latiWISUUllG- CllllOXICLiti AM) WEST BRANCH FAUAIEK ' UJit ani l)umorL TkjixesslI! Askcdotk At a sale the other day in the good old Democratic county of Caswell, the auctioneer com menced by saying Let's see what you will givs for this property these Whig rime.-.?"' The corn sold for $4,60 per bbl.; the Cotton 10 cents per bl. " Pretty good prices under a Tory administration," some body remarked. ' I like Gen. Taylor well enough," replied an old lady, "fieri he had no butiness making coffee to high ."' I t-ndcavored to explain ihttt the high price of her favorite beverage was owini to an earthquake, which shook the berries from the trees belore they were rix. No" said the old ludy, " th:rt'j the way with you Whigs everything you do that's mean you i.iy it to the Lord !"' Vbhv Funky. The editor i.f the Co lumbus (Ga.) Times, uhnm e take to be of the male gender, appears to be in a very lamentable state of excitement about the admission of the State of California into the Union. In an article entitled The Ceorgia Convention Secession the Rem- tdy," he twice earnestly puts the question, " What will the women f O.-oigia do !" And then immcdiauly a,!ds, "We can only answer for one ourself; and every other man mut aiis-vrr on hi s own Miionui res- sibility." A more complete Ilibmii- ' f P111' Rosier of Union county havinc we have rarely read, fr admitting, as 1 ""s d -r,,n,cd ",e T' , , , , Hilary on the estate ol J.w.-oh 11., vkl, late such testimony we are bound to do, the ( L,.wjf,,)Ur,,i j,waspJj n, ilis dl.b!ora are pons cism on such womanly nature tithe writer of the article, we aresti'i puzz'cd to un lerMund how any "other tnau''can a "wonmn of Georgia.'' Important Correction. The Charlesion Mercury publishes a note frcm the notorious Mr. Rhett, correctingthe rep"rt ol a speech he lately delivered in South Carolina. He was represented as saying in substance. We mi st secede. South Carolina ici.l lead iff- Georgia will go with her, fec." J What he said was : ' Georgia will had fjf. South Carolina will go with her,'' ite. ; The erratum touches the gi.-t of the ! whole matter- Rut Georgia wont lead olT, and South Carolina wont have to follow. The only finished pln-e in this country, ' says the Albany Datchman, is Lansing burg. For the last Iwi my jears ihere has not been a board added nor a nail drove in j the whole place. A man undertook to re- pair his Stoop last week, but was prnmpily arrested and sent to jail. The whole vil lage still believe that Governor of ihe Slate. lage still believe that Ui U'i.t Clinton is Rathe every day r' exclaimed the wi dow Sinashpipcs, as she dror-pirl the flat imn upon the horse-shi-, and looked hr neighbor Snubs right in the eye. " Why you I'on'l tell ! I never used to think of stripping my Jeems and giving him a right good wash but lour limes a tear, once in , ! the summer, ence in the lad, and once in . the winter ! Ilowson.tver, senie children ' ketch dirt sooner than others.'".- Mind Your Dots A Kentucky member . . oi congress wroie in ins wi e u his rn- , val at Washington City.that he had "formed i . connexion with a vrrv rvreeaUe Jr.. ! J and expected lo sprnd the winter vi ry . pleasantly.'' Unfortunately to the surprise and mortification ol the good lady to whom l,e was writing, be inadvertently dolled the t in the word Mt tx. Soaring vp, .Vyie. Tl.e Reading. Pa-, correspondent of ihe Tribune, relieves himself of the following: " Yesterday it rained all daf, but to-day Aurora stretched out her rosy fingers and pulled the gray, nauzy, misty mght-cap, from the head of M:unt IVnn, washed her ry lace and snowy breast in trembling dew, and bathed her ieet in the Schuylkill.'' What did she wipe them wiih ? j " So vou would not take me to be twen- ty 1" said a young lady to her partner. whi'e dancing the polka, a few evenings I a"0. "What would you take me for, j Ihen r " For belter or for wor-e," replied nicu . i he quickly and they were recently mar- j r:eJ N. 11. Ri'gister. j " ! A housemaid who was sent to call 3 j gentleman to dinner, found him engaged in using his tooth brush. " Well, is he eomin?' said the lady of the house, -ifitiwsa He i i "he servant returned. ' Yes, m-r a'.n, di- j rectly," was tho reply, " he's just sharpen ing his teeth." Byron is said to have remarked that " tbe greatest trial to a woman's Ijeauty is the ungraceful act cr eating eggs.' Some Yankee remarks that the poet coul never have seen a lady hanging on by the teeth to a blazing hot corn Cub ! Mrs. Speckles says that the best vegeta ble pill that has been invented is an apple dumpling. For destroying a gntwing at the ro.iiach, tliey are the only pill lo be relied on. When lladdix's wife kicked him out of bed,sas he to hi spouse: "See w ynu had better ti--t do that ag.iiu ! If you do it will cause n tool not .'"' ('real Fornines hive! been made in llii COUIltry by tbe U- tlf Slliinnilg JCIIIIUS ! . ' J I Ilirnuin IS now trying to see W IihI lie Cau i injke o( a Singing Jenny. Suaannuh" grts a deal of sympathy, i The strex-t in-i-icin'- are cunsiantlv besee ching her to dry her tears. IfynuwoulJ ue? a pood start in ihe world. tmrrv wi i ii tuelve ch.Hien. (Stain Drills. T HE undersigned wish to inform the farming community generally, that they are no manufacturing J. P. 120SS' Keljf Lnpn,fc,t CRAIX I'll ILLS, or SOWIXG MACIIIXL. Without stopping to discuss the compara tive merits of numerous Drills now otrered for sale, they merely wish to invite Farm ers to cull and see the above named article before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi dent that they can furnish au article that will give entire satisfaction. ROSS, GKUDKS & MARSH. Lnwisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, 1800. To the Voters of Union County. 1'i'llow titizens : At the solicitation ot a niiinl-rr of my friends, I hereby oiler my ell as a candidate fur the oflii-e of PrO thonotary at the ensuing election, and pled myself to discharge the dutit'3 ol said (.(lice to the best of my ability. JOSKPIl oyster: Si-linsarnve, Aug. 15, 1650 To the Electors of Union Co. Ftlloit Citizens: Iking eneounged by a number of my friends, I oflfi-r mysell as a volunteer candidate for the riflire of COUNTY COMMISSIONER. at tli npvl (rf-nprril 1lif in. T tilpfltip j, if elected, lo perform the dulieso! j the smd (Fn-e with fi.lel ty. j J.aCOI! I IOULACI1F.R. ! IJerlin. June G lS.'.O Ixecutor's Notice. j rf,,uired to make immediate pay-rent, and his Creditors, to present their claims. James f. linn, Kxm-v. L-wtsburg, Aug. 19, 1850 WELCH'S NATIONAL CIRCUS lleurgnuiztil. and Icing a combination i.f two Conif.unks, Equestrian and Dramatic ! i 1 ... , coml"n8".ou nl Oouble rraupt the 2d of Octolx-r, for one day only, altertiuoii and evening. Afternoon performances commrn ring at 2 j o'clock, in the evening at 7 o'clock D khs open half an hour previous. Admission '15 cents lo each Entertainment. In the K.jue.-tti m department, one of the lea ding, and Irom their novelty, t' e m-t strikii.2 features, are ihe wondeiful xploi!s of the wild rider. EATOX STONE. This exlraord.iiarj eijiiestrian, of whose skill and d iriug, volumes have bean written wherever he has performed ap- pears in two distinct acts of horsemanship in nei- . of . . . . . nA ' nn .. i iher of whi-h d.ies he use saddle or bridle on his superb steed, though they are both as wild and apparently untameable as when first lassord by him on the Pamper of South Ainciica. Tlieir , '"? terrific, and it is impossible to uescri! the t-ensadonsof tho beholder as he wat- ,.h ,h(. niIi,1Ilg 0f ,he horse and rider, which ' are in perfect unison, and whirh convey to the I mi"d ,.rof, l,iclure of ,he e"" hs of ilea- j tueti m vtlnlegv. Ma.-ter I. NEVILLE is another of the stars I which form the brilliant Galaxy of Talent ol i which this great comp-ny is composed. He is everywhere admitted to be without a rival in his ' feats of eouiiation. Mr. CAD WALA I) tit the craeeiui miu uarina iiiany uoiso riuer, me rsuiii- r i i .1 .: I . i . i- . i I li-hrj favorite of this company. Mr. E. DEKI Ol.'S, wish his highly educated and superb stud of Lilliputian Shetland Pomes. 1 be ! great and j Its FAM-- widely renowned Acrobats, the filVEliS I LY. whose pleasing and teats, have ; ijever been eoualled in America; tno nccom- Plishej touestrian and champion vaulter Mr. W. i O. DALE. SAM LEE, whose herculean feats are the wonder and admiration of all who witness j them. The juvenile, equestrian pr.Klisies, Mas-' tcrs G. DERIOL'S and . WILLIAMS. Two ; great clowns, JOHN JASSOM and DAN GAKDNEK. whose uneiceutionaide ait and I most approved good humnr have placed thorn at the summit of the profession. Master ol the ar- j ena, Capu J. A. Dtcixr. The grand heroic I equest.ic dramatic spectacle, I or (he chlni(,ion4 of Christendom .got up wi;h j 'he mo-t lavish expense, with new and gorgeous I prorue. and appointments of every i sort, a perlormcd for hundreds of nights at the National Ami.itheatre.Pliiladelphia.will conclude j each evening's entertainment. j ;V Post's celebrated Military Band will ac-1 company the performance. i"- 73-v j ST. UEOKGE AND THE UKAUUN, IT IS A FACT, kXE self-evident, and worthy of every ; consideiation, that no Miller can make j jooa ciari u wr wunoui nc nas gooa cman , u-tipnt- t uiii)nA vnn wish tti know (lift remedy. I iell you-it is to get one ol j lfrrtrrxser,t fi'teat SeourerM. or Smut I Machines. He bein? an old, practical nnd : j ii k. i .-j experienced Millwrint has invented, got- 1 , . - , i L up and put in suocesslul operation the best YhpHt Nf-iiurer now in ue. An v rwrson ' I ordering a nv.tclnne and alterwards rinding' -uiii.ieet iit-to n-tre a naiumi ami neaiiiiyaetmn to that it rliie not nrove to onerate aa reureJ ,h' rapillary v-s1k -r th! bmly, and 7.i;.'Mi-ar.-tnat it aoes not prove to operate as reprt , f M i f tlif ,ty thj m,.Mls . ,,MiiiB) senled, there srnill be no sale, as these ma - t. . , it.u chines are to be warranted good. Purincr recommen Jntions are thought unnecessary. . . lit" lie Id IIOW having a SUpply made at IeWIS-1 a a l I J Duri;. by aicssrs. ueaaes oe marsn. t-rraers tor inir.hines. or letters Ol inatlirV. Will U , , , I . .,, . t promptly attended lO. iliacilines Will OC;Hfert. Sueh has fcHiuently b.'en the ease iu sent and nut to all Order?. AdJres I Inflammation of the Bowe's F BPKtiSTRliSSIiK 1 e . ' n ' I.ewisliuro;, Union Co. I n. 329 . . ' T ( III T 11 1VI 1 I l.V. li : TAlI.OIt, IfspeClfully inlbrms his patrons! . . . ' . c, . i.- auu me; puuiit mat ins onuj is uuw ni uie i .L :. 11. I ! no-lNC -lie ...-w ,r. ( i;oS', On imru OI., wnere ne Will oe h,ippy 0 wait on all who may honor him ; wi'h their patronage. Lewislmrg;, April i, ISoO AJAILS and IUON for sale bv i ApUl R-ber & Idd.ogs. The Summer Session of the LEWISBURG ACADEMY, Y7"ILIj commence on Mosmi the 29th of April. Instruction will be given, a for nieily, in all branches necessary to a thorough Academic course. Our endeavor shall not be simply to communicate knowledge, but to excite the youthful mind to act for itself. When this is fully attained, the progress uf the student becomes at once certain and rapid. The kind of learning which most of our joullis in this country neru, is that solid literature, which, while it natures their minds, prepares them also fur the practical duties of lite. Composition and Declamation will receive their full share of attention particularly the former. The Primary Department shall have our special care. Kioiu the disposition manifested to sustain the Institution, the subscriber feels stimulated to renewed exertions. The Cession will consist of two Term of 1 1 weeks each a short vacation intervening. I m lion Sit! for the common branches, $8 for the higher Eugii.-h, and $10 for Languages, per iSesiii'n er Term, one hull. JNU. KANDOM'lt. March J7, 1850. Principal. Tanning and Curry in 17011 past favors, the subscriber returns his grateful thauks, and hereby makes known that he carries on the business of Tannins and Currying, at the Old Stand. Determined not to be outdone in the manufacture cr finish of his work, he is bound to have the best work men and materials, and to treat those who have so liberally patronized (as well as those also who shall be pleased to patronize him) with that attention which lie hopes to insure him a full share of public patronage. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange. Hides and Hark not refused, for which (lie highest market price will be -paid in cash or in exchange for leather. L. STERNER. M uch 25, A.D. 1850 GOLD and SILVER .W unlij in California, but ut"0 in Lewifburg' A good osso.tmrnt of Watches, Silverware & .Iciveli j , of fine quality and at t'ity piices. Hatf eld St Thompson Respectfully inform the citizens of l.ewisburg anil i vicinity, that thev have entered Into Partnership ihe OLD 8TAN1) on Market St., opposite J ! Hayes tt Co's Store, piepared tj execute every 1 kmd of work in their line, in the best manner. : They carefully selected of the best English and : French materials, Mainspiiugs Cylinders, Kscape- wheel, and a variely of V.itch Jewels, and flatter j them-elves that their knowledge and skill in the i business will enable them to give satisfaction to jail who may favor them with patronage. j KINK WATCHES, such as Duplex, E-:Y) I capeinents, I.epines, Anchars, Detached, i Patent Levers, Repeaters, and Musical Watches, &c neatly repaired and warranted Also for 6ale, a variely of GolJ and Silver Watches. Patent Levers, Anchars. Detached. Le- pines, tjuartiers, an 1 English Watches, Gold Chains, Brcast-pirs. Finger and Ear rings. Cold and Silver Hell Slides, Bracelets, Gold and Silver c vj; rr Pencils and Pens, do Spectacles, ZJr-wSilver Spoons, Sugar tongs.C'ombs, A c Ac. in short, a lit'Ie of cvcrythinR, and an thing else, not mentioning knick-knacks, always on hand or got to order A variety of Brass Clocks for ?-) and upwards at wholesale and retail Persons desiring to get lliinps rih, would do well by giving the subscribers a call Experience tells us that the Credit System can not alTird a living. Therefore, in order to "push along and keep moving,' the Cash System must necessarily be enforced Feb 2. isit) A L HATFIELD, VM II THOMPSON. HENRY C. HICKOK, A TTOIiXEV A T LA W, Lewisburg, Union County, Pcnn'a. Practices in Union and adjoining countiea also attends the courts of Perry county. ( I FFICE on Second St., lately occupie d bv L. B. Christ. Eso. iVotk'C. QCP.SCRIREUS to the "University at Lcwisburg" are respectfully requested , ,hcir Secon(, Instalmcn, novv du0 . ., P , , . , , 10 fe rreasurer. And ihose who have not paid the is! Instui t are respectfully notified that all such delinquents will be ch.trgcd Interest on their Instalments from the tune lney uec(,(e due. ' sn , T. WALKER, Treas. liCwisburg, Feb. 25, 1850. O'lTlltmt Ilimill Dr. Trask's M AGNETIC 0MTEIENT T6 constantly effecting cures of the utmost J - in-porurjce. The most credulous are . visceo; the most fail bless, ompelled to believe , ,u . . ', in the power and virtue of this great remedy, ,, (, ullivcrMlii inntt.-.i to'i. ihe most vmirrfi eomlination Known to the wnrW ar the imuvjut relier : pune.i over rim most nsiiimant na-ras disen-. hieh I ran uot lie ttaiiu-l rnaii anv otlK-r remedy, liueh is tlte . uw,.r of ,mwnatinn. that it p. netmteH t., e iy ' v ' the immaii b: every bon. and mu-ie, ,M"- nTT- niivl liifiiui'Tit it mtiirrh'-U out anil iu-tUe nt'if HiiilenrpurmuL-Mnml licalins'mllii.-mi'. il n--e Jtct .-s (tail n-aslllv With intfflMt MA rxbTlm) llirOftji. Kuni,u, iaMMln ,, ,n r,wr.i, .iw a,u rem,,iy ha nenitnui patienw so me s-rnvetimt lli, nitisi rowerful itib'rnid remedy's failed to prod produev any Xo rtb-nt nefil (lie with this disease where tlie Maintetie limtlnent can tie ootamwi. inai naugerous epirjeiuie. known u u i-ituid EUVSU'i.LA, can ai:ij u. cared by Uiis remedy. For ! JXFLAMMA TOR Y KHETXATTSM, i t his Ointment i tbe most eoniplete remedy ever prepared In ! owes out ot 100, it will afford nlire rrli-r to the Nervous Wi.Uiiimly is or immenwralue. AlBftiuBs of thn t-pine, lheninaliim, Ijoneiiesa. rtee- ntrtl !.re Tiiroav. i.rooeiiHi". r ieun.y. roup, Chills. lulera Morbus. Axae in the rare or Brcust. linn,. ,lc(li IUlnlm. Kry.,,-!.,,. Inflamed Kye f ev, r ffor. will uo nuuiediaMy nlieved by tne e or una n pk-ij. u.i i t... f'JL..... x. r..l. t ' j owu uy mrwmuii y MMUtcr, AjCWlSUUrg. GinSiS . E F Bi-n fciiFHi.ii, Travg Agt I )INNS' JUSTICE, new edition, can be had at Lyndnll's Itookstore. in this place. I.c wUburg, April 10, iaf,rt. (; ' iff' the A'je .' I 9 I ffl Offll I More Sews Tor tbe Sick! CERTIFICATES AXD TESTIMOXlALX, MiJIicicht to fin eirp rrVtnua of this poprr,can he prvdwtd Kiting fiirUt the wvntierjui rtrtue nf r.Swayuc's celebrated Family Medicines. Dr. SvlViXJ-'S celebrated Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. THE MOST COMMON SAVISO IS Tlmt I voula not pivc one botlltr uf" br. Swayuv's CouilwulMlSyruirWiMChvrry' rr half a duz.-a of any other pn-par-ations. t have trirUnll tlie pupuUrolMM. I'Ut Ibis stanUs niirtviitled l'r the mire ot the f..l.,uui0- diseases, via. Injtuntai, VuH'jht, lUtls. :';NHMittt. Zyittt'ng of iitd, i'ulpUiitivn it fhe IJmrt, H htf'itiwj Otuffh, Tickling or liteuiy Kttr ttim in tftr rhnmt, lirvwjtilit, Aithmu, ur II. .ri nm of Ur. X' TevlU Sgstrm, er itn-p:iin-U 4-onstitution fmai auy taiia-, ana to trcfent persous fri' falling inD. a finr.tliuiinv ilietuc lias nut its ettuul, and lieu too uiueh I'aU'twd oriuiiiine lias leen u-l. this ui-diriuc will prevent its evil elleets on the sysWui and repair Uie biliary funeUuus. ltKMAKKMILE Oll.E OF COXSCMI'Tl'iX. Abraham Hunsicker, 2 miles from Sbippack- I ville, Pa., contracted a severe cold, which et ', tied upon bis Lungs, attended wilh violent coughing. great dil&culty uf breathing, an abscess formed iu bis lungs, and made its way through the tide, and discharged large quantities of pus externally. This mournful state of things con tinued for a long time, until making use of Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, which performed a perfect cure. Have you the Aathma, l.iver Complaint, or Uroncbitis ! If so give this medicine a trial. It seldom lails to cure. VERY IMPORTANT CAUTION. Be very careful to enquire for DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY, aa some unprincipled indi viduals have stolen the name of Wild Cherry, thinking to borrow a reputation from that alrea dy established. Remember, the genuioe is put iu square bottles, covered with a beautiful wrap per, (steel engraving.) wilh tbe portrait of DK. S WAYNE thereon, also his signature : all olh ers are positively fidicioutand counterfeit." Sivaj nc's Celebrated Icrmiiugc. "A sale and effectual remedy for Worma, Dis-pi-psia. Cholera Morbus, sickly or Dispeplic Children, or Adults, and Ihe most use ful Family Medicine ever offered to the public" Extract of a Letter to Dr. Sieiiim: Dated. Andersontown. Indiana. A man purchased a bottle of your Vernnluiie the other day for bis child, and by its use dis charged sixty three of ihe largest worms he bad ever seen. It is somewhat dillicult to get the people try it, as they havo been so often gulled by nauseous and worthless worm medicines. Yours being so very pleasant to the tasle, at the same time victual, I shall be able to dispose of a large quantity. Respectfully, yours. TowxsENtt T. SiiAar, P. M. JJEWARE OF MISTAKES! Remember, Dr. Swayne's Verinilugeis now put up in square bottles, (having recently been changed,) covered with a beautilul steel ergraving wrapper, with the portrait of Dr. Swayue thereon. Hear this in mind, and be not deceived. (See that the name is spelt correctly- SWAVNE. CLEANSE AND PURIFY. Da. SWAYNE'S SUGAR COATED SAR PAKILLA EXTRACT OF TAR PILLS. A mild and effective purgative, great purifier of the blood, they correct all the functions of the Liver,and as an alterative in Dropsical alleciions, thev are very valuable, (iiddiness of the head. dimness of sight depression of spirits, headache. &c, arc cured by these punlymg I'llls. .o medicine can have a better effect for monthly ir regularities, which occasionally happen lo wo men, they are perfectly safe, and will in conjunc tion with Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Chery, lake all pain from every part of the svi'i in. The above valuable medicines are prepared on ly by Dn. SWAYNE, N. W. corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia. Agents for Union county. Pa.: C VlS-n.m.B and Tlli?rTftS A It.VKEm LtHrintwrH : l.W.Kessler K.Wilsi.n.N. Berlin! II. Mem li, Millersl.iirir M..s Spoilt. Ileaverte.wn III. J. Hoyer. ntretillo i-ivin L Sriittiin-, S'lin-rrmre I Vituiitmian WaltiT, lry Valley KriilM-u Krlli-r, Xvy iKlnml j i. i ay ..nteiin'ui ILSinitt'-MoHM-rM alley Vt ilt Kllert. Ilartlrtim l&ivcr 4 Smomtr!, rm-liiirj? Sajnl llaupt,Jr. and by .Storekeeper generally lySOO BOARDING. fltHE subscriber avails himself ol the co! X umns of the Chronicle in publishing to the citizens of Lewisburrz nnd vicinity that he has opened a BOARDING HOUSE iu thai large and comfortably arranged house, formerly kenl ns a Temnerance Hotel by James Kelly, two doors east of the Franklin House, Market street. He is prepared to say that his I able siiaii nave iho hi the Markets can afford, and Ihe Lodging of Boarder shall be as comfortable as can be jrcj I. . n i tu.v r.n. NT B. A team and carriage will be kept to convey passengers to and from the 1 v 1 v I. to lu'.il Packet Uoata. A.ewisuurg, .ua.wu io, ,.-..n. fpHE subscribers offer the public, at their new Brick Foundry, the lollowing new and valuable Stoves : Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, with a Uriek Oven. l. idv Washington Parlor Stove. Cast Iron Air-Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood 2 sizes. Coal Iturner for Parlors 1 size, 12 inch c inder. Louis Air-Tight Casl Iron Tarlor Stove 2 sizes. Shield Air-Tight Tarlor Slove for Wood 3 sizes. Egg Nrove the very best in use for Stores, Ollices, ISarrooms, and shops. The celebrated Genesee Air-Tight Cook Stove. The Complete Cook t size. Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves Ploughs Castings. &c. &c. CHRIST & M'FADDIN. Lcwisburg, Dec. 12, 1849. Crandreth's Pills are sold at 25 eta per box (with full direction:-) Y J. HAYES St CO., Lewisbur", and by only ona Agent in every town in the Union. L'-ach Agent has a Certilicnd: of Agency. Examine the box or pills always and compare it with the fac-simile labels on ihe Certificate of Agency. A there is a countctfeit of the new label out, this is of much importance, as there is a decided difference between the appearance of the true label and Ihose of Ihe counterfeit. The counterfeit is done on atone ; the genuine are done on steel. The appearance of Ihe printing on the counterfeit is ragged and blurry ; the genuine label is the very pink of neatness, both in printing, paper, and general execution. Be very careful and goto the Agent.when you want Biandrelh's Pill : ihen you are ure of Ihe genuine article. When you purchase otherwise, inquire of the eHer whether he knows the pills h offers vou are the eenuine Brandreth'! Ev- ery man knowa whether Ihe article he offers is . fl. Rw.rj. rtf cheats ! Beware, of cheats ! fr- JOTES Promissory, Jjdgment, and XX Joint No es ( tins oILee "Small "Fronts and Quick Sales." H. P. SHELLEll, "tT7"OUI.D respectfully inform hi old friends y and the trading community in general, that he has received a LARUE and GENEKAL STOCK of Hcrchandiz9 for Spring and Summer want and uses embracing DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, HATS AND CAPS, FISH, SALT, IKON, Ac 4c. These Goods we offer unusually low for Cash Country Produce of all kinds and lo prompt and pumtual paymasters as usual. Call anil See ! H. P. SHELLER. Lewisburg, May 7, 1350. TO PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS. & COUXTRY MERCHAKTS. DR. J. N. KEELER ok BRO. most res pectfully solicit attention to their fresh stock of English, French, Gen-tan, and American Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Che micals, Oils, Dyestufls, Glassware, Perfu mi ry. Patent Medicines, Varnishes, &c. Having opened a new slore, No 291, Market st, with a lull supply ol fresh Diugs and Medicines, we respectfully solicit country dealers lo exam ine our stock before purchaing elsewhere, prom ising one and all who may feel disposed to ex tend to us their patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medicines, on as liberal terms as any other house in Ihe City, and lo faithfully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and wilh de spatch. One of the proprietor being a regular physi cian, affords ample guarantee of the genuine quality ol all article sold at their establishment. Wc especially inviie druggists and country merchants, who may wish lo become agents for Dr. Krfler't Celebrated Family ihdicine. (stamlar I and papular remedies,) to forward their address. Solicitin" the p ttrmicge of dealers, we respect fully remain, J.N. KEELER tc UUO., Wholesale Druggists, ly2S I No. aut, Market St., I'hUad. TRY TiiE KEW FIRM! WYKOFF & HOUSEL 1T70ULD inform the public, that they V have opened a shop on Fourth sireet lower story of S. W. WykolPd old stand, opposite Hunter lirdoe sshop, where they keep on hand or make to order Fancy and Common Chairs, Itoston Rocking Chairs also Bureaus, Tables, lieds'iads, ' Silffp of vt rious kinds, eyf" mCj fee. &c. All work in ou' iinc warranted lo be well made, and on the most reasonable terms. House and Sign PAINTING attended to by the subscribers nn the shor test notice nnd in ihe best style. Country Produce and Lumber taken in payment and Cash not refused, but rather preferred. The subscribers intend to be strict in the fulfilment of all their promises ns regards workand so donifr, hope to receive a liberal share ol public patronase. JOHN N. WVKOFF. JOSEPH M. HOUSEL. Lcwisburf. Nov. 1849 PURE FUES1I COD JLive9 QiM. rPHIS new and valuable Medicine, now used by the medical profession with such astonishing efficacy in the cure ol Vulmonnry Coimtmptiun. Scrofula, Chronic llheuiiialhm, Cout, general Debility, Complaints of the Kidneys, iic. Ac., is prepared from the liver of the OD-FISH for medicinal use, expressly (or our sales. Extract from the London Medical Journal. C. J. B.Wi lliams, M. D- F.R.S., Professor ol Medicine in University College, London, consul ting physician lo the Hospital tor Consumption, &.C , says ; " I nave prescnoeu me uu in aoovc four hundred cases of tuberculous disease of the Lungs, in different stages,which have been under my care the last two years and a nan. in tne large number of case. 206 out ol 234. it use was followed by marked, unequivocal improvement, varying in degree in different cases, from a tem porary retardation of the progress of the disease and a mitigation of distressing symptom, up lo a more or less complete restoration to apparent health. "The effect of the Cod Liver Oil in most of these cases was very remarkable, fcven in a lew days the cough was mitigated, the expectoration diminished in quantity and opacity, the night sweats ceased, the pulse became slower, and of belter volume, and tbe appalite, flesh and strength were gradually improved. In conclusion I repeat that the pure fresh Oil from the Liver of the Cod is more beneficial in the treatment f Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medicinel, dietetic or regimenal, that has yet been employed." As we have made arrangements to pro cure the Cod Liver Oil fresh from head cuvcrs, it can now be had chemically our--, by the single bottle or in boxes of n't d n each. Iu wi nderful efficacy has induced num tit i 'pitiious imitatiops. As its success ili tici (Js entirely on its purity, too much en in rati not be used in procuring itCEM- isF. Every bottle having on it our written sinalure, may be depended on as genuine. Pamphlets containing an analysis nf the Oil, with notices of it from tha Medical Journals, will be sent to those who address us free of postage. JOU1S U. ISAKJiK y UU., . Wholesale Druggists and Chemist. tySgfl 100 Xorth Third Si. Fhtladelphta ALL KINDS OF. JOB PRINTING, HOTLY fcllrEDlTMHT , ; ? -EXECUTED. AT TNE "CH8CNICLE" OFFICE OF ALL KINDS T?OR sale by REBER St IDLilAO-J. Lewisburg, June, 1849 THE NEW FOUNDRY IS now carried on as usual, at the upper end of Market street, where every des cription of CASTINGS w fcsp1 on hand or made to order such as The Complete, or Complete Improved Cooking Stoves for either Coal or Wood -and all other kinds of STOVES, also inOUQIIS of differ ent kinds Corn Ploughs, Bull Ploughs, and the Self-Sharpening Plouch, a new article, and which ran not be beat in Pennsylvania. Call and see and judge for yourselves. CHRIST & M'FADDIX. Lewisburg, Sept. 22, 1 841 Raaaatfaa rPHE undersigned ....mues the LIVE X I V BUSLYESS at ihe Old Stand, tin North Third St.. : . ir Market, 9nd respectfully solicits the - -.tror-ge ol his friends and the public eene-.-'v. CHAR LI"'; F. HESS. Lewisburg, May 22, 1850 Books Cooks! fMlE subscriber offers for sale at the L'-wisburg Potst-OfJice, an assortment ot the most uselul Paper, School Books, Stationery of all kin3s also thebest Cigars.Tobacco, JOHN V. KENNEDY. Ijcwishurg, M ly 7, 1850 7RESH TEAS. l Another lot of. 1 superior Black and Green Tear-a J '' jusi re.-d from the Canton Tea Com f,. panv, and lor sale at New York retail prieisby J. HAYES & CO. Lavtishurg, April 16. Agents. important Notice ! r"HE public are hereby iufor.ned that I am the exclusive proprietor of the Cooking Stove known bs "White's Patent or 'The Whi'e Stove," by virtue of valid letters pitteut granted lo me by the proper authorities at Washington ) and I hereby caution all persons nut to mmu'actiire or sell the same without authority from mens 1 shall promptly seek legal rJrtss for every infringement of my rights under said tellers patent. The public are also cau tioned that all stoves manufactured by me or my Grantees or agrn's, are marked "James White, Patented June 10, 1814," with the additional mark "Ke-issue, Aug. 6, 1850," on the slide plate. JAMES WHITE. Milton, Sept. 11, 1650 3m Ccroisbnrg jfbim&rn riMIE subscribers, thankful lor past pat I ronage, would inform tho public that they continue to manufacture all kinds of Mill Gearing, cast Water Wheels ol the mM approved pattern, Threshing Machines. One and Two Horse PLOUGHS. We invite pa rticular attention to a new article Wiard's Patent Gang Ploughs for seeding in Grain. Farmers by this Plough ran seed as much grain in one dav as in three days with common ploughs CASTINGS and TURNING, and Fitting the some. HOLLOW Ware. Kettles and Pots of various sizes Smooth ing Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles to suit cooking stoves, &c. eootunrj Stores, the most approved patterns now in use, for wood or coal rancy STOVES Parlor, Wood and Coal Air-light IStoves Knee's Self.regulatin Air-Tight Pailur Wood Stoves, (a new article,) Sic. Threshing Machines and other articles of Machinery repaired in the best manner and on the shortest notice. Castings war ranted to be ol Ihe best material, and at prices that can not fail to please. GEDUES Si MARSH Lewisburg, March 25, 1848 inr rriHE unJeraigocd continues to furnish to order I on tbe mont reasonable terms. Pianos, from Ihe Manufactory of Cuiihb Mi is, Tbilad'a, srbose loslruirents are too well known lo need any panegyric, having uniformly received the commendations of the most eminent professors nd composers of M usic, and the award of tbe premiums in INewV ork. Philadelphia and Boston. For qualities of tone, touch, and keeping in tone op to conceit pitcn, tney can not be aarpaaaed by either American or European pianos. Instructions given on Ihe Piano as heretofore. Reference may be made to any of those parents or guaruians woo nave pupils committed to his charge. He may be seen at bis residence at Mrs Metzgei's, First street. Lewisburz. where terms and particulars will be made known. The most popular and favorite Airs and Music of different kinds received as it is issued from tbe different musical establishments in the Cities. May 15 CHARLES KALISCH For Sale. - mWO full M.OIS in the Borough of 1 Lewisburg, situated on I bird street, opposite widow Brown's, separately or siogly. . For particulars, enquire of lm SAMl'KL SLIi ER. COAL 1.4 HI "An ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Cure," in tkut awful diseate, CONSUMPTION! DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven tion and Cure of Consumption. This popular work for sa!o in Lewikburg by S. F.Lyndall J. Houghton and at this office. Price, 75 cents. TRICKS OP d-PACK. .T Etmtiodt Rkao Till Lakkki-u.t. Th"- tJ m. SaivapaiilU for al in Uta diiTcreM in win raited S j Towns!.-!' Saniwnt'a. It m .lTcrtwl lii IMi; NAI UENiaNK,nwl all inai. ThM T"wn-rn,1 and never u ; but warn fnrnvr'y a worker on ruJrnarl,'-. nut! a, and the like vet h a-ui--s i.-ic m oi lH-tor (or furiKe ol ainimj crtJit for what he is w. II -ht baa atiervle! two ntfdn-l crhootn, ami prciKd Um" fcnn veara !" N'w tln-irtrti is. he n. tt pf-iruc-l mnlinw &ty in ha til ! Nl-Ii trilfnt, .-l mi-rr-prt j-it xt' liM-ks ltl to liiectir.f-irarfl vvt.ft'y i-t' th. uuitt. I wi. moef nlnrefely. h nrfer Ui)- lv-: l'tlcln-tiLH Brit or oi me. Wht-n w( irjii m lv b : uu i ifti u ful in M teir Jealnts- ai.-! wrrrontrt: wiih ili. ir kii .1 men! Me appliel fo R.m-1 I iai'f. to aif hiiun, mu uUcturinC hi mixture, aili-i tttr 1-ui'f "uut- he w-.,, make, aa an iucikcum ni ti rtitb.n k ill ' bti-iit . Th men have been t-ttltti.r ami IilM-lht.; trie tn all m ii- ; forma, in ortlrr i 11111 -- the pubiii- ui'h the brlt-i . the Old iXftor S:ir---;:in(U a not th. frmuiu. wi., ,: &trrpnrtftit. ma-?e Ir-tn the 'Wf Ikettm ' ttrtimU 1. . pie. ThiaS. P. Tow 1 11.1 1 aya I hae M th o- ot I y name t-r$7 a wk. I zive him S'' i( he will p -l ftuce otie miite aolirary ro n f tli. Hi watem'-fH. n Thornfon. Skillinan V .. are ioUin'; but a u--i o. falnho-il, nipy ma-le to tUri-ive ti.c fmimr. an- k 1 Uie truth !owii in it-;irl to hi.- sutrtu?. f't m-nltttij ponnH. Thin win fautfim tie iiilj'ic ;.i -urrh.i-e ijon y OM Ir. JAl'H T'wii.seii..'N St .-iptMli.i. Ji tviii-r u r r OUI Ifctcu-r' lik-n-, U fitttt 'j Juti i-j .!!, iit' nnatureacrtMf trw t"nt ' Anm. Frittciptd t4irt. itki .N'afj -rrrr. .V V Cir J.i Olt T0VVK . Old Dr. Jacob Townsewl, TIIE ORH.INAI. mSTOVFT.ER OF THE Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. OM IK. Towfwen-I fc now a hot it 70 year ol air.-, nn-! -. into, hrt-n kunwn a- tho t t'TH'H an.l ItfSfO VEItKR f the OKSCIXt: ORWISAL TOWSSRSU 8 iltSAPAIHLLA.'1 Ikiii-f (-or. he waa corn-!ir.! -j limit iisinaitiicirnire. bT wlnrh im-ans it na- bren krpt n ul market, awl the aattw eircutu-nte.l 10 ih s .tiy -'- bat! proved iti worh.aitu known lia value. It !) r. Jt-nrj) the earn of manv. nevenheietM, aa r.- t . ! id i.en heatetl ol !-ore tliM-a.-, ainl taveU irutn h. (-. 0AiuiciJ 11 woiaVrftil HRAIJNO roVKI.. Thi" ORAND ANI tNKQI -M I Kl IMJ l.l'AW 1 . manuisiCturetiiMii tl- larir-tt --i--rl r falV1 :'ir ti'.- .; v dui the len'th ani brratltli nt itie lar.!, e.-prr..t.!v j- t( 1 fouivt iiica.-auie l H-2-.TiUoti -r deTr?''"Ta'K-i.. I'liUkt yottn Si T'twiwihl'-s it imitn.? . h art. and never"chai;ie hut fertile br-tttr ; herau-: ; f j -; 11 I im eintif,r jrinrijja hy a aritittti viwi. Tlir h n- kiOW e o Cheini-lry, I the Uie-t .l;-r-" i ... rh an. hive all het-n hrnusht into reqmitr-n In :hf ntaini'jr tor1 t th- Ur'i Sira-arttta. The A.u.; ;ui : . r -. n s wr it kuowu to ni-iirl nitfn. eotnam- r.iza. ?. li- ip .1 nr--erttew, an l nue d-roi-eni' - which an- iini u- , a.I othern. wtsii'h it ivtjtn-.! 10 j'r - .nii? 11 ir 1:-. t r iliire JcrTitrn'it't'tn .iu.1 wlurh is ii.:ir:"in to lein. Swfne of 'he jroi"'rlim ot!i'ar!l.a .irn . .-iu, that th--r entirvly eT; .iile .iml ait- hw riu- .r. .ir. :-t . ft ihey are not resa'rvf.I hy a cif , 'f--.'. i. ..: 'i ly to thoi wieri'ii'"(:d in m maul '.n-'urr. M r.rr, lhee Tix'utiit f utai which Hy uil iu v-t.u.r. r ..- .n. -i haUlli-O, Uirirr ItritT, arrf the rr rfHfi'U rifj.i-r! p trti'it ot the it. w hKh tiive n 1 all li v-4.ii- Any pTwri ran I--1J or uttL-w the r-t h'i I.-t t a ,i : e-ihirw! iiiii't. which h in-re iro4 tne e.-ri..' m.irf. 1. tne pkk than (rum iit-iujj ec; ihf c:n -Tii 1 -; ln-lri tr vapid ft-ii'l l. wrt'-n with weir u t'l I then Call it - SAltSA PAKI1.LA EXTRACT r V KLi' ' Rot iin:h w not the iti-)e known a- th CfE'LlKOLi) til JAClBTOWNSi:.Dd w prei-arrJ tint all the inert properc-s -I 9 JtarHSH-anUa mH are fi4 n-nwed. eerythuu , I brcoinme acid or iirmr-m.'i:n is rxirivlfl a.i.! r- ; then everv prtr'J-'Ie ot tin. Ilea I virtue ut afufd lu a mi. aniconreni:3Urd lorm; aint ih it t- r-n-!r..-i ui-a of loMinx any of ns valuable and he;iliii; pn pertK. Pr pared in thi wat. it w nvule Hie itt..n -".-riul .t-jnt' l, U. Cur of inniiuirrable Dlair. lfen?e the rr aon why wc tifar ci'n:iii-i-wuoiir -.n ewry atdc in H lavor by nit-n. wmrieu, atid chii-ht-n. e l.:ni it doinff wonder in 'tfcp cure ut cosrMPTH. hyspkpsu. I" VOMl'LilXT. to HUM' MA TlSt.siWh i' la, pu.Kx. :o.v77r;.vr:.w. -1 K'lV: OL'S Ktlt'PTHt.SS, PIMl'LKS HUl1 UL and all aflecitirw an-tn Ci Hrn IMPL'iiiTV OK THE BFXV)a It rH-tefw- a nwrvelloun erhVacv if afl coniTd-thifa an ine intn ImiiemUun, tnm Aviiiitjf f Ae St-jmw'i irm uneiiual cirruU::n, ifeternnn.iii-.Mi ol hlo.i-1 to tfi heail, i-alpiialion ol the hi-art. cold iret aiiJ hanat. cold cbiJU aud hiK Ha-hea v.-r tlie body. It has not in Ut .iik Cot' ; and promotes eaiy rpectorafiMi and erntle per wj.iniir.Hi. relax 11 14 atneturcs oS itw lu.igs, throat aud vr oihert-art. But in nrtthin?? in its etc Hence more mnnif'niy oeu a: d actnowleil-;et ih-tn in all kind .n.l niaes til KKMALE COMPLAINTS. It work wonder in caw ot "m't Abu or UAi'-. Ftdlint of the W'fnh, fihrtrmrtnLSnpprnmt.o Pan"d Mne.lrTrfHUirlttjw men.-.trk,l t-enod!, wl th ;itu, and M in eurints all the lorm u Kvltry Bv reintinn ptKjtni.ri.Ki. arid restiiatirn; the u-r.--r. avsiem, U five tone aiid rtveugili u the wlite ho. , at-l thus cure all fvrnt of Hennnt Oiaaa and Drhlliiy, am! ttnia prevt-ma or relieves a creitt variety "f t-il.e-- nvil adie. a Sf initt trrttuhum. Xruraifi St. h'i;u' iMnKt, It cleans the hlod. e-c. ltea th ! iu health v -ni-w. tooea Uie M"Uiidi, and tiivca p.itnl dicti 'ii. n :er i. bowelaot tor,M)ranitr.HirMtpattoii.a:iavrrnrimmtii.t, 1 u nries tlie km. espialme Ihe circulation ol the hioot!. pr 'icmi; jtentle wanmh e-iia!iy alt ver the l"Kly.aiul t inenlle perspiration; f ! "i t trirtnrv-! ait. I ii'jVfii--s-i.fe move ail ohftnit'iion-. and itivisorateii the en..- i.rtV 'i- yTem. I not thi then The Medicine- yon prr-rmlnc ntly ire -Hut can any o( the-w thmt be -ai-loj S ".'T'i wi.j' mterior anicie ? Thi 'in nvin" fiutnd is i-- t. COMPARED WITH THE OLD PU S nerau-enf one i;K ! FAIT, that ihe one is ! MM BI.E ol Lt 1 tKK R TlOX, -.nd iMCVKU SPOUJ?. white !hr other IXiKS sottring. frrmftlhij. in. I Vjrr: A bottir cntitaintt: it intu lb' ".'iir. r; 1 hoy id eaplotfin-j.i.ij.l fjam eini i-'l. r:iv! ' Wt; t -h' ftomhte cotiiiimd h ii--Hrt to iln ns'tin - M" ' putmcitt into a ttt.iten a.'; -aity av whUacu' ' What canseti lvpppia hut urid ? "IK we um ad know tr.t wi loorf mtur in our sttmuch. wliai mi-hh I it r-.tL.'s--- rtatntenee, hfarthurn, jMiinifaiUHi of ihe heart, liver r -rp-plamt. di.-irrhti-A. K-.r-uitrv, coin, aiut c-mtup i'i of hlond ) What h Srn! but an arid httirmr m ili btt-I What isrothirex ail in.- luimors wln.h br:' on Kr-m'ioti -? Ihe Skin, SraU Mead, Silt Kbenta. K.;yte!a, WW Swelling-. rVver S.TV. ami a'l utiTrti4L- intern-il and tenia I f It i n-nhin uiidr heaven tint an arid jojr-wtanrv. trH aour. and ihua fix-ihi all tSe rlnll'ihe b-wir, more or lew. What cauee-i !h-umaiitu but a .""tir and acif Hind whirh iti'iMJ.t'efi i;-e4i betwrea the joint and alre where. irritaini aial lutlamni? iJe wV'ifnte tMniea nrm which it wets 1 So f nerrona Ai-v-. at' impuniy "f tb blooii, ot deranzed circnlation. and beary ail ihe aiioicn-a which arHi.t tinman nam re. Now m H rH hornbla to mak anl eel), and rnfimtrlj Hrwe lo iimi till SOl'RING, KKRMRTTNf3. AI TH w,CONPOLM" Ot S. P. TOW'NSKSI). an.! yet be nnM fwin have H nn.ler.uod that Old Ir Jt b Towuaend .''. Origifit &nrapnriUat u an IM IT ATM IN of hi iitlenor preparanon ' Heaven lorbiil tltai we ehtMihl ileal in an article wt:ir! wonld bear the nioiit dutaut rcdembiaitce lo S. P. T-n- enr m tiHe f We with it unlerio1Ml. because if i the nhxn?iit iri'. thatS. P TowttM-nir-t ariHe an.1 old lr. J.ibT-wiw..i Saraa,anlla are hrtrrn-iciii' aj-trt, ati infinite. 'y ..' wr Hot; that they am tmliLe m every particular, havm; n-i one aincte thine in romnvin. Aa S. P. ltwnend V 110 dorior. and ivv.-r w.i-. i r aheaiiet. no tharniacemt known a more of ni.hme ' aae man anyoiner cmmm. ynrientihr. nnrrntc-i?'J it, what guoruntT can Uie public have lhal ihrv are re ceivina; a genuine orient irlr mediriue. eimtaiisii) i'l ihe vir tues of the article u-ard in preianru; it. and which are r. capable ot change which tin-ht render litem the AK I " of lhnrae intetnl of hp-i'tb t hut what el-e hon'd he eTpec'rd fi-om one wh-i to., not hint; coin pa rati ve!y of mrfiivme or 4iemc 1 It mruirr ' a par.KMi of noroe eaiWience lo rok and m-rve up even 4. common deci-iH meal. How mnrh inre iunpMUiit ia K that the iierwon who manii'aeture mnVine iei?iH-1 for wet J STOMA! IIS AM KM KIUIHH SVftTKMK. should know well tin ni-ilic:l f-roperth ol plant, the t--t manner of awurine an.) concentratintt their benliu virtues alo an cxteiwive knowle.tee of the rant-ma dieafe wbtr arfec. ia human syaiem, and how U alaj remcdie- tJ Iheae di--ae into wounded humanity, to kindle hope in the -V-ainn hnnm tn nMr halth. fatul HUmmii. ami wiisV iliLO 1 It m 10 arre-4 fran-le urion the mforrttnate. to prnir w crushed and broken, and to bani-h inti-pmity that l 1 PR JACnH TOWSStM) Vi SOCGUT iai r"OtM o op porturitr and naeaita to hriit? hta Grand tnlreraail Co nee tat rated Remedrr within tha reach, an.l t tha k nowledca of ail who oead n -hat liey may learn ami know, by joyful e.xi.erienca. i raacc nuaai rawer u naau Agists for ihe above Medicine C & Schattlp, Lewisburg ; John H Baser, Mil tPD ; Forsyih & Priestly, iVorthurab'iand E Buggey anJ Sett of I lame One Two Horse VVagoo9 -Oae Truck Wagon, For sale by H P Sbelier
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers