Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, September 18, 1850, Image 3

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B WST Eis? A L-5s
. . : ' .'..
;(( i ::
'' .i
Acri rd;n; to the census w hich has just
heeu token. Mldilletown hiiJ Portsiiioulh
conl-tin a population of I6'27, of which
mitr.ber IGti arc cowed. Middlctowu,
KmliOriUm. ' '
' ,u "??:. V? '.V.1
n -
ul'irr Jenny Und.
"Dionity of the I re euoorin. "-,
fW.ifa circus cl.iv.li and cfiiobacli."
. . , -i c
not Koorbtick "the Astrologer.''
The Jackson Di-nmcrnl, heretofore pub--fcsVd
in Bedford, will hereafter be issued;
ul MiCnnnolsbuig, the seat of Justice of
he new county t Fulton, and its title
ch ifi"i d lo th.it ol Tim Fulton Democrat.
The people of Virulnirt have nt length
re.iU.-d the fuel that that State is falling
behind her siter States in the race of pro
gress, and in view of the approaching cun
M tnion to reform the Slate Constitution
a.-e already discussing v.trious measures
clculntcd to retrieve in wiiiieimastire uhat
ihev have lost, at d restore the Old D.imin
in to something like her former position in
the sisterhood of States.
The lay of the Swedish Xii-lilingflle,
(uys a coleinpnrary) is golden eggs.
Speaking without thinking is like shoot
iii; uiihoul tukieg a;m.
The interest of an old deht is often paid
i'i Ud l.ii;giiage.
Law is like a fi.'ve ; you may ee thro' i
,! wi. n.u,t i.e con.-ideraiiiv reduced
Ufure you can get through it.
Some of the New Jersey papers recom
mend tbe next Legislature of that Stae, lo
rasa a law prohibiting the. circulaiton o!
Pennsylvania relief notes.
Messrs. Munsell, White & Son, of New
Orlesns, who have been Jen. Tay.oi's
N.pen! for twenty years, assert that he
l-aves in hank Mock nnd other property,
the sum of ?200,00 that he never gav.
m no e in his his life and died without ov-l
i:ig a do l.i r.
A mast cilressinc catasirophe occurred
sil the 13 h u!t. in Liinfie!d. Mass. A pic-j
n c party going on board a ;arge flal-boi-,
toaied row boat fur an excursion on a lake, I
were capsized und fourteen of the number !
drowned. I
Don. Henry M. SihVy has been re elec
tid dclegnte to Congress from Minnesota
Territory by a large majority.
The Washington Republic announces the
return of John O. Satu-nt. one ol i' foun-
rler. to the editorial department. Mr.IIall, 1
tumor avs, is to have a loretgn appoint- 1
The stenmf-r Crgia
fro-n II ivana, brought
her late til;
ii thai! 1 .
1 16,000 scgars.
Washington, Sept. VI The Si na'e to
Juy confirmed the appointment of A. II.II.
S.uart, as Sirretnry oi the hrerior.
Capt. Davis, of Missouri, now in the
iJeneral Land OiTi-.-e, has received the ap- i
iintmeut ol l.hiel Llerk in the Mar Ie- I
p'l rtnietit.
Cincinnati, Sent. II. We learn that j
luring a fire at Independence, tin the d ,
inl.. fti'leeii kens oi' now Jer exiiloded, kil-1
lins; A. H. Kean, and damaging a number
of buildings, including the new sclio.d house
and the Presbyterian church.
At Nw Bedford, Mrs. Arnold has yiven
44 finn Muflnl : t, ioitnbitn.il nf n Sn:lors'
I-aac H.V. a Towanda Indian, in a foot -
r-.-.- at Hart and. New ork, ran ten miles
111 fi;)-tight minu'es and thirty to sec
Father Matthew was received and enter
tained by the city au-hurties at Nashville,
vn his arrival there.
We understand that Mr. Grant gave an
nhibition of the Calcium light at U'a,hing
tnu, on Monday night a-week. The com
mittee on Commerce, of tl e Senate, have
:a contemplation a proposition to test this
lght in a lihf-hifise. If it should be thus
s'lcccgsfuHy tried, it wilfbc one ol the most
useful invent 011s, in a maratime point of
v:ew, which has been jjiven to the country
.oce the lime of Fulton. Phila. News.
The Savannah river rose 21 fed above
luw water mark on the 26:h ult., doing
mnch d linage to ihe crops about Augusta.
On the next day it fili six feet.
Bickneli's P.epoter.descrilies a new coun
terfeit of the notes of the Bank of Middle
town Pa., denomination S-j, letter B. The
engraving is Rood, and bears a close re
mhlanre to the genuine. In the conn
etfeit, the period after demand. and the
comma after " Dinforth, are omitted.
The vote for the admis-sion of California
comprised 91 Whigs. -VJ Oem'rcrats 15tl
against, 10 Whigs, 40 Democrats 50.
U'e notice a prosecution and conviction
111 H icks county for a violation of the small
uote law.
There's a volume in the flag borne ahdt
by a lad at a temperance celebration
"AlTs right when daddy t sober l
The Ets'.on Argus is and the people of
Northampton county are said to be strong
against the Elective Judiciary.
At Goshen, N. Y- on the 6 h inst., the
se of Roberts vg Davis, was disposed of,
by a verdict for the complainant of 2,250.
Wasliington.Sept. 10 Information has
been received here by telegraph from
Charleston, stating that the people in thai
city are furious at the passage of the Ter
ritorial hills.
Fpon receipt of t'.ie news, a public de
monstratinn was got un, and the Flag of
Iht Virion wat trodden under foot.
Meetings have been called in a number
f districts of South Carolina, to take action
upon the present state of affairs.
CI. Scely, of the "Jersey Shore Repub
lican," wishes to sell or lake in a partnrr.
The Hon. John A. Gamble, has had an
other attack of the Dysentery, more severe
t believe than any of his previous attacks
but he is recovering and soon will be able
to be about. .
ibis line is lvft out for want tf room.
The California Ca-aiors.
The twi U. S. S !. Mr :rum Cm! min
uav'n! t.aiit-ii their seats in the U. ii. -: r.- j
u'e cu MmiU.r. , nnd lots bun;; resorted :o, j
. .. .1 i
as ut-u&l in f-ucii cusk, 10 um-rrinin; ii-m
re)f!ivp terms, Mr. Gvuntt drew the long
nnd Mr. Fremont thy !.: term. The
..f ihn I,,.... m.n-i.i.i'i -.!''. rvnirrs fin
the 4:b of March next, mid .hut oi the for-
n-er on thr. 4 h oi March, 18"i.
tyMr. Fremont will douhiI.su I re-elected
forsix immediately, and thus in the long
, :,. .. ui ;
run drawing the short teini will he his gain.
Corrtctal thin Duy.
Wheal P500
Rye f'O
Corn CO
Oils 3"
Flaxseed U
Dried Apples
Butter 124
Kg 6
Tallow 10
Lard ?
Ham 12 Bacon 8
LAUD, CHEKSE, Constantly ou hand and
SIIAD.CODFISHJ for sale by
IIERBIXdS, Market Street "Wharf,
FOHK, . I'lnhul.lpliHt.
HAMS, SIDES, : -jnioSi i
" ,,p.n
If Oil SL and Small IAUM
aT -.
tp- z 5 t
2 ---"!
(S t
c- z
-I " -
n a- -5
S c en J
T -
T s -a
! C
S3 x
s ; r s i
" a" V. . 2
- r
s ?
LewUhtirg. Sept. 18. I80O.
Miners' Journal." 3t, charge
L. Ch."
For Sale Cheap.
4 FULL Lot on North Fourth Street.
on which is a two storey
j.' rirne House, 10 by 3) feet, jjjijf
n,lfj Cellar under it a liii
i Krnnie Stable, lfi by 20 an nut
' Kitchen, and other out buildings now oc
' envied bv Davio Siiamp. Inquire of
ItAVU) REBKU, Agent.
Lewifharg. Si f t. 18, l"y0.
Important Notice !
r IHE uublic are hereby iufor.ned that 1
, (IC ( xcld-ive pmprietor of the i
Cooking Stove known ns "W tote s l'atent
lor 'The Whi'e Stove,' by virtue of valid
letters patent granted to me by the proper
auihori'trs nt Washington; and I nereny
caution all persons not to manufacture or
; sell the same without authority from me. as j
I ..hall promptly ei k legal redress for
in cry infringement of my rights under said j
letters patent, ihe public are also can-.
tinned that all stoves manufactured by me
or mv grantees or anents
are marKen
("Jnmes White, Patented June 10, 1811,"
, Bi(h hp B1iji,ina niark .-He-issue. Aug.
' ,ft5ft ... .,,(e.
MJtnn, SepMl.1850 3m
I North Third Street, with a suitable
rOiit-l(ilchi n, ami a choice lot
-i-Heunj Fruit Trees. For terms.--enquire
of S. Ammon. or of the subscriber
at Pittstnn. JERK- DONACHV.
Lewishurg, Sept 0, lSSO 3w
HousF. and Lot.
rPHE subscriber offers for sale his Ilonse
and Lot on North Fourth si reel. above
the Brick Row. The
L it is a 1 acre, nnd has
the usunl out-buildings
a Stable, Well of good
water, and much ood Fruit. Enquire of
S. Ammon as to Terms.
Lewishurg, Sept C, 1859
For Sale,
rpiVO full l.OlS in the Borough of
X Lewishurg, situated on Third street,
opposite widow Brown's, separately or
sinnlv. For particulars, enquire of
i N Indented Apprentice, named Samuel
IL Xtff "Sp(1 uuoul 7 ','ars!' l,''.t mV
service on or about the 9 h inst., without
just raus. This is therefore n warn the
public against harboring said Apprentice
or trusiinf' him on my account, as 1 will
pay no debts or liability of his contracting.
I-wisburr;, Sept. 9, 1850 pd
LARGE lot of 8tone Pickling and Prese
J 4E8 hint received and for sale br
Sept 1 . HATES & CO.
PashionaWe Tailor,
In the Brick building, Wcr
Market street, one door above
J. Neshil' new Brick ilouae.
C'L'rriNG and MAK1NU
done lo order.
JLirfla&a. Lewisburg, May 29, 1850.
IRESH TEAS. Another lot of
' superior Black nnd Green TeastV
just re;-d from the Canton Tea Corn i t
pany, and for sale at New York retail
prices by J. HAYES As CO.
I twisbury. April 1. Ajpente.
mi. l,
iust., ci inn.tiicing i t ' ' ''.
Urge qu.in: IV ol s' rvi. coV 21..-U
M.. .
Kildun FLR.YH LlU. ..-u-lji-aciiig
asoitn,ent cl Beds and Ikd ', M..:lr-s.
es, Caipelinx, Oil Cloths, Matting, Chair.
Tables, also Stoves, ti ltockanav
Carriage and Darn.-ss, a tii.-ih, ti LidnV
Saddle, a Oentletnan' Saddle, Nay in the
StnSh1, c. fcc. .
A variety of Pahi.or FrnNtTfRt: at Pri
vate Sale a'l'ter the I5 h int nnd also a
Waidrobe, Bureau, .lie.
Also for Sale,
The large Brick IIOI'SK, S-ab'u are! Lot.
corner ol Market and WaK-r snei-u, b-W
ging to Mr-.D. Be'er to (..F.M.ih-r.lv).
Terms made known on the day 1 f sal.'.
Iewisburg, Sept. 3, 1850
AIJILL be exposed to Fubiw Sale, on
Viiwreny, the 21st ol Soj ti mber
nexi, in East Biiffiloe Tow nsb'ip. Union
county, l'.i , the following .real estate, to
wit :
Thirty Acres of Land.
M. ire or less, with a Frame llottse and
M,iL :irn. ami all nen-ssarv otlt-buiUl
incs. '1 here H a well of never filling
limestone a'er near the door. A line
Apple Orchard, and a large number of
other fiuil trees on the premises. The
farm is situated about one tilth hchw Lttr
ixbvrg, on the road trading to Si husgrovc,
on the right bank of the W'tsi Branch of
the Siisniiehnnna river. The hind is nil
chared and in n goo.) state of cultivation.
It will he sold ns the property of the heirs
ol Jacob S'robecker. dee'd-
N. B. Any person wishing t.i ?ce the
farm before the dav of sale, can call upon
the present occupant, Mrs. Sirohecker.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, when
conditions will Le made known
Augnst 11, 18.r)0.
xivo nit: it . ' vxTinr nn.MiEi: 1
J ITCE a great Dyspepsia Currr .'
Preparid from Rennet, or the fourth stomach of
..' -r. .. : : !. . I.,r.n lh I
,.,e .., -or iin.,r - j
great physiological chem.s by J S. Ilia nrr,,,
U D., No. It N. 8th St PinUdcl.h.v P.. j
4 1 UI IA wonderful remedy for Iiirftgettimi. !
jlV. Uyprp"i(i, Jaundice, hirer Complaint. I
t'ilhtitatiim and Ihbility. curing after Naiure's ;
own process, by .Nature's own agent. the Citric ,
Juice. QCj Iislf a teaspoonfu of this (lu.d infused ,
n water, can dig-st or dissolve Fee I ound. of ,
rosst beef in about two hours, out of the stomach.
I)igflOII is chitfly performed ill the atom- ,
aih l.v the aid i f a fluid which fnfly exudes Iroin i
nin ij me u 11 1 a nuiu -nivo . j ,
Ihe uincr coat of that orgin, when in a Mate 01 ,
heal h, called the gastric juice. '1 his fluid is the
great totrrnt of the fund the purifying, preser
ving and timulating aaent of the stomach and
interline. Without it there can he no dicestion,
no conversion of food into blood, no nu'riiion
but raiher a foul, loipid, painful and destructive
condition of the whole iig stive apparatus
I'liln i" the chief element or great digest- j
illl! Iirilililde ol the gastric juice. It is found in onnn-nd ilelf. It heiiM,in twt.tie inevery Eunlly. o
grew abundance in the sohd pa-ts ot ,he human " soeh .le r merit,
stomach alter death, and sometimes causes the F.om the Br Urn i c-edllo,,a Dec 2,1-
" ,. . ' . ,, . , c ... 1 Ir. Ilmfland s C. li t.nit.sl l.-rmn Bittern, t the eurc
stomach lo digest or eat itelf up. It is also tounil of Um (v,m,,iain,. .i;l,iire. Ins.,i. an.l I'lin.nir ,.r
in the stomach of animals, as the 01, cil:, &c. It Nrrvntm li.-l ilitv. i de-rveillv .me of tlie nioft .roilar
is Ibe material used by farmers in making cheese ! ni.-.li.in ..f th.-dnv. 1W Ihiten. have u-en iiM
, , 1 .1- - I'll 1 ! thou-mi'l". nnI a tnt'ntl t our rllnw lit nan hnnir
Btyl.J ICCIIIK't. the eilvct of whicli has long n.iTM fpini (,f u)t nnMly n . H.t tu;tl. im!-
hf n )ht sucriil won liT of ihe Jairv. CurJlin7 i
of niiik U the first vtoce of diceiion. A call
stomach c m curdle nearly one thousand times its
own weight of milk. l):iron Lieitig etotes, "one
part of Pepsin dit;olvid in sixty thousand parts
of water, digests meal ant! other food." Diseased
tom.irhd pro.Iure no good CJasiric Juice, Rennet
or IVj--in. To show thit this want may be per-ft-clly
supjilied, we quote the subjoined
Baron MKIUtt, hi Iii rIi hratI work on Animal CJio
ltiitrv. fhv;!s: MAn nrtitirtjtJ tiirntive tlirtl. anala-tiw tn
tIi-s:uitr:oJiiiiT.ntii lm- n-udily j n-jiarfiifnini ill
m. ml.r.im- f the et.au-h nf tb. r;..l in Web viy-iuiM ; .
arti-l-a of roil. as lii-.ir and epirtt. will Is- M.flemd n-d j " - 1
d -2,-Fteil in the fniu iieinm r ns in Ihi- hininoi i-K-mai h." j Judge M.M.No ill, a g ntlcinan cf gieat sclell
lr. HKIlF.lllA.in h lmi"ii tr.-ati-e mi Ku-.l awl I'i' t. , , i,frarv miuinniei.ts said In bis-Mcw Voik
piiMi-h- d hj Kowl. Tsi W. lls. N. w Vork. i wre:. SUH.-S . - .q-..
the sum-en-nt fi. t. and d. i-ril--. th-in-ll...! of ,.n -un.- ! V. eekl.V Miwneer. J ill fi. 1 Sta
tion. Ite-n-are f--w hiirlier nulli"rili-s th in llr. I''r'ri:u j lie. IttAtitinift tirrmnn frttUra. Hire is a nreT-flratinn
lie. filMIIK. in lii' valuable writin.- on Ih-l'tiyiolo-y ) ,ir, tlie'len-tmi: pn-wa tin- I'ninii SMK-ar unaniinouii
of hiii'-Uon. iilsern-s that -a Uiuunuiioii nf the ituc I in ri-i-inne li't'oic. and tl:- reason i r.t.vioiw. It is made
..r ,1... ii-.;,-... .I.n.-e iM n i.n.tn-iii.Til am, eli-nre- 1 ..ft. r i,r..w-ro-:i..n lornifliid I.y one nf ttn-lllitft ci-h-t.nitf-d
vailine eims nf IM "p-l'-ia." and In- ptHtes Iti-i "a-listin- I
eiiih-d pnilWvorul in.dnn- in loidou.vihnviassiver.ly
aJHiet-il wilh this roniplniut, tin.lin eV.-rytliing elw lo
fail, had rerr.lirse to 111.- lin.-tnr .Ituiv. olttanifd Irom rue 1
Pl..in. h of livin-anim.il.wliieh eomnli n-lv snreissleit.''
lir.liKAIiAM.aoluorof iii. lam-.u- sork-on Vesi-uhle I
t.: ... l ..i.i.. .-..- ..i..-ui..'....v tl.!.
ilie"il. mih nf animals, toaeeraied in nt't. iioi-nrt to
the fluid ihe i.nP"-rty of diSMilvinix various arlicleiiol fuNl.
tuid of -IT.ftmi: a k.iid of itrt-riual thption of tlr-m in no
wise difV. ri nt frc.ni tin- natur;il .lius .-livi' ,n--' .'
Dr. SIMON'S ureal work, the flu mS'try of Man. (Tea
ltlato-hanl. I'hilnd.. l.ir pp ;il.'a. i saw: tie diM-ov-ry
of IVp-uti forms a new era in Ihe eheioi -al history of ii
ici'stinn. Krom n-eent evfu-rini-nts. we know that food is
diwolvi-das rapidly in an nrt-.tic-ia dii-t vef u-d.pn-pan'd
from 1'epi.Ln, as it i" in tin natural Ijaetrir Juii-e itM-lf.''
I'rof. Dl Mil.tSiiN. of Un- JenVron I'olh-r.-, plnlad.. In
ton pri-at work on lluman l'hvioli.y.,l..vi.i. i( more Ihnn
lifiy pajres to an examination nf this anijert. Ilia i-xp.'ri-meuls
with llr. H.-amiiont. on the liar-trie Jui-e, iditaineil
from the living human stomai-ti and fn.nl animal, are
known. In all ensi-a," he says, "iliiri-stion fa-eurn-d as
perfs:tly in tbe artifiriat as in the uatural digesti-ns
Asa DV8PEPSIA CUKEK. Dr Hooghlon's
preparation of Pepsin has produced the most mar
velous ill'ects It is impossible to give details of
cases in Ihe limits of this advertisement but au
thenticate d certificates have been g ven of more
than TWO HUNDRED rapid, wonderful, and
permanent cures. It is a great .N'krvoia Asti-
mite, and particularly um-IuI lor tendency to
bilious disorder, liver complaint, fever and ague,
the evil ctfrcts of quinine, mercury, Ac., also for
eicess in eating or drinking
Time is no form of OI.I) STOMACH COM-PLAI.NT-s)
which it does not reach and also give
iustint relief! and repeated for a fhorl time, pu
rity of Ulood and visor r Horn follow at once
It is particularly excellent in cases of nauses, vo
miting, cismps, soreness nf the pit nf tbe stomach,
listre-s after eating, low, cold state of the blood,
heaviness, lowncss of spirits, despondency, emaci
ation, weakness, tendency lo insanity. &.C.
Price, OS E DDI. I.Alt petbutile. One bottle
often effects a listing cuie.
FEFSIN IN FOWDEESient l-y Mzi', free of Postage.
For conveni, nee of at-udinc to all i Aria of Ihe country.
tlifipst;ve Matter ff Uu "epa-ji.li it upinlhg fonn of
Powders, with directions to !.e dito!ifl hy the patient in
wau-ror ayrup. Theae powders cool sin ju.-t the same
matu-r as ilif hnttl.-s. hit twiee the fjimnti-.y t r the same
price, and are sent lrv mail, tnt of I letaire. lor ft, aant
Hi-pai-l) to llr. J.S. Ilowtbtnn. No. 11 .ordi i-iluh lit.
1-hilatlelphia. Six paekap-s fur JS.
Every boille and package bears the written sig
nature of J.S.HOUUUTON.M.l) , Sole Proprie
tor. Sold by agents in every town in the Union
and by moat respectable dealers in medicine.
To be had of Thornton & Baker, I-ewisburg ;
J H Caslow, Milton; Thompson. Mifllinburg;
Wilt & Eilert, HartMon; Wm Roshong. New
Berlin ; f I C.'ousc, Selinsgrove ; J?rs M'Csy,
Norihumberland 13:I5
HITE Lead, and I.inseed Oil. for sab by
Vr. Thornlari clr lhk .
i il'l , ii.;Jw! I.I "!',
' nu ll e. , in Jut: foi .11 nt 1.1 Ai :li--"'-'S
! ' no in themselves indehts'r! said es'; .i?
:i' ruipiested to make immediate payment ;
ud those havina claims against it will
present them duly authenticated for settle-
rent. Francis zellers.
Lewishurg, Aug. 15, 1S50- Adm'r.
iFruit an5r
I he suhscrilier oth is for sale a large
assortment of choice Fruit Trie.- such us
Apple trees, 7 U 1 feel htuh, 40 varieties,
ll warrautfi! tenumi Peach trees, "-'Ii
tnrietics: Tiimirian Cherrv. Nectarine,
Prune and Pear ttn", tocetlu r with some !
(' or 8 varieties ol" Crape Vines of the best
native and exotic varieties. Ornamental
Trees, such as the Patilonia, Linden, fec.
N. B. Persons wishing to procure a
quantity of the Flint !rees,nre requested to
make immediate application to the subscri
ber, in order to procure the varieties and
size wanted. II. P.. NOLL.
Lewisburg, March 4, 1850.
d T Al'N
-'I De!
AUNDIUE. Dy-pepsla. Chronic or Nervous
ilitv, iliwa e ol the Kiiliieys. and uliun-
eases arising from a ili-onterej I.ivrr or Momac,
h. !
such as Conslipa'iiin. Iunaril files, I ulness
" or Blood to the Head. Acidity of the
Stomach, .V.inei, H 'ortl-urn. dis
gust for F..od. Fulness or Weight in the
Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Flut-(
tering at the pit of the Siomach, Swimmine of toe
Head, hurried and difficult Breathin", Flut.
tering at the Heart, choking or sulllica-
ting Sensations v.I.cn in a lying
posture, dimness ol Viion,lJots or Webs
lietore the Siaht, Fever and dull Pain in the
Head, llefiriencv of Perspiration, Yellow nc- of
the Skin and Eyes pun i the Side, BarK,
Ch st, Liinhs. Ac. sudden Flushes of
Heat. Buruinc ill ihe Fleh. conslsnl I na-
I giuinys of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits,
ca be r.rrr.cTi iii.T crro nt
prepired by
tfr. 4".sT..ifioii,
Cermau Mi dicinn Store,"
120 ircli M
Thrir pnwer iirtr the iiime di&eases is nut ex-
eellrrf, if tjualleJ, by any ullur prtfttrutiun in
the Vmtcd Stutrs. 11 Hie cures iiltrst. in many
r. i.-r.-.f . 1... t..;l..l
".e lrfr SAiyui in y.vrnurw J--"-
Tb,..e Bi t.UK are worthy the attention ol ina-
.(MWiI1B gre.t virtues in the rectification
o( f Ux,t ,,, ,c8Sl.r RanJj. erci-
in ,lt, ln0lit gj.,,!,),,!; powers in weakness and
.jj.j,,,,, f the ,lirestite organs, they arc withal
ctrlai aud pleasant.
ro,VIr.n.The Hon. Chs
y Hlne,jne ,,,,,, , hf Cam,len Democrat, the
jo ugl Jef Mv-JuIy 2tst
,hn;, l,.s 0KItMAS mtti.KS.-W. ,,. VB
many Hallrrinit notion r this mulicine. ami the m.urr
l.-ure Ui.y nun-iii.liiee.1 ust..inkin.iiin.-Bs.ieriiij
i merils. Frnni In-iuirv we vr.-re isTsaaiUst to Hue lUaliit
, wrrmi it tonrtc in iis :irti..n iin iliswsuf
tin- liv-rttii.ld:2.-rivx-ori;iiis. nnd Ihe s.w,-rful intlucnrc
it rx.-rn- uHn n- rvotif i.riMiinti'Hi li- ri;ilij Mirvnunjr. 11
ritttnii anil lanwtliii llie ii'T--. l-nnirinK them into
Flat'- r n-jNiM-. ninkins clis-p r-f:i'shiiiS'
If lliis nu-,Iii-ine wt-re ui.-iv K.-iiontliy uhsI. we are n-li-fl.-,l
tliT,- woul.l lrt p t.Jin.--s. as from the fltcmacli,
lifer, ana n.-rvonh -vt.-ln the pn-at msiority r r.-ftl sml
llusctniirv .ii-n, .-m-iiial.-. Have them in a h.-idthy c.D
dtliioi. aiiu "U ran bid tli-fiiinee to ej.ttlemir-s i;.-ni'ritl.y.
1-1.. .... ...ul. I .fviw i.iir rri..,id
W, aro It u iinhiHnu-d to riv,- a trml it will then rev
n nt rurp if LiTr romplHint. We art rtivinm tUvt.
in lh ww (if tht-ne HilU-n. tin nAlifiit rtinftantly pams
-in-uirtli and Ti;;itr a fact wnriliy f .'" i cntsiiliTaiiu
TIm'V are plaf-ant in ta.-tc mul puiWI. aiitl ran In- urtfl i.y
ix rius wtfli th mt-l iU'li-:ito tt)marlis with wffty
uikI.t any circinn!t;iiirs-p. Wf nr ri-akiin: from expt.ri
pnee, ami to the fiiu-h-d we ad j-e their uc.
Scot f s WVfJfry, one of the beat liteiary paper
published, said. Aug -5th
lm. IliporuxuV :mtan Cr.Tr:-. nmnufm-tiirad y lr
.fiukfm. art now n rmnmi'ii lcl ly wme of tlir moit pro
011 urn t infmNTr t-T the fraruity. us an article of much
fflieacy in cawh cf ffmalr wi';l.ncs. Ai nut'li is tti c'.
iff wi'tiM a-lviso nil nmiht-rs l-i:n a )i;ii,-. aj tlm
ae Hn nt!i'ivfi murh ii,ur"i. l'rronn of d.'ltlit-itfd
....tin.f iniu a itl tin. I tis-i Ititt.-r- mtvMiitiurttfiiiA fi. tha-ir
ldiv;-l:llli nt lll.-ltTll lom no- mil- ur. vynjiiiiui-i
Wilteim Iiorliand, l-mf ssnr to th- l.mer"ltjr or Jena,
frivxle I'hv-ieian lo Ihe KinK of I'rusna. and one of the
-reatest metlirai v.rnen".-ru,aiij ,o j...-,.... ..
was empliatleally tli- enemy of humhitg, and tli ref..re a
nH-de iiie of hieh lie was the inventor ud endors. r may
i ...kiMiil, n.lu.1 nn. lie Mi-eiallv reeommended it in
.ir-r t'oninliuiit, lyspesei Is t.ility. Vertigu. acidity of
tlie Stomach. Constipation, nn-l all emnplaints anamn
from a di'onl'-r,' I condition of the abimacu. the Liver and
the Int.-alili.-a. :n- ri.lliwli il nta papera exj.riTa uii-ir
cinvicliou of ita exc-lleii. e. an-l iH-veral of their Kdit.irs
aia-nk of ilaetT.-ta from ttieirown individual exirience.
I'nihT thea.- ein-iiin.-.!aii-s. e f.l warranted, not only
in i-illinir tlie alt.-iiti. u i f our reader to tlie pr-w-nt
proprietor illr. t. M. Jackson's) preparation, but in rec-omuu-ndiiur
tlie article to all ail!ict.-d.
MiiKcEvnuivt'i- The Philadelphia Saturday
fiazelte, the best fimily newspaper published in
the United Slates, the editor sajs of Dr lloofland's
German Hitters
It ia seldom that we rvfommend what are termed Pat
ent Mcli'-in-a to our readers' patronaire and confidence;
aud th-rcfore. when we recommend It. I.nd a Her
man Bitters, we wian ii o ..- ......
we are not ara-skins; of tlie nostrums id Ihe day. tna: are
noia.-d i,la.ut for a brief pen.! an-l tire f .irotlen aner they
have done Ih-ir cuiily rac- r.f iniix In. f. but of medicine
Inn- ctnllilml. univeraaliv prized, and which has met
tlufhcarty approval of the Faculty itself.
Evidence on evi.li nee has been icceived (like
the fiireirninirl from all sections of the I'nion. the lost 3
veara nail' Iht iron'irrf Irstimtmy tn '( oeor, f. that
ih-re'ia mor.- of it ns-.t in the practice of I he regular
Phtsicians of Phits.leli.liia. Il-aii or all other nor.lril.ua
eoini.n-d a hct that can ca-ily lw eslal.liahe.1, and fully
l.nvinir that a scieulibe preparation will nie. t wilh tli-ir
uuiet approval when preaeut.-d even in Uiia form. That
thia m- do-ine will can- Liver Complaint and Dyai-i aia. no
on- call doubt, after usinc it a din-cted. It acta a,-eifie-allv
ueon Hi- .-tomacli and l.ir.r. It is pr. r-rnl.le to
I'aiomel in all tK rfiaw.a. The effirt is immediate
they can be a Jminialenal to rrw vLl or iNriSl with sa ty
an 1 reliable benefit, at any time.
Beware of counterfeits!
This medicine has attained that character which
it is necessary for all to l'"'n to induce counter
feiters to put' forth spuiinus article at the risk of
the lives of those who are innocently deceived.
Lwk utll to the markt if the Genuine.
They have the written signature of C.M.JaCKSoJ
tioon the wrapper, and "the name blown in the
ttt!e, teirtoul which they are spuriwi
For eile wholesale and rcts'l. t the bERMAS
MEDICINE KTOHC, -No. 120 ARCH St.. one
door below Sixth, (lute of 17s) Race St.) Phila.N
elphia. and by respectable dealers generally, the
country throuKheait. Jl?'0 .
Ako fur tale by S F.I. YyDALL.Leu-uburg.Pa
To Itlnckumlllis.
BITUMINOUS COAL, from the West
Branch and from Hollidayaburg, for
sale at the Shop of the subscriber, near the
II iv scales on Third St.
fAwiebutf, Mty T.1850
and filling iq r.uin briiit'l
with a stock of goods LARGER. BETTER
and CHEAPER than ever!
"VTJ'E hive just received and r. now opening
V a Urge snii splendid 9oitiil ol
Spring ami
embracing everything Silnpti'd lo ibe ried wants
and Hi-leu of the community, nJ t prices ihsi
can not fail to cive univeriial lnihcli-n.
J'lie LAUIKS re assured that we hawd a beiler
nssortnient i.f Ir-! oJ- thi" ha eer
Im en pre-ntrd in this market. We huve eve.-y
pjjltty aud de.tcripiion of
Gtittlrmetfi and liny? Dress flood,
Casui meres, Ve(.tin, Summer ftiifT. Funcy
C'raviiu, Ac. A epleiiJid lot of MAT-"", OAl'f
and BONNE I S. of the latest ttylrn Kihuon.
Flowers, Silks, Calicoes, Lawns, tiinliaaw, ic.
: am BONNETS, of the latest ty h
Hardware Queensware f;!asare,
of all kinds also a Urge stock of
Plaster, Salt,ai.d Fish,
at very: low piices for CASH or COUNTRY
FKOjjL'CE of all kinds at Market jrice.
J. & J. "WALLS.
Lewigl iirg, April 23,
... ,
i I ;V I ' ti t' 1 I
Clt 1 v J
y nieiicing Oct. 17, 1800.
Triuiary Department.
Esrrcitfed ia Spelling. Heading, Dfinri.in.
Enjilish tirimrair, Arithmetic, (ieitpruphy. Hi
lory L'.Si.A.. I'mmanship and (.ompewiioii.
English Department of the Academy.
The fame atudies as in the Tiiriiary Dtpartrn't
continued in the use of larger tell Imuk ; and to
these are adJ.-J (.encral Hitory,A-gthiu. Legi-n-dro,
and E!meni-i uf tjuiTi-ying
Classical Department of the Academy.
T. rm Junior Aattlfmic class.
J. Enpli-h (.rummar. LntiuOnuioar, AriUtiuctic (two
4hviM(ns. i inv.'rn'(.ii"f .
II. Tin' pant totiMirtf n in I. Tvm. an-l iVninannliip.
HI. hut-ltdi 'irmniar. Vitxr, Arithmt-tic c-nn-i'tt ty
Ut ilii.,0Q,tjrvttl t.ruli:ar, UaUry I 'Ji.A I'vu
mati'hip, Uvfok-kot piur.
Senior Academic clot.
J. CfPFar, Orei-k Header, Algebra , tlcinctiU.)
II. .nt-tJ, do do
III. du do do ronipU'tJ, ien
ral Hictorr, Knbili Lang; u ape ni tfin;-o.tiou.
I'rthUman duns.
I. tnlih Lnnuagv aud CVuipot-ition. Algebra, Lirj,
IT. I'laiit iw.mvtrT, l.-vr. AnnhaiUP.
111. 1 lane, cmiIi-1 and rht rical Uwiuetry vTrOmi'Ktvd, LI
V, Auulrai-.
Suphttn.nre class.
T. Ilfirare, 1!vKfwr. IMiine and Spliciiral Triironnmity.
II. do do "M'nr.uration.urTintf.iiiir:t't-ii.
III. do n'mj.IVivd, "Vlei-t (juttntns ot Ivwoe Jtvife,
Kliotoric, Ai.:tital fjitinu'try.
Junior elite.
I. IVmoiiihcnwv on the Crown. OWro d Ofllciir., Mo-
ri..ni-, liydrrxtntifti. and Kyiiniulir
II. iM-niotftlivnt's on tii Crown. Cict-ro d fflnip rom
pivboj, rtu'iiinaficft, Ait.ut:w. LiicLr.al, Mau
tinm, nnd iptn.
III. Cnt-k Trafr-lt", Ta itu, Arstron-'my.
Sftiinr clas.
1. 1Hr.p. N'atnral Th-.nlof-T. IntlWt'1-.l I!i!U.i.Tit.
II. lir.tk. t'ui;tir:l l-.r-.t-cinv, Mf.rai liiiIM;phT.
III. builtr'M Analog-. Cmtitutaou t L- b., ChcmtrT,
lxTtun'r, tieiwral Ko.icwh.
Nft class in the KtgnUr (nuro hr.fi !e-;s than
three daily recitation--. Every Saturday f.irrn.vm in
devoted exclunivcly ti Viwal Munic, 1 Ciauitiofi,
and readme seltrl and oriuinal Comporiuonfl.
The n'u-U'iiU are requiteil to atteul, repnlaily.
Fflmc retiti iiu ni'ting. Minors are expected to
attend Mint meetiugx are recommended to them
hv their parent or guirdians. There are in the
borough no less than i x places of public northip,
of as many different Christian denominations.
Text Hoftks.
Pr.tfish L-mottntft ami Ehrutiw. Tlie HitT. PortrT
Ili ttriral Keudi r, H ore pU-r'i or V'ltT'n Iht tioi.arv.
Uulliou'B Knirlih Orrtmmnr. l'arkr I'ncn'-'siTt fcxtrri
svk in fcrnrhfli Conto-itioa. iarkT"i Aidi. Llair Lecturet
(I iiivrrmty lulttion.)
Lsitin LttiiijufHjt. I,nIHn4rnnimar. I!ullion It.-tttl-T.
I'i-rt'U lsximn, ltullion'sCa'ssr. S-hmits and timpi .
j Viril,)1stnoln'n I ivy. Aiitlion'r. 11 trace, TharhT Ciu.ro
d atfUriia. Tyl-r' Tacit hh" i-rrnania "t Airriiftla.
' Onek Lanynttgr. lEullion'ntJminmar. llullii n'ri KaI-r,
Lidd-ll Stttt's l xn. -w-n Xt'itoplioii's Anutvi-i-',
Owrn's ll'-nicr OUy-y, Chuuiplm s 1uujM1ivu, ft i9k a
Cl-ficai Manuu.1.
Mathematics. IraAlv V Aritl mrtic for Aw.m"ra, Klcm
etitary Alf-hra. Itourdun. Uudw, tur-trtiiirf and A ri-(itttinn.Analytii'alt.rimitrT.iiiiii-U-d
atura4 I hiloN-i Ij'
thU'ivotvptd.) ohiL-u-d Astronomy.
The numlrer of ftudcnia during the past year
in the various Department, wa IV-i. Tat
CoilrgKttp cUnos nheady orginae 1 ior the euu
ing ytar, are the folio im; :
Srntrr rlstss - - - $
JuiiUir rlasa - It
Soprioinorv rlaxrt 10
jt n chman clasa - - I'i. . . , 5 1
FTrrilCX W. TYI.ull, A. I'rut of Mathematics
and NnliiraJ rhilt'fk.j.hy.
i;t K).fc K. DLl, A.M., Prof, or tirk Laxii
and Literature.
whi tiltiE W. ANC K:o:. A.M, Prof of UUn L-wi.paa,;
aoi Litrratun.
I HA AC . L(H:.iH. A. !., PtI .ciim! of Hit Aca.l.my.
Al.FKKI) TAVL'Ht, A. 11. f Tutor iu thr tnj-lh Law
patu;: and Eicx-utiou.
BIuillliizH,lJ2)rarj and 2;;arat.ti.
The Aca.lemic edifice now occupied by the
niemiwrs of the ITniverivily, han been tree id. at
an ps!i of f.'MKr, nnd It ip a1apiJ to -rroniinHlat(
l.'vii -tutlfnti. Aii"lHrrdiPc' is nearly pom;U-ud, and i
xpTt-d to t rady for orrui-ancy af th x iv ii4.uMrnt
uf tin wxt Term 'let. 17, lrVi'.
Thr Lit-rary itutalns a number of Mi-t T'-Iunn. aud
if c'D!tHntly inrr-aiii(t.
lifmical Apparatup has been pr-xmi-vd pu31rint tn
pupply the intitit-diaU- deumt.d. The Apparatin. tor tlie
illuptralion of Mochauical PhiltPophy, ia new coinplte.
Tuition nntl ISoanf
Tuition in the Collet-inte Department f30,
Academic f 0, Primary $13 per year.
Board, including I'ldging, washina;. fm l, and
lif-tit, can le had in the ili.ia;e and iN vicinity at
vrsrious prin s, from f 1,50 lo ft.50 per week.
ArranUienf are in procrtpa to nirnjPti u- ani. e.riu
pjve i if W1 wash inc. fuel and liht. to luvli ar may
desire It, at $1 25 per week.
SeMlon and Vacations.
Two Sessions in the year the former com
mences on the 3rd Thursday in October, and
continues 36 weeks ; the latter ctmimences nn
Thursday, I5lh May, and continues It werka.
(Sprint; Vacation. 4 weeks; Autumnal, 8.
Vy order and in behalf or the Board :
THOMAS W.VntfOX, Tre.'!.
I.ewivburg, Union Co. Pa. Sept. 1, 1800
Dr. John Locke,
AT be fnunJ at his Oflics and resilience
f . , rvri: ' ir...i .
11 nrst ii.Hir east oi Aline s naiei-ine two
weeks following the first Mmiil iy of each moniii.
where be is prepared to executs-all oneraii.ina in
his line of business in a manner rreditahle to
himself ami satisfactory to those who may favor
him wilh their patronage-
Dr. L. sneinls the third week of each month
in Miltnn.
fXj-Aromatic Tooth Psate, put up in beantiful
porcelain boxes, an excellent article for keeping
the teeth clean aud breath aneet, for sale at 25
cts per box, by
v r JOHN LOCKE, D. D. 8.
LewUburg, ra.,May, lfl50 .
JUST receiver and for sale. Sperm srd LarJ
Oil, by Dr. ThoTuton V Baker.
t ' ! 1 :.: in ' 1 .
.I t' t'.not .."!.:i:y, anil t 1 'i i"1 ' '"'"
.M he ,u t a.cj ir.B ol.iive Stan. I, tor ui,n.
years occupied bj- his Ftiiri, a .d i n"r pre
pared to accommodate (fiends arid the traveling
community in a manner acceptable to all.
The MOUSE is large ai.d roomy, well arran
ged in all ir departments, and every eire will be
taken to rend, r hi giicsta com'ortaMr and happy.
His TAItl.i: will always be lurni.hed wild the
choice! delicacies of the season, am) the ln-st the
n.mket en atV.i t. The BAH will st all times
he atiendetf tiy carfat pi fsuns, an.! none '.ait the
very lie-t of li.piois will t.e kept. Hi- STABLES
are amid-' anil convene nt, and tbe O-VTLEIW
I punctual aiid at'entive.
I In lhnrt. be nl'iliT4 tiimetf to eniteavnr In
give j:ei.eral eainitaciion to all, and hopes bv
rict atuniiun to luiiruss to njeiii aud receive
a hlH-rl share f'f pa'ronnze.
Mrininhurg. June 20, 1850
(nccxasoRS To c. a. wrtn,)
Wliolf.s:ile and Ilct.iil Dealers in
Ini-s. Mi ilicinrs. Chrniifil-. IVi.'s,
(Ms, V;inii,hi, ii.iio (J :,
yash tools Uni.vmre.i'ir'y
Dy"-Mtiirs. I!i!ilcs i.f
ti-ry :iri'iy,
IVrfomery, ("nnlctiriiirv
Fruits, Fancy (Joods, vVr. vVc. j
. Tm Ioor atjove the i;r-al I.,raniolb .--T . re v'i i J.Wauj, I
Markf.t Sr. I.k.:siicb:
All Dnis and Med'rin vnrrant' d I'reth and
rrillE subucril trs leturn llieir aincere ilianks to
1 those who have so liberally patronised them
Juiint; the paet year; snd we would invite y.ui.
one and all. to e.II ami examine our s'ock and
piices before purchasing elaewhere. as we feel
roi.fnleiit that we sell as cheap, if not 'io per ct.
cheuper, than olliers of the trade. Try us, un I
see lor yourselves.
X. B. Medical advice wiil be (riven free of
clurce by Dr. Thornton, al the rstore ot Thorn
ton fV Uaksr.
TATE of Philadelphia, is now lwate.1 on
j Market siieet. LewL-burg. opposite Mr. J.
Schreycr's store, whi-re he : lu-iuls to operations
on the leelh at a red irtion nf hi former p'ices.
Teeth and root o!' teeth removed siih the aid of I
improved Instruments, and in an eaay manner. ;
Killinfe teeth and selling on pivots or plates alien- j
ded to according to the latest iinnrorernenta in the
profession. I'lcerated. .punvv.and mninie.l eurns
cured. Thankful for past tavo-s. he solicits a
continuance of putitic putronaze N'V impure
materials used for filling in teeth. lySSS
The Envy of all Pill M inufjcturer,
BECAUSE they are safer. Letter, and more
eificacious than any others.
500,000 Rusr
have been sold annually for the List five ye.ira.
Yotno aii Oil', Mais ;ii Kr.nrl
can always ,jke them with eonal'saf. ty, wiihcut
fear. If Pills be neaa-ary
for 'Orginit and cU-in-ii . t; the Kiomach and iio.v
eU. nnd purit'vinit the lElood and fluid of iLe bo
dv, take no others f. .r no ull.cr pills produce
thoee conibii.ed elTecrs, or coiivaiu f-araapiruia in
Flat, Tlrink und I.it-e it Vhital,
and piirrue your ueual occupation hiiat t.-kinc
them, niihout fem of takirg cold, duiiug ali
kiudi of we.tther.
One Thousand Dollars
are wspcrrd thit more genuine certificate (from
ph)ician. clrriymen. Members ot Congress, and
respectable cinzens) can be produced ol their
ellicacy tnan ot snv o'riers. and
will be forfeited in every instance where One
Box will not do more good lliau Two Uoxes ol
any others.
Fortv Tills in n (In!!
and sold at Twenty-Fire Venia a firr. with
direction and mucu whoieao-nt.- advice acconij.a
living each box.
Tiy h.ivt no tiiflr unt JVaMnf rmW1.
Yt r,uav iTnU or f myiv or A wwi,
I'tt ! . , ijm tru .V;. tnur't or li. mr.lt.
jWii't ro rAfia. r"inf."fij. er im4 ftrlinfn,
Tt::: .J:t i.o'Hi AT ALL J. Jfa,.S.
.'( - :ij,:. J lo .,i it a'.ar.urj tvaiieai lo manlhtd.
So one having once tken them will be willing
nflerward, to tk nv rihers, beciuae they aN
wavs do gjod, and it they do uot, then no ohers
Dr. K. B. Ldiy, Tfas rropristor aoJ jrjt'actcrsr,
is a regular Irugt,ist, ( hi-mirt. and Phyaician. ol
fifteen year' experience tn i'bilailel Ins ; (arsd-ui-.e
of the I niveraity of Vennsylvaui ; Mem
ber of ililferent Mediial In-titutint-s ol I litU.'el
phia. New York, Boston, Baltimore, Ve., and
-sivciatr snd corresponding member i.f several
Medical Institutions of London and Palis, Ac.
Oct. am; ajD Inrosi rioaj. U'wre of nil
pills c died by names nesrlv similar, got up to be
sold on the reputation of lr. Eei.!y's8ars ipnrilla
Blood I i'la; the first Sirrapanlla pill, .ver in
troduced and the only pill, containing $raaparil
la. Take nooihers and you will not be deceived.
Other by similar names, or nearly similar, are a
gross fiaud. Beware, then, of Imposition '. !
IS Principal le;iol, lr. Iidl?' dispensary.
No. 1U .North KOI RTH T PbiUdvlnbu
and sold wholesale and retail be .
r. Vi .si;ilAKF1.8- Lewfcbnns J II rl. Milmn
J.v.l.Uenler.la.Vf'.K,wlee.N.ierltn W. P.l. Iint.-r. .'.Inney
Tayl.'i'a.aii.lStiia'T'a, 3iifu!ilLur Itv euah, A tamalurir
Vo'iiiiOTian A Walter. ITyvalleT ',!. B. Uever. rna liurvt
M.tu A Mve, Kelly Koada ilt.A.Sinlth.rl'-av. rtw ti
Uavia A .u'fVume. S;hiairrf.ve Jlti.tKaiiiith.M.JdKburir
I.. . Uehrer. M'Reea Kails WilU lfilert.IIartk.too
Tbi.miis liocr, Uauiukiu Ikun lK.AKouh,OantrvUi
Irr.J. M.Ju'ltljVViltiainaiiort; anil try iru&:1t aJ toTw-xeep--ra
thmriirhont tbe t'niUil Slal.. li'3"-'7
kj aali at this office.
p r : t I' t f
SALT and FISH on hand bv
Ap 34 KeLef & MJ n.
- I . t i i
Bir.TOV, f2r:;i:s v mz.'x.-i'
HAVING l(irintfif 'pri-:;.t rhio in :
MurcniiiilK i.-jsT, s.;, si-i r:j':.rs-d r
.Sliirerix.iii Ibtfly ocrjp.nl ty 8 Ts-cr--.),)iOH'e
Klim's I !"-! re ni.w op i.in
well select J nnd extensive atotk of Mer-chiitide-,
consisting T
Orii ooiis, GEV
Car..tn:cr' 'IWs, Queensware,
Furniture Mountiii':, Glassware,
Window t;LAsS a ;-rieiHl a.axr'u.nit.
Coal, liinetf
Bar, IioJ, and Ilot-p Iron, Nails,
anJ Spikes, .
Tinware, Slice' Iron and Metal
Pans, an.i a more gi-neral assortment than
is usually luunrl in country stone which
they Itt'ge thi.ii.st lvt.st to n U at very
low prut s.
rVrMin- n! a tJi-itiince il! fnd it to their
Hdvniit.se to Ijhv i r Cnh or e will
inliP in Kxrhnnci! for tinnrts, W livat, Kyc,'
('urn. ifs, Hui-kvt'hca', Tumitby ai;d Clo-
I ver Si-t-d. I'.iiii.t, lis,Taii..u,IirdSu,
i i.'- sx, t'l-ntln-rs, utij nil kinife uf Irfide
ur --..nn-ry i nelirvf.
1 rn- nitri i n' "t the ptih'i'- n refecl
(iliv s i'.c t.- ' i.r.J evrrv 9siit3r;' tiv
! th.it nn:h hi
' R'i.'C riiltlsl .vi:tlOI
he taunting to rend''
PAU L fv 1!.K Toy.
SAMI'KL i;El.l!.!.
1, 1S5U.
0pving & Sttimnci
JUST r"ceivp), and t.ow opi-i: , r
second door tst of K inc'a U u l, a tew
Splendii Assert men t of Goods,
suitable for this and the approaching e
son, coiisirIino nf
1I.OHIS, c issmr.Ks, rcvrixcs,
Ladiesi IrcNH C.oodaj
of every style aid variety it rj!
IVirtes, l.ann-, Annure lAlouita, (.iitig-
hums, &e.
A gre.M variety of s!le- Chil is, Can
A bt-ituiiful assortn t ut LaJ!e rrar.!,
Moro-ro nr.. K. 1 SHOES md G.I ITERS
i lor L,nuies; and Children.
Also a tliuiiiK seli-rtion of
5vi.-;.,ill of n I i.-h ;tro olii rei! rr mnr' nbltf
low lir f'.i-h t r t'.'i:.,i:ry I'ri'.i.-ice, hy this
stiver:! r,
If'wisliiir,:, Ajiril .1. 15:1
is k w i s ii u it a
Wtnltsa.'e ,- Rttttil
r JliH sub.ri.e-r. tl, ii.Hu ior past liberal pt
I rot.ate, would mfo.ni bis fnemls and public
generally that he ha just ree'd and is consiautly
receiving lreh suj f!i. s of puro
Medicines, Drugs, CheiT.ieals,
Kxtr.icts, lli ilis, IJoors, Mtin-ruN, Tun.
turesi. this, Ks.-ences, piitts, liutns,
and o:Iier eo,,:! in his lii.e of basin'., nbirh he
oilers with the full asaaisnce of Iheir beitiii g. n-
I uine, and cheaper than can be bousht else. here.
( Phyaicians and others in the trade are particularly
! invited locall and i limine for themselves. Alf
constantly on band a large ;ock nf
Window C!i-, White I.e.,
Chrome and other l'aints.Dru
siaU ami Fhvrici:ii Olaaware.
Morlal.,Sj.a.-bllal,t "rilci.de.Truef.
t'opal.Jipan and spirit Varni-hes.Plax-seed.
SB-nn,VV hile. I.ard Fish .foheriat,
Fn-.gii:e, Ciwph r., and Pino U.la, l)y
wo.vi! groiiud J d chipped, CjstiJe, Bit. R.a-ia
end other Soaps. 4old Kilver mid Metal l.4Mis
Ko-in, Pitch. Tar, Tobacco. Segars, Co.ut,
Brusbe, Walking and Fi-tm Canes.
Jewelry, Kazors, Knives. Fruits.
Coiileclionerv. fVc. Ac. ie.
v. w. seii.rn.r.
May. IS (). lh-uggin C 'd CUmit.
G. e. BSS8
TS now r.-reiving a hifj:5 and a cb.trr
stock ol
11 TV f.tOO! '"'est "tries Dres Good
"Silki, Silk I.ai-es, Parailettr,
Ltwns. i'r rittaj, eke. iSiC.
u jinod v.ni"ty.
Our s'oirk was pnrchtseil on reasonnble .
terms, and is otlered ioM Irienil and new
nt Iho cheapest living rales. The trading
public are invited to call at the cil Chenji
Store south side of Murker St. h--ts-wn Si
and 4th S'-. C. E. LOWES.
Levriaburx, June CO. JHiitl.