"Sally, you smiote ignorant of geog raphy. I will examine you i" gr-n".-rapiij, ,n-rria'-o is civil Take the sentence, in-rrias contract.' marriage -Marriage L. a noun, because a - Mme. And though Shakespeare ...k. what'., name, and says that a rose by any other name would smell n sweet, ytl marriage being a n,un . -J" J aame. shows, that the rule etabl.shed by ,he bard of Avon, has ut l-CDe excep tion. For marriage is ec.ta.oly ol very crcal importance, and being a noU therefore a name, ergo, there is something in a name." r Good! well, what is the case of mar- nage? Dbn't know, sir. Decline it, and see.'' Don feel at liberty to-decline mar ringe after having made Bill the promise 1 have. Had rather conjugate." Weustad that Prof. Crimw is wriiiti- anoth. r book, in hich he sup ports the hypothesis that man, througti the operation of very .imple noJ unalterable laws, has gradually been dcvel,ea irom a very low oi.imalor vogctaLle organaalion an ovster or parsnip, for in.tat.ce. A, G.imes declare, .his .n.Jrou Umt o. mn In sn low animaU-J mw begni. ..... W. look at hioi. .nJ c-ln. ch-. hM h.nk Thai we behold the fin coniuctiog ' Yuiil.ee Made. ThereTi'Twlatl grocer, .omcwlc.o, ho splits crackers fo. cusioo rs who buy onlyhalfofoneata tiu.e. He sls car pet tacks, also, by .he ..!'- worth, aid weigh, them with the utn..t exacts. Wh"n .he tucks are hub: h aw. r than r.H,.iireJ to turn the wah'. " d.vid ne of tin m by bi'ing off ihn brad. Culeman'rcla-es H at a Scotchman sl. pcdotTtbe roof of h,-,.,ti.,n s.xujn L,e. high, .nd.hu. mid-ay scent through the air, be arrived at a lo-lg-er looking out of a i"dow of the e.gh.h Hwr.to whom (as he was an arquainianec he observed, en pnsmnt, r.n.o--j. eic a fa' as I shall hae!' An Ftr-m lecturer r. limited, that it would not be a very vi-hnt trexh of the imagination to be.li. vc" .bat a thougUMu. Massachusetts or Connecticut baby, s. months old, sits in bis mo.her's lap eyeing hi. on cradle.to see .1 he could no, urn-.,, a better, or, at least suggest ..ne improve- mnu" The "Southern Tress" thinks that, when a collision" takes place between several s,..h..rn Slates and the Noiih. w g will grow in the st.:ts..f NVw Yoik.r In that event, it is consoling m rrfl.-ct that there arc geese i noogb in ite - I'ress ' es lablishmcnt to keep it don.-ai.kec Hlade. . A celebrated d.vin, of the bis. age, tells a capital story of a coxcomb, who informed him that he had read ver Euclid's Hle ments of Ccome'ry one atiern.w n t hi tea, only leaving oi l the 4 '. a""1 rfooked line$, that seemed to be intruded merely to retard bis progress. The FaiiHeld (S. C ) Herald snys.-We have always been in favor of disunion.' So Lave we. We love i Union ; we don't want any other ; andlit gra'ilies ..s beyond measure to see the Herald endorse our patriotic sentiments. One poet retrs back to the politeness of Paradise, thus : -W hen first the manly heart of Adam felt The power of beauty, it began to wejt. f And gating on hi rib, he laltered, -Madam. I am your moat obedieul aertant Adam. A ruzzyfaced fellow frm the back country, came along the main road the other day. staring at Telegraph posts. In the name of goodness, exclaimed he, who a going to keep all tlicse taverns. I never tee so many sign posts in all my bfe. That was a sensible verdict ( to have been given by a Coroner's Jury on the body of an unknown man who had com mitted suicide that "the deceased, whoe ver he was, was a confounded In the " Nonh lientiinatnn Academy," they teach the common KnIUh language for $ 3 ; the higher Kog'i.h language for 4, and Monochromatic J'aintiog ' Lang- j widges" is five dollars inwariablv. j It is generally conceded, n nv that " tin'' makes the very best a days, kind ol belle-meta'. Tho poet Whiuier calls the gallows "the devil's altar, bu.lt by demon hands, upon which human sacrifices are offered to glut the vengeance of christian people.'' Utica Herald. Poets deal in fiction. The gallows, in truth, is the last insliument of earthly jus lice, erected by human hands, on which villains are exterminated in mercy to the people. Yankee Blade. (ttr"la that be a ton aruV to ye," as the Scotch Judge said when he condemned a horse-thief to hang by yer neck till ye' re dead, dead, dead but the wornin" was no more effectual in those dava than milder punishments are now-a days. Many wise anJ good men doubt whether legal killing diminishes illegal killing more than other punishments or preventives would. Irt.-w. Chron., pro tern. rain JUvilte. ! rilHE undersigned wish to inform the farming community generally, that they are now manufacturing .. . KOSS" X' i' l' Ii)nnl OR A IX MULLS, or SOiVXG MACIIIX1:. Without stopping to discuss the compara tive merits of numerous Drills now offered for sale, they merely wish to invite Farm ers to call and see the above named article before purchasing elsewhere, feeling cor.fi ueiit that they can furnish an article that will give entire satisfaction. KOSS, GEUDES St MARSH. Lewiburg Foundry, Aug. 13, 1600. To the Voters of Union County. Fellow Citizens : At the solicitation of a number of my friends, I hereby offer my self as a candidate for the dice of Jto- thonotaiy at tha ensuing election, and pledge myself to discharge the duties oi said office to the best of my ability. JOSEPH OYSTER. Selinsgrove, Aug. IS, 1850 To the Electors of Union Co. Fellow Citizens : Reiug encouraged by a number of my friends, I offer myse'.l as a volunteer candidate for the ollice of COUNTY COMMISSION Eil, at the next general clec'ion. I pledge nisely, il elected, to perform the duties ol the said lliee with fidelity. JACOH IIOllLACHER. N-w Berlin. June 0 I8"0. Executor's Notice. fPHE Register of Union county having 1 this day granted me Letters Tes'em eiitary on the estate of Jac k IIi.r-i:i., late ol lewibur, deceased, all his d biors nie required to make immediate payment, and all his creditors, to present their claims. JAMES F. LIXN, Exec'r. I-wisbur-i, Aug. 19, 1850 WELCH'S NATIONAL CIRCUS ! Rt'orgnnizrd and being a combination of lux. Companiet. Equestrian and Dramatic ! rptHI$ Novel combination and Double Trnupt I w ill wrform at Lewisburg ; on Wednesday the 2 J of (K-tib.T, for one day only, afternour and evening. Afternoon performances common ring at S oVImk, in the evening at 7 o'clock Doi ojn-ri half an hour previous. Admission 35 rrnu to each Entertainment. In the Eque-trian department, one of the lea ding, and from their novelty, the ml stoking features, are the wonderful iploi's of (he wild rider. E TO$ STONE. This eitraordinarv equestrian, of he skill and d .ring, volumrs have b-n writien wherever he has perlormed.ap pran in two di.iinct acts of horsemanship in nei ther of which does he uxe saddle or bridle on his fuprrli steeds, though they are both as wild and aiianntty uutameable as when first lassoed by him on i lie Pampers of iviuln America. Their b ans re truly terrific, and it is impossible to desrrile the sensalions of the beholder as be wat rhes the motions if ihe horse and rider, which are in perfi-c. unis. ii, and which convey to the mind af-iiong ii lure of the I etai as of Hea then Mwliology. Master r. NEVILLE is another nf the stars wlinb form Ihe brilliant (ialaxy of Talent o' which litis griai company is comiiosrd. He i ery whrc admil'ed to le without a rival in his feats f equitation. Mr. CA D W ALA DEK thr graceful and daring many horse rider, the estab lished favorite of this company. Mr. E. DCKI OI'.S, with his highly educated and superb stud of Lilliputian Minland Ponies. The great and widely renowned Acrobats, the RIVEK4 f M II.V, wh.se pleasine and astonishing feats, have never been equalled in America; tho arcoin plishrd equestrian and champion vaulter Mr.W. O. DALE. SAM LEE, whose herculean feats are the wonder and admiration of ail who witness I hem. The juvenile, equestrian prodigies, Mas ter U. DTKIOUS and II. WILLIAMS. Two great downs, JOHN JASSOM and DAN OAKDNER. whose unexceptionable art and most approves good humor have placed lham a I the summit of the profession. Master of the as ena Capt J. A. Decaxp. The grand heroir eipjet:ie dramatic spectacle. SI. libUKUE AND THE DKAtitJN, or the 7 champions of Christendom, got up wi.h the mo t lavish expense, with new and gorgcouf dresses, properties and appointments of every sort, as performed for hundreds of nights at the National A mithealre, Philadelphia will conclude each evening's entertainment y Post s celebrated Military Band will ac ocmpany the performance. Sept 7 3w IT IS A FACT, ONE self-evident, and worthy of even consideration, that no Miller can make good clean flour without he has g'md clean wheat. I suppose you wish to know the remedy. I tell you it is to get one ol iro-ifmser- s If heat scourers, or Nmui M ichmes. Ho being an old, practical and experienced Millwright has invented, got up and put in successlul operation the besi Wheat .Scourer now in use. Any person ordering a machine and afterwards finding that it dues not prove to operate as repre senic'J, llieie shall be no s:ile, as tlnse ma chines are to be warranted go-id. Eurihei recommendations are thought unnecessary, lie is now having a supply made at Lewis burg, by iVcssr. Gfddes & Marsh. Orders for michines, or letters of inquiry, will be promptly attended to. Machines will be sent and nut to all order. Address J. BEKf.STRESSEU, Lewisburg. Union Co. Pa. 329 HtmoU.il. JOHN B. MILLER, TAILOR, respectfully informs his patrons nd the public that his Shop is now at his house the new brick opposite Mr. James P. Ross, on Third St., where he will be happy to wait on all who may honor hinr I wi'h their patronage. Lewisburg, April 2, ISofJ NAILS and IKON for sale by Ap2i Reber At hiding. IjUWISBUKG CI1ROX1CL.U AND WEST The Summer Session of the LEWISBURG ACADEMY, "T7"II.Ij commence on Mosnti the 29th of Tf April. Instruction will be given, as for merly, in all branches necessary to a thorough Academic course. Our endeavor shall not be imply to communicate kauwldg?, but to eicite the youthful mind to act for itself. When this is fully attained, the progress of the student becomes at once certain and rapid. The kind of learning which most of our youths in this coumr; need, is that solid literature, which, while it matures their minds, prepa cs them also for the practical duties of li'c. Composition and Declamation will rccnte tiieir full share of attention particularly the former. The Primary Department !iall have our special care, r torn the disposition manifested to sustain the Institution, the subscriber feels .limuluteJ to renewed exertions. The Hcsnion will consist of to Ttrms of 1 1 weeks each a short vacation intervening. Tui tion v for the common branches, $8 for the higher English, and $10 fur Languages, per Session per Term, one half. JNO. RANDOLPH. March Xi, 1850. Principal. Tanning and Currying FOR past favors, the subscriber returns his grateful thanks, End hereby makes known that he carries on the business ol Tannins and turn In?, at the Old Stand. Determined not to be outdone in the manufacture or finish of his work, he is bound to have the best work men and materials, and to treat those who have so liberally patronized (as well as those also who shall be pleased to patronize him) with that attention which he hopes to insure him a full share of public pntronngn. Ml kinds of Produce taken in exchange. Hides and Ilirk not refused, f..r which tin highest market price will be paid in cash or in exchange for leather. L. STERNER. March A D. I85 G0L3 and SILVER .,t only in California, hut al.-o in Uu-isburg.' A good asso. tment of Walcliftt, silverware &. Jewelry, of fine quality and at ( iiy puces. Hatfield & Thompson Respectfully inform the citizens of Lewisbuig nm vicinity, ihat thev have entered into I aruiersiii) at ihe t)LU STAND on Market St., opposite J Hayes A: Co's Store, piepared to execute ever) Kind of work in their line, in the best manner They carefully selected of the best English am French materials. Mainspring V-j linder.Esrape .h U an.l s vsriciv ot Watch Jewels, and flaltei ih.n,.liw. Hint ihrir knowled-'e and skill in the 1....1..S.. ;il .m.i.u ttipin la five satisfaction all who mav favor them with patronase. r FINE WATCHES, suoh as Duplex, Es-i vv Delachfd.V. Patent Levers, Repeaters, and Musical Watches. &c neatly repaired and warranto Also for sale, a variety of (Jold and Silver - a . . I I Watches, Patent Levers, Anrnars. neiacneu. ie. pines, tjuartiers, an l Engli-h Watches, Ciold itrA.i.n.n Pinner and Ear rinss. t.old and Silver llell Slides, Bracelets, Uold and Silver j---. Pencils and Pens, do opecuicies, 5J tiCSilver Sp.Hns. Sugar tongs.fombs, Ac See. in short, hole of everylliinf!, snd anything else, no mentioning knirk-lniacks, .Iijv.v. on hand or trot to order A variety of Brass ('locks for $3 and upwards at wholesale and retail Persons desiring to get things rilil, would do well by giving the subsciibers a call Experience tells us that the Credit System can not alf.rd a living. Therefore, in order to "push along and keen moving,'' the (.'ash System roust necessarily be eulorced. rci n.si I. n A I rir.i.u, W.M II THOMPSON. HENRY C. HICKOK, .1 TTOltXEY A T LA II', Lcwfclmrs, Union County. Pcnn'a. Practices in L'nion and adjoining counties also attends the courts of Perry county. OFFICE on Second St., lately occupied by L. B. Christ, Lsq. A o I ice. SUIiSCRIRKRS to the "University ni Lewisbur"," are respectfully requested to pay their Second Instalment, now due, to the Trcnsurer. And ihose who have not paid the Is: lntal't are respectfully nolified that all such delinquents will he charged Interest on their Instalments from the time they become due. BAWL T. WALKER, Tis. Lewisburg, Feb. 25, 1850. The G rented Difciirery of the Aye' Site Dr.Trask's HAGNETIO OINTHEPIT TS constantly ilTcting euros of the utmost importance. The mast crtJulou- are rox vi'ck; the most faithless, compelled to hclieve in the power and virtu of this preat remedy. It in universally al:nithtl t tr tlir. m.-t vuulrrfitl minliittJition known to thr world for th itmditite r.-lil of di-iu' nnd iain. It nor -r wtiil thr r.-Jtinin-Miffiri-nt lift t n-stort a nnlr:l and h(-nlihy a'tin t tlp rapillary v,8fel f the Univ. nod -" '. thr rif:nJ.t' tvm f thr Miftit. It this f-vaiw. a rniitrnMiii piwt if Hini-d over the tnotit malignant frtiin nf dim-nxe. uhi-h tan not Ik- obtained fnmi any "tht-r nniely. fnrh ij Um (tiiWfr of the ntmht tint ion. that it pt-netrates to every ftrtioa ut tlie human frame; every Imiic nml mustle. vein, nerve and liinent 'w seiin-heil out and md rn ihle of purifieation mid heslinp inltm nce. Jlenee ttcofieii at n-adily w itlt wfsrual ns external din-aur. Ntimeriu iutnnn are on reeorl, here tlii remeily ha rettbtred health to itntient m nnr the crave that the m!t powerful int'-mal remelies foiled to ruduc any efft-Tt. irurh ha fniUently U-en the com in Inilamuution of th Bowe'.s. Sf patient need die with thin dixea whera thi Vnirnetir (Hntment ran he ohtained. That dan-remit epi h-mir, known an ttw I'lTKlU KKYSirKLA can aUay lw cured by tlii remedy. For IS FLA MM A TOR T JttfErXA TlfiX, thiafMntment in themot complete remMy everpn-pared. la mum oat of 10. it will affonl entire rlirf to the woi-Ht raw of Nerroos Headache in 3u minutes. Vot Nervoua lHteaiea. tbi n-mely i of immense value. Affertiona of th Ji'in, Rheutnatifm. lmeneMt. Tier rated Sore Throat, Uronrliitia, Plenriny. Ormrp, t'hilln. t'bolera Mortma. Aim in the iee or ltreat. Kurn?. Semhl Head. Sermula, alt isncum. nrynpeiaa. in named Kyes, Fever 8ores tc, will be iinmed lately relieved hy the mm of thin remedy. 8,ld by Thornton $ Baker, Lewtabora;. 6m32 E F BcTTKriLDtiTrevg Agt BINNSt' JUSTICE, new edition, can b ha4 t l-yndall'a Bookstore, in thi plact. Tsrwihhurf. April 10, 1650. w-i4 A TO 1 7.1" ST More Xetvs for the Mia ! CERTIFICATES AXI TESTIMONIALS, StifficUnt to firt ttvry cmm ufthhj. p-r, otn i- proJwxtl $hting Joith the wowh rj ul ttrtwtnj Dr.Swaync's celebrated Family Medieines. IDr. SVVAYBiE'S celebrated Compound Syrup of Willi CSicrry THE MOST COMMON SAVINO IS Tlnt I wmil.l not riv OIK' WV' vf ' Ir. Stf n) CoiiiMuii.l yriI WiMUln-rry" r..r liall' d.iwn l anv iitlicr prrpr li..iis. I have tri.'d nil Ihr inivulnr nc-s, l.ut lliii st:imU uiirivrtlU-.! lor tin run- uf rlt. fi'Hnwiltg di-.-a"S i liilit-tii". Oti"jli. Ol-ls, ..tmi,t-.i. ..,.;.- ::t;i. iii,ni.ai-M .. tl,e Jlmrt. M7i.;.i." OmijU, 74'ij or U'tnig Mr stUioit in Ui-. Tlrit, lln.ndlitti, Asthmtt, or H',nlltrt Hi XrniiS Stl'rmi, i.r lia iainl rf.olitiilk.ll lloiu miy call.--, Slut t-t invciil p-rf.U!. t'roin l:illii.j:iiit'.i 'Wi.'i.llii!. 3lc-tli'-in'- lias li'.t .tiunl, ainl whi-n tnn mu. h alumt I or liu.Dinc- Iia Urn m-J, tine mi-.li.me .ll . nt il. an 1-n.n-i in. .SYI.UU1 aiifl r.-i.air tin- l.ilir" funrtionr.. ltKU.iKKMiLE m HE OF CO V.St VTO.V. Abraham Hunsicker, 8 mil from Shippac- illc, Ia., coiilracled a severe cold, Uich t tlcJ upon his Lung!!, attended wilh ioli-nt couhiug.great iMliculty ol Dreaming, anauw.c foraird in his lungs, and made iU ay through tUe side, and discharged large quantities of pus externally. This mournful state of lb ngs con tinued for a long time, until making use of Dr. Swayne's Compound Ssyrup ol IU uoerry, which performed a perfect cure. Have you Ihe Asthma, Liver Complaint, or Bronchitis 1 If so give this nudicine a truL It seldom tails to cure. VEUY IMPORTANT CAUTION. Be very careful to enquire fur L'K. SWAl'NE'S CO.MPOUMJ SVKl.'l OK WII.U CHK1IUV, as some unprincijil.d indi viduals have stoltii the name of Wild Clu rry, ihinkirg to horrow a reputation from that nlti-a-ily established. Ke.ueinbcr, the genuine is p. t in suuaie l.otllts, covered with a beautiful wrap. er, (steel engraving,) wilh the porliait of Die V Y.E thereon, also bis ciunaiuri-: all oth ers are positively fidiciumuml rmiuturfit." S a yiii's Celebrated VerisilJir;e. -A sale and elli-ctaal remedy for Worms, Dis-pe;-?i i. t:holera Morbus, si kly or Dispeptic t'biliiren, or Adults, and tho most uso lul Kaniily Medicine ever ollered to Ihe public Ejctrarl of a Letter to Dr. Swmne. Dated. Andcrsonlown. Indiana. A mn purchased a bottle of your Veriinliisc the other day for his child, and by it use dis charged silly iVee of ihe largest norms he hi d ev.r seen. It is somewhat difficult to get the people try il. as they hava been so olten gulled Iiy nauseous nn.l worthless worm medicines. Yours being .-.o very pleasant to l!ie taste, at ihe same time ellVctual, I shall be able In dispose o( a large uuatitity. lies pcrtfuily, yours. TowjisKsn T. !Siiir, P.M. BEWARE OK MISTAKES! Ilemeoiber, Ilr walle's Vermiluce is now put up in square bottles, (hiving recently been changed.) covered wilh a beaulilul steel engraving wrapper, with ihe portrait of Dr. Swayne thereon. Bear this in mind, and be not deceived. See ihst the name is spell correctly SWA V E. CLEANSE AND PI KIFV. Da. SWAVNE'S SIXiAR COATED 8AR I'AKIl.LA EXTRACT OF TAR PILLS. A mild and effective purgative, great purifier of the blood, they correct all the function of the Liver.and as an alterative in Dropsical affections, ihe are verv valuable. Giddiness of the head. dimness of sight depression of spirits, hesdache. Sc., are curwl by these purifying Pills. No mediciiiu can have a better efTcct for monthly ir regularities, which occa-ionally happen to wo men, ihev arc rerfeeily safe, andwillin conjunc- ti.-in wilh Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cher,, lake all pain Irom every part ol the system. The above valuable medicines are prepared on ly by Da. S WAYNE, N. W. corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia. Agents for l'nion taunt mu. '.. r . Rcn'iFrLE nn.l Tiiohxtox k lUktn. Isxriilmrii : i:.V.K.-.-.l. r K. ils.n.N.II.Tlin II. M.-nrh. .l!eri.ur: M.HH'S .S.-rllt- H.-IIT.TI..WI1 l:iis Jk S-binire. S'liiisL-ntv. Vioin-.-in.iii Jt Walta-r. Kry Vniley It. iiU-ii Krller. Navy lr.lnn.1 lt..r..r t S.imim.rtf. t r,-tnin 11. J. H..V.T, IVlitrvville I., a Taylor. Milttinhurv linith.Ms.-ier'i Valley Wilt & Kilrrt. Uai'tleum Saml llaui.Ujr. - 3 ..... . it.. rl.qan snu ny .-Moreaeepere generally ij.r BOARDING. rpHE subscriber avails himself ol the co.- umnsof the Chronicle in publishing to he citizen? ol Lcwisbura and vicinity Hirt' he has opened a BOARDINti HOUSE in thai large and comfortably arranged house, formrrly keni as a Temperance Hotel bv James Kelly, two doors east of the Franklin House. Market street. He is prepared to say that his Table shall have ihe het the Markets can afford, and the Lodging of boarders shall be as comfortable ns ran be Jeered. I S. STERNER. N. B. A team and carnage vill be kept to convey p-issengers to and from ihe 'acket Boats. Lewisburg, March 18, IH5I1 1WE subscribers offer the public, at their new Brick Foundry, the following new nd valutible Stoves : Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, wilh Brick Oven. Lady Washington Parlor Stove. Cast Iron ir-Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood sizes. Coal Burner for Parlors 1 size, 12 inch cl- inib-r. Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove 2 sizes. Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for Wood 2 sizes. Eg? Stove the very bet in use for Stores, Office, Barrooms, and Shoos. The celebrated I 'eiieee Air-Tight Cook Stove. The Complete Cook 2 sizes. Also, nil kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves I'kmolis CHstins. ice. cVc. CI1UIST & MTAUDl.W LewUburo, Dec. 12, 1810. Brandrcth's Pills are sold at 25 eta per box (with full dire-.tion) BY J. I1AYK3 Si CO., Lewisbur;;, nno hy only one Aj;enl in every town in the Union. I'hch Agent has a Certificnle of Agency. Kxamine the box o" pills always and compare it with the fac simile labels on Ihe Certificate of Agency. As there is a countcifcil of the new label out, this is of much importance, as there is decided difference between the appearance of the true labels and those of the counterfeit. The counterfeit is done on stone; ihe genuine are done on steel. The appearance of the printing on the counterfeit ia ragged and blurry ; the genuine label is the very pink of neatness, both in printing, paper, anil general execution. Be very careful and goto Ihe Agent,when you want Brandreth's Pills : then you are sore of Ihe genuine article. When yon purchase otherwise, inquire of the seller whether he knows Ihe pills he offers you are the genuine Brandreth's! Ev ery man knows whether the article he offers is true or false. Beware of cheat ! NOTES Promissory, Jjdgrr.ent. a id Joint Notes (blanks) at this offco BKAXCIl FARMER "Small Profll;. and jHlck Sales.' H. P. SHELLER, -vvToi r ri ,.sn.,.ifiil v inform his old Irienui W . , -- j . . ...i ....linn rnmmuiiitv in ceneral, that he has received a LARUE and CENERAL STOCK of zllcrcZiantuzc for Spring and Summer wants and usee embracing DUY GOODS, OHOClillinS, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARr!, II ATS AND CAPS FISH. SALT. IKON, fee Ac. 'Phase Coods we otter unusually low for Ca.h Country frotluce or an Binus to prompt and punctual paymasters as usual Call ani Sec! H. P. SHELLER. Lewisburg, May 7, 1850. TO PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS. & CO UXTR Y MERCJIAy TS. t-w i I K EE LEU & BIIO. most res j j.eclfully solicit attention to their fresh tock of Vaslnh, rrtnen, '", a....,: , Urn. Medicines, Paints, Che- mioiils. Oils, DyeMurts, Glassware, Perf'u- l'..t...t Mcili.-itus. arnisties, &C ' .l a n. i. eiore. No S'Jl. Market t . ..k . ...il .i,,,lu ol tresh Uiuz and Medicines. we respi-cttully solicit country dealers to exam ine our slock before puicba-ing elsewhere, prom Ling one and all who may feel disposed to ex tend to us their patronage, to sell them genuine Druirs and Medicines, on as liberal terms as any oiher house in the City .and to fuiihfu'.ly execu'e all orders entrusted to us promptly aim wnn .e vuaicii. . ..I it.. n..firiilnrK I,einir a rreular pnym- cian. alforus ample guarantee of the genuine qunlity of all arlitles sol.l at ineir esiauiisomi-.... vi-- ......,un invite druciiifts and country men hnnts, who may wish to become agents for Or Srtlrn Cklruled t amity Medicine. (staiular 1 a, id popular remedies.) to forward their iddrrss. Soliciiing t'oc patronage of dealers, we respect i v iti-i Pt?.t Run . Wholesale Druggists ly2Hl No. 294, Market tU l'nilad. TRY THE NEW FIRM! WYK0FF & H0USEL WOULD inform the public, that ihey hnn on Fourth street f f ll V. upw- lower story of S. W. W ylsofPs old stand, opposite Hunter Pardon's shop, where they keep on hand or mane to ururr Fancy and Common Chairs, Boston Rocking Chairs also Rurratis. Tables, Bedsteads, nfvariniia Kinrls.aS Rminv Arr. Ar. MsaswssMsV All wnrlt in nur line u-nrranted to be well made, and on the most reasonable terms. Hrnim; and Si?n PAINTING attended to by the subscribers oil ihe shor i ct n,iiri rini! in the best stvle. Country Produce and Lumber taken in payment and Cash not refused, but rather preferred. The subscribers intend to be strict in the fulfilment of all their promises as regards work and so doino, hope to receive a liberal share ol PPkorr. JOSEPH M. HO US EL. Lewisbur?. Nov. 1849 PUKE FKESll COD JLiver dPiM. 'PHIS new and valuable Medicine, now X used by the medical profession wilh such astonishing efficacy in the cure of Vulmnnury Cunnumjitioil. Scrofula. Chronic Ithenmatism, Coat, general Dehibty, Coioj:luintn of the Kidneyn, See. Sir... is prepared from the liver of the i OD-FISU for medicinal use, expressly for our sales. Extract from the London Medical Journal. C. J. B.Willixis, M. D- F.R.S., Professor ot Medicine in University College, London, consul ting physi. ian to the Hospital lor Consumption, Sec , says ; " I have prescribed the Oil in above four hundred cases of tubeiculous disease of the Lungs, in different stages,which have been under my care the last two years and a half. In Ihe large number of cases, 206 out ol 234. its use was followed by marked, unequivocal improvement, varying in degree in different cases, from a tem porary retardation of the progress of Ihe disease ind a mitination of distressing symptoms, up to a more or less complete restoration to apparent health. "The effect of the Cod Liver Oil in most of these cases was very remarkable. Even in a few days the cough was mitigated, the expectoration diminished in quantity and opacity, the nieht sweats ceased, the pulse became alower, and of better volume, and the appetite, flesh and strength were gradually improved. ' in conclusion I repeat that the pure fresh Oil from the Liver of the Cod is more beneficial in the treatment nf Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medicinal, dietetic or regimenal, that has yet been employed." As we have made arrangements to pro cure the Cod Liver Oil fresh from head nu-vr'ers, it can now be had chemically our ! ti the-Mn"!e bottle or in boxes of n I .- n each. lU v..riili-rful efficney bas Induced num- r "- ) -ttiious imiiatiops. As its success il"pr , cs entirely on its purity, too much care rn not be used in procuring it genu ine. Every bottle having on it our written signature, may be depended on as genuine. Pamphlets containing an analysis of the Oil, with notices of it Irom tho Medical Journals, will be sent to those who address us free nf postage. JOHN C. BAKER $ CO., Wholesale Druggists and Chemists, ly288 100 North Third St. Philadelphia ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, NEATLY fc EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED AT THE " CHRONICLE " OFFICE rpHE undersigned continues Ihe Lt'L' I HY BUSLYESS at the Old Stand, mi Norlh Ihird St.. near -M:iikct, and respectfully solicits the paironajje ol In frieuds and the public erti rally. CIIAULI-.S I. lll-.sa. Lewisburg, May 22, 1850 mo Messrs. Kidd Si Co. Diuggists.corner J of Wood and Fourth streets, Pittsbtirg, helun-'s the honor of inducing the inventor of i his irreat remedy to offer it to the public Thi. he has done through Ihem. Il haa bien intrndon-d into all sections of Ibe I uion, ana n mlrte ssli-faction. Where il ha t-en tried it has been pronounced Ihe hes remedy lor oormsever invented, r amines sbuuio never be without a supply. We add Ibe following from hundreds of similar testimonials I Howard, tsteuhen Co, Ky, Sept 6. 1817 J Kidd & Co I We bad lot of your Vermifuge snd can recommend it as one of ihe best medicines for worms we have ever had. DriM'Lane a Ver mifuge never bas failed to produce the desired effect. At-Ltr 1.0. -Alroend, Allegheny Co, Pa, Sept 1, 181 J Kidd Sc Co: We received a quantity of .f- Lane's Vermifuge by your agent, which we have sold to our customers, and in every ease it has had unparalleled success, and has never failed. We can cheerfully recommend it as the best Worm medicine that we have ever known, w e mignt mention any number of cases, where it has bad wonderful success, if it waa necessary Ku t.i & RuHianso'v Iihara. N V, April 15, 1847 Messrs Kidd & Co, t'entlenien : Our stock ol M'Lane's Worm Specific is exhausted, as is also that if all the merchants in this county. There is quite a call for it. Oblige us by sending a package as soon as possible. If it would be agreeable to you we would act as your general agents for this county. Please let ua near irom you soon. tjl HriLEH &. Co." The alove are among thousands of certificates and orders constantly pouring in upon us from every quarter. Such are its best evidence. AUENTS C W Srnrri, Lewisburg; J H Cat low and J II Kastr. Milton ; I (Serhart. S5c liusgrove; J W Friling, Sunbury ; Mra M'Cay, Noithumberland, M C Grier. J Moore, Danville A' NKWB UGGEY for sale, cheap. For further paiticulars, enquire at this ollice. Lewisburg. Iov. 1819 LEVISBUR6fOUIlDRY flMIE subscribers, thankTul for past patrc J nage.would inform the public that they continue to manufacture all kinds of MILL GE.1RLYG. r.!,1 W, lor W .I of ,be ",0 PP''J " pattern. Thr es ting Machines. One and Two Horse Ploughs. Wc invite particular attention to a new article Wiarii'i fatrnt GANG TLOCGHS, lor Ktiling in train. Farmers by this plough can seed in as much grain, in one day, as in three days with common ploughs and Fitting t be s; me. HOLLOW WARE Kettles and !ts of various sizes Smooth in Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles to suit cooking stoves. COOKING STOVES, the most approved patterns now in use, fn wood or coal. Fancy, Parlor, Wood, Coal Stoves a T rt rr l s . I T r C 'V I I' . V Race'. Seir-reeul.ilins Alr-tlgli I'arlor Wood Stoves, (a new article.) Threshing Machines and other article of machinery repaired in the best manne and on the shortest notice. Castings war ranted to be of the best material, and a prices that can not fail to please. GKDDliS cV MARSH Lewisburg, March 25, 1848 Iy209 rino$! Pianos. u ' . t : i. . ' Ssm THE undersigned continues to furnish lo order on Ihe most reasonable terms. Pianos, from the manufactory of Conrad Meyer, Philsd hose instruments are too well known lo need any pan rgyric, having uniformly received Ibe commend alions of the most eminent professors and compo sers of Music, and the award of Ihe premiums in New York, Philadelphia and Boston. For qualities of tone, touch, and keeping in lone up lo concert pitch, they can not be surpassed by either Amer lean or European Pianos. Instructions given on ihe Piano, as heretofore. Iteference may be made to any of Ihose parents or guardians who have pupils committed to his charge. He y be seen at his residence at .virs Maize a. Market rireet, kewisburg, wnere lerros and particulars will be made known. The most popular and favorite Airs and Music nfitiffprent kinrts received as it is issued from the ditTcrent musical establishments in Ihe Cities. MavIS CHARLES KALItSCH The New Foundry IS now carried on as ustral, at the upper end of Market street, where every des cription of C A S T I N G S kept on hand or made lo order such as The Complete, or Complete Improved Cookins Stoves, for either Coal or Wood and all other kinds of STOVES. also PLOUGHS of differ- ent kinds Corn Ploughs, Bull Ploughs, and the Self-Shairoriiig Plough, a new article, and which can not be beat in Pennsylvania. Call and see aad judge for yourselves. CHRIST & M'FADDIN. Lewisburg. Sept. 22, 1849 GOAL Of all KINDS1 JOR sale by Rcnrn & iddixgs. Ltvyisburg, luae 1949 n v cr't a pourv! rf in f n -j 3 9r ft: T 8 D H IR. FITCI1VS L...-!;irt-s on ;:.c Pt . j lion and Curu tV-tft'ro .'a'O. This popular work for sa!- in l.r.-w isi.t by S. P. Lyndall J- l!ou-!.:or ibis office. ' Price, 75 cents. TRICKS OK "" . l.rr Evwivsodv Hsah this i;nr Tlw . , jr-psntu l-r Ml" in t' rtilS-rei.'. li 1; &7s'Jl'..rrUir.lia: I. i. Overused a. ! l.ttM il iKSi:lNB.illl m. -IUi. ti.vBseilia.SfT and rr : but wm l.rnis-rlv a wrtwn ri!rnl-. r.v IX. snd lile-JM .-vumc. the li el l""r mr i; e r7s- l nmua rrrrtil fnr vrhai he isik "arj"'"' L. .iltwlr.1 iwo mr,llcJl acnn.il. awl rraclKe.1 an fln ver ' '" 'r'eh w, h nver prmmrt nsHlieiw a rU, m hr ll(e ! S.Kh V(ul, trokttt n.lr-w"11'11"? look to l)l rlura-n-riMl vrrwrily of Ihe man. I Wl-I ni.- t ailicer-ly. hr tia.1 nrvier nmU- thiw tateinrllW ! llll aeif ..( . ine W li'-n will inrn team w M h." ami irv k fill HI a't their 'leaon-s ant Hfm.n men i He auttwl " "" I'1"' flail' " " ni fjciurn.r hu tnixinre. stMltie ihe Ur-e oi.ia rw w .i-' make as an iis.uceiii'-iil l emtjarh mi ilie lupine.. 1 men have Iwen irsnlilne aiel lila-llinir me in all rsKi. .. forms, in order ! imiiresa the public wlih Hie rfcti'-l 0. t Ihe Old Ooetors Sir-anlla wt n. l tie .Bm. riyi, .k HarmxirUla. ma.te mini ihe IHd Uxlur t Original i. -me. ttn.S. P. T..wn."il ay I Uave l.l the use ol name n-7 a week I will five lorn ll h lll fr. due one amle w.iiurv pro .! oi lhn. Hia aialemeni, o Thoinri. SkiltiiMii fa., are nohiiie but a tia.i o. (alsetKXMla. amil tv maJe I" ileceivo tile .tttIIC ami k -, Uw irulh itown in' resjr.1 Ui ,umrn.-.erm'Mi . pcnml. This is m r-jtHmn the public ! ntrch n.sie b.t OW lr J tH Tuwnaeial'a Stmiunlta. hani on J Old Ihs-ior'a hkeneas, bis familf Cual of Arm; anf i.a snatareaerm-thel-nat .il Arrns. Old Dr. Jacob Townseml, vnc Aou ivtl msrovRREIt F TIIK Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. hT?rVvC ORIttlSAL -7'OlV.V.vff.Vi IS VrJ .ml the? eiiTumeril.l . iho-e h tiJiZ of man-, nerrnheem, Pr lul eUltiM;(l IU wutvif. IIEATaINC; POWKU. Thm GRAND AM rKttl AlJ.K! PICKPAK K manilUcturv-itmi ihe Urtffl sralr,ml is Gtri 1-r iiT"tn:. out the lu:h nl bmnlth t ilie larl. e-wfci y it s found itirable f d-fir.tiin r V(e.sl!nl. Unlike ynng S I. TPriif?, it iininn- 4od ncrer rtitsr hut fr (he beiirr : brcaiie i- f o-f on arimtiHr prinrijtlru a arntiti man. Tie huk krvowlnUV t rheminry.'aml Uw latrrt diflrovrnrs M :r.t rt, have H brn bnthi imo rimiMm in 'hr mxi.n'.H-lur-ot ihM1 lr' SwrKtpunUa. The ftrraniu r. M v well k ixwn m nelirl mrti, ematain nan inlie-irW prrvfn'-", ami me pfrrTe which n -n B-r-irr nd hrr. whKh H n-'itinrd in -.rt-iwnur ti tor . i r Anrrrrmmlnt'rm w mnti, wtrh w ii'T-ni..T :r-rw lein. Swne ihe .ri.riiMi H rir. a -9 thai ihef rntirrlv eriil-Tile are l't :;, lh- r(sini. if the are ihm irrrri by a seiH'fir kn-n-It i ihsa-e mrfitml in it nwiimViii. Mnnr f, ihc9 Titft prtnripl, wbieh Hy in T..j-tr. -r -n - ttalaifm, uii-kr heat, mrr ery mritrn j erf lite m.t. whirh !rfw fl all IH xinr- Amt erwi ran h.-i r iew ihe r nil sefa-tai rii-d lhtt.. whirl i ii in m ilie ..t"nf- tim-'T t r rlaa n.ai than ir-mi aitrrlmie else : lhe ran thr n "tr--. It 11 Pi 4 or ai'il H.im.f. xwef-Tvn wifh -r ml-, then call K -SAKAI'ARII.LA KXTRAIT V KIP Rut "iv-h n ihi tti- artieie known a the GENl'lNKOLD UK JAl'OBTOWSK.DS SARSAPAKIjULA. Tliw i nf pniarevJ tha: all the inert pr.(cme' f th AiMfKiriiia rttwt are tint rrmel. ewerj Mu becumittr acid r terTneiitatioo w e:ratrd an-1 trtft, : then every par ic'e ol me-lifal ire u wnreti in a ' and cunrent raie ) hnn; and thin it t rcn-lemi mrai-ar of krinfi ant of its raluaMe arxl heailn pnpenie. n pared in thii vav. it in.ie the m-t p.wrtui ann m Cure of innHmrrablc OlaeaMt Her.?e the rt aii why we henr oinnf f tile in it ':tvir by women, aixl chi.drru. W e it ' V . s I '.VP 77' V, IP V-vP E PN7 I . an.! I LA. I'lLE. l OSTIVESESX. aM VI ' 1 I . & ttlW KRCPTIOX.W PIMPLE HLOItlfE aitdail vrrrriorw an-in4 Irtun IMItTIUTY OF THE BLOOD. It rHwevr-r a m.Trv?!t.ii effieary m afl fir""' ins (P-ni imlicrxtwn. fr ::n Aridity of thr uneiial ririii.i:i"T. .irtnnin.!i n ' ..-!; palpiwthm ul ihr lic-irt. ei t tt-et in ' firt tlai-hei liver the lnly. It h i" ii"t . '' - i 4'uttfh ; and prmr.tes ra- y tx;tr,..r. - Rpnai-n, relaam? MrKtitreii uf the !u: . i - 'i ' ' other t L Hut in nntlifoe In t'a cTrtlirnee rnre mar:: . ackituwIvMlsed th-tn in ail km-U an I ni" FEMALE COMPLAINTS. h wmfes womlepa in cjw l for A nr II . Falling uf the Horn, ftrurterl,$uj)frwU,iM Pivn'u Mmarlrrrfuhirty "f the niennrttnl peri-xK an l li i!c.; an-t ! eifertual in cunns alt the iv.ni i A-y .w . Mw rrnvivnif ulwlITJCI Kn. antl reEUt.imis ui' imtem. it sivrs n-ne and -fuengib to the wh!i thK, jojJ thus cure all lorn ot Kcrvoa DiwaMf De-billfT. anvlthiw prevents T relieves a ereat variety "I - r !' ilint.as Spimti irritnrinm X'tire'eia, St. I if-. Ihnr Sirorminr Epttftic Fit, VonruUioH. 4;e. h rVa f he exntes the luer tu heallSr arnn, f.Lii ti : ..ach. aiMl eivea nmi diKesti.. relir..- ti b--w.cN ' n l,.Miur(ain. aUavs mrtiimin;i:i', f r,tt . i.t j.. .-.ut, ...en the rirculaiwa ol ihe Wnnd.i r" - i ft..- .ta i eapwliy all ver the Lw.1?, auJ ' inrni.Ii!r ;en'piririon : relate strtrtnre and tiTifrewa. r moTfn H ihsr rite inn., and inTrrritraic the enure nrf" vteni. I" not ihin then Th Mrdlrln yon prr-rmlnmf ly neru But can anv H these thinss he aii ni S. P. T-vwi'-"' interior article ? Thn vmns min li.iniJ h n- t- COMPARED WITH THE OLD Pk S. beraue of one UK ANf FACT, ihat the ooc m I.Nt Ap v RLE ol DETEKH R ATM V and i EVER SPOIIA while the other PKS murine, frrmmtine. .iwl Ve the botttr rontaimn it inti fra-rmenr" : th- "r. anJ liquid exploiliiitr.itnil (In ma -j in other Vtr-t r'h sjorrible cfipoiiiid be 'Hi-it to ihe nr--tTi - 'kt'' put acitl into a mjalrm n'rrntly fV'.rjerf with ar;t t W h 'I causes Dyiuwpi'a but aid 1 ! we mrf ail k.-w fiand suiiiain oitr Alomar h.-. what mo-ehifl il pm.!!- flatnlenre. h-jrtbitrn. pliitattn o thr hrart. liver -"" tilaiut. tli.irrh'e.i. tJy-tenfrry. rotic. ,-in.t r.-Tr""" ilnnd T 'h.tt w Snliila but an an.l nini.r in the 1' What prodtiren alt 'he hnmr wbih hnn? on Frnrtl'"',r Ihe Skin, Said IWa.I. Sill Rheum. Kryiir-ld. Wh.9 Swell ins. Fever S-rr. and M wfer:iri..ii-.iiiTTnar -in.1 "' tenul t It is norhiii nilr Iteaven hrrt an rnl nhAtanrf. winch sonrrt. amt lhi iUaM ih- tlurl ot ibe ho.lv. raorf or irm. What ranes KlM-'imatKm hnl a rTT ami n lliilft whirh ia-Httiaie irrll lietween the jtiiin.. and ' where, irnratitif and inriumin? the iViic.i'e tnf ur"fi which it arts! S of neriitM !i-e;ies. ot iirpurii r :r-e hlixad. of deranged rirrtil.ithai, ami nearlv all the iii!nrn' wfnrh arflift hiiiii.li. nature. N.w I. it mu horrible in nutka and wll. and hitm:? fw to ne thi SiI KINU, FEKMETINO. ATIT -COMPOrNI" Or S. P. TOWNSKXD. and yet be wonTd iin have it un lt-rttood that Old Pr Jr h T'iwiwnit' iinnint th isimtt SitrtiHititfa,Xf an ITATH ol hi interior prvrir.irion f lieaven lorbid that hould deal in an article vr-McS would hear the rmwt di:itnt reembldiire to S. P. T'-a irnd's article! We wi-h it uniIt'tNtnn.1. hecniMe il i ttte nAWw" t Ihat S. P Towifcemr artirle arwt old Jarr.T-w--'"' SampariMa are henvn-wite avart. antl im . ' Har; that they are uriike in every partiru'iar. ha win? tl one mn-le thin; in commt'n. A S. P. T wn-end b n doetor. atl never wa. i ahemi. nophrmaremii Hiiowk n more of me-heme dlwane tl.an any tnher cmrmn. uneietititie. llnprltrw' man, what tryrnrnt'e ran tle ptiLiie h?ve th.ii they 'ire eeiBi; a genuine eiriiifie me.lieine.ronijnine tbe(r we of ihe articles u-rd in prrpartu? it. ami whirh ar capable of rhn2ej whirh it'ihi ren-ler ihem the AiJlAT f rh(eae tlHtead ol henfih 7 But what eke nhoit'd be rpecrI fr-m one -xhn fcn - nothins comparatively ot toedinne or di.-eac ? It requir a pernot Kotne enjierietire to rk am! ierve npevn Comrnosj decent meal. How mitrh more nnfMinaitl i thit ihe nerwoii- who mann'arrnre ine-!iene tfrieneil t.-r WKk STOMArilS AM i:FRKHI Kl STKMX shottfH know well the medical fimpenies m plant Mm N- mitnftr of aeeunns ami rovteentraiing their hex line virtu. aluo an extensive knowledge of ihe varmD dieae whtetr atfer. the hammi i-ystem, and hww to adapt reniedii-J thew dleae ! h is to arrest fraihla niton the nnfrmunnte. to intu woumled hmmnitv. to ktmtTe rVne in the tV-"!""" kvanrn t.k vaaa..a. 1.1.1. rwl Uraam aisbl ar.nanr nit" crwhed and hrkefi. and to hanth intirmitv tht Ol I P JACOBTOWNSKND haa StMJGIi r aud FlHM'h"P portuftity arm means to brtn hta . . Or CsilwvrMl Cotncetvrmtel wnhin th reaeh. and to ihe kmwled-c ol all who oeea i t Ifaey mav learn and know, bv jwyr.il exrnencs. TrtsTiscaaslWi Pawcr ia Heal AffRNTS (or the above Medicine C " Schaflle, Lewisburg ; John II Rascr. ' ton ; Forsylh k Priestly, Northunib'Iavi OSE Wozgey and Sett of Uarnc&s, One Two Horse Wagon, One Truck. Wagon. Pot sale by HP Shcllc:. 'An ounce of Preverri ,