Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, September 25, 1850, Image 2
1'ro.n lhe "GooJ Samaritan." Tho.Riuicoa is Cussed !" A Meeting of citizens of Union county tn fivor of invoking the power of 'he I-eg-::-t:ate to ab..i:h tho twfli.j in intoxicating ' drnks, was held in New Bcr.in, on Tues day the 17th ol Sept., 1850. JAMES JIOOKE, Sen., was appointed President ; Jons Atp and Miciiaei, Bhown, Vie Presidents, and St ml Gttlilcs, Secretary. The object of the meeting being to hear l':e report of the Committee appointed to interrogate the candidate for the Legisla ture of the different parties on the subject of abolishing the traffic in liquors, said Committee reported that in pursuance of their appointment they had addressed a let- ter dated Aug. 31, I&50 to both the Whig M- Baum, Secretaries, and Democratic candidates of this county, J On motion, the following committee was requesting their answer to the question ! appointed to draft resolutions expressive ol stated in Thc4 following letter by Monday j the gence of this meeting, viz: John V the 10th inst.-that John M. Baum. the R"'-J'" Swineford , S. F. Lvndall. .... Isaac Neiman, Jos. L. flolin, m. iMUby, Democrats cand.date, give no Andll.wj. CrolacrijBeob Keichly, Samuel and that the following answer had been re- i eived from Col. Eli Siifer, the Whig can-1 0n molion of H V Ffie9i c. II Shri didatc ; : ner was railed upon to address the meeting LbWisit'BG, Sept. 13, 1830. i e responded in a speech of great length. Gentlemen : Your letter of Aug. 31st is j jn which he eloquently and forcibly por before me, in which you propound to me irayed the domination and misrule of fie the following question : Cameron faction, and concluded with o Will you, if elected to the Legislature, : powerful defence of the Democratic policy, use vour vote and influence to abolish the . with relerenee to the tariff, in reply to thc traffic in intoxicating drinks""! ' sophis'ry of Gov. Johnston, on this ques- I would sav in reply, that if elected J j tion, on the day previous. shall consider myself the ttepreeniative ol the people of Union and Juniata counties. As such 1 should feel it my duly, upon all questionsjof mere policy, to yield my own private opinions to the views and wishes of inv constituents. The right of petition is secured to the penp'e, to enable them to present their wants and their views to (ho legislature; and the Representative who would disre gard the elearly expressed will of the ma jority of his constituents, upon any ques tion, would be recreant to his duty, and to the high trust confided in him. . In my humble opinion, your question is oue that more properly belongs to the pea p!c. I am willing that it should lie referred to them, and whatever their instructions may be, I shall if elected leel bound to obey. I'elieving my portion to be per fectly democratic, and hoping that as such it will meet your approbation, nn I the ap probation of all who believe in the right ol the majority to rule, lam gentlemen, Resneotfuilcivour. E. SLIFLR. Messrs. Samuel Geddes, "J Isaac Eyer, I Robert Vanvalzah, Committee. James Moore, Michael Brown, J Whereupon the following resolutions, nib-red by A. Swineford, were adop'ed : Resolved that the refusal of Mr. Baum to answer the inter rog-t tor y addressed t him, is sufficient evidence thnt we need noi expect any aid from him to accomplish the object we aim at. Resolved that we leuder to Col. Siifer our sincere thanks for the res;a!ul man ner in which he ha responded to the letter addressed to him. Resolved that we agree with him in saying that it is the duty of the represen tative " upon al! questions ol mere policy, l vitld hm own private opinion to the views and wishes of bis cen-ii:u nts,"' bu' cm rot Mi'swrihe to the opinion thai the curst: n addr-'ed to him is "'ti a one we hul i that it is a rj.icsthn involving not j pUt or,n ,tlt.lr Xrnng ar,n nnd elevaie that only political considt. rations of very grave I accornp!is!ieil jurist and enlightened siates-i.nr..rian'-e. but the highest temporal and j ,., ver n opnewition, to the station h Hie e;ern-ii iiiie.a'o . Resolved tii-U we miintain it is not the . t .l Airn ' cry o! t.iC liepresrnianvf , . nucttion. " to tHJ his own private opin- . K,n to tho views and wishes ,.f h-s en- etiluent , Jjr I ii " woum .."i convert h:m into nil irresponib!e machine, i.....;.,-. utthr nn r.Ti.vifrp. or no use for one.lnil snbstUJ"1 the uncertain, evrrchani!- ... mii.atw'fw rt" lh Tlotilllir Will, tor the fl'J.l.. l"'! " ' - I ....... ..... ..v i i - . fuvarablc auswer loMlie question proHiu..u ed to them, we mual either abandon what .. eAnwivn tn he an ohiect of tianscendant importance, or nominate a candidate ol our owa ; ana tnai we Plum- R-olved that we hereby nominate Jamrs Madden, Esq., of Hartletn.i. as our candi date, and pledge to him, if he accept the liouiination, our crrdial suppirf ; and re commend him to the voters of this district as a man of unexceptionable moral charaR ...e cn.mil knnwlr-di'e and experience, Jie ... - 1 . 1 1 ! t. 1- having before served Union county in the Resolved thnt a eommi:e of three !e appointed to inform Mr. Madden of bis nomination, nnd earnestly request him to t .... t.iro. aceepflhe ame. Li ne cna.r p."- Samuel edile, rranci nwran, sm L" Robert Vanvalzah. R-soived that a committee of five lie ap- pointed to announce to the voters oi um and Juniata couniiea - Madden, and state the reasons for the Mine. I Fhe chair anpointed A. Swineford, Lsq. Alichael Brown, John App, James F. Linn, J7.sq., and Hon. Joseph Stil well Mr. Madden'8 Accerrtence. New Berlin, Sep. 17. 1850. r.r CM, winch is tlm supreme and only j oi s ar;,e majnuty of the peoj.Ie. I wamble Have aiure.cn me people oi v tiu- infiillible guide on all such rpicMions. j Resolved that the candidates upon our ( ton county at Lock Haven, Mr.Gamble in liesolved that having I tiled to t.ljtam ; State and County tickets are every way j f;,Tnr of the Tariff of '40, and Mr. Ann fr.Tn either ol the cai.did.-.tes in the field a wor,hy to he ustained by llie Democratic stri,.. f,,r 'o. Public discussion, face to (ektlemks : Yours or this instant, in Rouert ft. Barber, li-tq., and others, whien j macnt. Its desirability, will not be dis forming me of my nomination as a candi- j rpjujd ; the complete restoration ofgood i putcd. date lor live Legislature, has been received. In answer. Gentlemen, I have only to say that I would have been better pleased if your choice had fallen on aome one moie capable than mvself ; but I thank ymj and lhe meeting for this msrk of conadence, and. can not decline lhe honor. I am in favor of the suppression of the traffic in li quors by legislative authority, believing the measure both constitutional and proper: and I do assure j oo, and the voters of Cnion nd Jul i i'a counties, that if elected, t will milder, -vote and influence to accomplish wise and go- Vours Truly. wwc f.. Jamf.s M.Dnr.t k.ll.ng dunmisheranc.s WjIwr,f R.)lfJrf other punUhment,,, I From thc Xeu Berlin Timet. Democratic mass Sleeting. A large and respectable meeting of the Dcmocraticjcitizens of Union county, op posed to the rule of Carr.cronism,asscrnbled ut the Court House, in this place, on Wednesday the I8lh insl. On motion of John Swincford, the meet ing was railed to order by appointing JAMKS MADDEN, Esq., President; Gen. P. Gross, Samuel Roush, Ksq.,Capt. John Forster, David Kleckner, Henry W. Pries, Li ud Howard, Jas. Adams, Petei Xeiinnn.Jiicxb Wolfe,Jacob Reedy ,Charles Kreps, Mi.-hael Shoch, Capt. Geo. Swartz. Mich.tct Warner, Jacob Braucher, Peter Long, George Engle and Jacob Young, Vice Presidents : W. B. Shrincr and Jno. He was followed hy dipt. Jacob Hum mel, who entertained the meeting fur a short time in a strain of wit and humor tru ly laughable and amusing, and which rioue but the immortal Captain could have dune. After which the committee repor?id the fullowing resolutions, which wero ui.a ii inousiy adouted : Resolved thnt as members of the Demo cratic party, in Union county, in Mass Meeting assembled, do reassert our deep and abiding attachment to the party, its principles and its usages, and do reaffirm our lull conviction that its doctrines, as ex emplified in the administrations of Jeller son, Jackson, Polk, and Francis R Sliunk. are cornet in practice as weHasin iheoiy. Uexilved'thiit we firmly fidhere to the adcvlitmn principle of the Tariff of 1846 believing it to be the only safe and jusi means ol'ob:n:niRg revenue for the purpos es of the general government. Resolved ihnt as the Hon. J tmes Pol lork, in a speech delivered in Congress. June 27. 1 946. upon the tariff, said : If Robert J. Walker or any ofhis friends can . ... E. f ...a in.iH ri I -ma Mill i la i !y nominated hy caucus, was basely dcfea ted bv an in'iiiiions eoa'ilion o( Whigs and a few preteiidt d Democrats false to their j eonstii. tints ""d to their party pledges, it j . .: u ulora iuiiiientlv calculated to honor and Kcolve.t thnt ttie Course pursueu oy tue () William Higler. since the nomination . for Gov,.rnor in tS4S, is worthy ol all ad J ninety-nine hundredihs of the Domocra'ic j n.,Ptu .l; ..(itu f.ir thi.t iiiT...... uhn'. miration, nnd Hut he is now tnc cnoire oi (ever may be the intention of a (ew design- I ,.. ;n uMpmnlim. In &llnnrpva lllp. tfniee I'M.. -. .wut.i , .... ...... . -i r, II party, and that we wi 1 give 10 eacn anu all ol them our undivided suppcrt. IS.w..lvf d .hat a, .he nex De.noera.ic 55tHle Convention will be, in all probability. the most itnHirtunt ever held in the State, it i-. of vital importance that lhe will of the party in lhe whole district should be fully expressed, and be carried out by thedtle ga'e in said convention. Resolved that we do utterly repudiate the doings ol the late County Convention in nnnciinl ol' a Delegate to the State Con j venuon, it lieing premature, without prece- j Halved bat in the nomination of James j GdmbP Esq., for Congress, we have a , ma( of un))ou,ted ability nnd moral worth, ,0nt. or ieai snaoow 01 autnoruv. ; and having l.a.i suincient assurance i him that he iia nan no connection witn aoy clique or faction, we would therefore , rPCinlT1enJ him to lhe Democratic party , o( lnia dislrlc, R,-solve.d that we take pride and pleasure . Tin n L"..- ... our Democratic brethren throughout the in reeotnmenoing jonn i. unum, i.-, district, as our next candidate lor the Leg- islalure. Tlie meeting was then addressed by Gen. A. Green, Maj. John Cummings, feeling and reconcilialion ol the party. Jacob W. Smith, Esq., then otlered the following resolution.which was unanimous- 'I';. ... . uesoivea tnai we nereov o"rec u.ni an had feelini! heretofore existintr. as a Demo. cratic family, shall be this day buried, and that we will use every honorable means to redeem the 13th Congressional district. Oo motion of II. W. Fries, the follow ing gentlemen were appointed a Standing Committee for the ensuing year : Hartley. Samuel Haupt, Chairman; Mif flmburv', Georo-e N. Youngman New ... v : . convince me turn v" ) j are rntitlnl to) mom nttscnOi'r. Uvr rffi- tive millions of revenue more than the tariff! a.nthovld rtmemher ire hue no Buffalo . f '42, ('he duty on lea and coffee inclu : f-irm , fllsllre ur tuccestour n and d d.) I am willing to renounce all my own nre 0llr olljf ,canl, 0f mjyrrt. theories and become a convert to the doc- trine ol free trade." As the said tariff of i h.a kkamng hoom U.. be.nlon!!indoftuik . , , .- ,!. ' almt in this BorouTh. A plaa has been devwrd and 46 has now been in operation mnre tl.on fuLmitM to juJiriu, ,hirh lnlu to pro. four years, and without the dtltV onj lea I mft . .ari.ut,, Guanlians and Employers partie Hlld Coffee, has J ielded, according 10 W h ig ( nlrly are inrit.-d to examine tho proj.-et patroniae it If authority, an addilionnl revenue of twelve J Uicvon-mJ urge it upon ApprenUcea, Journeymen. ... ' . r . , t n liAl. and all who hare ppare time to read. As a miitler of million, therefore we lake M r. Pollock at fo BllTlntil!r ia h 8 OWII word and hereby respectfully in- ! thehaUtsof theyonn?. it is worthy of nMTiuiil anil vile fii ill to make jood his "plighted honoi'' j conUnuout effort. Tboaenot prrwnr.lly waited nn,w ho hv " renouncing all bis ow n theories and ; dwirc to forward the object, an- re.. t to en and ' " . . ,l. j ., ,. i rr..- ' tf I- Ulrir iroatun-s. tSr Advertisement. 'jecoinm a convert to the doctrine ol ireCj , . 'fade.'' I Ctil'KTEsv. We have been reminded Resold lb ii the Hon. Geo . , M q Ae tiodwnrd. the Democratic candiJale li-r i c the l;,.iud.StnU-s Senate in 1845, regular- Uhty of the President and Managers of LEWisiiUKC chkoiicl.e and west branch farmer Wolfe ; Penns, Henry C. Eyer ; Centre ville, Jacob Keichly ; West Beaver, Cha's Krebs ; Beaver, George Swartz ; Centre, Jacob Witteumyer ; Perry, Thomas L. Light ; Washington, Elias R. Menges ; Chapman, John llcrrold; Middlecreek, Henry Wetzel, Jr. ; Union. Jacob Spang ler ; Limestone, Daniel Spanglcr ; West Buffalo, David Kleckner ; Buffalo, Jacob Reedy; East Buffalo, Jucob Wolfe ; Kelly, Laird Howard ; hile Deer, Ja's Adams. On motion,the proceedings were ordered to be published in all the Democratic pa pers in this Congressional district. H. C. HICEOK, Editor. O. N. WORDEN, Fnblishcr. At $1.A0 eaeh in aJvanee, $1.7& in three, months. $2 paid within the year, ami $V0 at the end uf the year. AcnU in I'liiuvlelnl.ia V B Palmer and V. W Carr. lAtrisbury, l'a. Wednesday Morning, Sept'r 25. ADVERTIZE ! Kxernlnrs. Administrators, PuUic l 'ffieeni. City and Country Merchant. Manufacturers, Merhanica. ltusineas Men all who wih to procure or to diepone of anything would do well ! lore notice of the Fame throuirh tile ' Lcwislntrg C'mwiWe." This paper has a good and inrreasini: cimilattoli in a community roulai- nut -9 lnrge a proportion of arum. solvent prwlurers, cuuiuuer. and dealers, as any other iu Ute tate. VOli IIIK AMKMiMEXT TO TUB CONHTITVTIoJI. Democratic Sttitc Kominaliuni : tlinal CiMMiuu.nrr VM.T.MoltlSOX,of.MontoineryCo. AuJttur Ct Herat Kl'l 1 It A I M HANKS, of Mifflin Co. SurtcyiriitncraL-J.10IITKK llP.AWXEV,ofCrawfordCo. ll'iijj Stale Ruminations t lliital (bMmutiWr JoSIll'A IH XO AX, of Bucks Co. AudiUrr Cttuml I1KNI1V W. SXVnKR. of Vnion Co. Surnyvr rmral JOiKI'It ULXDEKSOS.of Washl'nCu. Vnian County Whig Ticket : CtMyrtu JAMtM AP.VSTROXl!, Eq., of Lycoming Co. tryrumt-iiim-Vnl. t.Ll SL1PKK, of Lcwishurt;. lrollwnar), rfe.JAOOB II Al S. Jn, of New llerlln. C-mmimiMcr OEOIICE IIErMIIArll, of fnlon Tp. fraxmting Attt OEOIttiK HILL, F.mj., of SelinatrroTa. ! Irjr .Viirrryor-KOUEKTO.II.IIAVKS.ofWertlluirale. a uditvrs j . m v. s MTKEiciiT. of Euti.to, for s yean, j llhXKY K. SAMiLKS, of Limestone, 1 year. I TrtUm Jlifliukury AwUmy Jons ltoor, JoU.1 C. Democratic Kuminationt (kmiffrMt JAMF8 UAMIILK, rl, of Lycoming Co. prstii6'r-J0Ii! M. IlAtll, of Now Berlin. Volunteer CundulMet : l'roihnxdart 1. JOSKi'il OYSTER, nf HellnstTnTa. r'uimunun-T la. JACOB HdBLACIItR, of New Berlin. jtlection nOn our first aije U some. J'ulJiJier Eiiiturial, which, ire tlrcm worthy of prac tical attention. W'e want (and believe we . . . ... . . the Lewisburg Bridge and Mimmburg Turnjiikc Conip.iuies, for their generosity jn throwing open their gates, free to all, n wcll!.;i)U of tlic roeeption of the Ry-the-way, we think our brother of the ''Danville Democrat" entirely over estimated the attendance at New lJerliu, j when he put it at 4,000. It, is true he is ! M-.rJiril ...ill is morn in the business of ' ' . .,... ,, llti..,ru hut "counting now than most othcr, but "v i WOUlu ne content, mm u;tu uw wunmn; for 2.000 is a larger crowd than is often seen. , j Dltri FSlON. Messrs. Armstrong and ,, ,., , e.,i; ; . onu ((f thc f.lirc?t m(M,t.s of poiitical . , . ,. , ., i and Pparatum to discharge thc duties of freemen. Ross'Gr.vix Prills are all thc rage in this region, and sell as fast as made. We arc not able to describe them minutely, but understand their excellencies consist in their adaption to plant the seed at any M.imtl . ir.. ti tjt utviHr tl.o tuw.1 l.ir than other artificial planters-and to elev - a.e nr ,leress oaeh tooth or seedii.Lr tube as the surface of thc eanh may require. ' These arc important points, which Mr. R. to j,ave provided for, amply. We 1 comnu.nj r.Ross-Grain Drill" to thc attcn tion of all the farming community. Lewisbiro Band or Music. Wc i V n" young .urr. me . . in nnr itornmrli endravorini' to establish o-r a j a Band. Unmarried and consequently j unsettled men have heretofore managed j these matters, and failures have invariably j f0nowed ; but wc believe in such hands ' ti,e enterprise will be successful, and per- j - " . fj.M, r.n,i nn. missioncr, and James Gamble, Keq., randidate for CongrcsSj pai(i Lcwisburg a visit yesterday. P. 8. We are requested to give notice that Mr. Jivm Gixau ia expected to address the people of Lewirburg at the Town Hall on SAT URDAY evening next. TURN OUT, AND HEAR BOTH SIDES! Jonx Van Bubek, we are infonned by private advices, was to speak in behalf of Mr. Wilmot in Tioga Co., Pa., this week. Willi The Samaritan vs. the Boatyard. A friend has pointed out to us in the Good Samaritan of the 11th inst. the fol lowing serious allegations from the pen of a correspoudent at the West : There is much profanity in man? places in the weal. I believe there M but one place where they can oat swear some of these western town, and that is Ibe l.ewisburg boat-vard. There they ire entitled to the credit of being able to excel in sweating, tjwcariug and grog drinking go band in hand. Is tli is, true f From all we can gather respecting Frick k Siifer and the hands iu their employ, we believe the charge false and slanderous. Many of them we kuow to uu as resocciauiu men bj iui-iv .i- ..i- m..ml ,,f! t . i ii- i ...... :,, tuia vi aii viuvi .inuiiiuiiiit nn.muvi.im , churches in good standing, and stauncli , teetotalers. No grog is or has ever been allowed in the Yard. Many persons visit ing there have yet to be pained with the first oath. We have heard the observa tion that for so largo a number of tran sient personsi, their conduct and character were praiseworthy. Doubtless there are individuals, there as elsewhere, obnoxious to censure ; but that is no justification fur an indiscriminate broadside upon a whole company of men, their employers, and a town. What was the object in making the charge t For aught we know, it might just as well be brought against Geddes & Marsh's Foundry, or tho Lawyers of New Berlin, or any other collection of men in labor or business. Why was the odious fame conferred j ust there ? Can it be part of the plan of operations by which the Party Temperance movement is sought to be promoted ? Col. Siifer is a candidate for the Legislature ; he docs not pronounce the " Shibboleth" of the Samaritan ; now, to represent him as one of a firm keeping 1 . . . , Up a t.OlUOmiU Ol Vlyuvm ami (.IinKR. and thcrebv prejudice acainst him ' . , . . , men who uo not Know mm, is a scuciue worthy of the Temperance Organ which pronounced an Eulogy upon Jack Cum in ings alter liis last lau 3 campaign. Whatever the motive may be, such whole- sale defamation of entire classes of wen, for the faults of others for w hich they are 110 more accountable than that Editor or his Agent, is utterly unjust is placing a worthy friend of " temperance in all things" in a false position before comniu- nity and robbing many poor laboring men, honest and virtuous as their trauu cer, of that good name which makes their t.uls and trials endurable, and gives them respect among their more favored fellows. We call upon thc public to notice this at tack, and watch narrowly thc course of the publishers of it. Cummlngs and Congress. It will be remembered that at the Pem ocratic Convention in New Berlin, Maj. Cummiiigs declared on bis honor that he wanted the nomination for Congress that he should get it if possible and thr.t if any oue else got it, it would be without thc aid of the Conferees from Union coun ty, who he was allowed to select for him self. Well, on Wednesday week, the Ma jor mid his friends were found on the road to Muncy, but at a speed which elicited the universal remark that they did not in tend to reach thc Conference in season to disturb its harmony ! And when they did arrive, and the Major was informed of his defeat (!) he lool.cd just as much as tounded as if the game had not Item made up lowj before. On bis return the day following to his office in Lancaster county (where he receives 82 per day while regulating thc politics of Union) he ex pressed himself highly gratified with the nomination of Mr. Gamble, and his Con ferees ratified thc nomination in a strong recommendation of Mr. G., as follows : The undersigned, Confereea from Union Co.. appeared after Ibe above aJdres waa adopted.wiih inalrurtiona to support Ibe nomination of John (.'omminir, Esq., for Congres but concur in the above addreaa. O. UE8E.NKI.NO, THOS. BOWER. These facts confirm the allegation of thc "Inflexible"," that Cummings was only run to defeat Mr. Sleukcr, and thereby aid in nominating the brother of tho man under whom he holds a Canal office. But M r. Gamble's nomination had ! "arranged" Williamsport and was ! known even to the Whigs, at the Pitting of the State Convention. Another Fire in Pottsville. i Extract from a Letter to a gentleman in Lcwifcburg, dated Pottsville, Thursday, Sept. 10. Dear Sir : This place has again been visited with that ever destructive element fire. On Wednesday, about 12 o'clock, P. M., when all were calmly reposing in the anus of Morpheus, we were suddenly aroused by the cry of fire ! fire ! fire ! and truly there was a fire. It originated iu Second St., near the Exchange Hotel, and thc conflagration was so rapid, that the Exchange barely escaped but not without considerable damage ; and all thc build ings fronting on the cast side of Second St. between Market and Callowhill, Mr. N. Mills' Hotel, situated on the west corner of Callowhill and Second Streets, were entirely consumed. Thc First Methodist Church adjoining Mills' Hotel, sustained considerable damage. Three horses and one cow perished in thc flames. Yours, ke. S. N- P. Arc you Assessed I SATURDAY, 28tb inst., is the last day npon which voters can be assessed. Re member this fact, and are that your name is on the assessment list. Every Whig or Democratic vote will be wanted to elect To the Editor of the Lewitburg Chronicle : Sir : In your last paper, you ahow that the re-election of Prolbonotariea ia eualomary with the Democrats ; but sir that is not the ease with the Whigs, which to ihein the One Term pnncj ple ia a cardinal point and for Ihia reason aif many of us o for a new roan. Ple publish, and oblige. Sir, Yours, tie. A WHIli. We must repeat what we said last week to the Democratic county organ Offun icrrc for tlic Pcoptr, ami not PeojJe for Offi'xs ; that is, it is more important to have an office well filled, even it by one man, than that many incompetent persons should profit by its emoluments. As to One Term Clerkships being an aduiitted Whig principle, our friend is . , , - - , . , ,,.,:,. certainly at fault. - For high hxecutivc kititinna it h;i; fit ... , . :... ..iv.wM.tn.1 hv ; y ,.i f.,r ...... ntv tuauons, it. nus ui um j 1 111 WITiriV. I ill L llllb lliai.1U,U aj ijv u v ' - - - i offiers to anv trrcat cxteut. Mr. Haus' ;' t m- iiaoiiavo w r..J l. , t,.l I Frothonotary of Union county, and Mr. revie.;t-?.-vi, . - tivunv-' ' - - BkllMAS is now enjoying a 'second term as Register & Recorder. In Lycoming, the j 11 IllgS iu jvixis gw -- elected Mr. Martin, Frothonotary. Now when, even in a single county, was One Term for Clerkships adopted as aWhig principle ? The " documents" can not be found. The truth is, this idea has been propagated by the Editor of the Times and other Democrats, and disaffected Whigs never by a Whig County Convention rep resenting the mass of the People. Then why should a good Whig like our corres pondent be misled by a falsehood, and aid his opponents in breaking up the organi zation of his own party, without cause? If the One Term principle be urged as a good one, let the t higs call a convention to confidcr the matter, and settle the oucstion, for or against; but until then, j policy, prudence, honor, fair dealing, all join in urging upon party men to amuc oy the decisions of the authorities which they themselves constitute, and of which they arc a part. Faiu Pi.at. As has been our custom since conducting the "Chronicle," we give j ; tLeir own terms in the preceding col- limns the proceedings of two new political movements in this county, the claims and merits of which every reader will deter mine for himself. As to the Dt iiio. ratic Mass Meeting which takes to itself such lofty preten- ; s;0ns, we ought in justice to say that the "mass" Inrlcxil.les, Beelitiers and Whigs all found plenty of room inside the Court House, aud that instead of the dis tinguished speakers announced, Maj. Shri ller and Capt. Huumiel had the kindness to appear as substitutes. The most spicy resolution is emitted in the published pro ceedings. A rnnmr oVtaina come currcney that Mr. Baum will withdraw before the elec tion, and the Inflexible?, the Cummings men, and the Party Temperance men unite on Esq. Madden. This notion is confirmed by the language of the resolution at the Democratic Mass Meeting, where Mr. Baum is urged as "our next candidate for the Legislature" allowing thc inference that Mr. Madden is understood to be the present candidate. Otherwise, our friend Madden will not look upon his for mer success as a surety for the present. Messrs. Yearick and Haas can a.ure him that times change as well a nun. Wilmot in tue Field. In the XII Congressional District Tioga, Bradford, aud Susquehauna a triangular contest is going on with great spirit. John C. Ad ams, Es.p, of Towanda is thc Whig nomi nee, and stands the best chance. Thc Democrats of Susquehanna instructed their Conferees to nominate a Free Soil er from Tioga. Bradford nominated a Free Soil ticket throughout. Tioga nominated James Lowry, Esq., an Old Hunker. The Susquehanna aud Tioga Conferees nominated Mr. Lowry in Conference. But tho Bradford Conferees and two Conferees appointed at a Freo Soil Mass Meeting in Tioga, put in nomination Mr. Wilmot for thc fourth term. Thus stand matters at present The Senatorial District of Wyoming, Susquehanna, and Bradford, is also in a f .-rment. Thc Bradford Democratic Con vention nominated Geo. Sanderson, Esq., of Towanda, for Senator, and insisted npon a representation in Conference equal to that of both the other counties, by which she secured bis nomination. Wyoming had placed S. S. Winchester, Esq., in nomination, and refused to withdraw him to mako room for the Bradford dictators ; and Susquehanna sympathizes with her in a measure. The Whigs have in nomina tion Col. Elhauan Smith, of Tunkhan nock, and thc prospect is not dull that his jolly phix may illuminate the Senate Hall next winter. Baron Hatnau, the "Austrian Butch er," recently made a visit to London. A large Brewery was a particular object of interest to him, but no sooner was bis presence known than thc workmen as saulted him with various offensive missiles, and hooted bint out of their sight. The astonished warrior next found himself in thc hands of thc coal heavers, who dealt him lumps of coal which grew larger and flew faster as be luckily for himself esca ped, and was by thc Policemen taken into some obscure part of tho city. It is a happy era when thc masses loath a milita- ry despot, instead of lauding him. When all mankind have the right feeling iff re "?rd sueh ':Morr." war will end. Xfontonr County. j Isckpendukt. Mr. Dodge of North- This sister republic in miniature ex.; umberland, and Mr. Voris cf Chilliqua hibits in her youth some decided good que, are Indcjiendant candidates fur the traits. Her good-humored delegation to; legislature in oM mother NurthnmtMr New Berlin last week, was heralded by a land Mr. Yuris taken up by the Party splendid Band, furnished by their own Temperauee men, and Mr. Dodge on hi liberality, and all looked with manly pride' own hook. upon their banner, "Montour County " xynx'ZJ Con whiclt then floated for the first time be-; Tf.u,jont composed vf Barnburners and yond her borders. , Hunkers, which has been in session here I u forming their first County Ticket, ! some da js, nominated Horatio Sejmour her people exhibited a magnanimity and Governor, and Sanford E. Church for , , . ieutennni Governor. Also, John S. Mj. friendship truly worthy of admiration. , r . ,, J , , ; iher for Canal Commissioner. bacti party met m convention, ana uner . an interchange of views made up one tick- ct, divided in nearly equal numbers (the Demiwrats. bcinr in the majority, having; " . . . the first choice.) which c-icA ixirty mo,.rU - - The following are the nam! of the nominees : For Sberitr. Dan! Fraler, of Mahoning ; Pro tbonoiarw, Wa 8 Dsis, of Limestone; Reg & Recorder, m Vj Johnston, of Matllson ; I rra- urer. (ieo Mears J, of Roarin, Creek ; fomo. hon of Liberty, and Saml Shick ot Franklin Dep. I'ros. Ati'y, Uenn. K KhoJee, of Danville ; Surveyor, Thos J Galbrailh, of I.ime.tone ; A a ilitors. Philip F Maue of Valley, James C iSproul and Robert Patterson, of Derry ; Coroner, David Vesger, of Roaiin: Creek. Our young friend G.VLBItAITH Las ma ny congratulations in this quarter, aud we hope may prove worthy of thc confidence audood will manifested. And here we must regret that thc 30 years' war between Bloom and Dauville, threatens to be revived. Columbia coun ty has nominated John M' Reynold, Esq., of Buekhorn, as a "Repeal" candidate for Legislature, and Charles B. Bowman, of Berwick, is a volunteer candidate, oppos ed to the repeal. It does not seem rea sonable that two counties which have be come legally organized, can ever be brought together by force, if either coun ty is opposed ; but if one county is anx ious she may produce much contention, strife, and more cost to the State, annual fv. than all her taxes are worth. One - lit 111 would suppose that Bloom would be glaU ; to be rid of such a troublesome ueighbvr l....:il.. l.,a h - l.t her temner becu ill s , nn. . , - 1 atfuears to have been so SOU el by the lout: tiuarrels, that she seems determined . b ;.. , , , , e 1 r she will keep her attached, for the line of fighting her. Jtor the peace ot tnc people Jtor the peace ot tlic people and the interests ot tho Mate, we uu nope , , . . , . r ,l. ..,. the sober, thinking voters of tho twocouu- ii 1 1 . 1 a;,.tl.ii s.f ties will suppress this Kepcal agitation at the outset ; or if it carry at the polls, that ... i- l ...n,;.!.,!,, ,... c..ff..rl uu cuiiguii-ut-u . j...... .-. ..... . it to annoy them. When a divorce is ob- t:iined. lt-callv. eomnulsorv intercourse is c.'ii -.1 - ... . ... ; not profitable to either party ; nor is it anv use to oppose a match after marriage . " . , , . IS consummated. GoOtl people Ot Lollllll- ... . , . i- ... 1 . bia! reflect a little tipen this matter; let t, l-...,., l...e- 1 !... . uj-puu-c v a - . and look with pride aud iu peace upon .bin. 'liter. Montour, marri- J I e , . ' . el to that inaepcniient, inaonntauie, rich n.-iirlilinr Dunrille Classical. Our joyous n!ighbor of the Timet, in the "thin! heavens epi tlialallllUm OI HIS Hist Iieololuu:ir, lllin- , . , , ., duces the annexed " burst on tlie credit f.. . , 1 t he great lanl : " Now is the winter of mir !ieontent Matle icliirioi.! funimer hy this win of Vnrir-k, And in the deep Uwiia or the oeean buried.' The question arises, Who or what was bu ried thus the " winter," " discontent," " summer," or " Yorick ?" One of our ... I .... grammarians assures us that by the j rules," it must be " Yorick" that's " gone down below" to make room for Gamble wc hope it is not so, but if it be, " Alas '. j 1 , The State Biudoe, at Duncan's Is-'5' land was burned by an incendiary on last j Thursday morning areek. The cost of! the entire work, was about 8100,000 ; that of the superstructure consumed, about if 40,000. The business has not been in terrupted by the casualty. It was doubt less thc work of an incendiary, and public opinion seems to indicate that the bridge should remain unbuilt. "a" We learn by a gentleman engaged in the business, that the water has been let into the N. B. Canal, and that boats are now running. Another Break, it is said, in the Ca nal near Marietta, whieh it will take seve ral days to repair. SSf The Democratic Conventions of Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Berks, and Schuylkill counties have expressed & pre ference for Col. Biglcr for Governor, and the first two forjudge Woodward for U. S. Senator. Lycoming declared for Gen. Packer for U. S. Senator. civ- The Election in Vermont termina ted in favor of thc Whigs, and tho Maine in favor of the Democrats Governor, Le gislature, and Congressmen, remain as last year. . - FROM CALIFORNIA. A terrible and deadly riot at the last dates was raging in Sacramento City, orig inating in disputes concerning land titles. The Mayor and City Assessor were among the killed, and also Dr. Robinson and an other leader of tho opposite side. Hun dreds or thousands of men were under arms, and the Intest rumor was that the City had been reduced to ashes ! The foreign population were pouring in. and gold was still to be found. Mr. Avery, express rider (wc hop not Mr. D. P. Avery our Correspondent) had been attacked hv tle Indians. Corrected this Day. 85c 0i Wheat 50 CO 31 I0tl 1"0 I2t e) Ut t rn O.its Flaxseed Dried Apples, llutter K't;s Tallow . . Lard Ham 12 Bacon I W rOUT VT to thosr having inipuritie of the tlo.,1 BKAXTS Pl.'RIFYIMi E--TRACI the moat wonderful Po.iuVr in the woild, H now Dl up in (JrT Biittim. Xj'e advertisement headed "61 DOSE." U is an ruing anil purifying, thai one bottle last from ten to lUtren days louver than Narsaille. Mr Thornton & B.iker, agents, Lewttburg. JniJH rAYSSB CHERRY PECTORAL: Far lb Car COUGHS, COX.DS, HOABSSNBSS, BRON. OHXTIS, GROUP, ASTH. USA, WHOOPINO -COUGH AND COlVSU&ZPTZOir. This truly valuable Kentedy for tliee :f ihs l.unes and ThrOitt, ha become ibe chief rrt...nr a.l.ltfcru.M ,s III Iinwi ,.r,Mifii ,,ic K..I.1..I fo, lhe jbl,.e compijim,. hi,, most poweriLl . I . i. - j... ' . 1. . , . L j .emedial aent in de-wate and almost hopile ; 01 l-onvimpi,,. an.i aio, in MMn.-.r liiM nn, nf ll.A ..i.litertl !iml niA.1 awree:ilil f-in. ' j). ,nriirines for common conqhs and c.iMi.. Kel below the opinion of men who are known 10 ihe ' world, and the worl.l re-pect their opiuioiis. , r rW. jn..c. .er sir: i hare oai Ti-urrh.Tr. y .: j m.m'iiHeheiuieni ei.n.titut:..n that u ian .!r..ir',!.- ro.i.i-1 liir the rvliel of tanupial ami bpiBrhial tiijii.:ue. jf uiT M iu ,,,.,, rUmrrtr rsn y,, j ., i mtv.c, T"ti ar ut iirvrt to u it a ion Ih nk p- f-r. u,,. Ul Bc.a, L.-.i.,iwt .,f An.h i..; i From the h ntiun Ijmert IVER-snitllltY PtVrokALi..ncril.. m. j r,mrati.ntiit ha. tallen UD.I.r..iin.. -..f. XtilZ " e ha.- t.Uu.1- i iu uruiiu ut n.oitM d iii ' U Brewster, of Windham Co, L'ouu, o.J in ,uij,,ilwJ Wilin)OD,: nr. A..er iar sir: l enrie ym a cert:rvtu rr.jn a hiirhly n-lHretalile lnlv of thi4 tuwai. wifr ot 5uU. 1J i lfcl.uty sheriff riu.ihau-It. ThceurainhT ' was rv urom.it, aa lim aUrartMd svneral attenUuo. ' " w. .. Ba...Ti, is u " Killi.ly. Ct. b,.. 1-M 1 Tliia mar eertire that 1 was aSlietrd :th a i-vji arvere ennf;h in Ilia winter ot '47 a, whieh threou-n-d h ' tn ain. and curwl hy teruituate in t onsumpunn. I bad tn-l many me.leuu. tlie nf AIKH'S t'llr.Kl:r i kVTOBAL. CiTUaauia K. tarn." : Direct Evident. Aer. lowell Pmr Sir: re!1nr nnjer oWHjwfct report ot my eiu.. whirh yen are at liteny Ui pub!Uli t the henefit ot ntlier. LaM autumn 1 UHik a liati ruitL aeeiimpanied Ty a arvere euuith. and made n or BUU17 j ni.iK.uea wiiutiui ikuuwr itin-l m vi.iwi. kL ' ' ileep at nlirht. A rneml rare bk a 1-rttlaoryi.ur Aerr. I I'eetural. the n.e r whieh I mainkwnl iee,irdinif to U- i ,tiretK.n. I hitnj.ut PurrhadihenftKHUe.a.iai I nearlr reerTeriHl. I now do leep. bit eoufrb baa eeaai d. i uJ , h th, um nl Tur T,iyabi, nie.iirin a.. S. SmiL, A.M., rrinrii al Jit. llupe SBln'f . From Dr Bryant, Druggist aud Postmaster. Chieonee Falls. Ma lrr. J. t Areii Dear Sir: Fneloard, please lliul Mn.If tanee fi-r all tlb t'herry I'eetoral"" last sent ma. I ran unln-iulatiDKly ray, that no medicine we have k" "Wrh M,li4faelit,n as Tutir'.ilie nor haTe I ereraeen ameilieiste whieh eared mi many eanrsof Cotfrh an.1 LunKeomplaii;la. inir plivmeians are a;i.C 11 eawrna.aij m ineTr .rw.ue. wUh happiest .iteets. Tniiyyrs, k m bi Prepared lit, J C.Aytr Chemist Louell,Ms. Fr salel.y C W 8CHAF7I.C, Lewi.t.ur? : J " ,r-'ow- M,l,on : 1m? ti"htrt' Selin'8ru" and by Druegi-ts geneially. MKREEB ". In BuOalo Tp. Ilih ins. by Rev. 1. Otier. Dr. Ubiab Q. Dtvia, of I.ewi.borg, and Miss CaTiiairta jjnunii. sata 1 DiE : In Lewisburg, last night, a aon ol Mr. Griflith Murphy, aged 17 months. At lhe residence of her luthcr, near Or land, Steuben Co, Ind.on the 2?:h J Vy last. Miss Isabella, ekleal daughter of William Joyce, M. D., formerly of thia place. Her former aaaoriaiea and our eiuaeua gener- : ally will receive the intelligence of her compara lively eatly exit Inm lime to eternity, in enrrow. accompanied with recollections and feelinga sug gestise of solemn reflection a. Her labor as a co-worker with lhe writer in lhe Sabbath school attached to the church of which she was a mem ber, are recollected with grateful renesoibrancs. Being naturally poaoeesed ot weil balanced mind and having euperadded thereto an eicellent edu cation modeled by Christian parental culture, her literary and Christian rhaiacter had few superi ors among her associate. From the earliest recollections of her, it i well remembered that lhe inclination of her mind waa for acqairilinna of lhe solid kind, in perfect contempt of all sup erficial mental and Christian culture, or raiher sentimentalia n, so much sought after hy those of her aex who base not the mind lo think, and so often mistaken by a ibiMighueas world (and cbh too) for literary and Christian character. Her end was what was to be eipected from her life. She died in the full poaces. ion of her intellectual facull iea, and a child-like faith in the all-.ulTi-cienev of her divine Redeemer. Iter last worii were (obseiin the emotions of weeping friemi . . ... . . . - amoiMl her) "we snau soon awn again. mj young friends, especially yon who but a few year, since were the school-males of lhe deceased ; in Ibe light of thia solemn event let ne make to yoo bat one appeal : Whether it will be more profit able for you to spend your day in omamonlin; the outward body, and Glling your immortal minds with the superficial literary trash of tha day, (supers ii led thereto perhaps lhe nominal profession ol Christianity) thereby incapacitaiii your minds for the reception ol the deep, rnjsic riooe and glorious truths of Christianity whe ther, I ay, will it be more profitable to you do all thia. than to do as Isabella did t In Philadelphia, 13tb inst., supposed-m be from a sudden siTet.ion of ibe bear?. Rev. Ciiablks Ti-CKEK.of theTabernac'fl Baptist church, in bis gtst year. Mr. T. was formerly ol lhe West P ranch country and a Curator of the Vnirersify at Lewi -burg. a a ft