Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, September 11, 1850, Image 3

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Samuel anderson.
raihlokable Tailor,
In ibe Brick building, lower
Market street, one, door above
J. Nesbit's nets Brick House.
dune to order.
, Lewisburg, Mt; 59, 1 S50.
tUorgunized. and being a combination of two
Companies. Equestrian and Dramatic !
fTtHIS. Novel cotuLin.lion and Double Troupe
I will perform at LewLhurg ; on Wednesday,
the 2d of October, for one day only, afternoon
and evening. Afternoon performance commen
ring at 2j o'clock, in the evening at 7 o'clock.
Dims open half an hour previous. Admission
3 rent lo each Entertainment.
In Ibe Equestrian department, one of the lea
ding, and Irom their novelty, the most striking
lextarr. are the wnnde.ful xpliH's of the wild
'dcr. E 4 TON STONE. Thia extraordinary!
equestrian, of whose skill and daring, volume
have been written wheiever he has performed ap
pears in Iwo distinct acts of horsemanship in nei
ther of which does he ue saddle or bridle on his
superb eteedi. thcuuli the; are both as wild and
apparently untameahle as when first lassoed by
tiro on the Pamper of Sou In America. Their
iraps sre truly terrific, and it is impossible to
descrilie the sensslinnsof the bi holder as be wat-
'h.. lh tnnfiiins of iho liArM atut riilr uhifh
are in perfect unisn. and which convey to the
iniod a strong picture of (he C'kstii m of Ilea
then Mvtliolopr.
Matter I VTVIl l i annltin nf llio (tor.
Iiirh rnrin Ik. I.nlli.nl Cnl ir. r.f I'.ls.,, M
which this great company is composed. He if
everywhere admitted lo lie without a rival in his
featsof euuiution. Mr. C U W AI.ADI'K the
creceful and darine many h ir-e rider, ihe enlal
liihej favorite of this company. Mr. E. IIKK1
Ol"r, with his highly educaled and superb stud
f Liiliputi.m Shetland Tonics. The great and
widely renowned Acrobats, the KIVEKS FAM
ILY, whose pteaMne and astonishing feats, have
ntverheen equalled in America; the acrom-fli-hed
equestrian aii'l charnpion vaulter Mr.W.
O. DALE. SAM I.EE. whose herculean fe.ts
re the wonder and admiration of ail who witness
,er G. DTKIOUS and H. WILLIAMS. ' Two
ureal downs, JOHN JASSOM and DAN !
UARDNEB whose unexreptionable art and
moat approves good humor hive placed tham at
the summit of the profession. Matter ol the as
na Capt. J. A. Du mp. The grand heroic
euesttic dramatic spectacle.
i (fie 7 champions of Chrialcndoni. got up w i.h
ihemoel lavish eipense, with new and gorgeous
presses, properties and appointments of every
sort, asperformed for hundreds of nights at Ihe
National Amiitbcatre.Pliiladclphia,wi conclude
each evening's entertainment.
fciTI'itt-t celebrated Military Band will ac
company the performance. Sept 7 3w
To the Voters of Union County.
Fellow Citizens : At the solicitation of a
number of my friends, I hereby otrer my
elf as a candidate for ihe office of Pro
thODOtary at the ensuing election, aud
pledge myself to discharge the duties ol
said office lo the best of my abilitt.
Selinsgrove, Aug. 15, 1850
To the Electors of Union Co.
Ftllow Citizens: Being encounged by
a number of my friends. 1 offer myseil as
a volunteer candidate for the office of
at the next general election. I pledge
ruyaely, if elected to perform the duties of
'lie sutd office with fidelity.
Jacob hoklaciieu.
New Berlin, JuneC, 1850.
Executor's Notice.
THE Register of Union county having
this day granted me Letters Testem
eniary on the estate of Jacob Housel, late
ol Lewisburg, deceased, all his debtors arc
required lo make immediate payment, and
all bis creditors, lo present their claims.
JAMES F. LINN, Exec'r.
Lewisburg, Aug. 19, 1850
IM1E subscriber will expose to sale, al
his Store at Burna Vista, fnear t!ul-
din's Mill) commencinrr on
Salurday, Aug 31st, Wed. Sept 7th, and
closing Sat. Sepl. 14,
his whole stock of STORE GOODS, com
frising the usual slock of Dry Goods to
be found in a country slore. Also Hard
ware, Queens ware. Groceries, Glassware.
Chairs, Wood by the cord, 500 ft of Dry
Hoards, &.C
Goods will lie sold AT COST between
this and the close of the Auction. Reaso
nable credit given on sums above $5 with
approved security.
Puena Vista (P.ufTalo Tp) Aug. 17 1
rain Drills.
THE undersigned wish to inform the
farming community generally, that
they are now manufacturing
J. P. JWy Improved GRAIN
'lthoul stopping to discuss the compara
tive merits of.numerous Drills now ofTfred
for sale, they merely wish to invite Farm
era to call and see the above named article
before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi.
dent that they can furnish an article that
will give entire satisfaction.
Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, 1850.
17RESH TEAS. Another lot of
I an riArii,, Ul..l -.J Clmw, Tn. ;
-- , v. auu v. - ' ll i cur ,
sunt ro.t ,l r" . .- L IA
J iiuiB me i.diuun lew im uetn
pany, and fox aale at New York retail
weby J. HAYES & CO.
L isburg, Aprd j. Agtmla.
Public 0alc.
WILL be offered at Public Sale, at the
house of Mrs. S. 15 Davis, opposite
Wolfe & Lawshe'n, on
Saturday the 21st of Sept.
inst., commencing at 9 o'clock, A. M., a
large quantity of serviceable Household $
Kitchen FURJMTURE. embracing an
assortment of Bed and Bedding, Mattress-
es, Carpeling, Oil Cloths, Matting, Chairs,
Tables, 4ic also Stoves, a llnckaway
CarriaL'e and Harness, a Slei-h, a Lidies'
Saddle, a Gentleman's Saddle, Hay in the
Sin Me. &c. &c. i
A variety ol Parlou i vrnitcrb at Pri
vate Sale after ttie 15 h tnsl aua aiso a
Wardrobe, Bureau, etc.
Also lor bale,
' The large Brick HOUSE, Siablc and l.of,
corner of Market and Water streets, belon
ging to Mrs.D. Refer to G.F.Miller.Ksq.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
Lea isburg, Sept. 3, 1850
Public Sale.
WILL be exposed to Public Sale, on
Saturday, the 21st of September
next, in East BufTiloe Township, Union
county, Pa , I he following jcal estate, to
wit :
Thirty Acres of Land.
More or less, with a Frame House and
Bmk Barn, and all necessary out-buiid-ing.
There is a well of never failing
limestone water near the door. A fun;
Apple Orchard, and a large number o)'
other fruit trees on the premises, i he
farm is situated about one mile below Lire
isburg, on the road leading to S Improve,
on the right bank of the West Branch of
the Susquehanna river. The land is all
cleared and in a good state of cultivation.
It will be sold ns the property of the heirs
of J icob S rohecker. rli-c'd.
N. B. Any person wishing tr ce the
'""n bckire the day ol su e, can cull upon
the present occupant, Mrs. Slrobecker.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, when
conditions will be made known
August 14, 1650.
AXomr.K snrxTiFir wosiiEM
J I K E a great Dy.-pipaia Curer !
Preparid from Kernel, or the fourth stomach of
the Ox, after directions by Baron Lir.Bio, the
great physiological chemist, by J S.Hoi-oaTow,
M.D., No. 1 1 N. Sib St Philadelphia, Pa.
TKl.'LY wonderful remedy ot Indigestion,
Duspipsia, Jaundice, l.irer Complaint,
Constipation and Debilitu. curing after Nature's
own process, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric
Juice. (jllalf a teaspoonful of this fluid infused
in w ater, can digest or dissolve Five Pounds of
roast beef in about two boura, out of the stomach.
Digestion is chiefly performed in the stom
ach by the aid of a fluid which freely eludes from
Ihe inner coat of that organ, when in a state of
heal h. called the castric inire. This fluid is the
great tolvent of the food the purifying, preeer- J
inkestines. Without it there can be no digestion,
no conversion of food into bbwd, no nutrition
but rather a foul, torpid, painful and destructive
condition of Ibe whole dig stive apparatus.
PcpHlu' is the chief element or great digest
ing principle of the gastric juice,
It is found in i
great abundance in the solid parts ot the human
stomach alter death, and sometimes causes the
stomach lo digest or eat itself op. It is also found
in the stomach of animals, as the ox, calf, cVc It
ia the material used by farmers in making cheese
styled Rennet, the effect of which has long
been ihe special wonder of the dairy. Curdling
of milk ia the first process of digestion. A call's
stomach can curdle nearly one thousand times its
own weight of milk. Baron Lieliig states, "one
part of Pepsin di.solved in sixty thousand parts
of water, dige meat and other food." Diseased
stomachs pro luce no good Gastric Juice, Rennet
or Pep-in. To show that this want may be per
fectly supplied, we quote the subjoined
Huron LIKBKI, in btp wlcl.nvtrU work on Animal Oi
miMrr, toty: "Au artificial H(!vtiT UukI, mntiUiiiiit to
tlie(ntrir Jatrr.niny hv n-tvlily prvpnrrt! from ihf uimnnn
nit-mliiaUH of the Ktomarb uf th ralf. in which Tanniirt
itrticlifi of fitl. an iwnt ani will Le Fnfltnnl nntt
dij.Kt.il in tlie Midi DinDDfr a iu the human Uiuia h."
Jr. HKHklKA. in hin famous tmitiw on Food and IHi't,
published by F'wIth k WVlln, New York, jiaci' fUUfi
ihf caint' pr at fart, and denrril' th? method of pr ianv
ttn. Thr art- ftw hipher authorities than Ir. Frn ria.
IT. O'MHE, in his TaluaMt- writinp" on the HhyHHliry
of IHNtioii. ftfeSurTos that wa diminution of th due
quantity of the ilastric J uiee is a pnnniDent and all -prevailing
raue of DyM'psia, and he states that a dititi
putshed pnfsstrot uedirine in Londm,wbowa wTcrcly
arHirlcd with this complaint. findinK ercrythiiiff else to
fail, had riTnurse to the tiastrie Juice, ot'tained fnm the
stomarh of livinp animal", which otmpleU'ly tuerevif'.'
lr.iRAH Al. author of the fjunotiii workdon Vepetahlc
H-t,says: II is a remarkable fact in phy-Kiolofiy, that
the ftomarhs of animals, macerated iu water, impart U
the flnd t lie pnips-rty of dirwedTintr Tarious artiehtifif f !,
and of f(Tt-tinp a kind of artificial dipestwm of (hem in no
wise difV-rent Irom tire natural difeestive proeeitH."
lr. SI Mt. . Kreat work, the i 'bvmistry of Man, (Lea t
Itlaurluird. I'hilwl., 1S4-V. pp;l.3. says: "Thf discovery
of t'epsiu f''nnf a new era in tlte rhemieal liiftory of
pestion. From rve;nt exi-riments, we know that food is
dissolved as rapidly in an artificial dicetTt lluid. prepared
from l'epin. as H is in th" natural (iactrir Juice itself
I'rof. M NttLlStrN. of the Jefferson Colli l1iila.L, in
his frreat work on Human rhyriHjlopy.deroti-s more than
fifty pai)s to an exam instion of this siiojeet. HirJ expert
ntents with lr. BcauuKiiit. on the tiastrie Juice. oMuined
from the living human sUquaeii and from animals, are
known. In all cases." he says, "dis'li'm oreurrfd as
perfectly in the artificial as in the natural digestions."
As a DYSPEPSIA CURER, Dr Houghton-
preparation of JVpin bag produced the most mar- :
aelous t fleets. It is imposeiMe to give details of
canes in the limits of this advertisement hut au- ,
Iheniirited certificates have hecn given of more
than TWO HUMKED rapid, wonderful, and
permanent euros. It is a great JVtnvofs Axti
roTt, and particularly useful for teudencj to
bilious disorder, liver complaint, fever and ague,
the evil effects of quinine, mercury, &c, aleo for
excess in eating or drinking.
There is uo form of OLD STOMACH COM.
J'LAI.NTS which it does not reach and also give
instant relief! and repeated for a short time, pu
rity of Ulood and noun or sonf fellow at once.
It is particularly excellent in eaees of nan sea, vo
miting, cramps, soreness of ihe pit of the stomach.
distress after eating, row, cold state of the blood,
heaviness, lowness of spirits, despondency, emaci
ation, weakness, tendenc to insanity, Ac
Trie, ONE DOLLAR per bottle. Oue bottle
often effects a lasting cure.
FEFSIN IN FODDERS sent by Mail, free of Postage.
For nveniv,er of sendins; to all parts of tlie count it.
the I'ifrewtive Matter of the Vpsin.ia put up in the fttrm of
rowwra, wim urrs uniuf u ne aissolTea liy tne pstlent in
water or syrup. These powders contain just the same
matter as the bt !, but twice the quantity for the same
price, and are sent by mail. Free of Posta. for $1, s nt
(loet-paid) trir. Iloutrhton, No. 11 North ihih St.
I Oliaocipiiia. ci pwaadu nw 91
Every bo? tie and package bears the written tiff-
nature of J.8.HOUGHTON,M.D..8oe Proprie
tor. Boid by agent in every town id tne loion
and by most respectable dealers in medicine.
To be had of Thornton A Baker, Lewisburg ;
J II Caslow, Milton; Thompson, Miffiinbnrg;
V. lit & talert, Hartleton ; Wm Roshong, New
Berlin; G I Crane, 8eliosgrove ; Mm M'Csy,
ii on n urn tier land lv335
"ITT HI rE Leul, and Uiiseed Oil, for sele by
If .vr. 1 upruum & Baker.
Administrator's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby gueu that letters ol
Administration on lite e?aate of Cath
enne 15. Z l ers, late of Leiburg. ilecM,
have been granted to the uiic!crsimd this
day, August 13, 185, by the Register of
Union co., indue formof law. All persons
knowing themselves iiiklU'l to said es'a"e
are requested to make initio dime payment ;
and those having claim- against it will
present them duly authenticated for set lie
meiit. KAI:S Zc,L,bbK3.
Lewisburg, Aug. 15, 1850. ' Adm'r.
The subscriber offers for sale a large
assortment of choice Fruit Tries such
Apple trees, 7 to 10 foet hih, 40 varieties,
..II ..A ...... I.;.. l'.v.l fa-ciio
o or a varieties ol urat;
native and exotic varieties. Ornamental
Trees, such as the Paulonia, Linden, &c.
N. B. Persons wishing lo procure a
quantity of the Fiuit trees, a re requested lo
make immediate application to the subscn-
ber. in order to procure the varieties mid
size wanted. H. U. NOLL.
Lewisburg, March 4, 1850.
JAUNDICE, Dypepsia, Chronic or Nervous
Debility, disease of the Kidneys, and all dis
ease arising from a disoidered Liver or Stomach,
such as (.'oiiMipa'ion. Insrd Piles. FuIik-ss
or Blond lo Ihe Head. Acidity of tie
Stomach, Nn-ci, Heartburn dis
guM for Food, Fulness or Weight iu the
Siomarh, Sour Erurtatioiis, Sinking or Flut
tering al the pit of the Siomarh. fwiminin; of the
Head, burrieil and dilhcult lireathing, Klut
teiing at the Heart, choking or sutioca-
ling Sensations nhrii in a lying
poture, dimness of Vision.Dois oi els
belore the Sight, Fever and dull Pain in the
Head, Deficiency of Peispiration, Yellowness of
the Kin and Eves pain in the Side, UacK,
Chest, Limbs, &c. sudden Flushes nf
Heat, Burning in the Flesh, const inl Inia-
ginings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits,
prepared by
Sir. f '. sT. Jurkson
at the "German Medicine Store,"
130 Arch St. rhllad.
7'Aei'r power arrr the ahove diteitsts is not ex
eelted, if eijuatled, by any other prepuralion in
the l ulled States, at ihe curei attest, in many
cast after tkilful phusiciant hud failid.
These Bi ters aie worthy the attention of inn- j
lids. Possessing great virtues in the recitlicalion
of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exerci
sing ihe most searching powers in weakness and
alTectious of the digestive organs, bey are withal
aafe, certain and pleasant.
Itcad as n be cnsviscr.n. The Hon. Che
D H incline, editor ol the Caaidtn Dc mnerat, the
best paper in West Jersey, says, July 211
msiiy flullerinir notiei-sof this Biel:rine. slid tii snunv
wlwuee lhi-y nuuf iiilllit-l n. lo ln:iki' i-i'Uiri.-s n-.w-liliB
its HKTits. Fnmi inquiry we wen- fMTfuaJod U owe lUbaui
inui't say we fmiml H sinifit- in its action upon Uim' of
the liver anil dij-rstlTc or.nns. and the orrfiil iutiiienre
"' l;"-'""" ""7''"'-'; K
stute nf retKrSe. m.ikin' .-hi". rcfreshiliir.
If this in 1i- in - wore wire (?iieraHy used, we are sn
i-tied tlien- wu;d be lt - sit kns, as frm the t"itiach,
liver, and nervous tem Ihe pr:it nny'-ritr 'f r-al and
imairinsry diseas'Seiii:iiite. Ilavetluni in a hrnlthy con
dition, and you can bid dcfiiince to -t.jfinicr c- iieraUv.
This eatnMfiliunry medicine we would advirv our friiuds
who are at all iudiMMw-d to irive a trial it will th-n ree-
rnimen.l itself. It fhtiuld.in fiiet.W in wty family. No
other nn-Ulcme can prouuee sucn eviat'ncfw 01 merik
- Finm the Boston Bee editor I, Dec 22d
lr. !bflaiit (N-h-hntieil ierman Hitters, for the cure
of Liver Complaint, Jim n. I ice. hyspepsia. and Chronic or
Nervous Ih-hility. is deservedly one of tlte most popular
mcdicim of tlie day. These fritter have Iven usi-d by
thousands, and a friend at our elbow says he has himself
received from thr use of this nwdy an effectual, penna
nent cure of Liver Complaint. We are convinced that,
in the use of these Kilters, the patient constantly twins
strenitth and viprr a fact worthy of jrreat cnnsitbration
They are pleasant in taste and em-ll, and can be used by
persons with the most delicate stomachs, with snf ty
under any eireuwtauees. We are speaking fmul ept-ri
ence. and to the att!irt4d we advise their use.
Scuffs Weekly, one of the best literary paers
published, said Aue'-I.')ih
1b. IIooFLAJtf's !ruu4N- Bitttjes, man afaernrcd by Pr
Jackson, are now rvefitnnicntted by sitae of the mpt prr
minent memls-rs f the faculty," as sn ar'iel. f mm h
efficacy in esses of ft mu e wenkiufS. As such ;s t!e - -.s.-.
we would advise all moth ts Ui obtain a bottle, and tin's
save tbfiu-lvi-s much sieknens. INr.ns nf oVLilifaUd
eonntitutiuns will find tht-se Bitters advantageous to their
healih. as we ttmw from experience the salutary effect
they have upon weak syUruis.
Judge M.M.Non, a gintleman of great scien
tific and literary att.iinmetits.said in his 'ew York
Weekly Messenger, Jan 6, IS50
Jtr. Ilnfitntft tVcrwiaw KHmu Here is a preparation
which the leading presses of the In ion appear unanimous
In reeommendinp. and the n'ason is obvious. It is mute
aftiT a pivixrription furnished by one of the mol celebrated
pliysirians of modern times the latr pr. Christopher
Wilhelm Hoofland, lro6ssor to the Vniversity of Jena,
I'rivate rhysician to the Kinp of Prussia, and one of the
preatest medical writers (icrmany has ever pnnluet-d. He
was emphatically the enemy of Awwwjj, and tht-ref tre a
medicine of which he was the inventor and endorser way
he confidently relied on. He specially tvcommen.U-d it in
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, lability, Tertici. Acidity of
tlie Stomach, Constipation, and all complaints ansmp
from a disonlennl condition of the stTna-h. the Liver and
the Intestines. Nine rhiladelphia pnpers express their
conviction of its excellence, ami several of their Fdibrs
SMiik of its effeetii ffm their own individual exr-'ritnee.
I'nder those circumtances, we f-el warratibtl, not only
iu callinp the attention of our rv-adrrs to the present
proprietor (lr. C. M. .laeknonV- pn'pnration, but in rc
omtncndinp the article to all afflicted.
More Evmcxcs. The Philadelphia Saturday
Gazette, the best fimily newspaper published in
the United ia'es, the editor ea s of Dr Hooflsiids
German Bitters
It Is seldom that we recommend wlmt are t Mined Pat
ent Medicines to our readers' patrr-nnrre nnd cmfiderc;
and, therefore, when w n-couiuiend I-r. lloothind' tier-
man Bitters, we wisn 11 to iw nisunniy uno:er5iooa in at
we are not speakius of the nostrums of the day. that are
noised about for a brief period aud are forpot ten after they
bittfdone their eiriltv race of mischief, but of a mi'dicine
long established, universally prixi-d. and which has met
the hearty approval of the Faculty itself.
Evidence on evidence has been teceived (like
the forpednp't from all sections of the Union, the lust 3
years, aud tht strvnyst Uttimnny in it tintr. is, that
tie-re is more 01 it useti tn me practice 01 tne repiuar
hvsfcians of Philadelphia, than ol all oilier nostrums
combiued a fact that can easily be estnfliJ-hett. and tuny
provinp that a scientific preparation will meet with their
uuiet approval when present d even in this form. That
this medicine will cure Liver Complaint and iHspepsia. no
one can doubt, after nlnp it as directed. It nets spcinv
al!y upon tlte Stomach and Liver. It is prcr. ntiic to
Calomel in aU tnlum li.atf. The eff.-et is immediste
tbey can be administered to ff.mali or imant with safi-ty
aud reliable benefit, at any time.
Beware of counterfeits!
This medicine has attained that character which
it ia neceseary for ell to attain to induce counter
feiters to put forth epuiittus artic le at the ri?k of
ihe Ike of iho-e who are innocently drceivrd.
Look trttl to the marks of tht Genuine.
They have the written siiinatureot' C.M.Jacksok
upon the wrapM-r, and the name blown in the
bottle, without which they cr xpuriuux.
For ssle wholesale and rela l.attbe (iERMAN
do it below Sixth, (U of 17d Race tft.) Philad
elphia, anJ by respectable des-lnrs gencrtsHly, the
country throu&hout. Iy3.?t
Aleo for talc by S.F,LYKDALLtLewUburg.Pa
To BlackDllba.
BITUMINOUS COAfs. from the West
Brunch nnd from Ilollidaysburg, for
me at the Shop of the subscriber, near the
Udyscalea on Third St.
Lcm isburg, May 7, 185
tii warrnintu nu.i.. i .., utnttemen't u-ui Jloyi' jjress uootu,
varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine, . CaMimeregi Vlins. Summer Stuff. F.-nry
Prune and Pear trees, together with son e Cravat. &c. A si.len.lid lot of HATS, CATS
j iMrge Salts 5 Low Prices
and fill iii g vp again biiiiijull
with a stock r.f jtoods I . A RG ER .BETTER
and CHEAPER than ever!
"ITJE have ja-t received and are now opening
a Urge ana splendid assortment of
Spring ami
enib'aiiiig everything n.opt J lo the varied waul.
and tastes of the community, and at prices that
can not fail to give universal satisfaction
The LADIES are assured that we have a belter
assortment of IlrfMM tiaoAH than has ever
been presenn-d in Mil inaiket. We have every
quality anj description of
Tlonerx, Silks, l alicoes, I. awns, Gingharns, cVc.
! Hardware (iueensware Glassware,
of all kinds also a large slock of
pi . Kolf inl Fittll
, j C5UII jtlllll m. Ill?
j at very low piices-for CASH or COTNTUV
PRODUCE of all kind at Ma let prices.
I J. & J. "WALLS.
Lewisburg, April 53, ISoU
IR'M'LAR fir the Academicul Year com-
tnrncing Oct, 17, JSi0,
Primary Department.
Exercised in Sptlliri';, Reading, Definition,
EnglUh (inmniir, Arithmetic, Geography, His
lory t .t.A., Pturosijbhip and Composition.
English Department of tlie Academy.
The mine studies as in ihe Piimarv Departm't
coii'inued in the use uf larger text books ; and to
llice are added General History .Algebia, Legen
dre, aud K! mt nt-H uf Purveying
Classical Department cf the Academy.
Term Jttuiur Acadrmie chas.
1. Ens! Mi lir.iiniuar. Latin Urammar, Arithmetic ( two
d,f.-ion.i if itrntyjlty.
IT. The Htue i-tudies a iu I. Term, and lYnmansliip.
HI. Kritflh (ramiunr. t a sur. Ar.thtnetir eoiuplebni by
lnt division, tireek itramiuar, Uitit-try L js.A., IVu-
roaUbhip. Iksi'k-krs pilip.
Senior Academic ehixt,
t. CtrAX. Orek lieadi-r. Alpebra 'aulimeuts.)
II. Aim id, do do
111. do do do corupMrd, Oeno
ral Huttory, Luglhth Lungnapc snd Conipositicn.
Freshman clues.
I. Knlish Isanua aud Com j wit ion, Algebra, Livy,
II. 1'tane Oeomrtrr, Livy, Aiutliftsit.
UI. rune, Sohi! a:id phcri-.-al Ucuuietry complvlcd, Li
vy, Anabaeis.
Sophonnre clur.
I. Horace, O-J.vswy. Plane .d Sph -rtca! Triir.nr,metry.
II. do do bilutti4n.Sllrv(yillp,vii;atIolJ.
HL dtt eofupleted. Sbnt Uiotlonsof Iftiaosthenws,
1th. tone, Anulytiea. Uvnieti-y.
J ifiior cLt$.
L latino Then, s cn th- Crown. Cicero de Officiis, ile
chaniiv, II.lr 'a;iT. and Hydraulics.
II. I- UioMtrem-p m th Crowu. t.'ieTo de i.flrij eom
pii ted. PiHfuinaticfi, Aooasties, JClectricity, Maua
tism. and ,.-'--III.
Oreek Tragedy, Tmitr.s, Astronomy.
Senior tlats.
I. Ijotrle. Natural Tbeot..py, IntellwtusJ Thllosophy.
II. Creek. Political fin4uy, Moral Philosoi y.
HI. liutl-r's Analupy. Conftitotiou of V. H., Cbv-uitry,
Lectuiw, (irurral Keviews.
No class in the RrtilerCourse has less than
three daily recitations. Every Saturday forenoon is
devoted delusively to Vocal Music, Declamation,
and reading aclert and original Compositions.
The students are required lo attend, regulaily,
some religious meeting. Minors are ei pec ted to
attend such meeting as are recommended to them
by their parents or guardiaua. There are in the
bmough no lev than sis places of public worship,
of as many dilferent Christian denominations.
Text Rook.
Knfih'nh IsrmjU"rj m4 FMKHtvn. The Bible, Porter's
Rhetorical Header. Woivi sVre or Welster'a lhctionary.
Bullion's Knpiifh itrammar. Iarker's I'lTapressive Kxerei
ses in Knirloh t opiptrr-itivu. Parker's Aids, Blair s Lectures
(University Wttiou.)
Ltitiu Liinywtji. Bullion's Grammar. Ru11ion r.eadcr.
Leventt a Lei iron, bullion's t af nr. f-buiitz and Zumpt's
Virpil. I.ibct.ln's Lny. Anthr u s lb-race, Tbacher's Cicvro
de tiffitiis. Tylers Tacit i:s" eimanis et Apri-ola.
rrvc'.- iyit.'. liiiinoii'rit.ranimar.Jiullior's Header,
Liddi'tl 4 N-ott's ls-'Xieun. tKven's AeucplHn's Auakisis,
Owen's JIm:a"s tKtv(sey.Chympljus beiuofibeues, IVk s
C'lusF-e-iil M:tinukl.
JU:,h.m.'Jx. Vavit'S Arlthaietic for Acad. mirs. L!t.iii
CTat.iry Alt- lea, I .cur Jon. 1V ndre. Survyinp and Savi-patiou-An
iytienliltnietr) .olraKUd's Natural i'tulosophy
(r-U.reotvw d. Oluoitvd s A-trunotuy.
Xutubcr of mtudcDlsj.
The number of students during the pan year
in the vurious Departments, was 1)2. The
Collegiate classes already organized lor the ensu- l
ing ytar, are the folLming :
Senior t Ias - - - ft
Junior i-lar s - - - 14
Sophomore class - lo j
arcrhmau claa - - 11. . . ,5f j
STEPHLX W. TAYLUK, A. M., Prof, of Matheniattcs
and Natural I'hilowiphy.
f,K"K;L It. BLI, A.M., Prof, of Creek Language
and Lit' iu ore.
riKiiKt.K W. ANDKItSON, A.M., Prof, of Latin Language
an J LibTature.
IjAAO N. LihiMIA, A. M.. Principal of the Academy.
ALH;H TAVL'fK, A. M.. Tutor in the Logli-h Lan
guage and IC locution.
ItuildlugM, Library and 4pparau.
Tbe Aca lemic eJitice now occupied by the
members of the I'niversity, ha, Iwen erociej, at
an xpn! of aslm. an1 it is adapted to arrommnilntc
l.SU stuilt-nt. Au'tli. rlifiY i. tu-mtiy ei!mii'tr4. and is
expptrt d lo N r-iy t r omiiiancy at Ui. ct.intncnr.mcnt
of ilif ni-Tt T. rm iKt. 17,
Th l.it'nin- ntHiu a nuuiber of select volumes, and
Is cr.nst.mtly in'Trasmir.
t'li' micl Ai parniii. has Vcn pmcnrM snfB'iri to
siily tti iniiiu (i.:- rlffuHPil. Ttif A.iuutiiii tr the
tllu5tration of Mwbanici.1 rrnlowi-liy. is uow ,-cnipkte.
Tiilflon and Ifctard.
Tuilion in the Ciilleciste Department $30,
Acsilcmic f20, 1'iimary $12 per VcBr.
UoarJ, inrlmliiig lodging, wasliint;, fuel, and
light, can lie had in the village and its vicinity al
various prices, from f 1.50 lo f2.50 per week.
ArmnirmrTits nre in proprcss to furnish &aril.exrlu.
s:rc of lML'-nir. wasliiM?. furl and lislit, to snrb as may
rtfjir it, at t ' p r wt.
,ki ksIoijs and Vacation!..
Tto Sessions in the year the former com
mences on the 3rd Thutsday in October, and
continues SG neck! ; the latter commences on
Thursday. 1 5th May. and continues 1 1 weeks.
Spring Vacation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 3.
l)y order and in hehnll'nf the Rnanl :
(JEOniiK F. MII.I.EK. Sec'y.
I.csri-buri;, Union Co. Pa. Kept. 1, IS.r0
4g3g, Dr. John Locke,
MAY be found at bis Office anil residence
first door east of Kline's Hotel the two
weeks following Ihe fnat Monday of eacb month,
where be is prepared to execute all opera. ion in
his line of business in a manner creditable lo
himself and satisfactory to those who may favor
him with their patronage.
Dr. L. spends the third week of eacb month
in Milton'.
r.-r Aromatic Tooth Paste, put op in beautiful
poicelnin boxc. an excellent article for keeping
Ihe Heir) clean ami oream sweet, ior saie hi
eta per box, by
Lewisburg, fa. May, 1851)
UST recertsil and lor sale, Hpeim and Lsrd
Oil, by
Dr. Thornton 4a Hsksi.
e Hies ot tne net anil U(l. 1. 1 S. of the latest styles Kinoons,
Mfflinburg, Union cinin'y, Penn'a.
EPECf FULLY in'orms the eilixens ol
Union county, and ihe public in general
lliat he ha leased the abova stand, for many
yetr occupied by his Father, and is now pre
pared 19 accommodate friends and the traveling
community in manner acceptable to all.
The HOUSE is large and roomy, well arran
eed in all its departments, and every care will be
taken to render hi' guests comfortable and bappy.
His TAliI.E will always lie furnuhrd with the
choicest delicacies of the season, and the best the
market can afford. The BAR ill al all times
be atleuded by careful persona, and uine but ihe
very best of liquors will be kept. His TABLES
are'ample and convenient, and the O-STLEKl
punctual and atientive.
In short, he pledges himself to endeavor lo
give general satisfaction to all, aud hoea by
strict attention lo business to meiit snd receive
a liberal share of patronage.
Mifflmburg, June SO, 1850
(srccEssocs To . . trirm,)
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
limns, Medicines. Ohomicals, I'aints,
Oils, Varni.-h'9, Window U' is,
Sish t')o!s,(i!ns5vi're.Puiiy,
l))C-s!tiffs. Rrasl.ei of
every vn'ty,
Prrfumfry, I'mifecliniiery,
Frui's, Fnn'y Good,
Oue Iioor sture :li" irrat Mnmmoth Store of J. i J.Walis,
Market Pt. I.cuigist nis.
All Drus and MaVciuen warranted t'rerh and
rilllH Lbrfribers leturn their sincere 'haTiks to
those who have so liberally patronized them
dumj; the pst year; nnd we would invite you.
one and all. to cill and examine our stock snd
price before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel
confident that we sell as cheap, if not 25 pel ct.
cheeper, than other of the trade. Try us, and
see for your-elvcs.
N. II. Medical advice will be given free of
charge by Dr. Thornton, at the Store ol Thorn
ton &. Uaker.
LATE of Philadelphia, is now located on
Market street, Lewisbarg. opposite Mr. J.
Scbrcjers store, here he attends to operations
on the teeth at a red i:iiun of his former p ice..
Teeth ' d roots of teeth removed with the aid of
imrrovid Instruments, r.d in an easy manner.
Filling teelb and selling on fivots or plates atten
ded to according to the latest improvement, in the
profession I Iterated, spunay. and infisnifd irorr.s
cured- Thankful for past tavoia. he aoli. it a
continuance of public p.uoi.sge No impure
materials used for filling, in leuh. lyCSS
or. n;w'H
The Envy of all Pill Manufacturers,
EC VUSE ihey are safer, better, and more
ellicacious than any others.
roo,ooo iioxc4
have been sold annually for ihe last five years.
Yoi.vi; ami Old, Male sin Fr.tix.
can aUays take ihem with equal safety, without
fear. If I'ills be necessary
for purging and cleansing tbe Stomach nnd Dow
els, and purifying ibe Ulood and fluids of the bo
dy, Inke no others for no other pills produce
those combined i fleets, or contain Sarsap.irilla in
Eat, Drink and Aire as usual,
and pursue your usual occupation wbih-l taking
tbem. wi.houl feal of taking cold, during all
kinds of weather.
One Thousand Dollars
are wagered that more genuine certificate (from
physicians, clergymen. Members ol Congress, and
respectable citizens) can be produced of their
efficacy than of any others, and
will he forfeited in every instance where One
Box will not do more good than Two boxes of
any others.
Fnrtv PiHs in a Bo ! !
and sold at TwenlyFire Cents a Box, with j
direction ami muca wholesome advice accompx
living each box.
TV, Sire no tn$t or tinfi!Amir smelt,
Prtf frtim dust or f.ma'.r of any kind,
Jin nt grip tht .-smi.- nr Hwk ,
w sieAvr.ju. roviin'fl. ilt frelingt,
Ami Qttnjl.d to m'Ft atMe? oshsiw to mankrn'L
No one having once taken them will be willing
af'erwards to t ike ny others, bectle they al
ways do good, s:.d if they uo uot. then no others
Dr. N. B. LeHy. Tlie proprietor and Manafactorer,
is a regubir Druggist, Chemist, and Phyrician, of
fifteen years' experience in Philade!) hia ; Grad
uate of Ihe University of Pennsylvania; Mem
ber of different Medical Institution ol I'bila.'cl
phis. New York. Uoston, Baltimore, Ac, and
a-sociate and corresponding- member of several
Medical Instnutions of London and Pan, &c.
Oi tbiox ana tarvosiTio!!. Beware of all
pills cnlleJ by name nearly similar, got up lo be
sold on the reputation of Dr. Leidy'sSarsapatilW
Blood Pills; lbs first Sarsaparitla pills ever in
troduced and ihe only pills containing Sarsaparil-
la. Take no other and you will not be deceived.
Others by similar names, or nearly similar, aie a
gross fiuud. Dewsre, then, of Imposition ! !
Ji?Principal Depot. Dr. Leidly's dispensary,
NolU North FOU RTH ST., Philadelphia
and sold wholesale and retail hw
C. V. SCII AFFI.E. Uvubtir I J. If. Cs-low, Milton
J.M. It.-nfrr.il. W.Kewler.S..Ti!n;Vr. P.l. Psint-r. Muney
Tarinr's.srolStitjfc'r's.MiffliubuVK'ily Slmlb, AitaliMburi;
Voungnnsll A Waller, Drv Valley ID. 8. Hoycr. r. I.ura
KpotU Mvers, Krlly XKosda Hl.A Sinilb.ll-rrtw n
lkiris k HelinUTS. Srlinrmt KolSmiih. Mitttllrbnnr
I. (1. Rotarer. M'Ker. U Falla IVlilU Kilert.lUrtl. t'-i
Thomas Bw,t, SliamokiD Ihun IK. A Rou-b.Ocntrcville
Pr. J.M. JniiUTfUlliuusport; and by Drosgists and Store
Xeeners throebeut the United States. Iy327
a:.le at lhi office.
at .
ALT and FISH on hand by
Ay Keber V ldunrv.
Latest Arrival !
t & CO. lake pleaenre in annoan-
(J . cuig lo the public that we are now receiving
Irom tbe city one of the laigeet, cheapeal and beat
selected slock of Good, ever offered lo the public
Xo labor has been spared lo lender their stork
eomulete. and to obtain articles of good qu.lity, so
that it can be relied upon tbnl whatever Ibcy shall
.B,e win iir jusi wu.i is tvfonciiiru.
Tbey have an excrllei.t asaorioient "f
Dry oods
camp-Mug nearly every article usually enumera
ted under Ibis head, among which aie Uroad
cloths, Plun and Fancy Csssimeres. Kaiinetts,
rweeiU, Csrhmareltre. Draprtles, t'odiingtons,
Plaid Linens, 'J'ickings, Drillings, bagging. Cot
ton and Hemp Carpel ( bain. '
I'lalu a ltd Faurjr Ueodn,
selected with paitieuler refeience to the taste and
convenience nf the l.idi. s such as Changeable,
Plaid, Grenadine, and Foulard Wilts, Figd and
Plain Lirueitirir Deslaines, Crape finished, Figd
and Plain Linen Lu.tre. Home lli-slsines, prin
ted French Lawns. Silfc l.lawions. Pink. Butfl
iilue, and C'liinson Tailrtons, Plain and Figd
Blue and Pink (do.teil) Hwise. Linen. Cambric,
and Lawn Hdkfe, Gloves and Hosiery.
Hornets, Fans, Parasols, Parasoletles, alsobJ
Fine Moleakn. Leghorn, China Pearl and Palm
l.e.f HATf. at lo.ver prices than rver offered lo
this community.
a choice teli cf ion.
Glass, Queens, Stone.
Crockery ware.
To those hi wjnh lo procure anvihing in thit
line either for utility or orn inient.their assortment
particularly recommeii.j4 itself.
Hardware ami cutlery,
Gras and Coin Scyti"s, As, Shovels, Spades,
Stra Knives. M inure and H iv Forks (of supe
rior quality ) Door lriuimings,Glass,Putty, Nils,
iron, Steel, &c.
Floor and Stair Carpets, Oil Cloth, Window
Shades, Ladies' Satchels, Traveling and Work
Baskets, also M irket, Clothe and Cm Baskets,
CeJartrare, Ralsti, 4"c. 4"C-
In conclusion, tbey would aay that tbeir goods
have been bought at very low prices, and will be
disposed of on the most reasnnab e terms for Cash
or country Produce aud tn satisfy the public (as
to piices) just call at Ihe Cheap Store of
Lewi-burg May S, I Sal)
17VJR HALE a superior Washing Mixture,
w hich removes all dirt and stains of varioua
kinds in a lew minutes, wi;bout injuring the
texture of Ihe cl 'th. Persons wi.hing lo avail
themselves ol this valuable mixture, with full
direction, for its use, hid better call at the new
Drue; and Chemical (tore kept bv
l)s THORNTON & UAKLK, Irfwuborg
Latest News from California!
A XL the world and the rest of mankind"
XjV. a" respectfully informed that we have
opened an onu-ually choice assortment cf
comprising a splendid variety LADIES' DRESS
GOODS of ihe newest style Calicoes, lMams,
Ginghams, Barages, Silks. Parasols, and Fancy
Goods, and for Gentlemen's wear a large atock of
Clotlix, CaasJiucr,
Summer Stutls, Vesiinjs,S:inmier llals,&c.
Salt, Fish, Nails,
Queensware, Hardware. Groceries,
etc. etc.
All of which we offer foi sale st our proverbially
low prices, for CASH or PRODUCE.
Lewisburg, A;.r;l 22. 1RS(
ITo: all yoo youue men whose tme frmmis are expsuding,
And vho ned to .upport you. a piid wvlerttwiimj
Vf hD you think how in lira pwt jovsduajrs hare hit vou.
Just eomr lo fTET. Ltdau's Ire Veota that will It om.
Po toii want some new Rook. O. so eheap and an prrltyt
Sttmr initve and .me cay, and sotn-qiMHY and seiuv witty
Vt a dollar or two. ST..va will ki w voo a tr.urs
j That will be all your lifetime a fouulain of pleasure.
An.l if yon rhaTic to 1 In want
ofGwt or Ve?t or Trnwwrloon.,
Jnst co to t.T. ova's, for yon ran t
lloy half as cheap of oiher 'cooos.
And now I.TVTHll. wonl.t say jut a word to the Lal!rS,
lor wi'll diH he know how ini..rtaut thtir aid i
lit. has Hios of all kinds . w hurr-r-r-r-r-r-r r
C n-arn it, B.wo ! this Vre Poetry Ma bine's
broke ! Howsomever. the substance of all we bad
in the hopr is this that
8F. LYNDA LL hm the he,t nnd the
( eheapeMl lot of BOOKS
STATIONERY, and " lHrCesi
nnd Ihe be-t assortment of BOOT
and iSfSOF,, and
Ladies Gaiters and Slippers,
that were ever seen in Lpwisburg or any
other great seaport. M'" 7, 1850.
Dr. Rose's UTedlcines.
The subscriber having been appointed
sole agent for Dr. Rose's Medicines, for
Union county, offers ihem to ihe public
with great confidence as to their i Hi -acy
and certainty of effecting cores in all rases
for which they are designed. A single lest
only ia required fo esfablih ihe fncu
Window SASII.
A lot of 8it0 Window Sash, from the
cheap M-rrttfaetery of Sprout St Burrows,
on hand, and all sues got to order oo
short nonce
Mnv, 1640 fGLawsh
not refined al the Office of
tlie lewisburg Khnmicle
TTJOOLs for sale at
Beber Si I I liui.
Sa" '
HAVING formed a Opnn iters hip io ihe
Merrnntile busineiw, nd enlarged the)
Storeroom lately ocr opitd by 3.S. Barton
opposite K lint' Hotel re cw opHiir. a
well selected and eaft-Baive atock of Aler-
chandiZe, coniUl in if of
rit.M Ni GROCE-
Carpenters' Tool.,.Qaeenware,'
Furniture Mounting, Glastivarej'
Window GLASS a general aaaoriabtot.'
Bar, Rod, and Hoop Iron, Nail,
and Spikes,
Tinware, Sbeefylroa and Metal. (
Pan", and a more general ortaienl Ihan-
i, usually lound in country itorvt which
they ledge themselves lo stl! at ei .
low prices.
Persons at a distance will find it lo their
advantage to buy lor Citsh or e will
take in Kxchaii;o for Goods, U beat. Rye.
Corn, Oils, Hack wheal, Timothy and Clo
ver Sei ds, Iluttfr, Is,TalliaIIard Soap,
(iopswux, Feathers, and all kind of lrad
or country produce.
The pntrctinge of the public is reapeet
fuHy solieiled, and every assurance giea
thai nothing shall be warning it render v
cniiic sutiaf.iction. ..
Ln inburg, April I, 1850.
Spring & Smnrntr
JUST received, aud now opening at
second door east of K me Hotel, a near
SpIentliJ Asscrtment of Goods,
suitable for this and tie aptoB?hinr sea
son, consisting ol'
Ladlea' Dress Goods
nf every style and variety new stjle
H tribes. Lawns, Arinure Delaines, Ging
hams, &c. ,
A preit variety of at lea Chints, CaK
co. Sic.
A beautiful ossorfrr.ent Ladien'ParasoV,
Mom-co and Kid SHOES and G.T ITERS'
for Ladies nnd Children
A !) a choice selection of
&c.c.?.,a!I of which are offered remarkaU
low for Cash or Country Produce, by ibo
Lewishnrp, April 3. 1S53
i: t j. (.
Wholesale ,J Retail
THE subscriber, thankful for pas', lil-e al pal;
ion sue, would inform bis friend aad public
generally thai he has just rve'd and is eooauady
receiving fresh supplies of purs
Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals,
Extracts, Herbs, Roots, Mineral?, Tinc
ture, Oi's, Essence, Spirits, Gains.
ami o'.tier ccrrtls in his line of bu-iness, whicb.ha
oilers with the full assurance of theii being f5"
uine, and cheaper than can be bought elsewhere.
Physicians and others in the Hade are particularly
inveed to call and examine for ihemswlve. AWw
constantly on baud a large stock o.
Window Glass White Iaj,
Chrome snd other Painls,Drug'
gists' and Physicians' Glassware.
l'i)pal,Jai) and Spirit Varni.hes.Flai
weed. Sperm.Whale. Lard. Fih .ElhenaL
Foscine. Carnphene, and Pins Oils, Dye.
woods ground r-il chipped, Castile. Bar. Roslai
anJ other Soap. Gold Silver eno: Metal Lwlai.-
K.xin, Filch. 1 ar. 1 oliacro. negara, fjomr.
Bru"he. Walking and Fi-hing Canes,
Jewelry,, KiSors, Knives, Fru.t.
Confectionery, &e. fie. ice. i.
May 1810. DruggUi and Chrmiit.'
e. I. B8WE8-, ..
TS now receiving a large anil choie)'
stock ol
Dry fiOOtti --latesl stvtes Rrea Goo.K
Silk, Silk litres, Para!etie,
Lswn. Prints, &c. Ac.
a good variety.
Our lock was pirrchssed on reaeonsblsi
terins, and is offered to old IriemN and new
at the) cheapest living rates. The iradinjf
lublic are invited In enll st the old Cheap.
Slore. south side of Market St. he-twswsi V'
and 4th Sis. 0. E. E0X7Ct''
Lewi.btrg, June 20. ISilK