aa t p rft rtty iu tht artiilnal a.i iu the natural digistiuu4f.'' ! As a DVSPnrSIA CI KEK, Pr Houghton's pri'psratinn of rcp-in hns produced the must mar acIous effects'. It i-i iiiiposnible lo give details of cases in lhe limits of tliis advertisement but au- t!ieiiticat d certificates have been given of more than TWO HI .M)i;i;i) rapid, nnnderful, and permanent cures. It is a great JVervoi-s Axti miTt, and particularly u-efnl for tendency to bilious disorder, liver complaint, fever and a,' no, Ihe evil cfii'Cts of quinine, mercury, &c, also for eirrsa in ei'.ing or drinking. Theie ia no form of OLD STOMACH COM Pl.AI.NTS vihifti it dues not reach and also give ini-tuut n'liel ! and repeated for a short time, pu rity ol lllnod and tio.iii or nonr f illow at once. It i paniculaily excellent in cases of n.iusra, vo miting, cramps, toieness nl the pit of Ibe stomach, distre.-s utter eating, lotv, cold slate of lhe blood, heaviness, lowncss cf spirits, despondencv, einaci- alion. weakness, tendency to insanity, ftc. Price, ONE 1HH.I.AK per bottle. One bottle often cfli-cls a lastit'.it cine. I-EFSIN IN rOWDEES sent by Mai', free cf Pontage. Fur nmvenii'iHi- .f st'ti.liin: lo all iarl of tlie CMintrv. th. liestive Mutter of tlie tVisin.i pnt up io the furm of 1'ow.lers, with iiir.Tlions to .Ii-M'hi'i liv the f.;it.i-ut ia water or syrup. tllieFc r.o.t"rs contain ju-t thti same SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PILLS. AHEAD KK ALL OIIIKHs! Th? Envy of ail Pill Manufucturers, BECAUSE they are safer, letter, and more efficacious than any others. ftOO,JOO Uoxrm have been sold annually for lhe last live yeara. LIST Oili rain drills. nHE undersigned wish to inform llo ) J ' lrming commuoity generally, lhal they are now manufacturing J. P. ROSS" A'irty Impmrtd GRAJX DRILLS, or SOWING MAC1UXL Without stopping lo discuss the compara tive merits of numerous Drills now offered for sale, they merely wUh to invite Farm ers to call sod see the a bore named article before purchasing else here, feeling confi dent that they can furnish an article that wHI give entire satisfaction. ROSS, OF. DDES & MARSH. Lewisburg Foundry;, Aug. 13, 1650. - 1ST of Letters remaining in the Post fice al LtHMsburg, l'a., quarter en- g tot pt. 3d, 1 0U. IS Dyers Flamanus, Brecscv Oscar F (2) Berkly Jo- C "oarson J B. O Derhain MBry W Miss, Duncan 0 C. Klisreller David, ' F flick Mephcn. ii (irooier 'l'liomas, Gardner James. II Housel U rn Ksu (2). House! Miry, Hotlenstine Uenjaniin,)aniilloii Jos.Hall Henry, Hanley Jane Miss. I. IjtUenring J P, Lord Josipli, Lehman John. M Miller Cbailes, Marshal Edwatd. Main j Joseph, .Mulhewa Samuel. S Noll John, esiiit Ann V Mrs. S Sperry Oiivilln U, Shadi.ick Wm ReVJ, Sh nffer Abraham, fmtth (I W. t' I'plingcr Mary Miss, 1,'t'ey Mosea. W Wetu Samuel. Woll Jn. Persons railing for the ab'ive letters will please sav they are advertised. A. KENNEDY, P. .f. October 2. 1850. 351 3 Yoino lis Olb, Male iib Faaais. them. Eat, Drink and Live at vwal, and pursue your usual occupation whilst Inking them, without feal of taking cold, during all kinds of weather. One Thousand Dollars are wagered that more genuine certificate (from physicians, clergymen. Members ol Congress, and respectable citizens) can be produced of their efficacy Man of any others, and TEN DOLLARS will be forfeited in every instance where One Uox will not do more good thau Two Boies of any others. F-rtv Pills in a Roi ! ! and sold at Tivent if-t'irt Ctitti a Bar, with direction and mucti wholesome advice accompa- uiatter as ihe l-.tttes. I.ut I in- the quantity for the nn j ",h"r" m'Z .".J V" P"?" ,b" Malar. . .. ' t,i.,-.:i.na ltlilu.l..lKla than nf .It ntlw. n.M,Bna priee. sii'l are . Ill l-y mall, rr 01 i',i.taie. If.r f I. wnt ,isl-pael) to Ur. J.!'. lluii):liti.u, -o. 11 .North i-iglilh ;t. I'htlail'-liihia. i.t paefcat s f.ir Eiery bi'ilr.ind pickajc liears thewiilten sig natute of J S.HOL U UTl )N,M.D , Sole Proprie tor. Sold l y ajeiits in every town in the Union and by most respectable dealers in medicine. To be bad of Thornton & Biker, Lewisburg; J II Casio, Milton; Thompson. MifHinburg; Wilt & Eilcrt. Haitlelon ; Win K.k-h.ing. New Berlrn ; O I (J nose, Sclinsgrove ; Mrs M Cay, Northumberland lv3 5 A KASH LARGE M of Stone'Pickling and Preset ve JARS iuat received ajul for sale by Kept 1 J. HAVES At CO. 1 " ' '' not refused ul lhe Ufjice of the Lewisburg Khrcntcle. Dr. Ro3e'3 Hedicines. The subscriber having been appointed sole aypnt fur Dr. Rose's Medicines, for Union countVi oflers them lo ihe public with great confidence as to their efhVacy and certainty of effecting cures in nil cases for which they are designed. A single test only is rccpaired to establish the fact. Sepl 27 S S BARTON Window SASH. A lot of 8s 10 Window Sash, from the cheap Manufactory of Sprout & Burrows, on hand, and all sizes got to order oo short notice May, 1219 I G LAWSI1E T)T 4 "T "IT' Q for Jnstires.Cons'a 151 jA IN JVrJ hhi.Sic, o hand at he Chronicle otlite, or pru lei 9 ore'er. re wuti.J adyise all nsitllcrs to obtain a oouk-, sml llius save th..ins.-lvis iiiueh sirkn.-ss. l'ersous of tlebiliUtrU constitutions wiil fin.l tli-se l:it.s sdinntsirisius to their lienllh.as so know fiem exi-Ti.lici.' tile saluury vtfcrt tllev buve Uj-u weak systems. I...1 . I M V. . n.,n,la,r..n ..C fri.n. tilic and liicrary.tu.nmei.tss.id in hi.".e Voik j ' hcm with equal;safety, without Weekly Mcssenjcr. Jan 6. Hoil j 'r- If Villi be neeemary Dr. iliifov$ Urrman ntttrrtlh rr Is a preparation , for purging and cleansing Ihe -Stomach and Bow wtueh the leailmir .n of the I nion vp.-ar uniiui..us i , j mitti'me the Blood and fluids of tfce bo in reci'inin-nilni-'. nml the r -on is nlmi.iui. It is ins.1- " r aftiraK'-s",ri'ti"'ifurn-vliedl.voiieefthBiosteelelmtra I uy, lake no others fo no other plIU produce phesii-inns i.f imsl, rn t:m - the late ut. cnnstopnsr those combined enccls, or contain carsaparills in Wiueim noeiunil, I nuesnor M me o m,.-isii wi .. ua, Private I'liysieinn lo the Kine of Prussia, and one of ths preatest meitiinl wrio-rs lieruiany has ever produeeil. He was ,-ninh:iti.e.!lv the enemy of l,iimbuy. au.l thi'Ti'fore a m.slicine of wliieh be was the inventor anil endorser mav he conti.leiitly nliHl on. He specially rrcniiiienils1 it in i Liver t'emi'laint. iyss'.s:a, lH-bility, Vertigo, Acidity of the Slouiaeli. r..nUmtsm. and all coniiluints arising from a Ui.onlered eor.dilion of the stomarh, the Liver and the Intestines. Nine Philadelphia papers express their 1 eenvieLiou of iU excellence, and eeverul of their Kditors . srf.r.k of its e.T-ets from their own individual experience, i I'nder tticse eirctimstnnees. we feel warrantist. not only in calling Ihe attention of our n-aders to the present i pr-.i.ri. tor (I'r. C. M. Jackson's preparation, hut in rec- j omuicu tins the article to all affiicted. 1 Mohk EvinsicK. The Philadelphia Saturday : (Jazetle. the best family newspaper published in j Ihe United States, the editor sat s of Dr Hoofiand's , lierinan Bitters j It Is seldom thit we recommend what are termed Pat- : ent Medicines to our n-aders' pntronuee end eonft-l.-iiee ; and. therefore, wle-n we r,ouiinend Iir. llooflan'f 0-r- ' m:in Hitters, we wish it to he distinctly understood that iing each bos noised aliou. f.r a brief period ami are fiirotten after thev i have dne their guilty race of mischief, but of a medicine l.n ot-tnMisbi-d. universally prised, and which has nut the hearty approval of the Faculty itself. Evidence nn evidence baa been received (like the forenjr) from all sections of the I'nion. the last $ years, and mt $r.m(HH UHtnumt in us Jamr, is, that Physicians of Philadelphia, than of all other sosruwis eoiiihiii.sl a fact that can easilv he eataMisliod. and tolly proving that a scientific preparation will meet witii their qtiii-t api'Toval w hi n presented even in this f-rm. That this misl'irine will cure Liver Complaint and flyspepsia. no one can douht, after nsir it as directed. It acts sp.-eific-allv npon the Stomach and Liver. It is prcf-rablw to Calomel in all Inlmttt dura. Th ctT.Tt is imm.siiau they can lie administered to rrAU! or LsrAST with saft ty and rvliahlv benetit, at any time. Beware of counterfeits! This medicine bas attained thai character which it is necessary for all to attain to induce counter feiters to put forth spuiious article at the risk of the lives of those who are innocently deceived. Look well to the marks nf the Genuine. 1 hey have the writteo signatuie of CM. J c so upon the wrapper, and lhe name blown in the bottle, tciiwul which they are spurtou$. For sale.wholesale and retail, at the GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 110 ARCH SU one door belot Sixth, (late of 178 Race SL) Philad elphia, and by respecUble dealers genetally, the country throughout. Iy330 AL-o frrmle by S F.L YXDA L L,Lcwuburg. Pa 7Vy hart no tttst or wajienmnf rmHL 'r from dust mr f.wj r ir Ititd, Pn nrj gei'l rV .osnrcA tr is-tT's, iVrWsice wo .nioi-wejM, iv,lfiM. mr frrlirvjm, TllUr ARE GOOD AT ALL TJMK.X Atmi adapted to mtost uxsrases cvstmosi to No one having once taken I hem will he willing afterward to take any other, because they al- l way do good, and if they do not, then no others will. Or. It. B. LeMy, The Proprietor and Manufacturer, is regular Druggist, Chemist, and Physician, of 6fteen yeara experience in Philadelphia ; flrsd uate of the University of Pennsylvania ; Mem- I tier of different Medical Inslilutiona ol PhilaJel phis, New York, Boeton, Baltimore, &c, and associate and corresponding member of several Medical Institutions of London and Paiis, ic. Oi'Taaox as Nnisirion. Beware of all pill called by name nearly similar, got up lo be sold on the reputation of Dr. Lcidy'aSaraapaiilla Blood Pills; the first Sarsaparilla palls ever in troduced and the only pills containing Saraaparil la. Take no other and you will not be deceived. Other by similar names, or nearly similar, are a gross fiand. Beware, then, of Imposition ! ! CirPrineipal Depot. lr. Leidly'e dispensary. No. 114 North FOURTH ST., Philadelphia and sold wholesale and retail C. w.st'nrn.lt, Uwishnnr i. H. Caslow, Mllusa j uiL.ofrr li W Keesler N B. rlln W. P 1. Painter. Money TavIor's,aadltitaHr's. Mifflinhunc Hy lmith, Adamsbnrir e. HASKlSl mJ. I mn -.S tr,mimi 1traCfc FsiiR sj Ua.-V b.. s-l a tsr .Ws-"-. Aiwa IM. ..e, I SaSlSaSk-US ? i I raaMM V mnl -a Mil tm k wSieiaab.. Sir M wm belutv I Md Mswm'. SW.Scr t a. Miaww.M Whn I .wmmtHm r te 1 U bss.l SS ft kmc 1MM-; I -.Sl au, iur m, iu.'.l b. m Snsl. m. ae-4 " s mmwm tmt fmm tm c. . ... UMI a cwiU ft hltmj t.p 'H.I nl ,1. rlare, A nuJ, to., .j ... a . M -j Sue . -S. m mum. ilrmh nm.. ih m mmh i I Ml .-! I lM . m sirs u ... M uree n u.y anJ noUMT mm a.r arm eaualrj a. hrcr. wlws. 4 ru-a U.H.-.S fc JSe. OiM mr my ttm bs ft.Sknl e.to; i.,lsMn, mr my hsm,1.I, tm m, h I. h l ien ft. lur s..sft . 1,1 , nl otkrr nlcee. asw. I Mi AVm, Pmr,, I ,ml M.le 11 Jle '!. I tfl tferea aM. I mm m rrs I uni, v m.. -ft,. 4. ,4 . pfMMTul al mm ; in,! is4tW -m ftMtUe-aeS -.,, enw- n,.M ftllrf SSS; tba MM,. b-.tlM 1 b. thr 1.. U .t - ..,.11 i!,ft mHtift-ftftd mr mm fteslea m, ui 1 . m m t m m-m x. IM. araa.w ..f Htt 1-! K n.. -n I SWUMftuulft. to- MS, HIIUli AI L XI I I.CF.K'.. ! mrm mma mmmatmmlm lfl.tr. mtim-tfimy UisMft. a..l ItS-a m.h BRANT'S INDIAIS. PULMONARY BALSAU This BtJaMa peuvrmme mil the thmrntmkt mI mmnfvmgf Virtue ol thf lH.Tv--nHm-J rrirrt K wttt, ui ptiaiewafji jwfTrtmt otbrr f(-rfirstDuii. fvtn j''rrT; kind mtrm ttvly mimptrd to fare CUt'. MS ami l.N.sr!-llTiO?A M hrmla ami rmrtm Vlrmrm ? trnm La-, ancl cUrwhcTC mttrwml tm. rvaulil" uul M mamiij mm the tmrtfimg Litrmci iuimjm mjLxd cure erf rmn!,it. TH4JrA'.D f vnr-m M wr lnptlfa Ctyrmom?mV fully prax tb Mint-! uSrtd.vn rtt"v j to 3 mmmr -tf He Ll'N-iS. TUHOAt, nd BKEAT. a nvixe: wo 31 ax saved! CONSUMPTION CURED! We re the fnfowini! orrfiVafe mm m fiv-t of enrw, whl-b gort Iu pro re the power to nve Mv, e-n wiieu tiw. exmvm retm to he in the very int ttrrifexit''i-, wtxa tt'amTi tmJhmm pHhmmmmnf Bmimm i e-immUUrrtaL.' . We ive the fitlUiw n' eott licute mm m ftt o" cur, hirl gorm h nr.Ys th- power tornr JiV. rrrn w. mi tie pfji wvnai ! ba n ttm- v-ry inmt uz m ot t xiTeiH e. when Bnmt't fwi?i Ful-ntmn-y Kuis7k t itMintii.tstti r'. : Trim c - th. UnJ mUtttr r fumIJ nt - mjvxv CtTftU mm mart el cm 3 and ttrntaundi n mr kitttir.Js ot kt-mtiemm cm, mud thtnumwd ol rnm. ciltJ CO.L'lli'i IO.N. Till." LTJiK etftvie-il on tii- viv ui Mr. Zi Ptmitva.-v of tie term nf Balltm, Sa.-frm Co. .V JT. Mr. lTt, nttu w prcnnnerii dtrindt. ttni Mr. likemm Wfnt to thw titn of Mr. Jirtr H Art hi pntrhamt eiotk hjr ft mkrnmd, nl mthr kuritxl mazrriii., tNj. i-t o,' miia would Mn dit. ISbe wmm in th- it ttmsrm ot it-e dtmnmmm -wn murk opprtsmtd mini attrrstrtUmd to rritcrt- htr - ertrnt dnirram, uad mtk a dtfttw pillw wtre mf. Mr. ' Pykemnii w., dtu- lo nr.' her ornv. (rf -R.H.AK'IM IN UI AN PLXIMi iNAKV RtLAM." 11. Uk the histrit! with tin hrtiu.L aitd euft! a portion t Lis wiu m rciirved U r Hr coii4inad lo tak it anni he ivrovreti sod HraLTic and ah iu cahI timed wtli jar mearlm Jo9 warm Pmmphin tor pmrtit fi art. xr. iykxa w. ,r t tuf alsuTt facta Vforv Thu. O. Torino, Kv of BmiLftm 9pm. HHh April, lelH. TtMM. ii. Iocng. y.mt . JumUc. n rlir. tiut lu huaa knnwa Mr. PTMi mtn misjiT T-r and that h; i una of th-ir mM wuriktt ani wpmtmUtUm citiitm . nad Mr. Joint Wait, the mrrcbaut tptk-n nf atx.t-e. mUm eerttmfi w tUo food thrartT ol Mr. Jtrnktmam. aa.1 that ltj wa at qua; n Ted with ali the inctB. Litini: heard ttif-tn ucua -o,- mt by Jifknmmm Brant's Pnlmonaiy Balsam eurra CO.XSCMPToy. Co,hs. Cold. SF-uinxr f fiimmm ,rwim9 mi vir i.ntf. rmtm tm tmt trrut an. I Sitdm. 3 igm Strtmls. .Xmrvtmm Omiinitt. Patmiuttinm mf rkm U. Chmi hfmmtun. Vumrnterm, Satkmer C-jmpi-L9. md ALL t KM ALE M'i,'.4A'.Sai tr UMftU any JniUt waaletMT NrrOBS ...D PHTSICIIXS 1EC0UES0L Thr 6ikivina-named asctorsand Ptrrm mma navs Bisb y reevmui, a ld I.K.tX lS MKIUCIMLS : " Ir. M IU HKAKK. Mtiunfard, t'onav Ur. J. N. fiMITIi. W,.frt.,w. N. V. Dr. HIsMAN. .ti llenrv street. Brooxlra. T. Ir. T. at. HL'NT. Auoiirn, N. Y. Ir. r.KO. FKANd.-s. Mirfdletown. Conn. Hr.UKO. A. KIXiKU.S. Bath, N. If. Pr. 8l WI1ITK. Fredonia. N. V. I)r. V. B. OAI.KNT1NK. Bvroa. W. T. Dr. J.O. flllH.MAN, F.ve'tteville. If. T Dr. J. SKlNStK. liewry street, HrooaJvo. Y. Dr. U. tiiill'MAJi I'unkad, H. X. Forsale bv Thornton Si r-alior, 1wi- horg; Ejwd Wilson. New Berlin; J 1,'roose. 8elmsgrive ; (i FC Mnyer, Freehmt ; 11 N Uackbause. M iddlebur-; Wilt & Eiiert, Hanle- ton ; Ames ox Mench, Mifilinbarj All letter and orders must !e add eased 11 W allace dt Co 10G. Kriradwav, New V nk lvaiSt jg?V. Dr. John Locke, scrgeox DExnsr, MAY be found at his Oliice and residence first door east of Kline's 11 jtel the (vo week following lhe fiist Monday ut each muntb. where he I prepared to neeu'e all Uera i..ns in his line of business in inauner cirditi! le Iti himself and satisfactory to those who ma favor him with ibrir patronage. Dr. L. speuds the third week of each n ouih ia Milion. (jAromatic Tooth Paste, pot op in beautiful porcelain boxes an excellent article tor keeping the teeth clean and breaih wcei, for ,ale al S& els per hot, by JOHN LOCKE, D.D.3. Lewisburg, Pa., May, 1850 To Itlachsmltlia. BITUMINOUS COAL, from the Wesl Crunch nnd from Hollidaysburg, for sale at the Shop of the subscriber, oeiir the Ildyscales on Third St. ALFX'R AMMONS. Lewisburg. May 7, 1850 11 uanaClaUlll " aiftrr, J , Mpntts wyrrs. Kelly X Roads 1 Uarls Mrnure. ftelinsRTOTa ' I,. D. Rohrrr, H'Kae rails Thomas Bower, Shamoain Dam IN 7AIL3 and IRON fr sale by Ap 24 Rebcr St Iddings. l. H. Buver, Fraebarc 1 1 . ..u n'ini.a.i'ft.rTi. u KebnntlL. M slab-bur WilU Kilert.UanletoD K. A Rousi.Centreville Dr. J. M.Jndd,WilUaaaspcetr ami t ttrvagists aixt etr weeseta IkavHx.bwil toe Unite Stats. ItvXS SCHOOL-TICKETS printed nd or gate at this; nflire. s ALT and FISH on hand by Ap2, llebrr Ac Iddirsga. lu:.:derfor sale. fPHE suoscribrr baein leased ihe Rock X, dale Saie-Mill lurmerly known OoUihty'it in Suar Valley, Cliiitm county. Pa., and bouLhl all the uti- k an. I fixture belonging to the Mine, tvw ofTrrt lor sale 100,000 ft of Lumber t said Mill. Order will be reoivt d for any kind of Lumber, by the ondersigneit at Lewisburp, or by hia Agent, S.CShkl lkk, at Mid Mill, in Sugar Valier. II. P. SHKLLF.R Leiburg, Jun 5, 1850 6 TOOL June for sale at Kiber 4 IJJino. r-i rM. i ' ' iti 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers