LEWISBURG. CHRONICLE. Voters 711, CTsmier 25. TTLalTKumber--337. H. C. HICKOK, Editor, a N. WORDfcN, Printer. LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA., SEPT. 18, 1850. The Iewlsbnrg Chronicle U isued trerj Wednesday morning at LewUburg, Union county, PennTl"i. Tcbms. $1.50 per year, for cash actually in advance; $179, paiJ within three months; $3 if naid within the year ; 92,50 if not paid before the year expire 5 single numbers, 5 cents. Sub scriptions for six months or less to be psid in advance. Discontinuances optional with the Publisher except when the year is paid op. Advertisements handsomely inserted at 60 ct per square one week. 1 for a month, and $5 for a year ; a reduced price for longer advertisements. Two squares, $7 ; Mercantile advertisements not exceeding one-fourth of a column, quarterly, $10. Caxual advertisements and Job work to be paid for when banjed in or delivered. All communications bv mail .nu-t come post paid, sccompanicil bv the address of the writer, to receive attention. Those relating exclusively to the EJitorial Department to be directed to 11. C. IltmoK, Esq., Editor and all on business to be tA Irrseed to the I'ulili&her. Office. Market. St. between Second and Third O. X. WORDEX. Printer and Publisher. Correspondence of the Chronicle Western Notes. Mr. Editor : In my last, written at Hirlington, (Iowa.) I believe 1 promised your readers my idt-us of this truly great Slate. Iowa is great in extent, great in recourses, gnat in enterprise, and still greater ir. expectation. I was disappointed with Burlington, however, which has hith erto been the boasted metropolis of the State. I expected to see much more of a city than what it is. Its location, on the banks of the Mississippi's rather common ding, but will require many years of the enterprise that seems to evince itself there, before it presents the appearance, that I had pictured to myself before 1 saw it. Several potent rivals ure springing up along the river, so that the Builingtonians will ic obliged to bestir themselves, if they de sire to maintain their former position. Keokuk, which is located at the outlet of the Des-Moirrcs (Dc Muin) river, is im proving very fast, and is doubtless gaining ground upon its neighbor. Muscatine (Uloomington) aud Dubuque, are also evincing a commendable spirit of enterprise. The towns generally are neat comfortable looking, and have much the wholesome nps?nrancc ol Pennsylvania taste and neatness. 1 have said so much of a laurfatorv character of the hinds ir. Wisconsin and II tijis in my former letters, that I am al n:xt nfniH to give due credit to "he soil tod advantages o this S:alc, for fear your renders will conclude that I was cither easily pleased, or that I feel disposed to disparage my native State ; but I beg leave to assure them, thai ( carry with me as much State pride, and .partiality for old Pennsylvania, as any of her boys dare have, but it is not of a character to make me blind to superior excellence. Iowa is a magnificent farming country. Corn and other summer crops are always abundant and luxuriant. Wheat some times fails, owing to the want of a suffi ciency of snow to protect it from the frost, but it is generally believed that more care ful cultivation and skill would in a great measure obviate the d:fficulty,the soil being so productive that farmers grow impercept ibly careless, and very frequently make one ploughing answer for two crops. It is a common occurrence to sec wheat sowed in corn and oat stubbles, and harrowed down, and when not d estroyed by frost, produce sure crop. The Des moines river country has a delightful soil and climate, and if the river were made permanently navigable, or a Railroad were constructed through it, the country would be every thing that man need desire ; but then you may almost go where you will in lown,and you find the same c haracter ol soil and cli mate. The prairies are almost universally rich and fertile, while the poorest land and most broken, is along the streams, which is timber land. The more northern part of the Stale is fully as good, and having more snow, is perhaps preferable as a wheat country. Take Iowa as a Slate-, it presents many inducements for emigration thither. Men who have good'.farms in Pennsylvania of their own, are as well ofT where they are ; but a farmer who has to rent, or crop for the shares, who can command a few hundred dollars, can not fail to better his condition by going there. I met with men there, who I knew to have slaved themselves in Pennsylvania for year on poor farms, and had but little more than look them out, that are now the owners of land whose equal in quantity, quality, and location, could not be purchased in Penn sylvania for thousands rand there is very little risk : it would be difficult to find as poor land in Iowa, as some men are obliged to support themselves and families upon by cropping on the shares. Were I to venture an opinion as to which part of the State would be at this time the most preferable to migrate to, I think I would say, taking into eoasideration soil, health, and geographical position, that the counties of Muscatine, Cedar, Dubuque, and that section of the State, have the ad vantage, while at the same time Washing, ton and Henry counties have fully as good i, and are as healthy as any other ; and should 4 Ra.Woad be built from Dubuque to Keokuk, via Iowa city, it would make the last named counties, star counties. This improvement will doubtless be made before long, as it is much agitated. In a social and moral point of view, Iowa is not behind) and in some particulars is advance of Pennsylvania. Like every other part of the West that I visited, the traveler is annoyed with the filthy smoke pipe ; the atmosphere, in certain localities, at certain hours of the dayi is made fully as odoriferous by the fumes of this filthy appendage to western gentility, as it would be in the neighborhood of the exploded perfumery of a Skunk. The educational arrangements in Iowa ore perhaps Letter than ours. A very large fund is raised from donations ol pub lic lands, the interest of which is used for educational purposes, and thus the burthen of taxation for that purpose is avoided. In a moral point of view, I am sorry that I am also obliged to give the West and especially Iowa, the preference. Intem perance is in a great measure vanquished. 1 saw but one Hotel or public house in the State that sold liquor. The granting ol license is a prerogative of the County Com missioners, who ate elected by the people; and no man whose morals are sufficiently tainted, to enable him to create such a curse in the community in which he lives, could have any chance of an election, should one ever be found to desire it ; hence the extermination of the legal ! traffic, in this terrible destroyer of the human family. My letter is much longer than I intenaed it to be ; still, I doj not know how to abridge L ind do the subject justice. Should I not lie fully understood on any topic, or should any of your intelligent readers de sire further information on the subject, I will endeavor to give any information I can, in answer to a hint lo th.it effect in the Chronicle.'' M. Our Western friends must cover tip their wheat beyond the reach of frost, by using James P. Ross' (Jrain Drills an account of which we hope to prepare for our inside impression. Ed. Ciiron. For the Lcwitburg Chronicle. The Stars and Stripes. Tbe Flu-! the Flae ! the gallant Fl" I The Fin- of starry light I It fin- hit hmrt to m-e thee stream From war-fhir tow'rinjr height ; With tturv I ws the patriot tani That tore tlx, waring prouil. Wh-n Stripe were ft-w. and Stars were dim, OWurcd ty Strife's dark cloud. Not darksnme'rlouds or Tyrant's rtt Could still the clarion cry (While nobly waved the Stars and Stripe) Tia Liberty r die:" The gallant form that liore thee on Now fill the Conou'ror's graTe, Cat spirit bold and brave as theirs Still bear thy glorious wave. With thee I see fair Freedom's chiefs, And France's patriot son; In thy brighffol'ts J read the namo Of noble WASHINGTON; With thee I hear the Foldier brave, With glafed an.lclosinfr eye. Exclaim, "If yet the stripes float tree, Must happily I die!" Thy stalT Is fined In Freedom's soil, In Freedom's brrexc doth flow, While perched above is Kagle form, Beat Eagle heikts below ! Thy folds may float o'er lifeless forms, May dip in gory wave, But never Jet Hit Stan and Stripes Stream o'er mir f 'niin's grare I LrnisuiEO, Sept. lSjO. Mrs. C. C. DOW. For the Lewisburg Chronicle. Cotton and Faction. Mr. Editor: We read in the Chronicle of 28:h ult. two addresses one on the sub ject of Cotton Mills, and the product aris ing from a proper system of Manufactur ing, in which we find combined common sense, talent, and reasoning, which defy refutation. If the capitalists of Lewisburg and vicinity should pass it by indifferently, and without a thorough investigation, they will certainly expose a want of energy, a moral deficiency in enterprise, and a disre regard for the laboring class of onr rising youth, together with a contrasted view of their pecuniary interests. The other, To the Democracy ol Union County," exhibits neither good sense nor common honesty, for it assumes ground which it denounces others for occupying. We find in ii loud complaints against the conduct of those whom they should have acted with, charging upon them a spirit of disorganizing, and ol faction while at the same time the authors of the Address admit they were in the minority in Conven tion. Now "faction applies io all cases to the few dissenting from the many whose cardinal principles are the same, but dif fering merely in come minutia, or where personal aggrandisement and mercenary motives desire tbe ascendency over popular rights to subvert the honest action of the association to which they claim to belong. whether it be moral, religious or political. I consider myself a Democrat, and pre sume the allegation has never been ques tioned, for ! revere be landmarks of her principles as primitively taught, and desire to practice them. Yet I never felt it my duty to depart from a proper exercise of my privileges by reason of a difference in opinion from a largo portion of my fellows with whom 1 act, and when finding myself greatly in the minority, cheerfully submit. This I regard as a fundamental feature ol the Democratic creed and legitimately It longs to every man that endorses it ; end when I see others in the minority upcii any question, connected with party action should they not fuel entirely sutisf.ee!, I would regard them as a very unsafa tribu- nal to try the correctness of the majority, j of lbs men thus rngngrd in so disreputable Yet the minority here profess to be the a scheme r.s we find contained in the ad Simon Pure organs, and uttenipt dictation ! dress. O shame, uhero is thy blush? to the whole party, by insaas of on address unwarranted by uny precedent, and which can not effect the uljcct lis au thor's intend it to accomplish, but nms' needs engender a political strife productive of itiUch evil, and only add fuel to the flame until Ihey shall produce their ow n destruction, iind not llieir party's as some would have it. I belong to no faction, have no preferen ces for men in the present contest, and nm confident there arc none who have claims on me, nnd am free to speak and act. Diversity of opinion must necessarily arise ; this is according to the design of na ture ; and yet no cause of alarm should grow out cl tli is circumstance. It is right, and we should rejoice thct ernulatien and Zf-al, characteristic of a freeman's ambition become the source cf fruitful enquiry nnd knowledge of what constitutes true political policy, thus sustaining unimpaired our noble constitution, the palladium of our civil and religious liberties. The Democratic County Convention met in pursuance of the usages of the party, and a large majority made a nomi nation ; and if a few members of that body did refuse to act, whose constituents in structed them to participate, they alone must be regarded as disorganizes, and the founders of a faction, and most assuredly the Democratic party of L'nion county must look upon them as such, and would feel as safe lo have them in the ranks of the opposition, as to occupy their present oppsition. The great objection offered in the Ad dress, is to the person of Simon Canieron, aietir2 his ititerlcrenre. e know not how true this may be ; but it teems pass ing strnnge that a man residing in Dauphiiti county cou'd control the Democrats of Union in their nominations. This would in my opinion be accrediting more power and influence than I would be wuiinz to concede to any man. I know Gen. Cam eron 1 know him to be a shrewd politician and in the- sphere where he moves, can wield an influence ; but, I can not think that sphere is Union county. A man of our own county got the nomi nation, he got it on a former occasion ; and if he was entitled to it previously, he was entitled to it now. So much for this charge contained in the Address. We think it too glaring up on the face of it to be credited, and would be a libel on the intelligent Democracy of Union county. Our Constitution and Laws recognize no one man power ; no political party finds favor with such a feature in their organization ; hence it is gratuitous on the part of the authors of the Address to make the charge. The address sets foith, also, that four teen Delegates seceded from the Conven tion; now if those fourteen Delegates be lieved that any thing was to be done in consistent with the usual custom of the party, it was their duty as the representa tives of the people, to meet it in a proper and respectful manner and try to prevent it. This they did not do ; they did not wait ihe deliberations of the Convention, and consequently could not know that any thing was wrong. Were there double setts of delegates from any district 1 were the legal Delegates admitted and none others t or, did those Delegates refusing to act, have in contemplation through some secret movement thd course contemplated by the result T They must necessarily be termed disorganizes, and receive the odium to themselves they wish to cast on others. Again, did those Delegates pro pose to address the Democracy of the county officially ? we think not. We find the address signed by thirty-seven men, assembled at a future day, at a distant point from where such business is usually transacted.and where an opportunity would be afforded the disappointed to slake their raging thirst in the lorm of an appeal to the citizens. This course we think not deserving sympathy. And who are the men that sign this address 7 They are all known to the community ; several of them have had a lurking after office and wooid fain fatten on the spoils, could they realize their wishes. Others have had their names heralded forth in flaming characters as worthy a seat in the National and State Councils.and doubtless feel a scorch in rebuke that the Convention paid so lit tle attention to their claim. In conclusion. If the Democratic party of Union county-was predominant it might seem reasonable that jealousy would exist among aspirants r but finding themselves so much in the minority, affords noground for disunion ; and base is the man who would depart from the majority's proceed ings to weaken tho vote in the district, and all to gratify t'.is pinpo.ed caprice of a few political ncpirantj, who, when failing to carry their own personal ends, would seek t!if ilratruetlnn of their party. This indeed h a commentary on the chcraeter Reflect on your course brethren and fellow citizen, and let the sober second though suggest the propriety of your future action. WHITE DEER. Koral Power. Br UEV. tllWARll C. JOXES. Eagle of ihe toil'c-s j'ittinn, t'pwards to lliine erie hie, 'Mill the riajs where snunds the thuujcr With its lioarett melody EmMem of the ilaring spirit When it wakes its litrnt miTit, Anil fur action duMy harnes-cJ Battles sternly for the right. Where the craven hearted linger. Ami desponds the gloomy soul, There the brave at onre join issue, Aud relentless fate control. Who wouM rvarlde out enistcncc, Like a sorg hird in the bower. Heedless that he has within him Elements of moral power 1 Breaking on the shore ol being. Who would as the wavelet die. When he coulJ have won distinction With the single heart to try T Then be op, and dream no longer, Manly purposes avow, And with great designs accomplished Bind the chaplet to thy brow. New Code of Collegiate Instruction. The Boston Traveler has the following outline of studies hereafter to be pursued in Brmtn University, Providence, It. I. It is a system proposed by its celebrated President, Rev. Dr. Way lard, and is said to resemble the course of instruction pur sued in ihe most popular and useful Univ ersities in the Old World. Its workings in America will be regarded with interest. The following are the courses of instruc tion, lo which others may be added as a de mand for them shall arise, which are to be given : 1. A course of instruction in the Latin Language and Literature. 2. In the C! reek Language and Litera ture. 3. In the Modern Languages. 4. In Mathematics. 5. In Natural P.nilo.sophy. 6. In Civil Engineering. 7- In Chemistry and Physiology. 8. In the English Language and Liter ature, anil rlhelurifr and Uratorv. 9. In Moral ami liitHllpciii il Philosophy. 10. In History and Polincal Economy. 11. In Diditctics.or the Tiicury and Prac tice of Teaching. 12. In the Application of Chemistry to the Arts. 13. In the Theory and Practice of Ag riculture. 14. A Law School shall be established as soon as the funds of the Institution shall render it practicable. The above are to be so arranged as to enable a student to direct his attention to any single course, for one term or a year, or any portion of time deemed best. Can didates fordegrees may pursue the studies necessary to obtain those degrees a longer or shorlcr time, according as they may be u!i!o to prepare themselves for the required cxamina'ion. The regular degrees to be conferred are Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Philosophy, and Mister of Arts. The first is designed for those who propose en tering the different professions, an J yet do not wish to pursue n full course of liberal education. The decree of Bachelor of Phi losophy is to be conferred on those who have become proficient in two modem lan guages, the mathematics of two years, in nnglish literature and the other courses, of one year each, come modification of these requisites for this degree may be made at the option of the student. The decree of Master of Arts is to be conferred only up on those who have cone through a liberal course of study, a course which may be accomplished 111 four years, and yet be ad vantageously pursued for a greater length of lime. No Masters degrees are he real ter to be conferred in course, as heretofore, upon any individual who has been out ol College three years. There are to be two terms in the colic giate year. The Gist commencing on the first Friday of September, and continuing for SO weeks, after which there is to be a vacation of four weeks-. The second term is-fo commence on the fourth Friday of February, and continue twenty weeks, af ter which there is to be a- vacation of eight weeks-.- ir.i..i....rir Curious. It is a fact that the Cnited States have hid six Presidents in a httle more tharr nine years.- Counting from the 1st ol March, 1841 at which time Van Bu ren was President, there have been Van Buren, Harrison, Tyler, Polk, Tay for, and Fillmore. Tbe Texas, Ilew ET.3r.ico, ar.tl.Ccl! fornia Bills, as pass?! I. Texas. A HILL proposing to the St..: S r Texas ! presented a constitution and asked admis- j the establishment of her Northern andjs'on into the Union.wLich constitution was Western boundaries, the relinquishment submitted to Congress by the President of by scid Ctate of all territory claimed by (;:e United States by mossige, dated Feb her exterior to said bo.tnd:irii'.,r..id of all ru,ry ,hirtefr.th, eighteen hundred and fif her cl lims upon the United States. , ... , lie 11 enacieu ivc. ; i-- .j"'o propositions shut! be, and the same hereby are offered to the Sta e of lex-.-., a.uch . of :l,prc,cnt,ltlvM of ,he unlted S,a,M of when agreed to by'the said State m an act : Am(rica ; c ra asst.m!)!td That the passtJ by the C.cal Assembly, shall l!Sfa.eo, Cahfcmia shall bo one, and is nm liinr and ch iL'atorv ucon lli3 L-'uiieo .States nnd upon the said State of Texas ; Provided, That said agreement by tho said General Assembly bha'.l be given on or be fore the 1st day ol Decernler l':0. Firnt,T'c.o Stata of Texas will agree that her boundary on the North sh-tll com mence at the point at which tiie meridian of 100 degrees west from Greenwich is in tersected by the parallel of 33 degrees and 30 minutes north latitude, and a '.all run O C- from said point duo wr-st to the meredian of 103 decrees west fr-jni Greenwich thence her boundary shall run due south to the 3id degree of north latitude to the Rio Bravo del Norte ; and thence with the channel of said river to the Gulf of Mexico. Second, The State of Texas cedes to the United Slates all her claims to the territory exterior to her limits and boundaries, which she agrees to establish by the first article of this agreement. Third, The State of Texas relinquishes all claims upon the United States for lia bility. for the debts of Texas, and for com pensation or indemnity for ihrj surrender to the Uuited States of her ships, forts, ar senals, custom houses, custom house reve nue, arms and munitions of war, and pub lic buildings with their sites, which be came the property of the United States at the time of the anexation. Fourth, The United Slates, in consider ation of said reduction of boundaries.cession of territory, and relinqusihment ol claims, will pay to the State of Texas the sum of ten millions of dollars in a stock bearing five per cent, interest, and redeemable at the end of fourteen years, ihe interest pay able half-yearly at the Treasury of the United States. Fifth, Immediately after tho President of the United States shall have been furnished with an authentic copy of the act of the General Assembly of Tex-is, accepting these propositions, he shall cause the stock to be issued in favor of the State of Texas, as provided for in the filth article ol thi agreement. Provided, also, Thai five millions of said stock shall not be issued until the creditors crV the saul S:te, hoidinjr bonds of Tex ts. for which duties or, imports were spei-iti rally pledged, shall first file, at the Treas ury of the United States, releases of all claims against the United States for or on account of said bonds. II. New Mexico. The first section of this bill enacts that all that portion of Territory cf the United States, bounded as follows, to wit : Begin ning at a point in the Colorado rivcr,where the boundary line of the Republic of Mexi co crosses the same ; thence eas'wardly wilh said boundary line to the Rio Grande; thence following the main channel of said Kiver to the parallel of the 32J degree north latitude ; thence eastward w ith said degree to its intersection wiih the 103d de gree of longitude west from Greenwich; ilience north with the said degree of lon gitude lo ihe parallel of the 33ih degiee of north latitude ; thence west wiih said parallel to the summit of the Sierra Madre; thenre south with the crest of said moun tain to ihe 37th parallel of north latitude ; ihence west with the said parallel to its in tersection with the boundary line of the State of California : ttn-nce wi'h the said boundary line to the j;!.:ce of beginning.be, and the same is hereby, erected into a tem porary Government by ihe name of the Territory of New Mexico. ProviJed, That nothing in this act contained shall be con strued to inhibit the Government of the I United States from dividing said Territory into two oi more Territories, in such rrfnn ner and at such times as Congress shall deem convenient and proper, or from at taching any portion thereof to any other Territory or State. Provided1, further, That when admitted as a State, the said Territo ry, or any portion of the same, shell be received into the Union, with or without slavery , their Constitution may prescribe at the time of their cdmissioff. The seventeen'! section enacts that the provisions of this bill be suspended until the disputed boundary between the United States and the State of Texas shall be ad justed ; and when such adjustment thall have been efTMfftJ, the President of the United States shall issue his proclamation declaring this act to te in full force and operation, and shall proceed to appoint the officsrs herein' provided to be appointed for 1 imt Territory. III. California. A BILL for the admission of the State o" California into ihe Uniori. i.treas, the people of California h-Jre: to be republic-.n in its form of government. He it enact :il bv the Senate nnd Itousn hereby declared to be on", of the United I Stales of America, -.ad admitted into the LVion on an cquul lootirij wiih the origi nal Slates, in c'l respects whatsoever. Sec. 2 .'2nd be V further tnar. ted, Til ur.ti! the representative! in Congress shall be apportioned according to an actunl enu meration of the inhabitants of the I'nited States, the State of California slir.ll be en titled to two Representatives ia Congress. See. 3. .Ind be it furthi r enacted. That 1, saiJ ga.e of California u aJrait;ed into the Union upon the express condition that the people of said State, through its Legislature or otherwise, shall never inter fere with the primary disposal of the pub lic lands within its limits, and shn pass no law, and do no act, whereby the title of the United States to, and right lo dis pose of, the same shall be impaired or questioned ; and they shall nevcrjay any tax or assessment of any description what ever upon the public domain of ihe United S:ates ; and in no case shall non-resident proprietors, who are citizens of the United States, betaxcd higher than residents ; and that all the navigable waters within the said State3hall be common highways, and for ever free, as well tojhe inhabitants of said States as to the citizens of the United Slates, without any tux, import, or duty thetefor; Provided, That no'liing herein contained shrill be con.-tru'd as recognizing or rejecting the propositions tendered by the people of California as articles of com pact in the ordinance adopted by the con vention which formed the constitution of that State. Take Care of the Pence. One of the hardest lessons for many of t our young men to learn, is that trite and sterling doctrine of Poor Richard, "Take care of the Pence, and the Pounds will take care of themselves." Bit, hard and dis tasteful as it is, we must learn and Tbac- tii'e the maxim, or take the still harder alternative of poverty and want. We have no inclination to teach any of our readers a lesson of miserly meanness or littleness. The miserable Muck-rake who consecrates his energies to the saving I of the shreds and fragments andsweepin "ml '" "s uo Ul,,male "JC. 1:-. :-. k; .t. . ..1.: - "'"c " m",u,c " oc,"S "s ,ne lnosl Proa'- gal spendthrift. What we desire, is to save the thoughtless and wasteful from future embarrassment and trouble, by putting him on a course of economy "and care-taking in his ordinary expenditures. This is all that is necessary, and all we wish. Hundreds of young men, some of whom may read this paragraph, might this day have been in possession of a snug little lor- tune, if they had simply dispensed with su- I perfluous indulgence during the time they have been engaged injbusiucss. ' It would have cost no sacrifice of generous fcelin". or of respectability ol character, and be sides thii saving of money, it would have been attended with the acquisition of a ha bit of minute economy, or precise attention to the small details of daily business. hkh is itself worth more than money ; which is in truth the most productive kind of cap ital. In this country, and as business is here managed, a little capital gives a young man great advantage, especially if along wiih it he possesses superior business tal ent and habits. And the fact that he has saved fiotn a small income a snug little sum iu the course of a few years, is itself, pretty good evidence that he has the right habits and abilites to succeed well, and no introduction or letters of recommendation can speak so loudly in his favor. At the same time the buoyancy of mind and spir it which this advantage inspires in the young adventurer himself, is often C mate rial help to him in his luture undertakings. In every respect ho appears in favorable contrast to those other young men who, though placed iu circumstances equally fa vorable, have acquired no property, con tracted bad habits, and feel jaded and dis couraged by their unfruitful toil. It has a great and happy effect upon one's own mind and energy, to feel that a beginning is made that a foundation is laid to build upon and if for no other rea son, lor this, every young man should look well to see wtmt becomes of his first earn ings. It is comparatively easy to add to a stoik, HottiVef .frha'f, less easy to think of beginning one. We repeat our advice, then, olJ aud oft fcpetSr nn "t Take care of the pennies, the first earned pennies of youth ful endeavor, nnd the pounds of after life wilt take care of themselves. Dry Goods Reporter. The Pin and the Needle. Lem Smith, ihe 'cute and philosophical editor of the Madison Record, tells the fol lowing wilty faMe, which Is as coed as anything we hdvfe seen out of J?op. A pin and a needle, says this American Fon taine, being neighbor in a work-busket. and both being idle, began lo quarrel, a idle folks are apt to do : . "I should like to know," s-iij the pin, " whit you are good for, and how you ex- ner-l In r..i ,l. t . i . 1 e" "'gu tne woria without a head?" What is the use of your bead. repueu the nee.Ce, ruber sharply, if you have no eye?" What is the use of an pm, 11 there is nlwas something in it I am more active. and can go throu-h more work than you can.' said the needle. Yes, but you wilt not live long.'' - Why not V "Bjcjus you have always a slilrh in your side, said the pin. " Vou are a poor crooked creature," said the needle. And you are so proud that you can't bend without break ing your back." I'll p! jour head ofT. if you insult me again. I'll put your eye out if you touch me ; remember your ' life hangs on a single thread," said the pin. While ihey were thus conversing, a little girl entered, and undertaking to sew, she very soon broke off the needle at the eye. Then she tied the thread around the neck of the pin, and attempting lo sew wiih it. she soon pulled its head oil, and threw it into the dirt by the side of the broken nee- dlo. "Well, here we are." said thp nil. " We have nothing to fight about now," said the pin. " It seems misfortune has brought us to our senses." " A nitv we had not come lo them sooner," said the needle. 'II.,w much we resemble hurr'Sn beings who quarrel about their blessings till they lose them, and never find out they are brothers till they lay down in tbe dust together as we do." " It should be the duty of every faniilv to receive at least one newspaper; and that should be the one in wh'ch the family is most interested. First subscribe for the paper in your own immediate vicinity ; in it you will find what you shi!d certainly know all that is transpiring in your own State nnd neighborhood.' Scott (Pii'l adelphio) Weekly. This is undoubtedly the iiu; d.irrim', and we hope that our friends will profit by the remsrk. In the country arid the im mediate neighborhood of the press, the citi zens of different ends of the county fre quently come together in converT'lots courts, elections &c; and thus an ac quaintanceship is engendered and cultival ted. This will make all interested in each other's w.-lf.re, 0 some extent ; and n. country paper is tl.e chain which, tacitly and magnetically, binds together citizonV and parties. V.ki will find the want of a ritv nnner stealing upon you in due time: and with that corscitmsrfe?s, will come also, a way to pay the subscription. I.ut your local paper is the occ which sustains you. and looks lo you fer suppor in return. Ik-re, your little occasional printing jobs are executed here, your business is advertised here, will you find a record of your friends decease here, a notice ol their joyous wedJimrs hem ih. news of the day the accideu's of flood and field; interspersed wiih which, yoj always find the material occurrences of state and na-ional politics. Support your coimty p'rpiT.Cutumbii f), m . Fruits of War. The army f 1813 was composed cf recruits Irom eighteen to twenty years of age. Illness, fatigue.and misery decima ted l.en. Ol" the 1.260.00O raised in 1813, there remained in 1914. to defend- the soif of France, hut one hundred thou 4 sand men aoove the nroun.t. . tt D " suli of the various conscriptions mado in France between the years 1731 and IS13, we find that fnur millions Act hundred thousand Frenchmen were blown to pieces by cannon, brought down by musketry, impaled upon bayonets, or cutdoon by broadswords and sabres ; and by all this sacrifice France obtained literally nothing not so' much as one square inch of ground added to its tcrritoml limits in her wars of t7C0." The London Times follows up the above calculation, and computes the loss sus tained by the allies at ten millions of men, cut t3"piec3s- ib the prime of life Tho mind can scarcely realize such a agonal and horrible picture. And ye? ff.is" enor mous sacrifice of human life produced no advantages for which the cost of a single life would not have been too dear. We look with loathing and hatred upon those savage tribes which periodically offer hu-. man sacrifices to their gods. But their blind yet honest zeal is pardonable, and their destruction of life but limited, com pared with the pyramids of bloody obla tions which civilized men ofTerat the shrine of national am 01 tier., nvnrice, and revcrgrV Richmond Repubvc-'.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers