4UL "KKWlSBUilU'CSJIlOMCLB AND WEST liliAXCII tfASJMKJl The Canals. We are informed by the Superintendents of Ihn Lehiph Can,!. that .hey aiH haw .t mnaviPb!e order by the 1st of Ociuter. A an. nombrrof hn.nre"t.T ' . - .i.--,.,iniJ.. and it will be finished in lime to bave two monihs navigable this se.i':n. . Tiio Delaware cana! is not so seriously injured, ll can be done in less than two , -K if the Supervisor docs his duty ut:n ..'rgvs. W e are informrd that the Norlh Branch Cinl wiil be i" natipable luiiHilinti again ; iWh! it should be now, and would ,n u!l prol'iab.lity, were it no! for the Oeie r.i e Iv eCtiou-i. 15 sses. bauds, mid all must quit th. ir work, and repair to the polls f-r !i,e pur')" ot aeoMVplishing tbfr scllish mu rest. Hut ilic iriitier U.oksrtlr i .,t now nnd ibt-rn s some probability oi :. !.,...,... ..nul nfli.-ers losing thai dri r." t. at they In. v.- beH l.rm so long. : C,iji work as voti should, and let u. : -.- ihr? North l!rin,:h in full operation: ,f:vii ; for we bin to hl the actual, atif ofsoineolOM Wyom.iVs products ,;wn this wiy. Herwick 'IV!. (l).'m )of; I ' h i;JNt. .. - - - News Sc Motions. ! ... SHj'.reniC C'ohiI o! I'emi-'vlv in;a h is i- :! un 3itovtii-J.r.itor ho (ails in a j :.!-'. -''"led b liimst it" iirrwually lt- j : r e "sst. , ' ri.iir! -tit.-r. M-rn::y Varn tint' :.- -Inrli-v is --Tilisfiod with tin: action ; ."..;uir-?s i.li St.tv.-ry, an-l declines to .: !o.."b'r n.i the Nashville Convert-; r, l wl.i I. lu was I'rt-si'ii-ul. Lot the ." .( n:ury, and the S iiithci n I'ress of Wash- J : :o:i. contend that ih: Convention will j Hsemb'.e 03 the 11 lh Nov., anjho. j In Bangor. Me.. a company ol musicians j cs led the Dru'd Band, are giving musical j . i.tr riainmen's. lhe:r instruments are -f-n'y ox-licrns. X'-'lil throw Iter mantle o'er the world :.. 1 plut.cd it with a siar." Tasty, wasVl (:: ll,e tnni.lv ..I" Mr. Clu'e, in Castile, ,v v, Voth. "i poisoned by eating muli. i Mini a tew d s irp). Tnree of I he chil ,in n died fiom the ell'ei-ts; one in two days, ; n i her m three dajs.and the ihird in seven days ffter partaking of the mushroom. The re-'t of the facnily were in a critical condi-i,-i for several d is. but have finally re eoveied. i'.mmor Kiniber. a prominent member of the society of Friviids, du d at Kiniber ton, Chester county, on Sunday 1st insl., d 78. One of the tickets of admission to the fir.-t conceit of Jenny Lind, sold at auction tor 8225 ! Truly the ra! of fools is not extinct. 9 The legislature of Wisconsin have made J it a penal otlence lor the owners ol land to i !!ow the Ciitiuda thistle to go lo seed 'hereon. The watchman of ilie railroad bridge at Petersburg, was killed on Tuesday last, by the locomotive, and another man is said to have been killed on the same day, at lun annon. IJoth these men were on the track, j cne of them we believe asleep, and theoth- j er perhaps not sober. It is really astonish- j ing that any one should be so fool-hardy j us to make a railroad, with trains passing j up or down every few hours, a place lor ta- j king a nap. J The Gircrnor of Pennsylvania lias of- lred a reward of 81000 for the apprehen sion and conviction of the murderer of Clmrles Hurd, jeweler, who was cruelly n:urdcred in the street in Philadelphia some i'me since. President Napoleon Sas been turned out i:f a ball room in France. A colored man named Alexander Kd tnnndi'on of McVcy town, was killed at Hol lidaysburg on Tuesday las', by Alexander Hutchinson, a boatman. They got into some difficulty, whm the latter seized a loaded musket and ithot Edmondson thro' the body. Hutchinson is now in jail. JUST RECEIVED i- rom the Citie of Xew York and Vhilud. BY Adams l-.xpress i,ine a new ano splendid assortment of FALL AND WINTER As we have Dress Goods of all desirable -vW and qualities, we would particularly tli l.idies to call and examine them; ir.rf ns for GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, .c have ci-i:n hn i xtoasivp assortment of t'l ha, ,'r-s 'n.?r", and Vestings, which Vi! bo s.'. i verv low prices by J. HAYES &, CO. I.-.i-'.i.rg. Sef!. 2:t, lii50 House & Lot for sale, STTTATED on the corner of Fourth and St. Mary's streets, opposite D.PhilipVs, bi i'ij; a full lot, No. 220, and having on it si a frame HOUSE, a Stable, and T;;V other necessary out-buildinog. ii j' iOur-no the absence of the ubs crilwr, V'f. C. Paixteh wiil abu ihf premises, &c. ADAM BAKER. Lewis'mrg, Sept. 23, 1850 READING ROOM. ril.iE uulersigned proposes to open about the I 1st of Oct. a commodious Reading Rooro.tn l-e supplied ith Vi of tbe best Diily papers and such country .Newspapers and Magazine as the patronage may warrant Open from 7 and 9 in the morning until 9 at night. By the year, 93, half yearly in advance; for ail months, $i; by the month. 0.M ; by the week, $0,25 in ad vaure. Subscriptions respectfully lir.iteJ. O. N. WORDE.V. -'buTgt, F( L?3, IS0 A small railroad bridge at Bell's furnace, between Huntingdon "nJ Hollidaysburg, broke dowD on Taesday evening afitr the evening train had passed ovtr it. Noiriju ry was sustained. for Sale or Kent. riMIAT large and desirable property on I I ..... l 1 t L... 1 ihe corner ol SiarKet ana mer ois., wuli situated for a residence, for business, or for a residence and place of business. There is a Ufj-e MUCK House contain in" 4 larjje rooms on the firs' floor, 0 bed rooms on the second floor, and two large finished rooms on the third. A Kitchen and Washhouse adjoins, and it has also a larue cement Cistern, a Tump and Well of V'ood water, and all the necessary out buildings. For terms &c. apply to (.roF.Miti.eis, .:sq. S. K. DAVIS. Lewisburg, Sept. 23, 185:) ESTIIAY. "I A ME inlothe premises of the subseiiber and White. I'OW about 3 or 4 cnrs old The owner will come forward, pay chlrgrs. and tuke her awav. THOMAS ronxF.Lius HofTHlo Tp, Sept. 21, 1850 Public Sale. TILL be sold by Public Outcry, at Wo! It: s Wharf in this Uorouuh, on Satnnlnv the 5th dav of Oct. next, at I o'clock, P. M., the stierior Tide Water Catril bout, ' homan Ilnijti- j The boat is will built, nearly new, and in i good order for immediate service. A liberal i crcJit wiil be civ('n- 11 C HICKOK. j Attv for ihe heirs of Wm &. J llousel.dec'd i Lewisl-urg. Sept. 25, i rL4irs worm verjiifkii; FflHE following ordera .how at onct demand for and excellence of this great medicine: YonK, July 23, 1847 "I KiJd Si Co: The Venniruce Ml us on sale borne time ago y your aeent, is aold. It goes ery ra.i.ljr, and gie great aalitaction. As we are'eiitirely out of the article, and have frequent ralU for it, p!eje aend'us nwr. iminedia'el y C A MOKKIS & CO. ' Sumkrville, Tenn. March IS. 1947 'PrJM'L ine Dear Sir : The Vermifuge you left with me lai fa!l ha long aince been solil.and I could have aold a great deal more if I had had it. Wince my return from Ihe Et, I have been called upon nearly every day to write to you, requeuing an immediate aupply. I have already tried your Vermif'.ige in my own family and find it to be the Ix-tl I have ever used n r mokkisox. Mi-d Car.. Steulien Co. Sopt 7, 1147 Thi may eeitify that we have aold DrM'I.ane'a American Worm Hiecific. or Tatenl Vermituge, i lie paal year, and il ha given unbounded atis faction. It is no imposition on the community, hut ia what its authors recommend it to be-r universal apeciCc for those affiirted with worms. -H. HUGHES & CO." AGENTS--C W SrnarrLB, Lewihurg; J II Calov and J H Kastr, Milton ; I Gcrhart, Se linf grove; J W friling, Sunburv ; Mrs M'Cay, Northumtierland , M C Grier. J Moore, Danville MACKEPvFX, 1 LAttI, CHKKS:E,ConstiiutlvoulianlanJ SU AIM'ODFISH, f..rNilebv SALMON, J. PALMER CO, I HEKlUNilS, Market Street Wharf, ' I'CtKK, l'hilihljhia. HAMS, SIDES, 3m337 SIIOLLltEUS, j HOUSE and Small FARM Lewisburp, Sept. 18. 18?0. TOWN PROPERTY For Sale Cheap. FULL Lot on North Fourth Street. f on which is a two storey- Frame House, 16 by 33 feet, fljft with a good Cellar under it a mi Frame Stable, 16 by 20 an out Kitchen, and other out buildincs now oc copied by David Shamp. inquire of DAVID KI-.BC.K. Agent. Lewisburg, Sept. 18, 1050. FOR SALE, T MIE BRICK HOUSE and LOT on North Third Street, with a suitable Out-kitchen, and a choice lot ofg3 votinz Fruit frees. For terms, enquire ol S. Ammon. or of the subscriber at Pulsion. JERK. UONACHV. Iwisburfv, S.-pt 6, 1950 3w Housk and Lot. ritlir. culMcriber oflers for sale his House and Lot on North Fourth strect.above the Brick Row. I he Lot is a J acre, nnd has the usual otit-buildin". a Stable. Well of irood water, and much cood Fruit. Enquire ol S. Ammon as to Terms. JOHN SUTTON. Lcwisburg, Sept 6, 18S0 NOTICE. AN Indented Apprentice, named Samuel Sfff, nged "Iwut It years, left my service on or about the 9th tost., without just cawie. Thi is therefore to warn the public against harboring said Apprentice or trusting him on my account, as I will pay no debt or' liability of his contracting. OEORGE HOLSTEIN. Jwisburg, Sept. 9, 1850 pd toss? o 2 o o -i 2. o q -a ? r ft 3"" K Mi SAMUEL ANDERSON, Fashionable Tailor, In the Brick building. lower Market fired, one door above '.Neskif lie Bnrk House. CUMING anJ MAKl.NG done to order. Iiewisburg, M iy SO, 1 S50. Latest News from California! KOBE gold: isshziz&sst 66" A LI. Ihe world and the rest of mankind are ropecifully inlurinid ibatwe have opened an unusually choice iortment of SPUING AND SUMMER romnrisiiii a Dlendid varinv LADIES' PKESS i tlOODS of the newest style Calicoes. LMjin, , Gingham. Uaraji-o, Silks, ParaoU, and Kanry j Hood, and for (JenllenW We, a HrKe stock of ! Cloth. CiiMftlmcrK, Summer StullsVosiin js.Summer IIiits,&r. Salt, Fish, Nails, Queensware, Hardware Groceries, etc. etc. All of which we offer for rale at our proveibiaily luv price, for CASH or I'UODrCE. REBER & IDDINGS. Lewisburg, April S3. I SOU ASQTiiKi: scir.xTivir H'i.xdeh r PEPSIN: The true DIGESTIVE FI.UD or GASTRIC JLTCE a great Dyyuptia Curcr .' Prepared fn.m Kennel, or tlie fouith rtomacll of the U, after directions by Karon I.isniu, the i .!....: i... i u n... . M l)., .No. II S. 8th il riiiUdelpid.!. Pa. VTRI.T.Y wonderful remedy for huUgotiim, Vyyprjisia, Jaundice, Liver Comiluiiil , Cumtipatiun and Ikbilitt. curing after Mature' own process, by Nature's own agent, the (ia-tric Juice. Qjilalf a teaspoouful of ihis fluid infu.ed in wafer, can digest or dissolve 1 ive rounds of ; toaA beef in about two hours, out of the stomach, j DigCNllon is chiefly performed in the stoin- i ach by the aiJ of a fluid nhicli Ireely r ihe inner coat of thai org in, when in state of , h''ul h, called llie gstrii- juice. This fluid is liie j ipreat solvent of tht fnud the purifying, prefer. ving and stimulating agent of the s:omacli and inlestiiie. Without it there can be no digestion, no conversion of food into blood, no nu'riii in but rather a foul, torpid, painful and destruc ive condition of the whole di-stive apparatus. I'opslri is the chief element or great digest ing principle of the gastric juice. It is found in great alum. Inure in the solid parts ol the lium.m stomach alter death, and sometimes causes l ie , jj, Possessing great virtues in the rectification stomach lo diuest or eat itself up. It is also found I ( dieasea of the Liver and leaser glands, exerci in the stomach of animals, as the o, c iii", c. It tjnR ,lp nost searching powers in weakness and is the material used by farmers in making tUeese affection of the digestive org.ms, hey are withal iijnu aat--Bssiv-i. nc m oi nir uaa long ' been ihe special wonder of the dairy. Curdling of milk is the first process of digestion. A call's stomach can curdle nearly one thousand times its own weight of milk, li.iron I.iebig stairs, "one part of Pepsin dissolved in silty thousand parts ot water, ingests meat and other food. Diseased .i....k. .... 1 ri- ...:- i..: l . ......... ... B.. rv... lvr,, or rep-in. 1 o show that this want may be per- fretly supplied, we quote the subjoined SCIENTIFIC t:VIDnCE! ,..., ... , , . . , . , Ilaron LIMIIO, In his crh brate,! work on Animal Che- mistrj-. suts: -An artmnal Uiio-stiva tluid, .nlaj--'Us to tbGstn..lui-e.iu.t lie readily prepared fn,m tlie mucous lii.-mhrans uf the slolin, h of the enlf. in whirh vitru.ua artu l.s of l.s.l. as ni. at and et'.'. lie wlt.-n.-d and dieted in the w manu'-r in Uie human stomach.-' lr. IIFKKI It A. in his l;mi..ns trvatisr on tetui and liiet. published by towlt-rs k ells. Xrw York, pane ai, states ll s.une .'r.'at fai-t. and dt-STTilie the mi-thod of prspara- ti..n. Th. ri-are f-w liiclii raiitli..riti. than Ih-.l-ereria. Dr. CoMlll, in his valuable writing on the I'hysiohvT of Direction. obst;rv.-s th:it a diminution of ihe line quantity of the liastric Juiiv is a prominent and ail-pn- vailiuic '-aius- of ly"ls.sia.'' and he state that "a distin- fruishtl pnrfessor of meiiirine in liondon.who was severely arllifted villi this complaint, findiuf. tverytliilig elpe til fail. bad n-eourse to the tiastrir Jities. obtained from the stoiuarh of livin- animals, whii-h completely sm-eeedwl." 1r.t.ltAllAM. auttior of the famous works on Vejretnh!.. Ilb-t, says: - It is a r-inarkalile fai-t in ptiysiolojy. that the stoutarhs of animals, macerated in water, impart lo the tlntd tin-propi-rty of disHilvini; various artii-lt-soffssl. and of erlectiiiir a kind of artificial digestion of th.m tn uo wise ditlcrcnt from the natural diircstive pror.ss.r' lir. SIMON'S treat work, tin- chcmi.tr ..f Man. ls JHaiichard. Hiila.! lSMi. pp says: -Tlie diarnvery of Pepsin firms a new era iu tint chvmi'-al history of Iii- jrcstion. rrom recent cars-rimiMita, we know that food is dissnlv.sl as rapidly in an .-irtineialdiestive1fn;,t.,repanl ' imin i'l-psiu. as it is in the natural liaslric Juice itself.' l-ruf. IllMiLISON.iif the Jclferson tVillefre, I'hilad, in his (rri-at work on Hitman I'll) sinloy, iltrotes more Uian lifty paires to an examination of this suoji-et. His experi ment wun it. iieaumonu on ine iiaatrir Juice, obtained from the liviuj: human stomach and from auimals. are known. ln all casi-s." he aavs. "digestion occurred as I N-rfeetly in the artificial as in the natural dlslious " As DYSPEPSIA CURER, Dr Houghton's preparation of Pepsin has produced Ihe most mar aelous effecta. It is impossible to give details of cases in the limits of this advertisement but au thenticated certificates have heen given uf more than TWO HlNDREl) rapid, wonderful, and permanent cures. It is a great Nrnvm-j Asti ixitk, and particularly useful for tendency lo uiuous utsoruer, liver complaint, lever and ague,- (be evil etlecta of quinine, mercury, Ac, also for excess in eating or drinking. There is no form of OLD STOMACH COM PLAINTS which il does not reach and also give instant relief! and repeated for a short time, pu rity of L'lood and nana or bout follow at once. It is particu'tarty excellent in cases of nausea, vo miting, cramp,", soreness ol ih pit of Ihe stomach, distress after eating, low, cold stale of the blood, heaviness, lowness of spirits, despondency, emaci ation, weakness, tenaVncy to insanity, Ac Price. ONE DOLLAR per botile. One bottle often effects a lasting cure. FEPSIN IK POWDERS aent by Mall, ree of Foatage. For convenience of sendinc to all parts of the enuntnr. tbe Diirestive Matter of tlie t'ensin.is put np in Uie form of -owner, wun uirecnons lo ne aissolveu by Ihe patn-nl in water or syrup. These powders contain just the same matter as the hottles, but twice the tiuautity for lite same price, and are sent by mail. Free of I'ostnre. ft.r t, sent (postsiaitO lo lir. J. S. Iloutflilno. No. 11 Nurth igliUi St. Philadelphia, six packag-s for Every bottle and package hears tbe written sig nature of J.S.HOLliH TON.M.D , Sole Proprie tor. Sold by agents in every town in tho Union and by most respectable dealers in medicine. To be had of Thornton & Baker, Iewishurg ; J 11 Caslow, Milton; Thompson, Mitflinburg; Wilt A Eilert. Hailletnn; Wm Rosbong. New Berlin; (i I Couse, Seliosgrove ; Mr M'Cay, Northumberland lv335 Dr. Rose's Medicines. The subscriber having been appointed agent for Pr. Rose's Medirinen, for Union county, offers ihrm to the public with great confidence hs to their fhVacy and certainty of ejecting cures in all cases for which they are designed. A single test only is required to establish the fact. Sept 27 S S BARTON Window SASH. A lot of 8il0 Window Sash, from the cheap Manufactory of Sprout tt Uurrowe, on hand, and all sizes got to order on short notice. May, 1849 I G LAWSHE m l "VTTT' CI for Justices,Cons(a I tK 1 IVO hles,&c.,on hand at ' the Chrnoiele office, or rrinted to. order. Administrator's Notice. VyOTICK ia herebv given that letters ol l Administration on the estate of Cath erine 15. Z-liers, late of Lewiaburg, dee'd, h;tve been granted to the underpinned this dav, Auust 13, 1450, by the Register of Itili.nico., m due form of law. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay mr lit ; ami those having rliisms against it will present them dulv authenticated for set'.ie ,mi.t. FRANCIS ZELLKRS lwisburg. Aug. 15, 1S50. Adm'r. ORNAMENTAL TREES. 1 lie subscriber oilers for salt: a large assortment of choice Fruit Tree? such as j Apple trees, 1 tojli feet hiph, 40 varieties. j nil wnrrair.ic grnuiot I each trt'es, varieties; Tartarian Cherry. Nectarine, I'rui.n and Fear trees, to-jeiher with some (J or g varieties ol tir;ipi' Vines of the bet n,jve ex,ti,. vHrielirs. t trnainental .. s(jch ajp)(. ,..l(i(,nij Linden, &C. It IVrin. wishing lo procure a quantity of tne Fimt IreeF.are reniiested to make immediate application to the subscri ber, in order to procure tho varieties nnd I size wanted. . K. AUL.L.. Lwisbur, March 4, 1850. LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, Dyspepsia. Chronic or Nervous Debility, disease ol the Kidneys, and all dis eases aiising from a disordered I.iver or Slomni-h, such t C-mslipaiinn. Inward Piles, Fulness or Wood to i be Head, Acidity of t!. Mtomich, Nau-f.i, llcnrtliurn dis gust for Food. Fubiea or Weight in the Stonia. h, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Flut tering at the pit of the Stomach, Sw i ing of t!ie Head, hunied and diiricult lliealhine. Flul leiing at the llrarl, choking or soff.ica- ling Sensations whin ill a lying po.ture, diriiiiess of Vision.Dols or Wei More the SiKht, Fever and dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Pvispiiation, Yellowness of tho Sisiu and Eyes, pain in the Side, lines, Chest. Limbs'. &e.. sudden Flushes of Heat, Uitrning in ihe Flesh, constant Ima ginings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits, nv ml rrrFfTi-Ai-LT ccued f DU. HOOF LAND'S GJliLtiDilA i fcU UililU'iAAa B""l prepared by itr. V. .TJ. Jmkson at the " German Medicine Slore," liO An li St. lMillad. TAfr pirtocr urer the abort disease it tut tx- j rr lit l, if tiualled. by any other preparation in ' the L'mted Stolen. m the euret alte.it. in iimny : rate after skilful physicians had f-iiltd. II....A lt..l.irj sr.. MArth. tlift Atttftilinn nt inn. IHH . . j --- ... t ife. certain and ileaant. Rend si cnsviscso. The Hon. Chs D Hineiine, editor ol the Camden Democrat, the best paper in West Jersey, says, July 21st IIihiILAXDS OKItMAV KITTKRS. We I,ts rwn many tutu nnz notin-s r lhi msUicine, and the soiim- wtii-nr thev rnioe inclurl us u uinks miiuini s r-i-ninit It ni. rit. " From iiKiuirr we wrrr persusA-U Ui ae it.n,l , mort vwrfoun. i iae iniu rlMn ,K,B.lis.t..f th i,rr,ndili-Ueor)rn.mrid the powerful intlii. nrc i it exerts upon nervous prostration isn-allr surprisinir. It ! raluu n. atrenirllisns the nerves, briruriug them into a j.lsrrer.,nuuiinsleeprfr.h1i.g. If this u.'Oirine were more iinerml used, we srs j,fi tUm wuid bo sickuess. as from the ntoiniuh, jtpr ,n1 Rtera tlie arcat mjrUT of real and imacimu-rdiswuMi emanate. Ilnve them in a heallhv r-.u- I Miaa anJ ,oa can hid dvHa-ie to epnlemtes s.:n.-rllv. . n,is eitraf.niinarT minlirine we would advise enr fri. nds who M i,,,!!,,. to give a trial it will then r.v i omm,.nJ ltwif. t ,hul.L in fa. t, be in every family. No ; oUt.r a.ejjpi,,, na pruducc surli evidL-nces of merit. ) . n n i- I t on 1 Fiom Ihe Bo.-fon Bet editorial, Uec i.tl I Ilr. llooflands rslebrat.il Omian Hitters, 'r the core of Livr Cuinplaint. Jaundio., lysK-p!.ia, and Chrunieitr i erous Il.-Iility. is dvssrTelly one of tiie most popular j m-di-iur. of the day. These bitters have bs-'U u-,il by ( thou.iuitt. and a fra-nd at our elt-ow says he has btnue If ri-eeiv.-d from the ue of Ibis l-mi-dy an vlT.ftual. pi-nua- ! nrnt cure of Liver t'omplaint. We are eom iuctii that, f in the use of these litis, rs. Ihe patient eotistaully eains , strength and vifps. a fart worthy of jtreitt consideration j They are pleasant in taste and suii-ll. and ran lie usi-il 1-y : pi-rson with the most delicate slumai hs, with safetv j under any rircumstaiic-s. r are sis-akin,; fromeis-r: om-e, and to the altlirU-d we udvise their use. ... ri.. -r t,.i llto.irv rtur I s"'" Ay. one o! the beat htciary papers : published, said. Aug 25lh ! tn. n.xn.sn-s fiiawts UiiT.jts. manufactured t-y Ir 1 J.vksoii. are now recouimenib it by some of the most pro mincnt mcmls-rs of the Faculty, as an article of much efficacy In eases of female weakness. As such is the case, ne would advise all mothers to obtain a Isiltle. and thus save themselves ranch sickues-t. I'ersuns of debilitated constitution will Bud these Hitters advantageous to their health, as we know from experience the salutary effect they have upon weak systems, . , . , , . . . Judge M.M.Xoah, a gi ntleman of great scien tific and literary atioinrneiits.said in his-N'ew Vork Weekly Messenger, Jan 6. 1950 Jr. IftmUnmrt thrmm liittm.m Is a preparation which the lendinaj presses of the tnion appusr unanimous in rceouimeudinsr. and the reason ia envious. It is made after a preserlptii.li furniFhcd l.y one of the most eclebrateil physicians of nnsleru times the late Dr. Christopher Wilhelm Hootland, Professor to tlie Vniversityof Jena, Private 1'hysicirin to the Kine of lrussia. and one of the crcatcst medical writers iiermanv has ever produced. He waaemphaticallv the enemy of and then-fore a lii.ili.-in- of which be was the inv.-ntur and endorser may ti confidently relied on. lie nwislly recommended it in l.lver Complaint. Oyspepsia. Di bility, VertiOT, Aciility of the pitoinneh, t'oiisl nation, and all eoinplaiuts ansinir fnun a tlisimlered comi'dion of the sUimat-h, the Liver and the Intestines. Nine 1'hiladelphia papers express their conviction of its excellence, and several of their Kit i tors speak of its etTi-ets from their own individual experience. I'nder tliese eirciimstanci-s. we feel warranted, not only in calling the attention of our readers to the present proprietor illr. O. M. Jackson's) prcparatkin, but in ree onunendini: the article to all afilkt.-d. Mom. Evi nt ' The Philadelphia Saturday Gazette, the best family newspaper published in the United SMa'e, the editor saj a of Dr Hooflaud's German Bitlers It is seldom that we recommend what are termed Pat ent Medicines to our readers' patronage and confidence; and therefore, when we recommend Dr. Iloorlaud a Ger man Hitters, we wish it to be distinctly understood that we are' not spcakins: of tie- nostrum, of lite day. that are noised al.iiil for a brief perii.1 awl are t rrolti n after they have done their guiltv race ce fcU-f. l ul ..f a medicine i . Mi.l.l,sl,cd. u:itveni!ly peiae. mm which has met the hearty approval of f sewitj Mselt Evidence on evidence It at received (like the for-eolnirl fnm alt sect 'ewe. vts I'aW.n. the last 3 years, naif the ttrm.?" . tm Ms ...-. u. that there is more of It used ia ts- pra.-r of the n irular Physicians or Philadelphia. !hi " ail other nostrums eoinhineil a fact that emn -aei.y estahlicbcj. and fully proviru; that a scientific pet paeatp-ai win mt-rt wun tnctr iuiet approval wlien pr. -wnt.sl evea ia this irm. That this medicine will core l.iv. r Complaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt, after nnnj it as directed. II acta specific ally tiistn the Stomach and Liver. It Is preferable to Calomel in all bilmt iliunjn. The effect is immediate thev can he administered to rrsui er uiraM with sat Iy and reliable benefit, at any time. Beware of counterfeits! This medicine lias attained that character which it is necessary for all to attain to induce counter feiters to put forth a spurious article at the risk of ihe lives of those who are innocently deceived. Umk tvell to the marks of the (ienuine. They have the written signature of C.M.Jickso upon Ihe wrapper, and the name blown in the bottle, without which they are tpuriout. For sale.wholeeale and retail, at the GERMAN MEDICINE STOKE, No. 120 ARCH St.. one door below 8relh, (late of 178 Race 8u) Philad elphia, and by respectable dealers generally, the country throughout. Iy330 Also ftrtalt by S.FJ. YXDALL,Lewuburg.Pa To niackSatiltbs. BITUMINOUS COAL, from the West Branch and from Hollidaysburg, for sale at the Shop of the subscriber, near the IIyscalcs on Third St. ALEX'R AMMONS. Lewisbung-, May T. 185 ! &f& IMrge Sales $ Low I'rices'yjS JQTL THE "MAMMOTH" WIDE AWAKE and fUh'ig vp tf-'fuj lt imull with a stock of jioods l.AlUiKR.Itl'.TI'Ell and CHKAl'F.lt than ever! "ITTE haTe just received and are now opening IT Spring an.! Summer V v vaj embracing everything adapted to the varied wants and tasU of the community, and at prices that can not fail to give universal saiisf ieti in. The IsAblE assured that we have a heller assortment of Ores.- C.OOiU Ibati ba. ever breti presented in this markul. U e have every quality and description of Gentlemen's and itou' Diest f7..di. V.i;i,,. Summer Stuir. Kmcy , vyaliiivK as, w.j. , a , , . : Cravats, Ac. A splendid lot of IJA 1 1, Al and BONN ETS. of the latest slylc.-Kibbon. ; Flowers, Silas, t alicjes, l.awua, U.ngbams, Sec. I Hardware liucensware Glassware, , GROCERIES of all kinds also Urge stock of Hastcr.Salt.aiidrisIi, j At wy low pricM for CASH or CUTKY I'UUUtVIi UI Ull a.niw- i J.& J.WALLS I.cwis'. urg, April 23, 1 0 UN I VERS IT Y at Icivisbuii'ar- CtlRCl'LAR for the Academical Year eom I nienriiig Uct. 17, 18SU. COURSE OF STUDIES. Primary Deparrment. Everciscd in Spelling. Heading. Definiiion. English (;r..nimar. Arithmetic, Ge-graphy, lus lory U.S.A., IVnniauahip and I'ompositiuu. EngUth Department of the Academy. The same studies as in the I'litnary Departm'l continued in ihe use of larger text books ; and lo these are added General History .Algubia, Legen dre, and Elements of Surveying. Classical Department of the Academy. T. nii Junior Academic eluta. 1. English Orauimar. jttinirammar,ArithtlleUcitwo divi.ions. I Oiscraphy. II. Hie same studies as in I. Term, and IVnnian-hip. III. i;iiflish iiramiuar, t a-sar, Arilhm tic cotuol.-titi by division. On-ek i:rainmar, History l.A.t I'eu mansltip, Uook-keep.u. Senior Academic eltui. I. I'xsar. Orcvk Header, Algebra iljcmcnts.) II. il- d.. III. do do do completed, liene- ral History, Kulbh lAfiuaire and t uniiswiUou. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. Freshman clans. I. English linjrua;.- and Comosition, Algebra, Livy, A ua basis. II. I'laue lieometry. Live, Analsvsis. 111. I'laue, solid and ."phi-rkal lieometry completed, Li vy, Anataisis. Stiphon.ort ehiss. I. Horace. Odyssey. Plane ami pherical Tri.-onr mctrj'. 11. do do .Mensuration,SurTeyiii.'..aviatii'n. III. do completed. S-lcct Orations of Ucmostbenes, Jihctoric, Analytical lieometry. Junior class. T. Demosthenes on the Crown. Cicero de Ofrk-iia, .Me chanics, Hydrostatics, and Hydraulics. II. Demosthenes ou the frown. I'iei.ro ib-Ofricfis com pleted. 1'iH-nmatics, Acoustics, Electrietty, Magne tism, and Optics. III. tirvek Tragedy, Tacitus, Astro re .my. Senior class. T. Lojrir, Natural Tbeoiony. Intellccttlat Philosophy. II. tlreek, IVlitieal om-my. Moral Philosophy. III. Butler's Analogy. Constitution of I . Chemistry. Lectures, Uent-ral Ueviews. No clasa in Ihe Regular Course has less than three daily recitations. Every Saturday forenoon is devoted exclusively t Vocal Music, Declamation, and reading select and original Compositions. Tbe atudenta are required lo aitend, regulaily. some religioue meeting. Minors are expected to attend such meetings as are recommended lo ihem by their parents or guardians. There are in the borough no less than six places of public worship, of as many different Christian denominations. Text Hooks. Enjlish Lttntuarj' flW Flnnttitm. Tlie tlible. Porter's lthctorical Header Wi.reester's or Welstrr's liietionary. Ituliion's Fnjilish lirainmai-. Parker's Pnirressive Exerci ses in Knirlish 'ouiM)Sitill, Parker's Aids, Ulair's Lectures it niviTsity IMition.) UiUn Langutittf. Eullion'stlrammar, Bullion's IteaeTcr. Is-rerett's l-xicnn. bullion st'a-snr, ss-bmitx and umt's iri;il. Lincoln's Livy, Anthon s Horace, 'I bai her's fiwro de omciis. Tyler's Tacitus' tiermania et Atrricola- r;rci-J- Lattymiip. ItuHion'alirauimar. bullion's Peailcr. Liddell k Scott's Lexicon, Owen s .V-nophon's Analstsis, Owen's Homer's Odyssey, Cbainplin's ih-mosthenes, I'isk's Classical Manual. Mutfiemiiti' s. Pftvies' Arithmetic frr Acsdcmies. Flem entary Alibra. Utmnlon, Lejrendre. Surveyinir and Navi iratioii.Analtii aH;eomctry,olinsteii's Natural i'lulosophy (sts-reotyped.) Olmsted's Astronomy. Kumlier of Students. The number of students during the past year in the various Departments, was 11 '2. 'i'he Collegiate classes already orgjniteJ lor Ihe ensu ing year, are the following : Senior class - - . 8 Junior class - - - 14 SiphonHW class - - lo r'reshmau class - - 29. a . ajg Teacher. STEPHEN W. TAVLOIt, A. M, I'rof of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. Iihtiltli It. IlLlsiS A. 5! Prof, of Greek Language an.1 Literature. liKolliiK W. ANlEKSON, A.M, Prof, of Latin Languaice an 1 Literature. ISAAC N. LOOMIS, A. M, Principal of the Acaitemy. AI.I KKI' TAVLOIt, A. M., Tutor in the Lnglish Lan uai;e and Elocution. But idings,aUbrary and iparatu. The Academic edifice now occupied by tbe members of the University, has been erec;ed, at an expense of $s.imo. and it is adapted to accommodate 150 students. Another edifice is nearly completed, snd is expected to be ready for eceupancy at the cuniinc necnit-nl of the next Term fa-t. 17, 1MO. The Library' cuntailul a uumber of selret volumes, and is constantly iucreasini;. Cbemiecl Apparatus has been procured sufficient to supply the immediate demand. The Apparatus tor the Ulustration of Mechanical Philosophy, is now complete. Tuition and Board. Tuition iu the Collegiate Department $30, Academic $20, Primary $12 per year. Board, including lodging, washing, fuel, and light, can be bad iu the village and its vicinity at various pricea, from SI, SO to $2.50 per week. Arrangements are in progress to furnish Board, exclu sive of lodp-iti;!. washimr, fuel and light, to such as aty desire it, at $1 25 per week. Sessions and Vacations. Two Sessions in the year the former com mences on the 3rd Thursday in October, and continues 26 weeks; tlie latter commence on Thursday, 15th May, and continues 14 weeks. Spring acation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 8. By order and in behalf of the Bosrd: THOMAS WATTSOX. Pres't. GEORGE F. MILLER. Sec'y. Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. Sept. 1, 1850 Ce Dr. John Locke, 'ZalBT SCRC.E0X DENTIST, MAT be found at bis Office and residence first door east of Kline's Hotel the two weeks following the first Monday oi each month, where he is prepared to execute all operations in his line of business in a manner creditable to himself and satisfactory to those who may favor him with their patronage. Dr. Is. spends the third week of each month in Mihon. tj-Arometie Tooth Paste, put up in beautiful porcelain boxes, an excellent article for keepini the teeth clean and breath sweet, for sale at 25 eta aer box, by JOHN LOCKE, D.D. S. Lew tab org. Pa, May, 1850 TVtT received and for sale, Spetm and Lard ' fj Oil, hw Ir. Tborntbtj it Bakw. MifflmbHtg, t'.u'i coun'y, ''' -J-j. . . 1) EsPEUriTl.I.Y in orins ihe citiei.a o' , fni.ni ciur.ty. and llie public in gen. r.il mat he has lrae l the above stand, for n'a'.y years occupitd by In K tliier. and ia pre paied to accoiuiuod.ite I-lends and the l-aiclii-l i-iiiii!nuui! iii a iiiani.rr arce lnble I all. The H'll'SK is large and roomy. well arran ged in all its departments, ami every cira will he taken to render his guests comlorLiMc and happy -His TABLE will alwaisle fufiii-hed wiih Hie choicest deticaries ol the s.-:ion, an. I ihe best the market can IT..r.l. The BAR will at all limes I be attended by careful persona, and none bnt the very best ol ll-U'is lll be kept. His S i A lll.r..'S are ample and emivrni -tit, and the O-'TLEct'H ptmctu il and at cnlive. In rhort, he pledges liinifell to endeavor to give penrral saiistariion l all. and hopes bv soict attention to husin.-ss lo ni. lit and receive a liU-rnl share of pa'ronage. Milllinhurg. June 20, 18.10 Uo! all you roun, in u who line fnsuiu art- iLandinf. A. nl I.n n-wil l' niiitpjrt yini. a ffmmi nwlmf.mi'iiw WU u you think how in t:Dtf pat Hr: ilml-r- '. l-tt r-uT Ju.-i etiuttf to drtve l.ruu. if fi.r li -fjtfi thitt tit v-h. ln yoo 'MTit rinc now Hu!; rt. vfh.-nj- an1 so pti ?' Siniejrravs tnf ieuy.ai.J jhj.ii 41: :cr aiil -":..' iuv? Knr a Ll 'Har or tw. St vy. wu a Ir -a-nr. 1 That will tx ail your ItltUiia a (uuioiu f ttlizxun. j A 11. if you rliHiirr U W ill want (f C..U .r V.-e .r rr.-Tlifiii-t. JtiKt F' t ii'Mvu."f . fr ym mtt'l l!u lajlf u v-in-iiji of uUn r "n-'i!. I A'u! riw IaTM'u. w-ul'l unT jut ; W'r-. to tlw IiIira j Kr w-.-tl tioii hi laii'iw how iwi'-irt.-tnl lh- ir i. I He Uaf Miors of all kii-Os W hu:r-r r-r-r-r-r-r i'onarn it, U-ms ! thi Vrr pil' .Machine' droke ! Hows4Mn?ver( the fu.-flaiia- of all vie baj in ihe hojicr n Ihis tbat SF. LYXDALL ha iSo nJ tho 9 chrapest lot f BOOKS J STATION ER.Y, rn and llie let n4-H.rMi'iil of i20fP'f. and r0.ff: , and Ladies' Gaiters and Slipper., that were rvrr sn in Lowi'ri or any other great senport. Ny 1850. Dentistrv. i WK. C. STEWART, I ATE of rhiladelphia. is row located on j Market street, l.ewisbur;, opposite Mr. J. Schreyer's store, where he attends to operations on the teeth at a red'Ution of his former p-iees. Teeth and roots of teeth removed with the aid of improved Instruments, and in an easy manner. Filling teeth and seninc on pivots or platea atten ded to according to the latest improvements in the profession I'lrerated, spunjiy.and inflamed earns cured. Thankful for past lavoia, he solicits a continuance of puldtc patrouace No impure materials used for fillings in tetth. IvSSH Ur. 1. 1; Hi is I SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PILLS, AHKAD OF ALL HIK:t! j The Kntry of all Pill Mnnuficturer-i, j BKCM'SE Ibey are safer, lietter, and uiote j clfn acious than any others. ! 500,000 Iloxcw j hare heen sold annually for the last fi,e years. ! Voiiwo awn Old, Mile im Kansis. I ran always lake them with equal safety, without fear. If Pills be necesrary I for purcine and cleansing the Stomach and How- els, and purifying Ibe Ulood and fluids of the bo-1 dy, lake no others for no other pills produce those combined effects, or contain Sarsapanlla in them. Eat, Drink and Lire as tisnnl, and pursue your usual occupation whilst taking them, wiihoul feui of takinj cold, during all kinds of weather. One Thousand Hollars are wagered that more genuine certificates (from phvsicians, clergymen, Mem tiers ot Congress, snd respectable citizens) can be produced of their ! efficacy than of any others, and i 1L.X UULLAKS will be forfeited in every instance where One I Box will not do more good luau 1 wo boxes of, any others. I rortv i it' m n Ifcix ! ! and sold at lwenty-rtre tents a hvx, wun I directions and much wholesome advice accompa- 11 ing each box. They hurt rs to ae tnffeifnnt rmett, frrf fn.m dutt or nlrr vj v tut, I o asV ffri; ft Stmah r Harris. Irittre ho titktttis. t-Mwiifoiij. it imttl ferlinjs. Tllf.V AKK Gorl A T .il.it r.wAs jLnd aria;Ud to aot tfiasr ovmatoN Up swintiW. No one having once taken tbem a ill he willing afterwards to lake any others, liecause they al ways do good, and if they do not, then no others will. Dr. N. B. Lctdy, The Proprietor and Marnfactnrer, is a regular Druggist. Chemist, and Physician, of i fifteen years' experience in i'liiladel) hia ; lirad- ! uate of Ihe I'niversily of Pennsylvania ; Mem-i berol ditferent Medii-al In-iiilutiona ot I'lula .'il- j phia, New York, Uoston, llaltiinore, Ac, and associate and corresponding menilter of several Medical Insluutions of London and Paris, Ac. Otxatr.t awn IwrostTtow. lie ware of all pills called by names nearly similar, gal up to be sold on the reputation of Dr. Leidy's Saraaparill Blood Pills; the first Susaparilla pills ever in troduced and the only pills containing Sarsaparil ia. Take no othera and you will not be deceived. Others by similar names, or nearly similar, are a gross fiaud. Beware, then, of Imposition '. '. CPPrinctpal Depot, Dr. T.eidlv's dispensary. No. 114 Norlh FOCRTH ST, Philadelphia and aold wholesale and retail be C. W.STIIAKFI.r. Uwlshnrir J. It. Caslow, Mlltoa J.M Brnfcr.H W'.KfSslr.N.Bi-rlln; W. V. I. I'aint, r. Muim-j Taylor's. arsl titter's. MiWihlmrr lly SmiUj. Attaomsburg Vottncman A Walter, nr.vl all.-3r '1 S". Kor.r. rWhnra: Srs'tts a Mvi-rs. Ksllv X Kr-ails 'll.Aaiish.ll'avertw'a Ihtvis A tVhnitr. .'lins:rove I KohSmith. MUkllehura: L. U. Kohrrv. M'Kers J.. Falls WHU Kili-rt. llartl. U.w Tbooiaa HowsT, iiaaikiB lam I K, A Koush.tVntrrrilk Dr. J. M. Judd-WUliaaupoH; aaw by &ru(gists and Store keepers thmOKhout the Uaitnl States. OCH00L-TICKETS O sole at this nfiicp. priii s ALT .nd FISH om hand by Ap $4 KebiT as Iddinjfi. IrWrllliillfe Aw IN EACH BOTTI.E-l.sr. T.-,....V .i 4 ' - . Tnacs tuaataday line lau cunuiair til a-s-rs .-a Trcut7Ofie IHi , Pria $1.09 frr Mil, as Sir K-Krw f -r t t. ebb s..yvr: ru-zz emm mm hmo-rtwpU QI'AHT BOTTI.l. t - ane aweWtsu drrm,' ain't Jf.r i ll-nt t'. tmt Tiw frwat wptn"rtv Tn iHHH, ' - . fwlalltMti--r.nj1Mro:-'iMit''-- -r.f vti- .- " (: .er .imnl from ftlrw -AwuM fw.: K!vr--fcv.-.i i. i 'j SarsaparlUa, Tcllow Dock. rfcerry mm HjmtJ rnn HrmP man ttroy. aKira pwrfig hiuJ. i! ! rnrr f t.- . Urn f tirh oVtbeaH pLnjitr-im ,tU t-f n tltn i. a in mmif tKtle uf tiKal.citN', c:.. 4 i'.Tttit .'f wisv rfi . Bui, 8FQait't'auTbi Piriftt-r rW miw Li jUtywtw, Bnrfcn MrrtnUlt9 h PuairvixG proptTtin of wtitrh mr tmiUff M-pr.aTiofi r hawmtpnriHt, afl wImm thsm ! C'vtnrKWistr.l with tarmp TtiLt. ttte't tf rWrry. araW H.tMifr.9. ti- ninke tkss metis rm tbr muf txrUum mrx rr(A4r fsjirifirr f f hr f!si Um toorid 2Wf true ia Ituat. thai kw Uav ct g tUzuttl muMtai ifcd, IM't Olte TahtriHliruI. three t.met m B'ltit liKtv with Kxrrart Srmtp$iriitff, 1t in --wrorV-rvr ot IU meiheutym Um tot l-ijif tuucb wcnkaa ailI rwtiatrrva iim l-r of 5arMpin!la tvan i t iwn, Thrr. or Mmrv TJi'-' Th at k, Ko'.a. or Muti liastav a D.ty(u ttavv amw mfai rfft-rf ; aui a a sM(ie of fceVMfMriUa on;jf bos'iw rffj-'W tirv t..r-, M.a tfoouful. al a 4mc, inl at mvtmf ifcwtf ti-y. wui iwe up a buuM cm' m ia FrT Fir, w-ix Daya, wWti -liflr U); 6-tailrattI'i lariaT wiU (an tVwm Twrlrv to Mxfrrtt L'v l";rr Ut-.n a .f pnu ; mnd it it tly nv-tiK- ii ritxrwy (ui mtU iW.) m aa Piairvi, aUi-1 HfauiNu m i s Kr d.u.y fUtrtt saW; of Sau-a-para, tiN-n u Pactvis ib-il ir. buule 4 M Puairita ka wjrth Tree, F.mr, nr h ut timm rrore thai a bocrk of SsUava pvi!'. ..... Tim nature i'.mpanoo roa not ret .now th grrit itf tmc IT. is. iii Wlv--u ih SAasaslaoa. effCctr uf liBA.n'a Puairu.ft aud i9Aa.tPAKiLt.. Tti.ft wiu pp-v by lue certattcifna of eurea in brunCi) fumphUtt, iwiwiu; UmC ONE eOTTLE OF BRANT'S PURIFIER BM Biorc rRirat-T. nxl arrm m-rt impmr dut!, ltt TEN Ilo(t!f mt KnrMiwnlltt. If. then. Ohk Botti.k of Pcmrsr.a afib f (yta Doli., CANCEROUS SCROFULA Mr. J. B. rI.sKiH of IW. Oncili Co , V. T . wHnwMnrnl af ScrutuU in r.i. iwure to tiie facta rflart-tl t4wt tn trt rr.oti in ion Stramc C'M.ar m lin- f up of AV- lr. oq tna d(4 . lfccmbr, im!t, antlt-r Uie follow in eirrnjnurra : A person tn tbe Vf of York hml maiufrrurM (" vmrl-d a tpmrtouu ar'iri- of mt-J Ki:;, rm.luiB M KaaaKT'a INtMtf Mkihcine. it. tmitntfm lW yn.rtsM tmedtnnst, H trata proasxuted to otUin tlamtu. is trie S irrtt- oajrt .-f-Una CilT of NVw Vorkv, atfi ttw ra9 wn rrerrr4 by tht (Wi to J. S.'BowtTH, Kxq., 51 Lili-rtj if.t:t. nit;:t-iii Lawvor, mm Uftrm to fake tbe U'ittionr. Tim fk-lVti'laRf. prtMs5l it smt"jttm of Aimit'jen, ihmt flu Propri-lor of Brant's. Mlc.rw hud vumnmourt pul.)!tnl pLe statEmkkts af rjrmtmnt. Um hal ri4imk'ttt1 a fratd un lint pnl!ir, aiui. T-ur. wm tot anttilnl u dainact-. Tim caae ot' Mr. U-nkim mm -upcu. m heiHjfalr. ail, tlnokin wtt tnn ait a itmn in rvnnl lit) Fct mt pUU!MNi,ata.lM 'ofiatMy MoaK than ki,'rA19t-0 HW pubttcuUum. Mr. HAK1 .1. I m -H r-t-Mii-rtrd sattk Rrmt'. Purrf- - K trrt islT tasW a I t , V- :l--i. AhM1 Uw j. stair I u -rr bakily i.K'Iosl tiy a . 1 vA ailtemjvtl ky Frri ..ackr--tb all 'a-i-t I cuattt atsl Last Ural rav-dariajr ciim cur nay. la aafw-i''r r vaarb na.-ltstMl, t-rr imm V IsvCsr? 1 wrl Hrmi's t-w rr. rfM-tla- . VViiarn i oti-tvern sh tawartf tt fur titer haJ lasvat tsstttr -4 lis Wal a Ntatf; Itarw ; I rtr.tbi ajot raiaaw say kafatt in a.) sV-taal : rat aava) asasui ass ss.VwT m Irti-it trum tmr t ttr ; fom sat an alw ,t riti.l x, tasaat A ba l!1s.l ua. natt aaf fmw. M aauiy axsU.nsx a fssjc at th bf ; a iftm straai iira filraHs- aaw f im-tjt-pf, twt M aieai'i j- J a airal at al lbs- bs4f ; aa ulrr w.tja oai ana alrtaii-f as lar, a any atiist. asiwstbwr war rtstalrr ntT ana rit,ilv a W, vthwii U-e-i -ast-a Usf.-ii. wv aauV, wu Utal an. 1 fUl bar Wsa4 uat ; an ttirsr osa aM-t mm iU-u. M frlsta avjy iaskuklfrr to say -( lsa M iwl a-wt b Ut t"s , I avwal ni t0 et wkr-ri al. gwl Hi u4 s ftri-tmr at mmidi ImtttU. is-r,l aaKtls) lawtri ' dims. I avari are-.r usily lsa Is taoafiil UasVsai: tl.t autl -o taa"-:tij--J tM. at t.. an.i'.sa a- :-i M aani ; tat apra.) I ttsr I ? to 0,H sisway wjatstsut iJ ; ... it ws anrsmbPtasasJ m ana a-w.'awi an .r. as. thai t a. alW W w- . lae . m Ut TA tb tl'(tiir.i Kt.-si l.fiarj. at K'l f:n'fa. r-l I' I taaylAW feuiUsi; thw kwttV HKAl.ri A I.I Mf tLdtttt. a-at i.rea msusli aai tt alMMit Ssm Iwf gm ax ttw- st.J uf rtw ItsaanM,. il 1 -bsa-si e jr. ) -.. mt cm laasiif w-a-- I asesl W (tort an. t. wink n-.t- a Pi. fr T CUKE. art. I Tv-trvTv-.l nat tu fowf ?OK V I LL fJi II i' aVsMU, A:. t I.Vrj fJMi MLKTS. BRANTJSINDIA4, PULMONARY BALSAM Tlii Hial-ani iM-tacae mil tbr tfraw and ymnfvmg, Xirlmtg ol tbe aNot-naim-.! Pvarrvt!wu EsTtuaCT. anti aUo paaayvjenM-w a-vTtl otlw r vu -.ItOrtlln-. fvtxt mJw an-1 hmrlm adnj-trd tocww tJt;illS and CONSL'MPTl It mtmit aud rmie I'tttrs ia ia L. anU t-U-wiirrc tmUrmmf-, iy. aa rwMy an ! aa ea-iiy a the Vmrtfftmg Kxfrart beal aad rum ttrniiif- - ' ' T'HoraNui ol cur- nf tfc vit omUst CtmmaBptvn fully proTs u- ttlmtft miraxnlous rlfiivcy Ua mil dimemvm ol xt.9 1.1 N'.S. THsiOAT, and BKKA.-T- A DYING WUMAX SAVED! CONSUMPTION CURED! W tprr th folUiwin -vrtifirRtw aa a imt of rurr, Sr-i op to pruTf tbr pw.T ti H. - whm tin- r m uma to ! in the vr tjart ta-a ct Trt-K: mbsm V-m' Itvhmm FmlBtwtuitf Rirm h a-Uitliiiht' rr. ; We irc Hi? fxA o ns: rfi'ftll n fw-t f run-, wMch fora fa pro fttw- iowt r to aa Uie. rv-m win ft? p-rts-in rma to ha in lw wry ImM at"C ot .ttntr. w.i'-n Itma'a India m pMlmnnmry Balaam v alnutu-i'ruii : Tm east dtn-a nut stand a!on - ctMil-1 Bum- hat ct'asiu a) atarrrtMaT nnd atrw iaU an (i - rt kitsis caiMti. mnA thifisaudx ot . raik d C'iJ.N.--l 'Mi' l it S. THIS l I KK irw ff't-d rm th witt ut Mr. Jiwm fi KAx oi tho tvwm or haiueom, Sartv fv . X T. Ut. Uvk' mn watt pn.nvmncr.1 dpinx. attd Mr. ! kemati w-nt to tiu store of Mr. Joiit Wait to ph remote ctutk t-r a tkrou.i, mi t iythr bmrmJ mverftis rs;- r.ii ha vrirtw tvnuid o dk. Ihc w.ii in th" otaf tnjt it th t ;. -wwa miu k opprrett and dtroi Mini tt rvii.rr fe-r wr at ati.frc, a-Td iTi'tk a dyin pitiotc more . K , iKxi mnn r. r-u-i'- t' eitf htr mtr ui " BH.N'l'i tViiMAM Pf'I.MnN kV BALSAM." II--t-f-c ftm H'm. tsomv wltii tht attruu and .tve a port.oo to km itf it rotu-tvr. n,r he ct'tit:nutU to faV it BTrtii hr- r-OT'rr;i i0 he ttTtt, and ah hns cotrtumd mi jtmr mutr-p fo tr ftv r-tmvh!rt tor Jrti: II Ht. Mr. iirKKMiX fwin-1 tiie u:rtt fitrta rVtorv Tctoal ti. Tot'wn, F-j, of !tllttnm lI'Mi A; ri!, r3 Tmo. G. torxo, i , Jus-rice, r. ru;rt tht lv fata known .Mr. Iy.-Tun in mj ys-tir- an. l.i.U p-- otk oi tii-ir mm wnrrhtf nd rfpet tabie fi'izt.? stt-i lr jViM. W ait, Uie ox ri ut .v. vrn vi u C foufl rhstrrv ter o( Mr. Txkeixr. an ! 'UM. hs aw;, quatnti d w;t i mil tmj'U-'st, ii.-.a .' .rU xiu tn o!V-a -V in ot by Jfrmai Brant's Palmonary Balsam rurci COy St Vrifft.V. Cot.fJk, C.'J; fyntunx j 1W--. HUmatmg mt mfrtLnnr. tut in ik ir.cM ato 1 AaV SicwUs. yswrous iimmpUlH, PalpumttiSH of V iev Cat'r htfant im. lyminf. Stmmvr C vaii. s.nd ALL sMALE It 'A'f A'AdA'a, mrulutU J inUuj v'mtrocr OOCTCES .13(0 PUVSin.lSS UE(')niE3. The foliuwin eunw-,! avfsan.l Aysicraas bars- alzS y r. romm. n l. l HKAM's) MKblCINtj; : rT. N. IH'KBARr). .-Nmfor.l, i'odb. Irr. 1. N. SMITH. Wtrit.iwo. N. . Dr. KOiS.M.. l:l'.' Hrory .fr. et, Uruoklyn, T Br. T. M. lir.T. AiiIhiih. W. . Dr. (,KO. r K.AM IS. Nuldktuwn. Coaa. Pr.UKir. A. KtXiKltS, Hath, N. V. ' - ! Dr. 8. W'HITK. l-r-ilimui K. V. Dr. C. B. UALKNTINK. Ilvrotr. !l T. Dr. J. O. Mlll'MAS. ray-'ttrrilV. N. T. Dr. 1. Mvl.NNKH. ILnrj street. Brook:, a. N. 1. Dr. O. fill 111 AN I'.Laad. S. V. For s;t!e bv Thnrnton & Pukfr, I.-wisi-hnr?; Ed.vd Wilsitn. IVew Uerlm ; J (' nu-e. Seliusur.ive ;(itVFC Mnver, Freehnrc : H Barkhaune. .ruMIeburz ; Wilt &. Eilert, Karlle ton ; An es &, Menrh. Mifilm!-ur All letters and orders must le addressetr to Wallaec ti ' itV(f, Hrnadwaj, ?ew arii lya2S4 LUMEP. jm SALL ''PHE snbscrilspr (living ? 'n.ar(I ihf Rock- dolt Sair-Miil h-rmc'lv hmiwn ns l)otiihtv' iu SiiJftr Val!ry, (.'liiii.in county. P.t., anri Inutbl 'l I lie stifrlt nn:l fixture U longiiig itr itie same, imw oir.-n for le 100,000 ft of I.unibr' at s.i iii M;!l. (ri!i'r wi'I he recVrJ for any kind of l.-imls-r, liv the mii'isisncil m l.rwsbiirt, or h) his Agent. S.C.Stitt lcr, nt saiJ Mill, in Sim.ir Va'.lev. U. P. SIlrtLLfel?. Lewi-iburj;, 3vni 5, 1850 6w STEAM ENGINES FOR SALE. ONE of 10 honrt powef, with on iXsa boiler enc i;6 seen in operaiion. On f S horse powsf,with two cy.'intier boilers Both marls oFltie best mntrrinls, nnd war rajitet perfect. Enquire of S. S.HKDLKV, jJI.icliinist, Columtw, Pi 4 LABOR lot of Stone Pickling and Tresaoe J V J " n jns receive,! ami fur sal l.v Srpt I J. HAYES A CO. KASH not refused at th Ofii.f n the Lewisburg Kbroni(-lt.f W OOL for sale at June ." ReUrr .t Wdinj,.'. '" i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers