Old Crimea la Dead! Of all the old "songs and nt1 io the recollection of thai venerable and respect ed irrfhvidual "the oldest inhabitant. per hips none has possessed-a greater ahaie of notoriety than the one, the title of which head this paragraph. It hae been quoted in Vtt kinds of enrcches, referred to in all species ol arguments,-and sung to all sorts of tunes ; and yet we venture to predict that not one in a thousand of those who repeated the intelligence ol the melancho ly feet' of "Old Grimes' death, ever knew, with any degree of accuracy, what manner of man be was. In order that the public i. e. our public should not remain any longer in the dark as to the real character of an individual of such ex tensive note and imj-oitancc, we give the following descriptive verses, which are vouched for as h iug veritable, (although we doubt whether the picture would sell for 2000 sterling, as we are inlormed an old one of Charles I. painted by Vandyke, recently did, after being tossed and thrown about among o'd rubbish for a long rourse of years Old Grimes was a bel ter man than Charles I, but his portrait is not worth so much because he was not so badly eminent.) Old Grime ia dead ; that Rood old" men, We ne'er shall see him mure ; He used to wear a tunc black coal AH buttoned down before. Hi heart was open aa the Jay Hi feelings all were true Hia hair waa tome incliurJ to grey. He wore it in a queue. Whene'er he heard the voire of pain, Hia breast with pity burned The large round head upon hia cane From ivory was turned. And ever prompt at pity's call. He knew no base design Ilia ryes were dark, and rather small Hi nose was aquiline. He lived at peace with all mankind. In friendship be was true Hia coat had pocket holes brhind, Hia pantaloons were blue. Unharmed, the aun which earth pollutes. He passed securely oVr He never wore a pair of hoots For thirty yeara, or more. But good old Grimes is now at rest. Nor fears misfortune's frown He wore a doalJe-breastrd vest. The swipes ran up and down. He modest merit sought to find. And pay it Na desert He bad rsa malice in hia mind. So tufflrs on hia shirt. Hi neighbors he did not abuse. Was sociable and gay He wore large horkle in his etwee. And changed them every day. His knowledge hid from public gaxe, He did not bung to view IS or make a noise town meeting dsys. As many people do. Ilia worldly goods be never threw In trust to fortune's chancre But bred (a all hia brothers do.) la easy circumstance. Thaa undisturbed by anxious cares, is peaceful momenta ran And everybody said be was A fine old gentleman. Tahno the Cusses. The Census tmm has some hard cases to get at. There are very few single ladies over twenty-five year of age, either by acknowledgment or appearance. Our healthy atmosphere retains the rose upon a Venango girU, chfk until eke arrives at forty. Here is the case of a man who wasn't birn in Pennsylvania : vr.h.l WeM vou born in this .( ay gswaua - j S ate f Ans. " Yaw, I vasb not. Marshal. - What State were you born inH Ans. Veil, 1 dosh not know val Shtate. I vash porn in Zenter gounty. Vat Shtate you call him 1" Venango Spectator Our Free Soilism does not eiacilr go as far as frepeachism. Consequently, the personswho entirely stripped three peach trees for as night before last, will oblige us by returning a few of the pits, as the fruit is of the most choice variety, and we have promised a neighbor a few of the stones lo plant. Thus vanish all our dear hopes to take the first Premium at the State Fair. There is one consolation about it as soon as the "Free Press" makes us Sheriff, we two votes. Q Detroit Tribune. Who are yeou V ' asked a long legged Connecticutite, of a rather over-bearing Conductor on the New Haven railroad. " I am the conductor of these cars " "And nil the folks in 'em, 1 spose P "Y. s !" Shorter than pie crust. Wal, I swow ! if that ain't a poorty go ! Yeou a conduc tor of other folks, and don't know how to conduct vooraclf. Gosh P An anxious parent lately introduced his son, a chuckle headed lout, to a village doctor, and told him he thought the lad bad been disposed to the small pox, and should like to have him ventilated, if it would not cost too much. A native of Washington has just inven ted a new system of short hand. In a speech of an hour's duration the reporter was enabled to get twenty minutes a-head ant the speaker I They talk of getting up a musquilo bant in Jersey. The next Legislature U to be petitioned to offer a bounty for the scalps. Anything for a speculation. I guess there arn'r no gummnn about rtws,r as the Yankee- said when- be tried a slice of his wooden ham ! U ho struck Billy I'atteison M'LAKE's) WORM TERNIFVCiE. THE following orders show at once demand for and excellence of this great medicine : "Yobs:, July S8, 1847 "J Kidd dr. Co: The Vermifuge left aa on sale some lime ago by your agent, is aold. It goea very rapidly, and give great aatisf action. As we are' entirely out of the article, and have frequent calls for it, plcaea erod oa some immediately I C A MOKKIS & CO. -Somebtille, Tcnn. March IS, 1847 I "I)r M'Lane Dear Sir : The Vermifuge you Irft with me last fall has long since been oId,and I could have sold a great deal mote if I had had it. .Since my return from the East, I have been called upon nearly every day to write to you, requesting an immediate supply. I have already tried your Vermifuge in my own family and Cud H to be the best I have ever used E F MORRISON. Mrs Cat., Pteuben Co. Sept 7, 1847 This may certify that we have sold DrM'I.ane's American Worm Specific, or Patent Vermifuge, the past year, aud'it baa given unbounded satis faction. It is no imposition on the community, but is what its authors'recommend it to be a universal specific for those afflicted with worms. -H. HUGHES & CO." AGENTS C W Simmr., Lewrtbure; J H Car-low and J H Baser, Milton ; I Oeihart. Se linagrove; J W Friling.Sunbury ; Mre M'Cay, Northumberland , M C Grier.J Moore. Danville MACKEREL, LAUD, CHKESK,Constantlyon hand and MIAD,CODFISH, for sale by SALMON, J. PALM ERA CO. HERRINGS, Market Street Wharf, PORK, Phih-MjMt.. HAMS. SIDES. am:7 SHOl'LDERS, rain Drills. fPHE undersigned wish to inform tin X farming community generally, that they are now manufacturing .. . ROSS" Xr.irlu Improved GRAIN MULLS, or SOWING MACHINE. Without stopping to discuss the compara tive merits of numerous Drills now ofH-red for sale, they merely wish to invite Farm ers to call and see the above named article- hefore purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi dent that they can furnish an article that will give entire satisfaction. ROSS, GEDDES & MARSH. Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, 1630. To the Voters of Union County. Fellow Citizen : At the solicitation of u number of my friends, I hereby offer my self as a candidate for the office of Pro thonotaiy at the ensuing election, and pledge myself to discharge the duties ol said I'ffi'.-c to the best of my ability - JOSEPH OYSTER. Selinsgrove, Aug. 15, 1650 To the Electors of Union Co. Ftllote Citizens : HVing encouraged by a number of my friends, I offer my sell a a volunteer candidate for the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the next general election. I pk-dgc mysely, if elected, lo perform the duties of' lie suia mice hum iim-iuy. JACOB IIOKLACHER. New rt.-rlin, June 6, 1850. Executor's Notice. rPHE Register of Union county having X this d;y granted me letters Testem entary on the estate of Jacob IIi ki., Inte ol LcwilMjr:, deceased, all his debtors are required lo make itniuedinte payment, and all his creditors, to present their claims. JAMES F. LINN, Exec'r. Lewisbur;;. Aug. 19. 1850 LUr.HEI.JOI. sale. rpHE subscriber having leased the JWIr 1 dale Saic-Mill lormerly known as Doughty's in Sugar Valley, Clinton county. Pa., and bought all the stork and fixture belonging to the same, now offcr for sale 100,000 ft of Lumber at said Mill. Orders will be received for any kind of Lumber, by the undersigned at Lewisburr, or by his Agent. S.C.Shel leb, at said Mill, in Suar Valley. II. P. SUKLLF.R. Lewisburg. June 5, 1850 6w STEAMCENGINES FOR S.1LE. ONE of 10 horse power, with one flue boiler can be seen in operation. One of 5 horse power.with two cylinder boilers. Doth made of the best materials, and war ranted perfect. Enquire of 1 J. SMEDLF.Y, Machinist, Columbia, Pa . ...-Tvi.M.Au"ffrVi" every J consideration, that no Miller can make good clean flour without he has good clean wheat. I suppose you wish to know the remedy. 1 tell youit Is to get one ol Hergstresser's If 'heat Scourer, or Smut Machines. He being an old, practical and experienced Millwright lias invented, got up and put in successful operation the best Wheat Scourer now in use. Any person ordering a machine and afterwards finding that it does not prove to operate as repre sented, there shall be no sale, as these ma chines are to he warranted good.. Further recommendations are thought unnecessary. He is now having a supply made at Lewis burg, by Messr. Geddes 6i Marsh. Orders for midlines, or letters of inquiry, will be promptly attended to. Machines will be sent and put to all order. Address J. tSCKuol KCtoocn, . Lewisburg. Union Co. Pa. 329 2rtemobal. joiiv n mi 1. 1. Fir TA!IX)R, respectfully informs his patrons j and the public that hia Shop is now at his i , . - , - a j hOIIe the new brick Opposite Mr. James j P. Koss'.on Third St., where he will he , . ,, 7 , , . ) happy tO Watt On ill WOO OUty honor htm wi'h their pa tro nape. Lewishurs;, April 2, 1850 N AILS and IKON for sale bv Ap 11 Reber & Iddinrjw. W OOL ibr sale at June 5 Rebcr fc Iddin.'. LEWISBURG CHRONICLE AND WEST The Summer Session of the LEWISBURG ACADEMY, "IT TILL commence on Mosnai the 29lh of April. Instruction will be given, as for merly, in aH branches necessary to a thorough Academic course. Our endeavor shall not be simply to communicate knowledge, but to excite the youthful mind to act for itself. When this is fully attained, the progress of the student becomes at once certain and rapid. The kind of learning which most of our youths in this country need, is that solid literature, which, while it mature their minds, prepare them also fur the practical duties of lite. Composition and Declamation will receive their full share of attention particularly the former. The Primary Department ahall have our special care, r torn the disposiuon manifested to sustain the Institution, the subscriber feels stimulated lo renewed exertions. The Session will consist of two Terms of 1 1 weeks each a abort vacation intervening. Tui tion $6 for the common branches, $8 for the higher English, and $10 for Languages, per Session per Term, one half. JNO. RANDOLPH, March 27, 1850. Principal. Tanningand Curry in FOR past favors, the subscriber returns his grateful thanks, and hereby makes known that he carries on the business of Tanning and Currying, at the Old Stand. Determined not to be outdone in the manufacture or finish of his work, he is bound to have the best work men and materials, and to treat those who have so liberally patronized (as well as those also who shall be pleased to patronize him) with that attention which lie hopes to insure him a full share of public patronage. ll kinds of Produce taken in exchange. Hides and Hark not refused, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash or in exchange for leather. L. STERNER. March 23, A D. 1850 GOLD and SILVER t viily in California, but aUo in Lewitburg.' A goud assoitmenl of Watches, silverware & Jewelry, of fine quality and at City piicr. Hatfield & Thompson Kespeelfullv inform the cilixen of Lewisburg ami vicinity, ihat ihev have entered into Partnership at the OLD STAISD on Market St., opposite J Hayes Ac Co'a Store, pictured lo execute every kind of work in their line, in the bent manner. Tbry cart-fully aelected of the best F.nglifh and French materials. Mainsprines.t'yiinders.Excape- rhei-s,and a variety of Watch Jewels, and Oatter lhemlves that iheir kuowk-itge and skill in the busines will enable them to give satisfaction to all who may fvnr them with patronage FINE WATCHES, such as lhipk-x, Ei- eanement. I.etiine. Ancbars, Uetacbrit Patent Levers, Itepeatcrs, and Musical Watches, Ac neatly repaired and warranted Also for sale, a variety of Gold and Silver Watches, Patent Levers, Anchara. Detached, Le- pinea, Quartiera, and English Watches, Itold Chains, ilreast-pin. Finger and Ear rings, 4Sold and Silver Belt Slides, Bracelets. Gold and Silver r iaSfcS-v Pencils and Pens, do Spectacles, SfciJCst Sil ver Spoons, Susar toiigs.Comlis, Side. in short, a litile of everything, and anything else, not meniiouing knick-knaciu, always on band or got to order A variety of Brass (.'locks far $3 and upwards at wholesale and retail Person desiring to get things right, would do well by giving the sulwcnhere a call Experience tells us thai the Credit System can not afford a living. Therefore, in order to "puh along and keep moving," the Cash System must necessarily be enforced. r en 2S. 1 8,u A I. HATFIELD. WM II THOMPSON. HENRY C. HICKOK, A TTOllXEY A T LA H', Lewisburg, Union County, IVnn'a. Practicea in Union and adjoining counties alio altenda the courla of Perry county. 0 FFICE on Second St., lately occupied by L. B. Christ, Esq. Police. QUBSCRIBF.US to the "University at kj Lewisburg" are respectfully requested to pay their Second Instalment, now due, to the Treasurer. And those who have not paid the Is: Instal't are respectfully notified that all such delinquents will be charged Interest on their Instalments from the time they become due. SAM'L T. WALKER, Tax. Lewisburg, Feb. 25, 1850. Th: Grtatert Ditnmry the Ay! Dr. Trask's MAGNETIC OINTISENT IS constantly effecting cures of the utmost importance. The most credulous are cos. viscib ; the moat faithless, compelled to believe in the power and virtue of this great remedy. It is anivmallv admitted to tw the rarat wnndrful efnnhiaatkNi knnwa to lbs arorhl Sir Uie immediate tvtiet or rtimse and Bain. It arm Mis obits Urn rraiain saaVtMit life to restnra a natural and healtajr artioa In the capillary vessels tt the bndv, and nfualier rac cirritl- uom fit re mm Ky this aw-ans. a controlling powtT is eaiBl OM the awt Malignant form 5 nf dines. whMt ran not he obtained front any nthftr frmettv. Snrh u the sower oT tbn minbination. that it oemaraU to CTerv portion of the human franv ; rverv tfnne and muscle, vein, nerve and Ihrsment Is searched out and made sen sible of nuriSeation and healing iufl ueuce. Hence it copes as reaauy wiin uirnwi asexiernsi uuteaAe. Nuavron instances are on record, where tills remedy has seaweed health to narieata so near the grass that the mm anwerfal Internal macules sailed ta nrodaos any effort, each has freqnenUj been the case in Inflammation ef the Bowes. No patient need die with this dliease when the Magnetic Ointasent can be obtained. That daneerous enidemie. j known as the PCTRID KRYall-ELAS, can alwaya be , eared by thie rraanly. For th,,nTnienti.'ihenK4e " ease ,0"-" w"' "rr "hrt "' f the worst cases of STervows Haaaacha in SO minutes. For Kerr lnsea. lhi remelT is of imaieniw value. "'T?'T?,tb? "X,.LrmTmr'!T rateil Hnca Throat, awiatfhitls, Pleurisy, Croup, Chilla, r-bolera Mraw. Aeos ia the face ov llrraat. Bums, I ream lieno, lemuM, fm. mien, nii.iprw, innameu Kyes, VeTcr Soros, Ac, will he inunediately relieved ay the use cf this resacdy. 8otd by Thornton 4 Baker, Lewisburg. i6m3S8 E FBuTTi.arir.ui, Travg Agt B INNS' JUSTICE, new edition, can be had at Lyndall'a Bookstore, in this place. Lewisburg, April 10, IS50 More News for tbe Sick! r-VBTiFirjTKX AXD TESTIUOSTALS. Sumdcut Ut JUl cerrv colama olAil jrp!r,.con brjimlxcti tettuiy forth tht KWtdcrjul rctatt Dr.Swaj ne's celebrated Family Medicines. Dr. S WAYNE'S celebrated Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, TUB MOST COMMON SAYIStt IS That I would net Tire one hutlle of" lr. Swajrnc's Com pound !yrupif Wihlt'uerry" for half a uosen of my other pu-par-ations. 1 have tried all tbeaopiS-ron-a, but this stands unritalled for the cure of ho following diseases, vis. iHltmnm, tV'k, Cw,.ili, SpMiHll o lll-iai, lWytlHtvm -f tilt Urart, n'i7 twj, TWhus or A'l'rios KH ulum in (Ac Thnmt. HranchOit, Jflhrna, or Hiuiacu tht Xrrnmt .'iftlem, or Un paired conntituliou from any cause, aad to prevent persons from falling into s fdiac,thU me riii'ine has not itseiiual. and wticn too much raloiael or tluiniue has been n0. tuifl meUK-ine will preteni its evii eoeru - in. ttutt and repair the biliary fiuutious. HF.MARKABLE ClJtK Of COSSCMITIOX. At...t..m H iinaielfer. 2 mites from ShilDack- lille, la., contracted a severe cold, which set tled upon hi Lungs attended with violent coughing. great difficult; of breathing, au abscess formed iu bis lungs, and made its it a; through the side, aud discharged large quantities of us eiu-rnally. This mournful state of things con tinued for a long lime, until making u-3 of Dr. Snayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, which performed a perfect cure. Have you the Asthma, Liver Complaint, or Bronchitis! If so give this medicine a tiisL It st'ldom tails to cure. VEKV IMPORTANT CAUTION', lie verv careful to enquire fur DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYKt.P OF WILD CHERRY, a ome unprincipled indi viduals bate stolen the name of Wild Cherry, thinking to borrow a reputation from that alrea .1. ...i.iwii1 i;ememtier. the eenuine is nut in square bottles, covered with a Ix auliful wra per, (steel engraving,; wiin toe poriiau ui w ih.rm aln his aienalure : all olh- ers are positively ficticiuut and counterfeit." sway tie's Celebrated Term. luge. " safe and effectual remedy for Worms, l)is prjwia. Cholera Morbus, ei kly or lipeptic Children, or Adults, and the most use ful Family Medicine ever ouVred 11 the puMic" Extract of a Letter In Dr. Siengnr. UjtrJ. Andersonlown, Indiana. A man purchased a bottle of your Vermifuge the other day for bis child, and by it use dis charged sixty three of the largest n orms be had ever seen. It is somewhat difficult to get the people tiy it, as they have been so often gulled by nauseous and wor'hlefs worm medicines. Yours being eo very pleasant to the taete, at the same time effectual, I shall be able lo dispose of a large quantity. Respectfully, yours. TuwKi'tt T. Psaae, P. M. BEWARE OF MISTAKES! Remember, Dr. riwayne's Vermifuge is now put up in square iHittles, (having recently been changed,) covered with a beautiful steel engraving wrapper, with ilia nortrait of Dr. S-vavne thereon. Bear this in mind, and he not deceived. See lhat tlio name is spelt correctly SWAYNE. CLEANSE AND Pl'RIFY. D. SWAYNE'S SUGAR COATED SAR PAKILLA EXTRACT OF TAR PILLS. 4 n;i.l mn.t fl.Miive iMirwaiivs. area! nurifier of the blood, tbey correct all the funciiona of the LiveMnd a an alterative in uropsicai auecuuns, k. ..r. salnahle. Uiddinesa of the head. dimnesa of sight depression of spirits, headache. Sec, are cured by tnese puwying t in, .w medicine can have a better effect for montlily ir regularities, which occasionally happen to wo men, they are perfectly safe, and will in conjunc tion with Dr. Sway nr' Compound Syrup of Wild Cbery, lake all pain fiooi every part of the system. The above valuable medicines are prepared on ly by Da. SWAYNE. N. W. corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia. Agentt fur Vniim count). Pa.: r W .Hrn.B ami Thoentox ' Rsea. iei?'w r; ; ll.W.KeMilera K.'ilin.N.ll. rliii!. l.n U. Millert.rg u . ,tM. Iteaeerlnen It. J. Iloyer, tVntreville I. S Tai lor. Miltlmburtr llavif clinure. S-linscnive Youii:-man Walter, lry Valle) l.Smitli.loiier" Valley KfUI.-n iveller. .avv oiwi ll.y-r t Sunim'-ra, Freelmrg Wilt Kilert, llarll.-tiiu Kami llaupt,Jr and by Storekeepers gauerally Iy290 BOARDING. nillF! aubscriber avails liimst.-lfol tlio co X umns of the Chronicle in publishing to the citizens of Lsswisburp; and vicinity mat he has opened a BOARDINO HOUSE in thai I - sa.I aAfVkalB ri.-ilito Arfaiitfcai hoOM. fuimerlv larec oiru j c, - - I a saat a TITIIlrn( Hotel bv James Kelly, two rpi - -' . ..i ...' doors east ol me r raiiaiiu iiuuar, mm He is prepared to say that bis 1 able stall nave .1.. i ,k. Markets ran afford, and the Lodsine UIE IW ' , , , , of Boarder hll be as comfortable a can be de-ired. I S. SI tn-tt-K. N. B. A team and carnage will be kept to convey passenger to and from the Packet Boat. lewMDurg, .narcn in, T HE subscribers offer the public, at their new Brick Foundry, the loitowing new and valuable Stoves : Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stovee, with Brick Oven. 1- Wukmrina 1arlnr StOVB. Cast Iron Atr-Tighl Pari Slove.for Wood !?. -1 aixe. inder. Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlot Stove 2 size. Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for Wood 8 sixes. Km Stove the verv best in use for Stores, Offices, Barroom, and Shops. The celebrated tieneeee Air-Tigm tooa move. The Complete Cook 3 size. Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves Ploughs Castings, Ate. Ate. CHRIST & M'FADDIN. Lewisburg, Dec. 12, 1819. Brandreth's Pills are sold at 25 ets per box (with full directions) BY J. HAYES it CO., Lewisburg, ana by onlt one Agent in every town in the Union. Each Agent has a Certificate of Agency. Examine the box of pills always and compare it with tbe fae-airaile labels on Ihe Certificate of Agency. A there is a counterfeit of the new label out, this is of much importance, a there ia a decided difference between Ihe appearance of tbe true labels and those of tbe counterfeit. The counterfeit i done on atone ; the genuine are done on steel. Tbe appearance of tbe printing on the counterfeit is ragged and blurry : the genuine label is the very pink of neatness, both in printing, paper, and general execution. Be very careful and roto the A gent, when yon want Brandreth's Pill : then you are sore of the genuine article. When you purchase otherwise, inquire of the seller whether he knowa Ihe pilla he offers yoa are the genuine Brandreth's 1 Ev ery man knowa whether the aiticle ha offer is : true or false. Beware of chest ! ! NOTES Promissory, Judgment, and Joint Notes (blanks) at this office 1 BRANCH FARMER "SmairPrtsflU u4 alclh Sale." H. P. SHELLER, WOULD respectfully inform his old friend and the trading community in general, that ha haa received a LAUUE and GENERAL STOCK of J?Ierchandizc9 for Spring and 3ummer j wants anu uvea viuwi 0 DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, hats axi haps. FISH, SALT, IKON, &.C. &.C. These Good we offer unusually low for Cash Country Produce of all kinds and to prompt and punctual paymasters as usual. (tall and sec! H. P.SHELLER. Lewisburg, May 7, 1850. TO PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS, & COUNTRY MERCUAXTS. R. J. N. KEELER & BRO. most res- 1 pecifully solicit attention to their fresh stock of l-.ngiitin, r renca, ucrmun, u American Drugs, Medicines, t aims, une micaU. Oils, Dvcstufls, Glassware, Perfu t..int Mpilirines. Varnishes. &c Having opened a new stoie. No 291, Market at, with a full supply 01 iresn uiugs anu mcumuo, we respectfully solicit country dealers to exam- . ..-1, i.-f..,.. 1. nirha.ini; elsewhere. Droin- int: uui r- o - :.: ..... -.t .11 ahn mil feel disnosed to ex iting nw j .. c tend to us their patronage, to sell the in genuine Drugs and .vieaicines, 011 a. nuciai -- 7 other house in the City, and lo faithfully execute all oulera eutrusteu to us piuiupvi, - spatch. . t r ,h. nnnriinrt ttcina a reeular Pbvsi- .ir.-.i. .mi.l. vnarantee of the eenuine quality ol all arliclea aold at their establishment. We especially invite uruggiaia w.... merrhauts. who may wish to become agents for Dr. Ketltr't Celebrated Family Medicine; (slindar I and popular remedies.) to forward their adJresa. Soliciting the patronage of dealer, we respect fully remain. . ... r, : ... J.N. KEELEK6C UKU., ooiesnie uruis"i ly284 No. 294, Market St., Philad. TOY THENEW FII.r.1! WTK0FF & H0DSEL WOULD inform the public, that they have openrd a shop on Fourth street lower story of S. W. VVykofls old stand, opposite Hunter I'ardoe's shop, where they kp on hund or make to oroer jp"-t Fancy and Common Chairs, lsJ Itnmn lirwUintr Chairs also 1 a Burrnus, Tables, Bedsteads, of various kinds,. Settees. &c. &.cmmmammmm1 All work in our line warranted to be well made, and on the most reasonable terms. House and Sign PAINTING attended lo by the subscribers on the shor test notice and in the best style. Country Produce and Lumber taken in payment and Cash not refused, but rather preferred. The subscribers intend to be strict in the fulfilment of all their promises as regards work and so doing, hope to receive a liberal share of puMic palronaae. JOHN N. WYKOFF. JOSEPH M. HOL'SEL. Lewisburg. Nov. 1849 P U 11 E F H K S II COD rpHIS new and valuable Medicine, now l used by Ine medical profession with such astonishing efficacy in the cure of Pulmonary Consumption, Scrtifula, Chronic Jiheumatitm, (lout, general Vcbility Complaints of Ihe Kidmyt, &c. &c, is prepared from the liver of the COD-FISH for medicinal use, expressly (or our sales. Eitract from the London Medical Journal. V. J.B.Wilii?", M. D-F.R.S., Professor of Medicine in University College, London, consul ling physician to the Hospital for Consumption, Ac , say ; " I have prescribed the Oil in above four hundred caeea of tubetculous disease of the Lungs, in different stages.which have been under my care the last two yeara and a half. In the large number of cases, 206 out of 234, it use was followed by marked, unequivocal improvement, varying in degree in different case, from a tem porary retardation of the progress of Ihe disease and a mitigation of distressing eymplome, up to a more or less complete restoration to apparent The effect of the Cod Live, Oil ia these cases waa very remarkable. Even in a few day the cough was mitigated, Ihe eipcct oration diminished in quantity and opacity, the night aweata ceased, the pulse became slower, and of better volume, and the appetite, flesh and atrength were gradually improved. In conclusion I repeat that the pure fresh Oil from the Liver of the Cod is more beneficial in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medicinal, dietetic or regimenal, that has jet been employed. As we have made arrangements to pro cure the Cod Liver Oil fresh from head quavers, it can now be had chemically pur;, by the single bottle or in boxes of in't ! ':n each. It w ndcrful efficacy has induced oum rii is -jimiotis imitations. As its success dnpei ds entirely on its purity, too much cam rn not be used in procuring it mr.xv- inf . Every bottle having on it our written signature, may be depended on as genuine. Pamphlets containing an analysis or tbe Oil, with notices of it from tbe Medical Journals, will be sent to those who address us free of postage. JOHN C. BAKER $ CO., Wholesale Druggists and Chemists, lyJRR) 100 North Third St. Philadelphia ALL KINDS OF JOB " PKINTING, REATLT k KIPEDITIOUSIT AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE GOAL KINDS 70R sale by REBER IDDING8. lewisburg, June, 1849 THE i:eiv fooct TS now carried on as usual, at the upper J. end of Market street, where every des cription of CASTINGS kept on hand or made to order such aa The Complete, or Complete Improved Cooking Stores for either Coal or Wood and all other kinds ol STOVES. also IM.fftlTf-IIS of differ ent kinds Corn Ploughs, Bull Ploughs, and the Self-Sharpening Plough, new article, and which can not be beat in Pennsylvania. Call and see and judge for yourselves. CHRIST & M'FADDIN lewisburg. Sept. 22, 1849 WHE undersigned continues tbe LIVE' JiY L'SL'ESS at the Old Stand, on North Third St., near Market, and respectfully solicits the patronage ol bis friends and the public generally. CHARLES F. HESS. Lewisburg, May 22, 18S0 Hooks Books ! fltllF. subscriber offers for sale at the X Lewisburg Post-Office, an assortment oi the most useful Paper, School Books, Stationery of all kinds also the.best Cigars,Tobaeco, itc. an. JOHN V. KENNEDY. Lewisburg, May 7, 1850 FRESH TEAS. Another lot ofL, superior Black and Green Teaf . just reed from the Canton Tea Com pany, nnd for sale at New York retail prie s by J. HAYES & CO. l ewisburg, April 16. Agent. Important Notice! 'PHE public are hereby informed that I am the exclusive proprietor of the I Cooking Siove known as 'White's Patent or 'The White Stove,' by virtue of valid letters patent granted to me by the proper authorities at Washington ; and I hereby caution oil persons not to manufacture or sell the same without authority from me, as I shall promptly seek legal redress for every infringement of my rights under said letters patent. The public are also cau tioned lhat all stoves manufactured by me or my grantees or agents, are marked "James White. Patented June 10, 1844," with the additional mark "lie-issue, Aug. C, 1850," on the slide plate. JAMES WHITE. Milton, Sept. 11, 1850 3m eu)isbntig JTonn&rji fPHE subscribers, thankful lor past pat Y ronnrre, would inlorm the public that they continue to manufacture all kinds of Mill Gearing, cast Water Wheels ot the most approved pattern, Threshing Machines. One and Two Horse PLOUGHS. We invite pariicularattentiontoa new ariicle Wiard'a Patent Gang Ploughs, for seeding in Grain. Farmers by this Plough can seed as much grain in one day as in three days with common ploughs. CASTINGS and TURNING, and Fitting the same. HOLLOW Ware, Kettles and Pots of various sizes Smooth ing Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles to suit cooking stoves, Sic. the most approved patterns now in use, for wood or coal l-ancynrpA"fTT10 Parlor, Wood and CoalJ J J Air-Tight Stoves Race's Self-regulating Air-light rarlur Wood feioves, (a new article,; dec. Threshing Machines and other articles oi Machinery repaired in the best manner and on tbe shortest notice. Castings war mnlHil in In, ! ihe heat mnrrrrinU ami at prices that can not fail to please. UEDDKS & MARSH. Lewisburg, March 25, 1848 THE undersigned cootinnes to furnish to order on the most reasonable terra. Pianos, from the Manufactory of C'osbab Miteb. Philad'a, whose instrument are loo well knowa to awed any panegyric, having uniformly received the commend ationa of the Baost eaainent professors and of Music, aad tbe award of the premiums in NewYort.rouedelpfen and Boston For qualities of lowe, touch, and keeping ia tone np to conceit petcn, Utey can sot be inipaasid by either Americaa ot Enroaean praaoa. . Instructions given on the Piano ae rievrtofce. Reference may be Bade to any of those parents or guardians woo nave pupils committed bat charge. He may be Been at hia residence at Mrs Meuger's, First street, Lewiaborg, where Unas and particulars will be made known. ' The most popular aad favorite Airs and Mask of different kind received aa k ia issued froes tbe differast maaical eetablishments in lha Cities. May 15 CHAR1.E8 KAL18CK Fop Sale, rnWO full Lot$ ia the Borough of J Lewisburg, situated on Third street, opposite widow urown's, rparately or singly. For particulars, enquire of lm aSAMU&l SUtfcK, 1 I'" ,11 'ilVl TI 1 1 1 1 "" II S 'I IIP "An ounce of Prevention wortfr a pound of Cure." in that awful diiemie. COtlSUnPTION ; DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven-f tion and Cure of Consumption. This popular work for sale in Lewisburg' by S. F. Lyndall J. Houghton and at this office. Price. 73 cents. TR1CKI OP 9.VACKS. Lav Evaavaoov Raan vaia Uaaarvixv. Then aa a flaraaparilla far sals in tiw diavraM towas ealM T, Towostrxl's tanwanlla. k w advrrnanl aa U '! I NAUt:NI:lf B.sn'l all tans. This Townstnil a, no .Ineusr gna never was ; but was fermartv a worker on railroans. ea-r-i., and ins like Tt he saisaa ihs utl. ol Itarior tar lha purpoas ot rauilnil credit i wlial he m w. lie sajrs " ha baa atwndcd two tnosical athoola, and praclKrd tar Sllear' Seare ' ihw Um irutn a, no aver prariicoa meiiicine ay in hia lint ! Swell uiitJ. wtbd miarenroarmanoa looks bad tn the eharartrr and verarny ol the man. I wwt anoovaancerrlj, he had nrver mailr tnM suuinenta ol him self or of me. Whrn will men learn tu be aonrst and msv ul id at) laeir dralm-o anl intercourse with their telloi " en ! H applied to one Kuel 'la.p to amei him in smj afaetarlnf his inmurc. sfatuis the Urre sum he w.mi: t ntake. aa an incocenienl to einlMrk in Ihe busHieea. Tw 5 nen haeo been insulting and bbrllina nm m all pnaem forms, in order to unpnr. tbe public with the belief that Ihe Old Uortor's Saraari!la not the raiM, erieir Sarwpardla. matte trin the Old IhxWt Ortginat t-s. aae TliwS. F. Tomcnd aav. I have sold the use ol aiv name lor a wck I will e"ie him 5oJ if h will pro dues one sinele anlitarv proof of this. Ill statements of Thompnn, Skillman . Co.. are Bc. hin- but a uaiue o.' faliehooda, snnfilr made lo .bi ll pubiK, and k mo th truth down m re-ard u his fmnmlinf tmm aawnd. Thw . tn eauunn thr public t purshaM none but Old Ih J "OB Towusenil'a Sav,nMa. ham on r Him Old Itoetor's likearae. his family fail of Arm, aia bn stfnatareacroa, tbeC'tal of Arms. trvciv' Cflce, li .Vassaa elrr. .V V fit? "(S .v,i1 Old Dr. Jacob Townsend, TIIE OR1CINAL ntSCOVEItER OF THE Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. Old Ihr Tuwnartal is sow ahnot 7i) yeara of aer. anil has wnk-aTiV A I THi.tt anj J.r7i VKHKH SARSAPARILLA." BVini ior. ha was coinllJ to bnut ns mannfaetun, by which maana it has beva out of market, and Uh aales eircumacrihe- to l !- ool whs bad prorad iu worth, and known its trains, h had rrachrd Uw sars of many, ne.enheiesa, as tlf-a !- -h- k-l been heatad of m diarasra, and sarwi twin tleaiti, pr siaunrd us wntrrfiil HEALING POWKIL Thw C1UND A.N U t NEttl' AI.I.E l PB K T R ATM N BMnulactwrrdonthc larrrat sralr.andis tallrd lur 'Kr..... oat Um tengih awl brmtth ef the land. t(ria.ly aa u is found lnea(atHe ol drerneraUMQ or ortcnoratliMi. tnllke young S. T. Tawiwew'.'a, H inipmrn wnh sea and never rhanues bill .r Ihe briler : brcatlM It la pnatt4 on arimriftV yrianpf, by a mrimtiltc mnn. Ths hifliraT knowledge of t'heniiatnr, ami Ihr lIt itiaroarriaa ol Uia art, have all ben brought into rrquisttsin in the nutiu'ac turaoftlKtMa 1I Santaparilla. The Sawa:wn:U r-t. K is Well known lo niedicai men, contains many medinna.' nrnnrrtirs, and oHiie j,n(nies which are inert M uaM and others, which if nriamed in prepann- it lor aaa. l"a ducs frrmentaliim and nrf, which ia injunou. to "He a tem. Snme ol ihe prMtTiies ol Saraafanlia are aa swans, that the. enlirele saial and air kr K. tli l'"'l'",", it Uiay are nut pcewreed by a K'tlif wrores,, knawn a, ly to those asteneuced in its maiiiilM:un;. 31iTeter, thsae wlai7e nrimeiplf, which fly off m or a. aa ea- halation, mater heal, are the ery eaaennul atrdicoi rf erriesotiherK.whKhietliallltaaluo Any person ran liotl or new the root till it ey ret s .lark rolored lHuid. whKk is more from the "; '' the root than Hum anthni else ; lhe can thea tram thai nnnind or vapid li.nl. weewn with spur nMlawea.ail then call H - SAUSAPARII.LA EXTRAt-T or S Kl f. nirtauchnms ihe article known as ihs GES Ul-N C OLD DR JACOB TO WNSE P SARSAPARILLA. This is m p.repsred that all ibe Mien nropertice ol the arvapanlla nan are ft set removed, e.ery'huut ral a ! necominc acid or lenneiilatlon w ealnacted aiat recteo ; Uien eeery paricle ol medical vtnoe n sectirrd u a pin and coneeniraied form ; and thoa it la renilered aca of loalne; any of its raluabla and heallae pnpert I ra pared lu this wa. it ia ma.tr Ihe m.at p.'wrlul aeen' ni ths Can er InaaaMrakle Diswaawa. I fence tle reaaon why we hear omnien.iau.a on STary siM is Its fnr by men. women, and children. s and n douie womlera in 'the cure of COXSUMPTMS. DYSPEPSIA. kA "7 .0.lr-..s.vr,ani . RHKlVATISM. SVRVf VI.A PILKf. IVMHW.vm all Ct'TAM OVS ERUPTIOSS. PIMPLES, ULOTVIIES, and all alfertiona an.inc Iron, IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD, h l mi m s marvellous efficacy in all complaints an snur from hulirruvm, from Actdtlf e AUoaur. Inxn uneiiai cirrulalnat, delermmation of bUaal to the hal. nalultallon SI the heart, cold leel and handa. cold chllla ami hot flaahes over the body. It haa not in equal m Cubit anj CtmrKt ; and promotea asav expectoration and gentle pes, spirstH-n, re Using strictures of Ins lunee, throat and eeerv ""ran. .. . !. .. sBrvaa.vaitsasiavfHi ikstn in all kUaaJal HHvI MtalCea t' MXninr a IUCCf.llCIrCV ni-nvr 7 FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It works wonders in cases of W- Aibmt or pu'tt -Fattmr alAe Womh, nhttructfd. .Vppr.ad, or "oiaNJ Menses. JrrernoHry of the aaaneuual perm Ja. and the like; and ia edectual in curing all the fonna ol Airfnry Ihtnwt, By rrmoenig obauueuona, an.1 legulanng Uls esnara. 2 atim, it gieea tone and strength lo lha nhols bu.lj, an.1 us cures all forntf of Rsrvaas Diaeaasw sad DeUIMy, and thns prarenla or relieaea a areas vanrry of who, mat. atnea, as swmu rrrwwTww, , .r. - .. . kKwmr. Bpilrpti Fit. Ctmnltwnt. - It cleanses the blood, sirites ths lieer l health., acti on, lonea ths stomach, and gi'ea gouel dienatioe, relH-tea ths bowels of loriair aial const irpatwn. allaya mrtammaiHwi. pa nnes Ihs skin, equalises the circulauon oj ihs btood. 'kuuj (cntie warmth equally all oer the body, and il insensible persplranon ; retazea atnetaves snd nchtneas. rs moves all obstraetiona. and neigoraies Um enure nrrtos svetem. Is n'H this then . The MasllclM ywm wv-a-aaalawatlr aerdl But can anv of these ihinga be aasl ni S. P. Townamd inferior srtieie 1 This voonr man'e liiutd is not bi be COMPARED WITH THE OLD DR S. because of one RRAil PACT, that the one IMCAPA BLB of UETERHIBATION, and NEVER SPOILS, while the other TH ES : soaring, ersaeariai'. and tnrmM the bntllet containine il into liaemems : the sour, sent liquid exploding. and damaguig other goods Mint ntihw, aomhle comiountl be planoiis in the eyatem 1 yTa ' put acid into a tytlem already ditfmtrd uh mad 7 W hat causes rv.)epsia bnt acid I" we not ail know that whet ' food sown Hi our stomach, whal miechtel H prottuceal flatulence, heartburn. aliiaitn of Ihe heart, lirer Cinv Plaint, diarrhtta, deprnterv. colic ami cnrrapiHn of ihr Inodl Whal ia Srmfnta but an and hum in Ihe Whal produces all the humors which bring on Krupinsc the Skin, Scald Head. Sail Rhrum. Kryeipela. Whits Swelling a. Fever Sores, and ail ulceralMioa miemal ssd ei lernal 1 It is nothine nntler heaven hot an acid wifcetaaee. which sour, and thna m ll all the flntila of tbe hotly, mors or Moa. win eanaaa akuntaitan, Inm m mmf tnA arid Suid which insinuates ireeli between the f.'tinle and etas, where, irntating and in Sam me tbe delicate usraea vpon ' which it acts t So of nervous thaeaaea. of Iffipunit zf lha blood, of deranged circulation, and nearly all ihe iilmaiil, which affltct human rut in re. Now as ax horrible to make and sell, and iMiaaleJy SOI RING, FERMEVmc. ACTT rOVPnlTHD" Ot S. P. TUWNSKND, and vet he would fain have m un.U-ra.d that Old Dr. In sob TowTsrnd's Oemwnr ftrigrmtl Stirtmymi Jlta, is an 1M IT A THIN of his inferior preparation ! ! Heaeen forbid thai ws ahauld deal in sn article which would bear ihs moat dviaat reeeaahlenra n & p Tuws- snd's artielt ! We wish it nnderontt. because h la the ssaansfr learn thai ft. P. Townssntl's article aud okl Ur. Jacob Townaend'a Sarsaparilla are aearen tnde enrl.aai mfisMyjiais lor; that Ihev are anliks in ever uanieiilar- haeaae set one angle thing in common. As S. P. Townsrnd ta na doctor, and novae vac m no aheaust. no pharmaceutial knows no more of owdirine or tnaa any other common. niwientinc.nniroteaminat aasn, what guaranty can ihs public hswe thai ihev are re ceiving n genuine eciennhe aw,liciie.contalniir all uV vtr tans m the ante lee need in irenanre ti. and which ar m- capabls of changes which might reader lb. ths A iKTS af Diaeaae inetcad of health 1 But what alas should he erDected fnun one waa kaowa Bothmg eomparaiieele of mclicine or diec j t re.piiree a iwrssaj of asms sipertenrs tn cook and seres up even a IMBHimn decenl meat. How nuch more iiiioraiii ra it that the peranna who mannfaetnre metbcwieeY -smed sw WEAK STOWar'HS AMI r..H.r..KU MiVTKW'V ahonM know well ihs medical propernea ot plants, the bc4 f seennne aaa ciajaairaung tuerr lasatina virtuea. alas an exlensire knowledge of the nnoa diwaeee whi, b afTec lha human ayatcm, and bow lo niL-ipt rvmntiee ar k m to arrest free. Is upon the ajnfonrmafe. to r-our baira knks wourahxl hasnanilv, as kimB nspa aa ths aaspainas health- aaal Moom. and vieor Uito ins crashed and broken, and as bunieh mnrmriv that Ol.l OR JACOB TOWNSEND haa SOUGHT and FOt M' the o portnntty and raeana to being aa, Semes, ICaAvaaaal t owoswtvaassl BWsnewrl wiian Um Rack, and to ihs knowledge m all who aeed s that they may leara and know, bv joyful sxrinsnra, ) Aorxts for tbe above Medicine C V Schaflle, Lewisburg ; John H Baser, Mil ton ; Forsyth & Priestly, Nonhurnb'UnJ AKE Rnsaa aael .doll r U.M J One Two Horse Wagon. Qqe Truck- WacOa.. Fur stlc by HP SiMee fit? - - m-xmWm aaa am E.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers